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INSTRUCTIONS: Attempt ALL questions. Submit your answers as PDF

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1. Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene produces

A. Oil

B. Cyclohexene

C. Cyclohexane

D. Margarine

2. The main reactions of benzene are

A. addition

B. hydrolysis

C. polymerization

D. substitution

3. The product obtained when a mixture of benzene vapour and

hydrogen are passed over nickel catalyst at 180oC is

A. cyclohexane

B. cyclopentane
C. n- hexane

D. n - pentane

4. Which of the following is true concerning the properties of benzene

and hexane?

A. Both undergo substitution reaction

B. Both undergo addition reaction

C. Both are solids

D. Both can decolourized bromine water

5. If a solid has a low melting point and dissolves readily in benzene, it

would probably

A. contain strong electrostatic forces of attraction

B. conduct electricity in the molten state

C. dissolve in water

D. have covalent bonding

E. absorb moisture on exposure to air

6. Benzene produces more soot than ethene on burning because


A. has a higher molar mass

B. has a higher degree off unsaturation

C. undergoes substitution and addition reaactions

D. is a liquid at room temperature

7. Which of the following compounds has the same empirical formula
as benzene?

A. C2H2

B. C2H4

C. C4H6

D. C6H12

8. Which of the following represents an aromatic compound?


B. C6H12


D. C6H8

9. The conversion of open chain alkanes into cycloalkanes and aromatic

compounds is called

A. cracking

B. reforming

C. isomerization

D. polymerization

10. Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons can be distinguished from

each other by the

A. action of bromine
B. use of polymerization reaction

C. action of heat

D. use of oxidation reaction

11. Three liquids X, Y and Z containing only hydrogen and carbon were
burnt on a spoon. X and Y burnt with sooty flames while Z did not. Y is
able to discharge the colour of bromine water whereas X and Z cannot.
Which of the liquids would be aromatic in nature?

A. X and Z

B. Y

C. X

D. Z

12. Which of the following substances is not an aromatic compound?

A. Benzene

B. Napthalene

C. Anthracene

D. Hexene

14. Hybridisation of carbon in benzene is:

A. sp

B. sp2

C. sp3

D. s2p
15. Toluene has:

A. 9 σ – and 3 π-bonds

B. 9 σ – and 6 π - bonds

C. 6 σ – and 3 π - bonds

D. 15 σ – and 3 π - bonds

16. The number of π-electrons in the molecules of aromatic compound


A. 4π

B. 4n + 1

C. 4n + 2

D. 2n + 4

17. In the nitration of benzene, the active nitrating agent is:

A. NO2-

B. NO2+

C. NO3-


18. Benzene reacts with chlorine in the presence of an iron catalyst to


A. benzene hexachloride

B. benzyl chloride
C. chlorobenzene

D benzoyl chloride

19. Nitration of benzene is which reaction?

A. Addition

B. Substitution

C. Both

D. None

20. The reaction in question 19 above is called

A. Friedel-Craft Acylation

B. Friedel-Craft Akylation

C. Decarboxylation

D. Reforming

21. In Friedel-Craft Acylation, the appropriate reagent that reacts with

benzene is


B. CH3Cl



22. The substitution reactions of benzene are of the type;

A. Nucleophilic substitution
B. Electrophilic substitution

C. Unimolecular elimination

D. None of the above

23. Halogenation of benzene is which reaction?

A. Addition

B. Substitution

C. Both

D. None

24. When benzene reacts with chlorine in the presence of UV light, the
product formed is

A. Clorobenzene

B. 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane

C. 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorobenzene

D. 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorohexane

25. Which of the following exhibits resonance?

A. Benzene

B. Butane

C. Pentene

D. Octana

E. Hexene

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