Barron Vocab 1

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VOCAB. 1-1
字 中意 英意 句子/用法
crate 板條箱 a box made of wood, plastic, or metal, especially a packing crate
one divided into parts to hold bottles
span 橫跨 to extend across An old bridge spans the river just outside
the town.
swath 大塊區域 a long strip or large area especially of land Huge swathes of rainforest are being
cleared for farming and mining.
integrity 完整 the quality of being whole and complete A modern extension on the old building
would ruin its architectural integrity.
amphibian 兩棲動物 an animal that lives both on land and in water
but must produce its eggs in water
canopy 頂罩、樹蔭、樹冠層 the branches and leaves that spread out at the
top of a group of trees forming a type of roof
porous 多孔的;能滲漏的 Something that is porous has many small holes, porous  soil  with good  drainage
so liquid or air can pass through, especially
microbe 微生物 a very small living thing, especially one that
causes disease, that can only be seen with a
furrow 皺紋;溝;車轍 a long line or hollow that is formed or cut into A deep furrow has formed in the rock,
the surface of something where water has run over it for centuries.
obliterate 徹底毀掉 to remove all signs of something, either by All of a sudden the view was obliterated
destroying it or by covering it so that it cannot by the fog.
be seen
erode 侵蝕 to rub or be rubbed away gradually The cliffs are eroding several feet a year.
emit 發出 to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas The machine emits a high-pitched sound
when you press the button.
airborne 在空中的;空氣傳播的 in the air, or carried by air or wind or by an The airborne radioactive particles have
aircraft covered a huge area of Russia
vapor 蒸氣 gas or extremely small drops of liquid that The hollow glass tank contains hot
result from the heating of a liquid or solid mercury vapour.

sedimentat 沉澱物 a soft substance that is like a wet powder and There was a brown sediment in the
consists of very small pieces of a solid material bottom of the bottle
that have fallen to the bottom of a liquid
rainfall 降雨、(降)雨量 rain, or the amount of rain that falls Heavy rainfall ruined the match.
basin 盆地、流域
tract 大片土地 a large area of land The house is surrounded by vast tracts of
facilitate 促使;使便利 to make something possible or easier The new ramp will facilitate the entry of
字 中意 英意 句子/用法
ecological 生態的;環保的 relating to ecology or the environment The destruction of the rain forests is an
ecological disaster.
niche 適合的工作(或職位) a job or position that is very suitable for He has carved/made a niche for himself as
someone, especially one that they like a financial advisor.
ecological niche 生態位
equatorial 赤道的 near the equator, or typical of places near the The equatorial climate of the Amazonian
equator rain forests is hot and wet.
tern 燕鷗 a small black and white sea bird with long,
pointed wings and a divided tail
altitude 海拔 height above sea level
latitude 緯度 the position north or south of the equator
measured from 0° to 90°
elevation 海拔;高度 the height of a place above the level of the sea Atmospheric pressure varies with
elevation and temperature.
grouse 松雞 a small fat bird, shot for sport and food
tundra 苔原帶
atop 在…之上 on or at the top of She sat atop a two-metre wall.
unerring 萬無一失的 never failing to hit a target
innate 天生的,固有的 An innate quality or ability is one that you were
born with, not one you have learned.

cue 提示 a signal for someone to do something


字 中意 英意 句子/用法
shifting 不斷變化的、不斷移動的 always changing or moving They lost their way in the shifting sands
of the Sahara.
dune 沙丘 a hill of sand near a beach or in a desert
harsh 令人不快的;嚴酷的 unpleasant, unkind, cruel, or more severe than is The children had had a harsh
necessary upbringing(家教).
scorching 灼熱的 very hot It was scorching hot inside the
frigid 嚴寒的 extremely cold Few plants can grow in such a frigid
stoma 氣孔 one of the many pores on a leaf
pore 毛孔;氣孔;小孔
photosynthesis 光合作用
gland 腺體 The glands in my neck are a little bit
saline 生理食鹽水、含鹽的
spiny 長滿刺的 covered with spines
shrub 灌木
wispy 一縷(縷)的 in the form of a wisp
hydraulic 水壓的,液壓的 a hydraulic lift/platform
conductance 傳導

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