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Good morning ladies and gentlemen. May I have your attention please.

We are about to begin

our program for this wedding reception so please locate your respective seats and make yourself
comfortable. You may take photos and can post it to social media using our official hashtag
____________________________________________. Thank you very much. I’ll be right back.

Getting married in the middle of an emerging pandemic is an entirely new

challenge for many couples. However, even during the toughest times, love will always
prevail. Nothing could keep anyone from marrying the love of their life, not even a global
A very wonderful day ladies and gentlemen, friends and loved ones, welcome to
Christian Savior and Racella Anne wedding luncheon. Here we are on this lovely
reception at the Barangay Amphitheater of Quimalabasa Sur, San Agustin, Isabela for
our newly wed’s celebration of the beginning of their life together.

I am JM, and I’ll be your host for today’s celebration.

So again, reminding everyone to please observe health protocols.

Ladies, gentlemen, friends and loved ones, in behalf of the newlyweds and their
parents, we would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this
memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all this day. So, sit down, relax
and let us enjoy the rest of the day.


At this point, with great honor and gratitude I now introduce to you the young at
heart and spirit, the gracious and generous, the principal sponsors. As I call your names,
please stand for a few seconds so all our guests can recognize you.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of principal
sponsors.  A round of applause!  Thank you, sirs and ma’ams, for taking time out to be
with us.

One of the parents’ dream is to see the wedding of their children.  I am sure our
couple’s parents are equally excited as them. Let us now recognize these very special
people in the hearts of the newly weds.

Groom’s Parent – Mr. Arnel N. Acio & Mrs. Thelma B. Acio

Bride’s Parent – Mr. Ruby C. Domingo & Mrs. Eleonor B. Domingo


At this point, let us now witness the parade of the wedding entourage. Excited na
ba kayong makita ang bagong kasal?? Okay without further ado, first, let’s welcome with
great delight, the kids who made this wedding very blissful.

-Cassandra Lexine Acio
-Amelie Ellie Acio
-Moriah Russhane Aguinaldo
-Jamaica Mae Acio

The Adorable BEARERS

Bible Bearer -Jeric Arthe Jeravan Sign Bearers – Prince Hagedorn Acio
Coin Bearer – Xyrah Domingo - Ayesha Sky Domingo
Ring Bearer – Theodoro Arboleda

Best Man & Maid of Honor

This time let’s put our hands together to the persons’ who assisted the couple in
their needs,
Gallant and good-looking BEST MAN – Mr. Constante Nolasco Jr.
Stunning and splendid MAID OF HONOR – Ms. Samantha Espano

Next, let’s welcome the fresh and young secondary sponsors:

CANDLE SPONSORS (who symbolically lighted the couple’s path)

-Mr. Melvin Bangloy Jr. & Ms. Jomarie Arboleda

VEIL SPONSORS (who clothe the newly wed as one)

        -Mr. Joshlee Enriques & Ms. Jamaica Santos
CORD SPONSORS: (who symbolically bound the pair together)
-Mr. Raniel Jan Domingo & Ms. Angel Arboleda

The Handsome & Charming Ushers & Beautiful & Lovely Usherettes


Indeed, today we have witnessed two people who never gave up on each other
and remained strong amid the storm. Now, they have chosen to seal their love with the
sacred sacrament of marriage.

Celebrating the love of Christian Savior & Racella Anne may look a little different
this time of CoViD19 pandemic. However, celebrating this special milestone moment with
their family, friends and with people most important to them is what matters most and
today calls for a grand celebration and it is my distinct pleasure to introduce them to you
for the very first time this day as husband and wife. So, without further ado, ladies and
gentleman let us all rise and give our warmest welcome to Mr and Mrs Christian Savior
Acio & Racella Ann Domingo - Acio.

It is said that a successful marriage involves three hearts becoming one. The
hearts of the husband, the wife, and God at the center. So, let us give thanks to the one
who made this all possible, the author of life, love and relationships. Our one true God.
To lead us into prayer, let us welcome ____________________________.

Thank you very much…let’s all be seated now.
"No relationship is all sunshine but two people can share one umbrella and survive
the storm together."

You know ladies and gentlemen, like other relationships the love story of this
lovely couple had been through with ups and downs. As a high school sweetheart, there
are many chances of heart aches, losing your partner. But Savior and Xia for almost 9
years as boyfriend and girlfriend they proved it na may FOREVER!!!

Truly, this momentous event marks a milestone of two hearts beginning a beautiful
lifelong commitment. It is a celebration of love… a feast of two hearts who vowed to stay
forever no matter what…

Congratulations Christian Savior & Racella Anne and best wishes to both of you.
We wish you to be blessed with a long and happy life together with your future children.
(magtatanong ilang anak ang gusto – Interview with the newly wed.)

Host: Best/Happy
People: Wishes/Wedding

So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen our new lovely couple. Let us again
give them a big round of applause.

(Insert games – Last Man Standing!)

(Dance – New Normal Dance! – wash hands-face mask-social distancing-temp
At this point, our bride, have this special time with the first man in her life. May we
request for Mr. Ruby Domingo, the father of the bride, to approach his daughter for the
father and daughter dance.”

Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the father and daughter dance.

And now the father gives his daughter to groom. The groom will now approach the
father of the bride, and dance with Xia.


Today is indeed a special day, and will be forever etched in the memory of our
beloved couple. For today marks the beginning of their new life together. From this day
forward they shall be one, and on this joyful beginning what could be more fitting than to
celebrate it with their First Dance.

The first dance is symbolic of the consummation of their wedding vows. This
dance is the wedding couples’ first cooperative engagement and joint endeavor. Ladies
and gentlemen, it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr and Mrs. Christian
Savior Acio with their first dance.


Ladies and gentlemen…. Find your purses and wallets … it’s now time for our
money dance or prosperity dance – sabit-sabi in ilocano where you will get your chance
to financially bless our couple.
The money dance or prosperity dance is a cultural tradition at many wedding
receptions where guests offer the newlyweds money to dance with them, or they shower
the couple with money. The custom is to help establish the couple in their new life
together, or to show how much they are loved and appreciated.

Requesting our maid of honor, best man and ushers & usherettes to stand here to
hand you envelopes or safety pins where you can put 500 bills and 1000 peso bills…

Thank you Christian Savior & Racella Anne, let us once again give them a big
round of applause
Thank you all for your generosity that will indeed go a long way for the couple.


Well I guess the food is now ready and our lunch will commence shortly.
And to say grace before meals, may I call on __________________.

Thank you______________. So, there you have it ladies and gentleman.

At this point the newlyweds would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone
personally for your presence. Especially for those who travelled from ______________.

Savior and Xia also would to express their heartfelt gratitude to the following who
made this event possible,

-Their caterer and stylist

-Mimmoza’s Catering Services by Ella - Ella
-Their HMUA – Ralph DC Hair & Make Up Artistry – by Ralph Dela Cruz
For your stunning beauty just reach out Mr. Ralph Dela Cruz.
- KL Photography – by Karen Lourdes Dalauidao

Ladies and Gentlemen later on, Christian Savior & Racella Anne will go from one
table to another to greet each and every one and to have their souvenir picture taking
with their guests.

This time, while having our lunch, the couple will do the cake cutting tradition. May
we request the couple to proceed to the cake’s table. Please put their hands together to
slice the cake. Bakit, may ganitong eksena pag may kasal? Well, they say, the two
hands moving as one with one purpose, symbolizes that the two will work in unity to
reach common goals for their shared future and their life together as one.

The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple’s willingness to fulfill each other’s
needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong…

This beautiful and looks so delicious cake was made by____________

Wine toast symbolize and celebrate the blending of your two lives into one. A
celebration will not be complete without a toast and a bottle of good wine. Let us now
prepare for the Best man’s toast for the bride and groom.

Message From Maid Of Honor & Best Man

Ladies and gentleman, it takes a strong and intelligent man to realize his dreams
and achieve his goals in life and love. A man that is not afraid to live life to its fullest and
embrace what is truly important. The handsome gentlemen who assisted our groom in all
his needs… the best man, to give his message before our toast. Let’s welcome Mr.
Constante Nolasco Jr.
The beautiful lady who assisted our bride in all her needs… to give her message,
the maid of honor. Let’s welcome Ms. Samantha Espano.

Now ladies and gentleman, let us all stand and raise your glasses and join for a
toast to Christian and Racella.

Best Man: Here’s to good health, happiness, good luck and prosperity to
Christian Savior and Racella Anne.


The bride and groom will now do the dove release. May I request the newlyweds
to please come forward and each get a dove.

The two doves signify Christian and Racella being released to start a new journey
together. Like the two pairs of doves, whatever happens they will always try to seek the
comfort of each other and their home together. This is where they know that they will find
love A dove always choose one mate for life, and signify love, faithfulness, joy, and
At the count of 3, 2, 1… release the Dove.

BOUQUET CEREMONY(with a twist)

Now all the single ladies please come forward. Let’s do the bouquet game! Gawin
nating exciting, hindi ito yung simpleng flower toss! Talong at Itlog game (Parang trip to
Jerusalem-The lucky girl ay ang hindi makakuha nga Talong o Itlog.)


Let’s call on this time all the gentlemen!
Okay, gentlemen let’s play the game “SHOW ME”.
(Choose number, play Music to dance, winners by applause.)

Okay so, ladies and gentlemen may couple na tayo for the Boquet and Garter
game. We have Mr. _____________________ & Ms. ____________________.

Before we go on with the Garter Toss, the groom is to retrieve the garter from his
bride, with a twist (Groom to dance around the bride – Careless Whisper). So, may we
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request Christian and Racella to please come center stage and do the garter retrieval
ritual. Thanks guys.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen; the groom was finally able to retrieve the
garter. Let us give him a big hand.
Alright, let’s have the pair here. Lady, kindly take your seat. Gentleman, you are
now going to put the garter on her legs. That’s it ladies & gentlemen. Thank you Mr.
_________& Ms._______________. ( Pictorial with Couple )


In all sense of the word godparents are guardians of the faith. The bride and
groom should treat this role not merely as gift givers during nuptials; but as co-sharers to
the promise of a lifetime of Christian commitment.
And the godparents to give their message to the couple, let’s welcome ________
and ________.

Thank you for your wisdom, a round of applause for ____ and  _____ .


A wedding brings two people and their friends together. It refreshes the ties and
takes friendships to another level. Now, we would like to proceed with messages from
the friends of the couple. These are the people who literally saw the romance between
groom and bride blossom into a serious relationship. May we call on
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____________________ and _________________ to share with all of us what they
know about the couple.


It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently from
childhood to adulthood. They have been our source of comfort, support and inspiration.
Without them, our newlyweds will not be here. Christian Savoir and Racella Anne are
truly blessed with such wonderful parents and I’m quite sure when it comes to knowing
what marriage is all about, they always have a word or two, to share to their children. Let
us welcome the parents of the couple to give their message.

Groom’s Parent – Mr. Arnel N. Acio & Mrs. Thelma B. Acio

Bride’s Parent – Mr. Ruby C. Domingo & Mrs. Eleonor B. Domingo

We are truly grateful not only the presence but also the wonderful cooperation of
our principal and secondary sponsors as well as the members of the entourage and to all
of you.
Christian and Racella together with their parents would like to express their
sincerest gratitude for all their help and support for making this memorable occasion a

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great success. May I request the Maid of Honor & Best Man together with the other
members of the entourage to please distribute the tokens of gratitude to both our
Principal & Secondary sponsors and other guests.


The day and this celebration have almost come to an end but for Christian &
Racella it is just a start of their new life together. As we each go home, may this day be
memorable for all of us as it is to them. To personally convey their heartfelt gratitude let
us now lend an ears to the newlyweds Christian Savior & Racella Anne.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally come to the end of our program. It has
been a great and wonderful day with you all. Again, thank you all for your presence. To
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Savior & Racella Ann Acio, thank you for having me as your host on
your wedding day. God bless and good afternoon to each and everyone. Keep safe.
Once again, I am JM, your host for this day now signing off!

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