Unit 11: National Parks: A. READING (Textbook pp.112-114)

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Unit 11: National Parks

A. READING (textbook pp.112-114)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
(1) a country 27 national(a) /ˈ næʃnəl/; nationally(adv) /ˈnæʃnəli/
29 _nation_ (n) Germans celebrated yesterday in Berlin, the _nation’s capital. nationality(n) /ˌ næʃəˈ næləti/: quốc tịch

neɪʃn/ (2) = population; all the people in a country Examples: 1. National and international news
The entire _nation_ , it seemed, was watching TV. 2. He takes/has/holds French nationality.
11 _various_ (a): having several different types of 1 thing
_variety_ (n) + _of_ sth: (1) = diversity [U] several different sorts of
= differ (v); to be different from each other the same thing; (2) [C] a type of a thing
2 1 vary(v) /ˈ
The heights of the plants vary from 8 cm to 20 cm. Examples: 1. The jacket is available in _various_ colors.
2. The lake has more than 20 _varieties _ of fish.
3. The guests were surprised by the variety of _snacks_ at the party.
(1) to continue to live/exist (despite a dangerous event or time) 28 survivor (n) (person) ~ + of sth
22 survive (v) Her 5-year-old son miraculously survived (from) the crash. survival (n): (the state)
vaɪv/ (2) to live or exist longer than somebody/something Examples: 1. There were no survivors of the plane crash.
She survived her husband by ten years. 2. Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.
(n) a child whose parents are dead
orphanage_ (n): the place where orphan children live and are taken
17 orphan_ (v) The war has left thousands of children as orphans_ .
4 care of

ɔːrfn/ (v) (oft used in passive) to make a child an orphan
He was raised in_ an _orphanage_ .
She was orphaned_ in the war.
10 wildness (n) the quality of being in a natural state
wilderness (1) (n) an area of land that is still in its natural state
16 wild (a) living in a natural state, not changed or controlled by people wildlife (n) wild creatures (animals, plants, etc.)
/waɪld/ Our pets’ ancestors used to be wild animals. Examples: 1. The factory can harm the nearby wildlife .
2. The Antarctic is the world's last great wilderness.
3. Don’t be around angry dogs. Their wildness can harm you.
9 Contamination (n) the process of making sth dirty
≠ Decontamination (n): the process of making sth clean again
18 contaminate (v) to make sth or somewhere dirty increase >< decrease, accelerate >< decelerate, hydrate >< dehydrate
tæmɪneɪt/ The drinking water has become contaminated with lead. Contaminant (n) [C] a substance that makes sth dirty
Examples: 1. Filters can remove contaminants from water.
2. The pollution could cause serious contamination of land.
34 threat (n) {sự đe doạ} 33 threaten__ (v) (Jungles are now threatened with destruction. /
7 Your threats don’t scare me. The burglar _threatened to shoot (shoot) the banker.)
/ θret/
Pollution poses a threat to the wildlife. threatening_ (a) (His voice sounds _threatening_ .)
7 recognise 19 recognizable (a) ≠ unrecognizable (a)
recognize (v) to d08know sb/sth because you’ve seen, heard or experienced them before (1) recognition (n) (the act) wrong: recognization

rekə(n)ɡnaɪz/ He instantly _recognised_ her from the picture by her smile. Examples: 1. Her smile was instantly recognized
recognized /d/ 08 2. The police walked pass the thief without recognition.

VOCABULARY TASK. MULTIPLE MATCHING: Match the words in column A with their correct descriptions in column B.
A 35 B A 21 B
1. contain (v) A. to leave sb/sth without
•E • 2. establish (v) •H • B. relating to the hottest parts of the earth
(n) container 15 returning
4. subtropical
3. abandon (v) •A • C. containing poison cận nhiệt đới •D • D. relating to the area that near tropical area
5. chemical (n) [C] •G • E. to have sth inside 6. tropical (a) •B • F. relating to the area that is not too hot or cold
7. toxic (a)
(n)toxin chất độc H. = found (v) = (phr.v) set up ; to start a
(n) toxicity •C • G. a substance used in chemistry 8. temperate (a) •F • company or org
(n) intoxicant

B. SPEAKING (textbook p.114-115)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
15 poisonous (a) = toxic
(n) a substance that causes death or harm if it gets into the body poisoning (n) the act of kill/harm sb/sth with poison or the state of
1 5 poison (v)(n) Colorful mushrooms usually contain a deadly poison. being poisoned

pɔɪzn/ (v) to put poison in or on something or to harm/kill sb/sth with poison Examples:
The chocolates had been poisoned with cyanide. conanconan 1. The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.
2. The rats were controlled by poisoning.
(v) to feel sorry about your action or about sth you can’t do 31 _regretful_ (a): feeling sorry or disappointed
30 regret (v) I deeply regret my words. _regrettable_ (a): making one feel sorry or disappointed
ɡret/ (n )[C,U] the sad feeling because of sth that you have done or not done Examples: 1. This was a very _regrettable_ error.
She has no regret about/for/at leaving that job. (9), 2. With a _regretful_ sigh, he left the house.
VOCABULARY TASK. MULTIPLE MATCHING: Match the words in column A with their correct descriptions in column B.

A 26 B
1. coach (n) •B • A. feeling sick because you are traveling in a car
2. carsick (n)
seasick • B. a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys
3. luggage (n) •C • C. = baggage [U]; [U] the cases and bags for travelling

C. LISTENING (textbook pp.115-116)

No. New word Meaning & example(s) Derivative(s) & Notes
[U] all the plants of a particular area
6 flora (v)(n) floral (a): made of flowers or decorated with flowers
1 Tourism is damaging the flora and fauna (=plants and animals) of the

flɔːrə/ The girl is wearing a beautiful _floral _dress
<usually passive> to send someone in the military to a particular
24 Station (v)
2 place to work for a period of time {đóng đô}
/ sˈteɪʃən /
My father was stationed in Europe during World War II.
(v) to use violence to hurt or kill sb/sth
25 attack(v)(n) attacker (n) (person)
3 A stranger attacked him with a knife.
/ əˈ
tæk / She immediately recognized her attacker.
(n) the act of using violence to hurt or kill sb/sth
(v) = beat; to win against sb in a war, competition or game {tiêu diệt}
4 defeat (v) Dan defeated Paul by eight points in the final game.
fiːt/ (n) (1) the act of winning against sb
(2) failure to win (It’s usually hard to accept defeat.)
invader (person)
32. invade (v) (to enter an area using military force in order to take control of it {xâm chiếm} invasion (n)ˈ/ɪnveɪʒn/ (the act) vision, television
veɪd/ When did the French invade Vietnam? Examples: 1. The invaders have totally destroyed the town.
2. Can you tell me about the French invasion of Vietnam?
8 ethnic minority
{dân tộc thiểu số}
6 (n.phr)
Vietnam is home to many different ethnic minorities.

eθnɪk maɪˈnɔːrəti/

D. WRITING (textbook pp.117-118)

List the expressions that is suitable for each situation:
1. Accepting an invitation 2. Refusing an invitation with reason(s)
e.g. Yes, I’d love to. e.g. I’d love to, but…
It would be my pleasure to come. I’m afraid I can’t come because…
E. LANGUAGE FOCUS (textbook pp.118-120)

IF clause (condition) Main clause (result) ● Express a(n) unreal (35) situation in the past (9) or express a regret.(9)
e.g. If you had studied harder, you would have passed the exam.
(In fact: You didn’t study hard, you didn’t pass the exam.)
If _____________________________________________
● If you hadn't reminded me of my birthday, I might have forgotten. (35)
If + past perfect tense, S + would/could/might (not) + have + past ● If she had driven carefully, she wouldn’t have had an accident. (1)
(S + had (not) + V3) participle ● If you hadn’t eaten too much junk food, you would not have had to meet the doctor
yesterday. (23)
● If you had had more money, you could have bought that house.(18)
● Ìf you hadn’t run,you wouldn’t have fallen(7)

I. TYPE 3: Complete the following conditional sentences type 3, add “not” when needed.
1. If we (go) had gone to a good restaurant, we (have) would have had a better dinner.
2. 25 If you (check) had checked the car, it (break) wouldn’t have broken down in the middle of the desert.
3. 28 If the police (stop) hadn’t stopped me, I (reach) could have reached you in time.
4. 32 If the boys (grab) had grabbed a taxi to school, they (arrive) could have arrived in time.
5. 33 If my parents (been) had not been__ so tired, they (watch) ____would have watcheded_______ the film on TV.
6. 30 If the teacher (explain) had explained the homework, I (able/do) would have been able to do it.
7. 23 If Fred (cheat) hadn’t cheated at the test, his teacher (phone) would not have phoned his father.
8. 2+ If they _had waited_ for another 10 minutes, they _would have seen_ the pop star.
9. 27 If the police (come) had come earlier, the burglar (arrest) would have been arrested.
10. 3 If his older brother (drive) had (not) driven__ so fast, he (crash) _would (not) have crashed__ into the other car.
II. ALL TYPES: Complete the following sentence using the correct form of verb
e.g. Zero type: If/When you mix red and blue, you get purple. / If/When you heat ice, it melts.
1. 6 If they (listen) listened carefully, they might hear the woodpecker.
2. 12 If I had lain down on the sofa, I (fall) would have fallen asleep.
3. 15 Susan could have worked as a model if she (be) had been taller.
4. 14 The soil (not/dry) doesn’t/cannot dry out if you water the plants regularly.
5. 19 If you (give) gave the young boy this stick, he'd hurt himself.
6. 34 We (not/take) wouldn’t have taken the wrong tram if Ronaldo had asked the policewoman.
7. 31 If the cat hides in the tree, the dog (not/find) cannot find it.
8. 18 The students would have solved the problem if they (use) had used their textbooks.
9. 21 If he washed his feet more often, his girlfriend (visit) would visit_ him more often.
10. 8 Max (read) would read the newspaper if he went by train.
11. 26 If we meet at 9:30, we (have) will have plenty of time.
12. 9 Lisa would find the milk if she (look) looked in the fridge.
13. 35 The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she (feed) had fed the animals.
14. 1 If you spoke louder, your classmates (understand) would/could understand you.
15. 17 Dan (arrive) _would arrive_ safe if he drove slowly.
16. 29 You (have) would have had no trouble at school if you had done your homework.
17. 15 If you (swim) swim in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.
18. 4 The door will unlock if you (press) press the green button.
If you want to unlock the door, press the green button (23)
19. 36 If Mel (ask) __had asked___ her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.
20. 11 I (call) __would call the office if I were you.f

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