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Parts of Speech
1. Noun kata benda
Subject & Object
2. Pronoun k. ganti
3. Verb k. kerja Verb/Predicate
4. Adjective k. sifat
Pelengkap Noun & Verb
5. Adverb k. keterangan
6. Conjunction k. hubung
7. Preposition k. depan
8. Interjection k. seru Exclamatory/k. Seru
*jarang muncul di soal TOEFL

Basic Grammar 1
Present Past Past Present
Participle Participle

To infinitive V1 –s/-es Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 V-ing

To help Helps Help Helped Helped Helping Regular Verb

To cook Cooks Cook Cooked Cooked Cooking (lihat

V2 & V3)
To walk Walks Walk Walked Walked Walking

To go Goes Go Went Gone going
To eat Eats Eat Ate Eaten eating
To read Reads Read Read Read Reading V2 & V3)

To be Is/Am/Are Be Was/Were Been Being Verb

To have Has Have Had Had Having Be, Have, Do

To do Does Do Did Done Doing

Present – Past – Participle
Menurut bentuknya verb dibagi menjadi 3

•Present (V1): Help, Cook, Go, Eat, …….

They, We, I, You X He, She, It
•Past (V2): Helped, Cooked, Went, Ate……
Verb tanpa –s Verb
•Participle dengan -s

Past Participle (V3) : Helped, Cooked, Gone, Eaten….

We work together
Present Participle (Ving): Helping, Cooking, Going, Eating….
He works in the office
They do the assignment
Regular — Irregular She does the assignment

Berdasarkan perubahannya Verb dibagi menjadi 2

•Regular: Help – Helped – Helped

•Irregular: Go – Went – Gone

Contoh Auxiliary & Ordinary

They go to Bali by airplane.

Go: Kata kerja utama (Ordinary)

They are going to Bali by airplane.

Are: kata kerja bantu (Auxiliary Ordinary – Auxiliary
Going: kata kerja utama (Ordinary)
Berdasarkan letaknya Verb dibagi menjadi 2

They will go to Bali by airplane tomorrow. •Verb Ordinary itu kata kerja utama (di belakang)
Will: Auxiliary
Go: Ordinary •Verb Auxiliary adalah kata kerja bantu (di depan)

They have been going to Bali by airplane.

Have been: Auxiliary
Going: Ordinary

They will have been going to Bali by airplane.

Will have been: Auxiliary
Going: Ordinary
Ordinary (Transitive – Intransitive)
Verb Ordinary dibagi menjadi 2
 Transitive (Verb yg butuh Objek)
We eat apples everyday
 Intransitive (Tidak butuh Objek)
They run
Auxiliary (Be, Do, & Have – Modals)
 Be: is, am, are, was, were.
 Do: Do, Does, Did. Modals
 Have: Have, Has, Had. Can/Could (bisa), Shall/Should (sebaiknya), May (mungkin), Must (harus), will/would (akan)
SEOM (Similar Meaning of Modals/Sinonim dari Modal)
(Be) able to = can/could (bisa)
(have) to = must (harus)

I have to go to the pharmacy to get the medicine

I must be able to get a high score in the final exam

Pola Verb yang sering muncul di soal TOEFL

Modal + V1 Have + V3
We should study English I have done the homework.
She can remember many vocabularies She has gone to the school.
Be + Ving Be + V3
He is sleeping in the room The laptop is used by my sister
They are working in the office The lamps are turned on by Henry.

Latihan Soal
Part of Speech
Tandai dimana letak Verb, Noun dan Pronoun dibawah ini!

There are many boys with me in the football field.
Verb Noun Pron. N N

1. You have to believe in yourself if you ever expect to be successful at something.

2. We leave for the mountain at six in the morning.

3. We first went to the store to buy a few things.

4. We have a breakfast at a café near the rail station.

5. My friend wasn't strong enough to lift his heavy rucksack.

Grammar Exercise
Pilih satu verb yang tepat didalam tanda kurung.

1. Every day, Mona tries (to speak/speaks) English fluently.

2. My mother usually (call/calls) me every weekend.

3. The lessons are (explain/explained) by the teacher.

Error Analysis
Perhatikan kata yang digarisbawahi, ganti dengan kata yang benar!

Beavers continuously repair the dams they have build.

Ingat pola verb yaitu have + V3 maka build (v1) itu harus diganti dengan built (v3)
They have built

1. The Earth and Pluto is the only two planets believed to have a single moon

2. Playwright Frank Shin has often describes the lives of Chinese Americans in his dramas.

3. Minerals in seawater exists in the same proportions in all of the oceans of the world.

TOEFL Exercise
Verbs in TOEFL Exercise
• A sentence with two subjects joined by and takes a plural verb.
The chemistry lab and the physics lab are . . . . .

• Some words end in -s but are singular in form. Many of these words are the names of fields of study
(economics, physics, and so on). News is another word of this kind.
Economics is . . . Mathematics is . . . Physics is . . . Statistics is . . .

• Irregular plurals (children, feet, mice, and so on) do not end in -s but take plural verbs.
The women were . . . His feet are . . .

• When a clause begins with the expletive there, the verb may be singular or plural, depending on the
thematic subject.
There was a loud noise . . .
There were many problems . . .

Basic Grammar 1
TOEFL Practice
Berikan Pengganti yang tepat!

1. The Michigan Dunes, located on Lake Michigan's eastern shore, may to reach a height of 200 feet.

2. Minerals in seawater exists in the same proportions in all of the oceans of the world.

3. There (is/are) two types of calculus, differential and integral.

4. Teeth (is/are) covered with a hard substance called enamel.

5. The Earth and Pluto (is/are) the only two planets believed to have a single moon.

Basic Grammar 1
Any Questions?

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