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User Flow/Use Case Specification

Version 1.0

S/N Contributors Designation Organization

Sample Feature X1
Please Enter Brief Description of what the feature is about and what it plans on achieving

Sample Use Case/Flow Details

Use Case ID Sample – Bank ABC Mobile App 1.0

Use Case/Feature Name Quick Airtime Purchase

User Story As a Customer, I want to be able to access make airtime purchases without logging into
the Mobile Banking Application so I can carry our transactions quickly.

Actors Customer, Bank ABC

Pre-conditions Customer must have downloaded the mobile app from respective Play Stores

Post Conditions Customer can successfully purchase Airtime quickly.

Normal course of Events Actor Action System Action

1. Customer Clicks on Quick Services 2. Quick Services Menu opens

on the Home page and displays the various
options available

3. Customer navigates to the Quick 4. System displays the Quick

Airtime Option Airtime Screens.

5. Customer Enter his Transaction 6. System Validates Transaction

PIN PIN. IF successful, System
displays next screen. If
unsuccessful, system returns
prompt to customer to check
transaction PIN validity

7. Customer select preferred 8. System highlights Selected

Network provider (MTN, Airtime, option and greys out
Glo, Airtel) unselected options

9. Customer selects Account 10. No Action


11. Customer Enters phone number 12. System validates length and
format of input of characters

13. Customer Enters Amount 14. No Action

15. Customer click on Continue 16. System processes input and

displays appropriate
confirmation screen

17. No Action 18. System displays summary of al

inputs (Network selected,
amount and Number entered)

19. Customer Clicks on Confirm 20. System processes airtime top

up. If successful, system
displays Successful Screen
with option to download
Receipts (PDF or JPG).

21. No Action 22. If Airtime top-up is

unsuccessful, App display
Unsuccessful message and an
Option to Retry

23. Customer Clicks on Retry 24. System initiates from ‘5’.

Priority High

Frequency of Usage Daily

Business Rules 1. Customer must be an existing registered customer of BANK with valid user
2. Customer cannot perform more than configured amount for Quick Transfers

Product Support Requirements 1. Functional Requirements Documents

2. User Interface Designs
3. Use Case Documents

API’s Required 1. Airtime Vending API

Notes/Issues N/A

Requirements Definition Approval

The undersigned acknowledge they have reviewed the Business/Functional Requirements Definition and agrees
with the approach. Any changes to this Requirements Definition will be coordinated with and approved by the
undersigned or their designated representatives.

Signature: Date:




Signature: Date:




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