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How To Make,
Keep, And
Multiply Money

Emmanuel Akpe
Chief Value Officer (C.V.O)

My name remains Akpe Emmanuel. Popularly called the “Prince of

Copywriting." Or in other quarters, Chief Value Officer (C.V.O)

My favourite quote... “If you know your onions, you will eat your suya."

I am an addicted lover of God and Kingdom matters.

I do believe that spirituality is the foundation to materiality.


Spirituality works on the inner man and makes you a whole man.

Just know that everybody is using something. If you are not using something,
you will soon be used for something.

So this book is basically on the TRIANGLE PRINCIPLE OF WEALTH

 Making money

 Keeping money

 Multiplying your money

Earning >>>> Saving >>>>> Investing

If you understand this three path, you will never have issues with money.

I will do my best to help you understand these three concepts

What right do I have to even speak on this topic??

It's been tay I was broke...

E don tay wey I need money.

I am not there yet but mehn, I am not where I used to be.

Those who know a little about me know that at 16, I was already making
six figures.

I have a deep understanding of money... to the glory of God!

So why is money important?

90% of the things we do is connected to money...

I mean, once you are born, you are groomed to grow and make money

You go to primary school, secondary, uni, masters... So that you can a lot of

For some of us, we wanted medicine, law or those professional courses so

that we can get a job easily and make lots of money.

You see, the only thing that the Bible equates to the level of God is Money.
You cannot serve two masters; God and Money (Mammon: Covetousness)

Money is very important. Lol, do I even need to say that?

If you can, settle the issue of money while you are young..

You will be able to fulfill purpose then. You will be able to help lots of
persons then.

You should know that, you can never help the poor by being one of them.

Do all you can to read this book to the end, the principles in this book are
sharp, straight to the point and very applicable.

I have also done mega slash for one of my programs at the end of the book.

Cheers to your change of level.


The most important thing to making money is your why.

I cannot emphasize this enough...

Most people are concerned with the how.

People come to me and ask me “Emmanuel, how can I make money?"

First, why do you really need to make money?

Once you answer your why, the how will be easy.

If your why is not strong, no matter the how, you will give up soon..

One of my strong why's is to never beg for money. I hate begging! Argghh...

Another of my why's is to build churches and promote the gospel.

Another is so that I can fulfil purpose.

Your why could be to travel around the world...

Retire your parents to perpetual enjoyment.

Find a strong why. That's your fuel to making money.


There is no such thing as making money from nothing. Unless you want to
scam someone.

Or join PH, GH.

To make money, you have to be exchanging value in the form of a product

or a service.

Money is simply a trade by barter. Your client or customer has the money,
you have the value. You both exchange it.

I want this to sink...

A business is just an avenue to deliver value through a product or a


To make money, think of how you can exchange value.

I tell people, if you can offer N1,000 value to 1,000 people, you've made a
million naira.

Or... Offer, N2,000 value to 500 people. Another million made.

And then if you take it to 5k. You only need 200 people to give you 5k to
make 1 million.
100 people give you 10k, you have a million.

Let me stop there...


You cannot become a millionaire with a thousandnaire mindset and habit.

Mindset=Thought pattern.

You can't think poor and expect to be rich. Impossicant!

Habit= Daily doables.

You can't behave poor and expect to be rich. Impossicant!

You wake up any time. You sleep 8-10 hours.

You have watched all the movies on Netflix.

WhatsApp is your day job.

Use your head.

See, getting rich is not a stroll in the park.

You must be willing to put in the first few years of work...

Then you can enjoy.


Not just any kind of skill. Learn a high income skill.

Something that can make you from 200k to 500k monthly.

Learn Copywriting, Social media management and marketing, freelancing,

AI, web development...

There are lots of them.

Choose one and become a specialist in it.

Don't be a generalist, be a specialist.

If you call Ronaldo, people know it's football.

If you call Tiger woods, people know it's golf.

If you call Bishop Oyedepo, everyone knows its Ministry.

If you call my name, everyone knows I am the Prince of Copywriting.

If we call your name now, what do people know you for?

Think about it..


If you want to make money, use your high income skill to solve high value
problems for high paying clients.

This is the summary of making good money..

Use your high income skill...

To solve high value problems...

For high paying clients.

I will use Copywriting for example...

In Copywriting, one of the best paid branches is writing SEO web content
for clients.

Clients pay as much as $3,000 for this. A friend of mine got a deal for a
Crypto website, they paid him more than a million naira.

He has a high income skill, he is solving a high value problem for high
paying clients (foreigners).

If you want to target people ehn, PLEASE target rich people..

It’s easier to release 100k when a client has 10 million in his account than
when he has 200k in his account.

Do business with the rich, when you've made it, help the poor.

The truth is ehn, when you have high paying clients, they don't give you
issues like broke clients.


If you want to make money ehn... Forget shame!

You see that called shyness, throw it into the trash can.

I've never met a shy multi-millionaire

Remove shame from your face and do better marketing.

The world has no place for shy people.


To make money... Value your time.

Time is the only thing we all have in common.. *Rich and poor*

What's the value of your 1 hour?

How much is your 1 hour worth?

I always teach people to not only set monthly income goals, but also set

How much do you want make every day?

To get this amount, divide your monthly goal by 30 days.

Let's say my goal for this month is to make 1 million naira.

Divided by 30 is 33,500. That's how much I need to make every day.

Now, this helps you to think of how you can apply your skill or sell a
product that can give you that amount daily.

You may not hit it daily, but it will keep you on track and your actions will
keep moving up till you start making it.


To make money... The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.

That's the only investment that can yield a 100-200% return.

I cannot emphasize this enough. You have to be deliberate about your


You have to be intentional about reading financial books.

Be deliberate about your growth.

You can steal all the money from my hand but give me one week and I will
bounce back

Donald Trump was a billionaire; he went bankrupt but bounced back again.

If you invest in yourself, no one can steal your knowledge from you.

The most important investment you can ever make is in yourself.

Watch YouTube videos..

Watch people like Dan Lok, Tai Lopez, T. Harv Eker, Grant Cordone, Dan

Their videos and works will push you.

Use your night time well...

You see that Airtel night plan bah, use it to learn..

From 11pm to 2am. 3 hours of videos will make you so outstanding..

Finally on making money..


Action is the bridge between your thoughts and results.

If you don't take action, forget about money..

No matter the fine ideas you have, no action, no result, no money.

Be ready to fail but learn and get back up...




Until you remove the L... And then you EARN.

That will be all on making money.

Keeping or managing your money is the most important skill you need
when it comes to money.

It is the bridge between making money and investing money.

If the bridge is faulty, your wealth destination will never be in view.

The truth is, some people don't have issues with making money. Their
major problem is with keeping it.

Why's this?

The easiest thing about money is spending it.

No one ever learns how to spend money.

Spending money is so easy mehn.

I've never met a man who doesn't like spending money. Brothers have you

Some people think that when they make more money, they will now start
keeping it. Not true.

Parkinson's law States that the moment there is an increase in your income,
expenses will rise to meet it.

Please read that again..

When income increases, expenses also increase.

There is a way money will enter your hand ehn, those your fine clothes you
have will start looking faded.

It will be doing you somehow in your eyes.

Some of you using android phones now, once money starts entering now,
you now want an iPhone.

It's human nature!

But... It will not help you financially.

You must learn to live within a lean budget even with an increase in more

I am not saying you shouldn't enjoy your life o, but, you must have a
percentage of your income for enjoyment.


To keep money... You need to be accountable.

See ehn, you are a business entity.

You are the CEO of your life..

You need to run your life like a company.

If you see yourself in this light, you will value yourself more.

Be accountable!

Do this exercise...

Get a book; let's call it your account book.

Write down every money that comes in and every expense you make for
the next 30 days.

I promise you that this one exercise will change your life.

Most people won't do it. But if you will... It’s a promise; it will dramatically
change your life.

Write everything that comes in and everything that goes out.

Now before you spend, ask yourself, do I really need to buy this?

Can I do without this?

At the end of one month, you will see those things that have been eating
your money secretly.

You will see how common biscuit and malt or those small chops have been
eating close to 5k from your money.

Or how Mtn has been building an estate on your head from common
recharge card and data.

Some of you make money and at the end you are always wondering where
your money went to.

This exercise will show you were your money goes into.


Quit buying things to impress people that don't like you

Hey you slay queen... I am talking to you slay daddy.

Stop trying to impress people on social media

You will buy cloth to snap then come back and drink garri.

Hey, don't get me wrong... There's nothing wrong with drinking garri.

Allowing the garri to rise is where I have issues.

Hehe... Let's leave that area..

Dear brother, you make small money and you want to hang out with every
babe. Are you a hanger?

Can't you see how much you are spending just to impress a lady?

Use your head o

No be curse o, na advice.

When you understand where your money goes, you will be able to budget


If you want to keep money... Learn to separate money into different


I modified T. Harv Ekers savings plan for myself. This is how I save..

10% of all my earnings go to tithes. I am very strong believer in tithing.

I save 50% into my financial freedom account.

I use 40% for expenses.

Now this is where it gets interesting...

From that 50%, 20% goes into an untouchable savings account. 20% is for
investments and 10% is for my growth.

This topic is very broad but I hope that simple illustration helps.

10% of growth is for buying books, seminars and everything that can help
me grow.


From my 40% expenses, 10% is for flexing (I love swimming), I am hoping

to join a golf club soon.. As my 10% gets bigger.

When you budget your money, you can tell someone you are broke but you
have money.

You are broke because you didn't include them in your budget.

This is one of the reasons our rich uncles seem stingy.

Is not like they don't have money, you are not just in their budget... Sorry!

That will be all on keeping money.

Multiplying Money
So let's talk about multiplying money..

The best investment you can ever make is the investment in yourself.

So first, if you want to multiply money, start by investing so much in


Become a better version of yourself

I found out something profound, people will pay you for becoming a better

I mean, you are doing yourself good o, but people will pay you when you
become better and best.

Take 10% of every money you make and grow yourself..

Buy books and read.

Whatever your 10% can afford, do it for your growth.


If you want to multiply money, you must learn and understand leverage.

Because we all have a limited number of hours, resources, we all need to


Leverage is the ability to use other people’s time, resources, intellect and
money to our advantage.

Leverage is what leads to passive income. The ability to make money while

One of my best quotes is, You don't have any business sleeping if you are not
making money while sleeping.

My mentor T. Harv Eker puts it best, You become financially free when your
passive income exceeds your expenses.

So, when you think of investing your money, think leverage and passive

Think of how you can leverage on existing businesses or available


I will give you an example...

When I made six figures at 16, I invested the money into my mum's
provision business.

I bought some things she wasn't selling and dropped it in her shop.

I leveraged on her shop.

And I was making passive income... I wasn't working.

The social media is also a powerful leverage for sales.

Look around your environment...

Before you leverage, consider your environment.

What are people buying more?

Where is the traffic going to?

If you have a shoprite around you, can you leverage on that?

If there is a stadium, can you leverage on that?

Where is the crowd going to?

Leverage on where the traffic is moving towards.


What are some ways of making passive income?

1. Businesses working for you.

2. Money working for you.

Rental business is a perfect passive income stream...

You have it, people just keep collecting it and returning it while your
money keeps growing like grass.

Think of business that can work without your presence.

This entails putting your money to work.

You see, you have to work hard for your money until your money begins to
work hard for you.

Your money has to work hard to take your place.

Money working for you can be in the form of shares, government bonds,
treasury bills, etc.

But.. The best way to get in is when you have lots of money..

Infact, from 10 million above. 10% of 10 million is 1 million.

But 10% of 1 million is just 100k.

Don’t do any fixed deposit if you don’t have lots of money.

Deposit the small money you have into yourself and fix your life.


Before you go into any investment, learn the ropes very well.

Study about it very well.

I read something about Dangote, I am told he knows the basics of all

businesses so well, he discusses it like he's an expert in it.

All his businesses...

He knows them inside out.


Don't invest because your friend is also investing.

Don't ever invest in anything that your capital is not secured.

If e bad e bad, you can still remove the money you put in.

Finally... Think multiple streams of income.

Don't focus on one source of income, create multiple streams of

passive income.

Apart from freelancing on fiverr..

I have an upwork account...

I have Naija clients...

I manage social media accounts..

I sell digital products..

I do digital trainings.

You cannot shut me down in one. I will always make money in the
other areas.

****************************THE END!******************************
This is not your regular book, this is how I have chosen to end mine..


Get an approved upwork and start earning in dollars.


1. It's a perfect work from home platform.

I've seen people who bought cars from their Upwork earnings working from the comfort
of their homes, in their boxers, on the comfort of their beds.

Example is me minus the car sha

I don't need to work for anyone. My earnings will cripple what some government
workers make.

Plus, it gives me time to serve God. I can go for any service I want at any time I want to
knowing that I can come back to work early in the morning

2. You deal with Americans or foreigners who at least know the value of your skill.
When I deal with foreign clients, I charge between 5 to $10 for 500 words (that's like
₦3600 for 500 words) but in Naija, some clients can price you for ₦500 for 1000 words.

The best part of it is, you earn in dollars and this has a higher return when you convert it
to naira.

3. Jobs are constant and consistent on Upwork

Every ten seconds a job is uploaded on upwork.

Lots and lots of jobs are availble for the freelancer to bid for.

You are only hindered by how good you are or not in sending proposals and getting jobs.

THE ONLY DISADVANTAGE OF UPWORK IS: Opening an account can be very tasking.
Infact, 9 out of 10 accounts from Nigerians are rejected if you don't know how to
answer their registration questions.

My team and I have been able to help more than 50 persons create and set up great
upwork profiles that produce up to $500 monthly.

Normally, my team charges ₦5,000 for approval and set up but for the month of August
and September, we will do it for just ₦3,000.

We will also send you materials on getting started and writing proposals that get you

Just in case you don't trust us, you can make payment after the approval and set up.

If you are ready to change your financial situation, make the investment today and get
your account running

And if you'd like to get the script I've used in creating and approving Upwork accounts
that has made more than N300,000 monthly consistently in side income, I am also
giving it out for just N20,000. (I got the script for $200=N72,000)

Whatsapp or call: 07036322882.



You see, if you are broke, IT IS YOUR FAULT. Not the fault of your parents, uncles,
Nigeria or friends. Not even the fault of God. It is totally your fault.

I remember when I used to be broke often, I was always angry at everything and
everyone. I don't know the relationship between being broke and anger but am sure
there is one.

Maybe it was because I was broke that I was angry or it was because I was angry that I
was broke. Lol. Whichever way, I hated both of them.

But... It all changed when I took responsibility for my life..

If someone like me with average intelligence can make over N200,000 in two weeks
writing articles for foreign clients, from the comfort of my room and in my boxers shorts,
then anyone can.

You see, I didn't make an A1 in English language in my WAEC, boy, I had a C5 but in my
over 3 years on fiverr, I have been able to gather more than one hundred 5-star reviews
from clients telling me how good my writing was. The funny part is, I don't write most of
my articles, I use a killer strategy only few of my students know.

I didn't discover this strategy from any book and you cannot find it anywhere online but
if you know this one strategy, you will be able to write a 1,000-word article in less than
10 minutes.

For the record, a 1,000-word article is around $15 on Fiverr, that's N5,400 in 10 minutes.
Don't just take my word for it, I attached a screenshot of my withdrawal for Christmas.

My goal this year is to train 1,000 youths on copywriting and freelancing. Copywriting
has to do with writing articles, product descriptions, web content, email letters, sales
letters to mention a few. This is one skill that will enable you to end the new year as a
big boy...or big girl as the case may be.

But you need to get clients. That's where freelancing comes in. I want to take out time
from my busy schedule to teach you how to get clients from fiverr. And most
importantly, how to withdraw from these foreign sites. It is the simplest part.

Here is a breakdown of what you will learn again:

Things I have prepared:

* Secrets of copywriting and how to sell online

* How to create an optimized fiverr acount/profile

* How to create a high ranking fiverr gig

* How to write 100% non plagiarised articles with 2 strategies I discovered from my
personal research

* How to write SEO blog articles for clients

* How to write web content for clients

* How to write email copies, products reviews and descriptions

* 20 Fiverr writing gigs you can choose from

* Landing jobs on Fiverr

* How to make withdrawals easily on Fiverr.

However, I want a commitment from you. You see, the biggest commitment anyone can
make is to commit his money and time into something. Where your treasure (money) is,
that is where your heart will be.

The training fee is almost free. The true value of this training is over N50,000. However, I
have reduced it to just N10,000 for the training period of 5 days and follow up for life.
Cheap right? Lol


I have slashed, subsidized, bastardized (give me more words) the training fee to $5.5
(N2,000) so that everyone can benefit. Did I say, everyone? No way, this fee is just for
the first 30 persons to get in. The 31st person will pay N10,000. I kid you not. Mind you, I
am expecting a sold-out class as always.

For reading book, when you come with the code MONEY101, you will have access into
this class for just N1,500

New Training starts every Monday and ends every Friday. It holds on WhatsApp with
lots of screenshots, voice notes and videos. After the class, you will have 11 months of
free mentorship from me.

It will hold on WhatsApp with lots of screenshots, voice notes and videos. After the
class, you will have 11 months of free mentorship from me.


* You will start making money from your first month

* You will never be broke again
* If at the end of the training you don't get 10x the value of what you paid, I will return
your money back with a written apology.

Other Bonuses
*25 uncommon ebooks on copywriting you will never find free online: valued at $45
* Free ebook on 101 Fiverr gigs you can start today: Valued at $20

Basically, this is a FREE CLASS. If you don't pay, you lose, I gain. If you pay, I gain, you
gain. Either way, I still GAIN.
Just pay the appreciation fee and get in:

Learn more about the class:

Call/WhatsApp: 07036322882

The Structure of the Personal Development Masterclass with

First week we will look at personal finance.

I will talk about your money life..

Money is a fuel not the vehicle.. Your vehicle is your purpose.

You need money to fund your passion..

The world system was never designed to make you live a life of purpose.

It was designed to make you chase money. For you to work and always need..

I will demystify all of this in the first week.

Week 2 is for selling and Copywriting

Copywriting is the art of selling with words..

And selling is a life skill we must all learn

If you know how to sell, you will never be broke..

And then we will move to time management and productivity

Time is life and life is time, that is why it is called lifetime.

You cannot waste time, you only waste your life.

Time is the only thing the rich and the poor have in common, how they use it is what
makes the difference..

I will teach you my time management strategies that has enabled me put in minimum
time and get maximum results.

And in the last week, we will look at the various online businesses I do.

I am a freelance copywriter on fiverr and Upwork.

I am an author with an authority in Copywriting.

I am sell digital products.

I help people create Upwork accounts

I have more than a million naira this year in digital trainings and consultation.

I am also an affiliate marketer..

In the last week, I will teach how I do all of this.!

The Personal Development Masterclass is not a platform to transfer information but a

platform that will give you the enabling environment for your transformation

Learn more about the class:

Call/WhatsApp: 07036322882

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