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TOPIC: Physical Quantities and Dimensions


INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt ALL questions. Submit your answers as PDF

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1. The physical quantity that has the same dimensions as impulse is

A. energy

B. momentum

C. surface tension

D. pressure

2. Pressure is measured in terms of

A. Mass & Density

B. Work done

C. Force and Area

D. Force and Distance

3. The dimensions of momentum are


B. ML-1T-1

C. MLT-1
D. ML-1T

4. What are the dimensions of density?

A. [M1L-3T0]

B. [M1L-1T0]

C. [M-1L3T0]

D. [M-1L-3T0]

5. Which of the units of the following physical quantities are derived? I.

Area II. Thrust III. Pressure IV. Mass

A. I, II, III & IV

B. I, II, III only

C. I, II, IV only

D. I, & III only

E. I & IV only

6. What is the SI unit of amplitude?

A. Kilogram

B. Metre

C. Hertz

D. Second

7. Which of the following is a fundamental quantity?

A. Heat capacity
B. Electric current

C. Torque

D. Reactance

E. Density

8. If v = at + bt2

v is velocity and t in seconds, then the dimension of b is:

A. LT0

B. LT-1

C. LT-2

D. LT-3

9. Which of the following quantities has the same unit as the watt?

A. Force x time

B. Force x distance

C. Force x acceleration

D. Force x velocity

10. Which physical quantity has the same dimensional formula as that
of the velocity gradient?

A. Wavelength

B Frequency

C. Velocity
D. Acceleration

11. Which of the following is a fundamental unit?

A. Newton

B. Watt

C. Joule

D. Second

12. Which one of the following pairs does not have the same

A. Potential energy and kinetic energy

B. Density and specific gravity

C. Focal length and height

D. force and frictional force

13. Which of the following are the correct SI units of the quantities
indicated? i.N(Force) ii. Nm-1 (Torque) iii. watt(Power) iv. kgms-

A. i and ii only

B. i, ii and iii only

C. i, ii, and iv only

D. i and iii only

14. Plancks constant has the dimensions of:

A. energy
B. power

C. impulse

D. angular momentum

15. Which of the following is NOT a fundamental S.I unit?

A. Meter

B. Ampere

C. Kelvin

D. Seconds

E. Radian

16. The dimensions of EMF are

A ML2T-3A-1

B. ML2T2A3

C M-1T3

D. ML3T1A3

17. Which of the underlisted quantities has the dimension ML2T-2 i.

momentum of a force ii. work iii. acceleration iv. moment

A. i only

B. ii only

C. iii only

D. i and ii
E. iv only

18. Which of the following has the dimension [L1]?

A. Light year

B. Wavelength

C. Displacement

D. All of the above

19. Which of the following quantities has the same unit as energy?

A. power

B. work

C. force

D. momentum

20. The dimensions of Young's Modulus match with the dimensions of


A. Pressure

B. Torque

C. Momentum

D. Weight

21. Which of the following physical quantities are derived? i. Area ii.
Thrust iii. Pressure iv. Mass

A. i, ii, iii and iv

B. i, ii and iii only

C. i, ii and iv only

D. i and iii only

22. [M0L2T-2] are the dimensions of _______.

A. Gravitational potential energy

B. Gravitational potential

C. Gravitational constant

D. Gravitational intensity

23. Which of the following physical quantities is correctly paired with

it's corresponding S.I unit?

A. density[kgm3]

B. power[Js-1]

C. specific latent heat [J kg-1K-1]

D. Pressure [Nm-1]

24. If coulomb is also a fundamental quantity with dimension [C], then

the dimensions of magnetic field strength is-

A. [M1T-2C-1]

B. [M1T-1C-1]

C. [M2T-1C1]

D. [M1T2C2]
25. For which of the following sets are the units fundamental?

A. Area, length and volume

B. Impulse, mass and time

C. Length, time and mass

D. Velocity, distance and time

E. Volume, mass and density

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