Unit 5 Soul Mates (2) Vocabulary

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Break up: romper, cortar Move on: pasar página
Close friends: amigos del alma Take someone for granted : aprovecharse de
Date: cita Treat:tratar
Divorced : divorciado Words from the text
Engaged : prometidos
Damage : daño
Fall in love : enamorarse
Envy : envidiar
Fiancé/ e: prometido / a
Flow : fluir
Get along : llevarse bien
Length : longitud, duración
Get over : superar
Live through : pasar
Ignored: ignorar
Possession :posesión
Relative: familiar
Shine : brillar
Single: soltero
Stand still : quedarse inmóvil
Have got a lot in common
Tear : lágrima
Get to know: conocerse
Value : valor
Grow apart: distanciarse
Worn : desgastado, deteriorado

SPEAKING • How often do you write to them?

• Have you ever met them in person?
H. How are your friendships different now than
A. Can you describe one of your closest
they were when you were a child?
I. How do you maintain a good friendship?
B. Do you have any childhood friendships that
J. How do you make new friends?
are still strong today? Tell us about them.
K. How many people do you consider your
C. Do you have any long distance friends?
"best friends?
• How do you keep in touch with your long-
M. There is a saying "To have a good friend,
distance friends?
you need to be a good friend."
• How often do you see your long-distance
• How can you be a good friend?
N. What do you usually do with your friends?
D. Do you think it is a good idea to borrow
money from a friend? Why or why not?
E. Do you make friends easily?
F. Has a friend ever let you down?
G. Have you made any friends over the

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