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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur


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Result: _ ______

PART 1. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer. (100 pts)

1. Petrographic analyses using the polarizing microscope is made possible using special mineral mounts, the most popular
of which is the thin section. It is a flat rock slice about 4 square centimeters in area and _____mm thick.
a) 0.003 mm b) 0.03 mm c) 0.3 mm d) 3 mm

2. Simple symmetry with respect to a point.

a) Reflection b) Rotation c) Inversion d) Rotoinversion

3. Crystal system where a, b and c are not equal; alpha and gamma are 90, beta is not 90.
a) Tetragonal b) Orthorhombic c) Monoclinic d) Triclinic

4. The contact goniometer was invented by:

a) Pliny b) Hauy c) Bravais d) Carrangeot

5. Form composed of two parallel planes

a) Pedion b) Pinacoid c) Dome d) Sphenoid

6. Refers to the intersection of crystal planes to the crystal axes

a) Parameters b) Miller Index c) Zones d) Coordinates

7. Plagioclase crystallizes in what crystal system?

a) Triclinic b) Monoclinic c) Orthorhombic d) Hexagonal

8. It is the angle between the normal line and the vertical line.
a) Phi b) Rho c) Theta d) Gamma

9. Which of the following statements is true?

a) If nmineral>nliquid, light rays are refracted and diverge after passing through the grain.
b) If nmineral>nliquid, light rays are reflected and diverge after passing through the grain.
c) When the stage is lowered, Becke lines always move toward the crystal or liquid with the greater index of refraction.
d) When the stage is moved up, Becke lines always move toward the crystal or liquid with the greater index of

10. Blackjack is a variety of:

a) Sphalerite b) Garnet c) Siderite d) DIamond

11. These are igneous rocks containing crystals less than 1mm in diameter.
a) Aphanitic b) Fine grained c) Medium grained d) Very fine grained

12. Which of the following is not true about twinning?

a) Contact twins are joined along planes and do not penetrate one another.
b) Twinned crystals are always related by a symmetry operation.
c) Carlsbad twins are repeated penetration twins
d) Gypsum twins are related by a two-fold

13. This property of quartz allows it to be used in telling time.

a) Phosphorescence b) Pyroelectricity c) Piezoelectricty d) Triboluminescence

14. Pyroclastic rocks containing mostly 2 to 64 mm size constituents are called:

a) Tuff b) Lapilli-tuff c) Lapilli-stone d) Agglomerate

15. Law of constancy of interfacial angle states that the angles between two corresponding faces on the crystals of any
solid chemical or mineral species are constant and are characteristic of the species. Who proposed this law?

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a) Bravais b) Miller c) Haüy d) Steno

16. The type of bond in the mineral Sulfur

a) Covalent b) Ionic c) Metallic d) Van der Waals

17. A form containing 4 equilateral triangles.

a) Triangular prism b) Tetragonal pyramid c) Tetragonal prism d) Tetrahedron

18. Phyllosilicates are composed of continuous sheets of tetrahedra, each sharing three oxygens. What is the Si:O ratio for
a) 1:2 b) 1:3 c) 1:4 d) 2:5

19. Which of the following represents a form?

a) {hkl} b) <hkl> c) [hkl] d) (hkl)

20. Weathering product of feldspar

a) chlorite b) clay c) epidote d) quartz

21. What law states that the angles between two corresponding faces on the crystals of any solid chemical or mineral
species are constant and are characteristic of the species?
a) Steno’s Law b) Miller’s Law c) Bravais Law d) Hauy’s Law

22. What crystal system has optic axes coinciding with x,y,z?
a) orthorhombic b) monoclinic c) triclinic d) cubic

23. What is an Armstrong?

a) Steno’s Law b) angle measurement between facies c) molecular diameter d) ionic charge

24. Interference colors is observed on _______ minerals

a) triclinic b) opaque c) isotropic d) anisotropic

25. Is index of refraction for isotropic minerals can be determined by petrographic techniques?
a) yes b) no c) maybe d) cannot be determined

26. How does Becke line works?

a) the line will approach to the specimen with lower index of refraction
b) the line will approach to the specimen with higher index of refraction
c) mineral with higher index of refraction will stand out in "relief" surrounded by dark line
d) mineral with lower index of refraction will stand out in "relief" surrounded by dark line

27. Which is blue in thin section?

a) cuprite b) bornite c) azurite d) covellite

28. In petrography, what is the light in between the grain and oil?
a) Becke line b) Relief c) Shadow d) Oblique illumination

29. Zoning in plagioclase is more common on __

a) intrusive rocks b) extrusive rocks c) sedimentary rocks d) does not depend on the origin

30. Which crystal system has no equal length and not perpendicular to each other?
a) Triclinic b) Monoclinic c) Orthorhombic d) Isometric

31. Three unequal and mutually perpendicular axis.

a) Orthorhombic b) Hexagonal c) Isometric d) Tetragonal

32. Three crystallographic axes that make right angles with each other
a) Tetragonal system b) Monoclinic system
c) Orthorhombic system d) Hexagonal system e) None of the above

33. Which of the crystal form is not part of the hexagonal system?
a) Pedion b) Pinacoid c) Trigonal prism
d) Rhombohedron e) None of the above

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34. Term used to denote two substances having structures that are analogous in every respect, although their unit cell
dimensions are different and other properties are totally dissimilar.
a) Isostructuralism b) Mesomorphism c) Polytypism
d) Pseudomorphism e) None of the above

35. Occurs when two polymorphs differ only in stacking of identical, two-dimensional sheets or layers:
a) Isostructuralism b) Mesomorphism c) Polytypism
d) Pseudomorphism e) None of the above

36. The existence of a mineral with the outward crystal form of another mineral species is known as:
a) Isostructuralism b) Mesomorphism c) Polytypism
d) Pseudomorphism e) None of the above

37. Result of an emplacement of atom, or ions on the outside of a growing crystal in such a way that the regular
arrangement of the original crystal structures is interrupted:
a) Growth twins b) Transformation twins c) Gliding twins
d) Tartan twinning e) None of the above

38. The resistance that a mineral offers to breaking, crushing, beinding or tearing is called:
a) Tenacity b) Cleavage c) Hardness d) Parting e) None of the above

39. Type of fracture in minerals in which the fractures are jagged with sharp edges:
a) Conchoidal b) Splintery c) Hackly d) Irregular e) None of the above

40. The ________is usually used to determine the optic sign when the low-order interference colors or no colors at all are
seen in the optic axis figure
a) Mica plate b) Gypsum plate c) Quartz wedge
d) A and b e) None of the above

41. When the slow ray of the plate is parallel to the elongation of the mineral grain and the interference colors fall, the
a) Has negative elongation and is optically positive b) Has positive elongation and is optically positive
c) Has negative elongation and is optically negative d) Has negative elongation and is optically negative
e) None of the above

42. Symmetrical and parallel extinction are characteristic of:

a) Orthorhombic crystals b) Triclinic crystals c) Monoclinic crystals
d) Hexagonal e) None of the above

43. Which of the following minerals do not give biaxial interference figures under normal conditions:
a) Orthorhombic b) Monoclinic c) Triclinic
d) Tetragonal e) none of the above

44. Microcline frequently has irregular and discontinuous bands crossing (001) and (010) that result from the exsolution of
albite. The intergrowth as whole is called:
a) Perthite b) Carlsbad twin c) Albite twin
d) Graphic intergrowth e) None of the above

45. Which of the following minerals cannot occur as cement in sedimentary rocks?
a) quartz b) calcite c) clay
d) iron oxide e) none of the above

46. Fragments of melt that quenched to glass are called

a) vitroclasts b) accidental clasts c) cognate clasts
d) b and c e) none of the above

47. Parallel to subparallel alignment of minerals produce this texture in igneous rocks
a) Seriate b) Glomeroporphyritic c) Trachytic
d) cumulophyric e) none of the above

48. The cumulative changes that particles go through as it is produced by weathering and is transported to a final site of
deposition are a reflection of rock’s ________

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a) degree of sorting b) degree of weathering c) maturity

d) sphericity e) none of the above

49. Mineralogical scheme based on the percentage of minerals based either on megascopic or microscopic observations is
referred to as:
a) modal b) norm c) petrographic analyses
d) petrochemical scheme e) none of the above.

50. Large clinopyroxenes partially to completely enclose smaller euhedral plagioclase define this texture in igneous rocks:
a) ophitic b) subophitic c) pilotaxitic d) poikilitic

51. Igneous rocks containing grains that are too small to be resolved optically but are visible with an electron microscope
and can be identified by XRD are/have:
a) microcrystalline b) cryptocrystalline c) intersertal textures
d) intergranular textures e) none of the above

52. Particle with -6 to -8 phi size is:

a) Pebble b) Cobble c) Boulder d) Silt e) Sand

53. Particle with phi size between 4 to -1 are considered as:

a) boulder b) cobble c) pebble d) sand e) silt

54. The crystal is ______if it is bounded entirely or almost entirely by crystal faces formed by growth in situ:
a) xenoblastic b) porphyroblastic c) poikiloblastic
d) idioblastic e) none of the above

55. If the ray vibrating in the principal plane is the slow ray, the uniaxial crystal is said to be:
a) positive b) negative c) no conclusion can be drawn

56. The two broad black curves or brushes which mark the areas of extinction are known as:
a) interference figures b) isogyres c) indicatrices
d) isohyaths e) none of the above

57. In optically ______________ uniaxial crystals, subtraction occurs at right angles to the direction of the slow ray in the
a) positive b) negative c) neutral

58. The optic sign of a biaxial mineral is conveniently determined with the mineral in the ____ position with a quartz
a) 45° b) 60° c) 30° d) 75° e) none of the above

59. An optical property determined in thin section by the Becke Line test
a) relief b) oblique illumination c) birefringence
d) index of refraction e) none of the above

60. Which of Pauling's Rules deals with distance and coordination number?
a) Rule 1 b) Rule 2 c) Rule 3 d) Rule 4

61. According to Pauling's Rule number 4, Cations with high valence charges and small coordination number tend not to
share polyhedral elements
a) True b) False, High valence and large coordination number
c) c. False, Low valence and high coordination number d) False, Low valence and small coordination number

62. Calcium and Magnesium carbonates exhibits which type of atomic substitution
a) Simple complete substitution b) Coupled Ionic Substitution
c) Limited Ionic Substitution d) Electrostatic Substitution

63. Smallest unit of pattern of clusters of coordination polyhedra characteristic of the mineral and it's chemical
a) unit mesh b) motif c) node d) point

64. The following are considered simple symmetry operations except:

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a) Translation b) Rotation c) Reflection d) Rotoinversion

65. Which of the following symmetry operations is not an enantiomorphic operation?

a) Translation b) Reflection c) Glide Reflection d) Inversion

66. Unit mesh formed by two unequal unit translation vectors at an angle which is not equal to 90 degrees?
a) diamond b) hexagonal c) centered rectangle d) oblique

67. How many plane point groups are produced by rotational and reflectional symmetry?
a) 5 b) 10 c) 14 d) 32

68. All forms of this crystal system are closed crystal forms.
a) Monoclinic b) Orthorhombic c) Triclinic d) Isometric

69. Crystal system where a, b and c are unequal, and alpha, beta and gamma are not equal to 90.
a) Monoclinic b) Orthorhombic c) Triclinic d) Isometric

70. In Monoclinic system, which angle is not equal to 90?

a) alpha b) beta c) gamma d) all of the above

71. In Triclinic crystal system, which angle is not equal to 90?

a) alpha b) beta c) gamma d) all of the above

72. All of the following are Bravais Lattices of the Isometric system except:
a) Primitive b) End-centered c) Body-centered d) Face-centered

73. How many Bravais Lattices are there?

a) 6 b) 10 c) 14 d) 32

74. How many crystal classes are there?

a) 6 b) 10 c) 14 d) 32

75. How many crystal systems are there?

a) 6 b) 10 c) 14 d) 32

76. How many Plane lattice groups?

a) 10 b) 17 c) 5 d) 230

77. How many Unit nets are there?

a) 10 b) 17 c) 5 d) 230

78. How many Space Lattice Groups are there?

a) 10 b) 17 c) 5 d) 230

79. Faces related by a mirror plane are called ____

a) domes b) sphenoids c) pinacoids d) pedions

80. First to use X-ray in determining crystal structures of Minerals

a) Nicol b) Steno c) Dana d) Bragg

81. Polyhedron formed if the coordination number is 6.

a) Tetrahedron b) Octahedron c) Cube d) Cubeoctahedron

82. Electrostatic valency is:

a) Charge + Coordination Number b) Charge x Coordination Number
c) Charge ^ Coordination Number d) Charge/Coordination Number

83. Which of the following is the most stable? Sharing of:

a) faces b) edges c) corners d) polyhedron

84. Combination of rotation and translation

a) glide reflection b) rotoinversion c) screw rotation d) climb reflection

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85. 2m = 2mm
a) True b) False c) Cannot be determined

86. The crystal classes are derived from the space point groups.
a) True b) False, from the Space Lattice Groups
c) False, From the Plane Lattice Groups d) False, from the Plane Point Groups

87. Which refers to the crystal face perpendicular to th c-axis?

a) (001) b) {001} zone/equivalent or related phases
c) [001] direction d) <001> equivalent or related directions

88. The ability of a mineral to pass light through it or its transparency

a) asterism b) diaphaneity c) fluorescence d) luminescence

89. Cavities formed in lavas due to expanding gases are known as:
a) amygdules b) orbicles c) varioles d) vesicles

90. The series from La to Lu is known as the Lanthanides and these elements are also commonly called ______.
a) Rare Earth Elements b) Actinides c) Noble Gases d) halogens

91. Crystal system where a, b and c are not equal; alpha and gamma are 90, beta is not 90.
a) Tetragonal b) Orthorhombic c) Monoclinic d) Triclinic

92. Which of the following represents a form?

a) {hkl} b) <hkl> c) [hkl] d) (hkl)

93. Refers to the intersection of crystal planes to the crystal axes

a) Parameters b) Miller Index c) Zones d) Coordinates

94. The relative lengths of the crystallographic axes are called ______.
a) axial ratio b) axial lengths c) unit lengths d) all of the above

95. ____are made up of three or more parts twinned according to the same law
a) polysynthetic twin b) cyclic twins c) multiple twins d) tartan twins

96. A mirror reflection with a translation component parallel to a mirror is known as ______
a) glide operation b) glide symmetry c) screw operation d) screw symmetry

97. There are 3 types of symmetry operations:

a) rotation, mirror, inversion b) rotation, reflection, inversion
c) rotation, mirror, center of symmetry d) all of the above e. none of the above

98. The ____ are imaginary lines that we can draw within the crystal lattice. These will define a coordinate system within
the crystal.
a) symmetry axis b) crystallographic axes c) rotation axis d) crystal axes

99. A zone is indicated by a symbol si,ilar to that for Miller indices of faces, the generalized expression of which is _____
a) (uvw) b) [uvw] c) (hkl) d) [hkl]

100. ____ is the result of regular translations in two different directions, designated x and y.
a) one-dimensional order b) space lattices c) plane lattices d) three-dimensional order

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