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Received July 3, 2020, accepted July 9, 2020, date of publication July 20, 2020, date of current version July

30, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3010528

A Moment-of-Inertia-Driven Engine Start-Up

Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive
Control for Hybrid Electric Vehicles With
Drivability Optimization
1 Hubei Research Center for New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, U.K.
Corresponding author: Changqing Du (
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51775393.

ABSTRACT During the deceleration phase of a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), a moment-of-inertia-driven
(MoI-driven) engine start-up process can provide a potential economic benefit because it reduces the energy
consumption of the starting device. During this start-up process, it is important to maintain drivability by
enabling a quick start-up, low driveline vibration, and fast response to torque demand. The wheel rolling
distance control should also be considered. This paper proposes electrical motor (EM) participation in an
MoI-driven engine start-up process and studies an adaptive model-based predictive optimization method
for the drivability control of P2 parallel hybrid vehicles. Based on a new triple mass-spring-system model,
an adaptive model predictive controller (MPC) is designed with EM torque set points, clutch friction
torque set points, and engine torque set points as manipulated inputs and engine speed, torsion speed, and
wheel rolling distance as the measured outputs. A predicted torque demand is introduced to enhance the
torque response performance. By considering the constraints of power source components, an optimization
algorithm is developed. A simulation is conducted to verify the control strategy on the HEV powertrain and
on vehicle dynamics models. The results show that under the same level of start-up, the torsion speed can be
reduced by up to 50% with an improved wheel rolling distance and low torque demand error during a certain

INDEX TERMS Adaptive model predictive controller, drivability, engine start-up, hybrid electrical vehicle,
moment of inertia.

I. INTRODUCTION be restarted. If the vehicle decelerates in low gear when the

Energy-saving measures based on the physical character- ICE is required to be started, the MoI of the car can be used
istics of hybrid electric vehicles have become a research to start the engine instead of using the starter. The advantage
focus in recent years [1]–[5]. The internal combustion of the MoI-driven start-up process is that it can reduce the
engine (ICE) start-up has an important effect on energy electrical energy consumption of the starter by using kinetic
consumption [6], [7]; hence, economical ICE starting meth- energy. Furthermore, the engine can be cranked to a higher
ods are worthy of attention. When driving a hybrid vehicle, speed than with a belt-driven starter, which can increase fuel
the ICE may restart frequently. For example, when the state- efficiency [10].
of-charge is predicted to be insufficient [8] or the temperature To make this potential energy-saving start-up process more
of the catalyst component is about to decrease and lead conducive, good drivability control is required. However, a
to a reduction in catalytic capacity [9], the ICE needs to MoI-driven ICE start-up process faces challenges in drivabil-
ity control. The objective criteria of drivability evaluation
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and are related to start-up time, torque response, and torsion
approving it for publication was Shihong Ding . speed [11], [12], although some criteria may conflict with

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 8, 2020 133063
J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

each other [13]. In particular, during deceleration, the MoI status of clutch discs and the engine ignition status. (3) The
acting on a flameout engine may affect drivability [14], [15]. controller is implemented on an HEV powertrain and vehi-
In addition, since the engine is connected to the driveline, cle dynamics models, and the controller effect is evaluated
engine speed tracking is likely to conflict with wheel rolling through simulation.
speed control which affects the wheel rolling distance. During The rest of this article is organized as follows. The driv-
deceleration, the wheel rolling distance should adhere to the eline and the vehicle are modelled as a mass-spring-system
driver’s expectations to maintain safety. in Section 2. The varied parameters, including engine
To satisfy those objectives, an algorithm that can perform speed are also identified. Section 3 describes the controller
integrated optimization is important, and the model-based design process, including the control process and scheme,
prediction method is a potential solution. Considering that the control references, the load observer, the prediction of
start-up dynamics are nonlinear, such as the process of clutch torque demand, the predictive outputs, and the optimization.
engagement and disengagement, this paper presents an adap- Section 4 shows the simulation results and presents a discus-
tive MPC and applies it to the MoI-driven engine start-up sion. Finally, conclusions are offered in Section 5.
Some papers have presented MPCs and applied them to
engine start-up processes. References [16], [17] used a classic
MPC and a switch MPC to handle the engine start-up pro-
cess and the engagement of an AMT for conventional cars.
The drivability of the engine start-up and clutch engagement
processes were optimized. Reference [18] used an MPC for
active vibration reduction to improve the drivability of a
parallel hybrid vehicle with a two-cylinder engine. In [19],
considering the constraints of the starter, an MPC was applied
to control the starting and stopping of an engine, achieving
improved engine speed performance.
Unlike engine start-up control using a belt-starter-genera-
tor (BSG) [20]–[22] or integrated-starter-generator (ISG)
[23]–[25], the control method for an MoI-driven start-up
process is rarely mentioned in public literature and its appli-
cation is rarely found on vehicles. On a P2 HEV powertrain,
the EM can be coordinated with the cranking engine torque
and braking demand torque, and thus EM participation in the
start-up process is a possible solution method. The purpose
of this article is to optimize drivability by coordinating the
EM torque, ICE torque and clutch friction torque during this
start-up process. To realize this approach, a new triple mass-
spring-system model is established, and an adaptive MPC
with 3 manipulated variables and multiobjective optimization
is developed. The controller guides the manipulation process FIGURE 1. Configuration of hybrid driveline: a) overall structure;
through the clutch contact state and the engine ignition state. b) simplified model.
In addition, the torque demand error is also improved by the
torque demand prediction.
The main contributions of this article are as follows: II. SYSTEM MODELLING
(1) introduce a new inertial start-up control with EM par- The vehicle is driven by the front axle and its driveline con-
ticipation, (2) develop a suitable model for this application, tains an ICE, an EM, a gearbox, a differential, drive shafts and
using eight states to describe this dynamic start-up process, wheels, as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The ICE and the EM are placed
and (3) design an optimization algorithm based on 3 manipu- in parallel and can be coupled by a plate electromagnetic
lations and multiple objectives and consider the improvement clutch located on the inner side of the EM rotor. When the
of torque demand error. vehicle is decelerating and the clutch discs are in contact,
This study is implemented as follows: (1) State-space mod- the clutch friction torque forces the engine to rotate at a given
els are developed to describe the engine speed, drive shaft speed.
torsion angle, EM speed, wheel rotating speed, EM torque, An equivalent simplified model is shown in Fig. 1 (b).
engine torque, clutch friction torque, and wheel rolling dis- Considering that the torsional oscillation of the transmission
tance as state variables. (2) An adaptive MPC is designed with system is mainly embodied on the drive half shaft, the driv-
parameters updated in real time, which include the engine eline can be simplified as a three-mass model during the
viscous friction coefficient, the engine delay time, the contact start-up process.

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J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

The driveline is divided into three sections, each of which throttle opening is ignored, so deng can be treated solely as a
is represented by a mass. Jeng is the total inertia of the ICE, function of ωeng .
the flywheel, and the driving disc. J1 is a summarized inertia When the engine is dragged by a clutch during decelera-
including the components from the clutch driven side to the tion, the equations can describe the motion of the driveline,
front of the half shaft. J2 consists of wheel inertia and vehicle as shown in:
inertia equivalent to the wheel. Jeng , J1 , and J2 are the viscous
Jeng ω̇eng = Tc gc + Teng gig − deng ωeng
friction factors deng , d1 ,and d2 , respectively. The drive shaft
can be modelled with a spring and a damper represented by Ks θs + Cs .θ˙s
J1 ω˙1 = + Te − Tc gc − d1 ω1
the stiffness coefficient Ks and the damping coefficient Cs . r
Teng , Tc , and Te are the engine torque, the clutch friction J2 ω˙2 = Ks θs + Cs .ωs − TL − d2 ω2
torque and the EM torque respectively. The vehicle load is ωs = − ω2
represented by TL . The final transmission ratio r consists of r
ṡ = ω2 rw (4)
the transmission box ratio and differential ratio.
According to the driveline physical structure, inertia J1 is where ω1 is the EM speed, ω2 is the wheel speed, θs is the
calculated by the energy conservation method: drive shaft torsion angle, ωs is the drive shaft torsion speed,
and s is a variable of the wheel rolling distance ignoring the
Jou Jd
J1 = Je + Jin + + (1) tire slip. The signal gc indicates the contacting status of the
rt2 (r t rd )2 clutch discs, as shown in (5). A positive signal indicates that
where Je is the EM inertia, which contains the clutch slave; clutch friction drives the engine forward, while a negative
Jin and Jou are the input and output shaft inertia for the signal indicates the opposite, and the clutch disengagement
gearbox, respectively; Jd is the differential inertia; and rt and state is zero.

rd are the transmission box gear ratio and differential ratio, 1ωeng < ω1 ,
 xc ≥ xc0
respectively. gc = 0 xc < xc0 (5)
The inertia J2 is calculated as follows:
−1ωeng > ω1 , xc ≥ xc0

J2 = 2J w +mv rw2 (2) where xc is the displacement of the clutch driven disc and
where Jw represents the wheel inertia; mv is the mass of the xc0 is the contact point on the displacement of the clutch
vehicle; and rw is the radius of the wheel. discs. When the speed of the driving disc is close to the
speed of the driven disc, the direction of the friction torque
is unstable, resulting in jerk and vibration. To avoid this
problem, the relative speed of ω1 and ωeng should have a good
The ICE ignition status is represented by the indicator gig .
The engine reaches a prescribed speed ωeng_ig at time tig , and
then the ignition is activated.
0 t < tig
gig = (6)
1 t ≥ tig
The engine, the clutch and the EM exhibit time lag behav-
ior; therefore, the torques Te , Tc and Teng can be considered as
first-order processes with time delays τe , τc and τeng , respec-
tively [17], [27], [28]. Thus, these objects can be shown in the
FIGURE 2. deng value in engine speed and oil temperature, when
rthroattle = 20%.
time domain as follows:
τe T˙e + Te = Td + Te_sp − gc Tc_sp
The factor deng actually includes the pumping loss of the τc T˙c + Tc = Tc_sp
engine, and this paper regards it as the equivalent viscous
τeng Ṫeng + Teng = Teng_sp (7)
friction as in [26]. In this paper, the viscous friction torque
is obtained from a bench test and deng can be regarded as a where Td is the driver torque demand; Te_sp , Tc_sp and Teng_sp
multi-lookup table function by using the dimensions engine are the EM control set points, the clutch control set points
speed ωeng , throttle opening rthrottle and oil temperature Toil and the engine control set points respectively; τe and τc are
as shown in (3), with the value shown in Fig. 2. constant values of the EM torque time delay and the clutch
friction torque time delay, respectively; τeng is related to the
deng = Fun(ωeng , rthrottle , Toil ) (3) engine speed and the number of cylinders nc as follows:
The start-up time target is intended to be within 1 second. 4π
τeng = (8)
During this short period, the change in oil temperature and nc ωeng
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J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

Thus, the driveline model can be expressed in the form of a engine starts to ignite, the clutch is forced to disengage. The
continuous state-space with states, manipulated variables and corresponding indicator gc becomes 0 and leads the set points
disturbance variables shown in: Tc_sp to 0.
The engine, the clutch, and the EM obey the coordination
ẋ = Ac x + Bcu u + Bcd1 Td + Bcd2 TL
of the MPC and execute the torque set points by the MPC.
y = Cc x (9) The engine speed, motor speed and wheel speed are fed back
where, AC , Bcu , Bcd1 , Bcd2 , and Cc as shown at the bottom of to the MPC in real-time. The rolling distance state is added
the next page. based on the wheel speed. The engine speed, torsion speed
where the states x, the manipulated variables u, and the of the driveline, and rolling distance are measured output
output y are defined as: items. Torque demand prediction and the load observer are
designed as the disturbance inputs to displace the original
x = [ωeng , θs , ω1 , ω2 , Te , Tc , Teng , s]T torque demand and real load, respectively. Based on the
u = [Te_sp , Tc_sp , Teng_sp ]T abovementioned states, disturbance inputs and measurement
outputs, the MPC optimizes the calculation of the set points
y = [ωeng , ωs , s, Tc , ω1 , ω2 , Te , Teng ]T (10)
for the engine, clutch and motor torque. A schematic diagram
of the control is shown in Fig. 4.
If the ICE start-up process occurs at a slightly high vehicle
speed, this can cause difficulties in handling and stability
control [29], [30]. Meanwhile, for the stable direction of
clutch friction torque described in (5), we assume that the
initial vehicle speed should range from 20 km/h to 33km/h.
The control architecture is hierarchical, and the upper layer
of the controller determines the start-up process based on
initial conditions. This paper only discusses how to imple-
ment the start-up, with no gear shifting occurring during the

FIGURE 4. Schematic of the start-up control.

Some parameters described in Section 2 are updated at

each control interval. For the linear time varying model,
an adaptive MPC is a suitable solution [32]. The physical
plant is transferred to a discrete state-space model as shown
x(k + 1) = Ax (k) + Bu u (k) + Bd1 Td (k) + Bd2 TL (k) (11)
A = eAc Ts
FIGURE 3. Two stages of the start-up process.
Bu = eAc Ts dtBcu
The start-up process during braking has two stages, Bd1 = eAc Ts dtBcd1
as shown in Fig. 3. The first stage occurs when the engine Z TS
is dragged by the clutch and reaches the ignition speed. Bd2 = eAc Ts dtBcd2
During this stage, the engine is not ignited and is unable 0
to provide a positive driving torque. The indicator gig is 0,
which assigns the engine torque Teng and the set points Because the engine delay time τeng , viscous friction fac-
Teng_sp in (9) without affecting other state variables. Based tor deng , ignition state indicator gig , and clutch contacting
on the principle of least cost in the cost function [31], state indicator gc are not constant, they need to be updated
Teng and Teng_sp also remain zero. During the second stage, step by step during the prediction process. They are first
the engine starts to ignite and provides a positive torque. calculated based on the measured engine speed ωeng (k). After
At this time, the indicator gig becomes 1, and both the state that, the factors of the state-space equation AC (k), Bcu (k),
variable Teng and the manipulated variable Teng_sp are acti- Bcd1 (k) and Bcd2 (k) are updated. By converting the contin-
vated and affect calculation inputs and outputs. When the uous state-space equation to a discrete equation, A(k), Bu (k),

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Bd1 (k) and Bd2 (k) are also updated. The load T̂L (k) and smoothly near the target, as shown in Fig. 3. Its reference
state variables that are not measured directly are estimated trajectory is calculated as follows:
by using the discrete state-space equation. We estimate the
predicted torque demand Td (k) based on the prediction strat- ωeng
egy. Then, the output vector Y (k + 1|k) can be calculated 
in the predictive horizon. The controller solves the sequence 
0 t ≤ t0 ;
t − t0 3 t − t0 2

U (K ) according to the optimization algorithm, and then the
= 2ωeng_d − 3ωengd t − t0 ≤ T ;
first element is used as the control target of the actuators. 
 T T
ωeng_d t − t0 > T ;

After the actuators execute the set points, the next cycle 
is repeated. The work process of the controller is shown (12)
in Fig. 5.
where ωengr is the engine speed reference trajectory with an
B. CONTROL REFERENCES initial value of 0; t0 is the time point when the system decides
The engine speed reference, torsion speed reference and to start the engine using clutch friction; ωeng_d is the idle
rolling distance reference can guide the controller to achieve speed target; and T is the control duration of the engine speed
the control objectives. When the vehicle is braking and the from 0 to the idle target.
engine is allowed to be dragged, the engine speed is expected The torsion speed reference is taken as 0 because the
to reach the ignition target quickly and approach the target smoothing of the process and a low torsion speed are desired.

 deng gc gig 
− 0 0 0 0 0
 Jeng Jeng Jeng 
 
 
 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0
 r 
 Ks d1 Cs Cs 1 gc 
 0 − − − 2 − 0 0

 J1 r J1 r J1 rJ1 J1 J1 

 Ks Cs Cs d2 
 0 − − 0 0 0 0
AC =  J2 J2 r J2 J2 
 
0 0 0 0 − 0 0 0
 

 
 1 
 0 0 0 0 0 − 0 0
 
 
 1 
 0 0 0 0 0 0 − 0
 τeng 
0 0 0 rw 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 τe 
 gig 1

Bcu = 0 0 0 0 − 0 0

τe τc 
 
 1 
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bcd1 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bcd2 = 0 0 0 − 0 0 0 0
 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1
 0 r −1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
 
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Cc = 

 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

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J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control


F = eFm Ts
B= eFm Ts dtBm
where Ts is the sample time. Once the angle position item θ2 is
removed, a reduced-order observer can be obtained. Using the
angle position for correction, the observer can be expressed
ω̂2 (k + 1) ω̂2 (k)
E11 −B1 B1
= + Ttor (k)
T̂L (k + 1) 0 1 T̂L (k) 0
+ 1 (θ 2 (k + 1) − θ̂2 (k + 1)) (16)
where l1 and l2 are feedback gain coefficients. Speed ω2 is
measured by the sensor; thus, (16) can be rewritten as:

T̂L (k + 1) = T̂L (k) + l2 /l1 (ω̂2 (k + 1) − E11 ω̂2 (k)

FIGURE 5. Adaptive MPC work process.
−B1 Ttor (k) + B1 T̂L (k)) (17)
When the torque demand is fully met, the ideal wheel
rolling distance is used as a reference, as shown in: D. TORQUE DEMAND PREDICTION
Z t
Td r − rd 1 ω1 − T̂L − d2 ω2 The dynamics equation (9) is subject to the driver’s torque
sr = vt0 t + ( )tdt (13) demand, which is another input disturbance. The usual pro-
t0 J2
cessing method is to use the sampled previous step value as
where vt0 is the initial vehicle speed. the current step input. In this way, the algorithm can lead
to a passive torque response, and this study recommends the
following method:
Load is a disturbance input that is difficult to measure but can In the (m−1) past instances, the sampling values are Td (k+
be calculated. References [33], [34] introduced the method of 1−m), Td (k +2−m), . . . . . . Td (k −1), and the current sample
calculating load using the Luenberger observer. To simplify value is Td (k). Suppose α1 is the slope of the straight line,
the calculation, a reduced-order load observer [35] is adopted. which can be calculated from the sampled value at the past
The change in load is mainly caused by the change in slope time of (m − 1). It is predicted that at time t(t ≤ k + p) in the
and the rate of change is low, which is considered unchanged future, the driver’s torque demand approaches T̃d (t) from the
during a sampling period. straight line, as shown in Fig.6;
The shaft torsion torque Ttor is given by Ttor = Ks θs +
Cs .θ˙s . Then, a simple state-space equation can be obtained
from the torque balance on the wheel:
ω˙2 ω2
= Fm + Bm Ttor − Bm TL
θ˙2 θ2
 
− 0
Fm =  J2 
1 0
 
Bm =  J2  (14) FIGURE 6. Td prediction method.
By discretizing (14), and considering TL as a state variable This can be written in the form of
and slow load change with T̂L (k + 1) = T̂L (k), it can be T̃d (t) = Td (k) + α1 (t − k) (18)
modelled as follows:
ω̂2 (k + 1) ω̂2 (k) To evaluate the linear approximation effect, an evaluation
    
F11 F12 −B1
 θ̂2 (k + 1)  =  F21 F22 −B2   θ̂2 (k)  function can be constructed
T̂L (k + 1) 0 0 1 T̂L (k) Xk−1 2
Jd = qi (Td (i) − T̃d (i)) (19)
 
+  B2  Ttor (k) (15) where qi is a weight matrix. Since Jd is a concave quadratic
0 function, α1 exists with the minimum value of Jd . This can

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be obtained when ∂α 1 = 0. where Sx , Su , Sd1 , and Sd2 are calculated as follows:
 
∂Jd Xk−1   CA
=2 qi Td (i) − T̃d (i) (i − k) = 0  CA2 
∂α 1 i=k−m+1
Sx =  . 
 
Pk−1 .
i=k+m−1 qi (Td (i) − Td (k))
 . 
α1 = Pk−1 (20) CAP P×1
i=k−m+1 (i-k)  
CBu 0 ··· 0
When using (18) to make a prediction, it can be written as  CABu CBu ··· 0 
.. .. .. ..
 
Td (k + 1)
 
. . . .
 
 
 Td (k + 2)  Su =  CAm−1 Bu CAm−2 Bu · · ·

CBu 
 ..
 
.. .. .. ..
 

. . . .
  
 
Td (k + p) p−1
CA Bu p−2
CA Bu · · · CA P−m Bu p×m
 
1 1 
Td (k)
  
1 2 P CBd1 0 ··· 0
  k−1
..   i=k−m+1 qi (Td (i) − Td (k))  (21)
   CABd1 CB d1 · · · 0 
. Sd1 =  .. .. .. .. 
 
. .
. . . . 
i=k−m+1 (i-k)

1 p
CAp−1 Bd1 CAp−2 Bd1 ··· CBd1 P×P
 
 X2
We use Y ( k + 1| k) to denote the output vector in the pre- CAi−1 Bd2 

diction horizon P and y ( k + i| k) to present the predicted Sd2 =
 i=1

output for time k +i based on the information at time k. Then,  Xp .
 

Y ( k + 1| k) is described as: i−1
CA Bd2
i=1 P×1
y ( k + 1| k)
 
 y ( k + 2| k) 
Y ( k + 1| k) =  .. (22)
 

  The optimization can make the control output track the given
y ( k + p| k) P×1
reference with penalizing heavy manipulation. This is usually
expressed as a quadratic function form:
The input vector of prediction torque demand is repre- 
sented by TD (k) as: min J (U (k) , Y ( k + 1| k) , m, p)
U (k)
J = wy (Y ( k + 1| k) − R ( k + 1| k)) 2 + kwu U (k)k2

Td (k)
 
 Td (k + 1)  (26)
TD (k) =  . (23)
 
 ..

where wy and wu are the weighting vectors of the sequences

Td (k + p) p×1 of output and control input, respectively, and can be adjusted
for controller behaviour; R ( k + 1| k) is the reference trajec-
U (k) is defined as the input vector in control horizon m,
tory matrix, which is composed of the vector of the engine
as shown in:
speed reference, torsional speed reference and wheel rolling
u (k)
 
distance reference.
 u (k + 1)  In actual applications, the engine torque Teng , the EM
U (k) =  .. (24)
 
torque Te , and the clutch friction torque Tc have limitations

 
and cannot change arbitrarily. Considering the physical con-
u (k + m − 1) m×1 straints of power source components and ensuring a correct
One of the principles of MPC is based on the assumption control act, equation (26) is subject to
that the disturbance torque remains unchanged in the predic- (
umin ≤ u(k) ≤ umax
tion horizon and the manipulated variables are unchanged out (27)
of the control horizon. In horizon p, the load value at time k is 1umin ≤ 1u(k) ≤ 1umax
taken as a constant. In horizon p-m, the control torque is the where
same as the value at time k + m−1. The output Y ( k + 1| k) T
u (k) = Te_sp (k) Tc_sp (k) Teng_sp (k)

can be further written by extending (22) as follows:
umin = Temin Tcmin min

Y ( k + 1| k) = Sx x (k)+Su U (k) + Sd1 TD (k) + Sd2 T̂L (k) Teng
umax = Temax Tcmax max

(25) Teng

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J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

FIGURE 7. Overview of simulation models.

T  
1umin = 1T min

1Tcmin 1Teng
min I 0 0 0 0 0 ··· 0 0 0
T 0 I 0 0 0 0 ··· 0 0 0
1umax 1T max 1Tcmax 1Teng

 
e 0 0 I 0 0 0 ··· 0 0 0
 
I 0 0 I 0 0 ··· 0 0 0
where Temin , Tcmin , Teng
min , T max , T max , and T max are used to
e c eng

0 I 0 0 I 0 ··· 0 0 0

describe the torque limits of the manipulated inputs; 1Temin , M=  0 0 I

0 0 I ··· 0 0 0

1T min
c , 1T eng , 1T e , 1Tc
min max max , and 1T max are the limits of
eng  ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

the change rate of the manipulated inputs. . . . . . . . . . .
 
By considering the constraints (27), the optimization I 0 0 I 0 0 ··· I 0 0
 
problem (26) can be transformed as a quadratic program- 0 I 0 0 I 0 ··· 0 I 0
ming (QP) problem 0 0 I 0 0 I ··· 0 0 I 3m×3m
  max 
min 1 U (k)T HU (k) + G( k + 1| k)T U (k)  ..
U (k) 2 U1 =  .

(28) 
C 1U (k) ≥ b
u 1umax
 m×1

L1 =  ...
 
H = 2(SuT wTy wy Su + wTu wu )

1umin m×1
G ( k + 1| k) = 2SuT wTy wy Ep ( k + 1| k)
 
Ep ( k +1| k) = R(k +1| k)−Sx x (k)−Sd1 TD (k) − Sd2 T̂L (k)
U 2 =  ...
 
  
Cu = 
 N   m×1
 
 −M 
M L2 =  ...
 
  
−U 1 umin
 L  m×1
b= 
 −U 2  Finally, by considering the constraints and solving the QP
L2 problem, the control sequence U (k) can be obtained. Only
the first element of U (k) is selected as the control signal u (k)
where and this procedure is repeated at each time step.
 
I 0 ··· 0
I ··· 0
N =.

.. .. .. 
 .. . . . The hybrid vehicle and driveline are modelled using MAT-
0 0 ··· I 3m×3m LAB/Simulink, and the model diagram is shown in Fig.7.

133070 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

The simulation model is integrated by the control system,

driveline components and vehicle dynamics model. The con-
trol system includes the MPC, speed reference, load observer
and torque demand prediction. The design of MPC is guided
by [36], and the parameters of the plant as in (11) are updated
through the MATLAB program. Models of a 1.6 L gasoline
engine and an 80 Kw EM are mapped using the main dimen-
sions of torque command and rotating speed. Their dynamic
characteristics include inertia, time delay and viscous friction
coefficient. The clutch model is a dry disc type with an equiv-
alent net radius of 0.117 m. The parameters of the gearbox
and differential dynamics models are the ratio and inertia.
The half shaft is modelled as a flexible shaft with a certain
stiffness and viscous friction coefficient. The wheel dynamics
parameters are inertia and the damping coefficient, and the
longitudinal force model is based on the magic formula. The
vehicle model has a 1 DOF rigid body. The relevant parame-
ters of the simulation model system are shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1. Simulation parameters.

FIGURE 8. E-motor work performance: case 1, case 2, and case 3 are

sorted from top to bottom according to the deceleration intensity.


Three testing cases with a time window of 1 s are randomly
selected from the WLTC, as shown in Fig. 8a, to study the
energy savings potential. The energy consumption levels in
the three testing cases, with the motor torques calculated
using the proposed strategy shown in Fig. 8b, are compared
in Fig. 8c. If the start-up process is engaged without the
use of MoI and the engine is purely driven by the electrical
starter, the torque Tno_MoI (shown in Fig.8b) and the energy
Wno_MoI (shown in Fig.8c) for the driving engine from rota-
tion to ignition can be calculated by

Tno_MoI = Jeng ω̇eng + deng ωeng

Z tig
Wno_MoI = (J eng ω̇eng + deng ωeng )ωeng dt (29)

The EM torque mainly follows the difference between the

driver’s demand and the clutch friction torque. If the MoI
is insufficient, the EM work may exceed Wno_MoI in some
intervals, as case 1 shows in Figure 8c; otherwise, the motor
VOLUME 8, 2020 133071
J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

can maintain a negative torque output, as shown in case 2 and

case 3. Therefore, a lower intensity of deceleration leads to
smaller energy savings effects. The time tig is 0.71 s. Wno_MoI
is 696J at time tig . The EM work of case 1, case 2, and
case 3 at time tig are 203J, −1119J, and −3458J, respectively.
Compared with no use of MoI, the driving energy in testing
cases 1, 2 and 3 is reduced by 71%, 261%, and 597%,

To study the efforts of the proposed approach, we assume
a baseline where the EM does not participate in the inertial
start-up process. The optimization performance of case 1 is
shown in Fig. 9.
We also assume that both the proposed approach and
baseline follow the same reference trajectory. According to
the results, the engine speed can reach the ignition point
at the same time. When the torque demand decreases rapidly,
the torsion speed is more intensive for the torque demand
response than the baseline. The maximum torsion speed with
EM participation is 0.24 rad/s at approximately 0.2 s. During
the same phase the peak value of the baseline is 0.19 rad/s
with a delay. Although the torsion speed is slightly higher
than the baseline during this phase, the torque response is
significantly better than the baseline. When the friction torque
suddenly changes due to disengagement, the clutch driven
disc rotates with the constraints because of the EM partici-
pation, while the clutch driven disc of the baseline loses the
constraints with a maximum torsion speed of 0.48 rad/s at
approximately 0.84 s.
After the start-up is completed, the wheel rolling distance
with EM participation exceeds the reference of 0.02 m, while
the wheel rolling distance of the baseline exceeds the refer-
ence of 0.06 m. In the case of deceleration, this is conducive
to safety.
To describe the torque demand tracking, the measured
torque demand and the torque demand error can be defined
as (30) and shown in Fig.9d.

Td_mea = (J2 ω˙2 − d2 ω2 − T̂L )/r

Td_err = Td_mea − Td (30)

The reference of torque demand derives from the pedal FIGURE 9. Optimization performance comparison between the process
signal. During the EM participation process, the measured with EM participation and without EM participation: a) engine speed
torque demand follows the reference with a maximum error tracking; b) wheel rolling distance; c) torsion speed; d) the measured
torque demand.
of 9.2 Nm at approximately 0.35 s caused by a rapid engine
speed increase. The measured torque demand of the baseline
has difficulty following the reference, because the clutch the adaptive MPC to illustrate the effect of the controller.
friction torque does not satisfy the torque demand when Fig. 10 shows the simulation results.
it is adjusted according to the engine speed tracking if no The comparison is also based on the same expected start-up
measures are taken (for example, the integrated brakes and time. The PID controller enables the engine speed to track the
engine traction [15]). reference at the same level as the MPC. Before 0.2 s, the tor-
sion increases earlier, so it quickly responds to the torque
D. CONTROLLER PERFORMANCE demand compared to the PID controller. The maximum tor-
We use the MATLAB toolbox to design a PID controller with sion speed under PID control is 0.29 rad/s at 0.2 s because
the same limits as given in TABLE 1, and compare with the torque demand suddenly changes. Clutch disengagement

133072 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

FIGURE 11. Simulation results of torque demand prediction: a) driver

torque demand; b) torque demand error.


The torque demand error can be reduced by the prediction
method. The simulation results are shown in Fig. 11. By pre-
diction, torque demand has aggressive tracking, which means
a good response to driver intentions. When the pedal signal
changes rapidly, the prediction result can approach the target
faster. The results show a significant improvement at approx-
imately 0.2 s. The torque demand errors with prediction and
without prediction are −5.90 Nm and −8.1 Nm, respectively.
The main positive effect of torque demand prediction is that
it can improve the demand torque error with a fast decrease
in torque demand.
FIGURE 10. Optimization performance comparison between MPC and
PID controller: a) engine speed tracking; b) wheel rolling distance; c)
torsion speed; d) the measured torque demand. V. CONCLUSION
With the aim of higher drivability control, during an ICE
occurs at approximately 0.8 s, and the peak torsion speed is start-up process, an adaptive MPC is proposed. The simu-
obviously slower than that under PID control. lation results demonstrate the improvement of engine speed
The wheel rolling distance under PID control exceeds the tracking, torsional speed, torque demand error and wheel
reference of 0.023 m. rolling distance. This approach provides a feasible way to
The measured torque demand under PID control has a reduce the energy consumption of HEVs.
larger deviation from the reference value. Large torque errors This approach is worthy of further study. Lateral dynamics
of approximately 10 Nm occur at 0.35 s, 0.6 s, and 0.95 s control, such as in [37], [38], during the MoI-driven start-up
and cause a sudden torque change in torque demand, a sharp process needs to be considered. This should be implemented
increase in engine speed, and clutch disengagement, respec- under real road conditions to better optimize drivability and
tively. Obviously, the MPC has a better performance in the reliability so more opportunities to start engines in an eco-
comparison. nomical way can be generated.

VOLUME 8, 2020 133073

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133074 VOLUME 8, 2020

J. Wang et al.: MoI-Driven Engine Start-Up Method Based on Adaptive Model Predictive Control

XIANJUN HOU received the Ph.D. degree from HONGMING XU received the Ph.D. degree from
the Wuhan University of Technology, in 2009. Imperial College London. He is a Professor of
He is currently a Professor with the School energy and automotive engineering with the Uni-
of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan University versity of Birmingham and the Head of the Vehicle
of Technology. He is engaged in the research and Engine Technology Research Centre. After
of energy-saving and new energy vehicles, receiving the Ph.D. degree, he has six years of
CAD/CAE/NVH of power systems, and the appli- industrial experience with Jaguar Land Rover
cations of nanomaterials in the automobile indus- and Premier Automotive Group of Ford. He has
try. He currently serves as the Deputy Chairman over 400 journal and conference publications in
of the Automotive Environmental Protection Tech- advanced vehicle powertrain systems involving
nology Branch, China Society of Automotive Engineering, the Director of both experimental and modeling studies. He was a member of the Ford
the Hubei Provincial Internal Combustion Engine Society and the Small and HCCI Global Steering Committee, and the Project Manager and Technical
Medium Power Professional Committee, and a member of the China Internal Leader of U.K. Foresight Vehicle LINK Projects CHARGE and CHASE,
Combustion Engine Society’s Fuel, Lubrication, and Diesel Branch. from 2002 to 2007. He is a Fellow of SAE International and IMechE.

QUAN ZHOU (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D.

degree in mechanical engineering from the Univer-
sity of Birmingham (UoB), in 2019. He is currently
a Research Fellow and the Team Leader of Con-
nected and Autonomous Systems for Electrified
Vehicles (CASE-V) Research, UoB. His research
outcomes have won Innovate U.K. funding for
CHANGQING DU received the Ph.D. degree from commercialization of university research. His
the Wuhan University of Technology, in 2009. research interests include artificial intelligence,
After graduating with the Ph.D. degree, he con- evolutionary computation, fuzzy inference, and
ducted postdoctoral studies at SAIC-GM-Wuling reinforcement learning. He received the Visiting Scholar Award from
Automotive Company, Ltd., from 2011 to 2013. Tsinghua University, in 2019, for leading a project that developed a digital
From 2015 to 2016, he continued to visit The Ohio twin of electrified powertrains. He was distinguished by being awarded the
State University Automotive Research Center, as a UoB’s Ratcliffe Prize for the best postgraduate research in science, in 2019.
Visiting Scholar. He is currently a Professor with He was invited to chair a session at the IFAC International Symposium on
the School of Automotive Engineering, Wuhan Advances in Automotive Control, in 2019. He reviews articles for Applied
University of Technology. He is engaged in the Energy and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS.
research of new energy vehicles and their power plants.

VOLUME 8, 2020 133075

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