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Brainstorming Activity

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1. What’s the video about?
2. What’s the speaker say about?

Activity 1
Listen to the teacher well and repeat what the teacher saying!
Asking and Giving Suggestion
Asking and Giving Suggestion are expressions in English that are used to express how to ask
and give advice to others.

Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

What should I do? You should...
Do you have any ideas? I advise you to...
Do you have any suggestions for me? I supposed you to..
Can you give me some advice about? You had better ….
Any Idea? I think you should..
What do you recomend ? If I were you, I would ….

Accepting Suggestion Refusing Suggestion

Yes, I agree with that. I’m sorry, I can’t agree with that.
That sounds like a good idea! I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Okay, let’s do that. I don’t think we should do that.
That’s very interesting. That’s very interesting, but ….
That would be nice. I don’t think I can do that.
That seems all right. I don’t think so.

Activity 2
Read aloud with your partner!
Tony : Hei Mery, do you have a free time this Saturday?
Mery : Hmm, let me think for a while. I think I am free this Saturday.
Tony : Yeah actually I want to invite you to go to the new mall.
Mery : I’m sorry Tony. I am not interested to go there. The mall is new and I think
there will be many people.
Tony : Yeah I think so. Do you have any suggestion about another place?
Mery : Yes, I do. Would you like to go to cinema? I heard that is a new movie.
Tony : Good idea. What movie is it?
Mery : A romance entitled “Forever”.
Tony : I’m sorry Mery. I don’t like romance movie.
Mery : That’s okay Tony. What do you think we should watch?
Tony : How about action movie?
Mery : Nice idea. I like that kind of movies.
Tony : Alright Mery, I think it is better for us to watch action movie because we both
like it.
Mery : Of course Tony. See you on Saturday.
Tony : See you Mery.
Activity 3
Anylize the structure of asking and giving suggestion based on the dialogue above!

Asking Suggestion Giving Suggestion

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
Activity 4
Give your suggestion based on the situantion that you pick below!
1. My brother is having cold. What should I do?
2. My neighbor is noisy. What should I do?
3. I have toothache. What should I do?
4. Me and my friends are on a trip to Sanur beach. However, none of us didn’t know
about the route to the beach. What will be my suggestion?
5. I am working on my homework, but I find some difficult questions. What will you
suggest to me?
Activity 5
Make a video conversation about asking and giving suggestion with your partner,
upload it into your youtube channel (the duration of the video is 2-5 minutes)!

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