League of Provinces of The Philippines vs. Denr Facts

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LEAGUE OF PROVINCES OF THE Golden Falcon's Application.

Confusion of the AMTC and nullified and cancelled the

PHILIPPINES vs. DENR rights resulted from the overlapping governor’s issuance of small-scale mining
G.R. No. 175368               April 11, 2013 applications of AMTC and the persons permits. It agreed with DENR-MGB
applying for quarry permits.  Director Ramos that the area was open to
FACTS: On October 19, 2004 - upon query by mining location only on August 11, 2004
On March 28, 1996 - Golden Falcon MGB-RO Director Cabantog, DENR-MGB (15 days after the MGB-CO denial). Hence,
Mineral Exploration Corporation (Golden Director Ramos stated that the denial of the applications for quarry permit filed on
Falcon) filed with the DENR Mines and Golden Falcon’s application became final February 10, 2004 were null as these were
Geosciences Bureau Regional Office on August 11, 2004, or fifteen days after filed when the area was still closed to
(MGB RO) an Application for Financial and Golden Falcon received the order of denial mining location. 
Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA) of its application. Hence, the area of
covering an area of 61,136 hectares Golden Falcon’s application became open On the other hand, AMTC filed its
situated in the Municipalities of San Miguel, to permit applications only on that date. application when the area was already
San Ildefonso, Norzagaray and San Jose open to other mining applicants; hence, its
del Monte, Bulacan.  Subsequently, the Provincial Legal Officer application was valid. The small-scale
  of Bulacan issued a legal opinion on the mining permits were also issued in
On April 29, 1998 - the MGB RO issued an issue, stating that the subject area became violation of Section 4 of R.A. No. 7076 and
Order denying Golden Falcon's for failure open for new applications on the date of beyond the authority of the Governor
to secure area clearances. Golden Falcon the first denial on April 29, 1998 (MGB- pursuant to Sec. 43 of RA 7942 because
filed an appeal with the DENR.  RO’s order of denial), as MGB-CO’s order the area was never proclaimed to be under
  of denial on July 16, 2004 was a mere the small-scale mining program. 
On February 10, 2004 - while the appeal reaffirmation of the MGB-RO’s April 29
was pending, Eduardo D. Mercado, order; hence, the reckoning period should Hence, petitioner League of Provinces filed
Benedicto S. Cruz, Gerardo R. Cruz and be April 29. this petition. Petitioner is a duly organized
Liberato Sembrano filed with the Provincial league of local governments incorporated
Environment and Natural Resources Office Based on this legal opinion, MGB-RO under R.A. No. 7160. Petitioner declares
(PENRO) of Bulacan their respective Director Cabantog endorsed the that it is composed of 81 provincial
Applications for Quarry Permit which applications for quarry permit, now governments, including the Province of
covered the same area subject of Golden apparently converted to applications for Bulacan. It states that this is not an action
Falcon's Application for Financial and small-scale mining permit, to the Governor of one province alone, but the collective
Technical Assistance Agreement.  of Bulacan.  action of all provinces through the League,
  as a favorable ruling will not only benefit
On July 16, 2004 - the MGB-Central Office
PENRO of Bulacan recommended to the one province, but all provinces and all local
(MGB-CO) issued an Order denying
Governor the approval of said applications. governments.
Golden Falcon's appeal. 
Eventually, the Governor issued the small-  
scale mining permits.  ISSUES:
On September 13, 2004 - Atlantic Mines  
and Trading Corporation (AMTC) filed with 1. Whether or not section 17(b)(3)(iii)
the PENRO of Bulacan an Application for AMTC appealed to the DENR Secretary.
of the, 1991 local government
Exploration Permit (AEP) area covered by The DENR Secretary decided in favor of
code and section 24 of the
people's small-scale mining act of Government Code of 1991; (2) R.A. 7076 settling disputes, conflicts, or litigations
1991 are unconstitutional for or the People's Small Scale Mining Act of over conflicting claims. This quasi-judicial
providing for executive control and 1991; and (3) R.A. No. 7942 or the power of the DENR can neither be equated
infringing upon the local autonomy Philippine Mining Act of 1995. with “substitution of judgment” of the
of provinces. It is the DENR which is incharge of Provincial Governor in issuing Small-Scale
  carrying out the State’s constitutional Mining Permits nor “control” over the said
2. Whether or not the act of mandate to control and supervise the act of the Provincial Governor as it is a
respondent [denr] in nullifying, exploration, development and utilization of determination of the rights of the AMTC
voiding and cancelling the small- the country’s natural resources, pursuant over conflicting claims based on the law.
scale mining permits amounts to to the provisions of Section 17, b(3)(III) of
executive control, not merely the LGC.  NOTES:
supervision and usurps the Hence, the enforcement of the small-scale  RA 7076 or the People’s Small-Scale
devolved powers of all provinces.  mining law by the provincial government is Mining program was established to be
subject to the supervision, control and implemented by the DENR Secretary
HELD: Petition was denied.  review of the DENR. The LGC did not fully in coordination with other government
1. NO. The Court held that devolve to the provincial government the agencies (Section 4, RA 7076).
administrative autonomy may enforcement of the small-scale mining law. Section 24 of the law makes the
involve devolution of powers, Provincial/ Mining Regulatory Board
but it is still subject to 2. NO. The Court held that the DENR under the direct supervision and
limitations, like following Secretary was granted the power of control of the Secretary, its powers and
national policies or standards review in the PMRB’s resolution of functions subject to review by the
and those provided by the Local disputes under Sec. 24 of RA 7076 and same.
Government Code, as the Section 22 of its IRR. The decision of the
structuring of LGUs and the DENR Secretary to nullify and cancel the
allocation of Governor’s issuance of permits emanated
 DENR Administrative Order No. 34
powers/responsibilities/resourc from its power of review under RA 7076
(1992) which contains the IRR of RA
es among the LGUs and local and its IRR. Its power to review and decide
7076 likewise provides that the DENR
officials are placed by the on the validity of the issuance of the Small-
Secretary shall exercise direct
Constitution to Congress under Scale Mining Permits by the Provincial
supervision and control over the
Article X Section 3. Governor is a quasi-judicial function which
People’s Small-Scale Mining Program,
involves the determination of what the law
and that the Provincial/City Mining
The Constitutional guarantee of local is and what the legal rights of the
Regulatory Board’s (PMRB) powers
autonomy in the Article X, Sec. 2 of the contending parties are, with respect to the
and functions shall be subject to review
Constitution refers to the administrative matter in controversy and on the basis
by the DENR Secretary. 
autonomy of the LGUs or the thereof and the facts obtaining, the
decentralization of government authority.  adjudication of their respective rights.

The control of the DENR over small-scale Furthermore, the DENR Secretary
mining in the provinces is granted by three exercises quasi-judicial function under RA
statutes: (1) R.A. 7061 or The Local 7076 and its IRR to the extent necessary in
and held that SMC was not negligent made it possible for the wrong to be done
because their authority given to Savellon to should be the one to bear the resulting
enter into a Trip Charter Party.  loss. In the case, SMC is negligent of not
ascertaining the extent and limits of the
Issue: authority of Savellon.
Bacaltos Coal Mines v. Court of Appeals WON Savellon is duly authorized by the
G.R. No. 114091, June 29, 1995 petitioners to enter into a Trip Charter The petition is granted, and the decision of
Party. the Court of Appeals is reserved. The
Facts: judgement is modified, held the defendant
The case is a petition to seek reversal of Ruling: Rene Savellon solely liable for the amounts
the decision of the Court of Appeals in the NO. Savellon is not duly authorized by the and ordered the dismissal of the case
case of San Miguel Corporation v. Bacaltos petitioners. The agency of Savellon is against the petitioners.      
Coal Mines, German Bacaltos and Rene R. based on the Authorization which is clear
Savellon, which held that the petitioners that the scope of his agency is to use the
Bacaltos Coal Mines, German Bacaltos coal operating contract for any legitimate
and Savellon jointly and severally liable to purpose as it may serve. Had SMC
San Miguel Corporation under a Trip exercised due diligence and prudence, it
Charter Party. The Trip Charter Party was should have known that the authority to
executed by Bacaltos Coal Mines, enter into any Trip Charter Party is not
represented by Savellon (Chief Operating included in the Authorization. The five
Officer), and San Miguel Corporation, prerogatives in the authorization relates on
represented by Francisco Manzon Jr. the power to use the coal operating
(SAVP and Director, Plants Operations- contract. 
Mandaue). SMC filed against the
petitioners and Savellon for specific  A coal operating contract is governed in
performance and damages because of P.D No. 972, as amended by P.D No.
their failure to comply with the Trip Charter 1174, is one of the authorized ways of
Party which was supposed to be for three active exploration, development, and
round trips to Davao. Instead, it was only production of coal resources in a specified
able to make only one trip.  contract area. The authorization given to
Savellon required the use of a coal
The lower court assailed a decision in favor operating contract, however, the Trip
of SMC and ordered the petitioners and Charter Party did not require him to do so.
Savellon to pay the plaintiff. It ruled that the Moreover, SMC made no attempts to verify
authorization given to Savellon necessarily if Bacaltos Coal Mines owned a vessel. A
included the authority to enter in a Trip party to a charter must satisfy itself that the
Charter Party. An appeal was made by the other party is the owner of at least entitled
petitioner asserting the negligence of the to its possession with power to lease or
SMC and the authority of Savellon. The CA charter the vessel. An equitable maxim
affirmed the judgement of the trial court between two innocent parties, the one who
In a summary judgment, the Trial Court exploitation, development and extraction of
ordered the rescission of the Memorandum mineral resources like coal.
of Agreement
This is furthered through the reading of PD
In reversing the Trial Court, the Court of No. 1206
                                     Appeals held that the rendition of the
summary judgment was not proper since Sec. 12 – the powers and functions
Industrial Enterprises Inc v. CA  transferred to the Bureau of Energy
there were genuine issues in controversy
between the parties, and more importantly, Development are:
Facts: that the Trial Court had no jurisdiction over (1) Undertake by itself or through
the action considering that, under other arrangements, such as
Presidential Decree No. 1206, it is the BED service contracts, the active
that has the power to decide controversies exploration, exploitation,
Petitioner Industrial Enterprises Inc. (IEI) relative to the exploration, exploitation and development, and extraction of
was granted a coal operating contract by development of coal blocks energy resources . . .
the Government through the Bureau of
Energy Development (BED) for the Hence this petition (2) Regulate all activities relative to
exploration of two coal blocks in Eastern the exploration, exploitation,
Samar IEI also applied with the then development, and extraction of
Ministry of Energy for another coal Whether or not the Trial court has fossil and nuclear fuels . . .
operating contract for the exploration of jurisdiction to heaer and decide the suit for
three additional coal blocks which, together recission of the MOA concerning a coal
with the original two blocks, comprised the operating contract over coal blocks.
so-called "Giporlos Area."
IEI was later on advised that in line with the Held:
objective of rationalizing the country's over-
all coal supply-demand balance . . . the No. the doctrine of primary jurisdiction finds
logical coal operator in the area should be application in this case since the question
the Marinduque Mining and Industrial of what coal areas should be exploited and
Corporation (MMIC), which was already developed and which entity should be
developing the coal deposit in another area granted coal operating contracts over said
(Bagacay Area) and that the Bagacay and areas involves a technical determination by
Giporlos Areas should be awarded to the BED as the administrative agency in
MMIC possession of the specialized expertise to
act on the matter.
IEI filed an action for rescission of the
Memorandum of Agreement with damages The Trial Court does not have the
against MMIC and the then Minister of competence to decide matters concerning
Energy Geronimo Velasco before the activities relative to the exploration,
Regional Trial Court of Makati
duty prescribed by the Tariff and Customs YES. The Petroleum Act of 1949, was
Code, and that the exemption enjoyed by intended to encourage the exploitation,
respondent ESSO from the payment of exploration and development of the
customs duties under the Petroleum Act of petroleum resources of the country by
1949 does not include exemption from the giving it the necessary incentive in the
payment of the special import tax provided form of tax exemptions. This is the raison
in R.A. No. 1394.  d etre for the generous grant of tax
exemptions to those who would invest their
The Collector of held that respondent financial resources towards the
Comm. of Customs v. ESSO Standard ESSO was subject to the payment of the achievement of this national economic
Eastern special import tax provided in Republic Act goal.
No. 1394, as amended by R.A. No. 2352,
FACTS: and dismissed the protests. Commissioner Under the Petroleum Act, art. 103 reads:
of Customs affirmed the said decision of "ART. 103. Customs duties. — During the
This is an appeal from the decision of the Collector. five years following the granting of any
Court of Tax Appeals reversing the concessions, the concessionaire may
Commissioner of Customs’ decision Respondent ESSO elevated the case to import free of customs duty, all equipment,
holding respondent ESSO Standard the CTA which reversed the decision of machinery, material, instruments, supplies
Eastern, Inc. liable of import tax on certain petitioner Commissioner of Customs and and accessories.”
articles imported by the latter under ordered refund to respondent ESSO which
Republic Act No. 387, otherwise known as the latter had paid under protest. The CTA Art. 102 of the same law provides: "ART.
the Petroleum Act of 1949. held that being a charge upon importation, 102. Work obligations, taxes, royalties not
the special import tax is essentially a to be charged. — . . .; nor shall any other
Respondent ESSO is the holder of customs duty, or at least partakes of the special taxes or levies be applied to such
Refining Concession issued by the character thereof. It sees the special import concessions, nor shall concessionaires
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural tax as nothing but an impost or a charge under this Act be subjected to any
Resources and operates a petroleum on the importation or bringing into the provincial, municipal, or other local taxes or
refining plant in Limay, Bataan. Under Philippines of goods, articles or products. levies nor shall any sales tax be charged
Article 103 of Republic Act No. 387 which on any petroleum produced from the
provides: "During the five years following ISSUE: concession or portion thereof,
the granting of any concession, the manufactured by the concessionaire and
concessionaire may import free of customs Whether or not the exemption enjoyed by used in the working of his
duty, all equipment, machinery, material, respondent ESSO from customs duties concession. . . . ."
instruments, supplies and accessories." granted by the Petroleum Act should
Respondent imported and was assessed embrace or include the special import tax Art. 104, still of the same Act, reads: “ART.
the special import tax which it paid under imposed by R.A. No. 1394, or the Special 104. No export tax to be imposed. — No
protest. Import Tax Law? export tax shall be levied upon petroleum
produced from concessions granted under
Petitioner contends that the special import RULING / DOCTRINE: this Act."
tax under Republic Act No. 1394 is
separate and distinct from the customs
The title of Republic Act No. 387 and the incentives for the continuing development
provisions of its three articles just cited of the petroleum industry.
give a clue to the intent of the Philippine
legislature, which is to encourage the It is not amiss to mention that contrary to
exploitation and development of the the theory of the petitioner, R.A. No. 387
petroleum resources of the country.  had not been repealed by R.A. No. 2352
which expressly abrogated Section 6 of
Through the instrumentality of said law, it R.A. No. 1394 but did not repeal any part
declared in no uncertain terms that the of R.A. No. 387. Therefore, the exemption
intensification of the exploration for granted by Republic Act No. 387 still
petroleum must be carried on unflinchingly stands. 
even if, for the time being, no taxes, both
national and local, may be collected from Petition denied.
the industry. This is the unequivocal
intention of the Philippine Congress when
the language of the Petroleum Act is
examined. Until this law or any substantial
portion thereof is clearly amended or
repealed by subsequent statutes, the
intention of the legislature must be upheld.

The Congress of the Philippine saw fit

to preserve the privileges granted under
the Petroleum Law of 1949 in order to
keep the door open to the exploitation
and development of the petroleum
resources of the country with such
incentives as are given under that law.

Congress lined up for revocation by

Republic Act No. 1394 six statutes dealing
with the imposition of special imposts or
levies or the granting of exemptions from
special import taxes. Yet, considering the
tremendous amount of revenues it was
losing under the Petroleum Law of 1949, it
failed to include the latter statute among
those it chose to bury by the Special Import
Tax Law. The reason for this is very clear:
The legislature wanted to continue the
The letter-protest was denied. A Complaint enumerated” under the NIRC, as
for Cancellation of Assessment was filed amended; and “taxes, fees or charges on
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of petroleum products.” There is no doubt that
Malabon. The RTC dismissed the among the excise taxes on articles
Complaint and required Petron to pay the enumerated under the NIRC are those
assessed tax. A Motion for levied on petroleum products, per Section
Reconsideration was filed but it was later 148 of the NIRC.
denied by the court. Hence, the filing of this
petition. The power of a municipality to impose
business taxes derives from Section 143 of
ISSUE: the Code that specifically enumerates
several types of business on which it may
Whether or not a local government unit is impose taxes, including manufacturers,
empowered under the Local Government wholesalers, distributors, dealers of any
Code (LGC) to impose business taxes on article of commerce of whatever nature;
persons or entities engaged in the sale of those engaged in the export or commerce
PETRON CORPORATION v. MAYOR petroleum of essential commodities; retailers;
TOBIAS M. TIANGCO  contractors and other independent
G.R. 158881           16 April 2006 HELD: Petition GRANTED. contractors; banks and financial
institutions; and peddlers engaged in the
While local government units are Yes. The Court held that the LGU is sale of any merchandise or article of
authorized to burden all such other class of empowered under the LGC to impose commerce. This obviously broad power is
goods with “taxes, fees and charges,” business taxes on persons or entities further supplemented by paragraph (h) of
excepting excise taxes, a specific engaged in the sale of petroleum. Section 143 which authorizes the
prohibition is imposed barring the levying sanggunian to impose taxes on any other
of any other type of taxes with respect to The power of a municipality to impose businesses not otherwise specified under
petroleum products. business taxes is provided for in Section Section 143 which the sanggunian
143 of the LGC. Under the provision, a concerned may deem proper to tax.
FACTS: municipality is authorized to impose
business taxes on a whole host of This ability of local government units to
In accordance to the New Navotas business activities. Suffice it to say, unless impose business or other local taxes is
Revenue Code or Ordinance 92-03, there is another provision of law which ultimately rooted in the 1987
petitioner Petron Corporation was states otherwise, Section 143, broad in Constitution. Section 5, Article X
assessed a total tax of P6,259,087.62. scope as it is, would undoubtedly cover the assures that “[e]ach local government
Petron filed a letter protest arguing that it is business of selling diesel fuels, or any unit shall have the power to create its
exempt from paying local business taxes other petroleum product for that matter. own sources of revenues and to levy
as provided by Article 232 (h) of the taxes, fees and charges,” though the
Implementing Rules of the Local Section 133(h) provides two kinds of taxes power is “subject to such guidelines
Government Code. which cannot be imposed by local and limitations as the Congress may
government units: “excise taxes on articles provide.” There is no doubt that following
the 1987 Constitution and the Code, the phrase already prohibits the imposition of comprehends a wider range of subjects of
fiscal autonomy of local government units excise taxes on articles already subject to taxation: all articles already covered by
has received greater affirmation than ever. such taxes under the NIRC, such as excise taxation under the NIRC, such as
Previous decisions that have been petroleum products. There would be no alcohol products, tobacco products,
skeptical of the viability, if not the wisdom sense on the part of the legislature to twice mineral products, automobiles, and such
of reposing fiscal autonomy to local emphasize in the same sentence that non-essential goods as jewelry, goods
government units have fallen by the excise taxes on petroleum products are made of precious metals, perfumes, and
wayside. beyond the pale of local government yachts and other vessels intended for
taxation. pleasure or sports. In contrast, the later
Section 5(a) of the Code states that “[a]ny reference to “taxes, fees and charges”
provision on a power of a local government The Court concedes that a tax on a pertains only to one class of articles of the
unit shall be liberally interpreted in its favor, business is distinct from a tax on the article many subjects of excise taxes, specifically,
and in case of doubt, any question thereon itself, or for that matter, that a business tax “petroleum products”. While local
shall be resolved in favor of devolution of is distinct from an excise tax. However, government units are authorized to burden
powers and of the lower local government such distinction is immaterial insofar as the all such other class of goods with “taxes,
unit.” But somewhat conversely, Section latter part of Section 133(h) is concerned, fees and charges,” excepting excise taxes,
5(b) then proceeds to assert that “[i]n case for the phrase “taxes, fees or charges on a specific prohibition is imposed barring the
of doubt, any tax ordinance or revenue petroleum products” does not qualify the levying of any other type of taxes with
measure shall be construed strictly against kind of taxes, fees or charges that could respect to petroleum products.
the local government unit enacting it, and withstand the absolute prohibition imposed
liberally in favor of the taxpayer.” And this by the provision. It would have been a
latter qualification has to be respected as a different matter had Congress, in crafting
constitutionally authorized limitation which Section 133(h), barred “excise taxes” or
Congress has seen fit to provide. “direct taxes,” or any category of taxes
Evidently, local fiscal autonomy should not only, for then it would be understood that
necessarily translate into abject deference only such specified taxes on petroleum
to the power of local government units to products could not be imposed under the
impose taxes. prohibition. The absence of such a
qualification leads to the conclusion that all
Section 133(h) states that local sorts of taxes on petroleum products,
government units “shall not extend to the including business taxes, are prohibited by
levy of xxx taxes, fees or charges on Section 133(h). Where the law does not
petroleum products.” Respondents assert distinguish, we should not distinguish.
that the phrase “taxes, fees or charges on
petroleum products” pertains to the The language of Section 133(h) makes
imposition of direct or excise taxes on plain that the prohibition with respect to
petroleum products, and not business petroleum products extends not only to
taxes. If the phrase actually pertains to excise taxes thereon, but all “taxes, fees
excise taxes, then it would be an exercise and charges.” The earlier reference in
in utter redundancy, since the preceding paragraph (h) to excise taxes
gasoline, kerosene and other refined foreign or domestic source, lease or own
petroleum products. The government saw and operate refineries and other
the need for a more active role of Filipinos downstream oil facilities and market such
in the oil industry. All the oil refineries and crude oil. Petitioner seeks the annulment of
marketing companies were owned by Section 5(b) of R.A. No. 8180.
foreigners whose economic interests did
not always coincide with the interest of the Issues:
Filipino. In 1973, Marcos created Philippine 1. WON Sec. 5(b) of R.A 8180
National Oil Corporation (PNOC) to break violates the one title- one subject
the control by foreigners and engaged in requirement of the Constitution
the business of refining, marketing, 2. WON R.A. 8180 violates the
shipping, transporting and storing constitutional prohibition against
petroleum. PNOC operated under the monopolies, combinations in
business name PETRON Corporation and restraint of trade and unfair
became the first Filipino presence in the competition.
Philippine oil market. In 1984, through Sec. Ruling:
8 of P.D No. 1956, the Oil Price 1. NO. Sec. 5(b) of R.A 8180 does
Stabilization Fund (OPSF) was created to not violate the one title-one subject
cushion effects of frequent changes in the requirement in the constitution.
price of oil. The fund is used to reimburse The Court has adopted a liberal
the oil companies for cost increases in construction of the one title-one
crude oil and imported petroleum products subject rule. A law having a single
resulting from exchange rate adjustment general subject in the title may
and to reimburse oil companies for cost contain any number of provisions,
underrecovery incurred as a result of the so long as they are not
Tadtad v. Secretary of DOE reduction of domestic prices of petroleum inconsistent with or foreign to the
G.R. No. 124360, November 5, 1997 products. Only three oil companies were general subject and may be
operating in the country, Caltex, Shell and considered in furtherance of such
Prior to 1971, there was no government the government-owned PNOC. In 1987, subject. 
agency regulating the oil industry other Aquino enacted Executive Order No. 172
than those dealing with ordinary creating the Energy Regulatory Board.
commodities. Oil companies were free to 1992 which created the Department of 2. YES. R.A 8180 violates the
enter and exit the market without any Energy and encouraged the active constitutional prohibition against
government interference. Due to the oil participation by the private sector in all monopolies, combinations in
crisis and the importance of petroleum and energy activities. restrains of trade and unfair
its products to national security essential to The Congress enacted R.A. No. 8180 or competition. It cannot be denied
the general welfare, the government the “Downstream Oil Deregulation Act of that the downstream oil industry is
enacted the Oil Industry Commission Act 1996” which provides that any person or operated and controlled by an
which created the Oil Industry Commission entity may import or purchase any quantity oligopoly. The 4% tariff differential
to regulate the business of crude oil, of crude oil and petroleum products from a and the inventory requirement are
significant barriers which The circular is valid. The assailed Circular
discourage new players to enter Facts: No. 2000-06-010 of DOE is declared valid.
the market. With this and the lack
of players with the comparable For an administrative regulation, such as
clout of PETRON, Shell and BP. 33 as amended, penalizes illegal the Circular in this case, to have the force
Caltex, the temptation for a trading, hoarding, overpricing, adulteration, of penal law, (1) the violation of the
dominant player to engage in underdelivery, and underfilling of petroleum administrative regulation must be made a
predatory pricing and succeed is a products, as well as possession for trade of crime by the delegating statute itself; and
reality. The act needs provisions to adulterated petroleum products and of (2) the penalty for such violation must be
assure a vouchsafe free and fair underfilled liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) provided by the statute itself
competition However, with the cylinders.3 The said law sets the monetary
penalty for violators to a minimum of The Circular satisfies the first requirement.
separability clause provided in B.P. Blg. 33, as amended, criminalizes
Sec. 23 provided that, if for any P20,000 and a maximum of P50,000
illegal trading, adulteration, underfilling,
reason any section or provision of On June 9, 2000, Circular No. 2000-06-010 hoarding, and overpricing of petroleum
this Act is declared was issued by the DOE to implement B.P. products. Under this general description of
unconstitutional or invalid, such Blg. 33. Respondent LPG Refillers what constitutes criminal acts involving
parts not affected thereby shall Association then asked the DOE to set petroleum products, the Circular merely
remain in full force and effect. The aside the circular for being contrary to law.  lists the various modes by which the said
court held that the offending criminal acts may be perpetrated
provisions of R.A. 8180 so The DOE, however, denied the request for
permeate its essence that the lack of merit. Respondent then filed a As for the second requirement, we find that
entire law has to be struck down. petition for prohibition and annulment with the Circular is in accord with the law.
Contrary to their intent, the prayer for temporary restraining order Under B.P. Blg. 33, as amended, the
provisions on tariff differential, and/or writ of preliminary injunction before monetary penalty for any person who
inventory and predatory pricing the trial court. commits any of the acts aforestated is
inhibit fair competition but limited to a minimum of P20,000 and a
encourages monopolistic power trial court nullified the Circular on the maximum of P50,000. Under the Circular,
and interfere with the interaction of ground that it introduced new offenses not the maximum pecuniary penalty for retail
market forces. included in the law, that the Circular, in outlets is P20,000,17 an amount within the
providing penalties on a per cylinder basis range allowed by law. However, for the
The petitions are granted. R.A. for each violation, might exceed the refillers, marketers, and dealers, the
8180 is declared unconstitutional maximum penalty under the law. Circular is silent as to any maximum
as it is violative of the monetary penalty. This mere silence,
constitutional prohibition against nonetheless, does not amount to violation
monopolies, combinations in of the aforesaid statutory maximum limit.
restraint of trade and unfair 1. Whether circular No. 2000-06-010
competition. is contrary to law in providing a per the enabling laws on which the Circular is
Perez v LPG Refillers Association cylinder penalty for each violation  based were specifically intended to provide
the DOE with increased administrative and
G.R. No. 159149, 26 June 2006 Ruling/Doctrine: penal measures with which to effectively
curtail rampant adulteration and FACTS:  The decision was affirmed by the CA.
shortselling, as well as other acts involving
petroleum products, which are inimical to The NPC is a government-owned and - Petitioner challenges the ERB's order
public interest. To nullify the Circular in this controlled corporation, existing by virtue of which directed it to cease and desist from
case would be to render inutile government Commonwealth Act No. 120 and Republic collecting the penalties, pending resolution
efforts to protect the general consuming Act No. 6395. Philippine Electric Plant of the case. The NPC contends that the
public against the nefarious practices of Owners Association (PEPOA), Inc., is a provisional relief required notice and
some unscrupulous LPG traders. non-stock corporation composed of private hearing prior to being granted, similar to
electric plant operators. Some members of the requirement of the rule on preliminary
PEPOA purchase electric power from injunction. Petitioner adds that PEPOA did
petitioner to service power requirements in not submit any supporting documents or
their respective franchise areas. affidavits to show the great or irreparable
injury that would justify the provisional
On 1995, PEPOA filed before the Energy relief.
Regulatory Board (ERB) a Complaint
against the NPC for alleged unauthorized ISSUE:
collection of rates in the guise of penalty
for 1) excess consumption, double or triple Whether or not the Energy Regulatory
the existing rates; or 2) unused Board had jurisdiction over the subject
consumption, as if fully availed of. matter of this case?

The penalties were being charged RULING/DOCTRINE:

pursuant to the NPC's Rules on the Sale of
Electricity (under Minimum Charges and YES. The supply of electricity is a public
Penalty for Consumption in Excess of the service that affects national security,
Allowable Limit of the Contract economic growth and public interest.
Demand/Energy) of the Schedule of To achieve coherent and effective
Charges. policy formulation, coordination,
implementation and monitoring within
The ERB ordered the NPC to cease and the energy sector, it became necessary
desist from collecting the penalties pending to entrust in one body the regulatory
resolution of the case. Ultimately, the order functions covering the energy sector.
became permanent and NPC was directed Thus, the Energy Regulatory Board
to refund or correspondingly credit to the (ERB) was created. The ERB was given
complainants (affected electric distribution the power to determine, fix and
utilities) the total amount of said charges prescribe the rates - - including penalty
as penalties for excess consumption over charges - - of all energy providers,
the maximum allowable demand energy including the National Power
National Power Corporation vs. and consumption below the contracted Corporation (NPC).
Philippine Electric Plant Owners demand/energy. 
The power to determine, fix and penalties imposed by the NPC. The Issue: Whether or not the respondents are
prescribe rates being charged petition was denied. not subject to power delivery services
customers is vested in the ERB. charges for ancillary services
Therefore, unless it gives prior approval, National Power Corporation vs. East
the penalties cannot be imposed by the Asia Utilities Corporation, G.R. No.  
NPC. While petitioner may issue rules and 170934,
regulations consistent with its corporate Ruling. The ancillary services availed of by
objectives, provisions that have a bearing 23 July 2008 PSGFs from the NPC (LFFR and Spinning
on the impositions of rates must be Reserve) are intended to maintain the
approved by the ERB.   integrity and reliability of the grid. The rates
for these services are separate and distinct
Jurisdiction over penalties is Facts: Petitioner NPC, charges Power from the basic transmission service or PDS
necessarily part of the ERB's regulatory Delivery Service charges to EAUC and even though such services are a
functions; and is in line with the intent of Cebu power to ancillary services, necessary adjunct to the basic
achieving a coherent and effective policy associated with Load Following and transmission service or PDS. The rates for
formulation, coordination, implementation Frequency Regulation (LFFR) and ancillary service have been unbundled
and monitoring within the energy sector.  Spinning Reserve (SR). Arguing these are from NPC’s rates for basic transmission
applicable to transmission customers and sub-transmission service,
Also, the ERB has the authority to issue which are embedded generators not for notwithstanding the fact that such services
provisional relief 1) upon motion or on its transfer of power and energy from the are necessary adjunct to the basic
own initiative; 2) without notice and generating resources to the load but for the transmission and sub-transmission service.
hearing; and 3) after the filing of an delivery to the generation-based ancillary The ERC further found that there is not
application, a petition or a complaint. services being provided by it. That the such things as PDS for LFFR and SR,
liability of respondents arises from the fact once this reserve is utilized, it is
If supported by substantial evidence, the that they are continuously connected to the automatically delivered and registered as
factual finding of the ERB - - an whole grid which must be maintained to an added demand and not as a reserve.
administrative body charged with a specific prevent its collapse or rapid decay. The actual power that flows thru the line is
field of expertise - - is conclusive and
equal to the supply or power generated
should not be disturbed. Administrative The respondents are PSGF which are and is also equal to the demand or load.
bodies are given wide latitude in the embedded in the distribution network of This is the principle used in the design of
evaluation of evidence, including the VECO. The ERB believes they are not the PDS, to recover the transmission cost
authority to take judicial notice of facts liable to pay PDS corresponding to the based on peak demand only and not to
within their special competence. The ERB Ancillary Services purchased by the, or the recover transmission cost based on peak
is presumed to have performed its duty of Transmission for Internal Generation. demand plus LFFR and SR
studying the available evidence, prior to Because in serving the load of VECO, they
the issuance of the provisional relief.  are not making use of NPC transmission Additional, the NPC charges two separate
facilities. tariffs for transmission and AS. PDS
The ERB issued the cease and desist
order in recognition of the fact that end (actual usage of the line in transport) and
consumers would ultimately pay for the   AS Charges (maintenance of grid
reliability). PDS charges are only
applicable to IPPs using the transmission directed MERALCO to file its comment on
facilities in transporting power while AS are NASECORE’s Motion for Production of
required in maintaining grid reliability. FREEDOM FROM DEBT COALITION v.. Documents. ERC issued an Order directing
Hence, an IPP need not pay PDS charges ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION, MERALCO to submit certain documents in
if its facilities are embedded in the G.R. NO. 161113, JUNE 15, 2004 connection with the evaluation of its
distribution network but must, however, Application. However, ERC, without first
pay for AS necessary for maintaining grid FACTS: resolving the Motions for Production of
reliability. To charge respondents both Documents of NASECORE and FDC and
would be tantamount to double charging. The Petition assails the Order of apparently without considering Lualhati’s
respondent Energy Regulatory Opposition, issued an Order provisionally
Commission (ERC), provisionally approving MERALCO’s ex parte
authorizing respondent Manila Electric application for rate increases. 
Company (MERALCO) to increase its rates
by an average amount of 12 centavos per Bayan Muna, Bayan,  KMU, Gabriela,
kilowatt hour.  Kadamay, Agham, Gabriela Women’s
Party and Anak Pawis argued that the
MERALCO filed with the ERC an Order is void for having been issued by
Application for an increase in rates and ERC with manifest bias in favor of
also prayed ex parte for the grant of a MERALCO and without due regard for the
provisional authority to implement the rights of consumers, so they filed their
increase according to the schedule Motion to Intervene and attached thereto
attached to its Application. National their Petition-in-Intervention. Hence, this
Association of Electricity Consumers for Instant Petition and Petition-in-Intervention.
Reforms, Inc. (NASECORE), Mr. Genaro
Lualhati (Lualhati) and Freedom from Debt ISSUES:
Coalition (FDC) assailed separately, in a
letter addressed to the ERC Chairman
Manuel R. Sanchez (Sanchez), informed 1. Whether or not the ERC has legal
him of their intention to file an Opposition authority to grant provisional rate
to MERALCO’s Application, seeking the adjustments under Republic Act
dismissal of MERALCO’s Application and (R.A.) No. 9136, otherwise known
expressed its intention to file an opposition as the "Electric Power Industry
to MERALCO’s Application, respectively.  Reform Act of 2001" (EPIRA)
ERC directed FDC, NASECORE and HELD:
Lualhati to file their respective comments
on the Application within 15 days from their Statutory Authority To Grant
receipt thereof. NASECORE filed a Motion Provisional Increase
for Production of Documents to enable it to            
evaluate MERALCO’s Application. ERC
            FDC posits that the ERC has no directives therein dispensing with the need             The infirmities which attended the
power to issue provisional orders for prior hearing. They are deemed issuance of the Nov. 27, 2003 Order,
because the EPIRA repealed modified to the extent that EPIRA imposes particularly: (1) the failure of MERALCO to
Commonwealth Act No. 146 (The Public a publication requirement and, through publish its Application or at least a
Service Act) and E.O. No. 172 (creating IRR, assures the customers affected the summary thereof; (2) the failure of the ERC
the ERB), which laws expressly granted opportunity to oppose or comment on the to resolve the Motions for Production of
upon the precursors of ERC the power application for provisional rate adjustment Documents filed by the oppositors to
to grant provisional orders. It argues before it is acted upon by ERC.Indeed, MERALCO’s Application before acting on
further that while Section 44 of the EPIRA both the letter and spirit of the law require the motion for provisional rate adjustment;
provides for the transfer of the powers and that the authority of the ERC to grant and (3) the failure of the ERC to consider
functions of the ERB to the ERC, such provisional power rate adjustments should the arguments raised by the oppositors in
transfer cannot be deemed to include the be upheld. The law is so clear that it their respective pleadings prior to the
power to issue provisional orders because cannot be misread. issuance of the assailed Order; the Court
such power is inconsistent with the policies declares void the November 27, 2003
ordained in Section 2 of the EPIRA to NOTES: Order of the ERC for having been issued
protect the public interest insofar as it is with grave abuse of discretion.
affected by the rates and services of On the issue WON there was a grave
electric utilities and other providers of abuse:             Thus, should the case be simply
electric power and to ensure transparency remanded to the ERC without further
and full accountability in rate-fixing.             The FDC contends that the action by the Court, the defects would not
Considering that the EPIRA itself does not issuance of the Order provisionally be cleansed and they would retain their
confer upon the ERC the power to issue approving MERALCO’s application for rate potency and still serve as solid basis to
provisional orders, Section 4(e), Rule 3 of increase is void because, among others, nullify the challenged Order and all other
the law’s Implementing Rules, which refers the affected sectors were not afforded the issuances of the ERC which would be
to the grant of provisional authority by the opportunity to be heard. Since the infected by the infirmities. Indeed, such a
ERC, constitutes an undue delegation of issuance of provisional orders is quasi- denouement would be inescapable once
legislative power. judicial in character, the ERC cannot the application is elevated again to this
dispense with the requirements of notice Court in connection with the infirm
Legislative history supports ERC’s and hearing. It likewise claims that the issuances. Clearly then, a remand is not in
power to grant provisional rate ERC based the provisional increase only the best interest of MERALCO and the
adjustments. on MERALCO’s bare allegation that it was ERC. Rather, it is to their advantage, same
in dire financial straits, as there was no as with the consumers, that they begin
            The provisions of Public Service proof of MERALCO’s actual financial again on a clean slate.
Act and E.O. No. 172 which relate to the condition. It is settled that there is grave
power of the regulatory body to approve abuse of discretion when an act is done
provisional rates continue to have full force contrary to the Constitution, the law or
and effect, and the power was transferred jurisprudence, or when executed
to ERC by virtue of Section 80 in relation to whimsically, capriciously or arbitrarily out of
Section 44 of EPIRA. Said provisions malice, ill will or personal bias.
aren’t inconsistent with EPIRA except the

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