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IIMU MBA 2021-23

Problems for Lab No.3

1. This is a self-development activity and provides an opportunity to you to practice spreadsheet

concepts in a group. You are free to discuss among yourselves.

2. Individual submission on Moodle is compulsory at the end of the lab. You will incur a penalty if you
do not submit your work.

3. If you cannot complete all problems, submit whatever work you could complete in the lab. There is
no penalty for not being able to complete some problems.

4. You are welcome to continue working on these and similar problems even after the lab is over, for
your own benefit. However, there is no provision for you to submit such work.


1) In the Multiplex Movies problem, create the macro again for extracting movies based on the
formula-based criteria range, by changing the desired time windows.
2) Refer to the Timestamps data. The timestamps of initial query (QueryDate), invoice generation
(InvoiceDate), and delivery (DeliveryDate) are given for a specific product, along with the
customer ID and value of the transaction in Rs 000. Create new columns and identify the year,
month, day components of the query date, invoice date, delivery date. Use the YEAR, MONTH,
DAY functions for this.
3) Identify the week number of invoice generation for each transaction in a separate column. Use
the WEEKNUM function, it is similar to the WEEKDAY function discussed in the class. Refer to
the SSM note or do a web search to get more details of WEEKNUM function.
4) Identify the day of the week of invoice generation for each transaction in a separate column.
5) Consider the invoice date. The invoice for the highest transaction value was generated in which
month? Identify the customer who generated this invoice using: INDEX/MATCH combination,
pivot table, and DMAX function. Use Max of TransactionValue as value field in the pivot table.
6) Consider each customer and week of invoice date. Which customer had the highest overall value
of transactions? Which week in the year had the highest value of total transactions across all
customers? Use both rows and columns in pivot table for this.
7) The company wants to assess the conversion times from initial query to invoice to delivery. The
criteria are to find the number of transactions that have a difference of > 100 days between the
query and invoice, and a difference of > 40 days between invoice and delivery. How many such
transactions are there? Use DCOUNT function for this and verify your answer using conditional

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