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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

A barangay is recognized for its transformative and participatory

governance serving its constituents and the community. Their mission is to

provide a dynamic and supportive political and socio-economic environment

through the highest standard of public administration. A barangay provides such

services as accepting complaints or blotter, issuance of barangay certificates,

barangay renovation permit, business permit, and certificate of indigency, among


Barangay 736 is a local barangay area located in Malate, Manila,

Philippines. It was established way back in 1976. As of 2019, it has a population

of 2,981. Currently, it has different barangay officials and functionaries which are

divided into different sectors: The Barangay Officials, Sangguniang Kabataan,

Barangay Police, Barangay Street Sweepers, and Ex-Officer. Barangay officials

include the Chairman who is the head of the barangay and Barangay Councilors

who are individually assigned as Committee in Livelihood, Committee in Clean

and Green, Committee in Peace and Order, Committee in Disaster, Committee

on Sports, and Committee in Social Welfare. Sangguniang Kabataan are the

ones who manage activities and events for the barangay youth development.

Barangay Secretary is in charge in managing and updating barangay records

and certificates issuance while Barangay Treasurer is the one managing


barangay budget and expenses report. The Ex-officer guides the new officials on

barangay management. The Barangay police helps maintain peace and order in

the barangay and the street sweeper helps maintain cleanliness of the barangay.

*Choose between constituent or constituent, document or certificate for

better understanding

Organize this paragraph on the ff aspects based on their current setup: 1.

How they gather the constituents information 2. How they record and where do

they record the constituents information 3. How they trace the constituents

records 4. How they entertain and process documents (what are these

documents) being requested by constituents 5. What are the different problems

they encounter in numbers 1-4 plus other concerns related to your study.

Barangay 736, until now, is using manual system. They gather information

of their constituents based on the census they conducted. The Barangay usually

keep their important files and documents hand-written and barangay constituents

record in MS Access, and file it in a folder; difficulty in keeping, updating and

retrieving of personal information of constituents. These records are very

important for different purposes thus, it should be stored securely. In tracing the

records, the Secretary will have to look for it one by one and it takes a lot of time.

Before processing any document being requested by a constituent of

Barangay 736, data has to be collected first through personal interaction. It is

then recorded in a log book and to be encoded in the barangay database


afterwards. Once the constituent information has been collected and recorded,

the barangay can now accommodate the requested document of the constituent.

Given a prepared template for each type of document and the record of the

constituent, the barangay can easily prepare and print the needed document

depending on the request. Once printed, the requested document will be signed

by the barangay authorities, stamp it with the barangay official seal, and the

document can now be released.

Since the barangay is doing everything manually, processing of data is a

waste of time response from the Barangay Constituents are also having a hard

time acquiring certificates they need since the Barangay has to do it manually. As

a result, the project team created a system that will aid the difficulties in the

Barangay. The said system will reduce the hard and longtime procedure of

accessing file, and it will be effective in maintaining, searching, and storing of

records and generating reports of the constituents.

Review this paragraph. This should support the proposed system in

relation to the problems encountered in the previous paragraph. Mention all the

benefits they can get from the proposed system.

The project Online Record Management System for Barangay 736 with

SMS Notification was designed and developed for the authorized barangay users

to easily record, search and update the constituents’ profile, for them to easily

request certificates, and for the barangay to prepare the requested documents in

a short span of time. The Project will benefit the barangay secretary, barangay

constituents as well as businesses within the vicinity of the barangay. The

barangay constituents and businesses will have an ease in requesting

certificates and permits and also keep them updated in barangay activities and

events. On the other hand, barangay secretary will benefit in timely keeping of

record of the barangay and also helps in creating a more efficient reports about

barangay information and maintaining issuance of certificate in an organized

manner. The project will help speed up the semi-manual operation of the

barangay and lessen the tedious workload of the person in-charge of the


Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The main goal of the study is to develop an Online Record Management

System for Barangay 736 with SMS Notification in order for the barangay to

better serve its constituents by delivering efficient and speedy service.

Specific Objective

The project specifically aims to develop a system in order to:

 Provide accessible look up and efficiently organize barangay records,

constituents records, requests, and projects;


 Timely notification of constituents via SMS with regard to the processed

document; and

 To generate accurate reports.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

As per Sir Joel’s format naka paragraph ang scope and limitation

The developed system will focus on the following features:

Admin Module this is the dashboard of this system where the secretary

can view the constituents of the barangay, who owned business in barangay,

when will be the business certificate expired, constituents that already deceased

and relocated, constituents requesting certificates, Admin can modify if the

constituents is the owner of the house, owned by the relative or just a tenant.

Next is Announcement Module the Admin can only post and delete

announcements, events and activities in this module the type of posting

announcement is image-type. And where the constituents and business owner

will see the announcements, activities and events they will update to what will

happen to their barangay. In View Constituent Module the admin can view and

search the profiles of the constituents including the Name, Age, Address,

Birthplace, Birthdate, Civil Status, Sex, Nationality, Religion and Criminal Record.

While in Add Constituent Module the Admin of the barangay can add profile of

the constituents here. The Request Module admin can view here the different

kinds of requests such as Barangay Clearance, Certificate of Indigency,


Barangay Renovation Permit and Business Permit. The admin will know the

constituent and what kind of certificate they request. In Barangay Official Module

the names of the barangay officials can be view and edited here including their

positions and terms. For the Barangay Staff Module the names of the Barangay

police and street sweepers can edit and viewed here. Then in Business Profile

Module the admin can add, edit and delete the name of the businesses. Admin

can know when the expiration of the business permit, when the business started,

can modify if the constituent are constituent or non-constituent of the barangay,

what type of nature business constituents have and if the business is active or

inactive. While in Blotter Module the admin can add and edit criminal or

complaints record of what happened within the Barangay and to the non-

constituents in blotter module there are hearing for every case. And for Non-

constituent Module the admin can add and edit to know information of the owner

of the business and blotter who are not constituents of the Barangay 736. The

Gallery Images Module this is can the admin post, add, edit and delete facilities

constituents can view the image facilities of the Barangay. And for the Officials

Images Module the admin can add, edit and delete the image of the Barangay

Officials. Constituents can view the image of the Barangay Officials. The

Notification Module will notified and view the number of type request certificate

submitted by the constituents and business owner. Last is the Request Form

Module the constituents and business owner can request different types of

certificates issued by the barangay such as Barangay Clearance, Certificate of


Indigency, Certificate of Renovation and Business Permit. The form consists of

Name, Address, Purpose of Request and Kind of Request.


Moreover, the Online Record Management System for Barangay 736 with

SMS Notification is only accessible to Barangay 736. And the access of the

constituents is only limited to their requests. Only the admin which is the

secretary of the Barangay has an account in the system.

Significance of the Study


It will be easier for them to request services and also to update whenever

the barangay have activities, events and announcements. This will also assured

that the barangay constituents record is properly maintained and secured

through the proposed system.

Business Establishment

It will be easier for them to request services and also to update whenever

the barangay have activities, events and announcements. This will also assured

that the barangay business permit record is properly maintained and secured

through the proposed system.

Barangay Officials

The one who will be able to access the files and information of the

barangay to make easy access on the data they need. This will also eliminate

tons of papers they usually keep and allow the system to store it in such a

manner that can be easily accessed. Thus it will reduce paper dependency.

Future Researchers

The researchers would gain more knowledge. It would serve as a guide in

their future study.


The proponent would gain and produce information and also learn from

the system. The system will provide a significant contribution to the proponents

existing knowledge in this area and particularly useful to them.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the list of related studies and literature that serve as

guidelines to the project team to pursue the study entitled “Online Record

Management System for Barangay 736 with SMS Notification”. It includes the

conceptual model of the study and the operational definition of terms. Those that

were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant

and similar to the present study.



According to a study conducted by Lado et al (2017), entitled

“Computerized Information System in Barangay Poblacion, Danao City, Cebu,”

the Information management is used to maintain complete and up to date system

which is easily accessible for verification, monitoring and reference purposes.

Moreover, it is used to automate the recordkeeping process of the barangay in

order to produce efficient and accurate reports and proper automated file

management. Lado et al (2017) added that it converts data into a useful form that

will allow the operation to work smoothly. The system, according to Lado et al.

(2017), offers an assurance that the file will be protected and safe for it will also

require authorization before someone can access the system. The system will

serve as the file maintenance system of the barangay to be used in keeping their

records. Furthermore, this will ensure that the file will be securely stored in the

system and makes a backup data of the files if a technical accident occurs which

will make it easier for them especially in generating reports to the municipality

about the status of the barangay. Lado et al (2017) emphasized that the

proposed system will have a significant effect on both the constituents of the

barangay and barangay employees who manages the system as well as the

barangay itself. The implementation of the system will change the method and

process that the barangay has been accustomed to in keeping their files and will

also ensure that the system is intact and updated.

According to Javellana et al (2015), stated in their study entitled

“Barangay 1-A Incident Recording, Document Request, Profiling, and

Project/Program Monitoring System,” Barangay 1-A Poblacion is a local

barangay area located at Bolton Extension, Davao City, Philippines wherein

the barangay personnel relies on papers and use the computer for encoding

barangay information and accounts. Most of their records and documents are

located in their physical file cabinets and the requests are processed by either

the Barangay Secretary or Barangay Treasurer. Javellana et al (2015)

emphasized that this study would introduce the system of document

management and record-keeping of transactions where the computers are the

primary medium that will reduce the use or consumption of paper. The system

will implement the procedure of issuing requested documents such as

clearances, certificates, etc. based on the Barangay Citizen’s Charter, keep track

of incident record or complaints of the clients in a local computer, effective


monitoring of projects which will promote transparency and accountability in the

barangay, and collecting, analyzing, and documenting necessary information that

defines the current barangay profile which covers the census, organizational

chart, vision and mission, and barangay status.

According to J. E. Caubang (2017), conducted a study entitled “Barangay

Constituent Record Management and Certificate Issuance System of Barangay

Ticol Sorsogon City” which aimed to develop the way of managing, issuing

certificate and keeping all the constituents confidential records. J. E. Caubang

(2017) emphasized that the system facilitates Barangay management by

enabling the client Barangay to maintain and update their constituent records and

as be easily accessible for certification, monitoring and reference purposes

based on the available census record kept by the barangay. The data provided

by the system on this study is in the form of comprehensive reports which are

invaluable for planning, program implementation and related purposes.


According to UKEssays (2016), there have been too many number when it

comes to kinds of systems that was developed by programmers all over the

world the past several years. These information systems had helped and fulfilled

the needs and lack of decision making that are required in different sectors today

when it comes to their operations and data management. In management

information system, not only the system is important but also to get the maximum

advantages through its user from the system in order to provide each sector with

the unique and valuable tool for the management. This management information

system uses all of the internal and external resources to provide data and

information to the end users which enables them to take timely and accurate

decisions that are all effective to their overall operations and procedures. Get

only entries that are relevant to your study. Most of entries in the paragraph have

no meaning or relevance at all.

According to Magee (2014) on her study about Local Government records

Management, the importance of clear records management principles, records

retention, file and document management, and storage of records to enhance

long term use for them is clearer than ever. Local governments’ vital records are

those essential to the successful continuation of daily business of the

government. States such as Washington, as Magee (2014) emphasized, provide

information for their local governments as to which of their records are

considered “vital records,” and Washington recommends storing a microfilm

backup of those records with their offices in Olympia. For the City of Bellingham,

most of what would be considered their vital records are not backed up so In

order to properly follow state requirements, IT needed to provide proper network

storage so people could manage their electronic records properly.

Manikas (2015) conducted a study that focuses on the concept of Records

Management (RM) and Electronic Records Management (ERM) and how the

adoption of an Electronic Document Records Management System (EDRMS)

affects a business setting. The research focuses on the factors of perceived

efficiency and on the costs that exist in a company. The basic factors that

characterize perceived efficiency is time and effort. Manikas (2015) emphasized

that the adoption of an Electronic Document Records Management System

(EDRMS) and the implementation of a proper Records Management affect those

factors dramatically in which the system gives them the opportunity to have fast

and easy access to the needed information which also leads to the increase in

the quality of the offered services.


LOCAL LITERATURE look for literatures that are related to your study, MIS

on record keeping, SMS. The entries below are not correct.

In the age of technology, mobile phones are now considered as an

essential part of people’s daily lives which is used for communication and

provides diversified information. The use of mobile phone is not only limited to

communication alone, but now used for subscription to value-added services like

disaster warning, alert systems, and notifications.

The development of School Event Notification through SMS, according

Lumauag (2016), is beneficial to students, teachers, and parents in receiving

first-hand information from the school right into their mobile phone. With the use

of SMS Notification, students will be notified with the upcoming events of the

school, changes in schedule of events, and suspension of classes due to bad

weather. Teachers will be notified for schedule of meetings, emergency


meetings, and deadlines of requirements. Parents will also be informed about the

school activities and be aware of the activities of their children in school.

According to The United Nations, e-government is the use and application

of information technologies in public administration for data management and

streamlining, enhancement of delivery of public service and expansion of

communication channels. The Department of Information and Communications

Technology (DICT) also known as RA 10844 was created to be the primary

policy, planning, coordinating, implementing, and administrative entity of the

Executive Branch of the government that will plan, develop, and promote the

national ICT development agenda. Part of its scope is the improvement of the E-

government System in the Philippines.

The National Archives and Records Management Information Sytem

(NARMIS) is a program that integrates systems of managing records, documents

and archives of national government agencies in support of the mandate

specified in Article III Section 15 of RA 9470, which states that “all government

offices shall conduct an inventory of their public records.”

NARMIS is composed of Archives and Records Management Information

System (ARMIS) and Agency Records Inventory System (AgRIS); systems that

contribute to a rationalized approach to document management, from creation to

routing, archiving and disposal. This is in partnership with the Department on

Information and Communication Technology.


The National Archives and Records Management Information System

(NARMIS) has the following objectives:

 Develop and provide a Document, Records and Archives Management

System, through ARMIS, that will improve the management of digital

documents of government institutions and agencies.

 Develop and provide an automated system for records inventory, through

AgRIS, that will assist NAP and agencies in determining which records are

to be kept and which are candidates for disposal based on General

Records Disposition Schedule (GRDS) as prescribed by NAP.

 Creation of required policies for data management of electronic

documents and records.

The primary objectives of the DICT in the E-Governance particularly in the

Local Levels of government as posted in their website are as follows:

 To help increase public access to information and services thru

assistance in establishing interactive citizens-centric web presence

and setting up community e-centers (CeCs) in selected pilot LGUs;

 To be able to improve assessment, billing and collection of real property

and business taxes;

 To be able build capability of LGU personnel to operate and maintain

applications systems;

 To help in institutionalizing ICT use in LGUs;


 To be able to provide smooth transition from the current state-

manual transactions- to the desired state- electronic governance;


 To showcase successful strategies and best practices in LGUs.

According to J. Enano (2016), the Philippines has been improving in the ICT

development in terms of public service. The report published in was

based on a survey conducted by the United Nations which showed how the

Philippines improved in maximizing information and communications

technologies to deliver service to the public


According to R. Behl, J. O’Brien and G. Marakas (2019), there are

too much kind of information systems created and all of that uses hardware,

software, network, and people resource to make and produce data resources into

information products. Nowadays, technology is all influenced by computer.

Anywhere people goes and everything that people can do can also be

manipulated through computer transaction.

According to Levinson (2018) of, Management Information

System, or MIS, collects data from many different sources and then processes

and organizes that data to help businesses make decisions. A good MIS, as

added by Levinson (2018), can give your business a competitive advantage

because it turns thousands of data points into helpful, usable information that can

be used to tweak your strategy and increase profits. According to Bagad (2009)

MIS affects the performance and productivity, which increases the effectiveness

of an organization. It also provides improvements in efficiency and speed of

transaction processing as well as office productivity.

As stated by the University of Northern British Columbia, the benefits of

Records Management include more effective management of the current

records, a reduced/eliminated level of record-keeping redundancies, reduced

costs for records storage equipment and supplies and increased usable office

space through the elimination of unnecessary file storage.

Records Management, as explained by Harvard's Records Management

Services (2012), promotes efficiency in a working setting. Johnston and Bowen

(2005) also state the basic benefits that are easily observed in a company using

rcords management system are that the work is done more easily because the

effort that is needed is less, the work is done more quickly, the quality of services

is increased and it is easier to find out about it afterwards.

Johnston, G.P. and Bowen, D.V. (2005), the benefits of electronic records

management systems: a general review of published and some unpublished

cases. Records Management Journal, 15 (3.

Harvard's Records Management Services. (2012). Controlling Costs and

Promoting Efficiency.

Since we are now in living in the generation of computers and technology,

not only businesses are adapting the drastic change, but also the government.

According to Ron Davies (2018), eGovernment aims to improve government

efficiency through the reduced cost of electronic information management and

communications, the re-organization of government agencies and the reduction

of administrative silos of information. Even more importantly, it can reduce

administrative burdens on citizens and businesses by making their interactions

with public authorities faster, more convenient and less costly, thereby spurring

competitiveness and economic growth. Do not copy and paste, some entries are



mag cite ng common topic na pwede idiscuss, ex gathering of constituents

information, request of document, etc. discuss based on study and literature.

Wag parang sirang plaka na na discuss na sa 1 st paragraph, uulitin na naman sa

next paragraph. Focus per key areas ng project nyo.

The related studies cited in this paper, both local and foreign, discussed

the importance of record management. Based on these studies, there are still

transactions and record-keeping that are mostly manual. But since we are in the

age where technology rapidly changes, studies are made to improve the manual

processes and transactions to an automated process wherein a system is

developed that will help lessen the time used in recording, keeping and retrieving

of information. Having this kind of system will not only lessen the space taken up

by different folders filed in cabinets which makes it hard to access the information

needed, but also aids in the increase of the services provided.

While the related literature discusses about the use of SMS notification

that is used not only by means of communication but also in multipurpose

services in giving information. Moreover it also discusses data management,

enhancement of delivery of public service and expansion of communication

channels. Based on these literatures, there are systems that use to contribute to a

rationalized approach to document management and also to improve the

management of records especially in government documents. This literatures

enlightens how manual record keeping and use of SMS notification can be so

much useful and the help it gives especially in providing efficient and accurate


Conceptual Model of the Study

Figure 1. Conceptual Model of Online Record Management System for Barangay 736

with SMS Notification

1. Bakit may video card?

2. Bakit google chrome, pano pag iba?

3. Hindi user requirements, it should be knowledge requirements

referring to the knowledge of the proponents in order to create the


4. Process stage is all about the different models, diagrams needed for

the study

5. Paki remove ang kulay ng arrow

Input discuss the composition of input based on the diagram

The input block consists of the Knowledge Requirements, Software

Requirements and/or Hardware Requirements. Xampp refers to a free and open

source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache

Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, database, and

interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP (P) and

Perl (P). It is a simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it extremely

easy for developers to create a local web server for testing purposes. Everything

you need to set up a web server – server application (Apache), database

(MySQL), and scripting language (PHP) – is included in a simple extractable file.

XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means it works equally well on Linux, Mac

and Windows. Since most actual web server deployments use the same

components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live

server is extremely easy as well. HTML5 refers to a markup language used for

structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. It is the fifth and

current version of the HTML standard. HTML5 includes detailed processing

models to encourage more interoperable implementations; it extends, improves

and rationalizes the markup available for documents, and introduces markup and

application programming interfaces (APIs) for complex web applications. For the

same reasons, HTML5 is also a candidate for cross-platform mobile applications,

because it includes features designed with low-powered devices in mind.

Process discuss process based on the diagram

Refers to the activities involved in the Requirements Gathering is the

needed data to start the operation.

In System Design these are the diagrams to create a detailed operation

and attributes of a system and is used as the basis of the design concept. In

Context Diagram there are two diagrams the current system and the proposed. In

the current system, the barangay use to gather the constituent’s personal

information when requesting a certificate then the constituent need to go back to

the barangay to check if the certificate is already done. And in the proposed

system constituents and business owner can request a certificate in barangay

website they just need to fill up the form for the personal information after that

they will receive the SMS notification to notify them they can go to the barangay

to get the certificate. Constituents can see the announcement and events of the

barangay. When the constituent submit the request certificate the admin need to

log into account to see the constituent request admin can manage the

constituents profile, manage business profile, post events and announcements,

manage all the barangay staffs and officials profile, manage gallery images and

officials image of the barangay, manage and view blotter and records last is

admin can print the certificate of the constituents request certificate.


In the Program Flowchart it shows the process of every flow operation of the

system. In requesting certificate of the constituents he/she will fill up the

constituents information then submit, after submitting the information it will verify

if the constituent is already registered to the barangay, after validating the

request will be sent to the admin dashboard, In business same process to the

constituents. To the admin, the Secretary will log into the account using the

username and password and the secretary will view and manage the barangay

officials record, constituents record, business record, request certificate,

announcements and events, blotter, gallery image and officials image.

In the Entity Relationship Diagram there are the entities composed of

blotter, constituents, non-constituents, date of hearing, official image, certificates,

business, renewal, admin, announcements, officials, gallery and they have

attributes. By defining the entities and their attributes it shows the relationship

between them. As you can see the diagram this is the sketch of the design of a


In the Data Flow Diagram you can see the flow of information process of

the system. In Online Record Management System this is how the constituents

and business request a certificate from the barangay. The secretary will validate

the request of the constituents if he/she is constituents of the barangay. Apart

from request the propose system have a blotter for those constituents who have

complaint to other constituents they will undergo in three stages of hearing how

and who are the officials handle the case. From this kind of method the

proponents did was declared from distinctive the wants required throughout

development, analyzing their information, coming up with the system to be tested

and for implementation and maintenance.

Output the output is the system period.

Refers to the software that has been developed for the Barangay 736.

This software would benefit both the constituent and the barangay by saving their

time and energy. It would bring the barangay to the next level ahead from other

barangay. The constituents, requesting certificates and the secretary posting

announcement process comes in handy for constituents by using the website;

they also receive SMS notifications from the barangay they will notify if the

certificates is already complete.


The following terms are defined operationally to better understand the

project study:

Barangay Records – the record of the constituents in Barangay 736 including

the business establishments, blotter and the non-constituents. What are those?

Blotter – consists of case records of the constituents and non-constituents with


Business Profile – business establishments that are located in Barangay

736 with their personal information including name, address, date

established, business permit expiration and nature of business.

Constituents – are the main user of the Online Record Management System for

Barangay 736 with SMS Notification.

Different Certificates – the printable certificates are Barangay Clearance,

Certificate of Indigency, Business Permit and Renovation Permit provided by the

Online Record Management System.

Non-Constituents – this are the records of the barangay that are not

residing in Barangay 736 such as business profile and blotter.

Notification – the secretary will be notified by the system when there's a

new request.

Person in charge – the person in charge is the secretary, who is the main admin

of the Online Record Management System. The one that process all of the

transactions in the system.

SMS Notification – to notify the constituents if there request is already

completed thru SMS, the secretary will update their request status from

processing to completed. discuss fully what is SMS based on your project.




This chapter given a deeper explanation and the project team will present

the project. It consists of project design, project development, operation and

testing procedure and the evaluation procedure.

Project Design

Figure 2. Context Diagram of the current system

The figure above shows a Context Flow Diagram of Record Management

for Barangay 736 bakit may ganyan parin title ng current system di ba existing

ito. It contains the relation of the two entities to the system and shows the

boundaries of the system. It also shows the transaction done by each entity to

the system which is where the constituents requesting certificate and the admin

are the one who processed the certificate and also released the certificate.

Figure 3. Context Diagram of the proposed system

In Figure 3 shows the activities on how the Online Record Management

System for Barangay 736 with SMS Notification runs within the constituents and

the secretary


Figure 4. Program Flowchart (Existing) – Administrator


The figure above shows the flow of the manual transaction of Barangay

736, how the admin process the certificates, updating the constituents about their

events and how they record each constituents data.


Figure 5. Program Flowchart (Existing) - Constituents

The figure above shows the flow of the constituents on how they will

request a certificate.


Figure 6. Program Flowchart (Existing) - Business

The figure above shows the flow of the business establishment on how

they will request a certificate.



Figure 7. Program Flowchart (Proposed) – Administrator

The figure above shows the flow of the online transaction of Barangay

736, how the admin manages the records of the constituents, business, blotter,

non-constituents, the profile of each barangay officials and staffs, process the

certificates and manage the websites’ images.


Figure 8. Program Flowchart (Existing) - Constituents

The figure above shows the flow of the constituents on how they will

request a certificate thru Barangay 736 System.



Figure 9. Program Flowchart (Proposed) - Business

The figure above shows the flow of the business establishment on how

they will request a certificate thru Barangay 736 System.




DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (EXISTING) revise diagram, undreadable and too

small. The data flow diagram should cover all operations of the barangay.

You presented only a portion of the operation and this is not correct.

Where are the rest of their operations?

Figure 10. Constituents Data Flow Diagram (Existing)

The figure above shows the Data Flow Diagram of Manual Record

Management of Barangay 736 it contains the two external entities interact the

manual process of different transaction of the external entities to the system and

also shows how’s the processing of requesting certificate, verifying request and

issuance of certificate.

Data Flow Diagram (Proposal)

The announcement page, officials profile down to residence are not processes

and should be removed.


Figure 11. Data Flow Diagram (Proposal) you only have 1 DFD, include both constituent

and secretary. Hindi pwede paghiwalayin, bakit may lumitaw na business entity? Mula

sa chapter 1, walang mention ng business, dito lang ito lumitaw?

The figure above shows a Data Flow Diagram of Online Record

Management System for Barangay 736 with SMS Notification. It shows the data

flow of each entity which is the secretary, constituent and business

establishment. The admin shows what is happening inside the system while in

the constituents and business establishments show the process after they

request a certificate. The figure also shows all the tables where the data stores.

This proposed Data Flow Diagram helps the user to easily visualize the improved

Data Flow Diagram.


Data Flow Diagram Decomposing (Proposal)

Level 1

1. Bakit verify if constituent? di ba may user name and password ang

constituent, pls see Context Diagram? naguguluhan ako.

2. Ung process na SAVE dapat ang arrow papunta kay tbl_constituents

para ma save. Walang connect si CREATE PROFILE kay


Figure 12. Manage Request Data Flow Diagram Decomposing Level 1 (Proposal)

The Diagram above shows the clear and easy to understand different

process and flow data from verify constituent’s request where it explains how the

process of verifying the constituents request. It shows that if constituent is


verified the request will process while if not they have to go to barangay to have

an account. It also shows the tables where the data stores.

Figure 13. Manage Blotter Profile Data Flow Diagram Decomposing Level 1 (Proposal)

The diagram above shows the clear and easy to understand different

process from manage blotter profile. It explains how the process of managing the

blotter’s profile. Where the admin can add and update the profile of blotter which

is the complainant and respondent. It also shows the tables where the data


Figure 14. Manage Records Data Flow Diagram Decomposing Level 1 (Proposal)

The Diagram above shows the clear and easy to understand different

process and flow data from manage constituents profile and business profile

where it explains how the process of managing the constituents profile and

business profile. Where the admin can add and update the information or record

of the constituents and business. It also shows the tables where the data store.

Figure 15. Issuance of Certificate Data Flow Diagram Decomposing Level 1 (Proposal)

The Diagram above shows the clear and easy to understand different

process and flow of data from Issuance of Certificate where it explains the

process of issuing barangay certificates. It also shows the tables where the data


Use Case Diagram

Ano ang Barangay Constituent? di ba constituent lang? ano ang business

establishment? Wala ito sa discussion mula chapter 1 at wala din sa ibang

diagrams. Sino si admin? Di ba secretary ito Bakit iba iba ang labels nyo. Be


Figure 16. Use Cased Diagram for Business Establishment, Barangay Constituent and

Admin of Online Record Management System for Barangay 736 with SMS notification.

The Use Cased Diagram which represent the list of actions or event steps

typically defining the interactions between a role of an actor and a system to

achieve a goal. A use case is a useful technique for identifying, clarifying, and

organizing system requirements.

Project Development

Software Development Life Cycle Model

Figure 17. Software Development Life Cycle Model gumamit ng isang model na

merong cycle, kulang ang title ng figure nyo


Software Development Life Cycle Model is a framework that defines the

steps involved in the development of software at each phase. It covers the

detailed plan for building, deploying and maintaining the software. It also defines

the complete cycle of development.

Phase 1: Planning

In this phase, to have a better project the proponents proposed three titles

and presenting to the panelist. Panelist chose Online Management System for

Barangay 736 with SMS notification. Proponents set a plan to gathered data and

to conduct interviews to the client. Including as part of requirements is to visit

their Barangay manual system to see what is the manual process and the

problem in this case.

Phase 2: Analysis

The researchers will determined what are going to be used software and

hardware for the developing system. Proponents developed a website for the

constituents and the user for easily request a form and manipulate the Online

Barangay 736.

Phase 3: Design

In this phase, the developers create a data flow diagram, decomposing all

the processes and flow chart to help the developers easily understand the flow of

the system. The programmers used a Adobe Photoshop to create and edit the

logo of Barangay. The Notepad++, Bootstrap, PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript

as the platform use in developing the frontend, XAMPP for the web server, and

MYSQL for the database.

Phase 4: Implementation

In this part, the researchers planning to implement the proposed system to

the Barangay 736 to its client. The researcher of the proposed system may vary

because of the Client.

Phase 5: Testing and Integration

All aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary, adjustments

must be made at this stage. Tests performed by quality assurance teams may

include systems integration and system testing.

Phase 6: Maintenance

In this stage the last phase involved the new final changing of the system

into software, hardware and the documentation of the project for supporting the

effectiveness of the project. Including in maintenance phase it may change the

project to improve a system and enhance the security of the user requirements.


Figure 18: Work Breakdown Structure

This Work Breakdown Structure has five levels which are the steps the

proponent does to create the system. Each level are explain chronologically and

also shows the flow of where the proponents starts to make the system. Each

descending level of this Work Breakdown Structure represents the level of

detailed definition of the project work. This Work Breakdown Structure helps to

detail cost estimations and a guide for schedule development and control.

Project Roles and Responsibilities

Duties and
Role Name

Christian Louie Aguilar

Document Analyst
 Researching

Jeremae B. Bautista  Coding

 Prototype

System Developer  Designing

 Researching
 Documenting
Document Analyst
 Analyzing

 Revisions

Mark Jason L. Quimson

 Coding

 Prototype


System Developer I  Designing

And System  Database

Analyst Structure

 Validating


Table 1. Project Roles and Responsibilities


Operation and Testing Procedure

The step by step process to be followed in the operation of the project

including the tests required to make sure that the project performs according to

specified requirements are presented in the following:


 You must have a laptop, desktop or phone such as smartphones or any brand

of phones.

 You should have an internet connection.

 Browse into the official website of Online Record Management System for

Barangay 763 with SMS Notification

 If you want to request a certificate, you need to fill up all the required

information in a Request Form that is asked and choose a certificate that you

want to request then click Submit; it will be stored temporary in a database.

 After clicking submit button the system will operate the chosen certificate with

your information automatically, then the secretary will print your chosen


 You have 5-7 working days before you get the request certificate.

 When the certificate is ready, you will receive a short text message from the

Barangay Office.

 If you don’t have a record yet, you need to go to the Barangay to give your

personal information before you can request, so that they can encode to the

system of the Barangay.


 If you want to see the announcement of the Barangay you can view the

Announcement Page from the Barangay website.

 If you want to see the community programs of the Barangay you can view the

Programs Page from the Barangay website.

 If you want to see who are the officials of the Barangay you can view the

Officials Page from the Barangay website.

 If you want to see the facilities of the Barangay you can view the Gallery

Page from the Barangay website.


In the end of the development process of the system, the database will be

tested if it really holds data. All transactions will be tested. The project will be

tested using a computer and printer. The efficiency and effectiveness of the

performance of the software is evaluated by the project team. The feedback from

the test will help the project team fix some critical issues and some features may

be change or added. Beta Testing will determine if the developed software meets

the design criteria and if its’ Beta ready.

When the software developed is Beta ready, Beta Testing is implemented.

The system is presented to the Barangay 736. Barangay 736 are allowed to view

and test every single detail of the system. The feedback from the Barangay 736

will help to improve the quality of the product and it will ensure release readiness.

Only critical changes will be made. Beta tests explore the limits of a product by

allowing Barangay 736 to explore every element of the product in their native

environments. It will give the project team a good idea of what the Barangay 736

thinks about the product and what they are likely to experience when they

purchase it.

Evaluation Procedure

The study will have at least 21 respondents. This may include 1 Technical

Adviser, 1 to the Barangay Admin which is the Secretary and 19 persons to the

constituents of Barangay 736. Each participant will be given a set of

questionnaire to evaluate the system performance. All of these participants were

selected through random sampling. This sampling method is conducted where

each member of a population has an equal opportunity to become part of the

sample. As all members of the population have an equal chance of becoming a

participant, this is said to be the most efficient sampling procedure.

Respondents Sample Size

Thesis Technical Adviser 1

Constituents of Barangay 736 20

Total Respondents 21

Table 2. List of Respondents

Statistical Treatment

Statistics is one way of getting the information’s organized. To have a

general view of the whole scenario of the study, statistical tool is used. This also

includes the scaling system, which was used by the researchers as a technique

to monitor the respondent’s interpretation of facts. The Likert Scale was used to

interpret items in the questionnaire. These responses were based on the

respondents. The range and interpretation of the five point scale are shown in the


Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.6 – 5.0 Excellent

4 3.6 – 4.5 Very Good

3 2.6 – 3.5 Good

2 1.6 – 2.5 Fair

1 1.0 – 1.5 Poor

Table 3. The Five-point Likert Scale

Weighted mean was used to measure the general response of the survey

samples, whether they agree to a given statement or not.

The formula in computing weighted mean is as follows:


X – Mean

f – Weight given to each respondent

x – Number of respondents

n – Total number of respondents


Mean Percentage

∑fx x

X= P= x 100

n n

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the result and detailed discussion of the final

evaluation. The project description, project structure, project capabilities and

limitations, project test results and project evaluation are likewise systematically

presented in this chapter.

Project Description

The study developed an Online Record Management System for

Barangay 736 with SMS Notification it is created using HTML 5, CSS, Adobe

Photoshop, Notepad++, Bootstrap and JavaScript as the platform use in

developing the frontend, XAMPP for the web server, and MYSQL for the


The Online Record Management System for Barangay 736 with SMS

Notification provides convenience to of the Barangay who want to request

certificates easily to Barangay 736 online system using a computer. The online

system can also help the Secretary to monitor his constituents and be updated

the data of their constituents. The online system will be browse in any

smartphone devices or computer.


Project Structure

The project structure was done through a step by step process.

Figure 19. Website Announcement Page

Figure 14 displays the announcements created and posted by the

admin so that the constituents and business entities would be updated. The

announcements being posted is image-type.


Figure 20. Website Home Page

Figure 15 shows the tabs where the constituents can navigate once

they visit the website.

Figure 21. Website Programs Page

Figure 16 shows the different programs the barangay have. This

programs are spearheaded by the barangay officials in observance of the

law and in order to maintain the cleanliness of their community.


Figure 22. Website Officials Page

Figure 17 shows the list of the barangay officials. It includes their

names, positions and designated tasks. Images of the officials can be

uploaded and the details that comes along can be changed and/or updated.

Figure 23. Website Gallery Page

Figure 18 shows the photos of the facilities of the barangay hall.

Figure 24. Website Footer Page

Figure 19 shows the details about the barangay including its location

and contact details in order for its constituents to reach them out easily.

Figure 25. Make a Request

Figure 20 shows the form that the constituents and business entities

have to fill-out to verify their identities if they are eligible to make any


Figure 26. Successful Request

Figure 21 shows the alert window that will appear if the constituent or

business entities have successful requests.


Figure 27. Admin Dashboard Request Notification

Figure 22 shows the number and type of requests submitted by the

constituents and business entities. It also includes their personal information

such as name and address.

Figure 28. Admin Dashboard Announcement Page

Figure 23 shows the page where the admin can update and post

whenever there are important announcements needed to be disseminated

among their constituents.


Figure 29. Admin Dashboard Officials Page

Figure 24 shows the Officials Page where the admin can add and/or

update officials’ information and photos.

Figure 30. Admin Dashboard Staffs Page

Figure 25 shows the page where the admin can add and/or update the

staffs’ information.

Figure 31. Admin Dashboard Constituent Page

Figure 26 shows the page where the admin can add and/or update the

personal information of its constituents and whether or not they have criminal


Figure 32. Admin Dashboard Business Profile Page


Figure 27 shows the page where the admin can add and/or update the

business profiles and information of the business owners.

Figure 33. Admin Dashboard Blotter Page

Figure 28 shows the page of who among the constituents and non-

constituents are reported or complained and the official who handled the


Figure 34. Admin Dashboard Non-constituent Page

Figure 29 shows the page where the admin can add and/or update

information of non-constituents. This include the business owners who are

not constituents of the barangay and the non-constituents who have been

complained or reported.

Figure 35. Admin Dashboard Gallery Image Page


Figure 30 shows the page where the admin can add and/or upload

photos of the barangay.

Figure 36. Admin Dashboard Officials Image Page

Figure 31 shows the page where the admin can add and/or upload

photos of the barangay officials.

Figure 37. Admin Dashboard Requests Page


Figure 32 shows the page where the admin can view the requests of

the constituents and business entities. It shows the various details such as

Name, Address, Business Name, Mobile Number, Purpose of Request and

Kind of Request. The button of the certificate requested automatically

appears and gets the information needed for the certificate.

Figure 38. Certification Page

Figure 33 shows the ready-made format of the certificate once the

admin clicks the button.


Figure 39. Certificate Print Page

Figure 34 shows the ready-to-print or accomplished certificate ready

for release to the constituent or business entities who requested.

Figure 40. Admin Dashboard Update Status of Request Page

Figure 35 shows the page of the pending status of the request made

by the constituents or business entities


Figure 41. Admin Dashboard Update Status of Request Page

Figure 36 shows the complete status of the request. It is the only time

an SMS will be sent to the constituent or business entity which indicates that

the requested certificate can be claimed at the barangay office.


Project Capabilities and Limitations

The system software has the following features:

 Module for Admin

 Module for Announcement

 Module for Constituents

 Module for Business Profile

 Module for Blotter

 Module for Non-constituents

 Module for Request

 Module for Notification

 Module for Request Form

 Module for Barangay Official

 Module for Barangay Staff

 Module for Gallery Images

 Module for Officials Images

 Sending SMS notification

The system has the following limitations:

 The online system is accessible only with internet connection.

 The online system only for Barangay 736


Project Test Results

The preliminary evaluation of the Online Record Management System for

Barangay 736 with SMS Notification was conducted based on the expected

output. The project was tested using an mobile device and laptop. Results show

that the main components of the software performed well in terms of functionality,

usability, reliability, performance, and portability.

Table 15 presents the result of the unit test conducted to ensure that

desired characteristics were achieved.

Test Conducted Behavior

Compatibility Testing The system was tested in an

mobile device and laptop.

The website behaves and

respond the same way across

different browser. Online system

is working properly.

Interface Testing

Functions are tested by feeding

them input and examining the

output, it was tested by


comparing the actual and

expected output of the system.

Functionality Testing

Table 4. Testing Results.

Each module was tested with test cases and achieved the required output.

The modules can be accessed through a dynamic and easy-to-use dashboard.

Through the proposed system, the Barangay 736 constituent can request any

types of certificate, Hence, the software performed according to the required

functionalities and met the required output.

Project Evaluation

The acceptability of the project was evaluated in terms of functionality,

usability, reliability, performance, and portability. There is 1 IT Technical adviser,

20 persons on Barangay 736.

Profile of the Respondents – User Type

Table 16 shows the result of the user type of the respondents. Out of the

21 respondents, 1 of them is IT Technical adviser with 0.21 percent, 20 are

persons on Barangay 736 with 99.79 percent.

User Type Frequency Percent

IT Technical adviser 1 0.21
Persons on Barangay 736 20 99.79
Total: 21 100.00
Table 5. Frequency Distribution of User Type.


Functionality was the first criteria in software evaluation. The evaluators

determined if the software work well with the following capabilities:

Functionality Mean Interpretation

1. Security and privacy of data and information 4.95 Excellent
2. Verification of records upon request 4.71 Excellent
3. Updating barangay records information 4.33 Very Good
4. SMS Notification 4.43 Very Good
Overall Mean: 4.61 Excellent
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 Poor, 1.50 - 2.49 Fair, 2.50 - 3.49 Good, 3.50 - 4.49 Very Good, 4.50 - 5.0
Table 6. Mean Perception Profile of the Proposed System in Functionality.

Table 17 shows the evaluation result of the proposed software in terms of

functionality. In security and privacy of data and information got a mean

average of 4.95 with excellent remarks, verification of records upon request got a

result of 4.71 with excellent remarks, updating barangay records information got

4.33 with very good remarks, SMS notification got 4.43 with very good remarks.

Overall, functionality got a mean score of 4.61 with interpretation of Excellent.


Usability was the second criteria in the evaluation of the proposed system.

The evaluators determined the consistency of the software with the following


Usability Mean Interpretation

1. Understandability of navigation tools 4.76 Excellent
2. Satisfaction in posting announcements 4.86 Excellent
3. Satisfaction in monitoring and updating records 4.48 Very Good
4. Fitness of using prompt keys and SMS notification 4.43 Very Good
5. Efficiency of issuance of certificate upon request 4.81 Excellent
Overall Mean: 4.67 Excellent

Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 Poor, 1.50 - 2.49 Fair, 2.50 - 3.49 Good, 3.50 - 4.49 Very Good, 4.50 - 5.0
Table 7. Mean Perception Profile of the Proposed System in terms of Usability.

Table 18 shows the evaluation result of the proposed software in terms of

usability. in understandability of navigation tools got a mean average of 4.76 with
excellent remarks satisfaction in posting announcements got a result of 4.86 with
excellent remarks, satisfaction in monitoring and updating records got 4.48 with
very good remarks, fitness of using prompt keys and sms notification got 4.43
with very good remarks, efficiency of issuance of certificate upon request got
4.81 with excellent remarks. Overall, usability got a mean score of 4.67 with
interpretation of Excellent.


The third criterion in evaluation of the proposed system is reliability. The

following criteria and results are shown in software evaluation of reliability:

Reliability Mean Interpretation

1. Legitimacy of recording information 4.76 Excellent
2. Validation of information upon request 4.19 Very Good
3. Certainty of blotter details 4.90 Excellent
Overall Mean: 4.62 Excellent
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 Poor, 1.50 - 2.49 Fair, 2.50 - 3.49 Good, 3.50 - 4.49 Very Good, 4.50 - 5.0
Table 8. Mean Perception Profile of the Proposed System in terms of Reliability.

Table 19 shows the evaluation result of the proposed software in terms of

reliability. In legitimacy of recording information got a mean average of 4.76 with
excellent remarks, validation of information upon request got a result of 4.19 with
very good remarks, certainty of blotter details got a result of 4.90 with excellent
remarks. Overall, reliability got a mean score of 4.62 with interpretation of

Evaluation Results

The final evaluation of the respondents in terms on the performance of the

project was based on five criteria known as FURPS, namely: functionality,

usability, reliability, portability and supportability.

Software Quality Factor N Mean Interpretation

Functionality 21 4.61 Excellent
Usability 21 4.67 Excellent
Reliability 21 4.62 Excellent
Overall Mean: 21 4.63 Excellent
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 Poor, 1.50 - 2.49 Fair, 2.50 - 3.49 Good, 3.50 - 4.49 Very
Good, 4.50 - 5.0 Excellent.
Table 9. Summary of Evaluation Results.

Table 20 shows the results obtained from the evaluators of the software

developed, the usability of the software achieved the highest mean of 4.67. The

second highest mean is 4.62 the reliability and lastly the functionality achieved

the highest mean of 4.61. Each criterion of the software quality factors got the

interpretation of excellent which means the overall mean is 4.63 with the

interpretation of “Excellent” which means the software achieved the software

quality requirements.

Chapter 5 should be after chapter 4

Appendices should follow chapter 5
References should follow afterwards

-Sir, sa format po ni Sir Joel, References muna po before Appendices, kaya po

ganun ginawa naming sir.

Chapter 5



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and

recommendations based from the results of the test and evaluations.

Summary of Findings

The researchers designed the ONLINE RECORD MANAGEMENT


gain more effective method in delivering information, as well as, this

proposed system maintains constituents’ records as complete and up-to-date

as possible, and is accessible for monitoring, verification and helps to

process and visualize data.

The researchers software product is web enable so that the system

can be can be used to cross-check the constituents and businesses record

on the barangay. The following features of the system will be only accessible

for those constituents and businesses who have records in the system and

met the requirements needed.

There are some various requirements to run the software product.

Including internet connection and hardware requirements are a must such as


computer desktop or laptop. In addition, the software life cycle must be guide

in implementing the proposed system.


The barangay officials especially the secretary encountered difficulties

and long procedure in retrieving, recording, computing, and processing

records, because the barangay officials in barangay 736 are using the

system of manual based for all services to its constituents.

The researchers conclude that the proposed ONLINE RECORD


NOTIFICATION maintains constituents’ records as complete and up to date

as possible and is easily accessible for monitoring, verification and reference

purposes based on the available constituents census data kept by the client



Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, these are the following

recommendations made for the future researchers:

 Total registered population, sexes and registered voters; as well as

the barangay officials and puroks/areas

 List of constituents in every purok/areas

 Settlement reports and schedules



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 E.G.M.P (2016)


 Essays, UK. (November 2018). Literature Review About Management

Information Systems Management Essay. Retrieved from


 J. E. Caubang (2017). entitled “Barangay Resident Record Management

and Certificate Issuance System of Barangay Ticol Sorsogon City.”





 J. Enano (2016)


 Javellana, Jonathan & Cainong, John & Galvez, Danielle. (2015).An

Integrated Information Management System for Barangay 1-A Davao:

Profiling, Incident Recording, Project/Program Monitoring and Document


 K. Magee (2014) "Local government records management: a case study

of Bellingham, WA." WWU Graduate School Collection

 K. Manikas (2015). "Record Management and Electronic Record

Management" retrieved at


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 M. J. Lado (2017). Computerized information system in barangay

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 M. M. Ijeoma (2018). “Importance of Management Information System in

service Delivery and Paper Work in Nigeria University” IOSR Journal of

Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN:

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democratic participation” European Parliamentary Research Service. PE

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Appendices A


INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly evaluate by using the given scale and placing a check mark
(✔) under the corresponding numerical rating:


3 - GOOD
2 - FAIR
1 - POOR

1. Security and privacy of data and information
2. Verification of records upon request
3. Updating barangay records information
4. SMS Notification
1. Understandability of navigation tools
2. Satisfaction in posting announcements
3. Satisfaction in monitoring and updating records
4. Fitness of using prompt keys and SMS notification
5. Efficiency of issuance of certificates upon request
1. Legitimacy of recording information
2. Validation of information upon request
3. Certainty of blotter details


Appendices B

Gantt Chart unreadable

The Gantt Chart it shows every tasks in Online Record Management System for

Barangay 736 with SMS Notification.  Tasks are outlined in six phase.  Each task uses a

black square tag to indicate the date occupied of the task. Also shown on this schedule

are the responsible sub-contractors for the project


Appendices C

Total Budgetary Requirements

Expenses Unit Cost per Unit Total Amount


Jeep 45 8.00 360.00

Tricycle 15 10.00 150.00

LRT 6 20.00 120.00

Sidecar 2 125 250.00

Material Expenses

Mobile Internet load 6weeks 100 600.00

Ink of Printer 4pcs 160.00 640.00

Paper Clips 1 box 25.00 25.00

Binder Clips 4 pcs 58.00 232.00

Bond Paper 3 pcs 195.00 585.00

Folder 4 pcs 10.00 40.00

Printing 287 pcs 3.00 861.00

Ring bind thesis 4 pcs 60.00 240.00

Total expenses: 4,103


Appendices D

Tools and Equipment Used



TEL. NOS.: (02)525-94-16 TO 21

FAX NO.:(02) 524-7340

September 18, 2019

Chairwoman Mary Ann Jacaban Buenviaje

Barangay 736, Zone 6
Malate, Manila

Dear Mrs. Buenviaje,

Greetings of Peace!

In partial fulfillments of our requirements for Thesis A – Project Development I,

we senior students of Santa Isabel College of Manila, taking up Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology would like to ask for your permission to
conduct a research study entitled “Online Record Management System for
Barangay 736 with SMS Notification”.

In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to allow us to use
your materials as one of our references and to conduct our survey and interview
in your vicinity. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain absolutely
confidential and to be used on academic purposes only.

We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish this requirement as
compliance for our graduation and to develop our well-being. We hope for your
positive response on this humble matter.

Thank you very much!


Mr. Christian Louie D. Aguilar

Ms. Jeremae B. Bautista

Mr. Mark Jason L. Quimson

Noted by:

Mr. Joel H. Cruz

Chairperson, BSIT Program



TEL. NOS.: (02)525-94-16 TO 21

FAX NO.:(02) 524-7340


Date Presented
Activity Signed by
Presented to

Consulting about the diagram.

11.15.19 Dr. Rolly E.
Sending and checking all the diagrams

and document. 11.17.19 Dr. Rolly E.


Checking diagram and sending all we

need to revise. 11.18.19 Dr. Rolly E.


Sending the Thesis Outline to our

Technical Adviser. 11.1819 Dr. Rolly E.


Sending revised diagram.

11.22.19 Dr. Rolly E.

Checking the prototype.

11.23.19 Dr. Rolly E.

Title defense
9.1.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

10.1.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga
Related Resource Literature and

Related Resource Studies 11.06.19 Mrs. Emeline

G. Sunga

11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Process Model
11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Conceptual frame work

11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Work breakdown structure

11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Gantt chart
11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Project role and responsibilities

11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Hardware and Software requirements

11.13.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Sending the Plagiarism test

11.14.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga

Revised Plagiarism test

11.16.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga
Resend the updated documents and

Plagiarism test 11.17.19 Mrs. Emeline

G. Sunga

Resend the revised document and

Checking prototype. 11.20.19 Mrs. Emeline

G. Sunga

Re-submission of Documents.
11.21.19 Mrs. Emeline
G. Sunga
Sending Accomplishment through

Gmail. 11.23.19 Mrs. Emeline

G. Sunga

Requirements Specification

The researchers listed above the minimum requirements to know the

hardware devices that the system needs for the development and also to run a

full function system. The recommended hardware requirements are the better

hardware components that help to maximize the system’s limit.


The researchers listed above the minimum requirements to know the

software application that the system needs for the development and also to run a

full function system. The recommended software requirements are the better

software components that help the system to be more usable and easy access


Laptop Cellphone

Printer Pad Paper

Ball Pen Desktop

Mouse Keyboard

MS Word 2010 MS Excel 2010

Notepad ++ Google Chrome

Bond Paper Adobe Photoshop




Appendixes E

Summary of Mean Scores from the Evaluation

Software Quality Factor N Mean Interpretation

Functionality 21 4.61 Excellent
Usability 21 4.67 Excellent
Reliability 21 4.62 Excellent
Overall Mean: 21 4.63 Excellent
Legend: 1.00 - 1.49 Poor, 1.50 - 2.49 Fair, 2.50 - 3.49 Good, 3.50 - 4.49 Very Good,
4.50 - 5.0 Excellent.

Summary of Mean Scores form the Evaluation shows the results obtained

from the evaluators of the software developed, the usability of the software

achieved the highest mean of 4.67. The second highest mean is 4.62 the

reliability and lastly the functionality achieved the highest mean of 4.61. Each

criterion of the software quality factors got the interpretation of excellent which

means the overall mean is 4.63 with the interpretation of “Excellent” which

means the software achieved the software quality requirements.


Appendixes F

Users Manual


753 Pavia St. Tondo, Manila

I’m seeking for an environment that can help me to use and grow my skills and

Age : 21 years old
Height : 5’7
Birthdate : October 15, 1998

Primary : Isabelo Delos Reyes Elementary school SY 2005-2011
Secondary : Gregorio Perfecto High School SY 2011-2015
Tertiary : Santa Isabel College 2015 - present
Bachelor of Science Information Technology

Have knowledge in (MS word, power point and Excel)

Creative Web Design Level III
AC Careers and Training Institute Corp.

Mr. Joel T Cruz, MIT
Chairperson, Santa Isabel College

Ms. Belle Bariuan

School Guidance, Santa Isabel College

137 Roxas St.Magsaysay Village Tondo, Manila

I want to obtain my career where I can utilize my skills to complement those I
have learned from school in an actual job environment.

Age : 21 years old
Height : 5’
Birthdate : October 5, 1998

Primary : General Vicente Lim Elementary School SY 2005-2011
Secondary : Antonio J. Villegas Vocational High School SY 2011-2015
Tertiary : Santa Isabel College 2015 - present
Bachelor of Science Information Technology

PHP Programming
Have knowledge in (MS word, power point and Excel)

Best Leader Awards 2014-2015
COM (Children of Mary) member 2015-2017
Ms.IT (Information Technology) 2016
5th Year Representative


Mr. Joel T Cruz, MIT

Chairperson, Santa Isabel College

Mr. Jeff Felarca

Manager, Jollibee Harrison Plaza


Blk 6 Lot 4 Cristobal St. Paco, Manila
09062650789 /

I want to obtain my career where I can utilize my skills to complement those
have I have learned from school in an actual job environment.

Age : 21 years old
Height : 5’11
Birthdate : November 23,1998

Primary : Dr. Celedonio A. Salvador Elementary School SY 2005-2011
Secondary : Manuel G. Araullo High School SY 2011-2015
Tertiary : Santa Isabel College 2015 - present
Bachelor of Science Information Technology

PHP Programming
Have knowledge in (MS word, Powerpoint and Excel)

Creative Web Design Level III
AC Careers and Training Institute Corp.

Mr. Joel T Cruz, MIT
Chairperson, Santa Isabel College

Ms. Shayne Anne S. Roxas

Human Resource, YWA

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