Retec 2000 CP Manual

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Operating instructions

Retec 2000 CP
Manufacturer: Distribution:


Kindling GmbH Medizintechnik

Gropiusstr. 9
31137 Hildesheim

Tel. +49 (0) 51 21 / 51 19 97

Fax +49 (0) 51 21 / 51 19 27
e-mail :

Operating instructions Retec 2000CP

Version: v4.8
Stand: June 2011
© Kindling GmbH Medizintechnik
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 3

List of contents
1. Welcome................................................................................................................................. 4
2. In General ............................................................................................................................... 5
3. EG-Declaration of Conformity............................................................................................... 6
4. Basic Physical Definitions ..................................................................................................... 7
5. Description of Retec Therapy ................................................................................................ 8
6. Performance Features ............................................................................................................. 9
7. Safety ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 Contraindications ........................................................................................................... 10
8. Applications ......................................................................................................................... 10
9. Retec and EAV Diagnosis .................................................................................................... 10
10. Equipment Specifications ................................................................................................... 11
11. Items Included with Retec 2000CP .................................................................................... 11
12. Technical Data.................................................................................................................... 12
13. Guarantee ........................................................................................................................... 13
14. System Prerequisites .......................................................................................................... 14
15. Installation Site ................................................................................................................... 14
16. Cleaning ............................................................................................................................. 14
17. Setting up the Retec 2000CP .............................................................................................. 15
17.1 Equipment Self-test ...................................................................................................... 15
18. Operational Features, Front Side ........................................................................................ 16
19. Operational Features, Backside .......................................................................................... 17
20. Top View: Accessory Storage ............................................................................................ 18
21. Software Installation .......................................................................................................... 19
21.1 Uninstalling the Software ............................................................................................. 20
22. Interface .............................................................................................................................. 21
23. Connecting the Electrodes .................................................................................................. 21
24. Turning on the Retec 2000CP ............................................................................................ 22
25. Retec Therapy .................................................................................................................... 22
26. The Patient.......................................................................................................................... 23
27. Control Symbols ................................................................................................................. 23
28. Comment field .................................................................................................................... 24
29. Single therapy ..................................................................................................................... 25
30. Single Theraphy - Testmode .............................................................................................. 27
31. Status Display..................................................................................................................... 28
32. Multi-Therapy .................................................................................................................... 28
32. Multi-Therapy .................................................................................................................... 29
33. Multitherapy controls ......................................................................................................... 30
34. Start Multitherapy .............................................................................................................. 31
35. Details................................................................................................................................. 31
36. Control symbols in the Details window ............................................................................. 32
37. Setting up Single therapy in the Details window ............................................................... 33
38. Potentiation (Delutions) ..................................................................................................... 34
39. Device and Wire Test ......................................................................................................... 36
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 4

1. Welcome

Kindling GmbH wishes you great success in bio-resonance therapy with your
new Retec 2000CP

Congratulations on your choice of this modern, software controlled, therapy


All the information you need to assure your competence in Retec- therapy is to
be found in this handbook or at our firm in a comprehensive Retec-Seminar.

Please read this instruction manual carefully to assure yourself of optimal use of
your Retec 2000CP. We refer particularly to compliance with all safety rules as
set forth in section 7: Safety.

Prospective operators of this equipment should master measuring and therapy

techniques on patients in the Retec-Seminars we offer. Resources for beginner
self-study include the book Bioresonanz-Heilen ohne Medikamente (Bio-
Resonance Healing without Medications) or the Seminarscript of the
International Arbeitskreises fur EAV-und Resonanztherapeuten (International
Association of EAV and Bio-Resonance Therapists).
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 5

2. In General

Your Retec 2000 CP, through its multifunctional, openly accessible adjustment
of all operating parameters, introduces unique, future-oriented standards to bio-
resonance therapy. Bio-Resonance Therapy has been made even more versatile
and universal through the new type of control of complex processes over an
external PC. Our software makes it easy to adapt your system to future changes
in methodology through our update service.
Control data are carried over the USB interface of the PC to the Retec 2000CP,
where they are processed by modern electronic assemblies into therapeutic
frequencies. This system enables the practitioner to select from over 300
programmed therapies so that the strength and duration of treatment can be
adjusted to best fit individual needs of patients.
The Retec 2000CP software (Retec 2000pro) contents multi-therapy, manual
therapy, potentiation and Details for the manual design or own programming

The comprehensive, visual representation of the therapeutic application on-

screen makes possible highly individualized applications. Successful therapy
can be accomplished with just the Start and Stop buttons. The Test Mode makes
it possible to work more individually; specific adjustments of parameters can be
evaluated by means of an EAV device.

The separation of the control device (PC) from the therapy unit (Retec 2000CP)
assures freedom from interference (by electrical network influences and
computer frequencies, among others). Our use of the latest and most efficient
electronic parts makes it possible to achieve the greatest technical range of
frequency processing.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 6

3. EG-Declaration of Conformity
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 7

4. Basic Physical Definitions

Frequency Number of vibrations per second

Unit: 1 Hertz (Hz)
1000 Hz = 1 Kilohertz (1 KHz)
1000 KHz = 1 Megahertz (1 MHz)
Interference Production of a new frequency by the combination of multiple
single frequencies
High frequency filter
Filter that fixes the highest critical frequency
Low frequency filter
Filter that fixes the lowest critical frequency
Line filter Suppresses 50/60 Hz electrical network interference
Resonance filter
Filter with adjustable frequency permeability
Variable frequency
Proportional frequency change around a chosen frequency
Resolution Wave height for Wobbel signal
Frequency run
Frequency domain with adjustable initial and final frequency
Direct amplifier
Direct amplification from 1-100, or reduction to .01
Inverse amplifier
Inverted amplification from 1-100, or reduction to 0.01
Separator Homeopathic filter for the separation of harmonic and
Disharmonic frequencies
Mixer Mixes separately amplified signals
Constant drive Constantly provided output information
Interval Interrupted output information in adjusted time sequence
Entrance Intake of input information
Exit Exit of output information
Channel In-and output for 5 separate electrode connections
Step Single step in the individual therapy

Signal names:
A Complete input information
Ai Complete information, inverted
H Harmonic portion from the Separator
D Disharmonic portion from the Separator
Di Disharmonic portion, inverted
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 8

5. Description of Retec Therapy

The newly developed bioresonance device Retec 2000CP works by the

induction principle with body vibrations or physical input information (blood,
saliva, original substances, allergens, etc.). This information is taken up by
special electrodes, converted in the Retec 2000CP into temporally and spatially
uniform, counter-polar vibrations, and sent as output as amplified information
back to the patient. The purpose of this process is to neutralize pathological
vibrations in the patient in order to activate immune system functions.
Retec therapy uses no outside energies such as low frequencies, ultra-sound or
the like; it works strictly within physiological frequency parameters. From a
physical point of view, this process works with the smallest vibration energies,
which for the most part fall within the noise zone.
The mode of action with dynamic customization works according to a cybernetic
control cycle so that the counter-polar vibrations put out by the Retec 2000CP give
rise to a new feedback waveform from the patient; this patient output in turn serves
as the basis for the production of a new counter-polar waveform. This ongoing
energy-dialogue continues throughout a therapy session.
With static customization, input information from a substance in the beaker
electrode (e.g. blood, saliva, secretions, or other) is constantly sent to the patient
until the targeted pathological information is lifted. The range of applications
for this mode of therapy includes the treatment of allergies, detoxification,
addictions, etc. Meditest, our software database with over 20,000 virtual
vibrations of medications and substances, offers the most modern application of
the static mode.

Input information can be processed through filters, such as High--or Low as, in
frequency swing (variable frequency), automatic or manual.
In constant drive or incremental drive, the information is given back to the
Amplification or reduction is possible in the range from 0.01--100.
Pathological vibrations are separated from harmonic ones in the Separator.
Various carrier solutions, such as water, alcohol solution, or salves, can be
individualized for the patient in the output beaker.

A readily viewed, on-screen flow chart always displays the current therapy
settings to the therapist.

Successful application and monitoring of Retec therapy should be based on

certainty through EAV testing. In the second stage of therapy, at least, where
specific settings are required, this knowledge is indispensable. Otherwise it is
left to the therapist alone, which method he or she uses to diagnose the
disturbance, and how to supervise successful therapy.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 9

6. Performance Features

Line filter Suppresses interference from the 220 volt electrical supply
(NF for Notch filter))
Single frequency Specific adjustment of the therapeutic frequency (RF for
Resonance frequency)
Waveband run Run through a waveband with selected start and stop
frequencies (FS for Frequency swing)
Varied frequency A chosen frequency with +/- (%) change (WB for Wobbel
Separator Selected H and D frequencies (SEP)
Amplifier for direct and inverse drive (A,Ai,H, Di,)
Also capable of reduction
Time adjustment Adjustable therapy and pause settings (Time)
5 input- output channels
Serially available
Difference input Medicine replication without disturbing external influences
Self-test feature of the device and cables

7. Safety

The Retec 2000CP corresponds with Group 2a of the MPG and is built in our
DIN ISO 13488 certified factory. In contrast to the low frequency current
devices on the market, no technically produced frequencies are applied in this
therapy. Moreover, no such frequencies are used at all. The entrances and exits
are high impedance-locked. The manufacturer declares with its Conformity
Declaration that this device conforms to the current standard safety-engineering.

Only parts and accessories approved and provided by the Kindling firm may be
used in the operation of the Retec 2000CP. Accessories and parts of this device
must not be used in connection with any other apparatus. Only the original MPI
may be used for energy supply.

Any attempt at repair or alteration of the therapy unit by personnel who

are not authorized by us is expressly forbidden, and leads to the loss of
customer rights under the Guarantee, and ends the manufacturers liability
for any damage caused by the use of this product. Furthermore, the
manufacturer is not responsible for inappropriate uses of the therapy unit.

- Do not operate this equipment in any room where life-support systems are in

- Do not use this device simultaneously with any other therapeutic equipment
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 10
- Proximity of this device (ca. 1m) to short-wave or micro-wave therapy devices
can cause variations in the output values.

7.1 Contraindications

Dangerous side-effects of bioresonance therapy are not known to exist.

Nevertheless, the application of this therapy to patients with coronary
pacemakers or who are pregnant is not recommended.

8. Applications

The application of Retec therapy is sensible in treating practically any disease

that can be alleviated or healed through treatment of the bio-energetic system. It
is especially helpful in treating the following conditions:

Organ diseases
Coronary and circulatory disease
Asthma, bronchitis
Allergies, Neurodermatitis
Focal and field disturbance treatments
Depression, anxiety
Detoxification, addiction
Susceptibility to infection
Conditions of exhaustion and weak ness
Psychosomatic disorder
And much more!

9. Retec and EAV Diagnosis

A precise diagnosis is essential for optimal Retec therapy results. EAV

(Electroacupuncture According to Voll) recommends itself in this regard; by
measuring the conductivity of specific acupuncture points, EAV reveals the
condition of corresponding organs and tissues. The Kindling firm also offers a
wide array of EAV equipment whereby the combination of the Retec 2000CP
with the Kindling EAV-combi-2 represents the best possible level of equipage.

Retec supports and simplifies EAV by:

- Allergy and field-disturbance testing

- Dental material and focal disturbance testing dictating testing
- Differentiated point test
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 11

10. Equipment Specifications

Retec 2000CP Equipment working self-sufficiently with complete standard

accessories and software version Retec 2000pro ( single therapy, multi therapy,
potentization according to Dr. Wurthle, manual programming). A kit with
special accessories will be offered as option.

11. Items Included with Retec 2000CP

Standard package
1 Control device, Retec 2000CP
1 Software for Retec 2000pro on CD ROM
2 Hand electrodes
2 Foot electrodes
3 Glass containers for beakers
2 Pairs of connecting cables for electrodes, 2 m long
2 Rubber electrodes
1 Deep magnetic applicator
1 Small deep magnetic applicator
1 Ointment electrode for transfer
1 Retec mat
1 USB cable
1 Medical power supply unit ‘MPI’

Special completion kit (surcharge)

1 Input beaker
1 Output beaker
1 Pairs of connecting cables for beakers, 0,5 m long
1 Head electrode
1 Roller electrode
100 Resonance platelets with compass
1 Pair of connecting cables for electrodes, 2 m long
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 12
12. Technical Data

Device name: Retec 2000CP

Safety class: 2a
Manufacturer: Kindling GmbH, Gropiusstr. 9, 31137 Hildesheim, Germany
Dimensions: Width: 20 cm
Depth: 40 cm
Height: 8 cm
Weight: ca. 3.5 Kg
Operating power: 15 Volt
Fuses: 1 Amp
Operating current: 300 mA
Operating time: continuous
Operational technology:
Integrated C-Mos circuitry, Si-transistors and diodes, relays
Filter: Electronic filter.
Filter switches: Without filter
With filter 1Hz -100 kHz
run through waveband
varied frequency drive
Amplifier: Amplification by a factor of 1-100
Frequency range: up to 1 MHz. 1-100 KHz in filter range;
Therapy channels: 5
Therapy form: Continuous drive
Incremental drive
Separator output: H: harmonic
D: discordant
Time selection: 1-99 min.
Input: 1 per channel
Output: 1 per channel
Maintenance period:
Safety and technical checkup every 2 years
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 13
Description of symbols
SN Serial number

Follow operating manual

Type BF body float

Notice regarding disposal

CE label w/ notified number of notified body

13. Guarantee

The Retec 2000CP you have purchased is a high quality device that has passed through
intensive quality controls in production and at completion has been found to be technically
faultless. Should you nevertheless have a problem, please contact your dealer or the Kindling
firm. We shall do everything in our power to help you quickly.

The guarantee period is 2 years from the date of purchase.

Components typically subject to wear and tear, such as the connection cables, or electrodes,
are accepted; for these the guarantee period is ½ year provided the components in question
have not been subjected to misuse or abuse.

The Kindling firm takes responsibility for consequent costs for parts and labor for correction
of any defect that appears within the guarantee period. The guarantee covers materials and
workmanship in production, as well as any defect that might develop in the course of use of
this device according to these instructions. The equipment may be sent to our Hildesheim
plant free of charge, and there is no charge for return shipping.

Damage to this equipment caused by neglect or abuse, environmental events, or improper use
is excluded from coverage under this guarantee. Both the guarantee and the manufacturer's
product liability are rendered null and void in the event that the lead seal on the case is
damaged by improper opening.

Failure of this equipment within the guarantee period confers on the user no right to
reimbursement for consequent costs or compensation for damages.

Any attempt at repair or alteration of the therapy unit by personnel who are not authorized by
us is expressly forbidden, and leads to the loss of customer rights under the Guarantee, and
ends the manufacturers liability for any damage caused by the use of this product.
Furthermore, the manufacturer is not responsible for inappropriate uses of the therapy unit.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 14

14. System Prerequisites

To function properly the Retec 2000pro software requires a computer with the
following minimum configuration:
IBM compatible computer with CD-ROM drive
At least 300 MB of free memory on the hard disk drive, 128 MB of main
Operating system Windows XP, or higher.
1 free USB port
We recommend devoting a separate computer to controlling the Retec 2000CP.

15. Installation Site

In order to avoid interference with bioresonance therapy, there should be no

high frequency, microwave, or ultrasound devices used in the same area. The
floor should not be capable of accumulating static electricity, nor should the
coverings on chairs. Tubular steel frames in furnishings should not be used in
the space because they can have an antenna effect. Fluorescent lights should be
kept at a minimum distance of 2 m.; heat lamps, electrical lines, and heating
devices should be kept at least 1 m. away.

The device should be used only in dry rooms without direct exposure to sunlight
or heat sources.
Do not set up this equipment next to a radio or television as this could cause
Allow sufficient free space to ensure adequate ventilation.
Do not place water containers, drinking cups, or the like on the equipment!

16. Cleaning

Avoid damage to the device and electrodes, and keep them clean. The
electrodes should be cleaned between treatments with diluted vinegar or diluted
lemon juice, or with alcohol. Any commonly used jewellery polish can be used
to remove oxidation. Afterwards, rinse the electrodes thoroughly with warm
From a technical perspective, it is important to keep the electrodes clean because
dirty or corroded ones can distort the effects of the therapy.
Clean the Retec 2000CP only with a dry or slightly damp cotton cloth.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 15

17. Setting up the Retec 2000CP

Inspect your equipment for shipping damage as you unpack it!

Notify the sender immediately of any damage and be sure to inform the delivery
service as well.

Set up the Retec 2000CP on a stable and level surface free from vibration and
place it so that it is clearly visible. On the back side, connect the USB cable to
the port on your PC. A stationary computer (not the monitor or a laptop) should
be positioned at least 1 m. away from the Retec 2000CP due to the danger of

This device works only when configured with your PC by means of the Retec
2000pro software.
While setting up the therapy station, also pay attention to section 15 of this
manual: Installation Site.

17.1 Equipment Self-test

The user should conduct equipment self-test when the Retec 2000CP is first set
up and every 4th week thereafter, along with the following:
- Look for visible defects, including damage to connecting cables, electrodes,
and supply cords.
- Completeness and correctness of the set-up,
- Completeness of the set-up in accordance with the instruction manual
- Mechanical intactness
- Check the functions
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 16

18. Operational Features, Front Side

1 Power switch: off / on

2 Switch for difference Input
3 Running light: “Retec – Therapy in progress”
4 Yellow LED: indicates “power on”
5 Green LED: no function
6 Power indicator
7 Input jack for Test Function
8 Test indicator light
9 Output jack for Test Function
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 17

19. Operational Features, Backside

11 Output jacks: Therapy channels 1 – 5

12 Fuses: 1 Amp
13 External power supply (MPI)
14 Battery charger connection (no function, if delivered with MPI)
15 Difference input
16 Input jacks: Therapy channels 1 – 5
17 Connection port for PC via USB Cable
18 Manufacturer’s identification plate
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 18

20. Top View: Accessory Storage

depth applicator

flexible electrodes

ball electrode

ball electrode hand electrode

hand electrode

finger electrode

input beaker difference input output beaker

Use all beakers only with petri dishes!

Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 19

21. Software Installation

If you are installing software for the first time, proceed as follows. If you are
changing software versions, first uninstall your current software as set forth in
22.1 Insert the CD ROM in its drive.
Click on “Start” Click on “Run” Enter D\setup exe into the command line. The
drive abbreviation “D” may appear (It could also be a different one, depending
on the configuration of the PC) Windows Setup will now guide you through the
Once the installation path has been determined, clicking on the computer icon
starts the installation of the Retec 2000pro software into your programs under
C:\Program Files\Retec 2000pro
If the computer shows a version-conflict, follow the suggestions of the program.

Finally, the current therapy programs and electrode pictures as they are found on
the CD-ROM are installed into the directory Program Files\Retec2000pro.
Proceed as follows Start the program Retec 2000CP. Under Parameters select
Options and then Protocol. The window for Electrode, Protocol and clients path
opens. Choose first “Protocol” This path shows the place of the folder. By
default, this path is C\Program Files\Retec 2000C\Protocol

The current therapies are announced at the window under this path. If this
window is empty, then the therapies have to be imported by the CD-ROM
You push to this the button import. A new search window opens. You look for
and open the folder protocol on the CD-ROM. You mark this one (or everyone)
for importing and vote open .All therapies are transferred to the predefined
therapy path now. With store you save this options.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 20

Repeat this procedure under Electrode to import the electrode data. These names
are in German.
The selected paths are saved by clicking on the button Store
Click on Next to save all paths and close Options.
Remove the CD-ROM from the drive and store it in a secure place.

21.1 Uninstalling the Software

A previously installed program must be removed before a different version can

be installed.
In the Start menu, select Qualities/Software/Retec2000C
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 21

22. Interface

To produce the communication with this Retec 2000CP, the exit interface of the
computer (USB) must be available and connected. The business about the
modern USB interface doesn't require any further driver installation.

23. Connecting the Electrodes

Locate the 5 input sockets and 5 output sockets on the back side of the Retec
2000C. Using black for input and red for output, connect the electrode wires
here. The short wires serve to connect the in/output beakers, and the long ones
are for all the other Kindling program connections. Connect the wires according
to the channels you plan to use.
The electrodes should be connected either in a pattern specified by the user or
according to the standard system we recommend. The pattern we recommend is
designed to work with our therapy program.

Standard arrangement of the electrodes

Input Output

Channel 1 hand electrode hand electrode

or ball electrode or ball electrode

Channel 2 input beaker 1 output beaker 1

(integrated) (integrated)

Channel 3 input beaker 2 Retec mat

or computer information

Channel 4 special electrodes special electrodes

--deep applicator-- --deep applicator--

Channel 5 foot electrode foot electrode

Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 22

24. Turning on the Retec 2000CP

First start the computer, then turn on the Retec 2000CP, and finally, start the
Retec 2000pro program.
Turning the on/off switch clockwise to the "on" position, causes the control LED
Operation to light up.Start the computer program and choose a therapy. Do not
allow the Retec 2000CP to run without computer guidance for longer time

Turn the unit off by turning the switch counter-clockwise to the setting "0."
Leave the software with File /Exit

25. Retec Therapy

The software contain 4 Application programs:

- Muliple Protocols (33)
- Single Protocols (30)
- Dilution (39)
- Details (36)

The Details software offers specific therapies of very many applications. Start
one by clicking on it in the therapy menu. The single components are as follow:

-Connections for electrodes or beakers
Line filter
-Suppresses interference from the 220 Volt power supply
Bioresonance frequency
-Specific setting for a therapeutic frequency
Frequency swing
-Run through a band of frequencies with selected begin and end frequency
Varied Frequency
-A selected frequency with +/- (x) % change.
Separator switch
-Selects H and D waves. Simultaneously, physiological and pathological
wavelengths are received by the Separator and sent out through the
amplifier as H and Di waves: currently the most frequently used therapy
mode for patients who are overly Ying.
Amplifier for direct operation (A)
-also capable of reducing signal strength
Waves originating in the patient are amplified 1-100 times and returned
direct (i.e., without being inverted). Amplification can be used as a means
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 23
to break through blockages that hinder EAV measurement and show
apparent standard values.
Another application can be seen in compatibility testing of materials to be
used in the body's energy-field, such as dental filling materials. For
example, a dental material frequency amplified 15-20-fold should have no
negative impact on a dental EAV test involving specifically related
acupuncture points.
Amplifier for inverse operation (Ai)
-also for reducing signal strength.
In this mode, inverted therapeutic frequencies are returned. In the early
days of bioresonance therapy, this technique was mostly used to treat
Yang conditions, and it is still, in the opinion of leading representatives of
bioresonance technology, of equal value to the Separator therapy setting.
Applications include the basic therapy for detoxification, allergies, and in
EAV allergy testing.
Difference Input
-Subtracts incoming information from the input signal
Variable time adjustment
-Adjustable therapy and pause times
Time display
-in 1 minute increments

26. The Patient

Patients should remove energy-disturbing jewellery and wristwatches or

bracelets, etc., before treatment. Cosmetics and lotions should also be avoided.
Make sure the therapy environment is as free from disturbances as possible (Cf.
8. Installation site).

27. Control Symbols

Changes or adjustments can be made by clicking on the switch symbols or on

their displays. First a parameter size is shown beside the switch symbol (e.g.
Amplifier setting), and then a window opens in which a numerical value can be
Time settings are made by clicking on the arrow mark: increase time by moving
the arrow to the right; decrease it by moving the arrow left
Changes in the settings can only be made in Test mode!
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 24
28. Comment field
The expiry is described to the therapy in this field.

Program for geopathic, electromagnetic and radioactive challenges

Follow with base program!

Detailed EAV screening! Time: 5 min.

Input Output
1 Hand electrode 1 Hand electrode
2 Blood 2 Retec drops
3 3
4 4 Deep magnetic on organs
5 Foot electrode 5 Foot electrode

Place the deep magnetic electrode on the challenged organs as shown by the
EAV screening

Program Steps
Step 1: FS 1-1000 Hz similar dilutions up to D10, Time 2 min. Interval 7:3, H 10
Step 2: FS 1 kHz - 50 kHz similar dilution from D12, Time 2 min. Interval 7:3, Ai 5
Step 3: AF, Time 1 min. Ai 40


NF Suppresses interference from the 220 volt electrical supply

(NF for Notch filter)
RF Specific Resonance frequency
AF All frequencies
FS Frequency swing. Run through a waveband with selected start
and stop
WB Wobbel buisiness. A chosen frequency with +/- (%)
SEP Selected H and D frequencies
A Direct amplifier
Ai Invers amplifier
H Harmonic amplifier
Di Invers disharmonic amplifier
Time Adjustable therapy
Interval Break settings
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 25

29. Single therapy

31 32 33 34 35 36

41 37 38 39 40

31 Input channels
32 Protocol description
33 Protocols
34 Test mode
35 Open protocols
36 Output channels
37 Maintime
38 Start
39 Stop
40 Parameters
41 Protocol repetitions
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 26
Therapy Mode

Many symptoms and indications are stored in the Retec 2000CP as standard
therapies. These therapies are constantly being expanded through our update
service. By clicking on the arrow in the Therapy Name field (35), the
alphabetical Therapy Menu is called up. Choice of therapy is simply a matter of
clicking on the name in the list. It is also possible to seek a therapy by writing
the name (or its first letters) in the opened window.

The monitor displays the handling and application clearly. For optimal display,
maximizing both the main and therapy windows by means of the Windows
window control symbols is recommended. This setting is stored when you close
the program.

-Picture of Electrodes
-Commentary field with description of therapy
-Therapy time

After laying out the electrodes and entering of the beakers, therapy begins with a
click on the "Start" button. A digital display shows the remaining treatment
time. An acoustic signal sounds during the course of the treatment, and a
indicator for therapy end. The signal can be shut off by pressing the Enter key.

During an automatic course of therapy, no changes can be made in the parameter

Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 27

30. Single Therapy - Testmode


51 52 53 54

50 Back to therapy
51 Time display to the first step
52 Display for amplifier – direct
53 Display for amplifier – inverse
54 Save parameters

Caution! At storage original is overwritten!

Test Mode

In contrast to the Therapy Mode, Test Mode permit's the individual or manual
adjustment of parameters such as amplification and time. The time display
disappears, and the outputs are constantly active.

-individual time setting of the 1.Therapy step

-individual amplifier adjustment of Amplifier direct and inverse
-Text changes or elaborations
-Storing changes
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 28

31. Status Display

A Program Task bar at the bottom of the screen always displays the settings of
the operational parameters such as amplification, filtration, interval, and so
forth. For each active parameter, the settings are displayed to the right of the
parameter name.

Line filter Frequency Deviation Separator V-direct Output Interval break

Frequency swing Start- Stopfrequency Resolution V-invers Interval activ

Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 29
32. Multi-Therapy

The Retec software opens initially into the Multitherapy application. You may
also access Multitherapy by selecting it manually from the menu bar by clicking
on Ansicht (View) and selecting Multitherapie from the dropdown menu.
A Multitherapy consists of the sequential application of different single
therapies which are selected in the 5 fields, Therapie 1-5. Each field can be
opened with the down arrow to display the list of single therapies. Select the
desired therapy and load all parameters. Assigning the in- and output values can
be accomplished by entering them into the comment-field, or by adjusting them
individually in the Details window. In the course of this process a check is
accomplished, comparing parameters according to those assigned to the
opposing ones, and according to how the other therapy electrodes and beakers
are laid out. All 5 fields can be reviewed by clicking on their adjustments.
These patient specific therapies can be saved by entering the name, and thereto
the other data under Information to be saved. These settings then remain
available for another session. In the event that a single therapy is no longer
necessary, it can be removed from a multitherapy by clicking on it and deleting
the checkmark to the right of the window. Begin a multitherapy application by
clicking on Start. A tone and a display signal the end of the application, but it
can be ended early by clicking on Stop.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 30

33. Multitherapy controls

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Input channels
2 Menu bar
3 Patient information
4 Save Multitherapy under patient name
5 Comment field
6 Output channels
7 Timer displaying remaining run time
8 Input fields for multitherapy 1-5
9 Status bar with display of parameters
10 Patient field
11 Opens multitherapy bar
12 Start multitherapy
13 Stop multitherapy
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 31
34. Start Multitherapy

First select your patient’s name by clicking on the name field and selecting the
desired name from the list. With selection of the name, the latest therapy saved
is loaded. In the case of a new patient, it is necessary to first click on
Information and then enter the required data.
When all the electrodes are connected and assigned values, the Multitherapy
session can be started by clicking on the Start button. You can stop the therapy
at any time by clicking on Stop. Otherwise, the program will run until it shuts
off automatically after the time runs out and the visual signal Automatischer
Ablauf beendet (Automatic run ended) is displayed, accompanied by an acoustic
The timer field displays remaining run time.

35. Details

In the Details Menu, programs can be changed or adjusted individually.

Changes or adjustments are made by clicking on the control symbols or on their
description fields. If a parameter measure is to be assigned to a control symbol
(Amplifier adjustment, for example) an additional window opens in which a
value can be entered. Values can be increased or decreased by using the up
arrow to raise the value or the down arrow to lower it.

30 31
3 4 5 6

7 8
11 12 13
17 18 19 20 21 33 34

23 24 25 26 36
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 32
36. Control symbols in the Details window

1 Therapy inputs 1-5, with active channels marked in blue

2 Direct amplifier for A and H signals
3 Network filter to suppress 50-60 Hz network interference
4 Resonance filter
5 Separator
6 Mixer to unite the direct and inverse signals
7 Timer displaying remaining run time
8 Inverse amplifier for Ai and Di signal
9 Control switch to manually set all outputs active (the arrow turns red)
11 Step time for a single therapy with multiple or single step
Entered in minutes (4:0) or seconds (240).
12 Put in additional step in single therapy
13 Delete a step
16 Repeats of (step) time
17 Display of total time including steps and repeats
18 Previous step
19 Displays active step
20 Displays total steps
21 Next step
23 Save current therapy
24 Laying out a new therapy
25 Starting therapy
26 Stopping therapy
30 Setting the Net Filter to suppress the 50-60 Hz Network frequency
31 Separator setting
32 Choosing the Resonanzfilter (Resonance Filter)
33 Choosing direct amplification for A and H
34 Choosing inverse amplification for Ai and Di (Wahlen)
35 Active time (applying therapy)
36 Inactive time (pause)
37 Interval on and off, chosen with checkmark.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 33

37. Setting up Single therapy in the Details window

The following method is recommended when setting up a single therapy:

From the Menu bar, select View, then Details.
In the section Therapy Control, click on the New button.
-Click on the word unknown in the Therapy field.
-Write in a new therapy name (i.e. “test”).
Click on the Save button. By this means the data for this example are entered:
Test.r3t for the run control, and Test.rtf for the Comment field.

Using Word or another text program, open the file Test.rtf and write into the
comment fields:
-Description of the therapy with sequence
- Determination of input and output
(It is advantageous to first save a template rtf file and make changes as needed
before saving it in Test.rtf)

Upon returning to Details, all the parameters described in the comment field are
set. Click on Save.

Select View on the menu bar and click on Therapy. This brings up a graphic that
shows the arrangement of the electrodes in relation to input and output.
Select Test Mode. Right click on the active channel (with numbers in blue).
Open the window in the bar that appears and find the electrode image and click
on it. Inactive fields are empty.

Save current data!

Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 34

38. Potentiation (Delutions)

This program applies the method of Dr. Georg Wurthle for producing electronic
potencies and potency series. During years of practical tests, Dr. Wurthle
established this method of correlating component H and Di potency values
according to EAV measurement, arranging these values in an array of stepped-
up potencies, and applying them over a targeted period of time.

The table shows the assignment of H and Di values to the potencies. D8

potency, for example, implies the H and Di values of 0.5 and 34 respectively.

By this means you can just select the desired area and start Dilutions. The
application opened and you can start. 1 step is 30 seconds.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 35
Making nosodes
To make a patient specific nosode, test the patient’s initial burden using EAV.
After that click on the H button, highlighting the first H value in the table. The
parameter settings for the H-test are given automatically. Only the in- and
output terminals must be specified and connected to the patient. Navigating the
table is just a matter of using the right arrow to go right and the left arrow to go
Once the H-value is found that balances the reading at 50, click on the Di
button. The parameters for the Di test are given. The corresponding Di value is
now marked in the table, and should be checked using EAV measurement. As a
rule, the corresponding Di-value is correct and does not need to be changed.
Click on Delutions to begin potentiation. Beforehand, possibly, change the
potentiation mode!
Epot is the default setting, whereby the amplifier settings match the values in the
Changing the setting to Dpot results in the production of dynamic amplification
(stepped up amplification in increments of 0.1).

The initial values for H and Di are marked in the table. If the Di values have not
been measured, you can specify them by clicking on the two buttons Start Di
and Stop Di.
To set the end value of the potency sequence, click on the end area of the table;
this causes the entire field to be highlighted. The application of the potency
sequence directly to a patient and to a medication solution such as alcohol or
globulin is accomplished by splitting the signal between the two over the time
the therapy is applied. Time is preset on the control Zeit (Time). The regulator
Wdh controls the number of passes through each variable.

Clicking on the Start button initiates potentiation. Time remaining is constantly

displayed. An optical and an acoustic signal notify you when time has run out.
Operating Instructions Retec 2000CP Page 36

39. Device and Wire Test

The Retec 2000CP is designed to be self-testing. This function can be accessed

by locating the Test In (7) and Test Out (9) sockets on the Control Panel on the
front side of the Retec 2000CP, beneath the Test function indicator T (8)
(Cf. 18. Operating Controls, Front View).

-Turn on the Retec 2000CP

-Connect the Input line from Channel 1 to the Test IN (7) socket
-Connect the Output line from Channel 1 to the Test OUT (9) socket
-Select Test Mode
-Select the therapy program Test Channel 1

This test program sends an artificial signal into the unit through the Channel 1
input; it is then amplified and sent out through Channel 1 output. The Test OUT
wire conducts this signal to the Indicator light. The indicator should flash on
and off several times, indicating a successful test.

The remaining channels (2-5) can be tested in the same manner, with the
respective connections being made and the program Test Channel x selected.

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