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cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe

MMRDAHuee@ì ¬eÀ.-5,6 Je 12, F&-yuee@keÀ Jeebês-kegÀuee& mebk(cenejeä^ Meemeve Debefieke=Àle)

egÀue, Jeebês (HetJe&), cegbyeF& - 400 051. otjOJeveer : 26594000
He@ÀkeÌme : 26591264 JesyemeeFì :
cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMeemeeþer ÒeeªHe ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee
ceneje<ì^ ÒeeosefMekeÀ Je veiejj®evee DeefOeefve³ece, 1966 ®³ee keÀuece 16(1) Devegmeej veesìerme
p³eeDeLeea, cegbyeF& ceneveiej efve³eespeve meefceleer (j®evee Je keÀeces) (lejletoer ®eeuet þsJeCes) DeefOeefve³ece, 1999 (2000 ®³ee
ceneje<ì^ DeefOeefve³ece 5) (³eeHeg{s p³ee®ee GuuesKe ’GkeÌle DeefOeefve³ece“ Demee keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens.) Devegmeej ieþve keÀjC³eele Deeuesu³ee
cegbyeF& ceneveiej efve³eespeve meefceleerme (³eeHeg{s p³ee®ee GuuesKe ’SceSceHeermeer“ Demee keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens), GkeÌle DeefOeefve³ecee®³ee keÀuece
9 Devegmeej veiej efJekeÀeme efJeYeeiee®³ee DeefOemet®evee ¬eÀ. 1899/1191/Òe.¬eÀ.80/99/veefJe-13, efo. 23/7/1999 DevJe³es
peeefnj kesÀuesu³ee cegbyeF& ceneveiej #es$eemeeþer efJekeÀeme ³eespevee le³eej keÀjCes DeeJeM³ekeÀ Deens.
2. p³eeDeLeea, GkeÌle DeefOeefve³ecee®³ee efve³ece-11 DevJe³es meoj efJekeÀeme ³eespevee, ceneje<ì^ ÒeeosefMekeÀ Je veiej j®evee DeefOeefve³ece,1966
ceOeerue ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespeves®³ee lejlegoervegmeej le³eej keÀjCes DeeJeM³ekeÀ Deens DeeefCe Meemevee®es DeefOemet®evee ¬eÀ. SceHeermeer-2010/
Òe.¬eÀ.-129/2011/veefJe-30, efo. 23/04/2012 DevJe³es ceneje<ì^ ÒeeosefMekeÀ Je veiej j®evee DeefOeefve³ece, 1966 ®³ee
keÀuece 3 DevJe³es cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMee®eer mLeeHevee keÀjC³eele Deeueer Deens.
3. p³eeDeLeea, ÒeeosefMekeÀ efJekeÀemee®³ee efve³eespeve Je mecevJe³e keÀjC³eemeeþer cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe DeefOeefve³ece,
1974 DevJe³es cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCee®eer (³eeHeg{s p³ee®ee GuuesKe MMRDA Demee keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens) mLeeHevee
Peeueer Deens. ³ee DeefOeefve³ecee®³ee keÀuece 12, HeesìkeÀuece 2 Devegmeej ÒeeefOekeÀjCe cegbyeF& ceneveiej efve³eespeve meefceleerme cegbyeF& ceneveiej
ÒeosMeemeeþer®³ee efJekeÀeme ³eespevee (³eeHeg{s p³ee®ee GuuesKe ’ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee“ cnCetve keÀjC³eele Deeuee Deens ) le³eej keÀjC³eeceO³es menkeÀe³e&
keÀjeJe³ee®es Deens. ÒeeefOekeÀjCeeves efo. 26/08/2015 jespeer Peeuesu³ee 138 J³ee yewþkeÀerle kesÀuesueer þjeJe ¬eÀ. 1345 Joejs cegb.ce.Òe.
efJe. ÒeeefOekeÀjCeeves le³eej kesÀuesueer ÒeeªHe ’ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee“ Heg{erue keÀe³e&Jeenermeeþer cegbyeF& ceneveiej efve³eespeve meefceleerme meeoj keÀjC³eemeeþer
ceev³elee efoueer Deens.
4. p³eeDeLeea, cegbyeF& ceneveiej efve³eespeve meefceleer®³ee efo. 8 peguew, 2016 jepeer Peeuesu³ee eflemeN³ee yewþkeÀerle cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe
efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCeeves le³eej kesÀuesu³ee ÒeeªHe ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee meefceleer®³ee keÀecekeÀepeeme HegjkeÀ mJeªHee®es Demeu³eeves meoj ³eespevee
mJeerkeÀej keÀªve l³eeme ceev³elee osC³eele Deeueer Deens DeeefCe meoj ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee 2016-2036 ³ee keÀeueeJeOeer keÀjerlee Demesue Je
ceneje<ì^ ÒeeosefMekeÀ Je veiejj®evee DeefOeefve³ece, 1966 ®³ee ÒekeÀjCe 2 ceO³es veceto kesÀuesu³ee keÀuece 16 ®³ee lejletoervegmeej pemes ÒeefmeOo
keÀjCes Je Flej keÀe³e&Jeener keÀefjlee ceneveiej Dee³egkeÌle, cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe ³eebvee ÒeeefOeke=Àle keÀjC³eele Deeues Deens.
5. cnCetve Deelee, ceneje<ì^ ÒeeosefMekeÀ Je veiejj®evee DeefOeefve³ece, 1966 ®³ee keÀuece 16, Heesì keÀuece (1) Devegmeej efceUeuesu³ee
DeefOekeÀejeb®ee JeeHej keÀ©ve ³ee met®evesÜejs GkeÌle ÒeosMeemeeþer ÒeeªHe ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevee ÒeefmeOo keÀjerle Deens. ÒeeªHe ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespeves®eer SkeÀ
Òele ceneveiej Dee³egkeÌle, cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe, veJeerve Fceejle , Jeebês-kegÀuee& mebkegÀue, Jeebês (HetJe&), cegbyeF& 400 051
³eeb®³ee keÀe³ee&ue³eele keÀesCel³eener keÀecee®³ee efoJeMeer keÀe³ee&ue³eerve JesUsle pevelesuee HeenC³eemeeþer GHeueyOe keÀjC³eele ³esle Deens.
ÒeeªHe ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespeves®³ee Òeleer Keeueerue keÀe³ee&ue³eebceO³es megOoe keÀesCel³eener keÀecee®³ee efoJeMeer keÀe³ee&ue³eerve JesUele pevelesuee
HeenC³eemeeþer GHeueyOe Deensle :-
(1) efJeYeeieer³e Dee³egkeÌle, keÀeskeÀCe efJeYeeie, keÀeskeÀCe YeJeve, veJeer cegbyeF&.
(2) efpeuneefOekeÀejer, cegbyeF& Menj efpeune, cegbyeF&.
(3) efpeuneefOekeÀejer, cegbyeF& GHeveiej efpeune, Jeebês (HetJe&), cegbyeF&.
(4) efpeuneefOekeÀejer, þeCes efpeune, þeCes.
(5) efpeuneefOekeÀejer, je³eie[ efpeune, Deefueyeeie.
(6) efpeuneefOekeÀejer, HeeueIej efpeune, HeeueIej
(7) cegK³e keÀe³e&keÀejer DeefOekeÀejer,þeCes efpeune Heefj<eo,þeCes.
(8) cegK³e keÀe³e&keÀejer DeefOekeÀejer, je³eie[ efpeune Heefj<eo,Deefueyeeie.
(9) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle ye=nvcegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe,cegbyeF&.
(10) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle,þeCes ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe,þeCes.
(11) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, keÀu³eeCe [eWefyeJeueer ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe, keÀu³eeCe.
(12) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, veJeer cegbyeF& ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe, veJeer cegbyeF&.
(13) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, efceje YeeFb&oj ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe,YeeF&oj.
(14) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, efYeJeb[er efvepeeceHetj Menj ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe, efYeJeb[er.
(15) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, Gunemeveiej ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe, Gunemeveiej
(16) ceneHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, JemeF& efJejej Menj ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe, efJejej.
(17) J³eJemLeeHekeÀer³e meb®eeuekeÀ, efme[keÀes, efme[keÀes YeJeve, veJeer cegbyeF&
(18) mene³³ekeÀ meb®eeuekeÀ, veiejj®evee, je³eie[ efpeune, Deefueyeeie.
(19) mene³³ekeÀ meb®eeuekeÀ, veiejj®evee, þeCes efpeune, efpeuneefOekeÀejer keÀe³ee&ue³e, þeCes.
(20) mene³³ekeÀ meb®eeuekeÀ, veiejj®evee, HeeueIej efpeune, HeeueIej.
cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMeeleerue Keeueerue meJe& lenefmeueoejeb®³ee keÀe³ee&ue³eebceO³es pemes-
(21) þeCes, (22) keÀu³eeCe, (23) efYeJeb[er, (24) Gunemeveiej, (25) JemeF&, (26) GjCe, (27) HeveJesue, (28) KeeueeHetj,
(29) Deefueyeeie, (30) HesCe, (31) keÀpe&le.
Keeueerue veiejHeefj<eoeb®³ee keÀe³ee&ue³eebceO³es -
(32) DebyejveeLe, (33) kegÀueieebJe-yeoueeHegj, (34) keÀpe&le, (35) HeveJesue, (36) GjCe, (37) HesCe, (38) KeesHeesueer,
(39) Deefueyeeie, (40) ceeLesjeve.
6.ÒeeªHe cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespeves®³ee DenJeeue, vekeÀeMes Je efJekeÀeme efve³eb$eCe efve³eceeJeueer®³ee Òeleer ³ee ÒecegKe, efve³eespeve efJeYeeie,
cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe, veJeerve Fceejle, Jeebês -kegÀuee& mebkegÀue, Jeebês (HetJe&), cegbyeF& 400 051 ³eeb®³ee keÀe³ee&ue³eebceO³es
keÀe³ee&ue³eerve JesUele pevelesuee efJe¬eÀermeeþer GHeueyOe Deensle.
7.Òee©He ÒeeosefMekeÀ ³eespevesyeeyele keÀesCelesner meg®evee Je njkeÀleer n³ee ner met®evee jepeHe$eele ÒekeÀeefMele Peeu³ee®³ee leejKesHeemetve 4 ceefnv³eeb®³ee
Deele ÒecegKe, efve³eespeve efJeYeeie, cegbyeF& ceneveiej ÒeosMe efJekeÀeme ÒeeefOekeÀjCe, veJeerve Fceejle, 6 Jee cepeuee, Jeebês -kegÀuee& mebkegÀue, Jeebês (HetJe&)
cegbyeF& 400 051 ³eeb®eskeÀ[s keÀejCes Je DeeOeej veceto keÀªve Je ÒeeosefMekeÀ efve³eespeve meefceleermeceesj Depe&oej megveeJeCeermeeþer GefHemLele jent
Fef®ílees eEkeÀJee keÀmes ns uesKeer mJeªHeele HeeþefJeC³eele ³eeJ³eele.
efþkeÀeCe : cegbyeF& ³eg.Heer.Sme.ceoeve
efoveebkeÀ : 19 meHìWyej, 2016 ceneveiej Dee³egkeÌle
12x30 cm
(A Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking)
New Office Building, Plot No. 5, 6 & 12, E-Block, BKC, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400 051.
MMRDA Tel. No.2659 4000, Fax No.2659 1264 Website :
Draft Regional Plan for Mumbai Metropolitan Region
Notice in accordance with section 16(1) of the
Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
Whereas the Mumbai Metropolitan Planning Committee (hereinafter referred to as
MMPC) constituted under Maharashtra Metropolitan Planning Committees (Constitution and
Functions) (Continuance of Provisions) Act, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as “Said Act”) is required
to prepare Development Plan as per section 9 of the said act, for the Mumbai Metropolitan Area
declared by the Govt. vide Notification no. 1899/1191/CR80/99/UD-13 dated 23/07/1999.
2. And whereas, as per Rule No. 11 of the Said Act, the Development Plan is to be prepared
as per the procedure laid down in the Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966 in
respect of the Regional Plans and the State Government vide Notification No. MPC-2010/CR-
129/2011/UD-30 dated 23/04/2012 has established the Mumbai Metropolitan Region under section
3 of Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
3. And whereas, the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (hereinafter re-
ferred to as “MMRDA”) has been established under MMRDA Act, 1974 for planning and coor-
dination of Development of the Mumbai Metropolitan Region and whereas under sub section
2 of section 12 of this act, MMRDA has to assist the Mumbai Metropolitan Planning Committee in
preparation of the Development Plan (hereinafter referred to as “Regional Plan”) and whereas
MMRDA in its 138th meeting held on 26/08/2015, by Resolution no. 1345 has permitted to for-
ward the Regional Plan prepared by MMRDA to the Mumbai Metropolitan Planning Committee
for further actions.
4. And whereas, Mumbai Metropolitan Planning Committee in its 3rd meeting held on
08/07/2016 has accepted and approved the Regional Plan prepared by MMRDA, and fixed the
Regional Plan period as 2016-2036 and authorized the Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA
to publish and take other actions as mentioned in section 16 of Chapter 2 of the Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966.
5. Now therefore, in exercise of the powers under sub section 1 of section 16 of the Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning Act, 1966, gives this notice and publishes the Draft Regional Plan
prepared for the notified area. The Draft Regional Plan is available for public inspection at the
office of the Metropolitan Commissioner, MMRDA, New Building, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra
(E), Mumbai- 400 051 during office hours on any working day.
Copies of the Draft Regional Plan are also available for inspection to the public in the
following offices during office hours on any working day.
1. Divisional Commissioner, Konkan Division, Konkan Bhavan, Navi Mumbai
2. Collector, Mumbai District, Mumbai
3. Collector, Mumbai Suburban District, Bandra (E.), Mumbai
4. Collector, Thane District, Thane
5. Collector, Raigad District, Alibag
6. Collector, Palghar District, Palghar
7. Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Thane
8. Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Raigad, Alibag
9. Municipal Commissioner, Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Mumbai
10. Municipal Commissioner, Thane Municipal Corporation, Thane
11. Municipal Commissioner, Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation, Kalyan
12. Municipal Commissioner, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, Navi Mumbai
13. Municipal Commissioner, Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation, Bhayander
14. Municipal Commissioner, Bhiwandi Nizampur City Municipal Corporation, Bhiwandi
15. Municipal Commissioner, Ulhasnagar Municipal Corporation, Ulhasnagar
16. Municipal Commissioner, Vasai Virar City Municipal Corporation, Virar
17. Managing Director, CIDCO, CIDCO Bhavan, Navi Mumbai
18. Assistant Director of Town Planning, Raigad District, Alibag
19. Assistant Director of Town Planning, Thane District, Collector’s Office, Thane
20. Assistant Director of Town Planning, Palghar District, Palghar.
In the offices of the Tehsildars in Mumbai Metropolitan Region, namely -
(21) Thane, (22) Kalyan, (23) Bhiwandi (24) Ulhasnagar, (25) Vasai, (26) Uran, (27) Panvel,
(28) Khalapur, (29) Alibaug, (30) Pen, (31) Karjat
In the offices of Municipal Councils of -
(32) Ambernath, (33) Kulgaon Badlapur, (34) Karjat, (35) Panvel, (36) Uran, (37) Pen,
(38) Khopoli, (39) Alibaug, (40) Matheran.
6. Copies of the report of the Draft Regional Plan, Map and the Draft Development Control
Regulations will be available for sale to the public at the office of the Chief, Planning Division,
MMRDA, New Building, 6th floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai- 400 051.
7. Any objection or suggestion with respect to the Draft Regional Plan may be sent in writing
to the Chief, Planning Division, MMRDA, New Building, 6th floor, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E),
Mumbai- 400 051 within a period of 4 months from the date of publication of this notice in the
Official Gazette and any such objection or suggestion should state the grounds on which it is
made and whether the applicant desires to be heard by the Regional Planning Committee.

Date : 19.09.2016 U.P.S. Madan

Place : Mumbai Metropolitan Commissioner

Size : 12 x 28

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