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Annexure ‘A’

Allotment of Residences (Defence Pool Accommodation for Civilians in

Defence Services) Rules 1978
(incl Important Govt Decisions)

S.R.O. 308 -In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the
Constitution, the President hereby makes the following rules to regulate the allotment of
residences to the civilians in Defence Services, in respect of residences specifically
constructed for them, namely:-

1. Short title, application and commencement- (1) These rules may be called the
Allotment of Residences (Defence Pool Accommodation for Civilians in Defence Services)
Rules 1978.

(2) They shall apply to all civilians paid from Defence Services Estimates, other than
Military Engineering Services key personnel and those entitled to rent free
accommodation, serving with the Army/Navy/Air Force establishments in the matter
of allotment of residences specifically constructed for civilian employees in Defence

(3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. Definitions:- in these rules, unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a) "Allotment" means the grant of licence to occupy a residence in accordance with
the provisions of these rules;
(b) "Allotment year" means the year beginning on the 1st January or such other period
as may be notified by the Allotting Authority;
(c) "Allotting Authority" means the Station Commander or the Admin Comdt or the
Station Staff Officer of the particular Service - Army, Navy or Air Force in a station
in which these rules apply;
(d) "Eligible Office" means any unit or establishment of the respective service Army,
Navy or Air Force in a station in which these rules apply;
(e) "Emoluments" means the emoluments as defined in Fundamental Rule 45-C
including the city compensatory allowance and dearness pay in terms of the Ministry
of Defence O.M. No 4(1)/69/09 civ-I dated the 13th February 1969;

Explanation:- In the case of an officer who is under suspension the emoluments

drawn by him on the first day of the allotment year in which he is placed under
suspension, or if he is placed under suspension of the first day of the allotment year,
the emoluments drawn by him immediately before that date shall be taken as

(f) "Family" means the wife or husband as the case may be, and children, step-
children, legally adopted children parents, brothers or sisters as ordinarily reside with
and dependent on the officers;
(g) "Government' means the Central Government;
(h) "Licence Fee" means the sum of money payable monthly in respect of a residence

allotted under these rules;

Note: - Officers drawing emoluments less than Rs 300 per month in the revised scales under
Civilian in Defence Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973 will pay at the rate of 7-1/2
per cent thereof and those drawing emoluments of Rs 300 and above per month shall
pay at the rate of 10 per cent thereof or the assessed rent under Para 9 of the
Quartering Regulations, whichever is less, provided the amount after deduction of
licence fee in the latter case shall not be less than Rs 276.60 p.m. In case of retention
of a residence beyond permissible period, licence fee will be assessed at damage
rate 1 ;


Licence fee recoverable from officers owning houses at/near stations of their

(1) An officer owning a house either in his own name or in the name of any
member of his family at the place of his duty or in the adjoining Municipality
shall be eligible for allotment of Govt residence on payment of licence fee for
the Govt accommodation allotted to him at such rate as may be determined from
time to time by the government.
(2) When after a Government residence has been allotted to an officer, he or
any member of his family become owner of a house at the place of his duty or in
an adjoining municipality such officer shall notify the fact to the Director of
Estates within a period of one month from the date of the house is let out or
occupied, or the date of the completion, whichever is earlier.
(Auth: SR 317-B-3)

Rates of recovery of licence fee for allottees owning houses at the stations of

Slab or rent from the owned house Rate of licence fee

to be charged.
(i) If the income from own house does not Normal Licence fee
exceed Rs.12,000/- p.m.
(ii) If the income from own house exceeds Twice the normal
Rs.12,000/- p.m. but does not exceed licence fee
Rs.20,000/- p.m.
(iii) If the income exceed Rs.20,000/-p.m. Thrice the normal
licence fee

These orders are effective from 1st August, 2003.

(G.I. DE OM 12035/11/99-Pol.II dated 24.7.2003)

Flat rate of licenec fee for residential accn all over the country to be charged as per F.R. 45-!-IV (c) (ii). ( G.I.
D.E. O.M. No. 12035/1/85-Pol. III, dt 08 Feb 1990.)

(i) "Priority date" of an officer in relation to a type of residence to which he is

eligible- means the earliest date from which he has been continuously drawing
emoluments relevant to a particular type or a higher type in a post under the Central
Government or Union Territory including the period of foreign service except for
periods of leave;

Provided that in respect of a type B, type C, or type D 2 residence, the date from
which officer has been continuously in service under the Central Government
including the periods of foreign service shall be his priority date for that type;

Provided further that where the priority date of two or more officers is the same,
Seniority among them shall be determined by the amount of emoluments, the officer
in receipt of higher emoluments taking precedence over the officer in receipt of lower
emoluments and where the emoluments are equal, by the length of service but where
the date of joining service is the same, by their age or dates of birth.


Counting of past service for determination of date of priority

(1) The past service shall be counted for purposes of priority date for allotment of
accommodation from the general pool if they have been given any benefit of the
past service for any one of the purposes of confirmation, quasi-permanency or
pension. (D.O. O.M. No.12027 (2)/78-Pol.II dated 19-9-1972 as amended vide
G.I. D.E.O.M. No.12027 (1)/83-Pol-II dated 8-1-1992)
(j) "Residence" means any residence for the time under the administrative control of
the allotting authority to which these rules apply;
(k) "Station" means the area under the jurisdiction of a Station Commander of the
respective Service. Army, Navy of Air Force as the case may be;

(l) "subletting" includes sharing of accommodation by an allottee with another person

with or without payment of rent by such other person;

provided that sharing of accommodation by relative or friends upto a period of 30

days shall not be deemed as subletting;

Explanation-Any sharing of accommodation by an allottee with close relations or

Central Government employees shall not be deemed to be subletting in case prior
intimation to this effect is given by the officer to the allotting authority;

(m) "Temporary Transfer" means the transfer which involves an absence for a period
not exceeding three month;

(n) "Transfer" means a transfer from one station to another station or from an eligible
office to an. ineligible office in the same station and includes a transfer or reversion to
service under a State Government or Union Territory Administration and also
deputation to a post in an ineligible office or organisation;

Now Type II, III and Type IV respectively

(o) "Type" in relation to an officer means the type of residence to which he is eligible.

3. Allotment to husband and wife - eligibility in case of officers who are married to each
(1) No officer shall be allotted a residence under these rules if the wife or the
husband, as the case may be, of the officer has already been allotted a residence,
unless such residence is surrendered.
Provided that this sub-rule shall not apply where the husband and wife:-
(a) are posted in different stations;
(b) are residing separately in pursuance of an order of judicial separation made by
any court.

(2) Where two officers in occupation of separate residences allotted under these rules
in the same military station marry each other, they shall, with in one month of the
marriage surrender one of the residence.

(3) If residence is not surrendered as required by sub rule (2), the allotment of the
residence of the lower type shall be deemed to have been cancelled on the expiry of
the period specified in sub-rule (2) and if the residences are of the same type, ' the
allotment of such one of them, as the allotting authority may decide shall be deemed
to have been cancelled on the expiry of such period.

(4) Where both the husband and the wife are employed in eligible offices, under the
Central Government, the title of them to allotment of a residence under these rules
shall be considered independently. '

4. Classification of residences - [Save as otherwise provided by these rules, an officer shall

be eligible for allotment of residence of the type shown in column (1) of the Table below:-

Type of Residences Grade Pay/Basic Pay

(1) (2)

I Rs 1,300, Rs 1,400 Rs 1,600 Rs 1,650 and Rs 1,800

II Rs 1,900 Rs 2,000, Rs 400 and Rs 2,800

III Rs 4,200, Rs 4,600 and Rs 4,800

IV Rs 5400 to Rs 6,600

IV (Spl) Rs 6,600

V-A(D-II) Rs 7,600 and 8,000

V-B(D-I) Rs 8,700 and Rs 8,900


VI-A(C-II) Rs 10,000

VI-B(C-I) Rs 67,000 to Rs 74,999

VII Rs, 75,000 to Rs 79,99

VIII Rs 80,000 and above

(2) Save as otherwise provided by these rules, as officer shall be eligible for allotment of
type of hostel accommodation as shown in column (I) of the Table below:-

Type of Hostel Category of Officer or his Grade Pay as on such date as may
be specified by the Central government for the purpose

(1) (2)

Single Suite (With Kitchen) Rs 4,200 and above

Single Suit (with Kitchen) Rs 4,200 and above

Double Suite Rs 5,400 and above

Working Girl Hostel All lady Officers without limit of emolument shall be eligible

Explanation: For the removal of doubt it is, hereby, clarified that:-

(a) the eligibility of an officer for government accommodation shall be

determined as per the Grade Pay of such officer in his present post held in the
government of India.

(b) the date of priority in respect of lower type accommodation i.e Type I to Type
IV shall be the date of joining in the service of the government of India.

(c) the inter-se seniority for the higher type accommodation shall be considered
on the basis of following principles, namely:-

(i) firstly the Grade Pay of the officer;

(ii) secondly the priority date within the same Grade-Pay. In this case the
priority date shall be the date from which the applicant continuously drawing
his existing Grade Pay.

(iii) where the priority date of two or more officers is the same, the inter-se
seniority of the officers shall be determined on the basis of the basic pay i.e.
the officers who have a higher pay shall be senior in the waiting list.

(iv) where the priority date and the basic pay of two more officers are the
same, the earlier date of joining in the service of the Government of India shall
be the next determining principle of inter-se seniority.

(v) where the priority date, basic pay and date of joining in the service of
the Government of India of two or more officers are the same, the officer
retiring earlier may be accorded higher priority over the officer retiring later.

(d) the principle of determining the inter-se seniority of two or more officers as
specified in sub-clause (ii) of clause (c) shall be implemented from the 1st January,

(e) where Type-V and Type VI accommodation has not been classified as Type
V-A and Type V-B and Type-VI-A and Type-VI-B respectively, all the officers
eligible for Type V shall be grouped together and similarly those eligible for Type-VI
shall also be grouped together.

(f) in the case of Secretary to the Government of India and Additional Secretary
to the Government of India, the date of joining in the Government of India at Delhi
shall determine their inter-se seniority subject to condition that no juniors batch
officer of the same service shall get priority over his senior batch officer, where the
date of joining is the same, the date of retirement shall determine their inter-se
seniority on the principle that the earlier date shall be given priority over the later
date. Other than All India Services (AIS), the date of joining the Government of
India, irrespective of the place of posting and service / batch seniority, shall
determine the inter-se seniority.] 3

5. Application for allotment-

(l) All officers posted at a station where accommodation has been built specifically
for civilians in Defence Services, who are eligible for the allotment of such
accommodation, shall apply for allotment;

Provided that the Allotment Authority may by a general order exempt such
officers or categories thereof as unlikely to be allotted accommodation during
an allotment year from applying for such accommodation.

(2) An officer joining duty at the station of first appointment or on transfer may
submit his application to the Allotting Authority within a month of his joining duty.
(3) Applications received under sub-rule (2) on or before the 20th day of a calendar

Revised entitlement table and notes notified by Government of India, Ministry of Defence vide
Letter No. 42933/Policy (Qtr)/3074/D(Q&C) dated 30th July 2009” and vide Government of India,
Ministry of Urban Development, gazette notification No GSR12, DE memo No 12035/1/98-Policy-II
dated 21 Aug 2009 published in gazette of India Part II, Sec. 8, Sub Sec (i) 128 dated 29.8.09 )

month 4 shall alone be considered for allotment in the succeeding month.

(4) An officer entitled to residence of type E 5 shall also be eligible for allotment of
residence of type D 6 :
Provided that such allotment shall not be made where interests of officers entitled to
type D6 of residences are adversely affected or where residence of type E5 does not
fall vacant as a result of such allotment.
(5) Officer who desire to be considered for allotment under sub-rule (4) shall submit
their applications for allotment in duplicate, failing which they shall be considered for
allotment of residence of the type to which they are entitled.

Note: Applicant need not submit separate application for allotment of

next below type accommodation and that he may make his intentions in
the application for allotment of regular accommodation whether allotment
of lower type accommodation is acceptable or not.

6. Allotment of residences and offers:-

(1) Save as otherwise provided in these rules, a residence on falling vacant, will be
allotted by the Allotting Authority preferably to an applicant desiring a change of
accommodation in that type and if not required for that purpose, to an applicant with
out accommodation in that type having the earliest priority date for that type of
residence subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The Allotting Authority shall not allot a residence of a type higher than that to
what the applicant is eligible.

(ii) The Allotting Authority shall not compel any applicant to accept a residence
of lower type then to what he is eligible.

(iii) The Allotting Authority on request from applicant entitled to a residence of

type E, for allotment of a type D residence, might allot to him a residence of type
D for which the applicant is eligible on the basis of his priority date for the same.

(2) The Allotting Authority may cancel the existing allotment of an officer and allot
to him an alternative residence of the same type or in emergent circumstances an
alternative residence of the type next below the type of residence in occupation of the
officer if the residence in occupation of the officer is required to be vacated.

(3) A vacant residence may, in addition to allotment to an officer under sub-rule (1)
above, be offered simultaneously to other eligible officers in order to their priority


Changed to “last day of a calendar month” vide G.I., M.U.D & P.A., D.E., notification No. A-12035/7/2001-
Pol. II, dated the 21st June 2001, and published as GSR 346 in the Gazette of India, dated the 23rd June, 2001.
Now Type V
Now Type IV

7. Non-acceptance of allotment or offer or failure to occupy the allotted residence after


(1) If any officer fails to accept the allotment of a residence within five days 7 or fails
to take possession of that residence after acceptance within eight days from the date
of receipt of the letter of allotment he shall not be eligible for another allotment for a
period of one year from the date of the allotment letter.
(2) If an officer occupying a lower type residence is allotted or offered a residence of
the type for which he is eligible under rule 4 or for which he has applied under clause
(iii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 6 he may, on refusal of the said allotment or offer of
allotment, be permitted to continue in the previously allotted residence on the
following condition, namely:
(a) that such an officer shall not be eligible for another allotment for a period of
six months from the date of the allotment letter for the higher class
(b) while retaining the existing residence he shall be charged the same licence fee
which he would have had to pay in respect of the residence so allotted or offered
or the licence fee payable in respect of the residence already in his occupation,
Which ever is higher.


Deferment of allotment of residential accommodation

(1) Deferment of allotment of residential accommodation can be sought for a

period of not less than three months and for a maximum period of six months
(G.I., M.U. DE OM No.12035/7/2000-Pol.II dated 28.3.2000)

(2) As per existing instructions deferment of allotment of residential

accommodation can be sought for a period of not less than three months and for a
maximum period of six months. It has now been decided that request for
deferment after offer of allotment may not be treated as refusal to accept the
allotment and the applicant may not be debarred from allotment. Such cases may
be reconsidered for allotment on receipt of request after the deferment period is
over. (G.I., DE OM No.34/27/70-CDN, dated the 23rd January, 1971)

8. Period for which allotment subsists and the concessional period for further

(1) An allotment shall be effective from the date of which it is accepted by the officer
and shall continue in force until: -

(a) The expiry of-the concessional period permissible under sub-rule (2) after the

It has been decided as working arrangement that response to an allotment should be awaited for 8 days from the
date of issue of the allotment letter and the residence concerned should be allotted further in the waiting list
immediately thereafter. (GoI, M.U. DE OM No. 12035/16/2005-Pol.II dated 2.9.2005)

officer cease to be on duty in an eligible office at that station;

(b) It is cancelled by the Allotting Authority or is deemed to have been cancelled
under and provision in these rules;
(c) It is surrendered by the officer; or
(d) The officer ceases to occupy the residence.

(2) A residence allotted to an officer any subject to sub rule (3) be retained on the
happening of any of the events specified in column (1) of the Table below for the
period specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) there of, provided that the
residence is required for the bona-file use of the officer of members of his family:


Events Permissible period for retention of residence

(1) (2)

(i) Resignation, dismissal or removal 1 month

from Service, termination of service or
unauthorised absence without

(ii) Retirement or terminal leave 2 months on normal licence fee and another 2 months on
double the normal licence fee 9

(iii) Death of the allottee 12 months

(iv) Transfer to another military station 2 months

(v) Transfer to an ineligible office at the 2 months

same station

(vi) On proceeding on foreign service in 2 months


(vii) Temporary transfer in India or transfer 4 months

to a place outside India

(viii) Leave (other than leave preparatory to For the period of leave but not exceeding four months. For
retirement, refused leave, terminal the period of maternity leave plus leave granted in
leave medical leave, maternity leave or continuation subject to a maximum of five months
study leave )

(ix) Leave preparatory to retirement or For the full period of leave on full average pay subject to a
refused leave granted under FR 86 or maximum 180 days in the case of leave preparatory to
Earned leave granted to Govt. servant retirement and four months in other cases, inclusive of the
who retired under FR 56(j) period permissible in the case of retirement.

Table inserted from F.R. S. R. 317-B-11 as amended upto date.
Also see Rule ‘18’- Overstayal in residence after cancellation of Allotment & G.I. decisions.

Events Permissible period for retention of residence

(1) (2)

(x) Study leave in or outside India a. In case the officer in occupation of accommodation below
his entitlement, for the entire period of study leave
b. In case the officer is in occupation of his entitled type
accommodation for the period of study leave but not
exceeding six months provided that where the study leave
extends beyond six months he may be allotted alternative
accommodation, one type below his entitlement on the
expiry of six months or from the date of commencement of
the study leave if he so desires.

(xi) Deputation outside India For the period of deputation but not exceeding six months

(xii) Leave on medical grounds Full period of leave

(xiii) On proceeding on training For full period of training

(xiv) Transfer during the middle the Upto six months beyond the permissible period of 2 months
academic year of their children. or till the end of the School or college academic year 10 of
their children, which ever is earlier, on payment of double
the [normal Licence fee] 11 .

Explanation-1. Where an officer on transfer or foreign service in India is sanctioned leave

and avails of it before joining duty at the new office, he may be permitted to retain the
residence for the period mentioned against item (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) or for the period of
leave, whichever is more.
Explanation- 2. Where an order of transfer or foreign service in India is issued to an officer
while he is already on leave, the period permissible under explanation-l shall count from the
date of issue of such order.
(3) Where a residence is retained under sub-rule (2), the allotment shall be deemed to
be cancelled on the expiry of the admissible concessional periods unless immediately
on the expiry thereof the officer resumes duty in an eligible office at the same station.
(4) Where an officer is on medical leave without pay and allowances, he may retain
his residence by virtue of the concession under item (xii) of the Table below sub-rule
(2), provided he remits the licence fee for such residence in cash every month and
where he fails to remit such licence fee for more than two months, the allotment shall
stand cancelled.
(5) An officer who has retained the residence by virtue of the concession under item
(i) or item (ii) of the table below sub-rule (2) shall, on reemployment in an eligible
office within the period specific in the said Table, be entitled to retain that residence
Academic session in respect of wards/children studying in class XII would extend up to 31 Jul as a special case.
(Ministry of Defence (Fin/Works-III) letter No 332/F/W-III/03 dated 17 Jun 2003).

11 Authority : Ministry of Defence letter No B/12589/Q3(B-1) 1215/ D(Q&C) dated 31 Mar 1999.

and he shall also be eligible for any further allotment of residence under these rules
Provided that if the emoluments of the officer on such re-employment do not entitle
him to the type of residence occupied by him shall be allotted a lower type of
(6) Not withstanding anything contained in sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3) or sub-rule (5),
when an officer is dismissed or removed from service or when his services have
terminated and the Head of the Establishment/Unit in which such officer was
employed immediately before such dismissal, removal or termination is satisfied that
it is necessary or expedient in the public interest to do so he may require the Allotting
Authority to cancel the allotment of the residence made to such officer either
forthwith or with effect from such date prior to the expiry of the period of one month
referred to in item (i) of the Table below sub-rule (2) as he may specify and the
Allotting Authority shall act accordingly.

9. Provisions relating to licence fee:-

(1) Where an allotment of accommodation or alternative accommodation has been

accepted, the liability for licence fee shall commence from the date of occupation or
the eighth day from the date of receipt of the allotment, whichever is earlier.
(2) An officer who, after acceptance, fails to take possession of that accommodation
with in eight days from the date of receipt of the allotment letter shall be charged
licence fee from such date upto a period of one month or upto the date of re-allotment
of that particular accommodation, whichever is earlier.
(3) Where an officer, who is in occupation, of a residence, is allotted another
residence and he occupies the new residence, the allotment of the former residence
shall be deemed to be cancelled from the date of occupation of the new residence. He
may, however, retain the former residence without payment of licence fee for that day
and the subsequent day for shifting.

10. Personal liability of the officer for payment of licence fee till the residence is vacated
and furnishing of surety by temporary officers:-

(1) The officer to whom a residence has been allotted shall be personally liable for the
licence fee thereof and for any damage beyond fair wear and tear caused thereto or to
the furniture, fixtures or fittings or services provided therein by Government during
the period for which the residence has been and remains allotted to him, or where the
allotment has been cancelled under any of the provisions in these rules until the
residence along with the out-houses appurtenant thereto, if any, have been vacated
and full recant possession thereof has been restored to Government.
(2) Where the officer to whom a residence has been allotted is neither a permanent
nor a quasi-permanent Government servant he shall execute a security this rule in his
licence by bond in the form prescribed in the Government with a surety who shall be
a permanent Government servant serving under the Government for due payment of
licence fee and other charges due from him in respect of such residence and services
and any other residence provided in lieu.
(3) If the surety ceases to be in Government service or becomes insolvent or with
draws his guarantee or ceases to be available for any other reason, the officer shall
furnish a fresh bond executed by another surety within thirty days from the date of his
acquiring knowledge of such event or fact; and if he fails to do so, the allotment of

the residence to him shall, unless otherwise decided by the Allotting Authority be
deemed to have been cancelled with effect from the date of that event.

11. Surrender of an allotment and period of notice: -

(1) An officer may at any time surrender an allotment by giving intimation so as to

reach the Allotting Authority at least ten days before the date of vacation of the
residence. The allotment of the residence shall be deemed to lie cancelled with effect
from the eleventh day after the day on which the letter is received by the Allotting
Authority or the date specified in the letter, whichever is later. If he fails to give due
notice he shall be responsible for payment of Licence fee for ten days or number of
days by which the notice given by him falls short of ten days, provided that the
Allotting Authority may accept a notice for a short period.
(2) An officer who surrenders the residence under sub-rule (1) shall not be considered
again for allotment of Government accommodation at the same station for a period of
one year from the date of such surrender.

12. Change of residence:-

(1) An officer to whom a residence has been allotted under these rules may apply for
a change to another residence of the same type or a residence of the type to which he
is eligible under rule 4, whichever is lower, not earlier than a period of 6 months from
the initial date of occupation of accommodation. Not more than one change shall be
allowed in respect of one type of residence allotted to the officer.
(2) All applications for change made in the form prescribed by the Allotting
Authority and received upto the 19th day of a calendar month 12 shall be included in
the waiting list in the succeeding month. For purposes of this rule the officer whose
names are included in the waiting list in an earlier month shall be senior en-bloc to
those whose names are included in the list in subsequent months. The inter se
seniority of the officers included in the list in any particular month shall be
determined in the order of their priority dates.


Inter se seniority on fresh application for change of accommodation-

If an officer submits a fresh application for change canceling his previous
application already registered in the Directorate of Estates, his request may be
accepted but his seniority may be counted from the date of his fresh application.
(GoI, M.U. DE. Memo No.12035/16/2005-Pol.II dated 6.9.2005)

(3) Changes shall be offered in order of seniority determined in accordance with

sub-rule (2) and having regard to the officer preferences as far as possible.
(4) If an officer fails to accept a change of residence offered to him within five days
of the issue of such offer or allotment, he shall be not be considered again for a
change of residence of that type.
(5) An officer who, after accepting a change of residence fail possession of the same
Changed to “last day of a calendar month” vide G.I., M.U.D & P.A., D.E. , notification No. A-12035/7/2001-
Pol. II, dated the 21st June 2001, and published as GSR 346 in the Gazette of India, dated the 23rd June, 2001.

be charged licence fee for such residence at market rate as chargeable from un-
authorised occupants in addition to the normal licence fee that is assessed rent for the
residence already in his possession, the allotment of which shall continue to subsist,
or 10 per cent of pay in the case of officer drawing Rs.300 per month and above or 7-
1/2 per cent of pay in the case of officers drawing less than Rs.300 per month, as the
case may be, whichever is less.

13. Change of residence in the event of death of a member of the family:-

Notwithstanding anything contained in rule 12, an officer may be allowed a change of
residence on the death of any member of his family if he applies for a change within three
months of such occurrence, provided that the change will be given in the same type of
residence and on the same floor as the residence already allotted to the officer.

14. Mutual exchange of residences:- Officers to whom residence of the same type have
been allotted under these rules may apply for permission to mutually exchange their
residences. Permission for mutual exchanges may be granted if both the officers are
reasonably expected to be on duty at the same station and reside in their mutual exchange
residences for at least six months from the date of approval of such exchanges.

15. Maintenance of residence:- The officer to whom a residence has been allotted shall
maintain the residence and premises in a clean condition to the satisfaction of the Military
Engineer Services and the Cantonment Board or any other civic body, as the case may be.
Such officer shall not grow any tree, shrubs or plants contrary to the instructions issued by
the said authorities. Nor cut or lop off any tree or shrub in any garden, courtyard or
compound attached to the residence save with the prior permission in writing of the
authorities aforesaid. Trees, plantation or vegetation, grown in contravention of this rule may
be caused to be removed by the Allotting Authority at the risk and cost of the officer
concerned. For keeping cattle, dogs and poultry in the premises of the Government
accommodation, the officer should take prior sanction of the Allotting Authority and of the
local civic body.

16. Subletting and sharing of residences:-

(1) No officer shall share the residence allotted to him or any of the out-houses,
garages and stables appurtenant thereto except with the employees of the Government
eligible for al10tment of residences. The servants quarters, outhouses, garages and
stables may be used only for the bona-fide purposes including residence of the
servants of the al10ttee or for such other purposes as may be permitted by the
allotting Authority.
(2) No officer shall sublet the whole of his residence;
Provided that an officer proceeding on leave may accommodate in his residence any
other officer eligible to share accommodation under sub rule (1) above as a caretaker
for the period of leave but not exceeding six months.
(3) Any officer who shares or sublets his residence shall do so at his own risk and
responsibility and shall remain personally responsible for any licence fee payable in
respect of its precincts or grounds or services provided therein by government Board
fair wear and tear.

17. Consequences of breach of rules and conditions:-

(1) If an officer to whom a residence has been allotted unauthorisedly sublets the
residence or charges rent from the sharer at a rate which the Allotting Authority
considers excessive or erects any unauthorised structure in any part of the residence
or uses the residence or any portion thereof for any purpose other than that for which
it is meant or tempers with the electric or water connection or commits any other
breach of these rules or of the terms and conditions of the allotment or uses the
residence or premises to be used for any purpose which the Allotting the Authority
considers to the improper or conducts himself in a manner which in this opinion is
prejudicial to the maintenance of the harmonious relations with the neighbours or has
knowingly furnished incorrect information in any application or written statement
with a view to securing the allotment, the allotting Authority may, without prejudice
to any other disciplinary action that may be taken against him, cancel the allotment of
the residence.
Explanation: In this sub-rule the expression "officer" includes, unless the
context otherwise requires, a member of his family and any person claiming
through the officer.

(2) If any officer sublets a residence allotted to him or any portion thereof or any
of the out-houses, garages or stables, appurtenant thereto, in contravention of these
rules, he may, without prejudice to any other action that may be taken against him, be
charged enhanced licence fee not exceeding four times the standard licence fee. The
quantum of licence fee to be recovered and the period for which the same may he
recovered in each case shall be decided by the Allotting Authority on merits, In
addition, the officer may be debarred from sharing the residence for a specified period
in future as may be decided by the Allotting Authority.
(3) Where action to cancel the allotment is taken on account of unauthorised
subletting of the premises by the allottee, a period of sixty days shall be allowed to the
allottees and any other person residing with him therein to vacate the premises. The
allotment shall be cancelled with effect from the date of vacation of the premises or
expiry of the period of sixty days from the date of the orders for the cancellation of
the allotment, whichever is earlier.
(4) Where the allotment of a residence is cancelled for conduct prejudicial to the
maintenance of harmonious relations with neighbours, the officer at the discretion of
the Allotting Authority may be allotted another residence in the same class at any
other place.
(5) The Allotting Authority shall be competent to take all or any of the actions
under sub-rule (I) to (4) of this rule and also to declare the officer, who commits a
breach of the rules and instructions issued to him, to be ineligible for allotment of
residential accommodation for period not exceeding three years.

18. Overstayal in residence after cancellation of Allotment:- Where, after an allotment has
been cancelled or is deemed to be cancelled under any provision contained in these rules, the
residence remains or has remained in occupation of the officer to whom it was allotted or of
any person claiming through him, such officer shall be liable to pay damages for use and
occupation of the residence, services, furniture and garden charges, equal to the market
licence fee as may be determined by Government from time to time. In addition, the allottee
shall be liable to eviction under the public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupant Act,

1971 (40 of 1971)).


(1) Provided that an officer, in special cases, except in case of death, may be
allowed by Allotting Authority to retain a residence for a period not exceeding
6 months beyond the period permitted under Clause 8(2), on payment of twice
the flat rate of licence fee or twice the licence fee he was paying, whichever is

(2) Provided further that in the event of retirement or terminal leave, the
allottee shall be eligible to retain the government accommodation for a
further period of two months on payment of four times of the normal licence
fee and subsequent two months on payment of six times of the normal licence
fee for special reasons involving medical/educational grounds, subject to
appropriate certification by the authorities concerned;

(3) Provided further that in the event of death of the allottee, his/her family
shall be eligible to retain the Government accommodation for a further period
of one year on payment of normal licence fee. The extended period of
retention shall not be allowed in cases where the deceased officer or his/her
dependents owns a house at the place of posting.
(Auth: SR 317-B-22)

(4) Retention of accommodation under SR-317-B-22 on medical/educational

grounds to retired Govt. servants/families of deceased Govt. servant, etc.
should be granted, if necessary in two spells of three months each provided
the medical certificate are valid for three months or more. Further, each such
request for retention of accommodation beyond the period permissible under
the rules is to be accompanied with advance payment through Bank Drafts.
(G.I. DE OM No.3/3/76-RCS dated 23.6.1977)

19. Continuance of allotments made prior to the issue of these rules:- Any valid allotment
of the residence which is allotted immediately before the commencement of these rules under
the rules then in force shall be deemed to be an allotment duly made under these rules, not
withstanding that the officer to whom it has been allotted is not entitled to a residence of that
type, under rule ‘4’ and all the preceding provisions of these rules shall apply in relation to
that allotment and that officer accordingly.

20. Allotment to certain relations in certain cases:-

[(i) when a Government servant who has been allotted Government accommodation
retires from service or dies while in service, his son, daughter, wife, husband or father
be allotted Government accommodation on ad-hoc basis provided that the said
relation is a Government servant eligible for Government accommodation and had
been sharing accommodation with the retiring or deceased officer for at least six
months before the date of retirement or death.] 13

Sub Clause (i) substituted vide S.R.O 368 of 1979: Allotment of Residences (Defence Accommodation for
civilians in Defence Services (Amendment) Rules, 1979

(ii) The same residence may be regularized in the name of the relation if he or she is
eligible for a residence of that type or a higher type. In other cases the said relation
may be allotted a residence of his or her entitled type if available at the time or failing
that a type next below, if acceptable to the allottee.

(iii) Where the accommodation has not been specifically built for Defence civilians,
the allotment of accommodation to the son or daughter or wife or husband or father
of the deceased Government servant shall be subject to the condition that it is surplus
to the requirement of entitled Service personnel.

[(iv) The eligible dependent will be allotted accommodation one type below his/her
(1) Provided that in no case, except where other wise specified, allotment shall
be made of a higher type of quarter than in occupation of deceased officer.
(2) Provided further that where the eligible officer is entitled to type II or any
higher type accommodation, he/she will be allotted accommodation in the type
II on ad-hoc basis even if the deceased Government servant was occupying
type I accommodation.
(3) The clearance of all outstanding dues in respect of the quarter in
occupation of the deceased shall be an essential condition for the consideration
of allotment to his department.
(4) A request for ad-hoc allotment to the dependent of the deceased civilian
Government servant can be considered in case he/she gets employment in an
office eligible for Government accommodation provided that such
appointment is secured within a period of 12 months after the demise of the
officer and that the accommodation in his occupation has not been vacated.
Eviction, however, shall not be delayed on consideration that the dependent is
likely to get the appointment.] 14

21. Interpretation of rules:- If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules it
shall be decided by the Government.

22. Relaxation of Rules:- The Government may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, relax
all or any of the provisions of these rules in the case of any officer or residence or class of
officers or type of residence.

23. Delegations of powers or functions:- The Government may, delegate any or all the
powers conferred upon it by these rules to any officer under its control, subject to such
conditions as it may deem fit to impose.

14 Sub Clauses inserted vide S.R.O 368 of 1979 (Allotment of Residences (Defence Accommodation for civilians
in Defence Services) (Amendment) Rules, 1979

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