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MLGDF/Sea Wyvern Wake Foes

 1 Overall Notes
o 1.1 Professor Urol Forol
 2 Events and Encounters
o 2.1 Outrage
o 2.2 Fort Blackwell
o 2.3 Tamaochan
o 2.4 Rowyn's Poison
o 2.5 Dinner with Lavinia
o 2.6 Father Feres' Illness
o 2.7 Threading the Needle
 2.7.1 "Captain" Lars "No Neck" Helvur
 2.7.2 "Eagle Eye"
 2.7.3 Charok Bent Back
 2.7.4 Bucmar Nocela
 2.7.5 Fog Elemental
o 2.8 Hydra Attack
o 2.9 Sargasso Sea
 2.9.1 The Rage
 2.9.2 The Grand Venture
 2.9.3 The Labrador
 2.9.4 What does it mean?
 Notable loot at the Thunder
 Logs images

Overall Notes
The route the Sea Wyvern and the Blue Nixie take to the Isle of Dread is slow, insane, and
really slow. It takes the PCs 13 days to travel 475 miles by sea - or about 36 miles a day.
Since sailing ships should really travel 24 hours every day, they should really be at least 3
times as fast (well, unless the PCs ships are sailing upwind the entire way, which isn't likely).

Anyway, I've already adjusted the travel distances (doubling them) and the travel times
(averaging 3, 4, or 6 knots for the Blue Nixie depending on wind direction vs travel

What with one thing and another, Professor Urol Forol is a constant companion of the PCs.

Professor Urol Forol

Urol Forol is an annoying little git of a gnome, constantly going on about poisons,
natural philosophy, and "puns". Since he doesn't understand puns himself, he'll say
"no pun intended" at random points in his speech, and if questioned say it makes
sense in Gnomish. He'll also laugh or groan inappropriately at other people's
ST 10 HP 10 Speed 5
DX 10 Per 12 Move 3

IQ 12 Will 12
HT 12 FP 18 SM -1
Dodge 7 Parry 8 (unarmed) Block N/A DR 3*

ST12 Repeating Crossbow (13) 1d im Acc 1 Range 84

Whip (11) 1d-2 cr (0.5) reach 1-3

Traits: Book Learned Wisdom; Clueless; Familiar Ally (Macaw); Gnome; Impulsiveness;
Wild Talent 2

Skills: Crossbow-13; Fast-Draw (Flexible)-10; Hidden Lore (Lost Civilizations)-13;

Occultism-12; Traps-13; Whip-11;

Class: Mundane


Events and Encounters

Some encounters need to be skipped to avoid boredom. Do stuff sooner!

The Meravanchi family is footing more than 50% of the costs of the expedition (nominally;
the Vanderbrandt and Daughter Joan's band's contribution in kind is more substantial) so
Avner is basically paying everyone's salaries. His expectation that everyone will defer to him,
kiss his feet, and give him a nice room on a fast ship isn't unreasonable, just rude.

Fort Blackwell
No change here.

Lavinia tells the delvers that she's promised Urol that he can explore Tamaochan - and asks
them to protect him (in exchange for whatever they want to loot!) They're welcome to do
research while waiting.

Urol claims not to know anything about the ruins at Tamaochan, but he's a bad liar (Detect
Lies+3 to realize he's being shifty) and if discovered, will tell about the basilisk with a
Influence roll (resisted by Will 12). He doesn't know much else about the area, other than it
sounds like the fabled 3 Tomb Valley, which is believed to be an entrance to an Olman

Rowyn's Poison
Rowyn starts poisoning the food after Tamoachan, hoping to leave everyone very sick when
crossing the Needle.

Dinner with Lavinia

Livinia invites the delvers over for dinner two days out from Tamoachan or so, just before
entering the Needle. Rowyn launches her attack from there. Instead of using a single pickled
mephit, she has 5 or so of them:

Water Mephit
ST 7 HP 11 Speed 6
DX 13 Per 10 Move 6, 12 flight

IQ 10 Will 11
HT 12 FP N/A SM -2
Dodge 9 Parry 10 brawling Block N/A DR 0

Bite (14) 1d-2 cr

Water Jet (16) 1d Cr Cone 2 R10/20 with linked 6d cr Cone 2 R10/20 dbkb no wounding,
costs 1 FP and recharges every 1d-2 seconds

Traits: Amphibious; Bad Temper; Doesn't Breathe; Doesn't Eat or Drink; Doesn't Sleep;
Flight (Small Wings); Injury Tolerance (Homogenous; No Blood); Trickster (12);
Vulnerability (Dehydration attacks *2)

Skills: Brawling-14; Innate Attack (Projectile)-16

Class: Elemental

Notes: Susceptible to elemental control effects.

Father Feres' Illness

Feres falls sick the day after the exit the Needle. A surgery roll at -3 is required to safely
remove the demonseed.

Threading the Needle

There's a sensible number of pirates (100) on the pirate ship, not 10. Seriously, do the guys at
Paizo actually understand how sailing ships work? They're led by a bunch of improved
Henchmen: a Skirmisher with the Scout Lens; a Guard/Veteran as the captain; a Shaman
Cultist with the Adept upgrade (and an air elemental ally that has about a zillion levels of
Improved Area Obscure (aka big fog); and a Servant/Psi with Madness 4.

I may run this as Mass Combat battle:

Troop Troop
PCs Unit Type Pirate Unit Type
Strength Strength
2 Poor Gear, 4 Cheap Gear,
20 Blue Terrible Light 40 Pirate Inferior
0.4 Rec, Nav 4.8 Fire, Nav
Nixie Sailors Infantry Archers Bowmen
(Marine) (Marine)
2 Poor Gear, 6 Cheap Gear,
20 Sea
Terrible Light 60 Pirate Inferior Light
Wyvern 0.4 Rec, Nav 7.2 Rec, Nav
Infantry Sailors Infantry
(Marine) (Marine)
2 Basic Gear,
10 Sea Inferior
Wyvern Medium 2.4 Nav
Marine Infantry
1 Basic Gear, 2 Basic Gear,
Blue Nixie's 2 Nightshark's
Terrible Light 0.6 Art Inferior Light 1.6 Art
Crankbow Ballistae
Artillery Artillery
2 Blue 1 Cheap Gear,
Nixie's Terrible Light 0.8 Art
Prodds Artillery
2 Sea 2 Basic Gear,
Wyvern's Inferior Light 1.6 Art
Ballistae Artillery
1 Basic Gear, 1 Cheap Gear,
Daughter 5 Art, C3I, Fir, 3 Art, C3I, Fir,
Average Battle Pirate Officers Inferior Battle
Joan's Band Rec, Nav Rec, Nav
Mage (Marine) Mage (Marine)
1 Basic Gear,
4 Art, C3I, Fir,
Jade Ravens Inferior Battle
Rec, Nav
Mage (Marine)
1 Basic Gear,
Blue Nixie 1 Naval
1 Good Gear,
1 Cheap Gear,
Sea Wyvern Average War 5 Nav Nightshark 1.8 Nav
Inferior Sloop
20.2, 6.2 Art, 3
27.2, 15 Art, 9
C3I, 7.8 Fir,
Totals C3I, 9 Fir, 9.8
10.2 Rec, 20.2
Rec, 27.2 Nav
Lars, the pirate captain has Tactics (Naval)-11. He'll take a risk modifier of +1. He and his
three officers are not very impressive:

"Captain" Lars "No Neck" Helvur

Lars "No Neck" Helvur is captain of the pirate sloop Nightshark. He's a moderately
competent thug, ruling by strength and fear.

ST 16 HP 20 Speed 6

DX 12 Per 10 Move 6
IQ 10 Will 10

HT 13 FP 13 SM 0
Dodge 10 Parry 14F Block 11+1 DR 4*

Jian (20) 3d-1 cu or 1d+3 im at Reach 1, 2

Crossbow (14) 2d+3 im Acc 5 Range 380

Traits: Unattractive Appearance; Bad Temper 12-; Greed 12-

Skills: Leadership-12

Class: Mundane


"Eagle Eye"

Eagle Eye is a competent archer.

ST 11 HP 11 Speed 7
DX 14 Per 10 Move 7

IQ 10 Will 12
HT 12 FP 12 SM 0
Dodge 11 Parry 12 Block N/A DR 3*

Longbow (19) 1d+3 im Acc 3 Range 225 Heroic Archer

Long Knife (16) 2d-2 cu or 1d im

Traits: Bad Temper 12-; Greed 12-; Jealousy; Naval Training

Skills: Acrobatics-13; Fast-Draw (Arrow)-16; Fast-Draw (Knife)-15; Jumping-14; Stealth-14

Class: Mundane

Charok Bent Back

Charok is a slightly insane Dragonborn with a hunchback. She served as a potion taster for an
evil delver, and an unfortunate combination of mixes drove her insane and triggered her
psionic powers.

ST 12 HP 14 Speed 5

DX 11 Per 13 Move 6
IQ 12 Will 12

HT 11 FP 14 SM 0
Dodge 8 Parry 10 unarmed Block 10+1 DR 6F+2ts

Madness (17) Long range affliction resisted by Will; causes Hallucinations if successful,
max range 500 yards
Claws (14) 1d-1 cu or im

Traits: Dragonborn; Becoming the Dragon 1; Psi Talent 4; Flashbacks (Severe); Frightens
Animals; Hunchback; Sadism

Skills: Brawling-14; Buckler-14

Class: Mundane


Bucmar Nocela

A former cultist of He-Who-Brings-Power, Bucmar inherited the Fog Elemental after his
master was killed by delvers.

ST 10 HP 10 Speed 6
DX 11 Per 11 Move 5

IQ 11 Will 11
HT 13 FP 14 SM 0
Dodge 8 Parry 9 Block 10+1 DR 3*

Hatchet (13) 1d+1 cu

Crossbow (13) 1d+4 im Acc 4 Range 320

Traits: Charisma 1; Gullibility 12-; Social Stigma (Excommunicated)

Skills: Axe/Mace-13; Buckler-14; Crossbow-13; Stealth-11

Class: Mundane

Notes: His primary contribution in combat is commanding the Fog Elemental

Fog Elemental

This powerful fog elemental can create nearly a mile of impenetrable fog, or create localized
areas of persistent, freezing fog that can damage and blind normal opponents.

ST 0 HP 10 Speed 5

DX 10 Per 10 Move 10 Flight

IQ 10 Will 10

HT 10 FP N/A SM 0
Dodge 8 Parry N/A Block N/A DR 0

Freezing Fog (14) 1d toxic HT-2 to resist, Persistent permeable wall area 4, Blindness side

Traits: Body of Air; Diffuse; Immune to Metabolic Hazards; Doesn't Breath; 360 Vision;
Indomitable; Vibration Sense (Air)

Skills: Aerobatics-9; Stealth-13

Class: Elemental

Notes: The Super Fog effect is a huge defensive visual/auditory Obscure effect

Hydra Attack
Since refilling the water at rivers is stupid, the hydra attack should just be a random sea-going

Multi-Headed Sea Hydra

The hydra consists of a relatively immortal body and a bunch of relatively easy to kill but
constantly regenerating heads.

The body can attack or regenerate/regrow two heads, but only after a head has died.

ST 80 HP 80 Speed 6.25

DX 12 Per 12 Move 3, 9 swimming

IQ 5 Will 12

HT 13 FP 13 SM 4
Dodge 9 Parry 9 (tail parry) Block N/A DR 5 +5ts

Flipper Slap (14) 9d+9 cr, Reach 0-4

Tail Slap (12) 9d+18 cr, Reach 0-4, Rear only

Traits: 360 Vision (Accessibility: At least three live heads); Ally Group (50 Heads;
Constantly Available; Summonable arriving in 1d seconds; Accessibility: Summons two
heads at a time but only to replace a head that's been killed); Aquatic; Doesn't Breathe (Gills);
Enhanced Move 0.5 (Water); Extra Attack; Horizontal; Injury Tolerance (No Eyes, No Head,
No Neck); Mana Dependency (Constant); No Fine Manipulators; No Legs (Semi-Aquatic);
Strikers (4 Flippers and Rear Tail); Supernatural Durability (any attack made when no heads
are alive); Terror -3 (Always On); Wild Animal.

Skills: Brawling-14 (Kicking-14); Swimming-14.

Class: Faerie

Notes: Starts with 5 heads Each head is vulnerable to being killed, but unless all of them are
dead the body is immortal.

ST 20 HP 20 Speed 6
DX 14 Per 12 Move 0

IQ 5 Will 12
HT 12 FP 12 SM 2
Dodge 10 Parry N/A Block N/A DR 2 +5ts (Nictating Membrane 5)

Bite (16) 2d-1 im, Reach 0-4

Neck Wrap (14) ST20 Constricting Attack

Traits: Born Biter 3; Combat Reflexes; Constricting Attack; Doesn't Breathe (Gills); Mana
Dependency (Constant); Nictating Membrance 5; No Fine Manipulators; No Legs (Sessile);
Peripheral Vision; Stretching 2; Wild Animal.

Skills: Brawling-16.

Class: Faerie

Notes: Normal attack is a bite and grab which counts as a two-handed grab for SM4 or
smaller foes; Each head is anchored to the hydra body but can attack within 7 yards.

Sargasso Sea
There are three ships in sight of the Sea Wyvern: the Rage, the Grand Venture, and the
Labrador. All are abandoned and ruined. The Grand Venture and the Labrador are scattered
some distance from the Rage, forming a rough diamond with the Sea Wyvern and the Rage
on opposite points.
The Rage

The Rage is nearly completely submerged, with only the poop deck still above water.

The last entries of the journal read:

To the Abyss with this accursed weed! We are well and truly stuck, and these deadly
vines crawl over my ship! Brother Anhelm thought he knew of a sovereign poison to
use against them, but the vines killed him before he could speak of it. Brother Neiken
took over the search and found Anhelm's books, with this riddle that means - I am not
sure what it means:
Voittamaton äiti, äiti kauhut, elämän suon loputon
Mikään vahingoittaa häntä, mutta aseita kuun metalli
Päällystetty tehokkain myrkky, valmistetaan seuraavasti
Kaksi osaa kaunis nainen, kuidutettu ja massa
Seitsemän osat vampyyri seurakunnan, murskataan ja jauhetaan
Kolme osaa Jobinkyynelheinä vuonna kuksa
Sekoita hyvin, keitetään pasta
Keskellä merta, tunkeutua hänen puolustuksemme vastasyntyneen lastentarha
Kuten hän hätkähtää, pakenemaan syleillä
Neiken has translated as best he could:
The deathless Mother, mother of horrors, life of the swamp endless
Nothing harms her but weapons of the night's metal
Coated with the absolute poison, made as follows
2 parts of beautiful lady, pulped to a mass
7 parts of the blood-sucking tick bane, crushed and minced
3 parts of Job's tears, in a wooden cup
Mix well, boil to a paste
In the center of the sea, pierce her defenses in the vastasyntyneen lastentarha
As she recoils, flee her embrace
Whatever this means, we have not the ingredients to make the poison. No night-metal,
no beautiful ladies, no tick bane, nothing! I don't even know what a vasta-whatever is!
But we will not be defeated by weeds. We will set out for the center of this stinking
seaborne swamp and see if determination and cold steel will prevail!

The Grand Venture

The Grand Venture is in better shape than the Rage. The main deck is still slightly above
water, as are the forecastle and quarterdeck.

The captain's cabin is decorated in faded and mud-covered tapestries. The captain's journal is
on his desk in good shape. The final entry reads:

Being trapped by weeds is ridiculous, but we think we have a solution. Laurel led the
Iron Guild on a scout last night, and found an interesting log in the captain's quarters
of the Rage. I don't think that poor captain succeeded, but he was obviously not as
skilled as the Iron Guildsmen. We shall overcome this, find some treasure, and add it
to our exploits!
That bit of drivel is incomprehensible, but it might be the key to getting out of here.
Luthar is consulting his god for better instructions. Here are his oracles:
What weapons can be used to defeat this swamp?
Blades of Diana's beams, gifts of the heavens, coated with flora exterminor regnus
What are the ingredients of flora exterminor regnus?
The maiden's flower, that opens the eyes; the rose of bad breath; the acid of rotten
pearl barley
Where should we strike?
In the heart of the Sargasso, beneath the Thunderer, lies the essence of motherhood
This is too easy! Smelly flowers, alchemical acid, and sky-metal meapons! Savan has
a few meteoric iron arrowheads and Jaydan has his spare sword.
We've made the poison - one last oracle to be sure we're right, and then we should be
With our weapons and our poison, how shall we fare against the Mother?
In attacking the Mother, you will find freedom
Hah! Another success for the Iron Guild!

There also several bottles of fine wines and exotic flavorings in a locked wooden cabinet in
the room, including a bottle of Jacob Tear's vinegar.

The Labrador

The Labrador is in nearly as bad shape as the Rage, with one of the walls of the captain's
cabin destroyed. As such, the ship's log is a mess.

Noon watch: There is another ship nearby. If these cursed creatures ever slacken their
attacks, we will see what we can recover from it.
Dusk watch: The vines no longer crawl upon the ship. Ivan, Miles, and Aral have set
out for the other ship.
Midnight Watch: Ivan and Miles are back. Aral did not make it - the vines are not
entirely quiet. He was a good man, and will be missed. They copied a page from the
Rage's logbook and brought back the original - Aral died in the retrieval. I have read
both - this Neiken fellow must have been an idiot, such a poor translation. We have
ransacked Lady Martya's room and searched the galley - with two of three
ingredients, and white wine subbing poorly for the third, we have our poison.
I fear Sir Adrigal's bronze and sun-metal will make a poor replacement for werebane,
but it is what we have and it will have to serve. We must find this kindergart before
dawn, less the vines overwhelm us.

The cabin next to the cabin's was clearly that of a rich lady. Her small vanity was clearly
ransacked at one point, and bottles of perfume lie all over the place. A small bottle contains a
few drops of belladonna.

What does it mean?

I wouldn't call this simple, but: the poison is made from belladonna, crushed garlic, and
Jacob's Tear vinegar. It has to be applied to the child garden in the Thunderer's hold, but only
silver weapons can penetrate the Mother's thick skin. A single dose is enough to cause the
Mother to retreat beneath the waves, freeing all the ships for a period of a week or so.

Notable loot at the Thunder

Sir Adrigal's (Faun knight) orichalcum shortsword, orichalcum bracers and helmet, and
bronze plate; Savan's fine balanced composite bow and 3 meteoric iron arrows; Jaydan's
meteoric iron fine bastard sword; various other crap. Sir Adrigal's corpse also has a dozen
doses of near-poison; the Mother will retreat for a short period if 8 doses are applied via
silver weapons.

Logs images

stored at Westmarch Saga

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