Week 2project Planning

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Project Manager Role:

• All Projects need a project manager{senior system

analyst if project is large}
• Roles
• Project planning includes identifying all project tasks and
estimating the completion time and cost of each
• Project scheduling involves the creation of a specific
timetable, usually in the form of charts that show tasks, task
dependencies, and critical tasks
• Project monitoring requires guiding, supervising, and
coordinating the project team's workload
• Project reporting includes regular progress reports to
management, users, and the project team itself

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Page 3
Project Triangle:
a representation of the constraints of project management.

The time constraint refers to the amount of time available to complete a

The cost constraint refers to the budgeted amount available for the project.
The scope constraint refers to what must be done to produce the project's
end result

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Project Selection:

Ways to classify projects

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• Regardless of whether time is a critical issue on a project

or not, the project manager will have to develop a
preliminary estimate of the amount of time the project will
• Estimation is the process of assigning projected values
for time and effort.

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Page 6
Developing Workplan:

• R

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Page 7
Developing Workplan:

• A dynamic schedule that records and keeps track of all of

the tasks that need to be accomplished over the course
of the project.
• Steps
• The PM identifies the tasks that need to be
• Determines how long each one will take.
• Organize the within a work breakdown structure

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Page 8
Project Workplan:

• It is the mechanism used to manage the tasks that are

listed in the work breakdown structure.
• Its the PMS primary tool for managing the project.
• Done through
• Gantt chart and
• PERT/CPM charts

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Page 10

• WBS-A list of tasks hierarchically numbered.

• Process of dividing complex projects into simpler and
manageable tasks

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Page 12

•Achieve accurate and readable project organization.

•Accurate assignment of responsibilities to the project team.
•Indicates the project milestones and control points.
•Helps to estimate the cost, time and risk.
•Illustrate the project scope, so the stakeholders can have a
better understanding of the same.

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Page 13
Gantt Chart?:

• It is a horizontal bar chart that represents a set of tasks

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Page 14
Gantt Chart?:
• Consider the following activities, scheduled as a project that
starts on Friday 24 May 2002

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Page 15
PERT/CPM Chart?:

• Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)/Critical

Path Method (CPM)
• It is a technique that uses optimistic, pessimistic and
realistic time estimates to calculate the expected time for a
particular task
• is a bottom-up technique because it analyzes a large,
complex project as a series of individual tasks
• Steps
• you first identify all the project tasks and estimate how much
time each task will take to perform
• determine the logical order in which the tasks must be
• you can now calculate the time that it will take to complete
the project
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Page 16
Identifying Tasks in a WBS:

• It must clearly identify each task and include an

estimated duration
• A task, or activity, is any work that has a beginning and
an end and requires the use of company resources such
as people, time, or money
• Steps
1. List the steps
2. Estimate the task duration

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Page 17
List Tasks:

• Identify tasks, durations and predecessor tasks

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Page 18
Estimate Duration:

• Task duration can be hours, days, or weeks

• The units of measurement are called person-days.
• A person-day represents the work that one person can
complete in one day.
Calculating time estimates
1. An optimistic, or best-case estimate (B),
2. A probable-case estimate (P),
3. A pessimistic, or worst-case estimate (W)
• Weights assigned to each are: B = 1, P = 4, and W = 1.
• The expected task duration is calculated as

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Page 19

1. A project manager might estimate that a file-conversion task

could be completed in as few as 20 days or could take as many
as 34 days, but most likely will require 24 days.

The expected task duration is 25 days,

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Health Information Systems

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Page 21
Factors Affecting Project Duration:

• Project size
• Human resources
• Experience with similar projects
• Constraints

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Page 22
Displaying the Work Breakdown Structure:

Partially complete

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Page 23

• Tasks in a work breakdown structure must be arranged in a

logical sequence called a task pattern
• In any project, large or small, tasks depend on each other and
must be performed in a sequence
• Task patterns can involve dependent tasks, multiple successor
tasks, and multiple predecessor tasks
• Represented as

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Page 24
Representing Tak Model:

• The task name should be brief and descriptive, but it does
not have to be unique in the project
• The task ID can be a number or code that provides unique
• The duration is the amount of time it will take to
complete a task.
• The start day/date is the time that a task is scheduled to
• The finish day/date is the time that a task is scheduled to
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Page 25
Main Types of Task
Patterns: DEPENDENT TASKS When tasks must be completed one after another

MULTIPLE SUCCESSOR TASKS When several tasks can start at the same
time, each is called a concurrent task.

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Page 26


two or more prior tasks to be completed before it can start.

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Page 27
Drawing PERT/CPM:

Task ID Task Name Duration Predecessor Task


1 Obtain authorization 10 -

2 Hire Analyst 30 1

3 Plan Training 5 2

4 Arrange Logistics 25 2

5 Announce Training 30 3,4

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Page 28

• Task patterns determine the order in which the tasks are

• Once the task sequence has been defined, a project manager
can schedule the tasks and calculate the critical path
• A critical path
• is a series of tasks which, if delayed, would affect the
completion date of the overall project

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Page 29
Critical Paths:

Tasks 1, 2, 4, and 5 represent the critical path, which is

highlighted with red arrows

Slack time is the amount of time that the task could be late
without pushing back the completion date of the entire project
Task 3 has slack time, and could be delayed up to 20 days without
affecting Task 5.
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Page 30

Consider the following

construct a PERT/CPM chart

Identify the critical Path
Identify the slack activity and its time
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Page 33

A project has been defined to contain the following

list of activities along with their required times for

construct a PERT/CPM chart

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Identify the critical Path
Identify the slack activity and its time Page 34

A project has been defined to contain the following

list of activities along with their required times for

construct a PERT/CPM chart

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Identify the critical Path
Identify the slack activity and its time Page 35

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