Annova Task (2022)

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Price Demand

15 80
22 36 Dependent Variable
17 66 Independent Variable
30 20
14 82
23 37 No of Factors
12 84 No of Levels
19 59
29 21
10 99 Null Hypothesis
25 35 Alternative Hypothesis
27 27
18 61
26 27
17 66
30 20
14 82
23 37
12 84
19 59
29 21
10 99
12 35
19 84
29 59
10 21
25 99
27 35
18 27
26 61
17 27
30 66
14 20
23 82
12 37
Haitham Said Qatan

Demand V1 1
Price V2 68

3 Between Groups 18958.63
Within Groups 379.6874

H0: μ1=μ2 F critical value 3.981896

H1: μ1 ≠ μ2

F value 49.9322 > F critical value 3.981896

F value is > than f critical value so we reject the null hyothesis

F value is greater than F criticale value

soo the model is valid. It shows that Price
significantly have impact on Demand

tical value 3.981896

cal value so we reject the null hyothesis

greater than F criticale value

del is valid. It shows that Price
ntly have impact on Demand
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Price 35 703 20.08571 44.72773
Demand 35 1855 53 714.6471

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 18958.62857143 1 18958.63 49.9322 1.078E-09 3.981896
Within Groups 25818.74285714 68 379.6874

Total 44777.37142857 69

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