Compensation Plan: Build Your Own Business As An Independent Lifestyle Associate

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PLANBuild your own business as an Independent Lifestyle Associate.

MAY 2018
Part-time or full time, you can build your own business as
an Independent Lifestyle Associate. Our compensation plan
rewards Independent Lifestyle Associates in 7 different
ways. You can be paid…


personally enrolled ILAs or customers purchase a new
membership from MaVie.


Commissionable Volume of membership renewal fees paid
by ILAs and customers in your enrollment tree structure
when volume thresholds are met. Membership Renewal
Bonuses are calculated and paid every 4th week.

3. TEAM BONUSES to reward your efforts and the

contributions of your binary upline and your binary downline
for helping you to build an organization of productive
Independent Lifestyle Associates. Team Bonuses are paid in
two parts (9% in cash and 1% in product credit redeemable
on commissionable products or services that are not
membership fees) on your Smaller Leg Volume (SLV).

4. DOUBLING TEAM BONUSES to jump start your income.

Doubling Team Bonuses are paid at 10% in cash upon your
first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) each week.

5. MATCHING TEAM BONUSES calculated as a percentage

of the Team Bonuses earned by up to 10 Enrollment Tree
Generations of Independent Lifestyle Associates to reward
you for helping to train and support others who you
introduced (or helped to introduce) to the MaVie income
opportunity. An Enrollment Tree Generation is a group of
ILAs that begins with an ILA in your enrollment tree with a
paid-as rank of Lifestyle Executive or higher and includes
everyone below that Associate down to but excluding the
next Associate with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle Executive
or higher.


of the company’s weekly Commissionable Volume to reward
Independent Lifestyle Associates who are paid at the rank of
Lifestyle Global Director and higher.

7. PRESIDENTIAL POOL BONUSES funded with 2% of

the company’s weekly Commissionable Volume to reward
Independent Lifestyle Associates who are paid at the rank
of Lifestyle Global President and higher.

2 3
Commissions and bonuses are paid weekly. Each weekly commission period
begins at 12:00am on Saturday morning and ends at 11:59pm on Friday evening, BINARY HYBRID COMPENSATION PLAN
Singapore time. Weekly commission runs will be performed on Friday for the week
ending the previous Saturday evening. MaVie has a binary hybrid compensation plan.
Lifestyle Associates are paid weekly on Fridays for the week ending 21 days
earlier. When you enroll as an Independent Lifestyle Associate, you will be placed into two organizational structures. We call them a binary
downline and an enrollment tree downline.
Our weekly payout schedule contains 52 commission periods for every calendar
year. Each commission period is named by week and year. For example, the first
commission week within 2019 will be named ‘one/2019’, while the 20th commission
weekly period in 2019 will be known as ’20/2019.’ (Refer to the Mavie Rolling BINARY DOWNLINE
Calendar for more details).
In the binary downline, each Independent Lifestyle Associate can have two legs or teams, a left team and a right team.
The MaVie lifestyle isn’t one size fits all. You get to decide how big your business Similarly, each Independent Lifestyle Associate is a left-side (L) or a right-side (R) Independent Lifestyle Associate. The side
will be. The greater your efforts, the greater your rewards! corresponds to the spot occupied by the Independent Lifestyle Associate relative to the first upline Independent Lifestyle Associate.
In this binary this structure, there are only two positions under each ILA.
The person who introduced you to the MaVie income opportunity is your enrolling sponsor. As a new Independent Lifestyle Associate
(ILA), you will be placed into the left leg or right leg of your sponsor’s binary downline.
Enrolling Sponsor of Joe
Membership Initiation Bonuses Enrollment Weekly
Membership Renewal Bonuses Enrollment Every four Weeks
Team Bonuses Binary Weekly
Doubling Team Bonuses Binary Weekly
Matching Team Bonuses Two Team Weekly
Global Leadership Pool Bonuses Enrollment Weekly L R
Presidential Pool Bonuses Enrollment Weekly
Joining MaVie as an Independent Lifestyle Associate is fast and easy.
The enrollment fee is $69.99. Included in the enrollment fee is the fee for your
first four weeks of your Lifestyle Business Center (LBC) that provides you with a
personal replicated website and back office access to manage your business.
Enrolling Sponsor’s Enrolling Sponsor’s
Joe = a new ILA
To remain a MaVie Independent Lifestyle Associate, every four weeks you will be Left Leg Right Leg
charged an $18.99 LBC renewal fee.

As you sponsor others (as your enrolling sponsor sponsored you), you will build two teams, a left and a right. A team includes the one
Independent Lifestyle Associate at the top of your left or right team and all of the Independent Lifestyle Associates placed below that
Together, both teams are your “binary downline.” When you personally enroll an Independent Lifestyle Associate, you will place
the Independent Lifestyle Associate into your left or your right team.
Your enrolling recruiter and others above him or her are your “binary upline.” Your binary upline may also place people into your
As you begin to enroll Independent Lifestyle Associates, remember to place your first two personally enrolled Independent Lifestyle
Associates so that one is placed onto your left team and the other is placed onto your right team.

4 5
After that, you can choose to place each new Independent
Lifestyle Associate that you enroll into any open spot under any ABOUT COMMISSIONABLE VOLUME (CV)
Independent Lifestyle Associate in your left team or your right
team of your organization. Each commissionable membership fee, product, or service provided by MaVie generates Commissionable Volume (CV) points.
The CV for initial membership fees and membership renewal fees is set at 90% of the price paid. The number of CV points for other
As you build your organization, you will be helping others commissionable products and services varies based on the item purchased.
to build theirs, just as your binary upline helps to build your
Some items sold by MaVie are not commissionable. This include but are not limited to ILA enrollment fees and Lifestyle Business
organization when they place Independent Lifestyle Associates
Center (LBC) subscription fees.
into it.
CV is one of the basis upon which activity requirements and rank qualifications are measured, and CV is the basis upon which
Commissions and bonuses are paid upon commissionable
compensation is earned.
volume which is generated when Independent Lifestyle
Associates and their customers pay membership fees or Your Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) includes the CV from your personal purchases and the purchases of your personal
purchase products and services from MaVie. Commissionable customers who are not Independent Lifestyle Associates themselves.
Volume generated from one Independent Lifestyle Associate
benefits that Independent Lifestyle Associate and all binary


upline Independent Lifestyle Associates through the two-team
The two-team structure is very powerful. It encourages MaVie believes that everyone should be able to purchase its memberships at the best prices. So that is why Independent Lifestyle
cooperative team building and provides great rewards for both Associates and customers pay the same membership fees.
new and established Independent Lifestyle Associates.
When you are a member, it means you belong. As an additional reward, members get the lowest prices on other products and services
The commissionable volume from your customers who are not offered by MaVie.
ILAs counts, too! Commissionable volume generated from sales
to the customers of an Independent Lifestyle Associate will be
credited to your smaller volume team leg. This will happen
The MaVie Compensation Plan rewards Independent Lifestyle
Associates who generate commissionable volume from sales to Whether you as an Independent Lifestyle Associate enroll a newcomer as an Independent Lifestyle Associate like yourself or as a
customers and personal consumption while enrolling others to customer without the income opportunity, your compensation upon their volume is equally good. At MaVie, having customers who
become Independent Lifestyle Associates and teaching them to are not Independent Lifestyle Associates is encouraged, required, and rewarded, because customers are good for business.
do the same thing.
Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses are paid through the
two-team binary downline structure. OPTIONAL: BE YOUR OWN CUSTOMER
To help keep volumes balanced, Independent Lifestyle
While not required, if you’d like you can be your own customer when you have a personal membership.
Associates should enroll new Independent Lifestyle Associates
into both of their teams. As needed to strengthen the smaller
volume team, an Independent Lifestyle Associate should place
additional newly enrolled Independent Lifestyle Associates into
his smaller volume team.
When you have paid the $18.99 LBC fee within the current or previous three commission weeks and have 25 PCV within the current
or previous three commission weeks, you are Active.
Active ILAs are eligible to earn Membership Initiation Bonuses and Membership Renewal Bonuses.


In addition to the binary downline, each
Independent Lifestyle Associate also has an YOU BINARY QUALIFIED
enrollment tree downline. Your enrollment tree You are binary qualified when you…
downline is not limited to two legs. In your
enrollment tree downline, each Independent 1. are Active
Lifestyle Associate you enroll is placed into your 2. have 40 PCV within the current or previous three consecutive weekly periods
first level, and each Independent Lifestyle 3. have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with at least 40 points of PCV within the current or
Associate that your first level Independent previous three commission weeks
Lifestyle Associate’s enroll is placed into your
4. have two personally enrolled Customers who are not ILAs, each of whom has a current membership (a current membership is
second level.
one for which a membership enrollment fee or a Membership Renewal fee was paid within the current or previous three
Membership Initiation Bonuses, Membership consecutive weekly commission periods)
Renewal Bonuses and Matching Team Bonuses are
paid through the enrollment tree structure. Nel Dave Cole Joe Binary qualified ILAs are eligible to earn Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses. Based upon their paid-as ranks, they may also be
eligible to earn Matching Team Bonuses, Global Leadership Pool Bonuses and/or Presidential Pool Bonuses.

6 7

When you enroll an ILA or a customer who purchases a
Advantage - $99.99
new membership, when you are Active you will learn a 10% Preferred - $299.99 270 $27
Membership Initiation Bonus upon the CV of the initial
membership fee.
Note: MIBs are not paid upon membership upgrades.

When an ILA or a customer pays a commissionable
membership renewal fee, Membership Renewal
Commissionable Volume (MRCV) is generated.
Every four weeks, MaVie recognizes ILAs for meeting
or exceeding MRCV targets achieved from membership ILA CUST L1
renewals during the current and previous three
commission weeks.
Your Level 1 MRCV (L1MRCV) is the sum of CV generated
from the membership renewal payments made by your
personally enrolled customers and your personally ILA CUST L2
enrolled ILAs in your enrollment tree downline over a
four-week period of time. These are the ILAs and
customers in L1 of the diagram.
Your Level 2 MRCV (L2MRCV) is the sum of CV generated
from the membership renewal payments made by the
customers and ILAs personally enrolled by the ILAs in
Level 1 of your enrollment tree downline over a four-week
period of time. These are the ILAs and customers in L2 of
the diagram.
Your Level 3 MRCV (L3MRCV) is the sum of CV generated from the membership renewal payments made by the customers and ILAs
personally enrolled by the ILAs in Level 2 of your enrollment tree downline over a four-week period of time. These are the ILAs and
customers in L3 of the diagram.
When your L1MRCV is 400 points or more, you will earn a 5% Membership Renewal Fee Bonus on all of your L1MRCV.
When your L1MRCV is 400 points or more and your L2MRCV is 1,000 points or more, you will earn a 4% Membership Renewal Fee
Bonus on all of your L2MRCV.
When your L1MRCV is 400 points or more, your L2MRCV is 1,000 points or more, and your L3MRCV is 2,500 points or more, you will
earn a 3% Membership Renewal Fee Bonus on all of your L3MRCV.

8 9

When you are binary qualified and paid at the rank of Lifestyle Qualified Associate (LQA) or higher, you can earn Team Bonuses When you are binary qualified and paid at the rank of Lifestyle Qualified Associate (LQA) or higher, in addition to earning Team
weekly that are based on the accumulated volume of your smaller leg, subject to the income limits for Team Bonuses + Doubling Team Bonuses, you can also earn Doubling Team Bonuses weekly on the first 5,000 points of accumulated volume of your smaller leg,
Bonuses per paid-as rank. See the chart below for details. subject to the income limits for Team Bonuses + Doubling Team Bonuses per paid-as rank.
A leg’s accumulated volume is the sum of the unpaid CV carried forward from last week and the new CV generated from sales to your
personally enrolled customers and the Independent Lifestyle Associates and their customers credited to that leg this week. TEAM BONUSES + DOUBLING TEAM BONUSES INCOME LIMITS PER PAID-AS RANK
Team Bonuses are paid in two ways, 9% in cash and 1% in product credit. Product credit can be redeemable on commissionable prod-
ucts or services that are not membership fees.

Global Director

When a Team Bonus is paid, the volume upon which it is paid is subtracted from the accumulated volume in each of your two legs.

President III
Associate II

President II
Associate I


























Left Leg Volume = 500 Right Leg volume = 600
YOU Weekly Compensation

Weekly 250 500 750 1,500 2,500 3,500 5,000 10,000 15,000 22,000 35,000 45,000 70,000
Team +
50 50 Bonus

Doubling Team Bonuses are paid in one way, all 10% in cash.

50 100 50 100

100 50 100 100 50 100


Bonus qualified ILAs with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle Executive (LE) and above are eligible to earn Matching Team Bonuses.
Matching Team Bonuses are paid as a percentage of the Team Bonuses earned on generations of ILAs in your enrollment tree
Note: Matching Team Bonuses are not paid upon Doubling Team Bonuses.
50 100 50 An Enrollment Tree Generation is a group of ILAs that begins with an ILA in your enrollment tree with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle
Your Left Leg Executive or higher and includes everyone below that Associates down to but excluding the next ILA with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle
Executive or higher.
The number of downline enrollment generations upon which Matching Team Bonuses are paid is based on an ILA’s paid-as rank for
the week.
100 50
Your Right Leg Paid As Rank MT1 MT2 MT3 MT4 MT5 MT6 MT7 MT8 MT9 MT10

LE 10% - - - - - - - - -
LSE 10% 5% - - - - - - - -
In the example above, you would earn $45 in cash and $5 in product credit on your smaller volume leg of 500 points.
LED 10% 5% 5% - - - - - - -
When you are paid Team Bonuses, 500 points is subtracted from your left leg and 500 points is subtracted from your right leg. Using
LID 10% 5% 5% 5% - - - - - -
the example above, you would begin the next week with 0 points in your left leg and 100 points in your right leg.
LGD 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% - - - - -
As long as you are Active, the unpaid volume in each of your two legs will roll forward from one week to the next, so you may get
paid upon it in future weeks. When you are Inactive, the unpaid volume in each of your two legs will expire and no new volumes will LEGD 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% - - - -
accumulate. LIP 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% - - -
Exceptions: LGP 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% - -
• Unpaid volume that is 26 weeks old will expire due to its age and will not roll forward to the next week. LGP2 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% -
• When the Team Bonuses + Doubling Team Bonuses exceed the maximum for one’s paid-as rank, the excess volume not paid upon LGP3 10% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
will not roll forward to the next week.
To help keep volumes balanced, Associates should enroll new ILAs into both legs. As needed to strengthen the smaller volume leg, an
ILA should place additional newly enrolled ILAs into his or her smaller volume leg.

10 11
Each week, 1% of the Commissionable Volume generated from all commissionable orders placed by ILAs and their customers will
be placed into our Global Leadership Pool.
Bonus qualified ILAs who are paid-as Lifestyle Global Director or higher are each qualified to earn one share of this pool.
Our Compensation Plan acknowledges your success with recognition ranks and
escalating earning potential. There are 14 recognition ranks.



When you are paid as a Lifestyle Global President or higher, you will also be qualified to earn shares in the Presidential Pool.


Each of your enrollment downline legs begins with a personally enrolled ILA and includes all of the ILAs personally enrolled by that 3. LIFESTYLE SENIOR ASSOCIATE I (LSA1)
ILA and his or her personally enrolled ILAs, all the way down the leg.
Your Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) is the sum of your Personal Commissionable Volume and the 4. LIFESTYLE SENIOR ASSOCIATE II (LSA2)
Personal Commissionable Volume of all of the ILAs in your Enrollment Tree Downline, with the limitation that no more than 40% of
your paid-as rank requirement can be counted from any one enrollment tree leg. 5. LIFESTYLE EXECUTIVE (LE)
For each point of your AETCV, you will earn one share in this pool.
The total number of shares in the pool is the sum of all shares earned by all participants. Weekly, the amount in each pool will be
divided by the total number of shares earned to obtain the value of each share. Each week, all pool participants are then paid the
value of his or her shares. 7. LIFESTYLE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (LED)

50% Cap
To ensure the financial viability of MaVie, total compensation paid weekly through its compensation plan shall not exceed 50% of the
new Commissionable Volume generated each week. In any weekly commission period that total compensation is calculated as totaling
more than 50% of the week’s Commissionable Volume, all compensation shall be adjusted in a pro-rata manner.






12 13

When in the same week you…

• are Active
• have 25 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• have 1,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or four,000 points of four-Week New Volume From
RANKS AND Smaller Legs (4NVSL)*

RANK ABBREVIATIONS • have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LQA or higher who has at least
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks
• have two personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
1. INDEPENDENT LIFESTYLE ASSOCIATE (ILA) you will be promoted to Lifestyle Senior Associate I (LSA1).
After you are promoted to LSA1, you’ll be paid as an LSA1 when you meet the same requirements.
To begin, you’ll join us as a MaVie Independent Lifestyle Associate. To join, all you need to do is…
LSA1s may earn:
• Complete an Independent Lifestyle Associate Application and Agreement
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• Pay an ILA Enrollment Fee of $69.99 (in North Dakota, this purchase by state law is optional) and provide payment details to pay
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
$18.99 every four weeks to renew your Lifestyle Business Center
• 10% Team Bonuses
You will be an Active ILA when you have paid an LBC renewal fee within the current or previous three commission weeks and you
have 25 PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks. • 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $500 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
As an Active Independent Lifestyle Associate, you are eligible to earn
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses * four-Week New Volume From Smaller Legs (4NVSL) is the sum of RLV and LLV (whichever is smaller each week) for four consecutive weekly
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses commission periods (the current commission period and the previous three commission periods). 4NVSL is an alternative volume requirement for rank
maintenance. 4NVSL does not include carryover volume. 4NVSL is not volume from the enrollment tree; it is volume from the binary tree.


When in the same week you…
When in the same week you…
• are Active
• have 25 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks • are Active
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous • have 25 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
three commission weeks • have 2,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 8,000 points of four-Week New Volume
• have two personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission from Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
periods • have three enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LQA or higher who has at least
you will be promoted to Lifestyle Qualified Associate (LQA). 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks
• have two personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
Your promotion to LWA (and to subsequent ranks as well) is effective retroactively as of the first day of the commission week in
which your promotion requirements were met. This means that you don’t need to wait until next week to be rewarded for your
accomplishment! you will be promoted to Lifestyle Senior Associate II (LSA2).
After you are promoted to LQA, you’ll be paid as an LQA when you meet the same requirements. After you are promoted to LSA2, you’ll be paid as an LSA2 when you meet the same requirements.
LQAs may earn LSA2’s may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses • 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses • 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit) • 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses • 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $250 per week in combined Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses. • Up to $750 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses

14 15

When in the same week you…

• are Active
• have 25 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• have four,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 16,000 points of four-Week New Volume
From Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LSA1 or higher who has at least
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks
• have two personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
you will be promoted to Lifestyle Executive (LE).
After you are promoted to LE, you’ll be paid as an LE when you meet the same requirements.
LEs may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $1,500 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation*

* An Enrollment Tree Generation is a group of ILAs that begins with an ILA in your enrollment tree downline with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle Executive
or higher and includes everyone below that ILA down to but excluding the next ILA with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle Executive or higher. Enrollment Tree
Generations are used to payout Matching Team Bonuses.


When in the same week you…
• are Active When in the same week you…
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks • are Active
• have 8,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 32,000 points of four-Week New Volume From • have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
Smaller Legs (4NVSL) • have 15,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 60,000 points of four-Week New Volume From
Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have 8,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or 32,000 points
• have 15,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or 60,000 points
of AETCV over a four week period
of AETCV over a four week period
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LSA2 or higher who has at least • have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LE or higher who has at least 40 points
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks
• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission • have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
periods periods
you will be promoted to Lifestyle Senior Executive (LSE). you will be promoted to Lifestyle Executive Director (LED).
After you are promoted to LSE, you’ll be paid as an LSE when you meet the same requirements. After you are promoted to LED, you’ll be paid as an LED when you meet the same requirements.
LSEs may earn: LEDs may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses • 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses • 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit) • 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) • 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $2,500 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses • Up to $three,500 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation • 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second enrollment tree generation • 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second and third enrollment tree generations.

16 17

When in the same week you…

• are Active
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• have 30,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 120,000 points of four-Week New Volume
From Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have 30,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or
120,000 points of AETCV over a four week period
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LSE or higher who has at least
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks
• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
you will be promoted to Lifestyle International Director (LID).
After you are promoted to LID, you’ll be paid as an LID when you meet the same requirements.
LIDs may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $5,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, and fourth enrollment tree generations.


9. LIFESTYLE GLOBAL DIRECTOR (LGD) When in the same week you…
• are Active
When in the same week you…
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• are Active • have 100,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 400,000 points of four-Week New Volume
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks From Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have 60,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 240,000 points of four-Week New Volume • have 100,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or
From Smaller Legs (4NVSL) 400,000 points of AETCV over a four week period
• have 60,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or • have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LID or higher who has at least
240,000 points of AETCV over a four week period 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks OR have four enrollment tree legs, each containing at
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LED or higher who has at least least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LED or higher who has at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks commission weeks

• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission • have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
periods periods

you will be promoted to Lifestyle Global Director (LGD). you will be promoted to Lifestyle Executive Global Director (LEGD).

After you are promoted to LGD, you’ll be paid as an LGD when you meet the same requirements. After you are promoted to LEGD, you’ll be paid as an LEGD when you meet the same requirements.

LGDs may earn: LEGDs may earn:

• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses • 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses

• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses • 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses

• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit) • 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)

• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) • 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)

• Up to $10,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses • Up to $15,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses

• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation • 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation

• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, and fifth enrollment tree • 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth enrollment tree
generations. generations.

• One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV • One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV

18 19

When in the same week you…

• are Active
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• have 250,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 1,000,000 points of four-Week New Volume
From Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have 250,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or
1,000,000 points of AETCV over a four week period
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LEGD higher who has at least
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks OR have four enrollment tree legs, each containing at
least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LGD or higher who has at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three
commission weeks
• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
you will be promoted to Lifestyle Global President H (LGP).
After you are promoted to LGP, you’ll be paid as an LGP when you meet the same requirements.
LGPs may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $35,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth
enrollment tree generations.
• One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV
• A share proportional to your AETCV of the Presidential Bonus Pool, funded with 2% of weekly company CV


When in the same week you… When in the same week you…
• are Active • are Active
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks • have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks
• have 150,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 600,000 points of four-Week New Volume • have 400,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or 1,600,000 points of four-Week New Volume
From Smaller Legs (4NVSL) From Smaller Legs (4NVSL)
• have 150,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or • have 400,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or
600,000 points of AETCV over a four week period 1,600,000 points of AETCV over a four week period
• have two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LGD higher who has at least 40 points • have three enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LEGD higher who has at least
of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks OR have four enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks OR have 5 enrollment tree legs, each containing at least
Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LID or higher who has at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LGD or higher who has at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three
weeks commission weeks
• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission • have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission
periods periods
you will be promoted to Lifestyle International President (LIP). you will be promoted to Lifestyle Global President H H (LGP2).
After you are promoted to LIP, you’ll be paid as an LIP when you meet the same requirements. After you are promoted to LGP2, you’ll be paid as an LGP2 when you meet the same requirements.
LIPs may earn: LGP2s may earn:
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses • 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses • 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit) • 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) • 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
• Up to $22,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses • Up to $45,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation • 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh enrollment
ninth enrollment tree generations.
tree generations.
• One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV
• One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV
• A share proportional to your AETCV of the Presidential Bonus Pool, funded with 2% of weekly company CV

20 21

President H H H
Global Director

President H H


President H
Associate II
Associate I

























CV 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Membership two two two two four four four four four four four four four
CV in the
Current or
Weeks *
SLV (one-wk) 1,000 2,000 3,000 8,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 400,000 600,000
4NVSL or or or or or or or or or or or or
When in the same week you… (four-wks) 4,000 8,000 16,000 32,000 60,000 120,000 240,000 400,000 600,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 2,400,000
• are Active AETCV
• have 50 points of Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV) within the current and previous three commission weeks or 4AETCV
• have 600,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) in the current commission week or two,400,000 points of four-Week New (four-wks) 8,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 100,000 150,000 250,000 400,000 600,000
AETCV is or or or or or or or or or
Volume From Smaller Legs (4NVSL) ETCV with 32,000 60,000 120,000 240,000 400,000 600,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 2,400,000
• have 600,000 points of Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV) in the current commission week or maximum 40%
Per Leg For
two,400,000 points of AETCV over a four week period Your Paid-As
• have four enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LEGD higher who has at least Rank
40 points of PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks OR have 7 enrollment tree legs, each containing at least Paid-As two two three two Ttwo two LE two two LED two LID two LDG two LEGD three LEGD four LEGD
one Active ILA with a paid-as rank of LGD or higher who has at least 40 points of PCV within the current or previous three Enrollment LA LQA LQA LSA1 LSA2 LSE or four or four or three or five or seven
commission weeks Tree Legs LED LID LGD LGD LGD

• have four personally enrolled customers who are not ILAs with memberships paid within the current or previous three commission Weekly Compensation
Membership 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
you will be promoted to Lifestyle Global President H H H (LGP3). Initiation
After you are promoted to LGP3, you’ll be paid as an LGP3 when you meet the same requirements.
Weekly Team 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%
LGP3s may earn: Bonuses
• 10% Membership Initiation Bonuses
Weekly Team 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
• 5%, 4%, and 3% Membership Renewal Bonuses Bonuses
• 10% Team Bonuses (9% cash and 1% product credit) (Mavie Dollars –
Product Credit)
• 10% Doubling Team Bonuses on the first 5,000 points of Smaller Leg Volume (SLV)
Membership 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
• Up to $70,000 per week in the total of Team Bonuses and Doubling Team Bonuses Initiation
• 10% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your first enrollment tree generation
Weekly Team 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9% 9%
• 5% Matching Team Bonuses on the Team Bonuses earned by ILAs in your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, Bonuses
and tenth enrollment tree generations. (Money)
• One share in the Global Leadership Bonus Pool, funded with 1% of weekly company CV Weekly Team 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
• A share proportional to your AETCV of the Presidential Bonus Pool, funded with 2% of weekly company CV (Mavie Dollars –
Product Credit)
Generations one two three four 5 6 7 8 9 10
of Matching
Team Bonuses
Leadership Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pool Bonuses
RANK MAINTENANCE Presidential Yes Yes Yes
Pool Bonuses
Active ILAs who do not meet the maintenance requirements for their ranks will be paid at the highest rank for which requirements
have been met. Each week, an ILA’s “paid-as” rank may be the same or lower than the highest rank that the Independent Lifestyle Every four Weeks
Associate has achieved. Membership
Renewal 5% L1 4% L2 3% L3

22 23
Active Status
An Independent Lifestyle Associate (ILA) is Active when he or she has paid a $18.99 ILA Fee within the current or previous three
weekly commission periods and has 25 PCV within the current or previous three weekly commission periods. Active ILAs are eligible
to earn Membership Initiation Bonuses and Membership Renewal Bonuses.

Accumulated Left Leg Volume (ALLV) is the total of all points credited to an ILA from the personal CV of all ILAs in his or her left leg
during a single week plus the unpaid left leg volume carried forward from the previous week.

Accumulated Right Leg Volume (ARLV) is the total of all points credited to an ILA from the personal CV of all ILAs in his right leg
during a single week plus the unpaid right leg volume carried forward from the previous week.

Active Membership
An active membership is a membership for which a membership enrollment fee or a membership renewal fee was paid within
the current commission week or the previous three consecutive commission weeks.

Adjusted Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (AETCV)

AETCV is the sum of an ILA’s Personal Commissionable Volume and the Personal Commissionable Volume of all Associate’s in his
Enrollment Tree Downline, with the limitation that no more than 40% of the Associate’s paid-as title requirement can be counted from
any one enrollment tree leg.

Aging of Commissionable Volumes

Unpaid Left Leg Volume and Unpaid Right Leg Volume that is 26 weeks old will be removed from the system due to its age.

Binary Downline
Binary downline is a term used to describe all of the Independent Lifestyle Associates in the two teams of an Independent Lifestyle
Associate. Your binary downline includes the Independent Lifestyle Associates that you have enrolled, all of the Independent Lifestyle
Associates enrolled by them, etc., as well as Independent Lifestyle Associates enrolled by binary upline Independent Lifestyle
Associates who are placed into your two teams.

Binary Qualified
Binary qualified is the term used to describe an ILA who (a) is Active; (b) has 40 PCV within the current or previous three consecutive
weekly periods (Commission Cycle); (c) has two enrollment tree legs, each containing at least one active ILA with at least 40 points of
PCV within the current or previous three commission weeks; and (d) has two personally enrolled Customers (who are not ILAs), each
of whom has an active membership. A current membership is one for which a membership enrollment fee or a Membership Renewal
fee was paid within the current or previous three consecutive weekly commission periods. Binary qualified ILAs may be eligible to earn
Team Bonuses, Doubling Team Bonuses, Matching Team Bonuses, Global Leadership Pool Bonuses, and Presidential Pool Bonuses.

Binary Upline
Binary upline is a term used to describe a group of people in the binary structure that includes the immediate sponsor of an Independent
Lifestyle Associate in the binary structure, his immediate sponsor, and all of the people in the upline of the binary structure.

To ensure the financial viability of MaVie, total compensation shall not exceed 50% of the new commissionable volume generated
each week. In any weekly commission period that total compensation is calculated as totaling more than 50% of the week’s new com-
missionable volume, all compensation shall be adjusted in a pro-rata manner.

Commission Cycle
A commission cycle is a group of four consecutive weekly commission periods. Each weekly commission period belongs to one
commission cycle. Membership Renewal Bonuses are paid every commission cycle.

Commissionable Volume (CV)

CV is generated by the personal purchase of commissionable items by an ILA and by the purchases of commissionable items by
non-participants (Customers) in the income opportunity who were sponsored by the ILA. CV is one of the measurements upon which
rank qualifications and activity requirements are measured. Commissionable Volume varies by item. The CV of membership fee is set
at 90% of price paid. The CV of other items will vary as a percentage of price. Enrollment fees, Lifestyle Business Center fees, sales
aids, shipping and handling, and sales taxes do not generate Commissionable Volume.

Enrolling Sponsor Original Sponsor
The term given to an Independent Lifestyle Associate who introduces the opportunity to a new ILA or a new customer. The sponsor at the time an Independent Lifestyle Associate was entered into the computer.
The enrolling sponsor is identified as such on the application of the new Independent Lifestyle Associate.
Paid-As Enrollment Tree Leg
Enrollment Tree Commissionable Volume (ETCV) A Paid-As Enrollment Tree Leg is an Enrollment Tree Leg that contains an ILA who is paid at the rank of the type of leg, or higher.
ETCV is the sum of an ILA’s Personal Commissionable Volume and the Personal Commissionable Volume of all Associate’s in his For example, a Paid-As LE Enrollment Tree this week contains an ILA who is paid at the rank of Lifestyle Executive or higher this week.
Enrollment Tree Downline.
Paid-As Rank
Enrollment Tree Downline While an Independent Lifestyle Associate may have earned a higher rank, his or her paid-as rank is the highest rank for which an
Enrollment Tree Downline is a term used to describe the ILAs personally sponsored by an ILA and all of the ILAs sponsored by them, Independent Lifestyle Associate is qualified in a weekly commission period. The paid-as rank may be the same as or lower than the
etc. Your Enrollment Tree Downline excludes Independent Lifestyle Associates enrolled by your binary upline Independent Lifestyle Independent Lifestyle Associate’s actual rank. Each Independent Lifestyle Associates is paid based on his or her paid-as rank.
Personal Commissionable Volume (PCV)
Enrollment Tree Leg PCV is the sum of CV credited to an ILA in a weekly commission period from orders placed by the ILA and his or her personally
An Enrollment Tree Leg includes a personally enrolled ILA and all of his or her Enrollment Tree Downline ILAs. sponsored customers who are not ILAs.

Enrollment Tree Generation Personally Enrolled

An Enrollment Tree Generation is a group of ILAs that begins with a first ILA in your enrollment tree with a paid-as rank of Lifestyle The sponsor who is identified on the application of a new recruit personally enrolls the new recruit.
Executive or higher and includes everyone below that Associates down to but excluding the next Associate with a paid-as rank of
Lifestyle Executive or higher. Enrollment Tree Generations are used to pay out Matching Team Bonuses. Personally Sponsored
An Independent Lifestyle Associate is personally sponsored by his current sponsor.
Enrollment Tree Upline
Enrollment Tree Upline is a term used to describe the ILA who is the sponsor of the ILA, his or her sponsor, and all of the sponsors of Rank
these sponsors in the Enrollment Tree until reaching the top of the genealogy, the Company. Each Independent Lifestyle Associate has a rank. A rank signifies the highest position attained in the MaVie Compensation Plan.
The rank for which the Independent Lifestyle Associate qualifies each week (his or her paid-as rank) determines the eligibility for
Four-Week New Volume From Smaller Legs (4NVSL) bonuses in the MaVie Compensation Plan.
4NVSL is the sum of RLV and LLV (whichever is smaller each week) for four consecutive weekly commission periods (the current com-
mission period and the previous three commission periods). 4NVSL is an alternative volume requirement for rank maintenance. 4NVSL Right Leg Volume (RLV)
does not include carryover volume. 4NVSL is not volume from the enrollment tree; it is volume from the binary tree. RLV is the total of all CV credited to an ILA from the new PCV of all ILAs in his right leg of the binary structure and all CV from
personal customer orders that were credited to one’s right leg during a single week
Inactive is the term used to describe an ILA who is not active. Smaller Leg Volume (SLV) is the smaller of an ILA’s ALLV and ARLV in a commission week.

Left Leg Volume (LLV) Sponsor

LLV is the total of all CV credited to an ILA from the new PCV of all ILAs in his left leg of the binary structure and all CV from personal Sponsor is the term given to the current sponsor (immediate upline) of an ILA. While an ILA’s sponsor may change over time due to a
customer orders that were credited to one’s left leg during a single week. sponsor’s deactivation, the enrolling sponsor will not change. An ILA is personally sponsored by his current sponsor.

Leg – Enrollment Tree Downline Unpaid Left Leg Volume (ULLV)

A leg in the enrollment tree downline begins with a personally enrolled Independent Lifestyle Associate and includes all of his or her ULLV is the total of left leg volume that is carried forward from the previous week’s commission run.
personally enrolled Independent Lifestyle Associates and their personally enrolled Independent Lifestyle Associates, etc. If an
Independent Lifestyle Associate has personally enrolled three Independent Lifestyle Associates, he or she will have three legs. Unpaid Right Leg Volume (URLV)
URLV is the total of left leg volume that is carried forward from the previous week’s commission run.
Level 1 Membership Renewal Commissionable Volume (L1MRCV)
L1MRCV is the basis upon which an ILA earns Membership Renewal Bonus I in the fourth week of each Commission Cycle. L1MRCV
includes the CV from the second and subsequent membership fees paid by your personally enrolled customers and ILAs during each
of the four weeks of a Commission Cycle.

Level 2 Membership Renewal Commissionable Volume (L2MRCV)

L2MRCV is the basis upon which an ILA earns Membership Renewal Bonus II in the fourth week of each Commission Cycle. L2MRCV
includes the CV from the second and subsequent membership fees paid by the customers and ILAs on the second level of your
enrollment tree downline during each of the four weeks of a Commission Cycle.

Level 3 Membership Renewal Commissionable Volume (L3MRCV)

L3MRCV is the basis upon which an ILA earns Membership Renewal Bonus III in the fourth week of each Commission Cycle.
L3MRCV includes the CV from the second and subsequent membership fees paid by the customers and ILAs of the ILAs on the third
level of your enrollment tree downline during each of the four weeks of a Commission Cycle.

Lifestyle Business Center (LBC)

LBC is the name of the back office of ILA’s, a tool to help them to run their businesses.

Matching Team Bonuses

Matching Team Bonuses are paid as percentages of Team Bonuses earned by Independent Lifestyle Associates within a specific
number of generations in one’s enrollment downline structure.

26 27

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