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REG. NO: ECE/B/01-01679/2018.



poor dam water

level monitorig

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1. Inaccuracy due to human error.
2. Rampant flooding.
3. Inconsistency of the systems used.
4. Minimum utilisation of readily available resources.
5. High workers turnover.
6. Productivity lower than the required.
7. Mismanagement of available resources .
8. Absence of required skills.
9. Costly methods of monitoring.
10. Too much wastage of money.
11. Lack of complete control.
12. Dissatisfy monitoring methods.
13. Complexity of other methods.
14. Poor work ethics.
15. Time wastage.
16. Low financial returns below the requirement.
17. Unlawful practices.
18. Practices which are unprofessional in nature.
19. Understaffed organization.
20. Absence of skilled man power.
21. Accidence.
22. Low economic output.
23. Unavailability of adequate safety precautions.
24. Unreliability of available methods.
25. Outdated technologies.
26. Unpredictable change in water level.
27. Inaccuracy of other methods.
28. Short life span of the available systems.
29. Disorganized systems used.
30. Rigidity of other methods.


improved dam
water level
monitoring system.

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1. Accuracy due to correction of human error.

2. Controlled flooding.
3. Consistency of the system used.
4. Maximum utilisation of readily available resources.
5. Enough workers turnover.
6. Productivity higher as the requirement.
7. Management of available resources .
8. Presence of required skills.
9. Cheaper method of monitoring.
10. Well use of money.
11. Presence of complete control.
12. Satisfying monitoring method.
13. Simplicity of the method.
14. Good work ethics.
15. Time saving.
16. High financial returns as required.
17. Lawful practices.
18. Professional practices in nature.
19. Enough staff in the organization.
20. Presence of skilled man power.
21. Safety and reduced accidence.
22. High economic output.
23. Availability of adequate safety precautions.
24. reliability of the method used.
25. Updated technologies.
26. Predictability of water level change.
27. Accuracy of the method used.
28. Long life span of the system.
29. Organized system used.
30. Flexibility of the method available.


The poor dam water monitoring systems are systems which are
inconvenient in most aspects. These systems have so many problems
that are encountered on daily basis which make them unreliable in so
many ways. The problems encountered using these systems of
monitoring are as discussed below.
The other methods used are inaccurate hence they are unreliable.This
unreliable methods maybe due to absence of man power needed to
operate the systems of monitoring.Also the available methods maybe
dissatisfying because of inaccuracy due to human error hence the
systems used are inconsistent.Other systems may be rigid hence time
consuming during operation and generation of results.The other
methods of monitoring may have short life span and therefore need to
be replaced after sometime which is inconvenient.The complexity of
these methods too may make the systems difficult to operate and hence
increase inconsistency.
During the monitoring process,there are several safety precautions put
in pace to make sure all the operators are safe,these precautions may
not be available and therefore due to frequent flooding, accidence occur
and lives are lost or the operators are injured badly.Unpredictable
change in water level may cause rampant flooding and hence accidence
occur on the process.
Another problem is the mismanagement of available resources such
human resources and natural resources which often occur when using
other methods of monitoring.Therefore the resources are not
maximumly utilised as they should be. High workers turnover is another
problem because most of this human resource may not be needed
leading to wastage of some of this human resource. Understaffed
organisation is another problem encountered on daily basis.Due to this
problem, the required skills to operate the systems may be absent which
is a very big disadvantage.
The productivity of the other systems is lower than the requirement
hence lower financial return especially in dams used for electric power
generation.Costly methods of operation which may lead to too much
wastage of money to maintain and operate the systems. All this result in
low economic output which is undesirable.
The available systems used may be using outdated technologies and
hence there is incomplete control of the systems. Also poor work ethics
by the operators by dealing with unlawful and unprofessional practices.
Due to these problems the system become disorganised and handling
and operating it becomes difficult.
In conclusion, the poor dam water monitoring systems have so many
disadvantages that are encountered every day. The problems
encountered while using these systems have to be solve by using a
better system in the future.


The improved dam water level monitoring system is a system required
to observe the level of water in a dam used for various reasons such as
irrigation and generation electricity.The theme was identified as
follows;it is something arising from daily problems encountered, it is an
explored area of research and it is an issue of the of technological
research. The monitoring system will be used to address various
problems encountered during the monitoring of the water level using
other methods.The solution to this problems are as discussed below.

The dam water level monitoring system is accurate and flexible

therefore it is reliable and time saving during operation and generation
of results. Presence of skilled man power to operate and maintain the
system and hence the system will have long life span.The system will
have satisfying results of monitoring and also it is simple to operate and
control.It’s structure will also be simple therefore the construction and
it’s maintenance will become easier relative to the previous systems
used.This system will be more accurate due to correction of human
errors that occurred in the previously when other system were used.
Human errors occur during operation,maintenance, generation of results
and calculations of the outcome. All the above will be solve by this
This system of monitoring provide more safety precautions therefore,
the operating personal will be more safe than before.The system
ensures that the water level is predictable since sensors will used to
detect change in water level.Hence there will be controlled flooding and
safety and accidence will be reduced.More lives will be saved on the
process since this system will be more safe than any other used in the
The monitoring system will enable us to manage the available resources
and this will lead to maximum utilisation of this resources without any
wastage.So, there will be enough workers turnover which is part of the
resource that is very important in the operation of this system.There will
be enough staff in the organisation to operate the system.All the above
will happen since the require skills will be available among the workers.
The productivity of this system is higher as required and hence financial
returns are high which an advantage over the use of the previous
methods of operation and monitoring.The system ensures that there will
be well use of money available in the organisation since the system will
be relatively cheaper than the other systems used.So generally, there
will high economic output in the organisation that will be using this
system of monitoring.
This system of dam water level monitoring will be using updated
technology that will enhance control of the process of monitoring. Good
work ethics among the operators will enable them to observe lawful
practices and also professional practices.All these will be very important
because the system will be more organized compare to he previous
In conclusion this system of dam water level monitoring will be great
because so much improvements will be made and the system will be
more convenient. The system will eliminate so many disadvantages and
make our work easier.

The main objective of this research is to improve dam water level
monitoring system.
The specific objectives of this research are as follows:
1. To ensure the systems used for monitoring are consistent.
2. To enhance safety and reduce accidence.
3. To make sure the skills required are available.
4. To ensure that there is high economic output.
5. To improve organization in system used.

Improvement of dam water level monitoring system.

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