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Câu 1: List ten principles for satisfying and keeping customers.

is guest satisfaction so important?

- Ten principles:

1. Recognize your guest.

2. Make a positive first impression.

3. Fulfill your guests’ expectations

4. Reduce the effort required of the customer.

5. Facilitate customer decision making

6. Focus on the customer’s perception

7. Avoid violating the customer’s unspoken time limits.

8. Create memories the customer will want to recapture within the context
of his or her expected experience from the service encounter.

9. Expect your customer to remember bad experiences.

10. Put the customer in your debt.

- Guest satisfaction is important because:

+It is the hospitality professional’s priority.

+It helps raise reputation.

+It helps strengthen the competitive ability

+ It can directly lead to an increase in profitability and growth.

+It can create customer’s loyalty and increase the chances of a customer

Câu 2 List and analyze three ways to achieve lifelong learning.

1. Review your resumé regularly. This will help you have an objective
view about yourself as well as will be more active to update yourself day
by day. When checking on your resume, you would easily find out which
skills of yours are out of date, which skills you need to up to date, so on.
Furthermore, the status of your specific skills or the experience level is
also the facets that you would compare and improve when you look at
your resume on a regular basis.
2. Write down specific goals and your intended methods to achieve them.
Owning clear goals and intended methods will lead you to the right
direction. Because the industry knowledge is constantly innovating and
broadening, you can set yourself a goal of taking a career course to
update your knowledge and skills related to your career once a year.
Nowadays, many colleges and businesses provide short term professional
course year-round. Moreover, many organizations in this day and age
encourage their employee to engage in internal learning and career
3. Associating with others who share your professional interests and
goals. This will allow you to exchange ideas and share thoughts with a
support group. For instance, you can keep up to date on national and
global topics affecting your career field by joining a related professional
organization. Seek out and establish mentoring relations so you can learn
from people who have gone before you is also a good way on your path
to achieve lifelong learning.

Câu 3 Fill in the blanks with the suitable words: chefs de partie,
saucier, grillardin , pâtissier, poissonier.

Under the sous chef come the a)…chefs de partie…….., also called the
station chefs or line chefs. A very large establishment with a full,
traditional brigade system may have twenty or more chefs de partie.
Often, though, one person combines two or more responsibilities in one
station. Included in the chefs de partie are the sauté cook, or b)…
saucier…….., who prepares all the sautéed items and their individual
sauces; the c)… poissonier……….., or fish station chef, who prepares all
fish items and their appropriate sauces; the d)…grillardin…………, or
grill cook, who prepares all grilled or broiled menu selections; the
entremetier, or vegetable chef, who prepares all hot appetizers in addition
to soups, vegetables, pasta and noodles, and sometimes egg dishes; the e)
…pâtissier………., or pastry chef, who prepares pastries and desserts as
well as all other baked items offered on the menu; and the garde manger,
or pantry chef, who is in charge of the cold stations, preparing a large
variety of salads, patés, cold appetizers, desserts, and salad dressings.
Câu 1:  How do independent, chain, and franchise restaurants differ
from one another?

- Independent restaurants:

+Have one or more owners (not associated with any corporate chain or
+The owners take the entire control.
+The owner has to take full responsibility.

+All profits go to the owners’ pocket.

+Not require standardized operating procedures and specifications for

everything -> operational inefficiency.

+Have potentially lower start up costs, but overtime can be an unstable

+ Take longer time to gain customers and have a good profit.
-Chain restaurants:
+May be owned by an individual, a family, a publicly held corporation, a
franchise company, or a management company.
+Offer national marketing campaigns, centralized purchasing, and
customer loyalty programming.
+ Based on the number of shares of shareholders investing in the chain to
divide the responsibility. (the more money you invest, the more
responsibility you have to take).
+The central ownership retains all of the profit generated from
each chain store.
+A chain requires numerous standardized operating procedures and
specifications for everything. (from minimum pricing to menu graphics,
ingredients, inventory levels, portion sizes, promotional specials,
uniforms, and hours of operation) -> operational efficiency.
+More costly to start up, but over time a more stable investment.
+Take shorter time to gain customer and achieve good profit (the chain
have already built and proved its reputation before).
-Franchise restaurants
+An individual partnership, or corporation puts up a certain amount of
money to buy a franchise.
+A not total independence:
 The franchise company then gives the franchisee licensing rights to an
established identity, along with training, advertising support, start-up
assistance, and tested operating procedures.
 However, it must agree to meet specific conditions and operating
standards set by the franchisor.
+The profit goes to the franchisee’s pocket, but the franchisee has to pay
an initial start-up fee and an annual franchise fee in exchange.
+ The initial start up is quite expensive, but it is relatively safe and can be
a highly correct investment.
+Take shorter time to attract customers (as the franchise company already
built their reputation before).
+Owning a franchise of a popular chain can reap considerable profits.

Câu 2 : What is the advantage of using a standard recipe?

+Support for menu planning, forecasting, and purchasing.

+ Being a form of quality control, a way to guarantee a consistent and

high quality item.

+Act as a quality control tool by listing the expected number of portions,

the exact amount of required ingredients, and the serving standards.

+ Cut down on over-production and waste.

1. What are two major legal issues relating to alcohol sales? How
do restaurants and bars protect against violations in these
-Two major legal issues:
+The minimum legal age for drinking.
+Drivers who operate motor vehicles while under the influence of
-Restaurants and bars protect against violations in these areas by:
+Carefully check the identification cards of people (for example: they
have to check the driver’s lisence of the customer to indentify whether
their age are allowed to drink or not).
+A popular promotional tool distributed by a brewery was a booklet
showing the authentic design and layout of each state’s driver’s
license. This manual was created to curb the use of fake identification
by underage drinkers.
2. Identify and explain three ways that restaurants can help the

1. Recycle:
To help the environment, an increasing number of restaurants are
recycling everything they can. Switching from polystyrene to paper
whenever possible is a popular method. Moreover, they are always
looking for new ways to recycle their waste products more effectively.
For example, Burger King, KFC, and McDonald’s have all tested
composting programs that allow used paper, food scraps, and other
organic wastes to break down naturally. This compost can then be used
for soil enhancement. Besides, many restaurants recycle hundreds of
pounds of corrugated cardboard each month. Restaurants also recycle
wasted fryer oil as another way to recycle. This oil is refined and reused
in a variety of goods, including pet food and cosmetics.
2. Reduce:
Each restaurant always trying to find the most suitable waste reduction
options for their restaurant. Domino's, for example, changed the shape of
its pizza box from square to octagon to save 10% on cardboard. Starbuck
and Mc’Donald’s are leading in some environmental concerns called “no
straws Monday” to encourage customer to reduce the use of disposable
plastic straw. Furthermore, refillable mugs are becoming increasingly
popular among restaurants as a way to replace disposable cups.
Moreover, to cut down on waste, several restaurants have returned to
utilizing cloth tablecloths, napkins, and dish towels. Besides, how to use
the product packaging effectively and economically is also a concern of
many restaurants. For instance, one company converted from cans to
plastic film pouches for their product, saving thousands of cans every
3. Reuse:
Along with recycle and reduce, reuse is also a vital way that restaurants
focus on. Restaurants and their suppliers work together to identify ways
to reuse and recycle shipping and packing items such as paper, cans,
plastic, and cardboard. For example, The packaging that covers the
fragile waffle cones in transit is reused by International Dairy Queen and
its waffle cone supplier. Besides, more and more restaurants nowadays
provide a minor discount or voucher to their customers to encourage them
to return a package or box to be reused for their next order.
3. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words: maître d’hôtel, chef
de salle, chef d’etage, chef de rang, demi-chef de rang (2 points)
a) At the top, coordinating service policies and quality expectations
with the owners or managers, is the dining room manager or …maître
d’hôtel…………..This person oversees the entire operation of the
dining room, training and supervising the service staff, organizing
seating, selecting the restaurant’s wine menu, and cooperating with the
chef to finalize daily menus.
b) The …chef de salle…….., or head waiter, who is responsible for
the service provided in the dining room. This person organizes and
supervises the service staff.
c) Of all the front-of-the-house staff, the person who has the most
direct contact with the diners is the …chef d’etage…………, or
captain. This person takes the guests’ orders after explaining the
menu, describes the special daily features, and answers questions
guests may have. In addition, the captain may carry out appropriate
tableside preparations such as finishing salads or adding special sauces
to certain dishes as they are served.
d) The …chef de rang…………..., or front waiter, sees to the service
needs of the guests as they dine, making sure that the proper service is
set for each course, that water and other beverages are kept fresh, and
that used items are promptly removed.
e) The …demi-chef de rang ………………, also called a back
waiter or busperson, clears all appropriate service items from the table
between courses and often freshens water glasses. In addition, the
back waiter may assist other service personnel as necessary.

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