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Fred Chris Hennie Sean Henk Marcel Alan
Ashlea Gardens
Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983
19 June 2011
We serve a God whose morality and
compassion make Him easy to love,
because these are the qualities that
draw us to Him.
Indeed, the Bible is replete with
accounts of Gods love in action how
He takes care of those in dif cult situ-
ations. Similarly, as the expression and
extension of God in Heaven, Jesus had
compassion on the widow who had
lost her only son and raised him from
the dead.
If everyone in this world treated
each other as God wishes there would
be no war, murder, adultery, or any
form of emotional pain.
In John 17:26 Jesus prayed that His
Fathers love for Him be manifest in His
followers and He in them. As Christians,
we are to emulate Gods love by help-
ing all those in need, even if they are
our enemy, because to be born of God
means loving not only Him but also His
children (Matt 25).
The more we do good to others the
more we please God and draw closer
to Him. We occupy a special place in
His heart and have access to His com-
passion, mercy and forgiveness.
Gods commands are not burden-
some when we love Him we want to
please Him.
John 3:15 and other passages of
scripture state that everyone who
looks to Jesus will be saved. This is
Gods will that everyone be saved.
But the choice is ours. God has given
us the freedom to choose thats how
much He loves us. He sent his Son, who
asked that the cup of death be passed
from Him, even though he knew the
answer would be no; that is the extent
of Gods love He said no to his Son.
When our faith begins to wane
we need to think of God and His love
and compassion for us. We have been
made in Gods image and given His
character traits. Consequently, He
wants us to care for others because He
cares for others. That is how our faith is
The spirit in our inner being should
bond with Gods spirit. His love is con-
verted into power through His Spirit
dwelling is us.
Allow Christ to live in your heart by
faith and be rooted and established in
love. Then you can approach Him with
confdence (Eph 3:14).
And as the length, breadth and
depth of Gods love strengthens us in
our time of need so our faith in Him
becomes more frmly entrenched.
Our fai th strengthened by Gods l ove
By Fred Bergh
Mens Retreat
When: 19-22 August
Where: Li nga Longa
Cost: R480 (adul ts),
R240 (boys U12)
RSVP: Owai n
The second DVD in Lee Strobels series, The
Case For Christ, will be shown next Sunday
evening. Please invite your friends and
family to watch this fascinating investiga-
tion into the evidence for who Jesus claims
to be.
Vi si ti ng wi th us today? Pl ease si gn our vi si tors book.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
We thank God for the blessing of warm
homes, clothing and food during
these cold winter days and nights.
Prayers of Supplication
Heillie Gerber is mourning the loss of her
younger sister.
Our students involved in the Tukkies
Campus Ministry.
Neels Botes is recovering from an eye
Those being treated for cancer: Esme
Rappard, Freda Jooste, Jana Krugers
mother and Christo (Salomes nephew).
The chronically ill: Don Wilmot (heart
function) and Isabell Harding (back
Those looking for work: Donovan
Wilmot, Grace Nethamba, Paula Heger
(family of Krista), Deon Connoway and
Melissa Connoway.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Izak Connoway is working in Saudi Ara-
bia. Isaks partner, Henk at the company.
Jabu Manzinis son, Sayo is going
through a dif cult time.

Today (19 June)
Opening prayer: Willem Lombard
Table: Leonard Ramagwede
Servers: Hendrik Pieterse
Liam de Weerd
Christo Gerber
Charl Greef
Reading, prayer: Byron Harding
Closing prayer: Deon Connoway
Sermon am: Alan Belcher
pm: Neels Botes
Key, money orderly: Bernie Meyer
Security bs: Don Wilmot
am: Gavin de Steur
pm: Sean Bowes
Tea duty: Belinda & Megan
Table preparation: Jana & Lucia
Flowers: Colleen
Next Week (26 June)
Opening prayer: James van Reenen
Table: Marcel Bergh
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Keenan Bowes
Theo de Weerd
Athan Page
Reading, prayer: Sean Bowes
Closing prayer: Alan Page
Sermon am: Marcel Bergh
pm: DVD
Key, money orderly: Christo Gerber
Security bs: Bernie Meyer
am: Owain Bowes
pm: Christo Gerber
Tea duty: Nadine & Nicole
Table preparation: Debbie & Amanda
Flowers: Jana

Wednesday @ 10h00
Venue to be announced
Youth & Evangelistic
Tuesday @ 19h30
Marcel & Lucias home
to show thyself
Thursday @ 19h30
Resumes after university holidays
When: 2 July
Where: Owains house
Time: 8h00
Mmm... pancakes!
Nothing warms away the
winter blues like a plate of hot
pancakes covered in cinnamon
sugar and plenty of these will
be served at Henk and Elkes
home on 24 June from 19h00.
Cost is R5 per person.

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