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This file contains submittals for both Mueller and Nordstrom Valves

Nordstrom Iron Plug Valves

Experience In Motion

NordstromIronPlugValves AdvantagesofNordstromIronPlugValves PascalsLaw PlugValvePatterns SuperNordstromTwo-BoltCover-TypeIronValve SuperNordstromRegularPatternIronPlugValve NordstromBoltedGland-TypeIronPlugValves DynamicBalancePlugValves NordstromScrewedGland-TypeIronPlugValves DimensionalTables ConformancetoStandardSpecifications GasSafetyControlValvesApproved byFactoryMutualLaboratories ActuatorsforNordstrom,SuperNordstrom andDynamicBalanceValves LockingDevicesForWrench-OperatedValves Gearing SealantFittings IntegralLockingSystemValves Wrenches SquareAdapters DrillingTemplates,FlangeDimensions andBoltingData CapScrewsandStuds RecommendedPressure/TemperatureRatings andHydrostaticShellTestPressures TestTimes TypicalMaterialsofConstruction


4 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-35 36 37 37 38-39 40 40 40 41 42 43-44 45 46 46 47

Glossary of Terms Used on Valve Dimension Tables

CWP (ColdWorkingPressure)isthemaximum servicepressurepermittedintheambienttemperaturerange-20Fto+100F(-29Cto+38C).CWPis expressedinpsig(poundspersquareinchgage). DN (DiameterNominale),anindicationofnominal diameter. Test TheHydrostaticShellTestPressure.See chartonpage42. Upperdimensionsandweightsareininchesand pounds. Lowerdimensionsandweightsareinmillimeters andkilograms.

About This Catalog

Everyattempthasbeenmadetoassurethatthedata inthiscatalogisasaccurateaspossible.Flowserve reservestherighttomakeproductmodifications thatcontradictthecontentsofthiscatalogwithout notificationtoitsholders.Flowservecannotbeheld responsibleforanydatafoundtobeinaccurateor incomplete.

Other Valve and Valve-Related Publications

NordstromMultiportValves(NVABR1022) NordstromPoly-Gas PolyethyleneValves (NVABR1006) NordstromSteelPlugValves(NVABR1004) NordstromSealantandSealantEquipment (NVABR1014) NordstromValvesForWaterandWastewater Service(NVABR1005) NordstromPoly-ChemValves(NVABR1007) NordstromPoly-Water Valves(NVABR1008)

Valve Figure Number Explanation

Valvefigurenumbersendingina1,2,3,4or5indicatewrench-operatedvalves.Valvefigurenumbers endingin1indicatecompressionstyleends.Valve figurenumbersendingin2or4indicatethreaded ends.Valvefigurenumbersendingin3or5indicate flangedends.

Valvefigurenumbersendingina9indicateflanged endswithwormgearoperator.

Valve Figure Number Index

FigureNumber 114 115 142 143 149 164 50165 50169 185 Page 15 15 12 12,13 14 21 21 22 18 FigureNumber 189 214 265 269 305 524 525 824 825 Page 18 20 28 29 23 24 24 33 33 FigureNumber 1169 1485 1489 1585 1589 2815 2865 23144 24191 Page 16,17 25 25,27 30 30,32 34 34 37 36

Valve Working Pressure Index

WorkingPressures 120CWP(8.3bar) 150CWP(10.3bar) TypeofOperation WormGear WormGear Wrench Wrench WormGear Wrench&WormGear 200CWP(13.8bar) WormGear Wrench WormGear Wrench Wrench Wrench 300CWP(20.7bar) WormGear Wrench Wrench Wrench 400CWP(27.6bar) WormGear Wrench WormGear WormGear Wrench 500CWP(34.5bar) 800CWP(55.2bar) 200CWP(13.8bar) FMValves Wrench WormGear Wrench Wrench Wrench Pattern StraightwayValves Venturi Venturi Short(GateLength) Short(GateLength) Short(GateLength) Short(GateLength) Venturi Regular Regular Regular CompressionEnds GroovedEnds Venturi Short Short Venturi Venturi Regular Regular Venturi Regular Venturi Venturi Regular SteamJacketedValves SpecialOrderValves Regular 1/24(DN15100) 39 14(DN25100) 34 30&36(DN750&900) 1424(DN350600) 1/25(DN15125) 610(DN150250) 612(DN150300) 610(DN150250) 612(DN150300) 1/24(DN15100) 412(DN100300) 48(DN100200) 6(DN150) 24(DN50100) 1624(DN400600) 1&2(DN25&50) 24(DN50100) 68(DN150200) 612(DN150300) 4&6(DN100&150) 612(DN150300) 1624(DN400600) 1/24(DN15100) 6&8(DN150&200) 612(DN150300) 3/44(DN20100) 17 17 12 13 14 18 16 15 22 21 36 37 27 20 23 25 25 28 29 32 24 30 30 33 NominalSize PageNo.

c WARNING:NumerousproductsdescribedinthiscatalogandmanufacturedbeforeJanuary1,1986were
equippedwithpackingsand/orgasketsthatcontainedasbestos.Whenservicing,disassemblingor disposingoftheseproducts,avoidbreathingtheasbestosfibersordust.Respiratorsshouldbewornto avoidbreathingtheabestosfibersordust.

Nordstrom Iron Plug Valves

Over the past 70 years, an estimated 70,000,000 Nordstrom valves have been installed in just about every type of commercial service imaginable. Many of these valves still in service today are considerably older than the persons currently operating them.
Thiswidespreadacceptanceandlong-timeusageis atributetotheversatility,provenperformanceand ruggeddurabilityoftheNordstromvalvedesign. Italsodemonstratestheeffectivenessofthemany improvementsthathaveresultedfromNordstroms continuingadvancesinvalvedesign,materials applicationengineeringandproductiontechnology, allofwhichhaveupgradedvalveperformancewhile maintainingcompetitivepricing.Obviously,agreat manyusersagreethattheNordstromironplug valveisoneofthebestvaluesonthemarkettoday!

A Technology Leader
AtNordstrom,hightechnologicalefforthasbeen andcontinuestobededicatedtoproviding oneofthevalveindustrysmostoutstanding research,developmentandtestcapabilities,aswell asadvancedmanufacturingsystems. Nordstromsbroadeninginvestmentinproduct researchanddevelopmentactivities,computeraideddesignsystems,experimentalandqualificationtestingfacilities,newproductiontechniques, andstate-of-the-artequipmentandplantfacilities hasresultedingreaterefficienciesandcostsavings inthedesignandproductionofNordstromplug valves. Theseongoingeffortshavecontinuedtokeep FlowserveNordstromValvesattheforefrontof plugvalvetechnology,whileassuringNordstroms leadershiproleintodaysplugvalvemarketplace.

Advanced Manufacturing Systems

NordstromironplugvalvesaremanufacturedatSulphur Springs,Texas.Here,Nordstromengineers,qualityassuranceinspectorsandothervalveproductionexpertsare involvedinthemanufacturingprocessfromstarttofinish toassurehighstandardsofexcellence. Nordstromsmanufacturingtechnologyleadershipis particularlyevidentwherestate-of-the-artproduction equipmentandprocesseshavebeenimplementedinthe productionofsmallerNordstromironplugvalves.This manufacturingcapabilityisrivaledbyfew(ifany)other valvemanufacturerstoday. Onceavalvebodyhasbeenmachineditismatchedwithits ownindividuallymatedplug.Theplugisthencoatedwith alow-coefficientfrictioncoating.Thevalvecomponents aremovedtothefinalassemblyareawhereeachvalve coverboltisindividuallyhand-torquedtoexactingtorque specifications.Eachandeveryvalvemustundergoand passrigoroushydrostatictesting.Finally,thevalvereceives itsredcoating-thecolorthathasidentifiedagenuine FlowserveNordstromIronplugvalvefordecades.

Customer Service
TheNordstromplugvalvecustomersalesand serviceorganization,trainedtoassistwiththe valvespecificationsandapplications,isoneofthe largestintheindustryand,webelieve,themost experiencedandtechnicallyqualified. Andtheyworkwithoneofthevalveindustrys largeststockingdistributororganizationsover 500strategicallylocatedbranchstoresthroughout theUnitedStatesalone! Internationally,ourowncustomersalesandservice representativesareaugmentedbyinternational salesagents,whorepresentNordstromplugvalve productsinprincipalcitiesthroughouttheworld. Inthedevelopmentofadvancedmaterialsand processes;inthecreationofsoundlyengineered andinnovativedesigns;inrigorousproofofperformancetesting;inadvanced,cost-effectiveproductionfacilities;inthebreadthofprovenproduct lines;inthescopeofcustomersalesandservice capabilitiesthesearetheareasofperformance thatdemonstratethestrengthsandresourcesof NordstromValves.

Advantages of Nordstrom Iron Plug Valves

Flowserve Nordstrom valves are made in a variety of patterns that assure maximum economy and efficiency for the full range of valve services. Gray Iron Nordstrom valves are suitable for air conditioning and heating services, oil and gas applications, water treatment installations wherever there is a need for rugged, dependable quarter-turn plug valves!

No Part Vibration When Throttling

Becauseoftheirpositiveseatingprincipleand rotaryaction,Nordstromvalvesarenotaffected byvibrationoflooseparts.Nordstromplugvalves havebeenusedsuccessfullyformanyyearsin continuousthrottlingservicestoreducepressures andcontroltherateofflow.

Valve Seat Never Exposed

Thevitalseatingsurfacesareself-protectingandselfcleaning.Anyabrasiveingredientthattouchestheplugina closedpositioniswipedoffwhentheplugturnsbacktothe openposition.

Instant Seat Replacement

ThepluginaNordstromvalvecanmomentarilybe jackedfromitsseatbyafewturnsofthelubricant screworbyinjectionofsealantfromalubricant gun.Thisplug-jackingassuresthatevenafterlong periodsofdisuse,theplugcanbeoperatedeasily, andthevalvewillsealdrop-tight.

Positive Quarter-turn Operation

OperatingNordstromvalvesissure,quickandeasy. Positivequarter-turnrotaryactionopensandclosesthe valve.Therearenoenlargedpocketsorrecessestocollect sediment,scaledepositsorotherforeignmatterthatmight interferewithvalveaction.

Push-Button Seat Replacement

YoucanrenewtheseatinaNordstromvalvein secondsallfromoutsidebyquick,inexpensivesealantinjection.SeetheNordstromSealant andSealantEquipmentcatalog.

Drop-Tight Seating
TheresnoequaltotheNordstromvalvestight shutoffwhenusedwitharegularprogramofsealant replacementincriticalservices.

Most Compact Sizes

Nordstromvalveshavenoprojectingyokesorbonnets, noexposedthreadstocorrode,nounderhangingbody towastevitalspace.Thisallowsforthemostefficient andeconomicaldesignintheconstructionofmanifolds, pumpingstations,etc.

No Seat Leakage
Properperformanceofatapered-plugvalverequires correctplugadjustment.EveryNordstromvalve isfactory-adjustedtospecificsettingsand assemblyassuresthatthiscorrectadjustmentwill beretainedfordrop-tightsealing.

Gray Iron
ThegrayironinNordstromvalvecastings isahigh-tensile-strengthflake-graphitecast ironproducedinelectricinductionfurnaces. Itscompositionandmicrostructureareclosely controlledsothatitconsistentlyexhibitsatensile strengthexceedingtheminimumrequiredforClass B(31,000psi)ofASTMSpecificationA126-Gray IronCastingsforValves,FlangesandPipeFittings. Conformancetoallotherrequirementsofthespecificationisassuredthroughestablishedqualitycontrol procedures.Nordstromhigh-strengthgrayironvalvesare oftheall-irontypeandcontainnonon-ferrousmetalsin theirconstruction.

Pascals Law
The Basic Principle of the Nordstrom Valve
PascalsPrinciple:NordstromValvesmakeuseofthescientificprincipleknownasPascalsLaw.Thislawstates thataunitpressureappliedtothefluidcontainedinasealedvesselistransmitteduniformlytoallareasofthe confiningsurfacesofthefluidwithundiminishedforce,thusmultiplyingtheforcemanytimes,dependingonthe areaoftheinteriorofthevessel. Sealantsystemsareincorporatedinmetal-seatedplugvalvesasanintegralpartofthevalve,andsealantis requiredtoensurepropervalveperformance. ShownisademonstrationofPascalsLaw.Agivenforceof 50lb.lifts1,250lb.overanenlargedareaof25to1ratio.

50lb. 1250lb.

Sealant Screw

1in2 PistonArea 25in2 PistonArea

ThissuperimposeddrawingofaNordstromplugvalve showsapplicationofPascalsLaw.Thesealantscrew,when turned,exertspowerfulhydraulicforce,whichwillslightly raisetheplugfromitsseatifnecessary.

Thesealantfittingorscrew,insertedintopof theplug,performsthesameoperation,pressure beingtransmittedthroughthesealantgrooves. Thesealantgroovesconnectintheplugandbody, formingatransmissionlinetothebottomchamber. Theplugisalwayssealedagainstlinepressure.

Plug Valve Patterns

Nordstromplugvalvesareavailablewiththreaded,flanged, compressionandgroovedendstomeettheneedsofyour pipingsystems.Valvesarewrench-orgear-operated,as listedinthedetailedspecificationpages. Nordstromvalvescomeinavarietyofengineeredpatterns toassuremaximumefficiencyandeconomyforthefull rangeofvalveservices.TheseincludeRegular,Shortand Venturipatterns,asshownbelow. RegularPattern,whichprovides thelargestportopeningina trapezoidalconfiguration.

ShortPattern,whichincorporates thelargestpracticalportarea consistentwithmatchinggate valveface-to-facedimensions.

VenturiPattern,whichhasa smallerportthaneithertheregular orshortpatterns.Venturipattern providesoptimizedapproachand dischargeangles,plussmooth flowcontourstoprovideminimum pressuredrop.

Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Iron Valve

A low-cost iron body plug valve with all the benefits of Nordstrom Valve designs
Itstrue!Allofthesetime-provenqualityfeaturesareavailabletothegasindustryinthelow-costSuperNordstrom plugvalve. Externalleakageiseliminatedthroughtheproven Nordstromdesignswithouttheuseofcostlyaccessoriesto protectexposed,threadedstems. Allvalvesmaybeoperatedbyastandardtwo-inchsquare wrenchwiththeuseofanadapterthatclearlyindicates valveopenandclosedpositionsaboveground. Thesevalvesincorporateallofthewell-known featuresofconventionalNordstromvalves includingquarter-turnoperation;athermally 8 bonded,low-frictionplugcoatingforlow operatingtorque;andsealantjackingto 9 ensurepositiveoperationanddrop-tight closure. 1. SealantInjectionFittingprovidesfor simple,quickinjectionofsealantin 10 SuperNordstromvalvesforinstantseat replacement.Thefittingalsoservesas acompressionscrewwhensealantis usedinstickform;canberemoved,withcaution,under pressure. 2. Weathersealeliminatesthetrashpocketbetweenthe coverandstemtoprovideoptimumenvironmental corrosionprotection. 3. OffsetCoverisflushwithbodytoeliminatepotential leakpaths;coverboltsarerecessedtoalloweasy wrenchoperation.Coverandboltsprovidegreater resistanceagainstexternalcorrosion. 4. StemSeallimitsplugliftandprovidesaddedprotection againstexternalleakage. 5. CoverSealGasketisindependentofplugpositioning mechanismandprovidesmaximumprotectionagainst externalleakage. 6. DoubleBallChecks(notshown)maintainsealant pressureintheenclosedgroovingsystemintheplug andbodyandpreventbackpressureonthesealant chamber.

2 4 3 5 7


7. SealdportTMGroovingSystemiscarefully designedtogivecompletedistributionofpressurizedsealanttoseatingsurfaces;surrounds thebodyportforcompletesealing. 8. StaticallyBalancedPlug Thespring(below plug)andloadedreinforcedTFEwasher(above plug)assureproperplugpositioning,always turncapabilityandpredictabletorque. 9. TaperedIronPlugiscoatedwithamaterialthat hasanexceptionallylowfrictioncoefficient, ispermanentlybondedtometalsurfaceand providespermanentseparationofmetalplug andbody.Thecoatingisinerttomostliquids andgases. 10.IronBody 11. nternalStopseliminatetrashpocketsaround I thecoverandstemtoprovidemaximumenvironmentalcorrosionprotection.

Super Nordstrom Regular Pattern Iron Plug Valve

Thefigures114&115havebeenredesignedtoincorporatetheSuperNordstromdesignforlowercostand moreefficientvalves. TheA114&A115SuperNordstromvalvesnowhave actuatormountingpadsforeaseofconvertingtoan actuatedvalve.Theyalsohaveanintegralstopand lockingdevicealreadyassembledtothevalve. Externalleakageiseliminatedthroughtheredesigned coverthatalsoeliminatesdebristraparoundthestem thatcanretainmoistureandcausecorrosion.Abalance 1. IntegralStopandLockingDeviceSame reliableandeasy-to-usedesignastwo-bolt covervalves. 2. ActuatorMountingPadsAllowsfor convenientfieldattachmentofoperator/ actuatormountingbracketsthuseliminating theneedforexpensivesaddle-typebrackets orviolatingtheintegrityofthecoverbolts. 3. RedesignedCoverEliminatesdebristrap aroundstemthatcanretainmoistureand causecorrosion. 4. Side-MountedSealantInjectionFitting Improvedsealantinjectionsystemallowing sealantinjectionunderplugforeffective plugjacking. 5. BalanceSpringMechanicallybalanced providinglowerandpredictableoperating torques.
5 4 3 1

springhasalsobeenincorporatedintothevalvesto providelowerandpredictableoperatingtorques.The sidemountedsealantinjectionfittingprovideseffective plugjackinganddoesnotgetinthewayofmountingan actuator. Thesevalvesincorporateallthewellknownfeaturesof conventionalNordstromvalvesincludingquarterturn operation;athermallybonded,low-frictionplugcoating forlowoperatingtorque;andsealantjackingtoensure positiveoperationanddrop-tightclosure.


Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Inboltedgland-typevalves,illustratedbelow,controlled plugmotionisprovidedbyflexingoftheglanditself. Thebolted-typeglandvalvescanbeadjusted,if needed,butnormallyrequirelittleattentionfor leak-free,easy-turningvalveperformance. Thetaperedplugislappedindividually withitsmatchingbody,providingperfect seatingcontact.Thesealantchannelsin theplugandbodyseatsprovidelubrication,which,togetherwiththepositive rotaryactionofthetapered-plugvalve, protecttheseatingsurfacesagainst corrosion,erosionandaccumulationof soliddeposits.Thisvalveisdesigned withaheavy-wallbody,whichis constructedbeyonditsrequirements asapressurevesselsothatits maximumratedworkingpressurecan withstandthehigher-than-linesealant pressureandexpectedlinestresses. 1. WrenchSquare 2. FixedAdjustmentGland 3. O-rings 4. lexibleMetalSealing F DiaphragmandGasket 5. Heavy-WallBody 6. Plug 7. ealantFitting(combinationSealantScrewandGun S Fitting) 8. GlandCapScrew 9. CoverCapScrew 10. Cover 11. ealantCheckValve(DoubleBall-Checkprevents S escapeofsealant) 12. ealantGrooves(providesSealdportsealantsystem) S 13. SealantChamber(providesplugjackingforce)
12 13 6 9 2 4 3 7 1 8




Dynamic Balance Plug Valves

1 9 2 3 8

Turnseasilyeverytime,shutsoffwith theprovendependabilityofaplug valveandeliminatestheproblems generallyassociatedwithconventional plugvalves.

7 4

1. StemHeadisobroundwithtwo wrenchflatsthatalignthewrench inthedirectionoftheportopening, thusbecominganeasilyvisible positionindicator.Squareadapters areavailabletoallowoperational flexibilitywherespaceislimited. 2. Stemtreatedwithlow-friction PTFEcoatingtoreduceoverall valvetorque.Wrench-operated valvestemsaremadeof400series stainlesssteelforcorrosion protection(i.e.,toughoffshore applications). 3. StemPackingspeciallydesignedandpatentedbyFlowserve NordstromValves,manufactured fromacombinationofgraphiteand TFE,thestempackingispressureenergized(noexternaladjustments necessary)andisinerttoawide rangeoffluidsandgases. 4. Plug-BalancingSpringis designedtopreloadtheplugto preventvibrationandthermal cyclingfromwedgingthepluginto thetaperregardlessofinstalled position.

5. Plugiscoatedwithpermanently bonded,low-frictioncoating. 6. BottomBalanceHole(notshown) isanintegralpartoftheDynamic Balancesystemwhichmaintains pressureequalizationbetweenthe plugportandthebottomofthe plug. 7. BalanceHolewithBallCheck(not shown)ensuresthatpressure abovetheplugisthesameasor greaterthanintheplugport. 8. SealantInjectionFittingpermits restorationofdamagedseatsand drop-tightshutoffonhard-to-hold fluids. 9. Weathersealtwodifferenttypes arefoundinDynamicBalance valves.Thestemweathersealis speciallyshapedandconstructed toprotectthestemandpacking fromhostileenvironmentsthat canleadtocorrosion.Thecover weathersealisanelastomericring compressedbetweenthebodyand covertoprotectcoverboltsfrom corrosion.

Asshowninthephotograph,balance holesatthetopandbottomoftheplug maintainequalpressureaboveand belowtheplugandintheplugportso thatlinepressurecannotjamtheplug intothebodytaper.Astainlesssteel springpre-loadstheplugtoprevent vibrationandthermalcyclingfrom wedgingthepluginthetaper.Loading thetopofthepluginthiswayalso compensatesfortheweightofthe plugwhenthevalveisinstalledupside down. TheDynamicBalancedesignprovides durable,metal-to-metalseatsanda sealantsystemforbubble-tightshutoff onhard-to-holdfluidsandrestoration ofdamagedseats. TheDynamicBalancedesignalso offerstheProtectedPressureBalancingfeatureforincreasedreliabilityin servicewherethereisapossibilityof foreignparticlesinthemedia.Thisdesignensuresthatthebalancingholes arenotexposedtothelinemediain theplugport,providingaddedsecurity comparedwithnormalpressure balancing. Sealantsystemsareincorporated inmetal-seatedplugvalvesasan integralpartofthevalve,andsealant isrequiredtoensurepropervalve performance. DynamicBalanceplugvalveswith theirmetal-to-metalseatshavebeen fire-testedinconformancewithAPI Standards607and6FA.


Nordstrom Screwed Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Inscrewedgland-typevalves,controlledplugmotionis providedbyflexingofspringwashers.Oncetheplughas beencarefullyadjustedbyNordstrompersonnelduring valveassembly,noadjustmentsareneededinthefield. Thetaperedplugislappedindividuallywithitsmatching body,providingperfectseatingcontact.Thesealant channelsintheplugandbodyseatsprovidelubrication,which,togetherwiththepositiverotary 8 actionofthetapered-plugvalve,protectthe seatingsurfacesagainstcorrosion,erosion 9 oraccumulationofsoliddeposits. FlowserveNordstromscrewedgland-type valvesalsoofferathermallybonded, low-frictionplugcoatingforlowoperating torque,andsealantjackingtoensurepositiveoperationanddrop-tightclosure. 1. WrenchFlats 2. SlottedFixedAdjustmentGland 3. O-ringHolderwithO-rings 4. FlexibleMetalSealingDiaphragmand Gasket 5. SpringWashers 6. Plug 7. ealantFitting(combinationSealant S ScrewandGiantButtonHeadFitting) 8. CoverCapScrew 9. Cover 10. ealantCheckValve(notshown)(DoubleBall-Check S preventsescapeofsealant) 11. ealantGrooves(providesSealdportsealantsystem) S 12. ealantChamber(providesplugjackingforce) S
7 1




Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Iron Plug Valves

Short Pattern (Gate Length)
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure142Threaded,Wrench Operated,Sizes1/2to4 Figure143Flanged,Wrench Operated,Sizes1to5
Size End-to-end,threaded, Figure142 End-to-end,flanged, Figure143 Diameterofflange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Extremewidthofbody, Figure142 Diameterofhub, Figure142 SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Weight(approx.), Figure142 Weight(approx.), Figure143 NPS DN A B C E F G J K L M N 3.8 97 1.9 48 5.5 140 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 23 2.6 66 2.3 58 B SN-1 7.0 178 6 3 3.8 97 1.9 48 5.5 140 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 23 2.6 66 2.3 58 B SN-1 7.0 178 6 3 1/2 15 4.50 114 3/4 20 4.50 114 1 25 4.50 114 5.50 140 4.3 109 3.8 97 1.9 48 5.5 140 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 23 2.6 66 2.3 58 B SN-1 7.0 178 6 3 9 4 11/4 32 5.00 127 6.50 165 4.6 117 4.1 104 2.1 53 5.8 147 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 81 2.9 74 B SN-2 10.5 267 9 4 14 6 11/2 40 5.00 127 6.50 165 5.0 127 4.1 104 2.1 53 5.8 147 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 81 2.9 74 B SN-2 10.5 267 9 4 14 6 2 50 5.88 149 7.00 178 6.0 152 4.7 119 2.4 61 6.4 163 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 81 3.6 91 B SN-2 10.5 267 13 6 20 9 21/2 65 7.00 178 7.50 191 7.0 178 4.7 119 2.4 61 6.4 163 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 81 4.3 109 B SN-2 10.5 267 17 8 25 11 3 80 7.62 194 8.00 203 7.5 191 5.6 142 3.4 86 7.2 183 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 4.0 102 5.2 132 B SN-4* 17.5 445 29 13 38 17 4 100 9.00 229 9.00 229 9.0 229 6.3 160 4.0 102 8.0 203 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 4.8 122 6.4 163 B SN-4* 15.0 381 48 22 65 29 80 36 B SN-4* 15.0 381 10.00 254 10.0 254 6.3 160 4.0 102 8.0 203 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 5 125

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 142 and 143 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Figure 143 face-to-face lengths are interchangeable with ASME Class 125 and API 175 CWP Cast Iron Gate Valves. Figures 142 and 143 valves Size 5 (125 mm) and smaller are not recommended for temperatures above +200F (+93C). * Use the longer SN-3 wrench for valves used in cold climates such as Canada.


Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Short Pattern (Gate Length)
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure143Flanged,Wrench Operated,Sizes6,8and10

Size Face-to-face,flanged,Figure143 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Numberandsizeoftappedholesin eachflange* Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremove sealantfitting Widthofstemsquare Heightofstemsquare Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Sizeofsealantstick Weight(approx.), Figure143


6 150 10.50 267 11.0 279 1.06 27 two3/4" 9.6 244 5.4 137 13.6 345 1.75 44 1.8 46 P-2 27.0 686 D 137 62

8 200 11.50 292 13.5 343 1.19 30 two3/4" 11.9 302 7.1 180 16.9 429 2.00 51 2.0 51 T-2 36.0 914 G 230 104

10 250 13.00 330 16.0 406 1.25 32 two7 8" 14.2 361 9.2 234 19.2 488 2.00 51 2.1 53 T-2 36.0 914 G 356 161

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 143 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Figure 143 face-to-face lengths are interchangeable with ASME Class 125 and API 175 CWP Cast Iron Gate Valves. *Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.


Short Pattern (Gate Length)

200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure149Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes6,18,10and12
NPS DN B C D E F G H I K S T U W 6 150 10.50 267 11.0 279 1.06 27 two3/4" 11.4 289 5.4 137 15.4 391 15.5 394 13.8 351 10.6 269 8.8 224 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 D 228 103 8 200 11.50 292 13.5 343 1.19 30 two3/4" 13.4 340 7.1 180 18.4 467 15.5 394 13.8 351 12.6 320 10.7 272 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 G 321 146 10 250 13.00 330 16.0 406 1.25 32 two7 8" 15.7 399 9.2 234 20.7 526 15.9 404 14.8 376 15.1 384 12.8 325 5.3 135 13.3 338 23.0 584 121/2 G 458 208 12 300 14.00 356 19.0 483 1.31 33 two7 8" 18.7 475 10.6 269 23.7 602 19.5 495 17.8 452 18.1 460 15.9 404 7.5 191 14.5 368 26.0 660 191/2 G 760 345

Size Face-to-face,flanged, Figure149 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Numberandsizeoftapped holesineachflange* Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Centerofporttocenterof handwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure149

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 149 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. *Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.


Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Iron Plug Valve

Regular Pattern
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure114Threaded,WrenchOperated,Sizes1/2to3 Figure115Flanged,WrenchOperated,Sizes1to4
NominalValveSize End-to-end,Fig.A114 End-to-end,Fig.A115 DiameterofFlange ThicknessofFlange CentertoTop CentertoBottom RemovalClearance CentertoBack WidthofFlat DiameterofShank HeightofFlat CentertoFitting CentertoFitting CentertoTopofPad (FlangeEndOnly) LengthofActuatorPad (FlangeEndOnly) Wrench LengthofWrench Weight(Approx.)Fig.A114 Weight(Approx.)Fig.A115 NPS DN A A C D E F G H J K L M N P Q SN-1 7.0 178 7 3 SN-1 7.0 178 7 3 3.9 98 1.9 49 3.4 86 1.3 33 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 22 2.9 74 1.4 35 3.9 98 1.9 49 3.4 86 1.3 33 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 22 2.9 74 1.4 35 1/2 15 3.75 95 3/4 20 3.75 95





1 25 4.38 111 5.50 140 4.3 109 .50 13 3.9 98 1.9 49 3.4 86 1.3 33 .81 21 1.06 27 .9 22 2.9 74 1.4 35 2.25 57 2.62 67 SN-1 7.0 178 7 3 10 4

11/2 40 5.13 130 6.50 165 5.0 127 .63 16 4.8 120 2.4 60 3.6 92 1.6 40 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 80 1.7 44 2.52 64 3.16 80 SN-2 10.5 267 12 5 17 8








2 50 6.50 165 7.50 191 6.0 152 .69 18 4.8 120 2.4 60 3.6 92 1.6 40 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 80 1.7 44 3.10 79 3.16 80 SN-2 10.5 267 14 6 21 10

2-1/2 65

3 80 8.06 205 9.00 229 7.5 191 .81 21 6.3 160 4.0 103 3.6 92 2.4 60 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 3.2 80 3.1 79 3.75 95 3.65 93 SN-4* 15.0 381 44 20 55 25

4 100

8.25 210 7.0 178 .75 19 5.6 142 2.5 62 3.6 92 2.0 50 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 3.1 79 2.6 67 3.56 93 3.65 93 SN-4* 15.0 381

9.00 229 9.0 229 1.00 25 7.1 180 4.6 117 4.0 101 2.7 69 1.38 35 1.94 49 1.5 38 3.5 89 3.5 90 4.50 114 6.00 152 M-9 21.0 533

38 17

79 36

* Use the longer SN-3 wrench for valves in cold climates such as Canada. Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 114 and 115 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10 ASME B16.33, ASME B16.38, CGA 3.11, 10 CFR 49 Part 192, MSS SP-25, MSS SP-6; API 5B; ASME A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See 38 for details. NOTE: Figures 114 and 115 are also Factory Mutual approved. See page 39 for further details.


Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Venturi Pattern
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure1169Flanged,WormGear Operated,Sizes6,8,10and12

Size Face-to-face,flanged Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Centerofporttocenter ofhandwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.)


6 150 15.50 394 11.0 279 1.06 27 11.3 287 5.4 137 15.4 391 15.6 396 13.8 351 10.8 274 8.8 224 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 D 248 112

8 200 18.00 457 13.5 343 1.19 30 13.2 335 6.8 173 18.2 462 15.6 396 13.8 351 12.0 305 10.0 254 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 G 371 168

10 250 21.00 533 16.0 406 1.25 32 15.0 381 8.9 226 20.0 508 15.9 404 14.8 376 14.0 356 11.6 295 5.3 135 13.3 338 23.0 584 121/2 G 522 237

12 300 24.00 610 19.0 483 1.31 33 16.1 409 10.0 254 21.1 536 19.5 495 17.8 452 15.1 384 12.8 325 7.5 191 14.5 368 26.0 660 191/2 G 803 364

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 1169 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.


Venturi Pattern
Sizes1424 150CWP(10.3bar) 300psig(20.7bar)Test Sizes30and36 120CWP(8.3bar) 240psig(16.6bar)Test Figure1169Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes14to36
Size Face-to-face,flanged Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Centerofporttocenter ofhandwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.) NPS DN B C D E F G H I K S T U W 14 350 27.00 686 21.0 533 1.50 38 19.9 505 12.5 318 24.9 632 27.3 693 24.5 622 19.6 498 16.6 422 11.1 282 17.9 455 26.0 660 221/2 G 1465 665 18 450 34.00 864 25.0 635 1.63 41 21.8 554 13.9 353 26.8 681 27.3 693 24.5 622 20.4 518 17.4 442 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 1983 899 20 500 36.00 914 27.5 699 1.75 44 23.5 597 15.3 389 28.5 724 27.3 693 24.5 622 22.1 561 19.1 485 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 2163 981 24 600 42.00 1067 32.0 813 2.00 51 25.4 645 17.6 447 30.4 772 37.4 950 35.8 909 24.4 620 21.1 536 15.1 384 26.1 663 32.0 813 32 G 4120 1869 30 750 51.00 1295 38.8 986 2.25 57 28.7 729 20.7 526 33.7 856 37.4 950 35.8 909 26.9 683 24.1 612 15.1 384 26.1 663 32.0 813 32 G 6580 2985 27.9 709 19.9 505 29.0 737 43.0 1092 431/4 G 10846 4920 36* 900 63.00 1600 46.0 1168 2.50 64 33.0 838 25.6 650 38.0 965

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 1169 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. *Size 36 (DN 900) valve does not have enclosed worm gearing. Supplied with open-type gearing only.


Short Pattern (Gate Length)

200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure185Flanged,WrenchOperated, Sizes6,8and10 Figure189Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes6,8and10
Size Face-to-face,flanged,Figures185and189 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Numberandsizeoftappedholesineachflange* Centertotopofstem,Figures185and189 Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremovesealantfitting, Figures185and189 Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Widthofstemsquare,Figure185 Centertotopofhousing Heightofstemsquare,Figure185 Extremewidthofbody Centerofporttocenterofhandwheel Transversecenterlinetocenterofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlinetofaceofhandwheel Overalldiameterofhandwheel Turnsofhandwheeltoopenvalve SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Weight(approx.),Figure185 Weight(approx.),Figure189 NPS DN B C D E F G H I J K L M S T U W 6 150 10.50 267 11.0 279 1.06 27 four3/4" 11.9/13.4 302/340 7.0 178 16.9/18.4 429/467 15.5 394 13.8 351 2.00 51 12.5 318 2.0 51 11.5 292 10.6 269 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 G T-2 36.0 914 208 94 256 116 8 200 11.50 292 13.5 343 1.19 30 four3/4" 13.4/15.3 340/389 9.4 239 18.4/20.3 467/516 15.9 404 14.8 376 2.00 51 14.6 371 2.0 51 13.5 343 12.4 315 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 G T-2 36.0 914 292 132 347 157 10 250 13.00 330 16.0 406 1.25 32 two7 8" 15.3/17.1 389/434 9.5 241 20.3/22.1 516/561 15.9 404 14.8 376 2.00 51 16.0 406 2.1 53 16.0 406 13.8 351 5.3 135 13.3 338 23.0 584 121/2 G T-2 36.0 914 368 167 484 220


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 185 and 189 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASME A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Figures 185 and 189 face-to-face lengths are interchangeable with ASME Class 125 and API 175 CWP Cast Iron Gate Valves. *Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.

Nordstrom Screwed Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Short Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure214Threaded,WrenchOperated,Sizes1and2

Size End-to-end,threaded Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremovesealantfitting Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Extremewidthofbody SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Weight(approx.)


1 25 4.38 111 4.1 104 2.2 56 6.7 170 .88 22 1.22 31 1.0 25 3.3 84 B E-8 7.0 178 8 4

2 50 6.50 165 5.7 145 3.2 81 8.3 211 1.12 28 1.59 40 1.4 36 4.6 117 B K-8 14.0 356 24 11

Figure 214 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.


Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Regular Pattern
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Sizes4-8 Figure50165Flanged,WrenchOperated



Size Face-to-face,flanged Diameterofflange ThicknessofFlange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody CentertotopofBody Widthofstemsquare Diameterofstem Extremewidthofbody Sizeofwrench Weight


4 100 12.0 305 9.0 229 1.0 25 8.4 213 5.5 140 6.6 168 1.0 25 1.4 36 8.9 226 DB-3 173 79

6 150 15.5 394 11.0 279 1.1 28 10.8 274 7.5 191 9.3 236 1.0 25 1.4 36 13.5 343 DB-3 325 147

8 200 18.0 457 13.5 343 1.2 31 13.7 348 9.4 239 12.2 310 1.0 25 1.4 36 17.0 432 DB-3 601 273

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 164 and 165 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.

Regular Pattern
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Sizes4-12 150CWP(10.3bar) 300psig(20.7bar)Test Sizes14-20 Figure50169Flanged,WormGearOperated


Size Face-to-face,flanged Diameterofflange ThicknessofFlange Centertotopofgearing Centertobottomofbody CentertotopofGearFlange Extremewidthofbody Centertocenterofhandwheel Centerofgearingtocenterofhandwheel CentertoHandwheel HandwheelDiameter HandwheelTurnstoOpen Weight


4 100 12.0 305 9.0 229 1.0 25 10.5 267 5.5 140 6.8 173 8.9 226 8.7 221 3.5 89 9.1 231 10 254 15 213 97

6 150 15.5 394 11.0 279 1.1 28 13.2 335 7.5 191 9.5 241 13.5 343 11.5 292 3.5 89 9.1 231 10 254 15 365 166

8 200 18.0 457 13.5 343 1.2 31 15.2 386 9.4 239 11.5 292 17.0 432 13.5 343 3.5 89 10.3 262 18 457 15 641 291

10 250 21 533 16 406 1.3 33 17.4 442 11.6 295 13.2 335 19.7 500 15.1 384 4.8 122 14.1 358 24 610 17 1027 466

12 300 24 610 19 483 1.3 33 20 508 13.7 348 15.1 384 22.3 566 17 432 6.1 155 15.1 384 24 610 22 1640 744

14 350 27 686 21 533 1.5 38 21.6 549 15.3 389 16.6 422 25.1 638 18.6 472 6.1 155 15.1 384 24 610 22 1898 861

16 400 30 762 23.5 597 1.5 38 24.3 617 17.5 445 19.3 490 30 762 21.9 556 2.1 53 19.5 495 24 610 45 2993 1358

18 450 34 864 25 635 1.62 41 27.7 704 18.7 475 20.3 516 32 813 22.8 579 10.4 264 20.8 528 24 610 62.5 3568 1618

20 500 36 914 27.5 699 1.8 46 31.11 790 19.5 495 22.4 569 33 838 26.2 666 3.87 98 22.3 566 30 762 62.5 4025 1826

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 50169 valves conforn to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1:; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; AWWA C110/A21.10-93; MSS SP-6; MSS SP-25; MSS SP-78. See page 38.

Nordstrom Screwed Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Short Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure305Flanged,WrenchOperated, Sizes2,3and4

Size Face-to-face,flanged (includes1 16"raised face),Figure305 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange (includes1/16"raised face) Numberandsizeof tappedholesineach flange* Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Diameterof1 16"raised face Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure305


2 50 7.25 184 6.5 165 1.06 27 four5 8" 5.7 145 3.3 84 8.3 211 1.12 28 1.59 40 1.4 36 4.1 104 K-8 14.0 356 B 37 17

3 80 9.25 235 8.3 211 1.19 30 two3/4" 7.0 178 4.3 109 9.6 244 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.8 46 5.6 142 M-8 21.0 533 B 75 34

4 100 10.50 267 10.0 254 1.50 38


7.5 191 4.8 122 10.1 257 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.8 46 6.9 175 M-8 21.0 533 B 105 48

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 305 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.10; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.

*Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.

Regular Pattern
500CWP(34.5bar) 1000psig(69.0bar)Test Figure524Threaded,Wrench Operated,Sizes1/2to4 Figure525Flanged,Wrench Operated,Sizes1to4
Size End-to-end,threaded, Figure524 Face-to-face,flanged (includes1 16"raised face),Figure525 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange (include1 16"raisedface) Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Extremewidthofbody, Figure524 Diameterof1 16" raisedface Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure524 Weight(approx.), Figure525 NPS DN A 1/2 15 3.75 95 3/4 20 3.75 95 1 25 4.88 124 6.25 159 4.9 124 .75 19 3.9 99 2.0 51 6.5 165 .81 21 1.09 28 .9 23 3.1 79 3.9 99 2.0 51 6.5 165 .81 21 1.09 28 .9 23 3.1 79 4.1 104 2.2 56 6.7 170 .88 22 1.22 31 1.0 25 3.3 84 2.6 66 D-8 5.5 140 B 6 3 D-8 5.5 140 B 6 3 E-8 7.0 178 B 9 4 14 6 H-8 9.0 229 B 13 6 4.6 117 2.5 64 7.2 183 .94 24 1.31 33 1.1 28 3.6 91 11/4 32 5.38 137 11/2 40 6.75 171 7.50 191 6.1 155 .94 24 4.9 124 2.8 71 7.5 191 1.00 25 1.41 36 1.2 30 3.9 99 3.5 89 J-8 10.5 267 B 18 8 28 13 2 50 8.00 203 8.50 216 6.5 165 1.06 27 5.7 145 3.2 81 8.3 211 1.13 29 1.59 40 1.4 36 4.6 117 4.1 104 K-8 14.0 356 B 27 12 38 17 21/2 65 9.50 241 9.50 241 7.5 191 1.19 30 6.2 157 3.7 94 8.8 224 1.25 32 1.78 45 1.5 38 5.4 137 4.9 124 L-8 17.5 445 B 43 20 56 25 3 80 9.38 238 11.13 282 8.3 211 1.31 33 7.0 178 4.3 109 9.6 244 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.8 46 6.0 152 5.6 142 M-8 21.0 533 B 58 26 81 37 4 100 10.50 267 12.00 305 10.0 254 1.50 38 7.5 191 4.7 119 10.1 257 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.8 46 6.8 173 6.9 175 M-8 21.0 533 B 80 36 110 50


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 524 and 525 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Figure 525 tace-to-face lengths are interchangeable with ASME Class 250 and API 500 CWP Cast Iron Gate Valves.

Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Venturi Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure1485Flanged,Wrench Operated,Sizes6and8 Figure1489Flanged,Worm GearOperated,Sizes6to12
Size Face-to-face(includes1 16"raisedface),flanged,Figures1485and1489 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange(includes1/16"raisedface) Centertotopofstem,Figures1485/1489 Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremovesealantfitting,Figures1485/1489 Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Widthofstemsquare Centertotopofhousing Heightofstemsquare Diameterof1 16"raisedface Centerofporttocenterofhandwheel Transversecenterlinetocenterofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlinetofaceofhandwheel Overalldiameterofhandwheel Turnsofhandwheeltoopenvalve SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench NPS DN B C D E F G H I J K L O S T U W 9.8 249 20.0 508 1.8 46 9.7 246 8.9 226 1.75 44 6* 150 13.00 330 12.5 318 1.50 38 9.6/11.8 243/300 5.6 142 13.6/15.8 345/401 8 200 14.25 362 15.0 381 1.69 43 11.8/13.9 300/353 6.9 175 16.9/18.2 429/462 15.5 394 13.8 351 2.00 51 11.9 302 2.0 51 11.9 303 10.0 254 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 14.0 356 11.6 295 5.3 135 13.3 338 23.0 584 16.4 417 15.6 396 7.5 191 14.5 368 26.0 660 10 250 16.75 425 17.5 445 1.93 49 /15.0 /381 8.9 226 -/20.0 -/508 15.9 404 14.8 376 12 300 17.50 445 20.5 521 2.06 52 /19.0 /483 10.9 277 /24.0 /610 19.5 495 17.8 452

13.9 353

17.9 455

121/2 121/2 121/2 191/2 D G G G P-2 T-2 27.0 36.0 Lengthofwrench 686 914 205 320 Weight(approx.),Figure1485 93 145 283 388 946 Weight(approx.),Figure1489 128 176 429 Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 1485 and 1489 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. *Fig. 1489 Size 6 (DN 150) available with open gearing only. Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.

Venturi Pattern
300CWP(20.7bar) 600psig(41.4bar)Test Figure1489Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes16to24

Size Face-to-face(includes 1 16"raisedface),flanged Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange (includes1 16"raisedface) Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Diameterof1/16"raised face Centerofporttocenter ofhandwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure1489


16 400 33.00 838 25.5 648 2.44 62 20.0 508 13.0 330 25.0 635 27.3 693 24.5 622 19.6 498 21.0 533 16.6 422 11.1 282 17.9 455 26.0 660 221/2 G 1815 823

18 450 36.00 914 28.0 711 2.50 64 21.8 554 14.5 368 26.8 681 27.3 693 24.5 622 20.4 518 23.3 592 17.4 442 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 2515 1141

20 500 39.00 991 30.5 775 2.69 68 23.5 597 15.9 404 28.5 724 27.3 693 24.5 622 22.1 561 25.5 648 19.1 485 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 2975 1349

24 600 45.00 1143 36.0 914 2.94 75 25.4 645 17.9 455 30.4 772 37.4 950 35.8 909 23.9 607 30.3 770 21.1 536 15.1 384 26.1 663 32.0 813 32 G 4220 1914


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 1489 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.

Regular Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure265Flanged,WrenchOperated,Sizes4and6

Size Face-to-face,flanged, Figure265(includes1 16" raisedface) Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Widthofstemsquare Heightofstemsquare Extremewidthofbody Diameterof1 16" raisedface Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure265


4 100 13.00 330 10.0 254 1.37 35 9.6 244 5.7 145 13.5 343 1.75 44 1.8 46 10.0 254 6.9 175 P-2 27.0 686 D 184 83

6 150 16.75 425 12.5 318 1.68 43 12.1 307 7.8 198 17.1 434 2.00 51 2.1 53 14.3 363 9.6 244 T-2 36.0 914 G 385 175


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45.

Figure 265 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10 (Size 6 [DN 150] only); ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.

Regular Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure269Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes6,8,10and12

Size Face-to-face(includes 1 16"raisedface),flanged Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange (includes1 16"raisedface) Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Extremewidthofbody Diameterof "raised face
1 16


6 150 16.75 425 12.5 318 1.68 43 14.1 358 7.8 198 19.1 485 15.9 404 14.8 376 12.9 328 14.3 363 9.6 244 10.7 272 5.3 135 12.6 320 23.0 584 121/2 G 475 215

8 200 19.75 503 15.0 381 1.94 49 16.1 409 9.8 249 21.1 536 19.5 495 17.8 452 14.9 378 17.8 452 11.9 302 12.8 325 7.5 191 14.3 363 26.0 660 191/2 G 778 353

10 250 23.50 597 17.5 445 1.94 49 19.1 485 12.2 310 24.1 612 27.3 693 24.5 622 18.6 472 21.5 546 14.0 356 15.7 399 11.1 282 17.9 455 26.0 660 221/2 G 1120 508

12 300 28.00 711 20.5 521 2.06 52 21.8 554 14.2 361 26.8 681 27.3 693 24.5 622 20.3 516 23.8 605 16.4 417 17.4 442 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 1685 764

Centerofporttocenter ofhandwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.)

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 269 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38.

Venturi Pattern
500CWP(34.5bar) 1000psig(69.0bar)Test Figure1585Flanged,WrenchOperated, Sizes6and8 Figure1589Flanged,WormGearOperated, Sizes6to12
Size Face-to-face(includes1 16"raisedface),flanged, Figures1585and1589 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange(includes1 16"raisedface) Numberandsizeoftappedholesineachflange* Centertotopofstem,Figures1585/1589 Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremovesealantfitting, Figures1585/1589 Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Widthofstemsquare Centertotopofhousing Heightofstemsquare Diameterof1 16"raisedface Centerofporttocenterofhandwheel Transversecenterlinetocenterofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlinetofaceofhandwheel Overalldiameterofhandwheel Turnsofhandwheeltoopenvalve SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Weight(approx.),Figures1585and1589 NPS DN B C D E F G H I J K L O S T U W 9.6/11.8 244/300 5.7 145 13.4/15.8 340/401 15.6 396 13.8 351 1.75 44 10.8 274 1.8 46 9.7 246 8.8 224 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 D P-2 27.0 686 241/320 109/145 6 150 15.88 403 12.5 318 1.69 43 8 200 16.50 419 15.0 381 1.94 49 two7 8" 11.8/13.2 300/335 7.0 178 16.8/18.2 427/462 15.9 404 14.8 376 2.00 51 12.6 320 2.0 51 11.9 302 10.2 259 5.3 135 12.6 320 20.0 508 121/2 G T-2 36.0 914 368/450 167/204 14.0 356 11.6 295 5.3 135 13.3 338 23.0 584 121/2 G 16.4 417 15.6 396 7.5 191 14.5 368 26.0 660 191/2 G 10 250 18.00 457 17.5 445 2.19 56 two1" /15.0 /381 9.0 229 /20.0 /508 15.9 404 14.8 376 12 300 19.75 502 20.5 521 2.31 59 two11 8" /18.9 /480 11.1 282 /23.9 /607 19.5 495 17.8 452

14.0 356

17.9 455

/628 /285

/1076 /488


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 1585 and 1589 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Figure 1589 (Size 6 [DN 150] to Size 12 [DN 300]) face-to-face lengths are interchangeable with ASME Class 250 and API 500 CWP Cast Iron Gate Valves. *Note: Studs or capscrews required. For sizes and lengths, see page 48.

Venturi Pattern
400CWP(27.6bar) 800psig(55.2bar)Test Figure1589Flanged,WormGear Operated,Sizes16to24

Size Face-to-face(includes 1 16"raisedface),flanged Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange (includes1 16" raisedface)* Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Lengthofgearhousing Widthofgearhousing Centertotopofhousing Diameterof1 16"raised face Centerofporttocenter ofhandwheel Transversecenterlineto centerofwormshaft Longitudinalcenterlineto faceofhandwheel Overalldiameterof handwheel Turnsofhandwheelto openvalve SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.)


16 400 33.00 838 25.5 648 2.69 68 19.9 505 13.0 330 25.0 635 27.3 693 24.5 622 19.6 498 21.0 533 16.6 422 11.1 282 17.9 455 26.0 660 221/2 G 2080 943

18 450 36.00 914 28.0 711 2.75 70 21.8 554 14.5 368 26.8 681 27.3 693 24.5 622 20.4 518 23.3 592 17.4 442 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 2800 1270

20 500 39.00 991 30.5 775 3.00 76 23.5 597 16.1 409 28.5 724 27.3 693 24.5 622 22.1 561 25.5 648 19.1 485 11.1 282 19.7 500 29.0 737 221/2 G 3525 1599

24 600 45.00 1143 36.0 914 3.31 84 25.4 645 18.5 470 30.4 772 37.4 950 35.8 909 24.4 620 30.3 770 21.1 536 15.1 384 26.1 663 32.0 813 32 G 5730 2599


Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 250 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figure 1589 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASME B16.10; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. *Figure 1589 Size 16 (DN 400) to 24 (DN 600) valves have flanges thicker than those specified for ASME Class 250 and have correspondingly higher pressure ratings. They are intended for use between steel flanges ASME B16.5 Class 300. Flange bolting and gaskets should conform to ASME B16.5 Class 300.


Nordstrom Screwed Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Regular Pattern
800CWP(55.2bar) 1600psig(110.3bar)Test Figure824Threaded,Wrench Operated,Sizes3/4to3 Figure825Flanged,Wrench Operated,Sizes2to4
Size End-to-end,threaded, Figure824 Face-to-face,flangeds (includes1/4"raisedface), Figure825 Diameterofflange Thicknessofflange(not including1/4"raisedface) Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Extremewidthofbody, Figure824 Diameterof1/4"raised face Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.), Figure824 Weight(approx.), Figure825 NPS DN A 3/4 20 3.75 95 1 25 4.88 124 2 50 8.13 206 11.50 292 6.5 165 1.25 32 4.3 109 1.8 46 6.9 175 .81 21 1.09 28 .8 20 3.2 81 4.7 119 2.1 53 7.4 188 .88 22 1.22 31 .9 23 3.3 84 6.5 165 3.2 81 9.2 234 1.12 28 1.59 40 1.1 28 6.3 160 3.6 91 SN-1 7.0 178 B 7 3 E-9 7.0 178 B 10 5 K-9 14.0 356 B 38 17 56 25 3 80 10.00 254 14.00 356 8.3 211 1.50 38 8.1 206 4.5 114 10.7 272 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.3 33 7.8 198 5.0 127 M-9 34.0 864 B 82 37 118 54 178 81 6.2 157 M-9 34.0 864 B 17.00 432 10.8 274 1.88 48 8.6 218 5.0 127 11.2 284 1.38 35 1.97 50 1.3 33 4 100


Flanges are drilled to American Hydraulic Class 800 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45.

Figures 824 and 825 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B1.20.1; ASME B16.1; API 5B; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. Flange dimensions and drilling are the same as for ASME Class 600 steel flanges, except for flange thickness.

Nordstrom Screwed and Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Steam Jacketed
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure2815(ScrewedGland-Type), Flanged,WrenchOperated,Sizes1, 2and3 Figure2865(BoltedGland-Type), Flanged,WrenchOperated,Size4
1 (2x1x2) 25 7.50 191 6.0 152 .63 16 4.1 104 3.1 79 6.7 170 .88 22 1.2 30 1.0 25 .75 19 four1/2" 15 E-8 7.0 178 B 22 10 2 (3x2x3) 50 9.25 235 7.5 191 .75 19 5.7 145 4.6 117 8.3 211 1.13 29 1.6 41 1.4 36 1.50 38 ** K-8 14.0 356 B 49 22 3 (4x3x4) 80 12.00 305 9.0 229 .94 24 7.0 178 5.6 142 9.6 244 1.38 35 1.9 48 1.8 46 1.25 32 four1" 25 M-8 21.0 533 B 99 45 4 (6x4x6) 100 16.00 406 11.0 279 1.00 25 9.6 244 8.4 213 13.5 343 1.75 44

Size Face-to-face,flanged, Figure2815and2865 Diameterofflange*(flange diameterisoneormoresizes largerthannominal) Thicknessofflange Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremove sealantfitting Widthofstemflats/square Diameterofstem,Figure2815 Heightofstemflats/square Sizeofsteamconnectionsin bottomofbody(NPTandmm) Numberandsizeofsteam connectionsinsidesand throatsofbody Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.),Figure2815 Weight(approx.),Figure2865



1.8 46 2.00 51 four11/4" 32 P-2 27.0 686 D

216 98

Flanges are drilled to ASME Class 125 Cast Iron Flange Standard Template. For drilling and bolting data, see page 45. Figures 2815 and 2865 valves conform to the following standards where applicable: ASME B16.1; ASTM A126, Class B; and MSS SP-78. See page 38. *Note: Drilling template is determined by diameter of valve flanges, which are one or more sizes larger than nominal size valve. **Two Size 1 (DN 25) in sides; two Size 3/4 (DN 20) in throats. Jackets are designed for maximum saturated steam pressure of 160 psi (11 bar).

Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Iron Plug Valves

Style  Compression Ends for Steel Pipe
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure24191WrenchOperated,SixBoltEnd,Size6

Size End-to-end Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredtoremovesealantfitting Widthofstemsquare Heightofstemsquare Extremewidthofbody Depthofhubbore Minimuminsidediameterofhub Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench SizeofSealantStick Weight(approx.)


6 150 18.00 457 9.6 244 5.4 137 13.7 348 1.75 44 1.8 46 10.4 264 2.5 64 6.7 170 P-2 27.0 686 D 163 74

Figure 24191 body and plug material conform to ASTM A126, Class B and MSS SP-78. See page 38.

Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Iron Plug Valves

Grooved Ends for Steel Pipe
200CWP(13.8bar) 400psig(27.6bar)Test Figure23144WrenchOperated,Sizes 2,3and4

Size End-to-end Centertotopofstem Centertobottomofbody Clearancerequiredto removesealantfitting Outsidediameterofhub Widthofstemflats Diameterofstem Heightofstemflats Extremewidthofbody Diameterofhubgroove Lengthoffinishportion ofhub Widthofgroove SizeofSealantStick Sizeofwrench Lengthofwrench Weight(approx.)


2 50 8.00 203 4.7 119 2.4 61 6.4 163 2.38 60 1.00 25 1.38 35 1.0 25 3.2 81 2.24 57 .56 14 .26 7 B SN-2 10.5 267 14 6

3 80 9.50 241 5.6 142 3.4 86 7.2 183 3.50 89 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 4.0 102 3.34 85 .56 14 .26 7 B SN-4* 17.5 445 27 12

4 100 10.75 273 6.3 160 4.0 102 8.0 203 4.50 114 1.25 32 1.75 44 1.3 33 4.8 122 4.33 110 .61 15 .31 8 B SN-4* 15.0 381 46 21

Figure 23144 valve is not recommended for temperatures above 200F (93C). Grooved couplings are not supplied with valves. Figure 23144 body and plug material conform to ASTM A-126, Class B and MSS SP-78. See page 38. * Use the longer SN-3 wrench for valves used in cold climates such as Canada.

Conformance to Standard Specifications

Whereverapplicable,ironplugvalvesbyFlowserveNordstromValvesconformtothelatesteditionofthestandard specificationslistedbelowastopressureratings,dimensionsandconstruction.ConsultFlowserveforadditional information.

B1.20.1 PipeThreads,GeneralPurpose(Inch) B16.1 C astIronPipeFlangesandFlangedFittings (exceptvalveshavingslightlythickerflanges)

Bulletin6-18 L ossPreventionData(Figures 114FMand115FMonly)

B16.10 ace-to-faceandEnd-to-endDimensionsof F Valves

FlowserveNordstromValvesisanISO9001 CertifiedCompany MSSManufacturersStandardization SocietyoftheValveandFittingsIndustry

SP-6 S tandardFinishforContactFacesofPipe FlangesandConnecting-EndFlangesof ValvesandFittings S tandardMarkingSystemforValves, Fittings,FlangesandUnions C astIronPlugValves,Flangedand ThreadedEnds

5B T hreading,Gaging,andThreadInspectionof Casing,Tubing,andLinePipeThreads

3.11 Lever-OperatedPressure-LubricatedPlug-Type GasShut-OffValves(Figures114and115only)

SP-25 SP-78

49CFRPART192 PipelineSafetyRegulations

Skids of Nordstrom iron plug valves await shipment to over 00 strategically located distributor branch stores throughout the US.

Gas Safety Control Valves Approved by Factory Mutual Laboratories

Apositivemethodofpreventingfuelexplosionsin multi-burnergas-firedindustrialfurnaces,ovens,dryers andboilershasbeendevelopedbytheFactoryMutual EngineeringandResearchCorporation.Thismethodis describedindetailinFactory Mutual Engineering and Research Corporation Loss Prevention Bulletin Number 6-18. Briefly,themethodofassuringclosureofallindividual burnercocksbeforethemainburnergassafetyshutoff valvecanbeopenedisaSupervisingCockandGasSafety ControlSystem.TheSupervisingCock,aFlowserve Nordstromvalve,issimilartoastandardNordstromvalve
ValveFigureNumber Figure114FM Figure115FM Notes: 1. Connection piping is not provided. Valves shipped with pipe plugs in lieu of piping. 2. Suitable for manufactured, natural, propane and butane gases. 3. Above valves are made on special order and require special wrenches that are permanently dowel-pinned to each valve. 4. Factory Mutual-approved valves should only be lubricated in full open or full closed positions. IronPipeSize DN 1/2,3/4,1,11/2,2,3 15,20,25,40,50,80 1,11/2,2,21/2,3,4 25,40,50,65,80,100

exceptthatitincorporatestwosideoutlets,which areconnectedinserieswithcoppertubingto adjacentvalves.Withthisdesign,whenthegas passagesofallvalvesareclosed,anewcontinuous passagewayisprovidedthroughalloftheclosed valvesinthesystem. ThespecialNordstromvalvesshownbelowhave beenapprovedbyFactoryMutualEngineeringand ResearchCorporationforuseasSupervisingCocks inGasSafetyControlSystems.

MaximumRated OperatingPressure (psig/bar) 50 3.5 50 3.5

CopperTubingCheckingSystem ConnectionsIronPipeSize Size2andsmaller1 8 Size21/2andlarger1/4

Actuators for Nordstrom, Super Nordstrom and Dynamic Balance Valves

FlowserveNordstromValves cansupplyhydraulic,pneumatic orelectricpoweractuatorsfor mechanicaloperationofNordstrom, SuperNordstromandDynamic Balancevalves.Toobtainequipment incloseconformancewithcustomer requirements,thefollowing informationshouldbeprovidedatthe timeoftheinquiry: 1.Valvesizeandpressureclass A.fthepoweractuatorisbeing I orderedforfieldconversion, describetheactuatorcurrently installedonthevalve. 2.Typeofactuatordesired A.Hydraulic B.Pneumatic C.Electric 3. aximumdifferentialpressure M acrossvalveduringoperation. 4. peedofoperationrequiredin S minutesorseconds A.Toopen B.Toclose 5.Frequencyofoperation. 6.Foranelectricoperator,specify: A.ACorDCvoltage B.Singleorthree-phase C.Typeofmotor 1.Explosion-proof 2.Weatherproof 3.Other D.Frequency 7.fpneumaticorhydraulicactuator I isdesired,specify: A. inimumandmaximum M pressureavailable. B.Operatingmedium 1.Gas 2.Air 3.Fluid(specifytype) C.Accessoryequipmentdesired 1.Filter 2.Pump 3.Controlvalving: a.electricallyoperated b.manuallyoperated c.pilotoperated

8. ositionindicator(visualindicator P onvalvesisstandard) A.Remotereading 1.Selsyn 2.Potentiometer 9.Fullinstrumentationtobe furnishedby: A.Flowserve B.Others

Locking Devices For Wrench-Operated Valves


Super Nordstrom iron plug valve with locking hood attached.


Super Nordstrom iron plug valve with locking wrench used as a locking device.


Locking device attached to valve with screwedtype gland without stop collar.


Locking Device attached to valve with screwedtype gland (00 CWP).


Locking device attached to valve with bolted-type gland.

Locking Devices For Wrench-Operated Valves

For Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Valves
A Plain Locking Device
Size PartDescription Hood ChainAssembly CompleteAssembly 3001225 2753423 2752670 3001115 2753423 2752671 1/2,3/4,1 11/4,11/2,2&21/2 PartNumber 3001153 2753424 2752672 3001155 2753425 2752673 3 4&5

Combination Reversible Locking Device and Wrench

Size PartDescription 1/2,3/4,1 2752770 2753426 2752861 11/4,11/2,2,21/2 PartNumber 3001165 2753427 2752862 2752771 2753428 2752863 2752772 2753429 2752864 3 4&5

LockingWrench ChainAssembly CompleteAssembly

For Screwed Type Gland Valves

C Without Stop Collars 200, 400 and 500 CWP
Size PartDescription Hood Yoke CapScrew Washer CompleteAssembly *Threaded **Flanged 11/4 57563 57565 None None 20670 57564 57565 None None 20671 2889 15505 910083 15668 24591 1/2,3/4 1 11/4* 11/2** PartNumber 15627 15629 910109 15668 20673 15633 15634 None None 20674 15635 15636 None None 20675 45801 45802 None None 20676 2 21/2 3&4

With Stop Collars 800 CWP

Size PartDescription 1/2&3/4 85998 85941 86032 1 85999 85942 86033 11/4,11/2 PartNumber 86000 85943 86034 86001 85944 86035 86002 85945 86036 86003 85946 86037 2 21/2 3&4

Hood Yoke CompleteAssembly


For Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Valves

Size10"Figures 143,185&1485 Size6"Figure265 PartNumber 57629 57613 57734 58092 Size6"&8"Figures 143,185,1485& 1585Size4"Figure 265&Size6"24191 PartNumber 57630 45926 57734 58093


For Dynamic Balance Straightway Valves

4",6"&8" 482820 482821 946031 482822

Yoke Cover RetainingRing CompleteAssembly

PartDescription Hood LockingClip Dart&Chain CompleteAssembly

Simple Worm Gearing for Valves with Side-Mounted Handwheel
Simplewormgearingenclosedinaweatherproofhousing isusedonFlowserveNordstromValves.Anindicatoron topreadilyshowsthevalveoperatingposition.Thisgearing isadaptableformountingelectricactuators.Worm-gearoperatingmechanismsarebuilttowithstandabuseunder alltypesofconditions.Weartestshaveproventhemreliable forthousandsofcyclesatfullratedoutputoftheunit.

Worm Gearing for Buried Service

Standardironvalvesfortypicalburiedservices(suchas thosefoundinwaterworks)canbefactorymodifiedto providewatertightwormgearingthatincludesatwo-inch operatingnutandabentsealantpipe.Thismodification protectsthevalveplugstemandbringssealantinjectionto groundlevel.Withthisburiedwormgearing,thevalveis operatedwithatee-handlesocketwrench.

Sealant Fittings
TheNordstromValves SealantFittingisstandard equipmentonallNordstrom valves.NordstromValves SealantFittingsallowboth manualandautomaticsealant injectionwithoutneedforotherspecialfittings.Theyare availableseparately,inseveralsizes,asreplacements fordamagedfittingsorthelubescrewonolderdesign Nordstromvalvesstillinservice.
Sealant Stick Size B C D G Parallel ThreadSize 1/4"

CarbonSteelFitting PartNumber 3000711 37416 37417 37418


1/2" 3/4"

Integral Locking System Valves

SuperNordstromTwo-Bolt,Cover-Designvalveswiththe IntegralLockingSystem(ILS)helppreventaccidental operationortamperingofthevalvewhile,allowingyouto lockorsealthevalvequicklyandeasily.Availableinsizes2, 3and4.SeeSalesBrochureNVABR1023.


Wrenches for Valves with Square or Obround Stems
Size SN-1 SN-2 SN-3 SN-4 Part# 3001198 3001197 3001196 2756546 Weight .9 .4 1.7 .8 5.6 2.5 4.8 2.2 A 7.0 178 10.5 267 25.0 635 15.0 381 H1 1.1 28 1.5 38 1.8 46 1.8 46 H2 .4 10 .5 13 .6 15 .6 15 J1 .81 21 1.00 25 1.25 32 1.25 32 J2 .89 23 1.10 28 1.50 38 1.50 38 K 1.10 28 1.41 36 1.82 46 1.82 46
J2 A



K H2

Wrenches for Valves with Square Heads

Size P-2 T-2 V-2 PartNo. 8889 8148 8890 Weight 6 3 11 5 17 8 A 27.0 686 36.0 914 48.0 1219 B (Diameter) 1.7 43 1.9 48 1.9 48 C 5.5 140 6.7 170 7.0 178 J 1.84 47 2.09 53 2.56 65

Wrenches for Valves with Obround Heads (with stop lugs)

Size D-8 E-8 H-8 J-8 K-8 L-8 M-8 PartNo. 13340 13341 13342 13343 30535 13345 13346 Weight .8 .4 1.0 .5 1.3 .6 1.8 .8 2.3 1.0 4.0 1.8 5.5 2.5 A 5.5 140 7.0 178 9.0 229 10.5 267 14.0 356 17.5 445 21.0 533 B .8 20 .8 20 .9 23 .9 23 1.1 28 1.2 30 1.3 33 C 1.2 30 1.3 33 1.3 33 1.3 33 1.4 36 1.6 41 1.7 43 H1 1.1 28 1.3 33 1.4 36 1.5 38 1.6 41 1.8 46 1.9 48 H2 .4 10 .5 13 .5 13 .5 13 .6 15 .6 15 .6 15 J .81 21 .88 22 .94 24 1.00 25 1.13 29 1.25 32 1.38 35 K 1.10 28 1.23 31 1.32 34 1.41 36 1.60 41 1.79 45 1.98 50

Wrenches for Valves with Obround Heads (without stop lugs)

Size E-9 H-9 K-9 L-9 M-9 Part# 15105 15106 15108 15109 15110 Weight 1.0 .5 1.3 .6 2.5 1.1 3.8 1.7 5.5 2.5 A 7.0 178 9.0 229 14.0 356 17.5 445 21.0 533 B .8 20 .9 23 1.1 28 1.2 30 1.3 33 H1 1.3 33 1.4 36 1.6 41 1.8 46 1.9 48 H2 .5 13 .5 13 .6 15 .6 15 .6 15 J .88 22 .94 24 1.13 29 1.25 32 1.38 35 K 1.23 31 1.32 34 1.60 41 1.79 45 1.98 50

Cast Heads Fitted with Pipe Handles for Dynamic Balance Valves
Size DB-3 Part# 482137 Weight 6.8 3 A 36 914 B(Dia.) 1.3 33 C 4.7 119 J 1.03 26 K 1.44 37


Square Adapters
For Wrench-Operated Valves
Adaptersareavailableforallsizesandtypesofwrench-operatedvalves.Alladaptershave2"(51mm)squarewrench flat,sothatallvalvesfittedwithadaptersmaybeoperatedwithasingleleverorsocketwrenchhaving2"(51mm) squareopening.

" Square Adapters for Valves with Obround Wrench Heads

Valves with Stop Collars
DistanceAcrossFlatsof ObroundWrenchHeadon Valve(SeeDimensionJ)* .81 21 .88 22 .94 24 1.00 25 1.12 29 1.25 32 1.38 35 AdapterPartNo. 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12185 12186

" Square Adapters for Valves with Square Wrench Heads

Valves without Stop Collars

DistanceAcrossFlatsof ObroundWrenchHeadon AdapterPartNo. Valve(SeeDimensionJ)* .81 3713 21 .88 3714 22 .94 3715 24 1.00 27553381 25 1.12 3717 29 1.25 3718 32 1.38 3719 35 * For dimension J refer to valve dimension tables.

DistanceAcrossFlatsof SquareStemHeadonValve AdapterPartNo. (SeeDimensionJ)* .83 63530 21 .91 63531 23 1.06 63532 27 1.25 63533 32 1.44 63588 37 1.50 63588 38 1.59 63589 40 1.75 1277 44 2.00 NoneRequired 51 2.44 27002 62 2.50 27002 64 * For dimension J refer to valve dimension tables. Assembly includes adapter, sealant nipple and sealant fitting.

Supersedes adapter 3716.

Drilling Templates, Flange Dimensions and Bolting Data

Class 1 Cast Iron Flange Standard (ASME B1.1)

NominalPipe Size 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 30 36 Diameterof Flange C 4.25 4.62 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 9.00 10.00 11.00 13.50 16.00 19.00 21.00 23.50 25.00 27.50 32.00 38.75 46.00 Thicknessof Flange* D .44 .50 .56 .62 .69 .75 .94 .94 1.00 1.12 1.19 1.25 1.38 1.44 1.56 1.69 1.88 2.12 2.50 Diameterof BoltCircle X 3.12 3.50 3.88 4.75 5.50 6.00 7.50 8.50 9.50 11.75 14.25 17.00 18.75 21.25 22.75 25.00 29.50 36.00 42.75 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 16 16 20 20 28 32 No.ofBolts Diameter ofBolts 1/2 1/2 1/2
5 8 5 8 5 8 5 8

Length A 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.50 6.25 8.25

3/4 3/4 3/4

7 8 7 8

1 1 11 8 1
1 8

11/4 11/4 11/2

* Some Nordstrom Iron valve flanges are thicker than ASME Class 125 and Class 250 Cast Iron flanges. See valve dimension tables. In some cases bolt lengths shown above are longer than standard. NOTE: Aways check thickness of valve flanges, gaskets and companion flanges to determine correct bolt lengths required.

Drilling Templates, Flange Dimensions and Bolting Data

Class 0 Cast Iron Flange Standard (ASME B1.1)

Nominal PipeSize 1 11/4 11/2 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Diameterof Flange C 4.88 5.25 6.12 6.50 7.50 8.25 10.00 11.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.50 23.00 25.50 28.00 30.50 36.00 Thicknessof Flange D .69 .75 .81 .88 1.00 1.12 1.25 1.38 1.44 1.62 1.88 2.00 2.12 2.25 2.38 2.50 2.75 Diameterof RaisedFace O 2.69 3.06 3.56 4.19 4.94 5.69 6.94 8.31 9.69 11.94 14.06 16.44 18.94 21.06 23.31 25.56 30.25 Diameterof BoltCircle X 3.50 3.88 4.50 5.00 5.88 6.62 7.88 9.25 10.62 13.00 15.25 17.75 20.25 22.50 24.75 27.00 32.00 Numberof Bolts 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 16 20 20 24 24 24 Diameterof Bolts
5 8 5 8

Lengthof Bolts** A 2.50 2.50 2.75 2.75 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4.25 4.75 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.75

5 8

3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4

7 8

1 11 8 1
1 8

11/4 11/4 11/4 11/2

** Certain valves have tapped holes in each end flange, requiring use of studs or cap screws. For quantity and size see tables on page 48. Certain other valves have a limited amount of clearance behind the flange at some bolt hole locations. When this condition is encountered, two to four bolts will have to be shortened or bolt-studs substituted. NOTE: Bolt holes are drilled 1/8 inch larger than the diameter of the bolt. Drilling templates are in multiples of four holes so that the valves may be turned in any quarter when being installed. Bolt holes straddle the centerline. NOTE: Aways check thickness of valve flanges, gaskets and companion flanges to determine correct bolt lengths required.

American Hydraulic Class 00 Cast Iron Flange Standard

Nominal PipeSize 2 21/2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 Diameter ofFlange C 6.50 7.50 8.25 10.75 13.00 14.00 16.50 20.00 22.00
1 8

Thickness ofFlange D 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.88 2.12 2.25 2.50 2.88 3.00

Diameter ofRaised Face O 3.62 4.12 5.00 6.19 7.31 8.50 10.62 12.75 15.00

Diameter ofBolt Circle X 5.00 5.88 6.62 8.50 10.50 11.50 13.75 17.00 19.25

Numberof Bolts 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 16 20

Diameter ofBolts
5 8

Lengthof BoltsMale toMale A 3.75 4.25 4.50 5.50 6.00 6.25 7.00 7.75 8.00

Maleto Female B 3.50 4.00 4.25 5.25 5.75 6.00 6.75 7.50 7.75

3/4 3/4
7 8

1 1 11 8 11/4 11/4

NOTE: Bolt holes are drilled " larger than the diameter of the bolt. Drilling templates are in multiples of four holes so that the valves may be turned in any quarter when being installed. Bolt holes straddle the centerline unless otherwise ordered.

Cap Screws and Studs

For Valves with Tapped Holes in End Flanges

Thevalveslistedbelowhavetappedholesineachendflangeandrequiretheuseofcapscrewsorstuds.Usethetable belowtodeterminequantity,diameterandlengthrequiredforeachflange.
FigureNumber Wrench Operated Worm Gear Operated 2 21/2 3 4 CapScrews 305 143 1485 149 1489 4 5 8x2.00 2 3/4x2.50 2 3/4x2.00 2 3/4x3.00 4 3/4x2.00 2 3/4x2.00
7 8 7 8

NominalSizeofValve 5 6 8 10 12

2 x2.25
7 8

2 x2.50 4 11 8x 3.50 2 11/8x 3.50

2 x3.75 2 x3.75

2 1x4.00 2 1x4.25
7 8

1585 185

1589 189


7 8

4 3/4x2.00

2 x2.25

305 143 1585 149 1589

5 8

4 x2.75

2 3/4x3.50

2 3/4x3.00 2 3/4x3.50 4 3/4x2.88

2 3/4x3.25
7 8 7 8

2 x3.50
7 8

2 x3.75 2 11 8x 4.75 4 11 8x 4.75

2 x4.50 2 x4.00

2 1x5.00 2 1x4.50
7 8

1485 185

1489 189

7 8

4 3/4x3.00

2 x3.25

Cap Screws and Studs are National Coarse Thread Series.

Recommended Pressure/Temperature Ratings and Hydrostatic Shell Test Pressures

For Nordstrom and Super Nordstrom Iron Plug Valves
Pressure in psig
Temperature(F) -20to150 200 225 250 275 300 325 353 HydrostaticShellTestPressure SeatTestPressure WorkingPressure 120CWP 120 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 240 180 150CWP 150 135 130 125 120 110 105 100 300 225 200CWP* 200 190 180 175 170 165 155 150 400 300 300CWP 300 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 600 450 400CWP 400 370 355 340 325 310 295 280 800 600 500CWP 500 460 440 415 395 375 355 335 1000 750 800CWP 800 1600 1200

Exceeds the requirements of 49CFR Part 192.145. Meets the requirements of 49CFR Part 192.145.

Pressure in bar
WorkingPressure Temperature(C) -29to65 80 100 120 135 140 149 178 HydrostaticShellTestPressure SeatTestPressure 8.3bar MWP 8.3 7.6 7.2 6.9 6.6 6.2 5.9 5.5 16.6 12.5 10.3bar MWP 10.3 9.8 9.2 8.6 8.3 8.0 7.2 6.9 21.0 15.5 13.8bar MWP* 13.8 13.3 12.7 12.1 11.7 11.5 10.7 10.3 28.0 20.7 21.0bar MWP 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.2 17.0 15.9 15.2 41.0 31.5 28.0bar MWP 28.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 22.0 22.0 20.0 19.3 55.0 42.0 34.0bar MWP 34.0 33.0 31.0 29.0 27.0 27.0 24.0 23.0 69.0 51.0 55.0bar MWP 55.0 110.0 82.5

*Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover valves should not be used at temperatures above 200F (80C) because of packing material limitations. Super Nordstrom Regular Pattern (A114/115) valves are suitable for temperatures up to 350F.

Test Times
ValveSizes SuperNordstrom andScrewedGland BoltedGlandValves 1/2to4 4to8 10to18 20andlarger HydrostaticShell TestTime(min) 1/2 1 1 3 HydrostaticSeat TestTime(min) 1 1 1 2

Typical Materials of Construction

Super Nordstrom Two-Bolt Cover-Type Valve
PartName Body PlugandStem Cover CoverBolting Spring CoverSeal StemSeal Weatherseal SealantFitting CheckValve StandardConstruction GrayIron GrayIron HighElonIron A449-SAEGr5 StainlessSteel Buna-N TFE Buna-N CarbonSteel CarbonSteel

Dynamic Balance Valve

PartName Body Plug Cover CoverBolting GlandBolting ThrustBall AdjustingScrew AdjustingScrewCap ThrustButton BalanceBall Retainer BallRetainerWasher StopCollar Stem CheckValve SealantFitting CoverGasket Weatherseal-Stem Gland Spring O-Ring (Stem&AdjustingScrew) StandardConstruction GrayIron GrayIron CarbonSteel A449Gr5 A449Gr5 AlloySteel CarbonSteel CarbonSteel CarbonSteel StainlessSteel SpringSteel StainlessSteel CarbonSteel StainlessSteel CarbonSteel CarbonSteel Asbestos-FreeSheet Neoprene CarbonSteel StainlessSteel Buna-N

Nordstrom Screwed Gland-Type Valve

PartName Body Cover PlugandStem Gland CoverBolting Gland/StemSeals SealHolder Gasket Diaphragm CheckValve SealantFitting Washer Weatherseal StandardConstruction GrayIron HighElonIron GrayIron CarbonSteel A449-SAEGr5 Buna-N CarbonSteel Asbestos-FreeSheetGasket Material StainlessSteel CarbonSteel CarbonSteel CarbonSteel Polyethylene

Super Nordstrom Regular Pattern Valve

PartName Body Cover CoverBolting Plug&Stem Spring CoverSeal StemSeal SealantFitting CheckValve Weatherseal(O-ring) StopCollar RetainerRing Shim StandardConstruction GrayIron DuctileIron A449-SAEGr5 GrayIron StainlessSteel Fluorocarbon Fluorocarbon CarbonSteel CarbonSteel EPDM CarbonSteel CarbonSteelorSpringSteel StainlessSteel

Nordstrom Bolted Gland-Type Valve

PartName Body Cover PlugandStem Gland CoverBolting GlandBolting/Nuts Gaskets Diaphragm Gland/StemSeals CheckValve SealantFitting StandardConstruction GrayIron HighElonIron GrayIron HighElonIron A449-SAEGr5 A193GrB7/A307GrB Asbestos-FreeSheetGasket Material StainlessSteel Buna-N CarbonSteel CarbonSteel

UnitedStates FlowserveCorporation FlowControl Nordstrom 1511JeffersonStreet SulphurSprings,TX75482 Phone: - 00-225-6989 18 903-885-4691 Fax:903-439-3411 LatinAmerica Telephone:903-439-3407 Fax:903-439-3411 OtherCountries Telephone:903-885-4692 Fax:903-439-3404


To find your local Flowserve representative: FormoreinformationaboutFlowserveCorporation,visit www.flowserve.comorcallUSA18002256989

FlowserveCorporationhasestablishedindustryleadershipinthedesignandmanufactureofitsproducts.Whenproperlyselected,thisFlowserveproductisdesignedtoperformits intendedfunctionsafelyduringitsusefullife.However,thepurchaseroruserofFlowserveproductsshouldbeawarethatFlowserveproductsmightbeusedinnumerousapplications underawidevarietyofindustrialserviceconditions.AlthoughFlowservecan(andoftendoes)providegeneralguidelines,itcannotprovidespecificdataandwarningsforallpossible applications.Thepurchaser/usermustthereforeassumetheultimateresponsibilityforthepropersizingandselection,installation,operation,andmaintenanceofFlowserveproducts. Thepurchaser/usershouldreadandunderstandtheInstallationOperationMaintenance(IOM)instructionsincludedwiththeproduct,andtrainitsemployeesandcontractorsinthesafe useofFlowserveproductsinconnectionwiththespecificapplication. Whiletheinformationandspecificationscontainedinthisliteraturearebelievedtobeaccurate,theyaresuppliedforinformativepurposesonlyandshouldnotbeconsideredcertifiedor asaguaranteeofsatisfactoryresultsbyreliancethereon.Nothingcontainedhereinistobeconstruedasawarrantyorguarantee,expressorimplied,regardinganymatterwithrespect tothisproduct.BecauseFlowserveiscontinuallyimprovingandupgradingitsproductdesign,thespecifications,dimensionsandinformationcontainedhereinaresubjecttochange withoutnotice.Shouldanyquestionariseconcerningtheseprovisions,thepurchaser/usershouldcontactFlowserveCorporationatanyoneofitsworldwideoperationsoroffices.

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