Darbak Meeting 19-06

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General comments:

All words and translation should be as localization (translation)

Enable auto read OTP SMS

In app update check ( if major update in APP will request and force user to update) if minor
update will suggest to update only and user can skip it

Frontend :

Mobile : cross platform ( flutter, react native )

Back end : nodejs ,

SQL mongodb , postegersql


Auth: google firebase


Able to add new Main Category (enable, disable, soon) status

Able to add new Main core activity (enable, disable) and link it to the main category

Add new service details and translations,

Add new users, add and control the existent user, SP, Operators and Admins with roles.

Able to add new advertisement. (Pictures and small vides)

Able to see queue and current active users, SP, Request, resolved Cases, open cases, pending
cases, and other.

Control Main service and location, dimensions and change services pictures (all new services will
be listed and displayed with general logo picture and operator and marketing team will be able
to change the logo later)

Generate dynamic file for new theme

Service Provider

1- Register by filling the form and after getting username and password.

2- Select core activity from predefine main category with multiple select
3- For general request in Customer app and SP should be define with one of the main core
activities and with preferred location (city, distance per km and any other option we
agree later on)
4- For request SP should be able to accept, reject and request more details from inside the
5- SP will be able to see the full details about the request (car details, pics, notes and other
available parameters and fields from the request)
6- SP able to change status, waiting customer confirmation, waiting insurance approval ….
Etc. and able.
7- SP will be able to send comment and updates in request updates(comments) inside
request section.
8- SP will be able to enable both in-shop or service at home per service.
9- System will send reminder notification to both parties

Customer (end user)

1- User register by mobile and OTP.

2- User will be able to select log to the request and see the details and comments from SP
and to reply.
3- Rating after service complete or popup next time open the application.
4- User will be to track the recovery.
5- Able to see all service providers with filtration based on location, category, Main Core
services, home service and rating.
6- In SP user will be able to scroll pictures from top (behind his profile picture).
7- Review will be below the map.
8- In services (inside shop profile) first service will be General service for unidentified
9- Indicator (small logo) in corner of each service to identify if the service includes home
service or not.

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