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What's something I can do right now to increase my productivity?

1. Start early/Stay up late - Either or both work fine. The point here is to work
hours that are outside the norm.
2. Drink more Water - Your brain needs the Oxygen.
3. Limit yourself to the 3 Must-Dos - Everything else is a waste of focus.
4. Remove thoughts from your Head - If something is bothering you, right it
down, set a time to deal with it in your calendar, and then forget about it.
5. Go Big - Be as excited, energetic and driven as you can. Even if you have to
force it.
6. Keep a Schedule - No white spaces. None. Fill out a schedule from start to
finish and follow it to the best of your ability.
7. Reflect - Take the time to see what things need to change and what things are
going great that you could strengthen further.
8. Take a Real Break - Do not distract yourself with other things. Turn your
chair 180°. Sit for a minute. Stare at the opposite side of the room. Then
continue to work.
9. Remember your ‘Why’ - Why are you doing this? Who are you doing this
for? What will this lead to in the end? Do you really have time not to be
10. Forget everything else - Block out everything other than what you are doing.
You are in this moment. Commit to it.
11. You are not stressed for Time Today - Remember that you have enough time.
As long as you keep working it will go great. Do not stress yourself for time
today, but also understand that you cannot truly take time off either.
12. Get Emotional - Listen to motivational videos/music or consume something
13. Do the hardest thing now - Don’t wait until it is too late. Do something you
have dreaded. Get it over with.
14. Smile - Things go by so much quicker if you have fun.

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