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Function Over Appearance

Examining the Role of the Proud Boys in American Politics

Before and After January 6th
Samantha Kutner, Bjørn Ihler
C. L. Murray

Executive Summary • 5
Introduction • 5
Why did Proud Boys come to DC on January 6th?  •  6
What Proud Boys activities in 2020 and earlier laid the groundwork for their actions on January 6th?  •  7
What is the Proud Boys’ ideology and philosophy?  •  8
What role does race, white supremacy, and fear of white replacement play in Proud Boys’ activities?  •  9
Did the Proud Boys monetize January 6th? If so, how?  •  10
What impact has January 6th had on the Proud Boys?  •  10
What is your analysis of the Proud Boys’ organization and objectives as we prepare for the midterm elections and the 2024 presidential
election? • 10

Who Are The Proud Boys?  •  12

Gavin McInnes • 12
Enrique Tarrio • 13

What role does race, white supremacy, and fear of white replacement play in Proud Boys’ activities?  •  16
The Great Replacement Theory and Gavin McInnes  •  16
Male Supremacy • 16
Militant Accelerationism • 17
Probing Inconsistencies • 17
The Redpill • 17
Function Over Appearance  •  18
How did their public or de facto ideologies evolve or realign in the lead-up to January 6th, and what impact has January 6th had on their
ideologies and philosophies?  •  19

Key Proud Boys Activities Leading Up to January 6th  •  19

2019 Fighting Antifascists  •  19
Stress Testing The Government  •  19
2020: An overview of Proud Boys Tactics Leading Up to January 6th  •  20

Did the Proud Boys Monetize January 6th?  •  21

Why did Proud Boys Come to D.C. on January 6th?  •  21

November 7th, 2020 “Standby Order Has Been Rescinded”  •  21
Seditious Conspiracy • 21

Deflection Strategies  •  22
Antifa Stormed The Capitol  •  22
FBI Agents Instigated the Attack on the Capitol  •  23

What impact has January 6th had on the Proud Boys?  •  23

The Political Objectives of the Proud Boys  •  23

The Stone Plan  •  23

National Trends • 23
Decentralized Networks • 23
Precinct Strategy • 23
Quest for Political Legitimacy  •  23

Threats to Electoral Integrity and of Electoral Violence  •  24

“Applied Populism” and Mass Mobilization of Conspiratorial Networks  •  24
Proud Boys’ Shift to Local Strategies  •  24
Fundraising Efforts • 26
Poll Watchers & Precinct Delegates on Social Media  •  26
Concerned Citizens’ Councils: Historical Precedent and Concerns about the Future  •  26

Disinformation • 28
Disinformation • 28

Suggestions and Policy Solutions  •  28

Ensuring Accountability   •  28

Conclusion • 29

Sources & Endnotes  •  30

Appendix A - Timelines  •  36
5. Fig. 1 - Picture of the US Capitol, photo by Bjørn Ihler

6. Fig. 2 - An illustration of the number of incidents per state and city with the Proud Boys playing a role as instigators or participants, based on
data collected as part of our extensive mapping project. The shade of red in the state indicates the number of incidents at state level, the size of
the yellow circles indicates frequency of incidents by city. The yellow circle surrounding Washington DC indicates a relatively high frequency of
events taking place in the city.

7. Fig. 3 - Visualization of the number of incidents the Proud Boys have instigated or participated in per week since 2016, based on data collected
as part of our extensive mapping project. A marked increase in the frequency of activity by the group can be seen surrounding the 2020 Presi-
dential Election and in the weeks that followed. The frequency of identified events after January 6 is markedly higher than it was prior to the 2020

8 - Fig. 4 - Screenshot From Proud Boys Portugal Telegram Chat

10 - Fig. 5 - The Proud Boy Tenets

11 - Fig 6 - Visualization of the connections from Individuals to Incidents and Groups in the Proud Boys subset of the Khalifa Ihler Institute’s
Hatemap dataset which can be accessed on The visualization is indicative of the strong connections in the data between the
Proud Boys, January 6th , both through the number of members of the group present, and the relationship between the Proud Boys and other
groups directly involved in January 6th and related incidents.

13 - Fig. 7 - Enrique Tarrio and Roger Stone May 5th, 2017, attending the “Cinco De Milo” event.

14-15 - Fig. 8 - Map based on the Proud Boys subset of the KII Hatemap data ( illustrating the frequency of incidents and
events instigated or participated in by the Proud Boys in the US by State and City. The darkness of the shade of the states indicates the frequen-
cy of incidents, the size of the circles indicate the number of incidents per city, the color of the circles indicates separate cities. The map demon-
strates significant activity both on the Pacifc Coast, in Texas and Florida, and in the cities of Portland and Washington DC.

16 - Fig. 9 - Graph showing the frequency of Proud Boys’ events in the Hatemap dataset by week. Between the inception of the group in 2016 and
June 2022 only one week saw zero events. The
frequency of events peaked in the week of January 6th, and in the time-period surrounding the 2020 US Presidential Election. Activity is main-
tained to date. More data can be seen on http://

17 - Fig. 10 - Proud Boys Meme Collected During Ethnographic Research, 2018

19 - Fig. 11 - Overview illustrating by proportionality how frequently other groups have co-attended events along with the Proud Boys - the
frequency of co-attendance and collaboration with overt white supremacist organizations is indicative of the allegiances of the group - see the
previous page for color-coded legend corresponding to identified groups.

21 - Fig. 12 -Post by Enrique Tarrio on Parler, Late December 2020

23 - Fig. 13 - Graphic shared on Precinct Strategy Website

24 - Fig. 14 - Image Taken at White Lives Matter Rally, May 15th, 2022

25 - Fig. 15 - Proud Boy with visible weapon in his pocket at New Hanover County Board of Education Meeting November 9th, 2021

25 - Fig. 16 - Proud Boys Twitter Post, (Suspended Account) May 15th, 2022

28 - Fig. 17 - Search frequency for “Biden Laptop” on Google from June 19, 2021 to June 19, 2022

28 - Fig. 18 - Search frequency for “Biden Laptop” on Telegram from October 2021 to March 2022
Function Over Appearance
Examining the Role of the Proud Boys in American Politics
Before and After January 6th
Samantha Kutner, Bjørn Ihler
C. L. Murray


Cite as:
Samantha Kutner, Bjørn Ihler and C. L. Murray, “Function Over Appearance; Examining the Role of the Proud Boys in American Politics Before and
After January 6th” The Khalifa Ihler Institute (July 2022).
Fig. 1 - Picture of the US Capitol, photo by Bjørn Ihler

Executive Summary 4. What do they publicly profess, and what

are their underlying ideologies? To what
This report is intended to provide important
insights gained from extensive qualitative
extent are their actions motivated by and quantitative research on the Proud
Introduction opportunism, and to what extent are Boys through a variety of methodological
leaders and members “true believers”? approaches including in-depth interviews,
On February 28th, 2022, the Select Committee 5. How did their public or de facto ideologies ethnographic research, content analysis of
to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the evolve or realign in the lead-up to January legal documents, social network analysis, and
United States Capitol requested that The 6th, and what impact has January 6th had statistical analysis of incidents beginning with
Khalifa Ihler Institute, represented by Bjørn on their ideologies and philosophies? the origins of the group to present day.
Ihler, Samantha Kutner, and C.L. Murray 6. What role does race, white supremacy,
provide a written statement for the record on and fear of white replacement play in At the time of this writing, our quantitative
the Proud Boys’ role and involvement focusing Proud Boys’ activities? data on the Proud Boys (2016-present)
on the following questions: 7. Did the Proud Boys monetize January comprises 532 incidents, and 1190 networked
6th? If so, how? relationships involving 465 individuals and 199
1. Why did Proud Boys come to DC on 8. What impact has January 6th had on the groups. Our qualitative data span five years
January 6th? Proud Boys? and approximately 2,000 hours of in-depth
2. What Proud Boys activities in 2020 9. What is your analysis of the Proud interviewing and ethnographic research.
and earlier laid the groundwork for their Boys’ organization and objectives as we
actions on January 6th? prepare for the midterm elections and
3. What is the Proud Boys’ ideology and the 2024 presidential election?
Fig. 2 - An illustration of the number of incidents per state and city with the Proud Boys playing a role as instigators or participants, based on data collected as part of our extensive mapping proj-
ect. The shade of red in the state indicates the number of incidents at state level, the size of the yellow circles indicates frequency of incidents by city. The yellow circle surrounding Washington
DC indicates a relatively high frequency of events taking place in the city.

Why did Proud Boys come to Proud Boys departure from past behavior are
more instructive regarding the true nature of
1. Samantha Kutner, “Swiping Right: The Allure of Hyper
Masculinity and Cryptofascism for Men Who Join the Proud
DC on January 6th? their intentions on January 6th. On December Boys,” International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, May 2020,
29, 2020, Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tar- p. 6. Hereinafter: Kutner, “Swiping Right.”

Since the group’s inception, members have rio stated on Parler that the Proud Boys “will 2. United States of America vs. Charles Donohoe, Statement
turn out in record numbers on Jan 6th but this of Offense, C21-cr-175-4-TJK, District Court for the District
established a pattern of engaging in tactics of Columbia, (2021), p. 2. Hereinafter: Donohoe Statement of
designed to provoke their opponents–most time with a twist… We will not be wearing our Offense.
often members of Antifa or Black Lives Mat- traditional Black and Yellow. We will be incog-
3. Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis, “Pride & Prejudice: The
ter (BLM)–into any reaction that could give nito and we will spread across downtown DC Violent Evolution of the Proud Boys,” CTC Sentinel, vol. 14, no.
them a pretext to react violently. This allows in smaller teams.”5 6 (July/August 2021), p. 31.

them to argue that they were justifiably acting 4. Bond Benton and Daniela Peterka-Benton, “Hating in plain
in self-defense and aligns with their motto, Tarrio ended the post with the words “48 laws sight: The hatejacking of brands by extremist groups,” Public
Relations Inquiry, vol. 9, no. 1 (2020), p. 13.
“We don’t start fights, but we finish them.”1 of power” followed by the numbers 3, 4, 14, 15,
If attempts to provoke their opponents are 17, 29, 37, 39, and 48.6 This was a reference to 5. Quoted from Enrique Tarrio’s Parler account, December
29, 2020.
unsuccessful, then members known as “Rally the 1998 non-fiction book by Robert Greene
Boys” are willing to go a step further and described by the publisher, Penguin Random 6. Ibid.

engage in “unlawful conduct”.2 The violence House, as “...the definitive manual for anyone 7. Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, (New York: Penguin
interested in gaining, observing, or defend- Books, 2000). Hereinafter: Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.
serves multiple purposes; among them, at the
individual level, participation in “violence on ing against ultimate control.”7 The numbers 8. Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, p.xiii.

the group’s behalf” allows members to earn in Tarrio’s post correspond to the laws in 9. Ibid, p. xi.
their “fourth degree”--the highest rank of Greene’s book, emphasizing the concealment 10. United States of America vs. Nordean et al, Second
membership and an “inherent characteristic of one’s true intentions, plan “all the way to Superseding Indictment, C21-cr-175-TJK, District Court for
of the Proud Boys identity.”3 At the group the end”,8 and “crush your enemy totally.”9 the District of Columbia, (2022), p. 6. Hereinafter: Tarrio et al.
Second Superseding Indictment.
level, framing their violence as a form of “righ-
According to the Second Superseding Indict- 11. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 12.
teous victimhood”, in which they fought back
when no one else would and sacrificed for the ment against Tarrio and his fellow Proud Boy 12. Donohoe Statement of Offense, p. 4.

“greater good”, serves as a recruitment tool. co-defendants, he wasted no time in putting

those laws into practice: He and his co-defen-
To succeed at the second goal, they must dants created a new chapter for hand-select-
be identifiable as Proud Boys, which is easily ed, high-profile members called the Ministry
achieved by wearing “colors”, often coupled of Self-Defense (MOSD) on an encrypted
with face coverings and tactical gear, while messaging app. They promptly began prepa-
acting as “security” or staging counter-pro- rations for January 6, 2021,10 which Proud Boy
tests. Their “colors” consist of black and Zachary Rehl stated would be a “completely
yellow clothing, often utilizing “the gold- different operation.”11 Through voice and text
striped collar black polo shirt [from brand Fred messages, the members left no question as
Perry] as a type of uniform for public group to their plans for January 6th: They planned to
outings.”4 disrupt the certification of the Electoral Col-
lege vote by violently “storming the Capitol”.12
Fig. 3 - Visualization of the number of incidents the Proud Boys have instigated or participated in per week since 2016, based on data collected as part of our extensive mapping project. A
marked increase in the frequency of Proud Boys activity can be seen surrounding the 2020 Presidential Election and in the weeks that followed. The frequency of identified events after January
6 is markedly higher than it was prior to the 2020 election.

What Proud Boys activities Likewise, in spite of their arguments to the

contrary, one only needs to scratch the surface
13. George W. Knox, A Special Report of the NGCRC: “The
Proud Boys: A Gang Threat Analysis”, (Chicago: National
in 2020 and earlier laid the to identify connections between extremist Gang Crime Research Center, 2021), p. 31. Hereinafter: Knox,
groups and militias like the Oath Keepers, “A Special Report of the NGCRC.”
groundwork for their actions Threepercenters, the Boogaloo Bois, and 14. Spencer S. Hsu, “Video released of garage meeting of
others. Our data indicate that they regularly Proud Boys, Oath Keepers leaders,” The Washington Post,
on January 6th? co-attended events throughout the group’s
May 24, 2022.
history, and they often reference one another
It takes little effort to identify connections positively via their social media accounts.
between the Proud Boys and political figures These close affiliations have allowed all
in the Trump-aligned, “MAGA” wing of the groups to benefit from coordinated efforts
GOP. In a special report of the National Gang to counter-demonstrate against advocacy
Crime Research Center, George Knox claims groups with which they disagree.
that the Proud Boys “...may go down in history
as a state sponsored gang because of their This coordination with extremist groups, along
close association with elected officials.”13 Our with the Proud Boys’ affinity for Donald Trump,
data identify significant overlap between the were crucial to laying the groundwork for the
Proud Boys and individuals in Donald Trump’s attack on the Capitol on January 6th. Without
political orbit, particularly Roger Stone. the desire to see Donald Trump maintain his
Enrique Tarrio, the second leader of the Proud presidency, they would not have participated
Boys, was the head of “Latinos for Trump.” The in the attack on the Capitol. Without the
Proud Boys often serve as “security” for Roger long history of coordination with like-minded
Stone events, they reference one another extremist groups, they would have lacked the
on social media, and they engage in similar numbers and the strategic benefit. Notably,
political tactics. Stone has attended several the leaders of the Proud Boys and the Oath
Proud Boys events; on May 5, 2017, Stone was Keepers met with Trump officials the day
recorded stating the “Proud Boys Fraternity before the attack on the Capitol.14
Creed”, which means he is considered a “1st
degree” Proud Boy. A timeline of events
detailing this relationship is included in this

What is the Proud Boys’ ideol-
ogy and philosophy?
The Proud Boys publicly profess that their
ideology is embodied in the following
telegram post (fig. 1)15 that originated on the
Proud Boys Portugal telegram channel before
being forwarded and copied among chapters

However, both researchers16 and even other

chapters of the Proud Boys have called the
U.S. Proud Boys’ actual ideological beliefs
into question. On May 10, 2021, the Official
Proud Boys Ireland telegram channel posted
a satirical list of what they called the “PB USA
tenemenants [sic]”, which included statements
such as the following:

1. Saving the west by arguing on telegram

chat groups and talking about n___s.
2. Anti racism (unless its [sic] the cool
3. Venerate the housewife (until the bitch
steps out of line then I smash her and
cry to my bros that she wants to take the

Our qualitative and quantitative data suggest

that the actions of the group and its leaders
do not match their words with regard to
their denials about racism, antisemitism, and
Many of the members are indeed “true
believers”, and often have overlapping
membership in more overtly racist, antisemitic,
and misogynistic groups.

One way in which their ideology has appeared

to “evolve” following the January 6th Attack
on the Capitol is they have engaged in
more efforts to moderate their language,
particularly when it comes to racism and
misogyny. Along with a shift in strategies from
a focus on national politics to a focus on local
political issues, there has been an effort to
seek legitimacy through coordinating with less
extreme far-right groups as well as running for
political office.

Sources & Notes

15, Proud Boys Portugal Channel (@proudboyspor), “AN-
NOUNCEMENT! Proud Boys 101: The Proud Boys started…,”
Telegram, October 5, 2020.
16. Meadhbh Park, “Fight Club: Gavin McInnes, the Proud
Boys, and Male Supremacism” in Male Supremacism in the
United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to Misogynist
Incels and the Alt-Right, eds. Emily K. Carian, Alex DiBranco
and Chelsea Ebin (London and New York: Routledge Taylor
& Francis Group, 2022). Hereinafter: Park, “Fight Club”. Also
see Cindy Ma, “What is the “lite” in “alt-lite?” The discourse
of white vulnerability and dominance among YouTube’s
reactionaries,” Social Media + Society (2021); Julia R. DeCook,
“Memes and Symbolic Violence: #Proudboys and the Use of
Memes for Propaganda and the Construction of Collective
Identity,” Learning, Media and Technology, vol. 43, no. 4
(October 2, 2018).; Daniel Hosang and Joseph E. Lowndes,
Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing
Politics of Precarity (Minneapolis: The University Of Minneso-
ta Press, 2019
17. Official Proud Boys Ireland (@OfficialProudBoysEire), “*PB
USA tenemenants*…,” Telegram, May 10, 2021.

Fig. 4 - Screenshot From Proud Boys Portugal Telegram Chat

What role does race, white “Western” values, they present an ideology
that does not discriminate against any men,
Sources & Notes
18. Minyvonne Burke and Marianna Sotomayor, “James Alex
Fields found guilty of killing Heather Heyer during violent
supremacy, and fear of white which can be attractive to “men of color who Charlottesville white nationalist rally,” NBC News, December
seek a space to vocally protest” those ideals.30 7, 2018.
replacement play in Proud However, Park also notes that the degree to
which racism exists in each chapter differs,
Boys’ activities? noting that the Wisconsin Proud Boys “have
19. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 187
20. Thomas McCauley, “Race war or culture war: the diversity
been exposed as having extremely racist
After the violent demonstration at the Unite in right-wing extremism,” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict
tendencies,” but due to the secret nature of vol. 14, no. 2, (2021), p. 199
the Right rally in Charlottesville that culmi- chapter meetings and discussion, it is difficult 21. “Proud Boys” in the Anti-Defamation League’s Glossary of
nated in the murder of counter-demonstrator to ascertain the racist or antisemitic views of Extremism.
Heather Heyer,18 Gavin McInnes argued that each individual chapter.31 boys?_gl=1*eer4y5*_ga*MTg2OTA4ODQzOS4xNjUwOTYw-
the Proud Boys are not “Alt-Right”, but rather MTcw*_ga_S9QB0F2PB5*MTY1MzkzNTI1Ni4xLjEuMTY1Mz-
“Alt-Light”; a distinction that meant they did As the Proud Boys have grown more decen-
not subscribe to Jewish conspiracy theories or tralized in the period following the attack on
22. Cindy Ma, “What is the “lite” in “alt-lite?” The discourse
of white vulnerability and dominance among YouTube’s
believe that “Western” was necessarily synon- the Capitol on January 6th, this certainty is reactionaries,” Social Media + Society (July-September 2021),
ymous with “white.”19 even more difficult. However, our data suggest p. 9. Hereinafter: Ma, “alt-lite?”.
they continue to be willing to co-attend rallies 23. Ma, “alt-lite?”, p. 1
Some researchers, such as McCauley (2021), with explicitly racist groups, to associate with 24. Ibid, p. 9.
argue that they are “culturalists” (i.e., empha- explicitly racist public figures, and to continue 25. Ibid, p. 10.
sizing the importance of the supremacy of sharing racist tropes on social media.
Western culture) rather than “racists” (i.e., 26. Ibid, p. 10.
groups such as the Aryan Nations that are ex- As noted by Park above, individual chapters do 27. Ibid, p. 10.
plicitly white supremacists), a conclusion that vary in terms of the content they share on en- 28. Julia R. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence:
he reaches due to their willingness to allow crypted Telegram channels, but even a cursory #Proudboys and the Use of Memes for Propaganda and the
people of multiple cultural backgrounds to Construction of Collective Identity,” Learning, Media and
search will uncover posts that are thematically Technology, vol. 43, no. 4 (October 2, 2018), P. 499. Hereinaf-
join.20 In part, he relies on the Anti-Defamation indistinguishable from those shared by explic- ter: DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence.”
League’s characterization of their ideology as itly racist and antisemitic organizations. Com- 29. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence,” p. 499.
“primarily misogynistic, Islamophobic, trans- mon themes shared among several chapters 30. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 197.
phobic and anti-immigrant”; but leaves out from Ohio, Arizona, Washington State, New
the following sentence: “Some members es- Jersey, and Long Island include white peo-
31. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 197.
pouse white supremacist and antisemitic ide- ple–especially women or girls–being attacked 32. Proud Boys NJ Coalition (@NJPBCoalition), “Horrible
ologies and/or engage with white supremacist by black men32, 33, 34, 35 and racist stereotypes
video of a little girl being brutalized by a black at school.This
is Lady’s Island Middle School in Beaufort, South Carolina…”,
groups.”21 (sometimes framed as jokes).36, 37, 38, 39 Posts Telegram,February 14, 2022.
often emphasize the beauty of white women 33. Proud Boys WA (@peebwa), “Horrifying, Underreported
However, McInnes’ background is clearly root- compared to women of color and other narra- Murder Of Samantha Josephson By Black Man Who Posted
ed in transgressive humor that is racist and tives that have gained traction among adher- About Hunting White Girls | VDARE Video Bulletin,” Telegram,
antisemitic while at the same time granting January 15, 2022.; Note: This one
ents of the “Great Replacement”/White Geno- was a forward from VDARE, an explicitly white nationalist
its author the “plausible deniability” of argu- cide conspiracy theory (covered extensively in organization.
ing that it’s “just a joke.” In an analysis of dis- our report), such as a post featuring a forward 34. Proud Boys: Long Island (@proudboysLI), “A shocking
course among many Alt-Lite figures, including depicting two black men running away from a video out of Manhattan shows an elderly woman using a
McInnes, Ma (2021) found that the statements murdered white farmer with the caption: stroller being knocked to the ground by a black man in an
unprovoked attack…,” Telegram, June 16, 2020.
endorsed “the idea that white people are su- proudboysLI/312.
perior without those words ever needing to be Blacks in South Africa are allowed to openly 35. The Ohio Proud Boys (@OhioProudBoys) “NYPost: Black
said aloud’’,22 concluding that in reality, those wage a slow war ( male sucker-punches White male leading race right before
figures employ “mitigating strategies” to “ob- caReports/2096) against Whites.They are crossing the finish line at Florida High School,” Telegram,
fuscate their views and to dodge accusations allowed to call for action under the guise
March 31, 2022.
of racism.”23 This allows them to avoid deplat- of metaphors, “struggle songs’, and other 36. Proud Boys WA (@peebwa),“There are too many blacks
forming–or to be able to claim “victimhood” communist rhetoric.As a result, since the
coming to Ireland and I have seen an increase of black
women in my neighbourhood as child minders and home help
once they are deplatformed– as well as to war is never declared explicitly, Whites in for old people…”, Telegram, September 25, 2021. https://t.
appeal to “a wider cross-section of viewers.”24 South Africa are sitting ducks who are not me/peebwa/513. Note: Forwarded from “Ireland knows”–In-
Some of those strategies include “performa- allowed to react accordingly.40
cludes graphic video of a black woman throwing a toddler to
the ground and beating her, along with the caption, “There
tively” elevating or aligning with “minoritized are too many blacks coming to Ireland and I have seen an
communities or individuals when it suits their A particularly troubling post appeared on the increase of black women in my neighbourhood as child
purposes,”25 such as emphasizing non-white Arizona Proud Boys official telegram chan-
minders and home help for old people. Do not leave your kids
alone with blacks. The combination of a low IQ, short temper
members or their relationships with people of nel on May 18, 2022. The group posted the and laziness is very dangerous.”
color in order to deflect blame, as McInnes of- full video of the Buffalo, New York gunman’s 37. Proud Boys: Long Island (@proudboysLI), [Image of a can
ten does with his multi-racial family.26 Another first-person livestream as he murdered black of watermelon flavored White Claw] Caption: “Black Lives
strategy involves using humor, such as when shoppers,41 followed by the following com- Matter”, Telegram, June 12, 2020.
McInnes produced a video for Rebel News LI/249
ment: “This guy really doesn’t like black peo-
in blackface, then invoking “humor, irony, and ple... I wonder why..?”42 38. Proud Boys NJ Coalition (@NJPBCoalition), “Michelle
def banged a black dude and will soon be a single mom”,
satire” to shield himself from criticism and
Telegram, February 15, 2022.
“frame progressives as overly sensitive whin- Interviews with members highlight confusion 39. The Ohio Proud Boys (@OhioProudBoys), “Don’t be
ers who can’t take a joke.”27 regarding what is, and is not, racist. In a 2018 fooled; the Mississippi River Valley and South has the highest
interview, a member of the Proud Boys asked concentration of blacks in America and (now in 2022) a not-
DeCook’s (2018) analysis of Proud Boys me- Samantha Kutner, “If someone cuts you off in so-subtle illegal immigration population as well.” Telegram,
March 17, 2022.
mes has similar findings, claiming that the traffic, and you yell, ‘N****r,’ is that racist?”43
group’s attempts to distance themselves from 40. Official AZ Proud Boys Channel (@OfficialAZProudBoys),
“[Image] Blacks in South Africa are allowed to openly wage
more overtly racist and antisemitic groups Ultimately, we concur with researchers who a slow war against Whites…” Telegram, February 19, 2022.
among the Alt-Right are likely to be “intention- consider the Proud Boys to be a white nation-
al, image-saving” efforts to “remain appealing alist organization that uses coded language 41. Drew Harwell and Will Oremus,“Only 22 saw the Buffalo
to the larger public and to attract more mem- and humor to obfuscate their true ideology. shooting live. Millions have seen it since,” The Washington
bers.”28 DeCook argues that “despite their ex- Post, May 16, 2022.
We believe this is done for the purpose of nology/2022/05/16/buffalo-shooting-live-stream/
plicit denial of their affiliation as well as high- gaining membership and deflecting racist la-
lighting their non-White members, they still 42. Official AZ Proud Boys Channel (@OfficialAZProudBoys),
beling that would make them less palatable “This guy really doesn’t like black people... I wonder why..?”,
reproduce certain social structures with these among the American right-wing. Telegram, May 18, 2022.
linguistic moves.”29 Boys/5372
43. Kutner, personal correspondence.
Park’s analysis of language used in McInnes
videos finds that by focusing on male suprem-
acy, anti-political correctness, and protecting
Did the Proud Boys monetize data find that there has been a rise in the num-
ber of encrypted Telegram channels dedicat-
January 6th? If so, how? ed to different cities and states, each of which
has seen an increase in membership in the
past year.
The Proud Boys engaged in fundraising efforts
prior to and after the January 6th attack on the
Capitol for various reasons; reasons that are What is your analysis of the
not clear, from sources that are not disclosed,
and used in ways that are difficult to ascertain. Proud Boys’ organization and
Members pay dues that they were told would
be used for food and locations for “meet-ups”;
objectives as we prepare for
the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the midterm elections and the
Law claimed they went to “illegal activities.”44
Platforms like Give Send Go have been used 2024 presidential election?
to fund events such as the “Travel Expenses
for upcoming Patriot Events” that was used
for “protective gear and communications” at Following the Unite the Right Rally, the Proud
the January 6th attack on the Capitol as well Boys attempted to distance themselves from
as funding for members who are incarcerat- the Alt-Right by moderating racist and antise-
ed for their involvement with January 6th. Will mitic language in order to maintain a degree
Carless identified a particularly large amount of legitimacy. Following the January 6th attack
of donations amounting to $86,000 from Chi- on the Capitol, they have shifted tactics again
nese Americans prior to the attack.45 Mem- for the same purpose: To maintain legitimacy
bers continue to share donation links and hold and preserve the group as a whole. They have
events to raise money for the “January 6th sought out affiliations with local advocacy
Political Prisoners”; how that money is used is groups that are less overtly racist or antise-
unclear. mitic, but remain committed to violence and
intimidation as means to achieve their goals. Fig. 5 - The Proud Boy Tenets
44. Michael Kunzelman, “Officer: I quit Proud Boys over fears In keeping with the “Big Lie” conspiracy the-
of ‘far-left attacks,” Business Insider, November 13, 2019. ory, Proud Boys members have also engaged
in several efforts to “protect” the vote, such
as acting as poll watchers (either in an official
45. Will Carless, “Proud Boys saw wave of contributions
from Chinese diaspora before Capitol attack,” USA Today,
or unofficial capacity) in multiple states. Some
May 4, 2021. members, such as John Fischer in Johnston
tion/2021/05/04/proud-boys-chinese-americans-communi- County, North Carolina, have even run for of-
fice while openly admitting their status as an
active Proud Boys member. Efforts to increase
What impact has January 6th their legitimacy through campaigns and affil-
iation with campaigns must be countered at
had on the Proud Boys? both the national and local levels.

The most significant impact on the Proud With regard to conspiracies, the Proud Boys
Boys has been the shift from a focus on na- continue to be both source and distributor of
tional politics to one that emphasizes local pol- narratives that align with QAnon, anti-govern-
itics, particularly regarding COVID-19 policies, ment militias, and racist/antisemitic groups.
Critical Race Theory, and various local causes. They continue to question the results of the
Whereas prior to the attack on the Capitol, 2020 Presidential Election and claim that a ca-
events were more likely to be occur at multi- bal of Democratic elites are planning to steal
ple locations on the same day in a coordinated elections in 2022 and beyond.
fashion (i.e., the “March against Sharia’’ pro-
tests that were held in multiple cities nation- Efforts to counter disinformation campaigns
wide), our data show more events on different on social media will be vital to disrupting ef-
dates that adhere to similar principles. For forts to spread conspiracy theories about the
example, school board meetings across the upcoming elections. Furthermore, our data
country have been attended by Proud Boys show that they have already attempted to en-
members wearing their signature colors and gage in intimidation at polling locations and
tactical gear. These events do not coincide are likely to do so in the future. With their shift
with the organized marches in the past; rather, to a more decentralized structure, it will be
they occur when certain topics are being dis- more difficult to predict and counteract poll-
cussed, such as LGBTQ+ issues, Critical Race ing intimidation, as events are unlikely to be
Theory, masking, and lockdowns. planned and organized to occur simultaneous-
ly across the nation. Therefore, this will require
They have created and strengthened connec- increased monitoring and enforcement by lo-
tions to more “legitimate” right-wing political cal entities to avoid election interference and
advocacy groups, particularly local grassroots intimidation at polling locations.
organizations interested in issues relating to
CRT, LGBTQ+, and COVID-19 mandates. At the Ultimately, the Khalifa Ihler Institute believes
same time, they have continued to engage in that the potential threat to democracy posed
acts of violence. Several local chapters have by the Proud Boys has not waned–in some
been employing increasingly violent rhetoric ways, it has grown. The following report de-
directed at journalists, local politicians, educa- tails the group’s ideology, tactics, and strat-
tors, and opposition activists. egies both before and after January 6th and
concludes with suggestions to counter their
Despite predictions that the Proud Boys would attempts to subvert democracy.
decline after being tied to the Attack on the
Capitol, their semi-autonomous chapters have
grown. Numbers within these chapters have
also appeared to grow–although there is no
public national database for membership, our
Proud Boys
January 6 DC


Fig. 6 - This visualization illustrates the connections between groups in the network surrounding Proud Boys. The full Proud Boys dataset contains all known incidents Proud Boys have organized,
attended or targeted. This visualization demonstrates the strong ties between individuals, groups and incidents related to the Proud Boys and the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. This is based
on the Proud Boys subset of the KII HateMap data (

Who Are The Proud Analyzing the organization through offline
behavior, leadership and trusted spokespeo-
thought and wrote about rape as if he was
.contributing to reader’s digest
ple reveals the self-presentation of the group
Gavin McInnes, How to Piss In Public, Page 9060-
and the espoused beliefs that attracted its
members and followers. We’ll start with offline Goad’s most famous book, The Redneck
The Proud Boys are a neo-fascist violent ex- incidents and examine Gavin McInnes’s radi- Manifesto, is considered by McInnes to be
tremist46 organization with semi-autonomous calization process below to describe the role “one of three ‘required’ books on modern
chapters in America, Canada, Oceania and Eu- of replacement/white genocide conspiracy Western culture, alongside Pat Buchanan’s
rope. Their current organizational structure is theories. In the ideology section, we will cover The Death of the West and Coming Apart:
built on a strategy common among extremist how tactics shifted under McInnes’s succes- The State of White America, 1960-2010 by
groups in the United States called “leaderless .sor, Enrique Tarrio Charles Murray.”61 It is important to note that
resistance”; it advocates for small groups to all three books share similar themes: White
victimhood and the belief that minorities
act autonomously while also being “united by
a common mission”.47 In their own words, they
Gavin McInnes are unfairly favored in our society (to the
claim that each group is autonomous, but all detriment of poor whites in particular). Charles
Gavin McInnes, the founder of the Proud Boys, Murray is a proponent of scientific racism and
follow a common set of “core tenants” (see has been described as “...more or less the
figure 1).48 In addition to their stated ideology, the author of The Bell Curve which proposes
Men’s Rights subreddit manifested in human a genetic explanation for racial differences
they have co-opted several high-profile issues form.”53 McInnes is a Canadian extremist who
over the course of their existence: Pro-Trump, in IQ. Buchanan’s book is based on the
revels in his ability to manipulate public per- same premise as the “Great Replacement”
anti-Antifa, anti-abortion, anti-indigenous, an- ception. McInnes’ ability to launder extremist
.ti-mask, anti-“grooming”, etc conspiracy theory–that the West is “dying”
ideology is why many self-identified white due to “[c]ollapsing birth rates in Europe and
nationalists credit him for being their gateway the U.S.’’, “population explosions in Africa,
For many individuals, the Proud Boys have to more hardline white nationalism.54 Gavin
served as a “gateway” to more violent ex- Asia, and Latin America,” and “unchecked
McInnes frequently espoused great replace- immigration”.62
tremist ideological movements and are of- ment and white genocide narratives on Twit-
ten viewed as “a ‘stepping stone’ group to ter before he was removed from the platform:.
more extremist alt-right [groups].”49 Since McInnes’ Vice articles reflected his desire to
“This attitude [fringe feminist pro-abortion emulate Goad’s transgressive, un-politically
the group’s inception in 2016, several notable ideas] + Immigration = white genocide in the
members - including Jason Kessler, self-iden- correct writing style. He reveled in pushing
west. South Africa’s version is much more in- boundaries in ways that made it difficult to
tified accelerationist50 Austin Gillespie, Kyle tense.”55
Chapman, Jovi Val, Tim Gionet (better known tell whether he was serious or not, a style that
by his alias, Baked Alaska), and Jason Lee Van remains his trademark today. A failed stand-
Dyke have joined or attempted to join more Hate Literature, White Nationalism And up comedian, McInnes has characterized
his “over-the-top expression” as only
explicitly antisemitic and white supremacist Optics comedic in terms of tone, not substance.
violent extremist movements.51 Since Enrique
Tarrio’s arrest in March 2022 on charges of One article concluded: “It would seem clear,
Before forming the Proud Boys, McInnes con- then, that McInnes’ persona is rooted in
conspiracy related to the January 6th attack,
cealed aspects of his ideology while cultivating genuine conservative extremism, but it’s still
some have tried to push the group in a more
the more palatable components for potential impossible to remove all doubt.”63 Therefore,
openly racist and antisemitic direction.52
converts. One form of concealment involves to dispel any remaining ambiguities about
the Proud Boys’ core tenant identifying them McInnes’s radicalization, it is important that we
In 2022, the Proud Boys continue to function
as “western chauvinists” as opposed to “white also examine his behavior.
as a vector for far-right radicalization, having
supremacists”. “Western” functions as a cod-
mainstreamed their tactics and mobilized
ed term for white, as evidenced in McInnes’ In 2006, Gavin McInnes attended the
massive sections of the population from the
own words when he wrote the following about white nationalist American Renaissance64
populist center position to the far-right. After
his brief work experience in Taiwan: “Being conference, hosted by pseudo-intellectual
January 6 2021, splinter cells began to form,
white in Taiwan is like being famous. Actually, white nationalist Jared Taylor. An article
embracing and utilizing even more militant
they get mad if you say white because that’s from The Forward posted on American
forms of radicalization and accelerationist ide-
politically incorrect. The term is Western.”56 It Renaissance’s website defined the worldview
ologies. The push towards “applied populism”,
is likely he adopted this strategy to evade de- of attendees as being “united by a common
a term coined by Trump architects, represents
tection from two sources: (1) Jim Goad, and (2) belief in black intellectual inferiority, opposition
part of a constellation of an ever-growing
His attendance at the 2006 white nationalist to non-white immigration and ardor for
.threat of violent mobilization
.American Renaissance conference maintaining America’s white majority.”65
This belief system is referred to by white
In 1994 McInnes famously co-founded Vice nationalists as “race realism,” and feeds into
The Four Degrees of the Proud Magazine in Montreal, with co-founders Sur-
oosh Alvi and Shane Smith using “money from
the historically held, and yet wholly imaginary,
idea that black and brown men serve as
Boys a government welfare program.”57 Vice was existential threats to white male supremacy.
originally a counter-cultural punk -rock mag-
The group’s official bylaws list four de- azine, and McInnes was the creative force re- The white nationalist American Renaissance
grees of membership: sponsible for its “editorial voice.”58 For this, he conference provided a cognitive opening66
looked to authors writing edgy literature - the for McInnes, and the 2006 conference was
• The first degree requires an initiate to .more politically incorrect, the better particularly notable because a long-simmering
state the Proud Boys’ fraternity creed; fractious divide among adherents of white
• The second degree requires the McInnes is a long-time admirer of Jim Goad,59 supremacy finally bubbled to the surface.67
initiate to be punched until he can a Portland, Oregon author known for trans- From the first American Renaissance
name five breakfast cereals. Once gressive writing style and whose work was conference in 1994, pseudo-intellectual
the initiate succeeds, he is an official popular among the founding members of Vice approaches to justify the supremacy of whites
member; during its formative years. In the first version and white culture over blacks, Hispanics, and
of his memoir, McInnes wrote fondly about the Muslims were regularly promoted. However,
• The third degree involves the new literature that influenced the tone of Vice in its’ Jared Taylor, the founder of American
member getting a tattoo with Proud :early days Renaissance Magazine and host of the biennial
Boys phrases or symbols; conference, had long attempted to ensure
• The fourth degree requires the A Danish magazine called Sewer Cunt antisemitism was not part of his organization,
member to engage in violence on the seared our eyeballs with graphic depictions going so far as to embrace Jewish conference
group’s behalf. of murder, and an American Zine called speakers and explicitly forbid discussions of
FUCK was so harsh it gave our brains third the “Jewish question” at conferences, in his
Source: Kutner, “Swiping Right: The Allure of Hyper
degree burns, but nothing charbroiled magazine, or on his website.68
Masculinity and Cryptofascism for Men Who Join our souls like Jim Goad’s ANSWER ME!
the Proud Boys” He didn’t give a shit about what anyone The Southern Poverty Law Center’s 2006

Intelligence Report detailed a tense situation in Marches Against Sharia, organized by ACT
which former KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, For America.79 They also attended incidents
alluded to the conspiracy theory of Jewish by Worldwide Coalition against Islam. It was
domination over media and government and through these Anti-Muslim events that the
was promptly called a “fucking nazi” by Jewish transnational network of Proud Boys grew.
astrophysicist and notable white separatist The incident map data refelects that Anti-
Michael Hart, who was described as a “long Muslim incidents, while higher in volume, did
time-attendee” at former conferences. After not receive the same level of attention as the
this conference, Taylor was forced to take murder of Heather Hayer in Charolottesville.
a stand between “[t]hrow[ing] out the anti- Kutner notes one such incident.“80 On July
Semites [who embrace Jewish conspiracy 8, 2017, Proud Boys acted on conspiratorial
theories] and try[ing] to build a larger content from the Canadian Free Press and
movement with electoral possibilities like those the Clarion Project—two outlets criticized for
increasingly seen in Britain and Germany; or spreading disinformation and anti-Muslim
openly join[ing] hands with the very energetic rhetoric.81 Proud Boys used these sources to
neo-Nazis even though that mean[t] the loss justify their descent into Islamberg, believing it
of any remaining shred of respectability.”69 to be an Islamic training ground.”82
In response, the SPLC reported that, “Taylor
issued a nonsectarian statement in which This intimidation campaign received very little
he said that all sorts of extremists would be scrutiny. The scale of Anti-Muslim incidents Fig 7 - Enrique Tarrio and Roger Stone May 5th, 2017, attend-
welcome at his conferences as long as they did not prompt as much scrutiny or garner ing the “Cinco De Milo” event.
acted appropriately.”70 The “Jewish Question” much pressure on Proud Boys’ leadership. In
schism at the 2006 conference likely inspired 2018, the fear of the second Unite the Right After joining, Tarrio became part of the
McInnes’s cryptofascist71 strategies that have Rally,83 coupled with the suspension of Proud paramilitary arm of the Proud Boys, the
come to define the Proud Boys and large Boys accounts on Twitter,84 and Proud Boys Fraternal Order of The Alt Knights (FOAK),
swaths of the New Right. well documented violent gang activity that which formed as the tactical arm of the Proud
ultimately led to Gavin McInnes stepping Boys after the Battles of Berkeley94 and served
Though McInnes cites “creative differences”72 down. as militia security in Charlottesville.95
as the reason he left Vice, former Vice writers
believed that McInnes’s American Renaissance On October 12, 2018, Proud Boys fought Tarrio was present at the 2018 storming of
conference was the seminal event that led to Antifascists outside of a speaking event at the democratic campaign office, where
being bought out.73 When Vice expanded and The Metropolitan Club. Proud Boys were elected officials and Proud Boys aggressively
merged with Viacom, McInnes was viewed as arrested on gang violence charges, and the confronted Nancy Pelosi, calling her a “piece
“a liability,” by his co-founders. His settlement NYPD opened a criminal probe into the group. of shit,” and “fucking communist.” They filmed
with Vice was finalized in 2008.74, 75 This is McInnes stated he was cooperating with law Pelosi as she entered the building.96 Members
consistent with McInnes’s correction to the enforcement and stepping down in order were described as hecklers, but their actions
claim that he was “fired” by Vice. He writes: to alleviate sentencing for the Proud Boys are more indicative of an attempt to intimidate
involved in the gang assault. “At the very least, elected officials. Tarrio made headlines where
Wasn’t fired. Viacom was actually worried [stepping down] will show jurors they are not he espoused the narrative that Proud Boys
about me being ousted and thought it was dealing with a gang and there is no head of were a, “drinking club with a patriot problem”.97,
a dangerous move because I was the brand. operations,” McInnes said.86 He emphasized 98
At this event, Tarrio shouted “you don’t
It would be more accurate to say: ‘His con- that the group had black and brown members belong here, you f------g communist! Get
stant fraternizing with extremists (on the and repeated that the group had no ties to the f--- outta here!” to Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi
right and the left) was making advertisers white nationalism, both claims easily refutable was able to make it into the building, after
uneasy.’ Vice was getting too big for its by data. Enrique Tarrio was unanimously voted which Nelson Diaz, the Chairman of the local
britches and associating with the far right in as Chairman the following month.87 Republican party, and a few others pounded
was bad for business (far left wasn’t an is- on the door as Tarrio narrated, “open up, it’s
sue, apparently).76 the Proud Boys in here!”99
Enrique Tarrio
Years later, he published The Death of Cool, On November 24th, 2018, Tarrio was
a memoir in which he described his use of Multi-racial members of the Proud Boys unanimously voted in as the Proud Boys
the term “Western” as a stand-in for white.77 advance the same causes and follow the Chairman.100 Proud Boys claim to abhor
Additional evidence of McInnes’s racist, same trajectory as white supremacists, identity politics from the left because it allows
ethnonationalist views can be seen in his 2013 regardless of their personal justifications for genuine inclusivity; Tarrio represents the
memoir. Here, he portrays Islam as intolerant for being a member. far right counter to this, providing the illusion
and violent: Tarrio has explained that politics was part of of inclusivity by being an Afro-Cuban man.
his culture growing up,88 and proudly stated he According to Meadhbh Park, “By incorporating
Every time I think about [my friend] Sprague, was “the descendant of proud commie killers,” people of color, the far right and white
[who was traumatized assisting in the clean- who fled the Castro regime.”89 Enrique Tarrio supremacy become ‘a more durable force’.”101
up of ground zero], I think of what many call became politically active in the early 2000s. Tarrio is just as aware of the power of optics as
a “religion of peace” where a good 25 per- Early in his career he became affiliated with Proud Boys founder, Gavin McInnes.
cent think suicide bombing is sometimes or Roger Stone. He campaigned for one political
often justified. Twenty Five percent of the candidate he did not name before working on The appointment of Tarrio to Chairman while
1.5 billion Muslims in the world is 375 million. Ron Paul’s campaign in 2008. serving as the Florida State Director for
Holy shit.78 “Latinos for Trump” marked not only a shift
Tarrio joined the Proud Boys on May 5th in leadership, but also in the group’s strategic
2017 after being recruited by Proud Boy priorities. In an article “Hate Goes Mainstream,”
The law enforcement demographic
Alex Gonzalez90 while volunteering for Roger Tarrio stated his job as chairman was to “bring
McInnes hoped to recruit most were
Stone at “Cinco de Milo,” an event announcing false stories to light, combat media narratives
cops post 9/11, when Anti-Muslim big-
Milo Yionopoulis’s lawsuit against Simon that the Proud Boys are a white-supremacist
otry and paranoia were often confused
and Shuster. Roger Stone, Jack Posobiec, a group and descriptions that “make self-
with patriotism.
naval intelligence officer with ties to white defense look like assault.”102 Tarrio’s words
nationalism,91 Faith Goldy, Lucian Wintrich, and in the December 2018 article telegraphed
McInnes Steps Down Ali Alexander were among notable individuals his intent to target Antifascists, the group’s
present. Hours before the event Jack Posobiec perceived opposition, and command the
In 2017, Anti-Muslim bigotry was the most narrative. This shift towards more aggressive
had broken the news of the Emmanuel Macron
salient factor in Proud Boys organizing. confrontation against Antifascists and
leaks on Twitter.92, 93 Cinco de Milo was also
Proud Boys attended incidents organized by continued messaging strategy would become
the event where Roger Stone stated his first
Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens to more apparent in 2019 and build momentum
degree pledge and became an honorary Proud
protest motions to condemn Islamophobia into 2020.
in Canada and were present nationwide in
Fig. 8 - Map illustrating the frequency of incidents and events instigated or participated in by the Proud Boys in the US by State and City. The darkness of each state’s shade indicates the fre-
quency of incidents, the size of the circles indicates the number of incidents per city, and the color of the circles indicates separate cities. The map demonstrates significant activity in the Pacific
Northwest Region, Texas, and Florida, in addition to Portland and Washington DC. Based on the Proud Boys subset of the KII HateMap data (






Count of Pbds Id



Dec 19, 16 Jun 19, 17 Dec 18, 17 Jun 18, 18 Dec 17, 18 Jun 17, 19 Dec 16, 19 Jun 15, 20 Dec 14, 20 Jun 14, 21 Dec 13, 21 Jun 13, 22

Week of Event Date

Fig. 9 - Graph showing the frequency of Proud Boys’ events in the Hatemap dataset by week. Between the inception of the group in 2016 and June 2022 only one week saw zero events. The
frequency of events peaked in the week of January 6th, and in the time-period surrounding the 2020 US Presidential Election. Activity is maintained to date. More data can be seen in the KII
Hatemap (

What role does race, use of rhetorical strategies to distance them-

selves from the “alt-right” is simply a tactic
around the world being replaced by nonwhite
people”.112 For the far-right, black and brown
to attract a wider audience and frame them- people are seen as an existential threat to the
white supremacy, and selves in a more “legitimate” light. 106 future of white people and white culture. The
“Great Replacement” is sometimes used in-
fear of white replace- Researchers are not alone; the U.S. Proud
Boys’ true underlying ideology has even been
terchangeably with the term “white genocide,”
and has inspired some of the worst terrorist
ment play in Proud called into question by members of interna-
tional Proud Boys chapters. On May 10, 2021,
attacks and mass shootings in recent history.
113, 114, 115, 116, 117

Boys’ activities? the Official Proud Boys Ireland telegram chan-

nel posted a satirical list of what they called Gavin McInnes has demonstrated in word and
the “PB USA tenemenants [sic]”, which includ- deed that he subscribes to the myth of “The
ed statements such as “Anti racism (unless its Great Replacement” and has championed
The Great Replacement Theory the cool racism)” and “Venerate the housewife William Petzer, one of the largest purveyors of
(until the bitch steps out of line then I smash the replacement/white genocide narratives.118
and Gavin McInnes her and cry to my bros that she wants to take On August 12th, 2017, Gavin McInnes collab-
the kids).”107 orated with Mike Peinovich119 on the logistics
There are several paths to understanding the of the Unite the Right Rally, “I like the idea of
beliefs of the Proud Boys and their relation- When white nationalist Emily Youcis108 was a unity and I’m outraged at white genocide,”
ship to white supremacy. The “Great Replace- guest on The Gavin McInnes Show, she got he wrote, “but there may be some misgivings
ment” conspiracy theory argues that white him to recite the 14 words.109 McInnes re- from the group.”120 Peinovich responds to
culture is being replaced by people of color. placed “white” with “western.”, but otherwise McInnes’s comments with an observation that
This is sometimes cited interchangably with complied. In 2021, Youcis railed against the many Proud Boys “seem on board with white
the term “white genocide”. 103 perceived threat against white people in the nationalism.”121
Waukesha shooting. In a telegram post, she
Gavin McInnes, has argued that the Proud claimed “the race war has already begun long
Boys are distinct from the alt-right in that they ago, decades ago. Every year that blacks are Male Supremacy
do not adhere to Jewish conspiracy theories allowed to senselessly slaughter whites in
and do not believe that “Western” is synony- cold blood is another year of this one-sided, Male supremacy is one of the most salient fea-
mous with “white”.104 Members are expected hidden war.”110 This belief of white extinction tures of the Proud Boys ideology, yet it is often
to believe that “whiteness” is not the prob- aligns with “The Great Replacement Theory,” the least articulated component of the group’s
lem, and to accept that “West is best” As Park a conspiracy that has its origins in French Na- belief system. This ideology asserts itself in
(2022) noted, the group “allows non-white tionalism. It was popularized in 2011 by Renaud the aggressive policing of women who step
men to join so long as they believe systemic Camus, who wrote, “Le Gran Replacement,” in outside of the rigid gender norms constructed
racism does not exist and that there should 2011.111 for them. Patriarchy is defined as a, “system of
be no ‘racial guilt,’ as the Proud Boys put it.”105 government in which men hold the power and
In spite of this assertion, many researchers The “Great Replacement Theory” is a far right women are largely excluded from it.”122 Ac-
have concluded that their actions, symbols, conspiracy theory that proposes that “white cording to Mann, “sexism seeks to rationalize
and relationships to overtly white supremacist women are not having enough children and and justify the Patriarchy,”123 while misogyny
groups belie their true intentions, and that the that falling birth rates will lead to white people acts as “the law enforcement branch of patri-

archy.”124 A man can harbor sexist views with- important to differentiate between “political
out acting upon them. Sexism can involve tacit accelerationism versus militant acceleration-
acceptance of gender inequality like many ism.”131 Militant accelerationism is defined as,
men who support the overturning of Roe v “a set of tactics and strategies designed to put
Wade, or are inclined to distrust female vic- pressure on and exacerbate latent social divi-
tims of rape. Misogyny is action oriented and sions, often through violence, thus hastening
directed against female targets. societal collapse.”132

Pat Buchanan, an ultra-nationalist author fre- After Unite the Right in Charlottesville,
quently cited by Proud Boys members online McInnes positioned the Proud Boys as Alt-
and at chapter meetings, perceives equali- Light as opposed to the more explicitly An-
ty and women’s liberation as a direct threat tisemitic Alt-Right. Through an act of rhetori-
to their desired social order. This is a claim cal tap dancing, he disavowed members who
echoed by New Right figures like Curtis Yarvin were present at the Unite the Right rally while
who view progressives as the real fundamen- appealing to the same grievances of its at-
talists.125 Proud Boys members push back tendees by blaming the media for contributing Fig. 10 - Proud Boys Meme Collected During Ethnographic
against equality through a combination of an- to the event by their repeated demonization of Research, 2018140
ti-feminist rhetoric and offline enforcement. Western Civilization.133 After Heather Heyer’s misogyny is as deeply held a belief as much as
Proud Boys engaged in offline enforcement murder, McInnes’ urged Unite the Right at- it is a marketing tool. In 2018, Gavin McInnes
at the 2019 “Pro-Life Rally For The Innocent,” tendees to shift their focus. “Let’s get back to defended Peterson’s views on enforced mo-
where Proud Boys, dressed as Clowns were dismantling the government and not get lost nogamy. In this defense article, he wrote, “And
photographed with signs that said, “Abortion in rhetoric. It gets people killed.”134 Four years all of these writers, like Amanda Marcotte and
isn’t funny,”126 and the 2018 Night For Freedom later, Gavin McInnes maintained this position, all of these, Nellie Bowles, and the woman
event, scheduled the same day as the Wom- when he told a reporter, unprompted, “I hated [Taylor Lorenz] who exposed Pamela Geller’s
en’s Marches.127 the government; I still hate the government. I kids, all these spinsters, they think they’re liv-
want to burn it to the ground.” 135 ing this too cool, empowered Watergate-jour-
They share memes that celebrate offline en- nalist life. But you’re not. You’re just a colos-
forcement of gender norms which often in- Richard Spencer, a prominent Alt-Right figure, tomy bag for various strangers’ semen.”142
cludes violence or death. Internally, members got Gavin McInnes his job at Taki’s Magazine His words highlight how, in the worldview of
will colloquially refer to this mechanism as in 2007. Taki’s Magazine which has been allied gender supremacy, a woman is reduced to
“thot patrolling,” a vulgar call to action against with the Greek Neo Nazi Party Golden Dawn.136 body parts; her worth confined to her ability to
women they perceive as promiscuous. At the Richard Spencer got Gavin McInnes hired reproduce. This feature of Proud Boys’ ideolo-
same time, they attempt to obfuscate their mi- at Taki’s Magazine after he left Vice in 2007. gy is what has allowed chapters to form loose
sogynistic views by claiming they are “vener- After Charlottesville, it became too costly for alliances with anti-abortion activists. There are
ating the housewife”, as McInnes wrote on his him to maintain his involvement. He wrote his several instances of Proud Boys providing se-
telegram channel in 2020: “We venerate the last article for the Alt-Right publication twelve curity for anti-abortion speakers and serving
housewife. Many people read this as us being days after Heather Heyer’s murder. From here as body guards to facilitate anti-abortion activ-
misogynists, especially when they don’t both- he revealed his central philosophy surround- ist’s harassment of women,143 in one instance
er to look up the word chauvinist, but what we ing free speech.137 even as women sought services at planned
mean by this is that women who chose to be parenthood. Proud Boys’ anti-egalitarian view
housewives and mothers should be celebrat- is informed by delusions of victimhood; a view
ed for that choice.”128 He went on to say that Probing Inconsistencies that begins with their redpill entry to recruit-
“We do not claim that is the only valid choice ment, described below.
and many of our wives are very successful ca- Although the Proud Boys put significant effort
reer women. In today’s world too many men do into denying a connection to racism or sexism,
not prioritize having families but we do. We like there is significant evidence to the contrary. The Redpill
sex, we want wives and we want babies. We The enforcement of traditional gender roles
encourage each other to find good wives and is inextricably linked to maintaining white su- “Taking the redpill” is a reference to The Ma-
to be good husbands and fathers.”129 premacist hierarchies.138 One way gender is trix in which the main character takes a liter-
enforced is through the glorification of a par- al red pill in order to learn the truth about his
Proud Boys opposition to gender equality and ticular type of femininity. In its construction, society. In this context, the redpill refers to
progressive values is a hallmark of the male Maxwell and Shields note “contradictory mes- men awakening to the reality of male subju-
grievance communities that view men as sages in which women are both esteemed gation by women under feminism. The redpill
victims under feminism. Their desire to push and virtuous, yet better suited to simpler provides a form of pseudo empowerment to
back against an imagined oppressor can be positions.”139 Gavin McInnes plays on this old men looking to navigate relationships without
seen in the group targeting women’s marches, misogynistic trope quite well; he glorifies tra- feeling a need to develop a sense of agency.
organizing anti-abortion rallies, and their cel- ditional gender roles while he and other mem- Being a victim allows them to relinquish con-
ebrating violence against women who violate bers of the Proud Boys publicly question the trol and accept their fate that there is nothing
traditional gender norms. value of women in the workforce. A woman’s men can do to improve relationship outcomes.
value becomes confined to her ability to re- The redpill is a victim narrative that dovetails
Opposition to progressivism is one of the produce. On encrypted platforms, the group’s with the fear that white men will lose their
defining features of the New Right.130 How- hatred of women becomes less sanitized. One standing in a world they cannot dominate and
ever, their resentment against women can’t image circulating in Proud Boys chapters ev- lose their women to Black or brown men. Once
be understated. Their misogyny–their desire idences their hatred of women: the meme is again, this fear goes back to common terms in
to police women’s behavior and restrict their a screenshot of a news story where a woman, white supremacist circles—white genocide or
access to power, gets transformed into their after being caught cheating, tragically com- “The Great Replacement”.144 White genocide
opposition to all government efforts that strive mitted suicide. or “The Great Replacement” is the concept
for equality. Anti-egalitarianism is why the New that changing racial demographics are leading
Right embraces efforts that seek to hasten so- Above the headline reads, “When you thot pa- to white extinction. This erasure is believed to
cietal collapse. In the next section, we will cov- trol yourself.” Through circulating this meme, be facilitated by a Jewish cabal pushing the im-
er the gender dynamics behind radicalization, they asserted that once a woman violates migration of non-white individuals in order to
anti-egalitarianism, and misogyny feed into an gender norms, her death is simultaneously of further emasculate white men.145
accelerationist worldview. no consequence, and, indeed, a source of en-
tertainment for them.
The redpill assumes a position of subservi-
Militant Accelerationism It is important to allow McInnes to demon- ence to women under feminism, where femi-
strate who he is through his own words. When nism is viewed as a ploy to emasculate men.
Matthew Kriner, The Managing Director of the asked to comment on the Toronto shooter, This feeds into other conspiratorial thinking
Accelerationism Research Consortium, agrees controversial academic Jordan Peterson, sug- like “The Great Replacement”, which situ-
that it is accurate to classify Gavin McInnes gested “enforced monogamy” as the solution ates Black and brown bodies as an existential
as an accelerationist, though he states it is to incel terrorism.141 For McInnes, violent threat. Proud Boys emphatically claim, “The
West is the Best,” while echoing Buchanan’s A Radicalization Vector Groups
2 Million Bikers
fears in the decline of western civilization;146 211 Bootboys

“Western Civilization” is used as code for Having the freedom to try on extremism is
ACT for America
Action 4 Liberty
“white”. Proud Boys who read from Pat Bu- also how the group has been able to radicalize Alamance County Taking Back Alamance County North Carolina (ACTBAC NC)

chanan’s book, Death of the West, share his members in a relatively short amount of time.
American Action Force 3%
American Civil Defense
lamentations over the perceived decline of The following section will cover Proud Boys as American Conservative Union

Western Civilization.147 The fear of changing a way to spread the contagion of extremism
American Freedom Keepers
American Freedom M/C
racial demographics has always aligned with most efficiently, marking the group’s function American Guard

the desire to control women’s bodies. Under as a radicalization vector.

American Warrior Revolution
American Wolf
feminism, when choice and free will are cham- Anti-Communist Action

pioned, insecure white men fear their women In this interview transcript, Proud Boy partici- Apopka Police Department

will choose black and brown men over them.

Arizona Liberty Guard
pant 7 (cited in prior research)156 acknowledg- Battalion 49
The redpill offers the foundation for Proud es the reality of radicalization within the group: Berkley College Republicans

Boys’ conspiratorial thinking. Once one sub-

Bikers for Trump
Black Panthers
scribes to the notion of hidden agendas craft- Proud Boy: However we clearly aren’t for Blacks For Trump

ed by a scheming cabal of women, it is easier everybody’s taste and that’s ok. Some peo-
Blue Lives Matter
Boca Raton Republican Club
to embrace a range of conspiracy theories. It ple like a glass of wine with dinner and some Boogaloo Bois

is why 9/11 trutherism, QAnon, Pizzagate, the people like a shot of cheap whiskey. Our hu-
Breitbart News
By Any Means Necessary
Kalergi Plan and COVID-19 disinformation mor is the cheap whiskey. It may not be re- Carlisle Light Infantry

circulate so freely in Proud Boys’ rhetorical fined or taste that good with a salad, but it’s
Cascade Legion
Chicago Fraternal Order of Police
spaces,148, 149 and why they champion disinfor- fun to do and rebellious to the social norms. Children's Health Defense

mation vectors like Jack Posobiec150 and Alex Citizens Against Political Persecution
Concerned Utah Citizens
Jones.151 Kutner: Let’s continue this analogy. I was Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan

thinking more in terms of what is palatable.

Conservative Update
Democrats for Trump
Michael Malice, a self-described anarchist Where, the American public equals wine or Fifty1Fifty Tactical

who embedded himself with the “New Right” beer, Proud Boys equals cheap whiskey, and Flat Earthers

states that “[o]ne of the problems with the red-

Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights
white supremacists equals moonshine. If Freedom Angels
pill is that once you see everything as a lie, it’s one develops a taste for cheap whisky, can Gateway Pundit

often hard to navigate to the truth.” 152

Gays for Trump
one not also develop a taste for moonshine? Groypers
Heirs to the Confederacy
Hell Shaking Street Preachers
The conspiratorial worldview, through Proud Boy: I think they would prefer to huff Hiwaymen

the redpill entry to recruitment, makes stolen gasoline out of a 1986 Honda Civic Identity Dixie
Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement
Proud Boys the perfect vectors for actually. They have no humor at all III% Security Force

spreading disinformation. III% Three Percenters

Kutner: So, cheap whiskey to huff. Is it possi- Jewish Defense League

ble? Have you seen it happen? Ku Klux Klan

Their suggestibility is why Roger Stone, Jeff L.A. Coalition for Trump
Last Sons of Liberty
Giesa, Steve Bannon and the wave of New Proud Boy: I would like to answer your pre- Latino Exit From the Democratic Party

Right architects saw Proud Boys as valuable vious question. Are you asking if our brand Latinos For Trump

to advance their agenda. Vitolo-Haddad de-

League of The South
of humor is inline with neo-nazi’s or have I Liberate Minnesota

scribed how McInnes and the Proud Boys ever met one? I don’t mind answering the Liberate Nevada

gathered to watch the outcome of the 2016

Liberty First
question, I just want to fully understand your Liberty Revival Alliance
election results, viewing his election as vali- question. I could answer both if that’s what Look Ahead America

dation of their raison d’etre: “Spellbound by

Loyal White Knights
you intended me to do. Metropolitan Republican Club
demagogic rhetoric and the mythos of ‘the Miami Trump Volunteers

West,’ the Proud Boys interpreted Trump’s Kutner: I was thinking more in terms of what
Michigan Liberty Militia
Multnomah County Republican Party
election as tacit authorization to follow a path- is palatable. If you have a taste for cheap Nation of Islam

way to neoliberal self-empowerment achieved whisky for example.... Would it not be diffi-
National Socialist Movement
New Hanover County Council of Concerned Citizens
through violence.”153 On election night in 2016, cult to develop a taste for huff, despite them New Port Richey Police Department

McInnes stated, “If Donnie wins the Proud being separate substances, as it were? And
NYU Anti-Fascists
NYU College Republicans
Boys will own America. We’ll just walk into the for the other question Have you seen mem- Oath Keepers

White House.”154 bers develop a taste for ‘huff’? having start-

Omaha Police Department
Orange County College Republicans
ed with only a preference for cheap whisky? Orphans Republic MC

Function Over Appearance

Patriot Prayer
Philadelphia Police Union
Proud Boy: Yes to both questions. Plaquemines Parish Sheriff's Office

Vice was once described as hating every- Pro-Trump supporters (General)

Each chapter is influenced by the specific QAnon
one equally Proud Boys represent a form of
social, historical, cultural, and political issues Re-Open NC

all-inclusive extremism where anyone can Red Elephants

of their community. Some remain on the low-
be radicalized through a bias of their choice.
Redneck Revolt

er tier of involvement and remain passive Republican Party

The group has never articulated an ideology Resist Marxism
consumers of content. Some have mobilized
or dogma beyond the patchwork of libertari-
Rise Above Movement

offline at rallies. The regional differences San Francisco GOP

an tenants surrounding limiting government Save the Tower Theater Group
become clearer through incident map data,
under the veneer of patriotism. Their amor- Seattle Police Department

where different chapters champion different Socialist Rifle Association

phous positioning allows them to attach to
causes alongside the groups they hope will
Soldiers of Odin

many groups. Their rallies, however, feature South Carolina Light Foot Militia
maximize their visibility. The data we’ve col- Stand Up For Your Constitutional Rights
hyper-nationalist chants against immigration,
lected on the other groups present at Proud
Stokes County Militia

Islam, Black Lives Matter, women, and trans Stolen Voices Foundation
Boys incidents highlights both the regional SWFL Keep America Great
people. Their lionization of Augusto Pinochet,
differences in ideology, and the role of oppor- Texans United For America

the Chilean dictator, is a common theme in Texas Freedom Force

tunism in their group. Texas Patriot Network
their tee shirts. Their antagonization and delib- The Base

erate dress style seeks to bait opponents into The Oregon GOP

confrontations.155 In claiming they’re “just troll-

Tick Licker Firearms
Traditionalist Worker Party

ing” or “triggering liberals,” Proud Boys have Turning Point USA

been allowed to “try-on” extremist tenants of

Utah Patriots
UW College Republicans
many forms. This, along with the increasing Vanguard America

mainstreaming of viewpoints that formerly

Vets for Trump
Virginia Citizens Defense League
existed only in extremist circles are how they Walk Away Movement

have been able to hide in plain sight. Warriors For Freedom

Women for America First
Women For Trump
Worldwide Demonstration

Fig. 11 - Overview illustrating by proportionality how frequently other groups have co-attended events along with the Proud Boys - the frequency of co-attendance and collaboration with overt
white supremacist organizations is indicative of the allegiances of the group - see the previous page for color-coded legend corresponding to identified groups.

box © OpenStreetMap
How did their public or de fac- Key Proud Boys Activi- GOP operative noted the Trump campaign’s
unofficial endorsement of this confrontation.
to ideologies evolve or realign On June 19th, 2019, during Trump’s 2020 kick-

in the lead-up to January 6th,

ties Leading Up to Jan- off campaign, a disillusioned GOP operative
told a New York Times reporter, “The Trump

and what impact has January uary 6th campaign is well aware of the organized par-
ticipation of Proud Boys rallies merging into
6th had on their ideologies To answer this question, the Khalifa Ihler In- Trump events. They don’t care. Staff are to
treat it like a coalition they can’t talk about.” 160,
stitute has provided a frequency graph of in-
and philosophies? cidents, in addition to two timelines in the Ap-
161, 162
June 29th, 2019, during clashes between
pendixes, and the Proud Boys Incident Dataset Proud Boys and anti-fascists, the Portland Po-
The Committee can think of Proud Boys’ available on, which lice Bureau circulated unverified claims about
true ideology as a constellation of tac- forms the backbone of the data-visualizations antifascists putting cement in milkshakes.163
tics organized under the male suprema- in this report. The first timeline contains Roger This piece of disinformation was retweeted by
cist framework of redemptive violence. Stone’s influence operations, defined as “coor- Jack Posobiec and Senator Ted Cruz, and re-
dinated efforts to manipulate or corrupt public ported as truth on Fox News.164
Rather than ask what Proud Boys believe, it debate for a strategic goal.”158 Stone’s influ-
ence as a political operative will set the stage On July 17th, 2019, Kutner asked about the Au-
is better to answer about the following ques-
for the 2016 formation of the Proud Boys and gust 17th rally: 165
• What ideologies are beneficial for Proud highlight his influence on Proud Boys activities
Kutner: “What is your endgame?”
Boys to claim as their own? that led to The January 6th Attack on the Unit-
Tarrio: “Get them [Antifascists] labeled as
• What narratives are politically advanta- ed States Capitol. (See Appendix A)
domestic terrorists at a national level. Make
geous to exploit?
Portland Police do their jobs.”
• What causes are beneficial to align them- Furthermore, Stone’s well-known relationship
selves with? with Donald Trump and his administration,
On July 18th, 2019, Republican Senators Ted
• What aesthetics can be adopted to maxi- as well as his continued relationship with the
Cruz and Bill Cassidy introduced a resolution
mize their visibility? Proud Boys throughout Trump’s presiden-
cy, emphasizes the interconnectedness of to the U.S. Senate condemning the violent acts
Trump’s administration with the group. For this carried out by members of Antifa and calling
Proud Boys’ tactics are used to exploit the crit-
reason, we’ve separated Roger Stones’ pre- for the designation of the group as a domestic
ically unexamined elements of our nation’s his-
Proud Boys activities in our first timeline. The terrorist organization.”166
tory. They adapt as a function of time, context,
and region and are quickly outliving the group. Second timeline includes blended operations
involving Proud Boys, Roger Stone, Disinfor-
mation operatives, elected officials and Pro
Stress Testing The Govern-
Proud Boy’s underlying philosophy is an ex-
tension of America’s culturally normative psy- Trump supporters. ment
chopathy, over two decades of media manip-
ulations orchestrated by their former founder, In 2019, Tarrio was recorded coaching mem-
and their relationship with Roger Stone, a po- 2019 Fighting Antifascists bers to not engage in any form of violence
litical operative with 40 years of experience in when they traveled to the Pacific Northwest.167
political sabotage.157 In the next section, we’ll Under Tarrio, The Proud Boys became a more He understood that Proud Boys presence
cover Enrique Tarrio’s period of leadership prominent presence in the pacific northwest as alone would be enough to evoke a reaction
and show how it reflects the evolution of the they experimented with more strategic goals from counter protestors or an over-reaction
group’s tactics. of violently confronting antifascists under from local government. “We show up, and the
the pretext of self-defense.159 An unidentified left loses their minds,”168 he told Kutner, before
remarking that antifascists, would be respon- Boys gathered in Gettysburg organized under get off the road. This incident was similar to
sible for destroying cities. In stating this, Tarrio the guise of protecting civil war monuments. Proud Boys were a part of the mob aggres-
acknowledged that Proud Boys’ mere pres- This cluster of activity on July 4th highlights sively intimidating the Shalala/Pelosi cam-
ence was considered an act of provocation. the tactic of holding simultaneous events in paign outside of democratic during the 2018
During the summer of 2019, he explained to multiple cities to further the appearance of midterms.179 Republicans denounced that
Kutner the group’s sustained pressure cam- large numbers. Disinformation and fears of incident, while claiming to not know who the
paign. He referred to this campaign as “stress Antifa, as in prior years, played a significant Proud Boys were.180
testing” or exhausting the resources of the role in offline organizing. This disinforma-
city under the pretext of restoring “law and tion served as pretexts used to justify violent On October 28th, a self-identified Proud Boy
order.”169 shows of force. sent letters threatening to blow up a voting lo-
cation in Dickinson, North Dakota. On Novem-
As Tarrio explained to Kutner, “Draining Throughout the summer of 2020, Proud Boys ber 3rd, a Proud Boy showed up in his “colors”
cities of taxpayer resources”170 proved continued to capitalize on the momentum of as a poll watcher and was spotted loitering
a cost-effective way to weaken a city’s George Floyd’s death, animus against Black outside of a Nebraska polling location, sug-
resolve to respond to extremist threats. Lives Matter and Antifa, support for Back the gesting that members of the group heeded
Blue, and opposition to Confederate Statue Trump’s call to become poll watchers.
removals. In the process, they built coalitions
2020: An overview of Proud with Boogaloo adherents and continued to or- On November 5th, FreedomWorks and Proud
Boys Tactics Leading Up to ganize alongside Oath Keepers and the Three-
Boys held a “Stop The Count” protest where
they spread election denialist claims. Free-
January 6th domWorks for America is a super PAC that
Anti-cop sentiment is hidden within the Boo- “empower the leaderless, decentralized com-
Proud Boys followed similar organizing galoo aesthetic. This otherwise hidden lan- munity of the tea party movement as it con-
strategies in prior years: Co-attend events guage was revealed by one Boogaloo mem- tinues its hostile takeover of the GOP estab-
with like-minded groups and stage count- ber, who asked the rhetorical question, “What lishment”.181 FreedomWorks is endorsed by
er-demonstrations in locations and at events do you roast at a luau?” It was a subtle identi- Senator Ted Cruz, a member of the GOP es-
where their presence was most likely to spawn fication of cops as pigs. The Proud Boys’ orga- tablishment. Cruz has ties to Proud Boys and
violence. The year began with Pro-Trump ral- nizing with anti-cop, pro-civil war Boogaloo174 attempted to pass legislation declaring Antifa
lies, pro-second amendment rallies, and an- and pro-cop Back the Blue, and against police as a Domestic Terrorist organization in 2019.182
ti-abortion rallies. defunding highlights the opportunism of the
group. On November 7th, “Stop the Steal” protests
On April 15th, 2020, Proud Boys played a cen- occurred in Florida, California, Nevada, Ohio,
tral role in Operation Gridlock to protest Gov- On August 29th, 2020, Proud Boys attended Oregon, and Arizona. The largest election de-
ernor Whitmer’s stay-at-home-order. Proud an event titled “Patriots Against Pedophilia” in nialist rally was Arizona, with over 1000 pro-
Boys promoted the Michigan chapter as they Modesto, California. Their primary target was testors outside of Maricopa County’s Election
blocked the hospital entrance at Sparrow planned parenthood, which they claimed en- Office. That region was heavily influenced by
Hospital. This incident was partially funded by gaged in “black genocide”; this was an attempt QAnon narratives that circulated across social
the Devos foundation. One Republican House to malign abortion access with implicit QAnon media platforms and converged with Trump’s
Speaker also participated. narratives and mobilize segments of the black election denialist claims.
community. Other attempts to mobilize this
Robert Mercer is a hedge fund billionaire de- segment relied heavily on disinformation to Social media amplification of “Stop the Steal”
scribed as, “[A] Christian conservative, gun promote vaccine hesitancy in black communi- correlates with Proud Boys incident map data
enthusiast, a climate change denier, religious, ties, banking on the historical distrust of med- and the election interference incidents on No-
small-government proponent and a man who ical institutions. There were five recorded inci- vember 5th, November 14th, November 21st,
despises the political establishment as incom- dents on this day in Nevada, Ohio, California, and the seven “Stop the Steal” incidents in
petent and corrupt.”171 He has donated over North Carolina, and Wisconsin. The ideological multiple cities on December 12th.183 All events
$100 million (€84 million) to various right-wing purposes of these events were pro-Trump, were crucial for building momentum leading
candidates and think-tanks.172 Proud Boys par- Pro-Back The Blue, Anti-Mask and Pro-QA- up to January 6th. On November 28th, Proud
ticipated in a wave of anti-lockdown and Re- non, respectively. Boys provided security for “Conservative
open protests across the country, which were Thanksgiving w/ Cooper,” a re-open and elec-
tied to special interest groups funded by the On September 3rd, Donald Trump called for tion denialist protest in Raleigh promoted on
Mercer Family, among others.173 Many of the poll watching on the debate stage: “I’m urging Facebook.184 As noted earlier, the Reopen pro-
anti-lockdown protests occurred at governors my supporters to go into the polls and watch tests were partially funded by the Mercers.
mansions, state Capitols, or outside city halls. very carefully,” he said. “They’re called ‘poll
watchers.’ It’s a very safe, very nice thing.”175 On January 5th, hundreds of people organized
In late May, after the murder of George Floyd, In the Khalifa Ihler dataset available on http:// by the Eighty Percent Coalition and Moms
Proud Boys began targeting Black Lives Mat-, there is at least one known for America, including members of the Proud
ter protestors while outwardly aligning with instance of a Proud Boy, dressed in identify- Boys and Oath Keepers, protested in Wash-
Back the Blue, and espousing pro-cop nar- ing Proud Boy’s clothing showing up as a poll ington, D.C. There was also a religious protest
ratives. They claimed they were protecting watcher on election day. called the “Jericho March” organized by Evan-
businesses, but they were looking for a new gelical Christians. After a summer of attempt-
narrative to exploit and a new pool of poten- On September 26th, roughly 1,000 Proud ing to recruit more police to their group, Proud
tial recruits who would be sympathetic to their Boys and MAGA activists gathered for the Boys attend a pro-Trump event where cops
movement. “End Antifa” in support of President Donald are assaulted. This, combined with indictment
Trump’s re-election campaign in an effort to records, suggest that following January 6th,
Independence Day, 2020 came with a flurry call for domestic terrorism. Three days later, the Proud Boys’ views on police had shifted to
of activities involving the Proud Boys. Proud Trump endorsed the Proud Boys in his refusal the extent that Proud Boys saw police less as
Boys attended an event in Prescott Arizona to disavow the group, claiming that someone allies and more as traitors.185
alongside House Rep. Paul Gosar, who was needed to do something about “Antifa” and
photographed with members of the group. the infamous, “Proud Boys, stand back and Cops are the primary threat, don’t get
On that same day, other Proud Boys members stand by,” comments.176 On September 30th, caught by them or BLM [Black Lives Matter],
were in Washington, D.C. attending Trump’s In- Donald Trump invited his followers to register another post said. “It is apparent now more
dependence Day Event. A performance artist as Trump election poll watchers, echoing simi- than ever, that if you are a patriot, you will be
who sought to play on conservative fears cre- lar voter intimidation efforts in 2016.177, 178 targeted and they will come after you. The
ated fake posts insinuating that Antifa would funny thing is that they don’t realize that we
come to Gettysburg to burn flags. The flag On October 18th, Cubans for Biden were in- are coming for them.
burning hoax was amplified by Stone Protege timidated by Latinos for Trump and members -Post in Boots on the Ground Chat, January
and Proud Boy Jacob Engels. Approximately of the Proud Boys. The group supporting the 5th186
200 individuals, including the Pennsylvania Biden Harris ticket had guns pointed at them,
Volunteer Militia, Boogaloo Boys, and Proud were brake- checked, and were intimidated to

Did the Proud Boys 48 Laws of Power196 Refer-
enced in Tarrio’s Post

Monetize January 6th? 3. Conceal Your Intentions

4. Always say less than necessary
14. Play the spy yourself.
According to our research, a cop who left the
15. Crush Your enemy Totally
Proud Boys in 2019 after eight months stated 17. Cultivate an air of unpredict-
that he “paid dues to a group leader and was ability
told the money would pay for food and a room 29. Plan all the way to the end
for “meet-ups.”187 The Lawyers’ Committee for 37. Create Compelling Specta-
Civil Rights Under Law claimed those publicly cles
visible, online dues payments helped fund the 39. Stir Up Waters to Catch Fish
48. Assume Formlessness
Proud Boys’ “violent or otherwise illegal” activ-
ities.”188 (from Robert Greene, The 48
Laws of Power)
On December 17th, 2020, Will Carless re-
ported that nearly 1,000 people with Chinese
surnames gave roughly $86,000 to Proud
Boys through the Christian fundraising plat-
form Give Send Go.189 According to experts
Fig. 12 -Post by Enrique Tarrio on Parler, Late December 2020
in Chinese Affairs, their donations reflect that
a “deeply conservative” faction of Chinese Prior to the January 6th Attack on the United
Americans, “embrace misogyny and even rac- States Capitol, right wing media amplified veri-
November 7th, 2020 “Standby
ist attitudes common among America’s far
right.”190 This percentage of Chinese donors
fiably false information about Dominion Voting
Systems rigging the election against Trump
Order Has Been Rescinded”
also believe Proud Boys’ narratives of protect- along with a range of conspiracy theories that On November 7th, 2020, the race is called
ing the country from Antifascists. fall into the broader category of “election de- for Joe Biden. Trump refuses to concede and
nialism”.199 Proud Boys spread this disinfor- begins circulating election fraud narratives.205
It is unknown how much of the late December’s mation and conspiracy theories in their insular “Stop the Steal” narratives also peak on this
donations from the Chinese diaspora went to media ecosystems before, during, and after day across Facebook and Twitter. The same
financing the January 6th Attack on the Capi- the election. Sharing disinformation became day, Enrique Tarrio posts, “We’re rolling out.
tol. However, this late December wave of do- an act to reaffirm their identity as “Patriots” Standby order has been rescinded.” Their
nations reflect the continued tactic of Proud and paint establishment figures as traitors. response communicates that they heeded
Boys deliberately provoking and then using Trump’s call on September 30th when Trump
their target’s reactions to recruit and crowd- Part victims and part vectors, the Proud refused to disavow White Nationalists and
fund.191 What is known is that on December Boys, by virtue of their insular media told the Proud Boys to,”Stand Back and Stand
30, 2020, Zach Rehl posted a link to an online ecosystems, were able to gamify198 By.” 206
fundraiser with the campaign name of, “Travel themselves out of accepting the elec-
Expenses for upcoming Patriot Events.”192 The tion outcome. On January 5th, in the “Boots on the Ground”
campaign generated over $5,500 in donations encrypted chat, Proud Boys identified cops as
between December 30, 2020 and January 4, Each element of disinformation added to the a threat and told others not to get caught by
2021.193 common narrative within the group and built a them. This warning shows that prior to January
collective identity opposed to what they per- 6th, Proud Boys stopped seeing cops as ben-
According to indictment records, ten days af- ceived to be a corrupt government attempting eficial to their cause.207
ter the Chinese American donations came in, to “steal” the election. In contrast to non-rad-
Ethan Nordean created an online crowdfund- icalized communities, Proud Boys were inca- Proud Boys were part of the first wave that
ing campaign that solicited donations for “Pro- pable of accepting the objective reality of the breached the Capitol, using a police riot shield
tective gear and communications” to be used election outcome because it would mean a to break the window, which enabled Proud
by the Proud Boys on January 6th, 2021.194 rejection of not only Donald Trump, but of their Boys and other rioters to get in. Indictment
core group identity. On the night of Trump’s records show that in contrast to Proud Boys,
election in 2016, McInnes had framed it as an
Why did Proud Boys existential crisis: “Tonight, we either take the
country or we lose the country to the estab-
Oath Keepers leadership was waiting for Don-
ald Trump to declare martial law, but eventually
took matters into their own hands.208
Come to D.C. on January lishment.”200 They could not accept that the
country had rejected Trump and their form of

6th? patriotism–a vital component of their identi- Seditious Conspiracy

ties–so it was easier to accept a conspiracy
The Proud Boys came to D.C. on January 6th instead. In the immediate aftermath of the According to the Second Superseding Indict-
to prevent the Joint Session of Congress from 2020 election, several high-ranking members ment against Tarrio and his fellow Proud Boy
certifying the election results.195 failed to accept the results and began plotting co-defendants, he and his co-defendants
in operational cells to come to DC on January created a new chapter for hand-selected,
“Every normal man must be tempted, at 6th.201 They sought to overturn what they per- high-profile members called the “Ministry of
times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black ceived to be fraudulent election results, and Self-Defense” (MOSD) on an encrypted mes-
flag, and begin slitting throats.” they chose to do it by force. saging app. They promptly began preparations
- H.L. Menken, Prejudices, 1919 for January 6, 2021,209 which Proud Boy Zacha-
ry Rehl stated would be a “completely different
On November 12, 2020, Indictment records
show Tarrio posted a message that read, “Fuck
Unity. No quarter. Raise the black flag.”197 His “It’s time for f**king War if they steal this sh*t.”202
post reflects a level of dehumanization of their - Joe Biggs, November 5th 2020
perceived political enemies to the extent they
are seen as enemy combatants. Tarrio’s call to “The spirit of 1776 has resurfaced like the and has created groups like the Proudboys and we
“raise the black flag” mirrors language refer- will not be extinguished. We will grow that guides us. We are unstoppable, unrelenting and
enced by H.L. Menken. The origin of this ref- now . flame that fuels us and spread like love . . unforgiving. Good luck to all you traitors of this
erence highlights the insurrectionary nature of country we so deeply love ... you’re going to need it.”203
the group. The combination of desensitizing - Ethan Nordean, November 27th, 2020
memes, conspiracy theories, and disinfor-
mation in their alternative media ecosystems “Hopefully squads for the traitors that are trying to steal the election from the American
pushed them to further levels of dehumaniz- people.”204
ing action. - Zach Rehl, November 27th, 2020

operation.”210 Through voice and text messag- instructions, “You won’t see us. We’re going
es, the members left no question as to their
plans for January 6th: They planned to disrupt
Deflection Strategies to look like you and smell like you. The only
thing we’ll do that’s us is think like us! Jan 6th
the certification of the Electoral College vote Embedded in the ethos of the Proud Boys, is going to be epic.”234 Leadership coordinated
by violently “storming the Capitol.”211 among others throught their use of the 48 the January 6th Attack on the United States
Laws of Power by Robert Greene,224 is a Capitol via a top down, centralized command
During ethnographic research, some mem- range of deflection strategies commonly em- structure.235
bers claimed that the Proud Boys came to ployed by domestic abusers, psychological
hear Trump speak.212 Indictment filings against abusers and sexual offenders. Among these As the events of January 6th unfolded, mis-
Tarrio and co-conspirators conflict with this is the Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and information spread through the crowd that
statement, suggesting that many Proud Boys Offender, or DARVO225 strategy, described it was antifascists, not members of the pro-
not only “missed Trump’s speech at the El- by psychologist researchers including Sarah Trump crowd, that had entered the Capitol.
lipse,” but instead gathered at the Washing- J. Harsey, Eileen L. Zurbriggen and Jennifer J.
ton monument as planned in their Telegram Freyd. 226 After the events of January 6th, Proud Boys’
chats.”213 According to the indictment, the fol- tactical dress-code and misinformation sur-
lowing message was posted in both the “New In attempts at deflecting from their own role rounding Antifa, BLM, and the “Deep State”
MOSD Members” group214 and the “Boots on and responsibility in the acts on January 6th, cast doubt on the role of the Proud Boys in the
the Ground” group: “Everyone needs to meet while also explaining their own actions the January 6th Attack on the United States Capi-
at the Washington Monument at 10am tomor- Proud Boys employed two key narratives, tol. The narrative of antifascists being the ag-
row morning! Do not be late! Do not wear col- namely that Antifa stormed the Capitol, and gressors has no basis in reality, as there were
ors! Details will be laid out at the pre meeting! that FBI agents instigated the attack. no antifascists in the arrest records.236 Regard-
Come out at [sic] as patriot!”215 In the State- less, these narratives were widely shared on
ment of Offense accompanying the guilty plea Telegram among the extreme right-wing eco-
of Charles Donohoe, a prominent member of Antifa Stormed The Capitol system of conspiracy theorists, right-wing me-
MOSD, he claims that Ethan Nordean, a Proud dia outlets, and various Proud Boys chapters.
Boys Elder, announced at the meeting that Proud Boys charged in the conspiracy bragged
the group would be “marching to the Capitol about being able to “rile up normies,”227 by On January 7th, the Wisconsin Proud Boys
but would be returning for the speech. It soon capitalizing on fears of Antifa, which were telegram forwarded a post from Tommy Rob-
became evidendent to Donohoe that Nordean magnified more each year. This was a contin- inson News purporting to show Trump sup-
and [Joseph] Biggs did not intend to lead the uation of the trend reporters noticed during porters trying to stop Antifa from vandalizing
group back to President Trump’s speech.”216 the Million MAGA March on December 12th, the capitol: “More footage of Trump support-
also another day where “Stop the Steal” peak- ers calling out Antifa smashing windows of the
If any doubts remained about the intentions of ed on Facebook and Twitter.228 This narrative capitol building. Preplanned anarchy to silence
the Proud Boys on January 6th, the aforemen- of Proud Boys protecting against Antifa and and oust President Donald Trump, all aided
tioned indictment and statement of offense BLM hoards was established in 2017 when and abetted by the media and politicians.”237
contain a wealth of evidence suggesting that members began providing security for far right On January 9th, the Ohio Proud Boys telegram
the Proud Boys carefully planned and execut- provocateurs on and off campuses nationwide forwarded a post from a right-wing extrem-
ed the Capitol breach. As already referenced, as documented on In ist channel stating the following: “Lieutenant
planning took place on encrypted messaging prior incidents in November and December General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the
apps. There were different groups with differ- 2020, where Proud Boys claimed anti-fascists White House yesterday says special forces
ent tiers of involvement based on how “trust- were roaming the streets looking to target were mingled with Antifa at the capitol building
worthy” members were deemed to be: The supporters of the “Make America Great Again” and they took Nancy Pelosi’s laptop which has
“MOSD” (Ministry of Self Defense) group, the movement, Proud Boys were there to protect left her in a frantic state…”238 Several posts239
“MOSD Leader’s Group” and the “New MOSD them.229 They regularly attempted to frame identified John Sullivan as a “Black Lives Mat-
Leaders Group” were comprised of the most themselves as the “good guys”, the “Patriots” ter Activist” inside the Capitol building, includ-
senior members who were privy to the most protecting people and businesses against the ing one from the Seattle Proud Boys, stating
sensitive discussions. The “MOSD Prospect violence and vandalism of Antifa and Black “They have not been arrested or charged for
Group” was created to recruit potential “rally Lives Matter, whom they equated with Nazis their role at the capitol, even though they
boys” who would be willing to engage in “un- and the KKK. The purpose of this, according were also heard on video encouraging peo-
lawful conduct to achieve an objective”.217 Lat- to DeCook, was to imply both that they were ple to break through according to reports.”240
er, the “MOSD Members group” was created not similar to Nazis and the alt-right, as well Others claimed the involvement of the FBI241
for accepted recruits who were deemed loyal; as to paint Antifa and BLM as terrorist orga- or FBI “assets.”242 The Wisconsin Proud Boys
this group contained at least 65 members.218 nizations.230 “In this way, they were position- telegram also forwarded a claim from Roger
The “Boots on the Ground” group was intend- ing themselves as ‘the good guys’ (imposing Stone’s telegram channel, claiming that, “Facial
ed for any Proud Boys members attending the a moral order) in comparison to not only the recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump
January 6th protest in person.219 All members larger alt-right, but other groups as well.”231 protesters who stormed Capitol.”243
understood that they were “to follow the com-
mands of leadership” and if they did not, they The tactic of deflecting blame served the This is a broader effort among those in the
would be removed.220 Proud Boys well in the past; in fact, this even extreme right to deflect responsibility. This
prompted Republican Senators Ted Cruz and messaging tactic remains prominent in narra-
Bill Cassidy to introduce legislation to desig- tives today,244 and follows a pattern of “false-
Prior to the event, they distributed handheld nate Antifa a terrorist organization in 2019.232 flag” narratives made popular by Alex Jones
radio equipment among teams.221 Lower-rank- However, for January 6th, they enacted a dif- after the Sandy Hook massacre, where Jones
ing leaders regularly checked in with high- ferent plan to achieve a similar goal: They set claimed the mass shooting was staged to
er-ranking leaders throughout the day about themselves up to argue that the attack on the promote a gun control agenda.245 Right wing
the “plan”. Around noon, they positioned Capitol was either perpetrated by Antifa, BLM, influencers circulated disinformation blaming
themselves roughly two blocks away from the or federal agents that were part of the “Deep Antifa.246 Two central claims are Antifa insti-
Capitol and awaited orders. At approximately State”. gated the January 6th Attack on the United
1:00 p.m., members of the Proud Boys began States Capitol and colluded with the police
attempting to breach the Capitol, and at least On December 29th, 2020 Tarrio gave the or- and the Black Lives Matter movement in or-
one member–identified in the indictment as der on Parler for Proud Boys to show up with- ganizing the attack. Data shows a repeated
Dominic Pezzola-used a riot shield to smash out their colors and alluded to the possibility pattern of excessive force by police against
windows to gain entry to the Capitol for the ex- of members dressing in all black, like their and human rights violations against Black
pressed purpose of halting the peaceful trans- Antifascist and Black Lives Matter counter- Lives Matter activists.247 Despite overwhelm-
fer of power.222 Proud Boys [along with others] parts.233 Blending in with the crowd is an in- ing evidence to the contrary, the persistence
were able to temporarily disrupt Congress’s surgent tactic. In entertaining the possibility of these false narratives is reflected in polls
certification of the 2020 electoral results.223 of Proud Boys dressing as antifascists, Tarrio showing as much as 61% of Republicans place
departed from their actual plan, which was to a lot of blame for the attack on the Capitol on
dress to blend in with the average Trump sup- left-wing groups.248
porter. That same day, Joe Biggs issued similar

FBI Agents Instigated the Boys, Trump has provided the structure and
stance for others to emulate and is found to
rallying required to be a part of this club.257

Attack on the Capitol be coordinating with Proud Boys. Proud Boys, Some chapters diverged from the official
complicit in the effort to overturn democracy group structure and bylines and became more is a conspiratorial site that are part of decentralized conservative net- overtly Antisemitic and accelerationist. Accel-
has promoted the conspiracy theory that FBI works that intermix with mainstream conser- erationist chapters of the Proud Boys were
agents instigated the attack on the Capitol to vatives; conservatives who must appeal to a present at the January 23rd 2022 “Defeat the
malign Pro-Trump supporters. The false “Cap- more increasingly radicalized base. Mandates’’ rally. Proud Boys have attended
itol Riot Theory” was promoted by Trump in events as recently as May 16th, 2022 in both
a campaign email.249 is run by Proud Boys gear and skull masks.258
Darren Beattie, Trump’s former speechwriter National Trends
who left his position after his ties to white na-
tionalists were discovered.250

What impact has Jan-

uary 6th had on the
Proud Boys?
Indictment records show that few if any
Proud Boys express remorse for the death
and violence that occurred on January 6th.
They believe themselves to be victims of the
state. They have created encrypted Telegram
groups to “Free the Boys”, framing them as
political prisoners, as in this post from the of-
ficial Proud Boys USA channel: “From the be-
ginning the media has lied...The prosecutors
have regurgitated these lies to the judges and
grand juries...And these judges just nod their Fig. 13 - Graphic shared on Precinct Strategy Website
head and put us in gulags. As time progresses Regardless of Proud Boys openly embracing
we find more and more truths. But you know accelerationist markers or running for office,
who suffers from these lies and this corrupt Decentralized Networks they are part of the decentralized networks
system? The Proud Boys and other patriots. that serve the same accelerationist func-
They lock them in solitary for 24 hours a day Roger Stone announced his plan on the Re- tion.259 This function is beginning to become
like they’re some fucking dogs. They feel as if awaken America tour. The organizer of this more pronounced in our current electoral
these men are expandable pawns in the estab- event is Michael Flynn’s who is continuing to process, with aspects championed by Steve
lishments [sic] bid for re-elections.”251 Posts mobilize Christian Identity, Christian Evangeli- Bannon, Roger Stone, and Dan Schulz, who’s
about incarcerated members are regularly cal and QAnon adherents253 in a decentralized “Precinct Strategy” we will detail below.
shared along with links to various fundraisers. network of self-professed patriots, MAGA,
All are desensitized to violence and dehuman- and America First candidates. This is advan-
ization as a function of their insular messaging tageous for all extremist groups implicated Precinct Strategy
and media ecosystems. These ecosystems in January 6th, including Proud Boys. Proud On February 9th, 2021, Steve Bannon had Dan
glorify violence, embrace more openly fascist Boys know how to ride the wave of social Schultz on the Warroom Podcast to outline
tenants, and subdue natural reactions to vio- movements like “Stop the Steal” and embed his precinct strategy. The goal of the precinct
lence through toxic masculinity and veiled iro- themselves among other extremists who hold strategy is to return to hand counting at poll-
ny. The material effects of this ecosystem are similar conspiratorial views. The failure of the ing locations, mobilize “MAGA Firsters”260 to
being felt in our midterms and will be felt in our January 6th coup was not the end of Proud run for Precinct committeemen, and “taking
primaries. Boy’s attempts to subvert democracy. over” the Republican Party.261 On February
27, 2022, President Trump also championed
In contrast to narratives speculating on the the Precinct Strategy, as “a great way to re-
The Political Objectives dismal future of the group, Proud Boys noted a
surge in recruitment after January 6th.254 They
store our Republic by transforming our Party
from currently at less than half-strength at the

of the Proud Boys had a freeze on vetting new members until

March 2021, but several chapters have begun
precinct level into a full-strength Get Out The
Vote powerhouse--as it should be.”262
recruiting year-round in recent months.
In 2016, Roger Stone warned there would be
a bloodbath if Trump was not elected Presi-
After January 6th, Proud Boys’ leadership
structure became more decentralized. Some
Quest for Political Legitimacy
dent, couching his language in figurative terms
members claimed that the group would return
to avoid the appearance of violent calls to Proud Boys are being absorbed into the
to its original men’s group function. The accel-
action.252 In 2020, “Stop the Steal” events or- decentralized MAGA network and have
erationist chapters in Missouri, Nevada, and
chestrated by Ali Alexander, and Stone primed members running for office. Their presence
Washington D.C. do not trust Enrique Tarrio af-
sympathetic viewers to anticipate a rigged in local politics is an attempt to ingrain
ter discovering he acted as a federal informant
election. Pro-Trump sympathizers have now themselves with locals, distance themselves
in 2012,255 resulting in the successful prosecu-
been flooded with six years of election denial- from the January 6th Attack on the U.S.
tion of 13 individuals.256 On April 28th, 2022,
ist rhetoric, and it has been working. Capitol, and appear like a legitimate option in
Proud Boys issued the following statement on
the political spectrum.
Both Proud Boys and Pro-Trump individuals
still live in the conspiratorial milieu where they Both decentralization and Proud Boys running
believe the election was undoubtedly stolen. for office serve a larger political purpose in the
NOT EXIST If you’ve been contacted about
They view the 2024 election as the pathway next election, which will be explained in the
joining a national virtual chapter that has
to restoring Trump to power and further legiti- next section.
meetups on zoom calls, you have been mis-
mizing their group.
led. This is not something we do. We meet
“If you’re going to take over the administrative
in person. We do not have ‘Traveling Rally
state and deconstruct it,263” then you have to
The Stone Plan Chapters.’ Some Proud Boys have attend-
have shock troops prepared to take it over
On March 13, 2022, Roger Stone announced ed rallies and some have not over the years.
his plan for Trump to regain power. Like Proud There is not now, and there will never be any
- Bannon to NBC News, October 2nd, 2021
Threats to Electoral In-
tegrity and of Electoral
“Applied Populism” and Mass
Mobilization of Conspiratorial
Proud Boys adopting QAnon and
Sovereign Citizen narratives latching
themselves to offline protests should be
considered part of the family of tactics
used to destroy the legitimacy of elect-
ed positions and our electoral process.
Fig. 14 - Image Taken at White Lives Matter Rally, May 15th, 2022
an interesting source for this information. The
Freedom and People’s Convoy adherents view Christian Nationalists, Anti-Abortion Second Superseding Indictment that explicitly
themselves as patriots fighting against gov- Activists, and Proud Boys named Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs,
ernment corruption. These hybrid conspirato-
rial ideologies (e.g., QAnon and Sovereign Cit- The fact that Roe v. Wade has been overturned Zachary Rehl, Charles Donohoe, Enrique Tarrio,
izen) have the potential to subvert democracy could set the precedent for attempts to over- and Dominic Pezzola also included information
in the next election cycle. turn same sex marriage, interracial marriage, about an individual identified as “PERSON-1”,
and contraception. This coincides with the an- an as-of-yet unindicted co-conspirator. PER-
Allie Mezei, a legal expert on QAnon, has stat- ti-egalitarianism of the New Right, which con- SON-1 suffered a knife wound in an alterca-
ed, “Sovereign Citizen is absolutely a mobiliza- tains technocrats like Elon Musk, oligarchs like tion on December 12, 2020,278 was among the
tion tactic.”266 Given the opportunism inherent Peter Thiel. Some in the Republican Establish- “hand selected members” who were initially
in Proud Boys, both their involvement in the ment have pushed back against the New Right added to the “MOSD Leaders Group” in the
People’s Convoy and members running for of- and their concerted effort to overturn gender encrypted messaging app,279 was designated
fice speak to the mobilization tactics they will equality policies. a regional leader,280 was visited by Pezzola in
use to gain legitimacy. December to be presented with a “decorative
Proud Boys have provided security for an- shield”,281 added members and posted im-
The mass mobilization/destabilization efforts ti-abortion rallies in Portland.271 Sean Feucht, a portant messages to all the groups involved
post-January 6th have included disruption Christian Nationalist who had Proud Boys pro- in the January 6th attack on the Capitol,282 and
of school board meetings under the guise of vide security at his 2021 “Let Us Worship.”272 was identified in both the indictment283 and in
being opposed to critical race theory and an- He is hosting “Hold the Line,” events across Donohoe’s statement of offense as a “regional
ti-vaccine and anti-mask mandates. Protes- the country. In DC, there is overlap between leader of MOSD.”284 Bertino has been identi-
tors claim mask mandates are hurting children. the second Wave of the Convoy and anti-abor- fied as PERSON-1 due to the information re-
There is a pervasive belief that opposing man- tion activists,273 including one Proud Boy nick- garding his stabbing during the December 12
dates is an expression of one’s patriotic duty. named Oreo Express.274, 275 altercation.285, 286, 287
Protestors are encouraged to join the fight
against a corrupt government; who are using Furthermore, in March 2022, the FBI conduct-
COVID as a pretext to shut down small busi-
nesses and instate a “new world order”.267 Proud Boys’ Shift to Local ed two raids on Bertino’s home and job site,
seeking Buccal swabs(for DNA), fingerprints,
Strategies telephone/electronic communication, fire-
People’s and Freedom Convoy arms, and ammunition. As a convicted felon,
As described earlier, Proud Boys’ true ideology Bertino is not permitted to own firearms. The
In addition to the language of “draining the can be viewed through the lens of a constel- warrant alludes to the fact that this raid is con-
swamp” that echoes 2016’s Trump campaign lation of tactics, some of which support the nected to the investigation surrounding the
(and later, QAnon conspiracy theories), Proud views they espouse and others which cast attack on the Capitol on January 6th.
Boys aligned with other pseudo-populist doubt on their assertions; it is clear that the
movements that began injecting Sovereign Proud Boys are not reliable narrators of their Bertino’s connection to the Proud Boys sup-
Citizen ideology into their mobilization narra- own story. posedly dissolved leadership is one factor
tives. The narrative circulating in the People’s among many that casts doubt on the lack of
Convoy and Freedom Convoy was the rein- Following the January 6th Attack on the Cap- any degree of centralized organizing. Another
statement of the constitution and the end of itol, the Proud Boys shifted their tactics to fo- factor is the simultaneous confluence of mul-
vaccine mandates. cus on local issues. Although members of the tiple like-minded groups into a focus on local
Proud Boys have argued that they no longer politics–particularly local school boards and
In the People’s Convoy, truckers have em- maintain any national leadership, there are sheriff races. (Some examples of these recent
braced the “great reset narrative,” which reasons to doubt this assertion. According to trends in candidacies and primary results high-
willfully misinterprets the World Economic Proud Boys member Jeremy Bertino, as quot- lighting the shared strategy will be detailed be-
Forum’s Global COVID recovery efforts into a ed in a New York Times article: low).
global plot to destroy small businesses. The
People’s convoy plans to return to DC on May “The plan of attack if you want to make As evidenced earlier in this report, from the
16th and have alluded to being more violent.268 change is to get involved at the local level,” early days of the Proud Boys their connec-
said Jeremy Bertino, a prominent member tions to establishment political figures in Don-
On May 19th, David Riddel, a Proud Boy, re- of the Proud Boys from North Carolina.276 ald Trump’s political orbit–particularly Roger
placed Brian Base as the convoy leader. Nick- Stone–have been clear. Whether or not there
named “Santa” referred to convoy-goers as The group had dissolved its national lead- is direct collusion is up to debate. There is,
the “new minutemen,” and proudly claimed ership after Jan. 6 and was being run exclu- however, a wealth of evidence that links them
the convoy “had no exit plan.”269 The rebrand- sively by its local chapters, Mr. Bertino said. ideologically, strategically, and corporeally. In
ed DC convoy is now called, “The 1776 Res- It was deliberately involving its members in the wake of the January 6th Attack on the Cap-
toration Movement” and states their aim is to local issues, he added.277 itol, both Stone and the Proud Boys have ad-
restore a constitutional republic. On May 21st, opted causes shared by the QAnon conspiracy
“Oreo Express,” another Proud Boy, was filmed Given his well-documented involvement with movement: Mask mandates in schools make
harassing tourists in downtown DC.270 the Proud Boys national leadership, Bertino is children easier prey for sex traffickers,288 and

that school board policies–especially those Proud Boys who regularly attended events down, but their archived mission statement
supporting LGBTQ+ youth, are geared toward without covering his face. The Cape Fear is as follows: “Floridians First mission is NOT
“grooming” children.289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295 Proud Boys have repeatedly disrupted school to create a 3rd party as some are doing, but
board meetings in New Hanover County, start- rather to TAKE OVER the local GOPs by having
Roger Stone and Michael Flynn are closely ing with anti-covid measures in 2021 and con- America First Constitutional Conservatives324
linked with the “ReAwaken America Tour”- tinuing with anti-critical race theory and QA- apply in numbers to out vote the Republicans
-likely referencing the “Great Awakening” non narratives. In Name Only (RINO’s).” In their private Insta-
conspiracy popular in QAnon lore–as are Eric gram account, they shared instructions for
Trump and Donald Trump, Jr.296 This tour is one how to be a part of their execution plan.325
of many prongs targeting people who were
formerly activated by QAnon; local political
offices are another, as noted by a Time Mag-
azine investigation297 the National Education
Association.298 A Sarasota County Sheriff was
photographed with a “prominent supporter
of QAnon”,299 a school board trustee peddled
QAnon theories on their personal Facebook,300
and a newly-elected Michigan school board
member was protested against after evidence
was found linking her to QAnon conspiracy

Members of the Proud Boys and adherents to

QAnon conspiracy theories are not the only
extremist groups targeting local offices; so,
too, are extremists linked to the Three Percen-
ter militia. Two members were recently elected
to the five-person School Board in Eatonville,
Washington.302 Every office won goes further
toward mainstreaming the conspiracies tout-
ed by members of these extremist groups.

At the local level, decentralized networks mo-

bilizing through shared narratives are part of
Bannon’s applied populism strategy. Here are
a few cases that highlight overlapping narra- Fig. 15 - Proud Boy with visible weapon in his pocket at New Hanover County Board of Education Meeting November 9th, 2021
tives espoused by Proud Boys and decentral-
ized networks that contain Proud Boys. Georgia New York
The Georgia Chapter of the Proud Boys has Payton Gendron killed 10 people in a predom-
endorsed Kandiss Taylor, a QAnon Candidate inantly black neighborhood in Buffalo, New
Michigan for Congress.311 Other Georgia Congresswom- York. His manifesto is found to have plagiarized
en espousing QAnon narratives are circulating from other white supremacist terrorists,320 ex-
Dinesh D’Souza’s 2000 Mules is circulating Taylor’s Proud Boys endorsement.312 Taylor perts note that he became radicalized during
fraudulent claims of ballot harvesting. These has used the QAnon invective of accusing Joe the pandemic and discovered “Great Replace-
election denialist narratives are being pro- Biden of being a pedophile and repeats false ment” conspiracy theories. In his diary, he de-
moted by individuals on social media. They claims that Donald Trump won.313 On Twit- tailed how he sought to murder as many black
are sharing links to the extended film and en- ter, Taylor identified herself as a “Proud Boys people as possible.321 Proud Boys, who read
couraging others to be Precinct Delegates, Girl”.314 news articles to look for narratives to exploit,
Poll Watchers, and Election Inspectors. They took to their newly created accounts on Twit-
are also sharing links to sites where you can In addition to support from Proud Boys, she ter where they attempted to disavow the Buf-
“audit” your vote. They are also stating their also enjoys support from those in Trump’s po- falo Shooter attack and launder the reputation
plan on social media is to decertify the 2020 litical network. On Facebook, others are shar- of their group:
election.303 ing her event with Mike Lindell.315 On Twitter,
Kandiss Taylor is promoted on Trump’s Patriot
Nevada Party network.316 On Facebook, she writes, “I
am the ONLY candidate bold enough to stand
Influence networks circulating disinformation up to the Luciferian Cabal. Elect me Gover-
that inspires intimidation of elected officials, nor of Georgia, and I will bring the Satanic
violence against poll workers, and continues Regime to its knees— and DEMOLISH the
to interfere with our electoral process are all Georgia Guidestones. Join me in my fight to
likely scenarios as we approach the 2022 mid- #TearThemDown!” 317
terms. In Nevada, fraudulent election claims
have already morphed into justifications for Kandiss Taylor wants to assign 10 executive
intimidating elected officials, including threats orders that would encourage voter intimida-
against Governor Sisolak.304, 305 tion, force Christian teachings in classrooms,
and impose grooming legislation to threaten
According to an IREHR306 Report, Seven Neva- trans students.318
da Republican lawmakers are members of at
least one far-right Facebook group.307 She has since refused to concede.319

North Carolina Florida

Proud Boy member John Fischer unsuccess- As of 2022, Florida has 68 hate groups.322 Flo-
fully ran for Johnston County’s Board of Edu- ridians First is the name that Proud Boys in
Fig. 16 - Proud Boys Twitter Post, (Suspended Account) May
cation.308, 309 He did not hide his affiliation with South Florida are running under. Proud Boys
15th, 2022
the Proud Boys; in fact, he prominently linked are recognized as a hate group by SPLC.323
to a Proud Boys website (https://proudboys. There is overlapping membership and affilia-
club/) on his official campaign page310 and tions with Miami GOP’s executive committee.
was one of the few members of the Cape Fear Floridian’s First website has since been taken
Fundraising Efforts Poll Watchers & Precinct Dele- Our research has found that the Proud Boys
have not only worked independently to
On April 28th, 2022, the administrator for a Pa- gates on Social Media counter local issues such as CRT and mask
mandates; they have also worked openly and
triot Telegram channel described the Patriot cooperatively with local right-wing political ac-
Mail project as a nonprofit created during the The Hall County, Georgia GOP is organizing
election-related intimidation efforts outlined tivist groups. Some of these groups have called
Bundy trials to give hope to prisoners. Cliven themselves “Concerned Citizens’ Councils”--a
Bundy is a rancher who led an armed standoff by Trump’s voter fraud claims.343 On social
media they’re calling on poll watchers for name that either intentionally or unintention-
against federal agents over cattle grazing near ally harkens back to the period of American
his ranch in 2014.326 The Patriot Mail Project May 24th to attend what they call a “training
class.”344 It is part of a cross-platform “Call To history following the 1954 Supreme Court de-
Facebook group shares updates on the sta- cision in Brown vs. Board of Education in Tope-
tus of Proud Boys and other January 6th riot- Action” through Gettr345 where the Precinct
Strategy becomes more apparent.346 ka in which the first Citizens’ Council was first
ers and provides options for donating. They created in Mississippi. The movement against
share records of known defendants who have school integration was called “maximum re-
charges to help fundraise for them. The Patriot In Michigan, individuals are encouraging oth-
ers to become precinct committeemen. Their sistance”, and was promoted in newspapers.
Mail Project Facebook group was created on The proliferation of councils eventually be-
July 26th, 2021.327 Their website lists links to calls to action are laden with disinformation
and QAnon linked narratives and information came known as the “council movement”--and
Telegram, Facebook, and Gettr.328 Members of these movements were organized efforts that
this group share fundraising links on Facebook about the film 2000 Mules, which peddles
fraudulent election claims about ballot stuff- coordinated with politicians and extremists
through Give Send Go.329 alike…efforts that ultimately resulted in blood-
i n g . 347
shed. Regardless of the chosen name of these
On July 6, 2021, a channel was created on Tele- groups or their countermovement against de-
gram called “Free The Boys”with the following
description: “A place for all the charity pages,
Concerned Citizens’ Councils: segregation, their function is eerily similar to
modern-day efforts against CRT and LGBTQ+
fund raising and News regarding all the Proud Historical Precedent and Con- “grooming” in terms of their strategies, their
Boys that have been unjustly imprisoned, their
constitutional rights taken away from them cerns about the Future scapegoats, and their ideology.
and being tortured on a daily basis. Free the
Boys”. 330 That same day, it linked to donations “It has been said that history repeats itself. “Respectable Means for Unrespectable
for Zachary Rehl331, Joseph Biggs332, Ethan This is perhaps not quite correct; it merely Ends”
Nordean333, and Nicholas Ochs334. On August rhymes.” - Theodor Reik348
17, 2021, they added William Chrestman335 Smith (2009) explained that Citizens’ Councils,
and Nicholas Kennedy336. They asked for peo- Although it is tempting to conclude that the also known as “White Citizens’ Councils” and
ple to share the channel, claiming that ”[a]ll current political climate is unprecedented–and “the hoodless klan,”353 “began as a small group
of our boys that are in jail need your help and there have certainly been events, such as the of 14 men and quickly grew to an organization
support.”337 On October 4, 2021, they shared Attack on the Capitol, which do fall in this cat- that boasted tens of thousands of influential
a post from Nicholas Ochs where he stated egory–historical analysis suggests otherwise. political and business leaders who effectively
that his fundraisers had been shut down, so Many of the strategies employed by groups provided a visual and rhetorical image of legiti-
he offered to sell a “genuine, unopened bottle like the Proud Boys, such as their increasingly macy to the ideology of white supremacy for a
of Trump Vodka signed by Milo [Yiannopou- decentralized structure, mirror strategies em- regional audience.”354
los]” for $7,000 in order to raise money for his ployed by groups in the past. However, unlike
“legal troubles”.338 These requests are widely those in the past, today’s political actors have Halberstam (1956) noted the similarities be-
shared among the official Proud Boys channel the benefit of examining history to see not tween the council movement and the Ku Klux
and on several chapter channels. only how those strategies were employed, Klan during Reconstruction, but also empha-
but also to understand where those strategies sized one key difference: “The Councils have
Ethan Nordean has done many interviews failed and how they can be adapted for bet- an almost self-conscious desire for respect-
about his “unjust treatment”, including with ter outcomes in the future. Anyone hoping to ability. They struggle to achieve a constitu-
Gavin McInnes,339 and on “TikTok News”, both counter modern extremism would be remiss if tionally illegal purpose by ‘all legal means’” and
of which were shared on various Proud Boys they did not do the same. In this section, we shun the Klan’s affinity for violence.355
telegram channels.340 Nordean also spoke will examine historical precedents from sever-
with representatives of the “Patriot Mail” Tele- al scholars to better understand the parallels The Proud Boys have employed similar tactics
gram channel to describe his condition and to today. to distance themselves from what they see as
further the narrative that Proud Boys and oth- more overtly violent groups, particularly fol-
ers are being unjustly treated. Byman (2022) noted that white supremacists lowing the Unite The Right rally.
“have been most successful when they have
In addition to all the organizing we’ve seen tied themselves to the broader political estab-
narratives for “Justice for January 6th” being lishment, as they were in the pre-civil rights era Decentralized Strategies for Recru-
seeded by Proud Boys and adjacent networks. in the United States.”349 Although the Proud ment
In a Proud Boys official Telegram message, ad- Boys claim they are not white supremacists—a
mins forward a video clip of Gavin McInnes’s claim that we have already addressed in this Walton (2009) examined the use of Public Re-
show. The caption below the clip reads, “Start- report as being dubious–they have no doubt lations by the Citizens’ Council in Mississippi,
ing May 17th through May 24th, ten of the Jan- benefitted from the adoption of strategies arguing that the leaders “relied heavily on a
uary 6th prisoners including our brother Rufio that worked in years past. deliberate and strategic PR initiative to gain
are going to be doing a spiritual fast drinking support for its ideals” using “traditional pub-
only water. They’re asking for your support Byman goes on to explain several ways that lic relations tools and becoming savvy users
while they do this and that the truth will come extreme groups can use the “instruments of of developing media technologies,”--in other
out and they get their freedom back. If you’d democracy to achieve an undemocratic re- words, they utilized the creation and dissem-
like to join them in fasting, please be careful sult.”350 Political campaigns, whether won or ination of the official newspaper, The Citizen,
and make sure you know what you’re doing lost, can “normalize extreme ideas and serve all over the south.356 According to Smith, the
and good luck. #FreetheBoys.”341 to mobilize potentially violent communities.”351 circulation of the paper was up to 40,000
If won, elected officials can gain “visibility and nationwide by 1956.357 Walton claimed that
Infowars, a cornerstone of right-wing media legitimacy”, and can pass laws and put in place the “printed pieces afforded the organization
ecosystems, has been given over $8 million policies to achieve the agenda of the group, a controlled message delivered directly to its
dollars by an anonymous crypto donor. His or groups, they associate with. Campaigning publics as well as the opportunity to quickly
claims of false flag operations after Sandy helps by spreading the ideologies of such reach a large number of individuals.”358 When
Hook have been devastating for victims’ fami- groups, and if those ideas are found to be pop- television became more widely available, they
lies. SPLC has reported he is slightly more cau- ular among the populace, then “other parties used that, too, to spread their message.359
tious with his wording after the mass shooting may move in its direction to siphon off the
in Uvalde, Texas, but he is alluding to the same group’s support, giving it an indirect political Local politicians were targeted by councils if
false flag operations.342 victory.”352 they were seen as integrationists. In March
1965, hundreds of members of the Citizens’
Council of Louisiana applied political pressure Scapegoats independents, Democrats, and Republicans
to the governor to denounce a voting right’s alike when seeking and establishing ideologi-
bill. They also organized white communities According to Cope, the Capital Citizens’ Coun- cal commonalities beyond a southern section-
against black politicians.360 In order to reach cil claimed that “outside agitators” were to al crisis.”379 After the passage of the 1964 Civil
a broader audience, they moderated their lan- blame for the changes coming to their commu- Rights Act, the councils’ lost membership and
guage to instead utilize “a broader, conserva- nity: the NAACP, communists, and atheists.369 sought to increase their influence by forming
tive, and supposedly colorblind jargon on free- Smith stated the council argued that mem- alliances with both the KKK and other white
dom of (school) choice and individual liberties, bership was the duty of “all patriotic white citi- supremacist groups.380 At the same time, they
welfare and fiscal responsibility, law and order, zens.” The enemy was “constitutionally wrong, attempted to argue that they were not “racist”.
and morality.”361 In May 1967, the Citizens’ un-Christian, un-American, and most likely In April of 1965, the United Conservatives of
Council of Greater New Orleans organized Communist.”370 They framed the narrative as Louisiana and the Citizens’ Council of Greater
several events as part of a “crusade to save a battle between good and evil: Pro-segrega- New Orleans held a joint press conference; the
our children”. In 1969, they “appropriated civil tionists were “best citizens”, “responsible”, and conference moderator, James M. Ellis, argued
rights rhetoric” when they staged a “peaceful “decent”. References to “blacks, the NAACP, that a recent rally was “not of a racial nature”,
sit-in” to protest the removal of the Confeder- or integrationist causes” included “arrogant but rather a “conservative movement”. Ellis
ate flag at city hall.362 Mulattos,” “un-American,” “Communist,” was later outed as an active KKK member.381
“race-mixers,” and “left-wing.”371 Brückman
Local school boards were often targeted (2019) identified similar scapegoats; she not- The Proud Boys have engaged in similar tac-
with disruption and eventually with political ed that “segregationist politicians, grassroots tics. Our data suggests that the Oath Keep-
campaigns seeking to seat council-approved activists, and their media outlets” denounced ers, an anti-government militia, co-attended
segregationists. McMillen (1971) noted that “civil rights activists as communist agents, dozens of events with the Proud Boys at least
the “embattled school board remained the fo- condemning what they perceived as a liberal as early as April, 2017. Furthermore, there are
cus of the controversy.”363 A group called the conspiracy against states’ rights” and “portray- many cases of Proud Boys referencing other
“Mother’s League of Central High” joined with ing integrationists as outside agitators or law- extremist groups positively in the ecosystem
the Capital Citizens’ Council of Little Rock, Ar- less rabble rousers.”372 In Brückman’s profile of online radical networks on encrypted chan-
kansas, to recall moderate board members. of councils in Louisiana in the 1960s and 70s, nels like Telegram. For example, on January 23,
In December 1958, half of the newly-elected she summarized the narrative that the “Black 2022, the telegram channel “POYMemeFarm’’
board enjoyed the endorsement of the coun- Power” civil rights movement of the late 1960s described as “home of the official Cincinnati
cil. They subsequently sought to purge admin- and 1970s was “detached or substantially dif- Proud Boys” forwarded an image depicting a
istrators and teachers who supported integra- ferent from the earlier, non-violent civil rights tweet from Luis Miguel, a far-right Florida Sen-
tion, a measure that thankfully got them voted struggle.”373 Likewise, McMillen (1971) noted ate candidate, stating the following: “I want to
out in favor of more moderate members.364 that the Capital Citizens’ Council linked deseg- make Florida a Sanctuary State for Oath Keep-
regation with “black militants”, and at one rally ers, Proud Boys, Three Percenters and other
Protectors of White Civilization a speaker argued that the desegregation plan patriots being illegally targeted by the corrupt
was drafted by “the hidden hand which is the feds.” The POYMemeFarm captions this image
In his profile of the Capital Citizens’ Council in invisible world government,”374 alluding to a “Keep the Feds out of Florida. I stand with our
Little Rock, Arkansas, Cope (2002) described common antisemiitic conspiracy theory. Oath Keepers, Threepers, Proud Boys and oth-
the larger council movement’s creation and its er patriots. #ResistTyranny.”382
goals: In comparison, the Proud Boys regularly de-
nounce Communists and left-wing activists, Violence
The council movement was born in Missis- particularly Antifa. Along with Antifa, the Proud
sippi shortly after the Brown decision of May Boys’ biggest target are Black Lives Matter ac- Cobb stated that although council members
1954 reversed a longstanding precedent tivists. On a website for the “Eastside Regula- wore suits instead of hoods and “forswore vio-
and outlawed racially segregated schools. tors”, their only navigation items are tenants, lence of any sort, their dire prophesies of ‘mon-
Its intent was to uphold a racial status quo apply, FAQ, Antifa, and BLM.375 They regularly gerlization’ and warnings that ‘desegregating
commonly described as the southern way denounce those groups on their encrypted the schools will lead to rape’ clearly inflamed
of life. Seeing school integration as a first telegram channels. In a clash prior to the Jan- white racial passions.”383 Given the “good vs.
step towards the demise of white civilization uary 6th attack on the Capitol, they shouted evil” and “end of civilization” narratives, it was
through “mongrelization,” it spread swiftly “Fuck Antifa” while burning a “Black Lives Mat- only a matter of time before some members
through Dixie [the south]. Equally disquieted ter” banner owned by the Asbury United Meth- engaged in acts of violence. McMillen recount-
by the actions of federal courts presumed odist church, and later destroyed another BLM ed a series of explosions that began on Labor
to be meddling in matters outside of their banner owned by the Metropolitan African Day, 1959 in Little Rock:
constitutional responsibilities, council mem- Methodist Episcopal Church (both are historic
bers joined forces with champions of states’ Black churches).376 Joe Biggs claimed on Parler Then the calm of the sultry summer night
rights and determined to resist and change that they were “taking a stand against evil.”377 was shattered by a series of dynamite ex-
to the world as they knew it.365 Enrique Tarrio later pled guilty to “destruction plosions–one damaging the school board
of property” for destroying the sign.378 office, another the front of the building in
Lewis (2004) examined the movement in which the mayor maintained an office, and a
North Carolina where opponents of deseg- Radical Partnerships third a city-owned automobile parked in the
regation claimed that “school desegregation driveway of the chief of the fire department.
would lead inexorably to interacial breeding Although they paid lip-service to denouncing A fourth and unsuccessful bombing attempt
and the destruction of the ‘purity’ of the white violence, councils across the south were not was made on the office of a member of the
race,” an outcome that must be avoided at all especially concerned about whom they as- city manager board. The culprits were read-
costs.366 A professor and leader of the move- sociated with, so long as those individuals or ily apprehended; and, during the course of
ment was quoted in the New York Times groups shared their segregationist views. This the trial in November, testimony revealed
Magazine claiming that school integration led to cooperation with extremists and mili- that the dynamitings had been planned
was a “Communist-clerical conspiracy to pro- tants, and often culminated in violence. Smith at a Ku Klux Klan meeting. But it was E. A.
mote miscegenation and thereby the ultimate said that the “Citizens’ Council was the perfect Lauderdale, Sr., a member of the [Capital
downfall of America’s civilization.”367 He quot- symbol of a ‘radical right’ organization. The Citizens’ Council]’s board of directors, the
ed a Florida politician named LeRoy Collins, council was a highly organized political unit owner of a Little Rock lumber company,
who denounced integration as “a communist that depended on tough organization within and a twice-defeated candidate for the city
conspiracy to destroy the moral fibre of the the states and among the states to strength- manager board–and not a Klan leader–who
nation by creating a ‘mongrel’ race incapable en its efforts. One important membership goal was charged as the originator and master
of preventing a red take-over.”368 was to increase the number of independent, mind of the bomb plot.384
yet affiliated, local Citizens’ Council chapters,
recruiting many of its members from the In 1960, another member of the nearby Crit-
John Birch Society, radical right Christian or- tenden County Citizens’ Council was charged
ganizations, and anti-communist militants.” with “planting thirty sticks of dynamite in a
Brückman noted that “Councilors allied with classroom at all-black Philander Smith College
(fellow) extremist groups like the KKK and in Little Rock.”385 Cobb described several in-
stances of violence: In May 1955, Rev. George
W. Lee was shot to death for helping black cit-
izens register to vote. In August 1955, WWII
veteran Lamar Smith was also murdered for
encouraging black voter registration. Howev-
er, the most obvious connection between the
council movement, the KKK, and violence in-
volves the murder of civil rights activist Med-
gar Evers. Evers was murdered in 1963 by
Byron De La Beckwith, who was both a found-
ing member of the Citizen’s Council and the
KKK.386, 387

Although the Proud Boys have attempted to

keep a low profile following the January 6th
attack on the Capitol, our data suggests that
they have continued to engage in acts of vi-
olence. Their media presence through pod-
Fig. 17 - Search frequency for “Biden Laptop” on Google from June 19, 2021 to June 19, 2022
casts and online encrypted networks reveals
increasingly violent rhetoric directed at local Telegram to re-circulate Hunter Biden’s
politicians, journalists, and opposition activists. emails.395 On March 24th, 2022, Tucker Carl-
They continue to spread violent propaganda son said on Fox News, “The National Pulse is
and conspiracy theories that have motivated reporting tonight apparently a private equity
domestic terrorist attacks like the recent racist firm run by Hunter Biden funded some of the
Buffalo mass shooting.388 research into pathogens in these bio labs.”396
On March 25th, 2022, Russia Today published
Part of white supremacy’s power is in main- a news article entitled, “Hunter Biden Did Fund
taining its elusiveness. It is most pronounced Ukrainian Biolabs, emails published by media
when it is threatened. Today, the new face of suggest.” This added a new twist on disinfor-
white supremacy has changed in name and mation attempts to deflect from Russia’s in-
adopted new narratives, but function is the vasion of Ukraine, and benefits conservatives
same. Concerned parent groups are prolif- who want to malign Biden in the months lead-
erating on social media and are mobilizing ing up to the midterms.
others to engage in offline disruptions and in-
timidation. Opponents of Critical Race Theory,
harness fears of communism to deflect from Disinformation
what Critical Race Theory actually is. Kutner
defines critical race theory as “an attempt to President Biden has stated he does not want
understand the intersection of structural rac- to invest a lot of energy into investigations
ism and white supremacist terror in the United of President Trump relating to his role in dis-
States.”389 information and the attack on the Capitol.397
His decision is a barrier to the accountability
The virality of intimidation campaigns is often measures needed to prevent future election Fig. 18 - Search frequency for “Biden Laptop” on Telegram
seeded by an extremely online contingent of violence. from October 2021 to March 2022

the far right, who use disinformation and troll-

ing to support or enhance larger intimidation
In 2022 it is politically advantageous for
Republicans to amplify Russian Disin-
Suggestions and Policy
formation. Proud Boys are a part of this
amplification network.392
Disinformation is one of the largest purveyors Ensuring Accountability
of disinformation, and the debunked “Capitol Although there have been many arguments
Opposition to COVID related measures will for criminalizing domestic terrorism, efforts
Riot Theory.” The outlet has also championed
continue to be used as a vector for election have met with resistance.402 Despite this resis-
Hungarian officials who have Great Replace-
disinformation and mass mobilization. The tance, Proud Boys do not have to be declared a
ment theories built into their policies.398 Hun-
conspiratorial narratives of fraudulent elec- violent gang or an extremist organization to be
gary sets a dangerous precedent for main-
tions, replacement, CRT, vaccines, and QA- held accountable by existing federal and state
streaming the same fringe ideology that has
non-related conspiracies have the potential laws. The Enforcement Acts of 1870 and 1871
inspired some of the worst mass shootings
to result in fulfilling the prophecy first made by introduced the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and
in recent history. Conservative Political Ac-
Roger Stone in 2016 in the next election cycle. Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution,
tion Committee (CPAC) is hosting a confer-
This, along with the Supreme Court’s upcom- including the seditious conspiracy statute.403
ence in the authoritarian country. This choice
ing Roe v Wade decision has the potential for These laws were introduced specifically to
seems to connote CPAC officials are aligning
Proud Boys to capitalize on the existing an- address the spread of coordinated, hate-mo-
themselves with decentralized extremist net-
ti-abortion groups, as they have done since at tivated violent attacks against black Southern-
works that include the Proud Boys to champi-
least 2019.391 ers following the Civil War by groups like the
on Trump as the authoritarian strong man for
2024.399 KKK.404 Furthermore, state laws against hate
From the Seth Rich conspiracy to Hunter crimes can be utilized against many acts of vi-
Biden’s laptop, it is not a coincidence that the olence, vandalism, and intimidation perpetrat-
Unfortunately, there are not many easy an-
Proud Boys have been involved in every psy- ed by the Proud Boys.
swers as to how to counter the spread of dis-
chological operation that has been political-
information and hate speech. Efforts to create
ly advantageous to the Trump campaign. A There needs to be oversight to ensure a clear
a Disinformation Governance Board were met
range of conspiracy theories introduced since and consistent enforcement of those laws to
with widespread criticism from Republican
2016 were promoted by Proud Boys393 and a prevent further attempts to intimidate and
members of Congress, civil libertarians, and
visual highlighting the circulation and recircu- silence those who speak out against white
extremists alike.400 Only three weeks after
lation of this narrative. supremacist actions. Ensuring that Proud
its creation, the board was shut down by the
Department of Homeland Security, and Nina Boys members are held accountable for their
One month after Russia invaded Ukraine, the actions will counteract their efforts to legiti-
Jankowicz, the executive director, resigned fol-
conspiracy theories around Hunter Biden’s mize and rehabilitate their image. A consistent,
lowing a coordinated campaign of harassment
laptop resurfaced.394 On March 24, 2022, measured response is needed to deter Proud
fueled by right-wing echo-chambers.401
Proud Boys called on other chapters in Boys and others who feel the rules don’t uni-
versally apply to them.
Counteracting Conspiracy ment tactics” as well as a focus on “empathy,
cross-cultural openness, understanding, and
da.” However, when violent acts occurred,
the “Council” distanced itself and argued that
Narratives a sense of human connection with peers and those were actions of “individuals”, not the
others.”412 group. 423
Conspiracy narratives are the lifeblood of any
extremist group; without those narratives, Foundational to this approach, however, is to The Proud Boys and the groups with which
they cannot justify the reason for their exis- ensure that youth have a “basic understand- they are affiliated benefit from a similar strat-
tence. J.M. Berger calls conspiracy theories ing of the national histories around racism and egy. Notably, their belief system–once relegat-
“among the most powerful and ubiquitous white supremacy.”413 It is not a coincidence ed to the fringes of political discourse–are now
tools that extremist ideologues use to explain that extremist groups like the Proud Boys,414 indistinguishable from the mainstream and are
real or perceived problems’’,405 and they are the Three Percenters,415 and adherents to the broadcast on nightly-news shows as fact. In
also “cumulative, in the sense that someone QAnon conspiracy theory416 have all been or- 2022, reality can no longer bend to the will of
who subscribes to one is likely to subscribe to ganizing to stop schools from teaching “Criti- Machiavellian personalities like Gavin McInnes
more than one.”406 These conspiracies are rife cal Race Theory”--which has become a catch- and Roger Stone, ideological shields like En-
with disinformation, and must be countered in all term to refer to any history dealing with rique Tarrio and Americans like Jack Posobiec
traditional media and in social media, which re- racism in the United States: These groups rely working closely with foreign agents. There are
quires cooperation with traditional and social on those narratives in order to exist. six years of data, ethnographic research, and
media companies. upcoming books from leading journalists424 on
the frontlines of extremism that offer a level of
For example, according to Facebook’s avail- Conclusion clarity and insight into the violent core animat-
ing the group that even the Proud Boys them-
able community guidelines,407 there appear
to be enforceable standards concerning poll Vox Journalist Jane Coaston said on the pod- selves would be hard-pressed to deny.
watching, threats against elected officials, cast Today, Explained that “Part of this entire
misinformation, and militarized social move- thing—of wrapping it in jokey irony—is that The Proud Boys have worked to sanitize some
ments. It is unclear what would make these when you try to take it seriously, you sound of their language and their image. While they
prolonged campaigns of election interference like an idiot.”417 Between their efforts to “troll” have been able to obscure their antisemit-
incidents enforceable offenses; enforceable the media418, 419 and their absurd “breakfast ic and white nationalist views; they have not
in a manner that balances free speech with a cereal gang ritual”, it would be easy to dis- moderated their language when it comes to
deeper understanding of extremist tactics. miss the Proud Boys as a joke. However, their fighting and violence. The Proud Boys frame
involvement in mob violence, their affiliation their ideological narratives in terms of a strug-
Counteracting the narratives driving cam- with extremist militias, and their proximity to gle between good and evil; their issues are
paigns of intimidation and violence also re- powerful political figures requires that they conceived as issues of life and death, and
quires partnerships between disinformation be taken seriously. The January 6th Attack on this existential crisis serves as a justification
experts and extremism experts; experts who the Capitol may represent the pinnacle of their for their violence. Whether the Proud Boys
require proper protection and support. As involvement in political violence, but it did not decline or whether their efforts toward legit-
seen with the targeted harassment directed hasten the group’s demise–to the contrary, it imacy are successful, the tactics they have
at the executive director of the now-disband- may have led them to reorganize in a way that used to maximize their visibility and evade de-
ed Disinformation Governance Board,408 it can makes them more dangerous, decentralized, tection will outlive them, just as it outlived the
be understood that anyone working to count- and significantly harder to counter. segregationist councils of the past.
er conspiracies and disinformation will be sub-
ject to abuse. Because this work is vital, pro- We know that the Proud Boys are affiliated Italian poet George Santayana is often para-
tections are necessary to sustain involvement. with extremist groups like the Oath Keepers phrased with the statement, “Those who do
Those engaging in efforts to mass harass, and Three Percenters, as well as conspiratori- not study history are doomed to repeat it.”
threaten, and intimidate members should be al movements like QAnon. We also know that The Proud Boys advocate for violence and
held fully accountable for their actions. Efforts they have coordinated with local political orga- denounce it in the same breath; this same
to establish and enforce policies against dis- nizations on the far-right and conservative pol- strategy has facilitated violence in the past. If
information will likely continue to suffer from iticians, including the former President of the their narratives remain unchallenged, violence
backlash by those who benefit from it; it will be United States. More recently, they have even will occur again.
necessary for any efforts to be fully transpar- run for elected office.
ent about and to anticipate and counter false We at the Institute hope that the knowledge
narratives in advance. The enduring issue in American politics will be of the Proud Boys history, strategies and
whether transnational online conspiracy com- tactics will contextualize their involvement
Encouraging cooperation at the local, state, munities can continue to generate real world in the January 6th Attack on the Capitol and
and federal level is vital. Miller-Idriss advocates violence and whether free speech can con- highlight the importance of taking the threat
for the involvement of multiple stakeholders– tinue to advance hate speech. This is an issue they pose to society seriously.
including “law enforcement, advocacy groups, Big Tech and the government will both need to
educators, parents, social workers, and mental address, a fact that has become increasingly
health experts”--in work toward countering clear in the wake of the Buffalo Supermarket
extremist narratives that are used to recruit.409 Shooting where the perpetrator professed be-
She also notes something that has been rec- lief in “the great replacement” theory, claimed For future discussions or correspondence,
ognized by experts for years: Many of these to have been radicalized online, posted a diary please contact, char-
narratives that were once relegated to the of his planning to Discord, and live streamed, and bjorn@khalifaihler.
dark corners of the fringe have gone main- the shooting on Twitch. 420, 421 org
Historical analysis gives us insights into the More information about events and groups,
Due to the ubiquitous nature of these nar- future; when discussing the Citizens’ Council, and updated interactive data and visualiza-
ratives and the predictable backlash efforts Smith concludes the following: tions on the Proud Boys and other groups can
to control disinformation are likely to have, be accessed on
Miller-Idriss’s argument for a “herd immuni- By understanding the rhetorical strategies
ty” strategy holds promise toward preventing of the Citizens’ Council, we can better un-
radicalization. The “herd immunity” strategy in- derstand and confront the strategic efforts
volves the application of early and consistent of contemporary voices that echo the rac-
education to inoculate youth against disinfor- ism that has long exacerbated the grade di-
mation and hate. This will help “reduce overall vide in American politics.”422
vulnerability to extremist radicalization and
change the trajectory of rising hate and ex- Smith noted that the “Council” existed as an
tremist violence.”411 This requires that educa- “integrated national unit”, but was made up
tion beginning at an early age to help children of individual chapters that they relied on to
recognize misinformation and disinformation “advance their messages.” Each local council
as well as “extremist narratives and recruit- had “its own level of activity and propagan-
Sources & Endnotes
30. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 197. Fox News Troll”, Highsnobiety, February 17, 2017. https://
31. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 197. cofounder/
32. Proud Boys NJ Coalition (@NJPBCoalition), “Horrible 54. “Proud Boys,” Southern Poverty Law Center Extremist
1. Samantha Kutner, “Swiping Right: The Allure of Hyper
video of a little girl being brutalized by a black at school.This Files.
Masculinity and Cryptofascism for Men Who Join the Proud
is Lady’s Island Middle School in Beaufort, South Carolina…”, group/proud-boys
Boys,” International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, May 2020,
Telegram,February 14, 2022.
p. 6. Hereinafter: Kutner, “Swiping Right.”
55. Nathan Bernard (@nathanTbernard), “Members of the
33. Proud Boys WA (@peebwa), “Horrifying, Underreported Proud Boys white nationalist gang were spotted at protests
2. United States of America vs. Charles Donohoe, Statement
Murder Of Samantha Josephson By Black Man Who Posted yesterday…” Twitter, May 31, 2020.
of Offense, C21-cr-175-4-TJK, District Court for the District
About Hunting White Girls | VDARE Video Bulletin,” Telegram,
of Columbia, (2021), p. 2. Hereinafter: Donohoe Statement of
January 15, 2022.; Note: This one 56. Gavin McInnes, The Death of Cool: From Teenage
was a forward from VDARE, an explicitly white nationalist Rebellion to the Hangover of Adulthood, (New York: Scribner,
3. Matthew Kriner and Jon Lewis, “Pride & Prejudice: The organization. 2013), p. 70.
Violent Evolution of the Proud Boys,” CTC Sentinel, vol. 14, no.
34. Proud Boys: Long Island (@proudboysLI), “A shocking 57. Reeves Wiedeman, “A Company Built on a Bluff,” New
6 (July/August 2021), p. 31.
video out of Manhattan shows an elderly woman using a York Magazine, June 10, 2018.
4. Bond Benton and Daniela Peterka-Benton, “Hating in plain stroller being knocked to the ground by a black man in an er/2018/06/inside-vice-media-shane-smith.html
sight: The hatejacking of brands by extremist groups,” Public unprovoked attack…,” Telegram, June 16, 2020.
proudboysLI/312. 58. Ibid.
Relations Inquiry, vol. 9, no. 1 (2020), p. 13.
35. The Ohio Proud Boys (@OhioProudBoys) “NYPost: Black 59. Goad is a “leading figure in far-right fringe media”;
5. Quoted from Enrique Tarrio’s Parler account, December
male sucker-punches White male leading race right before although he once enjoyed mainstream success, he became
29, 2020.
crossing the finish line at Florida High School,” Telegram, a pariah after brutally beating his then-girlfriend–a crime for
6. Ibid. March 31, 2022. which he served 2 ½ years in prison–and then being wholly
unapologetic about the act and violence against women
7. Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, (New York: Penguin 36. Proud Boys WA (@peebwa),“There are too many blacks more broadly. For more information, see: https://www.wweek.
Books, 2000). Hereinafter: Greene, The 48 Laws of Power. coming to Ireland and I have seen an increase of black com/arts/books/2017/10/17/two-decades-after-author-jim-
8. Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, p.xiii. women in my neighbourhood as child minders and home help goad-fell-from-grace-in-portland-hes-re-emerged-as-an-
for old people…”, Telegram, September 25, 2021. https://t. icon-of-the-alt-right/
9. Ibid, p. xi. me/peebwa/513. Note: Forwarded from “Ireland knows”–In-
cludes graphic video of a black woman throwing a toddler to 60. Gavin McInnes, The Death of Cool: From Teenage
10. United States of America vs. Nordean et al, Second Rebellion to the Hangover of Adulthood, (New York: Scribner,
the ground and beating her, along with the caption, “There
Superseding Indictment, C21-cr-175-TJK, District Court for 2013), p. 90.
are too many blacks coming to Ireland and I have seen an
the District of Columbia, (2022), p. 6. Hereinafter: Tarrio et al.
increase of black women in my neighbourhood as child 61. Matthew Korfhage, “Two Decades after Author Jim Goad
Second Superseding Indictment.
minders and home help for old people. Do not leave your kids Fell From Grace in Portland, He’s Re-emerged As an Icon of
11. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 12. alone with blacks. The combination of a low IQ, short temper the Alt-Right,” Williamette Week, October 17, 2017. https://
and laziness is very dangerous.”
12. Donohoe Statement of Offense, p. 4.
37. Proud Boys: Long Island (@proudboysLI), [Image of a can after-author-jim-goad-fell-from-grace-in-portland-hes-re-
13. George W. Knox, A Special Report of the NGCRC: “The of watermelon flavored White Claw] Caption: “Black Lives emerged-as-an-icon-of-the-alt-right/
Proud Boys: A Gang Threat Analysis”, (Chicago: National Matter”, Telegram, June 12, 2020. 62. Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West: How Dying
Gang Crime Research Center, 2021), p. 31. Hereinafter: Knox, LI/249 Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and
“A Special Report of the NGCRC.”
38. Proud Boys NJ Coalition (@NJPBCoalition), “Michelle Civilization, (New York:St. Martin’s Griffin, 2002).
14. Spencer S. Hsu, “Video released of garage meeting of def banged a black dude and will soon be a single mom”, 63. Emmet McDermott, “Vice Co-Founder Gavin McInnes
Proud Boys, Oath Keepers leaders,” The Washington Post, Telegram, February 15, 2022. on Trolling Feminists: I’m Not Andy Kaufman; This Isn’t a
May 24, 2022.
39. The Ohio Proud Boys (@OhioProudBoys), “Don’t be Joke,” The Hollywood Reporter, May 18, 2015. https://www.
fooled; the Mississippi River Valley and South has the highest
15, Proud Boys Portugal Channel (@proudboyspor), “AN- concentration of blacks in America and (now in 2022) a not- im-not-796177/
NOUNCEMENT! Proud Boys 101: The Proud Boys started…,” so-subtle illegal immigration population as well.” Telegram, 64. American Renaissance is both a magazine and website
Telegram, October 5, 2020. March 17, 2022. published by the “New Century Foundation” founded by Jared
16. Meadhbh Park, “Fight Club: Gavin McInnes, the Proud 40. Official AZ Proud Boys Channel (@OfficialAZProudBoys), Taylor--which the SPLC describes as “...a self-styled think
Boys, and Male Supremacism” in Male Supremacism in the “[Image] Blacks in South Africa are allowed to openly wage tank that promotes pseudo-scientific studies and research
United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to Misogynist a slow war against Whites…” Telegram, February 19, 2022. that purport to show the inferiority of blacks to whites.” Since
Incels and the Alt-Right, eds. Emily K. Carian, Alex DiBranco 1994, the foundation sponsors biennial conferences for white
and Chelsea Ebin (London and New York: Routledge Taylor supremacists.
& Francis Group, 2022). Hereinafter: Park, “Fight Club”. Also 41. Drew Harwell and Will Oremus,“Only 22 saw the Buffalo tremist-files/group/american-renaissance
see Cindy Ma, “What is the “lite” in “alt-lite?” The discourse shooting live. Millions have seen it since,” The Washington
Post, May 16, 2022. 65. Jonathan Tilove, “White Nationalist Conference Ponders
of white vulnerability and dominance among YouTube’s
nology/2022/05/16/buffalo-shooting-live-stream/ Whether Jews and Nazis Can Get Along,”,
reactionaries,” Social Media + Society (2021); Julia R. DeCook,
March 3, 2006.
“Memes and Symbolic Violence: #Proudboys and the Use of
42. Official AZ Proud Boys Channel (@OfficialAZProudBoys), tionalist-conference-ponders-whether-jews/
Memes for Propaganda and the Construction of Collective
“This guy really doesn’t like black people... I wonder why..?”,
Identity,” Learning, Media and Technology, vol. 43, no. 4 66. A “cognitive opening” is the first stage in the four-stage
Telegram, May 18, 2022.
(October 2, 2018).; Daniel Hosang and Joseph E. Lowndes, model of radicalization described by Quintan Wiktorowicz in
Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race and the New Right-Wing his landmark study, Radical Islam Rising: Muslim Extremism
Politics of Precarity (Minneapolis: The University Of Minneso- 43. Kutner, personal correspondence. in the West. According to Wiktorowicz, people “...rarely awake
ta Press, 2019 with a sudden taste for radicalism”--first, they must be
44. Michael Kunzelman, “Officer: I quit Proud Boys over fears willing to listen to the views of radicals. This occurs through a
17. Official Proud Boys Ireland (@OfficialProudBoysEire), “*PB of ‘far-left attacks,” Business Insider, November 13, 2019. “cognitive opening in which they become more receptive to
USA tenemenants*…,” Telegram, May 10, 2021. the possibility of new ideas and worldviews.” (Wiktorowicz,
OfficalProudBoysEire/2051. over-fears-of-far-left-attacks-2019-11 2005, p. 85).
18. Minyvonne Burke and Marianna Sotomayor, “James Alex 45. Will Carless, “Proud Boys saw wave of contributions 67. Jonathan Tilove, “White Nationalist Conference Ponders
Fields found guilty of killing Heather Heyer during violent from Chinese diaspora before Capitol attack,” USA Today, Whether Jews and Nazis Can Get Along,”,
Charlottesville white nationalist rally,” NBC News, December May 4, 2021. March 3, 2006.
7, 2018. tion/2021/05/04/proud-boys-chinese-americans-communi- tionalist-conference-ponders-whether-jews/
james-alex-fields-found-guilty-killing-heather-heyer-during- ty-support-donations/7343111002/
violent-n945186 68. Heidi Beirich and Mark Potok, “Schism Over Anti-semi-
46. At the Khalifa Ihler Institute, we define violent extremism tism Divides Key White Nationalist Group, American Renais-
19. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 187 as the “violent denial of diversity”. https://www.khalifaihler. sance,” Southern Poverty Law Center Intelligence Report,
org/hate-map August 11, 2006.
20. Thomas McCauley, “Race war or culture war: the diversity
in right-wing extremism,” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 47. Daniel Byman, Spreading Hate: The Global Rise of White intelligence-report/2006/schism-over-anti-semitism-di-
vol. 14, no. 2, (2021), p. 199 Supremacist Terrorism, (New York: Oxford University Press, vides-key-white-nationalist-group-american-renaissance
2022), p. 7. Hereinafter: Byman, Spreading Hate. 69. Ibid
21. “Proud Boys” in the Anti-Defamation League’s Glossary of
Extremism. 48. Official Cape Fear Proud Boys (@capefearproudboys), 70. “Jared Taylor”, Southern Poverty Law Center Extremist
boys?_gl=1*eer4y5*_ga*MTg2OTA4ODQzOS4xNjUwOTYw- [Image]. Telegram, February 17, 2022. Files.
MTcw*_ga_S9QB0F2PB5*MTY1MzkzNTI1Ni4xLjEuMTY1Mz- proudboys/751 individual/jared-taylor
49. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence,” p. 486 71. Cryptofascism is defined as the “communicative tactic by
22. Cindy Ma, “What is the “lite” in “alt-lite?” The discourse
50. According to the Accelerationism Research Consortium, which fascist objectives are obtained and expanded.”# She
of white vulnerability and dominance among YouTube’s
accelerationism is defined as a “a recognition that modernity, defines cryptofascism as “a communication style that uses
reactionaries,” Social Media + Society (July-September 2021),
liberalism, and capitalism’s inherent flaws are the source coded sanitized language and symbols that allow the Proud
p. 9. Hereinafter: Ma, “alt-lite?”.
of their own inevitable and accelerating demise. Militant Boys to obfuscate their fascist worldview, evade detection by
23. Ma, “alt-lite?”, p. 1 accelerationism, however, embraces political violence and/ people unfamiliar with the terms, and minimize the severity
or terrorism in pursuit of the destruction of the physical of their actions on and offline.” In addition to minimizing the
24. Ibid, p. 9. severity of their actions, cyptofascism allows extremists to
manifestations of these concepts.” Furthermore, they state
25. Ibid, p. 10. that “adherents of militant accelerationism believe they can secure funding from other influencers, organizations and
and should expedite the collapse of capitalist and liberal civili- groups across social media platforms, using the ambiguity of
26. Ibid, p. 10. zation”. For more information: language as a shield to evade consequences.
27. Ibid, p. 10. shortanalysis/an-introduction-to-militant-accelerationism. 72. Pareene, “Co-Founder Gavin McInnes Finally Leaves
51. Kutner, “Swiping Right.” ‘Vice’,” Gawker, January 23, 2008. https://www.gawker.
28. Julia R. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence:
#Proudboys and the Use of Memes for Propaganda and the 52. Ewan Palmer, “Proud Boys Infighting Sees Leading
Construction of Collective Identity,” Learning, Media and Member FOrm Breakaway Group to Fight ‘White Genocide’,” 73. Adam Leith Gollner, “The Secret History of Gavin
Technology, vol. 43, no. 4 (October 2, 2018), P. 499. Hereinaf- Newsweek, November 11, 2020. McInnes,” Vanity Fair, July/August 2021. https://www.vanityfair.
ter: DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence.” proud-boys-based-stickman-enrique-tarrio-goys-1546597 com/news/2021/06/the-secret-history-of-gavin-mcinnes.
29. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence,” p. 499. 53. Aleks Eror, “Gavin Mcinnes: From ‘VICE’ Co-Founder To 74. Ibid.
75. Lizzie Widdicombe, “The Bad-Boy Brand”, The New about collaboration for the #Charlottesville rally 8/12,”
Yorker, April 8, 2013. proud-boys-chapter-10945821 Twitter, June 24, 2017.
zine/2013/04/08/the-bad-boy-brand tus/878679372789460992
101. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 187
76. Eugene S. Robinson, “When Did Gavin McInnes Lose 121. Ibid.
His Mind?” Ozy, September 5, 2020.
​​ 102. Meg O’Connor, “Hate Goes Mainstream With the Miami
news-and-politics/when-did-gavin-mcinnes-lose-his- Proud Boys,” Miami New Times, December 10, 2018. https:// 122. Sean Illing, “What we get wrong about misogy-
mind/378005/ ny,” Vox, March 7, 2020.
proud-boys-chapter-10945821 ties/2017/12/5/16705284/elizabeth-warren-loss-2020-sex-
77. Gavin McInnes, The Death Of Cool: From Teenage ism-misogyny-kate-manne
Rebellion To The Hangover Of Adulthood (New York: Scribner, 103. Milan Obaidi, Jonas Kunst, Simon Ozer and Sasha Y.
2013). Kimel, “The “Great Replacement” conspiracy: How the 123. Ibid.
perceived ousting of Whites can evoke violent extremism
78. Gavin McInnes, The Death Of Cool: From Teenage and Islamophobia,” Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 124. Ibid.
Rebellion To The Hangover Of Adulthood (New York: Scribner, (2021). 125. James Pogue, “Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel
2013). Is Placing His Biggest Bets,” Vanity Fair, May 2022. https://
104. Park, “Fight Club”, p. 187
blog-act-americas-march-against-sharia-rallies 105. Ibid. where-peter-thiel-is-placing-his-biggest-bets.

80. Kutner, “Swiping Right.” 106. See Meadhbh Park, “Fight Club: Gavin McInnes, the 126. Zach D. Roberts, “Patriot Prayer’s Joey Gibson has a sad
Proud Boys, and Male Supremacism” in Male Supremacism day in Albany,” Nation of Change, May 13, 2019. https://www.
81. Tom Robbins, “NYPD Cops’ Training Included An An- in the United States: From Patriarchal Traditionalism to
ti-Muslim Horror Flick”, The Village Voice, 2011, https://web. Misogynist Incels and the Alt-Right, eds. Emily K. Carian, Alex has-a-sad-day-in-albany/ DiBranco and Chelsea Ebin (London and New York: Routledge
com/2011-01- 19/columns/nypd-cops-training-included-an- Taylor & Francis Group, 2022).; Cindy Ma, “What is the “lite” in 127. Davis Richardson, “A Day at the Women’s March, A Night
anti-muslim-horror-flick/. “alt-lite?” The discourse of white vulnerability and dominance with Chelsea Manning and the Alt-Right,”,
among YouTube’s reactionaries,” Social Media + Society January 22, 2018.
82. Dean Obeidallah, “Trump-Supporting Bigots To Target (2021); Julia R. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence: march-chelsea-manning-alt-right/
Upstate New York Muslims”, The Daily Beast, 2017, https:// #Proudboys and the Use of Memes for Propaganda and the 128. Gavin McInnes (@RealGavinMcInnes), “The only require-
Construction of Collective Identity,” Learning, Media and ments to join are being male and pledging “I am a western
upstate-new-york-muslims. Technology, vol. 43, no. 4 (October 2, 2018).; Daniel Hosang chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern
83. and Joseph E. Lowndes, Producers, Parasites, Patriots: Race world”. Chauvinism in this sense is an extreme sense of patri-
right-2-explained and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity (Minneapolis: otism, and each of us chooses every day to create or destroy
The University Of Minnesota Press, 2019). the modern world…” Telegram, May 25, 2020.
84. RealGavinMcInnes/1321
proud-boys-suspended-from-twitter 107. Official Proud Boys Ireland (@OfficialProudBoysEire),
“*PB USA tenemenants*…,” Telegram, May 10, 2021. https://t. 129. Gavin McInnes (@RealGavinMcInnes), “We do not claim
85. me/OfficalProudBoysEire/2051. that is the only valid choice and many of our wives are very
new-york-city-brawl-fight-gavin-mcinnes-2018-10-22/ successful career women. In today’s world too many men do
108. Kali Holloway, “Racism is a highly profitable online
86. Aristos Georgiou, “Video: Proud Boys Founder Gavin business,” Salon, November 24, 2017. not prioritize having families but we do…” Telegram, May 25,
McInnes Quits Group ‘in All Capacities Forever’,” Newsweek, com/2017/11/24/racism-is-a-highly-profitable-online-busi- 2020.
November 22, 2018. ness/ 130.
proud-boys-founder-gavin-mcinnes-quits-group-all-capaci- 09059840?s=20&t=6a-n2ZxvTbO1MzmlZqf2BA
ties-forever-1227648 109. Victor Berger IV (@VicBergerIV), “Let’s not forget
that “free speech-lovers” Gavin McInnes and Milo leaked 131. Kutner, Personal correspondence, April 19th, 2022.
87. Meg O’Connor, “Hate Goes Mainstream With the Miami that Richard Spencer audio. This looks like a way for
Proud Boys,” Miami New Times, December 10, 2018. https:// them to distance themselves from their racist friend. 132. Matthew Kriner, “An Introduction to Militant Acceler- Don’t let them fool you. Here’s Gavin, a racist gang leader, ationism,” ARC Research.
proud-boys-chapter-10945821 reciting the 14 words. #DeportGavin [Video],” Twitter, shortanalysis/an-introduction-to-militant-accelerationism
88. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, Enrique Tarrio, May November 4, 2019. 133. Rebel News, “Gavin McInnes: Who is REALLY to blame
27th, 2022 tus/1191403799144849408?lang=en for Charlottesville?”, YouTube, August 14, 2017. https://www.
110. “Waukesha: Tragedy Exploited by White Supremacists,”
89. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, Enrique Tarrio, May
27th, 2022 Anti-Defamation League Blog, December 16, 2021. https:// 134. Ibid.
90. Jennifer Cohn, “Roger Stone, the Proud Boys [Tarrio, premacists 135. Adam Leith Gollner, “The Secret History of Gavin
Biggs, etc] Alex Jones, & Jack Posobiec — Part 2 (2017– McInnes,” Vanity Fair, July/August 2021. https://www.vanityfair.
2018),” Medium, March 9, 2022. https://jennycohn1.medium. 111. com/news/2021/06/the-secret-history-of-gavin-mcinnes.
com/roger-stone-the-proud-boys-alex-jones-and-jack-poso- the-great-replacement-theory
biec-part-2-2017-2018-f5ddbb79337 136. Mike Rothschild, “After Alex Jones, 4 far-right voices
112. Nellie Bowles,“ ‘Replacement Theory,’ a Racist, Sexist testing the limits of free speech online,” Daily Dot, August 15,
91. Michael Edison Hayden, “OANN’s Posobiec Met with Doctrine, Spreads in Far-Right Circles,” The New York Times, 2018.
Polish Neo-Fascists and Amplified Their Messages Online,” March 18, 2019. net-censorship/
Southern Poverty Law Center: Hatewatch, July 22, 2020. nology/replacement-theory.html 137. Gavin McInnes, “So Long, Taki!”, Taki’s Magazine, August
113. Taly Krumpkin, Amir Tibon and Judy Maltz, “ ‘Screw Your 24, 2017.
posobiec-met-polish-neo-fascists-and-amplified-their-mes- Optics, I’m Going In’: Suspected White Supremacist Shooter
sages-online gavin_mcinnes/
Behind Pittsburgh Synagogue Attack,” Haaretz, October 28,
92. Michael Edison Hayden, “Jack Posobiec Central in 2018. 138. Park, “Fight Club.”
Spreading Russian Intelligence-Led #MacronLeaksHack”, your-optics-i-m-going-in-who-is-the-suspected-pittsburgh-
139. Skylar Steward, “[video] https://www.facebook.
Southern Poverty Law Center: Hatewatch, January 29, 2021. shooter-1.6595724
com/groups/who.will.decide/”, Facebook, January 7, 114. 2019.
biec-central-spreading-russian-intelligence-led-macron- shooter-pleads-guilty-murder-attempted-murder-ben-jer- eos/1946872772033033/
leaks-hack rys-stop
140. Megan Wilson, “Teen kills herself after accidentally
93. Cassandra Fairbanks, “Strippers, Guns, and Cham- 115. Kathy Gilsinan, “How White-Supremacist Violence reveling to boyfriend that she cheated,” Blasting News, Jan-
pagne: Deplorables Gather in Miami for ‘Cinco de Milo’,” Big Echoes Other Forms of Terrorism,” The Atlantic, March uary 29, 2018.
League Politics, May 8, 2017. 15, 2019. teen-kills-herself-after-accidentally-revealing-to-boy-
strippers-guns-champagne-deplorables-gather-miami-cin- chive/2019/03/violence-new-zealand-echoes-past-terror- friend-that-she-cheated-002325855.html
co-de-milo/ ist-patterns/585043/
141. Tabatha Southey, “The context of Jordan Peterson’s
94. “Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights (FOAK)” Southern Poverty 116. Isaac Stanley-Becker, and Drew Harwell, “Buffalo suspect thoughts on ‘enforced monogamy’,” Maclean’s, May 25, 2018.
Law Center: Extremist Files. allegedly inspired by racist theory fueling global carnage,”
ing-hate/extremist-files/group/fraternal-order-alt-knights- The Washington Post, May 15, 2022. https://www.washing- tersons-thoughts-on-enforced-monogamy/
foak; Also see Margo Kitts, “Proud Boys, Nationalism, and
Religion,” Journal of Religion and Violence, Vol. 9, No. 1. (2021). 142. Media Matters Staff, “Proud Boys founder Gavin
McInnes calls female journalists “colostomy bags for various
95. Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church v. 117. Marc-Andre Argentino (@_MAArgentino), “Both his strangers’ semen”,” Media Matters for America, May 22, 2018.
Proud Boys International, LLC, Enrique Tarrio, John Does #1-8, manifesto and diary are very instructional. He discussed how
Declaration of Heidi Beirich, No. 2021 CA 000004B, Superior he researched African American population densities prior founder-gavin-mcinnes-calls-female-journalists-colostomy-
Court of the District of Columbia, Civil Division (2021). to his attack to find the best place for the highest kill count…” bags-various
96. Tom Porter, “Far-right Proud Boys Among Mob Con- Twitter, May 16, 2022.
143. Stephen Rex Brown, “Anti-abortion protesters accused
fronting Nancy Pelosi, Drawing Republican Condemnation,” status/1526237496568324099?s=20&t=sl513hnTRX-
of harassing women at NYC clinic used Proud Boys as body-
Newsweek, October 21, 2018. 22QiL57dRbbQ
guards,” New York Daily News, March 5, 2021. https://www.
far-right-proud-boys-among-mob-confronting-nancy-pelosi- 118. Petzer, who was a frequent guest on Gavin McInnes’s
drawing-republican-1180106 show, discussed “Great Replacement” theories at length with d-boys-20210305-kiro7yy2hrhgtni75lqoymeplu-story.html
97. Ibid. him in his summer 2018 interview.
144. A. Dirk Moses, “‘White Genocide’ and the Ethics of Public
GavinMcInnesOnSouthAfrica In the episode, Gavin McInnes
98. Paul P. Murphy, “Who are the Proud Boys? Trump’s De- Analysis,” Journal of Genocide Research, vol. 21, no. 2, (2019).
gave permission to Petzer to form his own South African
bate callout bolsters far-right group”, ABC7 Eyewitness News, chapter of the Proud Boys. For more, see https://unicornriot. 145. David Neiwert, “When white nationalist chant their weird
October 1, 2020. ninja/2018/far-right-racists-push-fake-south-africa-white- slogans, what do they mean?”, Southern Poverty Law Center:
trump-presidential-debate-who-are-the/6691389/ genocide-narrative/ Hatewatch, October 10, 2017.
99. Marc Caputo, “Republicans’ Pelosi-Shalala protest hatewatch/2017/10/10/when-white-nationalists-chant-their-
119. Michael “Enoch” Peinovich is a alt-right media figure and
backfires amid Proud Boys appearance, mob scene,” Politico, weird-slogans-what-do-they-mean
antisemitic conspiracy theorist. He founded The Right Stuff
October 22, 2018. Network and The Daily Shoah Podcast. For more, see https:// 146. Adam Leith Gollner, “The Secret History of Gavin
story/2018/10/22/republicans-pelosi-shalala-protest-back- McInnes,” Vanity Fair, July/August 2021. https://www.vanityfair.
fires-amid-proud-boys-appearance-mob-scene-658118 michael-enoch-peinovich com/news/2021/06/the-secret-history-of-gavin-mcinnes.
100. Meg O’Connor, “Hate Goes Mainstream With the Miami 120. It’s Going Down (@IGD_News), “Gavin McInnes, leader 147. Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West: How Dying
Proud Boys,” Miami New Times, December 10, 2018. https:// of the ‘Proud Boys’ and Mike Peinovich, neo-Nazi, talking Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and

Civilization, (New York:St. Martin’s Griffin, 2002). 201. Tess Owen, “A High-Ranking Proud Boy is Now Snitching
clusive-hedge-fund-tycoon-behind-the-trump-presidency for the Feds,” Vice News, April 15, 2022. https://www.vice.
148. Alex Newhouse, Adel Arlett and Leela McClintock, com/en/article/g5qeq9/proud-boy-flipped-cases-january-6
“Proud Boys Amplify Anti-Vax and Cornonavirus Disinforma- 173. Adam Gabbatt, “Why the DeVos family’s backing of the
tion Following Support for Anti-Quarantine Protests,” Center Michigan protests is no surprise,” The Guardian, April 26, 202. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment.
on Terrorism, Extremism, and CounterTerrorism, (Monterey: 2020.
Middlebury Institute of International Studies, 2020). https:// devos-family-michigan-protest-rightwing-donors 203. Ibid. 204. Ibid.
ctec/ctec-publications/proud-boys-are-spreading-danger- 174. Heidi Kyser, “The Largest Terror Threat Facing the
ous-covid-19 U.S.,” Nevada Public Radio, July 17, 2020. 205. Sam Gringlas, Scott Neuman and Camila Domonoske,
knpr/2020-07/largest-terror-threat-facing-us “ ‘Far From Over’: Trump Refuses To Concede As Biden’s
149. Samantha Kutner, “Take the Redpill: Understanding Margin of Victory Widens,” NPR, November 7, 2020. https://
the Allure of Conspiratorial Thinking Among Proud Boys,” 175. Ben Christopher, “Trump call for poll watchers evokes
chilling memories of Orange County, 1988,” Cal Matters,
Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Septem- sults/2020/11/07/932062684/far-from-over-trump-refuses-
ber 7, 2020. September 20, 2020.
it/2020/09/trump-poll-watchers-california-orange-coun- to-concede-as-ap-others-call-election-for-biden
al-thinking-among-proud-boys/ ty-history/ 206. Bill McCarthy,“In context: Donald Trump’s ‘stand back
176. Kathleen Belew, “Why ‘Stand Back and Stand By’ Should and stand by’ debate comments on white supremacists,”
150. Michael Edison Hayden, “Jack Posobiec Central in Politifact, September 30, 2020.
Spreading Russian Intelligence-Led #MacronLeaksHack”, Set Off Alarm Bells,” The New York Times, October 2, 2020. article/2020/sep/30/context-donald-trumps-stand-back-
Southern Poverty Law Center: Hatewatch, January 29, 2021. and-stand-debate-/ boys.html
biec-central-spreading-russian-intelligence-led-macron- 177. Ben Christopher, “Trump call for poll watchers evokes 207. William M. Arkin, “ ‘Cops Are the Primary Threat,’
leaks-hack chilling memories of Orange County, 1988,” Cal Matters, Warned the Proud Boys’ Encrypted Messaging Channel,”
September 20, 2020. Newsweek, January 5, 2022.
151. Anti-Defamation League, “Alex Jones: Five Things to cops-are-primary-threat-warned-proud-boys-encrypted-
Know,” Anti-Defamation League: Backgrounder, May 10, it/2020/09/trump-poll-watchers-california-orange-coun-
ty-history/ messaging-channel-1661332
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claims,” USA Today, October 19, 2016. https://www.usatoday. flirtation with an anti-insurrection law inspired Jan. 6 insurrec-
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of American Politics, (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2019). com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/10/19/fact-check-
153. Ibid, p. 281. rection-act-trump/2022/01/23/fa009626-7c47-11ec-bf02-
179. Marc Caputo, “Republicans’ Pelosi-Shalala protest f9e24ccef149_story.html
154. Adam Leith Gollner, “The Secret History of Gavin backfires amid Proud Boys appearance, mob scene,” Politico,
McInnes,” Vanity Fair, July/August 2021. https://www.vanityfair. October 22, 2018. 209. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 6
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155. David D. Kirkpatrick and Alan Feuer, “Police Shrugged 211. Donohoe Statement of Offense, p. 4
Off the Proud Boys, Until They Attacked the Capitol,” The 180. Ibid.
New York Times, March 14, 2021. https://www.nytimes. 212. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, Matthew Walter, May
com/2021/03/14/us/proud-boys-law-enforcement.html 181. Jacqueline Bodnar, “FreedomWorks to Launch Super 5th, 2021.
PAC, “FreedomWorks for America”, at CPAC Florida,” Free-
156. Kutner, “Swiping Right.” domWorks Press Release, September 20, 2011. https://web. 213. Alan Feuer,“Former Proud Boys Leader Indicted in Jan. 6 Investigation,” The New York Times, March 8, 2022. https://
157. Michael D. Shear, “Has History Finally Caught Up With
Roger Stone? It May Be Up to Trump,” The New York Times, launch-super-pac-freedomworks-for-america-at-cpac-florida proud-boys-jan-6.html
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us/politics/donald-trump-roger-stone.html 182. “Sens. Cruz, Cassidy: Antifa is a domestic terrorist 214. According to the indictment, this group was created
organization,” Senator Ted Cruz Senate Office Press Release, after Tarrio was arrested on January 4, 2021 to avoid police
158. Meta, “Threat Report: Combating Influence Opera- July 18, 2019. gaining access to their plans. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding
tions,” Meta Newsroom, May 26, 2021. press-releases/sens-cruz-cassidy-antifa-is-a-domestic-ter- Indictment, p.14.
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159. Meg O’Connor, “Hate Goes Mainstream With the Miami 183. Atlantic Council’s DFRLab, “#StopTheSteal: Timeline
Proud Boys,” Miami New Times, December 10, 2018. https:// 216. Donohoe Statement of Offense, p. 7.
of Social Media and Extremist Activities Leading to 1/6 Insurrection,” Just Security, February 10, 2021. https://www. 217. Ibid, p. 2.
218. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 13.
160. Christopher Mathias, “Trump’s 2020 Campaign Kickoff dia-and-extremist-activities-leading-to-1-6-insurrection/
Attracted Extremists to a City That Hates Trump,” The Huff- 219. Donohoe Statement of Offense, pp. 6-7.
184. Mackenzie Stasko, “Opposing groups face off in demon-
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donald-trump-orlando-proud-boys-qanon-infowars-extrem- 2020. Statement of Offense.
ists_n_5d0a2f14e4b0f7b7442a11ca groups-face-off-in-demonstrations-in-downtown-raleigh/
221. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 15.
161. Ibid. 185. William M. Arkin, “ ‘Cops Are the Primary Threat,’ Warned
the Proud Boys’ Encrypted Messaging Channel,” Newsweek, 222. Donohoe Statement of Offense, pp. 10-11.
162. Trip Gabriel (@tripgabriel), “From a disillusioned GOP op-
erative: ‘The Trump campaign is well aware of the organized January 5, 2022. 223. United States of America vs. Zachary Rehl, Govern-
participation of Proud Boys rallies merging into Trump events. primary-threat-warned-proud-boys-encrypted-messaging- ment’s Motion for Revocation of Release Order and for Pretri-
They dont care….” Twitter, June 18, 2019. channel-1661332 al Detention, C21-cr-175-3-TJK, District Court for the District
tripgabriel/status/1141158817817927681?s=20&t=nTfvm- 186. Ibid. of Columbia, (2021).
187. Michael Kunzelman, “Officer: I quit Proud Boys over fears 224. Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, (New York:
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Portland turns violent; conservative writer injured,” Fox News,
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over-fears-of-far-left-attacks-2019-11 Masculinity and Cryptofascism for Men Who Join the Proud
shakes-of-quick-dry-cement-at-police-and-onlookers 188. Ibid. Boys,” International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, May 2020.

164. Ali Breland, “How a Dubious Claim of Cement Milkshakes 189. Will Carless, “Proud Boys saw wave of contributions 226. Sarah J. Harsey, Eileen L. Zurbriggen and Jennifer J.
in Portland Became a Right-Wing Meme,” Mother Jones, July from Chinese diaspora before Capitol attack,” USA Today, Freyd, “Perpetrator Responses to Victim Confrontation:
2, 2019. ​​ May 4, 2021. DARVO and Victim Self-Blame” Journal of Aggression
how-a-dubious-claim-of-cement-milkshakes-in-portland-be- tion/2021/05/04/proud-boys-chinese-americans-communi- Maltreatment & Trauma, Volume 26, 2017 - Issue 6, June 1,
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165. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, 2019-2022 190. Ibid.
227. Ibid.
166. “Sena. Cruz, Cassidy: Antifa is a domestic terrorist 191. Eagland, “Staff Threatened After Member of Contro-
organization,” Senator Ted Cruz Senate Office Press Release, versial Proud Boys Club Assaulted Inside Vancouver Bar”, 228. Jason Slotkin, Suzanne Nuyen and James Doubek, “4
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press-releases/sens-cruz-cassidy-antifa-is-a-domestic-ter- testers Clash in D.C.” NPR, December 12, 2020. https://www.
rorist-organization 192. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment.
167. Jason Wilson, “Portland rally: Proud Boys vow to 193. Ibid.
march each month after biggest protest of Trump era,” The 229. Ali Breland, “The Plan Was Simple: Infiltrate MAGA World
194. Ibid.
Guardian, August 17, 2019. and Tell Everyone What She Saw. Then She Was Found Out.”
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boys-antifa com/politics/2022/02/amanda-moore-undercover-maga/
196. Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power, (New York:
168. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, Enrique Tarrio, Penguin Books, 2000). 230. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence,” pp. 499-500.
September 9th, 2020 197. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment. 231. DeCook, “Memes and Symbolic Violence,” p. 500.
169. Kutner, Personal Correspondence Enrique Tarrio, April 198. “Gamify” refers to “the process of adding games or 232. “Sens. Cruz, Cassidy: Antifa is a domestic terrorist
22, 2019 gamelike elements to something (such as a task) so as to organization,” Senator Ted Cruz Senate Office Press Release,
170. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, Enrique Tarrio, April encourage participation” July 18, 2019.
22, 2019 dictionary/gamification press-releases/sens-cruz-cassidy-antifa-is-a-domestic-ter-
171. Darko Janjevic, “Who are the Mercers, the wealthy back- 199. “Setting the Record Straight: Facts About Dominion,”
ers of Breitbart?” Deutsche Welle, January 10, 2018. https:// Dominion Voting Press Release, June 2, 2022. https://www. 233. Elisha Fieldstadt, “South Carolina man charged in Capitol riot bragged he dressed as antifa and fought police,” NBC
of-breitbart/a-42100407 News, March 2, 2021.
200. McInnes as quoted in CV Vitolo-Haddad, “The Blood news/south-carolina-man-charged-capitol-riot-bragged-he-
172. Jane Mayer, “The Reclusive Hedge-Fund Tycoon Behind of Patriots: Symbolic Violence and ‘The West’,” Rhetoric dressed-antifa-n1259298
the Trump Presidency,” The New Yorker, March 17, 2017 Society Quarterly, vol. 49, no. 3, (2019), p. 281. Hereinafter:
Vitolo-Haddad, “Blood of Patriots.” 234. Roger Parloff, “The Conspirators: The Proud Boys and
Oath Keepers on Jan. 6,” Lawfare Blog, January 6, 2022. far-right-extremists-1114201/ 284. Donohoe Statement of Offense, p. 4
oath-keepers-jan-6 255. Aram Roston, “Exclusive: Proud Boys leader was ‘prolific’ 285. Christina Morales, “Man is Arrested in Stabbing at D.C.
informer for law enforcement,” Reuters, January 27, 2021. Election Protest,” The New York Times, December 13, 2020.
235. Alan Feuer,“Former Proud Boys Leader Indicted in Jan. 6
Investigation,” The New York Times, March 8, 2022. https:// er-exclusive/exclusive-proud-boys-leader-was-prolific-in- tion-protests-violence.html former-for-law-enforcement-idUSKBN29W1PE
proud-boys-jan-6.html 286. Jordan Green, “FBI Raids home of un-indicted North
256. Knox, “A Special Report of the NGCRC”, p. 31 Carolina Proud Boy in conspiracy case,” Raw Story, March 10,
236. Mary Ellen Cagnassola, “Fact Check: Was a Member of 2022.
Antifa Arrested in the Capitol Riot?”, Newsweek, February 257. Proud Boys (@proudboysusa), “PUBLIC SERVICE AN-
12, 2021. NOUNCEMENT: Proud Boys is a fraternal organization made 287. Spencer S. Hsu, “Proud Boys may have planned Capitol
ber-antifa-arrested-capitol-riot-1569050 up of chapters scattered around the world. We are a drinking breach to retaliate against police for member stabbed at
club with State Chapters, City Chapters…”, Telegram, October earlier march, FBI alleges,” The Washington Post, February
347. Official Wisconsin Proud Boys (@WisconsinProud), 20, 2021. 3, 2021.
“More footage of Trump supporters calling out Antifa smash- proud-boy-capitol-riot-stabbing/2021/02/03/85900842-
ing windows of the capitol building. Preplanned anarchy 258. Adam Francisco, “@Sean Feucht’s HOLD THE LINE 666a-11eb-8c64-9595888caa15_story.html
to silence and oust President Donald Trump…” Telegram, Disney Protest (Orlando, FL) - LIVE”, YouTube, https://www.
January 7, 2021. 288. Jack Beresford, “Florida Dad Claims Mask Mandate
Facilitates Child Sex Trafficking in School,” Newsweek,
238. The Ohio Proud Boys (@OhioProudBoys), “Lieutenant 259. Jordan Green, “‘Embrace the hate: Accelerationism August 31, 2021.
General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House has been a part of the Proud Boys all along,” Raw Story, claims-mask-mandate-facilitates-child-sex-trafficking-
yesterday says special forces were mingled with Antifa at the February 17, 2022. school-1624490
capitol building and they took Nancy Pelosi’s laptop which ism-proud-boys/
has left her in a frantic state…”, Telegram, January 9, 2021. 289. Nikoel Hytrek, “Fairfield Residents Call Out Shipley for
260. Daniel Shultz, “Home - Precinct Strategy,” Precinct Using Students for Political Gain,” Iowa Starting Line, May 17, Strategy, 2022.
239. Proud Boys (@proudboysusa), “CNN’s Jade Sacker 261. Ibid. dents-call-out-shipley-for-using-students-for-political-gain/
caught coordinating with now arrested John Sullivan, a
Black Lives Matter Activist, during the siege on the Capitol 262. Ibid. 290. Melissa Block, “Accusations of ‘grooming’ are the latest
building.”, Telegram, January 14, 2021. political attack–with homophobic origins,” WCLK/NPR,
263. Philip Rucker and Robert Costa, “Bannon vows a May 11, 2022.
susa/6744 daily fight for ‘deconstruction of the administrative state’”, tions-of-grooming-are-the-latest-political-attack-with-ho-
240. Seattle Proud Boys (@seattleproudboys), “This man was The Washington Post, February 23, 2017. https://www. mophobic-origins
in the capitol building but is continuously appearing on CNN
and other television stations. Why is he is [sic] not arrested a-daily-fight-for-deconstruction-of-the-administrative- 291. Michael Bronski, “Grooming and the Christian Politics of
or a suspect? Is it specifically because he is black and left state/2017/02/23/03f6b8da-f9ea-11e6-bf01-d47f- Innocence,” Boston Review, May 3, 2022. https://bostonre-
wing?”, Telegram, January 13, 2021. 8cf9b643_story.html
boys/1161 nocence/
264. Jonathan Allen, “Bannon fires up ‘shock troops’ for next
241. Proud Boys: Long Island (@proudboysLI), “‘Cruz went on GOP White House,” NBC News, October 2, 2021. https://www. 292. Bill Keveney, “Weaponized grooming rhetoric is taking a
the other day asking the lady from the FBI about the FBI’s toll on LGBTQ community and child sex abuse survivors,” USA
involvement, and she wouldn’t answer any of it, which is good troops-next-gop-white-house-n1280591 Today, May 3, 2022.
as admission to me…’”, Telegram, January 16, 2022. https://t. nation/2022/05/01/how-child-sex-abuse-grooming-rhetoric-
265. Ibid. impacts-lgbtq-abuse-survivors/7446284001/?gnt-cfr=1
266. Personal Correspondence, Allie Mezei, February 26, 293. Evie Blad, “Why Misusing ‘Groomer’ as a Political Smear
242. Punished Proud Boys of Mid-Missouri (@MidMissou- 2022
riProudBoys), “Alleged federal asset removed from the is Especially Dangerous,” Education Week, April 26, 2022.
FBIs most-wanted list for #j6,” Telegram, January 16, 2022. 267. WECT Staff, “Members of far-right extremist group ‘Proud Boys’ show up at NC school board meeting,” CBS17. er-as-a-political-smear-is-especially-dangerous/2022/04
com, November 10, 2021. 294. Mary Ellen Flannery, “Is QAnon Radicalizing your School
243. Official Wisconsin Proud Boys (@WisconsinProud), “Fa- north-carolina-news/members-of-far-right-extremist-group-
cial recognition firm claims antifa infiltrated Trump protesters Board?” National Education Association News, June 2, 0221.
who stormed Capitol,” Telegram, January 7, 2021. https://t.
me/WisconsinProud/2698 268. Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo), “The People’s qanon-radicalizing-your-school-board
Convoy is slated to be back in the Washington, DC area 295. Ben Collins, “QAnon’s new ‘plan’? Run for school board,”
244. Linda Qiu, “A Year After the Breach, Falsehoods About next Monday, but this time they hope to be taken more
Jan. 6 Persist,” The New York Times, January 5, 2022. https:// NBC News, July 7, 2021.
seriously, as they hint at becoming increasingly violent…” tech-news/qanons-new-plan-run-school-board-rcna1352 Twitter, May 9, 2022.
antifa-jan-6-capitol tus/1523745000773009409 296. Laura Jedeed, “The ReAwaken America Tour Is The Start
245. Jim Zarroli, “Sandy Hook took place as ‘alternative facts’ of QAnon 2.0,” New York Magazine, May 2022. https://nymag.
269. Zachary Petrizzo, “The People’s Convor D.C. ‘Occupation’ com/intelligencer/2022/05/the-reawaken-america-tour-is-
muscled out objective truth,” NPR, March 7, 2022. https:// Is a Complete Bust,” The Daily Beast, May 20, 2022. https:// the-start-of-qanon-2-0.html
place-as-alternative-facts-muscled-out-objective-truth theyll-silently-ambush-dc 297. Vera Bergengruen, “QAnon Candidates Are Winning Lo-
246. Tate Ryan-Mosley and Abby Ohlheiser, “How an internet cal Elections. Can They Be Stopped?” April 16, 2021. https://
270. Andrew Beaujon, “Trucker Convoy Stragglers Get Kicked
lie about the Capitol invasion turned into an instant conspir- Out of Racetrack, Form New Movement, Visit the National
acy theory,” MIT Technology Review, January 7, 2021. https:// Mall, Don’t Go Home,” The Washingtonian, May 23, 2022. 298. Mary Ellen Flannery, “Is QAnon Radicalizing your School Board?” National Education Association News, June 2, 0221.
vasion-antifa-conspiracy-lie/ voy-update-peoples-convoy-1776-restoration-movement/
247. “USA: Law enforcement violated Black Lives Matter qanon-radicalizing-your-school-board
protesters’ human rights, documents acts of police groups-look-into-worship-leader-sean-feuchts-security- 299. Sarasota Herald-Tribune Editorial Board, “EDITORI-
violence and excessive Force,” Amnesty International team-for-extremist-ties/ AL: Sorry, sheriff: We need real answers on the QAnon
Press Release, August 4, 2020. photo shoot,” Herald Tribune, February 25, 2021. https://
en/latest/news/2020/08/usa-law-enforcement-violat- 272. Sergio Olmos (@MrOlmos), “8:59pm: Far-right extremist
ed-black-lives-matter-protesters-human-rights/ groups, led by proud boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese, close off an sheriff-hoffman-we-need-real-answers-qanon-photo-
intersection to allow attendees of a Sean Feucht religious shoot/6812921002/
248. PRRI American Values Atlas, “Dramatic Partisan Differ- event to exit the waterfront…” Twitter, August 9, 2021. https://
ences on Blame for January 6 Riots,” PRRI, September 15, 300. Mackenzie Shuman, “SLO mayor calls for school board
2021. &t=pR9UGwvsla31pFc-WSdyTQ; NOTE: Olmos is a freelance member who shared QAnon video, fake news to resign,” The
ences-on-blame-for-january-6-riots/ journalist with bylines for NYT and Washington Post, among Tribune, December 16, 2020.
249. Tom Porter, “Trump praises right-wing site that helped others. news/local/education/article247872315.html
to seed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the 273. Press Release: Newswire, “ Pastor Greg Locke Preaches 301. Ann Pierret, “Grand Blanc students, community
Capitol riot,” Business Insider, January 10, 2022. https://www. on Steps of SCOTUS,” Associated Press, May 16, 2022. protest for and against school board member linked to QAnon,” ABC12, May 24, 2021.
false-fbi-capitol-riot-theory-2022-1 preme-court-religion-government-and-politics-tennes- web/20210530232844/
250. Andrew Kaczynski, “Speechwriter who attended con- see-db847e6b93ef84811365ba214d6c4601 grand-blanc-students-community-protest-for-and-against-
ference with white nationalists in 2016 leaves White House,” school-board-member-linked-to-qanon/
CNN, August 22, 2018. 302. Hannah Allam, “A rural Washington school board
politics/darren-beattie-mencken-club/index.html 275. race shows how far-right extremists are shifting to local
251. Proud Boys (@proudboysusa), “Every morning since Jan- 276. Patricia Mazzei and Alan Feuer, “How the Proud Boys power,” The Washington Post, January 8, 2022. https://www.
uary 6th...I eat sleep and eat Capitol cases for my brothers... Gripped the Miami-Dade Republican Party,” The New York
From the beginning the media has lied…”, Telegram, April 28, Times, June 2, 2022. school-boards/
2021. us/miami-republicans-proud-boys.html 303. Shirley Schaefer, “Calling all Michiganders! 2000
252. Charlie Nash, “Roger Stone on The Milo Show: How 277. Sheera Frenkel, “Proud Boys Regroup, Focusing on mules! See it and let’s take action. Be a Precinct Delegate,
Trump Can Fight Voter Fraud,” Breitbart, July 29, 2016. https:// School Boards and Town Councils,” The New York Times, a Poll Watcher, an Election Inspector…”, Facebook, May December 14, 2021. 4, 2022.
milo-show-trump-can-fight-voter-fraud/ proud-boys-local-issues.html posts/5644351695619348

253. Justin Murphy, “Tour by Michael Flynn, Roger Stone 278. Tarrio et al. Second Superseding Indictment, p. 5. 304. Jessica Hill and Bryan Horwath, “Sisolak, wife threatened
raises outcry in Rochester,” Democrat & Chronicle, May at Las Vegas restaurant,” Las Vegas Sun, February 28, 2022.
279. Ibid, p. 10
31, 2022.
story/news/2022/05/31/reawaken-america-tour-sched- threatened-at-las-vegas-restaurant/
280. Ibid, p. 10
ule-rochester-ny-calls-protest-cancel-michael-flynn-rog- 305. Nnedi for Nevada (@nnedifornevada), “We are horrified
er-stone/9931668002/ 281. Ibid, p. 12
at the violently racist threats made this weekend against
254. EJ Dickson, “Proud Boys Channels Are Exploding on 282. Ibid, p. 13, p. 15, p. 16, p. 20 @GovSisolak and First Lady Kathy Sisolak…”, Twitter,
Telegram,” Rolling Stone, January 14, 2021. https://www. March 2, 2022.
283. Ibid, p. 10 tus/1499153605919608833?s=21&t=UJuuS5vStx5umqHt-
306. Leonard Zeskind, “A New Statement By a Renewed 329. Patriot Mail Project, “If you are able to help these Baying: Race, Religion, and Rhetorical Redoubts,” American
Organization for New Times,” Institute for Research and families, here is a link to the family group fundraiser. Communication Journal, vol. 10 no. 2, (Summer 2008). Herein-
Education on Human Rights, September 18, 2009. https:// [Link to GiveSendGo Fundraiser]”, Facebook, August 18, after: Smith, “Southern Tradition.” 2021.
organization-for-new-times/ posts/115997390784913 354. Ibid.

307. April Corbin Girnus and Kira Lerner, “7 Republican 330. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “A place for all the 355. David Halberstam, “The White Citizens Councils:
lawmakers in Nevada have joined far-right Facebook groups, charity pages, fund raising and News regarding all the Proud Respectable Means for Unrespectable Ends,” Commentary:
says report,” Nevada Current, May 20, 2022. https://www. Boys that have been unjustly imprisoned, their constitutional Law, Government & Society, October 1956. rights taken away from them and being tortured on a daily 356. Laura Richardson Walton, “Organizing Resistance: The
nevada-have-joined-far-right-facebook-groups-says-report/ basis. Free the Boys” Telegram, July 6, 2021. Use of Public Relations by the Citizens’ Council in Mississippi,
FreeTheProudBoys 1954-64.” Journalism History, vol. 35, no. 1, (Spring 2009).
proud%20boy&src=typed_query 331. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “Zach Rehl Hereinafter: Walton, “Organizing Resistance.”
Contact info: N/A Donation link:,” 357. Smith, “Southern Tradition.”
309. Drew Jackson, “After mask and CRT protests, Johnston Telegram, July 6, 2021.
County school board set to seat 3 new members,” The News 358. Walton, “Organizing Resistance”, p. 29.
& Observer, May 17, 2022. 332. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “Joseph Biggs
news/politics-government/election/article261522482.html Contact: click on Seminole county and 359. Ibid, p. 29.
search for his name. His inmate number is 202100002744…”, 360. Rebecca Brückmann, “Citizens’ Councils, Conservatism
310. John Fischer, “John Fischer - Board of Education”, Cam- Telegram, July 6, 2021.
paign Website. and White Supremacy in Louisiana, 1964-1972”, European
333. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “[Image: Cash Journal of American Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, (2009). Hereinafter:
311. Rhonda Simpson for Congress, “If you think the App] Ethan “Rufio” Nordean Contact: N/A Donation: above Brückmann, “Citizens’ Councils.”
Proud Boys are “white supremacists”, because that’s what cashapp [sic] picture,” Telegram, July 6, 2021.
the news told you…” Facebook, April 29 2022. https:// 361. Brückmann, “Citizens’ Councils”, p. 12
FreeTheProudBoys/6 362. Ibid, p. 12
posts/142194971659485 334. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “Nicholas Ochs
Contact info: n/a Donation link: https://www.ourfreedom- 363. Neil R. McMillen, “White Citizens’ Council and Resistance
312. Ibid. to School Desegregation in Arkansas,” The Arkansas Histori-
313. ist-nick-ochs,” Telegram, July 6, 2021. cal Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 2, (Summer 1971), p. 114. Hereinafter:
Cc67VraOvAL/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= ProudBoys/11 McMillen, “White Citizens’ Council.”

314. Kandiss Taylor (@KandisTaylor), “I’m proud to be the 335. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “William N. 364. McMillen, “White Citizens’ Council”, pp. 115-117
first candidate to receive an endorsement from the Georgia Chrestman Contact info: William Chrestman DC#376975…”,
365. Graeme Cope, “‘Honest White People of the Middle
Chapter. Thank you for serving as I plan to serve. #POYG”, Telegram, August 17, 2021.
and Lower Classes’? A Profile of the Capital Citizens’ Council
Twitter, April 29, 2022. Boys/27
during the Little Rock Crisis of 1957,” The Arkansas Historical
status/1519889568677478400 336. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “Nick “Squatch” Quarterly, vol LXI, no. 1, (Spring 2002), p. 39. Hereinafter:
315. Roberta Sikkelee Curtin, “Come meet #mikelindell Kennedy Contact Info: Dona- Cope, “Honest White People.”
#stewpeters and Kandiss Taylor…”, Facebook, May 15, 2022. tion Cash App: $RodBurner14,” Telegram, August 17, 2021.
366. George Lewis, “‘Scientific Certainty’: Wesley Critz
George, Racial Science and Organized White Resistance in
permalink/1075758746625338/ 337. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “Please share North Carolina, 1954-1962,” Journal of American Studies, vol.
316. The Patriot Party Podcast (@VlynnQ), “@KandissTaylor this page. All of our boys that are in jail need your help and 38, no. 2, (August 2004), p. 233. Hereinafter: Lewis, “Scientific
will be on the Patriot Party Podcast tonight at 6pm EST! support.”, Telegram, October 2, 2021. Certainty.”
Follow us on Twitch to be notified when we go live and join ProudBoys/34
367. Lewis, “Scientific Certainty”, p. 242.
the conversation!” Twitter, May 4, 2022. 338. Free The Boys (@FreeTheProudBoys), “With my fund-
vlynnq/status/1521837798638108673?s=21&t=9TfOds- 368. Ibid, p. 233
raisers shut down, banned from payment processors, even
gNIkGboDReOq_mLw banned by banks, it’s not been easy trying to raise money 369. Cope, “Honest White People”, p. 39.
317. for my Jan. 6 legal troubles…”, Telegram, October 4, 2021. 370. Smith, “Southern Tradition.”
318. Kandiss Taylor (@KandissTaylor), “I will not cower or back
339. Gavin McInnes (@RealGavinMcInnes), “Ethan called me 371. Ibid.
down. I’m in this race to win it. Evil can not be negotiated with
and must be crushed. The Progressive Left is now coming from jail. We rapped. I added Michael Graves music because 372. Brückmann, “Citizens’ Councils”, p. 2.
for your children…” Twitter, April 21, 2022. it’s a crucial part of the discussion. #POYB [Link to Censored.
kandisstaylor/status/1517217046676840449?s=21&t=9T- TV interview],” Telegram, May 11, 2022. 373. Ibid.
fOdsgNIkGboDReOq_mLw GavinMcInnes/1784
374. McMillen, “White Citizens’ Council”, p. 104.
319. Zachary Petrizzo and Dan Ladden-Hall, “She Lost the 340. Official Memphis “West Tennessee” Proud Boys (@
GA Guv Race by 70 Points. She Still Won’t Concede.”, The OfficialWestTennesseProudBoys), “[Video Link from TikTock-
Daily Beast, May 29, 2022. News] Interview with Jan 6 Political Prisoner Ethan Nordean, 376.
kandiss-taylor-lost-the-ga-guv-race-by-70-points-she-still- aka Rufio…”, Telegram, May 17, 2022. proud-boys-destroy-churches-black-lives-matter-signs-
wont-concede WestTennesseProudBoys/4963 during-protest-washington-dc

320. Isaac Stanley-Becker, and Drew Harwell, “Buffalo 341. Proud Boys (@proudboysusa), “Starting May 17th and 377.
suspect allegedly inspired by racist theory fueling global going through May 24th, ten of the Jan 6th prisoners includ- proud-boys-destroy-churches-black-lives-matter-signs-
carnage,” The Washington Post, May 15, 2022. https://www. ing our brother Rufio are going to be doing a spiritual fast during-protest-washington-dc drinking only water…”, Telegram, May 16, 2022.
proudboysusa/8184 378.
cbb65 342. Megan Squire and Michael Edison Hayden, “Alex Jones’ ner-taken-church
321. Marc-Andre Argentino (@_MAArgentino), “Both his Bitcoin Fairy Drops $8 Million in a Month on Infowars,” South-
ern Poverty Law Center: Hatewatch, May 26, 2022. https:// 379. Brückmann, “Citizens’ Councils”, p. 17.
manifesto and diary are very instructional. He discussed how
he researched African American population densities prior 380. Ibid, p. 6.
to his attack to find the best place for the highest kill count…” coin-8-million-infowars
Twitter, May 16, 2022. 381. Ibid, p. 6.
343. Linda So, “Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing
status/1526237496568324099?s=20&t=sl513hnTRX- election workers,” Reuters, June 11, 2021. https://www.reuters. 382. POYMemeFarm (@POYMemeFarm), “[Image] Keep the
22QiL57dRbbQ com/investigates/special-report/usa-trump-georgia-threats/ Feds out of Florida. I stand with our Oath Keepers, Threepers,
322. Miami Herald Editorial Board, “Why does Florida have Proud Boys and other patriots. #ResistTyranny,” Telegram,
344. Kandiss Taylor, “HALL COUNTY 100 POLL WATCH- January 23, 2022.
so many Oath Keepers and Proud Boys?”, Orlando Sentinel, ERS NEEDED for May 24th The deadline is May 17th to
February 22, 2022. take a training class and email our secretary at secre- 383. James C. Cobb, “The Real Story of the White Citizens’
editorials/os-op-editorial-florida-extremism-20220222-c6n- tary…”, Facebook, May 3, 2022. https://www.facebook. Council,” History News Network. Adapted from his book, The
llpnp4bbqzjlt3cb2q7fice-story.html com/100058243083325/posts/420015909949842/?d=n South and America since World War II. https://historynews-
323. Thomas Kennedy, “Exclusive: Here is the Proud Boys’
345. Joann De, “Calling warriors to watch the polls! [Link to
plan to take over the Republican Party in South Florida,”],” Facebook, April 21, 2022. https://www.facebook. 384. McMillen, “White Citizens’ Council”, pp. 118-119
Occupy Democrats, May 17, 2022. https://occupydemocrats. com/joann.deloach/posts/10224899625851019
com/2022/05/17/exclusive-here-is-the-proud-boys-plan- 385. Ibid, p. 119
to-take-over-the-republican-party-in-south-florida/#goo- 346. Howie_Ronic (@Howie_Ronic), “POLL WATCHERS ALSO
386. Marcel Dufresne, “Exposing the Secrets of Mississippi
Racism,” American Journalism Review, October 1991. https://
324. “HOME - Floridians First”, Floridians First. https://web.
Gettr, April 19, 2022.
387. David A. Love,” Before the anti-CRT activists, there were
347. Shirley Schaefer, “Calling all Michiganders! 2000
325. Thomas Kennedy, “Exclusive: Here is the Proud Boys’ White Citizens’ Councils,” The Washington Post, July 28,
mules! See it and let’s take action. Be a Precinct Delegate,
plan to take over the Republican Party in South Florida,” 2021.
a Poll Watcher, an Election Inspector…”, Facebook, May
Occupy Democrats, May 17, 2022. https://occupydemocrats. before-anti-crt-activists-there-were-white-citizens-councils/
4, 2022.
com/2022/05/17/exclusive-here-is-the-proud-boys-plan- posts/5644351695619348 388.
gle_vignette 348. Theodor Reik, “Essay 3: The Unreachables: The Repeti-
tion Compulsion in Jewish History,” in Curiosities of the Self: 389. Kutner, Personal Correspondence, May 16th, 2022
326. Kirk Siegler, “Federal Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal Illusions We Have about Ourselves, (New York: Farrar, Straus
of Cliven Bundy Case,” NPR, August 6, 2020. https://www. & Giroux, 1965), p. 133. 390. Amanda Marcotte, “The line between right-wing trolling and violence is collapsing,” Salon, November 22, 2021. https://
holds-dismissal-of-cliven-bundy-case 349. Byman, Spreading Hate, p. 6
327. The Patriot Mail Project has a facebook page, available 350. Ibid, p. 124
here: 391. Lizzy Acker, “There will be several rallies in Portland
ject/?ref=page_internal 351. Ibid, p. 125
on the national day of the Women’s March,” Oregon Live,
352. Ibid, p. 125 January 17, 2019.
328. The Patriot Mail Project has a website, available here:
there-will-be-several-rallies-in-portland-on-the-national-day- 353. Lindsley Armstrong Smith, “The Southern Tradition of-the-womens-march.html
392. 419. Cam Wilson, “No, the Proud Boys aren’t going to Ukraine:
vip1AZg2XgheK0-FeTN7Mr62gIH98rrBkY/edit?usp=sharing how a small troll went viral,” Crikey, February 28, 2022. https://
393. to-ukraine/
420. Parmy Olson, “Europe is Ahead of the US on Fighting
394. Axios, “100 days that rocked the globe,” Axios, June 3, Online Radicalization,” Bloomberg, May 17, 2022. https://www.
news-war-putin-zelensky-biden-timeline ing-social-media-is-driving-harmful-cycle-of-online-radical-
395. ization
vip1AZg2XgheK0-FeTN7Mr62gIH98rrBkY/edit?usp=sharing 421. Vera Bergengruen, “‘There’s No Such Thing As a Lone
396. Glenn Kessler, “The truth about Hunter Biden and the Wolf.’ The Online Movement That Spawned the Buffalo
Ukrainian ‘bio labs’,” The Washington Post, March 29, 2022. Shooting,” Time Magazine, May 16, 2022. https://time. com/6177260/buffalo-shooting-online-extremism/
about-hunter-biden-ukrainian-bio-labs/ 422. Smith, “Southern Tradition.”
397. Carol E. Lee, Kristen Welker and Mike Memoli, 423. Ibid.
“Biden hopes to avoid divisive Trump investigations,
preferring unity,” NBC News, November 17, 2020. https:// 424. Andy Campbell, We Are Proud Boys: How a Right-Wing Street Gang Ushered in a New Era of American Extremism,
dent-elect-biden-wary-trump-focused-investigations-sourc- (Hachette Books, 2022).
398. “Debunking the Lying Press: Why Hungary is More of
a ‘Democracy’ Than the US,”, April 14, 2022.
399. Stefano Kotsonis, Meghna Chakrabarti and Paige
Sutherland, “What CPAC’s embrace of Viktor Orban says
about the state of U.S. politics,” WBUR, May 18, 2022. https://
400. Associated Press,” DHS Disinformation Boar’s Work,
Pans Remain a Mystery,” U.S. News & World Report, May
5, 2022.
401. Taylor Lorenz, “How the Biden administration let
right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts,” The
Washington Post, May 18, 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.
402. Alexander Bolton, “Republicans vow to kill domestic
terrorism bill in Senate,” The Hill, May 22, 2022. https://thehill.
403. Alan Z. Rozenshtein, “Seditious Conspiracy Is the Real
Domestic Terrorism Statute,” Lawfare Blog, April 7, 2022.
404. Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld, Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls,
and Controversies, (SAGE Publications: 2018).
405. J.M. Berger, Extremism, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2018), p.
85. Hereinafter: Berger, “Extremism.”
406. Berger, “Extremism”, p. 87.
407. Facebook Community Standards can be viewed here:
408. Taylor Lorenz, “How the Biden administration let
right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts,” The
Washington Post, May 18, 2022. https://www.washingtonpost.
409. Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Hate in the Homeland: The New
Global Far Right, (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
2020), p. 170. Hereinafter: Miller-Idriss, “Hate in the Home-
410. Miller-Idriss, “Hate in the Homeland”, p. 167; also see
Byman, Spreading Hate; Milan Obaidi, Jonas Kunst, Simon
Ozer and Sasha Y. Kimel, “The “Great Replacement” conspir-
acy: How the perceived ousting of Whites can evoke violent
extremism and Islamophobia,” Group Processes & Intergroup
Relations, (2021).
411. Ibid, p. 167.
412. Ibid, p. 168.
413. Ibid, p. 169.
414. Sheera Frenkel, “Proud Boys Regroup, Focusing on
School Boards and Town Councils,” The New York Times,
December 14, 2021.
415. Hannah Allam, “A rural Washington school board
race shows how far-right extremists are shifting to local
power,” The Washington Post, January 8, 2022. https://www.
416. Ben Collins, “QAnon’s new ‘plan’? Run for school board,”
NBC News, July 7, 2021.
417. Sean Rameswaram, Noel King and Jane Coaston, “Who
are the proud boys” Vox: Today, Explained, 2019. https://
418. Tom Dreisbach, “How Extremists Weaponize Irony
to Spread Hate,” NPR, April 26, 2021. https://www.npr.

Appendix A - Timelines
Timeline of Roger Stone Influence Operations

November 22nd

Brooks Brothers riots, orchestrated by

Stone via walkie-talkies, stops the recount
of ballots in Florida.425 George Bush wins the
2000 election.
August 6th

Stone is caught intimidating Elliot Spitzer’s

father. Stone is fired from a consulting
position after he is caught threatening to
prosecute Elliot Spitzer’s father if he did not
implicate his son.426
February 13th

Roger Stone changes his party affiliation

from the Republican to the Libertarian
Party.427 2015

The Trump campaign hires Roger Stone as

an informal advisor.428

Timeline of Blended Operations and Key Events Leading up to January 6th

January 21st

Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, The US Supreme Court

removes nearly all limits on corporations and individuals donating to January
politicians.429 2011
• Charles and David Koch, described as, “key funders of the movement
to discredit climate science and sow doubt on the scientific Charles Koch hosts a secret fundraising seminar where politicians can
consensus that human activities contribute to global warming, who mingle with wealthy donors.431 Prior participants include Rush Limbaugh,
also fund the Tea Party and Americans for Prosperity and have Glenn Beck, Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. Prior Donors include Richard and
funded efforts to influence election outcomes in America.430 Helen DeVos, and Foster Friess. Friess would later fund Turning Point USA,
described as the Conservative Counter Point to

Rebecca Mercer, daughter of Hedge fund Billionaire Robert Mercer, joins

the non-profit Government Accountability Institute founded by Steve August 27-30
Bannon.433 2012

At the 2012 Republican National Convention, Charlie Kirk, the unfunded

co-founder of Turning Point USA, meets wealthy conservative donor Foster
Early September Friess.434

Foster Friess Donates $100,000 to Charlie Kirk.435


April 5th

Roger Stone preemptively claims, “we have certified, proven, sworn

April 5th evidence of massive voter fraud, which will later be presented to the
2016 credentials committee in Cleveland in an attempt to unseat delegates who
were illegally elected.”436
Roger Stone threatens to send angry Trump supporters to the hotel room
of any delegate who betrays Donald Trump.437
June 15th
July 10th Guccifer takes responsibility for the DNC email leaks.438

Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, dies. Shortly thereafter, conspiracy theories begin
circulating regarding the cause of his death.
July 17th

Donald Trump quips, “Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find
July 19th the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded
2016 mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.439”

Milo Yiannopoulos, Pam Geller and Geert Wilders, Dutch Party of Freedom July 22nd
founder and MP, Geert Wilders speak at Wake Up! An LGBTQ Pro- Trump 2016
event sponsored by Breitbart, The Gateway Pundit, and LBGTrump440, 441.
Wikileaks releases approximately some 44,000 hacked emails from the
Democratic Campaign Committee.

Russian hackers dumped a trove of more than some 20,000+ emails from
Democrats onto the internet — producing few damaging revelations but
August 9th
fueling accusations of corruption by Trump442. 2016

Roger Stone Tweets, “Four more dead bodies in the Clinton’s wake.
Coincidence? I think not.@ClintonsWar443
September 11th

Proud Boys have their second meet up as a newly formed group.444 Lucian
Wintrich is present.
October 8th

Lucian Wintrich, a Proud Boy and former whitehouse correspondent for

The Gateway Pundit445 hosts the Daddy Will Save Us art show, one of the
Proud Boys first appearances.446


Proud Boys begin providing security for conservative speakers, far-right

provocateurs, and Roger Stone. September 26th

The FOAK (Fraternal Order of Alt Knights) forms in response to the “Battles
of Berkeley”, a summer of the demonstrations and violent physical clashes
October 30th between progressive groups protesting against controversial speakers (e.g.,
Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopolis) and far-right groups advocating for free-
2017 speech and hate-speech…some, like Kyle “Stickman” Chapman, framed the
protests against conservative speakers as a “war on whites”.447, 448
Lucian Wintrich, Gateway Pundit Reporter circulates conspiracy theories
with the headline, “November 4th. Millions of Antifa Super Soldiers Will
Behead All White Parents.”449
2018 August 30th

Proud Boy and Roger Stone confidante Jacob Engels writes his first article
October 17th on Andrew Gillum, where he identifies him as a progressive populist with
the ability to gain the black vote.450 Gillum is the progressive candidate
running against Ron Desantis.
Proud Boys intimidate Donna Shalala and Nancy Pelosi outside of Florida
October 19th
Democratic campaign headquarters in Coral Gables.451

Proud Boy and Roger Stone confidante Jacob Engels begins his offline
October 20th political sabotage efforts of Andrew Gillum’s presidential campaign. He
2018 provokes democrats in the crowd during his speech.452

Engels tweets, “I was assaulted by @AndrewGillum supporters as a gay

journalist covering his violent mob. Denounce this rabid attack or admit you November 6th
condone violence Andrew…the world is watching!”453 2018

November 7th Andrew Gillum loses a close election to ron DeSantis for Governor.454

Journalists covering the midterms cite a last minute release of text

messages as one of four obstacles to Gillum’s campaign. 455.

2019 March 12th

Jacob Engels, Roger Stone confidenante responds to speculation

June 19th that Andrew Gillum may run for the Democratic candidate. He writes,
“Maybe I will travel to sunny South Florida and bullhorn [Andrew Gillum’s]
“announcement”, maybe not. However, one thing is perfectly clear to me,
Andrew Gillum didn’t “bring it home” in 2018 and he will not “bring it home”
Donald Trump launches his official 2020 campaign in Orlando. “The Trump
in 2020 as long as I have air to breathe.456
campaign is well aware of the organized participation of Proud Boys rallies
merging into Trump events,” a disillusioned GOP operative told New York
Times reporter Trip Gabriel, “They don’t care. Staff are to treat it like a June 29th
coalition they can’t talk about.”457 2019

July 18th An otherwise peaceful protest held in Portland, Oregon, called “Shake Back
the Streets” ends when journalist and provocateur, Andy Ngo, is punched
2019 in the face.
• Disinformation campaigns begin circulating about cement being
Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy introduced a resolution to added in milkshakes. This circulates in unverified Twitter claims by the
the U.S. Senate condemning the violent acts carried out by members of Portland Police Bureau, which Fox News then recycles into headlines
Antifa and calling for the designation of the group as a domestic terrorist meant to generate outrage, and subsequently promoted by Donald
organization.458” Trump on Twitter.
• In response to the conspiracy theory, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen.
July 22nd Bill Cassidy (R-LA) attempt to pass legislation to designate Antifa as a
2019 terrorist organization.

Rudy Guiliani begins a pressure campaign to try to force Ukrainian

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to announce an investigation of a Ukrainian
gas company associated with Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, as part of an
July 25th
apparent effort to weaken the Biden campaign ahead of the Democratic 2019
presidential primaries.
Trump tries to urge Zelenskyy to initiate a corrupt political probe into
Hunter Biden. $400 million in military aid is withheld for months.459
August 17th

Proud Boys “Rally to End Domestic Terrorism” is monitored by Trump on

Twitter, who tweets, “Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA
an ‘“ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.’” Portland is being watched very closely.
Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!460”

March 20th

Proud Boy Jacob Engels engages in further acts of political sabotage,

sharing compromising photos of Andrew Gillum with the help of Enrique
Tarrio in his Central Florida Post blog, The Orlando Sentinel461. Gillum lost May 31st
to Governor Ron DeSantis by less than 33,000 votes in the 2018 race. 462, 2020
Many considered Gillum to run in the 2020 primary as the progressive
candidate on the Democrat ticket. President Trump tweeted his administration will designate “antifa,” a
“terrorist organization.465

June 16th
July 4th
Five members of the Proud Boys attack a civilian in the CHOP region, an 2020
autonomous zone in Seattle, Washington, that briefly formed during the
George Floyd protests. In a recorded video posted to the personal Twitter account of former
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, he and his family are seen reciting
the Q Oath, “Where we go one, we go all” around a backyard fire.
September 29th

While on a live broadcast of a Presidential Debate between Donald

Trump and Joe Biden, Trump declines to condemn the Proud Boys. The
moderator, Chris Wallace asked him, “Are you willing, tonight, to condemn September 29th
white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand 2020
down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in
Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland?”. After attempting to deflect the
In the same televised Presidential Debate, Donald Trump states, “I’m urging
question, Trump says, “Proud Boys, stand back and stand by, but I’ll tell
my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that’s
you what, I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa
what has to happen.”467
and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing

September 29th

Enrique Tarrio writes in Parler, “Standing by sir”468 Joe Biggs interprets October 14th
Trump’s comments as a call to action against Antifa, writing, “Trump 2020
basically said to go fuck them up! This makes me so happy!468”
The New York Post begins publishing a series of reports on Hunter Biden’s
business dealings.


October 19th

Intelligence officials do not deny the authenticity of the emails, but claim
the Hunter Biden Laptop narrative has elements of Russian Disinformation.
• The headline misinterprets intelligence officials’ comments, reporting, October 27th
“Hunter Biden story is Russian disinformation, dozens of former intel 2020
officials say.”470
Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) advocates for violence to uphold
freedom on appealing to NRA conspiracy theories surrounding guns,
stating, “The only way you get your freedoms back is it’s earned with the
price of blood.”471

October 28th

A self- identified Proud Boy threatens to blow up a polling station in

Dickinson, North Dakota. November 3rd

A man dressed in the Proud Boy’s signature uniform, a black and yellow
Fred Perry shirt is spotted loitering outside of a polling place in Omaha,
November 5 Nebraska. He showed up to act as a poll watcher.

Proud Boys and FreedomWorks For America staged a protest, “Stop the
Count”, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in an effort to “prevent Biden from
November 7th
stealing the election.”472, 473 2020

November 7: The Presidential election is officially called for Joe Biden.

November 12th Trump refuses to concede and continues circulating election fraud
2020 narratives, known as “The Big Lie”474.
• Enrique Tarrio posts on Parler, “We’re rolling out. Standby order has
been rescinded.”475
Tarrio posted a message on Parler that read, “Fuck Unity. No quarter. Raise
• Proud Boys are heavily involved in coordinated “Stop the Steal”
the black flag.”476
Events in Florida, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Ohio.

November 14th

Thousands of Proud Boys and Trump supporters attend the Million MAGA
November 25th rally to protest Biden’s victory.478 The events went by several names,
2020 including the Million MAGA March, the March for Trump and Stop the Steal
Donald Trump announces his pardon of former National Security Advisor December 1st
Michael Flynn.479 2020

Michael Flynn and Lin Wood promote a petition calling on President Donald
Trump to temporarily suspend the U.S. Constitution, declare martial law and
order the military to oversee a national re-vote for the 2020 presidential
December 2nd election.480, 481

On Alex Jones’ Infowars, Roger Stone falsely claims more falsehoods about
North Korean boats delivering election ballots through Maine. on Alex
Jones’ Infowars. This use of disinformation was intended to incite fears of a
December 12th
foreign government takeover.482 2020

Roger Stone urges followers to “fight to the bitter end,” to prevent Joe
Biden from taking office. In a marked shift from previous events, security
was provided by members of the, with Oath Keepers providing security for
December 14th Stone,483 a marked shift as Proud Boys previously provided all security for
2020 Roger Stone’s events.

Electors meet in each state to cast ballots for the presidential election.
Members of the Proud Boys and other Trump supporters protested in
Washington, DC in support of President Trump, while waiting for the
December 19th
election confirmation from the electoral college. Electors in each state 2020
were meeting and casting their ballots on that day.
Trump tweets, “Big protests in D.C. on January 6. Be there. Will be wild!”484

December 30th

Tarrio receives a nine-page document titled “1776 Returns,” by an December 30th

“individual known to the grand jury.”485 2020

Jason Sullivan, communications expert and one-time aid to Roger Stone

urged Pro-Trump supporters to make their presence felt at the Capitol in a
way that would intimidate members of Congress, telling the group that they
had to ensure that lawmakers inside the building “understand that people
are breathing down their necks.” He also pledged that Mr. Trump was going
Late December to take action on his own; the president, he said, was going to impose a
2020 form of martial law.486

Tarrio creates an operational chapter called “The Ministry of Self Defense,”

or MOSD, to plan the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.

January 4th 2021

Trump tries to convince then-Vice President Mike Pence to dismiss the

Electoral College votes for seven states when he presides over the Joint
Session of Congress on January 6.487 January 4th

Enrique Tarrio is arrested for possession of high capacity magazines and

property destruction.488
January 5th

Tarrio meets with Stuart Rhodes, founder of far-right militia organization January 5th
Oath Keepers, in an underground parking garage roughly half a mile from 2021
the Capitol.489, 490
Proud Boys participating in the Insurrection are instructed to meet at
the Washington Monument on January 6 at 10 a.m. without wearing their
January 6th “colors”, or clothing that identifies them as a member of the Proud Boys.491

The Attack on the United States Capitol

• Proud Boys meet at the Washington Monument at 10 a.m. as planned
• Before Trump’s speech is finished, Proud Boys make way to the Capitol
• Proud Boys split up into multiple groups and seek entry points into the
• Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola (aka “Spaz, Spazzo, Spazzolini”) uses a stolen
police riot shield to smash a window in the U.S. Capitol building, providing
the opportunity for the mob to breach the capital.
• Forty-five insurrectionist rallies occur in thirty-two states.492 January 17th

Rep.House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) told Mark Meadows

via text message that “in our private chat with only Members, several are
saying the only way to save the Republic is for Trump to call Marshall [sic]
June 16th law.”493

Steve Bannon telegraphs the post- January 6th strategy as follows:

• Claims the need to “get to the bottom on 3 Nov audits, Wuhan lab,
Anthony Fauci.”
• “We’ve got to stop Critical Race Theory, 1619 Project, Border Invasion
and claims we’re taking the villages over village by village.” October 8th
• Claims “3 Big Lies cited by Warren” 2021
• Election Lie
Steve Bannon speaks about a “new wave of applied populism,” at the
• Collusion and consequent involvement among many at the
Annual Priority Conference. He states, “We need you guys to continue to
federal level during the January 6 insurrection.494
hit on all cylinders. You’re essential to taking this country back” from “the
corrupt Biden regime.”495
• Bannon cites election officials, precinct committee members, and
2022 school boards as “applied populism’s” targets for disruption by MAGA
April 25th • These become the driving narratives behind the “MAGA Patriots”
2022 applied populism strategy.

Roger Stone becomes the Senior strategic advisor for the Ontario party in
• Stone’s stated plan is to take back the house, elect Trump speaker of the March 16th
house and impeach Biden and Harris, ensuring a Trump victory. 2022

Steve Bannon asks a judge to dismiss his contempt of congress case.

• In a press conference outside of court, he details his plan to take down
the “illegitimate Biden regime,” and claims he wants to destroy the
democratic institution498. Bannon’s Breitbart news has served as the
gateway for all the major Alt-Right figures, including Gavin McInnes.
March 24th Breitbart was also funded by New Right investor Peter Thiel, who has
2022 decided to invest in the GOP in 2022 and 2024.499

Proud Boys encourage others to share and post Hunter Biden

March 24th
disinformation memes in Telegram channels.

Tucker Carlson, on Fox news, remarks, “The National Pulse is reporting

May 2nd tonight apparently a private equity firm run by Hunter Biden funded some
2022 of the research into pathogens in these bio labs.”497

2000 Mules, a QAnon Election Denialist Narrative directed by, and based May 4th
on a book written by, Dinesh D’Souza is being used as a call to action to 2022
audit votes.500
Donald Trump hosts a private viewing of 2000 Mules at Mar-A-Lago, with a
May 7th guest list that includes Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Green, Mike Flynn, Mike Lindel,
2022 Rudy Guilliani and Kyle Rittenhouse.

in an opinion piece, Fox News seeded false claims of Antifa violence in an

opinion piece with the knowledge that pro choice activists will organize to
protest the recent Roe V Wade leaks. Christian Nationalists recirculate the
news and elicit a veiled call to action, framed as “F*ck Around and Find Out
2.0.”501 Feucht is a Christian Nationalist has used Proud Boys as security at
prior events

Sources & notes for timelines aged/39977649/ 491.
425. tors-proud-boys-gave-leader-war-powers-planned-ahead-
461. for-capitol-riot
426. nude-photo-andrew-gillum-peddled-far-right-gay-blogger
427. 462. stop-the-steal-insurrection-rallies-in-the-states/
post/gop-trickster-roger-stone-defects-to-libertarian-par- appears-to-show-naked-andrew-gillum-on-vomit-covered-
ty/2012/02/16/gIQASIvUIR_blog.html towels/ 493.
428. 463. 2020-election
roger-stones-long-history-in-trump-world/581293/ nude-photo-andrew-gillum-peddled-far-right-gay-blogger
429. 464.
tion/cu_sc08_opinion.pdf tics/2018/11/6/18024802/andrew-gillum-florida-demo- 495.
430. 496.
sive-audio-koch-brothers-seminar-tapes/ 465. 5745027?s=20&t=NKvBCZX5KVeTmjF-LSF8eQ
431. tests-donald-trump-terrorist-group 497.
466. Bill McCarthy,“In context: Donald Trump’s ‘stand back hunter-biden-ukrainian-bio-labs/
432. and stand by’ debate comments on white supremacists,” Politifact, September 30, 2020. 498.
tive-boy-wonder article/2020/sep/30/context-donald-trumps-stand-back- tus/1504153930380492803?s=21
433. and-stand-debate-/ 499.
wealthy-backers-of-breitbart/a-42100407 467. ter-thiel-facebook-exit-gop-politics/index.html
434. MISSING 468. 500.
0881?s=20&t=mNgv4bMclRiypVroQoJbog posts/5644351695619348
435. 469. 501.
tive-boy-wonder trump-presidential-debate-proud-boys-us-election-hate- tus/1522990965954613249
436. group-b716510.html
ry-live-updates-and-results/2016/04/roger-stone-don- 470.
ald-trump-delegates-convention-hotel-221586 er-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276
437. 471. tus/1355229440259747841?s=20&t=SrhxmLtVN3O4ZU-
egates-be-loyal-or-else.html 8vb9qF1A
438. 472.
439. tea-party-linked-activists-protest-against-election-fraud-
JUsWU&t=57s us-cities

440. 473.

wake-fab-party-rnc/ 474.
441. tion-results/2020/11/07/932062684/far-from-over-trump-
wake-fab-party-rnc/ refuses-to-concede-as-ap-others-call-election-for-biden

442. 475.

tion/ mann/2020/11/07/alleged-proud-boys-leader-declares-
443. porters-protest/?sh=1b18c9f5179a
444. loads/2022/05/january-6-clearinghouse-united-states-v-
tus/775712608527781888 enrique-tarrio-et-al-proud-boys-seditious-conspiracy-indict-
445. ment-march-7-2022.pdf
tive-queers-lgbtq-trump/ 477.
446. lion-maga-march-estimate/fact-check-how-many-people-
but-the-artists-areinteresting attended-the-nov-14-million-maga-march-in-washington-d-
test-sproul-plaza-patriot-prayer-12230585.php 478. Federal indictment records state, “On December
12, 2020, TARRIO and other members of the Proud Boys
448. attended an election-related rally, sometimes referred to as
of-berkeley-1504556629 a “Million MAGA” rally, in Washington, D.C. The December 12
rally was organized as a protest of the presidential election,
and the date of the protest coincided with the certification of
the Electoral College results in each of the fifty states.“
479. It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael
T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @
GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a
451. truly fantastic Thanksgiving!”
480. Good morning. Our country is headed to civil war. A war
created by 3rd party bad actors for their benefit – not for We
452. The People. Communist China is leading the nefarious efforts
buzz/2018/10/20/alt-right-florida-gop-operative-complains- to take away our freedom.@realDonaldTrump should declare
he-was-assaulted-while-taunting-people-at-andrew-gillum- martial law.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 1, 2020
458. “Sens. Cruz, Cassidy: Antifa is a domestic terrorist
organization,” Senator Ted Cruz Senate Office Press Release,
July 18, 2019.
press-releases/sens-cruz-cassidy-antifa-is-a-domestic-ter- 487.
rorist-organization efforts-to-overturn-the-2020-election-2021-10
459. 488.
trump-who-was-impeached-for-withholding-nearly-400- rique-tarrio-rightwing-proud-boys-arrested
situation-would-never-have-happened-if-he-were-in-office/ 489.
articleshow/89817109.cms rique-tarrio-charged-jan-6

460. 490.

tion/2019/08/18/portland-protest-organizer-trump-encour- about-the-underground?s=r
On February 28th, 2022, the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United
States Capitol requested that The Khalifa Ihler Institute, represented by Bjørn Ihler, Samantha Kutner,
and C.L. Murray provide a written statement for the record on the Proud Boys’ role and involvement
focusing on the following questions:

1. Why did Proud Boys come to DC on January 6th?

2. What Proud Boys activities in 2020 and earlier laid the groundwork for their actions on January
3. What is the Proud Boys’ ideology and philosophy?
4. What do they publicly profess, and what are their underlying ideologies? To what extent are
their actions motivated by opportunism, and to what extent are leaders and members “true
5. How did their public or de facto ideologies evolve or realign in the lead-up to January 6th, and
what impact has January 6th had on their ideologies and philosophies?
6. What role does race, white supremacy, and fear of white replacement play in Proud Boys’
7. Did the Proud Boys monetize January 6th? If so, how?
8. What impact has January 6th had on the Proud Boys?
9. What is your analysis of the Proud Boys’ organization and objectives as we prepare for the
midterm elections and the 2024 presidential election?

This report is intended to provide important insights gained from extensive qualitative and
quantitative research on the Proud Boys through a variety of methodological approaches including
in-depth interviews, ethnographic research, content analysis of legal documents, social network
analysis, and statistical analysis of incidents beginning with the origins of the group to present day


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