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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Dance for College Levels

Prepared By: Hazel N. Glori

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Memorize all the dance positions of the arms and feet.
2. Analyze the importance of the basic dance positions of folk dancing.
3. Perform accurately all the dance positions of the arms and feet in time with the music.

II. Subject Matter : Dance Positions of the Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing.

Reference/s : Aquino, Francisca R. (1982.) Fundamental Dance Steps and Music

Materials : Bluetooth speaker, Music, Printed handouts about the topic,




A. Preliminary Activities/Daily


Good morning, class Good morning, Ma’am!

Let’s start our day with a prayer. May I call

on our prayer leader to lead us? (a student will lead the prayer)
Thank you, prayer leader.

Warm up Exercise

Now, let’s warm up our bodies. Find your

own space, everyone! (students will arrange themselves)

Ready positions, everyone! (teacher starts


a. Heads up (8 counts), Heads down (8

counts), Heads to the R (8 counts),
Heads to the L (8 counts).

b. Repeat all a in 4 counts.

c. Turn head in clockwise (8 counts),

counterclockwise (8 counts)

d. Turn shoulders to the back (8 counts),

to the front (8 counts)

e. Upper torso turn to R (8 counts), to L

(8 counts)

f. Squats (8 counts)

g. Right ankle turn to R (8 counts), to L

(8 counts)

h. Repeat g with L ankle.

i. Jumping jacks (8 counts)

Good job, everyone! You can drink water

first, but please don’t sit down yet. (students take this chance to wipe
themselves and drink water)

B. Motivation

Alright, let’s settle down. Everyone, find

your own space. We’ll have a short game. (students go to their spaces)

I think you are familiar with the relay game,

correct? Yes, ma’am
Great, because our game will be a relay.
But there’s a twist. For this game, you will
have to pick from the mystery box located
at the other end. You will either be asked to
answer a question related in folk dance or
you will have to execute a movement.

Do you understand the instructions? Yes, Ma’am!

Okay, then, divide the class into two (the class divides themselves into two
groups. groups)

Are we ready? Yes!

3, 2, 1, GO! (students start the game)

Great job, everyone! I hope you’re all


Please, go to your respective places so we

can start our new lesson (students go to their respective places)

C. Lesson Proper

In our previous lesson, we talked about the

common dance terms in folk dancing, now
we’ll move on to the fundamental arms and
feet movements of folk dancing.

Have you heard of the fundamental

movements of folk dance? Yes, ma’am

Great. Can anyone tell me how many

fundamental arm movements there are? Ma’am, there 5 fundamental arm

Yes, that’s correct. Then, how many feet

movements are there? Ma’am there are also 5 fundamental
feet movements!

Very good. That’s right. There are 5

fundamental arms and 5 fundamental feet
movements in folk dancing.

Now, I want everyone to stand up. No extra

movements. (students stand still in their places)
Before we start from the first position or
movement, we’ll first learn what we call the
‘dancer’s position.’

Now, everyone, copy what I am doing.

Stand straight. Chest out, stomach in, and
square up your shoulders. Make sure that
you are not looking up, but rather straight
out. Your chin should be parallel to the
ground. Your hands should be by your side.
Not out front or back, but by your sides.
Now, imagine that you are carrying two
medium sized balls between your arms and
your body. You should look like this.
(teacher executes the dancer’s position)
(students try to execute the dancer’s

(teacher may take time to correct the


Good job. Now, I want you to give me 8

counts of the dancer’s position.

(teacher may use castanets to count) (students execute the dancer’s position
in 8 counts)

Great! Now, let’s move on to the

fundamental movements.

As we’ve said earlier, there are 5

movements or positions for the feet, and 5
more for the arms. We’ll first learn the arms,
then the feet. Alright? Yes, ma’am!

Okay. So, for the first position, the arms

should make a circle in front of the body.
Your fingertips are almost touching, with the
back of the hand facing front. The arms
should be rounded that the elbows are
slightly below the shoulders, the wrists
slightly below the elbows.

Please remember that when we execute

the arm positions, our fingers should always
be together so that it would look clean.
Also, your wrist should be connected to
your arms, not bended. (students try to execute the movement)

(teacher may take time to correct the


Now, I want you to go back to dancer’s

position going to the first arm position.
Ready, everyone? Yes, ma’am

Alright. When you go back to dancer’s

position from the first position, the direction
of the transition should be going down to
the sides gradually, like this.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Now, give me 8 counts of the dancer’s

position, then transition to the first arms in
another 8 counts. That should be 16
counts. Remember the gradual and smooth
transition, okay? (students try to execute the movement)

Great! Now for the first feet position, from

the position of the dancer’s position (feet
together), move the balls of your feet 45°
out, with your heels together.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Good. Then, execute from the dancer’s

position going to first position in 16 counts.
Remember to transition both the arms and
feet, alright? (students try to execute the movement)

Very good. Always remember to keep your

fingers together and your wrists connected
to your arms, okay? Yes, ma’am

Now, from the first position going to the

second position, open your arms until they
are diagonally by your sides, just below
your shoulders, slightly forward. You should
be able to see your arms when you look at
them using your peripherals. The palms of
the hands facing front, the fingers are
slightly rounded.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

For the second feet position, move your

foot (either R or L) to the length of your
shoulders, facing 45° outwards.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Good. Now, please give me 8 counts of the

first position going to second position
another 8 counts. Remember to always
keep your fingers together. (students try to execute the movement)

(teacher may take time to correct the


Well done, class. Now, for the third position

of the arms. From the second position, the
R(L) arm makes a half circle over, slightly in
front of the head, while the L(R) arm stays
in second position.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Then, from the second position of the feet,

the heel of one foot (either R or L) is placed
near the in-step of the other foot.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Remember that when you transition from

second to third position, the arm that is
going over your head should be the same
feet you’re moving to the in-step of your
other foot. Meaning, when you move your
righthand up, then you’ll also move your
right foot in, and vice versa. Is that clear for
everyone? Yes, ma’am!

Good, then go back to dancer’s position.

Give me 8 counts of dancer’s position, 8
counts of 1st position, 8 counts of 2nd
position, and 8 counts of the 3rd position.

Ready, position, and…

(teacher may use castanets to count, and (students execute the movements)
may take time to correct the students)

Great job, everyone! Now moving on to the

fourth position. The R (L) arm that makes a
half circle over, slightly in front of the head
stays. The L(R) arm that is in the second
position will go in front of the body, like the
first arm position.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Now for the feet, the one foot that is in the

in-step of the other will move slightly
forward, with your heel slightly twisted out
and in line with the heel of the other foot.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

Moving on to the last fundamental position

from fourth position. The hand that is in the
first position (either R or L) will move up to
form a circle over your head. When you try
to look at your palms above your head with
your eyes only, without moving your head,
you should be able to see them. If you can’t
then you should move your arms a bit
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)

For the feet, all you have to do is slide your

foot that is in front to your other foot. The
ball of the foot that is in front should be
almost touching the biggest toes on your
other foot. It should be slightly twisted out,
toes almost facing sideways and in line with
the heel of the other foot.
(teacher demonstrates the movement for (students try to execute the same
the class) movement)
Is everything clear so far? Yes, ma’am

Great! Then, let’s execute all the

fundamental positions. Each position will be
in 8 counts. That means 4 counts for the
transition and 4 counts to stay in that
position. Alright? Yes, ma’am

Start in dancer’s position, 8 counts stay

then 4 counts to transition to 1st position,
then stay for 4 counts. Is that clear? Yes, ma’am

Ready dancer’s position. 5, 6, 7, and…

(teacher may use castanets to count) (students execute the movements)

D. Generalization

Great job, everyone! Now let’s

intellectualize what we just learned.

Can anyone tell me what we learned just

now? Ma’am, learned about the 5
fundamental arms and feet position in
folk dancing, and how to properly
execute them.

Yes, that’s right. There are 5 fundamental

arms and feet positions in folk dancing.
Though, the feet positions are not being
used as much as the arms when actually
dancing because the feet are usually doing
waltz, walking, stomping, turning or other
feet movements.

Is that clear for everyone? Yes, ma’am

Can I have someone to execute all five

fundamental positions for us? (a student volunteers to demonstrate)

E. Application

Now that you know how to execute the

movements in counting’s, this time, I want
you to execute them in music.
I will be playing a folk song and I want you
to execute the movements that I will be
telling you. For example, I want you to start
in dancer’s position, then after 8 counts, I’ll
say the next position, like “2nd position.”
Then, you’ll have to transition from dancer’s
position to 2nd position. Each movement
should be in 8 counts.

Do you understand the instructions well? Yes, ma’am!

Great, then ready dancer’s position. I will

now play the music.

(teacher plays music) (students starts to execute the

movements that the teacher will say)

F. Valuing

Very good, everyone! It seems that you

memorized and learned the movements
very well based on your performance.
Though, there are small details that can still
improve through continued practice, your
performance was still really great especially
when you’ve just learned it today.

Why do you think is it important to learn

these fundamental movements when you
learn folk dancing? Ma’am, because these 5 fundamental
movements are the basic movements
of folk dance.

Yes. Anything else? Ma’am, it’s because you can’t do folk

dance if you don’t know the basics
since these movements comprise most
of the folk dances in the Philippines.

Very good. Most of the western-influenced

dances comprise of these 5 fundamental
movements. Now we all know why it is
important to learn these movements first
before actually dancing any western-
influenced dances.
III. Evaluation

Instructions: Draw the fundamental positions being asked.

1. Third arm position
2. First feet position 6. Third feet position
3. Fourth feet position 7. Second feet position
4. Fifth arm position 8. First arm position
5. Second arm position 9. Fifth feet position
10. Fourth arm position

IV. Assignment

Review the 5 fundamental arms and feet positions. Take a picture of the 5 positions and
upload it on our Google Drive folder.

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