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Throughout high school, I have participated in many projects and activities that majorly contributed to

my knowledge and personal growth, and my role as a member of Camp Blast’s content department in
tenth grade substantially developed my interpersonal skills. I was in charge of room 7, where I met
Cuong, a misbehaving camper who constantly bullied campmates and volunteers. Once, witnessing such
mischief, I got impatient and yelled at him, thinking it would solve the problem, but it only made him
more rebellious. Determined to undo the damage, I tried talking and gaining his affection. I would run
around the room screaming just to entertain Cuong and ended up making his week at Camp Blast the
best time of his summer. From a stubborn kid, Cuong became more cheerful and open to his peers by
the end; he even gave me the warmest hug to thank me for the amazing experience. However, it was
the onethe one who was thankful since he taught me not only the importance of patience but alsoand
the value that appropriate communication could offer.

Following this experience, my position as Head of Content at Ams Baking Club armed me with more
leadership skills: flexibility in thinking, improvisation, and will towill overcome dilemmas. When planning
our charity trip to Sapa Hope center, our group was stymied by a lack of funding and the school
administration’s refusal to grant us permissionpermit us. Instead of giving up, I proposed organizing a
cake-sale online as well as adding more varieties to increase profit. Additionally, with the help of my
form teacher’s helpform teacher, I devised a detailed timeline to persuade the school that the trip
brought many educational values. Eventually, after overcoming a wide range of difficulties, my strategy
worked out, and we successfully completed the trip by raising 70 million VND to open a free cooking
class in Ta Phin Village. My role at Ams Baking Club was not limited to participation; it was rather a roller
coaster of emotions, where I got the chance to work with incredible people and improved my abilities as
a quick-thinking and persuasive leader.

A year later, after equipping myself with sufficient knowledge and skills, I was confident enough to apply
for an internship at HBR Business School internship. As the youngest applicant to ever get accepted to
this prominent business and language program, I was assigned to work at the project BEWE as a content
creator, where I met many colleagues with the same mindsets. Initially, I was overwhelmed by the pace
and the workload, and expressing my ideas with others was a struggle. Even so, my desire for
betteringto better myself encouraged me to keep up and adapt to new experiences. I ultimately got
comfortable working with our team, and my effort was rewarded as I was appointed to lead content
creation for our online learning platform. It was validation for my attempts to quickly seize opportunities
and learn to adapt to the professional workplace while advancing my organizational skills and
understanding of business.

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