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ISSN 0017-8748

Headache doi: 10.1111/head.12835

C 2016 American Headache Society
V Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Review Article
Management of Adults With Acute Migraine in the
Emergency Department: The American Headache Society
Evidence Assessment of Parenteral Pharmacotherapies
Serena L. Orr, MD; Benjamin W. Friedman, MD, MS; Suzanne Christie, MD, FRCPC;
Mia T. Minen, MD; Cynthia Bamford, MD; Nancy E. Kelley, MD, PhD; Deborah Tepper, MD

Objective.—To provide evidence-based treatment recommendations for adults with acute migraine who require treat-
ment with injectable medication in an emergency department (ED). We addressed two clinically relevant questions: (1)
Which injectable medications should be considered first-line treatment for adults who present to an ED with acute
migraine? (2) Do parenteral corticosteroids prevent recurrence of migraine in adults discharged from an ED?
Methods.—The American Headache Society convened an expert panel of authors who defined a search strategy and
then performed a search of Medline, Embase, the Cochrane database and clinical trial registries from inception through
2015. Identified articles were rated using the American Academy of Neurology’s risk of bias tool. For each medication, the
expert panel determined likelihood of efficacy. Recommendations were created accounting for efficacy, adverse events,
availability of alternate therapies, and principles of medication action.
Results/Conclusions.—The search identified 68 unique randomized controlled trials utilizing 28 injectable medications. Of
these, 19 were rated class 1 (low risk of bias), 21 were rated class 2 (higher risk of bias), and 28 were rated class 3 (highest risk
of bias). Metoclopramide, prochlorperazine, and sumatriptan each had multiple class 1 studies supporting acute efficacy, as did
dexamethasone for prevention of headache recurrence. All other medications had lower levels of evidence.
Recommendations.—Intravenous metoclopramide and prochlorperazine, and subcutaneous sumatriptan should be
offered to eligible adults who present to an ED with acute migraine (Should offer—Level B). Dexamethasone should be
offered to these patients to prevent recurrence of headache (Should offer—Level B). Because of lack of evidence demon-
strating efficacy and concern about sub-acute or long-term sequelae, injectable morphine and hydromorphone are best
avoided as first-line therapy (May avoid–Level C).

Key words: acute migraine, emergency department, adults, parenteral pharmacotherapies

(Headache 2016;56:911-940)

From the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (S.L. INTRODUCTION

Orr and S. Christie); Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Background and Justification.—Acute migraine
Bronx, NY, USA (B.W. Friedman); New York University causes 1.2 million visits to US emergency depart-
Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (M.T.
Minen); Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA (C. Bam- ments (ED) annually.1 More than 20 different paren-
ford); Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA, USA (N.E. teral medications and combinations of medications
Kelley); Beth Israel Deaconess, Sandwich, MA, USA (D. are used to treat migraine in US EDs, including
migraine-specific medications such as sumatriptan
Address all correspondence to B.W. Friedman, Department and dihydroergotamine (DHE), anti-dopaminergics,
of Emergency Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Albert
such as metoclopramide and the neuroleptic
Einstein College of Medicine, 111 East 210th Street, Bronx,
NY 10467, USA. Email:

Conflict of Interest: The authors have no financial conflicts of

Accepted for publication April 13, 2016. interest to report.

912 June 2016

prochlorperazine, opioids, corticosteroids, nonsteroi- mined the need for a guideline statement on this topic
dal anti-inflammatory drugs, and anti-histamines and assembled a panel of AHS members with the
such as diphenhydramine and promethazine.1,2 The expertise required to develop this guideline. As per
causes of this heterogeneity in emergency practice AHS’s policy, the authorship committee adhered to
have not been explored systematically but are prob- the American Academy of Neurology’s Clinical Prac-
ably multifactorial and include physician comfort tice Guideline Process Manual4 with regard to search-
and familiarity with specific medications, concern ing, abstracting, synthesizing, and grading the quality
about short-term side effects, beliefs about efficacy, of the evidence, as well as using the available evi-
and response to patient request. The ideal parenteral dence to construct a guideline statement. The AHS
medication would offer rapid and sustained head- provided a meeting room for the participants during
ache freedom, without short or long-term sequelae, its 57th annual national meeting in Washington, DC
and allow patients to return rapidly to work or usual (June 18th, 2015). No other material support was pro-
daily activities. Unfortunately, such a medication vided. No outside funding was used throughout this
does not exist. Published clinical trials demonstrate guideline development. The AHS’s guidelines com-
that fewer than 25% of patients experienced sus- mittee and executive board approved this statement.
tained headache freedom after treatment of acute Search Strategy.—In consultation with a medical
migraine in the ED.3 Many of the medication classes research librarian, we developed a comprehensive
listed above have been associated with irreversible search strategy to ensure that all relevant evidence
but uncommon side effects such as ischemic vascular was considered. For the first question, we aimed to
complications with migraine-specific medications, identify all randomized studies of adults with acute
tardive dyskinesia with anti-dopaminergics, avascular migraine in which an injectable therapeutic was
osteonecrosis with corticosteroids, gastrointestinal compared to placebo or to an active control. Stud-
hemorrhage with NSAIDs, and medication depend- ies were included only if the headache met Interna-
ence with opioids. ED-based clinical trials have only tional Classification of Headache Disorder migraine
rarely followed patients for a sufficiently long period criteria.5 Acceptable routes of drug delivery inclu-
ded intravenous, intramuscular, and subcutaneous
of time. Few of these studies had adequate power to
injections. To qualify for inclusion, the study
detect these uncommon downstream sequelae. Given
needed to measure acute outcomes, defined as
the very large number of migraineurs presenting to
assessment within 6 hours of medication adminis-
US EDs annually, the heterogeneity in current emer-
tration. For the second question, we aimed to iden-
gency practice, and the frequent use of potentially
tify all randomized studies of adults with acute
harmful medications, it is important to know which
migraine in which a corticosteroid medication was
parenteral medications should be considered first-line
compared to placebo. Again, studies were included
only if the headache met International Classifica-
Clinical Question Statement.—The purpose of
tion of Headache Disorder migraine criteria.5 To
this guideline is to provide an evidence-based
qualify for inclusion, the study needed to measure
answer to each of the following questions.
subacute outcomes, defined as an assessment within
1. Which injectable medications should be consid- 1 week of ED discharge. For both questions, we
ered first-line treatment for adults who present searched for published studies in the Medline,
to an ED with acute migraine? Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of Con-
2. Do parenteral corticosteroids prevent recurrence trolled Trials databases and looked for additional
of migraine in adults discharged from an ED? unpublished studies using two registries: http:// and the WHO International Clini-
METHODS cal Trial Registry Platform. In addition, we
Authorship Committee.—The American Head- searched references of included studies. Our search
ache Society (AHS) Guideline Committee deter- strategy is presented in more detail in Figure S1.
Headache 913

Study Selection.—We used a two-step process to number of homogeneous studies and uncertainty
select studies. Two authors (S.L.O., S.C.) reviewed with regard to the direction, magnitude, or preci-
all abstracts identified in the search. Many of these sion of results. Sufficient homogeneity required at
abstracts were rejected out of hand as not relevant. least two studies to have used the same medication,
At least two authors (S.L.O., B.W.F., S.C.) per- the same comparator, and the same outcome. The
formed a more detailed review of studies deemed Cochrane Collaborations’ Review Manager 5.3.5
potentially eligible. Disagreements about whether software (RevMan:
or not the study met selection criteria were man) was used to perform the meta-analysis. An
resolved through discussions among three members assessment of statistical heterogeneity was per-
(S.L.O., B.W.F., S.C.) of the panel. formed using the chi square test, in which the
Data Abstraction.—Data abstraction was per- threshold for considering a body of evidence heter-
formed by one author and verified by a second ogeneous was set at P  .1, and the I-squared test,
(S.L.O., B.W.F., S.C.). We developed a Characteris- where the threshold was set at 30%. This result,
tics of Study worksheet, which was used for each combined with an assessment of clinical heteroge-
included study. On this worksheet, we recorded neity, was used to determine whether to use a fixed
information about the study characteristics, setting, or random effects model. Event rates and sample
participants, interventions, and outcomes. sizes were entered into the RevMan software and
Classifying the Evidence–Risk of Bias.—We used the appropriate Mantel-Haenszel model (fixed or
the American Academy of Neurology’s risk of bias random effects) was selected to compute odds
tool to grade study quality (Appendix 1).4 With this ratios and 95% confidence intervals.
instrument, randomized studies receive the highest For each medication, we came to a conclusion
score if they provided a clear description of eligibil- about certainty of efficacy. Multiple class 1 studies
ity criteria, assessed outcomes in a masked and with a consistent conclusion led to a highly likely to
objective manner, concealed allocation, used no be effective (or ineffective) conclusion. One class 1
more than two primary outcomes, accounted for study or multiple class 2 studies resulted in a likely
discrepancies in baseline characteristics, and if at to be effective (or ineffective) conclusion. Multiple
least 80% of randomized patients were available class 3 or one class 2 study resulted in a possibly
for data analysis. Crossover studies were required effective (or ineffective) conclusion. Lower levels
additionally to have a sufficient washout period, no of evidence or conflicting evidence resulted in the
period effect, and to have used appropriate statis- following conclusion: there is insufficient evidence
tics. Using this instrument, the highest quality to support or refute efficacy.
RCTs received a class 1 grade, and the lowest qual- Developing Recommendations.—We attempted
ity RCTs received a class 3 grade. Nonrandomized to create a recommendation for every medication
studies were not considered as primary evidence in included in the studies identified in our search. We
this review. At least two authors (S.L.O., B.W.F., also attempted to create a recommendation for
S.C.) graded each study. Discrepancies were every medication used in more than 5% of US ED
resolved through discussion and, if needed, a third migraine visits. To determine whether a medication
panel member was consulted to break the tie. was used in more than 5% of US ED migraine vis-
Synthesizing the Evidence (Formulating its, we relied on the National Hospital Ambulatory
Evidence-Based Conclusions).—For each acute Medical Care survey, a publically available proba-
migraine therapeutic, we considered the quality of bilistic sample published by the National Center for
the available evidence and the magnitude, preci- Health Statistics.6 Recommendations were based
sion, and consistency of results. Studies conducted largely on conclusions about the certainty of effi-
in an ED were prioritized over studies conducted cacy (Appendix 2). We weighed certainty of effi-
in the clinic or outpatient setting. Meta-analysis cacy against frequency and severity of adverse
was performed when there were both a sufficient medication effects. Absent clear evidence of
914 June 2016

efficacy (or lack of efficacy), we considered infer- A class 2 study randomized 40 adults to 1 gm
ences from widely accepted principles about medi- of lysine acetylsalicylic acid or 800 mg of valproic
cation effects on pain or the central nervous acid.11 Pain relief at 1 hour and sustained pain free-
system. We contextualized rare, but potentially life- dom for 24 hours were comparable between the
altering, adverse medication effects using published groups. No adverse events were reported in either
literature. arm.
Another class 2 study randomized 40 patients
RESULTS to 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid or placebo.13 The
Our search identified 2050 studies of which 68 active arm demonstrated greater pain relief on a
were included in the review (PRISMA flow diagram, visual analog scale (VAS). No adverse events were
Fig. 1). These 68 studies included 28 different inject- reported in either group.
able medications. Of the 68 studies, 19 were rated In a class 3 study, 56 patients were randomized to
class 1 (low risk of bias), 21 were rated class 2 (higher 1 gm acetylsalicylic acid or 0.5 mg ergotamine SC.12
risk of bias), and 28 were rated class 3 (highest risk Substantially more patients in the acetylsalicylic arm
of bias). Our search for question #2 did not reveal achieved the primary outcome. These acetylsalicylic
any eligible studies that did not appear in the search acid patients also tolerated the medication better than
for question #1 because all eligible corticosteroid those given ergotamine.
RCTs utilized injectable medication. Chlorpromazine.—We identified three randomized
Which Injectable Medications Should Be Considered studies of parenteral chlorpromazine.14–16 A class 2
First-Line Treatment for Adults Who Present to an ED study randomized 60 adults to chlorpromazine
With Acute Migraine?—Acetaminophen.—We identi- 0.1 mg/kg or placebo.14 The chlorpromazine group
fied three studies of IV acetaminophen (Table S1).7–9 reported greater improvements in pain at 30 and 60
In one class 1 study, in which 60 patients were random- minutes than placebo, though patients in the active
ized to acetaminophen 1000 mg or placebo, a compara- group reported more adverse events, most com-
ble number of patients were pain free at 2 hours.8 In monly orthostatic hypotension and drowsiness.
the acetaminophen arm, 4/30 (13%) patients had In a class 3 study, 91 patients were randomized
minor adverse events. to chlorpromazine 0.1 mg/kg or metoclopramide
In a class 2 study, in which 200 patients were 0.1 mg/kg.15 Efficacy and adverse events were com-
randomized to acetaminophen 1000 mg or dexketo- parable between the groups.
profen 50 mg, pain scores were comparable 15 and In another class 3 study, 30 patients were
30 minutes after medication administration.9 There randomized to chlorpromazine 25 mg IV or ketoro-
were no adverse events in either group. lac 60 mg IM.16 At 2 hours, there was no difference
In a class 3 study of 148 patients, propacetamol between the groups in pain outcomes. No adverse
1000 mg, a prodrug of acetaminophen, outper- events were reported in either group.
formed rizatriptan 5 mg PO at 60 minutes, though Dexamethasone.—We identified four randomized
not at 30 or 120 minutes.7 In this study, adverse studies in which dexamethasone was compared to
events were not reported. an active comparator or placebo and acute out-
Acetylsalicylic Acid.—We identified four random- comes were ascertained.17–20 In a class 1 study, 205
ized studies of intravenous acetylsalicylic acid.10–13 patients were treated with metoclopramide and
A class 2 study randomized 275 adults to 1 gm ace- diphenhydramine.18 Patients were then randomized
tylsalicylic acid, sumatriptan 6 mg SC or placebo.10 to dexamethasone 10 mg IV or placebo. There was
Sumatriptan and acetylsalicylic acid both outper- no difference between the groups in the proportion
formed placebo. Sumatriptan also outperformed of patients achieving pain freedom at 2 hours or in
acetylsalicylic acid. However, the latter was toler- the frequency of adverse events, though more
ated as well as placebo, with significantly fewer patients in the dexamethasone arm developed local-
adverse events than sumatriptan. ized pain reactions.
Headache 915

Fig. 1.—PRISMA diagram.

In a class 2 study, 190 patients were random- 10 mg IV, dosed every 5–10 minutes up to 80 mg.19
ized to dexamethasone 8 mg IV or morphine Patients in the propofol group reported greater
0.1 mg/kg IV.20 Patients randomized to morphine decreases in pain intensity at all time points up to 45
reported lower pain scores at 1 hour, though the minutes. Patients in the propofol group were very
between-group difference was less than standard likely to report sedation. Oxygen desaturations
thresholds for clinical significance.21 Adverse events occurred in two patients who received propofol.
were not reported in this study. Dexketoprofen.—We identified two randomized
In a class 3 study, 31 patients were randomized studies of dexketoprofen.9,22 In a class 1 study, 224
to dexamethasone 16 mg IV or valproic acid 900 mg adults were randomized to dexketoprofen 50 mg IV
IV.17 In this study, there were no differences or placebo.22 The active group had substantially
between the groups in improvement in pain score. greater improvement in pain intensity at 30 and 45
No adverse events were reported in this study. minutes. No adverse events were reported.
In another class 3 study, 90 patients were random- In a class 2 study, 200 adults were randomized to
ized to dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg IV or propofol dexketoprofen 50 mg or acetaminophen 1 gm.9
916 June 2016

Fifteen and 30 minutes after medication administra- Dipyrone.—We identified two randomized studies
tion, there were no differences in pain scores. No of dipyrone for migraine.28,29 In a class 2 study, 134
adverse events were reported in either group. adults were randomized to intravenous dipyrone 1
Diclofenac.—We identified three randomized stud- gm or placebo.29 The active arm had greater head-
ies of diclofenac.23–25 A class 3 study randomized ache relief at 30 and 60 minutes. There was no dif-
120 patients to diclofenac 75 mg IM or placebo.23 ference in the overall rate of adverse events.
At 1 hour, the diclofenac patients had greater rates In another class 2 study, 27 adults were
of headache relief than placebo. Adverse events randomized to dipyrone or metoclopramide.28
were not reported. There was no difference in pain intensity at 2
Another class 3 study randomized 47 patients hours. No significant adverse events were reported.
to diclofenac 75 mg IM or tramadol 100 mg IM.24 Droperidol.—We identified two randomized studies
There were no between-group differences in any of droperidol.30,31 In a class 2 study, 305 patients
outcomes. Adverse events were uncommon. were randomized to placebo or to doses of IM dro-
A third class 3 study randomized 34 adults to peridol ranging from 0.1 to 8.25 mg.30 Doses of dro-
diclofenac 75 mg IM or DHE 1 mg IM.25 All peridol from 2.75 to 8.25 mg outperformed placebo
patients received metoclopramide 10 mg IV. Out- with regard to headache response at 2 hours.
comes at 1 and 2 hours were mixed. Adverse events Adverse events were greater among those who
were not reported. received the active medication.
Dihydroergotamine.—We identified two random- In a class 3 study, 29 adults were randomized
ized studies of DHE.25,26 In a class 3 study, 310 to droperidol 2.5 mg IM or meperidine 1.5 mg/kg
patients were randomized to DHE 1 mg SC or IM.31 There were no between group differences in
sumatriptan 6 mg SC. Outcomes favored sumatrip- efficacy. Akathisia occurred in 13% of those who
tan at 1 and 2 hours though not at 3 hours. There received droperidol. Sedation occurred in 7% of
were 305 adverse events reported among the 152 the droperidol arm.
patients who received DHE and 238 adverse Ergotamine.—We identified one class 3 study of
events among the 158 patients who received ergotamine, in which ergotamine 0.5 mg SC was
sumatriptan. compared with 1 gm of IV acetylsalicylic acid.12
In another class 3 study, 34 adults were More patients in the acetylsalicylic acid group
randomized to DHE 1 mg IM or diclofenac 75 mg achieved a 50% pain reduction while more patients
IM. All patients received metoclopramide 10 mg in the ergotamine group reported nausea and
IV. Outcomes at 1 and 2 hours were mixed. vomiting.
Adverse events were not reported. Haloperidol.—We identified two randomized stud-
Diphenhydramine.—We identified one study of ies of haloperidol.32,33 In a class 1 study, 64 patients
diphenhydramine for migraine.27 In a class 1 study, were randomized to haloperidol 5 mg IV or meto-
there were no differences in outcomes or adverse clopramide 10 mg IV.32 All patients also received
events among 208 adults randomized to diphen- diphenhydramine 25 mg IV. There were no statisti-
hydramine 50 mg IV or placebo. All patients cally significant differences in change in pain inten-
received metoclopramide 10 mg IV. A discussion of sity, the primary outcome, though use of rescue
the efficacy of diphenhydramine to prevent extra- medication was less common in the haloperidol
pyramidal symptoms is beyond the scope of this group. Side effects were comparable between the
review. However, in this class 1 study, in which all two arms.
patients were administered IV metoclopramide, In a class 3 study, 40 adults were randomized
there was no difference in the rate of extra- to haloperidol 5 mg IV or placebo.33 Substantially
pyramidal symptoms between those who received more participants in the haloperidol group reported
diphenhydramine and those who did not. marked relief, though 80% of the haloperidol group
Headache 917

reported side effects including 53% with motor discharge, though more patients randomized to pla-
agitation. cebo improved by 50% on the VAS and more
Ketamine.—We identified one class 3 crossover placebo patients reported normal functionality at
study of ketamine in which 17 adults were random- the time of ED discharge. Adverse events were
ized to ketamine 0.08 mg/kg or placebo.34 Patients more common in the magnesium arm.
who received ketamine reported significantly larger In a class 2 study, 70 patients were randomized
decreases in pain intensity, though feelings of to magnesium 1 gm IV or dexamethasone 8
fatigue or insobriety were common. mg 1 metoclopramide 10 mg IV.44 Patients random-
Ketorolac.—We identified four randomized studies ized to magnesium reported greater decreases in pain
of ketorolac.16,35–37 In a class 1 study, 330 patients intensity at 20 minutes, 1 hour, and 2 hours as com-
were randomized to ketorolac 30 mg IV, metoclo- pared to dexamethasone 1 metoclopramide. There
pramide 10 mg IV, or valproate 1 gm IV.36 Ketoro- was no difference in the frequency of adverse events.
lac and metoclopramide demonstrated similar rates In another class 2 study, 60 patients were
of headache relief at 1 and 48 hour sustained relief, randomized to magnesium 1 gm or placebo.40 Mag-
and both were superior to valproic acid. Overall nesium demonstrated greater headache relief and
adverse event rates were comparable. headache freedom at 30 and 60 minutes among
In a class 3 study, 47 patients during 50 ED vis- those patients with migraine with aura, though not
its were randomized to ketorolac 60 mg IM or among those without aura. Adverse events were
meperidine 100 mg 1 hydroxyzine 50 mg IM.35 not reported.
There were no significant differences between the In a class 3 study, 30 patients were randomized
groups with regard to efficacy or adverse events. to magnesium 2 gm IV or placebo.43 Nearly every
A second class 3 study randomized 31 patients magnesium patient reported improvement vs none
to ketorolac 30 mg IM or meperidine 75 mg IM.37 in the placebo group. Flushing was more common
The ketorolac group experienced significantly less among those who received magnesium.
pain reduction at 1 hour than the meperidine In another class 3 study, 113 patients were
group. Adverse events were comparable. randomized to magnesium 2 gm IV, metoclopra-
In a third class 3 study, 30 patients were mide 10 mg IV, or placebo.41 There were no statis-
randomized to ketorolac 60 mg IM or chlorproma- tically significant differences between groups with
zine 25 mg IV.16 Results at 2 hours were compara- regard to pain intensity at 30 minutes. Flushing was
ble. Adverse events were not reported. more common in the magnesium group.
Lidocaine.—In a class 2 study, 25 patients were Meperidine.—We identified three randomized stud-
randomized to lidocaine 1 mg/kg or normal saline.38 ies of meperidine.31,35,37 In a class 3 study, 47
There were no differences in efficacy between patients (during 50 visits) were randomized to
groups. No adverse events were reported. meperidine 100 mg 1 hydroxyzine 50 mg IM or
Lysine Clonixinate.—In a class 3 study, 29 patients ketorolac 60 mg IM.35 There were no significant
were randomized to IV lysine clonixinate or pla- differences between groups in the frequency of
cebo.39 Lysine clonixinate had higher rates of head- headache relief or side effects.
ache freedom at 60 and 90 minutes, though adverse In another class 3 study, 31 adults were
events were more common in this group as well. randomized to meperidine 75 mg IM or ketorolac
Magnesium.—We identified five randomized studies 30 mg IM.37 Those randomized to meperidine
of magnesium.40–44 In a class 1 study, 44 patients reported greater pain relief. Adverse events were
were randomized to magnesium 2 gm IV or pla- comparable.
cebo.42 All patients also received metoclopramide In a class 3 study, 29 patients were randomized
20 mg IV. There was no statistically significant dif- to meperidine 1.5 mg/kg IM or droperidol 2.5 mg
ference in the primary outcome, which was IM.31 Efficacy results were comparable as was
improvement on a VAS between baseline and ED drowsiness.
918 June 2016

Metoclopramide.—We identified 8 randomized intensity at 30 minutes. Flushing was more common

studies of metoclopramide.15,28,32,36,41,45–47 In a class in the magnesium group.
1 study, 64 patients were randomized to metoclo- In a class 3 study, 124 patients were random-
pramide 10 mg IV or haloperidol 5 mg IV.32 All ized to metoclopramide 20 mg IV or sumatriptan
patients were also treated with diphenhydramine 6 mg SC.46 The metoclopramide group demon-
25 mg IV. There was no statistically significant dif- strated greater reduction in pain at 1 hour. Adverse
ference in pain relief at 80 minutes. Patients in the events were not reported.
haloperidol arm required rescue medication less Morphine.—In a class 2 study, 190 patients were
frequently. The frequency of adverse events was randomized to morphine 0.1 mg/kg IV or dexa-
comparable. methasone 8 mg IV.20 Patients randomized to mor-
In another class 1 study, 330 patients were phine reported lower pain scores at 1 hour, though
randomized to metoclopramide 10 mg IV, ketorolac the between-group difference was less than stand-
30 mg IV, or valproate 1 gm IV.36 Metoclopramide ard thresholds for clinical significance.21 Adverse
and ketorolac demonstrated similar rates of head- events were not reported in this study.
ache relief at 1 and 48 hour sustained relief, and Octreotide.—We identified 3 randomized studies of
both were superior to valproic acid. Overall adverse octreotide.48–50 In a class 1 crossover study, 43
event rates were comparable. patients were randomized to octreotide 0.1 mg SC
In a third class 1 study, 77 adults were randomized or placebo.49 There was no difference between the
to metoclopramide 20 mg IV or prochlorperazine groups with regard to headache relief at 2 hours.
10 mg IV.47 All patients received diphenhydramine Adverse events were comparable.
25 mg IV. There was no difference between the groups In a class 2 study, 29 patients were randomized
in improvement in pain intensity at 1 hour. Adverse to octreotide 0.1 mg SC or placebo.48 The octreo-
event rates were comparable between the groups. tide group had greater reduction in pain at 2 and 6
In the fourth class 1 study, 78 patients were hours. Local reactions were more common in the
randomized to metoclopramide, which was dosed in octreotide group.
successive 20 mg doses up to 80 mg, as needed for In another class 2 study, 44 patients were
persistent pain, or to sumatriptan 6 mg SC.45 Patients randomized to octreotide 0.1 mg IV or prochlorper-
who received metoclopramide were also treated with azine 10 mg IV.50 Prochlorperazine was superior
IV diphenhydramine. There was no difference with regard to patient satisfaction and reduction in
between the groups in reduction in pain intensity, pain intensity. Sedation and akathisia were more
though secondary outcomes including pain freedom common with prochlorperazine.
at 2 hours and requirement of rescue medication Prochlorperazine.—We identified four randomized
favored metoclopramide. Adverse events were studies of prochlorperazine.47,50–52 In a class 1
comparable. study, 66 patients were randomized to prochlorper-
In a class 2 study, 27 adults were randomized azine 10 mg 1 diphenhydramine 12.5 mg IV or
to metoclopramide or dipyrone.28 There were no sumatriptan 6 mg SC.51 There was a significantly
differences in pain intensity at 2 hours. No signifi- greater decrease in pain intensity at 80 minutes in
cant adverse events were reported. the prochlorperazine group. Restlessness was more
In a class 3 study, 91 patients were randomized common in the prochlorperazine group.
to metoclopramide 0.1 mg/kg or chlorpromazine In a class 1 study, 77 adults were randomized
0.1 mg/kg.15 Efficacy and adverse events were com- to prochlorperazine 10 mg IV or metoclopramide
parable between the groups. 20 mg IV.47 All patients received diphenhydramine
In a class 3 study, 113 patients were random- 25 mg IV. There was no difference between the
ized to metoclopramide 10 mg IV, magnesium 2 gm groups in change in pain intensity at 1 hour.
IV, or placebo.41 There were no statistically signifi- Adverse event rates were comparable between the
cant differences between groups with regard to pain groups.
Headache 919

In a class 2 study, 44 patients were randomized Patients who received metoclopramide were also
to prochlorperazine 10 mg IV or octreotide 0.1 mg treated with IV diphenhydramine. There was no
IV.50 Prochlorperazine was superior with regard to difference between the groups in reduction in pain
patient satisfaction and reduction in pain intensity. intensity, though secondary outcomes including
Sedation and akathisia were more common with pain freedom at 2 hours and requirement of rescue
prochlorperazine. medication favored metoclopramide. Adverse
In a class 3 study, 40 patients were randomized events were comparable.
to prochlorperazine 10 mg IV or valproic acid In a third class 1 study, 40 patients were
500 mg IV.52 The prochlorperazine patients had a randomized to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or trimetho-
significantly greater decrease in pain intensity at 60 benzamide 200 mg IM 1 diphenhydramine 25 mg
minutes. In the prochlorperazine group, 10% of IM.59 Though there were no statistically significant
patients were treated for akathisia. differences between groups, the study was under-
Propofol.—We identified two randomized studies powered and most results favored sumatriptan. The
of propofol.19,53 In a class 2 study, 90 patients were overall rate of adverse events was comparable.
randomized to propofol IV or sumatriptan 6 mg A class 2 study randomized 275 adults to suma-
SC.53 The propofol was administered in 30–40 mg triptan 6 mg SC, 1 gm acetylsalicylic acid, or pla-
boluses with subsequent 10–20 mg boluses every 3– cebo.10 Sumatriptan and acetylsalicylic acid both
5 minutes up to 120 mg. At 30 minutes, there was a outperformed placebo, while sumatriptan outper-
statistically significantly greater decrease in pain formed acetylsalicylic acid. However, the latter was
intensity in the propofol group. Chest tightness was tolerated as well as placebo, with significantly fewer
less common in the propofol group. adverse events than sumatriptan.
In a class 3 study, 90 patients were randomized In another class 2 study, 90 patients were random-
to propofol 10 mg IV, dosed every 5–10 minutes up ized to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or propofol IV.53 The
to 80 mg or dexamethasone 0.15 mg/kg IV.19 propofol was administered in 30–40 mg boluses with
Patients in the propofol group reported greater subsequent 10–20 mg boluses every 3–5 minutes up to
decreases in pain intensity at all time points up to 120 mg. At 30 minutes, there was a greater decrease
45 minutes. Patients in the propofol group were in pain intensity in the propofol group. Chest tightness
very likely to report sedation. Oxygen desaturation was less common in the propofol group.
occurred in 2 patients who received propofol. A class 2 crossover study randomized 266
Sumatriptan.—We identified 23 randomized trials patients to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or to DHE 1 mg
of subcutaneous sumatriptan.10,26,45,46,51,53–70 Fifteen nasal spray.69 The sumatriptan group had signifi-
placebo controlled studies revealed large and con- cantly better pain relief beginning at 15 minutes,
sistent statistically significant differences between though there were 50% fewer adverse events in the
sumatriptan and placebo in four class 1 stud- DHE group.
ies,64,66,68,70 seven class 2 studies,54,56,58,60,61,63,67 and In a class 3 study, 124 patients were random-
four class 3 studies.55,57,62,65 ized to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or metoclopramide
In a class 1 study, 66 patients were randomized 20 mg IV.46 The metoclopramide group demon-
to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or prochlorperazine strated greater reduction in pain at 1 hour. Adverse
10 mg 1 diphenhydramine 12.5 mg IV.51 There was a events were not reported.
significantly greater decrease in pain intensity at 80 In another class 3 study, 310 patients were
minutes in the prochlorperazine group. Restlessness randomized to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or DHE 1 mg
was more common in the prochlorperazine group. SC.26 Outcomes favored sumatriptan at 1 and 2
In another class 1 study, 78 patients were hours though not at 3 hours. There were 305
randomized to sumatriptan 6 mg SC or metoclopra- adverse events reported among the 152 patients
mide, which was dosed in successive 20 mg doses who received DHE and 238 adverse events among
up to 80 mg, as needed for persistent pain.45 the 158 patients who received sumatriptan.
920 June 2016

Tramadol.—A class 3 study randomized 47 patients Other Medications.—Hydromorphone, prometha-

to tramadol 100 mg IM or diclofenac 75 mg IM.24 zine, and nalbuphine are each used in more than
There were no between-group differences in any 5% of ED migraine visits annually.1 However,
outcomes. Adverse events were uncommon. these medications were not included in any clinical
Triamcinolone.—In a class 3 study of greater occipi- trials that fulfilled our selection criteria.
tal nerve blocks, 37 patients were randomized to Do Parenteral Corticosteroids Prevent Recurrence
subcutaneous injections of lidocaine, bupivacaine, of Migraine in Adults Discharged from an ED?—We
and 40 mg of triamcinolone or the two local anes- identified three eligible RCTs in which a corticoste-
thetics and saline.71 Twenty minutes after the injec- roid was compared to placebo and post-ED out-
tion, there were no differences in pain scores comes were ascertained (Table S1).18,72,73 All three
between the groups. No adverse events were of these studies utilized dexamethasone. Two addi-
reported. tional RCTs compared dexamethasone to active
Trimethobenzamide.—In a class 1 study, 40 patients comparators. In one, dexamethasone was compared
were randomized to trimethobenzamide 200 mg to morphine 0.1 mg/kg IV20; in the other to val-
IM 1 diphenhydramine 25 mg IM or to sumatriptan proic acid 900 mg IV.17
6 mg SC.59 Although there were no statistically sig- In a class 1 study involving 115 patients, dexa-
nificant differences between groups, the study was methasone 24 mg IV did not outperform placebo
underpowered and most results favored sumatrip- with regard to migraine recurrence at 3 or 30
tan. In this study, there was no difference in the days.72 In this study, dizziness was more common
overall rate of adverse events. among those who received dexamethasone. In
Valproic Acid.—We identified four randomized another class 1 study involving 205 patients, all
studies of valproic acid.11,17,36 In a class 1 study, patients received metoclopramide and diphenhydr-
330 patients were randomized to valproate 1 gm amine.18 One hundred and six of these patients also
IV, ketorolac 30 mg IV, or metoclopramide 10 mg received dexamethasone 10 mg IV. There were no
IV.36 Ketorolac and metoclopramide demonstrated between-group differences in the rates of sustained
similar efficacy with regard to headache relief at 1 headache freedom 24 hours after ED discharge.
hour and sustained headache relief for 48 hours, Acute medication reactions were more common in
and both were superior to valproic acid. Overall the dexamethasone group. In a third class 1 study
adverse event rates were comparable. of 70 patients, dexamethasone 10 mg IV did not
A class 2 study randomized 40 adults to 1 gm of outperform placebo with regard to migraine recur-
lysine acetylsalicylic acid or 800 mg of valproic rence within 48 hours of ED discharge.73 Adverse
acid.11 Rates of pain relief at 1 and 24 hour sustained events were not reported.
pain freedom were comparable between the groups. We performed a meta-analysis in which we
No adverse events were reported in either arm. aggregated data from these three placebo con-
In a class 3 study, 40 patients were randomized trolled studies. These results are presented in Fig-
to valproic acid 500 mg IV or prochlorperazine ure 2. In the Friedman et al study, the primary
10 mg IV.52 The prochlorperazine patients had a outcome was sustained headache freedom. For the
significantly greater decrease in pain intensity at 60 purpose of this meta-analysis, we used data pro-
minutes. In the prochlorperazine group, 10% of vided by the authors on frequency of headache
patients were treated for akathisia. recurrence after ED discharge. When the data from
In another class 3 study, 31 patients were these three studies were aggregated, dexametha-
randomized to valproic acid 900 mg IV or dexameth- sone decreased the frequency of headache recur-
asone 16 mg IV.17 In this study, there was no rence after ED discharge (number needed to treat:
difference between the groups in improvement in 9, 95%CI: 5, 65). As can be seen in Figure 2, there
pain score. No adverse events were reported in this was no statistical heterogeneity among the studies.
study. All three studies reported a small but consistent
Headache 921

Fig. 2.—Meta-analysis of dexamethasone for headache recurrence after ED discharge. (Color figure can be viewed in the
online issue, which is available at

benefit attributable to dexamethasone. When aggre- standardized methodology for ED-based migraine
gated, this result was statistically significant. studies is needed.
The comparison with morphine was a class 2 Furthermore, most studies included in this
study, in which dexamethasone 8 mg IV demon- review did not follow patients beyond the initial
strated greater improvement in pain scores at 24 treatment period. Thus, recurrence of headache
hours.20 Adverse events were not reported. The after ED discharge and late developing adverse
comparison with valproic acid was a class 3 study, events often went unrecorded. Long-term follow-up
in which dexamethasone 16 mg IV resulted in com- beyond 48–72 hours was even rarer among the
parable headache recurrence rates at 72 hours.17 included studies, thus limiting our ability to com-
This study, too, did not report adverse events. ment on these.
There were no reports in these studies of avas- While many studies were adequately powered
cular necrosis, a serious adverse event linked to for their primary outcome, they were underpow-
corticosteroid use, infections, or complications ered for rare adverse events such as tardive dyski-
relating to loss of glycemic control. However, none nesia or avascular necrosis. This also limits our
of these studies were designed to detect these ability to contextualize these important adverse
adverse events. effects with regard to frequency and severity.

LIMITATIONS We have identified 68 RCTs that inform the
A multitude of different methodologies were choice of injectable medical treatment of adults
used in the studies included in this review. While presenting to the ED with migraine. Five of these
the inclusion criteria were generally similar, some trials also provided evidence pertaining to the use
studies used placebo control and some used active of corticosteroids for the prevention of migraine
control, some were dose-finding studies, and some recurrence after ED discharge. Analysis of these 68
used multiple active comparators. Different time trials provided the basis for our recommendations,
points were used for the primary outcome, and dif- listed below.
ferent outcomes were designated as being primary
or secondary. We did not identify a single outcome RECOMMENDATIONS
that was used across all studies included in this Putting the Evidence Into a Clinical
review. Some of these studies, particularly those Context.—When asked, migraine patients report
utilizing sumatriptan, were conducted outside of the that they want medications that take their pain
ED setting. While these disparities do not mean away quickly and completely, without side effects
that the studies included in this review were unduly and without headache recurrence.74 However, ED
biased, the disparities limited our ability to aggre- migraine patients are often satisfied with modest
gate data and compare results across studies. A reductions in pain.3 While the former goal is ideal,
922 June 2016

and should be the ultimate goal, the latter is a Intravenous acetylsalicylic acid may be offered
more likely outcome of ED treatment. It is impossi- to adults who present to an ED with acute migraine
ble to expect that these recommendations will pro- (May offer–Level C).
vide the correct therapeutic answer for every Parenteral chlorpromazine may be offered to
migraine patient during every ED visit. Other fac- adults who present to an ED with acute migraine
tors, most importantly a patient’s previous experi- (May offer–Level C). Patients should be warned
ence with a particular medication, and risk of about the possibility of unpleasant side effects
adverse events, should be considered. The following including orthostatic hypotension, drowsiness, and
recommendations are most appropriate for a akathisia.
patient who has never received an injectable Intravenous dexketoprofen may be offered to
migraine therapeutic in the ED (Table 1). adults who present to an ED with acute migraine
Acute Management of Migraine. (May offer–Level C).
Must Offer (Level A).—None Intravenous diclofenac may be offered to adults
Should Offer (Level B).—To relieve the acute who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
headache, intravenous metoclopramide should be offer–Level C).
offered to adults who present to an ED with acute Intravenous dipyrone may be offered to adults
migraine (Should offer–Level B). Patients should who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
be warned about the possibility of unpleasant side offer–Level C), an exceedingly rare but life threat-
effects including akathisia and drowsiness (Table ening adverse event associated with dipyrone, has
2). Irreversible adverse events have never been resulted in elimination of this medication from the
reported after one dose of intravenous United States and other countries.
metoclopramide. Parenteral droperidol may be offered to adults
To relieve the acute headache, intravenous pro- who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
chlorperazine should be offered to adults who offer–Level C). Patients should be warned about the
present to an ED with acute migraine (Should possibility of unpleasant side effects including drows-
offer–Level B). Patients should be warned about iness and akathisia, which may occur in 50% of
the possibility of unpleasant side effects including patients. Life threatening cardiac dysrhythmias occur
akathisia and drowsiness (Table 2). exceedingly rarely after administration of this
To relieve the acute headache, subcutaneous medication.
sumatriptan should be offered to adults who present Parenteral haloperidol may be offered to adults
to an ED with acute migraine (Should offer–Level who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
B). In the ED, sumatriptan may be less efficacious offer–Level C). Patients should be warned about
than intravenous anti-dopaminergics. Sumatriptan is the possibility of unpleasant side effects including
not appropriate for patients with contra-indications drowsiness, and akathisia.
to this medication and should not be offered to those Intravenous ketorolac may be offered to adults
who have used ergotamine, DHE, or a triptan medi- who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
cation within the previous 24 hours. Unpleasant side offer–Level C).
effects have occurred in 50% of ED patients admin- Intravenous valproate may be offered to adults
istered this medication (Table 2),54 though irre- who present to an ED with acute migraine (May
versible adverse events in patients with low offer–Level C).
cardiovascular risk are exceedingly uncommon. AVOID. Intravenous diphenhydramine may
May Offer and May Avoid (Level C). be AVOIDED in adults who present to an ED
OFFER. Intravenous acetaminophen may be with acute migraine (May avoid–Level C). The effi-
offered to adults who present to an ED with acute cacy of diphenhydramine with regard to treatment
migraine (May offer–Level C). of akathisia was beyond the scope of this work.

Table 1.—Evidence Supporting Recommendation

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

QUESTION 1 Which injectable medications should be considered first-line treatment for adults who present to an ED with acute migraine?
Acetaminophen 1 gm Class 1: No difference Possibly effective No serious or fre- Well studied in a vari- May offer
IV vs placebo (n 5 60) quent adverse ety of pain
Class 2: No difference events disorders
vs dexketoprofen
(n 5 200)
Class 3: No worse
than rizatriptan
5 mg PO (n 5 148)
Acetylsalicylic acid Class 1: None Likely effective No serious or fre- Well studied in a vari- May offer
0.5–1.8 gm IV Class 2: Substantial quent adverse ety of pain
benefit vs placebo events. Better toler- conditions
(n 5 40) ated than
Benefit vs placebo, sumatriptan
inferior to SC
(n 5 275, 3 arms)
No difference vs val-
proic acid (n 5 40)
Class 3: Benefit vs
ergotamine (n 5 56,
Chlorpromazine 0.1– Class 1: None Possibly effective Postural hypotension None considered May offer
25 mg IV Class 2: Benefit vs and drowsiness
placebo (n 5 60) common
Class 3: No difference
vs metoclopramide
Class 3: No difference
vs ketorolac
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Dexamethasone 8– Class 1: No difference Possibly ineffective No serious or fre- Avascular necrosis is No recommendation
16 mg IV vs placebo quent adverse a known serious
(n 5 205) events adverse event
Class 2: Benefit vs attributable to cor-
morphine (n 5 190) ticosteroid use. It is
Class 3: No difference probably associated
vs valproic acid with longer courses,
(n 5 31) higher doses, and
Inferior to propofol cumulative doses.
(n 5 90) This complication
has rarely been
reported after iso-
lated parenteral
doses of
Loss of glycemic con-
trol may require
Dexketoprofen 50 mg Class 1: Benefit vs Likely effective No serious or fre- None considered May offer
IV placebo (n 5 224) quent adverse
Class 2: No difference events
vs acetaminophen
1000 mg IV
(n 5 200)
Diclofenac 75 mg IM Class 1: None Possibly effective No serious or fre- None considered May offer
Class 2: None quent adverse
Class 3: Benefit vs events
placebo (n 5 120)
No difference vs tra-
madol (n 5 47)
Mixed results vs DHE
(n 5 34)
Dihydroergotamine Class 1: None Possibly effective In class 3 study, 305 None considered No recommendation
1 mg SC, IV Class 2: None adverse events
Class 3: Mixed results among 152 patients
vs diclofenac randomized to
(n 5 34) DHE
June 2016
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Mixed results vs
(n 5 310)
Diphenhydramine Class 1: As adjuvant Likely ineffective No serious or fre- None considered May avoid. Considera-
50 mg IV therapy, no differ- quent adverse tions of efficacy,
ence vs placebo events adverse events and
(n 5 208) alternate available
therapies do not sup-
port routine use as a
first line therapeutic in
the ED
Dipyrone 1 gm IV Class 2: No difference Likely effective No serious or fre- Agranulocytosis May offer
vs metoclopramide quent adverse occurs in fewer
(n 5 27) events than 1/100,000
Benefit vs placebo administrations
(n 5 134)
Droperidol 2.5– Class 1: None Likely effective In class 2 study, aka- Life threatening May offer
8.25 mg IM Class 2: Superior to thisia (31%), asthe- arrhythmias have
placebo (n 5 305) nia (25%), occurred rarely
Class 3: No difference somnolence (20%), after administration
vs meperidine and anxiety (16%) of this medication
(n 5 29) were common
among those who
received 2.75 mg
Ergotamine 0.5 mg Class 1: none Insufficient evidence In class 3 study, 13% None considered No recommendation
SC Class 2: none had increased nau-
Class 3: Inferior to sea and vomiting
acetylsalicylic acid
(n 5 56, crossover)
Haloperidol Class 1: No difference Likely effective In class 1 study, no None considered May offer
5 mg IV vs metoclopramide difference in
Class 2: none adverse events vs
Class 3: Superior to metoclopramide.
placebo In class 3 study, 80%
reported adverse
events including
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

53% with motor

Hydromorphone Class 1: none Insufficient evidence In nonrandomized May avoid. Considera-
Class 2: none studies (class 4), tions of efficacy, princi-
Class 3: none opioids have been ples of medication
associated with action, and alternate
increased frequency available therapies do
of recurrent ED not support routine
visits and progres- use as a first line thera-
sion of the underly- peutic in the ED.
ing migraine
Ketamine Class 1: none Insufficient evidence Transient insobriety None considered No recommendation
0.08 mg/kg IV Class 2: none and fatigue were
Class 3: Superior to common
placebo (n 5 17,
Ketorolac Class 1: Comparable Likely effective Well tolerated Well studied in a vari- May offer
30–60 mg IM, IV to metoclopramide, ety of pain
superior to valproic disorders
acid (n 5 330)
Class 3: No difference
vs meperidine
(n 5 50)
Class 3: Inferior to
meperidine (n 5 31)
Class 3: No difference
vs chlorpromazine
Lidocaine 1 mg/kg IV Class 1: none Possibly ineffective Not reported None considered May avoid
Class 2: Similar to
placebo (n 5 25)
Class 3: none
Lysine clonixinate Class 1: none Insufficient evidence In class 3 study, None considered No recommendation
200 mg IV Class 2: none adverse events
Class 3: Superior to more common than
placebo (n 5 29) placebo
June 2016
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Magnesium 1–2 gm Class 1: Inferior to Insufficient evidence Flushing reported in None considered No recommendation
IV placebo (all several studies
patients adminis-
tered metoclopra-
mide) (n 5 44)
Class 2: Superior to
de 1 dexamethason-
e (n 5 70)
No difference vs pla-
cebo among
patients with
migraine without
aura. Superior to
placebo among
patients with
migraine with aura.
(n 5 60)
Class 3: Superior to
placebo (n 5 30)
Comparable to pla-
cebo and metoclo-
pramide (n 5 113)
Meperidine 75– Class 1: none Possibly effective No substantial differ- In nonrandomized No recommendation
1.5 mg/kg IM Class 2: none ences vs active studies (class 4),
Class 3: No difference comparators in opioids have been
vs droperidol class 3 studies associated with
(n 5 29) increased frequency
Superior to ketorolac of recurrent ED
30 mg IM (n 5 31) visits and progres-
No difference vs sion of the underly-
ketorolac 60 mg IM ing migraine
(n 5 50) disorder
Metoclopramide Class 1: No difference Highly likely to be Akathisia occurs in a None considered Should offer
10–20 mg IV vs sumatriptan effective minority of
(n 5 78) patients. No sub-
No difference vs pro- stantial differences
chlorperazine vs active
(n 5 77) comparators
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

No difference vs
ketorolac, superior
to valproate
(n 5 330)
No difference vs halo-
peridol (n 5 64)
Class 2: No difference
vs dipyrone
(n 5 27)
Class 3: No difference
vs chlorpromazine
(n 5 44)
No difference vs mag-
nesium or placebo
(n 5 113)
Superior to sumatrip-
tan (n 5 124)
Morphine 0.1 mg/kg Class 1: none Possibly ineffective Not reported in class In non-randomized May avoid
IV Class 2: No clinically 2 study studies (class 4),
significant differ- opioids have been
ence vs dexametha- associated with
sone (n 5 190) increased frequency
Class 3: none of recurrent ED
visits and progres-
sion of the underly-
ing migraine
Nalbuphine Class 1: none Insufficient evidence No data available None considered No recommendation
Class 2: none
Class 3: none
Octreotide 0.1 mg SC, Class 1: No difference Possibly ineffective Local reactions and None considered May avoid
IV vs placebo (n 5 43) diarrhea reported in
Class 2: Superior to 20% of patients in
placebo (n 5 29) class 1 & 2 studies
Inferior to prochlor-
perazine (n 5 44)
Class 3: none
June 2016
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Prochlorperazine Class 1: No difference Highly likely to be Akathisia and drowsi- None considered Should offer
10 mg IV vs metoclopramide effective ness were common
(n 5 77)
Superior to sumatrip-
tan (n 5 66)
Class 2: Superior to
octreotide (n 5 44)
Class 3: Superior to
valproate (n 5 44)
Promethazine Class 1: none Insufficient evidence No data available None considered No recommendation
Class 2: none
Class 3: none
Propofol 10–40 mg IV Class 1: none Possibly effective up In class 3 study, 44% Very brief duration of No recommendation
initial bolus 1 10- Class 2: Superior to to 45 minutes had sedation. Oxy- action
20 mg IV boluses sumatriptan at 30 gen desaturation
minutes (n 5 90) occurred in 4%
Class 3: Superior to
dexamethasone up
to 45 minutes
(n 5 90)
Sumatriptan 6 mg SC Class 1: Comparable Highly likely to be In ED-based studies, Most effective if Should offer
to metoclopramide effective adverse events in administered very
(n 5 78) 50% of patients early after migraine
No difference onset
between trimetho-
benzamide but
inadequately pow-
ered (n 5 40)
Inferior to prochlor-
perazine (n 5 66)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 158)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 639)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 51)
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Superior to placebo
(n 5 577)
Class 2: Superior to
placebo (n 5 1104)
Superior to placebo
and acetylsalicylic
acid (n 5 275)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 277)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 86)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 76)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 242)
Inferior to propofol
(n 5 90)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 235)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 266)
Class 3: Superior to
placebo (n 5 136)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 200)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 209)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 170)
Superior to placebo
(n 5 138)
Inferior to metoclo-
pramide (n 5 124)
Mixed outcomes vs
DHE (n 5 310)
Tramadol 100 mg IM Class 3: No differen- Insufficient evidence 13% of patients None considered No recommendation
ces vs diclofenac reported adverse
(n 5 47) event in class 3
June 2016
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Triamcinolone 40 mg Class 1: none Insufficient evidence No adverse events None considered No recommendation
SC Class 2: none reported
Class 3: In study of
greater occipital
nerve block, no dif-
ference at 20
minutes among
those randomized
to triamcinolo-
ne 1 bupivacaine 1
lidocaine vs bupiva-
caine 1 lidocaine
alone (n 5 37)
Trimethobenzamide Class 1: No difference Insufficient evidence 5% of patients None considered No recommendation
200 mg IM between sumatrip- reported adverse
tan but inad- events in class 1
equately powered study
(n 5 40)
Valproic Acid 500– Class 1: Inferior to Possibly effective Minimal adverse None considered May offer
1000 mg IV ketorolac and events
(n 5 330)
Class 2: No difference
vs acetylsalicylic
acid (n 5 40)
Class 3: No difference
vs dexamethasone
(n 5 31)
Inferior to prochlor-
perazine (n 5 40)
QUESTION 2 Do parenteral corticosteroids prevent recurrence of migraine in adults discharged from an ED?
Dexamethasone 8– Class 1: Meta-analysis Highly likely to be Dizziness and brief Avascular necrosis is a Should offer
24 mg IV of 3 placebo con- effective burning pain more known serious
trolled class 1 stud- common in dexa- adverse event attrib-
ies demonstrated methasone group. utable to corticoste-
benefit (n 5 358) roid use. It is
probably associated
Table 1.—Continued

Medication, Dose,
Route of Conclusion About Adverse Medication Principles of Medica-
Administration Summary of Evidence Efficacy Effects tion Action Recommendation

Class 2: Benefit vs with longer courses,

morphine (n 5 190) higher doses, and
Class 3: No difference cumulative doses.
vs valproic acid This complication
(n 5 31) has rarely been
reported after iso-
lated doses of
Loss of glycemic con-
trol may require
June 2016
Table 2.—Adverse Events Reported in ED-Based Trials of Parenteral Medication Given a “Should Offer” Recommendation in This Guideline

Class of

Medication Author, year Dose Adverse Event Frequency Evidence

Dexamethasone Donaldson, 2008 24 mg IV 1 physician Nausea/vomiting 9/56 (16%) 1

chosen acute Dizziness 9/56 (16%)
therapeutic Mood change 3/56 (5%)
Swelling 2/56 (4%)
Muscle cramps 1/56 (2%)
Foroughipour, 2014 16 mg IV None reported 3
Friedman, 2007 10 mg IV 1 Drowsiness 18/106 (17%) 1
metoclopramide Dizziness 3/106 (3%)
20 mg IV 1 Acute medication 9/106 (8%)
diphenhydramine reaction
25 mg IV Burning sensation radiat- 7/106 (7%)
ing to perineum
Jones, 2003 10 mg IV None reported 1
Soleimanpour, 2012 0.15 mg/kg IV None reported 3
Taheraghdam, 2011 8 mg IV None reported 2
Metoclopramide Cameron, 1995 0.1 mg/kg up to 3 Drowsiness 7/29 (24%) 3
doses IV Dizziness 4/29 (14%)
Dry mouth 2/29 (7%)
Nausea 1/29 (3%)
Nervousness 1/29 (3%)
Cete, 2005 10 mg IV Dystonic reaction 1/37 (3%) 3
Filho, 2006 Dose not reported Drowsiness 2/15 (13%) 2
Dizziness 1/15 (7%)
Friedman, 2005 20 mg IV (1–4 dos- Restlessness 2/40 (5%) 1
es) 1 diphenhydra- Generalized weakness 5/40 (13%)
mine 25 mg IV (1 Drowsiness 2/40 (5%)
or 2 doses) Stiffness/abnormal 3/40 (8%)
Friedman, 2007 20 mg IV (1 or 2 Drowsiness 11/99 (11%) 1
doses) 1 diphen- Dizziness 2/99 (2%)
hydramine 25 mg Acute medication 1/99 (1%)
IV (1 or 2 reaction
doses) 1 placebo
Friedman, 2008 20 mg IV 1 diphen- Drowsiness 5/38 (13%) 1
hydramine 25 mg Akathisia 2/38 (5%)
IV Generalized weakness 1/38 (3%)
Lightheaded 1/38 (3%)
Friedman, 2014 10 mg IV Dizziness 8/109 (7%) 1
Upper GI complaint 1/109 (1%)
Table 2.—Continued

Class of
Medication Author, year Dose Adverse Event Frequency Evidence

Restlessness (very) 6/107 (6%)

Too drowsy to function 2/108 (2%)
Gaffigan, 2015 10 mg IV 1 diphen- Sleepiness 25/31 (81%) 1
hydramine 25 mg Restlessness 14/31 (45%)
IV Nausea 10/31 (32%)
Chest pain 2/31 (6%)
Talabi, 2013 20 mg IV None reported 3
Prochlorperazine Friedman, 2008 10 mg IV 1 diphen- Drowsiness 6/39 (15%) 1
hydramine 25 mg Akathisia 3/39 (8%)
Kostic, 2010 10 mg IV 1 diphen- Restless 9/32 (28%) 1
hydramine 12.5 mg
Miller, 2009 10 mg IV Akathisia 7/20 (35%) 2
Tanen, 2003 10 mg IV Suspected extrapyramidal 2/20 (10%) 3
reaction, received
Sumatriptan Akpunonu, 1995 6 mg SC Dizziness/paresthesia 9/88 (10%) 2
Chest symptoms 5/88 (6%)
Friedman, 2005 6 mg SC Injection site reaction 1/38 (3%) 1
Generalized weakness 9/38 (24%)
Drowsiness 3/38 (8%)
Muscle stiffness/abnor- 7/38 (19%)
mal movements
Friedman, 2006 6 mg SC Neck stiffness 3/20(15%) 1
Drowsiness 2/20(10%)
Kostic, 2010 6 mg SC None reported 1
Moshtaghion, 2014 6 mg SC Chest tightness 14/46 (31%) 2
Drowsiness 2/46 (4%)
Hypotension 2/46 (4%)
Rash at injection site 15/46 (33%)
Talabi, 2013 6 mg SC None reported 3
June 2016
Headache 935

Intravenous hydromorphone may be ent to an ED with acute migraine (No recommen-

AVOIDED in adults who present to an ED with dation–Level U).
acute migraine (May avoid–Level C). No recommendation can be made regarding the
Intravenous lidocaine may be AVOIDED in role of intravenous propofol for adults who present
adults who present to an ED with acute migraine to an ED with acute migraine (No recommenda-
(May avoid–Level C). tion–Level U).
Intravenous morphine may be AVOIDED in No recommendation can be made regarding the
adults who present to an ED with acute migraine role of parenteral promethazine for adults who
(May avoid–Level C). present to an emergency department with acute
Intravenous octreotide may be AVOIDED in migraine (No recommendation–Level U).
adults who present to an ED with acute migraine No recommendation can be made regarding the
(May avoid–Level C). role of intravenous tramadol for adults who present
No Recommendation (Level U).—No recommenda- to an ED with acute migraine (No recommenda-
tion can be made regarding the role of parenteral tion–Level U).
dexamethasone for acute migraine relief in adults No recommendation can be made regarding the
who present to an ED with acute migraine (No rec- role of intramuscular trimethobenzamide for adults
ommendation–Level U). Please see below for our who present to an ED with acute migraine (No rec-
recommendation regarding dexamethasone for pre- ommendation–Level U).
vention of migraine recurrence. Prevention of Migraine Recurrence.
No recommendation can be made regarding the Must Offer (Level A).—None
role of injectable dihydroergotamine for adults who Should Offer (Level B).—Parenteral dexametha-
present to an ED with acute migraine (No recom- sone should be offered to adults who present to an
mendation–Level U). ED with acute migraine (Should offer–Level B).
No recommendation can be made regarding the role The ideal dose of dexamethasone is not known.
of injectable ergotamine for adults who present to an ED The three studies included in this review used one
with acute migraine (No recommendation–Level U). administration of dexamethasone, which was 10 mg
No recommendation can be made regarding the in one study, 20 mg in the second, and 24 mg in the
role of injectable ketamine for adults who present third. Before prescribing dexamethasone, clinicians
to an ED with acute migraine (No recommenda- should consider an individual patient’s risk for
tion–Level U). treatment-related adverse events (Table 2), such as
No recommendation can be made regarding the loss of glycemic control in diabetics. Risk of irre-
role of injectable lysine clonixinate for adults who versible adverse events such as avascular necrosis
present to an ED with acute migraine (No recom- after one dose of dexamethasone is exceedingly low
mendation–Level U). and should not dissuade clinicians from administer-
No recommendation can be made regarding the ing this medication.
role of intravenous magnesium for adults who pres- May Offer (Level C).—None
ent to an ED with acute migraine (No recommen- Recommendations for Future Research.—In our
dation–Level U). However, intravenous magnesium systematic review, we identified 68 randomized tri-
may be of benefit to patients who present with als using widely varying methodologies. Inclusion
migraine with aura. criteria, comparators, measurement instruments,
No recommendation can be made regarding the duration of follow-up, and ascertainment of adverse
role of intravenous meperidine for adults who pres- events was often different from study to study mak-
ent to an ED with acute migraine (No recommen- ing it difficult to compare data across studies. A
dation–Level U). number of randomized studies were excluded from
No recommendation can be made regarding the this systematic review for failure to incorporate
role of intravenous nalbuphine for adults who pres- international migraine criteria into their selection
936 June 2016

criteria. As a first recommendation for future migraine in US emergency departments: An analy-

research, we support the development of a standard sis of the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical
methodology for ED-based headache research. Care Survey. Cephalalgia. 2015;35:301-309.
Patient priorities must be understood. Patient prior- 2. Vinson DR. Treatment patterns of isolated benign
ities can then be used to guide the development of headache in US emergency departments. Ann
standardized instruments and follow-up time points. Emerg Med. 2002;39:215-222.
While many patients are satisfied with the 3. Friedman BW, Bijur PE, Lipton RB. Standardiz-
headache relief they obtain in the ED,3 inadequate ing emergency department-based migraine
relief, adverse medication events, and recurrence of research: An analysis of commonly used clinical
headache after ED discharge are very common. trial outcome measures. Acad Emerg Med. 2010;
Using a standardized methodology, we hope that
ED-based researchers continue to conduct and pub- 4. The American Academy of Neurology. Clinical
Practice Guideline Process Manual, 2011 edition.
lish randomized trials of migraine therapeutics to
St. Paul, MN: The American Academy of Neurol-
optimize the injectable treatment that migraine
ogy; 2011.
patients receive in the ED.
5. Olesen J, Bendtsen L, Dodick D, et al. The inter-
Acknowledgments: We thank Margaret Sampson,
national classification of headache disorders, 3rd
MLIS, PhD, AHIP for developing the electronic search
edition (beta version). Cephalalgia. 2013;33:629-
strategies, Helena Liu, MD, CFPC, Peter Lugomirski,
MD, FRCPC, Erick Sell, MD, Daniela Pohl, MD, and
6. National Center for Health Statistics. Ambulatory
Carolina Rush, MD, FRCPC for their assistance with
health care data. Available at:
translation, the American Headache Society Guideline
nchs/ahcd.htm. Accessed 25 September 2015.
Committee for their oversight, and Linda McGillicuddy
7. Zhang A, Jiang T, Luo Y, et al. Efficacy of intra-
for logistical assistance.
venous propacetamol hydrochloride in the treat-
ment of an acute attack of migraine. Eur J Intern
STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Med. 2014;25:629-632.
The American Headache Society guideline 8. Leinisch E, Evers S, Kaempfe N, et al. Evaluation
committee determined the need for a guideline of the efficacy of intravenous acetaminophen in
statement on this topic. Deborah Tepper assembled the treatment of acute migraine attacks: A double-
blind, placebo-controlled parallel group multicen-
a panel of AHS members with the expertise
ter study. Pain. 2005;117:396-400.
required to develop this guideline. All authors
9. Turkcuer I, Serinken M, Eken C, et al. Intrave-
developed the relevant clinical question statements
nous paracetamol versus dexketoprofen in acute
and outlined the search strategy. Serena L. Orr,
migraine attack in the emergency department: A
Benjamin W. Friedman, and Suzanne Christie
randomised clinical trial. Emerg Med J. 2014;31:
selected abstracts for inclusion, abstracted the data,
and graded the quality of each study. All authors
10. Diener HC. Efficacy and safety of intravenous ace-
synthesized the evidence and developed recommen-
tylsalicylic acid lysinate compared to subcutaneous
dations. Serena L. Orr and Benjamin W. Friedman
sumatriptan and parenteral placebo in the acute
drafted the manuscript. All authors edited the treatment of migraine. A double-blind, double-
manuscript for content and style. dummy, randomized, multicenter, parallel group
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11. Leniger T, Pageler L, Stude P, Diener HC,
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940 June 2016

74. Lipton RB, Hamelsky SW, Dayno JM. What do Appendix (Continued)
patients with migraine want from acute migraine
Class Criteria
treatment? Headache. 2002;42 (Suppl 1):3-9.
- Also required:
a. Concealed allocation
APPENDIX 1: CLASSIFICATION OF b. Primary outcome(s) clearly defined
EVIDENCE FOR THERAPEUTIC c. Exclusion/inclusion criteria clearly defined
d. Adequate accounting for dropouts (with at
TRIALS4 least 80% of enrolled subjects completing
the study)
Class Criteria
2 - RCT that lacks one or two criteria
b–d (see Class 1)
1 - Randomized, controlled clinical trial (RCT) - All relevant baseline characteristics are pre-
in a representative population sented and substantially equivalent among
- Masked or objective outcome assessment treatment groups, or there is appropriate sta-
- Relevant baseline characteristics are pre- tistical adjustment for differences
sented and substantially equivalent - Masked or objective outcome
between treatment groups, or there is appro- assessment
priate statistical adjustment for differences
3 - All other RCTs

RCT 5 randomized controlled trial.


Level Level U Level C Level B Level A

Wording None May Should Must

Value of benefit Too close to call Small Moderate Large
relative to risk
Confidence Very Low Low Moderate High
in evidence
Strength Not plausible Plausible Convincing Compelling
of principle-

Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s

Fig. S1. Search strategy.

Table S1. Summary of Studies

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