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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
An Ecocritical Study of Mahasweta Devi‟s Short Story „Little
Ones‟ Translated by Ipsita Chanda
Toijam Chanu Panthoi
Ph. D Scholar
Dept. of Management, Humanities &Social Sciences
NIT Agartala, Jirania, Tripura West

Dr. Gyanabati Khuraijam

Assistant Professor
Dept. of Management, Humanities &Social Sciences
NIT Agartala, Jirania, Tripura West

Ecocriticism is a term used to denote a critical approach in literature which was introduced in the
later half of the twentieth century and relatively a budding theory in literature. It seeks to dismantle
the anthropocentric worldview that humans are the most supreme entity or element in the whole
universe as being superior to all other entities of nature including plants, animals, resources, etc. The
present paper aims to analyse the story entitled „Little Ones‟, written by Mahasweta Devi, from an
ecocritical point of view. The story is a critique of the adversities undergone by the most immediate
companion of nature,the Adivasis, on account of their defence of nature. It projects the dooming
lives of the subaltern tribes inhabiting the Indian subcontinent whose rights have been overlooked by
the government at the cost of its own interest. Their economic condition submerged into the
predominant feudal system and their existence further worsened by environment-harming policies of
the government,leave them with no means to escape.
Keywords: anthropocentric, worldview, ecocritical, subaltern, feudal.
INTRODUCTION: Nature is silent in our culture (and in literate
societies generally) in the sense that thestatus
The intimacy between man and nature can be of being a speaking subject is jealously
traced back to the earliest evolutionary stage guarded as an exclusively human prerogative”
of humans dating back to approximatelytwo [15].
million years. Every group of people with
different ethnicity, culture, and conventions Mahasweta Devi‟s stories seem to have a
has their own way of associatingthemselves closer parallelism with thetragic tales of some
with nature. While humans in primitivetimes gothic world while, ironically,they account the
lived in perfect harmony with nature without unacceptable reality of the subalterns –the
overstressing on the environment, the so called underprivileged, the landless peasants, bonded
children of human civilization such as labourer and miners in West Bengal and
industrialization and capitalization has led Orissa in post independent India. Mahasweta
them to compromise their relationship with Devi‟s “Little Ones”, with three other stories –
nature. Nature in a civilized world is not dumb “Seeds”, “Witch” and “Salt”, figures in Bitter
but silenced by man as Christopher Mannes in Soil (1980s). The present paper is confined to
his essay “Nature and Silence”writes: „Little Ones‟ as it substantiates the existence
of a sinister environment, a „wasteland‟, in

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
Independent India. In the portrayal of such a life of the Agariyas is boundless. To
„wasteland‟ Mahasweta Devi accentuates the theAgariyas of Lohri, nature can undoubtedly
potentiality of nature.Nature in Mahasweta represent fate itself. The severity of Lohri‟s
Devi‟s narrative is not a dormant entity condition cannot be comprehended by rational
created to supplement her plot. Nature for her thinking. Like the people of Lohri, the BDO
extends beyond the setting of the story. It is attaches the fate of Lohri to an unexplainable
active and alive as much as the characters in ominous force dominantly overpowering the
her story are. In this connection what Peter place. He explains: “A terrible place. Who
Barry writes in his Beginning Theoryis worth knows what there is in that soil! Nothing
quoting: grows there … Nothing grew not paddy, not
jowar, not maroa, not bhutta. Strike the earth
For the ecocritic, nature really exists, out there with a plough, and it‟s as if you hit iron
beyond ourselves, not needing to be ironised beneath the surface. A cursed land. You can
as a concept by enclosure within knowing tell as soon as you set eyes on
inverted commas, but actually present as an it.”[Ibid:7]Mahasweta Devi comes close to
entity which affects us, and which we can Thomas Hardy in this regard whose
affect, perhaps fatally, if we mistreat it. Nature “Determinism” is intricately interwoven with
then isn‟t reducible to a concept which we the worldview of Ecocriticism. Hardy‟s
conceive as part of our cultural practice (as we portrayal of fate is enforced through the
might conceive a deity, for instance, and machinery of nature. For instance, Edgon
project it out onto the universe).[Barry: 243]. Heath in his novel,The Return of the
Native,acts as a dominant forcecontrolling the
Focusing the narrative on a rebel against
fate of its characters.
„Bharat Sarkar‟ which happened years back,
Mahasweta Devi dramatizes a bloody uprising Mahasweta Devi wrote Bitter Soil during
initiated by the Agariyas of Kubha Village, 1980‟s. The stories in the collection have
Jharkhand. The Agariyas who originally Palamau, a district in Jharkhand, India, as its
mined iron and coal were reduced to one of setting. Palamau covers an area of 5,044
the poorest tribal communities. The and is prone to drought and famine as the
explanation they give to justify their fate is in region falls under rain shadow area. Under
connection with a disturbance caused by the such circumstances, the Adivasis inhabiting in
Indian government to a sacred hillock. The this area suffer from extreme poverty owing
Agariyas consider this hillock to be the abode their debts to moneylenders and the feudal
of their three demons - „Lohasur‟,„Koilasur‟, lords. They engagethemselves in activities
and „Aagaiyasur‟. It is this event which has such as agriculture, forestry, livestock rearing,
made the Agariyas believe that there is no and mining in some places. However, being
escape from their poverty since the sanctity of born as bonded labourers, they have no
the place has been destroyed. “They saythey security regarding their economic condition.
are impure. Lohasur, the patron demon of iron, When any form of natural calamity occurs
no longer gives them iron, no longer gives they undergo starvationandmalnutrition, and
them iron, nor does Koilasur, the demon of ultimately succumb to death.
coal, allow them any coal. Aagaiyasur, the
demon of fire, doesn‟t give them fire”[Bitter „Little ones‟ is a story of the Agariya tribes
Soil 5, subsequently referred to as BS]. Despite belonging to Kubha VillageofLohri, near
claiming their deep religious adherence to the Ranchi. The Agariyas are inhabiting in the
hillock, the government officials blast the Central and Northern states of India such as
Hillock. The Hillock symbolicallyrepresents Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Madhya
nature in its most substantial disposition. It Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh. Though not
determines the fate of the Agariyas in Lohri. analogous, the Agariyasshare a common
The dominance it occupies in the day-to-day mythical as well as historical identity as the

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
iron melters. Sources from myths and ancient tragic picture of a helpless mother with an
literature support the view that the Agariyas infertile womb and a barren breast.
belong to the AsurClan and they believe
themselves to be the descendants of the MahaswetaDevi‟s works are not a narrative
legendary king,AsurLogundih. Being a which treads on the heels of stereotypically
primitive tribe, the Agariyas identify natural romanticised tales of the Adivasis. The setting
entities and its phenomena to different gods is no lush green landscapes with enchanting
and goddesses. Their religious life is a perfect flowers, brooks and trees amidst of which
blend of Paganism and Polytheism. beautiful tribal girls, adorned with flower
Mahasweta Devi‟s narrative documents an headgears, dance and sing along the tune of
irredeemable and irretrievable devastation of flute played by their male partners.
nature and the conflict is induced intensely Conversely, Lohri and its people do not
between the nature worshipping Agariyas, the incorporate such fantasy associated with any
mouthpiece of the ailing nature, and the outer exotic tribal. The relief officer gets disturbed
world. when he confronts Lohri. The bitter reality he
experiences is divergent from the general
In the exposition of the story, Devi gives a notion held by the outer world. The landscape
sinister description of Lohri. She presents he sees seems a place where life is impossible.
Lohri as a “wasteland”, deprived of The people appear malnourished with
life[Ibid:20]. The “wasteland” mentioned in extremely deteriorated health conditions.
the story may not be perceived as an allusion
to T. S. Eliot‟s well-known poem The The narrative evokes India‟s past to the
Wasteland,but the word certainly reminds the modern reader. It documents the socio-
readerof theEliotian setting in the particular historical andpolitical scenario in post-
poem – an impotent isolated dead world, a independent India in the late 1970‟s. This is
desert-like landscape that is dry and infertile, the most crucial period of the nation when the
where life resists to exist. These two works government enforce new laws to reform the
undoubtedly have a close resemblance in the pre-independence systems with the pledge to
way they represent a sinister decaying world. exterminate the hegemonic structures
To quote a few lines fromIpsitaChanda‟s perpetuated by the feudal cast and class
translation: convention. However, this proclamation
transpires to be absurd and duplicitous as the
The entire area is burnt-out desert. As if the government become ignorant and insensitive
earth here bears a fire unbearable heat in her when its economic interests demand
womb. So the trees are stunted, the breast of destruction of the long preserved cultural and
the river a dried-out cremation ground, the religious heritage of the underprivileged,
villages dim behind a film of dust. The earth is especially the Adivasiswho are deeply
a strange colour. [Ibid1] attached to nature. „Little Ones‟ is an account
of such ignorance on the part of government
In the story, Devi attributes a feminine identity
toward the religious and cultural sentiment of
to Lohri. She personifies the earth of Lohri as
the Agariyas belonging to Kubha Village and
an ailing woman whose womb is not able to
the challenge posed to their very existence.
bear life. The analogy of the extreme
The Agariyas, like any other tribal in the
environment to a „heat-bearing womb‟ does
world, can be called animist who associate
not limit itself to physical metaphor. Lohri
spiritual essence to non-human entities such as
appears to have a wrathful temperament since
animals, plants, and inanimate objects. Nature
her breast is not able to nurture her children. It
is that intrinsic part of their lives which cannot
is barren and has become a place useful only
be separated.
as a crematorium for her malnourished
children. The author, thus,presents a very

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
Like the Greeks, the Agariyas of Kubha The demolition of the sacred hillock and the
village consider natural objects to be sacred. subsequent disturbance in the coexistence
Their identity is rooted in natural objects such between the Agariyas and their environment is
as hills, mountains, forest, water bodies, etc., the origin of the sequence of actions in the
which are imbedded intricately in their story. After the rebel, around one hundredand
folklore and myth. The Agariyas‟ attachment fifty Agariyas belonging to Kubha Village fled
of sanctity and sacredness to natural objects into the forest. Since then they have never
and phenomena has close homogeneity to the been seen. The government set out for
Greeks. Their Deota such as Jwalamukhi, the intensive search operation in the jungle but
son of King Logundih, can be compared to could not succeedin finding them. The village
Hephaestus, the Greek God of volcanoes, was burnt down to ashes by the police and as a
blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, punishment taxes were imposed to the other
metals and fire. Jwalamukhi is known as the Agariyas. Kubha village is now dead. It has
“he of the flaming mouth” [Ibid:4] or in literal turned into an uninhabitable place. The BDO
sense, volcano. It is because of Jwalamukhi‟s explains, “[T]he police burnt Kubha village to
conflict with the Sun God that the Agariyas ashes, sprinkled salt on the earth where it had
believe that they have been born poor.They once stood, and left . . .”[Ibid:6].
say their “wealth earn from iron”[Ibid:5] have
turned to ashes. The BDO who introduces the SerpilOppermann in her article, „Ecocriticism:
Agariyas to the relief officer belittles the Natural World in the Literary Viewfinder‟,
strong belief merely as a “junglee tale”[Ibid: discusses the relationship between nature and
5], a barbaric conviction. man. She points out that, “A vision of nature
as a self-articulating subject refutes
The central action in Mahasweta Devi‟s nature/culture dualism inherent in our thinking
narrative is the haunting activities associated towards a consciousness of humans valuing
with the little pygmy ghosts. They symbolise both nature and culture in diversity. However,
the worst consequences of disruption in the assumption that nature speaks for itself
ecosystem. “Little ones” is the testament of the creates a discursive problem in literary texts,
disintegration of the ecosystem. The story for it is again the human subject speaking for
accounts the irreversible damage caused to the nature in a paradoxical attempt to overcome
well-preserved relationship between man and the human/nonhuman divide within the
nature. The degraded environment of Lohri discourse itself.” [„Ecocriticism: Natural
and the malnourished, diseased, disfigured World in the Literary Viewfinder‟4].
pygmy Agariyas are the victims of this Oppermann‟s proposition doubts the
damage. According to Mahasweta Devi, the recognition of nature‟s „voice‟ as its potential
image of the pygmies has its origin in the book is articulated by man. However she
The Geography of Hunger (1952) written by emphasized the importance to study
Josue de Castro, a Brazillian Ecologist. Devi, naturefrom a “non-dualistic perception” and
in the introductionto Bitter Soil, admits that “not as the other excluded from the realm of
she found a page torn from the book in 1997 discourse”[Ibid:4]. Nature and the Adivasis
which mentioned about pygmy horses from appeared like complementary binaries with no
Shetland brought to America for sale as dwarf hierarchy but without the presence of one, the
horses. However, these pygmy horses grew otherappears absurd with no meaning of its
bigger within three generations when fed with own. However, the boundary between nature
nutritious fodders. Justifying her creation of and the Agariyas fades away at many points as
the pygmy-sizedAgariyas, she further alludes the story intensifies. The fate ofLohri and that
to a report by Emil Tordey regarding tiny ofthe pygmy Agariyascannot be treated in
pygmies found in equatorial Africa who isolation. Starvation and adaptation to extreme
became normal-sized humans when environment have brought the pygmy
transferred to agriculturally rich areas. Agariyas nearly to extinction. Like the

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
infertile fallow land of Lohri, they have Like the other stories ofMahasweta Devi, this
become impotent not being able to bear narrative seems to be more of an ethno-
offspring. The old male pygmyin the story historical account authenticated with facts of
elaborates: “Just 14 of us left, now, the rest are socio-political structures shaped by the land
dead. Our bodies have shriveled and shrunk system of the state. That land system
from lack of food. The men can only piss, they supplemented the appetite of the privileged
can‟t get up any more. Women can‟t bear and ensured to grab hold of the equilibrium
children” [BS20]. maintained by the Adivasis in compliance with
their environment. The destitution of the
Violating nature‟s sanctity in the name of Agariyas is sustained by a vicious cycle
development has far-reaching negative impact operated by the privileged and the ineffective
on the lives of the Adivasis. The ecological government policies. Owning lands in arid
devastation in the story has such intensifying region like Lohri is absurd. The infertile soil
effect that the humble Agariyas of Kubha worsened by ecological disturbance resulting
Village have turned into vicious and savage from government‟s mining activities
creatures. They have become extremely leavesLohri with no scope for agricultural
violent, haunting lives of people from the venture. The BDO inhis conversation with the
outside world. Through a story narrated to the Relief Officer gives a vivid picture of the
relief officer the readers come to know that situation. He sarcastically remarks:
whoever comes close to the pygmies have
become insane. A driver by the name Bahadur Lohri is a terrible place. Even if you give those
is one such example. And presumably the damned people land, they sell it off to the
relief officer is not spared. Their attack on the mahajans. They stare at you wide-eyed and
officer is depicted in the most brutal and ask, Where‟s the water? Where are the seeds?
savage form. The pygmies appear hostile and Plough? Bullocks? How can we farm? Even if
unforgiving. “They cackle in ghoulish, you give them all this, they‟ll still sell to the
vengeful glee. Then they circle him laughing. mahajan, saying, What were we to eat until the
Their penises rub against him, reminders that harvest? So we borrowed money. Now, we‟ve
they are men, adult, Indian males.”[Ibid:20] sold the land to repay the debt. [Ibid3]
Being an activist, Mahasweta Devi leaves no
The tragic incident is set in an ominous place
room of refinement, fabrication and
which seems to materialize the temperament
contrivance in her presentation of the subject
of the wrathful and vengeful pygmies: “In the
as her objective is to make the reader
wasteland burnt by Jwalamukhi‟s battle with
acquainted with the underrated plights of the
the sun, the terrible glee of a few adult
subaltern. In the introduction she gives to the
children. The glee of revenge realized. The
collection, Devi says, “I believe in
glee of hacking off the enemy‟s head in
documentation. After reading my work, the
revolt” [Ibid:20].The scene is hideous and has
reader should be able to face the truth of facts,
a life- threatening impact on the psyche of the
and feel duly ashamed of the true face of
Relief Officer. He finds no way to escape then
India” [Ibid:vii]. Mahasweta traces the plight
to become completely insane. To reproduce
of the tribals to the ineffective land reform
Chanda‟s translation of the scene:
system and the caste-class structure. She says,
“For the last five decades, one India has
He [Relief Officer] can‟t say a word. Standing
remained basically feudal, while the other has
under the moon, looking at them, hearing their
remained a victim of class and caste
laughter, feeling their penises on his skin, the
oppression. „Land is not yours by right, land
undernourished body and laughable height of
belongs to the privileged‟” [Ibid:vii].
the ordinary Indian male appear a heinous
crime of civilization. He feels like a criminal
condemned to death.[Ibid:21]

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved
Journal of Positive School Psychology
2022, Vol. 6, No. 4, 5713-5718
Toijam Chanu Panthoi et al.
Regardless of its violent nature, the rebel of between the tribal world and the outer world
the Agariyas of Kubha Village is no less than cannot be brought to an end by any
any major environmental movements which developmental policy but through a serious
have happened in the country. It is comparable concern toward their environment which is not
to the Bisnoi movement which started four- only their means of livelihood or existence but
hundred years ago in Rajasthan resisting also their identity.The outside world needs to
deforestation; the Chipko movement (1973) understand that the Adivasis‟ myth and
which started in ChamoliDistrict of folklore identified with all natural entities is
Uttaranchal, where protestors hugged trees not a “junglee tale” but a strong conviction
risking their lives to save trees; or the which cannot be challenged in any form.
Baliyapal movement (1986) which resisted
against testing of missiles on the fertile References
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