Jemal Wassie Project

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No Name ID NO
1 JEMAL WASSIE 0684/11
3 ASKAL TEDLAW 5017/11

Project Advisor:
Mr. Mekete T. (MSc.)

June 2014 E.C

Kombolcha, Ethiopia
Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

Table of Contents
List of Tables...............................................................................................................................................v
List of
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Statement of the Project.................................................................................................1
1.3 Objective.....................................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives..............................................................................................................3
1.4 Methodology................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Method of data collection....................................................................................................3
1.4.2 System Development Tools.................................................................................................4
1.4.3 Software Development Tools...............................................................................................4
1.5 Feasibility Assessment.................................................................................................................5
1.5.1 Economic feasibility...................................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Technical feasibilities.................................................................................................................6
1.5.3 Operational feasibility.................................................................................................................6
1.5.4 Schedule feasibility.....................................................................................................................6
1.6 Project Scope and Limitation.............................................................................................................6
1.7 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................7
1.8Target beneficiaries of the system......................................................................................................8
1.9 Gant Chart.........................................................................................................................................8
1.10 Management issues: Team configuration and management communication plan, change
1.10.1Team configuration and management............................................................................................9
1.10.2Communication plan......................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................10
2. Analysis.............................................................................................................................................10
2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................10
2.2 Existing System.........................................................................................................................11
2.2.1 . Existing System Description............................................................................................11
Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

Major functions/activities in the existing system Functionalities.......................................................11

2.2.2 Supplementary Requirements............................................................................................12
Business rule..........................................................................................................................................12 Constraints.........................................................................................................................14
2.3 New System...............................................................................................................................14
2.3.1 Software requirement specification (SRS).........................................................................14
User Interface and Human Factors.....................................................................................................16
Hardware Considerations...................................................................................................................17
2.4 Use Case Modeling....................................................................................................................17
2.4.1 Actor identification...................................................................................................................17
2.5 Use-case identification.................................................................................................................18
2.5.1 Essential Use Case Diagram.........................................................................................................18 Case Description..................................................................................................................19
2.5.2 System Use Case Diagrams...............................................................................................22
2.6 Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC)......................................................................................28
Domain Modeling (Class Responsibility Collaboration /CRC/)........................................................28
2.6.1 User interface (CRC for user inter face classes)........................................................................31
2.6.2 Business class (CRC for business class)......................................................................................32
2.7 Sequence Diagram...........................................................................................................................34
2.8 ACTIVITY DIAGRMMS................................................................................................................37
2.9 CLASS MODELING/ Conceptual Modeling..................................................................................42
2.10User Interface Prototyping..............................................................................................................44
2.11 References.................................................................................................................................46
Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C


HTML Hyper Text Markup Language.

PHP Hyper Preprocessor Scripting Language

SQL Structured Query Language

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle

MSIMS Multipurpose school information management
CRC Class responsibility collaborator.

UML Unified Modeling Language.

GUI Graphical User Interface.

OOA Object Oriented Analysis.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

Approval sheet
This is to certify that the senior project titled “web based multipurpose school information
management system is
Prepared By: -


1. JEMAL WASSIE WOUR/0684/11 __________

2HABTAMU GETAHUN WOUR/0667/11 __________

3. ASKAL TEDLAW WOUR/5017/11 __________

To the Department of Information system in Wollo University for the partial fulfillment of the
requirement of the Degree of Bachelor Science in Information system. The contents of this
document in full, or in parts.
Advisor Name____________________ Signature ____________

This project has been examined with our approval as the project examiner.

Examiner Name:

1. ______________ signature______________
2.____________________ Signature______________
3. _____________________ Signature_____________

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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C


Multipurpose school information management system helps headmasters to get the most accurate
information to make more effective decisions. Teachers and headmasters gain time saving
administrative tools, parents gain immediate access to their children’s grades and students can
track their own progress. Multipurpose school information management system equipped
features makes it possible to generate schedules and reports in minutes and to retrieve attendance
records, grade checks, report cards, transcripts, and form letters in just a few clicks.
Multipurpose school information management system helps Teachers to complete grade book,
track student’s attendance, input class notes, create lesson plans and detailed reports, and
communicate with other staff members, students, and parents all via e-mail. It also helps
Students to access assignments and tests, and view grades, report cards, and progress reports all
online. They also can communicate through mail and forums with teachers and other students
online. Multipurpose school information management system is a web enabled application
developed in PHP and powerful MYSQL database backend. To implement multipurpose school
information management system application, schools do not need expensive hardware and
software; they just need an internet connection and desktops. Our system works as a centralized
database and application that schools can easily access the system from anywhere based on the
login credentials. Multipurpose school information management system is a platform
independent system that virtually any user can access from anywhere through a standard internet
accessible system.

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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C


First of all, we would like to thank Almighty GOD for the strength, he has given us throughout
our life and this project; nothing could happen without the help of GOD, then we would like to
express our special thanks of gratitude to our adviser Mr. Mekete T. (MSc.)for his guidance and
suggestion during the project work. Next we would like to express our thanks to our department
for providing us this golden chance to work in group which help us in our future career.

List of Tables
Table 2-1:Use case description for submit assignment.................................................................20
Table 2-2:Use case description for assign teacher.........................................................................20
Table 2-3:Use case description for prepare report card.................................................................21
Table 2-4: view report card............................................................................................................21
Table 2-5:Use case description for login.......................................................................................23
Table 2-6: use case description for Send Message........................................................................24
Table 2-7: use case scenario for View Message............................................................................25
Table 2-8:use case description for Download Course material.....................................................26
Table 2-9:use case description for View Report Card...................................................................27
Table 2-10:use case description for Upload Course Material.......................................................28
Table 2-11:Actor class (CRC for actor classes)............................................................................29

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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Essential Use Case diagrams...................................................................................................19
Figure 2.2:System use case diagram..........................................................................................................22
Figure 2.3: Login Sequence Diagram.........................................................................................................35
Figure 2.4:Down load course material diagram.........................................................................................36
Figure 2.5:Upload report card sequence diagram.....................................................................................37
Figure 2.6: 1activity diagrams for user login..............................................................................................38
Figure 2.7:2Activity diagram for manage user account.............................................................................39
Figure 2.8:activity diagrams for upload course material...........................................................................40
Figure 2.9:activity diagrams for send message..........................................................................................41
Figure 2.10:Class diagram..........................................................................................................................43

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C


1.1 Background
Education system forms the backbone of every nation. And hence it is important to provide a
strong educational foundation to the young generation to ensure the development of open-
minded global citizens securing the future for everyone. Advanced technology available today
can play a crucial role in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among
students, teachers, parents and the school staff.
Our School Management System is multipurpose school management cloud software, an
innovative and powerful user-friendly interface used by hundreds of educational institutions like
Schools, Colleges, Training Centers, and Universities etc.
Education is central to development. It is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing
poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic growth. Student evaluation,
submissions, teaching-learning process, education material distribution and availability, event
and information communication across to students, teachers and parents, and make them easily
accessible on the Internet. In order to facilitate and simplify these actions one of the major tools
is to have multipurpose school website.
In generally, multipurpose school information management system is essential in the world. That
is why now a day in the world teaching of new generation progress increased in order to produce
skillful and educated people. As we know the technology growth further in the behalf of
education. Automation is the utilization of technology to replace human with a machine that can
perform more quickly and more continuously by automating MSIMS to replace the physical
communication by computerized communication.
1.2 Problem Statement of the Project
From a thorough investigation of the current system, we have discovered these problems with the
existing system: in case of Information Input and output, Registration time, Cost Efficiency and
 Data collection is not accurate and based on timely manner. Duplication of data occurs when
data input in to the system.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

 It is difficult to add, replace, delete and edit the required information. Checking the Validity
of input data is difficult .Since information is not collected timely and accurately, the output
is not precise and on time.
 Processing the input data in order to get an output takes much time because of the manual
system (like grade point calculation takes time).
 Due to this student do not see their grade report on time. It is difficult to check whether the
output data is valid or not. Difficult in order to add some additional requirements to the
existing system’s stored data (i.e. it is not flexible).
 The event notification system currently deployed is prone to information, resource and labor
 Academic material dispersion is to the minimum with limited number of books available,
thus first come first serve.
 The teaching-learning process is limited to the class room or inside the school ground to the
 The report card delivery system is inflexible and time consuming for parents that may have
time demanding jobs, thus making hard for them to control and assess their child’s progress.
 The number of employees is high, this in turn makes the school to allocate high budget for
employee’s salary.
 Time consuming: - wasting time occurs when scheduler arrange timetable using manual
system to minimize mistake probability.
 Problems of information distribution method: - The information distribution method is very
slow. Since information transmit ion is manual using paper
 Grade report is prepared each and every semester with an unnecessary number of copies
(wastage of material) and so on. Number of rooms used to store registration
 Information (wastage of resources).

1.3 Objective
This study aims to design an automated multipurpose school information management system
and test its functionality in terms of speed, accuracy, data handling, security, stability and

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

1.3.1 General Objective

Our general objective is to design and implement an efficient, agile and feasible multipurpose
school information management system.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

Specific objective of this project is:

 To provide teaching and learning process to the student on line

 To create on line communication between teacher, student and parent.
 To up load course on the system.
 To make possible Students can register online.
 To make possible Student can see their grade online.
 To download course material on the system.
 To make on line student report card on line.
 To make payment notification on line.
 To create forum topic on the system

1.4 Methodology

1.4.1 Method of data collection

We will use the following methods to collect relevant data required to our project.

Document analysis: - we will see different documents to get relevant information to have brief
understanding about the school working habit and condition. We will also analyze documents
which more gives detail information about school information management systems

Observation: The project group members are expected to observe the school to have better
information about the specified school and identify the main problems that have been seen in the

Practical observation Assessing and analyzing the overall school system has been carried out by
personally observing the current working system.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

Interview: Using this technique we are going to interview the school management bodies,
teachers and students about the school working system so that we will easily identify the main
problems which has been existed in the school.

1.4.2 System Development Tools

Our system is will be designed for web based web based school information management
system. For the proposed system we well user Object Oriented System Analysis and Design
(OOSAD) methodology and waterfall model to develop our system. This is because an OOSAD
provides the following advantages.

 This method is well known by the group members and the group members use for
different course projects.
 Any system made by this methods are easy to maintain, therefore it reduces maintenance
 Promotes better understanding of user requirements.
 Leads to clear design by using use case, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams.
 Allows to breakdown complicated systems into smaller, clearly defined and more
manageable parts.
 Easy maintenance in terms of flexibility.
 Enables the standardization of objects which increases design understanding and decrease
the risk associated with project development.
1.4.3 Software Development Tools Documentation tools
 Microsoft Visio 2007:- this software tool is used for designing different architectural
figures, for example, use case diagram, activity diagram, sequence diagram, class
diagram, and the likes.
 Microsoft word 2010:- this software application is used to prepare the document of this
 Adobe Photoshop Cs5 and Microsoft paint: - used for editing different graphical pictures.
 Notepad ++:- This software application used for editing the coding part of this project. Programming and Database Tool
 Web server software:-apache web server

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

 Server side programming language:-PHP

 Client side programming language:-HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
 Database system:- MySQL database
There are many reasons why we select PHP for server side programming and MYSQL for the
database some of the reasons are described as follows.
From many of scripting languages PHP is powerful, easy to learn, cross platform, free, and PHP
is faster and also MYSQL database are it is quick and powerful, handles large database, and it is

1.5 Feasibility Assessment

Feasibility is a measure of how beneficial and practical the development of an information

system will be. Given enough time, money, and personnel, almost all system projects are
feasible. Feasibility studies provide the information that allows management to:

 Pick one of several possible alternative systems that meet the requirements.
 Decide if a system project should proceed to the next phase.
 Choose between several systems projects that must compete for the same set of limited

1.5.1 Economic feasibility

Economic feasibility is a measure of how cost effective the proposed solution will be. It is
possible to develop the proposed system in minimum cost and also can be hosted in lower price.
Multipurpose school information management system can be used after completion free of cost.

I) Tangible Benefits: - Benefits that are easily quantified from the conducted system are:
 Fastest processing time and reduced processing error.
 Small response time and many services
 Easy and fast file management.
 Reduce cost for manual data management (Reduced expenses)
 Easy update & retrieval on stored records
II) Intangible Benefits: -Benefits from the system that areas unquantifiable are;
 Better decision making
 Better service to the office

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

 Little job burden to employees of office

 Quantity of information
 Minimization of data redundancy

1.5.2 Technical feasibilities

Technical feasibility measures the practicality of a specific technical solution to the problem. It is
also a measure of the availability of technical resources and expertise. Technical feasibility is
assessing the organization‘s ability to construct the system. Since This online system for
educational purpose need technical resources to implement, like computer with network. We
expect that, the system can be operated in simple way and all users can access easily by giving
some training for them.

1.5.3 Operational feasibility

Operational feasibility is a measure of how well the solution will work in the organization.
Operational feasibility is dependent up on the human resources available for the system. This
system web-based system for multipurpose school information management for the school will
attain its desired objectives. It can solve the problems in registration of new and existing
students, paying monthly salary to staff members and purchasing school materials .it will
minimize the amount of effort to do all through manually.

1.5.4 Schedule feasibility

This involves questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can
be built (i.e., during holidays) interference with normal business operation etc. The schedule for
this project is feasible due to rich information exchange between the organization (client) and the
developing team. In addition to the time set to develop the system is enough to complete the
project on time.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

1.6 Project Scope and Limitation

Multipurpose school information management system has been designed to provide an easy way
for secondary school students to get their grades, and for their parents to be familiar with that
grades and the academic achievement for their kids .However this project is facing some
obstacles which is deny it from achievement it’s goals, like : lack of acceptance these idea from
some teachers and headmasters, because of their poor knowledge about using that technology or
they find that using computers in their works instead of the paper works so hard and difficult.
The limitation that we face was time. The time given for this project was too short to go through,
understand the system and come up with an updated, new and easily usable and understandably
system. In order to add other features we have not sufficient time and it take more the time to
The scope of the project is focuses of a web based school information management system for
the case of Kombolcha Secondary and Preparatory School.
The project will have the following features
- Student detail information feature
- Grade submission feature-submission of grades due to exceptional circumstances.
- Teachers Evaluation feature-used to access a teacher's performance in the classroom.
- Notification and feedback/comment feature
- Transcripts preparation feature-all course /the whole course grade report of student
- Report generation feature-event module allows you to directly extract all the information 
- Result management feature-Strong security system for Marks entry.
- Course information feature
- Parent detail management feature
1.7 Significance of the project
This project will significant to the owner in the following ways:
 Schools will be able to reach out to parents and students in a more flexible and simple
 Reduce time consumption (reduce high queue).
 Easy operations for user of the system.
 Students can gain access to the information at any time.
 Centralized database management.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

 Information resources can be searched easily (like course information’s).

 Reduce error scope.
 Make all the system computerize (registration and grading system).
 Schools will also provide appropriate materials to their students online.
 Increased accessibility to resources without geographic location or organizational
 Improved student, teacher and parent satisfaction.
 Improve utilization of manpower and material resource.
 Provide more timely and update information.
 Reduce work load on the staffs.

1.8Target beneficiaries of the system

multipurpose school information management system has a great deal on the issues concerned with
registration and grade reports by providing necessary information, easing the work and the working
environment, and others. The working office gets different functionality from the system these are:
Manages student’s data easily and efficiently.
 Gives registration activity on time
Controls the readmission of students easily.
 Saving their time
 Reduce complexity
1.9 Gant Chart
 We have identified the activities of the project in order to accomplish the project
objective within their schedule requirement which is on the table below.
Table 1: Time Table

Activities Submission date





1 Project Proposal

2 Requirement analysis Phase

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

3 System & Object Design

4 Implementation or Documentation
And project submission

1.10 Management issues: Team configuration and management communication plan,

change management
Management issue is about the team members and the way in which we are going to use our
effort on the system and a plan how we go with time based on the schedule to accomplish within
the time we have.
1.10.1Team configuration and management
The team responsible for every activity of this project work is organized and grouped based on
the rules of Wollo university Information Systems department on multipurpose school
information management system. We are three in number, namely: - Jemal Wassie, Habtamu
getahun, Askal tedlaw and we do every activity of system together.
1.10.2Communication plan
As a team member, we communicate each other by discussing on the issues in general,
for example we design on paper before writing on the system. And sometimes we divide and do
a separate task to facilitate the project to proceed based on the schedule. And we regularly
contact our advisor (necessarily ones a week) to submit the progression of work and irregularly
to ask questions related to the project development, to get advice, information and resources
necessary to our system development.

Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

2. Analysis

2.1 Introduction

This system, multipurpose school information management system, as we described it on our

proposal document is a broad, diverse and easily applicable system that assists our clients get rid
of problems that are clearly visible or that may be hidden. In this Analysis document we will
discuss in detail what the problems are and how this project will assist in solving them. In
addition, we will see how this diverse site will function, its detailed system design, its users and
the interaction they will have with the system to give our clients a better understanding of the
entire system and us an understanding of the constraints and needs of our clients. The intention
of this multipurpose school information management system is to enable our clients, Secondary
schools, to better the teaching–learning process, parent-teacher interaction and also give their
students a school away from school.

The student information may handle records for many numbers of students and maintenance was
difficult. Though it has used an information system, it was totally manual (data recorded in file
based system store in repository of Microsoft access database). Hence there is a need to upgrade
the system with a computer based information system. The existing is not bundle of package
/application which maintain student record in good manner instead it is access oriented database
which keep the recorded file in standalone computer or machine. All the details of the student
information are maintained in a single record. So searching and upgrading the details is a tedious
task. Also there is a chance of errors.

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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

2.2 Existing System

2.2.1 . Existing System Description
Presently institutions that facilitate secondary school education in Ethiopia are stuck in the old,
rather classic form of establishment. In this system there are different functions that are
performed such as:
 Report card delivery: this will be given out to parents by home room teachers of the
respective class in the school compound on a date set by the school’s administration.
 Teaching-learning process: this exchange of academics will occur in a class room for a
specified length of time for each corresponding courses. In this specified period of time the
teacher should finish its lecture content, provide class works and assignments and provide
students with answers to questions that might arise from discussions. If this allocated time is
over the teacher will then leave the class room for other teachers to proceed with their
 Event and Information communication: communications at school compounds are often
made possible by notice boards, broadcasts in devotions and meetings and by printed out
paper slips.
 Academic materials: Schools have libraries that will assist students in acquiring books
available in the school ground. This library has references and text books present in a hard
copy that will be provided to the students in person by the librarian. Books in these libraries
are of limited quantity so whoever comes first is first served, thus if one student in need of a
book arrives late than others, he/she will have to wait a specified amount of time to attain it.
Furthermore, these libraries are equipped with small amounts of reading
 Materials thus limiting student’s need of exploration. Payment notification: Schools notify
parent and students about payments with notice. Slips that will be written and handed to

Major functions/activities in the existing system Functionalities

 Register new students (Admission)
 Register existing Student (Registration).
 Assign course to teachers
 Manage staff information
 Preparing grade transcript and student card

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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

 Evaluate teachers

2.2.2 Supplementary Requirements

multipurpose school information management system is a web-based system that serving
Students, Teachers, Headmasters and Parents, the main idea of our system is to allow the
students to be up to date with the school activities and with their grades, and the same thing
for their parents in addition to be in touch permanently with the teachers and the headmaster
for any complaint, recommendation or anything that related to their students. And for teachers
it consider as an easy way to manage their job’s day, to be in touch with students and to enter
their grades or anything they want to send it or view it to the students. And for the
headmasters, they have a full control of the system, and like the teachers, it will be a great tool
to manage their days and plans for the school, also they will be in a permanent connection
with all the other users which will be a wonderful virtual educational social community that
definitely will improve the student’s performance and education, and make the school for
them really as they second’s home. Business Rule

Business rules can apply to many aspects of an organization and can be expressed in a variety of
ways. In general, business rules define specific instructions or constraints on how certain day-to-
day actions should be performed.

Business rule

Access control Business calculation Principle of organization

 student are not allowed to see  the overtime fees for  Working time of the

other student data the teacher is 50 birr organization starts from
per hour 2.30am
 schoolofficer can access the  the overtime fees for  teacher who is absent for
information of the students the administrator is 5 consequent days

75 birr per hour without reason will be
 teachercan add information  the student must pass leave the job
every test before  Hiring is done by the
 
The administrator have the continuing the next school office
right to control the attendance level  teachers have to report
  Registration period for the school office
of the teacher
for student is the first  Student must understand
 Parent  can access the month of a year 15 the school regulation
information of the student working days after
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Web based multipurpose school information management system 2014 E.C

Name students are not allowed to see other students’ data

Description students are not allowed to access the information of another Student
Example Mr.Abebe student of the school have not allowed to access the information of another
student for example Mr. Yared
Name school officer can access the information of the students
Description school officer can create, delete and update information of the student
Example Mr. Mohamed officer of the school can access information of the student
Name teacher can add information
Description the teacher that teach in that school can add information about different things
Example Mr. Abdulhafize teacher of the school can add information of the student
Name The administrator has the right to control the attendance of the teacher

Description administrator contor weather the teacher is present or absent

Example Miss, lemlem administrator of the school can control attendance of the teacher

Name Parent can access the information of the student

Description each parent can access their own child information
Example Mr.belete who is the father of hana can access information about her
Name the student must pass every test before continuing the next level
Description each student must score
Example Miss Hana who is student of the school must pass the exam to pass the next class
Name Registration period for student is the first month of a year 15 working days after
registration completed

Description the student cannot registered if he/she comes after registration period is
Example Miss Hana student of the school cannot registered if she comes after registration
Name Student must understand the school regulation

Description the student will be punished if he/she break regulation of the school

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Example Miss Hana student of the school break regulation of the school and finally she
fired from the school
Rule 1: Authorize to the system

Users must have a valid user name and password.

Rule2: Correct information

The user checks the filled student information and the entered information are correct.

Rule3: Validate student’s information

The authorized user registers the student’s information and the system validates.

Rule 4: school has its own normal registration date (registration without penalty, registrations
with penalty, semester class begins and end, application for regarding according to registrar
specified time.

Rule 5: school has class end, mid and final examination schedule for each semester. Constraints
With any project, there are limitations and risks that need to be addressed to ensure the project’s
ultimate success. When developing and implementing the system, the constraints that we might
face are: -

 The information of all user, must be stored in a database

 The design of the pages should be self-descriptive, which means it should not mislead the
user from using it correctly.
 Also, the color used as background should not be harmful for the eyes of the user.
2.3 New System
2.3.1 Software requirement specification (SRS)
School Management System Strategy My School is a complete school information management
solution. Today's schools need to manage more information than ever before. Without a solid
internal infrastructure for teachers, headmasters and departments to share data, critical school
and student information can be lost, or worse leading to a host of problems that can effect of a
school's image and endurance. To remain competitive, school needs a simple solution that can

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run individual function, connect their entire operation, use the web as a key communication tool
and simplify day to day operational responsibilities, giving staff more time with students. My
School automates various scheduling activities of school and optimizes the use of premium
resources. Concerned authorities can now easily and seamlessly use the system to create
timetables, otherwise a time consuming and tedious task Functional requirements 

Functional requirements are product features or functions that developers must implement to
enable users to accomplish their tasks. So, it’s important to make them clear both for the
development team and the stakeholders. Generally, functional requirements describe system
behavior under specific conditions.

 MSIMS shall manage user accounts.

 MSIMS shall handle Event notifications.
 MSIMS shall send and receive messages among users.
 MSIMS shall handle report card assessment upload.
 MSIMS shall enable students download course materials.
 MSIMS shall enable users create and discuss on Forum topics.

What functionalities does the system actor have?

Admin (Headmaster)
 Manage user account
 Post News and Notice
 View Notice
 Submit Student's grades per Subject.
 Contact with students and parents.
 Provide assignment for students
 Upload Course Materials
 Send Comment
 View Notice
 View their grades.

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 Contact with their teacher and headmaster.

 Register per year
 send comment
 view notice
 Download Course Material
 Submit Assignment
 View the grades of their children.
 Contact with their children’s teachers and headmaster.
 View notice
Home Room Teacher
 Take Students attendance
 Prepare students card
School Director
 Prepare Report
 Assign Course for Instructors
 Approve Notice and News
 View notice
 View Students Detail
 View Staff Detail Non-functional requirement 

A non-functional requirement focuses on properties and characteristics of the product that are
generally passive. Non-functional requirements are focused on attributes such as privacy,
portability, reliability, stability, and more.
Non-functional requirements or NFRs are the set of requirements that defines how well a system
will operate as opposed to functional requirements that focus on the specific business
functionalities that an application performs.
User Interface and Human Factors
 User shall use web browser to access the system
 User shall be able to issue commands using mouse by clicking on menu

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Hardware Considerations
 User shall be able to provide a machine either a mobile phone or a computer that is able
to connect to the internet.
 Performance Characteristics
 Performance of the system shall vary depending on the current capability of the Internet
service provided by the Internet Service Provider
 Performance of the system shall vary depending on the current capability of the machine
used to access the system.
 Security Issues
The system shall allow only authenticated users which are specified by the administrator of the
system who has authority to give access to the system.
Every user has his own account and only authorized users can access the system with username
and password. The passwords are encrypted using a PHP function sha1 ().

2.4 Use Case Modeling

To model a system the most important aspect is to capture the dynamic behavior. To clarify in
details, dynamic behavior means the behavior of the system when it is running or operating. So
only static behavior is not sufficient to model a system rather dynamic behavior is more
important than static behavior. In UML there are four diagrams available to model dynamic
nature and use case diagram is one of them. Now as we have to discuss that the use case diagram
is dynamic in nature there should be some internal or external factors for making the interaction.
 These internal and external agents are known as actors. So, use-case diagrams are
consisting of actors, use cases and their relationships. The diagram is used to model the
system or subsystem of an application. A single use case diagram captures a particular
functionality of a system. So, to model the system we used the following use case
2.4.1 Actor identification
The purpose of actor analysis is to identify all of the actors that interact with the system. An
actor has a role in that interacting with the system.
The actors that interact with the system are: -
 Administrator
 Student

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 parent
 teacher
 school director
 home room teacher

2.5 Use-case identification

Identifying the activities that are mainly performed on the proposed system is the basic thing in
analyzing a new system. The following use cases have been identified from the system
 Upload course material
 Download course material
 Upload event
 Upload report card
 Create and delete event
 Manage user account
 Login
 View report card
 view message
 send message
 user registrations
 view event
 create form topic
Use case diagrams graphically describe system behavior (use cases). These diagrams
present a high-level view of how the system is used as viewed from an outsider’s (actor’s)
perspective. From the identified use cases and actors, the use case diagram of the system is
shown in Fig.

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2.5.1 Essential Use Case Diagram

In this phase team member bring together the models or diagrams supporting textual information
that constitute the requirement model. It is important to remember that in a project that adopt
interactive life cycle, these activities may take place over a serious of iterations.


Essential Use Case diagrams Case Description

Table 2-1: Use case description for submit assignment
Use case name Submit assignment
Actor Student
Pre-condition The student must be register in the school.

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Description Submit assignment to the teacher

Basic course of 1. . The student wants to submit assignment.

action: 2. The student fills assignment number, title, other personal
information and due date.
3. The student submits assignment through physically.
4. The teacher determines the student has filled correct information.
5. The teacher checks the due date of the assignment submit ion
6. The use case end

Alternate course of If The student did not submit the assignment in the given due date.
action: A5). The teacher determine as the assignment submission due date is
Post-condition : The student will submit the assignment.

Table 2-2: Use case description for assign teacher

Use case name Assign teacher
Actor Director
Pre-condition The teacher must have knowledge about the course.
Description Teaching students
Basic course of 1. The director wants to assign instructor for a course.
action: 2. The director request instructor who can teach the course.
3. The teacher gives response for the department.
4. The director assign instructor to teach the course.
5. The director full fills necessary material.
6. The use case ends

Post-condition The teacher must be responsible for their course.

Table 2-3: Use case description for prepare report card.

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Use case name Prepare report card.

Actor Teacher
Pre-condition Register the student for the course.
Description Preparing report card for the students.
Basic course of action: 1. The teacher wants to prepare report card.
2. The teacher collects all student information within their marks.
3. The teacher prepares report card.
4. The director puts his/her signature on the report card.
5. The teacher provides report card to all students.
6. Use case end
Post-condition Student marks should be collected.

Use case name view report card


Actor Student

Pre-condition The teacher prepare students’ report card.

Description Student view their mark in each subject.
Basic course of 1. Student comes to office.
action: 2. The student asks his instructor.
3. The student tells his /her name for the teacher and view grade.
4. The use case end.
Alternate course of If the student tells to the instructor his /her name incorrectly.
action: A3, the instructor tells to the student, you didn’t register.
Post-condition student has got their grade and correct if any

Table 2-4: view report card

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2.5.2 System Use Case Diagrams

A system use case model is similar to an essential use case model. A system use case model is
composed of a use case diagram and the accompanying documentation describing the use cases,
actors, and associations. The main difference between an essential use case and a system use
case is that in the system use case you include high-level implementation decisions. For example,
a system use case refers to specific user- interface components—such as screens, HTML pages,
or reports—something you would not do in an essential use case.

gure 2.2: System use case diagram

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Table 2-5: Use case description for login

Use case name Login

Actor User
Pre-condition The users must be an authorized user who have user name and password
Description When user enters id and password, it checks the input from the database.
If it is valid, it allows the user to access and if not it display
unauthorized message.
Basic course of 1)the user enters to the main menu
action: 2) The user clicks to the login link.
3) The system displays the log in form.
4) the user fills user name and password
5) The user clicks to the submit button.
6) The system validates user name and password.
7) The system gives response..
Alternate course of A4) if the user does not fill the appropriate username and password
action: then the systems display error message and return to step 3.

Post-condition The user access the system.

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Table 2-6: use case description for Send Message

Use case name send message

Actor Users MSW
Pre-condition The users must be an authorized user who have user name and
Description User enters their own id and password within the system and to send
and resave authorized message.
Basic course of action: 1. .The user wants to send message
2. The user clicks login button.
3. The system displays login form.
4. The user fills username and password.
5. The user clicks login button.
6. The system displays a page containing the New Message
7. The user clicks on the New Message button.
8. The system displays a page containing the Message form.
9. The user fills in the Message form and clicks on the send
10. The system displays success message.
11. The use case ends.
Alternate course of A9) if the user fills the form incorrectly .the system displays error
action: message.
Return step 8.
Post-condition Message is sent successfully.

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Table 2-7: use case scenario for View Message

Use case name View message

Actor Users MSW
Pre-condition The user has Username and password and is logged in to MSW
User enters MSW their own password and ID with system and to see
Description different type of message with the system.

Basic course of 1. The user wants to view message.

action: 2. The users clicks login button.
3. The system display login form.
4. The user fills user name and password.
5. The user clicks login button.
6. The system displays a page containing various message buttons.
7. The user clicks on the message he/she wants to view.
8. The system displays a page containing the clicked message.
9 the user views the message.
10. The use case ends.
Alternate course of A4) if the user fills incorrect user name password. The system displays
action: error message.
Return to step 3.
Post-condition Message is seen successfully by the user.

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Table 2-8: use case description for Download Course material

Use case name Download Course material

Actor Student
Pre-condition The student must be an authorized user who have user name and
Description Student enters the system their own password and id; and they can
download course material that available the web site.
Basic course of 1. .The student wants to down load course material.
action: 2. The student enters to the main menu.
3. The system display login form.
4. The student fills user name and password.
5. The student clicks the login button.
6. The student sends data to the system.
7. The system checks the data.
8. The system displays the contents.
9. The student views the content.
10. The student double clicks the content which he/she wants to
11. The student downloads successfully.
12. The use case ends.
Alternative course of A 4)If the student does not inter the correct user name and password
action The use case backs to step 3.
A 7) if the content does not exist the data base.
The use case returns to step 6.
Post-condition Course Material is successfully downloaded by the student.

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Table 2-9: use case description for View Report Card

Use case name upload Report Card

Actor Teacher
Pre-condition The teacher must be an authorized who have user name and password
Description When teacher enters his own id and password, and he can upload
student’s report card.
Basic course of action: 1. The teacher wants to upload report card.
2. The teacher clicks the login button.
3. The system displays the login form.
4. The teacher fills user name and password.
5. The teacher clicks to the login button.
6. The system display s report card form.
7. The teacher fills the form.
8. The teacher clicks upload button.
9. The system checks the information fill by the teacher.
10. The report card is uploaded correctly.
11. The use case ends.
Alternate course of action: A7) if the teacher dose not fills the form correctly.
Return to step 6.

Post-condition Report card of the student is seen.

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Table 2-10: use case description for Upload Course Material

Use case name Upload Course Material

Actor Teacher
Pre-condition The teacher is logged in system.
Description Teacher uploads curse material with the system.

Basic course of action: 1. The teacher browses the website.

2. The system displays the login form.
3. The teacher enters user name and password.
4. The teacher clicks login button.
5. The teacher sends data to the system.
6. The system verifies the requested data.
7. The system displays the upload form.
8. the teacher fills the form
9. The teacher clicks the upload button.
10. The data is uploaded to website.
11. the use case ended

Alternate course of A 3) .if the teacher inters incorrect user name and password.
action: Return to step 2.
A 8) if the teacher fills incorrectly the upload form.
Return to step 7.
Post-condition A new Course material is uploaded.

2.6 Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC)

Domain Modeling (Class Responsibility Collaboration /CRC/)
Class responsibility collaboration is a collection of standard index cards that have been divided
into three sections. A class represents a collection of similar objects, a responsibility is
something that a class knows or does, and a collaborator is another class that a class interacts
with to fulfill its responsibilities in multipurpose school information management system there
are class. These are administrator, parent, students, and teacher.

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Table 2-11: Actor class (CRC for actor classes)


Address Message form<<UI>>
Phone number
Parent _id
Child _id
View report card ()
Send message ()
View message ()
View event ()
Create forum topic()

Name Grade report card form<<UI>>
Id Message form<<UI>>
Phone number Log in form<<UI>>
Up loaded course material
Send message ()
Create forum topic ()

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Name Registration
Id form<<UI>>
Email address Report card form<<UI>>
Phone number Down load course
Sex material form<<UI>>
Download course material ()
View report card ()

Name Registration form <<UI>>
Id account form<<UI>>
Phone number Announcement form<<UI>>
Manage user account ()
Create announcement ()
Upload information ()
Register users ()

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2.6.1 User interface (CRC for user inter face classes)

System login form<<UI>>

User name Student<<<Actor>>

Password teacher<<<Actor>>

Course material form<<UI>>

Name Student<<<Actor>>
Title Teacher<<actor>>
Course code

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2.6.2 Business class (CRC for business class)

Name Teacher<<actor>>

Subject Student<<actor>>

Time schedule Report card form<<UI>>


Name Registration form<<UI>>

age Teacher<<actor>>
Phone no


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Announcement date Administrator<<actor>>

Job number
Registration date
Announcement type

Forum Topic

Comment id Administrator<<actor>>
Comment Teacher<<actor>>

Event title Administrator<<actor>>
Event file

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2.7 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram
that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a
Message Sequence Chart. A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time
sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of
messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario.
Sequence diagrams typically (but not always), are associated with use case realizations in the
Logical View of the system under development. A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical
lines (lifelines), different processes or objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows,
the messages exchanged between them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the
specification of simple runtime scenarios in a graphical manner.

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Figure 2.3: Login Sequence Diagram

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Figure 2.4: Down load course material diagram

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Figure 2.5: Upload report card sequence diagram


Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of the
system. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So the control flow
is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched or concurrent.
Activity diagrams deals with all type of flow control by using different elements like fork, join

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Figure 2.6: activity diagrams for user login

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re 2.7:2Activity diagram for manage user account

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Figure 2.9: activity diagrams for send message

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2.9 CLASS MODELING/ Conceptual Modeling

In object-oriented system Analysis, Real world concepts are modeled into objects. Conceptual
modeling here by allows us to model these concepts which later involve in to a complete class
model. A class is a set of objects that share a common structure and a common behavior (the
same attributes, operations, relationships and semantics). A class is an abstraction of real-world
items. When these items exist in the real world, they are instance of the class and are referred to
as objects and an object can be any person, place, and concepts or user interfaces. Classes are
represented by rectangles with three sections. These are:

 The top section is the name of the class

 The middle section contains the attributes which store information about an item
 The bottom section contains the methods which are what an object or class does.
The class Diagram below shows the class of our system, their inter relationship and the
operations and attributes of each class is.

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Figure 2.10: Class diagram

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2.10User Interface Prototyping

User interface prototype is to indicate the surface that can be used by user and the system
To communicate to each other, but, not actual work area. Here the prototype of

Registration form

First name Last name User ID

Place of birth Date of birth Sex



Year attended

Field of study

Type of job Service year
Organization name

Help Register
Requester requester

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Personal information

First name Last name Sex

Address Date of birth

Apply Cancel
requester requester

Upload information

File name Teacher’s name Subject name

Subject number Section Semester


Year Upload Cancel
requester requester

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2.11 References
1. Duckett, J. Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and J query Set 1st Edition.

2. Luke Welling, L. T. PHP and MySQL Web Development (4th Edition) 4th Edition.

3. Chakra borty, N. R. Software Development Methodology: Live Prototyping Approach.

4. Thomas, D. The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master 1st Edition

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