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Name: Stephany Espinoza Esteban

Teacher: José Martinez
Course: Advanced 10

FOCUS ON THE TOPIC..........................................................................................................2
VOCABULARY LOG................................................................................................................5
WRITING AND CORRECTIONS............................................................................................8
OTHER ASSIGNMENTS..........................................................................................................9
REFLECTION PAPERS.........................................................................................................10

1. Why are some people geniuses and others are not? Does the
environment a person is raised in (nurture) create a genius, ori s it
because the person was simply born that way (nature)? Which part do
you think each of these plays in being a genius?
I think that geniuses are the result of nature and nurture because both
complement each other. Nature is influenced by genetic inheritance and
other biological factors, is the idea that everything is in our genes, like a set
of preprogrammed system. So since the moment we are born, everything
that we learn or do is a result of that preprogram that was inherited by our
genetic system. On the other hand, nurture is generally taken as the
influence of external factors, life experiences and learning on an individual.
That is, events in the childhood have a great influence on the adult lives,
shaping the personality. So, I believe that geniuses are born with a special
gift but this is reinforced in the context in which they develop. It is like a
mixture of everything, gender, social development, emotional development,
education, cultural support, training resources and family support.

2. What is one special talent or ability that you have? When did you first
become aware of it? Did it come naturally, or did you have to practice a
long time to perfect it? Explain
I have a special ability with numbers, I like to solve complex mathematical
problems and it is not difficult for me. I became aware of it when I was 7
years old, I was the best in my class. That happened naturally but I also
studied in different academies to perfect it. After that, I participated in many
math competitions and I won five medals.
1. There are many different kinds of obstacles: Physical and economic
are two examples. What are some other examples of the kinds of
obstacles that people face?
Currently, people face different types of obstacles that are situations that
cause obstruction to certain objectives. These obstacles could be physical,
economic, biopsychosocial, cultural, political, technological and military.

2. What are some ways that people overcome their obstacles?

There are different ways that people overcome their obstacles. First, Don’t
Give Up, one common and important characteristic for anyone struggling
with a disability or other challenge. It is relataed with the perseverance
learned in the process. Second, Don’t Make Comparisons, it is natural for
people to compare themselves to others and feel inferior as a result. Such
comparisons however, can be self-defeating. As Steve Jobs once said, “your
time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Third, Stay
Positive, physical conditions, disabilities and any other perceived
weaknesses can affect people’s outlook on life. It’s OK to be sad,
disappointed or angry at the problem, but positive people are also grateful
for what they have and they don’t lose hope for the future. And finally, Find
New Solutions for Overcoming Obstacles, in order to overcome the
difficulties, you have to think creatively. Successful people are not afraid to
fail as they try new solutions and look for ways to overcome the obstacle
that is in their path. Remember that failure is a part of life and many people
who are undeniably successful have often failed publicly.

3. What obstacles have you faced in your life? How have you tried to
overcome them?

One of the biggest obstacles I faced in my life was when my parents got
divorced. It was a difficult process that had a big impact on both my
relationships and professional career. Finally, I decided to seek help, I
started working with a psychologist and take therapy. As I result I overcame
my mental block, started to trust people again, and even started a
relationship. It wasn’t an easy process, but I did not give up, and here I am,
living quite a normal life now, and in a good job.

1. What role can genes play in medicine?
Genes play a key role in how medications work in our body. People are
different and they can have different versions of the same gene (DNA).
Some of these variants are common and some are rare, some affect health
such as those gene variants linked to certain diseases. Sometimes chemical
changes can make the drugs more or less active in the body. Even small
differences in the genes can have a big impact on a drug’s safety or
effectiveness. In some bodies a standard dose can be an overdose. So,
genes play an important role in medicine since doctors can tailor drug
prescriptions for individual patients by providing guidance on dose, possible
side effects, or differences in effectiveness for people with certain gene

2. Do you think medical treatment could be more effective if doctors had

genetic information about their patients?
I think medical treatment could be more effective if doctors had genetic
information about their patients. If doctors know your genes, they can predict
drug response and incorporate this information into the medical decisions
they make. Some patients are severely allergic to treatment drugs, and
genetic tests can help identify who can safely take the medicines. So, by
screening to know who shouldn’t get certain drugs, they can prevent life-
threatening side effects.

3. Genetic testing is now available very cheaply. Would you want to be

tested to find out if you have the gene for a certain disease, even if
there were no cure for the disease?
I would like to be ttested to find out if I have the gene for a disease because
I consider the main advantage is that early detection may prevent more
severe forms of certain disease, such as cancer, or it also prevent a couple
from having a sick child. In case there is no cure for this disease, my life
would totally change, I would enjoy every second with people I love and
doing things that I am passionate about.



Attain To succeed in getting She attained the first place after
something, usually after studying hard every night.
a lot of effort.

Crib A small bed with high The baby wouldn't stop crying inside his
sides for a baby or young crib because he was cold.

Pebble A smooth, round stone I would like to collect pebbles from

that is found in or near different beaches in the world.

Seizure A sudden attack of an She realized that her daughter suffered

illness, especially one from epileptic seizures at a very
that affects the brain. young age.

Unremitting Never stopping. They watched the Spider-Man movie

with unremitting attention.

Conclusive Proving something in a The results were conclusive and

way that is certain and determined that he was already
allows no doubt. infected.

Glisten To shine. He told her eyes were glistening like


Gritty Showing something People knew the topic was gritty, but
unpleasant as it really is, they ended up listening to it anyway.
having a lot of
unpleasant features.

Inquisitiveness A strong interest in Children's inquisitiveness is infinite,

learning about many they always want to know where
different things. everything comes from.

Jumble To mix things together in The presenter jumbled the tickets for
a confused or untidy the raffle.

Nod To move your head down Neighbors cheerfully nodded the new
and up once to say hello, family as soon as they arrived.
goodbye, or to give them
a sign to do something.
Relentless Not stopping; not getting The boss has a relentless
less strong. determination to hit the sales target.

Sag To hang or bend down in The mattress was sagging from how
the middle, especially old it was.
because of weight or

Backer A person or company The company is the backer of some

that gives support to students so that they can finish
somebody/something, university.
especially financial

Cope To deal successfully with The new worker must cope with all the
something difficult. bad comments from his co-workers.

Crave To have a very strong After the accident, she didn't crave
desire for something. anything anymore.

Relent To finally agree to If he only knew how much you miss

something after refusing. him, he'll relent.

Statin A drug that people take His dad must take a statin daily
to lower the level of because of his high blood cholesterol.
cholesterol (a substance
in the body that can
cause heart disease) in
their blood.

Unifier Someone or something He became the unifier of the case until

that brings others the end.

Elicit To get information or a It is important to elicit a response from

reaction from somebody, the parents before making a final
often with difficulty. decision.

Kim Peek says, “You don’t have to be handicapped to be different–

everybody’s different.” What do you think he means by this? Do you

Throughout society we label people and classify them according to the behavior
and abilities. Currently, there are a lot of controversies with handicapped
people. Handicapped people aren’t different, as Kim Peek says, “You don’t
have to be handicapped to be different–everybody’s different.” If only the
handicapped were different, after so long we would not see great examples of
life as we do today.

If only people with disabilities were different, people who are "normal" would
have the same or more intelligence than people who have proven to have
enormous abilities. First, let me say that I have interacted with a person with a
disability, my grandfather was a very savant man even though he was blind, he
always had a way to keep going, he had a great memory and knew how to write
so fast on his typewriter. As he said "You have to transform what you think can
stop youand persist in that it makes you unique and stronger."

We have seen so many cases of geniuses with disabilities, its limitations have
never been an impediment to achieve great things. You can move on, a great
example was Beethoven, he had a particular phrase "In the world of art, as in all
creation, freedom and progress are the main objectives". It made me think that
there are people in the world who do not have a disability and can not move on
for many reasons, negative thoughts, they think they can not or just let their
fears be more than them.

Willpower is great and makes us achieve many things, people with disabilities
have a benefit and it is the optimism to continue living despite the fact that life
has put so many obstacles for them to continue forward.

In conclusion, I agree with Kim Peek's phrase, “You don’t have to be

handicapped to be different–everybody’s different". Disability does not make
you different from others, likewise, everyone has the same opportunities to
achieve something, but it is a matter of willpower and perseverance. People
must decide to put their maximum effort in everything they do and they will
achieve their goals.



Although Stephen Hawking was diagnosed with ALS, he was one of the
greatest scientists of the century and achieved worldwide recognition. In the
early days of the academy, he was a good student and he loved board games.
According to his friends, he had made a computer to solve complex
mathematical equations. At the age of 21, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis disease (ALS), a fatal motor neuron disease that affects the
spinal cord. Doctors predicted that he may not live more than five years. His
illness became a big reason for him to carry out his studies and he became a
great scientist. Hawking said that until he was not diagnosed with the disease,
his life was very boring. However, when he came to know that he would be able
to live for only a few years, he had to put all his attention in his work and
research so that he could fully utilize his remaining life. He wrote a book called
‘The Brief History of Time’ in which he explained about the black hole. He also
described the concepts of relativity and big-bang theory in this book.
Unfortunately, his illness captured him slowly, his body was paralyzed so he
had to move about in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He lost his voice
completely and his condition was so bad that he must keep in medical
surveillance. Though he could not sit up straight, yet he had to keep working on
his theories of Physics and amazed the medical experts by surviving for fifty five
more years. He died in 2018 at his home. Stephen Hawking, a man with
physical limitations, achieved all so much that he became an inspiration for
everyone. He always used to say the same thing "No matter how difficult life
may be, you can always do something, you can be successful if you work hard".
An inspirational message for everyone.

Merly is an entrepreneur friend who went through very strong problems since
she was very little. She was born in Huanuco and lived only with her mother
because her father abandoned them when she was barely born. Her uncle
sexually abused her from the age of nine and she ran away from her house at
twelve. Merly got pregnant a year later but unfortunately she lost her baby. She
moved from Huanuco and went to live with her mother in Lima. Her mom
yearned for a better life and taught Merly to prioritize her studies, so Merly
began to excel in speech an debate at school. While studing, she got a part-
time job reading news for a local radio. She obtained a scholarship at PUCP.
She got excellent grades in her communications major. She suffered racism for
some years of her life. Although her work as co-presenter was a failure since
she did not have the success that was thought, she did not give up. Months
later, she got another job and managed to get the success everyone expected.
Merly's success has been growing every time and she got many awards within
her job. Currently, she is a woman entrepreneur, despite she has had many
obstacles during her life, she never gave up until she reached her goals. One of
the things I remember is she used to say that obstacles and challenges are part
of what makes life interesting, and you should never give up.


Daniel Levitin states that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve true
world-class expertise. Nevertheless, many people have put in that amount
of practice in their fields and still have not achieved world-class expertise.
Why do you think they were not successful? What makes the experts
different from the others who have also put in 10,000 hours of practice?

Currently everyone seems to have heard of the so-called 10,000 hours of

practice to achieve true world-class expertise. And so, if you wanted to become
one of the best in the world, all you had to do was also practice for 10,000
hours. It wasn't actually very accurate. This has wide implications for anyone
trying to develop a skill and expertise, whether in the arts, business, sports, or
any other field.
The rule satisfies the human desire to discover a simple cause and effect
relationship: just put in ten thousand hours of practice at anything, and you will
become a master. It is not as easy as it seems and that depends on each
person. Some people improve faster than others. It is about being completely
honest with yourself about what you want to improve, finding the best ways to
actually achieve that improvement, and then actually executing that practice
even if it is challenging and uncomfortable. It is all about pushing yourself
beyond your barriers for a specific purpose because that is where you see the
greatest results.

On the other hand, if you just "spend time practicing," by spending time doing a
task, you will not improve as quickly as you would if you focused on what you
want to achieve in that time practicing. In fact, if you repeat what you have
previously done, over and over again without pushing yourself further, it will only
make your brain less able to generate ideas to handle new challenges.

This is why there is such a fundamental difference between people who were
successful and those who were not successful, despite having done 10,000
hours of practice. People have a tremendous capacity to improve their
performance, as long as they train in the right way.

In conclusion, don't worry if you don't have an extra 10,000 hours to devote to
practice. Any amount of time you spend doing it in a correct way will bring even
better results. Focusing only on what you want to achieve. You can keep going
and going, getting better and better. How much you improve is up to you. That
makes the experts different from the others who have also put in 10,000 hours
of practice.


In this first course of Reading and Writing I have learned and reinforced several
things that I know will be useful in many aspects of my life. First of all, I have
remembered some grammar topics like modals, gerunds, infinitives and past
unreal conditionals. Although I had studied these topics before, it is worth
practicing them again, to improve my level. I learned some idioms to be able to
use them in the future whether speaking, writing or if I find them in a reading.
On the other hand, I expanded my vocabulary with the new words that I found in
each unit. The readings presented in each unit were interesting since they were
topics that I hardly knew and aroused a certain curiosity in me. Although the
readings were a bit long, I am getting used to reading more in English to
become more familiar with the language. Finally, I improved my writing skills, I
identified the essential parts of the paragraph as topic sentence, supporting
ideas, examples, and concluding sentence. All of them must have a coherence
so that the writing makes sense and is attractive to the person who is reading it.
I find that sometimes it takes me a little time to organize all that information into
a paragraph, but I feel like I have really improved this month.

These techniques that I have reinforced will serve me not only academically and
professionally, but also in my daily life, because every time the language is
closer to us, in movies, series, articles, social networks, and others. That is why
I consider it essential to handle these techniques correctly in order to be able to
function in any area of my life. On the other hand, reading and writing in English
will help me a lot in my professional career because it is closely related to
international issues that you usually find in English, and it is also the language
that almost everyone speaks when it comes to foreign relations. Every time I
must review an article, databases, or emails in English, it will be easier for me to
understand them and also answer them in the same language.

I believe that thanks to the feedback and the teaching received during this
month, I managed to improve those skills that I know they still need to be
polished, but I am already on the way to achieving it.

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