To Remove Genuin Message

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What is an Actuarial Gain Or Loss?

Actuarial gain or loss refers to an increase or a decrease in the projections

used to value a corporation’s defined benefit pension plan obligations. The
actuarial assumptions of a pension plan are directly affected by the discount
rate used to calculate the present value of benefit payments and the
expected rate of return on plan assets. The Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) SFAS No. 158 requires the funding status of pension funds to
be reported on the plan sponsor’s balance sheet. This means there are
periodic updates to the pension obligations, the fund performance and the
financial health of the plan.1 Depending on plan participation rates, market
performance and other factors, the pension plan may experience an actuarial
gain or loss in their projected benefit obligation.

While those accounting rules require pension assets and liabilities to be

marked to market on an entity’s balance sheet, they allow actuarial gains and
losses, or changes to actuarial assumptions, to be amortized
through comprehensive income in shareholders' equity rather than flowing
directly through the income statement.

What Is Bill Discounting?

Bill Discounting is a trade-related activity in which a company’s unpaid invoices

which are due to be paid at a future date are sold to a financier (a bank or
another financial institution).

In bill discounting, the business discount the outstanding invoices to gain access to
short-term financial assistance and maintain the working capital. This process is also
called “Invoice Discounting”. This process is governed by the negotiable instrument
act, 2010. Factoring & Reverse Factoring are two methods a bill is discounted on
TReDS platorm. Both the methods are designed to speed up and increase cash flow
without disturbing the balance sheet.

Factoring is a financial transaction and a type of debt or finance in which a business

sell sits accounts receivable (i.e., invoices) to a third party (called a factor) at a
discount.Benefits of factoring is working capital optimization, credit protection
against bad debts, No collateral required, prompt payments for your invoices.

Reverse factoring, also known as supply chain finance or supplier finance, is a

financial technology solution that mitigates the negative effects of longer payment
terms to help buyers and suppliers optimize working capital. Benefits of reverse
factoring Improved cash flows, reduce dearly payment requests, Low interest rate of
interest, Develop long term relationships.


Suppose, a business man sold goods to Mr.X worth Rs 10,000 on credit but Mr.X
does not have the money to pay today, but he is certain to pay on a later date, afer two
months, so the bill is raised stating Mr.X to pay Rs 10,000 afer two months. But an
urgent need for funds is required by businessman, and he can’t wait for two months,
there by he discounts this bill with his bank/Bill discounting company two months
before its due date @ 15% P.A rate of discount.Now the bank pays the drawer an
amount of Rs 9750 afer deducting an applicable commission of Rs 250.

Businessman (drawer) sold goods and also got paid without having to lose either his
customer or the business. Mr. X got the goods not having paid today, and the bank
made a good commission.
Advantages of Bill Discounting
Bill discounting is advantageous to businesses, banks, finance companies, and
investors. Businesses benefit by rejuvenating their cash-flow in-turn helping them
stabilize growth and fund business expenditure.

  Cash flow: Businesses being dependent on the cash flow to sustain their business can easily

rely on this quick financial aid to access speedy funds and continue to flourish. This process

quickens money inflow— profiting the organization in expanding deals, seeking after

development, securing hardware, etc.

  Instant access to cash: Bill discounting is a more efficient, faster way of assessing working

capital as it is hassle-free and does not involve the lengthy documentation procedure. With

M1xchange, businesses can secure financial assistance in just 24 to 72* hours.

  No collateral involved on TReDS: here is no requirement to keep any asset as security as the

unpaid invoice is considered as the collateral itself.

  No debt incurred: Bill discounting helps in saving tax liability. The chances of a company

suffering any loss or damage are almost nonexistent when compared to conventional

financing frameworks.

  No impact on the balance sheet: Bill discounting service offered by M1xchange does not

impact the balance sheet of the business as it is an off-the-book process.

  GeniuneSoftware
  Microsoft
  Office
  OGA
  Remove Office Genuine Advantage Notification Without Using Any Crack

Remove Office Genuine Advantage Notification Without Using

Any Crack
    08:46    45 comments:
Warning! This article has been given only for informational and educational purpose. We do not
encourage pirated or illegal software. If you’re using an illegal copy of the software, please
purchase an original copy. bench3 is not responsible for your work or use. Use at your own risk.
Important: Windows Registry is a weak link in the operating system’s stability and robustness.
It’s remarkably easy to damage, but very difficult to repair... Backup your registry before you
start modifying the registry entries. Read my other article to know how to backup the registry.

Microsoft’s worst decision was to install this thing called Microsoft Genuine Advantage
and it has created a lot of fuss in the computer world. Sometimes even the genuine
Windows or Office products will not validate against Microsoft’s Genuine Advantage

Solution 1:
Don't use any cracks/patches You are jeopardizing you security. JUST USE COMMAND
3. TYPE (OR COPY AND PASTE): MsiExec.exe /X{B2544A03-10D0-4E5E-BA69-

Remember: From now, hide (do not install) the update "KB949810" through windows

automatic updates. Though many people will advice not to use automatic updates. I
strongly dis agree with that. Automatic updates are necessary to keep your computer
up-to-date. Also in Windows Vista, AFTER U UNINSTALL KB949810, use this method
and make sure you hide this particular update so it doesn't reinstall in future. Read
Here To Know How To Manually Remove OGA Notification And How To Skip KB949810
Updates From Installing 

Solution 2:
We can remove OGA notification by disabling OGAAddin.dll from loading when we start Office
applications. OGAAddin.dll file shows the notification and removing this will stop such
notifications from appearing. This below hack will make Windows think that KB949810 is properly
installed and it will not prompt you for further installation.
1. Go to Start - Run - Type regedit in the box and hit Enter
2. This will open Registry Editor window, press Ctrl+F to open search box
3. Type OGAAddin.connect in the serach box to find this registry key
4. Once found, Right click on Load behaviour and select Modify option
5. Edit and change the value from 3 to 0
6. Repeat this process for each and every instances of OGAAddin.connect key
7. You are done.
Solution 3:
Microsoft does not allow people to uninstall OGA notifications, but you can easily
delete and remove OGA components from your system manually. In this way, they will
be automatically go inactive and you won’t see those boring “This copy of Microsoft
Office is not genuine” notifications again.
1. Close all Office applications first
2. Navigate to C:\Wndows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWow64 folder and
delete the following files
3. OGAVerify.exe
4. OGAAddin.dll
5. You are done.
Remember: From now, do not install KB949810 through windows automatic updates.
Though many people will advice not to use automatic updates. I strongly dis agree
with that. Automatic updates are necessary to keep your computer up-to-date. If you
have any problems, please let me know. Feel free to comment here.

Solution 3 (Using Third Party Crack): Microsoft has recently updated their Office
Genuine Advantage Crack. Supremo Phantom has a combined crack for Windows
Genuine Advantage and Office Genuine Advantage. That crack has got the fix for the
latest version of OGA The crack can be downloaded from the internet. You
can google for the file

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