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Plot 68285 Phakalane Tel: (267) 395 9038
PO Bag Br. 47 Gaborone Fax:(267) 395 7083

With the declaration by the World Health Organization that COVID-19 is now
officially a pandemic, we face the urgent need for everyone to be actively engaged
in protecting themselves and those around them.
Below find, proposed best practices for protection in F.B Engineering (Pty) Ltd.


We have two Combis outside the mine and one inside the mine. These provide services
up to green area. Below are proposed activities we are doing to combat the spread of
corona virus.



1 Combi carrying capacity is 15 passengers. Reduced carrying Drivers

Recommendation is to spread the people capacity to 10 to allow
in the Combi. spaces between
passengers. For the
Jwaneng it is carrying
Five people therefore no
issues. For the Combi
inside mine carrying
capacity is nine
therefore no issues.

2 Virus may be transmitted by coughing, She champions to use She Champions to

sneezing, or touching the door or other sanitizers to clean the spear head this
parts of the combi. doors, and inside the initiative.

3 Sanitizers when entering the Combi. Practice I am safe. The She Champion and She
She Champion gives the Officer / She Rep.
people sanitizer to wash
or spread in their hands
and also sprays on the
door handles to make
sure they are clean and
free of the virus.

4 Screening of people entering the Combi. The She Champion will She Champion and She
visually inspects people Officer / She Rep.
who are entering the
Combi. Those suspected
to have symptoms will
be stopped from
entering the Combi.
They will be taken to the
Hospital for inspection.


We have 20 people on site. Recommended spacing is 1 person per square meter. We
have assigned the She Rep and First Aider to mark the seating positions in the lay down
area. We are to mark each person to occupy one square meter.



1 Sitting arrangement Seat in marked positions. Brief Leader and She

Officer/ Rep and She
If the space is too small
brief into groups.

2 Sanitize your hands prior to entering the Sanitizer will be availed Brief Leader and She
briefing room. prior to entering the Officer/ Rep and She
working area. Champion.

3 Coughing, Sneezing etc Cover your mouth. Seek She Officer/ Rep and
advice from the hospital She Champion.
as soon as possible.

4 Screening of people entering the laydown The She Champion will She Champion and She
area. visually inspects people Officer / She Rep.
who are entering the lay
down area. Those
suspected to have
symptoms will be
stopped from entering.
They will be taken to the
Hospital for inspection.

5 Throw used tissue in a All

Used tissue and other swipes COVERED
clinical/medical waste bin
where possible.


We have 20 people on site. We are doing lifting operations at the moment. Thus,
critical equipment is cherry picker, crane, slings and spanners. Thus some of these
require us to work as teams. With this Corana pandemic we have to reduce the size of
our time and at the same time not compromising on work safety and ethics.



1 Moving to site Avail sanitizers to site She Champion, She

crew. Officer/ Rep and
Hygiene Rep.

2 Doing JSA Do not congregated She Champion, She

close to each other. Officer/ Rep,
Allow space between Supervisor and
one another. Hygiene Rep.

3 Coughing, Sneezing etc Cover your mouth. Seek She Champion, She
advice from the hospital Officer/ Rep,
as soon as possible. Supervisor and
Hygiene Rep.

4 Screening of people entering the site area. The She Champion will She Champion, She
visually inspects people Officer/ Rep,
who are entering the Supervisor and
working area. Those Hygiene Rep.
suspected to have
symptoms will be
stopped from entering.
They will be taken to the
Hospital for inspection.

5 Working in the cherry Picker Only two people will She Champion, She
work in the cherry Picker Officer/ Rep,

Cage. Supervisor and
Hygiene Rep.

6 Hygiene during working Wash your hands using She Champion, She
sanitizers provided now Officer/ Rep,
and then. Encourage one Supervisor and
another to practice good Hygiene Rep.

7 Sharing of tools Use gloves to handle She Champion, She

tools. Never share Officer/ Rep,
gloves. Wipe your hands Supervisor and
with sanitizers regularly Hygiene Rep.


We have 20 people on site and TKM Engineering has 60 people. We are sharing the
toilets. With this Corana pandemic we have to maintain best hygiene standards to be
on the safe side.



1 Hygiene in the Toilet Avail sanitizers in each She Champion, She

room of the toilet. Officer/ Rep and
Hygiene Rep.

2 Hygiene in the Toilet Wipe the toilet seat with She Champion, She
sanitizers before use and Officer/ Rep and
after use. Hygiene Rep.

3 Have running water always. Clean your hands before all

and after using the toilet

4 Provide latex gloves for cleaning toilets Clean toilets at all times She Champion, She
Officer/ Rep and
Hygiene Rep.


We have 20 people on site. We are sharing the kitchen and utensils. With this Corana
pandemic we have to maintain best hygiene standards to be on the safe side.



1 Hygiene in the Kitchen Avail sanitizers. Wipe She Champion, She

handles for refrigerator/ Officer/ Rep and
cups / doors/ utensils Hygiene Rep, and all.
with sanitizers.

Clean all kitchen utensils,

plates, dishes etc after

Clean the Kitchen at all


2 Lunch Provide separate Lunch She Champion, She

times if we are too many Officer/ Rep and
for the required spacing Hygiene Rep.

3 Ventilation Open windows and All

doors at all times

4 Food Warm food before

eating. U


 If you are not feeling well, stay at home, immediately visit the hospital. Follow
instruction from the hospital.

 Wash your hands frequently, do not touch your face (eyes, nose and mouth)
unless you have washed your hands.
 Greet each other without physical contact and avoid contact versions of
sharing the Peace such as handshakes.
 When distributing tools, the Stores person must avoid contact with the hands
of recipients.
 Put sanitizing hand rub dispensers in prominent places around the site and use
sanitizers frequently during the daily tasks.
 Display posters promoting hand-washing and respiratory hygiene
 Increased attention to hygiene for all employees and Employers.
 Surfaces (e.g. door handles, switches) and objects (e.g. telephones, keyboards)
need to be wiped with disinfectant regularly.
 Gatherings of more than 100 people have been temporarily banned by
 Postpone community events were possible
 No personal visits should be undertaken to people who are in self-isolating or in
quarantine, however, do offer phones.


Total suspension of public gatherings of more than 50 people immediately for 30 days,
these include:
a. Religious activities
b. Sporting events
c. Conferences
d. Wedding celebrations
e. Night clubs/bars
f. Music concerts
g. Parties
h. Gymnasiums

Be advised to maintain a distance of 1-2 meters between individual persons and

maximum of 50 individuals everywhere including the following places;
a. Banks
b. Restaurants including take out restaurants
c. Supermarkets/shops
d. Pharmacies
e. Post Offices
f. Government service departments (road transport, immigration, civil
registration, police stations, etc.)

g. Funerals

To minimize risk of contracting and possible spreading of COVID-19, members of the

public are advised to post-pone non-essential local travel.

To ensure continued safety of mourners/public at funerals/memorial services;

 Funerals should be brief and are to last no more than 2 hours.

 Ensure easy access to hand cleaning with water and soap.
 During burial, strict hand washing/surface cleaning is recommended for all
equipment used (shovels, microphones, etc.)
 To further minimize risk, no food service shall be provided to the

3. Advise to the public

a. Frequently wash hands with soap and clean water or hand sanitizer where
b. Cover nose and mouth when sneezing with a flexed elbow or tissue.
c. Avoid direct contact with anyone with cold or flu symptoms.
d. Avoid handshakes, hugs and kisses when greeting other people.

All citizens and residents of Botswana are to postpone travel to affected countries to
minimize the risk of COVID-19. For a daily updated list of affected countries and more
information on COVID-19 in Botswana, please refer to the following Facebook page:
Covid-19 - Mohw. Our directors are from China, and China is a high risk. As such we
were advised to get record of who they meet especially customers from outside the
Country. We also know them expect them to advise us of their interaction with the
Chinese community in Botswana and internationally.

For employees we expect them to avoid visiting affected areas. If they do, we expect
them to take leave and go into self-quarantine.


SUPERVISOR: ____________________________________

SIGNATURE: ____________________________________

SHE PERSONNEL: ____________________________________

SIGNATURE: ____________________________________


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