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Ronald Djonko

Prof Moore

EDUC 1300

27 March 2022

Career Research Essay: computer System Analyst

My name is Ronald Djonko, I have never had a dream job or a career plan like

everybody. But growing up I noticed that I really like electronic devices and especially

computers. That is why I recently decided to pursue a career as a computer system

analyst, which is a branch of computer science that studies an organization’s current

computer systems and procedures and design improvements to them. To achieve my goal,

I will need to earn a bachelor's degree in computer science. As I mentioned earlier, I

really like computers and learning how they work, finding means to improve their

efficiency is something exciting.

According to the various assessments that I just took, I already possess numerous

qualities that will be beneficial to me in working toward my long-term career goals. My

thinking ability (Personality Assessments) will help me develop ways to improve

computers efficiency. As a kinesthetic learner (VARK), I would feel comfortable

handling computers and directly applying my ideas. Having an investigative trait (HCC-

Career Coach) will also prove to be useful, my curious nature will push me to research

and learn new methods to improve myself in a field that is constantly evolving. I also

need to improve my socials skills (Personality Assessments) because it can be an issue

when working with others.


The median pay for a computer system analyst is $115,640 per year in Houston

((Career One Stop), while nationally it was $93,730 per year in May 2020 (U.S. Bureau

of Labor Statistics). It is a well-paying job where the employment is projected to grow 7

percent by 2030 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). A computer system analyst monitors

computer system performance to ensure proper operation, test software performance,

coordinate software or hardware installation, troubleshoot issues with computer

applications or systems, modify software programs to improve performance (Career One

Stop). Computer systems analysts typically need a bachelor’s degree in computer science

or information systems to enter the enter the occupation. Not being a huge fan of long

studies, I chose to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer and information technology

and after which I would try my luck in the professional world. Developing my problem-

solving skills is essential in my field because I will have to notice a problem and figure

out the best way to solve it; I'll have to work with others so improving my

communication skills is also important. I plan to use financial aid to help pay for school.

I got a good image of what I could consider my dream life. It is not a luxurious

one but a simple and comfortable one: a house, a wife, basic utilities, three children, and

occasional vacation. According to the Texas Reality check, I would need to make an

annual salary of $94,770 while the median pay of a computer system analyst is $115,640

per year. That means I will not have any issue affording my lifestyle and I could save a

lot of money to do other things.

Having a good knowledge of the cost of living in other states and cities is

important to determine if you can afford to leave your hometown. In Houston, the median

salary of a computer system analyst is $115,640 (Career One Stop) while in San

Francisco it is $124,730 (Career One Stop). But a comparable salary in San Francisco

would be $235,30 (CNNMoney). The cost of housing there is 316% more than in

Houston, the transportation is 43% more, the healthcare is 31% more so I would not be a

wise decision to move to San Francisco without changing either my lifestyle or my job. Il

would be the same thing if I move to Chicago where the median salary is $90,750 and a

comparable salary $148,873; housing, transportation, and groceries costs are more than in

Houston. Having checked a bunch of cities, I will not leave Houston unless planning to

change my career path.

Honestly, I have never thought of volunteering to help my community, but I

understand how important it is to help others. Participating in charity events can also

develop transferable skills that will come in handy in my professional life. Events such as

food and supply distribution really interest me because it involves interacting and

working with others. Through this I hope to hone my social and teamwork skills, which

are important for any work.

In 5 years, I hope to be a computer system analyst in a bank or a management

company. To achieve my goal, three essential steps are: 1) finish the Computer and

Information Technology program at HCC, 2) transfer to a 4-year university and obtain a

bachelor’s degree in information systems, and 3) gain experience in the world of work.

On my way there will surely be some challenges such as adapting to an unfamiliar

environment, managing both school and a part-time job. I hope to graduate quickly and

later lead my little life of an analyst with my family calmly and in serenity.

Works Cited

CareerOneStop. Occupation Profile-Computer System Analyst. Occupation Profile for for

Computer Systems Analysts | CareerOneStop. Accessed 26 Mar. 2022

CNNMoney. Cost of living: How far will my salary go in another city? Cost of living:

How far will my salary go in another city? - CNNMoney Accessed 26 Mar.2022

HCC-Career Coach. Assessment results. Career Coach - Assessment Results

( Accessed 26 Mar.2022

Texas Workforce Commission. Texas Reality Check. Texas Reality Check | Lifestyle

Calculator - Total Expenses . Accessed 26 Mar.2022

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer system Analyst: Occupational Outlook

Handbook. Computer Systems Analysts : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S.

Bureau of Labor Statistics ( Accessed 26 Mar.2022

VARK. VARK-Learning Style Questionaire. The VARK Questionnaire | VARK (vark- Accessed 26 Mar.2022

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