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Week : 9

Date : May 30-June 3, 2011


Students will be able to understand and able to recognize the use of lowest and


Common Factors

highest common factors


Students will be able to know and explain about human skeleton and its function using different kinds of media.

Open-ended tasks/Checklist

TBI Weeks Reminders :

Siswa mampu membaca dengan menggunakan ekspresi wajah dan suara




Week : 10

Date : June 6-10, 2011


review of lowest common multiple and highest common factors CHANCE Math test (chance, LCM, HCF)


Common Factors


Students will be able to know and explain about human skeleton and its function using different kinds of media. (summative assessment / portfolio) Create questions about this unit ---> who wants to be a millionaire (partner) Power point presentation about nutrition.

Selected responses/Checklist

Anecdotal record


Portfolio BI tentang akronim Membuat drama Menonton film Year 4 camp

Selected responses/Checklist

Weeks Reminders :



Week : 11

Date : June 13-17, 2011


Chances Games Nelson math books UOI 6 reflection End of year reflection Watch movie Tiding up students' belonging


Common Factors



Review BI during 2nd semester Handwriting review Class party (Monday, June 13) Attend Year 6 graduation (Wednesday, June 15) Primary special assembly (Thursday, June 16) House activity (Friday, June 17)

Weeks Reminders :

Week 7



Activities: Students solve negative number problems provided by the teacher

Students draw factor trees to find the lowest common factor of various numbers. They are to check their answers by multiplying the answers and then list the LCFs (lowest common factors)

y y

Selected responses/checklist (Formative: workbook Able to add and subtract negative checked by teachers) numbers Identify and list the lowest common factors of a given number between 1 and 1000

UOI 6 :
Our bodies have several systems vital to creating and sustaining human life. Activities: Students are asked to explain about human skeleton and its function using different kinds of media. (continue from last week) Research diseases on skeletal system caused by poor die. Cook healthy food, Students create a recipe (procedural text) on food which is good for the bones Bahasa Indonesia: Ketrampilan mendengar y Anak -anak menuliskan kembali dalam bentuk karangan y prosedur tentang proses pembuatan makanan sehat yang dilakukan di jam UOI Mencari arti kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan unit 6 dengan menggunakan kamus. (continue from last week) y Dapat menuliskan kembali prosedur pembuatan makanan sehat y Students know main parts of human skeletal system both in English and Indonesian. Students understand the function of the skeletal system and how various bones are connected. Students understand some diseases related to bone Students know how to make healthy food.

Open-ended tasks/Checklist

y y y y

Open-ended task/Checklist

Selected responses/Anecdotal notes

Anak dapat memahami arti kata-kata yang

berhubungan dengan unit 6, seperti: protein, mineral, sendi, dll.

Weeks Reminders : Tuesday is a holiday (waisak)

Term : _____4______________ Week : ___6____________ Date : 9-13 May 2011__________

MATHEMATICS : Negative numbers y y y



Activities: Students recognize place value of negative numbers Students order a series of random numbers from smallest to largest Students solve negative number problems provided by the teacher

y y y y

Able to understand the concept of negative numbers Able to recognize place value of negative

Selected responses/checklist

numbers Able to order negative numbers Able to add and subtract negative numbers

UOI 5 :
Our bodies have several systems vital to creating and sustaining human life. Activities: Students are asked to explain about human skeleton and its function using different kinds of media. (CT) See power point presentation about vitamins. Students are asked to do research on the vitamins, minerals and disease related to the bones and y digestive systems. (CT) Create graph about the type of food they mostly eat Students know main parts of human skeletal system both in English and Indonesian. Students understand the function of the skeletal system and how various bones are connected. Students are able to find out the meaning of Open-ended task/Checklist the name of vitamins, minerals, and additives and what they do, why we should eat them, and in what other food sources they can be found.

Open-ended tasks/Checklist

y y y

Bahasa Indonesia: Kata Majemuk (Continue) Aktivitas: y Test kata majemuk: - mencari pasangan kata majemuk yang tepat - menerapkan kata majemuk dalam kalimat y Dapat melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan kata majemuk yang tepat. Dapat membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata majemuk. Dapat menceritakan kembali dalam bentuk tulisan Selected responses/ Anecdotal notes sebuah paragraf yang dibacakan oleh guru. Anak dapat memahami arti kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan unit 6, seperti: protein, mineral, sendi, dll. Selected responses/Checklist

y Ketrampilan mendengar (untuk nilai rapot) Anak mendengarkan guru membacakan sebuah paragraf y dan meminta mereka untuk menceritakan kembali secara lengkap dengan bahasa mereka sendiri. Membuat spider web kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan unit 6, seperti: protein, mineral, sendi, osteoporosis,dll Mencari arti kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan unit 6 dengan menggunakan kamus y

Weeks Reminders :

Term : _____4______________ Week : ___5____________ Date : 2-4 May 2011__________

MATHEMATICS : Negative numbers y y y

y y y

Selected responses/checklist

Activities: Students recognize place value of negative numbers Students order a series of random numbers from smallest to largest Review test on Mass, Volume and Capacity

Able to understand the concept of negative numbers Able to recognize place value of negative

numbers Able to order negative numbers

UOI 5 :
Our bodies have several systems vital to creating and sustaining human life. Activities: Based on prior knowledge, draw and label skeletal systems Brainstorm central idea and lines of inquiry. Write them in UOI book and add student questions Watch video and animation. Explore skeletal system from books, internet, and answer questions provided by the teacher y Students know main parts of human skeletal system both in English and Indonesian Students understand the function of the skeletal system and how various bones are connected

Open-ended tasks/Anecdotal record

y y y y y

Bahasa Indonesia: Kata Majemuk Aktivitas: Mendiskusikan "kata majemuk" dan meminta anak menuliskan definisi dari kata majemuk menggunakan bahasa mereka sendiri. Mencari dan menuliskan pasangan dari kata majemuk yang belum lengkap.

y y

Anak dapat mencoba menuliskan sendiri definisi dari kata majemuk setelah mendiskusikan bersama-sama. Dapat memberikan beberapa contoh kata majemuk dan mengerti artinya.

Dapat melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan kata majemuk yang tepat. Dapat membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan kata majemuk.

Melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan kata majemuk yang tepat. y Test kata majemuk: - mencari pasangan kata majemuk yang tepat - menerapkan kata majemuk dalam kalimat

Selected responses/Anecdotal notes

Weeks Reminders :

4 - 5 May 2011, Year 4 students will go for camp to Tanakita, Sukabumi

Term : _____4______________ Week : ___4____________ Date : 25- 29 April 2011__________

MATHEMATICS : Volume y y y

y y y y


Activities: Students estimate and measure the actual volume of water in liter and ml Nelson math pg. 78-81 Review test about 2D, 3D and money

Students are able to estimate and measure the actual volume Able to choose appropriate units from L/ml Able to convert L to ml Able to use their knowledge to solve problems related to mass

UOI 5 : Interrelationships within and across different biomes affect the survival of the earth. Activities : Students do the required activities. Once finished, they are to select 3 additional activities of their choice. Finish the newspaper project. Print, glue and practise

Students are able to complete all requirements of the multiple intelligence matrix. (compulsory and choice) Students understand about human intervention and its impact on certain biomes and its effect on the earth. Students are able to create a creative newspaper using newsletter template about one endangered animal in a certain biome.

Newspaper project Reflective, Inquirers they acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research Assessment strategy: process focused assessment Assessment tool: exemplars

3 additional activities of their choice Assessment strategy : process focused assessment Assessment tool: Anecdotal notes

TBI : Pemahaman Bacaan Aktivitas: Anak-anak membaca secara bergantian menggunakan Dapat memahami bacaan tentang "Bersekolah di

Open ended tasks/ Anecdotal records 10

intonasi yang tepat. (Ambil nilai) y Membahas kosa kata baru dan mengingatkan kembali penggunaan kamus. Menjawab pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan bacaan Menjelaskan kosa kata baru yang terdapat dalam bacaan

Hutan". Dapat menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan bacaan tersebut. Dapat menjelaskan kosa kata baru yang terdapat dalam bacaan, seperti : transmigrasi, intensif, menyingkir,dll.

y y

Weeks Reminders :

Friday at 8 - 8.40 recorder competition




Week : 2

Date : April 11-15, 2011

MATHEMATICS: 2D and 3D shapes

Students are able to estimate and measure the actual mass/capacity; and convert and solve problems related to mass/capacity. Activities: Nelson page 45, 47, 48. Students identify and write different combinations of money to make equal amounts (thinking skills-synthesis/combining parts to create wholes- reflective).


y y


Students understanding about human intervention and its impact on certain biomes and its effect on the earth.
Activity: Report writing about indigenous people at certain biome (research needed) - thinking skills/acquisition of knowledge - inquirer Continue biome matrix



Siswa mampu menuliskan kembali sebuah cerita yang didengar secara oral (keterampilan mendengar-komitmen-komunikator yang efektif) Siswa mampu menerjemahkan 1 paragraf teks yang didikte (menyimak) Menggunakan intonasi yang tepat dalam kalimat berbahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar (berbicara)

Catatan anekdotal


Weeks Reminders :



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