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2A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed.

, December 15,1999

Board (Contlnwd from P"". fA)

Sehoul Superintendent Dr. extracurricular activities.

Howard Hendley said he contacted approved a change in the policy


Bihb County school officials who covering fund raising by students to

said the proi.! I there was optional prohibit students in grades pre-K
and most opted not to participate but, through eighth grade from conduct­
rather. go with a dress code. ing door-to-door sales. The action on
After discussion, the hoard voted the policy was delayed last month to
unanimously against submitting the consider whether or not to extend the
uniform survey to parents. state mandated ban through the high
In other action at Monday's meet­ school grades also but administrators
the board felt the extension was not necessary
ing, ....

recognized Jeff Davis High .... discussed the need to look at
School senior foothall players locking the gates to the parking lot
Ricardo Williams, Max Brewer, lit the old high school te improve se­

Sh-un Elton, Shawn McKcver, EJ. curity when the facility is not in use.
Bryant, Brian Watkins, Byron Allen, .... discussed the asphalt obstruc­
li 1I11my Wood, Brandon Fryer and tion in the deep well at the new high

Michael Myles. Not present at the school site. Board member D.L.

meeting but also commended for Jump said he spoke with someone
their work were seniors Marke Farris, who worked on the paving at the new
Summerlin and Darius Kirksey school and learned the asphalt fell
Kyle .

granted a leave of nbsence for into the well because it was uncov­

medical reasons to Primary School ered and pavers apparently did not
see the well during the paving opera­
teacher Shannon Cumpbcll. Board
member Duke Carnphc l l. Mrs. tion. But most of the board members

Campbell's father-in-law, ahstained didn't buy that explanation and

from the vote to avoid a conflict of agreed to pursue efforts to have the
interest. school system reimbursed by the pav­

approved II request I'm em­

ing company for the cost of unplug­
ging the well.
ployee he nc fitx for Cedarwood
School bus monitor Norma ....

positive report from

heard a

( 'ruwlord, Board member Dwayne Creamer on

approved recommendations to the effectiveness of the public library
hire middle school nutrition assistant program in Jeff Davis County.
Sadie PU(lIc. suhstitute custodian Creamer is the school board's repre­
Crawford, and substitute teach­ on the public library board.
ers Sarah Elizubcth Brown, Julie agreed to expand the school

Herndon Cauley, Patsy Crumpton, C. system's Christmas bonus program

R. French, Angela Marie to include all full-time employees.
Ilulett. Erin Presley. Deondru Rentz, approved a request for the use

Nancy Lucille Stufford ami Deborah of the old high school gymnasium
K. Wommack. with the stipulation that the user pro­
approved a request for an ad­ vide proof of liability insurance cov­
ditional custodian to he hired at the erage.
discussed the procedure to be
new high school. Superintendent ....

used to develop the 2000-2001

Hendley pointed out that the new
�chlllli greatly increased the square school year calendar. Board members

flH1tagl' needing to he maintained, John Elton and Pam Davis will serve

necessitating the additional custo­ on the committee that will develop a

dian. proposed school calendar for the

approved an amcndrnent to the board to consider.

no �s/n() participate policy to re­ .... met in closed session to dis­

quire that students he "on track" for cuss the liberation of compensation
graduation in order to participate in of an employee.

County (Continued from fA)

can he used tn alleviate much of the .... listened as Waters recognized

pn ihlcru. Industrial Authority Executive Direc­
In the meantime, the commission tor Sallie Comstock, who was attend­
has been look i ng for 1-2 acre sites in ing her last commission meeting in
each of the five commission districts her present position. Comstock will
tl) he used as centralized points where leave the Authority and take a job
These boxes These boxes are
residents can dispose of trash. with the Bank of Hazlehurst in Janu­

In other action at
the commissioners
.. .. heard from Roberts that Grif­ are good for good for life.
.... said "no" to a written request fin had passed the University of
from the Concerned
for the commissioners to
Taxpayers Or­ Georgia's requirements to become a
Level I Certified Finance Officer.
the hoi idays.
ganization A Wireless Gift For You!
ask for and accept the resignations .... heard from Concerned
Taxpay­ .;..:.

of Hunter and County Clerk Ginger ers Association representative Roy

Griffin. and that the Jeff Davis In­ Roberson who said he was shutting 'x·
Our new Georgia Freedom Plans:
dustrial Development Authority be down the organization and, in the ·X·

done away with if it did not become future, if he comes to the board to .)(. $24.95 a month for 650 minutes
profitable. discuss an issue he would be coming ·x· Expanded local calling area
.... voted
unanimously in favor of person. Roberson also publicly
as one '1.' No roaming
a program that will provide funding apologized to Tax Commissioner No long distance
assistance for first time home buyers Brenda Graham for untrue rumors

and current homeowners who need that had gotten around about prop­
Free Caller 10

erty tax payments by her and her fam­

renovation loans. The program is
based on need. ily. ·z·

reappointed Dr. Dun Elrod to heard an update from Roberts

A Wireless Gift to Share!
.... ....

the physician's spot on the Jeff Davis on the selection of a new County ·z·

County Board of Health. The term Agent replace James Reid who
ends Jan. I, 2005. retired. County Agent Janet Woodard Give our Family Plan:
changed the county
employees' will also be leaving the agency and
Christmas holidays from Thursd-v Roberts said that position would not
just $14.95 a month,
and Friday, Dcc. 23-24 to Friday and be filled until Reid's replacement was
add a family member to your
Monday, Dec. 24 and 27, to coincide selected, to give the new County
with other local government offices Agent opportunity
an offer input to Georgia Freedom Plan .

. and state agencies. on Woodard's replacement.

agreed tl' continue paying .... heard from newly elected
Christmas I .iux« of one day's pay Hazlehurst Mayor Roger Williams
for employees who have worked for who said he would like the commis­
the county one year or longer. Th, sioners to come to the city council
He said he
'19.95 Motorola Profile 300 Phone
who have worked less than a year Will meetings. planned to at­

receive pro-rated amounts. tend commission meetings.

Motorola Profile 300 Phone

Authority- (Continued from p.. fA)

its search for executive direc­

next year. Comstock reported that a new

local courthouse records indicate a tor. Comstock will be leaving the

change of
ownership in land around Authority in January to take a posi­ The powe, to Ilmpllfy
theBaxley Highway complex. tion with the Bank of Hazlehurst.

inquiries from Jay McPherson

The agenda for this Friday's meet­
of McPherson Manufacturing Co. ing is as follows: M till AU.TEL ........... Ivt It W.,...... Dr .... Dr one af "'.. convenient lac.lla..: ...........
..... ......,....
........ "--'III c.wI, ......
.... 113 fasl Jeltelsoo
about moving his company's Alamo 1. Call to order and prayer, Ricky WIsIIMr Poi,*, Cenler The M:r1eI PIu �� Cenw:. 1433 Easl Jackson 51 602 A 161h AVfl 1401 Bow<ns 1.1111 Rd. 5E 503 IndlJslllal !llyn Ace Itardware
1912)384·0731 1912)272·9201 lellfJlli 11v.'Y 1912) 315·9100
2700 DIonon Rd. 101> Talmadge Drive. Sulle 2 1912) 22ii·1999 1912) 216·1900 M·F 9·6. Sal 9·3
operation to Hazlehurst. Comstock Ursrey, Chair. M·F 9·6 Sal 10·2 M·F 9·6. Sal 10·2 iM 9-6. Sal 9·3 M·r 8 30·5 30 Sal 9·3 (912) 553·1888
ttl2) 188-4300 1912)891·2100 , I-f 9-6. Sal 9·3
HouIS M·F 9·6. Sal 10·4
said McPherson would like to estab­ 2. Comments from guests. Haun: M·F !Hi. Sli 10·4
.......... CIctna ...... ,.....
fltllerlN ........ 110 EIOhlll 51
Ace italowale 220 2nd 51 .....
lish the with 20 3. Reading and approval of Nov. lIItII 112[ Cenual AI'Il ilalnbfldge lown Cenlel
operation along -
129 Vorglnla Awnue Soulh 1912) 423·3130 1615 E Shotwell 51 II Slorrey Plara 1912)934,2355 106 Mol", 51 (912) 86H772
M·F 9·6. Sal 9·3
1185 Nor1h 51. AuQuslIne M·F 9·6 Sal 9·3 (912)314·99')1
in the Authority's indus­ 10 and Nov. 23 1912) 892·8161
new jobs -

meetings. (912) 242·5656 1912)388,0912 M·F 9·5 (912)246·9333

M·F 9-6. Sal 10·2 M·F 9·6. Sal 9·3 1.1.1' 9-6. Sal 10·
Haun: M·F !Hi. Sal 10·4 HouIS. M·F 9·6. Sal 10·4
trial park next to his manufacturing 4. Financial report. FreedOm rale plans are nol available tn conjunctoon wllh any olher
credit approval required. Acllvetion fee may apply. ALLTEL's Georgia
o 11811 ALLTEl CorporaliOn. New line of aervice with a 12·month convnltmenl and minutes and 500 oft·peak
5. Items of information: A. NCS FreedOm home (tocal) catting aroa. The $24.95 rate Inctudlis 150 peak
plant. Comstock suggested the Au­ oller. WINIIII minutes and toU·free calling to anywhere in Georgia avaUable for calls Originating in ALLTEL's Georgia
hours are Monday·Friday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ott·peak hou ..
billed In Increments. Ac1ual coverage may vary due to atmospheric conditions. torraln. or customer equipment. Peak
A118IIIIme I. OfII·minuta bUting
thority give the necessary land to the International; B. Golden Isles Trans­ "*"-a.
.. MaI.-y.frlday 8:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and aU day Saturday. Sunday
and Holidays. Holidays inctuded: New Vea(s Day. tndependence Day.
Labor Day. Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Limit of one FamUy PI,n

can be added to Georgia Freedom rales of $34.95 or higher.

Eddie Bauer gtll certiflcale 0"01' roquires purchase ot a new tine of """Ice
company. She added that McPherson portation Complex lawsuit; C. Other. __ .." be addId to 1he $24.95 rale and a limit of two Fllmlly Plan accounts
wilh mail·tn certificate. Phone oIer good while supplies 1a11. Otte.. IIvailabie at perticipating ALLTEL Georgia tocallons. Catter to only
available wilh CaNer 10 �
will a Hulda pnIduct. NokIa ntqUirea proof of purcheae
hopes to expand the operation to 50 6, Old business. ........ 0IhIr � IIJPIY. See atore for delllils.

jobs. 7. New business. certificate

Find out hOW to get a free S30 Eddie Bauer gtft •

.... the Authority's need to begin 8. Adjournment.


Jeff Davis Ladner, Wed., December 15.1999 3A

loan. to city
Georgia Environmental Facilities
Authority Executive Director Paul
Burks announced that a loan agree­

mcnt for $6U2,500 has been executed

with the City of Hazlehurst to finance
the construction of wastewater col­
lection system improvements.
The Environmenlal Facilities Au­

thority was created 10 help commu­

nities prepare for economic growth

und development through the provi­
sion of low interest loans. The City
of Hazlehurst will pay 4.24'� inter­
cSI on the loan.
"This program represents a tan­

gihle commitment on the part of state

government to assist local govern­
nll:nt� aerllSS the slate in their efforts

pro ide those water' and sewer


improvements that arc so important

h' public health and sufety and the
cornrnuniry's desire to prosper ceo­
uomicully." Burks said.
Hurkx expressed appreciation to
Senator Van Sireat and Rcprcscnta­
rive I{(lger Byrd for their support of
the En ironmcntal Facilities Author­

ity program. and noted Governor Roy


I:. Harues commitment to helping

(,e(lrgia \ .itics and counties finance

infrastructure development.

City Council to
meet Thursday
The Hazlehurst City Council will
meet Thursday. Dec, 16 at (, p.m. in
Ihe city h;ill courtroom.
Fullowing is the meeting agenda:
I. Call 10 order.
2. Approval (If regular minutes of
Nov. D.
l. Employee of third quarter.
4. Alco Controls.
S. Consider Jeff Davis Livestock
Association fund raiser.
(). Water and sewer adjustments.

7. Reappointment of Wayne Foun­

lain to Tourism Board.
X.Appointments to economic de­
vcloprncnt (2).
I). Appointments to Airport Au­
thorit (_).
I II. Approval of November hills.

League slates
breakfast Sat.

Community League wiij sponsor

breakfast with Santa Saturday, Dec,
I Hal Ilappyiand Day Care Center on
Mildred Street.
Children will
cat free of charge.

Any wishing tn cat breakfast

with Santa will he charged $3.

Sign-up days arc Dec, II from

noon tu 2 p.m. lind Dec. 15 from 3 to

5 p.m. Prizes will be given to chil­

For information. contact any

Community League member.

its Yule revival
rou 1m.
Dec. 20 thru 22

Bennett Tabernacle Youth Depart­

ment President Minister Hansley,
Deacon Knox, Pastor Bishop Robert
Lee Fryer and members invite the
public to II three night Christmas
RevivalMonday, Dec. 20 thru

Wednesday Dcc. 22 at 7:30 p.m.

Monday the speaker will he Min-

Marble Miles, Tuesday, Elder

Eddie Harmon and Wednesday, Min­
ister Sally Kirkland.

(Continued from P.p 1A)

July. The
which went into effect in

July check, received in

: was $109.841; the August check, re-

ceived in October, was $113,707; and

the September check, received in

November, was $135,477. HAZLEHURST
While sales for the last quarter of VILLAGE PLAZA

the year are, historically, higher than SHOPPING CENTER

• the remainder of the year, the increase MON.·FRI. 9:30-8
Receive a free gift
may not be enough to generate

SAT. 9-8:30
with your Liz Claibome1o
:. enough funds necessary te pay for the
:: work planned for the new middle purchase of $49 or morel

4A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999

Holiday Calendar
WlmNESUAY, UE(;"�MIIER IS 'hristmas Cantata will be held al Melhodist Church.
SlIuth!>i"e Bapti!>t Church's () p.rn, at Elizabeth Baptisl Church. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lZ
Children's Chriktmas Program. "Star A 'hristmas Program will be held Candlelighl Lord's Supper will be
at Denton Baptisl Church. held at 6:30 p.m. at Southside Bap­
I .ight, Star Bright." hegill!> at (dO at (l p.m,
I.Ihethel Church will have a tist Church.
Supper will he held at
'hristrna!> Christmas Program-Angel Tree Party Christmas Candlelight Commun­
at (, ion will be held at 7 p.m. at New Life
71'.111. Baptist Church.
at Dcntun p.rn.
A Christmas Banquet. "Birthday Putch the Pirate Cluh and New Baptist Church.
I'arty fur Jesus." will he held at 7 p.m. I.ife (:hllir will sing special music in f'RIDAY, DECEMBER 24
at New I.ife Church. the (, p.rn, service at New Life Bap­ Christmas Eve Communion Ser­
tist Church. vice will be held at Hazlehurst Firsl
Tommy Purser 1.llst day of !ochlllli hcfurc Christ­ The (,hristmu!> Cantatu will he United Methodist Church.

lur Jeff Davi!> held III (, p.m. at Southside Buptist Christmas Eve Candlelight Ser­
Editor-Publisher rnus holiday!> C'ounry
student". ( 'hurcl .. vice will he held at Hazlehurst First

SATlJRUAY, DECI�MUER 1M The Children's Christmas Musi­ Baptist Church.

Community I.eague wi II spom,'11 cal will he presented ttt 7 p.rn. at FRmAY, UECEMBER 31
h,eakfa!>1 with Sallia Iuun CJ 10 II l lnzlchurs! First United Methodist Watchnight Service will he held
Several month� ago, I had the un­ I called the county commission I called the county office a few at I) p.m. at Denton Buptist Church.
Church, Sanla will visit.

01.111. OIl Huppyland Day ('arc ('ellier.

of office 10 find out what I should do months hack.
plcusum ta!>k clcuning out a �tol'­
Ride I'or'ii,t" nu uurcycl

ride will l-irst Baptisl Church will present Evergreen Freewill Baptist
with the accumulation 01 junk I had I culled again thi!> week to find 11111
age shed at my residence. he held at 1011.111. il .. ('hristlTla� Cantntn at 7 p.m. Church will hold Watch Night ser­
I'm a pack rat. I keep everything, loaded Ol1to my trailer, ill lighl of the if I'd get it different answer und l did: vices at 10:30 p.m.
Lvergleen he 'will Hupt i .. 1 MONDAY, f)ECEMIJER 20
convinced thai vomchow I facl Ihat Ihl: luudfill wa� closed. it wa!> Mlgge.,leu thai I take the trash will he held A New Year\ Eve Service WIll be
someday, Church will have i .... S 'lIillr ('illl '11:' Drive-Thru Nativity
I IlIld I '1I111e1 dll of two to Telfair Cuuuty, where the county
will find ()ccal>lollally. I
a uxc for it. wa!> one
Chrisun« ... I'lIny al (, p.rn. frllll1 (, to � p.m. at Southside Buptist held lit II) p.m. al Elhethel Church.
realize how ridiculouv Ihat Ihoughl thin IIOW sellll!> it!> trash III he "Iandfilled."
Fir,,1 lIapli!>1 ('hurdl will present ( 'hurcl .. SATURUAY, JANUARY I
I think Ihal'!> nhuut (,II-mile
proce,,!> ih and proceed 10 cl '0111 0111 (I) Since l livc ill th city, I could a

it� Chr istnu», (';lIIlalll 7 p.m, at TIJESUAY, UECEMIlER 21 New Years lJay Parade and Bar­
what l'vc accumulated. Acruully, Ihal pile il up on the ... ide nlthc street alld trip. SUNIMY, m« 'EMUJ-:R 19 l irivc-Thru Nativity from (, to K hecue will he held in
doe""'1 happen uccuxiouully. II hap­ lei ('ily employee» take it away. or SII. with thai infllrlllation ill mimi. TUESUAY, JANUARY 4
The ('haIlCl:1 ('hllir III l lnzlehur ... 1 p.lII. ;11 Suuthsidc lIapti!>t Church.
pen" more like once ill a blue fIIllCll .. ( ) I could take the [unk to IlIIe 01 you might a�k wily arc Ihe CIIIIII1Iis­ Firsl United Metlnuli ... 1 ( '1I11r 'h will A ( 'IInstllla" Slipper with Program Jeff Davis County students return

So when blue In. lC III r i"e". I Iliad Ih .

cuunty'v "dump-a ·r .... "ioners surpr ixcd that I' ·ople ale EXl:ebior United to school.
do it" nlll"i ';11. will he held OIl

"I' a lrailer filII 01 al:cllrllulaled jllllk 1\1 lasl Thllr!>uay ni 'ht\ cOllnly dllmping their 11I11I-IHlUl>ehllld gar­

'1Il1nly landfill. AI t'lIl1lrni�silln 111 ·Iing. with Ihal au­ hage al "dump"ll:r" "ile,,'!

alld head for III'

lea,,1 Ihal\ wllal I I JSLD 10 dll. VI
sllli he"h ill my lIliml. you call Beat!> me.

I c;III'1 carry ... lIcll ,,'lIk

fill III1Yl11ole ht:cau ... e the 'Ollllly ha�
do� ·d il" lalldfill.
A cOllple 01 mllnlhl> ago
1"lhe lalld­

rn i ... "i 1111 e r"
my ""rp",,e
cOlllpl a i Il
Ui!>P"!>llIg (If !>lIcll 11l1ll-h'lll"ellldc..l
tlll!>h at Ihe cOllllly\ "dlll11pster�." Yel
III hear the

()h. in
I uid with thai
y. III're WI ,"deri"g what

accullllliatilln III jUllk

I had loaded IInlo Illy lrail '1 a lew

monlhs hack I tllok il 10 the cily\
( lIy
Report From Washington
SAXIlY (·IIAMUJ.lSS alld lacililie". creates II "Iod hox" to set aside the
.,1' Ihl)�e hi lie 111111111 I IcclI ... i. III ... thai wa ... whal I wa ... IlIld 10 do wh 'Il lalldlill. That Iliad 011111 "ix mllre! u.s. (·'"II.:1'1· ... !>1II1111 III addilioll. givell the tremenduus entire surplu!> in the Social Security
illg olle

Ell.:hth Ulsll'it'l III' (;clIl'l.:llI clIl ... our military hOI" !>IIITered ullder Trust FUlld to provide retirement !le­
Ihe ('Iillioll Adlllini!>lration. wc mllst curity for three generation!> of Ameri­
I h ·Ii Am ... hlllllel r 'lIIaill co 111 III ill 'd
rehlliltling our III can!>.

I Believe
'Vl: 'vel ')1(';111

These Things lIave �\lIal .... wll '111'1

illg a daily "III dll" 11 ... 1. (" .. ell ill

II " .
lIIilllary allli illlprllvillg lIur readine,,!>.
Th· IIJIJIJ I-.rnergellcy SlIpplemental
Although the Iiollse overwhelm­
ingly pasl-oed the legislation, Senate
Democrat... have hlocked the proposal
yearly alld lilelilll' ).:11 a I .... II '''' par APPlllrrialillll� Act illdudcd a pay
By Max Lockwood, Guest Columnist Ii '1Ilarly illlporlaill 1111 ('llligl ." ... III r;li,,' III II("I�I relelliioll and recruit­ numeflHI!> times. We will continue to

�'I gila 10., a ... well. AI III ·1" 'illnillg III III '111 ral ." ill ollr arnlcd !>ervice .. hy make the lock hox a
top priority in
The New Year i" lirlle I h 'Iieve ill the p"wel III' Illve. I hi '"11 talellh. 'I'll dc, Ie,,!> ih a wa .. le
a good 10
'111 ," '\.I.K hillillll for military the upcoming year.
helleve Ihrllllgh Ihi ... rower every- III' lalenl and il-o 11111 a 'ceplahh; III iiIII' Ihe year. willi III· '"1111

'11(' '111 pl'lIvidill'

tllke �tol:k lind n;view those Ihillg!> Tax I{elief for Working American�
the I ()htll ( '1I11gl ........ Ih

III;IIl1ril ....
pa r;li,,· ... alld reliremcnt hencf'it�.
( ·reator.
yllll helieve alld ill which YOIl havc 1IIIIIg wa ... 'real ·tt. I dll II lit helil;vl; 'lIda .

Alld Ille hlldgel ('lin 're�� pa�sed last Frllm Illyperspective. and that III'
hllrllllll lile livl; withollt Illve. 'Ii, I helieve Ihere exil>t!> only "n'
tahli"hcd a kgi·.lallve a' '11-

pilll.:ed you r con fidellce. '0111

I 'red arllllnd 111111' III ·a ... Illal 11111 ... 1 III' 11111111 h IIICfI;ahed defenioe �pending my colleague!> in Congres!o, AllIeri­
he­ leave love (1111 wllllid 'dllce IlIlmall­ forlll "I' hllman life: ill our univer .. e.
A" we move through life, OIH r
too much in
'lJlllplll '111 ... pare part!>. and in­
Thai thi� hlllllall Iii i� fOlllld addre,,!> ·d. III 11111'1 III "'e('III' 1(11 can!> arc paying
lief!>change and nlll"t 01 the!>e ily III the level (If ;lIlimab living
hi (\'11 duded a t1.�% pay ill ·rea:.e for our when that money :.hlluld he u:.ed on
I'lallet Earth. I hclieve if fail III Alllerica'" 1111111' I," III·
heller. Then; the jungle .... I'roof III thi" he wil­ we
change:.. lire for the lire call
11001':-'. olher necess:.ry l:xpen!>e!>. Were it not
lulfill the llL:!>liny d,o"ell lor hy Illry.
tillle� when we hold IIntn idea� which lIe�"ed ill Ihe IIl1mall jllllglc" 1'1111 rill w,
for a velll from Ihe Pre�ident,
We hav .

he'n 11'1 'r! ill' III Illal L .

·lIell 'e ill hillcatilln

served Iheir p'llp""e. in (If IIIWII:> alld cilie:-.. 11111 Crealor. will he swept away
have long �ince ""r1lC Ill".
1111; IILS'I ·lIlia. and piece III' legi�latioll
1\ lalld,Il;lrk America would have hegun to !>ee
The of the New Year i" a I lIelieve ill heallly. I helieve if and olher life fllrlll� will he (',ealed agenda a ... ag
heginning Ihll!>e 'llah illdlld' 11111 ... 1 'Iill' lIa wa ......
iglled 1I1I1\(1lil 2iJ. The Lduc,,­ !>ome relief thi!> year.
01 Ihll ... Ihal heallliflli til take ollr place.
go lid time til turn 11I1I�e Ihillg" an.: were

""1nt: ollr
lillnal" 'CIII il hlll('allllll 'X

'11 ·lIce. li'lIl J-'lexihilily I'ilrtncr:-.hip Act (I·.d- The Taxpayer Refund and Relief
I helieve whell a III I
wllrld. few of Wlllllell .

lakell frlll1l Ill> mell

IIl1t-of-dale helie!'!>. IIl1r

livl: wilh (;od. Sirell 'III '11In '1'111 '111 ·111 ...

'uril h 1'1 ·X). Tlli .. hill perrnit� "tate" til Acl would have provided $792 hil­
1\.., I move thrllllgh thi� exerci-.c wOllld walll III conlinlle 10 live in it. die. they ""celld III
S" 'ial S· '11111 ;llId '1 ax I '­
waive I' 'gllialion" rcstricting the Uioe liun in bruad-hal>ed tax relief over 10
Thi" il> IInlcs!> hal> rejected !>aving .

lTlallY fmml> III helluty.

There true line
rnyself in Janullry 211414.1, I hold on to arc MI
lief for Am 'ri I 01 lederal edllcatlon doll .. r!>. which year!> for all hard-working taxpuyer!'...
The!>e varied form!> Illllke il po!> .. ihle �alvalion. I helieve Illi" Iransllllma­ wllrking ·all .... ;11ll
those heliefs which have stVnd tQ� It wlluld have jocluded a I '?'Ii rate re­

plc;l .. ·cJ III "halc wilh "" ... "nle' ,111111 will give powerfuillew t01l1
thern a
place inHnediatdy. Ther

test III' time. fllr each IIf u" III enjlly Ihll�e Ihillg" tilln take"
·hiev';lIlenl ... willi 111(1'" .

10 reform educat ion and spend ellu­ ductiun for all tax hrilcket�. virtually
he heauliful. i� wailing lime for jlldg 'nlelll or
a I 'g;lId III
I helieve in IlIIe (iml. I hclieve Ihut we individllally lilld III nil
eliminated the
pllrli '111;11' ar ·a .... cal illll I ullth on real �tudellts need!o marriage penalty tax.
Beallly ... "flell" Ihe hal"hne!>" "I Ihe for anylhing ebe.
my (illd is a just (iod alld thai I !>hall ralh Ihall Wa�hin 'tlln mandale�. eliminated the e!>tate or "death" tax
I III " ... 1 'nllg Nal illllal Secllril 'r
evil in Ihe world ahllul The!>e arc slime III Ihe thing"
he rewarded for my effort III �erve II!>.
the next 10 years. provided capi­
Whil· il I:, 1111 ... 'cr'l Alii 'I'i 'a I:, I'arellh. teacher�, and local school over
helieve. The"e arc slime of 1111': he­
lIil1l. children he"t. IIl1t tal gain� tax relief. and created incen­
II,,' ""I' 'rp' Iwcr I" III w. ,rid. w 11111 ... 1
. .
hoard!> kllow lIur
all of il� lief!.. from which I CClnlinlle til find
I helieve in Democracy. I recllg­ I helieve in hOllesly in Wa ... hillgl,III hureaucrat". which I� tives and sllvings for future retiree!>.
and There IIlh­ dll cverylhing p":-.,,ihle III "Ir 'lIglhell
nize Ihi!> form of gllvernmenl may fornll>. Fir�l. I IIl1der ... talld Ihal "lie !>trenglh !>cclHily. arc
the flexihil­ Furthermore. it would have pro­
"III lIal illllal d '1 ·1I!>e. 1< i 'Ill III1W. wc why Ihey IllIISt he given
have weaknessel> hut the strengths far mll!>1 he h,,,,e:.1 wilh himl>elf. Theil er".
hi-flex i!o vided tax deductions (slIch a�
What of the Ihing"

clllllplel 'Iy vllillerahl .

I" 1111 ·i 'n ily they need. II proven
the shortcomings. all IIlher hllne!>1 deci!>illll" will follllw arc Mlmc yllll
IIl1tweigh Illi�"ile allack. Th' Nali'"lill Mi ...... 1I1; ... ucce�� Ihat empowers parent!> alld diate full deductibility IIf health care
,,"it. helieve'! Why nlll list thlli,e helief�
I helieve in the worth of the indi­ for small hUl>inesses) to make
J)efell!>e I\cl. whi 'h wa ......
iglled illill I 'achcr�, III ulilize innovative SIIIII­ CIIl>t�
vidual. That every per!>l)n is equal in I helieve in the dignily III work. in which YOIl have placed your Irllst'!
lIaliollal crisi:.. in educatilln. health acce!o!>ihle
law Jllly 2C). lIIake" il Ille plllicy 01 lillll!> III a qllality care more

the sight III' his Creator. Beclluse (If Only Ihrough our own eflort:. call we The experiencc will he a rewarding
The hlluse also several and affordahle. tax incentives III spur
thi the I III;t ·11 Siale', 10 depln a 11Ii,,�iI .

thil> I helieve every human life is a hupe 10 accllrnplil-oh anything "I' real lIIlC. I can promise you simple
defcn"e �y!>lern 10 del 'lId Ihe CIIIIII IIlher education initiative�. including economic growth in financially di!>­
value in life. I helieve each 01 acl can add mcaning allli vallie 10 the
trusted responsihilily fur everyone of ollr u!>
till: tressed communitie�, irll;reased tax
III' your life. try a� "01111 a� IIlIe i" Icclllll .llIglc;1I I y Ille Teacher Empowerment Ad.
111>. mllsl work 10 accc IlIlplish goab suited living deduction!> allowahle for education
fea!>ihlc. Siudeni I<e"ull:' Act, and the Aca­
I·urthermor·. Ihe Mililary CIIII­ demic Achievement for all Act. IRA" or Student Saving� Accllunt:.,
five-year eXlensionof the
Group was proud to serve as Honor Guard here "Irllclioll Applllplialillll� ACI wa" Sirellglhclling Sociul Securily induded

and Development lax

A" vice dlilirman of the Ifllu:..e
"iglled inlll law Aug. 17. Ti,l; hill pro 1-

(·ollllnillee. I Ihat credit, und a 11141% increase in the

Dear Mr. I'urser: lJavi:-.. The II)(IIllImenl i" nOlhing I'vl. (jary lJr�rey vide" )!lIu.lillg 1111 Irllllp 1I1111"illg, 11" ... -

IllIdg '1 am proud

IlIr I he.: fil!>1 tillle in (,0 year!o. we adoptiun tax credit.
pilal alld IlIedicallacilitie:-'.lIew );1111-
We wcre visitors to lIazlehurst �11CIrt I,,. "pc ·Iacular. ami everyone I'vt. Jerry (;unll for tax
havc Ihe raid Social Se­ We will cllntinue til push
thi" Cotton who � 'e" il will he irnpre"M;<i. Thank "vt. David Tillmall ily hllu"ing IIl1i ..... ami lip 'ralillll alld
Iopped Oil
during year's relief. hecause after a lifetime of hard
I'vt. Donald Fulch mainlellallce (II 'xi"lillg family 111111"­ cllrily Ihal lIa:.. heen
prcvalent among
I"estival. Many fine improvements you for inviting II!.. 10 hOllor our proud
Wa"hin hig-spenders.l\ccording
'1'111 work and paying taxes. Americuns
have heell madc to downtown Ilazle­ southern heritage. "vt.
'Ij,mmy Strom ing unit".
should he ahle to keep slime of that
hllrst in the past few years. and the Sincerely. Chaplin David Jones I am plea!>ed we were ahl 1(1 :.

III Ihe Congressional Budget Office,
SCV No. (,74 cure IlInding for greally lIeecJed mili­ ('lllIgre!>� did 1I0t spend penny of
one money for thernselve� and their fami­
people were nicer than ever. We were (II 101 Regiment Wiregras!\ -
Rine!> Camp
Social fllnd� in the past fi!>­ lie!>.
to serve as lIonor Guard at the Sgl. <:Jint Chafin John K. McNeil Camp. Moultrie lary cOllstrllction projecl!> al :, nllll1- Securily
prCllld 'Illere arc many other accomplish·
(ien. Jack Bridwell her of (ieorgia \ illstall;11 ;011". illellld­ cal year.
dedication cerern(1ny for Jefferson (;c'rp. Stan h,blllTI Brig.
III additillll. have creall:d a ment!> Congress achieved this year,
ing I<ohin .. Air 1'lIrce Ha .. e :llIcJ

IlIck-llClx hI make thllse funds and I look forward to sharing thuse

Moody Air Force lIa"e. ill 1111; Klh
Seeks Information on
Writer uses a 'touch of math' to with you in the next few weeks. If
District. (jivell Ihe con:.idel'ahle de­ clllliinue stay off the spending

Snipes ville/Excelsior show 1999 is not end of mand Up(1II our fine mell alld womell lahle. The Social Security and Medi­ you would like more information on
century who serve al Ihese hahe .... Ihey de­ care Sate Dep"sit Aci of I 'Jl)I} was any of these items. contact my office
Editur the Iiouse 25. 'Ille hill tull free at I-H()()-234-420K.
serve 1111 les" Ihall lJllalily clllldilillll� pa!>"ed hy May
compiling a hi�tory of the
Dear Mr. Editor. centuries. The pennies represent the
Snipesvillc Excelsior Sehoul. I would
past IO(J years. 1I0w
Writer says God will be your True Friend
like hear from anyone whu at­
to Many people have lIeen led to can a cenlury
tended the schrKII, former teachers, hclieve that I 99') is the year that em"­ end with (}'J years'! It can·t. If you

bus drivers, lunchroom the 20th century. It is not. The year took this little test you will note Ihal
principals, He has life. I
trustees. I need lists 2000 ends the 20th century. On Dc­ there is penny left over. This one
one What God has done me I Ie can it. I asked Jesw, into my heart and to really changed my
workers, local didn't
cemher 31st, 2()(Ml at exactly mid­ penny represents the end of the 20th du fur YIIU take control of my life and yuu know was guing through !!omething I
of.students, names of teachers, etc.,
lie did. think I would get past. But someone
night the 20th century ends. HIC first century. January 1 through D,:cem­ Hello, my is Sandra Will­ what -

pictures, stories, Xerox copies of di­ told me, take it to the I ,ord, and I said
tick after midnight 200 I the 21 st cen­ her 3 I in the year 2(MK) is covered hy iams and I feel like I need III wrile I would not turn hack for any­
plomas (by year). I would appreci­
the penny that is left over. Therefore this letter. This is for anyone that thing. III Ive Jesw, very much and not yes, I can do that. hut what good will
ate any IIssistance. tury begins.
the year 2000 ends the 20th century. docs He love me hut He loves it duo I let it pa!is by for a little while
Thanks, Usc your imagination. Do this cares to listen. only
and hatred was really building up but
Jack little touch of math in your head. Take January 1st, 200 I the 21 st ct:ntury I want tell you thai (iod 11l1!> re­
to you also. I hope that whoever read!!
Dor!iey I could
a 20 dollar bill and change it into 19 begins. ally changed my life. A� people can this leller will stop and think. If Jesus guess Whllt, I took IIbout all
P.O. Box 201
how this world is loves her then 1·le clIn love me, too. tllke and I decided I would take it to
Mt. Zion, GA 30150 one dollar bills and 100 pennies. The Sincerely, sec going today you
dun't wait until it the Lord in prayer. So I did, along
1-770-832-9340 one dollar bills represent the first 19 Roney Sellers can standing somewhere
be sitting or People please
is ton late. God about with wanting to change my life also.
or just about doing anything. and you really carcs

After that God took hold of my

can hear just abollt anylhing. You yDU. That'swhy people arc talking
hear people talking ahe lut gulling mad ahuut Him. They arc trying to Icl life and now I will not let Him let go

JEFF DAVIS LEDGER with people and peopk talking ahout

somcone got drunk or threats heing

made or so and so is sleeping with so

people know that He is coming soon.
Please cIon't wuste time. We don'l
ever know when that moment might
of it. God is real. Please look
inside your hearts and ask yourself:
am I rcady to go'! If I was to die,

912-375-4225 he. where would I go?

P.O. Box 338, Hazlehurst, GA. 31539· Telephone lind so, y':)U know, I think you get

the message. but I wanl III tell you (jod is IIsing me to write this let­ Friends, God really does love you
Published every Wednesday by Hazlehurst Publishing Co., Inc. at 12 Latimer Street, Hazlehurst, Ga. ter to try to reach out to someone. and He is the one Ihat will be your
Periodicals Postage paid at the Hazlehurst Post Office (USPS 273-560). That very well could he True Friend. Please ask Him to come
yellr ago, I
lillie someone
Blick a over a was

SUBSCRIP"fION RATES: all into your heart today. You won't re­
Ihe way. Maybe
same not doing you.
50 cents per single copy at locations all over Jeff Davis County and in Lumber City in Telfair County; by Pleflse find Jesus. All you have 10 grel il.
these things hut the point is. I was

mall, $16.05 per year In Jeff Davis and bordering counties; $19.26 per year elsewhere in Georgia; and living an everyday life likl: mllst III' do is he sincere and ask Him inlo
$26,75 per year out of state. POSTMASTER: Send POD Form 3579 to Jeff Davis Ledger, P.O. Box yuur life hul you must really mean
I promise,
Ihe nlher people something hap­
338, Hazlehurst, Ga. 31539. it. I promise you Ihat God is real. Sandra Williams
pened in my life thai changed all of

Jeff Davis Ledger. Wed., December 1S, 1999 SA
Augusta were held Dec. II in the Deborah Wise of Collins, Peggy
Card of Thanks
chapel of Wainright",Parlor Funeral Jackson of Brunswick; two sons,
Obituaries Home. James Wise and Derrick Wright of
The family of Charles Shirley Sr.

acknowledges with grateful apprecia­

The Rev. Robert Wigley officiated Hazlehurst; mother, Mary Manor of
tion the flowers, cards, phone calls,
with burial in the Satilla Baptist Dublin; one brother, .larcnce Wi1'te
Church of Danville; three visits, food, gifh, and especially
Cemetery. !.ister:-o, L.oretta
Mr. Newton Coleman Mr. Shuman was II native and life­ Brewton of Claxton, Iluzel Mills of prayers that were in hehalf of our
Services for Newton Coleman, 89, loved one. A special thanks to the
long resident of Jeff Davis County. Duhlin, and Juanita Gilli:-. of
of Hazlehurst who died Dec, 13 in First United Methodist Church, New
He was a retired truck driver and was Brunswick, and eight grandchildren.
the Duhlin VA Hospital, were held I.ife
Baptist Church and Southern
II veteran of the U.S. Army. Honorary pullhcurcrs arc Willie I .

Dec, 15 in the chapel of Miles Fu­ Community Hospice.

Survivors include his wife, Vickie Powell Jr., Windell M. McClain Jr.,
ncral Home. Helen T. Shirley
Shuman of Hazlehurst; two daugh­ Wenda L. Collins Jr., and Christopher
The Rev. Hill Stone and the Rev. Charles M. (Chuck) Shirley Jr.
ters, Denise and Doug Baucom and O.Cullin:-..
Waymon Knight officiated with The Ray Turner family
Whitney Fletcher of Hazlehurst; one [do Miller and Sons Funeral
hurial in the Mt. Zion Cemetery ncar
son, Mark and Amy Shuman uf Jack­ Horne i:. in
Rentz in Laurens County.
charge. In Memoriam Give a Gift Subscription to the
sonville, FL; two
native of 111 Memory uf John Branch
Mr. Coleman was a
Amanda Fletcher and Jcss icu Tribute To
Dcc. 199"
Jeff Davis Ledger!
l.nurcnsCounty but had lived in Jeff Fletcher of Moultrie; two step-sons, 16,
Davis County most of his life. He was Mitchell Pritchett of Alma and Hugh Floyd Dear Dadd ,

Jeff Davis & Surrounding Counties

the xon of the late William Franklin
Bronnie Pritchett of Huz lchurst: "The Man With the Twinkle in Iii!. I forgot to tell you thanks for help­
1 year $16.05
Coleman and India Herrington mother, Viola C. Shumuns of Hazle­ L:ye" ing me fix myoid cur in 1%1>.
Coleman, Mr. Coil-man was a retired l lumu, furnil work, Dear Daddy, 2 years $29.96
hurst; two brothers. Troy Shuman!'. , problem­
farmer. I forgot to tell you thanks for pick­
and Christine, and Donnie Shumans solving college, f()othall, friends and
Survivors include two daughters, and Nannett both uf Baxley: four churching, wife, children uud senti­ ;ng me up at the bus station when I Other counties in Georgia
Mc lbu Mincc y and Nina Mile nel light. Board ul' education, city came horne on leave in I \)()l).
step-grandchildren, two step-grunt 1 year $19.26
Summerlin huth of Hazlehurst; four commission, grilling chickens, skill Dear Dado
grandchildren, one niece and one $36.38

2 years
grandchildren, eight great-grandchil­ old Brigg:-. and I forgot to tell you thanks for under­
!>quealing. all

dren, one great-great grandchild and Stratton that ran torcvcr, A hrilliant stundin '
me when I came horne ill
Active pullbcur cr s were Oral
several nieces and
nephews. man, iI :-.en:-oe of humor, love for hi:. lIn I. Out of State
Shuman, Greg Shuman, Phil Merritt,
Active pullbeururv were Frank
Ronald Cohh, Greg i{o:-.� and ('a:-oey neighhor-p:lj:1Il1a:-o and paper, work Dear Dadd , 1 year ,' $26.75
Coleman, Martin Coleman, Gary with father-in-law, son-in-law too. I for rot to tell thanks fllr help­
2 years $51.36
Kni 'ht, Wa mun Knight, William Hometown hunk, CI ilfcc with friend:" illg me when 111 horne burned do\ In
Honorary pullhcurcrs were all
h.:nnd I uud Craig Parlor. lie er discouru 'ed, nl) idle mind ai­ in Ilnll.
who attended the service,
Call 375-4225 for details
Mus ic wa� rendered hy Muxic rendered Carla
wa :-0 on ta�k -

discipline, fervor love Daddy,

wa:-. by
Batl:�. be und mcuxurc, received from the I flll'got to lell uu, I love you.
Herrington and Mark Carlton.
Mi lcv l-u l Horne in S .rnper Fideli� Barr
Father, pa:-o:-oed everyone he..£..lli

nc r a wa� Oil tu
Wainright-Parlor Funeral Horne
charge. knew. A unique cumbiu.uion -

wa:-. in charge,
fuLl.y lived.

Mrs. Mint Rowland The rnun with a twinkle in hi:-o eye.

Federal Government Program Provides Financing To
Mr. John T. Varnadoe
Services I'm Mrs, Mint Rowland,
Trihut .

to Hugh Floyd Homeowners For A New Heating & Cooling System

Services for Mr. John T. Varnadoe, friend and
1·1'1 '111 a nl:ighhnr
7H, of Ilaziehurst who died Dec. I)
7(), of Old Graham Road in Ilazle­ for your new,
were held Dec. II in till: chapel of

Can you afrord t.o throw "ood money nut .ompnny would now he paying high
hurst who died Dec. II in th e
the window'! r-fficiuncy, heut pump 8Y!:ltCI11.
Mile� luucrul II 0111 e.
Okoconce Medical Center !lu!>pital In Memoriam You IIlil:ht h r- (whr-Llu»: YIlU 'all lIf'till'd it. Ill'
I>r. Pete Sharber officiatl:d with
in Milledgeville after all extended ill­ noli if you 'I'(' hl'lIting 01' eooling VIlliI' 110111" with Get <luallfied.
111 meumry 01' Rolaud llrunnen
huriul in the l.ihcrty Baptist Church
ness, Were held Dec. 11 in the chapel window 111I1t,.; ur n fUl'ullei' Ill' IIiI' ('oudit.iolll'l' Before we even come out, we'll tuke some

in Jell Davis County. SCI)t. I. "HZ Milrch 27,11)1)9 -

Cemetery of Mile» Funeral l lurnc. that.',.; 111111'1' I hun I () YI'III'H old information from you to get you qunlified fur the
YOII'1l he celchr.uing Chri:.tllla!> in
Mr�. I{(lwland WII:-' a native of '1'111' 'I S "'PIIl'1'1I1 (;llVl'I'UIIlI'nt, thl'llllgh !.hl' splJeinl govern mont finDneing. This wuy, will' II we
The Rev. Charle:-. (';,rter uffici­
hl:av 'n
Wheekr County hut had lived 1l10�t Envinlllu)"lItlll 1'l'otf'I'Lillll J\W'III'Y (EPA) lind till' eome to your home, we eUIi givc you 1111 ('xllelquollJ
ated. (II (iml\
The hirthda only )tOil
of hel live in Jefl Davi:-. County. She D"plIl't UI'·II1. llf EIII'l'gy (IJ( )1-:), hllH cl'I·"tl!d II lind I ,t you know whDt your monthly invcstment
Mr. Varnadoe wa:-o a native 'll'Tel­
limn t() enMlre, we'll ()U again Iillnul'iug plwkllg.· 1'01' high "f'fil'i"Il('Y 1!I'ating lIud would be.
wa� the
daughter uf the latl: Eva fair County hut lived ill Jeft Davi:-. cull
When lIur life ,)11 thi.� l:arth i!> Ion..:. ('olll i ug "lfl) i flU)!'U t. So pll'lI!'ie tngle Henting & Air, lin IIpprovpd
Clark. Mr�. Rowland wa� a home­
('ounty for :-.evl:ral year)t. lie wa� thl.: 1\ II"iug 111111'(' ,·I'fi,·i'·llt ,"miN fill' thi!:l J.:ovurnmcnt proJ.:rfHTl, ut
While YOII're ""lgin' with the angeh '·quipll)l'ut. '()IIHUIU'!I'H
:-.on of the late Jerry J. and 1.11):, HIIV,· !llOII('Y flll 111I·il' IItilit.y hillH III1c1n·dll·l: nil' I ·HOO-�42-849:J or 912-4H9-62:IIl loduy for you I'
In <.:elehrationl)lthe I)lrth uf ollr Sav­
Survivor:-. include one daughter, fl'f'(' fl!:llirnolc.
Varnadul:. lie had :-.erved in Ihe U.S. ill r polllltlon, which h,·lpH t,,11' "llvinllll')l'nt (thn!.'s
Nell Stin!>oll of Ilaziehur:-.t; OIH; :-.on, WI.'II hume, luke
Army and had retired with Ilazk­
WI.: '11 try It) hide \lU r �adne�� and tear�
why tfll' 1,:1',\ c1"v,·lop'·c1 this Pl'ogl'lIlll). come out to your !:lome

liT. (liarold) Clark of Hazlehurst; hurst Mill�. 1ll,'nHIII'l'Il1Cllt!:l, lind lut you know how IIllieh you
and relll '111I)1;r !)1I're :,t peace in IIcrc's the (;reut Purt!
one si�ter, Jewell Jones (If Uvalda; Survivur:-o include IIi!> wik, Mr!'o.
clln !-IIlV(!.
( ind .... f'avlII. B('Hl of 1111, our cOl'llmltunls work f!Veningli und
five YIIIII' IHlyllll'IItH Ill) Ollt· of thl'H,' !-IlIp"1' "f'fici,mt
granddlildrell; 12 gn:at-grand­ IIazel Varnadoe llf lIazkllur:-ot; thrcl.:
The decuration u�lIal arc heallti­ SliturdllYs lo uecommodutp those who work durillg
I-o.Vlit'·II'S '·III1Ir1I,(· llli low llli $1:111 wf·,·k lliid till'
children and a special friend, Jimmy

)'on:-o, Oak Varnadoe uf Ilazlehllr�t, thl' dllY, liO cnll now!

fill, all :-.hillin '
light!> und 'Illter )t,)
III'lIlI·. 'yllIl'n· lI(ll pn,Villg til" glili IIlld (·1,· 'Ll'ic
Wall:-.. Varnadoe and Richard
A<.:tive pallhl:arer:-. were Jerry Varnadoc both of I.umher ('it y. Bllt the '.vith
i{(lwland, IIarry Rowland, B(lhby
III)thing tu <':olllpare
Mile:-. Funeral IIOllle wa.., in
Brown, Neubern Rowland, Troy
the heaut lip there in ollr f1Ian�il)n
charge. alld !'otreet:-. of p"re gold.
J(lhnson amI Johnny Stin!.on.
l'hllu:-oing Y,Hlr glft!'o wa!, a plea:-'IHl:
Honorary pallhuurl!r!. were Em­
Mrs. Retha Mae Wise WI.: w(luld ..,hl)p and louk 1m IlIHlr!'>
pl, )Yl:e:-. (If Sunbridge Care and Rl:­
Services fur Mr),. Retha Mae II :.eelll:-- �u el11pt tlli:-o Chri!'.tl1la!'o
hah. Cellter, J.A. YawlI and Jimmy
Wi!.e, 51, of Brun:-.wick who died TII:lt we can (lnly give 'lU flower:-.
Mu:-.i<.: wa!. rendered hy Shirley Dcc. IJ at St. Vincenb lIospital in So while ()ther� have j'IYllU:-' (·hri:-.t-

Jacksonville, Fl. will he held Det:. I () 111:1:-', with pre�ent� wrapped in red
at Edo Miller and SOIl:-- l'lIlIeral and him;
Mih.::-. Funeral IIome was in
Il0llle. We'll have a
lovely, tear !'otained
The Rev. r.c. Tillman will ulli­ Chri!'otn1:l!>,. witilioving lI1el11orie� of
ciate. Y'lli.
Mr. John Randal
Mr:-.. Wisc was a re:-oident of Sadly nll)'�l:d by wife, Jean,
Shuman Hazlehur:-.t for nine year:-. hefore children, Tina, Marty, Ja<.:kie, Rick,
Services for Mr. John Randal moving to Urunswick. She wa� a cer­ Robbie and littk Ri<.:k

Shuman, 54, of Hazlehurst who died

Dl:<.:. H in the V.A. Medical Center in
tified foster paren!.
Survivors indude tWl) daughters,
(irandchildren and (ireal-(irandchil­
drell ishing you a very safe
and happy holiday
Because Danny Callahan Has More Visits to Make ...



DECEMBER 24, 1999
DECEMBER 31, 1999

PA!l-JOR DANNY CALLAHAN keeps a crowded calendar. Trulh 10

lell, tending the: Aock takes the: steady-going mini.�ter all over
southe:ast Georgia. That's a lot of sitting, bending and walking,
and for many years, he: endured nearly const:ml orthopedic pain.

Thanks to the: experienccd orthopedic surgeons, advanced Itch­ BAXLEY FEDERAL
nology, comprehensive rehabilitation program and caring staff" of
the Satilla Orthopedic Cc:nter, Pastor Callahan is still a man on a
mission and on the: move. We're with him every step of the: way.
Tbt StttiIJA OrthoJwtlir Cmter SAVINGS BANK
There's More to Life.
+ Sarilb Reeional
Mediad Umtel'
Waycross, Georgia· (912) 283-3030
219 East Parker Street
22 East Jarman Street •




6A Jeff Davis Ledger. Wed., December 15,1999

JD girls draw another

tough foe in Sugar City
Jeff Davis High School's girls buskctball teum plays overtime.
in the Sugar City Classic Girls Basketball Tournament In 11.)1)7, the Lady Jackets opened with a loss to Class
Dcc. 20·23 in Savannah. AAAA power Beach High School of Savannah.

straight year, the Lady Jackets have

And for the third The winner of Monuay's Jeff Davis-Morrow game
drawn formidahle foe fur their opening round game.
II willplay Tuesday, Dec. 21 at 4 p.m. in the winners bracket

.. This year, Couch lIugh Mel+ride \ girls meet pen:n· at Groves High School against Ihe winner of the Dillard­

niulGeorgia powerhouse Murrow lIigh in the tourna­ Tattnull County game. The loser of the JD·Morrow game
ment'sopening game Monduy, Dec. �II, at 4 p.m. The plays in the losers bracket against the loser of the Dillard­
game will he played al Savannah Iligh Scholl I. 'luunull game Tuesday at 5:30 at Windsor Forest High
Morrow's girl-, advanced to the Georgia High School School.
Association's Class AAA semifinals last year, the Class Tuesday's winners bracket winner plays al 7 p.rn.
AAAA sernifinab, ill II)I)X, and the Ua:-os AAAA finals Wcdnesduy at Savannah High School. The loser plays
in 1997. Wednesuay al 8:30 at Windsor Forest.
Lust year, the l.ady Jackets opened the tournament Tuesday's losers bracket winner plays Wednesday at
against Dillard High Seliool of 1-'1. luudcrdalc, nil one .. .1:)11 at Savannah High School. The loser plays Wednes·

uf Florida's top girls haskethnll rcums. Jell Davis lost in day at .1:.10 at Windsor Forest.
t •



Sugar City Classic Girls Basketball Tournament
Mun" neL 20 Wed, Dec. 22
At Savannah lIi!.:h Schlllli At Windsor "'urest
, .

, � 4:00 Game 2 Jeff J)a i:-o vx. Morrow 4 :o() Game 17 Loser II vs. Loser 12

.1:)0 (lame I '1:llInall ('0. vx, IJiliaru 5:3() Game 18 Loser 9 vs, Loser 10

7:00 Gnrnc 7 Tift vs. Univcrsit Ciry 7:()() Game 19 Loser IS vs. Loser 16
M:30 Game (, SI':U vx. Savannah X:)O Game 2() Loser 12 vs. Loser 14
At Windsor Fores! 1-1i!.:h Sdlllul At Savannah High
4:00 Game 4 Savannah Chri:-otian vx, Johnson 4:00 Game 21 Winner II vs. Winner 12

.'i:)O Gume X
7:00 Game S
SI. Vincent \
lnncy vs,

Hr all
5:�0 Game 22
7:()O Game 2:l
Winner I)
Winner 13

Winner 10
Winner 14
Jeff Davis sweeps games
X:30 Game) Stale:-ohllro vx. Windsor "'orest X:30 Game 24 Winner 15 vs. Winner 16

Tile .• Dec, 2 I Thur., Dec. 23 from Telfair County Trojans

• AI Windsor "'urest Championship Round
" 4:00 Gurnc II I.o�t.:r 5 vx. L!I�er (, At Savannah HIf,Ch
Jeff Duvis Iligh \ ha:-.kelhaillearll:-O 11'1. The Lady Jackets stretched their run 10 • a 3.1·2) lead before the
S:)O Game IJ Loser I vs. Loser 2 ):011 Game 25 Winner 19 vs. Winner 20 'pen
7:011 Game IS Winner S vx. Winner (, (Consolation)
won a
pair Ill' game:-o uvcr Telfair lead to many a:-o IS points at )(1·2 J
Trojan:-o hil a bucket ilt the buzzer to

X:)O Game 10 l.oxcr .'\ vx. I., ».cr 4 4:30 Game 2(') Winner 21 vs. Winner 22 County Friday night in Mckuc. before Telfair made a late run to get make the halftime score 35·2.1.
The lady Jackets improved III �­ within eight points. Cray hil )·(If·4 Derrick Williams xcorcd
At Grovcs (Consolation) eight
I with a )1)·2X win and the Jackel free throws in the closing minutes to points in the 12·(1 run, xix of which
4:00 Game I) Winner I vx, Winner 2 (dlO (lame 27 Loser 23 vs. Loser 24
.1 :30 Game 16 Winner 7 vx. Winner X (Third Place) boys took a (,2·Y2 victlll'Y over the account for the final score. came on ofknsivl' rebounds.

7:00 Game 14 Winner 3 V�. Winner -I 7:30 Game 28 Winner 23 vs. Winner 24 Trojan hlly:-O to lip their record hi _.�. ('ray was the game \ t, 'P scorer In the third quarter, the Jackets
The Lady Jackets It "lk!.!d like they with I:' points, Margo Mincey and used xh.rrp pa:-osing and the
M:.l() Game 12 I .• ,:-ocr 7 vs. Luxcr H (Championship) �cllfing
would win in a nHII .arly in the 'ame Victurin Rllhy had six apiece, Jc:-o�iea Ill' Walkin:-o 111 take control of the
they broke oul Io an II·_ Il;ad fi e Rllh and Shckciu Fredrick had four game. They opened a I ('.pl. lead at
minutes into the contest. 11111 the I.ady each, and Marlo Mincey and IK-:l2 six minutes intI) Ihe quarter.

Half court buzzer-beater hands Trnjuus tonk advantage III' Jell I )avi!o.
foul problems to go llil a I :;·S run III
Johnston cadi scored twn That was h' he Ihe Juckctx' higgesl
lead of the game.
take a 17·1(, lead with I: I_ left in ('ameo Coupc r topped Telfair In the final quarter, the Jackel lead

Jeff Davis girls first loss of year the first half.

The Lad Jackel:-O :-0111\ cd thing�
with I �
added nine.
p"int:-o and Kamika ('ollin:-o fluctuated hetwecn II :lIld 15
hd'ore Telfair made a late nlll
to cut
down to protect their fOIiI-pla 'ut.:d The ho f;lst·paeed the final to 1(1
game wa� II
margin point:-o.
freshman Owan in Ihe clus·
player:-o and Nicl,1e Cray hil a .1·pl. aflair Ihat gill wild midway throllgh Watkin� led all :-ocorer:-o .wilh 23
Dodge County teams swappeuturnover� Ricardo Williams scored seven as he
shot with minllte left in Ihe "'ec(lnd
jllst over a
qllarter. points. lJerric.k,.�illiarm ancl Ricardo
Parker hil half·court shot the fi­

II at ing �econds, Parker wuund up wilh and Kegan Bennett bOlh hit 3·pl.

thc second quarter a� .II) h 11 'k ;1 21· Telfair jumped Ollt to a pair of Williams also hit in dOllhle digils
nal buzzer to lift her ICIII11 to a 4)·40 Ihe haskethall ncar mid·coml. She shols and Ihe hosls oul·scored Dodge
IX lead iotothe drl::-o:-oing flllllll at in· early Ic:ad:, hili a pair of �.pl. shots with 1_ and II point:-o respectively.
.. � .
win over Jeff Davis
lIigh School's drihhled ;Icross the half·courtline and I!J·I M to close Ihe halftime deficit 10
lermissi'lI1. h Kegan Bennett and a third
hy Iknnell had eight, Will Wood four
girls last Tuesday night in Ilaziehursi. lei gil a desperation shot thai found six poinls al 39·33.
In the first half, Jell 1):lvi ... Ril:ardll William:-o kept the

wa:-o Jackets and James Earl ('ray four.
The Lady Jackels fell to 3·1 fur Ihe hasket with a second IeI'I. In Ihe Ihird slanza, Ihe Indians in·
whistled fur J 2 1'0111:-0 ix fill' clllsl:. Late in Ihe quarter, Brian

Ihe while their first Marlll
to .i":-ot ...
Ray Ilarri:-o and Anthony Gibson
suffering Mincey and Jessica Rohy creased Iheir lead by Iwo poinls 10 Telfair. Bllt in the Ihird qll:lrler. the Watkins hegan til exert hilll�elf in·
loss in Ihe JDIIS gymna· led the Jackets' balanced 58·50 behinrl 13
topped Telfair with I:; pl)ints each.
ever new
Lady scor·
points by guard
sium. II attack wilh
I.ady Trujan:-o started It lading up with :-oide and Willial11� got 11 couple Ill'
Douge County's season ing eight poinls each. Yandcl Brown.
fouls and the JIJ defell:-oe pili assists a:-o the Jackets (Ipened a 7·pl. Scme h
opener. Rohy had six, Nicole Cray, Bul in Ihe fourlh quarler, Ihe Yel·
first quarter lead at 11).1
In Ihe stranglehold on the hmte:-o�e:-o. ... Girls game:
hoys game, powerful D. ,dgl' Margo Mincey, Courtney Johnston luw Jackels slaged a comeback.
Jeff Davis hlanked Telfair in the Telfair �cored seven points in a .Ieff IJllvis 14 7 H 10 ·39
County, ranked as a preseas(ln 'Ii 'P ;Ind Shekela Freurick had four apiece, Wood and Williams scored six poinls Ihird quarter X·O, and when Marlo wild, IX :-oewnd Spilll III tic the game Telfllir HI H o 10 ·2H
'lim leam in Class AA, harely escaped and Perry auded two. Cray hit il 3·pl. each but Ihe fell shorl
rally a point as

wilh a 61'1·67 win over the Yellow shill. survived for Ihe win.
Mincey hit a hucket to slart the final 23·23. But the Jackets then sellied
Jacket Coach Warren Roherts' quaner, it completed a 13·(1 rlln Ihat down and, with Derrick Williams lluys f,Cllme:
hoys. Parker led all scorers wilh 20 Wood led all scorers wilh 24
felltu 1·3 with the loss. hegan inlhe second quarter. Mincey's controlling the hoards at hoth ends .1 err na v is 19 16 ]3 14 ·62
boys points including two three·poinlers. poinls. He was joined in double fig· baskel put Jeff Davis up hy I) at )1· of the floIII', Ihe Jackels useu 12·() Telfair
a 14 II 8 19 ·52
The girls game was a close une The Jackel hoys, despite Ihe loss, Williams wilh 16 and Bennell
ures by
from start til finish. The I.ady Indi· played their hest game of the young with 10. Brian Walkins had eighl
· .
ans opened an 11·(, leau at the first st.:ason in
:-otrelching Ihe highly re· points, RiclHird Myles five and Der·


stup hUI, with Victoria I{oh, coming garded Indians 10 the limit. rick Williams four.
� ,
off Ihe hench to score four points in JD\ Will Wood started Ihe game Brown
.. of: lopped Dodge with 21
, Ihe second quarler and Marlo and on fire wilh 10 first quarter points, poinls and Thomas finished with 18

.- � Margo Mincey gelling three each, the including one huckllt from beyond after being held to only IWO points in
.' ..
Lady Jackets fought hack to tic the the arch. But Dodge had loa much Ihe second half. Brandon Mclendon
game al 20·20 at intermission. Niki firepuwer early on as the visilors led was also in double figures wilh 14.
Perry hil II shorl hucket as the first 21·14 Ihe enu of the first quarler.
at Score by quarlers:
half ended 10 tic Ihe contesl. Douge's Jeffery Thomas, known Girls game:
In the third quarter, the I.ady more for his ahility as a foolball run· JefT Davis 6 14 11 9 �
Jackel defense enahled Ihe hostesses ning hack, hit a pair of 3·pl. shols in Dodge 11 9 9 14 43
10 pull out to a )1·29 leau. the first cightminules and added Iwo
Dodge took Ihe lead in the fourth mure in the secunu quarter as he had Boys game:
quarler bUI JD lied Ihe game 40·40 1(, firsl half poinls. JefT Davis 14 19 17 17 -67
wilh lime running oul. After the In the seconuquarlc;r, Jeff Davis' Dodge 21 18 19 10·68

Jeff Davis High School

Basketball Schedule
Jeff Davis-Appling County Girls/Rec. Opp. Boys/Rec.
basketball game changed 48·40/1·0 Pierce Co. 45·50/0-]
46-34/2·0 Coffee Co. 43·62/0·2
55·24/3·0 Bacon Co. 52·48/1·2
4()·43/3·1 Dodge Co. 67·68/1-3
LastSalurday's baskelball game The game will be played Ihis 39-28/4-1 Telfair Co. 62-52/2·3
between Jeff Davis High and Appling Thursday, Dec. 16, at 6 p.m. in Bax­ Date PI.
Cour:rly High, scheduled to be pluyed ley. Tue. Dec. 14 Fitzgerald A
in Hazlehursl, had 10 be changed he· The game scheduled for Tuesday, Thu. Dec. 16 Appling Co. A
cause of Appling Counly's foolball Jan. 18, in Baxley has been changed Dec. 20·23 Girls Tournamenl
team's involvemenl in Ihe slale foot· 10 a home game for Jeff Davis and Savannah
ball playoffs. will be played in Hazlehurst. Dec. 27·30

Boys Tournament
Ft. Walton Beach, Fla.



. Tue. Jan. 4 Fitzgerald H

Jeff Davis Middle School boys

Fri. Jan. 7
Sat. Jan. 8
Brantley Co.
Wheeler Co.

top Pierce County boys, 44-32 Tue. Jan. 11
Fri. Jan. 14
Telfair Co.
, Tue. Jan. ]8 Appling Co. H
The Jeff Davis Middle School Javonnie Bennell led in scoring Fri. Jan. 2] Coffee Co. H

boys won their second straighl game, wilh 15 points followed by Kyle Sat. Jan. 22 Bacon Co. H
44-32, as they easily defeated Pierce Varnadoe with 11 poinls. Blake Tue.Jan.25 Pierce Co. A
Middle School lasl Wednesday al Mullis and Matthew Wise added Fri. Jan. 28 Dodge Co. A
home. eight points each. Keith Hill added a Tue. Feb. 1 Vidalia A
, JDMS jumped to 15·6 first quar­ a bucket to finish the scoring for the Fri. Feb, 4 Wheeler Co. H
ter lead and coasted 10 Ihe win. Baby Jackets. Sat. Feb. 5 Co. A JEFF DAVIS' RICHARD MYLES (DARK JERSEy) FIGHTS FOR A REBOUND AGAINST TELFAIR COUNTY
" Brantley

, ,
Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999 7A

Baxley Federal announces promotions Give A Gift Subscription

The board of directors of Baxley life long resident of Appling County ter, Jessica Bullard. of organization. Their ability,
To The
Federal Savings Bank recently an­ as has been employed in the banking Tutcn said, "Wc arc very fortunate dedication, and loyalty are indeed
nounced the promotion
Quarterman and Randy
of Jo Anne
Kimhrel ef­
industry for the past
joined Baxley Federal
21 years. He
as aLoan Of­
to have Jo Anne and Randy as part assets to Baxley Federal."
Jeff Davis Ledger
fective Dec. 2. ficer in 11)87 and was promoted to

Alvin R. Tuten Jr., President said Assistant Vice-President in 1991. He This Christmas
Jo Anne Ouarterman hils been pro­ is a member of Baxley First Baptist Call 375-4225 To Find Out How
moted to Vice President/Corporate Church. I-fe currently serves as Presi­
Secretary. Jn Anne is u life long resi­ dent of the Baxley-Appling County
dent of Jeff Davis County. She be­ Chamber of Commerce and is a

member and Past President of thc

gan her career with Baxley Federal
as a teller in 1976 and was promoted Baxley Jaycees. In addition to serv­
Dr. Benja 111 in Piperno
to Assistant �ecretary Treasurer in ing on the Chamher Board, he is cur­ would be very happy to offer his services
1982 and to Corpurate Secretary in rently serving as a Dircetor of Tri­
1991. She is a member of Oakland County Fair, lnc., Baxley Tree Fest,
to the community of Hazlehurst.
Baptist Church in Hazlehurst. lnc., the ATf Foundation Board and Board Certified in General Surgery and Colon an.d Rectal
Jo Anne is married to Donald E. is an ex-officio member of the De­
Surgery with an added specialty in. Laptiroscopic Surgery.
Quarterman and they have two chil­ velopment Authurity of Appling
dren, Dawn Jump of Cochran and County and the Baxley-Appling 203 South Wayne Street in Alma
Dana Stanton of Honolulu, Hawaii. County Board of Tourism.
They also have five grandchildren. He is married to the former June 912-632-6649
Randy Kimbrel has heen pro­ Dale Griffin of Baxley and has one


moted to Vice President. Randy is II son, John Thomas, and II
Corbitt Supply/lBP
United Methodist Church Hazlehurst •
Vinyl Siding Seamless Gutters

has own site on the web Metal Residential Roofs

SupeR wall Insulated Siding
Hazlehurst's First United Method­ other wch pol 'e'i.
Replacements Windows
ist Church is on the "Information Su­ The pu rc i� updated ulruost daily
perhighway" with its lise of its weh to include laIC brcuking Ill'WS 1)1' "BUY FACTORY DIRECT & SAVE!"
page and email capabilities. Through deaths and folb entering the hospi­
the Internet, it is taking seriously the tal.
Bible's words to "spread the gospd The \ ch �ile i� intcructi e provid­
to the ends of the earth!" .

ing way III' �I:nding pra -cr requests


The church's weh address is hllp:/ h cmnil and a glle�1 hook which can

/ w w w. For Min i s try. c o III / he signed. Yuu can even check the

3 I 53l)ful11co.They the web po�l­

lise Illc;d \ cathcr foreca�1 III) the pagl:

ing service of the American Bihle and al�(I �eardl the Bible.

Society which provides free web �I:r­ Fir�t United M uhodist Church's Rent from
pa�ltll aiM) "Our Visit"tll
vice every Christian church ill
to II�I:S Daily
North America. keep church mcmhcrx with email up
dall' With prayer n-qucxtx, meet­
The wch site includes hasic infor­ III

mation about First United Methodist Ing rel11l1HI 'r�, and inspiring and hu­ Lawn
Trash Sprayers

tidhit». This email i�

Church and includes meeting times, moruu ... laily •
Step & Ext nslun Ladders •
Scaffoldln f

the prayer 's

list, pasto, weekly rnes­ �I:ntl" ;dUlilt 100 lnruilicx and friends •
Dirt Packers •
Texture Sprayers
01 the church.
sage, church officers, and links II)

Cement Finishers •
We('d Trimmers

Post Holt: Augers

Concrete Saws
Hatch wins award Correction
Plant Hatch nuclear Hatch General Pete
Zoar Baptist In la!o.t week's edition 1)1' the news­
Your Authurized Dealer Ior
power Manager
generating plant near

received the Institute of Nuclear

Baxley has Wells
(left) by
INPO President Jim
choir presents paper, the name c.c. Fletcher was
omitted frOI11 the list lIf people who
attended the fur
CuhCarl-C,){t & O'�_LT(O'
{',rh' II." Iff-" 1.1,,111 Sm /"1« n' lUI J"

Power Operations (INPO) Award conference held in Atlanta in

Yule musical Michael
graduation ceremony
Two mechanns on duty

Open 6 days it week
of EKcelience for the third time. November. C'onoway.
The award was presented to Plant 375-4549 Sharon
The Zoar Baptist Church adult Douglas Hwy.
• •
choir wi II present "Scusou's Greet­
Hazlehurst Police ings" Christmas musical, Sunday,
Dec, 19, at 7 p.rn. Under the direc­
tinn of Rob Comstock, the cantata
offer Christmas tips was created hy Greg and GailSkip­
Nutrition Facts
per and arranged by Greg Skipper
With the Christmas Season here, from view. Keep your car locked. and Russell Maudlin. Serving Size: 1 Month
Keep handhags and wallets se­ The story in "Greetings" points
many people arc busy shopping and S.
Servings Per Dish: 220 Channels
attending to important mailers. We cured. Watch for purse snatchers. out that we sometimes get so caught
sometimes forget to take necessary (J. Watch for strangers approach­ up in decorating and celebrating that
steps to protect ourselves from he­ ing you and causing distractions we forget the real meaning of Christ­
Calories from Fat 0
coming a victim of crime. while someone else may try to steal mas-that Jesus came to earth to save

The Hazlehurst Police suggests a your purchases. us from our sins. The decision of one
few remember: 7. If possible, with friend send Christmas card to % Daily Vatu.·
safety tips to shop a couple to a _______________ .

I. Do not keep large of cash member. the neighbors starts a chain of ToUtI Value
sums or
family new
in your possession. H. Whenapproaching your car af­ events that leads to a family coming Quality Programming 220g
2. When shopping, do not flash ter shopping. have your keys avail­ to know Jesus.
able to unlock your car. Cast in the five dramatic Big Hit Movies 68g
your cash. scenes

Keith and Joan Adrenaline Rushing Sports 124g

3. Keep credit cards in your view I). Be alert to your surroundings. are: Herrington, Sh­
at all times. Keep your credit card JO. annon Rowell, Reggie Wooten, NFL Action
Report suspicious activity to
receipts. Police. Heather Bitting and Payton Lightsey.
Regional Sports 23g
4. Lock trunk (If Call911 for emergency or call the Pastor Raymond Chauncey and
packages in thc Out-of-Market Sports 98g
your vehicle or keep them covered I lazlehurst Police at 37S-li6RR. members invite everyone.
Pay Per View 55g
Kids Programming 16g

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WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD IN SOUTHEAST GEORGIA! Choice me regislored 1rademark� 01 OIRECTV. Inc. a unit 01 Hughes Electronics Corporation.

BA Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999

Church of God
I Bridgeford

Along with these sponsors,

we encourage you to attend
the church of your choice

Ryles Maximum Auto

Care & Tire Center Hazlehurst
Pray Without Ceasing Hours: Mon.·Fri. 5:30 B.m.-6:30 p.m., Sat. 7 a.m.·5 p.m.

to pray at all times. and to be thankful in all circumstances. Adhering

to this 375·5619· E. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst Downtown· 375·4228 Branch· 375·2310
The Bible tells us to be joyful always,

Christ and at all times is key.

on a continuous basis may difficult,
seem however, all things are possible with prayer
with God, and prayer is like having a faithful friend at our side twenty-four hours a day.
Prayer is communicating
sub-conscious minds recognize this, we therefore are In constant communication with our
Since our conscious and
that God is with us, will help us to live a better life and doing God's will
loving heavenly Father. Recognizing always
Therefore, talking, thanking and praising
can be prayer in and of itself. The Bible
a tells us today about everything.

God for all of the little details of our busy day is to pray unceasingly
Once we accept how much God loves us and Googesl,
realize that He will never leave us, then we should always try to be joyful
and thankful. PSE Bows· Browning Guns' Propane Barbara Swain
Kerosene· Fishing Supplies· Clothes Authorized Agent
We Take Service To The Extreme!
Church Directory- 912·375·5546 •
Cellular: 222·8145 •
912·375·5162 after 6 p.m.
Baptist Church, Roper Comm
First Baptist Church, 204 N. Tallahassee SI. ,

Liberty BaptistChurch, Uvalda Hwy

Lumber City Baptist Church, Hwy. 341 ,

363·4961 Merle Norman Cosmetics
Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 123 Girtman SI. ,

"The for the beautiful face"

Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Old Graham Road
375·7949 Western Alita Tlres B Bottenes

Lawn Mowers Colognes by Sybil

Northgate Baptist Church, Pecan Street , ,

375-4056 Garden Supplies' Home Appliances' •••
Tuxedo Rentals � ••
Oakview Baptist Church, Altamaha Road Bicycles' Spotunq Suppttes
Southside Baptist Church, S. Cromartie SI. 375·3315
Owner 375·5209

109 S. Tallahassee St. 912·375-3401 Mary Stone,
New Life Baptist Church, Baxley Hwy
Denton Baptist Church , ,

Oakland Baptist Church, Roger Still Rd 375·3008

Grace Baptist Church, N. Williams St

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 375-7193


- -

Tallahassee Church 375-0002

Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship, 60 Collins St , ,
Insurance Agency •
Eureka Baptist Church 379-0220
New Beulah Primitive Baptist, Odum St , ,

All Lines of Insurance --

Open Da�y' Sandwiches of a/l kinds 375.5941

Including Sun
367-1300 375·3265 Dine·in take out Hwy. 341 N.
Altamaha Baptist Church ,
Odorn St. 930am"'pm or

Hazlehurst Primitive Cromartie St 375-2676



Satilla Free Will Baptist Church, Sat Ilia Comm
An Auto Value Parts Store R&D Auto/Truck
First United Methodist Church of Hazlehurst, S. Tallahassee Street
-AutoSure- Qua(itJJ Used Parts A t A Reasonable Pricc

Philadelphia Methodist Church Owners: Don & Rhonda Walsh

Auto Parts For Less


Excelsior United Methodist Church 565 www.rd.iuto.cnrn •

Baxley Hwy.

, .

363-4646 601 S. Tallahassee St. •

Lumber City Methodist Church. Church St
Graham United Methodist Church 367-7716

Antiocn CME Church, Martin Luther King Jr. Dr ,


Bible Baptist Church. Bell SI. 375-5253 AMAZING GRACE McLendon-Reynolds
Representing Grange State Auto Auto Owners
Now meeting at
- -

Good Shepherd Catholic Chapel, Baxley Hwy
Preferred Risk· AFLAC -

Selective -

CHURCH OF GOD 60 Collins St. 125 Railroad St.

Bell St. Church of God, Broxton Rd 375-7545

Pastor's Res. 375-4037

Bridgeford Church of God, Bridgeford Ch. Rd : , ,

Church of God, S. Cromartie ,


Church of God, 341 363-7753

Lumber City Hwy. ,

Pastor's Res
Macedonia Church of God
Sue's House of Flowers Elton's Decor Shoppe
Nat ionioidc Service
Full Gospel Church of God, Renwick 363-4502 Wallpaper· Pictures· Bedspreads
379-0799 WeddillS Rentals •
FilII Service Florist Window Treatments· Gifts
My God is Real (bi-lingual), 7 Latimer St ,
Mattresses •

101 Rose Ave.· 375-4736 210 Latimer St. •

Elbethel Church, Broxton 375-5683

Jehovah's Witnesses, Burket1s Rd. 375-5945

Church of Jesus Christ of Lat1er Day Saints,

Plum St. ,
Hill Dumplings
Especially For You With Love
� [UJ � � � � Screen Printing

EPISCOPAL 224 W. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst
\'� Lewis R. Hunter· 1-800-845-4292 10510 8ridgepoI1 Way sw

SI. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal Church. Hwy. 341 Baxley 367·2170 375·4868 �� Formerly of Hazlehurst TACOMA, WA 98499

Haz. Pentecostal Church, Bell Telephone Rd 375-7027

Landmark Apostolic Tabernacle, 421 N. Tallahassee 367·4990

House of Prayer Deliverance Center, 123 Latimer 51. 359-3287


Cornerstone Davis Farm & �
First Alliance Church, Old Graham Road 375·3580
Chris1fian Bookstore Garden Center, Inc.

Tapes -

Bibles· Engraving 412 Alma Hwy. •

Hazlehurst Church ofChrist, Douglas Hwy : 375·3648 306 S. Tallahassee St. •
House of Prayer by Faith. Jacksonville Hwy., Lumber City 363·9254

Deliverance Outreach Ministry, Hwy. 3415 375·0908
Disciples of Christ
Pastor's Res 868·2769

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999 9A


Workshop leads to 10
getting Georgia
Master Timber Harvester designation
'((IIlY Aldridge, Kenny Bourgoin, management, computerized account­ Pulpwood Assuciat io n. anti the
(ireg C. Brantley, Zachary Johnson, ing and hook keeping, OSIIA logging American Forest and Paper Axsucia­
Bryan Mcl.oon, Harold lcc Ragland, rcgulnt ions, worker's compensation, tion.
II. Wayne Ragltll1d, Kevin P. Thomas, safety management and transporta­ The Master Timber llar­
Mike Vining, and David K. Walker tion issues. vcsrcr" program at 1J0ugla� was one

Ill' l luzlchurs! completed a three-day The

workshop was pr csunud of several held across the state to
wllrhhop Nov. 17 to receive the des­ through the Gcorgia Timber Harvest­ encourage impruverncut in forest
ignatinn "Ciellrgia Master Timber ing Training and Education Group, sustainahilit ami saf'ct I.ogger!'>,

Harvester." Georgia Forestry Association, South­ timher dealers, and foresters who at­
They received
updated inforrna­ eastern Wood Producers Association. tend the seminar!'> demonstrate their
tinn 1111 forest
ecology, wildlife and theGeorgia Cooperative Extension concern I'm the future of the fore!'>t
endangered species, water quality Service, the University of Georgia products industry and the
and wetlands. hest management prac­ School of Forest Resources, Georgia of Iii rest lamb in Cicur­
tices, harvest planning, business Forestry Commission. American gla.

Jeff Davis Sheriff's Department Monthly Report

Jeff DavisCounty Sheriff's depu­ Loud Music Complaint 4 J)UI of Alcohol J
tics responded to the following calls:
Accidents 2M
Mise, Complaints IXI) Driving w/Susprndi«! License 7
Family Appreciation Day
Missing Person (I located) 2 Speeding I)
Assisted St rundcd Motorist (I() Prowler Compluint 2 Amercord Inc.
Ilunting From l'uhlic Road 2 employees' family members gathered Day and Open House held Saturday at the Lumber
Activated Burglar Alarm 14 911 Hang-ups 17 with
Hunting From MIlhlr Vchic! :2 employees Saturday to tour the plant and enjoy City Plant. Above group listens to an explanation
Assisted l lazlchurst Police (I Shots Fired 2 refreshments at the Amercord Family Appreciation
Hunting Deer at Night 2 of the production process at the plant.
Assist�d Jell Davis EMS 4 Suspicious Person _
Disorderly Conduct 2
Assisted lire Department 3 Suspicious Vehicle II) Good Behavior Warrant I
Assisrod Lumber City Police
Attempted Burglary Complaints
Speeding Vehicle
Stole II Vehicle (Recovered)
Weapon I
Byrd announces support for WWI memorial
Burglary Complaints 4 Vehicle Fire Cumplaint I Theft hy Taking I State Rcprcscntnrivc Roger Byrd appropriate that state make just it will
illlp(1rtantly. inspire Iu­
a '011- a�
Criminal Damage to Property 2 Theft hy Taking Complaints 12 Theft hy Conversion I announced his support for proposed tr ibution to thi!'> !'>ignificant recogni­ turc gene rat i01l!'> of Americans. deep­
Domestic Dispute 25 Traffic Warnings Issued 62 Superior Court Bench Wnrrant I legislatiollto honor America's role ill tion of our nation'� sacrifice and ening their appreciation of what the
Deliver Emergency Message 6 Welfare Check on Sr. Citizen -' Failure to Pay for Product!'> I

winllillg World War II with a contri­ achievement. World War II gcncruiion accorn­
Direct Traffic Complaint I The following arrests were made: Contri, to Del inqucncy of MinCH I
burion from the state of Georgia to­ Throughout the past Yl·ar. a .arn­
pli�h din sccllring the freedom and
Dog Complaints :1 Bad Checks 22 Possession of Marijuana (MISD.) 2 wards national memorial in Wash­
puign has been raising funds lor the democracy we so dee'pI.Y cherish."
Drug Overdose Complaint I Theft hy Deception H Habitual Violator I
ington, D.C. rncmoriul. It would Ill: the first nu­ The legislation will he introduced
Funeral Escorts 3 Simple Battery 2 Poss. Alcohol Person Under 21 3 "This memorial will he tional memorial dedicated all who in the
a monu­ t(l January 2000 scsxion of the
right or Disorder Complaints (1M Puss. of Firearm hy Felon I Open Container I.;IW I mcnt to the spirit, sucrifice, and com­ served in the armed forces and Mer­ Cie(lrgia legislature. lndividunls \ ho
Gas Drive-off I Cross Guardlinc w!lliegal Sub 2 Driving without license 6 mitrncnt of the American chant Marines (If the United Statl's
people to wish to donate to the mcmorinl may
Hurrussing Telephone C .. II 2 Poss. Control Suh. w/lntent 4 Operating Vehicle w/o Insurance J the defense of the nation World War II. '1'1) date.
during more call I-HIIO-(I:1\)-4WW2 or write to
Intoxicated Driver 4 Probation Violation 4 Scathe It Violation 4 and to the broader of peace and than $7() million has from WWII
cause come con­ Memorial, American Rattle
Juvenile Complaint 4 Public Drunkenness 2 Too Fast for cuudition» I freedom from tyranny throughout the trihutions 21 statl'S.
, .. ,

hy Monuments Cummission, Arlington

Expired Tag I world," Byrd said. "Georgia made "This memorial will acknowledge (.( iurth. iuxc Plaza 2, DOU Clarcruh 111
Hunt Deer w/o Orange Clothing 2
great contributions to our victory in the commitment ami achicvcmcnt uf Blvd .. Suite 501, Arlington, VA
Hunt on Land w/o permission I World War II, and Ithink it is entirely the entire nation," said. "But 22_111.

Altamaha Tech's alec campus

��.. � is proud
the EMT program.
to announce the addition of

Scholarship presented
The Bullard Creek It takes special person to pursue a
Chapter of the Douglas. Shown presenting the
National Wild Turkey Federation check are Bullard Creek Chapter career in
pre-hospital emergency
presented Erin Copeland a $500 representatives Lamar Googe medical service. Both the training
scholarship check. Erin will attend and David Googe. program and the prefession are
South Georgia College in

� ¥
,.. ,
physically, mentally and emotionally

''',., r-;1 challenging! Yet knowing that you


.�.� possess the skills to alleviate suffering
:�, and save lives, and knowing that you
can make a positive difference in the

life of a patient, makes being an

Emergency Medical Technician one
of today's most rewarding

Employment Opportunity
EMT may be employed by

ambulance services, rescue, fire

departments, search and rescue, ski
patrol or aeromedical services, in
specialty areas of hospitals and by
private industry, educational
institutions and government agencies.

WIll ChMy.... 1717
First deer

......... 31146
Luke Owens, 11 year old son of killed his first deer, a 6-point deer,
Mercer and Kathy Owens of in Hancock County, Georgia,
Marietta formerly Qf Hazlehurst,

10A Jeff Davis ledger, Wed., December 15,1999

Anniversaries Celebrates
December 16 December 20 her second
Mr. and Mrs. George Lawton Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. John Swinson
December 17 Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. McElveen Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Joe Davis
SaMone Sweeney celebrated her
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Girtman Mr. and Mrs. Creig Smith
December 21
2ndbirthday on Dec. 12. She had a
December 18
Winnie the Pooh party with family
Mr. and Mrs. Yawn Mr. and Mrs. Aldine Huford
Royce and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Rentz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bcndcrnirc
Mr. lind Mrs. James Davis
SuMnne is the daughter of Sherree
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Don Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Hull and Brandon Sweeney. Her rna­
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Register Owings
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Anderson
tcrnal grandparents are Linda Faye
Mr. and Mrs. Art Reagin
Hall of Hazlehurst and the late
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams
December 22
Samuel Cooper. Her paternal grand­
December 19
mother is Bridgette Sweeney of
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Wood Bloomington, IN and her grandfather
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Beecher
is Wyndell Ellis of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. James Crump Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Williams SaMone Sweeney
Dr. lind Mrs. Farris Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Dill Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie White

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stinson Habitat for Humanity
Registry Mr. and Mrs. GI nn Aycock
Ms. Vickie Cook and Dr. Kyle Smith
Brooke Botoen 'Bridal 1\f-gistry
home will be built here
Chris Reagin
December 4
Brooke Bowen
Ms, Cook to wed Cellular One will partner with
Habitat for Humanity to build a new
Cellular One retailer located at 112
South Tallahassee SI.
horne with II family through its
local "Our goal is to raise $20,000 for
Chris Reagill
Kirkland "Horne for the Holidays" program. Humanity toward the cost
Habitat for
Niles Dixon
December 4
Dr, Smith Dec, 28 The
partnership is part of a $500,000
hy Cellular One to build 16
of the home, and this partnership al­
lows us to do just that:' said Greg
December 16 Kirkland
Christy Flood of Smith.
homes throughout the Southeast. Hendley, general manager of Cellu­
Mr. and M rs. Joseph
Niles Dixon Through Dec, 31, Cellular One lar One. "We are in the business of
Cobbtown and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph He attended I aFayette High
Sarah Beth Brow" December 16 will donate $20 to Habitat for Hu­ bringing people together, so we're
Teller of Eatonton arc proud to an­ School, University of Ga. School of
Tommy Grice manity for every new holiday pack­ delighted to be involved with
nounce the engagement and forth­ Pharmacy with a BS in 11)72, Medi­ Habitat's effort 10 bring families to­
December 18 Samh Beth Broten age sold at its Hazlehurst store. Each
corning marriage (If their daughter, calCollege of Cia as an MD in 11J7.'i.
Grice $20 holiday package. created by Cel­ gether in new, affordable homes this
Tommy Vickie Cook. to Dr. G. Kyle Smith He is a member of the Phi Kappa Phi
December 18 lular One for new customers, in­ holiday season."
Andrea (If Ilaziehurst. and Rho Chi Honor Societies (Univ.
JOllll5011 eludes a free phone and activation, For more information, consumers
The bride-elect is the maternal of Georgia). He has two sons attend­
[ustin Luke six months of unlimited night and can call 912-379-0504.
Andrea IO/IIIS011 granddaughter of the laic Mr. and ing college at South Georgia in Dou­ The of the home
December 2B weekend calls, 1110 peak minutes and building began
Ills till Luke Mrs .. .rnmitt Wilkes of Cobbtown. glas, Kevin, age 21 and Keith, age earlier this month and is scheduled
a free month of access. The package
December 28 l ler paternal grandparents are Mrs. 20.
can also he upgraded for an addi­ to conclude in mid-February of next
Constance Hughes 1:1 izaheth Teller of Orlando and the
tional $111 to include unlimited air­ year. Many Cellular One
Tre"t Woodcock Constance
late Mr. Joseph Teller Sr. of Orlando. Presently serving as Chief
he is
HlIg/Ie'S Hospital. He has
of Staff at Jeff Davis
time for xix months. Consumers can will work with Habitat for Human­
15 She graduated from Swainsboro
January Trent Woodcock
Tech in I ()H4 as an LPN. She has two been employed in a private practice help Cellular One raise money for the ity and other local volunteers 10 com­
January 15
Wcssl ,age 14, and in Obstetrics and Gynecology here in
Hahitat home by visiting their local plete the home.
Slln�, luis, age
II. Presently she is employed with Hazlehurst for the last 4 112 years.

Golden Diamond Dr. G. Kyle Smith as a nurse and sec­ The wedding will take place Dcc.
28 at 7 p.m. at First United Mcthod­ Birth
The groom-elect is the son of the ist Church in Hazlehurst. All friends

Gifts ya[[ery
late Vernon L. Smith and Jewell B. and relatives arc invited.

S. Williams St .• 375-4341 S. Tallahn: Sf. •


Elementary students

Friday Night Prime Choice Buffet complete Math-A- Thon


The Outback SI. Jude Children's Research Hos­ Jude. Since its founding in 1%2 hy
pital announced completion of Math­ the late entertainer, Danny Thomas,
A· Thon at Jeff Davis Elementary the survival rate for must forms of
School whose 7J student participants pediatric cancer have risen dramati­
Prime Choice Buffet: raised $2,626.81. cally. Today, more than 70% of chil­
Grllled New York Steak Matb-AvThon, in its 21st dren with cancer will survive. St.
Strip now

Grllled Center Cut Pork Chops based fund­ Jude credits these successes to the
year, is an educationally
Fried Shrimp· Grllled Chicken Breasts support of around the world,
raising program in which students people Kristen Yawn
Frted Catftsh >
Baked Potatoes obtain sponsors for the number of students at Jeff Davis El­
math problems completed in special ementary School.'
work hooks provided for students in "We arc proud of our stu­
very Brilee Deanna Toler
I grades K-IJ. The program is spon­ dents for working so hard on the Receives
10% discount off the price for Senior Itlzcns sored nationally by Six Flags Theme Math-Av'I'hon,' said Mary McNeal, Jamie and Carrie Toler of Hazle­
Parks, who provide free passes to volunteer coordinator. "With their hurst arc proud to announce the birth her pin
Outback Range & their parks for every student raising help, St. Jude Hospital will be able of their daughter, Brilee Deanna,
$)5 or more. to create new treatments that may one
born June 15 at Medical Memorial
Recreational Center for many forms of
Students learn to do more than just day lead to a cure Center. Brilee weighed 2 Ibs. 30zs. Kristen Yawn of Hazlehurst re­
(912) 375·0765 that will benefit the children received her after
Located 011 Ktrkland 051111 Roau. (1/)1)111 fj
math problems; they also learn the cancer and was 14 in. long. She caine home cently pin com­

miles pas! the Fatrqrounas III Nazll!lllIrsl. importance of helping children less of state, our country, and around
our from the hospital on Aug. 31 weigh­ pleting the medical laboratory
fortunate than themselves. Through the world. I also want to extend our technician at
ing 3 Ihs. 11 ozs. Brilee is a happy, program
Math-A-Thon, they help provide a thanks to the Hazlehurst community Okefenokee Technical Institute in
healthy child.
future for St. Jude Children's Re­ for supporting our students. It takes Maternal grandparents are Randy Waycross. She was also the win­
search Hospital. Children with more all of us to make a difference in the and Sara Thompson of Hazlehurst. ner of the award for the Most Out­
then 200 forms of cancer and other lives of children with cancer, and we
Paternal grandparents are Jimmy and standing Student at Coffee Re­
catastrophic diseases find hope at St. can all feel proud of our response." Emily Toler of Hazlehurst. gional Medical Center. Kristen is
married to Jamie Yawn and is the
daughter of Danny and Brenda

20% to Bridal !R.f,gistrg
Racks Sarah Beth Brown
� 50% off
, ....... , .. hUll II�Mllllftil ·,.,.'111· ..... 11111'1,',1 'UUtll'. Tommy Grice
December 18

Andrea Johnson
[ustin Luke
December 28 Vickie Cook

Wear 40% off Dr. Kyle Smith

December 28

Constance Hughes
Trent Woodcock

Hazlehurst Tapestry Throws January 15

In Color
Golden Gifts - q ifts (j alore
S. Tallahassee St. •
S. Williams St. •

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15, 1999 llA

Mickey and Sonia Barrett 01

Hazlehurst are proud of their
daughter, Brinany Jen Barrett. tor
winning Tiny Miss Chrislmas on
November 27. She has two
brothers. Tim and Nicholas Barrett.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Orson Hall, the late Mr. and Mrs.
H.L. Barren and greal grandparents
are Mr. and Mrs. Alton Foreman.
Brittany plans to keep cornpennq
and hopefully one day be in Miss
Teen and Miss USA. bul tor now
she's getting some runway
experience close to home. Bllttany
also wants to send a special thanks
o ress- A 00111 Stu ff A -Stoc king - -

to her Aunt Tiffany Johnston for all

help and support.
Baxley Federal Savings Bank were then judged and auctioned here with some of the stockings Congratulations 10 our little princess.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Williams from Jeff and keep up the beauliful work.
recently conducted their annual off. Proceeds went 10 the Senior are some preschoolers
Love. Mommy and Daddy
Dress-A-Doll / Stuff-A-Stocking Citizens Cent er. Dolls not sold, Davis County Head Start.

program during the holidays. The along with boys' stockings stuffed
Mr. and Mrs. Williams bank supplied the bare dolls, and
customers fix them up. The dolls
by customers, were donated to
the Toys for Tots program. Posing Last Minute Christmas Shoppers
celebrate their 50th
� r-J,:,
Pedicure & Manicure

Happy Birthday Gift Certificate -

Marvin and Jean Williams will
cclchrute their )Olh

sary Dcc. 22.

wedding anniver­

Their children, Joyce Canfield,

reception hunoring
Dec. I H.

The special event

them Saturday,

wi II he from 2-
'1'01 Wealherl
December 16
J.W. Clark. Mrs.
Culhoun, Trixh Brp\
Dun Wi lk c«, 1 1:. Mui
II, Sieve


N. Williams St. •
L\. �.

.. .


Blan Williams, Gail Land and l lildu 4 p.m. in the Firsl Baplisl Church lcl­ Ask for Edna Conner or Debbie Wommack
Bruce Ilcarn. hh unl Brown. Nathan I (ilcg Smuh.
·wi:-.. (iail l k» ard, _


l.nnford, invite everyone 10 shnrc in lowship hall.

tll:1 Ban and Season's Greetings in Christ
Swinson. Jimmy Melcod, iJenila Calldy 1.1l\\Lr�. '-.
Mrs. '1' 1. Williams Jr., Kclli .l inunv RL·Yllllld�.
Ryles, ..

Ellis, Michelk WI)(ld, Phaedra J)cccmhcr 211

(i;lrri�IIII ('havi!'> III,

Weldon, Sheral Crump, Dcwuynv T;III1;n;, Wan en.

Davis, Palia Dixon, Dt:\vh:llie Vann, .I11'L'plt",,; WlH,d. (I/ic I lull, h'1I e:-. I
Antuniu Jackson, l.ccunnc Austin, l{ailll'Y, (iIIlVL'i" Ldgc. RlIh

Shawn Stone.
Duck. Brooke Se:lr)l and Illlilallllllil.
l Ju uca n .. l
cr orn
l lcxtc rs

ca l ,
December 17 SIt'lIe 1(1. Cl' \\'llllLl. ilia Thomas.

l lall, l.cvoru 111l1i11n. DOIIll;1 MalY 1'11". ('all Wil'"I1, louise

Mi l Slnc il l i Shelly
Dykes. Mike Thuruas, Chip Bowen, cx. a mv ..

John Swinson, A I Hobert!'> III. \) l k ci 1.;1111;1 l+l.rc k vt o nc I.ola

Ryall a , ,

Johnson. Johnny F:I"lk .

.l1l!'>cph 1·1I1!'>1. M;IIl:II' Juincr, Di.uu: Hyers,
Faircloth, Edward I.eggell, Kathryn 1'1 ivci 11;1 Mcl.e;III, 1vl ich.rc l Curter,

Medky, Kvnny Nails. Darline Avhlc I )lap'l ;Iild Jackie Carnphc!l.

l l arpcr, Pam Br.uulc y, (ilad !'> Dcn'mllci' 21

('I c III e 11 t s E I v i:1 ('011 i II!'>. A II e n

SIlII\ a Krrk lund. (il)'1111 Stev 'IIS,

Wi I des, Donna II a 111 III , l.uuc Ill' .lauicv (·IIIIIL'�·. (Jltll:l'lhlrnhlll, Mdisa
Kcrsc Smith, v ill 1lIIICC Mitchell. Rodney
Carter, Halph ('reig .

�11c..,. l'a�'L' l{(lher�llll. Buhb y

Macgnn H h.:�, Shawn D. kcx allti
Deanlla "lhornpxou. IIICkl·l. rck i Carr . .I .rcm Clark,
Ucrcmhcr I H Wrlh.u» \ IHIlI. Hctl I·allik. 'linn

Orcin Wi l l inrnx. Gayle Wo ote u. Crawfl1lll. (i;lry l'ortcr l'i .ld, l luzcl
Jimmy Mortis, Pal Relll". Pcggy
Barnard. Mr». DOll Crcumcr, Darlelle
l c Swn i
Hicwcr, Axhlc v
n , l a r k Sherry, SClIl1

I'ltillip�. lcmando
25% off Storewide
Walkins, Kurhryu Kurtz. Touunv (illll/;lIel and Scull Hrcwcr, (;od Bll'�� .\IlH'rlc;t1 •
Latinu-r St •
Puurc , Berlha Th orn as , 1>;,rr�'11 Dl'l'l'lIIl1cr 22

Creamer, Susuu Brewer, Touuny '1 an I.ill ·hargcl. MaL'l'Y i)iXIlII.AlI)I-

Sumner. Dorothy Pope, Ralph 1111 IIi ·r:-.. Mike lcvt cr. DlIllalLi
Clements Sr. . .fc,'�ica Rentz, M iSI Y CcllHad. 'Ionuuic Ilre\ cr Jr., Marilyn
Bohannon. Nicole Ta y It rr and I{II\ c!l. Wi l li.un "pl:ziali. Municn
Derek Shu mans. Wilson. '1(1111111. Wi ll iarnx, Randall

Red Barn Gift


Decorates tree
Wilton and Elaine Miles and Max Cleland's office in Atlanta.
Patrick Dixon,
Ul'ccmhcr 19
Judy Renlz.
Profitt, Yicki JohnslIn. Roger Seller�,
, Y');I ('allel. Currie Gihhs,
"'I)le\' ;lIld /\lcx SlIlllner.
o Ide Shop Pe
West recently decorated
Christmas tree for U.S. Senator
The three
the senator.
are pictured above with Chllck Shirle. III, I.inda RlIherson,
Wyman Fdge, Dehhie lIall, lIolly Happy 10%-50% OFF
The Brontleys Anniversary Santa, Snowmen & Christmas
FIST meeting is at Big Oaks tu Ornaments and Decorations

The second mceling of Families of Inmales Sharing 'Iilgelher (I;IST) will

to be honored Keith & Nancy Gifts {or that specia.l persol/. in your life
he hcld Friday, Dcc. 17 al 7 p.m. al Rig Oaks Church.
The children of Mr. and Mrs. lIilly Stafford 2 1/2 miles out Bell Telephone Rd.
The puhlic is inviled. 375-4641
Branlley invile family and friends I() on Dl'CClllbl'r I H
receplion Dcc. II:< honoring their hpm: I.i:-.l, SIl'Vl' & IhL' b(l I�

FFA fruit ready to be picked up parenls.

The receplion will hc held in Ihe
The Jeff Davis rrA fruil is in and may he picked lip Monday Ihnlllgh Oakland Baptisl Churcll Social l'lall
Friday, R a.m. 10 (, p.m. :tllhe old Jeff Davis High School. from 4 to 7 p.m.

Fall Special
ChristDlas 1999
front Wool Blazers
Terry Redlin

& Plus Size Asst. Colors &
Missy --

Hurry While They Last!
� Perfect Christmas

MOVie STn�
gifts for the man in
your life who enjoys
Mugs the outdoors!
Accessory Boxes rn(TOI2Y 5To�rs
Ornaments Golden Gifts N. Tallahassee St. ·375-3223· Open Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Plates Store will be open one hour later than normal on Fridays and Saturdays until Christmas
S. Williams St. •
375-4341 We accept MasterCard, Visa & Discover
12A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999

contact the applicant or the Board of mediate payment to the undersigned.

LEGAL Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 R.L.S ..
entitled "Survey for Billy C. upon the allegations of the motion.
Hughes, Jr. and Amy C. Hampton, dated The parties notified hereby are entitled to County Commissioners. day of December, 1999.
This the 8th
Applicant Dewey Johnson ALA SUE NORRIS
GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY LEGAL May 30, 1996, recorded in Plat Book 11, legal counsel in the proceedings, and the
Court will appoint legal counsell! any party 12/8-15p Executrix
By virtue of aPower of Sale contained In STATE OF GEORGIA Page 121, Office of the Clerk of Superior
should be unable, without undue hardship, 58 Mt. Pleasant Church Road
that certain Security Deed from Marie B. COUNTY-OF JEFF DAVIS Court, Jeff Davis County, Georgia; said
counsel. LEGAL Hazlehurst, GA 31539
Davis to National Lending Center, Inc., NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER plat and the description thereon are Incor­ to employ
dated October 15, 1998, recorded In Deed IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT porated herein by reference for all intents WITNESS, the Honorable Ken W. Smith,
of said Juvenile Court. All creditors of the Estate of BEATRICE Attorneyfor the Estate of
Book 212, Pago 814, Jeff Davis County, Under and by virtue of the power of sale and purposes. Said property is bounded, Judge
contained in that certain Deed to Secure now or formerly, as follows: On the North This 6th day of December, 1999. S. SUGGS, deceased, late of Jeff Davis BEATRICE S. SUGGS
Georgia Records, said Security Deed hav­ P.O. Drawer 900
Debt from Thomas E. Carter and Lisa by the right-of-way of Elton Street; on the Eula Mae Edwards County, Georgia, are hereby notified to
ing been given to secure a Note of even render their demands to the 53 South Tallahassee Street
Carter to Green Tree Financial ServiCing East by lands of Tommy E. Dykes; on the Clerk, Juvenile Court of Jeff Davis County undersigned
date In the original principal amount 01
SEVENTY THOUSAND FOUR HUN­ Corporation dated May 22,1998, and re­ South by lands of George Mincey; and on t2/15-22-29 & 115 according to law, and all persons il'ldebted Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539
the West by lands 01 Patricia Taylor. :0 said estate are required to make im- 12/15-22-29 & liSe
DRED AND 00/100 DOLLARS corded In Deed Book 210, page 26, Jeff
Davis County records, the undersigned The debt secured by said Security Deed LEGAL
($70,400.00) with Interest thereon as pro­
will sell at public outcry to the highest bld­ has been and is hereby declared due be­ NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER
vided for therein, Security Deed hav­

ing been last sold, assigned and trans­

der for cash before the Courthouse door cause of, among other possible events of GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY Adult Literacy Instructor -
Telfair County
in said County, during the legal hours of default, failure to pay the Indebtedness as Because of default In the payment of the
ferred to Banc One Financial Services,
sale, on the tlrat Tueaday In January and when due and in the manner provided indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed Applicant must possess a bachelors degree from an
Inc., there will be sold at public outcry to
cash before the 2000, by Conseco Finance Servicing in the Note and Security Deed. The debt executed by Howard Williams to Mortgage accredited college or university in Adult Education, special
the highest bidder for
courthouse door of Jeff Davis County, Corp. Ilk/a Green Tree Financial Servlc­ remaining in default, this sale will be made Lenders Network USA, Inc. dated the 20th education, reading, math or other related field. Applicant must
Georgia, within the
legal hours of salo on Ing Corporation, as Attorney-In-Fact for for the purpose of paying the same and day of August, 1998. and recorded In Deed also possess two years full-time teaching experience related
Thomas E. Carter and Lisa Carter the fol­ all expenses 01 this sale, as provided in Book 211, Page 648. Jeff Davis County,
the first Tuesday in January 2000 the fol­
Georgia Records; and assigned to United to the skills required for this position. Responsible for all
lowing described property: lowing described property: the Security Deed and by law, including
All that tract or parcel of land lying and attorney's fees (notice 01 intent to collect Companies Lending Corporation by as­ instruotional and training aspects of the Adult Literacy
All that tract or parcel of land lying, being
attorney's fees having been given). signment recorded in Jeff Davis County,
and situated in Land Lot 410, First Land being situate in Land Lot 11218. Second Program in Telfair County. Preference will be given to qualified
Land District, Jeff Davis County. Georgia, Said property will be sold subject to any Georgia Records; the undersigned, United
District, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, con­
East Central Technical Institute employees. Salary is based on
2.845 acres, more or less. Said containing 1.647 acres. more or less. and outstanding ad valorem taxes (including Companies Lending Corporation, pursu­
taining the state salary scale for technical institutes. To receive an
taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and ant to said deed and the note thereby se­
tract is more fully shown and described· being bounded now or formerly as follows:
according plat of survey by Merlin J.
to a North by lands of D.E. Mims, East by the payable), any matters which might be dis­ cured, has declared the entire amount of
application, please call Mrs. Andi McWhorter at
Bell Telephone Highway; South and West closed by an accurate survey and Inspec­ said Indebtedness due and payable and
Tomberlin, entitled "Survey for Thomas D. 468-2027
Pearson, III", dated August 16, 1993, re­ by lands of D.E. Mlms, said tract Is more tion of the property. any assessments, pursuant to the power 01 sale contained (912)
corded In Plat Book 10, Page 36, office of particu.larly described and designaled as liens. encumbrances, zoning ordinances, In said deed, will on the first Tuesday in East Central Technical Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer
the Clerk of Superior Court, Jeff Davis Tract 113 on a plat of survey prepared by restrictions, covenants, and mailers of January, 2000, during the legal hours of
record superior to the Security Doed lirst sale, at the Courthouse door In Jeff Davls
County, Georgia. Said plat and the de­ Copeland & Associates, for Genevieve
Wheeler Estate, dated 9·27-89; said plat set out above. County, sell at public outcry to the highest
scription thereon are Incorporated herein
is recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 569, Jeff To the best knowledge and belief 01 the bidder for cash. the property described in
by reference for all Intents and purposes.
Davis County public records. Reference undersigned, the party in possession of said deed to-wit:
Said property is bounded, now or fvrmerly,
the property is Billy C. Hughes, Jr. or and All that tract or parcel of land lying and
as follows: On the Northeast by a 50 foot to said plat 01 survey is incorporated herein
said property is more commonly known being in the City of Hazlehurst in Land Lot
public road known as the "Bill Rucker and made a part hereof for all necessary
as 515 Elton Street. Hazlehurst, GA No. 502 afthe Second Land District 01 ,feff
Road"; on the Eastin part by lands of Jef­ purposes.
Said property is known RR 3 Box 840 31639. Davis County, Georgia, containing 0.3214
frey Malone Swain and Charles M. Parrish

First Nationwide Mortgage acre, more or less, and being designated

(shown as Charles M. Darrish on said (previously but erroneously referred to as
as Attorney in Fact for as "Lot 2" on that certain survey and plat
RR 4), Hazlehurst, Georgia 3 t 539.
plat); on the Southwest by lands of Charles
thereof prepared by Ralph E. Lackey &
M. Parrish (shown as Charles M. Darrlsh The Indebtedness secured by said Deed Billy C. Hughes, Jr.
Associates, Inc., certified by Ralph E. Tags expire at midnight of owners birthday
on said plat); arid on the West in part by to Secure Debt having been declared due Stanley H. McCalla
and because of default in the McCalla, Raymer. Padrick, Cobb, Nichols Lackey, G.A.L.S. No. 1635, dated Octo­ that appears first on certificate of title
lands of Michael E. and Gayle Mells payable
& Clark. LLC ber 5, 1995, recorded in Plat Book 10,
Cochran and in part by lands of Winona payment of the Indebtedness secured
Wooten Miles (shown on said plat as lands thereby, this sale will be made for the pur­ 56 Perimeter Centor East, 5th Floor Page 3t5, of the records of the Clerk 01
of Dale L. Myers). poses of paying the same and
all ex­ Allanta, GA 30346 Superior Court 01 Jeff Davis County, Geor­ Examp/e:'"John and Mary Doe/Jonn's birthday is May
andincorporated herein tor a more
1 and
This Is the same property conveyed from penses of sale, Including attorney's fees, (770) 453·8599 gia,
Tag would be purchased between April May
(notice having been given as provided by SHM/SMK 1·4-2000 full and complete description and all other
Ernest E. Rucker and Mary H. Rucker at
Our file no. 5809199/5·31229 legal purposes. 1 because John's name is first on the title. He has 30
k/a Mary Fordham Rucker to Thomas D. law).
THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT Said property is bounded, now or formerly, to
Pearson III by warranty deed dated Sep­ The property will be sold as the property
COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COL­ as follows: On the North by Lot No.3 of
days before his birthday register.
tember " 1993, recorded In Deed Book ot The Afor•• ald Grantors subject to the
LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB­ said survey; on the East in part by Lot No.
179, Page 508, of the records of the Clerk (ollowing:
restrictive covenants. TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR­ 4 of said survey and in part by Lot NO.8
of Superior Court of Jeff Davis County, (H all prior ease­
Please feel free to call us at
mllnts, rights-of-way or encumbrances; (2) POSE. 01 said survey; on the South by Lot No. 1
Georgia. West by the
all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters 12/8-15-22-29c of said survey; and on the
Saidproperty is commonly known as
eastern right of way of Wilson Street a/kl
Route 2 BoJC 1630, Haztehurat, GA
which would be disclosed by an accurate
survey of the property; and the outstand­
LEGAL II Akin Street. 375-6622
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF JEFF This being Ihe same property conveyed
Tho indebtednes« secured by said Secu­ ing ad valorem taxes and assessments, if
from Sidney P fohnson to Howard Will­
rity Deed has been and is hereby declared any, and unpaid water and sewage bills, DAVIS COUNTY .•
if you have any questions
that constitute liens against the property; STATE OF GEORGIA iams by warranty deed dated October 30,
due because of default under the terms
and Note, whether due and payable or not yet due IN THE INTEREST OF: 1995, recorded in Deed Book 191, Page
of said Security Deed including
and payable; and (4) mailers 01 record «v«. DOB 7/5/95 817, of the records of the Clerk of Supe­
but not limited to the nonpayment of the
CASE NO. 080-99·130 rior Court of Jeff Davis County, Georgia.
indebtedness as and when due. The in­ superior to the security deed lirst set out
debtedness remaining In default, this sale above NOTICE OF SUMMONS which has the property address of 311
North Wilson Street, Hazlehurst, Georgia Hagen Auction Co., Inc.
will be made for the purpose of paying the To the best of the undersigned's knowl­ TO: Ronica Jackson
You are hereby notified that the above4 together with all fixtures and other per­
same, all expenses of the sale, Including

attorney's fees and all other payments

edge and belief, the party in possession
is Thomas E. Carter and Lisa Carter. styled action brought by the Jell Davis sonal,Rroperty conveyed by said deed. Public Auction
Conseco Finance Servicing Corp. IIkla County Department of Family and Chil­ The sale will be held subject to any un­
provided for under the terms of the Secu­
Greeh Tree Financial Servicino Corpora­ dren services. and tho Georqia Depart­ J;l3id taxes, assessments, rights-of· way,
(ltv Deer! and Note.
Said property will be sold subject to the tion, as Attorney-in-Fact for Thomas E. ment of Human Resources, seeking tem­ easements, protective covenants or reo
Saturday, December 18th at 11 :00 AM
strictions, liens, and other superior mat­
your above-refer­
following items which may affect the title Carter and Lisa Carter
debt collector
porary legal custody of
enced male child with tho Department has ters of record which rnav affect said prop­
Appling County, Georgia
to said property: all zoning ordinances; This law firm is acting as a

attempting to collect a debt, any informa­ been filed in the Juvenile Court of Jeff erty.
matters which would be disclosed by an

accurate surveyor by an inspection of the tion obtained will be used for that purpose. Davis County, Georgia; and that by rea­ Notice has been given of intention to col­ 251.33+/- Acres
Pendergast & Blum, P.C. son of an Order for Service of Summons lectattorneys' fees in accordance with the in Tracts and as a whole
property; any outstanding taxes, Includ­
Publication entered the court the terms of the note secured by said deed.
ing but not limited to ad valorem taxes, One Premier Plaza, Suite 800 by by on
Wildlife Abounds
Said property will be sold as the property

Hunter's Paradise •

which constitute liens upon said property; 5605 Glenridge Drive day 01 November, 1999 nunc pro tunc

all restrictive covenants, easements, Atlanta, Georgia 30342 September 28,1999, you are hereby no­ 01 Howard Williams and the proceeds of

Great Hunting Tract •
Cropland feed plots
tified that you may obtain a copy of Ihe said sale will be applied to the payment of Wooded Tracts

rights-of-way and any other matters of (404) 303-0300

petition from the Clerk 01 the Juvenile said indebtedness, the expense of said
record superior to said Secur;&y Deed. To 12/8-15-22-29c 1660 Ib Tobacco allotment to be sold Separately
Court of Jeff Davis County, Georgia and sale, all as provided in said deed, and the
the best of theknowledge and belief of
undersigned will execute a deed to the
the undersigned, the party in possession may file with the Clerk of said Court, and
LEGAL serve upon Sherri McDonald, Pelilioner's purchaser as provided in the aloremen­ Baxley at US 1 Turn onto Bay SI. (Across f'om First
Directions: Frorn
of the property Is Marie B. Davis or
Church) & Travel 7.2 Miles to Buckhead Rd:Turn left
Methodist onto
NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Attorney, whose address is P.O. Box 296, tioned Security Deed.
tenant(s). Buckhead and travel .8 mile to Nail Rd. (dirt) turn left'onlo Nail Rd.
Vidalia, Georgia 30475, an answer to the United Companies Lending Corporation,
BANC ONE FINANCIAL SERVICES, GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY & travel .6 mile to property on both sides of road
INC. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale pelition at any time prior to the Final Hear­ Attorney in Fact for
Howard Williams
as Attorney in Fact for contained in a Security Deed given by Billy ing. Broker Welcome Call our oHice for Procedures.
MARIE B. DAVIS C. Hughes, Jr. to Southeastern Mortgage You are hereby nolified that a Final Hear­ McCurdy & Candler, L.L.C.
Terms: 15% Down Balance Due in 30 days.
Contact: Eddie Aziz (ext. 115) Corporation, dated June 12, 1996, re­ ing with regard to the above- styled action By: Anthony DeMario, Attorney
10% Buyers Premium
Morris, Schneider & Prior, L.L.C. corded in Deed Book 195, Page 626, Jeff will come before the Court on January n. (404) 370-7230
Davis County, Georgia Records, as last 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Juvenile Court­ THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT
3300 N.E. Expressway, Suite 8B
County Courthouse,
OR CALL OUR OFFICE 1-800-942-6475
transferred to First Nationwide Mortgage room at
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Hazlehurst, Georgia. Prior to the Final COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION
(770) 234-9181 by assignment, recorded in Deed Book
Hearing a Provisional Hearing on the pe­ OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT BROCHURESffERMS/PLATS
MSP File No. 348.995538\eaa 196, Page 63, Jeff Davis County, Georgia
tition was held before the Court on Sep· PURPOSE. at
THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO FlfK;ords, conveying the atter-descrlbed-: or view this property on the Internet
tember 28, 1999, in the Juvenile Court­ 12/8-15-22-29c
COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ptoperty to secure a Note in the original
OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT amount of FORTY FIVE THOU­ room at the Jeff Davis County Courthouse,
PURPOSE. SAND SIX HUNDRED THREE & NOll 00 Hazlehurst, Georgia. LEGAL GA Firm Lic #2479
DOLLARS ($45,603.00), with the interest The Findings of Fact and Order of Dispo­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER
thereon as set forth therein, there will be sition made at the Provisional Hearing will ANDIOR WINE LICENSE
sold at public outcry to the highest bidder ber;ome final at the Final Hearing unless "Notice is hereby given that SHANKS,
LEGAL for cash before the courthouse door of Jeff the party served by publication appears INC. of 250 Uvalda Hwy Hazlehurst, GA

GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY Davis County, Georgia, within the

legal at the Final Hearing. II the party served 31539 has. applied for a retail license for

hours of !l8leon the first Tuesday in Janu­ by publication fails to appear at the Final the sale and/or distribution of malt bever­
All creditors of the Estate of JANET M.
ages andlor wine; the establishment is
BOHANNON, deceased, late of Jeff Davis ary, 2000, the following described prop­ Hearing on the pelition, the Findings of
Fact and Interlocutory Orders made will be located at 250 Uvalda Hwy. Hazlehurst,
County, Georgia, are hereby notified to erty:
become final without further evidence and GA 31539 in Jeff Davis County, Georgia.
render their demands to the undersigned All that certain tract or parcel of land Iy·
will be governed by the Juvenile Court The application will be considered by the
eccording to law, and all persons Indebted ing, being and situate in Land Lot 503,
Second Land District, City of Hazlehurst, Code as if made at the Final Hearing. II Board of Commissioners at their regular
to said estate are required to make Im­
mediate payment to the
undersigned. Jeff Davis County, Georgia, containing the party served by publication appears (or special) meeting to be held at 7 o'clock Overall responsibility for the delivery of Hospice
Thursday, January 13, 2000, at
at the Final Hearing, the Interlocutory find­ PM.,
patient care. Primary liaison between the physicians
this the 8th day of December, 1999. 0.3395 acre, more or less. Said tract is

more fully shown and described accord­ ings and Orders shall be vacated and dis­ the regular meeting place. Anyone inter­
and the Hospice staff. Review all physician orders
ested may attend. For more information
Executrix Ing to a plat of survey by Paul S. Buchelle, regarded, and the hearing shall proceed
127 Wingate Circle and may give patient care,
Warner Robins, GA 31088
Qualifications: Masters in nursing preferred

Attorney for the Estate of


P.O. Drawer 900 Hospice experience and/or 5 years experience
53 South Tallahassee Street
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539
LEED Staffing Services health-related field and management.

12115-22-29 & liSe is recruiting Production Employees for

Attractive salary/benefits package.
Vidalia Operations Southeast
STATE OF GEORGIA A opportunity in
career a progressive
IN RE: ESTATE OF RONALD E. 1 st & 2nd shift entry-level production positions available Georgia Community.
S7.40/hour starting wages
All creditors of the Estate of Ronald E.
additional S1.00/hour Team Bonus each month Send resume to:
Ove�treet, deceased, late of Jeff Davis
Potential to earn up to an

County, Georgia, are hereby notified to Jackie L. LewiS

render their demands to the undersigned Work environment is clean, air conditioned during summer months,
according to law, and aU persona Indebted Director of Personnel
heated during winter months.
to said estate are required to make Im­
mediate payment to me.
Coffee Regional Hospital
thill 11th day of November, 1999. After successful completion of the required 90 day probationary period P.O. Box 1287
401 K.
Benefits will include medical, dental, Ufe Insurance, vacation, paid holidays &
Sandra Overstreet
Estate of Ronald E. Overstreet, deceased Douglas, GA 31534
54 'Edward Dean Road
Applications will be accepted at the Holiday Inn EJCPCess. Highway 280, confidential
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 All inquiries
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
John B. Brewer,lII
Attomey for the Eitate December 15-17, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
1 Jeff Davll Street

; ,
Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15, 199913A




BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: HELP WANTED: YARD SALE: Saturday 8a.m. FOR SALE: House, bam, arena and
DUPLEX HOUSES & TRAIL­ LAND FOR SALE: Over 10 acres Experienced
Carry out and
delivery pizza fran­ sand blasters and monument setters 37 Red Bird Land. Rain cancels. 5.5 acres of land. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2
ERS FOR RENT: One mile from with brunch running through prop­ chise. for 92 year old monument co. lo­ bath (approx. 1100 sq. ft). Block bam
Financing available for quali­ 12/lSp
town. Quiet area,cable TV, city wa­ erty. Just off Douglas Hwy. Great for cated in S. E. Ga. Send work history has 10 stalls, tack room, feed room
fied individual. Call Lance or Neil
ter, 2 or 3 bedroom trailers. Call country living or Investment, to P.O. Box 18, Waycross. Ga. 31502 and apartment. Arena is lighted, per­
1-800- 310-8848. YARD SALE: Saturday 8 until at the
Calvin at 37S-2752 or Ray at 375- $29.000. Call Debra. 1-800-919- or call 800-673-9329. fectly suited for horse shows. Priced
12/8-15-22-29p house before Miller Equipment.
0728. 9770. 11/3tfnc to sell. 375-5056 anytime.
11/23 & 12/1-8- ISc
Toys, O-speed bicycle, lots of
11/3- 12!22p
JUST IN TIME FOR CHRIST­ children's winter clothes, and baby
HELP WANTED: Seeking a Ga. li­
MAS! Nice 3 BR/2BA doublewide. equipment. LAND FOR SALE: 1-5 acres. Mo­
TRAILER FOR RENT: Call 375- LAND FOR SALE censed Cosmetologist. Barber and
Delivered und set up for only 250/ 12/15c bile home lots. Call
5149. licensed Nail Technician. Only li­ 375-2757, 375-
Owner Financing Auailable mo. all Randy at (912) 868-5566.
censed persons need apply lit New
3366 or 375-7656. Ask for Ray.
Call David 12/15c YARD SALE: 684 Bell Telephone
Beasley Beginnings Beauty Salon at 28 W.
Road, Friday and Saturday 8 until.

2 Bedroom 912-537-7628 Jefferson Street in Hazlehurst. Call

Microwave. furniture, toys, FOR SALE: Couch and chair. Ex­
apartment on Graham St. in Hazle­ AI's Electric 912-56S-9041, 367-9096 or 37S-
Tuppcrwarc and milch more.
cellent condition. $125. Call 379-
hurst. Stove, refrigerator and water FOR SALE: Sleal a building!' Re­ 0055, must speak with Ms. Taylor.
Residential and 12/l5p 0282 after
furnished, $300/month, $200 deposit possessed 3 Arch Type Steel Build­ 11/23 & 12/l-8-15p 5p.m.
Commercial Wiring 12/ltfnp
required. Call 375-4952 after 5 or ings. One is New. 25x32, 30x40.
FOR SALE: 19983 BR/2BA 16x80.
375-0S16. Take over payments. No reasonahle State Certified· 375-7961 HELP WANTED: Need experi­ Set up and delivered with NC and
11!11tfnc offer refused. 1-800-222-(,335. Seri­ enced heavy duty equipment me­ all appliance. Excellent shape. Must
ousbuyers only. chanic. Send resume to P.O. Box 68,
$:'000 FACTORY REnATE on all Sell! Reduced to $17,000. Call (912) AVAILABLE
FOR RENT: Small efficiency fur­ 12m-15p Hazlehurst, GA 31539 868-6135 after 6
remaining '99 models. We will not R68-5566 or
nished apartment. Married couple or 12/11fnc
he undersold! 'all Randy at (912) p.rn. Ask for Chad. In 1,2,3 & 4
single person only. No pets. Call C. 8M-1-55(,6. 12il5c
OUT! Prices slashed on select mod­ ATTENTION: Drivel' Trainees
bedroom size units
Land Rentals 375-2423 or 375-4020.
cis -

25x38, 30x36. 40x56, SOx 110. Needed. No experience necessary.

Below Cost! Great workshops/ga­ Werner needs entry level truck driv­
Applications can be
FOR RENT: 3 BR. I 1/2 BA house rages. SAVE THOUSANDS. Call 1- ers. Earn $500 to $800 per week plus
picked up at the
N. Williams St.
800-341- 70()7. benefits. Regional runs available. No
with carpet. located between hospi­
Open This Week, Thurs.-Sat. Bulldozer -

tal and high school, 19 Forest St. 12/8-ISp CDL'! No problem. day CDL
Week of 'hristmas, Wed. & Thurs. Dirt Hauling
Deposit $200, $425 per month. Call training available. Cull Thday 1-800-
FOR SALE: 199 I Volvo 240. $3500.
1>:3011.01.-5:30 p.m. 7bp Soil
912-399-5008. 363-7364. Fill Dirt
Call 375-5603. 12/8-15-22-29c
11/1Otfnc Road boring
12/!:!-15p 12/1511 water & power lines
Ditching (or
FOR SALE: AKC Reg. black labra­
MUST GO: 2HxXO 4 BR. Has fire­ REGISTERED Call Eddie 912-375-5743
TENNIS LESSONS dor Retrievers. Male and female, 3
APARTMENTS place, dream kitchen, deluxe carpet, NURSES WANTED 01" 375-3874 weeks old. Call 375-2175 day or 375-
Josh Cain FOR RENT plus much more. Only $420/1110. Call 2743 night.
Georgia Home Health Care has REL>UCED FOR
(I) 12) HlIX-4307 or (800) 333-6826. QUICK SALE!
375-7390 -

2 bedrooms -

immediate openings for RNs in
several of our locations.
200(J Fleetwood doublewide. Deliv­
Hillcrest Apartments and
ered and set up with A/C, skirting. FOR SALE: 1990 4 door
Competitive salary Hyundai,
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE: Full blooded Cocker benefits. Send resume step, and insurance fur only $26,500. with transmis­
FOR RENT: Office space located sunroof, white, new
TOO II 1-800-255-0056 3 females and 2 Call Chad at (912) �68-5566.
Spaniel puppies, or in person Mon.-Fri.,
apply sion. Good condition. 25-30 rnpg.
at 427 N. Tallahassee Street. Nice We accept Section 8
location with parking spaces. For rI Voucher Holders
males. $10(1.
'all 375-6631
days or 10-4 at Georgia Home Health
Human Resources Office,
$1795. 0130. Cull 379-1233
more information call Amanda at 375-3597 303 Maple Drive: YARL> SALE: Saturday, 8-12 at city
Johnson's Office
Supply at 375-
G} Baxley Hwy. Vidalia, GA 30474.
This ad is fromGeorgia Home
limits on Telephone Road. Lots
of toys, bicycles. men's. ladies &
PIANO FOR SALE: Take on low

11/23tfnc Health Care, 303 Maple Drive, boys clothes, complete set full/queen monthly payment. Beautiful console
BARGAIN HARN: White twin Deadline for Vidalia, GA 30474. piano. No money 1I0wn. 1-800-371-
quilted spread, shams and two pair
FOR RENT: 12x56 mobile home in
French provo bed with rails and slats
placing Classlfieds 912-538-8000 or fax 912-538-
(If drapes. Dusty rose with ruffles,
$129. Oueen mattress and hux spring 0016 or call 1-800-476-6787. 12/15p
good condition 3 of land excellent condition.
on acres
is Tuesday at noon ,
, ,

with Call 363-4233 375- $98. Whirlpool washer -

pond. •
3000. $275, king mattress and box spring HELP WANTED: Pest Control
$188, excellent condition. 43 I.atimer Phone 375-4225
12/15p Technician needed. Experience pre­ S. W. Herndon
Street, 379-1233. ferred. Location in Vidalia Fitz­
FAX 375-3704

Septic Tank Cleaning

FOR RENT: 3 bedroom, I hath. Gas 12/15p gerald. Competitive pay, health in­
Fill Dirt· Gravet for Driveways
logs, dining room, large inside util­ surance. Uniforms provided. Call Plumbing & Electrical Bulldozer Work Land
FOR SALE: 14x70 Fleetwood 213R/ Clearing
ity, large corner lot in
city of Hazle­ 537-1234 or 423-4404. Water Pumps & Excavator Work' Septic Tanks
hurst. Must be and have
2 BA. In good condition. Only CARTER'S 12/15-22-29& 1/5c
employed Water Heaters Top Soils & Builder's Sand, -;I&,
$14,500 with delivery and set up, On-site welding
references. $350/month and $200 BACKHOE WORK Call �
skirting, and steps. Call Jake or finance
deposit. No alcohol or drugs allowed. Rhcnda at (912) 868 4307 or (HOO) Ponds, Septic Tanks, Fill Dirt NEEDED: Single parent to

375-5328 Mark Minton


Call 379-9906, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Charles Carter manufactured home. Very simple!
Call Chad at M6!:!-oI35.
12/1Sp 12/15c 375-4079 (I) 12) 24-hour service 375-7898

FOR SALE: 3 BR Fleetwood

HOUSE FOR RENT doublewide. Great starter home. KLD Enterprises
SINGLEWIDE. Very nice. $6500.
3 SR, 2 SA Only $27,500 or $270/rnu. Call (912) Call (912) 868-5566 days
Central h/a, carpet 868-4307 or (800) 333-61Q6 for more Raymond Davis, Mgr. or (912)
Fill Dirt Fill Sand
• 868-6135 after 6 p.m. Ask for Chad.
furnished details.
on Carmarlin Drive, 12/ISc Builder's Sand Gravel • 12/15c
off Pat Dixon Rd.
Excavation of all kinds Prices
FOR SALE: Fleetwood 16x80 3 BR/
1-912-526-6875 •
Paying Top
Available Now··
2BA with lots of extras. Low down
Call 375-5655 for cans, copper, scrap aluminum,
Call 912-375-2689
payment and low monthly payment. radiators, brass and cast iron.
or 912-375-4292 Call (912) 868-4307 or (800)333-
Hwy. 292 East •
Lyons, GA
-NOTICE- In 1,2,3 & 4 CareOne
The Railroad Flea Market bedroom size units The Hazlehurst Branch of CareOne Home Care
has an immediate opening for a
will open December 16 and remain open
Applications can be
Branch Clerical Coordinator.
through December 23. picked up at the
The vendors want to wish all our friends Responsible for providing secretarial support and
and customers Season's Greetings and coordination of all clerical functions in the branch.

thank you for your support. Process accounts payable, payroll data and billing.
We still have Christmas decorations, trees, gifts, collectibles such Knowledge of personal computers including
as wolues, Indians, eagles, mini tea sets, furniture and more! WordPerfect and Lotus 123 required. Interested
applicants should contact Val Durrence,
Branch Manager at (912) 375·9838
Are you tired of selling cars? Sand & Fill Dirt Delivered
Are you tired manager ofyour sales
$400 per yard
making all the money while you do all
the work? Looking for a career with a
..,.. Truck
capacity 15 yards plus


$250 Rents & up
promising future?
We also have topsoil Call for price
tank installation and .mal"and lot. cleared

� WU <iJ <iJ &JI> IJ


IJ 7¥I!J)!J) <IJ 1]' IJJj IIIIJ �

If you answered yes to any of these questions, TOWNHOUSE DESIGN, 2 BEDROOMS, 1 1/2 BATHS,

:375-5926 •
375-7503 pool, private patio, jogging trails, fireplace
call Robert at 912-375-7600. (';111 11('111'.\ \11111�


Southern 'Alarm Bedroom, Energy efficient, Pool privileges,jogging trails
Technology, 1

IIIIa Johnny Ryles II

SOLJHl Georqlzi S

onlv ALlH1CHI7PcJ )\OT 0C:�1IcI
Ill'l'CJ (If .rn

10x15 $45/mo. 10x20-$60/mo. •

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14A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 15,1999

Parrish Reports Wllhehrtlna Parrish
The Twelfth District Convention Baptist Church of Hazlehurst and are extended to Shana Moss of
of the General Missionary Baptist Greater Macedonia Baptist Church of Statesboro whose home was de­
Convention will hold its Annual For­ Helena. The coordinator was Sister stroyed by fire recently. The two

eign Missions Program Saturday, Lillian M. Willis who also served as young ladies are the loving daugh­
Dec, 18, at II a.rn. at Central Baptist

Mistress of the Ceremony. Words of ters of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Don

Church of Dublin with Minister Ellis 'welcome were extended by Sisters Moss of Hazlehurst.
Carswell host pastor. The young
as Sue Drayton and Diane Chatman. Mrs. Luke Arnold Sr. spent sev­

people will present the program. All Sister Fleta McKever gave the occa­ eral days last week in Florida where
churches and the public are invited. sion, Sisters Angela W. Mincey and she visited her daughters, Loretta and
Evergreen Freewill Baptist Juanita K. Slade recited poems, Sis­ Jewell, and their families in L.ake
Church and the pastor, Minister H.L. ter Mable F. Miles and Brother Tony Okeechobee. Also visiting and ac­

McRoy, will host their Annual Senior White of Ocilla sang solos. The companying Mrs, Arnold to Florida
Citizens Christmas program Satur­ Mount Calvary Senior Choir and the were her children, Mr. and Mrs. Luke

day, Dec. I B, at 6 p.m. All senior citi­ Greater Macedonia Young Peoples Arnold Jr. and Mrs. Arabelle A.
zens and the public are invited. Choir rendered several musical selec­ Boddie. They visited several other
Members of Macedonia Baptist tions.
Special tributes made and relatives before returning 'to Hazle­
Bird Watching Church invite the their An­

public to many presentations given to hurst.
nU1i1 Pastor Appreciation services ter andSister Charles Anderson, in­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hill
Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Tourism sponsored the first second to popularity and enjoyed
gardening in were

Bird Watching tour held at Bullard Creek Wildlife equally by men and women. Birding is low impact Saturday 18, 7:30 p.m. The
Dec. at cluding Sister Charles Anderson Sr., called to Baptist Hospital in Mont­

on the environment and high impact on the host pastor is Minister Lucious C. the wife, Sister Shemika Anderson, gomery, Ala. to welcome their first
Management Area Oct. 23. A group of 10
Rogers. the daughter, Carmon Anderson, the grandson, Jadin Robert Morrison.
birdwatchers enjoyed the morning with Sheila Willis, economy. Eddie said Bullard Creek WMA is open
a native american naturalist. as tour guide and Eddie to the public free of charge and can be enjoyed by Community League, Inc. invites son, Brother Rufus Carter Jr. a Bible Mr. and Mrs. Hill visited Mr. and
children to A Breakfast With Santa Study Student, Brother Charles Mrs. James Morrison and their son,
White, Bullard Creek Manager, furnishing the everyone.
Saturday Dec, 18, 9-11 a.m, Break­ Willis, a church usher, Sister Effie J.R. During the weekend, they vis­
transportation. Sheila told the group birding was
fast fur the children is free. Any high McKever and her daughter, Nathan ited Mr. and Mrs. Garrick Burton,
school student or adult wanting to eat McKever, Brother Lester Drayton, and Baby Racgan Burton in Valdosta.
Due to the Christmas and New Year's Day holiday observances. Alta­ hrcukfnst may give a $3 donation. Deacon Nathan McKever Sr. and Mrs. Mamie Verdcll Gihson of
ATI sites will be maha Technical Institute's campuses will he closed Dec. 24, Dec. 27 and The "Breakfast" will be held at members of the Anderson-Talton Miami, FL visited her daughter and
Dec. 31. Care Center families. The introduction of the herfamily, Minister Milburn McRae
closed for holidays Happy Land Day on

The atec campus in Baxley will be open Dec. 31. Carver Street. done by Sister Terri C. and family of Glenwood during the
speaker was

Tri-County Mass
There will be a Dixon who presented her husband. weekend. Mrs. Gibson visited her
Choir nnd Gospel Extravaganza Sun­ Minister E. Neal Dixon preached a mother, Mrs. Robert B. Nails of
Dcc. 26,3 p.m. at Bennett Tab­ challenging sermon instructing Min­ Hazlehurst, her sister and her fam­
Statewide Classifieds
ernacle Holiness hurch with Bishop ister Anderson on how to use the ily, Mr. and Mrs, Buhba Wiggs and
Robert Lee Fryer as host pastor. All Bible as the tool for a successful min­ their children, all of MI. Vernon.
area choirs, singing groups, soloists istry, Minister Donald Dixon, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Conoway
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRIVER· KLLM Solos to $.390. Teams SAWMILL $3795. Saw logs Into boards, attended the
ami the public arc invited. For infor­ of Morgan Chapel Baptist Church, commencement exer­
to S.41, OIO's S.8 t c. Fantastic $10K
planks, and beams. Largo capacity. Best
bonus. CDUA EOE. 800-925-5556 x720 sawmill values anywhere. Free lntorrna­ mation, contact Mrs. Star P. gave encouraging remarks to the hon­ cises at Albany State University Dec.
your own schedule. Control your Income. 010'5: 800-955·4810 x720. tlon. Norwood SawmillS, 252 Sonwll Drive.
Conoway at 371}-1675. oree. Closing remarks were made by 1'1. Several other members of the
Sell from your home. at work. through Buflalo. NY 14225. 1-800·578-1363. Andrew L.. 'Iements dice Satur­ the pastor, Minister Stanford Ander­ family accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
fund· raisers. Be an AVON REPRESEN· DRIVERS: INEXPERIENCED training
TATIVE. Call 888·942·4053. available. North American Van Lines has LOSE WEIGHT GUARANTEED. Free duy, Dec. II. Services will be an­ son. Guest devotional leaders were Conoway to Albany for the exercises
tractor trailer 48 state samples!! Lose 50 pounds by Christmas. nounced hy the staff of Thornton Fu­ Brother John Wesley of Greater where their daughter, Melody Pierce,
hauling opportuni­
• •

HELP WANTED ties for owner I operators I temporary corn­ ·Melts Fat, Trims Inches, Stops hun­ neral Home. Macedonia Baptist Church of Helena received her bachclors degree in
pany drivers. Call 1·800-348·2147. ger!!! Superpill as seen on TV Fat-blocker: Funeral services fur Mr. Linton and Brother Leroy "Pete" Wilcox of Health and Applied Sciences.
Part·tlme duty with Full-time Benefit •. $11.95. Trl-phen: $19.95. buy 2/1 free!! 1-
McDew were held Monday Dec, 6 Brunswick. The benediction and St. John Baptist Church of Lum­
This Incredible opportunity is available in DRIVER -INEXPERIENCED? Learn to be 800-733-3288 C.O.D's, Credit Cards.
an OTR professional from a top carrier. at II a.m. in Atlanta. Burial was also blessing were done by Minister E. ber City and Minister Joseph
the Georgia Army National Guard. Work
one weekend a month and two weeks a Great pay, executive- style benefits and in Atlanta. Neal Dixon. A reception followed in McLeod will have Christmas pro­

conventional equipment. Call todayl U.S. SERVICES

year and you'll receive money for college. Evergreen Freewill Baptist the fellowship hall. Guests attending gram Dec. 23 at 7:30 p.rn. Guest
part· time pay, job training. adventure & ex­ Xpress 800-879-7743.
A beautiful OLD-FASH­
Church and the pastor, Minister H.L. included Mrs. Anderson, the mother speaker will be Garrison Sta.ilcy Jr.
cllement. and other excellent military ben­ Candlelight,
of the honoree, several aunts, uncles, of Douglas. Special will he
efits. Your chence to be part of the best. If DRIVERS OTR: Company drivers up to IONED WEDDING CHAPEL. overlooking McRoy, will hold Watch-Night ser­ music

you are ready for a challenge with great $.39cpml Owners Operators up to river. Smoky Mountains, TN. HORSE· vices Dec. J I, at 10:30 p.rn, The pub­ his mother-in-law, his brother provided.
rewards call 1·800·GO-GUARD. YOU $.83cpm! Excellent home time and great DRAWN CARRIAGE, cabins, Jacuzzi. or­
Bennett Tahernacle Holiness
lic i� invited. Chester Anderson, all of Ocilla, sev­
CAN!! benefits. Experienced drivers call toll-free dained mln�ters, no test. HEARTLAND 1-
Piney Grove Baptist Church and eral relatives from Lyons, and co ..

Church will host a three

night youth
1-877-763·7483. 800·448·8697(VOWS). httpl/
the pastor, Minister Stanford Ander­ workers from Macon, Minister and revival beginning Dec. :W
LENT INCOMEI Full training provided. son, recognized their associate pas­ Sister Donald Dixon and Brother Dec, 22. Services will hegin at 7:30
Computer required. Call ton free! 800-540· DRIVERS NEW PAY PACKAGE. Re­ "GET MARRIED" Smoky Mountains. Minis­ Pete Wilcox of Brunswick. p.m. Monday, the speaker will he

tor and Bible Study teacher,

6333, ext. 2307. gional drivers start up to 31.5 cpm.
can Area's most beautiful chapels. complete
terCharles Anderson Sr., with an Congratulations Tywanda Moss Mable Miles, Tuesday. Elder Eddie
COL ciaes-A with 6 months experience. arrangements. ministers. cabins. breath­
was among the graduating class Harmon and Wednesday, Minsiter
COMMUNITY MINDED INDIVIDUAL ln­ Long haul and regional. Continental Ex­ taking views. Weddings 1·800-893-7274. Appreciation Night Dec. 12. The who
Dec, II, at Auburn University. Sev­ Sally Kirkland. The pastor Bishop
t.rested In working with foreign students. press. 1·800·365-1337. Vacation Lodging 1/800·634·5814 theme was Showing Our Love."
Duties: Screening families, Supervising Guest Minister Elgin eral relatives attended the com­ Robert Lee Fryer and members in­
speaker was
students, Stipend paid on students placed. FLATBED DRIVERS NEEDED. Home
Neal Dixon, pastor of Mount Calvary mencement exercises. Our prayers vite the public.
8oo-SIBLING. Weekends. Class "A" COL. Two years expo NOTICES
Clean MVR. Savannah area. (800) 768-
EARN S40K PER YEAR. Easy medical 7825. CASH IMMEDIATE -
$$$ Up front cash
for Income streams from Private Notes,
billing for local physiCians. Full support.
Owner Operators needed for regional Real Estate, Annuities and Insurance Pay­
Computer and modem required Call t·
movement in the Southeast. Good ments. Call James Gerard at J. G.
888·660·6693, ext. 182 freight,
lltan Business Solutions. limited deadhead, paid weekly. Call Art. Wentworth 1-800-454-9368.
DeWitt Trucking 1·800·334-6203.
DRIVERS Less than perfect credit? Need debt
FOR SALE consolidation? Call Chase Manhattan to

DRIVERnNEXP'D Earn up to S35,000

... get the financial relief you need through
the first year. Tuition reimbursement avail. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FREE DIGITAL our Innovative residential rnortqaqe/ refi·
CAMERA OR TV while supplies last w/ nance programs. Call nowl 1-800-554-
Exp'd drivers earn $Soo/wk. USA Truck
800·237 ·4642. Purchase of Wolff Tanning Bed. Flexible 3273. The Chase Manhattan Corporation.
All rights reserved. Equal Housing Lender.
Financing Available HomelCommercial
Due to expansion of our fleet,
Catalog. 1-800·842·
IN DEBT? GET HELP? No credit Check!
Star Transport Is Now Hiring experienced
OTR drivers. Full Benefits, Great Home DELL COMPUTERS Factory direct. $0
No Bankruplcy! One low payment! Call
ADC, lending consolidation firm for free
One low
Time, Good Miles. Training available for down. Low monthly payment. Pentium 111- quote! No upfront fees! payment!
limited experienced CDL·A drivers. For
more Info call 1·800·974·4262 or 1·800-
600 available. Resolved Credit Problems
OK! Call by December 17, for free scan­
548-6082 ext. 805. ner. OMC 800-477·9016 Code 004. OVER DUE BILLSS!! CREDIT PROB­
LEMS? Consolidate Debts! Same Day HOW ABOUT A BIG RED ARROW?
COMPUTER FINANCING for America's approval. Cut monthly payments to 50%.
DRIVERS • OWNERS needed with
fllltbad experience to run Southeast. Best Computers everyone approved with Become debt free. NO APPLICATION
S99 down payment. Checking or savings FEES!! 1·800-863·9006 ext. 941.
Home weekends, terminal pay. Call
and currently emptoyed. No Active Bank·· DEBT MANAGE­
Welborn Transport. 1·800-828·6542.
ruptcles. Delivered and Setup. 1·888-855- MENT
GEORGIA. Tractor-Trailer Driver WE NEED YOUR HELP!" The Good Sa­
for regional, OTR Positions and Local Driv· FREE DIRECTV INSTALLATION with maritan Center for Battered Women with

ers for Atlanta. Top pay Program and Ben­ equipment purchase. 2 free months of Children in crisis need volunteers. For
Premium Programming. $100 value. Free more details call 1·888·824-9802.
eflt. Package. 1 year experience. Call
Recruiting 1·888·247·4037 or 1·888·467- delivery and free professional installation.
6484. 1·800·859·0440. HARLEY OWNERS: FREE report reveals
how to save cash on repairs and parts .....

DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT "KISS YOUR CABLE GOODBYE" Only Avoid industry greed! Call toll free 888·
$1000 slgn·on bonus for Exp. Company S69. Includes 18" Little Dish System. 40 835·7985 for free recorded message.
Drivers 1·800·441·4394. Owner Opera­ channels: $19.99/mo. Tolt-Frae 1-888-
tor •. Call 1-888·867·3729 Bud 292·4836. Won't be undersold I Money­ Homeowner. with Credit Worrle. may
now quickly qualify for loans. Stonecaslle's
Truck Line. Refrigerated Hauling CALL back guarantee. FEDEX Delivery.
a direct lender thai can tell you over the
rOLL FREE 1-877·263·6393 Solo Driv·
ers & Contractors. Lice" ... : Purchase Georgia Hunting and phone and without obligation! Call 1·800·
Licenses online at 700-1242 ext. 310.
cal Refrigerated Company needs OTR
drillers company and Owner Operator -

COMPUTER BLOWOUT Unlimited Anytime Minutes*

* *
Position available. New Equipment
* *
Weekly Pay Good Benefits No NY City
or canada. Call Recruiting. 1-800·879·
Free Phone
DRIVERS: Start up to $.34/m!. Reg.
Ralaea. Take your truck home every 6·12
IBM 486
days. $800 Slgn·on bonus. BC/BS. Free -
Compatible -
Free 1st Month's Access
life ins. $42,416 Ave. yearly earnings.
Homady Truck life 1-800-441-4271. 8mb Ram, 100mb Hard Drive All for just '30
14" Color VGA Monitor, Keyboard & Mouse
DRIVERS: experienced or truck school
COL·A. Hiring OTR drivers. Earn I WOW I IWOWI

up to $.39c/mlle. Great Benefits. Start I WOW I I WOW I
ASAP. O/O's: $1.05/ mile, Call Cindy 1·
I WOW I 106 Webster Way 112 S. Tallahassee St. 209 Third Ave. 172 Ocilla Hwy.
383-6503 379-0504 374·3326 423-5390
OUTIIII Paid: Base Plate, Permits, Fuel cellular One will donate S20 from your holiday
Tax., $.80 cpm loaded & empty plus pre·
mium pay to stay out. 1-800·846-4321
800-679-8889 • package to help build a house with a family In
our community through _blUit for Humanity.
Arnold Transportation.
0peraIcn. CelllOday and .k about Great
New CompenutIon and Bonus Packagesl .Lnt 7lel-Ju,"
Boyd Broe. 800-543·8923 (OO's call 800- A PRICE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORA1110N Company· Listed ihe American Siock Exchange-symbol PR
ee.�'1 SJ.tJelU

833-1377). EOE 'Unllmlled .illime 1o' !he firs' e monIhI �. AIle, !he fitsl month .... monthIV tee Is S3'. Certlln 1WIIricIIonI1PPIY. Oller IJII)IIeI only 10 quaiMied 'Ite plans.
0IIe, exp!'" '�. SeMce.-nt NQUlMd. New .ctiv8IIonI only. See afore lot detIiII.

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Jeff Davis County's
Only Newspaper

Volume 48, Number 51 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 December 22, 1999



Candlelight Lord's
held at 6:30 p.m. at Southside
tist Church.

will be
err r1slmas/
Christmas Candlelight Commun­
ion will be held at 7 p.m. at New Life
Baptist Church.


Christmas Eve Communion Ser­

vice will be held at Hazlehurst First
United Methodist Church.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Ser­
vice will be held at Hazlehurst First
Baptist Church.
St. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal
Church in Baxley will have Its Annual
Christmas Eve Service at 7 p.m.


Christmas Day.


Playground Area Shootout boys

basketball tournament begins in Ft.
Walton Beach. Fla. and continues
through Dec. 30. Jeff Davis High
plays Graves County. Ky. at 8:30 a.m.
Jeff Davis Hospital Authority meets
at 5:30 p.m. in the hospital conference

Denton City Council meets at 7

p.m. at Denton City Hall.

Patrol Will Be
Out In Force
During Holidays
The Gcorgju State Patrol will keep
sharp eye (Iut for impaired drivers
during the Christmas and New Year's
holiday periods ill an effort to keep
down the predicted :�4 traffic fatali­
ties. Eighteen deaths arc predicted

during the Christmas period and 1(,

arc predicted for New Yl'ar"s
The Christmas holiday period he­

gins at (, p.rn. Thursday and contin­

ues through
midnight, Sunday. Pre­
dictions call for 2,004 crashes, (lX4
injuries and I X fatalities. The New
Year's holiday period hegins at (J p.m.
Dcc. 30 and continues through mid­
night, Jan. 2. During that time, 2,076
traffic crashes arc predicted with 631

injuries and I (, deaths.

Georgia Public Safety Commis­
sioner and State Patrol Commander
Col. Boh Hightuwer. said Troopers
will have zero tolerance for impaired
drivers. "Impaired drivers or. the
state'shighways will not be toler­
ated," Hightower said. "No family
should be torccd ro deal with the loss
of a family member or friend at the
hands of an impaired driver. The
iscompounded when the loss occurs
during the holidays.'
Troopers will he out in force
throughout the holidays, "In addition
to the heaviest travel days,
will he (In stepped up patrols fur New
Year's Eve," he said. "Traditionally,
this is the biggest party night of the
year and with the calendar rolling
over to 2000, the number of
drivers on the roads could increase
several times over what would nor­

mally he on the mads."

Last year, 14 people died on Geor­
gia roads during Christmas holiday
period with 1,820 traffic crashes and
512 injuries. The New Year's holi­
day recorded 2,180 traffic crashes,
5<)2 injuries and 10 fatalities.
Yram the 01affOf7he
Of those killed during the Christ­
period, five were alcohol related
and two were drug related. Five of
those killed were not
wearing scat
belts and seven deaths involved
speed. During New Year's, one fa­
tality was alcohol related and one was
drug related. Six of those killed were

not wearing a scat belt.

highest number of fatalities
recorded during a Christmas holiday
was 36 in 1971 and the lowest was
five in 1982. For New Year's, the
highest was in 1981 1987 when
23 people died and the lowest was in
1947 and J958 with three fatalities.
2A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22, 1�99


20- Year-Old Hazlehurst Woman

Dies In Thursday Morning Wreck
A �O-year-llid woman was killed struck 1I culvert, then continued on Ms. Wilcox WIIS II native of Cof­
in an early Thursday morning ucci­ and struck tree in the front of ree bUI lived
yard County rnust uf her life
dent on North Gill Street in Hazle­ the Jackie Clark residence. in Jeff Davis
County. She is survived
hurst. Hazlehurst Police Chief Steve her mother and step-father, Dor­
According til Hazlehurst Police Land said the vehicle was sideways othy and Larry Harper of Jesup; her
Dcpurtrncrn reports, Christy Michelle when it hit the culvert and over­ turhcr, Ronald Wilcox (If Hazlehurst;
Wilcox of Jesup. Iorrnerlv (If Hazle­ turned, throwing Cox from the ve­ four brothers, Craig Wilcox of At­
hurst, was
passengl:r in a II)IJ)
a hicle. The truck then became air­ lunta, hris Wilcox of Lumber City,
'f('Yllla Tacoma pickup truck driven horne, rolled over once and struck Ihe Disharoon of
Anthony Baxley and
h Jalun Lance Kirkland, 20, or tree, The bottom or the vehicle hit the Justin Wilcox Ill' Hazlehurst; mater­
l lnzlchurst. She was
silting in the tree with the driver's side of the ve­ nal grandmuther, Shirley Disharoon
Irt int scat of the truck between Kirk­ hicle the of
ground. Hazlehurst; and paternal grand­
Driving warning posted at school land ami Bllhhy Cox .Ir. Ill' Hazle­ Chief' Land said Kirkland, who Illl ithcr I .ouisc Wilcox of I luzlchurst.
Local and officials posed with the new posters hurst. �:). wa:-.
seriously injured, was able 10 Services held
area SheriffJimmy Boatright, JDHS Assistant Principal were
Saturday at
on display at Jetf Davis High School. The posters Davis Stapleton, State Farm Agent John Dawson, Accurdin]; 10 the report, the ve­ CflI\VIOUI of the wreckage hili rescue Southside Baptist Church with the
intorm youngsters on the relatively new penalties hide was traveling illhl Hazlehurst personnel had to remove Ms. Wilcox. Rev.
JDHS Principal Ronald Dixon, James Pair of Gary Cungur, the Rev. Jack Lee
1111 North Gill al
for violations that can lead to the loss of driver's Hazlehurst Mills, Police Chief Steve Land, Safe and upproxinuucly 12:.,7 Cox had visible injuries hUI was not and the Rev. Ginu Mayo officiating.
a.rn, when it len Ihe
licenses. Pictured from left are School Sober Organization Director Oscar Hulett, roadway on the seriously harmed in the accident. Burial was in I IlIzlehllrsl CilY Cern­
Superintendent Dr. Howard Hendley, Leonard Hazlehurst City Manager Ken Floyd, State Rep. righl side when coming OUI III' a left Charges arc pending the result of ctery, Fllf more informarion, sec the
Sweat of the Southeast Georgia Health District, curve, crossed the opposite lane and laboratory tests.
Roger Byrd and State Sen. Van Streat. obituury page.

New Laws Can Lead To Loss Of Riverkeeper hires executive director

After a
year Ill' llperaling through utcd in January. I I)£)I) 10 protect Ihe I :-.aid.

Licenses For Georgia Youngsters vul

u ntc e

r etlorl�.
ha:-. hired an
quality III' wnter, hubiuu and flow in
the Altumuha busin, which includes
The Auum.rhn river hasill shelters
than I flO
more rare plants and ani­
director. Deborah Sheppard. life­ three tr ihuturics, the malx.
Ocmulgcc, including the Gcurgi« spiny
Stutistics have provcn tluu Illillg, ingly any alcoholic hev- Schunl
IIigh t» h 'Ip infonn students Illng Gcorgiuu with over _0 years Oconee and Ohuopce. Although the mussel, Atluntic :-.Iurgeoll and swal­
inexperienced drivers arc invul cd ill era 'c. (If the stiffpenalties lor driving vio­ cxp .ricnce in cnvironrncntul leader­ Altarnuha is (_ieorgia's largesl river, luw-tuilcd kite. Nutrient levels in the
dixpn '1'"1'1 illllaid high IIIIIl1hel "I' it Misrepresenting his a rc ill any lalilllls, pnniculurl: IHJt IltTcn:-.e:-.. :-.hil" will hcg in work in Jnuuar and one with an immense cultural lower haxin have duuhlcd in the past
11101111' vehicle nccidcntv. I'. cr car. manner whale for the purpose Ill' One cuntniucd the II) uf· �IJII(I.
plaque heritage. it has not escaped acute rhiny yl:ar:-..
hundred-, III 'ople die 1111 the
_ nUllg p Ilhlaillill):! illegally allY alcoholic hcv­ fen:-.e:-. fllr \ hich licellw:-, ';111 he rc­
Sheppard i:-.
currently the a�sislalll problems with pollution. Over 1110 F(If mote infurrnution about Alta­
highway". I'rilllaril Ihcy arc Ihe vil'­.
erage. vllked, and Ihe olher CIlIlI;lilll·d "The direclor Ill' the ('(laslal Georgia Cell­ major pcrmit-, ullow Ihe discharge Ill' lIIaha Riverkeeper. and 10 gel in­
lims of ill ·.xpcriellce. high :-.pecd:-. alld I). Misfl.:presenlillg his Ten ClllllrnandlllCllh "I' I Jlldcl age
idenlily Ilr ler I'm Su:-.lainahle
Developmenl and p"lllllallis inlll Ihe walers llf Ihe AI­ v,d cd, Ihe weh :-ilc al
'"Iderage drillkillg. usillg all false idelllificali(lll rllr Ihe Drinking." Thcy arc: :1 hllard Illenrher of Ihe Mclnlosh Imnaha; there arc hundreds of minllr
TWIl years agll. Ihe (ieflfgia (;ell­
www.allalllahwiYsrkeepl:r.llr�. call
purpllse Ill' purchasing Ilr uhlaining I. Revocalilln Ill' licell."'- 1"11' :-.ix
('lIl1nly Chamher of COllllTIerce. In dischargers as well. MallY of Ihe office ill Dariell al (I) I 2) 437-
eral A:-.:-.emhl ellacled lough, lIew allY ;dCllhlllic heveragc. ll111nlhs wilh NO reill:-.I;llement. IIJI) Sheppard wa:-. clJllllllemlcd
hy (ieorgia's chief cilies dump all or a X I (,4m write Altamaha Riverkeeper,
Icgislalioll aillled 011 prevelllillg Ih .

III. f)IJ1 (Driving Ullder Ihe In­ 2. There wi II Ill: nil


Nul'l ('un­ Ihe (iemgia 1I0llse of Represellla­

pmlillll of Iheir waSle inln Ihe basin. 1'.0. nux 2(,42, Darien, (ia. 3 13U5.
carriage Ill' yllllllg pellple (ll1lhe high­ fluellce -
alcohollevd (If .(J2 grallls lelldert.:" plea. live� for her wllrk III
prolect Wilh a drainage area III' ahoul 14.(JOO 'Iil hecllml: a memher of Ihe Alta­
ways. Bill an '1' IWel year:-., 1l);1I1Y
eve" m III II re ). 1. Altelldallcc ilt a IHJI �dlllt,1. (iellrgia's ellvifllnlllenl, III improvc square miles reaching fromlhe coaSI maha Riverkeept:r, sClld $20 per in­
leenager:-. ;rlld Iheir parenl:-. When Ihe 4. AI lea:-.I 1111) hllllr:-. III'
legislalilln passed ill

arc CIII1I111U­
(icllfgia's eClllllllllY alld III enhallce lomelr(lpulitanAllanta, the Allamaha dividual memhership. $)() per fum­
slill ullaw:m: Ihallhere arlO 111 viula­ I')IJX. Ihell-(iovefllllr Zell Miller scrvice wilhill (,(1
lIilY Itl hegin day" Ihe qllalily llf life or (iemgia's cili­ receives runoff from a wide range Ill' ily memhership, alld $5 per senior
lions Ihal can re:-'1I1t in ",olllr vehicle slrc:-.sed 10 nllicials slalewide Illal a of senlencing. zell:-'.
pollulion sources, hllih urban and Cilizl:n/sludelll memhership to Alta­
drivers ullder ;Ige _I lo:-.illg Iheir li­ zero-llI!crance apprllach should he :). Loss lIf III lIhlain "I .ike all who
ahilily a
depend Oil and care rural. malla Riverkeeper, P.O. Box 2M2,
cellses. lakell.lo cnforcing Ihc slalules. gradualcd I iccn:-.e IeVl:1 fllr 1_ aholll Ihe Allilmaha and ils Irihular­ Since January, Altamaha Darien, (ia. :l1)()). Cllntributions arc
ACl'lIrtiillg Itl law:-. ellaclcd ill III Ihe ensuing mllnlhs, many ",olllhs. ie:-., I \ ani 10 conlrihule III ils has signed
reSlo­ Riverkeeper up liver 2)0 lax deduclihle.
IIJIJH. Ihe driver's I il'ellse \If ;111
r 'r­ youllg 1'0 II lid oUllhe hard way
pellple (,. Millillllllll fille of $I)(,_.:)(J. ralillll and she said.
prulectiulI," memhers. It is one of 32
Keeper pro­ '1'1' rl:purt polhlll:rs. deSlruction of
SOil 'IIIdcr I year:-. of age :-.hall he Ihal Ihe I.egislalure alld local judges 7. Minimlllll or 24 hllllrs

ill,iail. "Dedicaled vlllllnleers have begun III grams on water hndies Ihroughoutlhe wei lands and olher
revuked if Ill; or she is Cllllvicied of
degradalions to
lIIeall hu:-.ille:-.s
concerlling Ihe ahllve X. $2()() I'llI' reill"lalell11'111 Id' li- creale a slrong presence for Ihe Alla­ Uniled Siaies. The founder of the Ihe call
river, lilli-free I-M77-
allY uf Ihe follmvill/:(: villialiolls. The law's provisions have cense. maha Rivcrkeeper Ihro"gholll Ihe aCli(l11 group, James Holland, a com­ AI TAMAI I (2SH-2h24.) If you wit­
I. I Iii alld filiI. hcell particular Illugh 1111 cllilege SIU­ I). 12 monlh:-.
prllhalilln. wa1l:rshed. II will lake all of u� elln­ mercial crabher from the Brunswick lIeSs a POIiUlill1l emergellcy slIch as a
2. I .1·;lvillg Ihe scelle III' all acci­ delll:- who IIIUSI travel III al1end HI. The emharra�slllelli It, yll\lr
linuing 10 work t�ller to huil,d an area, will rl�muin the official raw sewage spill, a chemical spill, ur
dellt. "chulll. Alkr fuund of
heillg guilty family alld friel1ds. Ilrganii'al illll Ihal c�i 'Icelllllplish our Riverkecpcr. Sheppard will serve as a
lagoon spi II ple;I�t: conlael Ihe En­
Racillg. olle (If Ihe I () vi(llatinns Ihal lead 10 "Alilhis I'm (If mi:-.silln.
drinking une call Executive Direclor. "Now we can
gct vironlllenial I'loleclion Division
I. Usillg vdlicle 10 l'lcl: or 'Iude liceflse revllclliion, Ihllse sludenls heer Is it wllrth il'!" The

Riverkeeper grllup was ere- to wurk turning this mess uround," (EPD) ill your dislrict.
police officer. have found IIH.:mseives wilhout any
S. Rcckless drivill,L!. 10 Iravel III and frllm
way college.
(,. offellse fill' which film
Ally or
Many whll live lilT campus have to
morc ptlinls arc assessed agaillsl ;r find allernalive means In get 10 their
driver's license (pa:-.sillg III' ash Ipped classes each day.
schlllli hus, irnpn lper passillg. speed Officials wilh Ihe Jell Davis
ill excess of Ihe "peed limil hy 24 Safe ami Soher
CounlY Organizatiun,
mph or 111 me ). lasl week presented hlue-und-gold
7. Under age purchasing or knllw- he displayed al Jeff Davis
plaques tn


Bishop J. Kevin Boland

attends celebrations here
Bishop J. Kevin Boland, of the nal parishiuners -

namely Mr. Chet

Diocese llf Savannah, attended the Brezinski and his daughter, Joyce
Dcc. 12 celebratillns at Goud Shep­
Padgett, Bob and Angat Maloit, Ada
herd Catholic Chapel in Hazlehurst Elton, and Ann Bookhardt, who arc
tu mark the
annive.rsary of the Dedi­ slill active in the church. Mr.
cation of the Chapel 2S years ago. Brezinski has lived in Hazlehurst for
In his homily, the
Bishop honored 50 years.
the priests, IHIIIS and deacons who The celehration of Holy Mass was
served the church through the years. followed by a lunch which was en­

He also honored several of the all.

origi- joyed by

Hazlehurst Housing Authority

: Changes It Monthly Meeting Date aLT�MA ....WIll
aMN'aAL I�
CMnr ..... 1m
The timc for the monthly meet­ third of every month at
Thursday .-.. GIaftaIa 11_
ing of the Hazlehurst Housing Au­ 6:30 p.m. at the Hammock Home (111)417'-
thority has heen changed. office.
The Authority will meet on the The next meeting will be Jan. 20.

,. , ,
Jeff DaviS Ledger, Wed., December 22, 1999 3A

dinner set for
January 15

The Appling Grays Camp, Sons

of Confederate Veterans will host its

annual Robert E. Lee/Thomas J.
Jackson birthday banquet Jan. 15 at
7 p.m. at the Baxley Federal Bank

lodge at Lake Mayers.

Randy and Jan Stewart of Charles­
ton, S.c. will make a presentation.
The Stewarts have been involved in
the project to exhume the bodies of
Confederate sailors recently found
under the football stadium at the Cita­
del Military Schuol in South Caro­
To register for the banquet, con­


tact Commander Lamar Deen at 367-
3176 or Ken Smith at 3'75-7797.

Two get VSU

Two area students have heen
awarded scholarships fur Valdosta
State University's I 91)9-20(J0 school
year in recognition of their superior
academic achievements.
The following students received

Autumn Brandi Thatcher, a senior

art education major, is the daughter

of Mary Thatcher of Hazlehurst.
Thatcher received the Frances Wood
Wilson scholarship. Thatcher is a

I !)IJ) graduate of Jell Davis High

Dana Rene Edge, a junior second­
ary education major, is the grand­
daughter of A.D. and Louise Claxton
of Hazlehurst. Edge received the
Milton N. Rumor Foundation schol­

arship. Edge is a 19')7 graduate of

Jeff DavisIligh School.

Free rides
Ryles Express
set this Friday
Children enjoy free rides on

the Ryles Express children's trnin on

Christmas eve, this Friday, from 2 to
5 p.m. at Ryles Maximum Auto Care
on the Alma Highway.

A visit from Santa Claus is also

expected at Ryles' station.

Graham UMW,
COG to co-host

Graham United Methodist Church

and Graham Church of God will co­

host a "Millennium Celebration' at

the Methodist Church social hall fori­

day, Dec. 31 from 8 p.m. until mid­

50% off
night. Refreshments will be served. take 100/0 off regular priced merchandise other items reduced up to
All friends and neighbors are in­ *
Exclusions include: other coupons, prior purchases, gift certificate purchases, sale priced
vited to join in fellowship to welcome
Liz Ctaiborne" plus all
millennium, and
jeans, Hanes Silk Reflections®, Chaps", Aiqner", Aerosoles", Calvin Klein",
the start of a new to

thank God for the perfect gift He gave

us 20(10 years ago. temporary sale priced items.

Christmas eve

service planned
St. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal
Church will have its Annual Christ­
mas Eve Service at 7 p.m. Dec, 24.

The church is located on U.S. 341

North in Baxley.
Everyone is welcome at the ser­

vice and to enjoy refreshments fol­

lowing the service.

Census Bureau
needs workers

The U.S. Census Bureau needs

An employment test for workers
will be given Monday through Fri­
day from 9:30 a.m. to.l p.m. at the
Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County Pub­ .


For information, call (912) 338-
0176 ..

Fund is set up VILLAGE PLAZA
for Thrift family MON.-THURS. 9-9
A fund for the Bubba Thrift fam­

ily has been opened at the Bank of

Interested persons may deposit
directly to the account.
4A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

speaks to local
retired educators
The Jeff Davis County Retired Marinelle W. Simpson of

Educators met Dec, I), for the Annual McDonough, president of the Geor­
Christmas meeting and luncheon at gia Retired Educators Association.
the Public Lihrary. Some of the high-lights of Dr.
'The meeting was called to order Simpson's speech included the recent
hy President Edward Kurncguy who improvements concerning retirement
presented Hazel I lurrell to introduce requirements and age, House Bills
the devotion and meditation leaders. No. 447 and I (150, the percentage
Mrs. Harrell introduced Jimmy increase in retirement benefits, and
the seventeen values that must be
Ryles and John Hunt who gave an in­
spirational and challenging medita­ taught in Georgia public schools in
tion and devotion, They presented the year 20110, and urged retired edu­
several Christmas carols and gospel cators to become a member of the

medleys. Mr. Ryles gave several local and state associations because
beautiful testimonies about hi� know­ they arc "Piggying" on the hack of

Jesus Christ his Savior. lie also the members if they arc not members.
ing as

demonstrated xevcrul songs with his Closing remarks were made hy

Man"clap-hoard, the Mr. Kornegay lind Mrs. Turner. Mr.
"Dancing on

dancing out the melodies as Mr. Claxton asked the blessing and the
Ryles and Mr. l lunt sang the slings. attendeesenjoyed the luncheon.
Mr. Ryles introduced the 'retired Those attending included Dr.

cducatut» tll the "Tator Family" and Marinelle W. Simpson and her hus­
Ride For Kids
dcnu uistrutcd how each line mny in­ hand, both or Md)onllugh. Pall line
Organizers were well pleased their motorcyles and did a wide collected. Each participant had to the cycle riders are pictured on
Iluuncc apersons behavior and SIlC­ Turner and her husband. hoth of
with the turn-out for the first Ride tour of Jeff Davis
County, ending bring toy for the Pilot Club's Toys
a the Uvalda Highway north of
cess in life. The closed with "Silent Alma, Edward Karnegay, Jimmie
For Kids motorcycle ride. More atWeatherly Park in Hazlehurst for Tots Program in order to Hazlehurst.
and "I Saw The I.ight.'· TIll: Nell Tate, Mr. and Mrs. w.G. Ellis,
Night" than 50 participants climbed on where a big cache of toys was participate. Above, a portion of
lIazel Harrell, Wilhelmina II.
two inspirational leaders �et the tunc
, for the morning and the meeting was Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. B. II. Claxton.

off to a good start. Edna B. Thornton, Jane Baggett,


Mr. Karlll:gay gave remarks abuut Avnis Maddox, Alva M. Fullard.


the State of the Associutirm and pre­ Geraldine Cruwlc y, Carolyn II.
sented l'nulinc Turner otAlrnn.Arca Arnold, Shirle Smith, Dorothy
IV Director. Mrs. Turner gave an up­ Harlcston, Geneva Smith, De Auhr y Band concert
dateon the lcgisl.uion or (j REI\. She Kitching, and special guesb. Jimmy
introduced the guest speaker, Dr. Ryles and John Ilunt.
An appreciative crowd listened as
Jeff Davis High Assistant Band
Plant Hatch is ready for Y2K Director John Reid leads the Jeff
Davis High School Concert Band
The Edwin I. Hutch Hcctric Gen­ completed the scheduled work in the music
during program's
erating ready to welcome the
Plant is June of this year. We expect to he annual Christmas Concert. The
New Year hy continuing til produce operating normally when the New concert was held last Thursday in
the same safe energy it ha� produced Year hcgin«, The goal of Southern the new Jeff Davis High School
for the people or Georgia since 1'174. Company's Y2K Project is to keep gymnasium.
"We have worked hard for the last the lights on."
several years til make sure our sys­ Additional personnel will he at
tems arc ready," said Plant Hatch Plant lIatch for the date changeover
General Pete Wells. "We to help monitor system operations.

Holiday Calendar
Children enjoy free rides on
can Church will hold Watch Night set
the Ryles t:xpress children's train and vices at I O:�O p. m.
Candlelight lord's Supper will he
Tommy Purser Santa Claus from 2 to 5 p.rn. at 1\ New Year's Eve Service will he

held (dO p.m.
at at Southside Bap­
Ryles Maximum Auto Care on the held at 10 p.rn. at Elhcthcl Church.
tist Church.
Alma Ilighway. Evergreen Freewill Baptist
Christrnu» Cnndleligh! Commun­
New life Christmas Eve Communion Ser­ Church will host the Watch-Night
ion will he held at 7 p.m. at
vice will he held at Hazlehurst First and Communion services at 10:30
Baptist Church.
Christmas revival United Methodist Church. p.m.
1\ few that would make under five year� old call­ daughter-in-law. Christmas Evc Candlelight Scr­ SATlJRUAY, .JANlJARY I
things me
Anyone my cuncludcs at Bennett Tahcrnuc!c
vice will he held at Hazlehurst First New Year's Day Parade and Ba ..
smile at Christmas time: ing to wish me a Merry Christmas. Dancing. Holiness Church.
with A secret admirer it. Raptist Church. bccue will he held in Snipcsvillc.
Dinner at a nice restaurant Pecan pic. admitting Morgan Chapel Baptist Church or
The sound of my A visit from Santu Claus. St. Thomas
Aquinas Episcopal Activities begin at II a.rn. with the
with my youngest daughter. grandson's Graham will hold the Annual Christ­
A hag of boiled peanuts. laughter. A skiing trip. mas
appreciation Program at 7:�(I Church in Baxley will haw its An­ parade scheduled to start at 2 p.m.
or coal in my Christmas A serenade. nual Christmas Eve Service begin­ Mount Calvary Baptist Church
A call from a friend I haven't heard A lump p.rn.
ning at 7 will host the Emancipation Day pro­
from in it long time. stocking. A hug from any member of the THlJRSDAY.IlECEMUER 2.1 p.rn.
A call from friend period. Sweet potato casserole. Jeff Davis High girls basketball team. Saint John Church or FRIDAY, IlECEMUER.11 gram at 2 p.m.
a " ..

Ditto the Watch Night Service will he held TlJESIlA Y • .JANlJARY 4
A present wrapped in a newspa­ A good joke. cheerlcuding squad. I umber City will host a Christmas
at I) at Denton Baptist Church. Jeff Davis County students return
per the Ledger, of course.
A cornyjoke. Hearing the first words my grand­ program at 7:�() p.m. p.m.
wife Evergreen Freewill Baptist to school.
A round of golf with my
only sun. Watching the good watching daughter says. FRIDAY. IlECEMUER 24

Peppermint candy wrapped in a everyone else open their gifts. Watching anyone young enough
purple I'ft.Jw. A hag of fresh-popped popcorn to still believe in Santa Claus open a


e •.•..
Carolers singing my tront Sharing stories abuut Christmases Christmas gift. o. �,�.'. J

on .


.lawn, or the past. A happy child.
Snow. A kiss. I\n excited child. for help they got
A quiet walk in the country with A Hershey's kiss. Laughter.
The Christmas
at JD Hospital
my oldest daughter. Someone unexpected wishing me Reading Story
A back ruh. a Merry Christmas. from the Bible.
Dear Tommy Purser:
A hug from someone
special. A chat on the backyard bench with Peace on Earth.
On Dcc. 10, our family received
avery upsetting call from Jeff Davis

Hospital. Our grandson, Jacob, was

at the emergency room with burns

received from a gasoline fire. Upon
arriving at the hospital, the emer­

Mrs. Mint Rowland gency roo III staff ensured us that

Jacob was okay and that his injuries
Services for Mrs. Mint Rowland, Clark. Mrs. Rowland was a home­ Rowland, Neubern Rowland, Troy
Johnson and
were being treated. We also learned ,.

7M, of Hazlehurst who died Dec, <) maker. Johnny Stinson. ,.

that off-duty nurse that was leav­

were held Dec. II in the chapel of Survivors include one daughter, Honorary pallbearers were Em­
ing the hospital saw Jacob and re­ .*
Miles Funeral Home. Nell Stinson of Hazlehurst; one son, ployees of Sunbridge Care and Re­ turned to the E.R. and assisted in his
The streets resound with song and mirth,

Dr. Pete Sharber officiated with H.T. (Harold) Clark of Hazlehurst; hab. Center, J.A. Yawn and Jimmy '00
treatment until they were sure he was While people pray for peace on earth; o
burial in the Liberty Baptist Church one sister, Jewell Jones of Uvalda; Boatright.
okay. Bright lights twinkle from tree
grandchildren; 12 great-grand­

Cemetery in Jeff Davis County. five o

Mr. Purser, at times we hear nega­
Mrs. Rowland was a native of children and a
special friend, Jimmy Music was rendered by Shirley And boys girlsand glee,
are filled with •
tive things about our small town hos­ o
'Wheeler County but had lived most Walls. Kirby.
pital; however, this is only one ex­ Anticipating what delights '0.
of her live in Jeff Davis She Active
pallbearers were Jerry Miles Funeral Home was in
County. Santa's sleigh will bring tonight.
ample of the care and concern our
.wus the daughter of the late Eva Rowland, Harry Rowland, Bobby charge. o

medical professionals provide to our What is the meaning of these things?

community. It's the joy that Christmas brings!
Our family would like to say thank o.

you to Dr. Sucheta Garg, the off duty

JEFF DAVIS LEDGER nurse, Shelly Gay and the rest of the

emergency room staff of Jeff 19avis

Hospital for the excellent medical
P.O. Box 338, Hazlehurst, GA. 31539· Telephone 912-375·4225 treatment Jacob received that night.
special thank you goes to Dr.

Published every Wednesday by Hazlehurst Publishing Co., Inc. at 12 Latimer Street, Hazlehurst, Ga.
Macalalnd, the Rev. Royce Hulett .¥
and members of Oakland Baptist
Periodicals Postage paid at the Hazlehurst Post Office (USPS 273·560).

Lastly, we would like to say thank

Bank of Hazlehurst-.
50 cents per single copy at locations aU over Jeff Davis County and in Lumber City in Telfair County; by
you to Jacob's friends for their visits
mail, $16.05 per year in Jeff Davis and bordering counties; $19.26 per year elsewhere in Georgia; and
$26.75 per year out of state. POSTMASTER: Send POD Form 3579 to Jeff Davis Ledger, P.O. Box
and calls during his recuperation. '*' -

Thank you,
338, Hazlehurst, Ga. 31539.
Glynn Miles and family


Jeff Davis LedRer, Wed., December 22,1999 SA

Parrish Reports By Wilhelmina Parrish

Bennett Tahc rnuclc Holiness Morgan Chapel Baptist Church of Church had a
guesl minister, Proph­ grel.:s was Melody Pierce of Hazle­ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E, Hill, and A large number of relatives ;rom out­
Church is holding a three-nights Graham will hold the Annual Christ­ etess Rashad Mcl.ain, who preached hurst. Those attending the com­ Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison and of-town attended the services corn­
Christmas revival Ike. 211-22 with a mas Appreciation Program Wednes­ Dec. I'). Prophetess Mcl.ain was in rncnccmcnt were M iss Pierce's par­ baby, Jaydon Robert. Mrs, Fladger ing from Jacksonville, FL,
diffcrcm speaker euch night at 7:30. day 7 p.rn. The speaker
Dcc. 22 III Hazlehurst visiting relatives. ents, Mr. and Mrs. FranklinConoway flew hack 10 New Jersey en route Brunswick, Atlanta, Jesup and North
The speaker Monday was Minister will he Deacon M.D. Parrish. The Family members joining Mr. and and family, their son, and daughter, through Atlanta after visiting her with Carolina.
Mahle miles. wa� l.Idcr pastor, Minisler Donald Dixon, and Mrs. Glenn Harris Sr. during the Jasmine Connwuy, her grandmother, her newly horn grandson, J.R. Minister Mallie Tobler of North
Eddie l lnrrnon a III I Wcdncxduy is members invite the public. Thanksgiving weekend for fellow­ Oucencll K. Pierce, Rieua P. Hand­ The General Missionary Baptist Carolina visited relatives in Lumber
Minister Sally Kirkland. The pustur, Mount Calvary Baptist Church ship and dinner were Matilda II. some, Valerie Rainey, Tcru Rainey Youth Convention will be held in City, Baxley, and Hazlehurst during
Bishop Rohl.:r1 L. Fryer and members will host the Ernnnciparion Day pro­ Stukes, Tracy Stokes. Lonnie Stukes, Wilson and Brianna, Josie Jackson, Albany at Friendship Baptist Church the weekend. Minister Tobler at­
invite arca churches and the public. gram Sal. Jun. I al 2 p.m. Area choirs, Keil Stokes am! Chris Swain. Geneva Calvin Pierce, Yolanda K. and Dec, 27-29. The host pastor is Min­ tended the funeral of Mr. and rvtrs,
Bennell Tuhc rnuc le l Io l i ncxs soloist», quartets, and other singing Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hansley, Charlie Williams and son, Charles, ister H. B. Johnson and the classes Andrew L. Clements Jr. while here.
Church will hllsl a G()spel EXlrava­ groups invited
lire In Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stokes, Mr. and .Jearline and James Eady, Alberta B. and sports activities will be held in Committal services for the re­

ganza SlInd:IY Dcc. :Y), OIl 3 p.m, All Evergreen Freewill Baptist Mrs. Luther Ilarris and Robert Hur­ Garnes, all of Hazlehurst; Dollie M. the Friendship Baptist Church facili­ mains of Mr. Willie Pace who was

choirs and :-.inging grlltlp� or indi­ Church will host the Watch-Night ris, all of Jacksonville, lL, Troy Hur­ and Aaron Hicks of Lumher City, and ties. burned up in a truck-truck accident
viduuls arc invited hI punicipurc. For and Communion services Friday ris, Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Tolbert and theirdaughters, Alicia Hicks of Berry Funeral services for Mr. Andrew several weeks ago ncar Hazlehurst
inrorlllalilln, contact Sixtc r Star Dcc. 31 OIl 10:30 p.rn. The pastor, Ivory Swain, all of Clcarwulcr, Fl, College and Angie Hicks of Valdosta Clements, Jr. were held Saturday washeld Sunday, Dec, 19 in the Clark
C'onown y. Minister J-I.L. Mckoy, and members and Mr. Ivory's suns all of San Fran­ State, Kimberly Kirhy of Fort Valley Dec. I � in the sanctuary of Bennett Cemetery ncar Jacksonville.
Saint John Ibplisl Church of invite the public. cisco. Calif. The family spend State, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Williams Tahernacle Holiness Church with Thornton Funeral HOllie was in
l.umbcr City and the pastor. Minis­ Evergreen Freewill Bupt i st Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. and family of Jacksonville, FL and Bishop Robert l.. Fryer officiating. charge,
tcr Joseph Mc l.cud, will I)\I:-.t a .hurch will host the Indoor Choir J irnrn y Clarence Douglas in Millen I.enton Pierce of Albany. Following
C'hrivnn.», 1'1'11 'lhurvd.ry, Dl'C.
n am Broadcast the fif'lh Sunday in Junu­ and en route h.unc spent the ni 'ht in the commencement they held a fel­
21 a17:30 p.llI. t iucvtxpcakcr i� Min­ ury p.rn. The pavtor, Minister
III () l lazlchurst with the Harri« family. lowship hour and dinner before re­
istcr (iarri� In St.rulc J 1'. Ilrl)lllIgla�. 11.1 ..

Mckoy, and members invite the Albany State University held ils turning home.
Special 111I1:-.ic will he pIt! idcd hy public and choirs. Winler Cornrncnccmcut Due. II. Mrs. Ruherta Hadger of New Jer­

gtl 1.::-' I �illger:-.. The puhlic i� invited. l.vcrgrccu lr e c wi l l Ilarlist Among the cundid.ucs receiving de- sey spent several days here as guests

May the true sr>lrlt of Christmas

envelop you and your loved ones.
as together we rejoice In the
birth of our Saviour.
Olde Red Barn Gift Shoppe
presented Bell Telephone Rd .• 375·4641

Jeff Davis Concerted Services

Director Jualice Simmons (third
Friday Night Prime Choice Buffet
from left) and Appling County at
Concerted Services Director
Cindy Higgins (third from right) The Outback
each accepted a check from
Baxley Federal Savings Bank.
This is the money raised in Baxley
Federal's ninth annual Christmas
project. Representing Baxley
Federal are, from left, Tammy
Merritt, Gayle Johnston, Janine
Hunter and Ann Miller.

Have A

Anniversaries -

Merry Christmas Sunday Outback &

December 23 Mr. and Mrs. Donny Rentz Mr. and Mr�.l\.lJ. Cochran
anda Recreational Center
Mr. and Mrs. I .. W. Spell December 25 Mr. und Mrs. I{IIY Simmons Bq[fet
Mr. anti Mrs. Pall I Wmth Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith Mr. and Mrs. hnesl Yawn Happy Each Sunday
(912) 375-0765
KIrkland SIIII Rocul, (llmlll !j
Mr. allli Mr:-.. lUI. ('laxIIIII Mr. and Mrs. Jlliian Mills Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin SCUll 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on

Mr. alld Mr�. I:.K. McKellzil.: Mr. and Mrs. Austin I{oherls Mr. and Mrs .lames Reid
New Year's illites pasl the FalrfJwllluls (II No :t./ehllrSI.

Mr. and Mr�. Salll MIIIIII Mr. and Mrs. Ray lIollstlln Mr. and Mrs. Rllllllie lIam.:11
Mr. alld Mr:-.. (·harlt.::-. Scllt.:r� Mr. and Mrs. Kl.:nndh Rowland Bet'cmhcr 21'1
Mr. and Mr�. Vickl.:r!),Mead Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith Mr. a III I Mrs. Bllford West
I)ccclllhcr N Mr. and Mrs. Rllnald Rhll(les Mr. and Mrs. John Kornegay
Mr. and Mr:-.. "l.:llnl.:tll Parlor Ucccmhcl' 26 Mr. alld Mrs. Kl.:ilh Byl.:rs
Mr. a III I Mr�. Paul Whill.: Mr. and Mrs. Neely Boggs IJcn�lIlhcr 29
Mr. and Mr:-.. Janll.::-' 1<. Kllrlll:g:ly Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kornegay Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walson
Mr. and Mrs. Allhrey JllhllMlI1 Mr. and Mrs. David Thigpen Mr. and Mrs. Pete Turner
Mr. ami Mrs. Edward llllghes Mr. and Mrs. Ernesl Findley Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mills
Mr. and Mr:-.. Viclllr l.llz:lda Ucccmhcr 27 Mr. lind Mrs. Tmy DCCII

Drinking & Driving ...

ishing you a very safe
and happy holiday
A Dead End

If you get behind the wheel, PLEASE NOTE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDA Y HOURS.
after you've had a drink or two,
you're already headed in the wrong direction. BOTH OUR OFFICES WILL CLOSE
Don't make a trip to the hospital or the morgue
part of your holiday. Steer clear of trouble.
Head home sober.
DECEMBER 24, 1999
An important message from
Safe & Sober AND
Committee FRIDAY,
DECEMBER 31, 1999


219 East Parker Street •
22 East Jarman Street •

6A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed .. December 22,1999

Jeff Davis boys face strong field in Florida Corbitt Supply/IBP

Jeff Davis High's boys basketball School of Mayfield, Ky. Ala., will ulso compete. Miltun High of Miltun. Hazlehurat •
team will be one of 16 boys teams The winner of that game The other
plays at only Georgra team ill Kentucky teams include Ohio Vinyl Siding -
Seamless Gutters
from six states thai will participate 7 p.m. on Tuesday against the win­ the tournament is Dacula of
High County High 111' Hartford, Henry Clay Metal Residential Roofs
next week in the Playground Area ner of Choctuwharchce
Iligh School Dacula in north Georgia, High of I cxington, Hancock County
Shuotout Fort Walton Beach. Fla.
at of Fort Walton Beach and loveland Teams in the tournament from High or Lewisport, Graves County
SupeRwalllnsulated Siding
The douhle-elimination tourna­ High of Cleveland. Tenn. The loser Florida arc Choctawhatchce High
High of Mayfield, and Moore High Replacements Windows
ment is scheduled to run Monday of the JD-Grave!> game meets the and Fort Walton Beach hoth of of Louisville.
through Thursday, Dec, 27-30. loser of the Choctawh.uchec-Cleve­ Fort Walton Belich. Niceville High From California is Lincoln High
The Jackets will play the land game at 10 a.m. Oil Tuesduy. of Niceville, Tate High of Gonzalez, of San
Diego and from Tennessee is
tournament's opening game as they Coach Warrell Roherts 3-4 Jack­ Crestview High of Crestview and Cleveland High of Cleveland.
get early start with a Monday ets will be or tWI) Jclf Davis
an one
game at H:30 in the morning. Jeff School teams ill the tuurnumcut as

Davis meets Graves Cou.ity High Jell Duvis High of Montgomery.

Altamaha Tech '5 atec campus

is proud to announce the addition of
the EMT program.

It takes special person to pursue a


career in
pre-hospital emergency
medical service. Both tbe training
program and the profession are
physically, mentally and emotionally
challenging! Yet knowing that you
possess tbe skills to alleviate suffering
and save lives, and knowing tbat you
can make a positive difference in the
Hatch employees help kids life of a patient, makes being an
Emergency Medical Technician one
of today's most rewarding
Some children in Jeff Davis Toombs Counties. Above, from
County will have a merry left, Cindy Carter, Hazlehurst Wal­ occupations.
Christmas thanks to the Mart; Diana Varnadoe, Plant
employees of Plant Hatch. The Hatch; and Pete Wells, Plant Employment Opportunity
employees raised approximately Hatch General Manager take a EMT may be employed by

$16.000 for their annual Santa break from packing toys to be ambulance services, rescue, fire
Bag Project which buys toys for delivered to area children.
underprivileged children in departments, search and rescue, ski
Appling, Jeff Davis, Tattnall and patrol or aeromedical services, in
specialty areas of bospitals and by
private industry, educational
institutions and government agencies.

Well Cherry .....
�. GIoIP 3114&
(812) Q7061OO

These boxes These boxes are

are good for good for life.

Support Ronald McDonald House
the holidays.
Jeff Davis Middle School Kyle and House. If anyone wants more A Wireless Gift For You!
Trent Y-Clubs have sponsored the contact Dana Wildes or
details, ·X·

Pop Tab Recycling Program as Tonya White at 375-6750. Thank

Our new Georgia Freedom Plans:
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funds for the Ronald McDonald continue collecting those tabs.
$24.95 a month for 650 minutes
Expanded local calling area
Manufactured Homes Take No roaming
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Georgia Freedom Plan.
foot. More and more first-time buyers, renters, rptil'f' ·s nnrl just.
people in general are finding an affordable ulternntive in manufac­
tured housing which runs, on average, $27.8:1 pel' square-foot. So
what makes manufactured homes so cost-effective'!

Pre-engineered construction in a controlled factory-environment '19.95 Motorola Profile 300 Phone
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Motorola Profile 300 Phont

Materials are not weakened or damaged by bnd weather 01' van­
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Streamlined inventory procedures. plus buying in bulk lowers


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QuaJity·control is easier and more thorough with on-site inspec­
tors checking every step of the manufacturing process to federal
Vilit tilt AUm ,ep,euntatlve at WII·Mlrt 0' 8l1li'1 0' one 01 ...... cOllllllle" locatio .. :
safety and construction standards higher than those of site-built n..nIIII ..... ..... ........ 11e IIIdeIIIIIt
MIlt MIoItrIe ......
homes. Weslover Pornle Ccnler Ire M�bll PIo:c Stm"'O Ccr'ler 1433 Easl Jockso" S! 602 A l6Ih A", 1401 Howens Mill Rd. Sf !>O3 I"'Mlllal mvd Ace Ilardwale 113 (asl Jollerson
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Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed.: December 22.1999 7A

JDH boys fall to Fitzgerald, defeat Appling

Jeff Davis' boys basketball team But after intermission, the Canes Thursday, it was the Jackets that used Richard Myles had 17 and Will Wood

split pair of games last week. fall­

a held the Jackets six third quarter
to a
big quarter to brenk llpl.!n a close 15.

ing 63·56 to Fitzgerald Tuesday in points while scoring 17 of their own contest. Kegan Bennett had nine, Derrick
and blow 41-31 lead. Jeff Davis led I h-I:'i at the Williams six. Robert Kerr four and Rent from
Fitzgerald topping Appling to to a unly
County 72·58 Thursday in Baxley. In a high-scoring fourth stanza. first stop hut, ill the second quarter, Antrude Roby one.

Both games were Region 2-AA the Jackets out-scored the H urricanes the vixiturx went on a :!()-H run to Myles went 5-for-S at the charily
South encounters. They left the Jack­ 25·22 but it wasn't enough to over­ jump out to a J6-23 lead at inicrmis­ stripe, and Wood and Derrick Will­
ets with a 3·4 overall record and a I· come the hosts' lead. xion. iams were both 4·for·4 as the Jack­

Trash Pumps •
Lawn Sprayers
2 mark. Williams all in the It balanced attack hit 22-of·31 free throws.

Step & Extension Ladders •
subregion topped scorers \ a:-. a
scoring ets

In Fitzgerald, the Hurricanes used game with 18 points. He was joined and perfect, 7-fur-7 free throw shoot­ Anthony Jones was Appling's

Dirt Packers •
Texture Sprayers
in double digits by Bennett and

Cement Finishers •
Weed TrImmers
a hig third quarter to break open a ing in the second quarter that made leading scorer with 16 points. Darrick
close game. The two teams battled Watkins with 13 and 10 the difference. Ricardo William» had Jones had 14 lind Tory Drake 11.

Post Hole Augers

Concrete Saws
to a 10·10 first half standoff as JD's Will Wood had seven. and Richard six puintx, lyles and Wl)od five
Your Authorized Dealer Jar
Brian Watkins hit three buckets and Myles and Derrick Williams added apiece, ami Derrick Williams four. Score by quarters:
the Jackets eased out to a 25-24 half­ four apiece. In till: I hall', till': JclT Davis 10 15 6 25 ·56

sccon two teams

time lead Ricardo Williams got six

as Corey Blount topped Fitzgerald played evenly a� the Jackets made Fitzgerald 10 14 17 22 ·63
& Q'RD)'!aar
Only SCly Iiw' IIeJ,IJuiIt THQY.R1IJ�
second quarter points and Kcgan with 17 points and Michael Tatum their halftime lea I stand lip.
fur Two mcchantcs duty· Open 6 week
Bennett hit a
pair of fielders. one had 12. Ricard: Williams led three Jack­ JelT Davis 16 20 17 19·72 011 days a

three points. Against Appling County Oil crs in double figure» with 20 points. Appling 15 8 16 19 ·58
Douglas Hwy .• 375-4549 •
Ask for Sharon

Fitz-Hi tops Lady Jackets; JD downs Appling

Jeff Davis High Schouls girl:-. fourth quarter. With Nicole Crav and wax the 1:"Ie�t team the Lad Jackets as Jeff Davis opened a 35-29 lead and

split pair of subregion games in the

a Victoria Roby each �cllring five had probably ever faced. This year, then held on ill the final quarter for
pas I week, fulling tu Fitzgeruld 53- points in the last
eight minutes, the they arc even taller. But the Lady Pi­ the win.
49 in Fitzgerald, and topping Appling Lady Jackets made a run at the Lady rate�, couldn't match the Lady Jack­ ray was the game's top scorer

County 4(,-40 in Baxley. Canes but they came up lour points ets' speed a� JI) took the 4(J·40 win. with 17 points. Johnston had II,
The games left the Jeff Davis girls' short. Appling took an early 7-5 lea I hut Marlo Mincey 10, Margo Mincey
overall record at 5-2 and made them Mincey was the only Jeff
Marlo the Lad. Jackets � .urcd the final five four, Jessica Roby two and Victoria
2-1 in subregion play. Davis player in double figures with point� of the quarter to lead 10-7 at Ruby two.

In Fitzgerald, the Lady Hurricanes 13 points. Margo Mincey and the first stop. and stretched their lead Tabutha Hall scored 16 to lead

opened a six point lcud in the first Courtney Johnston had eight each. tll 14-7 hefore Appling stopped the Appling.
quarter at 16-1 () and maintained that Cray and Victoria Rohy seven apiece, run with a
pair of free throws, The Score by quarters:
lend at intermission, taking a 29·2:1 and Jessica Rohy six. I.ady I'irate� hauled hack to tie the Jeff Davis 10 13 8 18 ·49
lead to the dressing room at halftime. Fitzgerald was led hy Jakccdru xcotc at I (l·all at halftime. Fitzgerald 16'131311·53 Give a Gift Subscription to the
In the third quarter, the hostesses Wimberly with I H. Sheena l loruc icolc Cruy s 'med seven points
padded their lead, stretching it to 11 with 13 and Katrina Bivens with II. ill thl' third quarter and Marlo MillCCY .Jeff Davis 10 6 19 II 46 Jeff Davis Ledger!
points as they led 42-31 entering the Last year's Appling County tcum and Cuurtnc Johnston had six each A,I"linJ,! 7 9 13 II ·40
Jeff Davis & Surrounding Counties
1 year '.' " ,.,
Girls· 66-game win streak brought to a halt 2 years ., , .. " ,

Other counties in Georgia

When the Jeff Davis
High School Jackets wcrc J 1-0 and ranked as the Tournurnent in Macon. tournament.

With the
1 year , .. , .. , " ,
girls lost 53-49 last Tuesday night, No.2 Class AA team in the state, Be�ide� l.c]; ieu. other key pia •

exception of Leggett, the

2 year $36.38
remaining players from that team re­
, , , , ,

senior that Il)l)} team Lashun

., ..

Dec, 14 to Fitzgerald in Fitzgerald, despite having only one on the er� lin wen:

the loss snapped a (lb-garne subre­ tcam Angie Leggett.


Fi�her, Shouda Williams. l.avonin turned to post a 26-2 record the fol­

gion win streak for the Lady Jackets. The 1992-93 Jackets uvcngcd that Rohinsnn. Shcria Brantley. Sheila lowing year, advancing to the state Out of State
The streak had six years and loss week later,
topping Screven I. icke and Nunyu Kornegay. quarterfinals.
run a
1 year , ,., ,
10 months almost to the day, as the County in the
subregion tournamcnt That 11)'J2-lJ1 team wa� thc cata­ The 1<)94-95 tcam advanced to the
2 years $51.36
last lime a Lady Jacket team lost to a finals. The following week, they lyst that surrtcd of a seven-year run semifinals of the state tournament

subregion opponent was on Feb. 13, swept a pair of games in the region of outstanding �cas()ns during which with a 27-1 record. Over the next four
1993. That loss, 10 Screven County tournament to improve to 25-1 he­ time Coach Hugh Icl3ridc's Lady years, Mc Br idcs teams posted
Call 375-4225 for details
in Sylvania, stopped another streak fore losing to Early County 57-52 in Jackets posted a 171-1·21 overall records of 2(,·3, 25-4, 22-4 and 27-

as, at the timc of the defeat, the Lady the first round of the Class AA State record and made six trip� to the !-Itate 3. The Lady Jackets arc 5-3 this year.

In Sugar City Classic in Savannah

Lady Jackets fall to Morrow 55-37

Jeff Davis High School's girls bas­ Nicole Cray turned her ankle. had eil.!ht. Cra '�l'vcn, Marlo Mincl'y
kelball Icam gave strong Morrow
a "We had a good run," McBride fi c, COllrtney Johnston five and jes­

High School team a bailIe before fad­ said. "We had Ihem II lillIe bit CLln­ sica Ruby two.
ing down the stretch to rail 55-37 in fuscd.'· Lady Jackct:-., 5-3, playcd

Monday's opening round of the While Cray reentered thl.! gamc Tuesday against Tattnall County in
Sugar City Classic in Savannah. laler, she wns not a factur with her the tournalllent'� IlJsc..:r� brackct. Tau­

Cut it out!
JDH Head Coach Hugh McBriue bad ankle, McBride said. nail lost hig tll Dillard lIigh School
said Ihe story of the game was that, The mllch
bigger Morrow team of Florida. Morrow and Dillard met
after lrailing 38-26 entering the final jumped outlo a 19-H first quartcr lead TlIesd:IY in the winners bracket.

quarter, the Lady Jackets cut the lead and led 30·1!:l at halftime. Score b qllarters:
10 six wilh 3:49 left to play when se­ Margo Mincey !ed the Jeff Da is Jeff Davis 8 III H II ·37
nior poinl guard and defensive leader scoring with 10 points. Victoria Rohy Morruw 19' I 8 17 ·55 Don't get caught unprepared. Clip and save the safety precautions
listed below and follow them anytime you smell gas or
suspect a leak.
JDMS boys lose to Bacon Middle 42-29
Jeff Davis Middle School brenk. Ja\'ullnie Bennctt led in scoring
hoys mas
During the transition into the new year, and at any·
were defeated by Bacon Middle The Baby Jackets Icd I b-IS at with 17 point� followed hy Mallhew
Wise with II
time, please follow these safety precautions in the
School 42-29 last Wednesday. JDMS halftime before falling in thc sccond points. Kyle Varnadoe
boys' record falls 10 2-4 althe Christ- half. addcd three points. event you smell gas or
suspect a leak:

leave the area
Do not operate any electrical switches or

� �
Holiday *
equipment (including phones and flashlights)
Go to
phone away from the smell
Gas light Company (AGlC)
and call

Banking *
or 1·877·427·4321 outside

If you cannot reach the AGlC Call Center, call 91 1

or other local
emergency agencies (police or fire
If phone service is interrupted, drive to your local

Friday, December 24 � police or fire department and they will be able to

We will close at 2 p.m. alert AGlC of the emergency

Remain away from the area until an AGlC

Saturday, December 25 employee or representative arrives to declare

CLOSED the area safe

To report a natural gas leak call (770) 907-4231

Resume regular banking hours
on Monday, December 27 or outside metro Atlanta call 1-877-427-4321

._---------------------------_ .

• Atlanta Gas Light Company


r=l N. Tallahassee St., Hazlehurst •

375.5415 Member

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SA Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

We Need Christ
For Christmas
One of the most popular holidays of
the year is Christmas, and it is
probably one of the main reasons
that most of us enjoy the month of
December. Decorations, gift-giving,
Christmas carols, and getting
together with friends and relatives, Along with these sponsors,
are all a part of this special time. We
celebrate Christmas in honor of
Christ's birthday, and like any
encourage you to attend
birthday celebration, we should the church of your choice
concentrate on the individual more
than on the various events. Although
the Christmas season can
sometimes become a little hectic

and stressful, if we focus our

attention on Christ and the real
Merle Norman Cosmetics
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have a more joyful and blessed Garden Supplies· Homo Appliances· Electronics Colognes by Sybil -

Like the wise men who
Tuxedo Rentals •••

holiday. Bicycles Sporting Supplies

109 S. Tallahassee SI. 912-375-3401

came from the east to Mary Stone, Owner 375-5209
Christ, we should also give praise
and thanks to our Heavenly Father
for giving us such a blessed Savior. HAZLEHURST
Insurance Agency

ChiC-King -

Church Directory -

A.1l Lines


oj Insurance

o pen Oa"v
BAPTIST InCludltlu Sun Sandwiches of a/l kinds 375·5941
Elizabeth Baptist Church, Roper Comm
Odorn st. 375-3265
930001· 11pm Dine-ln or take out Hwy. 341 N.
First Baptist Church, 204 N. Tallahassee St.
Uberty Baptist Church. Uvalda Hwy 379.9783
lumber City Baptist Church, Hwy. 341
Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 123 Girtman St. 375.7522 An Auto Value Parts Store
Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Old Graham Road
R&D Auto/Truck Salvage
Northgate Baptist Church, Pecan Street
Oakview Baptist Church, Altamaha Road
AutoSure -

Quality USN/ Parts A t A Reasonable Price

Southside Baptist Church, S. Cromartie St. 375·3315
New Life Baptist Church, Baxley Hwy Quality Auto Parts For Less Owners: Don & Rhonda Walsh
565 Haxle I lwy .• www.rd.uuu.curn 379-0388
S. Tallahassee St.

Denton Baptist Church 375·0000 601 •

Oakland Baptist Church, Roger Still Rd 375·3008
Grace Baptist Church, N. Williams St 375·7519
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church 375·7193
Tallahassee Baptist Church 375·0002
Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship. 60 Collins St
Eureka Baptist Church
379·1001 AMAZING GRACE McLendon-Reynolds
New Beulah Primitive Baptist. Odum St. 379·9046
Ahamaha Baptist Church
Hazlehurst Primitive Baptist, Cromartie St
Now meeting at Representing Grsnqe- Stete Aulo .

Auto Owners
375·2676 Preferred Ris«: AFLAC .

Selective· Etc.
60 Collins St. 125 Railroad SI. 375·2175
Satilla Free Will Baptist Church, Satilla Comm 375·7492

First United Methodist Church of Hazlehurst, S. Tallahassee Street 375·4555
Parsonage Sue's House
Philadelphia Methodist Church
of Flowers Elton's Decor Shoppe
Excelsior United Methodist Church Nationwide Service

Lumber City Methodist Church, Church St. 363·4646

Wallpaper· Bedspreads
Wedding Rentals •
Full Service Flurist
Graham United Methodist Church 367·7716
Mattresses •
Window Treatments· Gifts
Antioch CME Church. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr.
101 Rose Ave.· 375-4736 210 Latimer St. •

Bible Baptist Church, Bell St. 375·5253

Good Shepherd Catholic Chapel, Baxley Hwy 375·5948 Mary Hill Dumplings �}. fI fI {�r(� {���.
l! � lJ � l!. � Screen Printing
Especially For You With Love
Bell St. Church of God, Broxton Rd 375·7545 224 W. Jefferson St Hazlehurst �
Pastor's Res. 375·4037
.�"� Lewis R. Hunler •
I ·80().845-4292 •
10510 Bndgepoo Way sw
375-4868 �:l. Formerly of Hazlehurst TACOMA. WA 98499
Bridgeford Church of God, Bridgeford Ch. Rd. 375·4348
Church of God, S. Cromartie 375·7774
lumber City Church of God, Hwy. 341 : 363·7753
Pastor's Res 363·4701
Macedonia Church of God 375·2857
Full Gospel Church of God, Renwick 363·4502 Cornerstone .S
My God Is neal (bi·lingual), 7 Latimer St. 379·0799 Davis Farm &
INTERDENOMINATIONAL C,hris1fian Bookstore Garden Center, Inc.
Elbethel Church, Broxton Hwy 375·5683 Gifts -

Tapes -

Bibles -

412 Alma Hwy .• 375-2509
306 S. Tallahassee St. •
Jehovah's Witnesses, BurkeHs Ferry Rd. ..

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Plum St. 375·5279

Ryles Maximum Auto
Sank of_
St. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal Church, Hwy. 341 Baxley 367·2170 Care & Tire Center Hazlehurst
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 5:30 a.m.·6:30 p.m .• Sal. 7 a.m-s p.m.
PENTECOSTAL 375-5619 •
E. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst
Haz. Pentecostal Church, Bell Telephone Rd 375·7027
Downtown· 375-4228 ..

Branch· 375-2310
Landmark Apostolic Tabernacle, 421 N. Tallahassee 1 367·4990
House of Prayer Deliverance Center, 123 latimer St. 359·3287


First Alliance Church, Old Graham Road 375·3580
Googesl, Inc. CELLULARONE®
PSE Bows· Browning Guns· Propane Barbara Swain
Kerosene· Fishing Supplies· Clothes
Hazlehurst Church of Christ, Douglas Hwy 375·3648 Authorized Agent
Houle of Prayer by Faith, Jacksonville Hwy., lumber We Take Service To The Extremel
City 363-9254
Cellular: 222-8145 •
912-375-5162 after 6 p.m.
912·375-5546 •
Hwy. 341

DI�1p1es of Christ Deliverance Outreach Ministry, Hwy. 341S 375-0908

Pastor's Ros 868-2769
Jeff Davis Ledger. Wed .• December 22,1999 9A

� B_irt_h J
A/aina Grace Waters
Keith and Honn ic Waters of «mviltc.Fl.,
Swainsboro arc proud It I announce Paternal grandparents arc Grace
the hirth of their daughter, Alaina Waters. Johnny Waters und Becky
1:01 p.rn. in
Grace, horn Dec, 11
-Statcshoro. She \

cighcd Hlhs. Hozs.

Maternal great rrundmothcr is Celebrates 7 st birthday
and was 21 1/2 ill.
long. Mrs. Opal Ogilvie of Hazlehurst.

Ma!ernal gralldparellts arc the late Paternal gn.:at grundrnothcr is On Dec, 11 Elexus 'rho­
Mr. and Mrs. I.ack Waller (If Jack- Mrs. l.orcuc Waters of Ilaziehurst. mas celebrated her first birthday at
Aluin» was welcomed home hy McDonald's Restaurant.
her brother.
Bridal Registry Znck, age 7. She is the daughter
Thomas and
of Latoya
O'Tcrrcll Herring. Maternal grand­
Chrishj Kirkland 'Bridal � ry

... parents arcMs. Jacquelyn Thomas

Ni/(!S Dixon and Paul Thomas, maternal great­

December 16 grandparents arc Mrs. Madline

Cllristy Kirkland Powell and the late Mr. James Powell.

Niles Dixon Paternal grandparents arc Ms. Bar­

Sara" 'Betll Brount hara Ann Bennett and the late Mr.
December 16
Tommy Grice Calvin Herring.
December lH
Saml) Beth Brow"
Macey Dixon 'Tohelp her celebrate this WI inder­
Kotelyn Elizabeth Crum ful day was her hrother, Quiz Tho­

Andrea 'Olt1l5011
December 18
Celebrates Macey Dixon mas and Tiuna Hansley, many friends

and relatives. She also received many Lamya Elexus Thomas

[ustin Luke
December 2H
turns 5 today gifts that she will cherish.
A ndrca 1011115011
lustin Luke
7 st birthday
Vickie Conk December 28 Macey Dixon will celebrate her
Katelyn Elizaheth Crum eel­ fifthhirthday Dcc. 22.
Dr. Kyle Smith ehrated her first birthday Dec, 2 in
She is the daughter of Paula and
December 2H Constnnce Hugluss Andalusia, AlII. Richie Dixon. Maternal grandparents
1 'n: II t It\'ooticock She had II Winnie-the-Pooh party. arc Margaret and Rundall
January 15 She had lots of family and friends. Paternal grandparents are Edna and
Constance Hllgltes lIer Nan:l (Linda Music) wus Dean Dixon.
Trent Woodcock there. l lcr

Papa (Hill Music) called

january 15 and wished her Happy Birthday and
'Diamond her Uncle Mel called from Califor­
To cetebtote 49 years
Golden nia to tell her
Ilappy Birthday.
Katelyn is the daughter of Scott George and Betty Moore will cel­

Gifts qa[[er:Y and Becky (Music) Crum. ebrate their 49th

They were united
on Dec. 31,
S. '1 ,lll,dl,l!'>�l'l' SI. •
175-2552 1950. Their children, grandchil­
S. Williams 51. •
dren, family and friends would like
to wish them many more. Happy
Anniversaries. May God Bless.

from OTI
25% off Storewide Bridal �gi.stry Two students from Jeff Davis

(;ocl BI('�� Amoricu' Latimer St. :n�)-l KKK County were among the fall quarter
• •
Andrea lohnson
graduates of Okefenokee Technical
[ustin Luke Institute in Waycross who recently
December 28 received their diplomas.
Jeff Davis students graduating

R�d Barn Gift

were Paul Carelock in Automotive
Vickie eo"k

Shop p�

Cullision Repair, and Kristen

o Ide

Dr. Kf,le Smith Danielle Yawn as a Medical Lahoru­ Mr. and Mrs. George MCJCire
December 28 tory Technician.

50% OFF
Constance Hughes
AI L CHRISTMAS I1'EMS Trent Woodcock


Santa, Snouuneu and

January 15
ornoni 'I/.Is & decorations
tIj��Ch"istma,<; �

2 1/2 mill's (Jut Hl·1I

'Ic-luphnne Rd.
q ifts q afore Randy
December' 23
Davis, Jake Anderson, Shirley
Patti Kersey, Mag Stevens, Susan
Beall, Ernest Findley, Stephen Partin,
(Impson Sr Rundy Roberson, Anne

Dawson, Allen Wood, Sedrick Ruch­

S. Tallahassee SI. •
375-5301 Harold Knox, Doris Creech, lvalene Bunnell Williams. Josh l l.rnd.
Powell, Renee Strickland, Dennis ing,
Cain, Wilson Fussell, Tammy Brown, Pamela Reed, Hallie Griffin, Frances Taylor, Brandi Evans,
Ilaynes, Kathryn Livingston, Marga­ Hdyc Kerns, Dot Creech, Dupree TarnicaLytle, I.inda Edwards, Micah
ret Hall, Drew Sellers, Wayne Vaughn, Chris Hall, Euca Lee Bass, Mcl.ain and Jeremy Varnadore.
Bennett, Angela Wilson, Chris Ray, Hurhnru Jones, Ruby Livingston, December 2M
Keith Varnadoe, Denise Edenfield David Bryant and Rosalind Lord. Candace Posey. Joy Kirkland. Randy
and Vickers Mead. Elton, Clay Clark, Wanda Hamilton,
Because Gloria Wells Has More Math to Teach ...
December 24 December 26 Suzanne Powell, Mary Pillman.
Colon Herrington, Mrs, B.B. Wooten Ann Roberts, Lonnie Roberts, Christopher Ruhe r ts Tracey

Jr., Mrs. Ed Clark, Steve Turner, Larry Sellers, Patricia Larson, Gary Courson, Myrtle l.ce Revell, Bolden
James Johnson Jr., Robert Miles, Brown. Jimmy Dunn. Carolyn Perry, McCoy. Kaye Ricketson, Gertrude
Ruth Clements, Nelda Carter, Dean Curtis Wood, Rohin Davenport, Harrison, Tim Evans. Luke Presley,
Dixon, Aldine Rowell, Terrell Reg­ Ricky Tanner, Clyde Bowen Sr., Jerry Ron Collins and Tommy Creech.

ister, Debra Carr, David Rowland. Newham, Rod Ringold, Junior

Rebecca Vann, Holly Bookhardt, Rivera and Alicia Brewer. December 29
Wendell Scott, Gina Knight, Sandy December 27 Kelly Graham, Christy Lightsey,

... Joiner, Curtis Barnard, Ruth Doug Cole, Willard Stevens, Connie Walter Hinson III, Kiev Coleman,
• Jacobson and Tim Howard .

King, Kelly Cole, John Smith, Wilhur Cathy Googe, Jerry Anderson, Mark
• December 25 Dykes, Robbie Watson, Johnny Th- Sherry, Ashlcigh Gainer, John Ellis.


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ruroring. So when chest pain threatened to dismiss classes. We will be CLOSED
Gloria rurned to rhc best reacher's aide she knew: The Sarilln Saturday, Monday, Dec.
Dec. 25 & 27
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heart rechnology and caring sraff. school's still in session for
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Waycross, Georgia

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10A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

In Memoriam In 'Memoriam
Merry Christmas, Mama in this world to me.

Memory or Billy Wilkes

In do. The hurt will take time to heal,
Louise Puwell Lewis The Christmas lights shine so
but have wonderful memo­
Feb. 8, 1928 •
.J lily 26, 1999 bright; but not asbright as your blue Merry Christmas Sweetheart! we our

ries. We didn't have to say goodbye,

Dear Mama, eyes; even though you could not sec
Even this is the first out of them. Even though together
we arc not hut you know we love each other
more than words can slIy. Watch over
Christmas you have never been with I know that you are with the Lord on this special day, God had a reason
to take us each and every day. Keep us safe
me, I will have you in my heart as and so many angels, but you will al­ you away.
He needed you much more than until we meet again.
always. You always loved Christmas ways be my biggest angel. Thank you
Merry Christmas Sweetheart, we
time so much, yuu never asked for mama being the Mother that yuu
for me, but you arc in my heart every
love and miss you very much.
anything. You always gut a dull that were. I love you with all of my heart. day. You will he in each and everyone
Merry Christmas, Mama. of us on Christmas Day.
you loved so much. Even though you
Your smile wewill sec, your pres­ Sadly missed hy,
had so many heautiful dolls, yuu Love,
Janice L. ence we will feel in everything we Wife and Family
were always the most beautiful doll arter

Raise money for needy

Children of Good Shepherd buy food for those in need this
Catholic Church raised money to Christmas.
LEGAL ments, rlghts·ol·way or encumbrances; (2) as 515 Elton Street, Hazlehurst, GA Georgia Records; and assigned to United
GEORGIA. JEFF DAVIS COUNTY all valid zomnq ordinances; (3) matters 31539. Companies Lending Corporation by as­
All creditors 01 the Estate 01 JANET M. which would be disclosed by an accurate First Nationwide Mortgage signment recorded In Jeff Davis County,
BOHANNON, deceased, late 01 Jeff Davis survey 01 the property; and the outstand­ as Attorney in Fact lor Georgia Records; the undersigned, United Card of Thanks
County, Georgia, are hereby notilied to Ing ad valorem taxes and assessments, il Billy C. Hughes, Jr. Companies Lending Corporation, pursu­
render their demands to the undersigned any, and unpaid water and sewage bills, Stanley H. McCalla ant to said deed and the note thereby se­

that constitute liens against the property; McCalla, F3aymer, Padrick, Cobb, Nichols cured, has declared the entire amount 01
With most humhle hearts we wish was food, flowers, cards, visits or if
according to law, and all persons indebted
to said estate are required to make lm­ whether due and payable oryetnot due & Clark, LLC said Indebtedness due and payable and to express uur thanks tu all who ex­ you were just praying for us. Thanks
mediate payment to the undersigned. and payable; and (4) matters 01 record 56 Perimeter Center East, 5th Floor pursuant to the power 01 sale contained the illness
pressed sympathy during toeveryone.
This the 8th day 01 December, 1999. superior to the security deed Ilrst set out Atlanta, GA 30346 In said deed, will on the lirst Tuesday In
ami death of our mother. Whether it The family of Janet M. Bohannon
KATHRYN J. BOHANNON above. (770) 453·8599 January, 2000, during the legal hours 01
Executrix To the best of the undersigned's knowl­ SHMISMK 1·4·2000 sale, at the Courthouse door In Jeff Davis

127 Circle edge and beliel, the party in possession Our 1110 no. 5809199/5·31229 County, sell at public outcry to the highest
Warner Robins, GA 31088
Is Thomas E. Carter and Lisa Carter.
Conseco Finance Servicing Corp. Ilkla
bidder lor cash, the property described In
said deed to-wlt:
Have A Very, Merry Christmas!
tho Estate 01 Green Tree Financial Servicing Corpora­ LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB· All that tract or parcel 01 land lying and
Allorney lor
JANET M. BOHANNON tion, as Attorney-in-Faot lor Thomas E. TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR· being In the City 01 Hazlehurst In Land Lot
P.O. Drawer 900 Carter and Lisa Carter POSE. No. 502 01 the Second Land District 01 Jeff
53 South Tallahassee Street This law lirm is acting as a debt collector t 2/8· 15·22·29c Davis County, Georgia, containing 0.3214
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 attempting to collect a debt, any lntorma­ acre, more or less, and being designated
t2/15·22·29 s 1/5c tion obtained will be used lor that purpose. LEGAL as "Lot 2" on that certain survey and
Pendergast & Blum, P.C. IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF JEFF thereol prepared by Ralph E. Lackey &
LEGAL One Premier Plaza, Suite 800 DAVIS'COUNTY Associates, tnc., certllied by Ralph E.
STATE OF GEORGIA 5605 Glenrldge Drive STATE OF GEORGIA Lackey, G.A.L.S. No. 1635, dated Octo­
COUNTY OF JEFF DAVIS Atlanta, Georgia 30342 IN THE INTEREST OF: ber 5, 1995, recorded In Plat Book 10,
IN RE: ESTATE OF RONALD E. (404) 303·0300 K.W., DOB 7/5/95 Page 315, 01 the records 01 the Clerk 01
OVERSTREET 12/6·15·22·29c CASE NO. 080·99·130 Superior Court 01 Jeff Davis County, Geor­ Tags expire at midnight of owners birthday
All creditors 01 the Estate 01 Ronald E. NOTICE OF SUMMONS gla, and Incorporated herein lor a more that appears first on certificate of title
TO: Ronica Jackson lull and complete description and all other
Overstreet, deceased, late 01 Jeff Davls
hereby notilied to LEGAL You are hereby notified that the above­ legal purposes.
County, Georgia, are

render their demands to the undersigned NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER styled action brought by the Jeff Davis Said property is bounded, now or lormerly,
Lot No.3 01
Example: John and Mary Doe/John's birthday is May 1
GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY County Department 01 Family and Chil· as lollows: On the North by
according to law. and all persons indebted
said survey; on the East in part by Lot No. Tag would be purchased between April 1 and May
to said estate are required to make irn­ Under and by virtue 01 the Powor 01 Sale dren Services, and the Georgia Depart·
mediate payment to me. contained In a Security Deed given by Billy rnent 01 Human Resources, seeking tern­ 4 01 said survey and in part by Lot No.8 1 because John's name is first on the title. He has 30
C. Hughes, Jr. to Southeastern Mortgage porary legal custody 01 your above-rater­ 01 said survey: on the South by Lot No.1
This 11th day 01 November. 1999.
before his
Sandra Overstreet Corporation, dated June 12. 1996, reo enced male child with the Department has 01 sold survey; and on the West by the days birthday to register.
Estate 01 Ronald E. Overstreet, deceased corded in Deed Book 195, Page 626, Jeff been Iiled in the Juvenile Court 01 Jeff eastern right 01 way of Wilson Street alkl
Address: Oavrs County, Georgia Records, as last Dal/ls County, Georgia; and Ihat by rea­ a Akin Street.

54 Edward Dean Road translerred to First Nationwide Mortgage son 01 an Order lor Service 01 Summons This being the same property conveyed Please feel free to call us at
by Publication entered the court the Irom Sidney P. Johnson to Howard Will·
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 by assignment, recorded in Deed Book by on

196, Page 63, Jeff Davis County, Georgia 19th day 01 November, 1999 nunc pro tunc lams by warranty deed dated October 30,
John B. Brewer,1I1

Attorney lor the Estate

7 Jeff Davis Street
Records, conveying the atter-descrlbed
property to secure a Note In the original
September 26, 1999, you are hereby no­
tilied thaI you may obtain a copy 01 the
1995, recorded in Deed Book t 91, Page
617, 01 the records 01 the Cterk 01 Supe­
petition Irom the Clerk 01 the Juvenile rlor Court 01 Jeff Davis County, Georgia.
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 principal amount 01 FORTY FIVE THOU· if you have any questions
SAND SIX HUNDRED THREE s NOll00 Court 01 Jeff Davis County, Georgia and which has the property address 01 311

LEGAL DOLLARS ($45,603.00), with the Interest may IIle with the Clerk 01 said Court, and North Wilson Street, Hazlehurst, Georgia

STATE OF GEORGIA thereon as set lorth therein. there will be serve upon Snerrl McDonald, Pelitloner's logother with all lixtures and olher per­
COUNTY OF JEFF DAVIS sold at public outcry to the highest bidder Attorney, whose address Is P.O. Box 296, sonal property conveyed by said deed.

NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER lor cash belore the courthouse door 01 Jeff Vidalia, Georgia 30475, an answer to the The sale will be held subject to any un­ Are you working hard for minimum wage?
IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Davis County, Georgia, within the legal petition at any time prior to Ihe Final Hear­ paid taxes, assessments, rlghts·ol·way,
the power 01 sale hours 01 sale the lirst Tuesday in Janu­ Ing.
easements, protective covenants or reo Do you work in the HOT summer heat?
Under and by virtue 01 on

contained in that certain Deed to Secure ary, 2000. the lollowing described prop­ You arehereby nolilied that a Final Hear­ sjri�ns, liens, and other superior mat­ Do you work in the COLD winter air?
Debt Irom Thomas E. Carter and Lisa ing regard to the above- styled action
with ters 01 rocord whlcil may affect said prop­
Carter to Green Tree Financial Servicing All Ihat certain tract or parcel 01 land Iy· will come belore the Court on January 11 ,
erty. Is your work environment DIRTY?
and situate in Land Lot 503, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Juvenile Court­ Notice has been given ot lnternlon 10 col­
Corporation May 22. t998, and reo
dated ing, being
room at the Jeff Davis County Courthouse, lect attorneys' lees In accordance with the
Are you working without BENEFITS?
corded In Deed Book 210, page 26, Jeff Second Land District, City 01 Hazlehurst,
Davis County records. the undersigned Jeff Davis County, Georgia, containing Hazlehurst, Georgia. Prior to the Final terms 01 the note secured by said deed.
the highest btd­ tess. Said tract Is Healing a Provisional Hearing on the pe­ Said property will be sold as the property
will seu ar public outcry to 0.3395 acre, more or
01 Howard Williams and the proceeds 01
If so, you deserve
change a .. ,

der lor cash belore the Courthouse door more lully shown and described accord­ t1tion was held belore the Court on Sep­
in said County, during the legal hours 01 Ing to a plat 01 survey by Paul S. Buchelle. tember 28, 1999, in the Juvenile Court­ said sale will be applied to Ihe payment 01
the flr.t Tuesday In January R.L.S., entitled "Survey lor Billy C. room at the Jeff Davis County Courthouse. said indebtedness, the expense 01 said
sate, on

2000, by Conseco Finance Servicing Hughes, Jr. and Amy C. Hampton, dated Hazlehurst. Georgia. sale, all as provided in said deed, and the BEEN LOOKING FOR!
Corp. IIkla Green Tree Financial Servlc­ May 30, 1996, recorded in Plat Book 11, The Findings 01 Fact and Order 01 Dlspo­ undersigned will execute a deed to the
Ing Corporation, as Attomey-m-Fact lor Page 121, Office 01 the Clerk of Superior sition made at the Provisional Hearing will purchaser as provided in the atorernen­
Thomas E. Cartor and Lisa Carter the 101· Court, Jeff Davis County, Georgia; said become final at the Final Hearing unless tioned Security Deed.
Employees assigned to the
described property: plat and lhe description thereon are tncor­ the party served by publication appears United Companios Lending Corporation.
All that tract or parcel 01 land

being situate In Land Lot

11218, Second
and porated herein by relerence lor all intents
and purposes. Said property is bounded.
at the Final Hearing. lithe party served
by publication lails to appear at the Final
the petition, the Findings 01
Attorney In Fact lor
Howard Williams
McCurdy & Candler. L.L.C.
Trane Company
Land District, Jefl Davis County, Georgia. now or lormerly, as lallows: On the North Hearing on

containing 1.647 acres, more or less, and by the rlqnt-ot-way 01 Elton Street; on the Fact and Interlocutory Orders made will By: Anthony DeMario, Attorney starting rate of
Have a

being bounded now or lormerly as lollows: East by lands 01 Tommy E. Dykes; on the become final without·lurther evidence and (404) 370·7230 $7.40 per hour + monthly bonuses.
North by lands 01 D.E. Mirns, East by the South by lands 01 George Mincey; and on will be governed by the Juvenile Court THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT
Bell Telephone Highway; South and West the West by lands 01 Patncia Taylor. Code as II made at the Final Hearing. II COLLECTOR AND IS ATTEMPTING TO

by lands 01 D.E. Mims, said tract is more The debt secured by said Security Deed the party served by publication appears COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATtON
Both 1st & 2nd shift positions are available
has been and is hereby declared due be­ at the Final Hearing, the Interlocutory lind· OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT
particularly described and designated as
Tract 113 on a plat 01 survey prepared by cause 01, among other possible events 01 ings and Orders shall be vacated and dts­ PURPOSE. Employees work in a clean environment.
Copeland & Associates, lor Genevieve delault, lailure to pay the Indebtedness as regarded, hearing shall proceed
and the 12/8·15·22·29c Air conditioned in summer --
Heated in winter.
Wheeler Estate. dated 9·27·89; said plat and when due and in the manner provided upon the allegations 01 the motion.
The parties notified hereby are entitled to LEGAL Upon successful completion of a three (3) month
is recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 569, Jeff in lhe Note and Security Deed. The debt
Davis County public records. Relerence remaining In delault, this sale will be made legal counsel in lhe proceedings, and the GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY
probationary period, employees are hired by client
to said plat 01 survey is Incorporated herein lor the purpose 01 paying the same and Court will appoint tegal counsell! any party All creditors 01 the Estate 01 BEATRICE
all expenses 01 this sale, as provided in should be unable, without undue hardship, S. SUGGS, deceased, late 01 Jeff Davle and receive FULL benefits with a pay increase.
and made a part hereollor all necessary
to employ counsel. County, Georgia, are hereby notified to
purposes. the Security Deed and by law, including
WITNESS, the Honorable Ken W. Smith, render their demands to the undersigned
Said property Is known as RR 3 Box 840 attorney's lees (notice 01 intent to collect APPLY IN PERSON AT:
attorney's lees having been given), Judge 01 said Juvenile Court. according to law, and ell persons Indebted
(previously but erroneously relerred to as
RR 4), Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539. Said property will be sold subject to any This 6th day 01 December, 1999. to said estate are required to make lrn­
The indebtedness secured by said Deed outstanding ad valorem taxes (including Eula Mae Edwards mediate payment to theundersigned. LEED STAFFING SERVICES
to Secure Debt having been dectared due taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and Clerk, Juvenile Court 01 Jeff Davis County This the 8th day 01 December, 1999.
and payable because 01 delault in the payable), any matters which might be dls­ 12/15·22·29 & 115 ALA SUE NORRIS (Inside Trane Company)
closed by an accurate survey and inspec­ Executrix
payment of the indebtedness secured
LEGAL 58 Mt. Pleasant Church Road
712 McNatt Road· Vidalia, GA 30474
thereby, this sale will be made lor the pur­ tion 01 the property, any assessments,
liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Hazlehurst, GA 31539
poses 01 paying the same and all ex­
penses of sale, including attorney's lees, restrictions, covenants, and matters 01 GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY KEN W. SMITH
Wednesday & Thursday, Dec. 22 & 23, 1-8 p.m.
record superior to the Security Deed first Because 01 delault in the paymenl 01 the Attorney for the Estate of
(notice hailing been gillen as provided by
Monday & Tuesday, Dec. 27 & 28, 9 a.m. 12 noon

set out above. indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed BEATRICE S. SUGGS

The property will be sold as the property To the best knowledge and belief 01 the executed by Howard WIlliams to Mortgage P.O. Drawer 900 or
Lenders Network USA, Inc. dated the 20th 53 South Tallahassee Street
of The Afor .. ald Grantor. subject to the undersigned, the party In possession 01
following: the property is Billy C. Hughes, Jr. or and day 01 August, 1998, and recorded in Deed Hazlehurst,. Georgia 31539 Call (912) 538-1785
commonly known Book 211, Page 648, Jeff Davis County, 12/15·22·29 & l15c
(1) all prior restncnve covenents. ease· said property is more

Federal Government Program Provides Financing To


2nd Shift Supervisor


Homeowners For A New Heating & Cooling System


Can you arrord to throw good money out company would now be paying for your new, high 'leadership of 14 employees Delivery of on time quality parts
the window? efficiency, heat pump system. Control of 2nd shift inventory
You might be (whether you can afford it or
Get Qualified. Ability to meet production requirements as needed by final assembly
not) if you're heating or cooling your home with
window units or a furnace or air conditioner Before we even come out, we'll take some Previous supervisory experience

be a hands-on leader
that's more than 10 years old. information from get you qualified for the
you to

The U.S. Federal Government, through the special government financing. 'I'his way, when we
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the come to your home, we can give you an exact quote APPLICANTS MUST HAVE: High school diploma or equivalent
Department of Energy (DOE), has created a and let you know what your monthly investment to work well with others Physical ability to

life 50 Ibs.
would be.
financing package for high efficiency heating and
cooling equipment. So please call Eagle Heating & Air, an approved Computer knowledge a plus
By using more efficient equipment, consumers dealer for thisgovernment program, at
save money on their utility bills and reduce air 1·8OC)·242·8498or 912·489·6235 today for your Please mail or fax resume to:
pollution, which helps our environment (that's free estimate.
why the EPA developed this program). We'll come out to your home, take some FRIGIDAIRE HOME PRODUCTS
measurementa, and let you know how much you
Here'. the Gftlat Pan! can save.

Your paymenta on one of these auper efficient 8est of all, our consultants work evenings and P.O. BOX 370, HWV. 23 EAST
systems could be as Jow as $18 a week and the ... Saturdays to accommodate those who work during .


you're not paying the gas and electric the day, 80 call now!
money FAX: 912-868-5049

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999 11A


FOR SALE: AKC 2 year old Blue
UUSINESS OI'I'ORTUNITY: HELf» WANTED: Need experi­ FOR SALE: 19983BR/2BA 16x80. FOR SALE: House, barn, arena und
DUI'LEX HOUSES & TRAIL­ 5.5 acres of land. 3 bedroom, I 1/2
Carry out and
delivery pizza fran­ enced Stove, refrigerator and A/C included.
ERS FOR RENT: One mile from
Heeler female; 2 year old female heavy duty equipment me­
bath (approx. 1100 sq. ft). Block barn
Grcat Pyrcnccsc; free puppy III good
chise. Financing uvuiluhle for quali­ chanic. Send resume to P.O. Box 68, Reduced for quick sale. $17,500. Call
town. Quiet area, cable TV, city wa­
fied individual. Call Lance Neil Chad 8(,8-5566. has 10 stalls, tack room, feed room
horne. Call �75-7J1)(, and leave rnes-
Hazlehurst, GA 31539, or call 912- lit (912)
ter, 2 or � bedroom trailers. Call and apartment. Arena is lighted, per­
I-H(J{J-� 10-8848. 375-5665. 12/22c
Calvin at 375-2752 or Ray at 375- sage. fectly suited for horse shows. Priced
12/22-2IJp 12/R-15-22-29p 12/ I tfnc sell. 375-5056
NOTICE: Land-Home
to unytirne.
Packages I
10/2tl'nc 1/3-12/22p
FOR SALE: Husscu-Hound. Tri­ ATTENTION: Driver Trainees Dodge, Telfair, Wheeler,
available in
TENNIS LESSONS Needed. No Pulaski, Ben Hill, Laurens and
color 10 mth. old female CKC reg­ -
experience necessary. LAND FOR SALE: I-S acres. Mo­
istered. Good with children. Needs a Josh Cain Werner needs entry level truck driv­ Wilcox counties. Call had at (" 12) hile home lots. 'all �75-27S7. 37S-
ers. Earn $511() to $800 per week plus 868-5566. 3366 375-7656. Ask for
home with fenced in yard. $11111 firm! or
Call �75-2231 -
8:110 -
5:110 or 37S-
375-7390 benefits, Regional runs available. No 12/22c S/5tfnc


2 Bedroom 5(,1 � after 5:3IJ. 'DL'! No problem. 15 day CDL.

training uvuilablc. Call Today 1-800- FOR SALE: Couch and chair. Ex­
apartment on Graham St. in Hazle­ 12/22p
NOTICE: Would the lady who had 363-7364. cellent condition. $12S. Call '}.79-
hurst. Stove, refrigcrutpr and water
the free German Shepard puppies 12/8-IS-22-21Jc (l2H2 alter
furnished, $�(JO/month, $200 deposit
please call me. Tammy Matthews. 12/1 tfnp
required. Call 37S·4952 after 5 or Owner Financitu; Avai lable Bulldozer
594·(,04H or S'J4-M�4H. -

Call David Beasley KLD Dirt Hauling
11/11 tfnc
Enterprises 7bp S()il VACANCIES
912-537-7628 Raymond Davis, Mgr. Fill Dirt
"'OR RENT: Small efficiency fur­
Looking for the Fill Dirt Fill Sand •
Road boring AVAILABLE
nished apartment. Married CI iuplc or YEAR ENU ULOWOUT! Arch Uitching [or uiater & power li lies
Builders Sand Gravel •

single person only. No pets. Call C.

stel:1 huilding,. Select rnude ls -

perfect gift? kinds

In 1,2,3 & 4
Land Rentals 375-2423 or 37S-40ZIl. 25xJII, 3()x42. SOx 110. 'IJIJ Steel Let me hook you up with
Excavation of all Call Eddie 912-375-5743
bedroom size units
Prices While supplic» I.ast! Great jean outfits, sweatsuits, Call 375-5655 or

Workshops/(iarages. Call I-HIKI-J41- Applications can be

caps & hoods, jackets
and lots more! FOR SALE: 3BR Fleetwood
picked up at the
IfEU- WANTEU: Pest Control
with carpet, located between hospi­ 12/�2-2«Jp douhlcwide. Great starter horne.
Technician needed. Experience pre­
tal and high school. 19 Forest St. Tile Hook Up Icrrcd. Locution in Vidalia or Fitz­ Only $27,S()U or $27()/f1Io. Call (IJ 12)
Deposit $2011. $42S per month. ('1I11
FOR SALE: Completely remodeled
X(JX-4307 (HOO) 333-(,H2(, for
pay, health in­
or I11me
2 BH/I B/\ singlcwidc. Vinyl siding. 379-1812 gerald. Competitive
IJ 12-31J9-500K
surance. Uniforms provided. Call details.
Berher carpet, refrigerator, stove.
II/lOtfnc 12/22c
vacation get­ 537-1234 or 423-4404.
Perfect starter horne or
NOTICE: Need more room? Huge 12/IS-22-21J & I/Sc
away. Mus: Sell! $(,,500. Call 'had
4BR/2BA 32xXO manufactured home CARTER'S FOR SALE: AKC
at (!J 12) HM-l-S5(,(,« II (IJ 12) X(,H-(, I 1,) Reg. black I.ahra­
for sale. Priced to sell. Financing MUST GO: 28xHO 4Blt Has fire­
HOUSE FOR RENT after (, I'M. BACKHOE WORK dor Retrievers. Mule lind female, 3

uvuilahlu, Call Randy at (912) R(,H- place, dream kitchen, deluxe carpet, weeks old. Call 375-2175 day or 375·
3 BR, 2 SA Ponds, Septic Tanks, Fill Dirt
plus much more. Only $420/mo. Call Charles Carter 2743 night.
Central h/a, carpet 12/2_c
APARTMENTS (912) HlIX-4307 or (8110) 333-(,X26. 12/15-22c
Appliances furnished 12/22c 375-4079
on Carmarlin Drive, FOR RENT
off Pat Dixon Rd.
AI '5 Electric FOR SALE: Fleetwood I lIxXOlilR/

2 bedrooms -

2BA with lots III' extras. l.ow down

Residential and REGISTERED Minton's
Available Now·· Hillcrest Apartments Commercial NURSES WANTED
payment and low monthly pnyrncnt.
Call 912-375-2689 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Wiring Construction Call (IJ 12) X6X-4307 or (HOO) 311-
TOO II 1-800-255-0056 State Certified· 375-7961 Georgia Home Health Care has lIH2b.
or 912-375-4292 We accept Section 8 for RNs in
Fill Dirt· Gravel for
immediate openings 12/22c
g Voucher Holders

several of our locations. We
also accepting applications for
Bulldozer Work Land Clearing
Excavator Work· Septic Tanks
D & J Pressure Top Soils & Builder's Sand ,J£_ FOR SALE: 3BR/2AA douhlcwide.

FOR RENT: Fhrnishcd. UtilitiH: tit Baxley Hwy.

CNA·s. Competitive salary and
benefits. Send apply
On-sne welding
L� Financing uvailnhle with $500 down.
Extra large room v.itb small kitchen.
Washing resume or

in person Mon.-Fri., 10-4 at Mark Minton

Payments as low as $2S0/mo. Call
FOR SALE: 14x70 Fleetwood 2BR/ Patios, sidewalks, roofs, houses, Home Health Human Randy at (912) t{(,X-,)S(,fl.
Extra large hath. $SO a week with Georgia
deposit. Call 37S-2IJhH.
213/\. good cnudit iou. Only
In churches, mobile homes, Resources Office. 375-7898 12/22c
$14,SOO with delivery and set lip. heal'Y equipment 303 Maple Drive, Vidalia, GA
30474. This ad is from Georgia
skirting und steps. Call Jake or ••

Rheuda at (I) 12) H(,H-4307 or (BUO) REASONABLE RATES

Home Health Care. 303 Maple
FOR RENT: Office space located
at 427 N. Tallahassee Street. Nicc

location with parking spaces. For

Dobby & Julie H.
Drive, Vidalia, GA 30474.
912·538·8000 or fax 912-538·
0016 or call 1 ·800·476-6787.
Laminating/FAX Services
(912) 375-3449
more information call Amanda at FAX Prices
Johnson's Office Supply at 375- Laminating Prices $3 for first page
4208. S.W. Herndon $2 $3 $5 - -

11/23tfnc $1 each additional

Septic Tank Cleaning
Plumbing & Electrical
FOR RENT: 3 BR House I 1/2 BA.
Water Pumps &

Jeff Davis Ledger -

Ceiling fans, carport, storage barn, Latimer St. •

Water Heaters
large laundry room with storage. All
electric. Located on spacious corner Call
lot. References and deposit required.
Cull Debbie at 375-2752.
24-hour service
Baxley, Georgia
FOR RENT OR SALE: 2 BR Mo­ 28 states
Flatbed operation, traveling
bile Home(s). Call Garrett at 375- Deadline Home on weekends· Insurance-Cafeteria plan
2752 for appointment.
Late model air ride equipment Est. 1984 •

12/22tfnc far Phone: 1-800-525-7881

FOR RENT: One 2 BR frame house Local: 912-367-6545
located at 56 E. Jefferson Street. For plaCing Wells Roofing
information call 375-2520 day

or 375-7939 night. C/assifieds Company

12/22-29c Sand & Fill Dirt Delivered
is Tuesday ��� � $400 per yard (-�;;.'.
atnaan ....
Truck capacity 15 yards plus
We also have topsoil Call for price •

In 1,2,3 &4 -
Free Estimates -

installation and small land lots cleared

Septic tank
bedroom size units
Phone Rt. I, Odum, GA
586-6711 •
586-6752 (':111) I\'lln ;\Illll� 375-5926 •
Applications can be
picked up at the 375-42·25 Wendell Wells, Owner
Bonded & Guaranteed

FAX 30 years experience "L:.I'
Rents $250 &
IWa [J ciJ TjJ (I) Cl) ciJ

&JP (lj rr (J rm (JJ W tJ �

pool, private patio, jogging trails, fireplace
The Hazlehurst Branch of CareDne Home Care Seeking part-time employees
has an immediate opening for a 1 Bedroom, Energy efficient, PooL privileges, jogging trails
Evenings, Monday through Friday
Branch Clerical Coordinator.
Commercial Cleaning -
Responsible for providing secretarial support and
coordination of all clerical functions in the branch. 10xl0-$35/mo. 10xI5-$45/mo.

10x20-$60/mo. •

Process accounts payable, payroll data and billing. Call 1-800-726-0083 Tenants deduct $10/ size

Knowledge of personal computers including 912-375-7090

Call 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 912-375-3366 •

WOl'dPerfect and Lotus 123 required. Interested

FAX 912-375-6080
applicants should contact Val Durrence,
Call after hours 375-6001 •
375-7090 •
Branch Manage.r at (912) 375-9838
12A Jeff Davls Ledger, Wed., December 22, 1999

Mr. G.B. Bland ews.

ter Nursing Care. Active pallbearers were Bob bers of Philadelphia Baptist Church.
Thornton's Funeral Home was in Miles Funeral Home was in Christain, Jimmy Ward, Shawn Music was rendered by Hal
Services for G.B. Bland. H2, of
charge. .charge. Floyd, Vince Eason, Mark Butler, Jeffcoat and The Apostles.
Ha.\!cy who died Dec. 16 in the App­ Kelvin Bohannon Miles Funeral Home in
Ricky Thompson, was
ling I lcalthcarc System after a short and James
illne�� were held Dec. IB in the Mr. William Durrell Mr. Julian Wesley Hughes. charge.
chapel III' Swain Funeral Horne of Powell Teston
Honorary pallbearers were Joey Ms. Christy Michelle
Ray Hysmith, Michael Hysmith,
lIax!cy. Services for Mr. William Durrell Services for Mr. Julian Wesley Chuck Simpson, Grady Simpson,
Till': Rev. Rick Brown and Max
Powell, 83, of Telfair County who Teston, 72, of Hazlehurst who died Danny Simpson, Steven Dunn, Services for Ms. Christy Michelle
Newham officiated with hurial in the Dec, 14 at his residence
died Dec. 16 were held Dec. 18 in were held
Bryant Adams, Donnie Braddocks, Wilcox, 20, of Hazlehurst who died
"Iatilla Freewill Baptist Church cern­
Dec. 16 in the of Miles Fu­ Dec. 16 due to received in
the Lumber City United Methodist chapel Donnie Johnson, Eddie Bush, Mather injuries
'Icry in kif I>avi� County, Church. neral Home. Davis, Clinton Brookins, Ricky an automobile accident were held OCIE ROWLAND
Mr. Hland was a life long resident The Rev. Jeff
The Rev. Burnard Jerriel, the Rev, Cockrell, the Rev. Devendorf, Jimmy Mims, Hobby Dec. 18 at Southside Baptist Church
(If Applillg County. He was a mern­
James Boyd and the Rev, Claud Cook Hal Jeffcoat and the Rev. Robert Tan­ Smith, Chris Thatcher, Rusty in Hazlehurst. In Memoriam
her (If DUIlII Mcrnor ial Baptist officiated with burial in the the Rev.
officiated with burial in the Riverside ner
Rawlins, and all friends who attended The Rev. Gary Congar,
t 'hurch and II veteran of WWII hav­ Burkett Church Jack Lee and the Rev. Gino
Cemetery in Telfair County. Missionary Baptist the service. Mayo A Mother's Love Last Forever
illg served in the U.S. Navy and re­ Mr. Powell was a native and life Cemetery in West Green. Music rendered "His officiated with burial in the Hazle­ Ode Rowland
was by
tiled l'r om the Georgia National resident of Telfair County. He Mr, Teston was a native of Coffee hurst City Cemetery. Dec. 25, 1989
long Men." Sept. 7, 1907 -

(illard. lie was, a retired Hardware of Jeff Davis Ms. Wilcox native of Cof­
the son of the late John Edward County formerly Funeral Home was a One love that lasts forever
�ail'�lIIall. fee
Powell and Maude Sheppard Powell, County but had lived in Appling was in charge. County. but had lived most of her is the very first we know".
Survivor-, include hi� wife, Ruhy life in Jeff-Davis
He was a WWII veteran and had re­ County the past five years. Mr. Teston County, was a She the love our mothers give us from the
l sluud III Baxley; two sisrer«, Nell ceived purple heart. Mr, Powell was was the son of the late Ben J. Teston high school graduate. She was a

SIIIIlIII 'rail (If Baxley and Edwina

Mr. Eugene Talmadge start,
member of the Lumber City United and Georgia Varnadore Teston, Mr. member of Faith Baptist Church in
a From them comes every comfort
1.!llIg .,1' Grccuv il!c, N ': Foster Methodist Church, Teston was retired from Hazlehurst Turner Baxley. and security we need and countless
daughter,I'a e 'Iornhcr lin of Baxley; Survivors include his sister, Mills. Services for Mr. Eugene Survivors include her mother and from unselfish heart.
gifts an
vcverul IIi 'ee� and nephews includ­
Lucille Stone of Baxley; and step­ Survivors include his wife. Louise Talmadge Turner, 67, of Hazlehurst step-father, Dorothy lind Larry And through the passing years,
in]; Jcl! Tomberlin (If Baxley. grandson, Daryl Brewer of Lumber Newham Teston of Hazlehurst; three who died Dec, 17 were held Dcc. 19 Harper of Jesup; father, Ronald no mutter where our lives may take
Acl ivc pal lbcurcr s were Carl and son-in-laws, Karen in Church. Wilcox of Hazlehurst; four brothers,
City. daughters Philadelphia Baptist us,
111;11111, lc i f Ellgland, David Active pallbearers were J ,0, Russ, and David loti of Broxton, Sheila The Rev, L.onnie Weaver, the Rev, Craig Wilcox of Atlunta, Chris mother's love stays with
our us deep
SIIIIlIII .rull, Larry Brantley. Randy Joe Norman and the Rev, Nathan Wilcox of Lumber
Jr., Chris Sammons, Eugene and Duley Carter of Uvalda, Shirley City, Anthony inside.
('II11ill'> allli Jeffery Tomberlin. burial in the Disharoon of and Justin
Summons, Joe Prescott, Sr. Dan and Ouis Harper of Douglas; one son, Dyal officiated with Baxley, You gave me something special
I IlIllmar), pallhcnrcrs were friends Church Wilcox of Hazlehurst; maternal
Mel ean and Bob Hammons, Tony Teston of Douglas; one sister, Philadelphia Baptist cem­
thllt only you could give.
\ 1111 ;,lIelldeti the service.
Iionorary pallbearers were Meth­ Annie Lee Justice of Douglas; seven etery. grandmother, Shirley Disharoon of And on this Christmas Day I'll miss
S\ nin l-uncral lIome (If Baxley Mr. Turner native oi Jeff
odist Men's Club of Lumber City grandchildren and two great-grand­ was a Hazlehurst; paternal grandmother, you, oh so very much.
w n-, ill 'harg', Davis He the of the Louise Wilcox of Hazlehurst; two
United Methodist Church. children, County. was 80n Love you mother. Merry Christmas
Miles Funeral Home was in Active pallbearers were John Wil ..
late Lee Turner and Maggie Ellis nieces lind three nephews and sev­ in Christ.
Mr. Andrew Clements charge. Iiams, Shawn Stovall, Rob Stone, Turner. Mr. Turner was a member of eral aunts and uncles.
Carolyn Herndon lind Family
R.D, Farmer, Greg Davis and Frankie the Philadelphia Baptist Church. Active pallbearers were Jonathan
Mrs. Viola Ward Rees Hall. Survivors include his wife. Ellen Best, Jason Best, Clint Carter, Ronnie
S .rvice« f(lr Andrew Clements,
Honorary pallbearers were grand­ Louise Turner of Hazlehurst; two Cooksey and Joey Wilder. Family honors
II' 1... I d I I azlc hurst who died Dec. Graveside services for Mrs, Viola
in mom and daddy

sons, Brian Pete, Lee Carter, Shawn daughters, Tammie Lynn Ford of Miles Funeral Home was
II al SUIIBlidge Rehahilitation and Ward Rccs, 90. who died Dec. 19 in
(';lIe Center were held Dec. IX at the Brian Center Nursing Care were
Carter and David Lott. Lyons and Chrystine Louise Turner charge. In honor of our Virginia
Music was rendered by Becky of Hazlehurst; one son, Carroll Eu­
Hcnucu Tahcruaclc Iioliness Church. held Dec. 21 at Palms Memorial Gar­ Bass on her birthday Dec, 10 and in
Walsh and Melissa Overstreet. gene Turner of Baxley; three sisters, Mr. Cecil E. Wilson of our daddy, Robert Bass.
Ili�hllp Rohert L. Fryer ufficiated dens in Hazlehurst. memory
Miles Funeral Home was in Joyce Tuttle of Marietta, Geneva
with burial ill Hazlehurst Memorial The Rev, J. Barry Owens and Dr. Services for Cecil E. Wilson, 58, Mom, we want to take this time
charge. Vann of Brunswick and Rosa Bowen
(iald·II'>. Pete Sharber officiated with burial in of Inverness FL were held Dec. 16 to wish you a Happy Birthday, and
of Hazlehurst; two brothers. Martin
graduate of
M I. ('i .rucnts was a Palms Memorial Gardens. in the Zion Hope Church, Burial was also to say how much you mean to
Turner of Niceville, FL and Rudolph
Jclf I)avi� County public schools. Mrs. Rees was a native of Mr. Alton O. 'Bubba' in the Zion Hope Church cemetery, all of us. No children could ever ask
Turner of Asheville. NC; and four
Coleman, FL. Mrs, Rees the Mr. Wilson was a native of Tel­ for better parents. If daddy was alive
Thr .c �i�1 'r� have proceeded him in was
Thrift Jr.
grandchildren. County but had lived in Pinellas
fair you would have celebrated your 50th
dc a t h l.ulu Bell Myles, Jo Ann
, daughter (If the late William G. Ward Services for Mr. Alton O. "Bubba" Active pallbearers were Timmy
('klilelll� lishcr, and I'l:lIrlie Mac and Edna Bailey Ward and the wife
Thrift Jr., 38, of Hazlehurst who died
County and had resided in Inverness wedding anniversary on Dec, 24. So
Faulk, Michael Faulk. Wendell for the past year and was the son of from all of us, we just want to say
('I '111 'Ilt�. of the late John R. Rees. She had
Dec. 12 at his residence were held Horton, James Horton, Randy
Survivor» iucludc his mother, lived in lIazlehurst since 1942 where the late John Wilson. He was a poul­ thank you both for always being there
Dec. 15 in the chapel of Wainright­ Altman and Steve Allman.
she and her husband the try farmer, for us. May your memories of you
Iiall ic ( 'lcrncnts (If Ilaziehurst; three operated Parlor Funeral Home.
and service
Honorary pallbearers were Mr.
Survivors include his mother, Ora and daddy's time together live on
'>i�tcrs, kuthic Mac Clements, Willie "White Spot" restaurant
Cockrell offici­
The Rev. Jeffery and Mrs. Earnest Allman, Mr. and
Mae II arrm HI, and l.isn Drone all of station. She was a member of the Wilson of Inverness; one brother, forever. Merry Christmas!
ated with burial in the Satilla Free­ Mrs. L. W. Brantl6)'y Mr. and"Mra.
l laz luhurvt: four brothers, Frankie First Church in Hazlehurst James E. Wilson of Seattle, Wash.; Love,
Baptist will Baptist Church Cemetery. L.L, post, Sr., Steve ffoler, Jimmy and several aunts and uncles. Jean, Sandy, Debbie, Robbie, Kathy
Lc e ( Tcrn 'IIt� (If Denton, James where she had served as secretary for Mr. native of Barnwell,
Thrift, a
Toler, Steve Griffin, Randall Griffin, Miles Funeral Home was in Christy,
('iL-mcllts, Sacun y Clements and a number of years.
S.c., has resided in Jeff Davis County Shirley and Alton Walters, and rnem- all their families.
Clements all of Hazlehurst, Survivors include one son, charge. Buddy and
Wa. nc
most of his life. He was a welder
;lIld . everul nieces, nephews, cous­ Michael Rees of Big Bear, Calif.; employed with Rowland Land Clear­
jll� alld friends. niece, Barbara Hardy of
ing and was the son of the late Allon
Active pallbearers were Marvin Westminister, SC and one grandson. O. Thrift Sr. and Mary Terry Thrift.
Turner. Willie Johnson, Joseph Active pallbearers were Ed Wil­
Survivors include his wife, Mrs.
Mcl.ain Dennis Brody, Sammy son, 8.1-1. Claxton, Steve Land,

Sherry Kight Thrift of Hazlehurst;

MlllltL 'olllery, I.ei{oy Jones, Jimmy Vernon Dowling, Dan Elrod and
three sons, Trent Thrift, Luke Thrift,
IIlIlIt, ('f)lIrad Swain, Lathan Lonnie Roberts,
and Dex Thrift all of Hazlehurst; two
Monicuomcry and Freddie Wooten. Donations may be made to the
daughters, Tess Thrift and Mara
Honorary pall hearers were ncph- charity of your choice or Brian Cen- Thrift both of Hazlehurst.

ishing you a very safe and
prosperous NEW YEAR


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Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,199918


Members of the
Children's Choir
sing under the
at Christmas
direction of Frank Hendrix prior to
the official lighting of the Hope your ••••on .hlne. with love .nd
community Christmas tree at the I.ught.r. It'. been • pl••• ura Hrvtng youl

J&K Home Center

J&K Rental Center
Douglas Hwy. •

Letters To Santa +

From Mrs. Lett's Class -¥-


Thornton color game hoy, and a color gumehoy, ::>f-

I will leave cookies and milk Oil the
Dear Santa, *
I have been I T. V. kitchen table.
goOlI. want a
Your friend,

and VCR. I love you Suntu.
Your friend, Olivier Phaneuf

Shayne Thornton -+

Megan Ellis + .>f-

Tabitha Feller Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, I believe in you. You arc pretty in
I've been nice tmlay and cvt:ry red, black and yellow. You art: true, I

day. I want a CD player, a new hike,

a swimming pool and a trampoline.
want a
doll. I love you.
a CD. player and a hahy
I B lidiold:, II.
vir9in sfiaU conceive, IUUC bear II. son}
I'll leave cookies and milk Oil the Your friend, and slUdC caCC his fUltne Ilf1m4JlUd.
Megan Ellis
tahle too. Bye, bye. -
Isaiah 7:14
Tahitha lynn Fclkr Matt Fowler
Dear Santa,

Tyler Carter I want a vissel, three Anirnonphs nd the

'"'9eC said unto
Dear Santa, toys, a Pokernon, red digital watch,
I've been a good hoy. I want a a
Furby, and Pokernon snap game, a fier, Fear not, Mary: for
Nintendo M gamt:. I love YOll. pack of bubbles for my xistcr, and a
thou hast found favour
Pokemon y e llow vcrs ion on a
Yours truly,
Tyler Carter garncboy. with God.
Love, --

Luke 1:30
Mall Fowler
Jasmine Denning
Dear Santa,
I huve been very good. I want Brittany Blake
Dear Santa,
something for Christmas. I want a
skates and school teacher I have been good this year. I want

bicycle, a

desk. I love you Santa.

Yours truly,
a computer and some games and a

gameboy. I can't wait until Christ-

Joseph cUso up from GcdlCu}

Jasmine Denning

Your friend,
of city of Nautreth, into Jl.dea,
unto the
Nick Vora Brittany Slake ci1y of David', which is Cd«ed
Dear Santa, BetIifdiem.
I've been I want Tyler Williams
good today. a -

Luke 2:4
Dear Santa,
camera, computer and fifteen chap­
ter hooks and a Nintcndo. I like red I have been as
good as possible. I

and white and green. I love you want some new Nintcndo games. I
want a bicycle for Christmas, and a
Your friend,
Nick Vora
special swing set,
Tyler Williams
IINllow wlienJesus 6om. in BetIiIdiem. 'if

Judea in. the days of I-Ierod ·the fii"9' 6efwC4,

Olivier Phaneuf there came wise 'men from the east to
Chris Miles
I've been as good as I can for Dear Santa, Jerusalem, Sayb19' Wlicre is lie tfaat is 60nt
I have been good. I want Beast
Ki"9 of the Jews? fOT we have seen {tis star in
Christmas. I would like space lcgo,
Pokcmon game for (Continued on Pege 28)
yellow version, � east, and are come to worship him.
Matthew 2:1-2

� with fi4ste} IUUC found Mary}
and the bahe

Joseph, �"9 a
-Luke 2:16

� I
JI Ie nme to
rcl"lcc and bonor
May the beauty of the Christmas season give you love
1I":�1IV-:�"'I'\1�� II11 d]c: miracle "f and renewed hope for the future.
• (",Iermae, and to
I. rcflect on ilnd
rcmcmba tt,c l(lIc"lnoe Bless you for your friendship.
,,( "ur Sa9("ur,
l1k WIInl to WI"" a 6('ly

("rt.rmae 10 all ,,( "ur

Hazlehurst Mills
,;" flnc fricnde and patrone
:< 11'1]0 .,aft b(cn '" I",al
"""UO""UI d]c: ycar,
8lefelnge '" you and ?"UrI,

The Rebel and their fine employees

Alma Hwy.· 375·2517 Alma Hwy.· 375·2561

;.J II

28 Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

Letters To Santa
From Mrs. Brantley's Class
I would like have Kelly doll,
Christopher Hughes to a

Dear Santa, a horse, ami C.D. 's and tapes,


, Nintendo and a radio for them. , also would

want a 64, Pokernon
like some, new clothes. For school'
watch, Batman Beyond, new clothes,
would like some folders and school
a new coal, a four wheel drive truck, Mil)' tiN! special iCJ)'s of the ,eIlSO" be your».
supplies. We tmioy«l sttrVi", )'ou tllis pilI' year.
a remote control mustang, and some

games for my Nintendo 64. , have nephew OJ. , would like

For my
for you bring him some boats. And
been good this year. I will leave you
a box of chocolate covered cherries my nephew Dylan wants a remote Miller Godley Auction Co.
and the tree. truck. For my nephew Jonathon'
a pepsi by
Love, would like for him to huve a radio. I Bell Telephone Rd.· 375-3491

Christopher Hughes (Continued on P.I1. 38)

lack Hall
Dear Santa,
, want a Ant farm and a skate.
Santa' hope you bring a new
swingset. Get my sister a bahydnll
skates. Santa 'love yuu because you

bring me toys. Santa' hope I get all

good grades. And bring a tree house
for me and my sister.
Thank you,
Zack Hull
(Continued from P.p fB)
Mrs. Lott «

airplane. This Your friend, Samantha Samka

War, a
puppy and II toy
i� alii wunt. Victor Snell Dear Santa,
Your friend, , would like
to get a

Chri» Milc� Chr,ts Barnes and trampoline,

a a T. v., wutcrbed,
May your holiday season hefil/ed with
Dear Santa, Tommy Hilf'igcr suit, a jacket, an abundance
of light and love.
Alisha LaRoche I have beengood this year. , want Tommy Hilfiger shoes, a hahydoll \
that talks with me and playhouse,
Thanks so muchfor hringing us
Dear Santa, four computers, another hamster and
so much
lvc tried to he good as I l:!111 ev­ eighteen Beast Wars. Santa you arc
better life for it and a cur, money and
joy this past year.
very nice.
sec your deer and you.
day. I want II
ery Furby, a game called
Monopoly and a Fircxtorm yo-yo. I Your friend, P.S. From Samantha 10 Santa with A II good wishes to our
Chris Barnes love and care always.
will leave some milk and cook­
throughout the area!
ie�, one carrot fur each reindeer. Love,
Samantha Sarnka
Your friend, Kelll Sickles
Alish« l.ukuche Dear Santa,
Shirley McCoy
Dustin Hyers
I have heen good this weekend. I
wish fur Christmas I had these three
C.D. and
Dear Santa,
I don't want to be greedy. I want Woody Folsom
Dear Santa, things. I wish I had a player
Lisa Frank kit and Fashion Magic, aSuper Nintendo, Barhie doll, und
I Hied
din hike. I
to be
want it
good. I want

player with a
a lillie
and that's all. anything else you will give me. I Chevy-Olds
won't mind if you give me a hahy
Your friend,
remote. I want a gamehoy T. V. I love

Kelli Sil:kles doll. Alii is to be with my friend

want Buick-Pontiac-GMC
andfamily. , love my teachers and
, f
VL:, Lumber City Hwy.
mommy, daddy, sisters and brothers.
()l. tin Hyers Bradley Creech
Most of all I love God. 375-2503 •
Dear Santa,
I would like four toy cars, and I
Victor Snell
would like a cat. , would like a cat
Shirley McCoy
Dear Santa,
I've hccn I real bowl.
good today. want a
CD Nintendo Your friend, Brittany
player. some new

'Bradley Creech Dear Santa, '.'

games ',;nJ .tiClescope.

May you, and

tbo« dear to you,
be /illed with the
((Wben tbey joy of the Three
JaW the star; Wile Men on that

/irJt Cbrutma»
tbey rejoueJ night, and lnay the
witb exceeJing true meaning 0/
our Savior j birth
great JOY.
guiJe you, and
-Matthew 2:10
bring you peace.

Aleo Controls
East First Ave. •

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999 38

Mrs. Brantley -

have two nieces. Errin, please bring mas. And , want a bike for Christ­
her a tea set and Savannah a doll, mas and , hope you have a Happy
Tommy cousin TJ. a Happy Birth­ New Year!

day on Dec, 25. Everyone else a very Love,

Merry Christmas. Joseph Thomas Wooten
Brittany Rewis Anthony
Dear Santa,
Chelsea Poore My name is Anthony Carter and I
Dear Santa, am eight year old. Christmas is a very May peace and joy
First I want to wish everyone a special time of year for my family. It be delivered to you and yours.
is the day that Jesus was born. For
Merry Christmas. I have been a good Thanks for visiting!
Christmas this year, I would like a
girl this year. I want a Kingergarten
remote control airplane and a two
baby, blue sweater, boots, playstation
and clothes. I love everyone in
seater go-cart. My sister, Victuri u is
Hazlehurst. four years old and wants a 101 of

P.S. And Mama wants truck .. Barbie dolls. Thanks Santa'

Clyde McCall

Love, Love,
Chelsea Poore Anthony Carter
Chairman, Jeff Davis County Commissioners
Jesse Davis Holly Herrin
Dear Denr Santa,
Christmasl I bebe I would like a watch and a Barbie
Merry want a

gun, a toy truck and a friend like you

for Christmas. You know I'm begin­

ning to like Christmas alot. I think I

doll and pair of shoes, some
a new

church clothes. a car and my size

barbie. Thanks Santa.
�a Merry Christmas .4
want more for Christmas, but
things Love, COMMERCE CHRISTMAS PARADE Dr. C.J. Reddy, who has spent the last 12 years in Hazlehurst and Douglas, believes
I love you, Santa. It is a great Christ­ Holly Herrin in giving personal care to his patients. He is a board-certified urologist. If you are

mas, isn't it Santa. But your fun and having problems with kidneys, bladder, incontinence or kidney stones, please
be cool. Sierra Batten call Dewayne Johnson or Norma Kornegay at Jeff Davis Hospital, 375-7781.
Your my pal, Dear Santa,
Jesse Davis J wish for some clothes and some


Shantae Kirby
roller skates and
a new bedroom suit and
some new

shoes and

Dear Santa, Sincerely,
Sierra Batten (Continued from Peg. 5B)
I would like a new bike and
clothes and shoes
Dr. Challori J. Reddy, M.D.
jewelry and some

and if I'm not to old maybe a few Cole Wilcox (,4. I want a to-curt. M.B.B.S.-F.I.C.S.-F.A.C.S.
toys, and Nintendo 64. Most Dear Santa. Love,
a new

Michael Water»
Diplomate of American
of all I would like for my mom and I want a new pair a Adidax, u new
Board of Urology
sisters and brother to be happy. Thank puppy, an iguana, n new bonk hag.
you and Merry Christmas. some new hoots, and Santa this i� Chesley
Love. what I want for Christmas. I will Dear Santa, Adult •
Shantac Kirby leaved some cookies und milk. My name is Chesley and I want a Female Urology
Frum, Playstutinn for Christrna» und I hope
Willie Kurtz Cole Wilcox I gel it. And I wunt some real cool
Dear Santa, games like 'Iekken 3, and thai is the

Kidney Stones

Urinary Incontinence
This is what I want for Christmas. Nikki Taylor only game Ihal I want. Well I hope

Prostate and BLadder Problems •
A playstation and some Jordan shoes Dear Santa, you gel my letter �()(II1. I really do, II

Sexually Transmitted Disease •
and clothes. I would like to have twin d()l1� and wa� fun
wriling Ihis letter III you, bye. •
Microwave Treatment of Prostate •
Urinary Tract Infections
From. some play makeup. I am glad there Sincerely,
.J ''f I
Willie Kurtz is a Santa if there wus a Santu I dun 'I Che�ley
Reddy would Uke to thank the Doctors, statr· �

no what I would do.

and Administration at Jeff navis Hospital ",

Jaime Gozalez Sincerely, Michael Shaw

Dear Santa, Nikki Taylor Dear Santa, David L. Turfler, Dauid L. Shuman», Sidney P. Johnson, BIIlIMvenmlUJMocalalad :

l ain't going to want a lot of pre­ My name is Michael Shaw. I want Al.uandro Pernett, Bharat S. Patel, G. Kyle Smith, Cherne Chua and Loren... Po.
sents. I am just going to say a few. I Lazalea Clemmons some clothes and �h()e� and it toy car.

want go-cart, Ii �W. bilu: .11

a Dear Santa. . My brother wants some Illy curs,
clothes and shoes and Y �i�­
pluystation, a Nintendo 64. I am just FirSI J just wan I to wish everyone some III

few stuff. A Christmas. I bike. tcr wants some dolls, a doll car and a
going to say a more a Merry want a

game boy color, a go-cart, a tricycle

for my little cousin and just a regular
roller blades,
in it. Santa is
do nothing to

nice man

he will
1I doll
some clothes and shoes.
walll� xurnc c111lhe� and
we would like to take
From, Love, Love,

Jaime Gozalez Lazulca Clemmons Michael Shaw

Morgan Bargstadt opportunity to

Dear Santa,
I you are well! Everything
In the
is ok here in Georgia. I've tried to be

very good
bring me a few of these
hope you
girl lately.
things: a
So ,
count our blessings

a porcelain doll,
collector Barbie, and
twister game,
a computer Ofthe
P.S. Tell Mrs. Claus and Rudolph Season ...

hello for me.

Love, May we extend our sincere good wishes to all our

Morgan Burgstadt cherished friends and neighbors.

Joseph Thomas Wooten
Julie's Gifts & Baskets
Dear Santa,
, want football and and S. Tallahassee St. •
a a dog a

be be gun and a dirt bike for Christ-

May the true

spirit of
Christmas bring you
peace and joy,
and may you dwell in We are blessed to work in a
community 1999 another successful year.
that has supported our bank for over 93 years With these blessings in mind, the Direc­
His light, forever.
and we are especially grateful for the many tors, Officers and Employees of Bank of
customers we have the privilege of serving. Hazlehurst sincerely wish to all a very

dur deepest gratitude for Included in our many blessings are our em­ Happy Holiday Season and a
Happy New

ployees who have worked so hard to make: Year!

your patronage.
Main Office: S. Tallahassee St. 375-4228

Branch Office: S. Tallahassee SI. 375-2310 •

Hardie's Drugs Member FDIC Hazlehurst
Equal Houling Lender
s. Tallahassee St. •
375-2545 Equal Opportunity Employer


4B Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., 1999
�ember 22!
,. ,

Have A Merry Christmas

Winning float

Hazlehurst First United Methodist

Church's float was the winning
entry in the Church Division of the Happy holidays ro our (ri.nda.
Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County Your bu.ln.u ;sdHPIy apprKior.d.
Chamber of Commerce
Christmas Parade.

Ocmulgee Western Wear

Lumber City Hwy. •

Santa Claus
Letters To Santa From Mrs. Varnadoe1s Class Is Co_�-S To Town
Lisa Merritt Dear Santa, too. games that are Nascur 2000 and
Dear Santa, My name is Dwaine and I am nine Love, Rugrats. I want a basketball and II
years old. I want a remote control car Mayra Gonzalez goal. a baseball lind a bat,and a go­
My name is Lisa and I ani nine
and truck, a play house for my dog, a cart. I want some more hot wheels. I
years old. I would like to have a bike,
Nintcndo, a race car game, and a go­ Michael Hayes will leave you some milk and cook­
some skates, a Nintendo 64, II
sundrnukcr and a skateboard. I would carl.I will leave you some milk and Dear Santa, ie.s and do not sneak in the refrigera­
cookies, My name is Michael and I am 8 tor.
also like a football, baseball, shoes,
Love, years old, I want a Nintendo 64. My Love,
clothes, paper, pencils and pony. a
Dwaine Wilcox, Jr. class is writing a Christmas letter. John Bush
Could yuu bring my lillie brother

something'! I will put you some muf­ Bring something for my family. My
fins and milk. I hope everyone re­ Kayla Thompson teacher needs something like ear­
Krystle Haskin
members that Christmas is the birth­ Dear Santa, rings. Dear Santa,
of Jesus. My Kayla Thompson. For
is Love, I have been really good this year.
day name

Christmas I would like a Playstation, Michael Hayes So can you get me some stuff! What
Lisa Merrill II new hike, a basketball goal, Skat­ I want is some skates, art stuff,
Joshua Kyle Carter clothes, radio, Christmas hear, and
ing Shannon, some beanie babies It's time to Join family and friends In Joyful holiday
Dear Santa, for Christmas. I will celebrations. We hope your holiday season
Aaron Conner with collector cards. If you think the some jewelry
My name is Josh. I would like to leave you some milk and cookies to Is the best ever.
Dear Santa, list is too long I don't mind if you
shorten it. Because I don't have iI four wheeler, a paint ball gun, cat. I hope you leave my family
What I want for Christmas is II really Thanks forstopping by and making our year
Pokemon snap, a
Nintendo 64, 007 think Christmas is all about presents. a trumpet, a rue something nice. I hope you have so special. We wlllh you the happiest of new year.
Goldeneye, a new
and hope you'll come to vis" us again. soon.
control that I think it's about when Jesus was gameboy and Gameboy game. I
a a Merry Christmas.
bike, and a remote car
Maybe you might could bring
also want a yellow, red, and blue Love.
goes really fast, I will leave you SOniC Pokemon. I would like the book Su­
Mama and Chris some too Krystle Haskin
milk and cookies. Please leave my presents
per I will leave you
Fudge. some milk
brother because they don't get many presents
Aaron Conner
P.S. Have
a safe
and cookies.
Monica Wise
Dear Santa,
Chic King
Joshua Kyle Carter
Love, Hi! My name is Monica. I would
Lumber City Hwy. •
Kayla Thompson like to have barbie doll with II doll
'eannie Creech a

Dear Santa,
Kayla Roundtree (Continued on Pege 58) r- ,. •
Dear Santa,
My name is Jeannie and I am eight Wesley Clay .

Dear Santa, I want a barbie doll and a

jeep so

years old, I want II new bike, a Furby

I can ride my barbie doll. I want a
clothes and shoes, My name is Wesley, I am eight
baby, some new

and for school. I also years old. I have been a very good babydoll skates, a gold ring, some
a new backpack
barrettes, a new bike, some candy,
want some roller blades with knee boy, I would like a toy for Christmas.
The toy I want is a remote control and clothes. Bring my sister a new
pads and elbow pads.
car, I also want a lillie sister. Get toy, a new game, and a go-cart and I
will leave you some milk and cook­
Jemmie Creech something for my brothers too. I will
ies. Bring my brother a Bible, my
leave you some cookies and pepsi
under the tree. mother a new house and car, and my
Jessica Rentz a car. I that every­
Love, grandmother hope
Dear Santa, one remembers that Christmas is the
Wesley Clay
I have been good. These are some
birthday of Jesus. Thanks for stop­
of thethings I want for Christmas. I
Mayra Gonzalez ping by my house.
want a baby brother or sister. I want
Dear Santa, Love,
some jeans, shirts, and boots. I want
is and I 9 Kayla Roundtree
a CD player, some CD. 's and aT. V.
My name Mayra am

for my room. I'll leave you some

years old. I would like to have a
skateboard, doll and a Nintendo 64. John Bush
cookies and milk.
I want a baby sister for Christmas. I Dear Santa,
will leave you cookies and milk on I am 8 years old and my name is
Jessica Rentz
the table. Please bring my cousins a John. What I want for Christmas is a

doll and my brother a Nintendo 64 watch. I want a Nintendo 64 with two

Dwaine Wilcox, Jr.

holidays have provided us

with an opportunity to thank all our dear friends
and neighbors. As we celebrate this last Christmas
of the century, we hope and pray for peace and
harmony for all earth's living creatures. Look. it's Santa with his sack.
Climbing down the chimney stack!
In a flash he's gone from Sight:

We wish you and your loved ones much happiness Then he's back, and waves good-night.
He jumps into his little sleigh:
in this joyous season and throughout the
You can almost hear him say,
coming year, and we look forward As his laughter fades away ...

to serving you again soon.

"Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Holidayf"

To all our Iqyal customers. we hope Santa

dear friends and
brings you everything you've been wishing for this Christmas.

Davis Farm & Ga'rden

Alma Hwy. •

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999 58

Letters To Santa From Mrs. McCoy's Class

We hope our service suited

Heather I Wheel of Fortune Nintendo you well this year, and we

Chris Kyle Brewer Rashuan want a
wish you (I wonderful holiday.
Dear Dear Santa, Dear Santa, game. I alsu want a couple of new
is Rashuan and I'm in I'm Heather. What I want for beanie babies. But most of all I want
My name is Chris Kyle Brewer, My name

and this is what I would like for the 3rd grade. I would like you to
remote control truck and
Christmas is
find And I
a play flute if you can a 410 rifle. I want

my stocking. I want you to give my

a lot of candy in Pride Express Dry Cleaners
Christmas. A dog, computer, four bring me a one. want a kindergarten S. Williams St.· 375-7000
of skates and clothes to doll. And I want tent like the little sister Kate a barbie doll. I want
wheeler, jet ski and a friend. a new
pair baby a

Your friend, wear to school and paper andsome one that wwe had last Christmas but you to get my little brother Will II
stuffed animal. I want you to get my
Chris Kyle Brewer pencils for school. And I would like this one will up with people
not tear

some new shoes. My teacher wants pulling on it. I love Christmas be­ daddy one of those special knives that
brother wants I get presents and it is Jesus' have lots of gadgets. And for Mama,
Juan Deen a good class. My a big cause
a dress. Well that's all. Merry Christ­
Dear Santa, computer. Oh don't forget about my birthday.
Your mas Santa!
I am a student in the 3rd grade.
friends and other people across the friend,
world and nations. Don't Heather Love,
Here is the list of things I want for forget to

Ryan Vinson
Christmas. A Pokemon sticker book, bring my presents and most im­

the Pokemon movie, and Pokemon portant of all don't forget to let my Ryan Vinson
teachers wish come true that she Dear Santa, Michael Waters
toys, at least five of them.
wants really, really had -
she wants a is Vinsun. I in Dear Santa,
Sincerely, My name Ryan am

good cl ass. I live in I want a

bicycle. I want a Nintendn
Juan Deen the 3rd grade. Hazlehurst,
Sincerely, GA. I live in the U.S. For Christmas (Continued on 3B)
Shelby Dubberly
Dear Santa,
is and I think
My name Shelby
Dear Santa,
you are real but most people think
that you are their parents. I try to tell Hi, this is Justin. Fur Christmas I
want a hike and skates, a thin box
them you are real. So lets get to the The holiday season is upon us, and we hope
about Christmas. I want with books in it, my own 'Lv., a
good point It's filled with much joy.
to tell you what I want for Christmas. swingset, a trampoline, and It

I want a talking doll that swings like ceornuccntrudc car.

Happy holidays to all our friends, who visited
my cousins Brittany has and a
puppy. Sincerely, us throughout the year!
Shelby Dubberly
Brittany Meeks
Dear Santa, Bank of
Hall My is Brittany Meeks and I
Cody name

Dear Santa,
My name is Cody Hall and what I
want it

mas. Yuu
phone for Christ­
get me anything you
Lumber City
want I don't care as
long as I get
want is bike, football, a book
a new
Lumber 363-4341

something for Christmas but a hag

marker, a toy robot, a puppy, a pool,
of switches, thank-you.
toy four wheeler, some shoes, a
P.S. DOI1't
forget my presents. Oh and
playhouse, a watch, and a sled.
Sincerely, my friends, family and of course my
Cody Hall
Love your pal,

Brittany Meeks
Dear Santa,
C.J. Miller
Mrs. Varnadoe -- (Continued from Pllge 58)
euk the Halls
Dear Santa, house for Christmas. I also want a My name is Jerem Bohannon
My name is Weston. For Christ­
I My name is c.i. Miller. I am H 1/
Kelly with II stroller and a barbie and I am 9 years old. I would like to
mas want a go-cart, a gameboy, a

football and a fiddle. 2 years old and it is close to my birth­ plane with a barbic dull. I want some have a boom hox, a dirt hike, ami :t

Love, day. I am in the third grade and my clothes, shoes, and paper and pencils. playstation for .hristmus. Please
Weston teacher is Ms. Ml:Coy. She is it good Merry .hristrnu» and a Happy New bring my brother Joshun a dirt hike
teacher to have in school. I am doing Year! and a mud hogging go-cart. I II.! i� (,

good in Math. I would like a skate­ Love, years old.

board for Christmas, I would like for Monica Wise Love,
Brlttnay for
Dear Santa,
Ms. McCoy to have a new Jeep Jeremy Bohannon
I am in the 3rd grade. I'm 9 years Kyle Taylor
old and my name is Brittnay. I want
Your friend, Dear Santa, Ryan Walker
c.r. Miller is I would Dear Santa,
Skateboard Shannen, Bubble fairy My name Kyle Taylor.
Barbie, Barbie that has like a trumpet, truck, ball, tent, and a I have been a very good ho Ihi�
a Gorgiatown
blue and white stuff that comes with Rebekah motorcycle fur Christmas. I have year. I want two Nintendo gallle�, a

it. The last I want is Dear Santa, been uk and good this year. Will you stereo, and some CDs. I'd upprcci­
thing a Groving
I would like a millennium collect­ bring my sisters a doll and some toys'! ate it if you bring me these thing»,
Barbie for Christmas. I want you to
ible doll. Also I would like a Magic I will leave some cookies and milk I'll leave milk and cookies for YOll. I
get Mrs. McCoy a new dress, a

eight ball for Christmas. I would like on the shelf for you. Also will you hope you have a safe trip on Christ­
neckless, a diamond ring with her
the game "Find Furhy." I would like please bring Chusity a bear and some mas Eve.
birthstone color. The last things two
an ice cream sundae maker. I would Thank yuu,
I want yo uto McCoy is
give Mrs. toys'!
new shiny shoes and the last thing is
also like a Friendlink. Last but not Love, Ryan Walker
a new pair of earrings. They have
least I would like to have Christmas Kyle Taylor Christmas is the time to celebrate, the time for love,
been good that includes me too. Get with my family. Krlstle Morris laughter and merriment with family, friends and
Lots of milk and cookies, Alex Graham would like to express a sincere wish for
my granny a new case set with Dear Santa, n righbor We.

My is Kristie. Please hring and lovely holiday season to all.
makeup in it. Get my sister the same Dear Santa, name warm

I'm from you. Get my I have been this year and my good me some nice thing!' for Christmas.
things getting
papa a new suit. Lindsey Terry name is Alex Graham. I want you to Bring my brother something 1110. I'll
Sincerely, Dear Santa, leave me some trucks and I am 10 leave you some milk and cookies. Jeff Davis High School
Brittnay I have been really good and I want
years old. I love Christmas because Love,
lots of stuff like a new bike and a CD it is nice. Bring my big sister a Kristie Murris

Mathis player about the middle size. I want sweater and shoes and a big car. I
Dear Santa, three games IIny kind and II few CD's. want a basketball goal and a

Hi! I am Mathis and this is I would like a pair of new shoes and Playstation, I want a remote control
some clothes. I want some socks and car and a bike and a Nike shirt. I want
what I wish to get for Christmas. A
pair of clothes for my teacher Mrs.
a bean bag and slime toys like easy a tennis court game. I will leave you Ior unlo us CI child is born,
McCoy, some shoes for my merna, a
bake ever. I would like a pet bird. I some milk and cookies.
want a computer and a
ring and a jew­ Love, 11111.0 II� a SOil is
pizza party for my class, and some
elry box and a bathrobe and some Alex Graham
socks and shoes for my daddy and
mom. slippers, a Minnie Mouse bed and a
and the govel'lllllcnl shall
From, super model designer collection doll. Jeremy Bohannon be llroll his shoulder.
Your friend,
Kayla Mathis Dear Santa, and his JlClIIIC slmll be
Lindsey Terry
called WOlldc:rful. Counsellor,
The mighty ('"oc!,
The everlClsling Father.
The Prince of Peace.

lsaiah g:6

Bless YUIL for Jour kindness throughout this past year.

May your Christmas be filled It hus meant (t lot to LLS.
with the blessings of His love.
Merry Christmas to all.

Beall's Jeff Davis County

& Beau's Board of Commissioners
S: Tallahassee St. •

68 Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

Letters To Santa
From Mrs. Miles· Class
Pokemon Snap and NFL Quarterback
Paige Sellers
Dear Santa, 2000.
is Sellers. This Your friend,
My name Paige
note is to tell you what I want for Gary Kemp
Christmas. I want a BSB New Mil­
lennium CD, a playstation, some fin- Jeremy Carter
: gemail polish, my own four-wheeler, Dear Santa,
: a basketball, a basketball goal, a ste­ My name is Jeremy Carter. I live
· reo with two microphones, and bring in Hazlehurst. I want bike and my

: my mommy something and my mom wants a bike and my sister

: bike. dad wants Th., holid.y ",,,on i\ h."." .nd w� w.nt to wi\h
daddy and my brother something too. wants a My a bike
ou' many I,i.,nd\ .nd ".,19hbo,\ dll 900d thi"9\
Sincerely, too so that we can ride together. now .nd I .. into th., lUlU'.,.
Paige Sellers Sincerely,
Jeremy Carter
: Shanee Johnson
: Dear Santa, Josh Edwards
I'm in Mrs. Miles class in the 3rd Dear Santa,

grade. My name is Shanee Johnson. I am in Mrs. Miles 3rd grade class. Globe Financial Services
I want a Nintendo 64 and a computer. I want a four-wheeler and a Nintendo
64 for Christmas and Tallahassee St. •
Bring my brother and my sister and a new bike for

: my parents something too. Christmas and a playstation and this

Thank you, is about all I want. Ar.'�:��""
� � � �.".",
, Shanee Johnson Your pal,

: Alexis McLoon

Dear Santa, Kerl Livingston

, My name is Alexis McLoon. I'm Dear Santa,
in Mrs. Miles' 3rd grade class. I

My name is Keri. Will you bring

would like gameboy. Also I would
a Mrs. Miles an angel music box'! I

like a Backstreet Boys New Millen­ want a new dress with horses on it

: nium CD for Christmas. I would like and some new tennis shoes. And
afew games too. But most of all I $400 dollars. Will you bring me it

would like a "killen." Christina AGulara CD, a mickey

Your friend, mouse sega game and a puppy. I want
Alexis McLoon a Hollywood Barbie Doll, a diamond
ring. Mom and Dad need a nice gift
Stacia Brewer too.

Dear Santa, P.S. I am in Mrs. Miles 3rd grade

is Stacia Brewer. This class.
My name

is what I want for Christmas, a Love,

rocktumbler, tennis racket, and some Keri Livingston
rocks that aren't tumbled. I want a

bike, Barbie doll, and a tennis net. I Matthew MlJtson

want a real horse. Dear' Santa,
Your friend, My name is Matthew Mutson. I
Stacia Brewer want Nintendo 64, Playstation,

Kenx Cobra Sticker, Kenx robot

Elijah Sayer world, Super rebond. Bring my fam­ .

Dear Santa, ily nice gifts because they arc great.

the 3rd
name is Elijah Sayer. I am in Love,
Matt Mutson
grade. I want a Nintendo
game, game boy, Coler with a game, Village Shopping Center •
with cd player, give Mrs. Miles a Your pal,
a computer with three computer Rebecca Morris
games, but I wouldn't forget the best Dear Santa, present, and give my famil a present Andrei Iiall
too. DOIl't fnrget the "Nail it with
teacher in the world, Mrs. Miles. Get My name is Rebecca, I'm in Mrs.
Barbie." Jo-Anna Brown
her an angel with
gold head and
a Miles' homeroom class. I want any­
Love, Dear Santa,
wings and the rest of the angel is clear thing and an easy bake oven and
Tamara Murce Feller I want harbic doll and
glass. bring my family two bags of candy. a some new

P.S. Don't forget my brother and my Love, clothes to wear. and pile of jewelry.

parents. Rebecca Morris Patrick West and a ring. Please bring my mom,

Sincerely, Dear Santa, Shannon, something good because

Elijah Sayer I am in Mrs. Miles third grade she works very hard. My dad, Gerald,
Karlelgh Kight
class. What I want for Christmas is. works very hard to make a living so
Dear Santa,
Dustin Forbes two more
dogs and a four-wheeler hring him something nice. My
I want a
pair of nikes. My
and a
go-cart. brother is nice. so bring him some­
Dear Santa, name is Karleigh. I'm in the third
is Dustin Forbes. I Thank you, thing nice. One more person that likes
My name am grade of Mrs. Miles, I want a CD
in Mrs. Miles 3rd Patrick West to sleep on the couch. His name is
grade class. For player and I want a new puppy. I want
Christmas I would like Tommy. He would probably won't a
a go-cart with to get up and sell you at night. I've
four wheel drive and I would like a been a good little girl but I get spank­ Joshau Haskin T.v.

Dear Santa, P.S.Bring very good presents.

motorcycle. Please bring Mrs. Miles ings. Please give me that Barbie doll
a candy bar covered with chocolate with From your pal,
fingernails. We tried to call you I want a four-wheeler and a dirt
and sprinkles. Don't forget to bring the other day because it was my bike. Also, I want a CD I layer that
Jo-Anna Brown
During. this holy time ofyear, we'd like to join you
my family lots of chocolate kisses sister's birthday. She wants training was a Pokcrnon. I really want a new and your jamily in giving thanks to our Lord for
and other nice gifts. wheels in her new bike and give her desk to do my homework Oil.

His love and guidance,
Sincerely, a baby doll. I will
try to get you and Your pal, Crystal
Dustin Forbes Mrs. Claus a
present. Joshau Haskin Dear Santa,
I am in Mrs. Miles third
With bright wishes for a joyous season from all of us.
Love, grade
class. What I want for Christmas is
Gary Kemp Karleigh Kight Andrei Hall a

stereo and a to go with it. I want

Dear Santa, Dear Santa, tape
My name is Gary Kemp and I'm Tamara Feller My name is Andrei Hall. I'm in
computer with a mouse and I want

in Mrs. Miles 3rd grade class: For Dear Santa, Mrs. Miles third grade class. I want
Christmas I want a Nintendo 64,
T. V., and two remote controls, four
a My name

in the third grade. I want

is Tamara Feller. I
a CD player,
am a
go-cart, a remote control car, a com­
puter, drearncast, Playstation, bike
P.S. Santa, I
cookies and milk
Thank you,
am going to leave
by the tree,
games and these are the names, 8 millennium cd of the BSB, a bike, and $300. Give Mrs, Miles a puppy
Crystal Mathis 110 Church St. •
Ready 2 Rumble, All Stars ball 2000, a Barbie with her friends, a computer and my family some nice gifts too.

As you gather with loved ones during the

The tree i8 Ut, the 8tocklng8 are
hwtg,and holidays, we wish you the best that
the good tfmC8 are about. to begin. the season has to offer.
We hope your Chrl8tJuaw 18 everything
We appreciate your loyal support, and look
you're hoping it wiD be. forward to serving you in the new year.
11Iank8 mluaklng our 8eft8Ol1

sueb a great 8Ucce88.

We look forward to serving you In
the "'year.

ftlflY you 11f! fln'fltly "'e.�.�f·(lily th« t.r'II" spirit. o! Christmas,


Pizza Hut mid mfly His !}rI!(It .cIi!t. illuminate your heart. (Inti
"ring you comfort flnt/Joy,

Taco Bell Express Jimmy Boatri,ght

Village Shopping deAter 375-7111 •
Johnson's Office Supply
N. Tallahassee si.- 375-4208

Jeff Davis December 22,1999 78
L�er, Wed., -_.. -

Letters To Santa
the Best to Our Customers!

From Mrs. Presley1s Class

Merle Norman
Avlon Stegall Love,
S. Tallahassee St.
Dear Santa, Ebony Williams
I want a play jet, computer and I
want some clothes. I like the way you
dress up. You have II red. white, black Alana Cravey
and your belt buckle is gold. You fly Dear Santa.
so high that you cross the moon at For Christmas I would love for
to bring me clothes, toys. new
night. My name is Avion �"·:;n". you
am eight years old and my birthday shoes, fingernail polish, body glitter,
is June 8. Merry Christmas. a big brush and a Kelly doll with a

Sincerely. stroller. Merry Christmas!

Avian Stegall P.S. Please remember to bring my big
sister Amanda makeup and some hair

Travis Cox Sincerely,

Dear Alana Cravey
My name is Travis Cox and I am
� .>
1:1 yents old. I have been IJ good hoy
_. -_,


this year. I would like you to bring Danlelle Woodard )

.. '!. .

me it Donkey Kong 64 game for my Dear Santa.

Nintendo 64 with II Strategy Guide. I want shirt with tweety on it.

a new
pair of roller blades, a big thing Will you please get it for me. because
of legos, trucks. and toy commando I've always wanted that. That's alii
for my Drearncast Sarges army men ever wanted. A LITTLE COWGIRL RODE IN THE HAZLEHURST CHRISTMAS PARADE
for my Nintendo 64 with a Stratedy Danielle Woodard
or dirt bike. a new jacket and new
Guide, u new pair of reigns and a Josh Peacock
jeans. a bunk bed and Nascar 2000.
weather at the north pole? Is it cold'!
whip for my horse and a new bike. Dear Santa. Have the elves made enough toys for
Thank you!
P.S. I wiil leave you milk and cook­ I would like you to bring me a Christmas this I have been very
go­ Brandon Crosby year'!
ies on the bar. cart and a playstation.
good this year, so please don't forget
Love, Love, me Christmas Eve. My brother has
Travis Cox Heather Osburn
Josh Peacock been
Dear Santa.
so so. Hope to sec you soon.

Christopher Bohannon
Thank you for the toys from the

past 7 years. This year I would like a

Merry Christmas Santa!
From. Business Solutions
Amanda Bennett Dear Santa, J uson .ruwford
computer and some other things. Tallahassee St. •
Dear Santa. I. Christopher Bohannon. would
Weill hope you and Rudolph have OJ
I want a Fashion Avenue Ranch have toys,
like to T'V; playstation,
safetrip. Cody
Wear for Barbie and Stacie Fashion radio, shirts. pants, shoes, dump .To Santa,
Avenue Wear for Barbie and Sincerely.
Sports truck, books to read, computer. I want a Play Station, and some new
Heather Oshurn
Stacie, Grand Champions horse. C.D.'s but most of alii pray that ev­ clothes and a new house and a new
white with a white mane and tail with safe and happy Christ­
eryone has a desk.
skater Justin Carter
pink hooves. a jewel a mas. God Bless everyone.
remote control horse and carriage. a Dear Santa.
Love, Cody
horse with miniature horse This is what I want for Christmas:
flying a
Christopher Bohannon
filled with glitter and a goat and a a playstauon, a go-cart, a game for
the playstation, Ninicndo M. a game
goose thats real. Justin Nabors
P.S. Merry Christmas, Santa! for it and some games for my
Dear Santa.
Love. gameboy,
I want II new bike to keep at my
Amanda Bennett P.S. Thank you for the gifts.
Nanny's house and a new computer
to keep in my room.
Justin Carter
Ebony Williams Justin Nabors
Dear Santa, Jason Crawford

Dear Santa,
I want a new bike and a baby doll Brandon Crosby
My IHUnl: is Jason Crawford and I
house and a dog house for my dog. I Dear Santa. ,�
need some shoes mrn I will like to am in Mrs. Presley's 3rd
grade. l low
I want to wish you a Merry Christ­
arc you and the elves doing'! How is

�ra(r on Earth I
have a gold car. I want some roller
mas. I have been a good boy this year.
skates. I want some love from my your reindeer doing'! And arc you ,

I would like to have a four-wheeler

family. feeding them alot'! What is the

ilDll4hln� you IcIVI:. faith ami

10, lIurln� this holy RcaROIl.

Cary Johnson
S. Tallahassee St.
Blessings of the Season
of this holy season become beautiful memories
May the gifts
to cherish forever.

Dumplin Shoppe
Jefferson st. •

Deck the halls holiday brings loads

Hope your
Bring on the cheer good things and an
Christmas time will soon be here!
abuhdance of happiness and
We know we're celebrating
A very bright season
holiday spirit.
And your warmJriendship
Is the reason!

With thanks and best wishes to all oj you. C'ityof

Golden Gifts Iyi� jor.Buddy Spann
Council members: Eugene Allen,
S. Williams St. •
375-4341 Oscar Hulett, Raleigh Spell and
Joe Burns. City Manager Ken
F/oyc!. 91erks: Ethelyn S. Oreech,
Kim Dykes, Patricia Hunter, Janet
Rigdon and Lorrie Williams
Letters To Santa You Top Our List of People to

From Mrs. Herrington's Class I

Justin Courson Jake Butler

Dear Santa,
Will you please get me a Nintendo Kyle Hughes
Rainbow Super Center
64, a new bike, some gold fish in a Dear Santa, Baxley Hwy. •
tank, a new color T. V. with a remote, Hello my is Kyle Hughes, I

some new jeans, some new shoes, hope doing well. I have tried
you lire

and a water gun'! to be it good hoy this year, I I'

you' re
Sincerely, not too busy, please stop by
Justin Courson house, I would like to have a pair of

skates, '1', v., it new bike, a

toy car and
Justin Miles u CD player,
Dear Santa, Love,
My name is Justin Miles and for Kyle We can't think of a more rewarding
Christmas this year I would like a
football and a B.B. gun. Merry Meagan Kerns way to spend the holidays than
Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus, Dear Suntu, with good friends like you.
Love, My Meugan
name is Kerns. I um

Justin Miles eight years old und ill thc third grade,
I am a member of the Hazlehurst

Keonla Church of God, I would like for you

Dear Santa, to bring me a motorcycle, currings, S, Williams St. •
For Christmas I want a computer. babydoll and a camera, I would also
shoes, clothes, socks, and a My Size like some new brogans and some nice
clothes, Even though my sister and
Angel barbie doll and a skate, a tea
set and brother aggravate me, I love them
a bicycle.
and would like I'm you to bring them
some really grcut stuff. I will he
ing for you on Christmas Eve,

Darius Parker Love, LITTLE DRUMMER BOY

Meagan Kerns
Dear Santa, Time marches on. and ance again we're pleased to deliver
My name is Darius Christain our message of goodwill and gratitude to att of uou,
Parker. I in Mrs, Alex Grantham
am Herrington's Merru Christmas!
third Dear Santa,
grade classroom, I am eight
I want a couple of (1),�, a T. V.
years old, I know that Christmas is
Jesus Christ's birthday and we eel­
ebrate for that reason. For Christmas
and a couple u]' cars and if llli will

please get my �i�ler a ticket tll meet


Altamaha.Net -

I would like have of NSYNC al a concert in Orlando H. Jarman St. •

to food, plenty
and my daddy and my granny and
some Playstation games, clothes,
or truck.
shoes, movies and, a toy Megazord. papa a new car
Santa I pray that all the little boys Thank you,
and girls all over this world have Alex Grantham

what they need and want also for

Christmas, Please don't my forget Brandon Powell
mommy, mama, and papa. I will Dear Santa,
leave you coffee and cookies under My name i� Brandon Powell. I urn

our tree 10 thank you for the gifts I in the third grade, I am nine year� old,
do get. Merry Christmas to all. Mrs, Herrington i� my teacher, Please
Love, bring me Nintcndu 64, u ncrf gun and
Darius C. Parker a Pokcrnon. I will leave cookies and
milk for you, ,

Dear Santa, Brandon Powell

,My name is Justin Kerr, I'm in

Mrs, Herrington's third grade class, Matthew Hughes
All I want for Christmas is a sWim­ Dear Santa, 'something too,

ming Bubba. My name i� Matthew Hughes, From,

Thanks, I've heel! goud this year, What I want Matthew Hughes
Justin Kerr for Christmas i� II B, U,
gun, and a
Xavier Mauree Harris two player Hockey game for my Allie Aldridge
bear Santa, playsuuion �o me and Illy Dad and Dear Santa,
I want a WF Wrestling ring with my sister can play it. My sisler Linrue I have been a pretty good girl this
all of the people and a bicycle, I
good this year so hring her some­
(Continued on Pege 11B)
would like to have a remote control thing too, Bring my Mom and Dad
car. But most of all I would like to

have good heathan strength.

Xavier Mauree Harris

Jake Butler
Dear Santa,
For Christmas I would like to re­

ceive a
gameboy color, Plysa
Pokemon yellow for the garneboy,
Then I would like a playstation game
called Driver. I would like 410 shot
gun also, I would like several com­
puter games. Finally two boxes of
410 shotgun shells, I would also like
towish everyone a Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
P.S. Please bring .ny sister Kaitlyn
At this holy time of vear; we celebrate
some books "nd my baby sister
all life's blessings and special joys
Annalyn a baby doll. We have all
oeen very good. with family and friends.

May you find inner peace and spiritual
good contentment all through the
<7iJuu;4. season and beyond.

� Please accept our

your kindness and devotion.

sincere gratitude for

Merry Christmas to all.

Celebrate a safe and wann
vllay you be filled with the spirit true of
apd friends.
season with
Many thanks
for your valued patronaae.
Christmas-its peace, its joy,
its love-and may the significance
401 N. Tallahassee St., Hazlehurst • 375·5415
of that first holy Christmas be 203 W. Main St., Uvalda' 594-6525 •
1726 Mt. Vernon Rd" Vidalia' 537-9452

Sewing ever present in your heart.


Nook Varnadore's Auto Parts
Latimer St.
375-� N, Tallahassee St.· 375-4213

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999 9B

Letters To Santa From Mrs. Lytle's Class Catch

Jade Daniels Chris $IO,OOO,O()O.O(JO. Thank you! Have Jonathan
Dear Santa,
is Jade Daniels and I'm
Dear Santa,
is Chris and I'm in the
a good Christmas Santa!

Your friend.
Dear Santa. TheSpiritl
My name My name
My name isJonathan and I'm in We� like to join )'01I1UId
third Brittany Stone
in the third grade. I have been a very grade. I have been IIvery good the third grade. I have been a very your family in Ii"'''' thlutks
to the Lord for his
good girl. Here arc the things I want boy. Here are the things I would like
good little boy. Here are the things I numy kind
for Christmas. I want for Christmas: control Jamie blessings dllri", this
ring, watch, a remote car, would like for Christmas: a remote
holiest of Sf!aSOnJ, AS QU
bracelet, necklace, clothes, shoes, afishing pole, a fishing game and u Dear Santa, control truck and a shiny birthstone as
offer our thanks to )'Ou.
hairbow, glitter and a pool. I will police car. I will leave cookies and My name is Jamie and I'm in the ring. I will leave you cookies. our good /ri.rub
leave you milk and cookies by the milk. third grade. I have been a very good Your friend, and neighbors.
tree. Thank you for visiting my Your friend, girl and here arc the things I want for Jonathan
house. Chris Christmas. I want a hike and an Easy
Your friend;
Jade Daniels Teyonna Streeter
Bake Oven. I will leave you

Erin Rowland
PalEx Baxley Hwy. ·375-7745
Dear Santa, Your friend, Dear Santa,
Leigh Bush My mime is Tcyonnn Streeter. I'm Jamie
is Erin Rowland and I'm
My name
Dear Santa, in the third grade. I have been in the third
very grade. I have been a good
My name is
Leigh Bush and I'm good girl. Here arc the things I would Tiffany Knox Please
in the third grade. I have been a good like for Christmas:
computer, and Dear Snntu,
my size
bring me a skateboard,
angel Barbie, teddy bear, CD ALL THINGS
girl. Here arc the things I want. a
player. My name is Tiffany Knox. I am player, CD's and clothes and some
Barbie jeep that's blue, remote con­
trol harbie skier, remote control Janet
Your friend,
in third grade.
good girl. Here
I have been
arc the

toys. I'll leave some cookies and milk
bythe table. Thank you for visiting
that skateboards, a playstation, for Christmas-a laptop 2000, CD my house.
gameboy color. a game for it, a game
for the playstnrion. a go cart, u 4-
Brittany Stone player, Fuhu pants and shirt. I will
leave cookies and milk
Dear Santa, hy the man­ Erin
wheeler. I will leave cookies and milk tel. Thank you for visiting my house. The
My name is Brittany Stone. I am season
onthe table. Thank you for visiting in the 3rd I have been Your friend,
grade. a
good For friends and good cheer.
my house. girl. Here arc the things I want: a Tiffany Michdl: Knox McDaniel
Bradley Hearts light all around,
Your friend,
furby, the game Trouble, lots of bahy Dear Santa,
Leigh Bush Jasmine Knox And
dolls, adidas, a Nintendo M and My name is Bradley McDaniel. I laughter abounds!
Dear Santa. am in the third grade. I have been II
My name is Jasmine Shardc Knox very good boy. Here arc the things I
and I'm in the third grade. I have been would like for Christmas-a gameboy
Wishingyou a

Here the I in truly brilliant Christmasl

good girl. arc things color game, any kind of remote
would like for Christmas. Fuhu control car. I will leave cookies and
shoes, Fubu clothes, playstation, milk by the tree, Thank you for visit­
Brandy doll, all of the Spice Girls
dolls and a remote control car for a
my house.
girl. Bradley McDaniel
Your friend.
Jasmine Pharmacy
Cade McCullar AlmaHwy.
Brian Summerlin
Dear Santa, 375-4269
Dear Santa,
My name is Cade McCullar and
My name is Brian and I'm in third I'm in the third I have been
grade. a
grade. I have been a good hoy. Please Please
very good boy. bring me a
bring me: a laptop, the playstation Rad
computer, lamp, Robot, CD
game called 40 winks. I will leave
player, TV, playstation, I will leave
your snack on till! mantle.
cookies and milk by the tree. Thank
Your friend,
you for visiting my house.
Brian Summerlin
Your friend,

Steven Cowart
Dear Santa,
is Steven Cowart and
Brittany McDaniel
My name
Dear Santa,
I'm in the third grade. I have been a
My name is
Brittany McDaniel
very good hoy. Here arc the things I and 1'01 in the third
would like for Christmas. Tigcrhawk,
grade. I have been
vcry good girl. Here are the
power ranger mcgonzord, bike;'com­ I would like for Christmas: a baby As you revel in the true
puter, gnrncboy color, remote control meaning
furby, clothes, new shoes, socks, of Christmas, we hope It casts
truck, go-cart and a CD player. Thank
rings, a gcl pen, glitter, hairbows, a a wonderful light on the year ahead.
you for visiting my house.
Your friend,
pool and Skateboard Shannon.
Your friend,
Brittany McDaniel Eula Mae
Chad Clements
Dear Santa,
is Chad Clements and
My name

I'm in the third grade. I have been a Clerk of Court

very good boy. Please bring me two

games for my computer and a pair of

wide legged britches. I will leave you
cookies and milk.
Your friend,
Chad Clements

(Continued on P.fI. 118)

" .


.• '

/." .

\� )It


.'. .' .
• •



, .

May the mL'S.'I8ge of hope and

peace He brought us on that
first Holy night spread
throughout humanity.
Many thanks for your



John 3:16

Davenport Go" bless YOD and yours in this holy season and beyond .

• . • and rejoice In all Its glory.

From our family to yours -
have a beautiful Christmas.
Jeff Davis
Lewis Generator
Board of Education
& Starter Service
Dr. Howard Hendley, Superintendent
.'. Baxley Hwy. •
375-2502 .'.
• •
10B Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

Scenes From The

Hazlehurst Christmas Parade

Joyous wishes to all for a wonderful holiday.

Music City/Radio Shack

N. Tallahassee St. •




We just can't thank you enough
for making this past year such
a joyous one for us.

Happy Holidays!

Hair Salon

'Twas the Time

Before Christmas ...

And the season's in geafj

The stores are a-bustCi'19)
You can fed tflt' 900d cfieert
And before it's aC( done)
We wish to our
Meny Cfui.stmas to aU,
Hope tfte fWl never ends!


Lumber City Hwy.• 375-4235

Have A Merry

May you celebrate

a joyous and peaceful
Christmas with those you
hold close to your heart.
We truly appreciate your
friendship and devotion. Cb� 6r�at�st Gift Of All
Peace On Earth In the hustle and bustle of the holidays, let us remember the true
meaning of Christmas, and the gift of His love.

you and yours be blessed with the peace and goodwill of the
AnJ best wishes to 011 our frienJs cmJ May
. . .
this Christmos.
Ryles Maximum
Triple C

Dr. Shumans & Staff

Home Decorating Center Cross st. 375-3030 Auto Care
Tallahassee St. •
375-3604 E. Jefferson si- 375-5619

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999118

(Continued from Pllge 88)

Michael Sellers
Dear Santa,

My name is Alenn Michael Sell­

ers and I'm in the third grade. I have
been a
very good huy. Here arc the
things I would like: pluystution

games, a new hike, or I would like

remote control you know
things. And
usually what kids like. I will leave
Holiday trimmings and presents galore.
you cookies and milk.
Your friend, Buying the tree and rushing to the store.

Michael at the
It's pretty hectic when you're holiday pace,

But remember to relax amI feel its embrace.

Austin Griffin
Dear Santa,
My nurnc is Austin Griffin and I'm Wishing you the peace and harmony of the season.

grade. I have been a very

in the third
good hoy. Please bring me panl!> and
some shirts.
Your friend,

Dalton McCall
(Continued from Psge 88)
Herrington --

name is Dalton McCall. I'm
yl:'I1·� nld and in the third grade. I and ihat is whut I would like for
year. I really wi�h you would hrillg in the third grade. I've been iI very
me a hahy doll, a burnie dull. bally have been a goud girl. Plea�l: bring Christrnax,
good huy. Please hring me a yo-yo,
thcxc toy� for Christmas. I would Thank you,
Furby, teddy hear, and ch II hcs, I want nil:
Beast Wars, Pokcmun and a go-cart.
10 ask you something, do you r 'ally like a hike, a dull and a
Sl:ga Genisus. Ashley Mock I will leave your cookies and milk
kiss all the murnmics under the Thank ou for visiriu '
my house.
hy the coffee tahle. Thank you for
mistletoe? Your friend,
Megan Griffin
coming 10 my house,
Love, Shaqudta Dear Santa, Your friend,
Allie Aldridge Ashley Mock My nurne is Megan Griffin. I am Duhon
I)l:ar Santa, eighl years old. For Christmas I wish
Iii III nume i�Ashky Muck.] .1111 for a CD player, a hike, lind bahy
William Kornegay
Shaquetta Horne H year� old. I am writin]; you 10 let dolb, and please hring Illy brother
Dear Suntu, The hotidays are here,
Dear Santa, I III k now what I would like for and sister gins too.
My i!> William Kurncgny. I I11LlC'h
i� I J, I Clu ixtrnu«. I would like clothes, Luvc,
Brinuim; !-food cheer,
My numc Shnqueu« 1I'I1l:.
in the third I have been
am grade. a
HOfJ;n� for snow,
live Oil 1I1l: Alma Ilwy. I ani t.:ight �hot.:�, Barhie doll, �chllul supplies, Megan
good hoy this year. Here arc the Nature's grand show,
things I wan I for Christmas. Please To round out the year.
hring me a super rebound, a go-cart,
a 4-whecler, a rnini-motorcylc and a
.f:;O noui it '.� our quest,
ready 10 rumble CD for my To wish you tile best,
pluystation. Thunk you! I will leave And thank one and all,
you a For corning 10 cull,
Your friend, We feel truly blessed.'

Have A
Handy Andy
Very Merry
Building Supply
N. Tallahassee St.· 375-5844


A Mess�ge Of Thanks il
Wherever you go throughout this festive season,
know that our best wishes are with you, along with

Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis
Cha'mber of Commerce
our heartfelt gratitude for your loyal support.
Industrial Authority
Board of Tourism I'
Southeastern Bank
Hinson St. •

128 Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

Your friend, Alex Hinnant

Letters To Santa From Mrs. Tabor's Class Matthew Norris Dear Santa,
This is what I want for Christmas.
Brooke Marshall I want a computer, a playstation, a
Will Bohannon like (Iring, Please my mama let on. My dad is getting me one but not cil, and paper. Now I want some toys.
a big real one. But I still want II big I want remote control car, skate­
Dear Santa, gameboy, my sister Megan to stop
Dear San tu,
me buy me II go-curt. I want my a

scooter, fun 'n splash, a

I have been good this year. I want hitting, picking and hurting me, and
I dOIl'1 want that much. But I want
mama to get me u Magnum computer. I hope you and Mrs. Claus board, a

Pokcmon a Pokedes, a Nintendo 64,

a CD player and a ring for Christ­ my own room. I have been very good.
playstation game. Please get me one is doing ok.
Playstation. I want a bike. I want and boom box. I want you to bring
mas. My biggest �ant for Christmas I even made honor roll. Bye! Got to
slime jeans. I want a bh gun, pistol. I
of those gameboys. See you lit Christ­ Your friend, a
is for everybody to be huppy! go!
mas. Please put something in my Candace Breedlove dad it
pair of slippers, a new coffee
want you and your wife to have a blank tapes,
Your friend, Your friend,
stocking if you can. Bring your elves cup, a auto bench, some
good Christmas and Santa I want you and a new box cutter. I want
Brooke Marshall Alex Hinnant
to tell the elves I hope Ihey have a
with you at Christmas. Bring Madeline Courson jacket
bring exercise set,
Merry Christmas tun. Tell the rein­ Rudolph, I love Rudolph the Red Dear Santa, you to my mom a

Nused Reindeer. I wunt a puppy, I want to sec

a boombox, pair socks, and
a new
deer I wunt them to have a good blades. I want the
Your friend, the Red Nosed Reindeer IIlId a
pair of roller
Christmas i�SU. Rudolph
Shane Partin and bad. I will whole family to have somebub)' kit­
I have been gooLl try
Your friend,
he hUI I want tens and some baby puppies.
Will Bohannon
to good a plastic teapot
Your friend,
Jesse Arnold set and a new hike.
Margo Clark
Dear Santa, Your friend,
Micheal Walls
hope your elves are doing good,
I Madeline Courson
Dear Santa, Andrew Andrew
I huvc been very good hoy this
Is Rudolph doing well. Have you
in your life had to cancel Christ­ Dear Santa,
year. I wish I could get a go-cart for
ever Raleigh Griggs
mas"! I have hccn sort of naughty und Dear Sunta, It's almost the 25th and it is time
(·hri�tl11as. I would also like tn have
of good, I want hike, notchuok, for Christmas, '111C time of giving is
:t ._2 1ll:t).!IIUIl1 gun, a 22/250 gun, and
sort a I've been good this Christmas.
pencils, erasers and a puppy. Get Mrs. Tnhur a present. Can you
now, Please get my mother some
fi!--hing pule with a lot of tackle. I
Your friend, diamond for Mrs. Tabor. makeup, dresses, shoes and another
h.IV\· ulwnys wanted to ride Mr. gcl a

Jesse Arnold cocker Get my father u
Your friend,
'v hitc \ four wheeler, hut it would be
sander, super drill
a and II super saw.
ni 'e III have my own. I would like tu Raleigh Griggs
Get my sister a 99 mustang-yellow.
have :t
playxtution 100. Santa, most Angella Esquivel Get my brother his learner's license.
S. Tallahassee St. •
Ill' all. I wish thaI Illy family and I Dear Santa, Jessica Williams
Get my 2nd sister N'sync and
had a horne Ilf our \)WII with a hig I have been a
very gllllLl girl this Dear Santa,
Backstreet Boys. Get me Dranon Ball
fi.,hillg pond with alot of different year. When you come t() my house, I hope you hring me a bracelet. I
Z toy and II new bike. And get my
fi.,h. aud 'h land for alol of deer, there will he cookies and a glass of dOIl't want a harhie. I want ring. I

Merry �ristmasTo Ali

·'u IU a

lu Ig!-- and plenty of hirds. I know that milk on the table for you. I hope thaI have been I made honor roll. dog a hone and dog toy. And get me
good. a
games and ECW and toy cars,
new ...
Ihi!-- would make my family really you und Mrs. Claus are doing fine. I I want to get my diamond mama a
And school things tou. And Santa, if
wunt an Easy Bake Oven for Chri!--I­ hrucclet fur Christmas. I want to get
\� •

you can do this I will be happy. our family to yours

Will you bring please. four wheeler for Christ­
Thank ylill and rue one,
Merry mas.
my daddy a
Your friend,
(hri .. I'lIa!-- Santu, Your friend, mas. I get Mrs. Tabor a dia­
want to
Andrew Andrew have a
I lrchcal Wall!-. Angelia Esquivel mond bracelet like my mama's.
Matthew Norris Merry Christmas and
Your friend,
Dear Santa, New Year!
Norman Candace Breedlove Jessica Williams Happy
Colby I want a Britney Spears CD,
Dear Snnta,
I) 'ar S;II,la. Backstreet Boys CD and soundtrack
I have been good and bad this I have been g()ud. I want a COIll­
Margo Clark CD of the Pokernon, the first movie
puler hut I realize that it i!-- hig. But I
ycar. '1"(lda
Y(IU when
I am being good. I
1111 hring toys. Will

need something to do my homework
Dear Santa,
lirs: I need school supplies, pen-
and Vortex, Scooby 000 on Zomdei.
-Wal-Mart -

-Pluysnuion, Super Re­

brlllg me a
S. Tallahassee St. •
lu umd, and a Rad 2.0'! Thank you.
'our friend.
("(lilt Norman

Shane Partin
I) 'ar Sallla,
YIIU have hccn sogood 10 chil­
rh cu. Are you giollg
bunch of prc!--t.:llt!-- because I want
Plus I want
give out a

('I) pia cr. a new pair

·It llhe�. How LInes you reindeers
the air. I have been
l'lca.,e hring my mama something
good in school.
Of The
At Christmastime.
we'd like to renew our

commitment (0 serving the

community. and we thank

you all for your faith in us.

Have a joyous Noel!

Hazlehurst Auto Parts

HAPPY Hinson St.· 375-2515
0" trus IOYoUS occasion, we'd like 10
extend our warrn wishes 10 all.
Thanks, "lends.

N. Tallahassee St.

((Now, Dasher!

Now, Dancer!
IS q Now, Prancer and Vixen!
) ( On, Comet! On, Cupid!
On, Donder and B(itzen!"
lIappy HolidaYN patronN and rriendH,
to all our
W.. appreciate your pullll18 for U8 thlH past y(�ar. Noel! -, -

The Night Before Christmas

On Christmas, we wish you

much magic and joy.
Silas Worth Monument
Alma Hwy. •
S. Tallahassee St.


Letters To Santa From Mrs. Steverson's Class
Kai Bowen 2000, Mayhem and Cybcr Tiger. I has. And I gameboy. The
wan I a wait until next Christmas eve!
Tyrone Bennett
also would like some Clr's-Snvagc games I want to go with my gameboy P.S. I will leave you some cookies
Dear Santa, arc Murio and a fishing game. I under the tree.
Buchanan Garden and Kacy and Juju. Santa. I
I would like a game that doesn't Jqwan
you for everything you
want to thank would like for you to give my teacher Sincerely,
need game tapes. I want a control Hello,
have in the past. I will re­
given me a diamond ring. She just loves jew­ Chance Harper
truck. I want some overalls and a My name is Jqwan Buchanan. I
Nintendo 64. I also want a new bi­ have been a good boy this year. l am
member other children when they elry. She is always wearing it. Well,
II years old and I have a sweet come over to visit, und let them play thuts alii have to say. Thank you for Briana Hughes
cycle with brakes on the handles. I
with my Inys you gave me. I will everything and all of your help. Hot Dear Santa,
want a new yo-yo that spins and teacher. Her name is Mrs. Steverson.
leave you some cookies and coffee Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! I want
lights up. I would also like a shoe that I would like for you to bring me a My name is Briana Hughes.
on the coffee tahle.
My brother wan Is Love, nail set, a go-cart, a trampoline, any
has candy in it. yoyo. patrol car, bicycle and
race a

Love, computer for Christmas. Please bring a

haltery operated Harley Davidson. Raylee Crumpler size barbie, horse, and a parrot. I wish
all the boys and girls something 100. Love, my mom and dad were together. I
Tyrone Bennett
I will leave some cookies and coffee Chase Cahan iss Jasmine Denning wish I had radio and some movies.

Kal Bowen under the Christmas tree. Dear Santa, Love,

Dear Santa, Merry Christmas, Baylee Crumpler My is Jasmine. I'm 8 years
name Briana Hughes
Jqwan Buchanan Dear Santa, old. I want you to gel Mrs. Steverson
Arc the reindeer o.k.? Oh and how
Is Mrs. Santa Claus o.k.? My name is
Baylcc Crumpler. I II silver necklace with all of her stu­ Sierra Lynn warm wishes for a
arc you'!
Chase Cabaniss would like to have a
plnysnuion, t.v. dents names on it. Chase, Briana, Dear Santa, bright holiday season.
Santa, if you come to my house, will
and it gamchoy, I have heen wanting Michael, Jqwan, Jordan, Sierra, Hello, my name is Sierra Lynn. In
you wake me up and let me ride in Dear Santa,

)our sleigh'! Oh and have II

very I've been a this year and
good boy
nil of'thcse things I called out to you. Luuru, Lauren, Kai, Cindy, Cody, this letter I'm going to tell you what McNeal
Merry Christmas! I go to church. Santa, I wan I NFL For my pluystation I want the two Tyrone, John, Bay le e Hunter, , I want for Christmas. I want a baby
fighting games that my cousin Hcarh Shalisa, Kayla, Chance, Jasmine, which I
Love, Blitz 2000, NCAA Garnebrcaker
Jesse and Suberica. These are all of
doll. It doesnot
also want Generation


barbies. I Motors .

her students. And don't I

forget to un­ want a bike and some roller blades I

load the Christmas presents under the size I

Coffee st. •
375-2268 /1
(and I wear a 2). especially
Christmas tree. Your cookies and

milk will he in classroom #3 on Mrs. (Contlnwtl on P.,. t4B)
Steverson's desk. And you will be on

your way with Rudolph, Prancer,

Dasher and the other reindeers.

Sincerely your friend,

Jasmine Denning

Lauren Glosson
Dear Santa,
F(Jr Christmas I would like to get
a turhy. If possible I would also like
a Chila Chilu and lin ogilee. I would
like some new shoes, some new

clothes and a nice stocking full of

candy and some new hairbows and

some new honks. I will leave you
some cookies on the table. Merry
Lauren Glosson

Chance Harper OUr thoughts are with you throughout this season Of
Dear Santa, hope and brotherhood. May you experience the true spirit
My name is Chance. I'm 8 years and meaning of the holiday.
old. I want to gCI Mrs. Steverson a Cod bless you.
gold ring and necklace with all of our
names on it. Give all of the students
nice presents. I want alot of presents
Wainright-Parlor Funeral Home
like a hike, go-cart and water boots
and alot of hooks to read. Well, I can't Odom St. •

-._ -.- ..

--- ...

--�.. ----- ..

__ --._ .

o_.____ ..

----- ..

.__ .




Wishing you a Christmas that greets you with all its '!I
beauty and magic.
Thank you for your kind visits-you've helped us set the scene
'Here's to love and fun for everyone,
'Here's to good cheer with those •
for a wonderful year to come. !
near and dear, •
• •
• I
Here's to perfect joy for every
girl and boy,
'Here's to you all and may you have a balll ...

Merry ChrWtmas, and many thanks

May you and yours revel in
for visdtingl • •

the splend'or of the season.

Ocmulgee St., Lumber City

Doshle Buford Googesl Inc. 363-4371

E. Jarman st. •
Probate Judge
148 Jefl.Davis Ledger, Wed., December 22,1999

Mrs. Steverson --
(Contlnwd from page 138)

want some clothes and shoes includ­ and alSO Pokernon. I am H years old. For Christmas I salon, a new
trampoline and a tea scI. Hunter Strickland some chocolate.

bahydoll I want hox of candy, a T.V., ami a From,

tng P.J. 's (size 7/8) and I want a CD Love, want a new computer, II new a Dear Santa,
HOI John Turner
player and a lot of CD's but not too Jordan Sharpe set, a new playstution. II scgu, a VCR. I want a
pet bird or a cal.
My name is Hunter. I want a skate­
many because some other boys and gamehuy, II new hike and a vacation 1-101 HO! Merry Christmas Santa! board, remote control dirt bike,
girls might want the same thing as Shallsa Smith to New Yurko I want a new map. I Love, model race car, socks, go-cart, candy,
me. I want my CD player to be green skate hoard, beauty Shalisu Smith
Dear Santa, want a new a new and a Star Wars Lego. J have tried to

with blue stripes. I want some disc be good all year long.
for my computer so I can have some Love,
games to play when I play it. That is Hunter Strickland
about all Iwantthis year. If you think
of anythin& else I might want, please
do bring it. My teacher also wants
Cody Turner
some chocolate and a diamond ring. Dear Santa,
The reason I know that is because she is I want
My name Cody. a go­
always says she loves chocolate and cart for Christmas. I want a four­
she always says she likes jewelry. She wheeler. Santa, I will leave you some
always wears it. I also want a cookies and two oranges lind two
N i ntendo and a T. V. and some games apples. I hope you can fit through the
for my Nintendo.
P.S. I'll leave you some cookies un­
der the tree this year. Turner
Sierra Lynn Jesse Turner
Dear Santa,
Michael Martinez I waht first a Nintendo with II

Dear Santa,
game, bike tires, lots of Pokernon
My name is Michael. Here's a let­
stuff, tickets to Lego Land, skate­
you. I am going to tell you what
ter to
hoard, lap top, chemist set, the Toy
I want for Christmas. I want a
Story, two movies, Action hooks lind
snowboard game, an army game, and toys. Get good things for my sister
a racing game on 64, a bike,
go­ a
too. Mny 1/1(' IJlcssillHS or
cart, and something for my brother
"'S ""Iv /);1111 lill vourlu-an
P.S. My name is Jesse Turner.
with Illy and 10\1(' dll/ill,l� /Il's
and sister too. From, 'tnistnv»: snlSlIlI, (/nd atv« IVS.
Love, Jesse Turner
Michael Martinez TII(/Ilk YOII IiI/ /fI(/k;ng III;s (/
/m'//I(/1I1 vrur Ii". liS
John Turner
Laura Ogilvie Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, For Christmas, I would like to Brenda
My name is Laura Ogilvie. I am 8 have a set of roller blades, it hattie
years old and in Mrs. Steverson's
third grade class. Since I have been a
ship lego set, Blitz 2000, Volt 2, and
Banjoe Kzne and the Jeff Gordon
good girl this year, I would like you Lego set lind a new T. V. And Santa
to bring me some clothes, a trampo­ do not forget to give Mrs. Steverson Tax Commissioner
line, and a microscope. Also, don't
forget to bring my little baby brother
Cody and my teacher something. My
little brother is too little to tell you
what he wants but I can tell you.

What my teacher wants is something

chocolate. She really loves chocolate. Haue Iw.pp:y osul hormimious

She talks about chocolate alot at

hol'iday thatshed» l'iyht on the
school, so I know chocolate would
make her that's all.
good things :lIet to come.
happy! Well,
Thank y()U. for bri ghtfrning (J'WI'
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Santa, Love, ) .
d(J,:lIs unlh. :t!()'UT visits.
Laura Ogilvie ,

Cindy Perez
Dear Santa,
My name is Cindy
third grade and I am 8 years old. I
want for Christmas a CD player that
you carry along everywhere and

a pokemon watch that is Squirtle. A

CD that is NDO, Britney Spears,
Backstreet Boys, and NSYNC. I want

a cell phone and a folder of Barbie

and for my teacher a phone that you
can sec somebody if you don't know

them. I will give you some cookies

a cup of milk.
Cindy Perez
Flower Shop
Kayla Elyse Rea
Tallahassee St .• 375-4256
Dear Santa,
Hello, my Kayla Elyse
name is
Rea. If I could pick anything for
Christmas it would be to go to Disney
World. We would have a blast.
Kayla Elyse Rea

Jordan Sharpe
Dear Santa,
I want a game boy, Playstation,
Nintendo, Nintendo 64, a dog collar

Let pray for peace on earth;


together we can make it work!

.e"ll CluUt.... t

Radio Station
Baxley Hwy.· 375-4511

Wishing you much love and

happiness for you and yours,
at Christmastime and beyond.

Mar this hoi.., take JOUr breath away Please accept our sincere
wIdIltl natural beauty and powtnl excitement.
gratitude for your support.
Thlnkl for addln, to our scenery with
your welcomed visits.

Miles Funeral Home
101 Jarman St.

Tallahassee St. •

Shop anytime at ...


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Jeff Davis County's
Only Newspaper

Volume 48, Number 52 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 Wednesday, December 29, 1999

Plum Street Park To Be Named In Spann's Honor

Council Members Say
The Jeff Davis County lndustrial
Development Authority will meet at 10
a.m. at Stale Representative Roger Good-Byes To Spann
Byrd's office located on Burkett's
Ferry Road.

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 Uy TOMMY I'URSER Illugh [rum the group when he pointed out that, since
Edltur-I'uhlishcr Spunn livc-, in Ward 2, he will he the former mayor's
Graham United Methodist Church Members 1'1' the Ilazlehur!'>l City Cuuncil !'>aiJ there rcprcscnr.uivc 1111 the council. "If I can help you in any
and Graham Church of God will co­
good-bye!'> 10 long-rime Mayor Huddy SP;IIIII ;11 the way a� your rcprcxcntativc now. y"UC:l1I call me all you
host "Millennium Celebration" at the wuut to," he xaid. "I'll he glad to help you ill any way I
a COlillcil \ filial regularly scheduled meeting 01 1\)1)1).
Mottlodi",t Church (I i1'l1 ha I trorn A Illi h,1 scr cd more Ihall 20 YC;If .I', lIlayor an. I know yllil lIIight h· flilt of thi� govcrnrn 'lit, hut
:-'P;,IIII. \ .

p.m. until midnight ("'l1lmis�il)lI'r lor more there nught he �lil11ething JOWII the line where we might
and, prn u Itl Ihat. wa!'> a
A Watch Night Sorvic will be held
11"111 III ye;II'" Iiuivhcd �L: .oud ill a three-way race lor he workin '
log ·ther again ..... I have enjoyed it."
at 9:00 p.m. at Denton Baptist
lIIayor in November and then dropped
uut ot Ih« run-off. re�PlJlldilig
III to the accolades, Spann suid, "I ccr­

Church. It lot to me
A New Year's va Service will be lie will he replaced ill January hy newly elected Mayor taiuly appreciate these statements. means a

to have someone express delight at being in my presence

held at 10 p.m. at Elbethel Church. I{I�er
III gesture of appreciation for his vcrvicc,
the COIIII­ or being a�sociated with me. I'm going til rnis-, y'all,
Evergreen Freewill Baptist Church a

too, there'll he no doubt anollt it. 1'111

will host Watch Night and Commun­ cil voted ununimousty to name the
ion services at 10:30 p.rn. l'lurn Sireel city park "Buddy Spunn
xure everything will he all right. If
there's any way I can ever he of assis­
Park," and Ii, erect a plaque stating that
SATURDAY, JANUARY 1 tance to you, please feel free to call on
the purk i!-> "Dedicated 10 Mayor Wyatt
W. 'Buddy' Spann, December, I IJIJI)." me."
Drawing Contest Winner
New Year's Day Parade and Bar­ In other action at the meeting, the
Cily Attorney Nathan Denton
becue will be held in Snipesville. council Satilia REMC Christmas Card Contest Winner Kolby Brown,
upc lied the round of tributes
to Spann ....

Serving and entertainment begin at teacher Gwen

Oil the dose of the December meeting, recognized
Water and Sewer (right) with his fourth grade Snipes.
11 a.m. with the parade schedule for
2 p.m. xuying. "I've enjoyed working with Department employee Roger Snell as
the Third Quarter Employee of the
Mount Calvary Baptist Church will YOIl all these years. At times it seemed
host the
at2 p.m.
Emancipation Day program like a lifetime
at time» it just seemed


I want to
approved a long-term agreement

a you
know that I appreciate you and every­ with Alco Controls tn lease a portion

MONDAY, JANUARY 3 thing you've done for the city. It's been
a real pleasure."
of city property to the company on
which will he erected a 20-ft. hy 20-1'1.
Draws Winning
Teacher planning day in .leff Davis house water treatment
Ward 4 Commissioner Juc Burns, building to II

school system.
ceremonies will be
for Hazlehurst
who made the
he named for
that the
said he had
park system.
approved fund-raising request
Christmas Card
held at 8 a.m. Mayor the Jeff Davis High School Live­
worked "both �illes of the fence" with from
Roger Williams, Ward 3 City Commis­
fir�t Chief of the Hazle­ stock Association.
sioner Raleigh Spell and Ward 4 City Spann -

and later MAYOR WYATT W. 'BUDDY'SPANN approved adjustments to water Children from elementary schools throughout Satilla
primary and
Commissioner Joe Burns. hurst I·ire Department a� a ....

REMC's service to participate in the First Annual

area were asked
council member. "It's been fun," he and sewer hills.
Fountain the city's repre­ Christmas Drawing Contest. The rules: design a Christmas card that
TUESDAY, JANUARY 4 said. "It hasn't
always been fantastic .... sometimes we've ....
reappointed Wayne as

sentative the Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County Board of contains the usc of electricity and be creative. Approximately 10110
agreed disagree and
to that's the way it should he and lin

Jeff Davis County students return Tourism. students participated. Kolhy Brown of Hazlehurst, a fourth grade stu­
I've enjoyed it."
bring their Christmas dent of Gwen Snipes', was the grade-level and overall winner. His
to school to
Ward I Commissioner Eugene Allen said, "I, too, appointed Ken Mel.cod to replace Larry Brewer

holidays to an end.
Mayor, have really enjoyed your administration. I think Oil the city's Economic Development Committee
and drawing was featured along with the other grade-level winners in
A Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County the Satilla's December Newsletter. It was also reproduced as the I 'JIJI)
lot. I think the of Hazlehurst will be at Council Member Burns to replace Mayor Spann on
Historical Museum meeting for all I've learned a city
committee. Satilla REMC Christmas Card. Additionally, Brown was honored with
members and volunteers will be held a los!'> hut then you, I say thank you."
move on. But, to
at 1 p.m. Ward J Commissioner Raleigh Spell has worked with appointed Charles Marchant to replace Prince
a class party at

of and Sharon Brown.

Jeff Davis High School basketball Spann longer than any other council member. "I've Vaughan on the Airport Authority and Council Member Kelby is the son Gary
Hulett to replace Mayor Spann lin the authority. Other grade-level. winners include: Kindergarten -
Devin Durham
teams play Fitzgerald in Hazlehurst worked with ubout J() years now," he said. "I've
First Grade Williams of Appling County;
at6 p.m.
really enjoyed working with him. We huvcn 't always approved paying the November hills. of Coffee County; Tyler

. ...

authorized City Manager Ken Floyd to conduct a Second Grade Andrew Dean of Ware County; Third Grade Chasity

agreed on things hut we've got along and it's been a plea­


WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 Reneau of Wayne

feasibility study on supplying watcr and sewer service Harvey of Waync County; Fifth Grade Aaron

sure working with you."

Ward 2 Commissioner Oscar Hulett drew a hearty to Beasley Timber Company 011 the Uvalda Highway. County.
A representative of the Georgia "We are pleased response," stated Karen Bull, Project
with the
Department of Labor will take appli­ Coordinator, "and the cards all precious." Satilla is passing the
cations from 8 a.m. to noon at the
cards along to nursing homes and hospitals in the area "sharing the
Hazlehurst mayor's office.
Jeff Davis Middle School seventh
grade basketball teams play Ware Snipesville New Year1s Christmas spirit of these children with others."

County at 4 p.m. In Hazlehurst.

Juvenile Justice
Head Will Meet
Day Parade Is Saturday
With Authority Snipesville area residents have heen busy making
tractors to travel the parade route.

Activities slated to get underway atl1 a.m. when

plans for this Saturday's New Year 's Day Parade and Bar­

becue. serving will begin and entertainment starts with a ven­

County Industrial
The Jeff Davis
Girtman. The parade is
Development Authority will hold a The community center will be a beehive of activity triloquist performance by Cindy
scheduled to start at2 p.m.
called meeting Thursday, Dec, 30 at for the annual Saturday. Centenarian Stanford

10 a.m. at State Rep. Roger Byrd's Gibson of Denton, Jeff Davis County's only surviving Barbecue
pork plate will be served with
and chicken

and one of the few surviving all the trimmings including, of course, the traditional New
office on Burkett's Ferry Road. World War I veteran -

is scheduled to ride Year's Day fare of black-eyed peas. Barbecue sandwiches

The purpose of the meeting is to veterans in the state and country -

in the will also be sold.

discuss projects with Georgia Com­ parade.
Proceeds from the event go to the Snipesvllle Fire
missioner of Juvenile Justice Orlando Theparade each year includes new and old tractors was sent to 36,000 REMC customers
Martinez. but this year organizers expect a large number of antique Department. Kolby Brown's drawing

2A Jeff Davis ledger, Wed., December 29,1999

Hazlehurst native Jack Lewis Baxley author to make visit

is college president in Virginia to Jeff Davis Public Library
Saari said the hoard, with Chancel­ South Georgia writer Janisse
A native of lluzlehurst, has been
lor Arnold, cut the original 40 appli­ Ray will read at the Jeff Davis
appuinted president of one of
cants to succeed Barnes I" 22. Oliver l'uhlic Lihrary Monday,.Ian. 10 ut
Virginia's community colleges.
then cut the 22 to eight, who were 7 p.m.
Dr. Jack M. Lewis of Blocksburg,
then narrowed down to three final­ Ray is the author of a jusr-re­
VII., will become a president of New
ists. leased memoir about growing up
River Community College in Dublin,
Dr. Lewis has been dean of the (In ajunkyard in Baxley, Ecology
effective January I, Virginia Com­
college since I <)1)(1. lie also served III' a Cracker Childhood. You will
munity College System Chancellor
Arnold R. Oliver announced. Dr.
us interim president at Piedmont Vir­ recognize some of Appling
Lewis is the son of A.c. Lewis of ginia Community College in County'« characters in this hook,
Charlottesville in I ')')1' and us interim Kirkus Review mentions that
Hazlehurst and the late Sarepta
Lewis. He attended public schools in president of New River Cummunity "roguish grundtathcr Charlie is a
Jeff Davis County and is a graduate College in 19<) I. legendary woodsman and coon
School. At New River, he has served as hunter, grandmother Clyo a virtu­
of Jeff Davis High
the top job dean of instruction and student scr­ ous woman who bootlegs moon­
Lewis will lake over

Dublin vices, dean of munugemcnt services shine hI feed her family, father
at the 5,61111-student campus
and director "I' munagcmcnt infur­
as Franklin a mechanical genius who
al a time when work force training
and development is becoming an in­ marion systems, planning. rcscurch subjects his family III Iundurncn­
and analysis, heginning hi� career OIl lalist Christiunity S�I stric: il pro­
creasing priority fur the college. Oliver. "I truly delighted 10 make

this appointment. Dr. Lewis will do the college as administrutivc data hihits Christmas.
These issues directly related to
and xociul
efforts to bring new jobs to the New an outstanding job of leading New processing manager in I ')74. lie also "Despite poverty

River Vallcy, such as Volvu Trucks River Community College." taught a variety "I' informal ion sys­ isnlution Kirkus Review SIl),S,

"Jack Lewis is among the bright­ tems courses at the college. lie pre­ "Ra recalls her childhood as
North America's ongoing plant ex­

pansion. est, most versatile, talented individu­ viuusly worked as an as�islanl regi�­ happy and loving. recounting
trur at Gcorgiu Southern College in moments I'" scaring pathos as -

Lewis said there arc high cxpcc­ als in the entire Virginia Community
Statesboro. when she and her brothers sneak
rations for the college in providing .ollcge System, and one of the fin­
Dr. Lewis has played an instru­ (lIT 10 a corner (If the junk yard 10
the training needed hy business and est people," said rei iring President
industry. "So I need to focus a hit on Edwin L. Barnes, who will be suc­ mental role 011 aVirginia exchange
Community College System-wide presents on the sly."
that and he sure we're in a position ceeded hy Lewis. He said Lewis has
task forces, including most recently 1\ nature writer and environ­ history," said James Kilgo, author
ral ecosystem should have such an
10 meet those expectations." he SOlid heen key person in the development

in an interview with The Roanoke and implementation of technology his service as co-chair of the V(,(,S mcutalist, Ray's hO(lk also ad­ ofDeep Enough for Ivorybills and a eloquent spokesman."
Studcnt lnfurmauon System Sleering dre��c� the los� III' the longlcuf University of' Georgia professor. Librarian Louise Hanel and the
(Va.) Times. not only I'm New River hut the en­
Committee and co-chair (If the Man­ Ilatwoods III' the southeast­ Ray's houk, which WIIS released Friends of the Library invite ev­
Dr. Lewis, with more than 25 tire community college system. "He's pine
II complete package, is the way I agcmcnt lnformution S. sterns Stake­ ern United Slale�. an ecosystem mid-October from Milkweed Edi­ eryone to hear Ray read from the
years of experience at New River
holders Ihat is 99'Yr gllne. The hook braids tions, shows how the culture of the book. Hardcover books will be
Community College, is currently would put it. Group.
He said Lewis has of the I-Ie has a doctorate in educational memoir and nnt ural history, and Crackers is linked to the pine, and available for sale for $21, and Ray
dean of the college. In that position, one

how culture suffers with lilt: loss of will he happy to sign them. She
he serves as chief instruction and stu­ strongest work ethics he has ever administration from Virginia Tech both logether tell the story
came to

dent services officer, chief financial seen. As boys, he and I ewis worked and an associate deurcc, hachelor's of what's lost. "Whnt impresses nuuve forests, will he accompanied by her father,
officer and chief technology officer. nn cotton and tobacco farms, Burnes degree and masicrs in education rnc most uhout this astonishing Georgia writer
Bailey White said, Franklin Ray. The event is free.
from Southern ('1111 ·gc. hook i� the sc.uulcss interwcuv­ "I have read Janissc Ray's hook with For inforrnation, contact the
"This appointment represents one in North Carolina where he will re­ Georgia
Dr. l.cwis is memoir and natu- Lihrary at 375-23X6.
of those fortuitous situations when tire, and Lewis in Georgia. In the
community. a
ing of pcrsonnl much pleasure. Every endangered
there is a unanimous recommenda­ "1'111 just appreciative of the trust member of the Montglllllery Re­
tion from the college hoard; hroad that's been placed in me," Lewis said. gional Economic Development COIl1-
consensus from the faculty, stuff', and "II's an exciting time in higher edu­ mission, the Greater Hl ack shur];
Troopers will be out in force for holiday
administration: and my own whole­ cation.
Chamber of Commerce. and Ihe
board Chairman Arnold Pulaski Rotary Cluh. said State
hearted agreement," said Chancellor College The GCllr),.!ia Siaic !'alml predicls patrols for New Year's Eve," Puhlic Highlower Troopers
will have lolerance;: forimpaired
I (I traffic relaled Ikath� will occur SafelY Commissioner and Stale Pa- zero

named No.5 in "Impaired drivers on the

Bob drivers.

11'01 Commander Colonel
during Ihe 7H-hour Ncw Year'� holi­
Synovus day pcriod which ht.:gin� at (I p.m.
Thursday and l'onlilllle� Ihrllllgh mid­
is Ihe higgesl
said."Tradilionally, Ihis
party night of the year
stale's highways will not be toler­
aled," Colnllel Highlower said. "No

of Bes.! Compani�s To Work Fo� nighl SlInda Tht.: palmi predicls,

2,07(, Iraffic

crasht.;� Iwilh �13 � �n.i,II­

and with the calendar
2000, Ihe numher of
rolling over to
impaired driv­
family should he forced to deal with
'(lSS �If a family member or f�iend

rics and 16lraf'fic dealh�. ers lin Ihe roads Ihal evening could at the hands of an impaired uriver.

communities deservc nllle�s Ihanllllr "In addilion Ihel heavic'stlravel increase several limes over what The grief is co'Ii'lpouncled when the
Financi.t1 Curp., Ihc made it possible. Our 11),000 team to
would n(lrmally he the roads." loss occurs during the holidays."
Iroopers will Ill'
owner of Bank of Hazlehurst, has memhers arc thereasons Synnvus it; hesl el'forts every day." day�, 1111 sleppcd up
heen named No.5 in FORTUNE one of The Besl Companies Tn W"rk
magazine's third annual listing of For In America," said James H.
''The 100 BestCompanies To Work Blanchard, chairman and CEO of
For In America." This year's survey Synovus Financial Corp.
"Each year the standards arc
appears in the Jan. 10, 2000, issue of
FORTUNE. Synovus was No. I on raised higher, and we learn how milch
the "Best list in 1999, more we can do to grow and improve
first time Synovus for the people who work
aher appearing for Ihe at

No. II in 1998. hen:. This list challenges us, and all

""m proud and excited to cel­ the other greal companies it includes,
ebrate this tremendolls recognition be better," Blanchard said.
to strive to

wilh the Synllvus team members who "Our team members, customers and

Unemployment rate in
Jeff Davis drops 1.6%
from October to November
Jeff Davis Nov. Oct. Nov.
County's unemploy-
1999 1999 1998
menl rate dropped 1.6% from Octo- County
her to November, according to the Appling 6.2% 6.9% 8.8%
latest slatistics from the De- Rleckley 4.7% 4.8% 4.5%
Candler 5.1% 6.9% 5.6%
partmcnt of Labor.
The local johless rate in October Dodge 5.7% 5.5% 4.3%

6.3% hut that rate Evans 2.7% 3.7% 3.4%

was dropped to

4.7% in NlIvemher, according to pre- Jeff Davis 4.7% 6.3% 5.4%

5.7% 5.9% 5.5%
liminary figures released by the Dc- Laurens
7.4% 8.3% 8.6%
panmenl of Labor. The unemploy- Montgomery
ment rate ill the county in Novem- Pulaski 6.5% 4.2% 4.2%

ber, 199X, was 5.4%. Tallllall 3.8% 4.0% 4.0%

Telfair 17.8% 18.2% 8.2%
Following arc the lutest unem-
Toombs 7.7% 7.7% 7.7%
ployment figures from the Georgia
Treutlen 12.0% 12.8% 6.8%
Department of Labor for the coun-

ties in the Heart of Georgia-Altamaha Wayne 4.4% 5.0% 5.6%

Wheel'�r 10.4% 11.8% 6.5%
Regional Development Commission
area: Wilcox 5.7% 5.7% 4.3%

Unemployment Rates RDC 6.4% 6.7% 5.9%

Celebrate a Brand
New Century!

It's out with the old,

and in, with the new­
New decade, year, and

new century, too!

Happy New Year to all!

Clyde McCall DMNICIAL IN.-nn.rnI

§LTAMAMA ....WIll ChIny'" 1m
........... .,-

oJ .
Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed December 29. .• 1999 3A

Comstock leaving authority to
take post with Bank of Hazlehurst
Members of the Board of Direc­ Hazlehurst, member of Altarnaha
tors of the Bank of Hazlehurst are Technical Institute Foundation, Sec­

proud to announce the

appointment retary of Southeast Georgia Regional
of Sallie N. Comstock to Marketing Development Authority and member
Officer effective Jan. 3, 2000. She ofMagnolia Midlands Travel Asso­
will be responsible for marketing and ciation.
sales. Bank of Hazlehurst President Jack

Burn in California, Mrs. Floyd said he is very happy to have

Sallie join the bank. Floyd worked
Comstock was raised on a dairy farm
in southern Missouri, and moved to with her for four years while he
served as chairman of the Industrial
Georgia in 1990. She graduated from Check presented
high school in Hope, Ark, and is a Development Authority. He said his
graduate of Georgia Tech's Eco­ experience with Sallie and the lead­ Mart's Brenda Brown, Rotary President-Elect Ken
Officials with the Hazlehurst Wal-Mart store last
nomic Development Course and the ership she showed was a major fac­
tor in employing her at the Bank of
week presented a check to the Hazlehurst Rotary Floyd, Wal-Mart Manager Danny Bennett, Rotary
Georgia Department of Community Club to assist the club with the Jeff Davis County President Grady Owens, and Wal-Mart's
Hazlehurst. Kathy
Affairs' Academy for Economic De­
Mrs. Comstock will be respon­ Special Olympics, sponsored annually by Beauchamp.
velopment. Hazlehurst Rotarians. Pictured, from left, are Wal-
Mrs. Comstock has 20 years of sible for developing a sales team at
accounting experience, four years as Minister of Music. the bank, and selling the hank's prod­
Mrs. Comstock is member and ucts and services. She will also be
legal secretary and has been the a

tags to be
Wildflower vehicle
Executive Director of the Jeff Davis former director of the Hazlehurst responsible advertising and pub­
Industrial Au­ Rutary Club, member of the Geor­ lic relations, which will involve call­
County Development a

the bank's current customers

thurity fur the last five years. gia Association uf Chamber of Com­ ing on

county tag offices

rnercc Executives, member of the well prospective customers.
She is married to Rob Comstock.
available at
as as

have five children and Board of Directors of the Georgia "We are confident that she will be
They one

Economic Developers Association, tremendous asset to bank as we

grandchild. They arc members of a our

the year 2000,·' said.

Zoar Baptist Church, where Rob is Secretary uf Christmas in April for begin Floyd
Gcorgiu DOT Commissioner that is second to no other state in the sources; planting trees, shrubs and
Wayne Shackelford announced that nation," said Shackelford. "That is ground covers; and contract services
wildflower tags will be available why we arc so excited about having to maintain and install these enhance­

Echocardiography Lab in statewide beginning Jan. I, 2000 at these tags available to all Georgians." ment projects.
all local county tag offices. Motorists may obtain the wild­ The new tag, which was

Waycross is granted accreditation

Due to support from thepublic, flower tag for a one-time $25 manu­ by Georgia DOT Artist Stun ley
the Department of Transportation, in facturing fee and an annual $25 spe­ Smith, features the Black-eyed Su­
partnership with The Garden Club of cialty tag fee. Applicants who have sanwith the slogan "Georgia 011 my

Georgia, Inc. has created the wild­ pre-registered will need to submit mind wildflowers ill my heart!"

Satilla Heart Center

flower tag. Legislation authorizing only the $25 specialty tag fee, Department spends $80,000
Echocardiography (ECHO) Labora­ the fund for the tag was passed hy Proceeds from the sale of the tag annually planting and maintaining
a division of Satilla Regional
tory, the 11)1)1; General Assembly under a will fund additional roadside beauti­ more than 600 acres of wildflower
Medical Center in Waycross, was hill introduced hy Representative fication projects emphasizing native plots. This amount includes dona­
granted accreditation by the tions from civic groups including the
Garland Pinholster of Ball Ground. wildflowers, These projects include
lutersocietal Commission for the
·'We want to continue to ensure research on the uses and value of Garden Clubs and Clean and Beauti­
Accreditation uf Echocardiography that Georgians enjoy a
quality of life planting native flowers and seed ful organizations statewide.
Laboratories (ICAEL). Satilla's
ECHO Lab is one of the first 210 Pentecostal Church
ECHO labs in the U.S., Canada and
Watch Night
Puerto Ricu to be so recognized for plans Insurance investigator will make
its commitment to high quality pa­ Services on Friday
tient care and its
provision of quality visit to Hazlehurst Friday morning
River of Life Pentecostal Church
diagnostic testing.
"Our team worked very hard to
on Baxley will hold Watch
u.s. I in

Night services Friday at M p.rn. An investigator from the Georgia tance with insurance problems or
achieve this accreditation," said Dr.
Joel Ferree, Medical Director of the Granted accreditation The Rev, Randy Manning and Insurance Commissioner's office questions and complimentary home­
Satilla Heart Center. "It is quite an
members invite the public to enjoy will be in Hazlehurst Jan. 14 from 9 owner.automobile and life insurance
communion, feet to II :30 the county commis­
u.rn, at policy reviews.
accomplishment to be one of the 210 Satilla Regional Medical Center's Raulerson, Dr. Joel Ferree, pr·aching singing.
sioners' office at the courthouse. Call 375-661 J to confirm the
labs with this high accreditation, con­ Heart Cancer staff members Angela Guill and Judy Tindall, washing and praying-in the new year.
sidering that there are nearly 3,000 are, frorn lett, Harmon
rm information. call 37S-2390. The investigator will offer assis- investigator's 'schedule.
ECHO labs in the U.S., Canada lind
Puerto Rico. nearly 3,000 each year.
The ECHO lab is located in the Participation in the accreditation
Satil la Heart Center. process is voluntary. Accreditation
Echocardiography testing is useful in status signifies that the facility has
the detection and management of been reviewed by an independent These boxes These boxes are
many types of heart disease. This agency which recognizes the
non-invasive test has become
the standard diagnostic tools in
one of
laboratory's commitment to quality
testing for the diagnosis of heart dis­
are good for good for life.
diology with an estimated 10 million For information, contact the

echocardiograrns performed annually

in the U.S. Satilla alone performs
Satilla Heart Center at
(912) 287- holidays. A Wireless Gift For YOU!

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for 93 years of support and The pow., to .ImpiHy
a wonderful 1999. We hope

you have a great 20001 Villt till AW'EL ,. ..... tln It W.I..... or ..... ., _If ..... _ .... IICIitIHI:
to ...., _.... ........ CeNIII ...... ..... ........ ..........
WeslIMI Poinle Cenler I�"'" PIiDl � GenEr 1433 [asl Jacw $I 602 A 161h Ave 1401 Bowens Mill Rd Sf.
503 InruSiriJl B!w AaHardwn 113 £asl Jellersoo
2700 Dawson Rd. 105 lalmadge Drlvtl. Soil .. 2 (9121226·1999 (9121216·1900 (9121384·0737 (9121272·9201 Tennille Hwy. (9121375·9700
(9121888-4300 M·F 9·6 Sal 10·2 M·F 9·6. Sal 9·3 M·F 8:30·5:30. (9121 553·1i188 M·F 9·6, Sal 9·3
(9121891·2100 M·F !Hi. Sal 10·2 Sa! 9·3

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...... ....... ...., • ..... .....,..._
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Hazlehurst Hours: M·F 9-6, Sal 10·4 Hours' M·F 9·6, Sal 10·4 M·F !Hi, Sal 10·2 M.f9-6, Sal 9·3 M·F !Hi, Sal 10·3

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.r. WiNIIII"*,,- and lOII·t_ calling 10 anywher.ln GeorgIe 8VlIIIIbIe tor caHa originating In ALLTEL·. Georgi8 FIMCIom home (local) calUng _. ThlI24.85 ",. InclucIn 1110 .,.ak mlnutl' Ind 1100 oft·peak
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Tallahassee St. •
375-4228 account can IIII1dd1d to the 124.95 reI. and a limit ot two Family PIIIn accounta can III addad 10 o.orgte FI'Mdom " .. of 134.85 Of hlghar. Edell Bauar "'" -"'Ieate alief NqUI_ � of I naw Una ot .. rvlce
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4A .Jeff Davis Ledger. Wed., December 29, 1999

Jeff Davis boys split games Bennett family holds reunion here
The 36th Annual Reunion of the

Playground Area Shootout

Bennett family. Those relatives in­ Ke 'Shay of Hazlehurst:
C.S. Bennett Sr. Family was held cluded Inez Bennett Pre­ of Lumber
�IY Balcolm
Ellezey, City, Phyllis Vasco and
Thanksgiving weekend at the cious Newsome, Charnica Walker, Wooten. Jucquil yn Balkcom,
Bennett Building in the Tallahassee Christian Walker, and Pennie 'urris
Jeff Davis lIigh SdlClol':-. hoys 011Tuesday. The Jackets. 4-5, play Ricardo Williams led Jeff Davis' Gwendolyn Johnson,
hnsketbull team 10Sl a ch ,se and aguin this afternoon (Wcdllesday) ill Community. The reunion began with Newsome, all of Clermont, Fla. Balkcom, Paris Balkcom, Shant a
scoring with II) points. Brian Watkins
Barbara Ann Bennett and her daugh­
clo:-.e i II I hc fi rsl I wo 4:00 ugainst Jeff Davis lIigh School Cornelius Brewer and family of Vir­ Balkcom, Kenja Johnson, Kenta
Willi a OIlC had 1(" Kegan Bennett 15, and Will
ruuuds of the Ar e n of ter, Sister Linda G. Doctor as host­ ginia Beach, Va., Sharon Keyes and Johnson. Tashikn Balkcom, Wilfredo
I'laygroulld Montgomery, Ala. JDIIS is one of Wood eighl. esses who gave an inspiring devo­ Marcus Bennett, both of Atlanta, Johnson, Nykcitu lind Kykiya
Shooh 1111 ill FI. Walloll Hench, Fla. the largesl high schools ill Alahurna Hancock led
was hy Kentucky's tional. Tbey also presented the me­
C'uuch Warren I(ohcrb' Jackets with ),OO() students. Ernest Bennell Jr, Alex and Denise Balkcom, LaKentol1 Balkcom of
"Mr. Foolhall," Travis Atwell who
morial which was followed by a trib­ Newsome, Patrick Lee Bennett and Hazlehurst; Olivia Gadson, Wendy
fell (d _)C) In C"IIUllly lIigh Agaillsl l luncock the Jackets had led all with 26
, scorers points.
of l.c xiugtou. Ky., ill the tuurnu­ a
4-pl. lead with two minutes to play Againsl Dacula, Williams again
ute to family matriarch, Mother Michael E. Bennelt, all of Jackson­ Dumas. Juduun Miles, Brandon
und hUI cc iuldn't hnng 011.
Mallie Bennett. They asked the bless­ ville, Fla. Dumas, Jovon Mile«, Jurncl Mile," of
lIIelll'� opellillg gallic Mundny They had a shot led the JI) scoring with 12 points.
ing on the food. Other relatives Jacksonville, llu.: Quincy and Amy
then hllullced hu .k hi take a )X-:\(, lit Ihc buzzer h) win Ihe: gllme hUI Wul k i ns hud II, WC)( id seven, Bennett attending were

will over lJacula, (ia., lIigh S 'hClIlI couldn't cc uuicct. five and Derrick Williams three. drawing was held with the lucky
A Bcrthu Council and grandson, Kornegay; Marie, Vincent III, and
ticket holders receiving prizes of Damon Council, both of New York, Amy Collier of Alhany; Janice, Ben,
$300, $150, and $50. Door-prizes Charles Bennett uf Detroit, Mich., Tiffannee, and Marjuan (iriggs of
were awarded. The Young Juniorus lind Naomi
peoples' Bennett, John Muricuu, Marvin and Marvin Jr.
Sleep-Over was held Thursday. Fol­ Merrill Sr. and Bcatnce Copeland, all Kornegay of Atlanta; Henry and Tia
lowing the breakfast Friday, the of McRae; Mildred Briggs and Kornegay, FulolllJra and Uri yanna
young people participated in a vari­ grandsun, Ozzie, hoth of Newurd, Korncguy, Kymhcrlcc Pryor of
ety of outdoor games while several N.J.; Doris Pitts, Teresa Thomton,
Tommy Purser of the adults prepared the food for and Crystal, Nicule, Kasha, Terrence,
Hazlehurst; Takilya S. Ifill of
Trulock.Lnlil'; Jerrell Brigg�, Sharon
Editor-Publisher the annual fish-fry and crab-boil. Ericku, and John Pills all of Jackson­ Uriggs, IIiawalhia Hrigg:-., all '01'
Alsu on the menu
weregumbo, chili ville, Fla. and an aunt, Ozie Hcunon and I)orril\ Jack­
and Brunswick stew. Dllvi:-. of Patterson. and all ot
Angela (ilellwood,
The Honor Roll was one of the lmmcdiatc family members and Kennel h und Shutor r a l l ul man

highlights Friday. Also included was children ()f Mol her Mallie Hennen LeQw;lIIta und Kcorru, all of Jack­
The la�t tllillg I wnnt 10 dll here i ... ccutury'v lop :-'pllrlillg events. di:-.a:-.­ 1>.1.. EVillll\ (Sheriff IlJlfJ-11)35, a
family reunion quiz which included and the laIc Mr. Charlie S. Hennen sonv i l l c, Fla; Dale und Charlie
get dlagged illtll the alglllli '111 aholll lel:-., movies, ere. have hccn IIl1lCh C}44-1')47), Mark IIall (Sheriff
questions about family hislory 1I110 Sr. unending included Hurhuru Ann Henncu Jr and 'Ictcnrnn all of Ilazl .­

when. c x acl l tile II 'W millcuium ,

hallyhlloetl ill recent weeks. 1%4-1'}X), IC}XX.llJcJ2), Gcorg« N. achievements. The next fun activity Bennett, Vincent, Gili I anti Kcgun hurst: Mrs. Mary W. C'uok Wincfred ,
II' 'ill�. 'Iii t'lI y"lIll1e 111I1h, 1'111 1101 All Ihi:-. allelllilill ha:-. givell Ille Yarhrollgh (Scho()1 Superinlendent was
hingo which gave the children Bennell, of Ilaziehurst, Michael lind Hennelt, I':ddie llennell, Alldrell

reall kllIlW�. pall:-.e til thillk ahClul :-'lIch thillg� on a I cJ2()-I'}4), lIa".lehurst Mayor
the uppurtunity to choose lire gift Linda G. Doctor of ForI
()lIe III Ihe lIel\t I've \llIaller �cale ill Jell Davi�
IWey, Kall.; ('anl, Maria Wnrthen, Nal\rellan
I)Pllli,,"� ... e '11 ---

(·Olllity. illicitly Spallll, ( irady Cornish, Jimmy �hen they wun the game. A social Kim of Wesl I'oinl; Niesha
Bryant W',rlhell, KealllHJra and BI iall ('arll,
'Xpl ''0\ ·d 1111 the :-.uh,ect latel What IIf the �igllifieant ('onller, I(oger lIyrd, Waller Ray, J()eI

wa� arc :,11111
huur was held which WilS enlertain­ Sander�. Trislan Cox, Dedl'1I I'.afria T'nia
11I'IIIC'�da \ cditiollill "lie' ,I the
Worthen, Champ"ill,
two evellt�'! Whll arc the CCllIllllllllity':-. Woolell.
ing and fun for everyone. Sanders, Slephen JohnM)ll, all of arul Jadell all of Ja ·k:-,onville.
'kl 'w"'Jlaper� I read daily. I'll IIII1�t illlillelltial pCllple the pa:-.t Fo()lhall Barry Junes,
we II liver
player:-. --

On Saturday, the annual harbecue Hazlehursl; Kendllll Benlletl of At­ Fill.; Keuhen Henllell, ·Iillle:-.lria alld
yllu the detaib ;1I1C1 'IItllry"! Whll the he�t athlete�'! NOlIe "yhl, Mike Slewarl, Rayford
. .
... a .... 111- c ar
�pal ,
held. of rihs, chicken,
Plenty lanta; Sheila BenllclI, l.ilTasha Taslrannll Hellllell 01'1 lazlehul�t; Mra
1'1 ,tllat til' WI it '1 :-'IlY' :e" ·'n; I've III' with lew III I'hillip�, ('alvill I larri�()II, Deshay

w I cc 1111 a Ilalll ':-"
game hirds, and wild meals were ()n Bennell, K!!Ily Hennell, Barhara M. Mallie B. Travi,., of Jal."hllnville, l'la;
all 'Ieh,atillg i ... a
c 111,,"11'1 all way the tllp Cli Illy head. lilt.: ha:-.tell to McKever. the grills for the meal which was fol­ William:-., and Jayla I.alrell, all of I .inda Sue and Jim Tlrllllla�
111'1 .\ really 1111 "1 all add that I've dOlle IIh:-'lIll1tely Ill) re­ (ioll': I>r.
lea�'"1 I"
I<yall IIyhl, lowed by a Pin'atll party fur Ihe IIazlehursl; XlIvier anti Jay"ell I.ale:-.e
I'arkel, J)e�IYlle and (·hri ... .

Will ked up ahlillt it. � 'arch ClIl Ihe :-'lIhjecl olher Ihall I() MIIII:-.ayac. young people. The fashion show fol­ Bennell and Xavier Jaquel Uennetl, I(lpher M"hu:-., Mawu��i, lal1laal,
A Ie,t III pellple ;ne 'III

... leall hack ill Illy (:hair fCll' a few 11111- o
Female ha:-.kelh:,11 players -­

lowed with a large numher of partici­ Ashley Monae Bennell and DeshcHl and M. licllll"II,
wh 'Ihel III IIIillelliuIII III ·lIt:-. alld 1111111 liver Ihe Illaller. I've
MalcelYII Tyslreell

lIew hegill." III Dialle Kirklalld, Ihe Ollilrterman si!o­

pants modeling the lalesl fashiuns Thornlon of Jacksonville, Fla.; all of IIazlehur:-.l; Mr�. Janet II .

.Jail. I, 2f1f11l 1111111 Jail. I, _11111. '1 he IIll1y lived here �illee ICn) and 1'111 ter:-., Arrica IIradshaw, Sheri a Brant­ and fads. Also, a talent show and lip­ Shawn Ilerring of Ilaziehursl; Millon Jc Ihn!'oC In, I )cshay, Shanee Bllrn ... and ,

t,ulh i�, Ihe _t)I)I"h year of 11111 IlIlId­ {JII"S_ year:-. IIld. SII, Clf CClllrl\e, I I 'Y, Kim Buford, Shelvie Jean
syncing were held with judges. Prizes and hln:. Thornl(ln of IIazlehur�t, Sheld,,", Valorie Bennell, all of Jack­
da nl ·thllt! ,iI III 'a�1I1 havell'l per�llIIally experiem:ed III11Ch .lohm,oll.
ing proll- for each category: talenl and lip-sync alld Renee
Iiall, Eric Marcellu:-.
Ilarry �ollville, Fla.
;Ihl d" ·

II't �Iart "" ·ith·1 elate. The Id th' lilli-year hi:-'Illry Clflhe cOllllly.
("oadle:-. --

Jimmy Conner, J.1..

grossed a first prize of $450, a sec­ alld Cedric Ilall (If New PorI, Va.; Many frielld!> joilled Ihe Bennell
lact i� wait ;1 IlIillllte. Ilere I ;1111 IIl1t, th(;Il, 11111 lIIallY have. I'adgetl alld Ilugh Mdiridc (ha:-.ket­ ond prize of $25, and the third prize Eric, (ieraldine, 'nllia, Brillany, and
I \aid ill III
falllily. Amllng Ihol\e wele Dehra and
dllillg exa '11y whal
lir\t II 're ale ;, few ralldCllII, IIIl�ciell­ hail), TOI11 "yhl and Cee..:il Morris wa� $15. Many friends of Ihe com­ Michelle Thornlon of SI. Mary\; Iby Chandler, I("dney I larle�t()n and
pala 'raph wa� thl' la�1 Ihing I walll lilic alld ,df-the-tClp-,d-llly-head (foolhall illterel\lillgly, Morri:-., a

munity were presenttu enjoy the day. Joseph amI Sharon

l.ia!o, Joseph III Mr!o. Maurice Carmichael, all of At­
til ellI hele. Ih"lIght�: Ilazlehllr:-.1 lIalive, was 0-111 in his
An added feature was the adc.Jilion and Jalon Malik I.ia:-. of I'leasllnlon, lanla, I VI Iry (ileatlllilif New YI,rk and
�o, lei get ha 'k trae..:k: Clallde CCilik (he\ ea:-.ily Nil. I here 11111 he wenllo Duluth

lilt.: 1111 '"le l\eaSOIl
of anothc!r hranch of relatives: melll­ Calif; Ernisline Blllcoll1l, Reginald Mrl\. J. Hr!lwn IIf
Belly T:cllalla��ee,
NIlW i� any III
a� glilid a lilll .

a� '"I
Illy li.,1 alld ill a
calegllry all hy alld hecame Olle of(ieorgia':-. hesl.) hers of the Ernest and Lohell Brewer lind CalamilY K(lrllegay, NIlIlY" and 1:la.
�t0l' ;11111 take ',111 'k 01 lire pa�1 IIlIl hi III:-.ell). I(eli ,ioll Boh Chavis, Ricky
o --

y 'ar� III 'o'l. Medill '1IIIIet� allover Ihe BUl\illel\l\ .l1I1r1l

Hoger:-. (fllullder Baldwill, 1(011 Dallgherty, Bill
o -

wllrld have heen

�igllificalll p'ople
alld evellt:-.
I iSb iiI'
"f th .

tire lIalik III lIazlchtrrl\I, puhlil\her
Ih' 1.(·tI�(·r), C 'harlc� Rogerl\
lIin:-,,,", Hill lIurdle, alld Marion
Ldwan.b. Sheriffls Department Report
11)1")\. I've read where Bahe 1(lIlh (JIII",'� �(III), Jlle hazier, J.(). W'"lIell Ihil\ i:-. Ihe of
()hviou�ly, jllsl lip
wa� the greate ... t atlrlele of the cell­ alld Max Ciailler. Ihe ie..:eherg. 1'111 po!oitive I've left oul Jeff DavisCounly Sheriff's depu­ Juvenile Complainls ) Criminal Trel\pa:-.:-. 2
tllry, Ffllllklill Delan" R(lo�evcll lire Polilicialls Ilolrerl lIarrison IIII� of lolks. I'd like II)
o --

�igllificanl ties responded tn the fOllowing calls: l.ivestock In Roadway Complainl 2 I'osse:-.sioll of M:rrijllall:t (M ISD.) I
W ·ate:-.II� Ilili 'iall, Johanll (iulenherg (Ordillilry 11J20- I I))I}), C(·. Ilarri:-,oll hear frolll YOIl reat.Jers ahoul who you Accidents 1(, Loud Mu:-.ic Complailll I I'oss. Alcohlll hy Pl:rl\'"1 Ullder _I 4

Ihe: illvellll)lllilh' prilllillg pre:-.�­ (Ordillar I'JIX··I'})'), Billy 1:lIi:-. Ihillk arc Ihe Iclpl\ of Ihe cenlury in Assisted Stranded M()torist� 44 I A Stolen Tag Complailll
lSI or I Puhlie Drllllkellll .:-.:-. )
th III1I�1 illtlllelliiallll'r:-'IIII, elc. Tire (Tax CIIII1111il\:-.ioller IC}44·1')7S), ANY calegory. Assisted Hazlehurst IlD 5 I) II liang-up Calls I II Opell ('olliai IIer I I


Activated Burglar Alarms II Mise..:. COll1plainl:-' I}C} I)UI "fAlcohol 7

Burglary Complaints 2 Su:-.picious Vehicle Complainl:-. (, Driving wilh l\1I:-.pended"en�c .. (,

( R_ep_o_,_t_F�_o_m_tM_a_Sh_j_ng_t_o_n______,J

Uy SAXUY C 'IIAMnUSS We will pa�� a hlulgellhat prillecl:-. tary pel:-,ollllel alld our familie:.. We
Child Abandonment Complainl
Child Abuse Complaint
Crirninul Damage to Pruperty
Counlerfeit Money C()mplainl
Suspicioul\ Persoll ('ol11plainl
Shot:-. Fin:d
Speeding Vehicle ('omplainl:-'
Securily Check on Buildillg
Driving withoul Ii
Sealhell Violalioll

We:ivillg Over Roadway

'ell�e I

lJ .S. ClIlIl(rCSSlIIlI1I Ihe Social Security Tru�1 hllld fllr Ihe have takell ...
trollg :-.Iep:-. ill Ihal direc­ Deliver Emergency Message I Thefl hy Takillg ('omplailll� 4 Permit Unlawllli I'er\llli til ()pelal

Eil(hth Uistl"id IIf (;cllrl(ill Ihinl year ill a row. A:-. vicc dlairrnan Iii HI, hul year:-. 1'1' clIl:-. cun 'I he turned Domestic Dispute Complainllo 10 Traffic Warnings Issued XI Velricle I
WI,i Ie ('1 IIlgre ... ., hal\ adjlltrrlled 1', Ir of Ihe Ilollse Budget ('onllTliltee, I arlllllld ill olle year. flog Complaints 2 Welfare Check on Cilizell� (, No Velricle IIISlIflIllce I
the y 'ar a III I IlIemher� arc
:-.pelldillg remaill cOllllllitled 10 :-.aving Social We will pUl\:-' meaningful tax re­ Escort (Move Trailer, Etc.) 2 The fnllowillg arreSI were made: Slop �igll Violal iOll I
tilll' in Iheir dil\lrict:-. wilh e..:'"1'otilll­ See..:urily. We have
lip Ihe g(lv­ tllm lief Ihal ea:-.e:-'lhe peacelime-high lax Funeral Escorts IS Bad Checks 15 Allemplillg tel 1·.llIde Officel I

ellb alld tlre:ir I'alllilie�, il i� IIever 1(111 erllmelll credil card and said Ihal So­ hurdell IlI)W hllnJcnillg working Fight or Disorder
Complairrls M Child Supporl COlllempl Order I I'aroh.; Violat i,," I

'arty III �Iart lIeXI car\ work. I have ci;d Se 'IIrity wi" 110 lOll 'er he lIl\ed Arneric;III�. American f;lmilies cle­ Harassing Telephone Call 2 Contrih. 10 Delillquellcy of Minor I 1111111 w/o 1:Iuoi. Orallge (DNI{) I

alle;ldy slarted III"killg ahead alld a:-. a slll!>h fUlld 10 pay fill' olher gov­ :-.erve tl) keep I1lllre of Iheir own hard­ InlOxicated Driver Complaint 2 I'rohaliclIl Violali()n:-. ) IIullling Ciallle Over Hail (I>NH) .. I

thillkillg ahollt tire New Year allli all erllmelll l\relldillg. earned m' 1I1ey. III Ihi� era of surpluses Intoxicated Person Complainl 2 Child Moleslalioll I Oper. Velr. Ulldel IlIll AICCIlrol ..... I

tlral (·'lIIgre:-.� mllst act:onlpli�h. NeXI year alit! every year afler, al\ far a� Ihe eye can sec, high laxes
I alii very plea�ed willr our l(ep"hlic;III1o will remain diligent ill are ullace..:eplahle. AARP offers Tax-Aide program for senior citizens
achieveillelll� Ihi:-. year, ami I have our comnlilnlelll provide 10 relire­ Presidelll (. 'Iinhllllllrned his hack
enjoyed sharillg Ihll�e accllmpli�h­ l1Ielll securily for a" workingAllleri­ middle class Americans this year,
I III The year 2000 will mark the gia stale e..:oordinator, Ihe AAIO)Tax­ Iheir tax. YIlII lIeeclllot he ;111 AAIO'
wilh YOIl
IIlellt� liver Ihe pa:-.t few call:-' hy 10llkillg for way:-. to addres:-. vcloillg a tax bill thai would have thirty-second consecutive year thai Aide program is II welcollle resource memher lolake advalliage of the :-. 'r­

wl;eb. I helieve we will clllllillue to Ihe IOllg-lerm prohlems ill Social lowered Ihe income tax rate, elimi­ free and confidential income tax as­ for older people. "Tax laws, includ­ vices.
hllild lin our Mlccess
during lI,e lIexl Securily amI Meclicare. naled lire dealh laX, reduced the mar­ sistance will be availahle through tIll: ing special provil\ion!> for older per­
l\e�\illll of the lO(ith C""gre:-.s. We are e..:olllilluing 10 improve the riage penally alld
ellcouraged saving, AARP Tax-Aide program, co-sp()n­ suns, can of len be confusing," A lIew, alltornated toll-Iree num­

II i� III' secrel lire world is very safely alld qllalily of ed ..calion ill !lllr illduslry and edllcation. Bllt we will sored by the AARP Foundation and I)hillips :-. .. ic1 AAI{P 'Iilx-Aide vol­ her, I-XXX-AAI<I'-NOW ( I-HXX-227-
dilTerelll now Ihall whell many of us pllhlic sdlooh. Thil\ year, we ill­ nol give up. We remain commilled the Internal Kevenue Service's Tax unleer:-. can make Ihe process ()f fill­ 7(,(,9), will provide tire lIe;lre!>1 l\ill;

were growing up. Ollr clrildrell alld crea:-.ed educalioll fUlldillg alld 10 providing lax relief and will con­ Counseling for the Elderly (TCE). ing oul lax forms II lot easier." informalilill ha:-.ed on the caller\ zip
grandchildren face llIallY e..:hallenge:-. passed importalll reforll1s Ihal make litllle In push for il next year. In Georgia, volunteer certified Persons needing lax assistance cmlc. AI'ler caller� Illay
Fehruary I,
ill lire new rnilh.:lll1illnr. While rny sllre Ihose dullars reae..:h the class­ We will also consider several counselors trained in (:ooperlliion should h�ing wilh Ihem copies of lasl also ohlain illfclrlllal.illll ahoul the
children are now adulls, my grand­ rooms where Ihose who kllow our other imporlant measures, such as with the IRS will operate more thun year's federal and state lax returns nearesl AAIH' 'Iilx-Aide localilln hy
childrell are jllsl hegillning Iheir live:-.. childrell hesl e..:an decide how il heallh care legislalion that will make 200 counseling sites in 125 cities in amI all lax forms for Ihe currenl tax phoning the I RS, loll free, at I-HIM)­
I Ihillk ahoUI Ihem every single day should he spellt. Several of Ihese HMO" more accoulltahle and health close to 100 counties from February year, including W-2s, IIlC}CJs and 'lAX-11l4I1, or Ihe AARI' 'nlx-Aide
wlren faced wilh imporl:IIII decisiollS import:!111 reforms have
lIul yel heell insurance more accessible to the I through April 15. other relevanl malerials shuwing in­ volunleer pholle lille al 41l4-XXX-

regarding tire fulure oflhis nalilln. passed hy Ihe Senate, including more Ihan 40 million people in this According to Billy Phillips. Gem- come lind expenses Ihat may affect 7744.

Repuhlican:-. will conlinue work­ Slraighl A's and Empow­ the 'n:acher counlry who are uninsured.
ing In see..:ure a safe and prosperoll� erment Acl. We will work to getlhese As the New Year approaches, I
fuillre for all Americans, ille..:luding reforms passed and signed inlo law. III think ahout issues The Wayne County Tourism show is expee..:lecl 10 laSI 4S l11illllle)o
encollrage you
our children alld grandchildren. We We arc n:building a national de­ thaI lire important to you .md your Wayne plans Board will sponsor a New Year Mil­
lennium Firewurks show.
10 all hour.
This is lire firsl year lire l()urisl11
will lake Ihe Slups next toward im­ fense slill recovering from years of families. I hupe you will contact my
proving pllhlic udue..:alion, strength­ funding cuts. We continue 10 face office wilh those concerns toll free
fireworks show '111e event will
begin �:30 p.m. III huard has spollsored all elld-of-Ihe­
Sucial I-HOO-234-420H. I wish each of Dcc. 31 in Bill Morris Pilrk. 'rhe year fireworks show.
ening Secllrily, rehuilding our challenges with ruadiness shortfalls, at

nalional defense and pr()viding tux the need for modernization and im­ you in Georgia's'Bth District a very
relief 10 working Amerie..:ans. pruving the {Iualily ()f life fur mili- safe and happy holiday season.

Police -- (Continued ',om Pege 5)

JEFF DAVIS LEDGER orderly conduct charge. Criminal Trespass occurred at control device.
An accident occurred at Cromllr­ Varnadore Auto Parts. Officer Bryant Uecemhcr 16 The Deparlrnenl

tic railroad tracks. The railroad cross­ noticed someone hit the front win­ is continuing to investigale an acci­
ing arms came down on a vehicle. dow with an omnge pllint hall. dent that uccurred on Norlh (jill
P.O. Box 338, Hazlehurst, GA. 315390 Telephone 912-375-4225
Disagreement/argument occurred A Hazlehurst charged man was Sllectthat resulted inlwo injuries and
at East Plum Street. The complain­ with suspended license. after being one fatality.
Published every Wednesday by Hazlehurst Publishing Co., Inc. at 12 Latimer Street, Hazlehurst, Ga. ant and her ex-husband got into an stopped for spinning his wheels. l)ecemher 18 A 20-year-old -


Periodicals Postage paid at the Hazlehurst Post Office (USPS 273-560). argument while he was retrieving December 13 -
An accident oc­ was charged with theft hy shuplift­
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: some of his belongings. curred at Jarman and Cromartie ing Wal-Marl. The suspect ICJIlk
at a

50 cents per single copy at locations all over Jeff Davis County and in Lumber City in Telfair County; by December II Criminal streets. Involved were a 1992 Ford compact disc.

mail, $16.05 per year in Jeff Davis and bordering counties; $19.26 par year elsewhere in Georgia; and occurred at Fales Furniture. Officer Escort and a 1999 Chevy Blazer. I>ecemher 19 -
A 20-year-uld
$26.75 per year out of state. POSTMASTER: Send POD Form 3579 to Jeff Davis Ledger, P.O. Box Bryant noticed someone hit the front A 45-year-old Rentz man WIIS Brunswick man was cited for travel­
338, Hazlehurst, Ga. 31539. door with an orange paillt ball .
chnrgcd with obedienoe to traffic ing 76 in a 55 mph zone.

teft DaviS ledger. Wed., December 29,1999 SA

Hazlehurst Police WORK-OUT UNLIMITED

December 3 A lIazlehurst Foods. Someone $17 in gas
Department Report FITNESS CENTER
pumped A 32-year-old Valdusu, woman

yield at an intersection.
woman wa�
charged with failure to and left without paying. issued
was a
warning for driving A Hazlehurstman was
yield lin North Williurns and Cuffee December 5 A 38-year-old with defective
on a one
way street,

wrong way equipment.

resulting in an accident.
streets. Hazlehurst man was charged with December 6 -

A Huzlchurst December 8 A 17-year-old fe­


Aggravated assault occurred Oil DUI, suspended license, and weav­ woman wall charged with to male was issued a warning for weav­
North Miller Street. The cumplarn­ ing roadway. and obtain
yield 10
Gcorgiu license. ing over roadway on Plum Street.
anI said 1111.: suxpcc! hit him with a Criminal
Trespass occurred at Jeff lntcrferencc with government A 19-year-old from Uvalda was
bottle acro),� the forehead and mouth. Davis High fuothall field. Someone propcrr: occurred 011 Plum Street issued a warning for defective equip­
December 4 A 20-year-uld man rode the golf cart onto the field. Park. Someone the lock West Coffee Street.

on ment on
with DUI Sign-Up Times: Mondays,
charged on Jefferson A 39-year-old Hazlehurst man the door 10 the bathroom. December 10- Burglary occurred
Street. was charged wit� DUI, suspended December 7
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-6:30 p.m.
Damage 10 prop­ -

at Fales Furniture. Officer observed

l larnssrncu! occurred OIl Red Bird license and weaving over roadway. occurred EiI�1 Jarman Street. the
erty on
glass door broken. •

Land. C'ompluinunt!.aid the vuxpcct A Denton man was issued a warn­ The crllll�illg nrrnx In the railroad A 22-year-old Hazlehurst man
Advanced: 5:15-6 p.m.,
called hi!. IHIII!.e nurnerou-, lime!'> ha­ ing for too fast for conditions. down
carne 1111
Illp ()f a vehicle. was arrested on II bench warrant for &
hi� wife.
Monday, Tuesday Thursday
ras�ing A Hazlehurst man was issued a An I x-ycar-old Hazlehurst man not showing up for court on the dis­
Ga� drive nlf occurred al Fla�h warning for too fast for conditions. issued waruinu I'm failure New class for
was a 10
(Continued on P.II. 4) beginners and new
moms will start
Monday, Jan. 3
Weight Room is
open 24 hours 7
and be held on Monday, Tuesday
days a week by & Thursday, 6:15-7 p.m.
a monthly door Childcare i8 available 5:15-7 p,m.
code system $1.00 per child
Mr. tal, held Dec, 22 New Life
Ulysees Burke were

at A. and Sarah Cromunic, She was 1I Shuman, Phil Merritt, Ronald Cobb,
Huptist retired bookkeeper and a member of Greg Ross and Casey Taylor.
Services for Mr. Iyllee� burke,
The Rev. Ray Turner and Dr. Ben Firxt United Methodist Church in
7X, who died Del'. I H \ ere held Dec. Honorary pallbearers were all
Glosson officiated with burial in Hazlehurst. who attended' the service.
23 al Buller Street C'. I.E. Church in
Ilaziehurst Memorial Cemetery. Survivors include son, Mr. Music rendered
Atlantu. one was
by Carla
Mrs. Grantham native und Thomas Mosc», JI'. (If Hazlehurst and
The Rc . Dr. Anthony M. Alford
was it
Herrington and Mark Carlton.
life long resident of Jeff Davis one brother, Mr. Rohert Cromartie of
otficiutcd with burial in Westview Wainright-Parlor Funeral Home
Cemetery in Atlunt«. County. She was the daughter of the Vidalia. was in charge.
laIc Danny P. Stone and Mittie Active pullhcarers were Carroll
Mr. Burke wa� a rnail handler with
Horton Slone. Mrs. Grantham was II Girtman, Buddy Spann, Louis
the U.S. Poslal Service. lie wa!-. a
member of New Life Church. Stack Icy, Benny Joyner, Milton Kirk­
In Memoriam
member of Hurler Street C'.M.E. Baptist
Survivors include three daughters, land, and Buck Elder.
hurch in Atlanta. lie \ a� culled 10
Rebecca Orofino of Gainesville, Fla., Grant In Memory of
preach and xuhsuqucurl y ordained. lIonorary pallbearer» were

lie later founded St. J;1I11e�

Marion Floyd of Denver, N.C. and Gainer, ('I de McCul l, Charles Betty Jane Peacock
Spiritual Dec, 22, 1952 to Dec. 31, 1997
Geraldine Grantham of Hazlehurst; Dennard. A.B. Cochran, James
Church where he served a� Overseer.
a ),011, Doh by Grantham of Hazle­ Carter and SS Cla�s. The night we had to say good bye
Survivors include hi� �\ln. Mel in Friendship
hurst; sister, Maudine White of
a Mi lcs Funeral 11III1Ie was in A new star appeared in the sky
Caesar Hurk .

of Pcnnsylvunia: two
Hazlehurst: a brother, Rufus Stone of When we look up to heaven each
sisters, Cleo C. Cullum of )) .trnit, charge.
Mich. and .lcun 1:. Jacksonville, Fla.; six grandchildren night
I.ynn ofAtl.uun; It still shines
and II greer-grandchildren. so beautiful and
severalgrandchildren. nieces and Mr. John
Active pall hearers were Chad bright
Trustees of BUller Street C.M.L.
were Stewards and
Mclvinnon, Brian McKinnon, Chris
Spell. Ronnie Gordon. Darrell
Randal Shuman
Services for Mr. John Randal
from afar
we know you're watching -wtsHearIt
Seller» Brlll"er� l-uncrul Humc III'
Strickland and WA. McNeal.

Honorary pallbearers were Ruth

Mc Nc al Margie Yawn. Nora
Shuman, 54. (If Hazlehurst, who died
Dec. H in the V.A. Medical Center in

August« were held Dec. II in the

And feel comfort in

We would give anything

seeing that

to see
'£01"2000! •

Allanta wax in charge.

chapel of Wainrighl-Parlor Funeral your face

We're celebrating you, our loyal
Vaughn, Mrs. Ruth Williams, Evelyn
111I11Ie. •
Mr. Bruce
Smith, Aaron McDaniel, Marilyn Up in that wonderful heavenly customers, and want to express our
Mclnmicl, Wynell Williams. Pam The Rev. Hobert Wigley officiated place sincere thanks, and best wishes for
Becton Duncan and Danny Woods, Eu l a Mac with burial in Salilla Baplisl Church But we knuw that you arc not
in Jell Davis alone
future happiness and good fortune.
Graveside services fur Mr. Bruce, Brenda Graham, Doshic County.
Buford, Gloria Norman and Mr�. Mr. Shuman wa:, a nalive and life­ Allhe fuolof your Falher 's throne
Recllln Duncan. 4H. III' lIou�llln,
Texas, who dil,d Dcc. _(I al hi� re�i­ Loyne Slone, Vera lind Austin Rob­ lung re�idenl lIf Jeff Davi� Counly. We love and miss you!

(j ifts (j afore
erl�, Aldene Gordon, Martin Stone He wa� a retired Iruck driver and a Denise & Wayne
dence were held Dl'c. :Y) in Ilazle­
and Earl and Juanita Stone. veleran of Ihe .5. Army. lie was the Robhie & Family
hursl Cily ('emeler .

Music rendered Trish son of Ihe laIc John Bryant Shul11ans. WL. & Family
Mr. Duncan Wil� a nali e III' was by
TUfller and Survi.v,orll ilu;II.l�le hi1. wife, Vickie Junior S, Tallahassee St. •
375-5301 •
! larlingen. Te.'(iI�. lie \ a� a �ale�l1lan Ryan Turner.
and a veteran. lie W:lS Ihe �lln of Ihe Miles Funeral Home was in Shu'mall.of lIa/.I�I;ur�l; Iwo
laIc Waltlln lJunt.:all. M.D., charge. lers, Deni�e and Doug Baucol1l and
and I.ouise Evel II Davi� Duncan. Whilnt.:y Fklcher of Ilaziehursl; II
son. Mark and Amy Shuman of Jack­
Survivllf� include a �isler. Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth
Jessica Suzanne Duncan I)e Foor; sonville, Fla.; Iwo slep-daughlers,
Cromartie Moses Amanda Fletcher and Jessica
one hrolher, George W. Duncan Jr
Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Cro­ Flelcher hlllh llf Moullrie; slep­ Iwo
and wife, Dehmah Ann; unele. I larry
martie Moses, 76, of Hazlehurst, sons. Milchell Prilt.:hell of Alma and
Duncall of Savannah.
were held Monday in the chapel of Bronnie Pritchell of Il;lzlehurst; his
Wainrighl-Parlor Funeral IllIme
Milell Funeral Home. mother, Viola c:. Shuman� of Hazle­
was in charge.
The Rev. Jerry Loti officiated with hurst; two hrother�, Troy Shumans
hurial in Shiloh Cemelery in Wheeler ilnd Chrisline, and Donnie Shumans
Mrs. Ruby Grantham and Nannell, bOlh of
Counly. Baxley; four
Services for Mrs. Ruby Granlham. Mrs. Moses native and life
was a
slep-grandchildren, IWll step-great
HO, of Ilaziehurst. who died Dcc. 20 long resident of Jcl'f Davis Counly. grandchildren, a niece and a nephew.
in Savannah al SI. Jll�eph \ Hospi- SIlt: the
was daughler of the late John Acl i ve pOI II hearers were Oral

Because Sonia Williams Has More Songs to Play .. ,

Enjoy the millennium magic SOME


a.....s In bDtteI Dr bIMIdtr hllbJa. WILL RECOGNIZE THE DATE JAN. 1,2000. We take these concerns very seriously. Fortunawly, banks have

A IOl't IhIIt dots not httaJ. successfully faced many natural and man-made crises. Bank capital, solid reserves, siron!,; earnint;s and
FDIC deposit insurance allow banks to weather any trial even those caused by
computers. No wonder

lInuJUBJ bIttdJJr or dIstfuuNt,

banks lead the way in Year 2000 preparations. That's why we're confident when we say ...

'lbidmJIw or Iwnp
In M! part Of tilt bOdy.

SONIA WII.LlAMS nils hul' days with poetry. hlslory, leaching and Indfptiotl,or dlR1:uJty swalJowirr. Your money is safest in the bank.
aw.u dJalflt ill 8 wart or molt.
volunteer work. although the plano has been her first love for The reason for our careful preparation is simple .. It's you. Our cuslomer. You arc the only reason we're
than 50 ymlrs. A of silenced I.he music for
Nwtrw CfJUIh or homtntss. here. It is job
our you. That means more than providing a place 10 keep, save and invest your
to serve
diagnosis cancer a

whlh!. BUI thanks tlle

See )W' doctor If you money. It means
ensuring 'with rock-solid security that your money will be here when yuu m:ccJ il. SO t;O
to cancer specialists. advanced technology. 11M "'I of these 5yI11ltoms. ahead, enjoy the millennium magic. We have prepared a safe haven. Have a healthy. prosperous New Year.
t.rcat rnenl.s and Satllla
cnll1pas.�lonale staff of Regional Medical
Main Office: S. Tallahassee St. 37504228 •

Center. Sonia's Iili· Is again filled with song. Today YOU'll find her
Branch OffIce: S. Tallahauee St. ·376-2310
biJC:k at the plano at hume. ilt school and at her Sunday School Banko'
c1as.�. Thal's music 10 our cars.

There's More to life. +

Waycross, Georgia
Satilla Remonal
MedicaI Center

(912) 283-3030
SA Jeff Davis Ledqer, Wed., December 29,1999

L.ady Jackets let huge
first half lead slip away
Jeff Davis II igh 'x girls hnsketball But with 1'0111 problems pluguing Wilh turnovers, poor rebounding
School learn let a IIJ-pt. firsl half lend slip .Jeff Davis, Tnttnall's
Creek Wllrriors
Lady Bailie
'J-O run 10
and dismal

plague Jeff Davis, Ihe

shooting continuing tn
lend see-sawed
nWlly ill the second round (If the SI.
on a
Basketball Schedule close 10 within 10 al 21)·19 lind hnck and forth before Courtney
Joseph's/Camller Hoi iday Classic
girls lmskcthnl] Illurnament a�
Ihey matched points with the Lady Jack­ Johnston hil pnir of free throws wilh

Glrls/Rcc. Opp. noys/Rec. 53·4') in the ets the remainder of the half. Jeff I :27 left to play to hrenk II 47-47 tic
fell to Taunull Cuunty
4H-40/1-1 J Pierce Co. 45·50/0·1 and put Jeff Davis up hy two.
losers bracket game played al Davis led 34·24 al halftime.
4()·34/2·(l Coffee Cn. 43·(,2/0·2 But Ihal was all the scoring the
Windsor Forest Iligh School in Sa­ In the third quarter, Jeff Davis
55·24/3·0 BUCllII Co. 52·4H/I·2
vannah. couldn't buy a basket or a rebound, Lady Jackets would do as Tattnall hit
40-43J:'\-1 Dodge Co. (,7·M/I-3 an outside field g01l1 and 4-of-6 free
Th '

l.ady Jackets jumped nlll tl) a and couldn't hang onto the basket­
31)·2){/4·1 Telfair ('II. throws down the stretch to take Ihe
IJ-Il lead til open Ihe game nnd led hull as the Lady Warriors out-scored
4"·53/4·2 l'lll.)!erald Jackets 18-2 III lake II 42- win.
22'(1Iat in the fip;1 quurtcr. Enrly in
the Lady
4('·4015 2 ('0. '7 _·SK/3·4

/\l'plil1g the second quurrcr the l.ndy Jackets 36 lend. Jeff Davis fought buck to Score by quarters:
Ciir] .. 'Iounuuncnt-Savnnunh the final JefT Davis 24 10 6 '} -49
lipped their I 'ud III 21)-1 II and sec mud within 42-40 entering eight
37·55/.'i·3 Morrow Tallnall 10 14 18 11 -53
tl' he ill pl'l f 'l'l contrul nf the game. minutes.
41)·53/5-4 Tlllln:,)1 r.

61·25/(,·4 Winlbor hll '�I

nale ()"p. PI.

Dec. 27-:10 131) � TOil r nIlOl�'111
FI. Walllln Beach, ria.
Check Us Out!
'luc. Jan. " Filzgerald
Fri Jun. 7
Bralltley ('\1. II

Sat. .Ian. H Wheeler ('0. A

Tile. Jan. II Viduliu II.

hi Jun. 14
Telfair ('0. II
Tuc, Jan. IX Appling CII. II

Fri. Jan. 21 (.'01 Ice ('n. II

Sat. Jan. 22 Hacun ( '11. II

Tile. Jan. 2:'i Pierce ('0. A

Fri. Jan. 2X Dodge ('0. A

Tile. Feh. I Vidalia A

Fri. Feh. " Wheeler ('II. II

Sat. Feh. 5 Brantley CII. A TATTNALL COUNTY


u� ....

Lady Jackets finish tournament


32x80 4 BR 2 Bath
with victory over Windsor Forest 'Includes delivery and set-up, central heating
and air, skirting and steps
ended lip Davis improved to 6-4. The Lady Davis were Nicole Cruy and
Jeff lJavi� lIigh's girls
their trip to the SI. Joseph 's/Candler Jackets lost their f'irxt two games in Courtney Johnston with seven points ONLY $379/mo.
the tournurnent, falling to Morrow each, Shekela l-rodrick with five,
Iiniiday ( 'lasxic girb huskcthnll tuur­
nurnent in Savannah with a 61·2:'i vic­ ilnd Tnttnull County. Victoria Roby with fllur, Niki Perry Hwy. 441 S •
Jell Davis was in control through­ with three, Brandy McNeal and Car­
tory last Wedlle�day over Windsor Located beside Petro

the game as Windsor Forest con­ ric Chandler with two and 'andy Jo
Forest 1111 the I.ady Kni rhts horne out

tinned to struggle and dropped to 0- McNeal with one.

I (, for the Yokusta Jones led Windsor For­
scored 17 season.
Marin Mincey points
Jeff with points. me. 2 (912) 868-5566
and Jessica Hnhy added 15 as Jeff Rounding out the scoring for est seven

Classic Living at Country Prices!

Yellow Jackets Ricardo ,Williams, Byron'
Allen win post-season football honors
Jeff Davis to UII 8·3
Jeff Duvis School senior Empire's most versatile athletes, He sparked
Ricurd« Williallls ha� been named to Williams shined in every Iucet of the record and II state playoff appearance.
Ilis senior tenmrnute Byron Allen
The Sa» a 111111 II MOrt/llig News AII­ game for the Yellow
Jackets. The 5-
led the team in was named as an Honorable Mention Nutrition Facts
Coastal Empire I-'oolhall Team as a foot-H. I XU-pounder
selection to the team. Serving Size: 1 Month
kick returner. receiving (:II receptions), total yards
Allen led Ihe Jackets in scoring Servings Per Dish: 220 Channels
The Morniut; News referred 10 (1,134). touchdowns (2(), total
and returned two kickoffs for touch­
Williams. a tuur ycar starter for the points (122) and interceptions (6). lie
downs during the season. Amount Per Serving
Yellow Jackets. a� nne of the Coastal also finished second in rushing (612).
Calories Loaded Calories from Fat 0

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ToUtI Value 220g
Quality Programming 220g
� Services, Inc, 81g Hit Movie. 68g
we/collies Adrenaline Au.hlng Sport. 124g
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odl1l110nll' 6 ChOlcfJ SllVEI1/STARZI Ollnr VOId " subscriber i. disconnected during tho 14 monlhs. lImllod lime ullol 10 nnw
r.onsooll:'vo mu",h�
IU�lduntrill sub!lCllhorb lind lIr.rrVRlfl DIRECTV Systom by 1/21/00 and subscribe to Total Choice SILVER/STAAZ!
0UUSIIS 1IIIfIlO'� wllUI)llIchasfl a nnd hardwaro
A StO aCllvnllnnlno ap"he� PlugrolllrnillQ. pricing, terms and conditions are sul�ftci to change. May nol be combined with any olll8r ollor. OIAECTV and 1mal
Cholco are roglslored lJudfJmmks 01 OIRECTV. Inc., 11 IInlt oillullho& Elecllonics Corporation,

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 29,1999 7A

LEGAL Pendergast & Blum, P.C. Court 01 Jeff Davis County. Georgia and 4 of said survey and in part by Lot No.8
I McCall Ministries and Macedonia
COG to hold fourth Camp Meeting
and of said survey: on the South by Lot No. 1
GEORGIA. JEFF DAVIS COUNTY One Premier Plaza. Suite 800 may file wllh the Clerk of said Court.
serve upon Sherrl McDonald. Potltloner's of said survey: and on the West by the
5605 Glenridge Drive
All creditors 01 Ihe Estate 01 JANET M.
eastern right 01 way of Wilson Street a/kl McCall Ministries and Macedonia Also appearing is a three-member
BOHANNON. cocoasod. lat� of Jeff Davis Allanta. Georgia 30342 Attorney. whose address is P.O. Box 296.
Vidalia. Georgia 30475. an answer to the a Akin Streel. Church of God will hold their fourth ,:!' musicians nnd singers. The group
COllnly. Goorgla. are hemby notified to (404) 303·0300
rend",r their demands 10 the undersigned 12/8·15·22·29c petition at any time prior to the Final Hear­
This being the same property conveyed Camp Meeting Sunday through Fri­ traveled a,� �""nel Express from
from Sidney P. Johnson to Howard Will­ I'JlO-11)1)7, hut beginning :� 1l)t}8 a
accordtnuto law. and 1111 pnrsons indebted
You notilled thai a Final Hear­ Iams by warranty deed dated October 30, day, Jan. 9-14. Services will be ut
to sold estate are requlmd to make lm­
LEGAL are hereby change 10 McCall Ministrie«
to the above- styled action 1995. recorded In Deed Book 191. Page 100.m. and 6p.m. on Sunday, und numc
rnertiate payment 10 the undersigned. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER ing with regard
GEORGIA. JEFF DAVIS COUNTY will come before Ihe Court January II. on 817. 01 the records 01 the Clerk of Supe· weeknights at 7:30. wus ad"pted. The group has made six
This tho OIh day 01 December. 1999.
KATHRYN J RO -lANNON Under and by virtue of the Power 01 Sale 2000. at 2:00 p.m. In the Juvenile Court­ rlor Court of Jeff Davis County. Georgia. The speaker will he Ordained ,"l'llIdiligS IlIl.luUlIIg a new project
Counly Courthouse. which has the property address 01 311 Ihis
[xQculrix contained in a Secu�lty Deed given by Billy room at the Jeff Davis
Church of God Evungulist Van Ihal will be released at Camp
Jr. to SOutheastern Mortgage Hazlehurst, Georgia. Prior to the Final North Wilson Street. Hazlehurst. Georgia
Crrcle C.Hughes, M"etin entitled "Celebrating 20110
127 Wingate
together with all IIxtures and other per­
McCall from Denton, a xpi r i: �
Warnor Robins. GA 31088 Corporation, dated June 12. 1996. re­ Heming a Provisional Hearing on the po will also he
tltlon was held belore the Court on Sep­ sonal property conveyed by said deed. anointed, gospel preacher with u yl:oIl� 01 t '1i,,�I." There
KEN W SMITH corded In Deed Book 195. Page 626. Jeff
The sale will be held subject to any un­ other �inging nightly.
Attorney for the Estate 01 Davis County. Georgia Records. as last tember 20. 1999. In the Juvenile Court­ unique and highly retentive pr .ach­
translerred to First Nationwide Mortgage room at the Jeff Davis Counly Courthouse. paid taxes. assessments. rlghts-of·way, The style makes usc Ill' ev­ The �()(I() Camp Meeting thorne
JANET M. BOHANNON ing style.
easements. protective covenants or re­
P.O Drawer 900 by I.Jssignment. recorded In Deed Book Hazlehurst.Georgia. that i�
A Renewed Commitment.'
eryday objects and analogies
196. Page 63. Jeff Davis County. Georgia The Findings of Fact and Order of Dlspo­ strlctlons, liens. and other superior mat­
53 South Tallahassee Sireet Pac;tor Jack Dorminey and tlu:
sltlon made at the Provisional Hearing will ters of record which may affect said prop­ hring alive the truth of the Hihlc, A
Hnzlehurst, Georyln 31 S3!l Records. conveying the aner-descnbed
cllngn.:gatillll of Mnccdoniu Church
12/1522·29 & 1/5e property to secure a Note In the original become final al the Final Hearing unless erty. highlight ministry came in Janu­
Notice has been given of Intention to col­
principal amount 01 FORTY FIVE THOU· the party served by publlcallon appears and 11J1)7 (Ihe fir�1 nf (Illd invite everyone. The church
accordance with the ary February,
LEGAL SAND SIX HUNDRED THREE & NOll 00 at the Final Hearing. "the party served lect attorneys' fees In is located in Denton, just off Hwy,
terms 01 Ihe note secured by sold deed. Macedonia Camp Meeting) in an
DOLLARS with the Interest by publication lalts 10 appear at the Final
STATE OF OEOn III. ($45.603.00). 71 souls 221. For morv informution, call I­
the the Findings 01 Said property will be sold as the property eight-week revival that saw
COUNTY OF JEFF DAVIS thereon as set forth therein. there will be Hearing on

to the bidder Fact and Interlocutory Orders made will 01 Howard Williams and the proceeds 01 saved. i) 12-.\7::;. � 1 �(I.

OF RONALD E. sold at public outcry I1lghesl

lor cash holoro the courthouse door of Jell become IImll without furthor evidence and sold sale Will be applied to Ihe payment of
within Ihe will be governed by the Juvenile Court sold indebtedness. the expense 01 sold
All crodllors 01 Iho r stato 01 non old E. Davis County. Georgia. legal
hours 01 sale the first In Janu­ Code as II made at tho Final Hearing. " sale. all as provided In said deed. and the
Ovnrstrnet, rtlJr.en mi. rato 01 Jeff Davis on Tue5day
undersigned will execute a deed to the
Countv, An' hereby nollfled to
rencf'lr th'JI! rI -manrt to tho undersiqned
ary. 2000. the
lollowlng described prop­ Ihe party served by publication appears
at the Final Hearing. the Interloculory lind· purchaser provided In the aloremen·

tloned Security Deed.

Corbitt Supply/IBP
;lccr:lrdlng to lnw, rtnrl nil per ons Indebted parcel 01 land Iy·
All Ihal certain tract or ings and Orders shall be vacated and dis­
to SOI(1 ostate or,.. required 10 make im­ Ing. being and slluate In Land Lot 503. regarded. and the hearing shall proceed United Companies L.endlng Corporation.
Hazlehurst .
Second Land District. Clly 01 Hazlehurst. upon the allegations 01 the
motion. Attorney In Fact lor
morllflto flllymf!nt to rn
Seamless Gutters
Till. 11th day 01 November, 1999. Jeff Davis County, Georgia. containing The parties notlned hereby are entitled to Howarlf Williams Vinyl Siding
0.3395 acre. more or less Said tract is legal counsel in tho proceedings. and the McCurdy & Candler. L.L.C. Metal Residential Roofs
Anclrn Over Iru t
Overstroel. deceased more lully shown and described accord­ Court will appoint legal counsolll any party By: Anthony DeMario. Attorney
[ lalf',.,1 nonAlcf
SupeRwalllllsulatecl Siding

should be unable. without undue hardship. (404) 370·7230

Acfclrm;s' Ing to a plat 01 survoy by Paul S. Buchelle.
511 dwnrrl Doan noml R.L.S entiliod "Survey lor Billy C.


Replacements Windows
:11 ',39 Hughes. Jr. and Amy C. Hampton. dated WITNESS, the Honorable Ken W. Smith.
01 said Juvenile Court.
. )rlhn 13 Brnwnr.Ht May 30. 1996. recorded In Plat Book 11 .
lor 1110 Esl;llo Page 121. Office 01 tho Clerk of Superior This 61h day 01 December. 1999.
Eula Mae Edwards PURPOSE.
1 Jell DHVI', Strcnt coon. Jeff Davis County. Georgia: said
Clerk. Juvenile Court of Jeff Duvis County 12/8·15·22·29c
IIn7101111r t. nnnrCJ" 11 �)19 pint and the descnptlon theroon are incor­
12/1"·;J2·:U II. t/5t. porated herein by relerence lor all Intents 12/15·22·29 & II

properly is bounded.
and purposes Said
now or lormerly. as lollows: On Ihe North LEGAL LEGAL 'I'hree l adies ..


STAT OF '[OROIA by the rlght·ol·way 01 Elton Street: on the
COUNTY or J[.FF DAVIS East by lands of Tommy E. Dykes: on the GEORGIA. JEFF DAVIS COUNTY All creditors of the Estate 01 BEATRICE On Their Way ...

NOTI E or "AI [ UNI r:n POWER South by lands of George Mincey: and on Because 01 default in thl} payment 01 the S. SUGGS. deceased. late of Jeff Davis
indebtedness. secured by a Security Deed County. Georgia. are heroby notified to
While driving in the
IN D ED TO S cunr 0 BT Ihe West by lands 01 Patricia Taylor.
render their demands to the undersigned
Under and by vuiuo 01 Iho power 01 sale The debt secured by said Security Deed executed by Howard Williams to Mortgago country side, three
coutruuod rn IIlal GfHtrllJl Deed 10 Secure has beon and Is hereby declared due be· Lenders Network USA. Inc. dated the 20th according to law. and all persons Indebted
Dohl lrom Thllrn<l� . Carter and Lisa cause 01. ontong other possible events 01 day 01 August. 19 0. and recorded in Deed to said estale Eire required to make im· hard-of-hearing
Book 21 t, Page 648. Jeff Davis County, mediate payment to the undersigned. ladies had
Carler In (huon TIOO r IMmcl"l Servicing default. IAllure to pay the Indebtedness as an
assigned to United
and This the 8th day 01 December. 1999.
Corflo",flon dat cf M<lY 22. 1990. and re· and when due and In Ihe manner provided Georgia Records:
corderl in Deod !:luok 210. page 26. Jeff in the Note and Security Deed. The debt Companies Lending Corporation by as· ALA SUE NORRIS interesting ehat:
DAVIS COllnty I!lvutl[;. the undorsigned remaining in delault. this sale will be made slgnment recorded in Jeff Davis Counly.
58 Mf. Pleasant Church Road
Fir�t Lady: "Su,·e is
will snll fit pllblic olltc;,y 10 the highest bid· lor the purpose of paying Ihe same and Georgia Records: Iho undersigned. United
der 1m t.fI'll1 belnro IIln COllrthouse door all expenses 01 this sale. as provldod in Companies Londing Corporation. pursu· Hazlehurst. GA 31539 windy."
In (;nllnly. durll1(J Ille IAgHI
sfllrl hours 01 the Security Deed and by law. including ant to said deed and Ihe nole thereby so·
H�«";Qnd Lady: "No it's
cured. has declarolf tho entire amounl 01 Attorney lor Ihe Estate of
sale. the IIrst TuesdRY In January
on attorney's leos (notice ollntont to colleot
said indebtedness duo and payablo and BEATRICE S. SUGGS Th 11 rscl ay."
2000. lJy C IISf'r.O FtnilnCe Servicing attorney's lees having been given).
pursuunt to the powe, of sale coni 01 ned P.O. Drawer 900 I. • ,et's stop for tll'ink:'
Corp. I/k/n ,renn Tlflo FinanciAl Servic· Said fJ'operty will be sold subject to any Third Lady: "So am a
in sold deed. will on the first Tuesday in 53 South Tallahassee Streol
Ing (;O'flo",llon. il Allorney In·Fact lor outstanding ad valorem taxes (including
Thnmns C. CmtfJ' (lnd Li a Carter tho 101· laxes which are a lion. bul not yel due and January. 2000. during tile legal hours 01 Hazlehurst. Georgia 31539 And so they did.
sale. at the Courthouse door in Jeff Davis 12/15·22·29 & 1/5c
lowing doscrlhed proporty: payable). any matters which might be dis·
All Ihnt trHct or parco I 01 land lying and closed by an accurate survey and Inspec· County. sell al public oulcry to the I1lghest ('()//()('J"wli(ll/ lill'(' lliis
LEGAL I!'.yo/l', e (', {'r/wel (I 1/ (. ('lIn hel,)
sUuat In Land Lot 11210, Second tion of the pr'Operty. any assessments. hldder lor cash. Ihe property descrihed In
sold deed 10,wll: "NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPO·
Land Dlst,ict. Jell Davi County. Georgia, flens. encumbrances. zoning ordinances.
containing 1 .647 .-rD •. more or 1e�.'fJ1Jd restrictions. covenants, and matters 01 A� that 'I1Icl of.l,llnd lying and
orl(llr08I �TE
�Beltone Hearing Care Center

l>eing'ln IR'e CllYll'llaZlohurst In Land Lot Nbtlce is given that articles of Inco'P9ra'
being boundod now or lurmerly as'lonJws'; record superiOr (0 lhe Security Deed first
tlon which will incorporale DEB'S TRANS·
North hy Irlllds 01 D.�ims. East by the set oul above. No. 502 01 the Second Land Districl � Jeff
Boll Toloph(Jllfl HIghwflY: South and West To the besl knowledge and bellel 01 Ihe Davis County, GeorglO. containing 0.3214 PORTATION. INC. will be delivered to Ihe 114 Hester St., .Jl'fT I)" i. M, die:,,] C(·IIt.,·,.
by lanets 01 D.E. Mlms. said tract Is more underslgnod. the party In possession 01 acre. more or IOS5, and being designated Secretary 01 State for filing in accordance 1400 N. P('U:rsoll, ] )oughts
the properly Is Billy C. Hughes. Jr. or and as "Lot 2" on that certain survey and plat wilh the Georgia Business Corporation
particularly doscrlhnd and designated as David WHynt· Ml1l'phy, IH.'-llIS
Ihereol preparetl by Ralph E. Lackey 8. Code. The Inilial registered office 01 the
Tract 111 on a plat 01 slirvey prepArod by said property is more commonly known .
certified by Ralph E. corporation will be located at 380 Douglas
515 Elton Street. Hazlehurst. GA Associates. Inc Fin.anc;n::1 Awrilrr""'r. •

Copelnnrl & AssociAles. lor Gonevlove as ..
. , .

Whoclm Ellt"t rfrtlotl n 27·09: sllld plat

31539. Lackey. G.R.L.S. No. 1635. dated 0010' Highway. Hazlehurst. Jeff Davis County.
Georgia 31539. The Initial registerod agent

is roco,etocim PlAt l300k O. Page 569. Jeff First Nationwide Mortgage ber 5. 1995. rccorded In Plat Book 10.

Attorney In Fact lor Page 315. 01 the records 01 the Clerk 01 of Ihe corporation at such address shall In Hazlehurst Tuesday. Jan. 4
Dovlr COllnty public records Relerence as

SUflCrior Court 01 Jeff Davis County. Geor· be DEBRA A. BEALL.

said fllat 01 SllrvOY Is Incornoraled horeln Billy C. Hughes. Jr. Jeff Davis Medical Center Uoa,d curliltou
und mndn 11 nart hereollor all necessary SIan ley H. McCalla gia. and incorporated herein for a more bV 1110 Notional

Nichols lull and complete deSCription and all other D.H. ROBERTSON 8. ASSOCIATES. P.C. Call fc)r an appointmellt today Uon.tllnr
purposes. McCalla. Raymer. Padrick. Cohh.
2154 Fountain CUltll,U.lI,O',ill
Said prOflerty IS known as RR 3 Box 040 & Clark. LLC logal purposes. Square
Said property Is bouncJed. now or lormerly. Snellville. GA 30070 1·888·254·7142 II [llInl1
(previously but
erroneously rei erred to as 56 Perimeter Center East. 5th Floor 111'11(11110111
as lollows: On the North by Lot NO.3 01 (770) 736·5182"
RR 4). Hazlehurst. Georgia 31539, /\IIanta. GA 30346 375·3302 •
384·7222 SCII,ncf I

453·8599 said survey: on Ihe Eastin parI by Lot No. 12/29 & 1/5p
The Indebtedness securod by said Deed (770)
to Secure Debl having been doclared due SHM/SMK 1·4·2000
and payablo hecallse 01 delault in the Our Ii Ie no. 5809199/5·31229

paymenl 01 Ih Indebtl}dnf!ss securod THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT

Ihereby. this sale will be made lor tile pur· COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COL·
poses 01 paying the samp. and all ox· LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OB·

penses 01 solo. '''cludlng Ilttorney's loes. TAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PUR·
(notice hovlrlQ henn fliven rl!) provided by POSE.
law) 12/8·15·22·29c
The flrupcl ty will t)(J sold" tho property
01 The Aloresald Gmntors suhject to the LEGAL


(I) nil prio, restrictive covenanls. ease· DAVIS COUNTY

ments, rlghls·of way or encumhrances: (2) STATE OF GEORGIA
all VAlid 7.onlng orthnances: (3) mailers IN THE INTEREST OF:
which would he (hsclosed an accurate KW DOB 7/5/95
Altamaha Tech's otec campus
by ..

survey 01 Ihe property: and Ihe outstand· CASE NO. 080·99·130 is proud to announce the addition of
ing ad valorem toY-o" And assessments. il NOTICE OF SUMMONS
tbe EMT program.
any. and unpaid water and sewage bills. TO: Ronica Jackson
that constitute lions llgainst Ihe property: You hereby notilied that the above·

whether due and payable or not yet due styled brought by the Jell Davis
action It takes special person to pursue a
and payable: and (4) mailers of record County Department of Family and Chll·
dren Services. and the Georgia Depart­
career in
pre-bospital emergency
SUflerlor t" tho ser.urily deed first set out
above. ment 01 Human Resources. seeking tem· medical service. Both thc training
To the bflst 01 the underslgned's knowl· porary legal custody of your above-reler·
edge and beliel. the party In possession enced male child with the Department has program and tbe profession are
is Thomas E Carter and Usa Carter. been filed in the Juvenile Court of Jell pbysically, mentally and emotionally
Conseco Finance Servicing Corp. Ilk/a Davis County. Georgia; and that by rea·
Green Tree Financial Servicing Corpora· son 01 an Order for Service of Summons cballenging! Yet knowing that you
tion. as Attorney-in·Fact for Thomas E. by Publication entered by the court on the possels tbe skills to alleviate suffering
Carter and Lisa Carter 19th day of November. 1999 nunc pro tunc
aDd save lives, aDd Mowing that you
This law lirm is acting as a debt collector September 28. 1999. you are hereby no­
tilled that you may obtain a copy of the can make a positive difference in tbe
attempting to coli eel a debt. any informa­
tion oblalned will he used for that purpose. petition from the Clark of .the Juvenile life of a patient, makes being an
Emergency Medical Tecbnician one
of today's most rewarding

Employment Opportunity
EMT· may be employed by
Rent from
ambulaDce services, rescue, fire

J & K RENTAL CENTER departments, search and rescue, ski

patrol or aeromedical services, in

Trash Pumps •
Lawn Sprayers Ipecialty areas of bospitals and by

Step & Extension Ladders •
Scaffolding private iDdultry, educational

Dirt Packers •
Texture Sprayers iDltitutiODI aDd government ageDcies.

Cement Finishers •
Weed Trimmers

Post Hole Augers

Concrete Saws

Your Authorized Dealer Jor

CuhQv'-C)(t &
1771 WIll ... a.r
........... ., ..
Two mechanics on duty· Open 6 days a week .. '" ....

Douglas Hwy. •
375-4549 •
AskJor Sharon


• If .... _.
.. ••
.,.,.... __ ,._
8A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 29,1999

Bridal !R.f,gistry
Andrea lohnson
lustin Luke
December 28

Miss Jennifer rve Dr.
Vickie Cook

Kyle Smith
December 28

to wed Mr. Glass Constance Hughes

Trent Woodcock
Pete and DinahPye of Jesup and grec in Dental Hygiene. Presently,
January 15
Butch and Cynthia Meyers of Jack­ she is employed with Jon P.

sonville, Fla. arc proud to announce Simmons, D.M.D. in Jesup.

the engagement and forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Jennifer, The future groom is the maternal
(j ifts (j afore
to Paul V. Glass. of Hazlehurst, son grandson uf Mr. Floyd V. Holder and S. T"llahilsscl' _ t. •
(If Charles and Elaine Glass of Jack­ the late Mildred J. Holder. His pater­

sonvillc, Ala. nal grandparents arc the late Charlie

The bride-elect is the maternal B. Glass and the late Bernice P. Glass. Bridal Registry
granddaughter of the late Osteen He is a graduate of Jacksonville

Mosley and the late Mildred Mosley. High School and Jacksonville State Joshua Ryan MeLoon
where he received his Sarah Beth Bmw"
Her paternal grandparents arc Mr. University
Ryan and Kristi McL.non would
Bill.Pyc and the late Vida Pyc, Mrs. Bachelors of Science degree in Edu­
like to announce the birth of their son,
cation. he is with December 1 �
Algeue Meyers and the late Lloyd Presently, employed
horn Nov. 27 at 6: t7
Jordan Ryan,
Meyers Sr. the Jeff Davis Board of Education.
u.rn, in the Fairview Park Hospital in
She is a graduate of Wayne The wedding is set fur May 27,
Dublin. Jordan weighed 7lhs. 120zs. Andrea /011115011
County High Sehoul and Armstrong 2000 6:3() p.rn. at
at First Baptist
and 20 1/2in. long.
Atlantic State University where she Church in Jesup. All friends and rclu­
[ustin Luke
Maternal grandparents arc Danny
received her Associate (If Science de- rives arc invited tu utteud. December 21:{
and Sandra Carver of Hazlehurst and
Virgil and Elaine Ursrcy of Norcross.
Maternal g re nt-grnndmothcr is Vickie Cook
Birth Naomi Jacobs, Maternal great-great Dr. Kyle Smith
Mr. Paul Glass and Miss Jennifer Pye grandmother is Julia Jacobs ofl luzlc­ December 2�
Tommy and Dawn Carnphel! (If hurst.
Hazlehurst arc proud 1\1 announce the ,. Paternal grandparents arc Donnie
Constance Hughes
Happy Birthday hirth of their duu g luc r,
Josiclcuh, horn Oct.
14 at 12:51) p.rn.
and Lavonne Mcl.oon of Hazlehurst.
Paternal great-grandparents arc Trellt Woodcock
at Cuffee Regional Medical Center, Gertrude McLoon, Lois Hyers, and J (I n 1I clrY 15
December 30 Tommy McEuchin, William Roth, She lJlhs. (,OZS. and 21 Robert and Lihhy Turner all of Hazle­
weighed was

Chuck Overstreet, Mrs. l.imon Grant, Carroll Neil Girtman. Russell hurst.
1/2 in. long.
Melissa West, Cheryl Browning,
Jeanne Findley, Daniel Towns,
Rohenolt am]
Anna Brantley, Tiffany
Melha Herrington. and

arc Lane Jordan
Neonatal Intensive
was discharged from the'
'are Unit of the Golden
Emmitt Cothran, Shirley Wund Jllnullry 3 Warren and Irene Williams, Columbia Coliseum in
arc Hospital
Jerry Powell, Jack
Madlynu Tuvell, l3etty Ann Melinda Bennett, Norctta Miller and C'.L. Miller all of Duhlin on Dec. (I. Jordan was wel­
Crawford, Zachary Bowen, Shirley Thomas, C'.H. Knicht. Bill. Miller, I luzlchurst. comed home hy many family and
Carter, JoAnn Browning, Jay Will­ Joan Mitchell. Jean Mitchell. I{ita Paternal the lute friends.
grandparents arc
S. Wi I lia Il1S 51. •
iams, Donald Brewer and I{oh Dunicls, Steven White. IIllgh M. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carnphcll.
Turner. Kersey and Marcus Kemp. Eleni Josteteoti
Great-grandparent is Joxcph i nc

December 31
w.G. Beall, Russell Miles, Jerry
I.isa Barnes, Mrs. IIllgh l'curson,
Campbell all of Cairo. Campbell Melissa,
Kirkland, Faye Creech, Milton John McEachin Jr ..
Johnny l lund,

Thornton, Elijah Sleigh. Terry I lester, Dale Cullins. Mrs. C.W.lleath, Belly Anniversaries
Stevens, Joseph Edward�, Earl
Daughdrill and Dehhie Pileggi.
January 1 Carter. Judy Se llcrs. J(le ('0 I-;(ln ,
December :\0 Sweet 16th
Winnie Wooten, Faye Stinson, Sandy Mr. and Mrs. R.W. I,<�rrrs
Tony Hosmer, Lynne Yawn. Archie
Thornton, Cor a Parrish, Mike
Stewart, Christopher St'Ilers, Britton
Yawn, Chris Connell. Max Mel
Eddie Bell Ussery, I-Iden l.anc, Mark
.11011. December 31
Mr. and Mrs. James Creech Jr.
, I
Mr. and Mrs. Love, Mom, Dad,
Marchant, Dehra Colson, Melanic Anthony Carter. Kasey Ba�:-. and Andy Darley
J.M. Newham, Michael Hutchinson Sr. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore Jr Tommy & Michelle
Wood, Steve Moon.

J.1-1. Smith, Bruce scou, Jell Rucker, .lanuary 5 January 1

Dwight Carter James Stewart. lcc Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carter
Eyvelle Morgan, Eyvunne Morgan. .

Ray Houston, Roy Waters, Lewis Burress, Weldon Schell, John Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Turner New From Weight Watchers!
Hewell, I (lis Creech, Lynn Parlor, Mciver, Ray Hcnncu, 1{(lger White, .lanuary 3
Llissu Washburn, Wcedu Kinchen, Burharu Connell, Mnr lcuc Iland, Mr. and Mrs. Troy SIlliman the 10% difference"
.lunuury 4
JoseEsquivel Jr and Patricia Mead. Deborah Thompson, Johnny Creech,
Jllnu.llry 2 Brenda Turner, Tammy Kight. Julius Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin Focusing on the 10% difference With 1·2·.\ LI ess ,

5 Weight Watchers' easiest plan ever, I the firs! big

Mrs. Ivey Smith, Danna Thomas, Henderson, lIannah Boukhurdt , January
Donna Anderson and Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards step in reaching your goals.
Tammy Reagin, Richard Ryles, Robhy
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Clark
Collin Lance Stinson
Marlee Branch
SGC names lists
celebrates her Celebrates Plus, JOIN NOW FOR 1/2 PRICE!
1\v;lIlahlr for ,I hmued (lnly (,1111·800·651·6000 Of \"'11

South Georgia College recently wCb'tIiI";1I www.weightwatchf;r5,COm ttl! fllWl' II1fnrrn.lI11'"

third birthday 1 st

birthday released the Dean List for Fall Se­

mester 11)91). HAZLEHURST
Marice Eden Branch celebrated
'10 he eligible for the Dean's List,
Collin Lance Stinson celebrates
her third birthday on Nov. 27 with a
students have to maintain a 3.5 grade
Southside Baptist Church
Scooby-Doo theme party. Marice his first birthday today. He is the son
of Lance and Peggy Stinson of point average out of a
possible 4.0. 91 South Cromartie St.
enjoyed swinging and jumping on her Local students arc Justin S.
trampoline with her friends and fam­ Glenwood.
Monday, 6:30 p.m.
Johnson, Larry W. Miles, Sheila
ily. paternal grandparents are
",I 1>. , ,If, ''''''I l+i,.
Anderson, Candace B. Stone, Christy I'" ,11"
.. bolll nu, '''.11''1''''<11111' ,,'n'rd ..
"" '"''
< hC'(k .1{ nUl Crnl,,!, f", drl,,'" �r"'"'f,II''''' .. \\. ,"

Johnny and Sherry Stinson of Lum­ Ov.�r' IIf III. \\ III ,Ill .', II IU II', 11,11"" "� All 1I�,hl'
Marice is the daughter of Lee and 1.\lrd ahav,. I IJq
Wrl);hl w.lld,,.,, IrUr,'I,""H1.&I III, "
•. dllllll' I,.
Pdlt.111).,I'"i,loc.1Ilf''''' In ",Ul\ "' ;\1,111,1111,1 ( 11,,,,,t.
,f,f"""" I " I'
r,.\,.'vrd 0111'1 ,1 .. 1.&1 .,,'\' ,

M. Kirkland and Amy S. Carver. ....

ber City. His maternal grandparent is

... f
nil Ih,. (,lItlllll.A\, 1(" "l,nl,.rd ,,,",. IInl� Nnl � .. Iul fn. III .. AI ,'JI1II f"II�'f ,I! ." 1m', ""'h "
Joyce Branch of Hazlehurst. She is ..

the granddaughter or Preston Charles Heath.

Clements and Paula Griffin and Jacky His great-grandparents Billy arc

and Frances Branch all of Hazlehurst. and Jewel Heath of Lumber City.
Maternal great-grandmother
Clements of Hazlehurst.

Collin will celebrate his birthday
home surrounded by his family.
'l\S 1HE SAfE Ant"
Marlee Eden Branch Gladys

Okefenokee Technical Institute dent and have a grade point average

OTI releases recently announced the President's of 3.5 or higher out of a possible 4.0.
Local student Kristen Brown
List of fall quarter honor students. was

President List To qualify for the list, a student Yawn, a Medical Laboratory Tech­
must be classified as a full-time stu- nology major.

Friday Night Prime Choice Buffet

Sarah Beth Brown
Tommy Grice
December 18
Enjoy top quality
The Outback
5 p.m.-9 p.m.
food at an affordable price

40%-60% off
Andrea 1011115011 Prime Choice Buffet:
[ustin Luke Grilled New York Strip Steak Monday, January 3
We will be closed
Grilled Center Cut Pork Chops
December 28 and Tuesday, January 4 for Inventory
Fried Shrimp· Grilled Chicken Breasts
Fried Catfish· Baked Potatoes
COllstance Hughes French Fries •
Grits •
Rolls •
Salad Bar

j l"
Trent Woodcock ::.�.
January 15 $1295 (Tax & Beverage Included) /'

10% discount off the price for SenlorClt zens'

'Diamond Outback Range &

Recreational Center

S. Tallahassee St. •
miles past tlte
(912) 375-0765
KIrkland Still Rood. about 5
FaIrgrounds In Hazlehurst.
Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 29,1999 9A

Musician to be at FUMe
Parrish Reports By Wilhelmina Parrish
Brent Vernon, an
independent vo­ His solo concerts are an intimate
calist and songwriter based in South time of sharing.Mostly he
pi­ uses a

Evergreen Freewill Baptist Mrs. Johnny They visited Mr.

Knox. Hill. Also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kirhy days. Also
visiting was Wilson Ber­ Florida, will be at Hazlehurst First ano or keyboard. The pjogram also
Church will hold Watch Night and and Mrs. Roosevelt King and family was their grandson, Cameron Kirhy nard Wilson of Apopka. FL. 'fhey United Methodist Church Wednes­ includes a ventriloquist puppet that
Candlelight Communion Services and several other relatives here be­ of Atlanta. visited Pennye Thomas. Ivy J. Tho­ day, Jan. 5. There will be a covered has gone Over very well with chil­
Friday. Dcc. :\ I lit 10:30 p.m. The fore returning to Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miles Jr of mas of Surrency, and Mrs. Leo Tho­ dish meal at 6:30 P.M. and the pro­ dren of all ages. He operates lin a free
pastor, Minister J-I.L. McRoy, and Jeff Levels of Atlanta spent sev­ Jacksonville, FL visited their parents mas of Surrency, and Mrs. Onic B. gram will begin at 7:30. will offering basis.
members invite the public. The pllS­ eral days in Hazlehurst visiting Mr. during the Christmas holidays. They Hill of Hazlehurst. Vernon is involved in a solo min­ The Rev.
Jerry LOll, pnstor, and
tor will he in the church study to meet and Mrs. Reuben Kirby and his fian­ visited Joyce Locke and family, Rob­ The children of Mrs. Rebecca istry in addition to his occasional the congregation invite the public.
with anyone desiring counseling ser­ cee, Nicole. Mr. Lev 'Is is enrolled crt Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vann surprised her with it
hig birth­ work with a group called Vision. There will be II love offering.
vices from I) IIUO p.m. in the Job Corps and stationed in Lee Miles. They also visited their day dinner Dec. 18, in Mount Cal­

Mount Calvary Baptist Church Brunswick. grandmother, Robbie L. fuller and hall. The affair got
vary fellowship
will host the Emancipation Proclu­ Shae Fuller spcm Christmas holi­ several lither members of the family. underway with a devotional exercise
mat ion Day services New Year's Day days here
visiting her mother and Phyllis Holmes of Miami, FL is of singing songs, followed hy prayer
at I p.m. Area churches and the puh­ grandll1other. She visited Patricia here visiting her grandmother, Eliza­ hy Elder Elijah Clark. The scripture
lic are invited to render a musical se­ Fuller and Mrs. Rohhie Fuller and her heth A. Knox for the Christmas holi­ wus read by Minister James Cornish
lection, a
poem reading. Everyone
or family. days and New Year's Day. Ms. Sr. The master of ceremony was Erik
is urged to uuend in memory of the Bobby Hill ulScnnlc, Wash. spent Holmes visited her aunts, Mrs. L. Cornish who extended words of wel­
his furlough Irom thc U.S. Navy and Brown and Mrs. Roosevelt King and Tags expire at midnight of owners birthday
emancipation of the slaves. come the guests. Cora Mac Clark

Mount Calvary Baptist Church the Christmas holidays here with his their families. dedicated a poem to Mrs. Vann. Sev­ that appears first on certificate of title
will hold anUsher Anniversary Day parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hill. Here to visit their mother, Mrs. eral family members from out-of­
Sunday, Jan. I) at 1):30 u.rn. Guest Others visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hill Robert R. Nails, Voygu; L.
were town attended. Among those were
Example: John and Mary Doe/John '5 birthday is May 1
speaker will he Sister Daisy Taylor were their
daughters and their fami­ Holloway and his daughter, Debra Mrs, Connie Clements and children, would be between 1 and
of Ocilla. Church ushers invited lies including Robin E. and Garrick
Tag purchased April May
Holloway and Tyson, all of Atlanta. ami her sister, Murci Vann and fam­
1 because John's name is first on the title. He has 30
til special guests. The pastor, Min­
he Burton and daughter, Raegan all of Ernestine Counsel of Jacksonville, ily, all of Atlanta, the Clark family
isterElgin Neal Dixon, and members Valdosta, Glynnis and James FL Mrs. Bubha Wiggs of Mt. Vernon, of Alamo and many local relatives. days before his birthday to register.
invite area churches and the public. Morrison, and son, Judin Robert, all Mamie V. Gibson of Miami. FL and Shonda Hoddie of Americus vis­
The quarterly Indoor Choir of Muntgomery. Ala. and Mrs. Mrs. Runctte H. Holt of Atlanta, and ited her mother, Mrs. Arahelle
Please feel free to call us at
Broadcast will he held at Evergreen Fladgcr lIf New
Jersey. several grandchildren. They wor­ Boddie. during the holidays. She also
Freewill Baptist Church Sunday at 5 Mr. und Mrs. Michael Kornegay shipped nt Mount Calvary Baptist visited her dad, Robert Edwards Jr.

p.m. The time is moved up an hour

to avoid conflict with Bible Study.
and family (If Atlanta spent the
Christmas holidays here with their
'hurch Sunday.
Dr. Glenwood F. Hill und family,
and her grandmothers,
Arnold Sr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards
Mrs. Luke 375-6622
public are invited.
Choirs and the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Heather and Robford all of Fort Val­ Sr. M iss Boddie visited several aunts, if you have any questions
lIomegoing services for Mr. Kornegay Sr.
They visited Mr. and ley and Woody Hill of Washington, uncles and their families.

Ulysees "Buhbu' Burke. were held Mrs. Calvin Kornugu Jr, Mr. and DC visited relatives in Hazlehurst
Dcc. 23 at Butler Street C'.M.E. Mrs. Reginald Kornegay, Diane during the Christmas holidays. They
Church in Atlanta. Dr. Anthony M. Korncguy, Millicent Wilcox of visited Mrs. Onie B. lIill (Dr. Ifill's Federal Government Program Provides Financing To
Alford. pastor. ufficiulcd. Interment Surrcnc and Dehorah Knrucgay and mother) and several brothers and sis­
was in Weslview

Homeowners For A New Heating & Cooling System

Cemetery in Atlanta their luruilic». ters and their families.
following the
with Sellers luncrul Homc in charge. Cory Wooten of Edmond. OK services at Mount Calvary Baptist •
Cun you afford to throw good money out company would now be paying for your new, high
Several relatives from the Hazlehurst spent several day:-. in Tallahassee, Fl. Church Sunday, they joined Mrs. the window" efficiency, heat pump system.
and Dublin areas attended. where he allemft:d a truck meeting. Glenwood Hill at Mount Ararat You might bl' (whether you can nfford it or
Maxie and l1ctty I..
Burney and Mr. Wooten al�o visited relatives in Church for special service. not) if you're hnntiru; or cooling your horne with Get Qualificd_
children of Union City, Tenn. spent Hazlehurst including his grand­ Minister and Mrs. James E. Ifill window units or a furnnec or nir conditioner Before we even come out, we'll take some
that'smore than I U yOIlI'S old. information from you to get you qualified for the
the holiday season in Hazlehurst vis­ mother, Carolyn II. Mitchell and of
Alhany, their sons, Jurud Hill of
The U.S. Fr-ck-rul Government. through the speciul government financing. This WHY, when we
iting relatives. They visited Thomas family. his grcar-gr.mdrnothcr, Mrs. Tampa, H, and James A Hill and his
Environm mtul Protection Agency (EPA) and the come to your home, we cnn give you lin exact quote
and Missionary Dorothy Dotson and Onic B. lIill, and several aunts, son, Miles Hill, hoth of Fairhurn,
Dopnrtmont of Energy (DOE). has created a and let you know what your monthly investment
family. Joann Dotson and family, uncles and their families. Accompa­ spent Christmas and Sunday after­
finnncinu pn .knue for high efficiency heating and would be.
Donald Lee and Roland Dotson and nying Mr. W( roten h I I lazlehllrst were noon in Hazlehurst visiting rclutivcs.
cooling �'quipnIfJl1t. So plense call Eagle Heating & Ail', lin approved
their families, and members of the his aunt, Mrs. Gene Christie, and They visited Minister Hill's mother,
By usillg ruore e-fficient equipment, consumers denier for this government program. ut
Pol rk e r- Hu rue y Wi l cux Wa II ucc

Mitch and Jennifer Christie all of Mrs. Onic B. Hill and several other
money on their utility bills lind reduce nil'

SIlW 1-800-242-849:1 01' 912-48U-62:.m toduy fur your

families. They worshipped al Mount Thurnnxvi lie. members of the family, and several pollution, which helps our environment (that's free estimate.
Calvary Baptist Church Sunday. Sherrie Iiall of the U.S. Navy and members of the Hull-Korncguy fami­ why till' EPA dr-vnloped this progrnm). We'll come out to your home, tuke some
Charlie James and tumily of Jack­ stationed in l'enn:-.aclll;l, Fl. spent the lies. meusurernents, and let you knuw how much you
sonvi lie, FL recently visited his chil­ Christmas hulidn s in Ilaziehurst Minister Jr of Here's the Grcilt Part! can save.
Augustus Strong
'1'0111' pnynu-nts on one of these super efficient Best of nil, our consultants work evenings und
dren here. Mr. James visited Alonza where she visited her mother, Minnie Stilson spent Christmas Day in this
James of Tacoma, Wash. who in J. 110111 and Iiall visited area where he visited
HyStPIW! could Iw ns low us $1:1 u week und the ...

Saturdays to accommodate those who work during

was family. M:-.. family mern­
money you're not paying the gus and electric the day, so call now!
Cieorgia visiting relatives, and her great-grandmother, Jennie Ann hers. Minister Strong visited his
Geraldine J. Cue. He also visited Mr. Jones and several other member- (If aunts, Mrs. Onie n. I-lill and Mrs.
and Mrs. Vernon James, and other the family. Sadie B. Nailsnnd their families in
relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Adams were Hazlehurst, lind Mrs. Margie sir'ong
Daniel Holton Troup of Alhuny visited hy their children, Mr. and Mrs. of Lumber City. I-Ie also visited his
recently visited his sister, Mrs. Walter Ronald Sanders and children all of sisters and their families including
Phillips. and her family. lie also vis­ Jacksonville, FI .. Alxn visiting Mr. Myrtice and J.B. Smith and Mrs.
ited Mr. and Mrs. Ellihu Carter and and Mrs. Adams Were Rose Hallie Mildred Clark of Lumber City. lie
family and several nephews. he also and husband of l.ccshurg. They all visited several other relatives includ­
visited in Ludowici and Atlanta. visited several other members of' the ing Mr. and Mrs. CL. Spencer of
Congratulations to Erica Powell family. Lumber City.
who is attending Altamaha Techni­ Dewey Wilcox Jr (If Atlanta vis­ Mr. and Mrs. Watson Fluellen and
cal School in Baxley. Ms. Powell was
named to the Vice- President's list for
ited his

sisters, Ethel Troublefield and
Bennett and family. lie
children, Michelle and Watson, and
their niece, Mia, all of Eglin Air will honor
Winter semester. Ms. Powell is the visited Mrs. Douglas Wilcox Sr. and Force Base, FI. visited Mrs.
daughter of Mrs.
Jacquelyn Thomas family, and MR. and Mrs. Charles Fluellen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
and the granddaughter of Mrs. Wilcox and their families. Charles E. Wilcox during the Christ­
Madilene Powell and the late Mr. Cedric L. Kirhy of Macon spent mas holidays. They also visited Mr.
James Powell. the Christmas holidays here with his Fluellen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William and Loretta Holmes and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kirby Watson, I and family in Fort Valley.
home after
of Miami, FL have returned

spending the Christmas

and family. He
mother, Carolyn
visited his
H. Mitchell, and his
grand­ Gregory D. Thomas of Atlanta

spent several days in Hazlehurst and

w.G. Ellis
holidays with Mrs. Holmes' mother, great-grandmother, Mrs. Onic B. Surrency during the Christmas holi-

Demolition Derby held B.B.Wooten
Dec. 4 at JD Fairgrounds
Thanks to everyone who helped make this event possible by giving dontions and their time.
Also a special thanks to our Jeff Davis Sheriff's Dept., Fire Dept. and EMS.
Proceeds were donated to the Pilot Club of Hazlehurst and Baxley Jaycees,
funding the Toys for Tots
B.B. Wooten
Spell's Pest Control Larry & Becky Parlor JP's Tire Whitfield & Butler CPA
Business Solutions Miles Funeral Home Selectronix Williams Bros. Trucking
Dairy Queen Johnny's Body Shop Cothern· Varnadore Chevy Dennis Cain tns.
Diamond Gallery Brown's Diesel Ronald Cobb Ins. Chic-King
State Farm Ins. Davis Farm & Garden The Car Wash Bruce's Used Auto Parts
Callahan Nursery The Altamaha Bank Glenda Morris Stone's Machine
Yawn's Hi-Tech Haz. Saw & Marine HaIlOi! Co. J&K Home Center
Ridge Pallets Headhunters Haz. Publishing Johnson's Florist
Sue's House of Flowers Pig-Out BBQ Radio Shack Jeff Davis Hospital
WVOH Googe's Handy Andy David Turfter
Altamaha Builders R&D Auto- Truck Salvage Donnie Lewis Tire Chris Lewis Tool
C&J Surplus Joel Chaney Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McNeal Music Kountry Krossroads
Lay's Potato Chips Woody Folsom Chevy Clay Allen-Tam's Chips Reyonler
Benne" Concrete Kenny Johnson Tree Service New tmage Hair Salon H&LCar Care
Advance Auto Parts Triple C Home Dec. Collins Loan Co. Bank of Hazlehurst
Baxley Jaycees Members

The bank would like to invite their

WINNERS: First place Lester Ford, Baxley GA -
customers and friends to come help them
Second place Golden Isles Service Center, Michael White, Driver

Third place Dennis Bryant, Baxley GA Ugliest Looking Car Ricky Mock, Baxley GA

Best Looking Car Phil Harper, Baxley GA


honor these two gentlemen.

December 29,1999
10A Jeff Davis LedQer, Wed.,

Beginning The
New Year With God

is time when we can reflect

January a

on our past accomplishments and

determine what needs to be done

during the coming new year. One

perplexing task that most of us start in Along with these sponsors,
January, is to try and get our personal
income tax records in order. A more
that we may want to
we encourage you to attend
pleasant activity
begin planning for, is a family vacation, the church of your choice
or an occupational move that may be in

our Setting some goals for the


year is always a good way to help keep

us focused on our accomplishments.
Planning for spiritual needs is just
as important as planning for our
physical needs. With this in mind, we
may want to establish a goal
to read

Chic-King -

the Bible each day, or get into a Bible

Insurance Agency •



aside daily prayer All Lines of Insurance OPOI1 Dluly 375-5941

study, or to just set a
- .

SSl1dwlc/,es of a/l kinds
- _

Illclua,,,u Su"
Hwy. 341 N.
time. Although everyone may have Odom St. 375-3265 II :10 0111 I I "In Dine-in or lake oul

different lifestyles and goals, if we

begin the year with God, and make

Him Lord of our lives, He will bless us

throughout the year. An Auto Value Parts Store R&D Auto/Truck Salvage
-AutoSure- Qllnlity llset! Parts At A Reasonable Price

Church Directory -

Auto Parts For Less

Owners: Don & Rhonda Walsh
Quality S(,;) 11.1 h-y Ilwy.• www.rd.iuto.cum •
601 S. Tallahassee St.

Elizabeth Baptist Church, Roper Comm
First Baptist Church, 204 N. Tallahassee SI.
Liberty Baptist Church, Uvalda Hwy
Lumber City Baptist Church, Hwy. 341
375· 7522
Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 123 Girtman SI.
375·7429 AMAZING GRACE McLendon-Reynolds
Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Old Graham Road
Northgate Baptist Church. Pecan Street 375· 7949
Oakview Baptist Church, Altamaha Road Representing Grange· State Auto· Auto Owners
375·3315 Now meeting at
Southside Baptist Church, S. Cromartie SI. Preferred Risk -
Selective -
New Life Baptist Church, Baxley Hwy 375·2175
Denton Baptist Church
375·0000 60 Collins St. 1 25 Railroad SI.

Oakland Baptist Church, Roger Still Rd
Grace Baptist Church. N. Williams SI.
375· 7193
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Tallahassee Baptist Church
SI. 379·1001
Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship, 60 Collins
Eureka Baptist Church
Sue's House of Flowers Eltonls Decor Shoppe
New Beulah Primitive Baptist. Odum SI. Nat iouundc Service
367 ·1300 Wallpaper· Pictures· Bedspreads
Altamaha Baptist Church
375·2676 WericlillS HCII/al:; •
Full Service Floris/ Mattresses •
Window Treatments

Hazlehurst Primitive Baptist, Cromartie SI.
H)1 Rose Avf:..· 375-4736 210 Latimer St. ·375·2476
Comm 375·7492
Satilla Free Will Baptist Church, Salilla

First United Methodist Church of Hazlehurst. S. Tallahassee Street
c[;o �� �} Ii
Philadelphia Methodist Church ,
Mary Hill Dumplings
Made Especially For You With Love
l! IU�
� � /lfi� l!.,

� Screen Printing
Excelsior United Methodist Church

363-4646 Kitchen Tested· Family Approved WHOLESALE CUSTOM SCREENPRINTING

Lumber City Methodist Church. Church SI.
St., Hazlehurst �. Lewis R. Hunter· ,·80().B45-4292· 10510BndgepoltWaySW
Graham United Methodist Church
367·7716 224 W. Jefferson
\.'� TACOMA, WA 98499
Antioch CME Church, Martin Luther King Jr. Dr ..
375-4868 �.::� Formerly Hazlehurst

Bible Baptist Church, Bell St

Good Shepherd Cathouc Chapel. Baxley Hwy

375·5948 Cornerstone Davis Farm & 8
Chrislf'ian Bookstore
Garden Center, Inc.
Bell SI. Church of God, Broxton Rd
Pastor's Res.
375·4037 Gifts -

Tapes -
Bibles -

Engraving 412 Alma 375-2509

Hwy .•
Bridgeford Church of God, Bridgeford Ch. Rd 306 S. Tallahassee St .• 375-2545
Church of God, S. Cromartie
341 363·7753
Lumber City Church of God. Hwy.
Pastor's Res
Macedonia Church of God
Full Gospel Church of God, Renwick
379·0799 Ryles Maximum Auto Bank 0'==
My God is Real (bi·lingual), 7 Latimer SI.

Care & Tire Center Hazlehurst
375·5683 Hours: Mon.·Fri. 5:30 a.m.·6:30 p.m .•
Sat. 7 a.m.·5 p.m.
Elbethel Church, Broxton Hwy
375-5619· E. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst Downtown· 375-4228 _.
Branch· 375-2310
Rd. 375·5945
Jehovah's Witnesses, Burketts Ferry

Googesl, Inc.
Plum SI. 375·5279
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,

EPISCOPAL PSE Bows· Browning Guns· Propane Barbara Swain

367·2170 Clothes
SI. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal Church, Hwy. 341 Baxley Kerosene· Fishing Supplies· Authorized Agent
We Take Service To The Extremel
PENTECOSTAL Cellular: 222·8145 •
912-375-5162 Ifter 6 p.m.
375·7027 912-375-5546 •
Hwy. 341
Haz. Pentecostal Church, Bell Telephone Rd
Landmark Apostolic Tabernacle, 421 N. Tallahassee
House of Deliverance Center, 123 Latimer SI.


Merle Norman Cosmetics
First Alliance Church, Old Graham Road
iWESTIRN AUTO; place for the beautiful face"
11·-11--., "The

Western Auto Tires & Batteries· Lawn Mowers Colognes by Sybil 2/$30 -

: 375·3648
Hazlehurst Church of Christ, Douglas Hwy Home Appliances • Electronics
363·9254 Garden Supplies· •••
Tuxedo Rentals •••

House of Prayer by Faith, Jacksonville Hwy., Lumber Clty Bicycles· Sporting Supplies 375-5209

812·375-3401 Mary Stone, Owner

109 S. Tallahassee St.
341 S 375·0908
Disciples of Christ Deliverance Outreach Ministry, Hwy.
Pastor's Res 868.2769

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., December 29,1999 l1A

__ FO_R_RE_N_T __
I _I __ FO_R_R_E_N_T __
I _I __ FO_R_S_A_L_E_ .....
II__ F_O_R_S_AL_E __

I-'()R RENT OR SALE: 2 iiI{ Mo­ nUSINESS (WI·ORTUNITY: ATTENTION: Driver Trainees F'OR SALE: AKC 2 year old Blue LANIl FOR SALE: 1-5 acres. Mo­
Carry out ami
delivery pizza fran­ Heeler female; 2 year old female bile home lots. Call 375-27S7, 375
EItS FOR RENT: One mile frnin
bile IIome(s). Cull Garrett at 375- Needed. Nu experience

27:'i� fur appointrncnt. chise. Financing uvniluhle for quali­ Werner needs entry level truck driv­ Great Pyrcncesc: free puppy to guod 3366 37S-7656. Ask for
town. Quiet area, cahlc TV. city wa­
fied individual. Call Lance or Neil ers. Earn $5IHI to $XIIIl horne. Call 375-73% and leave mes- 5/Stfnc
3 bedroom trailers. Call
1�/ntfnc per week plus
ter, 2 or
I-HOIl-310-HH4H. benefits. sage.
Calvin 37S-275� 37S­ Regional runs availahle. No
at or Ray at
FOR KENT: Olle 2. liR frame house 12/x-IS-22-2IJp (,DI:! No problem. IS day CDL 12/22-21)p FOK SALE: AKC Reg. black Lahra­
located at S(, E. Jcfler�on Street. For training availahle. 'all Today I-KllO- dor Retrievers. Call 37S-2175 day or
more information call 37S-�52.11 day TENNIS LESSONS 3(d-DM. night.
17S-71)31) 12/H-IS-22-21}(; steel buildings. Select mudels -

or night.
TRAILER FOK RENT: Call :'1.'i· Josh Cain 2Sx311, 30x42, SOx 110. '1)1) Steel
Prices While supplies Last! Great F('R SALE: Fleetwood I (JxKO 3 BRI
12/2tfn 375-7390 KLD
FOR KENT: 1 BR brick house in Enterprises Workshops/Garages. CIIII I-XIHI-341-
2 BA with lots of extras. Low down


2 Hcdr oum
Deuton. Total electric. rcusunuhly Raymond Davis, Mgr. payment and low monthly payment.
Wired Iur lei FOK SALE: Whlllesale repossessed 12/22-29p Call K(,K-4307 I-HIH)-133-
priced. .phunc and Fill Oirt Fill Sand • (I) 12) or
apartment on Graham SI. in Ilazle­ and duuhlcwidc homes
cuhlc. ('all 37.'i-OJ.'i7. singlewide (,K26.
hurst. Stove, refrigerator and water Builder's Sand Crauel •

furnished, $1IHI/mllllth, $21111 deposit

I_/�I) & lISe availahle. Pay caxh and save thou­
E-Z Ditching 12/21)c
sands! Call C'hud at (I) 12) HM{-5SM,
Excavation of all kinds
required. Call :'1.'i-41}S2 after .'i or
37S-IlS H,. LAND FOR SALE with description of the house you arc
Call 375-5655
Illoking for. Bulldozer· Excavating FO� SALE: 5111'
Snapper Packing
II/II ttnc Oumer Financing Auailable
12/21}c Dirt LOll Blower, push type lin wheels.
Call David Beasley HELP WANTEI>: Pest Control Like new, $2.'iO o.u 379-1) 117
Top Soil or
F'OR KENT: Slllall efficiency fur­ I-'OK SALE: 14x70 Fleetwood 2 BRI
nished upurtrneut. Married CIIUple IIr
912-537-7628 Technician needed. Experience pre­ Fill /Jir' 37S-S762.
_ BA. In good cou d it iuu. Only ferred. locutiun ill Vidalia or Fitz­ Hocu! borjng 12/21)& I/S-12-IIJc
single perslln (lilly. Nil pets. ('all r. Uitching {ill' uiater & pou lines
FOK RENT: 3 hcdroum I hath $14,.'iOIl with delivery and �et up, gerald. Competitive pay, health in­
Lund Rentals 175- .<1_3 .. IIr 37S-4IUI.
houxc ill of Hazlehurst. Newl skirting and �1I;ps. Call Jake or suruncc. Uniforms provided. Call
city Call Eddie 912·375·5743
I O/20t Inc
remodeled, dean ill�ide utility ruom. Rhcnda at(I) 1_) HM�-43117 IIr I-HII()­ S37-1 234 or 423-44f14.
or 375·3874
1111. Nil .'l33-(,H2(1. 12/1.'i-22-_I) & I/Sc
I-'OK KENT: 1 BR. I 1/2 BA house I.argc quiet lIeighhorhnod. AVAILABLE
Unfurnished. 1_1'21}c
with carpet, located between huspi­ pel�" alcohol dlug�. or

FOR SALE: Ty 2K Beanie Bahies,

tal and high school. I I) Forest SI.
$3.'ill/lllllnth. security dCl1ll�it re­ In 1,2,3 & 4
"-OR SALE: 3 III{ lIcc t wuud ATTENTION ALL KENTEKS: $311 each. Call 371)-17KII.
$42S per nuuuh. ('all quired. ('0111 371}_I}I}()h. bedroom size units
Deposit $_()II, duuhlcwide. (ireat stutter home. Munulncturcd home/land 12/21)c
I) 12-31)1)-5()IIH. 1_1_I}p packages
Only $27.S"" III $27"/l1ltl. ('all (I) 12) uvuilahl .
for under $3.'i()/mtl. l.vcry­ Applications can be
11/ luttnc
H)K IU�NT: I _IIR/_BA mohilc H(,H-43"7 or I-HIJlI-:l33-ML(, for included! Call FOR SALE: California Uird Cugc.
thing Randy at (I) 12) picked up at the
horne Oil Kirkland Still Road. $2SIII more details. HhH·.'iSM, for II1me information. Very sturdy ami durable. $3S0. Call
HOUSE FOR RENT mo. ('all J7S-24hS. 12/21)c 12/�l)c 171)- 17HO.
3 SR, 2 SA IJ!.') & I/.'il: 12/21)c
Central h/a, carpet AI's Electric
Liberty National Life CARTER'S
Appliances furnished I-'OK KENT: ::! lilt I 1/_ IIA new
Residential and
rnohilc horne. Cuhlc TV. cit isexpanding its
operalion and is look­
on Carmarlin Drive, water.
Commercial Wiring BACKHOE WORK
ing for upwardty mobile people to fill
off Pat Dixon Rd. l.ocntcd I 1/2 rnilc-, from t 1)\\1 II. Cull
insurance sales and service posilion.
State Certified· 375-7961 FOR SALE: Cub Cadet self pro­
Available Now·· Cole, 17S-2."'1XH .

Average earnings Is $33,000. Fringe

I �/21)tfnc benefit package: two retirement pelled shredder chipper vacuum.
Call 912-375-2689 funds, health Insurance. paid vaca­
375-4079 Call 371)_1) 117
$SO", used once. or
MllST (;0: 2.'{xXII 4HR. lias fire­ APARTMENTS lion, convention trlps and many oth­
or 912-375-4292 ers. No experlence necessary. We
place, dream kitchen, deluxe carpet, FOR RENT I'OK SALE: Steel buildings, new, 12/29 & I/S-12-IIJc
have on Iho job training. Training sal­
plus IIl1lCh III me On I y $4 _()/lIIo. ('a II

must sell, 40x(,()x 14 was $17,SII0


2 bedrooms -
ary $400 a week. Requiremenls: hon­
"-OR RENT: Otfice space lnc.ucd (I) 12) XflX- 13117 Ill' I-KIIII-.'l33-(,H2(1. esty. hard work and dependable now $1 1I,1J71; SOx I IIOx I (, was H)K SALE: Tired of renting? We
at 427 N. Tallahas�ec Street. Nice 12/21)c Hillcrest Apartments transportation. Conlact Billy S27,X.'i1l III1W $II),I}I)O; Hllx 13)x 1(, can help. l.argc 4 liR douhlcwide
location with EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Grinstead at 423-4391 or Mathis
parking spal:es. Fl'r was $71),XSO now $42,1}1)"; with fireplace, sliding glass door,
.. Brown at 868·2695. Liberty Na·
TOO 111-800-255·0056
more informatil;n Al1Iand:; at
s.w. Herndon I (I"x 17Sx2" was $121).(,.'i1l nnw dream
kitchen, and much more for
n '
we-ncceot Section 8 ..... tional, Equat Opportunity Emptoyer.
Johnson's Office �lIpply at 37S- voucner Holders S7H,HSO. Call I-HO()-40(,-SI 2fJ.
only $3.'ill/mo. Call (I) 12) H(,H-4107
Septic Tank Cleaning �
42(1K. 12/21)p ur I-HIIO-333-(,K_(1.
Plumbing & Electrical
11/21tfnc 12/21)c
Water Pumps & Gr Baxley Hwy. REGISTERED "-OK SALE: 11)1)7 Dodge Caruv.m
Water Heaters l.X. 43,()OO miles, fully loaded, ex­ FOK SALE: 2 iiI{ house and 2 lots,
cellent condition. $14,SII(I. Call 17.'i- fresh buthruorn. ill city
Call paint, new

Wells Roofing Georgia Home Health Care has 24HI). limits of Denton. $2S,O()Il. Call .171}­
III spacious corner 375-5328 immediate openings for RNs in 12/21) & IISp I) 117 or 17S-S7(,2.

Call Dehhie

and deposit required.
37S-2752. 24·hour service Company several of
our locations. We
accepting applications for
12/21) & 1/.'i-12-llk

12/22tfllc CNA·s. Competitive salary and FOR SALE: 2000 Fleetwood. 3 URI NOW AVAILABLE: 3 BR/� Bath
benefits. Send resume or apply
2 Bath l10uhlewide priced at m:lllufacturcd h(lllle 1111 a beautiful 2
CLEARANCE SALE: All 'I)I}'S FOR SAI.I:: Must I (,xKIl 3 BR/2 in person Mon.·Frl., 10·4 at
must go! Save thousands lin Bath. lias deluxe carpet, glam(lur Georgia Home Health Human $24,1)I)S. Includes delivery, set up, 1\1 acre
private lilt ill lIelena. Lllw

singlcwides and douhlewides. Pay­ Resources Office, C. skirting, steps and insurance. Fi­ monthly paymcnts. Act Now' ('all
hath, fireplace alld l11uch more. Only
ments starting at $11}lI!mll. Call (I) 12) $2(llI/mo. Call (111_) H(lK-431l7 OR I·
303 Maple Drive, Vidalia, GA nancing availahle. Call Chad at (912) I{andy at (I) 12) 1o{(,X-.'i.'iM,.
30474. This ad is from Georgia HM{-55M,. 12/21)c
86R-4307 or I-HOO-331-(,K26. KOIl-113·6H2(1.
Home Health Care, 303 Maple 12/21)c
12129c 12/21)('
Free Estimates -

Drive, Vidalia, GA 30474. FOR SALE: Reduced for salt:.

Rt. 1, Odum, GA 912-538·8000 or fax 912-538-

Two J(,xHO's. One 2 BR, one 1 BR.

R&D Auto-Truck Sales 586-6711 •
586·6752 0016 or call 1·800-476·6787.

Both priced under $2I1,()(IO. Call
Wendell Wells. Owner (I) 12) H6K-SSM,. Ask for Chad.
89 Olds Cutlass Supreme $2950.00 BOlllied & (;lIaraliteed Fill Dirt· Gravel for
Driveways 12/21Jc
30 yeilr� expcrl('IH't Bulldozer Work Land Clearing
91 Mazda MX-6 $3250.00
Excavator Work· Soptic Tanks
FOR SAI.E: Price redllced for quil:k
87 Cad. Deville $2250.00 Top Soils & Builder's Sand ...
sale. 3 BR douhlewide with over 2
93 Olds Ciera V6 $3500.00 VACANCIES On·sile welding
L ..!:It
acres of land in nice sllhdivisioll. lias
93 Probe GT V6 CD, sunroof $4995.00 Mark Minton many extras. Call (I) 12) K(,H-431l7

95 Dodge Neon $3995.00 I-KO(J-333-(,H2(, for l110re detai Is.

94 Pont. Sunbird, 2 dr $4295.00 In 1,2,3 & 4 375-7898 12/21)c

96 Chevy S-1 0, 4 cyl., 5 $6000.00 bedroom size units

96 Mazda 626 $9000.00
96 Grand Am SE, 4 dr $6000.00
Applications can be MATHEWS TRUCKING, INC.
pioked up at the
95 Dodge Intrepid $6995.00 Baxley, Georgia
97 Nissan Sentra, loaded $8500.00 NEEDS EXPERIENCED OTR DRIVERS
Call 379-0388 or come by today Flatbed operation, traveling 28 states
Home on weekends •
Insurance-Cafeteria plan
Baxley Highway Est. 1984
Late model air ride equipment •

Phone: 1-800-525-7881

Journeymen Machinist Needed Local: 912-367-6545

in person Eden, GA,
Apply -

65 miles SE of Hazlehurst,
15 miles West of Savannah off 1-16
fax resume to 912-748-6818. $250 Rents & up
� 111� U (jJ riJ &JJ)(lJ tJ

ft [JIg CD) ® lr WJ (I) In f;j

Atlantic Machine & Manufacturing TOWNHOUSE DESIGN, 2 BEDROOMS, 1 1/2 BATHS,
pool, private patio, jogging trails, fireplace
Southern Alarm Technology 1 Bedroom. Energy ef(tcient, Pool privileges, jogging tretils

is in need of an experienced � Johnny Ryles SELF STORAGE­


Office Administrator -

Bulldozing & Excavating lOxl0-$35/mo. 10xI5-$45/mo. 10x20-$60/mo.

• •

� � Tenants deduct $10/ size

Computer, basic accounting and
bookkeeping skills required. Land Clearing, Road Building, Ponds, etc ...
Call 8 a.m.-5 p,m. 912-375-3366 •
Rt. 3, Box 960 Home 912-375-0791 FAX 912-375-6080
Call Kelley at 912-375-7600 Hazlehurst. GA 31539 Truck 912-375-1604 Call after hours 375-6001 •
375-7090 •

, •
_I __ FO_R_R_EN_T __
' _I_F_O_R_R_EN_T __
II H_E_LP_W_A_N_TE_D_I _1_F_o_R_S_AL_E_ I r.-I_F_O_R_S_AL_E_--,

.. OR SALE: AKC 2 year old Blue



FOR RENT OR SALE: 2 BR Mo­ ATTENTION: Driver Trainees LAND .. OR SALE: 1-5 acres. Mo­
bile Call Garrell at 375- Carry out and
delivery pizza fran­ Needed. No Heeler female; 2 year old female hile home lots. Call 375-2757, 375-
ERS ..OR RENT: One mile from Hornets). experience necessary.
chise. Financing uvailuhlc fur quali­ Great free puppy to good
Pyreneese; 3366 375-7656. Ask for
Ouict arca, cable TV.
2752 fur appointment. Werner needs entry level truck driv­ or Ray.
town. city wa­
fied individual. Call Lance or Neil home. Call 375-7396 and leave mes­
12/22tfnc ers. Earn $5IH' to $MOO per week plus 5/.'itfnc
tcr, 2 or 3 bedroom trailers. Call
I-RUO-310-RR4H. sage.
Calvin OIl 375-2752 or Ra al 375-
benefits. Regional runs available. No
FOR RENT: One _ BR frame house 12/8-1 �'i-_2·_l)p COL'! No problem. 15 day COL 12/22-21)p FOR SALE: AKC Reg. black Labrn­
located at 5(1 E. Jefferson Street. For training available. Cull Today 1-800- dor Retrievers. Call 375·2175 day or
10/21fnc YEAR END BLOWOUT! Arch
more information call 375-2520 day TENNIS LESSONS 363-7364. 375-2743 night.
375-71)31) 12/X-15-22·2I)c steel buildings. Select models -

or night.
TRAILER FOR RENT: Call 375- Josh Cain 25x30, 30x42, 50x 110. '1)1) Steel
Prices While supplies Last! Great FOR SALE: Fleetwood 16x80 3 SRI
12/21fn 375-7390 KLD
FOR RENT: � BR brick house in Enterprises Workshops/Guruges. Call
1-8IXI-341- 2 BA with lots of extras. Low down

.'OR RENT: One .

2 Bedroom
Denton. Total electric. rcusonubly Raymond Davis, Mgr. payment and low monthly payment.
FOR SALE: Whlliesale repossessed 12/22-29p Call X68-4307 1·8fHJ-3D-
priced. Wired for telephone and
Fill Dirt Fill Sand• (912) or
apartment on Graham St. in Hazle­
cable. Call 37.'i-!n57. singlcwide and duuhlcwidc homes 6H26.
hurst. Stove, refrigerator and water Builder's Sand Gravel •

avuilahle. p;IY cash and save thou­

furnished, $31"'/munth. $200 deposit
1'2129 & 1/5c
sands! Call Chau at (I) 12) H6H-5566 Excavation of all kinds E-ZDitchmg 12/29c

required, Call 37.'i-4IJ52 after 5 or

375-0516. LAND FOR SALE with description of the house you arc
Call 375-5655
looking fur. "'O� SALE: 5111' Snapper Packing
Bulldozer -

1l/lltflll: Ounier Financing Auailable 12/29c Loll Blower, push type on wheels.
Dirt Hauling
Call David Beasley H ELI' WANTED: Pest Control Like new, $25IJ Call 371)-1) 117
FOR RENT: Small tur­ '/bp Soil or
efficiency FOR SALE: 14x70 Fleetwood 2 BRI
nishcd apurtrncnt. Married couple or 912-537-7628 Technician needed. Experience pre­ Fill Dirt 375-5762.
2 B/\. In good condition. Only ferred. Locution in Vidalia or Fitz­ Road boring 12/21) & 1/5-12-llJc
single person only. No pels. Call C. $14,5011 with deliver
and set up, Ditching [or water & pouierlines
Land Rentals 375-2423 or 375·4020.
FOR RENT: � hcdrourn t hath gerald. Competitive pay, heulth in­
house in of Hazlehurst. skirting and steps. Call Jake or Uniforms provided. Call
city Newly surance.
Call Eddie 912-375-5743
remodeled. clean inside utility room. Rhonda at (I) 12) H(,H-4307 or I-HOO­ S�7-1 '234 or 423-4404.
or 375-3874
FOR RENT: 3 BR, I II:? B/\ house I.arge lilt. quiet neighhorhood. No 12/15-22-29 & 1/5c
with carpet, located between huspi­ pets. alcohol or drugs. Unfurnished.
FOR SALE: Ty 2K Beanie Babies,
tal und high sch(1I11, 19 Forest St.
$.,511/nlllnth. sccur it: deposit re­ In 1,2,3 & 4
Call �71).II!IOh. FOR SALE: � BR Fleetwuod ATTENTION ALL RENTERS: $30 each. Call �7l)·17HO.
quired. bedroom size units
Deposit $200. $425 per month. Call duuhlcwi dc. Greut starter horne. 12/29c
1_/21)1' Munufucturcd horne/lund packages
Only $27,500 or $270/mn. Call (I) 12) availuhle for under $350/1110. Every­
Applications can be
I 2BRCB/\ mohile X(IX-4307 or I-ROO-�33-Mn6 for FOR SALE: California Bird Cage
..-em RENT: thing included! Call Randy at (I) 12)

details. and durable. $35U. Call

picked up at the
hurnc Oil Kirkland Still I�oad. $_)111 more
H(,R·55Ml for more information. Very sturdy
HOUSE FOR RENT 12121)c 379·17RO. Lumber
11111. CIII 375·24(15. 12/29c
3 SR, 2 SA 12f_1J & 1/5c
Central h/a, carpet AI's Electric Housing Authority
furnished FOR RENT: 2 BR. I I/� 11/\ Liberty National Life CARTER'S SOUnl Church St
Appliances new
Residential and
Lumber 363·4246
on Carmarlin Drive, mobile horne. Cable TV. city water. isexpanding ns operation and is look­ BACKHOE WORK Cuv •

Commercial Wiring
lncatcd I 1/2 miles lrom town. Call ing for upwardty mobile peopte 10 fill
off Pat Dixon Rd.
State Certified· 375-7961 insurance sates and service position. Ponds, Septic Tanks, Fill Dirt
(\lle, 37.'i-2�HH. FOR SALE: uh Cadet self pro­
Available Now·· Average earnings is $33.000. Fringe Charles Carter
121-'Jtfne benefit package: two retirement pelled shredder chipper vacuum.
Call 912-375-2689 funds. health insurance. paid vaca­ 375-4079 used Call 379·1) 117
$5110, once. or
MUST GO: 2HxHO 4BR. lias fire­ APARTMENTS tion. convention trips and many oth­
or 912-375-4292 Noexperience necessary. We
place, dream kitchen, deluxe carpet, FOR RENT
FOR SALE: Steel buildings. new, 12/29 & 115-12·11)(.;
have onjob training. Training sal­
plus much more. Only $4211/mo. Call must sell, 4(1x611xl4 was $17,500

2 bedrooms -
ary $400 a week. Requirements: hon­
FOR RENT: Officc space located (I) 12) H(IH·4�07 or I-H!lO·3�3'(IH2(1. esty. hard work and dependabte now $10,971: 50x I (lOx J(l was "-OR SALE: Tireu of renting'! W('
at 427 N. '1;lIlahassee Street. Ni<.:e I _f21Jc Hillcrest Apartments transportation. Contact Billy $27,1-150 IIOW $11).1)90; HOx135xl(J 4 BR duuhlcwidc
can help. I.arge
EOUAL HOUStNG OPPORTUNITY Grinstead at 423-4391 or Mathis
location with parking spaces. For was $79,X.'i0 now $42,9l)O; with fireplace, sliding glass door,
\ TOO 111-8()():.255·0056 Brown at 868-2695. Liberty Na­
more informati(;n call Amanda' at s.·w. Herndon I (lOx 175x20 was $129.(1)0 now dream kitchen, and much more for
D .
we-eccep: Section 8 ...... tional, Equal Opportunity Emptoyer. 11
Johnson's Office �lIpply at 375-
� Voucher Holders $7X,H511. Call I-HOO-40l1-5126.
only $350/rno. Call (9 12) 8(JH-4�()7
420ft Septic Tank Cleaning 12/2IJp or I-RO()-���-6X2().
Plumbing & Electrical
1I/23tl"nc 12/21)c
Water Pumps & G:r Baxley Hwy. REGISTERED FOR SALE: 191)7 Dodge Caravan
Water Heaters I.X. 43,000 miles, fully loaded, ex­ FOR SALE: 2 I3R house and 2 lots,
cellent condition. $14,500. Call �75- fresh burhroom, in city
Call paint, new

Georgia Home Health Care has 24RI). limits of Denton. $25,""0. Call �71)·
on spacious corner 375-5328 immediate openings for RNs in 12/29 & 1/5p I) 117 or 375-5762.
lot. R' nces and deposit required. several of our locations. We are
24-hour service 12/2() & 1/5·12-ll)c
Call Debbie at 375-2752. also accepting applications for
12/22tfnc CNA·s. Competitive salary and FOR SALE: 2000 Fleetwood. 3 BRI NOW AVAILAULE: � BR/2 Hath
benefits. Send resume or apply
2 l3ath Doublcwidc priced at manufactured home on a bcuutifu] 2
CLEARANCE SALE: All '1J1)'s FOR SAl E: Must go! I (lxHO 3 BR/2 in person Mon-Fri., 10·4 at
must go! Save thousands on Bath. lIas deluxe carpet, glamour Georgia Home Health Human $24,9IJ5. Includes delivery, setup, 1\1 acre
private lot in Helena. Low

singlewides and douhlcwidcs. Pay­ Resources Office, C, skirting, steps and insurance. Fi­ monthly payments. Act Now! Call
bath, fireplace and much more. Only
303 Maple Drive, Vidalia, GA nancing availahlc. Call Chad at (912)
ments starting lit $1 (JIl/mo. Call (912) $2(IO/mo. Call (I) 12) H(18·43U7 OR 1- Randy at (912) X(,R-55(1('.
30474. This ad is from Georgia 868-5566. 12/21)(.;
868-4307 or 1-!oIOO-333-6M26. 800-333-6R26.
Home Health Care, 303 Maple 12/29c
12/29c 12/29C
Free Estimates -

Drive, Vidalia, GA 30474. FOR SALE: Reduced for sale.

Rt. I, Odum, GA fax 912·538·

Minton's Two 16x81J"s. One 2 BR, one 3 BR.
R&D Auto-Truck Sales 586-6711 •
586-6752 0016 or call 1 ·800·476·6787.

Both priced under $211,1100. Call
Wendell Wells. Owncr (lJ 12) 868-5566. Ask for Chad.
89 Olds Cutlass Supreme "" .... " ......... " ..
$2950,00 Bonded & Guaranteed Fill Dirt· Gravel for Driveways 12/29c
30 years experience Bulldozer Work Land Clearing
91 Mazda MX-6 ." " .. " ""."."."",, ..
$3250.00 Excavator Work Septic Tanks

FOR S/\LE: Price reduced for quick

87 Cad. Deville "" " " ".
$2250.00 Top Soils & Builder's Sand �
sale. 3 BR doublcwide with over 2
93 Olds Ciera V6 """."."""""."." ,, $3500.00 VACANCIES On- site welding
acres of land innice subdivision. Has
93 Probe GT V6 CD, sunroof $4995.00 Mark Minton many extras. Call (I) 12) X6H·4307

95 Dodge Neon ." "",,

$3995.00 I-SOO-333-MQ6 for more details.

94 Pont. Sunbird, 2 dr """",,

$4295.00 In 1,2,3 & 4 375-7898 12/29c

5 $6000.00 bedroom size units

96 Chevy S-10, 4 cyl., spd "

96 Mazda 626 $9000.00

" ".

Applications can be
96 Grand Am SE, 4 dr $6000.00
picked up at the
95 Dodge Intrepid $6995.00 Baxley, Georgia
97 Nissan Sentra, loaded " .. "
Call 379-0388 or come by today Flatbed operation, traveling 28 states
Home on weekends •
Insurance-Cafeteria plan
Baxley Highway Est. 1984
Late model air ride equipment •

Phone: 1-800-525-7881

Journeymen Machinist Needed Local: 912-367-6545

in person Eden, GA,

65 miles SE of Hazlehurst,
• .•
15 miles West of Savannah off 1-16
or fax resume to 912-748-6818. Rents $250 & up

W� TJ ciJ fJ1J CD) CD) (jJ AlP en rr fJ lJJJ (f J}'j fJ �


Atlantic Machine & Manufacturing TOWNHOUSE DESIGN, 2 BEDROOMS, 1 1/2 BATHS,

pool, private patio, jogging trails, fireplace
Southern Alarm Bedroom, Energy efficient, Pool priuileges.jogging trails
Technology 1

is in need of an experienced ... Johnny Ryles SELF STORAGE-


Office Administrator & 10xlO-$35/mo. 10xI5-$45/mo. 10x20-$60/mo.

• •

Bulldozing Excavating
- -

� � Tenants deduct $10/size

Computer, basic accounting and
bookkeeping skills required. Land Clearing, Road Building, Ponds, etc ...
Call 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 912-375-3366 •
Rt. 3, Box 960 Home 912-375-0791 FAX 912-375-6080
Call Kelley at 912-375-7600 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 Truck 912-375-1604 Call after hours 375-6001 •
375-7090 •

12A Jeff Davis Ledger. Wed., December 29,1999

Report from the Hazlehurst Police Department -


Nov, 2 -

A Hazlehurst man was charged with D.U.I., suspended li­ took a box of children's Tylenol cold fleeing and attempting to elude a po­
dunged with disorderly conduct. cense, reckless driving, and fleeing medicine. lice officer.
Nov. 5 -
A Hazlehurst man was and attempting to elude police officer. Nov. 19 -
Vance Edward King, 22, Nov. 26 -
A 20-year-old Hazle­
The Development Authority
charged with D.U.I., expired tag, A woman was charged with theft of Hazlehurst was charged with ter­ hurst charged with disor­
man was
of Jeff Davis County
fleeing and uttcmpting to elude po­ by deception lit Flash Foods. roristic threats and acts at the Jeff derly conduct and obstruction of an

lice officer, und reckless driving. Nov. 13 -

A Hazlehurst man was Davis Detention Center. officer on Hazle Street. is currently accepting applications for the position of
A Graham man wus charged with charged with battery at the Southeast­ Nov. 24 -
A 53-year-Old Hazle­ Nov. 29 Veronica Bess, 27, of

Executive Director
driving while license suspended. ern Bank parking lot. hurst woman was charged with stalk­ Atlanta, Angela King, 27, of Hazle­
Nov. 9 -
A Hazlehurst teenager A Hazlehurst man was arrested ing. This resulted from an incident hurst, and Pamela Williams, 34, of
was charged with disorderly conduct. and charged with D.U.1. at Food Lion and reoccurring inci­ Hazlehurst werecharged with theft The position requires extensive interaction with
Nov. to -
A Hazlehurst teenager Nov. 15 -
A 19-year-old of Hazle­ dents. by deception Piggly Wiggly. Will­
at statewide developers, state.and local elected officials,
was charged with disorderly conduct hurst charged with party to a
was An I S-year-old of Hazlehurst was iams' bond, the only one set, was set and the general public, computer and Internet skills, and
at Jeff Davis High School. crime (theft by deception) at Flash charged with possession of alcohol at $1500.00. excellent skills in written and oral communication. This
Nov. II A Hazlehurst man was Foods/Krystal. by II person under 21 at Bell Tele­ A Pearson man was charged with
requires extensive work with existing

position also
charged with D.L1.1. and 110 driver's A Lumber City man was charged phone Road and Douglas Highway. theft by shoplifting at Flash Foods.
license. with theft by shoplifting. This oc­ A Lumber City man was charged The suspect took of
business and industry and the attraction of new business
two packs ciga­ and industry to the local community.
Nov, 12 -
A Hazlehurst man was curred at Wal-Mart when the suspect with DUI, suspended license, and rettes.

Successful applicant should possess education and/or

Statewide Classifieds experience in economic development or related field.
Salary is commensurate with experience/education.
Attractive benefit package available.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tional Carriers, the "Elite" Fleet. 1·800· glonal drivers can start up to 3 t.5 cpm. tlon. Norwood Sawmills, 252 Sonwil Drive.
654·6710. COL Class-A wilh 6 months experience. Buffalo, NV 14225. 1-800·578-1363. Resumes should be sent to Mr. Ricky Ursrey,
START YOUR OWN BUSINESSI Set Long haul and regional. Continental Ex·
own schedule. Control your own in­ A $35,000 PER YEAR CAREER I C.R. press. 1·800·365· t 337. SERVICES The Development Authority of Jeff Davis County,
come. Be an Avon Representative. Free England needs driver trainees!!! t 5 day P.O. BOK 536, Hazlehurst, GA 31539.
start- up kit through January 7th. Call (866) COL training I!! Housing /Meals includedlll OWNER OPERATORS· Get Real Mile· A beautiful Candlelight, OLD.FASH-
942·4053. No upfront$$$!!! Tractor Trailer Training age Pay I $.80c a mile, practical miles 10NED WEDDING CHAPEL, overlooking
t ·888· 76 t ·8556. loaded and empty. That's at least $.83c river. Smoky Mountains, TN. HORSE·
DRIVERS for household goods! No Northeast, NVC, DRAWN CARRIAGE, cabins Jacuzzi,


DRIVERS & OWNERS needed with or Canada. No escrow. Must have 1 year ordained ministers,
no test. HEARTLAND

DRIVER/tNEXP'D Earn up 10 $35,000 ... flatbed experience to run Southeast. OTR experience and CDL HazMat. Fleets 1·800·448-8697(VOWS). http/!
the first year. Tuition reimbursement avail. Home weekends, terminal pay. Call welcome. Paschall Truck Lines, Inc. 800·
Exp'd drivers earn $600/wk. USA Truck Welborn Transport. t ·800·828·6542. 848·0405. DOT TRANSPORTATION IS GROWING-SO WE'RE HIRING REGIONAL
600·237 ·4642. "GET MARRIED" Smoky Mountains.
HOME EVERV WEEKEND. No SE REGIONAL DRIVERS: Excellent pay/ Area's most beautiful chapels, complete FUll & PART TIME DRIVERS!
OWNER OPS CHECK US NYC. ·Company Standup Driver .
benefits packagel Excellent home time. arrangements, ministers, cabins, breath·
OUTII Paid Base Plate. Permits. Fuel Conventionals Start up to $0.33/mile (ln­
.. Class A COL w/hazmat required. Experi­ takingviews. Weddings 1·800·893·7274. WAlOOIIWM
Taxes, $.60cpm loadod & empty plus pre­ cludes $.03 bonus) .
Free insurance's enced Co. drivers & Owner/Operators call Vacation Lodging 1/800·634·5814 •

.38 yrs. In business .No lay-offs! ·Low turnover (11%)

Family oriented (ride-with poUcy)

mlum pay to stay out. 1·800·846·432 t 401 K Retirement. Owner Operator Mike at t ·877·800·6345. •

Arnold Transportation. &0.82/mile. (LlE) (includes $.02 bonus) EOE tIIfAJ PAY I E«RJII
Paid liability/ Cargo Insurance Paid Fuel NOTICES
lldUai miles

Taxes· Optional Insurance'S Available. FOR SALE

Pay based on
DRIVERS ... $ t ,000 siqn-on. Top $$$.
Teams & O/O's Paid Toll/Scale Receipts. Qualify in 4 CHARITY CARS Donate your vehicle, tllfAJWQJ
OTR/Regional Singles.

Vans, Flatbeds or Specialized. Class A hours. EPES Transport t ·800·869·3737. AMAZINGLV LOW PRICES WOLFF tax deductible, free towing. We provide .La1e model convenUonals (430 hp. w/cruise) .Well maintained by our own shop
COL & I yr. expo Roadrunner Trucking t , TANNING BEDS. Buy factory direct Ex· vehicles 10needy families. As seen on
800·945·BIRD (2473) cellent Service. Flexible Financing Avail· Oprah and People Magazlnel 1·800·442· BU.-1M IMMII8 41 •
DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT able. Home/Commercial Units. FREE 4451,
.VaclhoUday/slcklpersonai .ProOt-sharing and 401 (K) ·HealthldentalMslonlllfe
Color Catalog. Call Today 1·600·842·
ATIENTION OWNER OPERATORSI $ tOOO slqn-on bonus for Exp. Company Ins .• ProfilablUty bonuses. Idle &. speed.Round·trlp dispatch =Home avg. 2 112

Great pay. Weekends Horne. Insurance Drivers 1·800·44 t ·4394. Owner Opera­ 1310. CASH IMMEDIATE $$5 Up front cash

Bud Meyer for income streams from Private Notes.

dayslwk. INHRY WHEKI
Available. Class·ACDL, I yearOTR, Safe tors· Call t ·866·667·3729
Truck Lines Refrigerated Hauling CALL COMPUTER FINANCING for America's Real Estate, Annu"'es and Insurance Pay·
Driving Record Required. Combined
Transport. 808· 729·9069. TOLL FREE t ·677 ·263·6393 Solo Driv· Best Computers everyone approved with ments. Call James Gerard at J. G.
ers & Contractors. $99 down payment. Checking or savings Wentworth 1·800-454·9368.
A $30,000+ YR. CAREERI Learn to drive and currently employed. No Active Bank· 1·•••·37.·65.1
an t 8 wheeler CDL, Room & Board. DRIVERS SMITH TRANSPORT· We are ruptcies. Delivered and Setup. 1·888·855· OVER DUE BILLS'II CREDIT PROB­
Interviews will be at our new dlstribuUon center al 1120 W. North St., Vidalia, GA.
Meals. Transportation. tOO% Financing/ a financially growing truckload car­
sound 5392. LEMS? Consolidate Debtsl Same Day
Placement. 1·600·345·9371. HOOK UP rier. We are expanding our fleet of drivers approval. Cut monthly payments to 50%.

in Georgia for Local, Southeast Regional. "Lo .. Weight Guaranteed" "Free Become debt free. NO APPLICATION
of order. New FEES!! t ·800·863·9006 ext. 941.
OTR. and teams. Complete family ben­ Samples" W/purchase Body
REGIONAL DRIVERS etlts package, 401 K Plan. Vacation, Hon­ for a New You!! Lose 50·100 ....
$ t 9.95 Buy·pay· DEBT MANAGE· Ml. Sterling, IL
days. t year OTR experience. Call Re· 2/1 Free! Seen on TV. Fat Blocker $ t 1.95. MENT

expansion of our fleet,

Due to Distribution Centers:
Star Transport is Now Hiring experienced cruiting Today. t ·888·467 ·6484. t ·800- 733·3268. Distributors Needed!

OTR drivers. Full Benefits, Great Horne C.O.D.'S/Credit Cards. WE NEED YOUR HELPIII The Good Sa· Williamsport, MD; Modesto, CA;
maritan Center for Battered Women with A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY
Time, Good Miles. Training available for Drivers COLDWAV CARRIERS, Inc. t.o­
Vidalia, GA £0£
limited experienced CDL·A drivers. For cal Refrigerated Company needs OTR Children in crisis n�� yolunteers. For
drivers company and Owner PURPLE MARTIN BtRD HOUSES. 12- more detalis call 1.88ir�24.98d2.
more info call 1·600·974·4262 or t ·800· Operator .

540·6082 ext. 805. Position avaitable .• New Equipment FAMILV: $29.95 & S/H. Telescope Poles/

Weekly Pay· Good Benefits

No NY City Acoessorles Available. Free Catalog. Or­
DRIVERS: Start up to $.34/mi. Reg. or Canada. Call Recruiting. 1·800·879· der Today! Call: t ·800· 764·8688. Subscribe to the Ledger
Raises. Take your truck home every 6·12 7233.
days. $800 Sign on bonus. BC/BS. Free
life ins. $42,416 ave. yrly earnings. OWNER-OPERATORS· Run Southeast DELL COMPUTERS Factory direct. $0

Hornady Truck Line t ·800·44 t ·4271 ext.


Weekly ·Steady Refrig·

Midwest· Home down. Low monthly payment. Pentium III·
B·56 erated Loads- Top Percentaqa- Complete 600 available. Resolved Credit Problems
Insurance Package -Base Plate Program OK! Call by Dec. 24, for free printer. OMC
DRIVERS· Company Drivers and Owner

Own Late Mode! Tractor -

Don at Sunco 800·477·9016. Code 020 .

Operators. Call today and ask about our 800·446·2864.

Great New Compensation and Bonus LICENSES: Purchase Georgia Hunting
Packages! Boyd Bros. 800·543·8923 (0/ DRIVER -
KLLM Solos to $.39c. Teams and Fishing Licenses on- line at
O's call 800·633·1377). EOE to $.4 t c. 0/0's $.8 1 C. Fantastic $ tOK
Bonus. COllA EOE. 800·925·5556 x720.
OWNER/OPERATORS and fleet drivers O/O's: 800·955·48tO x720. SAWMILL $3795. Saw logs into boards,
Don't miss out! We are hiring now! Call planks, and beams. Large capacity. Best
DRIVERS NEW PAY PACKAGE. Re· sawmill values anywhere. Free informa·
recruiting today! Get the "Elite" facts. Na-



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JEFF D '-'9n-AtI'-'t18I'" NII;IW

'1;I9-3INN'-'3f 'atlO�a3'"
Jeff Davis County's
Only Newspaper

Wednesday, January 5, 2000

VOC? No;
POC? Maybe
Dy TOMMY IJURSER When Gov. Barnes chose Martinez to be Georgia's
Edltor-Publlsher new Commissioner of Juvenile Justice, it marked the
Members of the Jeff Davis Industrial Development coming of a philosophical change in the approach to re­
Authority heard bad news and good news last week. habilitation of problem children across the state.
The had news -

the $8.5 million in the 1998 state Martinez, 30-year veteran of juvenile justice, pri­

budget earmarked to build II Youth Detention Center marily in the western United States, explained his phi­
(YDC) in Jeff Davis County will he used to build a YDC losophy by saying youngsters need three things: struc­
in Crisp County instead. ture, accountability and relationships. He thinks those
The good news Governor Roy Barnes was expected
needs can best be met through a program of day treat­
to announce in his supplemental hudget plans to build a ment, intensive supervision and/or diagnostic work rather
Prohution Detention Center (PDC) in Jeff Davis County. than through incarcerating youngsters in YDCs.
The 11)2-llcd facility is expected to create 100 jobs. He indicated that the state might be able to work with
The PDC was included in Barnes' supplemental bud­ Hazlehurst and Jeff Davis County by modeling a pro­

get proposal released Monday. The proposal calls for gram to fit the needs of local juveniles and operating that
building PIX's in both Jeff Davis and Stephens counties. program in a suitable existing structure, such as an old
The loss of the YDC was sobering news to local offi­ school building. Martinez said he would like his staff
ciuls -

particularly State Rep. Roger Byrd and former members to visit Hazlehurst for a couple of days, sec
J lazlehurst Mayor Buddy Spann who had been work­

what's available, talk with local court officials and make

ing with state officials for years to try to get the facility some recommendation to him.
built here. In March, 11)98, Byrd and Spann made a for­ While that recommendation could lead to the estab­
mal announcement that the decision had been made to lishment of a facility to meet the needs of local and area

huild the YDC in Jeff Davis County. Aut in the almost juveniles, it would not be on the scale of a YDC in terms

two following
years that announcement, things changed of construction dollars spent and jobs created.
"We don't want to build any more facilities if we can
The had news was delivered
authority hy to the help it," Martinez said.
Following the meeting with Martinez, Byrd told
(iellrgia 's new Commissioner of Juvcni le Justice Orlando au­

Martinez who, flew to Ilaziehurst Thursday to meet with thority members that Gov. Barnes would announce his
the Authority at Rep. Byrd's office. proposal to fund the construction of several PDCs in the
"I've gut to tell you, the decision for the money to be state, including one in Jeff Davis County.

spent here was not made," he said. "The decision was "If the community wants it, he'll build it," Byrd said.
made tn spendthe money in Crisp County. They already "We're going to build one somewhere in this area." He
had a site available." said that if the community did not want the PDC in Jeff
Martinez said the decision was made prior to his ar­ Davis County, there were other communities in the area

.' riving in (iemgia tn take

.over the state's juvenile justice eager to have the facility lind the 100 new johs that go
ystcm. "I don't k now how the decision (to locate the with it.

facility in Crisp County) was made," he said. Byrd lidded that officials in Hazlehurst and Jeff Davis
Snipes ville Queen Rep. Byrd could not share any light on the matter ei­ County have been asking state officials for some type of
correctional-type facility for much 10 years. He
ther. "I don't know why he (former Juvenile Justice Com­ as as

Greg Griffin, a volunteer with the Snipesville Fire Proceeds from the barbecue and associated money­ officials
rn iss inner
Eugene Wa] ker) made that decision," Byrd told said if the PDC was turned down, state might.
Department, did his part to support the department raising events go to the fire department. The the be reluctant to choose Jeff Davis County for any type of
of the
womanless each year
by winning the title of Snipesville Queen during the beauty pageant IS one
Commissioner Martinez' discussion with the Author­ facility in the future.
Annual New Year's Day Parade and Barbecue held top draws at the New Year's Day event.
corrections offi­
ity indicated that, if the decision to build the YDC in Efforts are to be made to have a state

Saturday at the Snipesville Community Center. Crisp County had not heen made prior to his arrival, he cial to meet with authority members as soon as possihle
the details of the PDC proposal, the author­
probably would not have recommended that the facility to explain so

he built at all once he took liver the reins of the Juvenile ity can make some decisions on whether to pursue the

Alco Corrective Plan Justice system. matter and, if so, how.

Available For Review Hazlehurst Man Is One Of Two

Alco Controls has developed a vised crunpli.m .e statu:- report sum­

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5 proposed corrective action plan for

the hazardous site in and around the
marizing the results (If that

gaiion.Alco submitted to 1:1'1) a pro­

Officers Slain In Coffee Shooting
Jeff Davis Middle School seventh
plant and that
plan, along with an posed corrective action plan 111<It de­
grade basketball teams play Ware scribes the corrective action Alcn has shooting was reported, Deputy Merritt, Geor­
amended compliance status report, is Two law enforcement officers, including one from Jeff After the
County at 4 p.m. in Hazlehurst. available for public review. determined i� necessary to comply Davis County, were killed
Monday in Broxton after an gia State Trooper Lisa Stocks and Trooper Cadet Chris
According to a legal advertise­ with EPJ)'s rules for Hazardous Site effort escalated into Ramey responded to the scene. Merritt was also shot and
to serve a dispossessory warrant
rncnt published in this week's issue Response. gunfire. killed, and Stocks and Ramey were subjected to gunfire
Jeff Davis Middle School seventh of the Ledger, members of the pub­ Before EPD decides whether tn Killed in the incident were Broxton Police Officer but were not hit. The suspect ran into a wooded area and
Alcus approve till; plan, the public has the manhunt ensued.
grade basketball teams play Pierce licmay view or copy James Bryant, 34, of Hazlehurst and Coffee County a

County at 4 p.m. in Hazlehurst. Amended Compliance StatusReport opportunity review the report and
Deputy Sheriff Clyde Almond "Tub" Merritt, 53. Dozens of law enforcement officers from surround­
Jeff Davis High School basketball and Proposed Corrective Action Plan corrective action plan anti comment Officer Bryant was a full-time officer with the Lum­ ing counties converged on the scene following reports of
teams play Brantley County in Hazle­ at the Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis Public on them. her City Police
Department working and was a second the shooting to assist in the manhunt. Agent Butler said
hurst at 4 p.m.
Library on Cromartie Street.The li­ A 30-day public comment period, job with the Department. He is the brother
Broxton Police that, at approximately 5 p.m., Mitchell was arrested a
brary is open Monday through Fri­ beginning Jun. 11, will enable mem­ of Hazlehurst Police Officer Roger Bryant. short distance from the scene by a GBI agent and a
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 to submit oral or
day, 9 a.rn. to 6 p.m. bers of the puhlic According to l3ill Butler, Agent in Charge at the Dou­ Waycross Police Officer.
Georgia Environmental Protec­ written comments on the matter to
glas office of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, at ap­ Butler said Mitchell has been charged with two counts
Jeff DavisHigh basketball teams
tion Division (EPD) hazardous site Bi!1 Williams, Georgia EPD, 205
proximately 3: 10 p.m. Monday, James Bryant was as­ of murder and is being held in a jail in another county.
play Wheeler County in Alamo at 7
response rules required Alco to in­ Butler Street, S. E., Suite 1462, At­ sisting civilians with serving the dispossessory warrant He said his office is continuing to investigate the
vestigate the site and submit the re- lanta, Ga. 30334 (404-657-8600). on Willie Mitchell, 55, at a Harrell Street address in shootings along with the Coffee County Sheriff's De­
MONDAY, JANUARY 10 Broxton. As a result, a confrontation occurred between partment, the Broxton Police Department, the Georgia
and Mitchell. Mitchell into wooded area State Patrol anda number of other agencies.
Bryant ran a

Industrial Development Authority and Bryant was shot. deputies from the Jeff Davis County Sheriff's
meets at 2:15 p.m. at the chamber.
According to Associated Press reports, the warrant was Department and four officers from the Hazlehurst Police
Recreation Commission meets at
for the repossession of II trailer owned by Mitchell. The Department were among the large number of officers
6 p.m. at the recreation department.
trailer had been hooked to another vehicle for removal from area law enforcement agencies that responded to
Board of Education meets at 7
when shots were fired from a nearby wooded area. Monday's shooting.
p.m, at the board office.


Family Connection Council meets

at 3 p.m. at the public library.
Jeff Davis High basketball teams
play Vidalia in Hazlehurst at 6 p.m.
PTA meeting and Open House will
be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Jeff
Davis Elementary School.


Jeff Davis Middle School eighth

grade basketball teams play Arthur
WIlliams at 4 p.m. in Jesup.
Welcoming His Third Century
On New Year's Day Saturday, occasion by serving as

Stanford Gibson became one of Marshal of the Snipesville New Hazlehurst City Clerk Ethelyn 2000. New Mayor Roger Williams
Board of Tourism meets at 8 a.m.
the few people in the world to live Year's Day Parade. Pictured with Creech (left) administered the (second from right) is flanked by
at the chamber.
County Commission meets at 7 in three centuries. The 101-year­ him is his grandson, Crandall Swearing In oath of office Monday to city city council members Joe Burns
p.m. at the courthouse. old Gibson (left) celebrated the Ussery.
officials beginning new t"rms In (left) and Raleigh Spell.
2A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5, 2000
Synovus among 'Best Stocks To Own In America'
Bank of Hazlehurst will honor Synovus Financial Corp.,
multi-financial services company
the II ip-pcrfurm i ng corn pan ies," said
James H. Blanchard, chairman and
be the best year ever for Synovus. We
arc reaping the fruits of the recent

based in Columbus, (ia and owner CEO ofSynovus. "I expect 2000 will (5.. SYNOVUS on PIIg.3)

Ellis and Wooten at reception of Bank of Hazlehurst, has been

ranked 15th on the list of The 100
Best Stocks Til Own ln Amcricu.
The ilallk llf l l azlchurxt will The list appears in II recently re­
honor 1l:lirill!! hoard members W.G. leased hook (If the same title written
1'lIi� amiIUJ. WOIlIl:1l with a rcccp­
tiuu Frida. Jan. 7 1'1'0111410 5:lfl p.m.
by veteran financial journalist
Walden. The sixth edit ion of The 100
ill Ila: IlIhhv OIl the main office. C,,:-.­ Best Stocks To Own In America has
IIIIIlel � ;tlld friends arc invited II I
help sold more than 25(1.0(10 copies and
Ihe hank honor them. is popular arnun]; no icc and sea­
J & K Home Center and
Mr. I-.lli� hl:gan wurking I'm thv soned investor». Synuvus has ap­
1\;lIlk 11)51), and retired
Rental Center would like
1111 Jail. 1(" peared ill the pa�1 three consecutive
I >Cc ..
\ I. IllXh ultcr _7 years of scr­ editions uf the list, improving from
to thank you for another
vice: lie \ a� elected a director III' till: ranking al NIl. 1X in the fourth
its first
hank in 11)(15, and wa:-. elected Chair- edition, Synovus ranked Nil, I (I in the successful year.
1110111 Ill' Ihl' Huard in January. IIJXH, fifth edition.
.rnd l1a:-. served ill that capacity since. "I urn thrilled for Synuvus tn he Your continued patronage
M r. Wooten was elected 10 the included in Mr. Walden's hook fur the
lillaI'd Ill' dircctur« in Junuary, II)HK third time, II's all incredible honor 10
is appreciated.
lie h;t� -cr eel in Ihal capacit uutil he considered umong the nal ion·:-.
the prevent dall:,
M 1', \- ullil:n , urkcd fur 111l: Hank
B.B. WOOTEN w'G. ELLIS MLK observance We hope you have a happy
'"pl 'III' l:ar, at the age of 12.

III� jllh 1I;t:-. III slarl Ihe fire ami keep

illg his position "the bunk's janitor." tee and Asset-Liability Committee. will be Jan. 23 and successful year in 2000!
il gl,in):! ill Ihl: fir 'place ill Mr. Juhn Mr. Wooten's father, B.O. Sr., Bank of Hazlehurst President Jack

1{II).:er,' "fficc. who \ as then the served as the hank's cushier from Floyd said, "Both of these gentlemen The Annual Dr. Martin l.uihcr
owner "I' Ihe hank, lie , a�
rcspun- IIJl2 101')1(,. have been a
positive influence in my King Jr. Memorial
Day Observance Kenny, Jackie
ihlc IIII' kel'pill!! th '

�III e
burning In addition their dutie:-. di­ life, hoth have been mentors to me. I
Itl as will he held Sunday, Jan, :21 al .1 p.m. and our fine employees
III h.'al Ihl: h.urk II' abll was in rectors, Mr. Ulis and Mr. Wooten will miss their dedication and their at Mount Calvary Baplisl Church,

ch;II).:l: Illl'leallilig all" dll:-'ling,tl!1'Il1 served on the hunk'» I.oan Commit- positive input tn the board." The spcuk cr will he Minixtcr
Ronnie i{oiJin:-,oll (If Atl.mrn.

Retired teachers
meet Jan. 13th Baxley author to We Now Have
The nu mthl y meeling "I' the Jeff
I )01 v i, I{cllll:ll I·.d ucatur-, AS:-'II 'i al i. III visit to JD Library
i ... �l'hedilled 1'111 Thurxdu ',Jail, 11 al

10:.1(1 a.m. Oil the 11;r/,lchllr�1 l'ublic

Huxley Ray will
writer Jnnissc A nature writer and environmen­
Lilu.u '1111 Cn unartic Street.
read al the Jell Davis Public
l.ihrary talist, Ray's hook also addresses till:
'1 hr- 1l1l:l'lillg i ... lilt: Annual Vi:-.i-
Mundu Jun. I(J at 7 P,II1, Ray is the
loss of the longleaf pine flatwoods
1:111"11 "I' l lu, Supcrin tcudcnt. Dr.
autlu ir (,I' a memoir ubuut growing up of the southeastern United States, an
I Iowurd Hcudlc r: \\Ihl) givt:s a bricl­
1111 a junk yurd in Baxley, licology of ecosystem that is 1)1)% gone. The
iII.' "" ihc 1'1'1I.'rl:':-' III lite JcflDuvix
a Cracker C'hildlmod. YOIi will rcc­ hook braids memoir and natural his­
:-'l'iIIHd �\' rcru.
of Appling (\lIl1lly'S tory, and both together to tell
,\lIllllll'lll:dlll.:allll''''. 1'1.:1 i n:o:s alld
ogni7e some clime

dlarat:ter:-. in the story of what's lost. "What im­

Iho: p"IlIIC :IIl: ill, ill'll.
Ihi� hllok. presses Ille most ahout this astonish­
·hlll;lI. IIIl:t:lin).: will i'catllre
Iltl' I'
Illl' ('rillll' l'rL'VI'IIlillil l'erslIlilld,
K irk II � ing book is the seamless interweav­
Also, check out our Rent-A-Tool Service
R l' \' jew ing ofpersonal ml:moir and nalural Tools McPherson Tools •
Bearing Pullers
1101. "-·IIIIl'sl 101,111 I{llgt:r William .... Engine Repair

Illenlilln:-. history," said James Kilgo, author III'
alld III, ICIIIlri 111' Ihl: NlIllliliatioll:-'
( '1 1111111 I IIL'I' ,
Ihat "rllg"­ Deep Enough for Ivoryhills and a

Middle school
i:-.h grandfa­
Ihl:1' ('harlie
Univer�ity of Georgia professor,
Ray's hook, which was released Varnadore's Auto Parts
i:-. II
legend­ mid-Ot:toher from Milkweed ElIi­
Trillalla.·see Sl. •
ary wtllld�­ tions, shows how the culture of the
sets /Jamot nite man and Crackers is linked to the pine, 'ahd
''''''',",''�l coon hunler, how culture suffers with the los� of
.Jelf 1):lvis Middk Sdlolll will
gralld­ native forests.
11",1 ;1 !'''fl'lll Ni ,Ill Program Tues­
mOlher Clyo JAN/SSE RAY Georgia Bailey White said,
day .l:ill. II OIl (l:lO p,m. GlIe�1
II vi r1I1IIUS "1 have read Janisse Ray's hook with
speakl'l 1)1'. Di;lIla Walther, Ph.D, will
�har .

idl:a!'o Oil
"Illspiring Creativil
wllman Imotlcgs nllHlIlshine to
who mllch pleasure. Every endangered
Nutrition Facts
fcl:d her family, father Franklin a ecosystem should have sllch an
ill ('llIldr"Il," Dr. Wallher is a
mechanical genius whll suhjet:ts his
Serving Size: 1 Month
quent spokesman." Dish: 220 Channels
l'IlIlll'!!I. I ;"'fllialed with Chartl:r·Uy­ fa III i I Y 10 fllndamental ist Christ ian­ Lihrarian Louise Hand and the Servings Per
ily �II strict it prohihits Christmas." Friends of the Library invite every­
Allel Ille prll!!ldlli rl:frl::-.hmenls Amount Per
··Ik:-.pile poverty and social iso­ une to hear Ray read frum the hook. Serving
will I>e ,erved willie adminislralor:-., Hardcover books will be availahle lin Calories Loaded Calories from Fat 0
lation," Kirkus Review says, "Ray
gliidallCL' CltliIlSo.:illl', and �()rne le"ell­
rccalh her childhood as
happy and sale for $21, and Ray will he happy
er:, will h' lIli halld rill' inflHmal dlS­
loving, ret:ouilling moments of scar­ 10 sign them. She will he accompa­ % Value'
t:1I ... �i\ln, qllo:Sli(lIl�. elc.
Franklin Ray. The
ing pathos a� when she and her nied by her father,
Fill' YUlinger sililillgs (fifth grade Total Value220g
hrother� snl:"k ullill a cornl!r of the event is free.
a Ill! IIllder), child care will he pro­ Quality Programming 220g
l:xt:hange hlllllemade For information, contact the Li­
vided h 'J DMS Y-Cllih Illl:mhers and
jllnkyard 10

Christmas presenl� 1111 the sly." brary at 375-2386. Big Hit Movl.s 68g
thcir �IHII"llrs, Ttlnya While and
Dalla Wllde<;.AII parellts, guardians,
Adrenaline Rushing Sports 124g
allli t:;lIo:-lakl:r� "re lIrged 10 alll:nd. NFL Action 18g
Manufactured Homes Offer Regional Sports 23g
Ga. Chamber Out-ot-Market Sports 98g
Value You'll Appreciate Pay Per View 55g
meets in Atlanta '�"""",,""'I'I-

Kids Programming 16g

The (iellrgia Chamher of ('orn­
-Percenl Daily values are based on a Pegasus Satellile TeleVision diet
mert:e will IlIlsl ils 20(H) Annllal by Bryan Hartley
Meeling Dinl:r
al 7p.m" Tuesday,
Warning: Accidental overdose can cause wide-eyed
Jail. II, and Eggs and Issues Break­
disbelief, uncontrollable laughter, rapid heartbeat.
al 7:10a,m,. Wednesday, Jan. 12,
in the TllllIna!'o B. Murphy Ballrol"'1
(If Ihe (iellrgia WI lrld Congres� ( en­ If you're nbout buying your first home, you know what
ter inAlianla, important
an decision you're about to make. You want to feel confi­
dent about that decision. If you're considering a manufactured home,
IkllSoulh Curporation Chairman
alld CEO F. Dualle Ackerman will he then you know you can feel good about your investment.
For less than the cost of rent, you can build equity in your own
the ko.:ynllte :-'P' .er for Ihl: dinner
and (iuv, I{ LI. Gov. Mark
home, and enjoy the tax benefits of mortgage-interest deductibil­
] LI" e:-.,
ity. And because manufactul'ed homes cost about half the price of a
Taylor and Tholllas (3,
Murphy, comparable site-built home, you'll have money left over to do the
Speakl:r of thl: House of Represe. 1- other things in life you'd like to do. Manufactured homes are a great
tive� will ho: the headliners for the value, and a great investment. 1bday's manufactured homes have
Eggs ami Issues Breakfasl. transformed the housing industry. According to the Georgia Manu­
factured Housing Association:

Correction "More people are recognizing the quality of construction, the wealth
of amenities and the superior styling oftoday's manufactured homes.
In the Decemher 22, 11)l)l), edition They're appreciating the quality of life these homes ofTer. Apprais­
of the l.elil{L'r, an inappropriate ers today are finding that properly sited, well-maintained
Christmas greeting advertisement manufactured homes are appreciating in value as well, And
Contact your local DIRECTV dealer or call Pegasus Satellite Television at 800-405-3727.
was selected for a business advertis­ not with just the owners of these homes. More and more banks and

ing in that etJition. lending institutions are treating manufactured home purchases the
same wlly they do site,built homes. Zoning restrictions are being
As a
general rule, huliday greet­ Music
ing advertisements arc selected hy the changed and abolished to give new freedom to manufactured home City Radio Shack A very Satellite Crenshaw Systems
placements." Hazlehurst Hazlehurst Hazlehurst
Ledger advertising staff, not by the
businesses purchasing the advertise­
Country Classic Homes invites you to come by and compare our (912) 375-7608 (912) 379-0400 (912) 365-2216
ments. So, while the husinesses do quality, value and service with any site-built home. We believe that
wish to extend holiday greetings to with buying power, in-house quality-control standards and
our 4-lot
parts inventory, we ofTer the best value around. Call us today at
the community, it is the newspaper
staff that is most often responsible for (912) 868-4307 for details about custom financing plans for your

th" of those
situation, and for directions to our nearest lot. For more exciting DIRECTV.
content greetings. details about manufacturing housing, call toll-free for a must read
We regret any embarassment that
FREE REPORT 1-800-333-6826.
'Fllst monlll 01 hoe prnumlluruny awarrled nn monlh I, allor6 monlhs 01 on·lllna consecullve paymenllor TOlal ChOico SILVER/STAAZI, second momh aWlllllml 011 rnnllih 14 nil r
may have been caused by our failure Next week, we'll look at some of the wonderful amenities manu­
an addrllOlial 6 consecullve lIlonlh� 01 Inial ChOice SILVER/STARlr OHer VOid If subscriber IS disconnected dUling the 14 monlhs Lrnuled lillie oHIll 10 new
tocarefully consider the content of factured housing has to ofTer. resrdenllal sub�c"bcrs IT! Pegasus tnll!lory who purchase and aCllvate a DIRECTV System by 1/21/00 and subscribe (0 TOlal ChOice SILVER/STAAl' PrDrJ,alnr11lng and hmdwalc
sold separa(Oly A $10 aCI.vallon IflO appllOs Programmrng, p"r.Irl!), lerllls and condillons arc .ubiact 10 change, May nOI be combined Wllh any olher offer IlIRECIVand Imal
any greeting in relation to the busi­ ADVERTISEMENT
EleClronlcs Corporalion nlllrO'''�tollld lIaliernarks III OIRF.CTV. Inc. 11 IIIHt of Hugh s
ness purchasing the advertisement.

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,2000 3A

Hazlehurst/Jeff Davis Fire Department hosts extrication class

In November. Firefighters and
Rescue Personnel from
HazlehursVJeff Davis County and
Appling County completed a
Crash Victim Extrication Class at
the HazlehursVJeff Davis County
Fire Headquarters. The course

teaches the basics of crash victim

extrication from a vehicle by use

of basic hand tools, hydraulic

equipment Oaws of life) and other
rescue equipment. Emphasis is
placed on the safety of the
rescuer and the victim. A good

portion of the students were from

the newly formed First

Distinguished Service Responders Team which was

formed to assist the Jeff Davis
James Sewell (left) and Kevin the Hazlehurst Fire Department's County EMS Service with patient
Christmas dinner held in
Heath (right) were presented carethroughout the county.
Distinguished Service awards at December.

Pilot Club of Hazlehurst -

Many thanks for helping make our Toys for Tots such a success. We served 101 families and 238
children. It could never have been done without you.
Buddy Spann w.J. Girtman Southeastern Bank
Miles Funeral Home Nancy Wagner McCarty's Auto Parts
D.L. and JoAnn Jump Silver Images Wayne and Carolyn Fountain
Oscar Hulett Googes'lnc. Frank's Pharmacy
Cook and Company Bob & Saralyn Sears Dr. D.L. Shumans
Dr. Lloyd Mason Hardie'S Drug Store Stone's Machine Shop
Bank of Hazlehurst The Rebel Advanced Vinyl
Dairy Queen Williams Trucking Inc. John and Lisa Elton
Buck Elder Jane Baggett Amoco Fabrics & Fibers
Clyde McCall Elton's Decor Shoppe Duke Campbell
Firemen win awards Alco Controls S&S Loan Service Jeff Davis Ledger
These three members of the Hazlehurst/Jeff Davis From left are Richard Sharpe, 1999 Rookie of the Lorraine Val zan Volunteer Fire Gail and Robert Moody
County Fire Department received top awards at the Year; Ray Barber, 1999 Firefighter of the Year; and God's Assurance Quartet Demolition Fales Furniture
winner of the 1999 R. T. Thrower Award.
(sing) Derby
department's Christmas dinner held in December. Paul Taylor, TCI Depository for gifts
Chamber of Commerce Depository for gifts
Recreation Depar1ment Building
Synovus- (Continued trom Page 2)
Gary McCall

Hauling gifts
investments that have Ihal aho ha� pmvL:n and dividend yield. The final
po:-oiti(lned 11:-' agerlll:nl ream rnance
Handy Andy Hauling gifts
for the future. In eVL:ry respect, c.ip.rhlc of turning huck 1111 a con­ 100 were ranked h;l�cd lin
earnillg:-. James Ricketson and friends
uur a
Assembling bikes
momentum is gaining. WL: expect our sistcnt ha:-.i:-.. ridden the ups
They've per share gn iwth, stuck grllwlh, divi­ Charlene Garrett, Bill Music and Lisa Jones Selling raffle tickets
earnings 10 he eVL:1l
xtrungcr, and I and downs III' the economy over the dcnd, cons ixtcncy and shareholder Baxley Federal Dolls and stockings
could not he more excited about the past decade, survived the ra�h of perks. Bike Riders Toys
mergers and acquisilion:-.. weathered Walden ha:-. contributed Itl The Ero
coming year and beyond." Stocking stuffers
"Each company featured here has the downtimes, and still have COllie Wall Street Journal, lnvcstors Husi­ Wal·Mart and the Police Department
away with an outstanding record of Daily and IhL: ()IIW Juuc-, News Santa's Helpers: Helen Bohannon, Faye Clifton, Nancy Horton, Deanie Ellis, Herbert Gail
proven its ability to compete a� a rws:-.
market leader," Walden writes. earnings and stuck price growth." servi .c , lie ha. hccn q unt ed in Moody, Susie Reed
"Their concepts arc working: their Wahlen
surveyed more than 2,000 Money maguziuc and other hu�illL:sS
lines of products or services have major U.S.
companies. narrowing his and financial
publications. Walden
made an impact in th�lIrkelplace. list based on earnings growth, rev­ also hus appeared lin national rai1fh
Each of these companies has a mun- cnue growth, stuck price pcrtur- talk shows uud rclcvision networks;

will honor
Whi ... C.ILING
� Hall hour
dry �me. • Whi ...

A9·596O •
Hall hour dry lime -,

6n30A/OI •
A9·7A38 6238WOt .":::::;;:;=1i


12 ft w.G. Ellis
lPUy _

B.B. Wooten

Galan .

• WhiII .

P.1IIIII .. oIIy

57·8047 00901

• Sond finish .

• "9-6968

• Whi .. 5.5 az.


WaMrIight Mal.
• 51·587A 18001

The bank would like to invite their

J & K Home Center, Inc. customers and friends to come help them
'Douglas Hwy. •
375-3901 honor these two gentlemen.
4A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,2000

Scenes From Snipesville's

New Year's Day Parade
Edt tor- Pu bl1sher

Lust week I wrote in this splice football in Jeff Davis County for many years. There are few young
about people who had been influen­ three years but, like Cecil Morris, people in this county that he has not
went on to become one of the state's had influence during their for­
tial in the development of this county un on

over the past 100 years, or who had top coaches. He is now an assistant mative years.

established themselves as being out­ at the University of Georgia. Clerk of Court Eula Mac Edwards
in fields of The late Arley Finley, Jeff Davis and Probate Judge Doshie Buford for
standing particular en­

deavor. County's unofficial historian, a col­ their long service in county-wide

that the I umnist for the Ledger, II local radio elected offices. Mrs. Buford has
I explained people men­

determined in personality, former Hazlehurst Post­ served in elective office longer than
tioned were a highly
unscientific manner and without any master, and former Mayor of Hazle­ anyone in Jeff Davis County history.
research ---
I merely leaned back in hurst. She begun her career in 1%0 and is
Ken Weeks, who coached girls in her 40th year.
my chair and put on my thinking Clip.

I asked readers if they had any basketball here in the 1970s, went on Dan Mims, former county com­

ideas about people of worthwhile to win a state championship at mission chairman and former school
Berrien County, coached at the Uni­ board chairman. He didn't long
note and I didn't get much response. serve

But here arc a few people mentioned versity of Alabama and later in Cali­ hut had quite an impact while in of­
to me: fornia on the collegiate level. He is fice.

girls standout back inGeorgia now, in Hall County. Torn Linder. II Jeff Davis County
Lynn Thompson, a

high school basketball player in the Sammy Beecher, not so much for native who served Georgia'S COIll­

his athletic prowess during high missioner of Agriculture. And main­

early 1970s.
Phil Junes, who only coached school, but as recreation director for tained his residence here.

So Many Have Worked So Hard

By Max Lockwood, Guest Columnist

When so
many have worked so Coffee County which points to this Perhaps the greatest and IllIlSt
hard for so
long to build that which unusual and measurable record of meaningful measurement Ill' uur ac­
is unusual in its success, different achievement. Rather do leaders in complishment is the realization that
the average age for the populat ion of
from hundreds of other experiments government and industry who come
Coffee County is younger than al­
in which talented people have tried from high places to see for them­
selves and to proclaim these achieve­ most a hundred other counties in our
and failed, it is imperative that deci­
sions which could add to that success ments worthy of observation lind region. Younger than the average age
of the 159 counties in our state. The
or could ultimately defeat efforts to study by all of those who would ern­
continue the progress, be very care­ bark on such a challenging course. reality of this achievement is excit­
fully evaluated by those charged with Long hours have been invested to ing beyond our comprehension and
is perhaps the greatest unrealized
the responsibility of leadership. firmly establish man: than 1,400 pro­
Leaders in government and husi­ cessing jobs in Coffee County's ag­ hope of any other town or city any­
riculture industry which come at a where in these United States where
ness from more than a dozen towns

time when that industry stands in the average age Ill' the population
and cities Georgia have trav­
continues to increase. Such an in­
eled to Coffee County to try to deter­ peril across our land. Based on those
crease indicates of course that the
mine for themselves how they too jobs, the possibility for hundreds of
others in prospect for the imme­ hetter educated, younger people are
might reverse the economic down­ arc

turn in their communities, replacing diate future. These jobs arc vital tu moving away.

stagnation with u new beginning to­ the future ofagriculture in Coffee

With limited resources. the people
ward economic revival. County, important and necessary to

Because we all lire II part of a great the future well-being of

fommu­ our
of oflce ounty have moved tlleir
community to that place in time when
adventure in our own community, it nity. Responsible leaders.will find a
qualif'icd and desirable people have
is difficult to realize how unique and way to expand this opportunity for
moved from far places to become an
how different the realization of our growth, carefully considering any
excited and willing partner in these
dream really is. While others point proposal which could do it harm.
The people of Coffee County have efforts. This is a valued measurement
to a "Two
Georgias Concept" which
is so much a part of high level dis­ invested hundreds of thousands of of any successful accomplishment.

cussion in our state, the people of dollars to services which There is always room for discus­
provide can

Coffee County have refused to accept be used as a base to continue eco­ sion of any question which affects the
the role of a no-growth philosophy nomic growth. Any policy which lives of people living in a commu­
could would hinder such a pro­ nity. Our leaders in government and
and have worked hard to move their or

community into a new era of growth gram of continued economic oppor­ business in Coffee County realize this
and development. tunity for the future citizens in our and provisions arc made to provide
Since 1979, the people of Coffee community must be carefully con­ this opportunity. We arc a stronger,
ceived. It is certain that better community as a result of this.
County have accomplished goals of no man or

in of in We can continue to work together

economic growth and expansion woman a position leadership
if we take the time to also plan to­
which is without parallel in our state. government and business in Coffee
This is a recognized, measurable fact County today would want to one day gether. When people arc a part of the
which is talked about the review the record and discover it decisions which affect their lives,
at highest was

levels of government their decision which led the end they understand and support those
by those to

of that which was decisions. In such a

community, ev­
charged with the future welfare of our so wonderfully
state. It is not the local leadership in begun. eryone is a winner.

Find a way to accommodate everyone

25 Hinson Farm Rd. eugenics has probably been a part of everyone able to conform to accept­
Hazlehurst, GA 31539 every society that has ever existed. able standards. Whether that is actu­
Dec. 27, 1999 People who are unable to fit in are ally possible is another question.
Mr. Tommy Purser eliminated, isolated or madepsycho­ Finding a way to allow individuals
Jeff Davis Ledger logically unable to function through with developmental irregularities to

P.O. Box 338 various of personal feel at least minimally human will be
Hazlehurst, GA 31539 harrassment. The institutional struc­ a problem until that question is an­

is severely hinder mis­ swered.

ture set up to
Dear Mr. Purser: tits from passing on either their genes I have been able to find peace of
I feel the need their ideas. mind in spite of past experiences
to bring a question or

through religious faith and the sup­

to the public's attention for which I The only way any society can
do not have No eliminate crime, mental port of friends, but those options
an answer. one can completely
know what it is like
misfit unless he/she has

experienced it. It was

to be a

only through
social illness and poverty is to find a way
to accommodate all individual differ­

ences in the socialization process.

seem be closed off from many so­

cial misfits. How can people find any

foothold for faith when no one will SIJall LeSSORS
the grace of God that I was not com­ That is not the same as tolerating all give them any reason to believe the
kinds of deviant Accom­ universe is a friendly place'! I hope
pletely destroyed by my experience. lifestyles. Altamaha Technical Institute atee campus
The feasibility and possibility of modation in socialization means ad­ all public policy makers will learn to
is offering a six-week course to
the institutional structure to the seriousness of the problem.
building an institutional structure that justing see

will allow all individuals to develop

in harmony with the social system is

every person's individual learn­
needs. A perfect learning envi­ Sincerely,
Learn Shag Dancing
a very relevant question. Implicit ronment would theoretically make Kermit Lord
Instructors: Tommy & Kay Purser

Classes begin


Tuesday, Jan. 11 at 7 p.m.
the Community Center in Baxley
P.O. Box 338, Hazlehurst, GA. 31539· Telephone 912-375-4225
Cost $20 per person

Published every Wednesday by Hazlehurst Publishing Co., Inc. at 12 Latimer Street, Hazlehurst, Ga.
Periodicals Postage paid at the Hazlehurst Post Office (USPS 273-560). You canregister the night of the class but
SUBSCRIPTION RATES: pre-registration is strongly encouraged.
50 cents per single copy at locations all over Jeff Davis County and in Lumber City in Telfair County; by
mall, $16.05 per year in Jeff Davis and bordering counties; $19.26 per year elsewhere in Georgia; and
To pre-register, call 367-1700
$26.75 per year out of state. POSTMASTER: Send POD Form 3579 to Jeff Davis Ledger, P.O. Box
338, Hazlehurst, Ga. 31539.

Jeff Davis LtJdger, Wed., January 5,2000 5A

City and county voters had lots to say during 1999

City and county voters had lots to Services facility in Hazlehurst will he
say during 1999 in Jeff Davis County shut down and be moved to Austell.
and. liS a result, there should he a lot The County Commissioners rc­
of changes in the year 2000. elected Ocmulgcc District Comrnis­
As the new year arrived, long-time sinner Clyde McCall as their chair­
Hazlehurst Mayor Buddy Spann was man for 1991).

replaced by Roger Williams a� the Employees from Hazlehurst Mills

City of Hazlehurst election was one gave a big hoost to local non-profit
of the top stories of 1999. groups hy earning grants from the
The voting booth was the site of a Amoco Foundation's Amoco Volun­
lot of newsrnuking during the past 12 teer Program totaling $49,500.
months as voters ....
Rep. Roger Byrd was named
elected Williams over Spann
chairman of the House of Rcprescn­

andWuyne Fuuntain to the office of tativcs Human Relations and Aging

Mayor, and returned Joe Burns as Committee.

Ward 4 Council Member over chal­ Vann Wooten of Denton was se­

lenger Grady Owens. lected participant in the Georgia

as II

overwhelmingly approved a
,' Agri-Lcadcrs Forum's Lcadcrxhip
one percent Special Purpose Local Development Program Ior 1991).
Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) fur .lan, 27
school-related purposes. The vote Despite city building ordinances
was R70-213 an XO.4% approval -
in effect for years, many Hazlehurst
rate. citizens appeared to he unaware they
.... defeated 372-26() a mixed arc required to obtain u
building per­
drink referendum in the City of mit from the city before doing many
Hazlehurst. The vote came utter the renovation or addition projects lit

City Council voted 4-1

to give citi­ their homes and businesses,
zens opportunity to vote on the
the Super Bowl fever
sweeping WIIS

matter and the County Commission Georgia and Jell Davis

County was
voted to deny a request for a county­ no
wide referendum. Georgia Senate Mujority Leader
swept city hall in Graham, Charles Walker of Augusta will he the

electing mayor and two new

a new first of four featured speakers to ad­
council members ami dctcuting a -

dress audiences in Jeff Davis County

mixed drink referendum. during Black l listor Month cclchru­

.... a nod of approval cityto tions in February,
officials in Lumber City h return­ hh.J New water tank going up
ing incumbents to office. The Vann Woo te n family of
previous year was a time of Snipcsville was named the (iemgia south of Hazlehurst. The tank is
A worker is framed by surrounding afternoon on the new water tank being experienced in Hazlehurst
progressive growth as the Huzlchurst Farm Family ulthe Year <It the Gcor­ 341 one of many samples of progress and Jeff Davis County.
trees as he worked Sunday being erected on Highway
City Council purchased the golf gia Young Furrncrx Assuciutinu'«
course, acquired an asphalt shingle 21)th Annual Convention in Athens.
and tire shredder, purchased a clock Amoco l-ahrics and Fibers COIll­ properly into the City of Hazlehurst. hurst announced that the City of increase their pay from $350 per of PAB Bunkshnrcs, Inc.
to commemorate the arrival of the undergoing MnrdllO Lumber City had been selected to month for commissioners lind $400 Seventeen-year-old Mario Mares
pany plants were con­

divert streamline their op­ Jeff DOl is voters will go receive $250,000 from the 1998 per month for the chairman, to $500 Avalos of Hazlehurst died when he
year 20UO, approved plans to tinuing efforts to County
II fourth of the
city 's waste water from erations. and Hazlehurst Mills \ as nil tll the pulls til decide whether or not Community HOME Investment pro­ and $600 respectively. stepped off the ramp lit Burkett's
aging settling pond to the new exception. til usu a one
percent SPLOST to fi­ gram to be used for
housing improve­ High School's Marlo
Jeff Davis Ferry Landing and drowned.
waste water treatment system, begun The Board of Educution rnct with nancc facilities improvements in the ments as proposed by the community. Mincey accepted the award for the State Rep. Roger Byrd went to
work on installing a new deep well the County Commissioners III inform sehoul system. April 28 Class AA 300 meter low hurdles in­ Great Britain as II participant on a
and elevated water tank, and okayed them of the board's plans til seek a A Jeff Davis County jury found The annual Christmas In April dividual state championship ut the southern United States trade mission.
SPI.OST referendum in Marcil. Marion Alston of Hazlehurst project in Hazlehurst was another Georgia High School Association Supporters uf Hazlehurst-Jeff
plans to resurface the Hazlehurst Air­ guilty
Construction of assault in connection huge success as some 250 volunteers State Track Meet. Davis County Recreation Depart­
port. Superintendent Jerry aggravated
The new Jeff Davis II igh School White told the Board of Education with a knife attack on his girlfriend. donated their time to help those in May 26 ment programs met to discuss aspects
and students that he had talk with March 17 the community less fortunate and in Jeff Davis High Graduation cer­ of the department and its programs,
completed began a Department
"he 19I)lJ-2()(lO school year in the fa­ (If Corrections construction officials Jeff Davis County voters over­ need. emony was to be held at the Jeff and to make plans to form a Recre­

cility. and suhcontracrors work i ng lin the \

helmingly approved a one
percent Three days after University of Davis High School Football Stadium. ation Booster Club.
Amercord, lnc., in Lumber City new high school and lett no doubt in SI'LOST referendum with the pro­ Georgia officials announced the es­ Lifelong Hazlehurst resident and June 16
had new owners and the future their minds that the school hoard was cceds to be used f,,,capital improve­ tablishment of a scholarship named businessman Roger L. Williams' an­ The Board of Education met with
looked hright for the company under ready to see the project completed. ments in ,the JcJff-Davis County in his honor, W.N. "Bill" Thompson nounced his intention to seck the of­ Stephen Hill, the architect handling
new president Bo Vandromrnc. Feb, 10 Schonl System. The vote was 870- of Hazlehurst died at his residence fice of Mayor of the City of Hazle­ the construction" project to sec why
Other top stories of 19�9 were a The Posta! Service determined the 211 with HO.4';{-, voting "Yes." after long
a hallie with cancer. hurst. the school had not been finished.
mixture of good and bad news: existing Hazlehurst Post Office had Senior Citizens Center Director MayS Jeff Davis County Extension The Jeff Davis Canning Plant

Officials with Amoco Fabrics inadequatespace and began efforts and Scniur Activist Jualice Simmons Jamie Tate of Denton was selected Agent James Reid was to he honored opened for
and Fibers announced the
company's increase its space, either by ex­
to \Va:-- named the II)I)M Citizen of the as Mr. Baldwin for 1998-99 at with a retirement dinner reception at Satilla REMC sponsored a series
Engineering Services facility in panding the facility or by relocating. Year at the annual dinner of the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural Col­ the Jeff Davis Fairgrounds. of open forums to address questions
Hazlehurst would he shut down and Ate" Controls made donations Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County Cham­ lege. June 2 or concerns about Y2K.
moved to Austell. totaling almost $14,()()() to the Jell her of Commerce. The Rotary Club sponsored the Ann Bookhardt was named June 23

Jeff Davis Iligh School's Marlo Davis County School system. Members of the Chamber of Com­ annual Special Olympics at Outback. Teacher of the Year at the annual The final work on the new Jeff

Mincey the Class AA 3UO Corrine Sellers named chair­ rr-uicctcd the May 12 Teacher of the Year Banquet. Davis High School should he com­
won meter was merce
Inw hurdles individual state champi­ person of the 11)1)1) Gcoruin Farm ufficcrs and approved a slate of di­ Olin Wooten of Hazlehurst began Paul Cato Jr. was named the "Paul pleted. Officials began moving desks
onship at the Georgia High School Bureau Women's Committee. rectors to serve three-year terms end­ atrucking business 33 years ago with Harris Fellow" by the Hazlehurst to the new school.
Association State Track Meet, the Jeff Davis High senior running ing in 2002. one truck. Today, he has a several Rotary Club. The Hazlehurst City Council
first state title of any kind for the back Burdrcw Moore accepted a Murch 24 successful businesses, and his origi­ June9 awarded contracts totaling almost
school's athletic department since scholarship to play Ioothuf l for As the work uf the 1999 Georgia nal business, headquartered in Jeff The Jeff Davis Grand Jury re­ $900,000 for the new elevated water
11)61. Later in the year, Marlo was Middle Georgia College in Cochran. General Assembly drew to a close, Davis County, runs trucks through­ turned a number of true hill indict­ tank, II new deep well and running
named the 1991) Jeff Davis High Feb. 17 the latest version of the Fiscal Year out the continental United States. ments. water lines to connect the tank with
School Homecoming Queen. E-911 Di rector Doy CI i tron met _(lOll State Budget contained a Jeff Davis High School faculty PAB Bankshares, Inc., Valdosta, the existing city water systems.

Leland Stanford Gibson, Jeff with the Commissioners to inform $I)On,Il(lO appropriution for building and staff will host a "Celebration of and Baxley Federal Savings Bank, June 30
Davis County's only surviving vet­ them that 30 requests had been made the Jeff Davis County Manufactur­ Excellence. Baxley, entered into definitive agree­ Three people were killed and
eran of World War I, received the to change the names of roads after ing Ouality Center, Claude P.Cook May 19 ment whereby Baxley Federal Sav­ seven injured in a two-vehicle acci­
French Medal of Honor, one of the the county had recently installed new Commission voted WRAP-UP Pege 6A)
Campus. The County to ings Bank will become a subsidiary (S .. on

highest honors awarded hy the road signs. He was seeking input Former Jeff Davis County Com­
French government. On Jan. I, 200n, from the Commissioners on what di­ mission Chairman Elbert Herrington
the101-year-old Mr. Gibson became rection to take. The Commissioners died at the age of 72.
one of the few people in the world to decided to take check the names of rerouting of the Luther Turner
live in three centuries. the roads in their respective districts. Ruad off the Baxley Highway was

Jeff Davis County rolled out the and return them II) Clifton to correct completed with the closing of the old
welcome mat as thousands of coastal in the computer. road bed that ran between the Th­
area residents evacuated their homes Feb. 24 ornpson Hardwoods and Palex com­

avoid the fury of Hurricane Floyd. Reidsvi lie State Prison escapee pany sites.

'Cotton Fest '99 moved down­ Danny E. Pierce was captured by March 31
town and experienced one of its hest Hazlehurst Police Officer Stephen The 11)1)1) session of the Georgia
years ever. Activities included the un­ Gordon in The Village Shopping General Assembly resulted in ap­
veiling of the Jefferson Davis monu­ Center after a short high-speed chase. proval of funding for several projects
ment, a Saturday night street dance The Hazlehurst City Council in Hazlehurst and Jeff Davis County.
and the arts and crafts festival. agreed to purchase a golf course, huy Georgia Department of Transpor­
Following are stories that ap­ a dump truck, acquire an asphalt tat ion Commissioner Wayne
peared on the front page of the Jeff shingle and tire shredder, purchase a Shackelford set aside up to $259,447
Davis Ledger during 1999: clock to commemorate the arrival of for improvements at the Hazlehurst
Jan. 6 the year 2000, and divert a fourth of Municipal Airport.
The Hazlehurst City Council pre­ the city's waste water from an aging April 7
sented a proclamation to school offi­ settling pond to the new waste water The 1999 Jeff Davis County Re­
cials, commending students and fac­ treatment system. And they also took lay for Life was to be held at the Rec­
ulty at Jeff Davis High for the under consideration bids to resurface reation Department on the Baxley
school's being named a 1999 Geor­ the Hazlehurst Airport. Highway.
gia Sohool of Excellence. March 3 A Jeff Davis County delegation
Jan. 13 Yesteryear place took at the Jeff traveled to Atlanta to learn about in­
The Board of Education adopted Davis County Fairgrounds in the dustrial development. Jeff Davis
a resolution
calling for a referendum form of the annual 1890 Homestead County leaders participated in a one­
asking voters to okay a one percent
Celebration. day Community Economic Develop­
Special Purpose Local Option Sales The Board of Education meeting ment Orientation Program in Atlanta.
Tax (SPLOST) for school-related was eerily similar to a year ago when April 14
purposes. the proposed 1998-99 school calen­ Volunteers raised some $33,000
School Board members wasted no dar was presented to the board for its during Jeff Davis County's American
time electing their new leadership at consideration. Cancer Society Relay for Life.
their first regularly scheduled meet­ State
Rep. Roger Byrd published April 21 Line dancers
ing of t'JIe year, Greg Crosby was two legal advertisements announcing Fifteen-year-old Kyle Ussery of
elected chairman. his intentions to introduce legislation Hazlehurst died in a four-wheeler
Jan. 20 that would provide for paying ex­ accident ncar Snipesville. Members of The Posse line dancing group group pictured ar:e, from left, Cindy Bohannon,
Amoco Fabrics and Fibers performed Saturday at the Annual Snipesville New Selena Newsome,.:Fannie Lou Summerlin, Tommy
an­ penses incurred by the Jeff Davis State Sen. Van Streat of Nicholls
nounced the company's Engineering County Commission and annexing and State Rep. Roger Byrd of Hazle- Year's Day Parade and Barbecue, Members of the Purser, Kay Purser and Claudie Courson.

6A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,2000

Wrap-Up (Continued from PIIfI. SA)


dent on rain slick roads south of sion voted to deny a

request for a ref­ tiveTraining Educatilln Center to a velopod an ordinance tu require home August 25 Ride," sponsored by the Jeff Davis
Hazlehurst. erendum to be called to let voters teacher position, owners and businesses to display Hazlehurst City Council heard the Ministerial Association.
Irma Veronica Calhoun of Hazle­ decide whether or nut to allow the The Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis
County their I) II addresses. firstreading of it new ordinance that· Jeff Davis Industrial Deve
hurst, her son. seven-year-old Alan sale of mixed drinks in restaurants in Recreation Department's Major (joys New dress codes were discussed will require citizens and businesses Authority voted 4-2 to assist

Calhoun. and 27-year-old Arthur Jeff Davis County. (ages 18 and under] won the Geor­ at the Board of Education meeting to display their E-911 addresses.
financing of acceleration/de elera­

lrunklin Sheffield of Denton were A Jeff Davis County jury found gia Recreation and Parks following shootings at Columbine Large crowd attended the show­ tion lanes on Highway 341 uth of
: and Heritage High Schools. (S .. WRAP·UP
killed when their car collided with II James Andrew Dubberly guilty of Association's State Championship in ing of the inspirational film, "The on P.". 7.

used It I transport prison­ child molestation in the second trial Meller.

van heing
: crs. against thc 54-year-old Jeff Davis Principal Rebecca Walker of Jeff
City Council ap­
The Hazlehurst County man. Davis Elementary and Principal Greg
a $6.3 million budget which Carter of Jell Davis Middle School
did not require an increase in the
White told the Board of Education
Superintendent Jerry
both received a fuvoruhle report for : � gSatiDa
millage rate. there was "a little bit of painting and their schools on a survey conducted

lncumhcut lIazlehurst Mayor a whole lot of cleaning" remaining hy T.O. Collier and his stuff of Services, Inc.
Budd Spann iUlI1l1l1nCeU he would to he done at the new Jeff Davis High Dahlonega. we/comes

seek reelection. School. The Jeff Davis Sheriff's Depart­

1\ bust of Jell Davi� County The County Commission took a ment executed a search warrant COli­
u.uncsake arrived in Huzlchurs! and serious look at adopting a building fiscuting a cache of illegal drugs with
the courthouse. code ordinance to protect home own­ a calculated street value of $4,c;,OOO­
wus on display ilt

from unsafe conditions created $50,OUU. Arrested in connection with

were for the sculpture
the Cotton l-est.
to he ers

improperly constructed homes.

the seizure was James Russell
.July 7 It was announced that Jeff Davis Hughes, 2(, .

Board Certified General and

Slime tWII dozen busincs« rer�on� High Sehoul would he honored as Boudcwijn (Ho) Vnndrornme ac­
and and county otficiuls met at Gcorgiu leaders would visit to learn cepted the position as General Man­ Thoracic Sttrgery
Twisted Pine (,oil' Course to hear an about its innovative usc of tcchnol­ ager of Arncrcord, lnc Lumber City. ..

.cxplunatiun III' requirements for ill- ogy in the classroom. The school was August 4
one of )() site� chosen til he part of U.S. Army ('01. Frank B. Bragg
1<lwing the serving (If alcoholic hcv-
the Bus Trip Across Georgia. Jr., Hazlehurst native, took over
crage� in rcstaurunts.

Wmk on the new Jeff Davis The County Commission voted to command of the Army's 702nd Mili­
Sd u 1111 wa� moving along rapidly and appropriate $.s,()1111 to help the Jeff tary Intelligence Group and Gordon
�dHIt,1 hoard members received il�­ Davis County Filmily Connection Regional Security Opcrution Center.
xurnncc-, the facility would he ready Council keep the Jeff Davis Learn­ Wayne Fountllin announced that
to 1110 c into in time I'm the stun of ing Center in opcr.uion. he would he a candidate for the of­
the JI)<)I)-2()1J() �ch(lol year lin I\ug. .Iuly 21 fice III' Mayor III' the
City of Hazle­
(,. The lIazlehurst City Council hurst in the 11)1)1)City Election.
An amendment til the (,corgi a voted 4-1 til call Ior a referendum til Ashley Beecher, daughter of Mr.
Meet ing� 1.01\ aimed at insur­ allow city (Iter� til decide whether and Mrs. Samrn Beecher. was nne
Open •

that elected olficiuls do not irn­ not til allow the city 10 issue li­ (If 15 plnyer« Irorn aCfllss the nation
ing IIr

sell alcoholic selected to the Un itc d States

proper! di�ellss the public \ hllsines� censes III beverages hy
hchinr! closed dours, went into effect the drink 1'111' consumption on the pre­ Siowpitch So t'thu l l Avxoci at i on

rnixc«. (USSSA) 12-l\lId-Undcr 1\11- Wllrld

lin .1111 l.And that vcry day, Ihe new
l l az lchurst I'lllice Chief Steve Team after her performance in the
law led til an open airing of the
p uh l i cx bu s i ncxs in Jeff Davis 1.;lI1d was named the Police Chief (If 11)1)1) Girls 12 ami limier USSSA
the Year the Association III' Police World 'Ii iurnamcnt.
('llunty that, without the new law, hy
I11I1�t likcl would have been done Chiefs of Georuin. Jeff Davis C'ounty« Tre' Miller
behind closed dnnrx. The Board of Education unani­ placed Iuurth ill the nation in the

.July 14 muusly approved upgrading the para­ National II iglt School 1{lldeo I;inals
The Jell Davis County Commis- profcsxinnul position at the, Altcrnu- CUlling competition.
August II
l.e lund Stuuf'ord Gibson, Jeff
Harold Snyder, M.D.
Davis Coumy« surviving vet­

eran of World War I, received the 2005-8 Pioneer

French Medal 111'1 lunor, nne of the

hnno r s awarded the

highest hy
French government. Waycross
Jell Davis Board (If Education

recognized the need for more black (912) 287-0252

teachers in the school system.

August 18
The County Commissioners de-


.._... _
• I •

,,{ .; {,.1.
Demolition Derby donation
: Rhonda Walsh
(lett) presented a Derby that were designated to be
: check to Pilot Club President spent be .given to the Pilot Club's
: Louise Hand (right) representing Toys For Tots program.
: proceeds from the Demolition

McCall Ministries
Macedonia Church of God
will hold their fourth annual

( Camp Meeting' J 9-14

Services at 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Sundag on

7:30 p.m, on weeknights

Guest Evangelist
Van McCall
of Denton

"A Renewed

Spirit-Anointed Singing
and Preaching nightly

Pastor Jack Dorminey

& members invite the public

The church is located in

Denton, just off Hwy. 221.
For information or

'directions, call

\ r
Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed" January 5. 2O()(l7A

Soccer Fun!
Scenes from the Hazlehurst-Jeff Davis County
Recreation Department's Soccer League


Wrap-Up- (Continued from Page 6A)

the Ward 4 Ilaziehursl Commis­ 19(1) election. Fountain, the third place finisher in The Jeff Davis Sheriff's Depart­ mission 10 lease a portion of city
Hazlehurst ut Ihe site of Thompson City city
Hardwoods. sion seal. A crowd of an estimated 3110 the Nov. 2 elect ion. announced that ment and the Southeast Georgia Drug properly on Pine Street as
pare of the
the courthouse 10 he would oppose Williams in the run­ Task Force combined efforts 10 ur­ clean-up process.
September I September 29 people gathered OIl

The U.S Postal Service selected witness the unveil ing of the Jefferson oil. rest Sylvia Jean Moore, the mol her New Amercord President Bo
Jeff Davis
High School Foolhull
his senior­ the properly located on the south side Davis monument. Plans landscape the site of the
to of accused murderer Zachary Bryan Vandromme and new Chairman Eric
Coach Neil Graham hoped
of Cromartie Street, between Odorn November 3 new Jeff Davis High School hit a Harper, for allegedly carrying illegal Kus announced that the future looks
laden football squad will have a good
drugs. 10 the Jeff Davis Detention bright for the Lumber City plant.
year. IL'; they open their season againsl and Hinson streets as 1I11.� site of Ihe Roger Williams the lop vole­
was deep obstacle lilerally.When ut­

Bacon County, new post office. getter in the City of Hazlehurst May­ tempts were made 10 lower a
pump Center where her sun is heing held The Hazlehurst City Council lIP­
A large crowd of area residents Felix Bennett, a prisoner in the oral Election with 4!O votes. Il1cUI11- into an cxistiu]; deep well on the uwuiting trial. proved a hid of $413.798.80 for street
gathered ut Mclean Park 10 rid the Jeff Davis County Detention Center, bentBuddy Spann had 3(11) and property, the pump hit an obstuclc December I drainage, and curb and gutter im­
Wayne Fountain 241. Incumbent 2511 feel into the lJOO-fl. well. Alco Controls Plunt Manager provcmems in Ward I as pari of a
park of its unsuvory rcpuuuiou as a was
hospitalized after an appurcnt some
cenu.r of drug activity. suicide attempt in his cell. Ward 4 Commissioner Joe Burns de­ Jeff Davis County's Special Edu­ Rich McClements updated the Hazle­ Community Development
feated Owens 11-<6- cation program received a glowing hurst City plans to clean
Council on Grunt program.
September 8 The Jeff Davis County Grand Jury challenger Grady
in Jeff Davis stu­ returned four indictments including 156. review from inspectors following a up a hazardous chemicals spill ut the Ilcccmbcr8
In Graham, alcohol referendum Compliance Review ofthe program. Hazlehurst plant and requested per- (See WRAP-UP on Page HA)
den Is SAT scores tops state and na­ separate indictments charging Den­ an

tional trcnds. Ion Mayor Loys Peacock and his fell and voters "swept city hall as November 17
ull thrce incumbents lost their rc-elcc­ Political newcomer Roger Will­
Lumher City cclchrutcd the fourth daughter-in-law, former Denton City
Clerk Angela Peacock, with theft hy lion hids. lonnie Crnshy defeated iams the runoff election for
annual Farm City Day Festival which won
Be finished with your job in
Mayor Buddie Miller, Ira I Clemens Mayor Ill' Hazlehurst over Wayne
was highlighted hy a Saturday night taking. Also indicted for Ihen hy tak­ ..

street dance. ing was former Jeff Davis Magistrate heal incumbent CClII IH':iI member Fountain, 5 ll(,-4(J(,. the time you would drive out
September 15 Court employee l.avonne Mcl.oon. Jesse Conaway lind Lee Bass lopped The Cuunry Commission adopted
Emergency officials participated Willie Waller Walls Jr. was indicted incumbent council member a resolutionoutlining procedures 10 of town to rent ...

threats and nets Redmond A. Strickland. he used when registering complaints

in II multi-conference call to discuss for making terroristic
the expected impact of Hurricane against Sheriff Jimmy Boutright. Lumber City voters returned in­ ahllut county services. HCllt Ir01n
October 6 cumhenl counci I members Bohhy The U.S. Poslal Service made a
Floyd on South Georgia.
�embers of the Industrial Dcvcl­ AIIIOPSY results indicated that Brown and Jerry Walker, lind elected filial decision Oil a site for the new J & K RENTAL CENTER
lIazlehllr:-.t )1l1sl Office the
opH',ent Authority discussed the need Felix Bennett, prisoner housed in Johnny Burke replace Larry
'In on


10 he innovative in its efforts In at­ the Jeff Davis County Detention Ccn­ Smith, who moved out of the city und south vide ()f Cromartie Sired be­ •
Trash Pumps

Lawn Sprayers
tcr, died as a result of hanging and could not seek re-election. tween Hinson and Odum streets,
tract new jobs. •
Step & Extension Ladders •

After the approval of the one-per­ all investigation hy the Gunrgia Bu­ "Everylhillg's costing more." November 23 •
Dirt Packers 'I'l'xl Sprayers

u rc
cent Special Purpose local Option reau 1)1'
Invesligaliol1 give); no indi­ That's Ihe firsl answer (.'Illlnly Ad­ GOlham l.lC, a
privale company Ccmcnt Finishers
• •
Wt'(xt Trimmers
Sales Tax for education purposes, Jeff calioll Ihal Ihe prisoner's dealh was minislralor L.onllie Rohens gave Illcated in SOlllh ncnd, Ind., pur­ Post Hole


'ollnde Saws
Davis Board of Educalion had a dif­ anything bill a suicide. when asked why Jell Davis County's chas 'd Alllercord I IC., of lumher
ficult task in how funds Octuhcr 20 millage rale increased (1.1) mill over ('ily from Associaled Malerials Inc. Rental equipment for large or small jobs
tll spend to

meet wide facilities needs in Illcumheni Ward 4 Cily Commis­ the previous year's levy. of Dallas, Texas. and Ivaco of
Your Authorized Dealer/or
the school system. sioner Joe Burns announced his can­ Novemher 10 Monlreal, Canada.
The Jeff Davis Sheriff's didacy for reeleclion. Incumhenl Hazlehursl Mayor The Illyslery ofwhal was plugging
made an arrest

"Fcstasy" pills from Kevin Shone

and confiscaled
Hugh Floyd. Romey McNeely
an unidenlified viclim -

Buddy Spann
from the Nov.
wilhdrcw his named
16 runoff eleclion
Ihe deep well al the new Jeff Davis

High School sile was solved -

CuhCnrJ-r-,)(t & o RlDY-""T�U"J\' '1.·/�.'i' /1.,1/'.\'1(.\ '//('( I):/tll:n

idenlified Willie Pace died in Williams. Wayne pipe was clogged with asphall.
Edge, 21. of I-Iazlehursl. as -
a againsl Roger Douglas I-Iwy .• 375-4549 •

Aslcj'or Sharo"
September 22 fiery accidenl on Ihe Alma
Jell Davis County rolled oul the Former Jell Davis High foolhall
welcome mat as thousands of coastal coach Frederick E. "Rick" Dudley Jr.
area residents evacualed their homes died in Myrlle Beach, S.c. He was
to avoid thc fury of Hurricane Floyd. 53 years old.
The Hazlehurst Cily Council ac­ A variely of aclivilies were

cepted the low bid (If $41 1-<,442.55 for planned for Collnn Fesl '1)9, includ­
converting the sewage trealmenl ing Ihe unveiling (If the Jefferson
pond on Burkell's Ferry Road to the Davis l11onumcnl. u Sallmluy nighl

city wasle water trealmenl planl ncar slrecl dance and Ihe arls and crafls
the golf course. feslival. which was moved down­
Ihis year.
Altamaha Tech's atec campus
Cily of Hazlehurst volers defeated lown

the mixed drink rct'erendum by a vole October 27 is proud to announce the addition of
of 372-266. City of Hazlehursl volers were the EMT program.
Grady Owens qualified to run for preparing 10 go to the polls for Ihe

It takes special person to pursue a


career in
pre-hospital emergency
medical service. Both the training
program and the profession are
physically, mentally and emotionally
challenging! Yet knowing that you
possess the skills to alleviate suffering
and save lives, and knowing that you
can make a positive difference in the

life of a patient, makes being an

Emergency Medical Technician one

Warm up with bowl of today's most rewarding

a of our
homemade chili or soup
Employment Opportunity
EMT may be employed by

ambulance services, rescue, fire

departments, search and rescue, ski
patrol or a�romedical services, in
specialty areas of hospitals and by
private industry, educational
institutions and government agencies.

et.ry ....
'm ...

Chic King .......... 1114&


Hwy, 341 •
8A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5, 2000

Morris, Herbert Boyd, Jimmy Services for Mrs. Priscilla A. Wil­

Mile» allli Theodore Watkins.
Mr. Randall P. Foskey liams, 88, who died Dec, 21 in SI.
Thornton's Funeral Home was in Boatright, D.L.. Jump, Clyde McCall
Services fllr Mr. Randall P.
charge. and Ed Wilson. Petersburg. Flu. ut Bayponte In Memoriam
Foskey, .11'\. of l luzlchurxt will) died Music was rendered hy "His Pavillion Nursing were held Dec. 28
Ian. in Appling County II\1spital at Glenwood Grove Baptist Church

Mr. Alton Men". Memory 01 Andrew Streeter

were held Jun. <I in the chapul of
Wainright-Purlor Funeral l lumc in Glenwood. Sept. 26, 1926 Jan. 5, 1999

Miles luucral 11(1111 '.

Hugh Simpson was in charge. The Rev. E.D. Brown officiated A year has gone by and we miss
The Rev. ";11 .Il'1'fcoat and the Rev. Services for Mr. Alton Hugh with hurial in the will always
Starlight Cemetery you more each day. You
Churlcx Curter I1fTiclar..:d with huriu]
Simpson, h.1. Ill' l lazlchurst who died Mr. Norman i!: (iil-nwood. be a
part of our lives. The memories
in I.ih 'rly Bapli�1 (hurclt cemetery.
Del'. 2H ill Brunswick were held Dec. Mrs. Wllli,.r::s was a Honorary will live on forever.
Mr. hl�(..L·� \\ a� ;1 native llf Ap­ of Waintight-Purlor Luther Toler Deacon of New Jcrll:-.,,;�rn Baptist
lO in the chapel Sadly missed by your wife,
11111 had rcs idcd in Services for Mr. Norman Luther
plin '
('Illlnl� Funcrul l lume. Church. daughters, grands and great-grands
11,'/ll'hllr�1 m'I�1 III' hi� l il Ir.
The ReI'. l lerrnnu Carter, nnd the Toler, 62, of Acworth, who died De­ Survivors include her two sons,

1-'1I�kc rllcrll!J,'r 1 If lliv (ir;tll:tm officiated with comber 27 in Cobb County were held
\\ ,I� a
Rev. l rn ill Aycock Clayton Williams of SI.
Mcih Idi�1 Chur ch. hur inl ill lire Dead River Cemetery December 31 in the Hazlehurst City Fla. and James Williams lit' Atlanla;
Siln i unhuh III� d;lIl);hl 'r�, ANDREW STREETER
ill IIlIlIgIIIlll:ry County. Cemetery. one brother, Jay "lien of Lumber
Ki hci l I,'''(..L·\ lcl w a r d and Rev. Ray Adams officiated with
m v
Mr. SiIllP:'IIIl. a native of MOIII­ City; two nieces and 14 grandchil­
Brandl 1·1"I..l'\ or 11;1.,1 'y: () ,i�Il'r:-., in Jeff burial in Hazlehurst City Cemetery.
glll11 'I' County, had resided dren, and a hosl of grcut-grundchil­
M;IC ·I;.� 1',1 III' 11;IIil'h"r�1. ,'ir,'inia 1):I\,i County for the past
... III years. Mr. Toler was II native of Jeff drcn also survive.
Roddcuhcrr II! Ila/"'IIIrr"t. Ih:lly Davis but had lived in
He III' the Methodist faith, and County, Pallbearers were friends.


Ta "or llf id:dl;1. Lil il� n lIaym.1fls \l'a:, a ret ired forest consultant for­ Acworth for the past two years. He Smalley- Brown Funeral Home of WORK-OUT
of 1.,,·mll'·1 ('111. HI. iu l .. S"'lll\\11I
cd with Cook & COIll­ was the son of the lute Jim Mc(iowan Vidaliu was in charge.
rncrlv cmplo
of B;lxk� .uul 'vl..r.\ I{IIlh Hcckncr
pany of Hazlehurst.
lie was the sun and Marie Floyd. Mr. Toler was a FITNESS CENTER
of Gcr rnauv: <I "r"lh, 1{,,�"clI

I lank
• ,f the late Grady Simpson, and retired construction worker .

Card of Thanks
FI),�r Ilf ('l'"n�"'" I III Survivors include wife. Mary
l.udcllc Cunner Sirnpsun.
«',,:,ke .Ir. ,If ( "1111111>,,,. ('arr,,11 hi:, wife. Mrs; Toler of Acworth; one daughter, An­ THANKS FROM nlE
Survi fir).
""'�kl'Y "I' II a" lrhu r ,I and \\',dlcr Jackie S"lkc� Simpson "f l luzlu- gela Dille Brock of Acworth; two MCNEELY'S
Henry (Sam) h,�k 'y III I t.llkll\lr�1 111.11 1; three sons, Grady Simpson,
-, step-daughters, Monica Rube of ,1\ friend like you all
and '>l'velal nicer ;11111 nephews. and Chuck Simpson both ofUvaldn, Douulasvillc and Mclisa Guy of Is a friend in deed.
Active I';dlh ';lrl'l':- wcrl' I\IIlh.1flY and Danny Sill1pslln (If Hazlehurst: Acworth; step-sons. Ricky
two A friend like you all is
l lurr ison. k unnic l l a rr r-, Derek McGowan of Austell and Joseph Guy is in need.
three brothers, Gene Simpson of a friend when one

FII:,key, Joseph C'artcr. (ireg T:tyllll' of Acworth; two sisters, Barnell Words can't explain how uppre- Sign-Up Times: Mondays,
Uvalda, Dan Simpson of Hazlehurst,
and H'ly Hl1denhcrry. and Wa lie Simpson Ill' Waycross; 4 Bryant of Hazlehurst and Joyce ciatcd you are. Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-6:30 p.m.
l Ionurur y flallhearcr� \ ere l.ce Disharoon of brothers,
Baxley; two No mailer how when you
grandchildren also survive. near or


Pritchett and friclllh who uucndcd the Active pullbcurcrs were Richie Billy McGowan of Jacksonville, FI. came from afar.
Advanced: 5:15-6 p.m.
Williams, Tommy Clark, Bob Sears, and George McGowan of Hazlehurst; May God hies:, each and every
d h lIal Monday, 'fuesday & Thursday
Muxi c W;I:' rc n d e rc
grandchildren and four great
Dupree ReYllolds, Shorly Rt:ntz nnd

seven one.

Jefk"al. Slcvt.:n ('alhlllln, knell grandchildren. For all the wonderful things
Ralph Pace. New class for beginners and new
D:tvis and Hichllrd Raz:,i. Active pallbearers were Joseph
Ilullorar pallheart.:r� were Dr. you all have done. moms Monday, Jan. 3
will start
in Weight Room is
Mile:, FUlleral IIlIrne wa,
Brock, Timmy Douglas, Jackie Guy,
Farris Th"m:rs, Dr. Sidney Johnson, and be held on Monday, Thesday
open 24 hours 7
harge. TOIll Ell is, lIuhert M all hews, Paul Bobhy McGowan, Randy This poem is just a small token uf
& Thursday, 6:15-7 p.m.
days week by

(jarrell, .Juhn Morris, W.R. Bass, McGowan, nnd Sidney Disharoon. appreciation. You never realized how o monthly door Ch.ildcare is available 5: 15-7 p.m.
Mrs. Leola B. Slacey Adams, Michael Lay, James
Miles Funernl Home was much your loved until somelhing code system $1.00 per child
tragic happens. Only Gud could have
Johnson JlInt.:s, Tracy Courson, Wiltun charge.
Beedler, Thomas Stone, Roscoe touched as
many heurts as he did.
Services fur Mrs. I.t.:ola n.
"ulcheslln Jr., Buddy Miller, Glynn Mrs. Priscilla A. And we arc very thankful. We thank
Johns'Hl, of lIazlehursl, wh\1 dicd
Jimmie Ryles, Joe Poole, each and everyone of you from the
hdd .Ian .1 ill (irllv' Mis­
Aywl.:k, Williams
were .
Piney bottom of our hearts.
Chml'il in Dt.:nloll.
Emory Ray Jr., Buddy Creech, Larry
sionary lIapli,1
The Rev. Stallfurd I .. 1\IIlJcr�lln
olTiciall.!d with huri:rl in lilt.: I'int.:y
(iroVl' Cl.!tnctl.!1 v.

Mr:, . .I'IIrIlSIIIl wa:-. iI I1ICl1lill:r III'

Piney (il(lv(: Bapli:-.I (,hurdl and a

memhl:r (,fthl.: senior d'lli r. She was

a rnnlhn ,If Ihl' cliurch ami prt.::,idcIlI

PI' Ilrt: Mi� illnary Depl. Shl' \I a:,
marri<.:d III tht'l:llc f):llli ,11 Johnson. ..

Survivl1r� IlIl'Iude "Ill' :,ister,

l'e;lrline .I"hnspn III TiIIPIl; Nieces,
1.11l:ille Sll1ilh. Lilia hl�ll'r, and 1.lllIil
M. Brll;lllie all (If 111'11:0.:1"11: l.e"I;1
Slark Ilf I kkllil, ('an Il' 'v ilL'l IX alld
Ril/il' Mal' SlI1ilh: :Ind:1 h,,,lld'greal
niel.:l::"llcphl'\ :-., CIIlI�lf". Iflllld� and

sl't.:ci;iI Ilt:i�libllr"
"cIlloI' pa"bl'lIl'l, \\ert.: .I;lIllt:�

'1 1r(\111 1':'1)11,

kKrvl'r. ()lIlfllill/\fI1'lld, I

Of11Jl:-'IlIl. ,';1111:111
I )avid fill lid

I ·Kin·l.
II. :lfld 5 95 5 95
1lllllI'lary flilllhl.:l1l'" Werc

Wilcox, Mark Wiic,IX, 1111\\ ;lId


J(}hll�lln, 1{llilt.:rl ",,111111. "rllwl''

matches kids
with parents NO ROAMING


Through auortilln

vi(lt.:l)cl)nferellce�, Gcorgi;1 Depart­

seric� IIf

ment (If Ilurnall Rl:�OIlfCCS is linking

adoplahle children with pmsrct.:live

adoplive families throughoul Ihe
state. The firsl, held in Novemher,
to meet
gave families the oppurlunity
and talk with 25 children from the

via the TV.

Atlanla urea

There arc hundreds (If children, in

the stale, waiting for adoptive fami­
lies. Mllst come from hackgrounds
and/or ahandon­
of ahuse, neglect
ment. Mosl arc African American and
arc nldcr, helwl:en seven and
13 year� of age. 1\11 hope to he come

part of:r pertlHlncnl family


Videllcnnferencing is un 'of many

ways Georgi;1 DIIR wlHks h rt.:('ruit
adoptive families for waiting chil­
dren. ,l\llanl:l-based adnplion s(1cial
worker Denise hierson likes the idea
of videoconferencing to find families
for children. "The flier doesll't tell
the whole story. (Through the
can sec
The power to simplify
videoconference) you your­
self taki ng the k ids home," said
The nextadoption videocon­ Vlllt .... ALLm,._IM............ ., .... ., .. If .....
...... ........ ........
ference, I'cllluring children frum the ......
IIIIIIrtI ......... CINIIe
AI..., 602 A 161h Avo 1401 Rowens 1.4,11 Rd SE 503 Indus"I.1 Ol,d AaHlldW." 113 Easl JeIIe'5(III
n.. Mnt P\J:e � Cent! 1433 Ea." Joct<SOfl SI .

Weslo�' PolOle CeOI" ItN'lle lilly 1912137&-9700

middle Georgia arca, will be Sahlr­ 2700 O...s<.n Ro 105 Ialmadge O.Ive. SIlIle 2 (9121m 1m 19121276·1900 1912) J8oI·0737
M·r 9-6. 5019·)
1M 830·530. Sal 9·3 MJ·I81!8 M·r 9·6. 5019·3
to 1912) 688·4300 (91218'Jl·2100 M·F H 511 10·2 M·f 9-6.511 10·2
·F 9-6. Sal 9-3
day, Janllary 22, from 10 a.m. ItoruS' M.F 0·6. Sal 10·4 ItoUl" M·r 9·6. Sar 10·4
...... ......... CeIInI .....,.....
noon. Space i� available at sites
........ t-. :rr:'"AI'Il �Inbfl�
161H ISr
C.nle' AalllllldWa.e
220 2nll SI
106 Main $I
110 Elghlh $I
129 YllgiiU Avenue Sourn (9121423-3130
around the stale. Fumilies interested 1185 )loml 51 AlrJJtline
M·F9·� 1912) 246·9333 (9121892·8161 iM 9·6. Sal 9·3 (9121314-9991 M·F 9-6. Sal 9·3
In 12) 242-5651> 19121388·0912 M·F 9·6. S,u 9·3 M·F 9·6. Sal 10·3
H(M� M·F 9·6, Salm ... M·r 9-6. Sal 10-2
in learning ahout adoption partici­ or llou.� M·F 9·(>. Sal 10-4

lee may apply. Wlleless mlnules and Iree long distance calling 10 anywhere In Georgia available lor calls originating In ALLTEL's ueorgla
pating in the next vidcoconfcrencc © 2000 ALLTEL Corporation. New line 01 service wllh 12-month commitment and credll approval required. Activation
area. The $29.95 phone oller is good only when activating service on Ihl! 124.95 rale plan thaI Includes ISO peak minutes
Freedom local (home) calling area. No loamlng or long dIstance oharges apply when calling within thll Georgia Freedom coverage
should call the DHR Oflice of Adop­ thaI includes 250 peak minules and 500 otl-peak mlnules. The $.95 phone oller (s good only when aclivatillg service on the $49.95 rate plan
and 500 all-peak mlnules The $19.95 phone oller Is good only when aC11vatlng service on the $34.95 rale plan
taxes and olher charges apply 10 wireless service. Peak hours are Monday-Friday 7:00 am 10 8:00 pm. Oil-peak hours
tions Hotline, toll-free, at (HSH) 46()- Ihallncludes 400 peak mlnules and 500 oll·peak mlnulos. All airtime 15 billed In one-minute billing Increments. Roaming. long dlslance, includes a
are Monday-Friday 8:00 pm to 7:00 am and all day Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Holidays included:
New Year's Oay. Independence Day, Labor Day, ThanksgivIng Day and Chrislmas Day. The ALLTEL 7 Cenl Residential Long Distance rate
2467, or Lisa I.umpc at The Recruit­ $5.00 monlhly service charge. The monthly service charge on the ALLTEL 7 Cenl Long Distance Rato will be dlscounled to $3.00 per
monlh lor ALLTEL wireless ouslomers on rale plans 01 $24.95 or higher. The $.07 per minute rate applies to Inlerstate
in Soulh Carolina aro charges $.10 per mlnule lor intra stale calls. Oilers available al partlclpallng ALLTEL Georgia localions.
menl Solution, toll-fr('e, al (877) 242- calls only. ALLTEL cuslomers residing In Georgia are charged $.11 per minute lor Intrastate calls. ALL TEL customers residing
See store lor details. Other restric1lons apply. OHer ends Feliruary 28. 2000.
5774 10 register.

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,2000 9A

Michael Bright will Christian Ladies

Capps family conducting missionary work perform Sunday at
Bell Street COG
meeting is Jan. 11
The Christian Ladies Fellowship
Evangelist Capps David and his According to Faith Holiness
will meet Jan. II at First Baptist
wife Regina, and children Church Pastor Bruce Tanner, the last Christian recording artist Michael
family -

Church at 12 noon.
Roman and Dusty arc residents of 34 saved and many Bright will perform Sunday, Jan. 9

report was
blessed. The family asks for people's at 10 a.m. at Bell Street Church of speaker will be Cheryl Fowler
Denton but they are now in
Wilkes from First Baptist ct;urch of
Zacapuato, Mexico where they are prayers and support while they are
Music will be provided by
Bright is known for national ra­ Soperton.
conducting their missionary work. doing their missionary work. Don and Jill Bates of First Baptist
Donations may be made to David dio releases such as "Take Time" and
They were home for a brief visit Church of Hazlehurst.
in early December, returning to "Miracle Working Jesus." His album,
Capps, P.O. Box 224, Denton, Ga. Lunch will be served.
Mexico on Dec. 12. 31532. "A Touch From Jesus," was given a
triple A rating in Singing News

American Lung
Bright ministers in over 175 Association needs
Macedonia Church of God to churches a year and has appeared on
television stations across the U.S. vehicle donations
hold Camp Meeting Jan. 9-14 For information, call Pastor The American Lung Association
Randy Rowell at 375-4037.
of Georgia will give a tax break to
McCall Ministries and Macedonia Also appearing is a three-member
Church of God will hold their fourth of musicians and singers. The group people who donate their automobiles,
traveled as Gospel Express from Rev. J.M. Blair to be vans, trucks or boats.
Camp Meeting Sunday through Fri­
1983-1997, but beginning in 1998 a TheLung Association accepts all
day, Jan. 9-14. Services will be at
10a.m. and 6p.m. on Sunday, and name change to McCall Ministries
honored Jan. 12-14 at vehicles, no mailer the condition or
1 st African age. A contributor is eligible for a
weeknights at 7:30. was adopted. The group has made six
Baptist federal tax deduction for the fair
The speaker will be Ordained recordings including a new project
Church of God Evangelist Van that will be released at this Camp Members of First African Mis­ market value of the vehicle donated.
sionary Baptist Church will pay trib­ Theonly requirements arc proof of
McCall from Denton, a spirit­ Meeting entitled "Celebrating 2000
ute to the Rev. J.M. Blair who has ownership and towing access.
anointed, gospel preacher with a years of Christ." There will also be
other singing nightly. served as the church's pastor for the The money raised funds the
unique and highly retentive preach­
ing style. The style makes use of ev­ The 2000 Camp Meeting theme past five years. American Lung Associnuun of
A Renewed Commitment." He will be honored Jan. 12-14, Georgia's education, research. com­
eryday objects and analogies that is

bring alive the truth of the Bible. A Pastor Jack Dorminey and the beginning nightly at 7:30, and con­ munity service and advocacy pro­

highlight of ministry came in Janu­ congregation of Macedonia Church cluding Sunday, Jan. 16 with Sunday grams.
School at 9:45 a.rn., and worship at For information or to donate a
ary and February, 1997 (the first of God invite everyone. The church
is located in Denton, just off Hwy. II a.rn,and 4 p.m. vehicle, call the American Lung As­
Macedonia Camp Meeting) in an
Rev. Blair has been a member of sociation of Georgia at I-XOO­
eight-week revival that saw 71 souls 221. For more information, call I-
saved. 912-37.5-2130. the church for 30 years. LUNG-USA.

Unconditional Love -

Every often you hear about a couple who separate or divorce, and it
so seems that all
the love they had for each other is suddenly gone. One
can't seem to find anything good to say about the other,
and it may even appear that they were never really in
love. It seems that human love is conditional and
dependent upon how well one is treated.
Our Lord is aware of our frailties, and perhaps that is

why we are told repeatedly in the Bible to love one

another, and if we love one another, God lives in us and
His love is perfected in us. It's a blessing to know that

God's love is divine and unconditional. He continues to e

love and bless us even when we sin or separate

ourselves from Him. God's great commandment to us is,
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all your mind." And similarly,
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself." o

Church .
Directory- . .


Along with these sponsors, we encourage you
Elizabeth Baptist Church. Roper Comm
First Baptisl Church. 204 N. Tallahassee 51 ,

, ..

to attend the church of your choice
Liberty Baptisl Church, Uvalda Hwy , , 379·9783
Lumber City Baptist Church, Hwy. 341 363·4961 HAZLEHURST
Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 123 Girtman SI. , , , , , 375·7522 Trowell
Mt. Zion Baptlsl Church. Old Graham Road
Northgate Baptist Church, Pecan Street
Oakvlew Baptist Church, Altamaha Road
, ..

, .. , ,


, ,

.. ,
Insurance Agency


Southside Baptist Church, S. Cromartie SI 375·3315

, , , -

All Lines oj Insurance -

o 0 �
New Life Baptist Church, Baxley Hwy , , .. , , , 375·LlFE
Odom st. 375·3265
In:�In: �n. Sandwichos of a/l kinds
341 N.
Denton Baptist Church , .. , .. , , 375·0000 9:JO em· Ilpm Dine·in or take out Hwy.
Oakland Baptist Church, Roger Stili Rd , .. , , , , 375·3008
Grace Baptist Church, N. Williams 51 375·7519
An Auto Value Parts Store
, , ,

Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church , , 375·7t93 R&D Auto/Truck Salvage

Tallahassee Baptist Church , .. , 375·0002

, , , .. , ,

Amazing Grace Christian Fellowship. 60 Collins 51. .' , , 379·1001

Eureka Baptist Church , , , , .. , 379·0220 Quality Used Parts At A Reasonable Price
New Beuleh Primitive Baptist, Odum St 379·9046
, , , ,

Auto Parts For Less Owners: Don & Rhonda Walsh

Allamaha Baptist Church , .. , , " , 367·1300 Quality
Hazlehurst Primitive Baptist, Cromartie St , 375·2676 601 S. Tallahassee St.· 375·7889
565 Baxley Hwy.• •


Satilia Free Will Baptist Church, Salilia Comm 375·7492

Sue's House of Flowers EHonls Decor Shoppe
First United Methodist Church of Hazlehurst, S. Tallahassee Streel 375·4555
Nationwide Service

Wallpaper· Pictures· Bedspreads

Parsonage , , , , 375·2034
Wedding Rentals •
Full Service Florist
Mattresses Window Treatments Gifts
• •

Philadelphia Methodist Church , , , , , , , .

Excelsior United Malhodlst Church , , .

101 Rose Ave.· 375-4736 210 Latimer St. •
Lumber City Methodist Church, Church St , 363·4646
Graham United Methodist Church , , 367·7716
Antioch CME Church, Martin Luther King Jr. Or .

Hill �
Bible Baptist Church, Bell St
Mary Dumplings t (!JJ � � t � Screen Printing
Made Especially For You With Love
224 W. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst Lewis R. Hunter' 1-80().84�292· 10510 Bridgeport Way sw
Good Shepherd Catholic Chapel, Baxley Hwy , , .. , , 375·5948
375-4868 Formerly of Hazlehurst TACOMA, WA 98499
Bell St. Church of God, Broxton Rd , , ..
, ..
, , .. , , 375·7545
Pastor's Res 375-4037
Bridgeford Church of God, Bridgeford Ch. Rd
, , , ,

Cornerstone ,;:_;
Church of God, S. Cromartie , ..
, ,


, ..

, ..


375·7774 Davis Farm &
Lumber City Church of God, Hwy. 341 , , , , ..
, 363·7753
Christian Bookstore
Pastor's Res
Macedonia Church of God
, , , .. , , , 363·4701
375·2857 Gifts·
Garden Center, Inc.
Full Gospel Church of God, Renwick
, , , .. , , .. , , ,

Tapes- Bibles· Engraving
, , ,
412 Alma Hwy. •
My God is Real (bi·lingual). 7 latimer St 379-0799 308 S, Tallaha .... St. •

Elbethel Church, Broxton Hwy 375·5683
Ryles Maximum Auto
Care & Tire Center
Jehovah's Witnesses, Burketls Ferry Rd ,................................ 375·5945
Hours: Mon.-Frl. 5:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Sal. 7 a.m.·5 p.m.
MORMON 375·5819· E. Jefferson St., Hazlehurst
Church of Jesus Christ of Laner Day Saints. Plum 51. 375-5279 Downtown •
375-4228 --
Branch· 375·2310

Sl. Thomas Aquinas Episcopal Church, Hwy. 341 Baxley , , 367-2170
Googesl, Inc. CELLULARONE®
PSE Bows· Browning Guns Propane •
Barbara Swain
Haz. Pentecostal Church, Bell Telephone Rd 375-7027
Landmark ApostOliC Tabernacle, 421 N. Tallahassee 367-4990
Kerosene Fishing Supplies· Clothes

Authorized Agent
House of Prayer Deliverance Center, 123 latimer St 359·3287 We Take Service To The Extremel
912·375-5546 •
341 Cellular: 222-8145 •
912·375-5162 atter 6 p.m,
First Alliance Church, Old Graham Road 375·3580

Hazlehurst Church of Christ, Douglas Hwy

�....WESTIRN AUTOJ Merle Norman Cosmetics
House of Prayer by Faith, Jacksonville Hwy., Lumber City
363-9254 -11-·., 'The pluce for the beautiful face"
Western Auto Tires & Batteries· Lawn Mowers
Colognes by Sybil -
APOSTOLIC FAITH Garden Supplies· Home Appliances· ElectroniCS
DIsc1p1es of Christ Deliverance Outreach Ministry, Hwy. 3415
Tuxedo Rentals •••
375-0908 Bicycles· Sporting Supplies
Putor'. Res , , "
868-2769 109 S. Tallahassee SI. 112·375-3401 Mary Stone, Owner 375·5209

lOA Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,2000

Antique doll
exhibit to be
in Douglas
Teens invited to youth summit
The Safe America Fuundntion is Summit. Sophomores and juniors
A ustinCravey has Births Starting in
tion Museum, downtown
January, Heritage Sta­
will host antique doll exhibit.
from legislative districts will meet

birthday celebration
inviting teens to a Georgia Youth
The dolls will range from antique
Feb. 27-29 in Atlanta to explore so­
to traditional, and from porcelain to
lutions to underage drinkin r.
Bridal Registry Students interested ill serving
G.t. Joe. The exhibit is designed for
Austin Cravey celebrated his sec­ all ages and for both men and women.
must complete all application hy Jail.
Brooke Bowell
ond birthday on Dec. 9. His friends Heritage Station Museum also
Reagin 10. For inturrnutiou, cull 770-21 H-
lind family celebrated this special day offers history on the Georgia/Florida
Chris Reagin 01171.
with Blue's Clue's party. railroad, clothing, tobacco, turpen­
December 4 tine, etc. Museum operating hours arc
Bridal �gistry Austin is the son of Kip and Tuesday thru Saturday, 10 a.m, to 4

Stephanie Cravey. His maternal p.m.

Andrea 1011115011
Andrea 1011115011 grandparents arc Carroll and Wunda For more information and details,
[ustin Luke of Hazlehurst and Sharon Pattie
Foskey contact Kirkland, at 912-389-
December 28 [ustin Luke Webster of Lumber City. His pater­ 3461.
December 28 ...
nul grandparents arc Jimmy and Pat
Vickie Cook Cravey of Alamo.
PTA meeting,
Dr. Kyle Smith Vickie Cook
open house to
Austin enjoys riding around in his
December 28 D,.. Kyle Smith Papa Carroll's race car and playing Jordan Ryan MeLoon
December 28
Austin Cravey ball.
be at JD Elem
Hughes Ryan lind Kristi McLoon would
'trent Woodcock like to the birth of their There will he a P.T.A. meeting and
Happy Birthday
Constance Hughes announce sun,

J5 horn Nov. 27 at h:47 Open l luuse at Jeff Davis Elemen­

january Trent Woodcock
Jordan Ryun.
a.m. in the Fairview Park l lospital in tary School Tuesday. Jan. 11 from
January 15 7lhs. 12ozs. (,:10 til tl p.rn. Parents arc encouraged
Denmark, Shnitha Gloster, Dublin. Jordan weighed
.JIIIlUIII'Y 6 Tammy
ttl attend the meeting and then visit

Golden Tiffany
Durley, Kerri
Watkins, Mrs.
, Austin arter, Michael
Shawn Dawson, Jack
Rca, Anthony
Campbell and
and was

20 1/2in. long.
grandparents arc Danny their children s classrooms.
and Sandra Carver (If Hazlehurst and A prugress report on the SACS

Gifts (jifts (ja[ore Hancock. Randy lIand, Rill

Johnston, Roosevelt King, Boots
Land, Greg Varnado', Mrs. Mack
Stephanie Wilkes.
JllnuHry 9
Glenda Knox, Robert Taylor, Kent
Virgil and
Elaine Ursrcy of Norcross.
great-grandmother is
Accreditation process will be dis­
cussed al the P.T.A. meeting.
S. Tallahassee 51. •
375-53111 With the start of semester,
Naomi Jacobs. Maternal grcut-grcut II new
S. Williams SI. •
375-4341 Ryuls, Curlcenc Guurlcy, David Wilson, Betty Mackey. Jane Oliver,
it is irnpurtunt for parents to look
Lacey, Ilazel Taylor, Eddie Parsons, Juanita Harper, Rhonda Sellers, grandmother is Julia Jacobs of Hazle­ at

hurst. their children's progress and assess

Sondra Parlin, Sacey Conner, Frances Bonnie Nichols, Linda Crawford,
Paternal grandparents arc Donnie their ucudcrnic needs for the last half
lozuda. l.urry McDaniel, Tommy Sue Ricketson, Michael Parker, John
Elizabeth and Luvonne Mcl.oon of Hazlehurst. of the school year.
New From Weight Watchers! Ro he no l t ,
Renee Thomas, and urrer, De Run Kight,
Dixon and Paternal great-grandparents arc
Caroline Perry. Stone.Andy Corbin, Terry
the 10% difference" 7 John Gore. Gertrude Mcl.oun, l.ois Hyers, and
.lanunry Anniversaries
Terry Nelms, Murxh Hinson, Vernon January 10 Robert and Lihhy Turner all of Ilazle­
Focusing on the 10% difference with 1·2· u cess, Adriane Thomas, Melinda Ferrell, hurst.
the fir�t
Thompson, Jo Ann McNeal, Kenny
Weighl Wal hers' easiest t'wr, I'
big Ann Grant, Paige Simmons, Betty Jordan was discharged from the January 6
Courson, Carroll Yawn, Sandra
step in rca hing your goals. Jean Brewer, Mike Thompson, Neonatal Intensive Can: Unit of the Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Creamer
Kurtz, Rick Sellers, Ken Sellers, Joy
Parrish, Beulah Williams. Chundic Sarulyn Stapleton, Doris Jones, Larry
.olumbia Coliseum Hospita] in .hmullry 7
James Dublin on Dec. (). Jordan was wel­ Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Kerns
Yawn, Ronald Wood, Earl Carter, Hcstcrs, John
Diane Ford, Wanda i{m land, Jimmy Bennett, Alan Tapley, George
comed home hy many fam i Iy and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goforth
friends. January 8
Harber, Shellie Partin, Juhnny Kight, Andrews, Billy Joe Creamer, Ashley
Plus, JOIN NOW FOR 1/2 PRICE! Jennifer Walsh, Matl l idc nfic ld. Smith, Deurl Creamer, Coli Kerns.
Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Morris
AY,III,lilll' Itlt.-\ 1''''!lI·d tutu- 01,1 (,11I1·80U·(,51·6000 Ilf VI.,I!
Ben O'Stccn, J.C', McCullurs, Bar­ Mr. und Mrs. Gary Josey
Car re r,
ow Wl'h",", ,It www.'Neilthlwalchen,com tn! "UH" ,"flllll1,IIII"1
Sandy Thompson. l l ol l y
Janice Jump, Mr .... l.dwnrd Wilcox haraSapp, Marsha McCoy, Day, Mall Mr. and Mrs. Danny Nabors
HAZLEHURST and Wilcnc Reynolds. Virginia Wilson, Jesse Arnold lind .'"llllllry 9
Mr. and Mrs. lC. Davis
J:IIlUIII'Y H Oral Shumans.
Southside Baptist Church Dr. and Mrs. Dan McRae
Kristen Rigdon, Roger Joey Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hughes
91 South Cromartie St. Mirns, Buddy Berryhill. Danny .'lInlllll'Y II Marissa Nicho/e Bennett
Frank Bragg Sr Huddy Dccn,
Mr. alld Mrs. Jerry Kight
6:30 p.m. Dickens, Mrs. Milton Sellers, Burney

Durrell Brewer, Brad Dunie ls, Melinda and Mike Hcuncu of Januury 10
Griffin, Johnny Crumpton, Ycteva
Mr. and Mrs, Phil Walters
t 110' � ,II Hili •

,I.q., I ,I
,">1,. ,,' .It 1.,,1
\"'11.1 ...·t·
,th,"", 'i'

"'1 III"
,11,1 Hit II .. ", I

I. 11,,1·

'�lil' H'
11''' ......
,yl1 II h,
,h. Wlle,lll ",AI, III 1('.\1,.,10 "',"� ,\11
,"\, 11,111 1I"tI' • 1'\" ,I.

II 'Iii

Powell, Niles Dixon, Alesiu Ross, Michael Williums, Anthony l.nwson, Douglas arc proud to announce the
111111 ,.
,I ,.d,,1 .,' AI.11l , II'",n, t t 1.",,1,1 ("'''),'1 'H 1.,1'"1 • " ••

birth of their daughter, Marissa Mr. and Mrs. Iial Maddox Jr.
'1' ""'Y."" Yvonne Rohy.
f U', 1 .11\ ,11 "" I ••
I, 'I .,. .11 I' \., ., 11011"
Mildred Kerns, Ebony
,Inll "Ir' , ••• 1".,,' In'., III'hl. 1,",,,, ""I", rh,' ... ,I,d ",' lilt, AI \ ..",.� !""W"'" flO I
flIIIIIUlII"y 111111".),
Johnny Tippins Jr., Carolyn Sellers,
Steve McKever, Nichule, horn Dec, 27 at (,olfee He­ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lee Horne
Waunell Taylor,
Mr. und Mrs. Hugh Kersey
Judy Snipes, Brandon King and gional Hospital in Douglas. She
4 Ihs. H and was I X in. Janna ry 11
Everette Garnes. weighed uzs;

Mr. and Mrs. lM. Ricketson

Jllnullry 12 long.
Maternal Mr. and M r. a III I Mrs. 13.J. Jones
Jason Murphy, Janice Brown, Susan grandparents arc

Varnadoe, Fannie Carswell, Sandra Mrs. Victor Hattaway of Hazlehurst. January 12

Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Kornegay
Williams, Charles M. Carter, Brenda
Mrs. Edwin Bennett of Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Don SCali
Hutchinson, Jamie Rivera, Michelle
Mr. ami Mrs. Larry Williamson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Altman
Bohannon, Meghan Clark, Jason
Macon. Mr. and Mrs. "Ibm Brown
Powell, Heather Lee, William
Marissa welcomed home by Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bass
Browning, Pamela Maxwell, Markell

her sister Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Wright

Moore and Helen Cluxton. Morgan, agc-4.

Come Join The Fun!!!

Thursday, Jan. 6 & Friday, Jan. 7

Put the Power of 'Digital 4-6 p.m.
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Offer Expires Jan. 14! ..... DIGITAL CABlE
For more information call
Jeff Davis Ledqer, Wed., January 5,2000 11A

'Istida! �,\cqL"tnl '- -

Parrish Reports By Wilhelmina Parrish

Andrea Johnson
The year 2000 got (Iff be Sister Daisy Taylor of Ocilla. Area ce Icbral ion. and Mrs, James Ward and family in closing sermon. The delegates from Justin Luke
to a

start as the clock showed churches, their ushers and the public Ron Handsome attended Alhanv Macon. Alsu visiting was John the Mount Calvary Baptist Church December 28
this service to he­ State University's commencement Burney. They all visited relatives in who attended included Christopher
Dcc. 31 when many people as­ are invited to help
(If the duties and Dec, II. Mr. Handsome's name was l luzlchurs: including Mrs. Robert Mitchell, Dennis Mitchell, George Constance
sembled in churches. Among come more aware

Edwards Sr. and family and several McRae, Bardrew Moore and Randall
usher at church inadvertently omitted and this writer
churches worshipping late Friday responsibilities of the Trent Woodcock
Thomas House of God. worship. The pastor, Minister Elgin apologizes for the omission. other relatives. Johnson. Accompanying the Lillie
were Chapel wasthe pastor, Min­ January 15
N. Dixon, invites everyone. Sister Carolyn E. and John Hazelton and Sherrie Hall of the U.S. Navy sta­ Laymen group
Bennett Tuhcrnuclc l lulincxs Church,
Pcnnsucola, Fla. spent the ister E. Neal Dixon, who also was one
and Evergreen Freewill Baptist Juanita Rozier serves as president (If family of Miami, Fla. spent the tioned at

the Senior Usher Buard of Mount Christmas holidays visiting Mrs. Christmas holidays here visiting her of the instructors for the convention.
Church. An Emancipation Day pro­

gram was held at

Mount Calvary Calvary Baptist Church and invites Hazelton's mother, Mrs. Ralph mother, Minnie Hall and family. Ms. Antioch CME Church and the Diamond
Church Saturday. The PH'­ everyone. Easley. Durinu the holidays vacation Hull visited her great-grandmother, pastor, Minister Martin Brown,
Baptist a Black History Month
Mr. and Mrs. Hazelton 0111<.1 Mrs. Jenny Ann Jones before returning to to
with the cougrcgution qu a r t e rl y Indoor Choir
The everyone
gram began
singing "Lift Every Vllice and Sing"
followed by prayer h, the pastor.
Broadcast will he held at Evergreen
Freewill Bapti�t Church Sunday Jan.
Ralph Easley joined
members in Atlanta for their Annual
other family Pcnnsucolu.
Tancshiu Bennett and Tushunna
program the second Sunday
ruary at II :30
in Feb­

u.m. Guest speaker is

Christmas dinner. Bennett of Jacksonville, Fla. have Sister Betty Jean Brown ofTalluhas­
Minister E. Neal Dixon, The scrip­ )0 5 p.rn. due Il' the schedule of
at Day They met at
5. Tallahassee 51. •
Sister Rllhhie the Bible Study. Choirs participating the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terry returned home after spending the sec, Fla.
ture was read hy
Fuller. Word� llf welcome were ex­ in the gospel �ingillg Icstivul should Easley Sr. in Atlanta. Other family .hristrnus holidays here with their
tended hy Sister Juanita S. Rozier. plan to come early for the Hihlc Study members joining them included Mr. grandparent, Reuben Bennett and
The occasion wa�
gi ven hy Sister and the �ing that will fullmv. The host and Mrs. Terry Easley Jr. of Chicago, family. They also visited Mr. and Corbitt Supply/lBP
111.. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Easley and Mrs. Royce Slade, several aunts lind
Carolyn II. Arnold. Pl lel11� were read pustor. Minister II. I Mckov, and ..

rncrnhcrx invite the public. family, Mrs. Claude J. Easley of uncles, and their families. They also 912-375-9338
hy Sister Emil. Bruce and Sister Hazlehurst •

The Aunual Hlack II i�t(lry Month Bennettsville. S.c. and her daughter isitcd their great-grandmother, Mrs.
Christy Mitchell. The �ignificance of Vinyl Siding

Seamless Gutters
Traci. her hushund and children and C.S. Bennett. Sr. and her family.
the Emancipation Proclamation wa� prllgrams will he presented during
All churches. pa�tllrs �e crul local Atlanta friends. Mrs. Milton Thornton and her Metal Residential Roofs
beautifully ex p l a i nvd hy Sister Fehruurv. ;lre,1

Phyllis Marlena 1Ii11. l luzlchurs]. and the public arc a�ked tl' support Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Calvin grandchildren Tulia, Brittany, and SupeRwalllnsulated Siding
Kornegay Sr. for the Christmas holi­ Michelle Thorntnn all of St. Marys,
Mayor I{l'ger Wi l l i arn s bruuulu the programs. Replacements Windows
Church days were their children, Mr. and and Valerie Bennett and several of
greetings and exprl'�!--l'd his willing­ Mount C'alvarv Bapti�1
ness to show love and concern for all and the pll�lllr, Minister Elgin Dixon, Mrs. Michael Kornegay and children her sisters. all of Jacksonville, Fla. "BUY FACTORY DIRECT & SAVE!"
gue�t worshippcr« at Jordnn III' Atlanta. They visited several sis­ attended the Commissioning Cer­
people. lie expressed hi!-- l
Ipenl1e�� It I were

listen tll the need� of every cnrnrnu­ Stream lIapti�t Church llf"iillIIllShof(' tcrs and brothers whi lc in this vicin­ crnony (If Eric Hall of Newport
Jan. 2. The newly ultra modern �;IIIC­
ity. Among those relatives they vis­ News. Vn. Mr. Hall was comrnis­
nity and his humhleuc-c- in serving
the pcople of Hazlehurst. The chal­ tuarv wa� capacity. The pas­
filled til ited were Mr. and Mrs. Reginald siuncd as Second Lieutenant after Outback's
his Hampton

Year :::!(I( III given hy tor, Ministcr J, (illrdlln held ulficcrs Kllrnegay, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin completing training at
lenge I'm the wa�

Brother Glenn Harri« who suid Ilne'� in�tallatiun services, Kornegay Jr Diane Kornegay,
lnstituic. lie is the son of Mr. and New Friday Night Buffet
luncrnl services Ior Mrs. Priscillu Deborah Knrnega and Millicent Mrs. Ilarry Franklin 110111111'
attitude i� Ill' utnHI�t importance in
Hours: 5:30-9 p.m.
one's with Allen Willi.uns \ ere held Dec, 2X at Wilcox of Surrency. News, furmcrly uf Hazlehurst. and
achieving glIal. ahlng
for another, The Glenwood Grove Bapti�t Church Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glenn 1·lar­ thc grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Featuring:
showing IlIVe one �('­
with Minister 1:.0. Hrown olficint­ ris Sr. were their children Evangelist Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Maxie
loists were Sister Chr istinc C. Ilarris
McMillian all of Hazlehurst. He is Ciucken (Outback slyle)
Burial in Starli,t.:ht Cl'llletery Belinda Polite. her husband Willie
and Sister Barhara Kinu who sang ing. wa�

of Glcnwoud with Srnnllc -Hruwn Polite and children, Jamaal and Tinna the maternal great-grandson of Mrs. Shrimp
"I've Been Through The Storms" and
C.S. Bennett Sr. and the paternal Clam Strips
Funeral l Iumc llf Vidalia in charge. Polite. all of Columbia, S.c. Mr. and
"Prayer Change Thillg�" respec­
Mrs. Polite vacationed in the Haha­ L!reat-grandson of lIarry Hall of Seafood Casserole :

The friend� and family �howered
tively. Special Illusic wa� pruvicbJ Fish '
hy the Mllunt Calvary Scnior Choir their lovc llll Si�ter Jennie !\lln.Jone� mas during the holidays.
hllleral ices f()r Mrs. L.T. Pork Chops •. :

with Brother Sherman Knll.� serving recently ami shl: i� very appreciative Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ellgene ser

for Saturday, Baked Potatoes

as pianist. The u�her� were Brllther (If evcr. thill):: dlllle I'llI' her. MallY Allen during the Christmas and New Moss arc tentatively set
Jan. X, I p.m. at Saint Mallhew Fries' Rolls' Salad Bar
Evrlld SClltt and Brllther Cilenn lIar­ thanks tll each llf \ltlU. Year'� Oay were Mr. and Mrs. Ear at

A.M.I:. Church. Mrs. Moss passed Dessert with homemade Ice cream
ris who alsll received the llITerinL!. Funeral �l'r ice� fur Mrs. Lel,la Wright and family of Valdosta. Mr.
Closing remarks were givcn hy the Johll�lln
wen: held Jail. :I at Pille
Chur'h ",ilh Mini�tl'r
and Mrs. Maurice Wright of Texas,
and other memhers of the family.
away Sunday.
The Annual Youth C()nvention of
$1095 (Plus Tax & Beverage)
pastor who closed the pfllgram with Bapti�,t
the familiar hymn "BIe�t Be The Tie" Stanfmd nder�(1n tllTiciating. Burial They also visited their aunt, Mrs. The General Missillnary Baptist Con- Outback
in Pille. (il'llVl' Cemetery \ ith .I11hnny Seward and family llf Gra­ entil\n ofGeorgia was held at
prayer and henedictilln. Out­
and a wa�

of-tllwn worshipper wa� Sister Willie Thllrnltln i-'llIIer;d Illlme in

charge. ham. Friendship Baptist Church of Alhany Range & Recreational Center
Marci Vann and family ofAtlant;1 Dec. 27 21). H()st pastllr was Minis­

D. Allen of Daytona Beach. Fla. Mi��i'Hlary Baptist

The (jeneral Kirkland SUII Rd., Hazlehurst· (912) 375-0765
Cllnvention (If (ieorgi;1 will hulll its have rl'tllrne,d Illlme after visiting tl'r 11.1'1. Jllhnslln whn preached the
The Annual Martin I.utherKing
Day ohscrvance will he
Jr. Memorial Annu;II Adjllurrled State Sessilln Feh. Rehecca Vann and family. They vis­
held Sunday. Jan. 2:1 ;It :I p.m. at _2-2:1 in Macllll. Churches of the ited Minister and Mrs .James Cornish.

Mount Calvary Baptist Church with Twelfth District Cllnveillilln arc and family, Mrs. Jared Vann and fam­
and Mrs. Clara Vann ami family
Minister I· Neal Dixlln
as host. This asked tll make pl;lIl� for the CllllVen­ ily.
significant llhservancc is
of the work and lledication of the
a reminder t ion and send
Mr�. Jllhll
Si:--ter Carrie
OllillCl'Y l\d;II11� and
icker� h;)\'e rl'lIIl'1led
and uther relatives.
Mr. and Mr�. Luke Arnold Jr. have
returned hume after spendiii'g the
Inventory Clearance Sale
fallen leader, the late Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Area churches and home aftei vi�ilill);! in Trll .. N.Y. Christmas holidays in Atlanta. Thl'Y Thursday Friday - -

their pastors. ;lI1d the puhlic in­ visited Mr�. ;\tlam< chilthn ill i�ited their daughter, Brenda Faye
arc They
vited. All yllllllg pellple ami children Troy including Mr. ilnd Mr� .. hlllll I llry. They alSll worshipped with
50%-75% off
arc urged tll attend. The

Minister Runnie j{ohinsllnllfAtlanta.

There will he Usher Anniver­
speaker is ;\dams and chillhn,
Adallls Nllrwlllld

Billy Adall1�.
lr�. VirL!inia

vi�ited several
Ms. Ivm)' llll Sunday.
('harlie Burney and family of
;\ Ihion, Mich. spent the Christmas

:Beall's & :Beau's

sary program Jan. l) at l) a.m. at grandchildren alld their falllilie� in holiday!,> in Georgia visiting family
memhers. Mr. Bllrney visited Mrs.
Mount Calvary Baptist Church at 27 Troy and Alhany. N. Y. hefllr' retllrn­
DeGlllllris Wooten and family, Mr.
Girtman Street. Visiting speaker will ing home for the New Ye;lr\ D;IY

(Continued from Page 7A)

uniform� in thl: Cl)mstock W;IS honored for her ser­
The Jeff Davis County School � �tell1.

Williams eagerly Ipok­ vice. Comslclck was

planning. on
System wa� officially 011 "The Infor­ Roger wa�

mation Highway" with its own weh forward heint..: ill:-.tallcd in leaving theAuthority in January to
ing to

11ai'.lehur�t·s n1a take position with the Bank of

site. giving students, parents staff Janllary as new or. a

and members lIf the cllmmunity a The Board of hlllcatillll met With Ilaziehurst.

uscl'ul tool to k(;ep up with what's archilect Steven Ililltll disc(l�s reno­ Decemher 22

going on in all of the county's vations planned I'llI' the old kll Davis
Schllol t() h()lI�e the middle the
Jell Davis Cuuntians,
rest of the
along with
world, were preparing
Because Danny Callahan Has More Visits to Make ...

schools. lIigh
Baxley Federal Savings Balik school. to celebrate Christmas. 1999.
stuckholders The cOllnty commissioners com­ Decemhel' 29
approved a merger
Memhers of the HazlehurslCity
agreement with PAI3 Bankshares. plained that people were leaving trash
Hazlehurst husinessman Charles ilerm. other than hllusehold trash at good-byes tn long­
Council said their
the cOllnty owned solid waste Clll1- time Mayor Buddy Spann on his fi­
M. Shirley Sr. died Dcc. 5 at his homc
after a long illness. He was HI. tainers. I3l1t, with Ihe loc;1i landfill nal meeting as mayor.

December 15 clost:d, there was no other pla<.:e for Knlhy Brown of Hazlehurst was
The Board of Education put to rest citizens tLl disp()se of thllse ill:ms. named thl' winner of Salilla REMC's

the issue of whether or nut to develop Jeff Davis Indllst rial Developmenl First Annual Christmas f'Irawing
of school Executive Director Sallie Contest.
:1 "olicv cnverinl! the use Authority

Saturday, January 8

up to 75% off Winter Stock (in mougll aJcium,

phosphorus, muI viJmnin D.
Do writ/lt-buring txnri#:
Sizes 0-6x for boys & girls Wa&; jog, climb SfIlin,
PASTOR DANNY CAI.l.AHAN keeps a crowded calendar. Trurh IU lift wftg!Jt1, tIanct.
rell. lending rhe flock take.� the steady-going minisrer =111 over Don�m_!
sourheasr Georgia. Thar's a 101 of sitting, bending and walking. AvoiIJ ovmuing Il1II11riJs
e//('('/\· Oil t 011,.
and for many years. he endured nearly constant orthopedic pain. with lliIIminll1n.
11('11" SI)l'! lip, Thanks ro the experienced orthopedic surgeons, advanced tech­ soJas

(J ,.tll '(J nolob'Y' comprehensive rehabilitation program and caring sraff of
the Sarilla Orthopedic Center, Pa�tor Callahan is still a man on a

mission and on rhe move. We're with him every step of the way.
Tilt SatiIJA OrtllOptdir Cn,trr

Little Impressions There's More to Life,
+ Sarilla Rf2ional
Medical Cmter
Tree City Plaza in Baxley Waycross, Georgia· (912) 283-3030
Hwy. 341,603 W. Parker St. 366-8000

12A Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed., January 5,

I'RICE REIJUCEIJ for sale! !-fELl' WANTEIl: Pest Control "'OR SALE: 1997 Dodge Caravan YARD SALE: Saturday, 7 a.m. un­
FOR RENT OR SALE: 2 I:3R Mo­ quick
DUI'LEX IfOUSES & TRAIL· LX. 4�,IHH) miles, fully loaded, ex­ 1603 Altnmaha Road, H miles
bile Hornets]. Call (jarrell at �75- �BR Douhlcwide with over 2 ucres Tcchnicinn needed. Experience pre­ til, at
ERS FOR RENT: One mile from cellent condition. $14,SOO. Call 37S- at Sheila Rucker's home. Mater­
of lund in nice subdivision, Has muny ferred. ill Vidalia or Fitz­ out,
cuhlc TV,
2752 for appointment.
town. Ouict area. city wa­
extras. Call (I) 12)HM{-4�1l7 ur I-HOIl­ 24XlJ. nity, baby clothes and articles, glass­
12/22tfl1l: gerald. Competitive pay, health in­
ter, 2 III .1 bedroom truilcr«. Call 12/21) & shine.
.133-hH2b for more dctuil«, suruncc. Uniforms provided. Call 1/51' ware. Rain or

Calvin at :I7S-_75_ or Ruy at .17S­

FOR RENT: One 2 BI{ frame house 1/5c 537-12�4 or 4D-4404. 1/51'
II7�X. FOR SALE: 2 BR mobile home.
located at 56 I:. Jefferson Street. For 12/15-_2-29 & I/Sc
I 0/2t fill: Glamour hath, like Must tn YARD SALE: M-5 and Sat­
information c.:aI1375-_5211 day
new. sec
TENNIS LESSONS appreciate. $12,500. Call 375-0765 Summerlin
or 175-71)'Jl} night. HELl' WANTED: local company urduy M-12 Building on
TRAILER FOR RENT: ("0111175-
12/22-29c Josh Cain seeking 0'1'1{ flatbed drivers. Home
or 171)-1)300. Sycamore Street. Clothes, appli­
4-5 nights a week. (Ill weekends, per­ 1/5-12e ances, misc. items and display racks.
FOR RENT: 1 HR brick Il\lll�e in
375-7390 ccntu ie pay, tarp pay. Excellent 1/5p
Denton. Tlltal cl .ctric. rea�llllahly wurking conditions with good equip­
2 Hcdruom Arch steel Select models lUG 3·fAMILY YARI) SALE: Sat­
Wired Iur tc lc phnuc and CLEARANCE SALE! All 'III)� ment. (" mtuct Sam at I) 12-363-3IH)1 I. buildings,
apartment I'll Grahurn St. ill Ilazle­ 25x10, �Ox42, 51lx 110. '1)1) Steel
urday, 7:10 until at Larry's Stop &
go! Sa v e t huuxu lids IlI1

cable. {'all �7S-fJ1S7. rnus t 1/5c

hurst. Stove, refrigerator and water
12/21} & I/Sc �inglewides and douhlcwidcs, Pol

prices supplies last! Great

while Shop. Lots Ill' clothes, misc. items and
furnished, $lO()/rllt 'IIth, $200 del'0�it AITENTION-URIVER TRAIN· workshops/garages. Call I-XOO-341- homemade candy.
rncnts starting at $11}O/nHlIIth. Cn!l
required. Call �7.'i-41}S_ after S or
LAND FOR SALE (I) 12)H(.H-4�07 or I-HIIII-31.1-(.H_(I. EES NEEUEU: Nil experience nee­ liSp
�7S-0S 1(•.
I/Sc ·�!'.ar Werner needs entry level
. IIS-12p
11/llIlllc Oumer Fillc,IIc;;IIJ.I /wailabtc truck drivers. I':arn $SOO to $X(JO per
'all David B easley VACANCIES
FOR IU:NT: Small efficiency fur­
ATTENTION AI.L IU�NTEHS: week plll� benefit». Regional runs E-Z Ditching
912-537-7628 Munufucturcd hOllle/land packages uvailnhlc. Nil CDI:.' No problem. IS
ni�hed aparun ·1It. Marricd cuupl Of .

a ailnhlc for under $3S0/JIII.nth. 1:\1- da ('1>1. traillillg uvailnhlc. Call to­ Service AVAILABLE
!'.illgle persou unl No pets. ( ':tll ( '.

_IIRI2I1A muhi lc included! Call I{alllly at day I-Ht"'-�(,�-73M.

FOR RENT: I cr thing Bulldozer· Excavating In 1,2,3 & 4
I.:tllli R 'IItab �75-_ 121 111.\7-"-4(120.
horne I'll Kirkland Still l{O:1I1. :i._Sill (IJI_ )H(,H- S5(>(. 1'1 rr more in fllrl11 a t ion. I/S-12- JlI-2(, & 2/2<.: Dirt l luulirui
1II/2111fllc bedroom size units
nil'. {'all �7S-2-1(.-". I/Sc TOIl Suil
1_/21} & I/SI.: FIl' /)'1'1
FOR RENT: Office �p:tc
Illcated Apolicatlons can be
at 4�7 N. Tall:lha,,�ee Str·et. Nice
AI's Electric Liberty National life Hoat! /lo,.ill!!
picked up at the
FOI{ IU:NT: � HR. I 1/_ IIA new Ditcluru; [or iuater & pourerlines
10 ·:tlioll with parking spaces. Fur Residential and is expanding lis operation and is took­
rnohilc horne. Cahle 'I' ,cit_ \ .ucr,
Ing lor upwardly mobile people to fill
illformatil'll cul l Amanda at Commercial Call Eddie 912·:375·5743
I.w..:ated I 1/_ ruilc» Irorn III\VIL ('all Wiring insurance sales and service position.
Jnhnsuu» Oll icc al .1,7S- or :375-:3874
Supp] State Certified· 375-7961 Avorage oarning IS $33.000. Fringe
42(1H. benoflt package. Iwo relirernenl
I :U ""lIt fill: funels. heauh insurance. paid vaca­
11/23tflll.: LAN., FOR SALE: 1-5 acres. Mo­
MlJSTGO! I (.xHII1 HR/2 Balh.lla" tiun. convention trrps and many om­
hile horne IlltS. Call 175-2757, 375-
FOI{ LEASE: Apprc.xil11atl·1 � deluxe carpet, glalllolir hath. firv­ or . No oxporience necessary. We
have on tho ,ob Irainlng. Training sal­ .1�(J(1 ur 37S-7('Sh. Ask for Ray.
HOUSE FOR RENT acre� lucutud in l Iuz lc hu rst. Th

place and milch more. Only $2(,111

ary $/100 i:l weak. Requirements: non- SIStfnc 2IHH. FLEETWOOD. 1 BR/2 Bath
IIJlIII square month. Call ('1I2)H(.I{- DIJ7 or I-HIIII­
3 SR, 2 SA prtlperty <':lInt:lill� nne ..

Sly. hard work and dependabte

flll.t warcln iusc, IS' .x."i5· �It .l:\l-(.H2( •. Douhlewidc priced lit $24,1)1)5. In­
Central h/a, carpet unc .rage tr anspor ratlon. Contact Billy
FOR SAl E: SliP Snapper l'ucking cludes delivery, set up, /\IC, skirting,
house, and nne I>lli .c complex. The IISc Grinstead at 4234391 or Mathis
Appliances furnished Brown at 868·2695, Liberty Na­
Lnll Blower. push type on wheels.
steps and insurance. Hnancing avail­
on Carmarlin Drive,
utficc complex cOlltaills II) I"Tice�
uonat, Equal Opportunity rnployer. I.ike new, $2511 Call 3711.11117 fir ahle. Call ('had at ('Jl2)H(,H-SS(I().
allli nne lar).!l' ·,tmag· nil 1111. Then, i� APARTMENTS
off Pat Dixon Rd. 175-S7h2. lISe
al�tI a threl' dlll.r III ·c.:hallic.:� �h(lp. In­
Available Now·· FORRENf 12/21)& I/S-12-11)c
tt.:re;,ted partie� '0111 .Jerry at I-HIIII-
Call 912-375-2689 (.71-(,�(,(, ext. .

2 bedrooms -

111-:1.1' WANTED: I'artime/Fulltime

positi'lIl. Tran�cripti'.n and gelleral CARTER'S

or 912-375-4292 1/5-12-1'}-2hc Hillcrest Apartments
I"lice wllrk. MII�t work well with
FOR RENT: I_x:;() mohile htlllle in TDD # I-ROO·255-0056 pat ienl�. A hackgrolllld as all aide
FOR RENT: FIIl'l1i�ht.:d. Utilitil'�. Ponds, Septic Tanks, Fill Dirt
gOlld cOlHlition on .1 aCles of land We accept Sac/ion 8 with �I)(nc 'Il111Plltl:1' skills preferred.
Extra large room with ,,1110111 kitchen.
Extra lar).!e hath. $SII a week with
with pund. {'all .1(13- L.1. or 37S- � v37S:3597 ApJ11 at Jeff 1):1 is I'hysi '011 Therapy
Charles Carter

('Iini I{ :1.111.-4 p.I11., Monday-Fri­

deposit. Call :'7S- '!)(,H.II,

day. !JI_-.17:;- 7 OIl .. "

IISp Baxley Hwy


I/Stfnc "
FOR SALE: ('uh Cadet self pro­
pelled shredder chipper vac.:Ulllll.

FOI( RENT: ., HI{ hOIl�e, unfllr­ KLD Enterprises liEU' WANTED: ('rl.:t.:Iillg card $500, Ilsed once. Call .17!}-') 117 (If

lIished. Nicl' nei).!hhl'rht)od. No al­ Deadline for 37S-S7(12.

Raymond Davis, Mgr. clllllJ1any lIet.:ds retail lllerchalldi�er
cohol or drll).!!'.. $.'\.';II/mollth. Call 12/21) & I /S-12- l"c
IIII' alca di�cllllnt 'itore, 12-1 >{ hOllrs
.1711_111}fJ( •.
rill Dirt rill Salld

placing wl:ekend�. WHOLESALE RI�I'OSSESSED

Bllild('/'\ Salld Crm}('/ •
p'r w ·t.:k, daytime and
1/5c Classifieds Mw,1 h:lvt.: pholle, trallspllrtation.
FOR SALE: 2 HR hlllll'>e and 2 lilts, sillglewide and 1)IIIIhlewide hlllne�
LXUlvalioll (1' all killd" hathrolll1l, in
he ahle to fresh paint, new city availahle. !'ay c:lsh alld save tholl­
is Tuesday ahilil to lift 4(1 Ih�. a III I

VACANCIES Call 375-5655 wtlrk independently. Pay is $(, per

limits of Dl.!ntoll. $25,011". ('01113711- sand�! ('all Chad ('112)H(,H-.'i.'iM'

at 12 noon. hl'lIr or ha"ed Oil ex periellt'e. !'lease

1}117 or .175-57(,_. with descriptiollOf tht.: hOllse YOIl arc
AVAILABLE NOW AVAII.ABI.E: .1 IH{f2 halh ':"1 1-:·{"0-.1n-1()�(1 ext. IJ1471. 12/21) & I/S-12-11}c looking for.
$4.50 for 20 words or less, 1/.'1-12c 1/5c
mallllfactllred hUllle Iln a ht.::tlltiflll
In 1,2,3 & 4 _


I.ow 1 5a: each additional word
bedroom size units
acre private lot in lIe1ena. 3 Arch type steel hllildings.
mOllthly p:lymenh. Ac.:t NI)W' Call
One is new. 2Sx32, �Ox4". Take liver
Call 375-4225 REGISTERED
Applications can be Randy at (912) HM{-.'iSMI,
payments. No rt.:a�onahle offer rt.:­
picked up at the or FAX 375-3704 fllsed. I-HOll-222-{,135. Seriolls hllY­
Georgia Horne Health Care has ersonly.
REI>UCEU I'm qllick sale! TwCl •
immediate openings for RNs in I/S-12p •
No ElqIefIeI108 Needed
i(lxHIJ\. Olle 2 HR, one 1 BR. 1I0th I Ptacemenl Oep!.
several of our locations. We are •

Financing Available
$20,111111. Call (I) 12)

priced Ilnder
also accepting applications for TIREI> OF RENTING'! We call •
COL Training
X(,H-SSM,. Ask fur Chad. CNA's. Competitive salary and
help! L.arge 4BR Douhlewide with ALLIANCE
1/5e FAX Services benefits. Send resume or apply
fireplace, sliding glass door, dream TMCTOR-TRAlUA
in person Mon.-Fri., 10-4 at
kitchen and milch more for only
Georgia Home Health Human
Wells Roofing DEATS Laminating Prices

Maple Drive, Vidalia, GA

Office, $.150/fl1(lnth. Call (9 12)H()H-4307

Company Excavation $2 -
$3 -
$5 30474, This ad is from
Georgia 1/5c
& Land Horne Health Care, 303 Maple
FAX Prices Drive, Vidalia, GA 30474.
Specializing in Ponds and 912-538-8000 or fax 912-538-
all phases of Dozer Work $3 for first page 0016 or call 1 -800-476-6787. Journeymen Machinist Needed
$1 each additional in person Eden, GA,

�� � O.7j�:.lm Deats Jeff Davis
65 miles SE of Hazlehurst,
15 miles West of Savannah off 1-16
Free Estimates -

Home: fax resume to 912-748-6818.

Rt. 1, Odum, GA
375-5417 Ledger
586-6711 •
586-6752 Latimer St .• 375-4225
Mobile: Atlantic Machine & Manufacturing
Wendell Wells. OWller
Bonded &. Guarallt.f·cd
222-8157 912-748-0826
30 ycars expcrll'llcc 222-8909
Fill Dirt· Gravel for Driveways

Bulldozer Work Land
Excavator Work·
Sopl/c Tanks .. NOW LEASING ..
$250 Rents & up

Top Soils & Builder's Sand
On-site welding L� � \),r� 11 ciJ ciJ A[fJ tJ fJ I�!J (D) rt) ru rr rm (fJ TJJ t:J

ApartDlents Mark Minton TOWNHOUSE DESIGN, 2 BEDROOMS, 1 1/2 BATHS,

pool, private patio, jogging trails, fireplace
Rt. 2. Burketts Ferry Road 375-7898
Hazlehurst. GA 31539
New Carpet!!!
Rents from'178 per mo.
MATHEWS TRUCKING, INC. 1 Bedroom, Energy ef(tcient, Pool privileges, jogging trails

(Rent based on income) Baxley. Georgia SELF STORAGE-


NEEDS EXPERIENCED OTR DRIVERS 10xl0-$35/mo. 10xI5-$45/mo. 10x20-$60/mo.

• • ,

Resident Manager: Flatbed operation, traveling 28 states Tenants dedu.ct $10/ size
Ellie Cortez Home on weekends •
Insurance-Cafeteria plan
Est. 1984 Call 8 a.m.·5 p.m. 912-375-3366

Late model air ride equipment

Phone: 1-800-525-7881 375-6001 • FAX 912-375-6080

Phone (912) 375-7432 375-5607
Call after hours 375-6001

375-6016 •

}-800-927-9275 TDD Local: 912-367-6545

Jeff Davis Ledger, Wed" January 5, 2OOO ..t3A

LEGAL LISA M. GABLE theCity 01 Hazlehurst, Georgia, a plat of Tract 4 according to the courses, metes to Rooselvelt McRae and Louelll W. HURST
GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY D.H ROBERTSON & ASSOOIATES, P.C. which appears 01 record In Office 01 Ihe and bounds 01 that certain survey and plat McRae, by Warranty Deed dated June 9, Post Office Box 723
All creditors of Ihe Estate 01 JANET M. 2154 Fountain Square Clerk of the
Superior Court 01 Jeff Davis thereof by Copeland & Associates, dated 1971, recorded in Deed Book 82, Pagl 303 North Tallaha_ Street
BOHANNON, deceased,lale 01 Jeff Davis Snellville, GA 30078 County, Georgia, in Deed Book 1, Page April 12, 1999, recorded in Plat Book 577, and from Rooselvelt McRae to Euta Hazlehurst, GIOrgia 31539
County, Georgia, are hereby notilled to (770) 736-5182" 353, each 01 said lots lronting 50 leet on __ Page
in the Office of the
, McRae, by Quit Claim Deed, dated Sep­ (912) 375,4266
render their demands to the undersigned 12/29 & 1/5p public road or street leading Irom Hazle­ Clerk 01 Superior Court of Jeff Davis tember 29, 1978, recorded In Deed Book 1/5-12'19-26c
according to law, and all persons Indebted hurst, Georgia to McRae, Georgia, and County, Georgia. Trlct TWA; All that tract 113, Page 504, in the OffIce of the Clerk
to said estate are required to make im· LEGAL being a part 01 original Land Lot No. 502 or parcel of land lying and being in the 01Superior Court of Jeff Davis County, LEGAL
mediate payment to the undersigned. Notice 01 Revised Compllanoe Status in the Second Land District 01 Jeff Davis City 01 Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia. CITY OF HAZLEHURST, acting by and
This the 8th day 01 December, t999. Report and Proposed Corrective Action County, Georgia. relerence to above plat Georgia, consisting 01 0.206 acre of land The project has been approved by the through its Mayor Ind CouncH,
KATHRYN J. BOHANNON Plan and its record thereol being made for all of original Land Lot No. 502 and being Community Development Block Grant pr0- Versus
Executrix Aleo Controls (HIS 1110099) purposes. ALSO·Allthattract or parcel of bounded now or lormerly as lollows: North gram tor the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, for 0.017 acre of lInd, JAMES P. HARRISON
t 27 Wingate Circle 400 Easl First Avenue land lying and being in lot number 33 of by City 01 Hazlehurst; East by Tract 6 on tho Improvements to certain city streets, and/or OTHERS UNKNOWN
Warner Robins. GA 3 t 088 Haztahurat, Georgia 31539 that tract 01 land in City 01 Hazlehurst the hereinafter described plat; South by and a copy of the program plat is on file CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: gg-CV-
KEN W. SMITH The Georgia Environmental Protection known as the Rowland & Beuland first Campbell Lane; and West by Tract 4 on with the City Clerk for the CITY OF 417
Attorney lor the Estate 01 Division. Department 01 Natural Re· addition to theCity 01 Haztehurst as shown the hereinafter described plat. Said tract HAZLEHURST, and copy may be ob·
JANET M. BOHANNON sources. State 01 Georgia (EPD) has by a platthereol recorded in Book t, page 01 land being more accurately described talned from her at her office at City Hall PETITION FOR CONDEMNATtON
P.O. Drawer 900 placed this site on the Hazardous Site In­ 353, in the Office olthe Clerk 01 Superior as Tract 3 according to the courses, metes during regular business hours by paying FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES

53 South Tallahassee Street ventory pursuant to its authority under the Court 01 Jeff Davis County. Georgia, reI­ and bounds 01 thaI certain survey and plat anominal cost therefor. CITATtON
Hazlehurst. Georgia 31539 Hazardous Site Response Act and Rules erence to same being made lor all pur­ thereof by Copeland & Associates, dated This 14th day of December, 1999. The said named persons and Iny and all
12/15-22-29 & 1/5c promulgated thereunder. As required by poses, with exception 01 a strip 01 land April 12, 1999, recorded in Plat Book EULA MAE EDWARDS other peraons known and unknown claim­
the Rules for Hazardous Site Response, across the northern part 01 said lot num­ __ Page
In the Office 01 the
, CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ing Iny right, tltll power, Intereat, owner­
LEGAL the responsible party lor the site was re­ ber 33 conveyed to Arthur Barnhill being Clerk of Superior Court 01 Jeff Davis JEFF DAVIS COUNTY, GEORGIA ship, equity, claim or demand in and to
STATE OF GEORGIA quired to investigate the site and submit a 01 triangular shape and bound on west
a County, Georgia. The project has been NATHAN DEATON the Ilnds hereinafter described, and I"
COUNTY OF JEFF DAVIS revised compliance status report to the by the Old Dixie Highway, north by lands approved by the Community Development City Attorney for the CtTY OF HAZLE· occupants, tenants, lessees, lleenaeea
RE' OF RONALD E. EPD summarizing the results 01 that In­ 01 Arthur Barnhill and southeast by origi­ Block Grant program lor the CtTY OF HURST and all holders, owners and users of ways
OVERSTREET vestigation. The responsible party has nal line 01 said lot number 33, and/or a HAZLEHURST, lor the improvements to Post Office Box 723 and easemlnts, in, across, over and un­
All creditors 01 the Estate 01 Ronald E. submitted 10 the EPD, atong with the reo street. certain city streets, and a copy of the pro­ 303 North Tallahassee Street der said land are hereby notified, under
Overstreet, deceased. late 01 Jeff Davis vised compliance status report, a pro­ The project approved by the
has been gram plat is on Ille with the City Clerk for Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 the provision of Official Code of GeorrII.
County. Georgia. are hereby notltled to posed corrective action plan that de­ Community Development Block Grant pro­ the CtTY OF HAZLEHURST, and a copy (912) 375-4266 Annot41ted§32,3-4 through 132-3,20, pr0-
render Ihelr demands to the undersigned scribes the correotive action the respon­ gram lor the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, for may be obtained Irom her at her office at 1/5·12·19-26c viding for thl exercise of the power of
according 10 law. and all persons Indebted sible party has determined is necessary the improvements to certain city streets, City Hall during regular business hours by eminent domain by the State of Georgia,
to said estate are required to make lrn­ to comply with the EPD's rules lor Haz­ and a copy 01 the program plat is on liIe paying a nominal cost therelor. LEGAL or any of Its subdivisions, or by any county
mediate payment to me ardous Site Response. Belore EPD de­ with the City Clerk lor the CITY OF This 14th day 01 December, 1999. CITY OF HAZLEHURST, acting by and of such state, as follows:
This t un day 01 November. 1999. cldes whether to approve the proposed HAZLEHURST. and a copy may be ob­ EULA MAE EDWARDS through its Mayor and Council, That the above- stated case, being a con­
Sondra Overstreet corrective action plan, the public has the tained Irom her at her offico at City Hall CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Versus demnation in rem against the property

Estate 01 Ronald E. Overstreet, deceased opportunity to review the revised compll­ during regular business hours by paying JEFF DAVIS COUNTY, GEORGIA 0.014 acre 01 land, JAMES P. HARRISON hereinafter desoribed, was filed In said
Address: ance status report and proposed correc­ a nominal cost therelor. NATHAN DEATON and/or OTHERS UNKNOWN Court on the 14th day of December, 1999.
54 Edward Dcan Road tive action and provide comments to EPD This 14th day 01 Decemher, 1999. City Attorney lor the CITY OF HAZLE­ CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 99-CV- That, In accordancl with the provisions of
Hazlehurst. Georgia 31539 about the report and plan. EULA MAE EDWARDS HURST 4tO the aforesaid Official Code, a Declaration
John B. Brewer.Itl Publication of this notice commences a CLERK OF THE SUPERtOR COURT Post Office Box 723 PROCEEDING tN REM: of Taking, duty authorized and properly
Attorney lor the Estate thirty (30) day public comment period be­ JEFF DAVtS COUNTY, GEORGIA 303 North Tallahassee Street PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION executed as provided by the OffIcial Code,
7 Jeff Davis Street ginning January 6, 2000. Members 01 the NATHAN DEATON Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES has been made and filld In said case,
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 public may submit oral or written com­ City Atlorn<lY lor the CITY OF HAZLE· (912) 375·4266 CITATION declaring the necessity for an exercising
12/15·22·29 & 1/5e ments to Mr. Bill Williams, Georgia EPD, HURST t/5-12·19-26c The said named persons and any and all of the power of taking the said described
205 Butler Street, S.E. Suite 1462, Atlanla, Post Offlco Box 723 other persons known and unknown claim­ lands for the public road purposes, thereby
LEGAL Georgia 30334
(404-657·0600). 303 North Tattahassee Slreet LEGAL ing any right, title power, interest, owner­ vesting the title to same in the CITY OF
IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF JEFF Members 01 the public may view or copy Hazlehurst. Georgia 31539 CITY OF HAZLEHURST. acting by and ship, equity, claim or demand in and to HAZLEHURST; and, In pursuance of such
DAVIS COUNTY Alec's Amended Compliance Status Re­ (912) 375·4266 through lis Mayor and Council, the lands hereinafter described, and all authority, the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, by
STATE OF GEORGIA port and Proposerl Corrective Action Plan 1/5-12-19-26c Versus occupants, tenants, lessees, licensees Ind through Ita Mlyor Ind CouncIl has
IN THE INTEREST OF: at the Hazlehurst Jeff Davis Public Library 0.022 01 land, EULA McRAE and/or
acre and all holders, owners and users of ways deposited with the Clerk of the Superior
«v«. DOB 7/5/95 located at 700 Cromartie Street in Hazle­ LEGAL OTHERS UNKNOWN and easements, In, across, over and un­ Court of said county the sum of .'0,00;
CASE NO. 080-99·130 hurst. The library Is open Monday through CITY OF HAZLEHURST, acting by and CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 99·CV· der said land are hereby notified, under said sum representing the just compen­
NOTICE OF SUMMONS Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The plant man­ through its Mayor and Council, 409 the provision 01 Official Code of Georgia sation for the said lands described; and
TO: Ronlca Jackson ager 01 Alco Controls is Richard J. Versus PROCEEDING IN REM: Annotated§32-3·4through §32·3·20, pro­ all peraons claiming such fund or any in­
YOLI are hereby notilled that the above­ McCloments. Ho can be reached at (9 t 2) that certain
city lot described in Exhibit "A" PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION viding lor the exercise of the power of terest therein, are hereby required to make
styled action brought by the Jeff Davis 375-2575. Mary Campbell Bacon Estate and/or OTH­ FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES eminent domain by the Slate of Georgia, known their claims to the Court;
County Departmont 01 Family and Chil­ 1/5c ERS UNKNOWN CITATION or any 01 its subdivisions, or by any county In accordance with tho provisions of the
dren Services. and the Georgia Depart­ CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 99·CV- The said named persons and any and all of such state, as follows: Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the
ment 01 Human Resources. seeking tarn­ LEGAL 413 other persons known and unknown claim­ That the above-stated case, being a con­ Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed the Court
porary logal custody 01 your above-refer­ CITY OF HAZLEHURST, acting by and PROCEEDING IN REM: Ing any right, lille power, interest, owner­ demnation in rem against the property for Immediate possession pf said property,
enced male child wllh the Department has its Mayor and Council,
through PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION ship, equity, claim or demand in and to hereinafter described, was filed in said and all peraons having any interest in or
been Ii led In the Juvenile Court 01 Jeff Versus FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES the lands hereinafter described, and all Court on the 14th day 01 December, 1999. claim against such property, as above set
Davis County, Georgia; and that by rea­ that certain city lot described in Exhibit "A" CITATION occupants. tenants, lessees, licensees That, in accordance with the provisions of forth,
are required by the Order of the
son 01 an Order lor Service 01 Summons Arthur Barnhill Estate and/or OTHERS The said named persons and any and all and all holders, owners and users 01 ways the aloresaid Offlc/al Code, a Declaration Judge of the Judge of said Court, made
by Publication entered by the court on the UNKNOWN other persons known and unknown claim­ and easements, In, across, over and un­ 01Taking, duly authorized and properly and filed in said ease on the 14th day of
19th day 01 November, 1999 nunc pro tunc CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 99-CV-411 Ing any right, title power, Interest, owner­ der said land are hereby notified, under executed as provided by the Official Code, December, 1999, to show cause before
Sept em her 28, 1999, you are hereby no­ PROCEEDING IN REM: ship, equity, claim or demand in and to the provision 01 Official Code of Georgia has been made and filed in said case, such Judge on the 7th day of February,
tifled that you may obtain a copy 01 the PETITION FOR CONDEMNATION Ihe lands hereinafter described, and all Annotated§32-3-4through §32-3·20, pro­ the necessity tor an exercising
declaring 2000, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jeff Davis
petillon Irom the Clerk 01 the Juvenile FOR PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES occupants, tenants, lessees, licensees viding for the exercise of the power 01 01 the power 01 taking the said described County Courthouse, Hazlehurst, Georgia,
Court 01 Jeff DaVIS County, Georgia and CITATION and all holders. owners and users 01 ways eminent domain by the State 01 Georgia, lands for the public road purposes, thereby or the appropriate Courthouse Annex des­

may lIIe with the Clerk of said Cou_rt, �nd The said named persons and any and all and easements, in. across. over and un­ or any 01 its SUbdivisions, or by any county vesting the title to same in the CITY OF ignated for Court on said dlte, why such
sprve upon Sherr! McDonald, Petitioner's other persons known and unknown claim­ der said land are hereby notified, under 01 such state, as lollows: HAZLEHURST; and, in pursuance of such prayers for imm'ildlate possession should
Attorney, whose ad""ss is P.O. Box 296, ing any right. title power, interest, owner­ Ihe provision 01 Official Code of qeorgla That the above-stated case, being a con­ authority, the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, by not be granted.
Vidalia, Georgia 30475, an answer to the ship, equity, claim or demand in and to Anrrotated§32-3·4through §32-3·20, pro­ demnation in rem against the property and through Ita Mayor and Caunell has That in accordance with the Official Code
petition at Any time prior to the Final Hear­ the lands hereinafter described, and all viding lor the exercise 01 the power of hereinafter described, was Iiled in said deposited with tho Clerk of the Superior of Georgia Annotated 832-3-4 through
Ing. occupants, tenants, lessees, licensees eminent domain by the State 01 Georgia, Court on the 14th day 01 December, 1999. Court 01 said county the sum of $460,00; §32-3-20, if the owners, or any of the own·
You horeby notified that a Final Hear­
are and all holders, owners and users 01 ways or any 01 its subdivisions. or by any county That, in accordance with the provisions of said sum representing the just compen­ ers, or any persons having a claim against
ing with regard to the above-stvled action and easements, in, across, over and un­ 01 such state, as lollows: the aforesaid Official Code. a Declaration sation lor the said lands described; and or property, shall be dis­
interest in said
will come belore the Court on January tl ,
der said land are hereby notilled. under Thai the above- stated case. being a con­ 01 Taking, duly authorized and properly all persons claiming such fund or any in­ satisfied with the compensation, as esti·
2000, at 2:00 p.m. in the Juvenile Court­ the provision 01 Official Code" of Georgia demnation In rem against the property executed as provided by the Official Code, teresttherein, are hereby required to make mated in the Declaration of Taking and de­
room at the Jell Davis County Courthouse, Annotated§32·3·4through §32-3-20, pro­ hereinalter described, was lIIed in said has been made and Ii led in said case, known their claims to the Court; posited in Court, such person or peraons,
Hazlehurst. Georgia. Prior to the Final viding lor the exercise 01 the power 01 Court on the 14th
day 01 December, 1999. declaring necessity lor an exercising
the tn accordance with the provisions of the or any of them, shall have the right, at any
Hearing a Provisional Hearing on the pe­ eminent domain by the Stale 01 Georgia, That, in accordance with the provisions of 01 the power 01 taking the said described Official Code of Georg/a Annotated, the time subsequent to the filing of the Decla­
tillon was held belore the Court on Sep­ or any 01 its subdivisions, or by any county the aloresaid Official Code, a Declaralion lands for the public road purposes, thereby Plaintiff-Condemnor has prayed the Court ration of Taking and deposited in Court,
temher 2B. 1999. In the Juvenile Court­ 01 such state, as lollows: ofTaking, duly authorized and properly vesting the tille 10 same in the CtTY OF lor immediate possession of said property, such person or persons, or any of them,
room at the Jeff Davis County Courthouse, That Ihe above-stated case. being a con­ executed as provided by the Official Code, HAZLEHURST; and, in pursuance of such and all persons having any interest in or shall have the right, at any time subse­
Hazlehurst, Georgia. demnation in rem against the property has been made and filed in said case, authority, the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, by claim against such property, as above set quent to the filing of the Declaration and
The Findings 01 Fact and Order 01
Dispo­ hereinafter described, was filed in said declaring necessity lor an exercising
the and through Its Mayor and Council has forth, are required by the Order of the the deposit of the fund into Court but not
sition made at the Provisional Hearing will Court on the 14th day 01 December, 1999. 01 the power of taking the said described deposited with the Clerk of the Superior Judge 01 the Judge of said Court, made later than thirty days following the dato of
become linal at the Final Hearing unless That, in accordance with the provisions 01 lands lor the public road purposes, thereby Court 01 said county the sum of $760_00; and filed In said case on the 14th day of service as provided for in the Official Code
the party served by publication appears the aforesaid Official Code, a Declaration vesting the title to same in the CITY OF said sum representing Ihe just compen­ December, 1999, to show cause before of Georgia Annotated 832-3-8 through
at the Final Hearing. lithe party served 01 Taking, duly authorized and properly HAZLEHURST; and, in pursuance 01 such sation lor the said lands described; and such Judge on the 7th day of February, §32·3-10, to file with the Court a notice of

by publication lails to appear at the Final executed as the Offic/al Code,

provided by authority, the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, by all persons claiming such lund or any in­ 2000, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jeff Davis appeal, the same to be in writing and made
Hearing on the petllion. the Findings 01 has been made and Illed in said case, and through its Mayor and Council has teresttherein. are hereby required to make County Courthouse, Hazlehurst, Georgia, a part of the record in the proceedings.

Fact and Interlocutory Orders made will declaring the

necessity lor an exercising deposited with the Clerk 01 the Superior known their claims to the Court; or the appropriate Courthouse Annex des­ The said property, as thus affected, Is de­
become linal withoutlurlher evidence and 01 the power 01 taking the said described Court 01 said county the sum of $4,900.00; In accordance with the provisions of the ignated lor Court on said date, why such scribed as follows:
will be governed by the Juvenile Court lands lor Ihe public road purposes, thereby said sum representing Ihe just compen­ Official Code of Georg/a Annotated, the prayers for immediate possession should All that tractor parcel of land lying and

Code as il made at Ihe Final

Hearing. II vesling the title to same in the CITY OF sation lor the said lands described; and Plainllff·Condemnor has prayed the Court not be granted. being in the City of Hazlehurst, Jeff DIvis
the party served by publication appears HAZLEHURST; and, in pursuance 01 such all persons claiming such lund or any in­ lor immediate possession 01 said property, That in accordance with the Official Code County, Georgia, consisting of 1519.490
at the Final Hearing, the Interlocutory lind· authority, the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, by teresttherein. hereby required to make
are and all persons having any interest in or of Georgia Annotated §32-3·4 through square leet (0.035 acre) of Land lot 502
ings and Orders shall be vacated and dis­ and through Ita Mayor and Council has known their claims to the Court; claim against such property, as above set §32-3-20, ilthe owners, or any of the own­ of the Second Land District of Jeff Davis
regarded. and the hearing shall proceed deposited with the Clerk 01 the Superior In accordance with the provisions 01 the forth, are required by the Order of the ers, or any persons having a claim against County, Georgia. Said tract of land being
upon the allegations 01 the mollon. Court of said county the sum 01 $7,100,00; Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the Judge 01 the Judge of said Court, made or interest in said property, shall be dis­ more accurately shown aa Pareall on that

The parties nolilied hereby are entitled to said sum representing the just compen­ Plaintiff· Condemnor has prayed the Court and filed in said case on the 14th day 01 satisfied with the compensation, as esti­ certain survey and plat thereof by Walter
legal counsel in Ihe proceedlnqs, and the sation lor the said lands described; and lor immediate possession 01 said property, Deoember, 1999, to show cause belore mated in the Declaration of Taking and de­ P. Copeland, dated December 20, 1998,
Court will appoinllegal counsel if any party all persons claiming such lund or any in­ and all persons having any interest in or such Judge on the 7th day of February, posited in Court, such person or persons, which Is recorded in Plat Book 12, Page
should be unable, without undue hardship, teresltherein, are hereby required to make claim against such property. as above set 2000, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jeff Davis or any 01 them, shall have the right, at any 339, In the Office of the Clerk of Superior
to employ counsel. known their claims to the Court; lorth, are required by the Order 01 the County Courthouse, Hazlehurst, Georgia, time suosequentto the filing of the Decla­ Court of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, which
WITNESS, the Honorable Ken W. Smith, In accordance with the provisions of the Judge 01 the Judge 01 said Court, made or approprlate Courthouse Annex des­
the ration 01 Taking and deposited In Court, is incorporated herein and made a part
Judge 01 said Juvenile Court. Official Code of Georgia Annotated, the and filed in said case on the 14th day 01 ignated for Court on said date, why such such person or persons, or any 01 them, hereof for all purposes.
This 6th day 01 December, 1999. Plaintiff· Condemnor has prayed the Court December, 1999, to show cause belore prayers lor Immediate possession should shall have the right, at any time subse­ The project has beenapproved by the
Eula Mae Edwards lor immediate possession 01 said property, such Judge on the 7th day 01 February, not be granted. quent to the filing 01 the Declaration and Community Development Block Grant pro­
Clerk, Juvenile Court 01 Jeff Davis County and all persons having any Interest In or 2000, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jeff Davis That in accordance with the Official Code the deposit 01 the fund into Court but not gram for the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, for
12/15-22-29 & 1/5 claimagainst such property, as above set County Courthouse, Hazlehurst, Georgia, of Georgia Annotated §32·3·4 through later thanthirty days following the date of the improvements to certain city streets,
forth, are required by the Order 01 Ihe or the appropriate Courthouse Annex des­ §32-3-20, if the owners, or any of the own­ service as provided for in the Official Code and a copy of the program plat is on fill
LEGAL Judge 01 the Judge 01 said Court, made ignated lor Court on said date, why such ers, or any persons having a claim against of Georgia Annotated §32·3·8 through with the City Clerk for the CITY OF
GEORGIA, JEFF DAVIS COUNTY and Illed In said case on the 14th day 01 prayers lor immediate possession should or interest in said property, shall be dis­ §32-3-10, to file with the Court a notice of HAZLEHURST, and a copy may be 0b­

All creditors 01 the Estate 01 BEATRICE December, 1999, to show cause before not be granted. satislied with the compensation, as esti­ appeal, the same to be in writing and made tained from her at her office at City Hall
S. SUGGS, deceased, late of Jeff Davis such Judge on the 7th day 01 February, That in accordance with the Official Code mated in the Declaration of Taking and de­ a part 01 the record in the proceedings. during regular business hours by paying
are hereby notified to
County, Georgia. 2000, at 9:30 a.m., at the Jeff Davis of Georgia Annotated §32·3·4 through posited in Court, such person or persons, The said property, as thus affected, Is de­ a nominal cost therefor.
render their demands to the undersigned County Courthouse, Haztehurst, Georgia, §32·3·20, ilthe owners, or any 01 the own­ or any of them, shall have the right, at any scribed as follows: This 14th day of December, 1999.
according to law, and all persons indebted or the appropriate Courthouse Annex des­ ers, or any persons having a claim against time subsequent to the Iliing of the Decla­ All that tractor parcel of land lying and EULA MAE EDWARDS
to said estate are required to make lrn­ ignated for Court on said date, why such or interest in said property, shall be dis­ ration of Taking and deposited in Court, being in the City of Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT
mediate payment to the undersigned. prayers for Immediate possession should satislied with the compensation, as esti­ such person or persons, or any of them, County, Georgia, consisting of 1519.490 JEFF DAVIS COUNTY, GEORGIA
This the 8th day 01 December, t999. not be granted. mated in the Declaration 01 Taking and de­ shall have the right, at any time subse­ square feet (0.014 acre) of Land Lot 502 NATHAN DEATON
ALA SUE NORRIS That in accordance with the Official Code posited In Court, such person or persons, quent to the filing of the Declaration and 01 the Second Land District of Jeff Davis City Attorney for the CITY OF HAZLE·
Executrix of Georgia Annotated §32-3-4 through or any 01 them, shall have the right, at any the deposit of the fund into Court but not County, Georgia. Said tract of land being HURST
58 Mt. Pleasant Church Road §32·3-20, if the any of the own­
owners, or time subsequent to the filing of the Oecla­ later than thirty days following the date of more accurately shown as Parcell on that Post Office Box 723
Hazlehurst, GA 31539 ers, or any persons having a claim against ration of Taking and deposited in Court, service as provided for in the Official Code certain survey and plat thereof by Walter 303 North Tallahassee Street
KENW. SMITH or interest in said property, shall be dis­ such person or persons, or any of them, of Georgia Annotated §32·3-8 through P. Copeland, dated December 18, 1998, Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539
Attorney lor the Estate of satisfied with the compensation, as esti­ shall have the right, at any time subse­ §32·3-10, to fife with the Court a notice of which is recorded in Plat Book 12, Page (912) 375-4266
BEATRICE S. SUGGS mated in the Declaration of Taking and de­ quent to the filing of the Declaration and appeal, the same to be in writing and made 339, in the Office of the Cierk of Superior 1/5-12-19-26c
P.O. Drawer 900 posited in Court, such person or persons, the deposit of the fund into Court but not a part of the record in the proceedings. Court of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, which
53 South Tallahassee Street or any of them, shall·have the right, at any lator thanthirty days following the date 01 The said property, as thus affected, is de­ is incorporated herein and made a part LEGAL
Hazlehurst, Georgia 31539 time subsequent to the filing of tho Decla­ service as provided for in the Official Code scribed as follows: hereof for all purposes. CITY OF HAZLEHURST, acting by and
12/15-22-29 & l/Se ration of Taking and deposited in Court, of Georgia Annotated §32-3-8 through All that tract or parcel 01 land lying and The project has beenapproved by the through Its Mayor and Council,
such person or persons, or any of them, §32·3·10, to file with the Court a notice of being in the City of Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis Community Development Block Grant pro­ Versus
LEGAL shall have the right, at any time subse­ appeal, the same to be inwriting and made County, Georgia consisting of 725.133
, gram for the CITY OF HAZLEHURST, for 0.016 acre of land, ALFRED L. JOSEY
"NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPO­ quent to the filing of the Declaration and a part 01 the record in the proceedings. square feet (0.022 acre) of Land Lot 502 the improvements to certain city streets, and/or OTHERS UNKNOWN
RATE the deposit of the fund into Court but not The said property, as thus affected, is de­ of the Second Land District of Jeff Davis and a copy of the program plat is on file CIVIL ACTtON FtLE NUMBER: ss-cv-
Notice is given that articles of Incorpora­ later thanthirty days following the date of scribed as follows: County, Georgia. Said tract of land being with the City Clerk for the CITY OF 419
tion which will incorporate DEB'S TRANS­ service as provided for In the Official Code Tract Onl; All that tract or parcel of land more accurately shown as Parcell on that HAZLEHURST, and copy may be ob­
PORTATION, INC. will be delivered to the of Georgia Annotated §32-3-8 through lying and being in the City of Hazlehurst, certain survey and plat thereof by Walter tained from her at her office at City Hall PETITION FOR CONDEMNATtON
Secretary of State for filing in accordance §32-3-10, to file with the Court a notice of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, consisting of P. Copeland, dated December 20, 1998, during regular business hours by paying FOR PUBUC ROAD PURPOSES
with the Georgia Business Corporation appeal, the seme to be in writing and made 0.308 acre of land of original Land Lot No. which Is recorded in Plat Book 12, Page a nominal cost therefor. CITATtON
Code. The Initial registered office of the a part of the record In the prooeedings. 502 and being bounded now or formerly 341 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior
, This 14th day of December, 1999. The said named persons and Iny and all
corporation will be located at 380 Douglas The said property, as thus affected, Is de­ as follows: North by cityof Hazlehurst; Court of Jeff Davis County, Georgia, which EULA MAE EDWARDS other persons known and unknown claim,
Highway, Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, scribed as follows: East by Tract 3 on the hereinafter de­ is incorporated herein and made a part CLERK OF THE SUPERtOR COURT ing any right, title power. inter.t, owner·
Georgia 31539. The initial registered agent Two certaincity lots In City of Hazlehurst, scribed plat; South by Campbell Land; and hereof for all purposes. JEFF dAVIS COUNTY, GEORGIA ahip, equity, claim or demand in and to
of the corporation at such address shall Georgia, and being lots numbered 35 and West by Southern Railroad. Said tract of This being a portion of that certain tract or NATHAN DEATON thl lands hereinafter described, and a"
be DEBRAA. BEALL. 36 In the Rowland & Beuland addition to land being more accurately described as parcel of land conveyed from J.I. Harrison City Attorney for the CITY OF HAZLE· (SH LEGALS on nut """.)

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