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Barn_ Colors_

A Short Story

Part 1 Farmers_

Some time ago, the Gun was made. And then, one day, the Gun was brought
about a farmer. The farmer owned land upon lands and fields upon fields. And,
the farmer found the Gun in lieu of its place of work. And, the Gun awoke to
ask the farmer,
“For what reason do you have so much land and so many fields?”
And, the farmer replied to the Gun,
“Well, to grow crops, of course! Lots of crops!”
.. The Gun took a minute to think.. Then, asked the farmer,
“But, why do you grow crops?”
And, the farmer replied,
“Well, because my crops are in such high demand, of course!”
.. The Gun took another minute to think.. Then, asked the farmer,
“But, why are your crops in such high demand?”
And, the farmer replied,
“Because people want what I grow, of course!”
.. The Gun took another minute to think.. Then, asked the farmer,
“But what is it that you grow, that people want, that is in such high
And, the farmer replied,
“Well, tobacco and poppy and coca and cannabis, of course!”
.. And, the Gun took yet another minute to think.. Then, asked the farmer,
“But, what do people need tobacco and poppy and coca and cannabis for?”
.. And then, the farmer took a moment to think.. Then, said to the Gun,
“Well, for cooking and for drinking and for smoking and for medic..”
“What?” objected the Gun. “I smoke! Only after I work, do I smoke. Even so, I
need to smoke after I work! Those you do work for, those who use your crops,
only ‘want’ to smoke! I ‘need’ to smoke when my work need be,” demanded the
Gun. And so, the Gun did work on the farmer, and did prey as it worked, and
smoked afterwards, as it promised it would, after doing work. And, the farmer
was no more. And so, the Gun moved on to find work elsewhere.

Part 2 Principals_

Later, after time had taken course, the Gun was brought about a great
school. The school had stood for many years, and was well known, for the
success it promised to its students and to their parents. Many children and
many teachers, of all ages and from all places of the earth, attended the
school. The school was truly great.

One day, of one particular school year, the weary of the Gun
apprehended the principals of that great school, about their work. And, the
principals objected to the presence of the Gun, saying,
“This is a school, for goodness’s sake! For learning and teaching, and for
working, of course! There’s no place here for a Gun to teach! Nor, ever for a
Gun to work here on these grounds. And, as for either of these matters, a Gun
is not to coincide with this great school!”
.. The gun took a minute to think.. Then, asked the principals,
“Are you certain this isn’t a place for a Gun to work, nor for a Gun to
teach, since, the work of a Gun, for all of time, has never misdirected time
in judgement, nor has it displaced time in judgement, on matters of fact?
Otherwise, else is a Gun here?”
And, the principals used a trace of time to think.. And, then they said to
the Gun,
“Perhaps, what has been said has since been, that for all of time, the work
of the Gun has never misdirected time nor misplaced time, in judgement. So
than, seek our teachers and our workers and our pupils. And, if a Gun can
find those of whom to learn from, and that ever might the Gun learn to teach
reasonably for, of which our pupils and workers and teachers of this school
should absolutely need, and should they only need absolutely, then and only
then, might there be an attempt for a Gun, to work here. And so, if by then,
might a Gun ever teach also, and only if then, is a Gun enough to coincide
.. And, the Gun took another minute to think.. And, while the Gun was in
thought, the principals interrupted, and added by saying,
“Also, too.. only must a Gun pass all courses, of course, in order for an
attempt on behalf of a Gun to be made.”
And, the Gun took a third minute to think.. And then, in static regard,
replied, saying,
“Of course.”

Then, the Gun went on to seek the teachers at the great school, of whom
it needed to learn from, and in order to earn the honor to teach amongst the
pupils of the great school. And, of course, the Gun was brought about two
teachers indeed.

Part 3 Teachers_

By the course of time, the Gun was brought about those two teachers.
And, the Gun approached them, and asked,
“Teachers, will you teach a Gun of something about which to learn? And, will
you teach a Gun of something to teach the pupils at this school? Something
that they might absolutely need to learn about, and also, by which they
should only need, absolutely, to learn about?”
..And, the teachers took a second to think.. And then, replied assuredly,
“Ever though, by a Gun?!”
.. Then, the Gun took a minute to think.. And, then asked the teachers,
“Ever then, teachers are supposed to adhere and resolve the questions posed
by a Gun, that might there be questions posed at a Gun?”
.. And, the teachers took a second to think.. Then, replied assuredly again,
“Ever though, by a Gun?!”
.. Then, the Gun took a minute to think.. Then, asked,
“Teachers, since be, teachers can be teachers, can a Gun readily be a
.. Then, the teachers took a second to think.. Then, they said,
“Of course! Well.. Since a Gun is here to learn, and since teachers are here
to teach to learn, and, might teachers ever teach a Gun to learn, and, ever a
Gun be taught by teachers, then yes.. The Gun can readily be, of course, a
student of teachers.”
.. Then, the Gun took yet another minute to think.. And then, asked again,
“So then, will you teach a Gun of something about which a Gun can learn? And,
will you teach a Gun of something to teach the pupils at this school?..
Something that the pupils here might absolutely need to learn about?.. And by
which, that something only be something of which they should need absolutely
to learn about?”
.. And the teachers took a second to think.. Then said, with assurance,
“Yes, of course!”

.. And so, time was given temperately, of course.. As in, the Gun took time
to prepare to learn by the teachers, all while the teachers took time to
prepare to teach by the Gun..

Then, afterwards, the teachers approached the Gun about learning. And,
the teachers asked about the Gun, saying,
“Where here, from what does a Gun know, that teachers can teach a Gun to
learn more about, and that ever might a Gun learn to teach about?”
.. And, the Gun took a minute to think.. Then replied,
“Well, a Gun only knows.. from work, of course! And, by matters of fact, a
Gun can always learn more about how a Gun works.”
Then, the teachers took a second to think.. Then said,
“Okay.. Then, from what a Gun already knows, what else about how a Gun works,
does a Gun absolutely need to learn more about, that others absolutely need
to learn more about also?”
And, the Gun took a second to think.. Then replied,
“Only has this Gun have left to learn how not to smoke.. As a Gun smokes only
after, when, a Gun works.”
The teachers chuckled, humored at the response, and then laughed with the
Gun, and said,
“How not to smoke?! Teachers smoke! But onl..”
The Gun quickly interrupted, and then did work on the teachers, and preyed as
it worked, and smoked afterwards as it always did after it worked. And, the
teachers were no more. And, the gun moved on, to continue in search of work
elsewhere, as the Gun passed the course of time it had with the teachers.

Part 4 Farmers_ Pet_ Theirs_

As the Gun set out on a new course, to work elsewhere, the principals
of the great school sought out the Gun. And, they stopped the Gun midway, and
retrieved it, and said,
“We’ve witnessed the work of a Gun. And, on behalf of the work of a Gun, the
claims made against a Gun have since been refuted. And, so we find permission
for the work and teachings of a Gun to coincide here at this great school.
And, so the Gun resided, and waited timely for direction to begin teaching at
the great school.

Part 5 Secretariats_

And so it was, the time of the Gun. And, the Gun was distinguished and
honored to teach at that great school. And so, in preparation for the
following school year, the Gun was brought about all the principals and about
all the teachers and workers and about all the pupils of the great school.

And so, when the Gun was brought about the principals of the great
school, for the second time, the Gun asked them,
“What service is most important for you all, that the work of a Gun may be
welcomed here, at this great school?”
And, as expected, the principals replied with silence. So then, the Gun had
time to think.. And moved on to seek guidance from the teachers.

And, when the Gun was brought about the teachers of the great school,
for a second time, the Gun asked them,
“What service is most important for you all, that the work of a Gun may be
welcomed here, at this great school?”
And, as expected, the teachers replied in silence. So then, the Gun had time
to think.. And moved on to seek guidance from the workers.

And then, the Gun was brought about the workers of the great school.
The workers prepared foods for feeding, and cleaned up and down, and before
and after, all the people of the great school. And, for the first time, the
Gun asked the workers,
“What service is most important for you all, that the work of a Gun may be
welcomed here to this great school?”
.. And, the workers took time to think.. Then, they cried out for the mercy
of the Gun, saying,
“Whoa!.. The Gun is about us?!.. If so, then, as so, the time of the worker
has long been spent.. Our work, and our greatness here, is no more.. The
virtue of our fellow and dearest friend, the teacher, is no more. And, the
mindfulness of our principals has grown absent over grieving greatness. And,
as for our pupils.. they’ve grown weary and wrought by the cause of their
guard. They labor for things unrelated by their time.. And, the farmer.. the
farmer is no more.. by the work of the Gun.. even though, for goodness sake..
After all, we know that longing for husbandry is overdue, and with much
blame. And, as for our fields, the places where our work is needed most, from
which our greatness was made... they grow absent of us and void of food we
need. Why, and with such great query, hasn’t our work been yet redone? And
so, if there is no help by the Gun, we beg to be relieved, that the work of a
Gun be done on us.”
So then, the Gun took time to think.. And, by the Gun, time granted recess.
Then, during recess, the Gun was brought about the pupils of the great
school. And, for the first time, the Gun asked them,
“The Gun is now a teacher! What service is most important for you all, that
the work of a Gun may be welcomed here, ever by the students, at this great
.. And, the pupils took no time to think, and gave no reply. And so, the Gun
had time to think.. But, this time, while in thought, the Gun was interrupted
by one student in particular. And, the student announced to the Gun,
“Only a student knows.. That the work of a student is to enable the work of a
teacher.. and, to lead the best example in lieu of the lessor example. And
so, the student must be taught how not to smoke, ever before learning to
.. And so, the Gun took a minute to think.. Then, the Gun said,
“Of course!”
Then, the student was applauded and pronounced by the Gun. And so, the
student used the work of the Gun on himself, and preyed as the Gun did when
it worked, also on himself, and entrusted that the Gun didn’t make smoke
afterwards it worked.
The End.

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