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Historical background: milestones in the
field of development of analytical
Nasrullah Shah1, Muhammad Balal Arain2 and Mustafa Soylak3
Department of Chemistry, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, Pakistan
Department of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan 3Department of Chemistry,
Faculty of Sciences, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey

2.1 Introduction as instrumental methods. These methods

include but are not limited to electroanalytical,
Quantitative analyses are mainly based on spectroscopic, chromatography, thermal, and
the measurement of (1) the chemical reaction, nuclear techniques of analysis. Voltmeter,
(2) the electrical property, (3) optical properties, ammeter, polarograph, spectrophotometer, and
(4) nuclear properties, and (5) thermal proper- others are the instruments used to measure vari-
ties. Analytical methods are broadly classified ous properties for analytical purposes [1 3].
as classic and instrumental methods of analysis. Instrumental methods are more sensitive,
The classical methods of chemical analysis, faster, and have a broad range of applications
such as gravimetry, titrimetry, and volumetry, in industry. The instruments are usually inter-
are based on the quantitative completion of faced with a microcomputer, which works as a
chemical reactions. Gravimetry is based on readout device for digital data, titration curves
weight measurement, while in volumetry the and polarograms, and other output. In some
volume needed for the completion of a reaction cases, the instruments are fully automated, and
is measured. Gravimetry is largely classified as they perform all the functions automatically
precipitation, volatilization, and electrogravi- from sampling to printing the results [1 3].
metry, and voltammetry is broadly consisted In chemistry much focus is placed on the
of neutralization, complexometric, precipita- theoretical background, applications, and inter-
tion, redox, and precipitation titration [1 3]. pretation of data of analytical techniques. In
The methods based on measurement of a this chapter, the focus is on the historical back-
property by using an instrument are referred to ground of common instrumental analytical

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

DOI: 45 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
46 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

techniques and the introduction of various that L. Reed thirteen years before Tswett, dis-
types of hyphenated techniques such as HPLC- covered that it is possible to separate certain
AAS, HPLC-ICP-MS, HPLC-EC, HPLC-AFS. inorganic and organic [alkaloids] by column
adsorption [on Kaolin]” [9]. A few other stud-
ies also reported that the concept of chroma-
2.2 Development in the field of tography was applied by other scientists, such
chromatography as Reed and Day before Tswett. Reed used a
column for separation purposes and described
Chromatography is an important branch of some of his separation work using columns in
analytical chemistry. It is a separation tech- 1893. In 1897 Day separated a petroleum frac-
nique in which the components of a mixture tion by using columns. Similarly, Engler and
are separated in a system consisting of two Albrecht also did fractionation while using
phases: stationary and mobile. Although the columns [6].
term “chromatography” was first introduced Due to the introduction of more sophisti-
by a Russian chemist and botanist Michael cated chromatographic methods, the progress
Tswett is 1906, the history of chromatographic- and use of paper chromatography declined
like separations is very old, dating back to after 1985 [6].
ancient times. The extraction of natural dyes, Beyerinck (1889) and Wijsman (1898), intro-
food processing, and metal extraction have duced thin layer chromatography (TLC) as
been done from the early ages of human his- they separated the strong acids and enzymes
tory [4,5]. in malt extract using gelatin layers in place of
In 23 79 BCE, Pliny identified ferrous sul- paper. However, the current form of TLC was
fate by using papyrus soaked with gall nuts, in introduced by Izmailov and Shraiber, who in
a process resembling modern-day paper chro- 1938 analyzed the pharmaceutical tinctures on
matography [6]. the glass plates coated with alumina powder
In 1834 and 1842 Runge reported a simple used as gelatine stationary phase. Meinhard
spot test for the analysis of bleaching solu- and Hall (1949) developed their TLC plates by
tion using a dyed cotton fabric and a paper using microscope slides coated with celite and
soaked with starch and potassium iodide, alumina containing starch as a binder. Further
respectively [7]. development in TLC was made by Kirchner,
In 1850 Runge laid the foundation of paper who in 1951 introduced the ascending TLC
chromatography by separating the dyes obtained techniques. Stahl had compiled a book on TLC
from coal tar using a special type of paper. in which he described the techniques and vari-
Runge published his work in 1855 in which ous adsorbents used in TLC [5,8,10]. A break-
described his dye separations on paper [6]. through in TLC was observed in 1970s after
In 1861 Groppelsroeder introduced the term the introduction of high-performance TLC
“capillary analysis,” as he noticed that dyes having efficiency and speed. Heyns and
became separated on strips of paper due to Grutzmacher used a mass spectrometer cou-
capillary movement of the water, which was pled with TLC for analysis. Similarly,
used as a solvent for separation of the dyes. Hutzinger and Jamieson also used TLC cou-
However, he was unable to explain the actual pled with a mass spectrometer (MS) for indole
mechanism involved in the separation process analysis in 1970. TLC coupled with other types
in his paper on the chromatographic process of detectors, such as photoacoustic spectrome-
[8]. Similarly, S. V. Heins reported in his paper try and infrared spectroscopy, was also
that F. Feigle stated, “It seems not to be known reported [8].

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.2 Development in the field of chromatography 47
The ion-exchange chromatography was first chromatography in three broad classes: frontal,
reported by Taylor and Urey in 1938 for the displacement, and elution chromatography.
separation of isotopes of lithium and uranium In 1948 Tiselius was awarded the Nobel
using zeolite as an ion-exchanger bed. In 1939 Prize for his achievements in chromatography
Samuelson used synthetic ion-exchanger bed. [6 8,10,14]. The concept of gradient chroma-
The progress became much rapid during world tography was introduced in 1950s. In this pro-
war second for separation of transuranium ele- gressive era of chromatography, Martin and
ments. It was in 1980s when the high perfor- Synge laid the foundation of liquid—liquid
mance ion-exchange chromatography was chromatography. They were working on the
introduced and it greatly enhanced the perfor- separation of acylated amino acids by using a
mance of ion-exchange chromatography [8,11]. series of 40 extraction funnels for the separa-
Size exclusion chromatography was intro- tion of different kinds of amino acids. They
duced in 1958 when Foldin and Porath pro- used water-chloroform as solvent mixture and
duced a cross-linked gel by the reaction of observed that the amino acids were separated
dextrane and epichlorohydrin. More develop- in the extraction funnels according to their dis-
ments were made in size exclusion chromatog- tribution ratio and partition coefficients. This
raphy by introducing new stationary phases, was tedious work, and soon they got the idea
and it became one of the mostly used chro- to utilize the column chromatography using
matographic technique for polymers analysis water-containing silica gel as stationary phase
[8,12]. with chloroform as a mobile phase for the sep-
In 1967 Porath developed affinity chroma- aration of acylated amino acids. Martin and
tography by using peptides and proteins as the Synge replaced the silica gel and used cellulose
stationary phase for the separation of biological to separate the amino acids without derivatiza-
molecules [8,13]. tion. They both were awarded the Nobel Prize
In 1903 Michael Tswett presented his work in 1952. In the 1950s gas chromatography (GC)
on the effect of different packing materials and was developed, and the 1960s saw the develop-
their particle sizes on the separation perfor- ment of high-performance liquid chromatogra-
mance of a column at the Warsaw Society of phy [6,8]. The diagrammatic representations of
Natural Sciences. However, it did not get GC and HPLC are given as Figs. 2.1 and 2.2,
much attention until the work of Lederer and respectively.
others in the field of plant pigments separation GC laid the foundation for the modern
in 1930s and the publication of the first book instrumentation of chromatography. Martin
on chromatography by Zechmeister in 1937. and James were the pioneers in GC as they first
Chromatography gained interest among scien- used nitrogen gas as a mobile phase for the
tists, and Khun, Karrier, and Ruzika won the separation of C2 C4 fatty acids on stearic acid
Nobel Prize in 1937, 1938, and 1939, respec- coated celite support as a stationary phase [8].
tively, for their contributions in chromatogra- Although Martin and Synge described their
phy. In 1940s ion-exchange partition and work of gas liquid chromatography in 1941,
column chromatography led to the initial stud- the first paper on gas liquid chromatography
ies on gas solid chromatography. During this was published by James and Martin in 1952.
time, liquid adsorption chromatography was at The first publication on gas solid chromatogra-
its peak, and it was used as a main chro- phy was done by Hesse et al. Hesse and his
matographic technique for both analytical and coworkers separated hexanoic acid by using
preparative separation purposes. Tiselius carbon dioxide as the mobile phase and silica
(1940) and Claesson (1946) classified gel as the stationary phase. Probably, it was

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

48 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

FIGURE 2.1 Schematic diagram of GC.

Regulated helium
Mobile phase

Pump Damp

Sample proportioning
valve Sample valve

Column Filter

FIGURE 2.2 Schematic diagram of HPLC [15].

Cremer’s laboratory that developed the first ionization detector, which was actually based
complete gas chromatograph. Sweeley and on the research of Jesse and Sadankis. In 1955
Horning reported the use of film-coated inert Scott described the hydrogen flame detector.
support for use as the stationary phase. Holmes and Morrell reported the use of the
Touchstones reported the separation of estro- modified mass spectrometer for detection pur-
gens and their detection by using an electron poses in GC. Similarly, Gohlki used a time-of-
capture detector. Claesson and Ray worked the flight mass spectrometer as a detector in GC.
detector system for GC and reported the use of The use of GC/MS was in practice since 1957.
a thermal conductivity detector. In 1958 Further, developments were reported in GC
Lovlock used an electron capture detector. instrumentation and applications [6,16].
Harley, Nel, and Pretoriu introduced the flame In 1958 Golay introduced the use of an open
ionization detector. Lovlock brought an argon tubular column for increasing the efficiency of

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 49
gas chromatography. Improvements in GC col- Proper instrumentation was available since
umns were observed, when in the 1980s, the 1985, which made the supercritical fluid chro-
inner walls of the columns were coated with matography a practical technique for separa-
pure silica, made them sustainable to high tem- tion purposes [6].
peratures. In the 1960s, Kirkland, Huber, and Among several other techniques of chroma-
Horvath published their work on high-speed tography, countercurrent chromatography was
liquid chromatography, which is known today the first reported by Ito and Bauman in 1970
as high-performance liquid chromatography. [21], which was actually based on the process
Hamilton, Bogue, and Anderson had already of the countercurrent extraction process used
reported their work regarding the separation of by Craig in 1949 [22].
amino acid by using HPLC in the same year, Likewise, the advancement of other chro-
but that was not much considered [6]. matographic techniques in the instrumentation
Kirkland had contributed much in terms of and applications of countercurrent chromatog-
introducing new surface-coated porous station- raphy is ongoing, reaching the stage of cou-
ary phases in HPLC. The use of enzymes and pling with advanced detection systems such as
proteins as stationary phases in column for the countercurrent mass spectrometer system,
affinity HPLC was reported by Walters in 1985 as reported in 1990 [23].
[17]. Katz and Scott introduced the superspeed
HPLC, which was able to separate the mixtures
in a few seconds [18].
A great contribution was made by the 2.3 Development in the field of
DuPont in the establishment of practical instru- spectroscopy
mentation for HPLC. Various efforts were
made from time to time to improve column Spectroscopy is based on the measurement of
efficiency and the detector system in HPLC. absorbed or emitted electromagnetic radiation.
The detector used mostly was the UV detec- EMR is divided into several types based on the
tor; however, other detectors, such as the range of wave length and energy, as well as the
refractometer, fluorometer, and electrochemi- effect they cause. Table 2.1 represents different
cal detectors, were also introduced and used EMR sources along with their properties and
with the HPLC system for analysis [6]. The effects. Absorption methods are classified as (1)
hyphenated techniques of HPLC such as visible spectrophotometry, (2) ultraviolet spectro-
HPLC-MS, HPLC-FTIR, HPLC-NMR were photometry, and (3) infrared spectrophotometry.
also reported, bringing tremendous develop- Atomic spectroscopy involves the measurement
ment in the instrumentation and applications of absorption or emission of electromagnetic
of HPLC. radiations from atomic species [3].
Supercritical fluid was used a mobile phase The molecular spectroscopic techniques
in chromatography in 1960s, which added a such as visible, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR),
new type of chromatography known as super- and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec-
critical fluid chromatography [8]. Klesper was trometry are well-known analytical techniques
the first who reported the use of supercritical that measure, both quantitatively and qualita-
fluid chromatography in 1962 [19]. tively, the interaction of electromagnetic
The introduction of fused silica capillary radiation with matter, contrary to mass spec-
columns in supercritical chromatography trometry, which does not involve a similar
has brought much advancement to this tech- interaction. However, in mass spectrometry,
nique [20]. the data is presented in the same manner, and

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

50 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

TABLE 2.1 Different EMR sources with their properties and effects [24].
EMR Wavelength range λ (m) Energy per mole Molecular effect
Alpha rays # 1 3 10 $ 10 kcal
Gamma rays 1 3 10 B10 kcal
X-rays 1 3 10 B10 kcal
UV 1 3 10 B10 kcal
Ionization/electronic transitions
Visible 0.5 3 10 B10 kcal Electronic transitions
Infrared 1 3 10 B1 kcal Molecular vibrations
22 22
Microwave 1 3 10 B10 kcal Rotational motion
Radiowave 1 3 10 3
B10 kcal Nuclear spin transitions

MS is therefore also considered a spectroscopic light. Joseph von Fraunhofer carried on the
technique. experiments with dispersive spectrometers,
which enabled spectroscopy to become a more
precise and quantitative scientific technique in
2.3.1 Development of ultraviolet visible the early 19th century. The use of a prism by
spectrometry the Romans to generate a rainbow of colors
In ultraviolet visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, and the works of various scientists such as
the iteration of UV-Vis radiation with mole- Athanasius Kircher (1646), Jan Marek Marci
cules is studied for the purpose of interpreting (1648), Robert Boyle (1664), and Francesco
quantitative and qualitative results. This tech- Maria Grimaldi (1665) provided the basis for
niques evolved from ancient observations of Sir Isaac Newton’s experiments [24 26]. In
colored phenomena. The history of spectros- 1609 Galileo Galilei made the first telescopic
copy traces back to the study of various colors discoveries and reported them in 1610 [27].
of the rainbow. The actual history of spectros- In 1802 William Hyde Wollaston improved
copy begins in the 17th century, when in 1666, Newton’s model. Wollaston built a spectrome-
Sir Isaac Newton attempted to study the nature ter consisting of a lens and using a narrow slit
of light, hoping to determine the origin of the in place of a round aperture. Wollaston
colors of the rainbow that had been under observed that the focused sunlight was split
observation for thousands of years. Newton into a series of colors with no uniformity and
passed a ray of sunlight through a prism and had dark bands acting as natural boundaries
observed the splitting of light into a regular between the colors. However, a decade later, in
series of various colors, which were again con- 1815, this hypothesis was rejected by a German
verted into white light by passing it through a optician, Joseph von Fraunhofer, who studied
prism in the inverted position. From these the dark lines in more detail. Fraunhofer used
experiments, Newton concluded that white a convex lens between the prism and slit and
light was made up of different colors fused achieved a better defined series of images. To
together. The word “spectrum” was first study the angular position of the lines pre-
coined by Sir Isaac Newton to illustrate the cisely, Fraunhoper utilized a telescope to view
rainbow of colors that mingle to form white the spectrum, and this resulted in the

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 51
development of the spectroscope. Fraunhoper their unique spectral patterns and hence estab-
used this spectroscope for observing the pat- lished the technique of analytical spectroscopy.
tern of lines in the light coming from the sun In 1860 they reported their findings on the
and stars. He observed more than 500 dark spectra of eight elements and their presence in
lines in the solar spectrum and classified them several natural compounds [34].
as A to H for being in the red and in the violet For instance, in 1861, Kirchhoff and Bunsen
regions, respectively. The work of Fraunhoper discovered cesium and rubidium, and Sir
was further extended by Anders J. Ångström, William Crookes discovered thallium. Pierre-
who in 1868 measured the wavelength of 1000 Jules-Cesar Janssen observed a new yellow line
Fraunhoper lines and represented them in units in the solar spectrum, which was identified as
of 10210 m—now known as 1 Å (Ångstrom) after a new color line due to a new element, named
his name [27,28]. helium by Sir Norman Lockyer and chemist
Spectroscopic techniques were gaining more Edward Frankland.
focus, and other scientists published their In 1885 J. J. Balmer interpreted for the first
work [29]. In the 1820s, John Herschel and time that the visible line spectrum of hydrogen
William H. F. Talbot did experiments to sys- has emission wavelengths at 6563, 4861, 4341,
tematically observe salts using flame spectros- 4102, and 3970 A . In 1913 Niels Bohr proposed
copy. In 1822 Sir John Herschel studied the the idea of energy in the electronic states. He
visible spectra of colored flames and concluded reported that electrons emit or absorb energy
that the color of the flames can be used to ana- during transition that is equal to the energy
lyze different objects. This work formed the difference between the two transition states.
basis for the Kirchhoff and Bunsen studies. The worth of elucidating visible emission
In 1835 Charles Wheatstone illustrated that spectroscopy in the electronic structure of mat-
in the emission spectra of various spark metals ter led to an important breakthrough in analy-
are bright lines that could easily distinguish sis. In 1913 August Beer presented his famous
the metals, thus introducing another mecha- law, which defines the relationship between
nism for flame spectroscopy [30]. In 1849 J. B. absorption and concentration. The unknown
L. Foucault reported that for the same materi- concentration of the colored solutions was
als, the absorption and emission lines appear derived from the transmitted light by compar-
at the same wavelength. Ångström studied the ing it with standard samples of the same
emission spectrum from hydrogen, later nature. However, the human eye was not accu-
named Balmer lines [31,32]. In 1854 and 1855 rate enough and was replaced with a detector
David Alter reported his study on the observa- calorimeter or spectrophotometer in the 1930s
tion of the Balmer lines of hydrogen as well as [24,27].
several metals and gases [33]. In 1801 UV radiation was first observed by a
In 1859 Gustav Kirchhoff presented a theory German physicist J. W. Ritter. Ritter was work-
to explain the Fraunhofer lines in the sun’s ing on the effect of the visible spectrum on sil-
continuous spectrum. Kirchhoff drew a conclu- ver chloride salt and noticed that violet light
sion that a substance would absorb and emit caused a darkening of the salt. He further
light of the same wavelength. While explaining observed that the darkening was more in the
Fraunhofer’s lines, he stated that the dark lines region beyond the visible region, and hence he
in the solar spectrum were due to the absorp- named it the ultraviolet region. In 1947 Varian
tion of lines matching the emission lines if the produced the first combined spectrophotome-
gases were otherwise excited [34]. ter, called Cary 11 [27].
In 1860s Bunsen and Kirchhoff recognized In 1895 the X-ray was discovered by the
the relation between chemical elements and German physicist W. C. Röntgen, which led to

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

52 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

FIGURE 2.3 Schematic diagram of UV-Vis


Sample Detector
Light Exit
Entrance Dispersion
source slit
slit device

TABLE 2.2 The spectral regions of UV-Vis spectroscopy.

Regions λ(nm) Absorbing compounds

Far ultraviolet (vacuum UV region) , 190 Saturated and monounsaturated

(Near) ultraviolet 190 380 Polyunsaturated and aromatic
Visible light region 380 780 Colored

X-ray spectroscopy. In 1896 A. H. Becquerel The schematic representation of UV-Vis

discovered radioactivity, and P. Zeeman spectroscopy is given in Fig. 2.3. The purpose
observed the splitting of spectral lines by a of a radiation source is to provide the desired
magnetic field [27]. range of radiation necessary for electronic
In 1900 Frank Twyman developed the first transition.
commercial quartz prism spectrograph, and in UV-Vis EMR is classified into different
the same year, time-resolved optical emission regions shown in Table 2.2. Similarly, various
spectroscopy was reported. In 1947 48 the first types of transitions caused by UV-Vis EMR in
commercially available optical emission spec- different types of molecules are given in
trometers with photomultiplier tubes as detec- Table 2.3. Stable UV and visible radiation
tors were produced. In 1937 the first fully sources with different wavelength ranges have
automated spectrometer was developed by E. been introduced. Various UV radiation sources
Lehrer. for more accurately measuring spectral are deuterium lamp, hydrogen lamp, tungsten
lines. The introduction of more advanced lamp, xenon discharge lamp, and mercury arc
instruments such as photodetectors brought lamp. Examples of visible radiation sources are
accuracy in the measurement of the specific tungsten lamp, mercury vapor lamp, and carbo-
wavelength of the substances. In 1958 he none lamp.
invention of the laser contributed to the start of Radiation sources usually emit polychro-
modern spectroscopy [27]. matic light from which the radiation of a spe-
In 1963 the invention of annular inductively cific wavelength is selected by a filter or
coupled plasma (ICP) by S. Greenfield and cow- monochromator. The monochromator contains
orkers had an enormous impact on the progress entrance and exit slits, collimating and focus-
of instrumental analysis. Spectrometers with ing lenses, and a dispersing device, which is
ICP were commercially available in 1974 [27]. usually a prism or grating.

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 53
TABLE 2.3 The spectral regions of UV-Vis used for analytical purposes. The IR radiation
spectroscopy. lies near the visible range, and, on the basis of
Transition Molecules this relation, the IR range is divided into three
groups: near IR (number ranges from 14,000 to
σ-σ* Alkanes 4000 cm21, and wavelength ranges from 0.8
σ-π* Carbonyls to 2.5 mm); mid-IR (wave number 4000 to
π-π* Unsaturated compounds
400 cm21 and wavelength 2.5 to 25 mm); and
far IR (wave number 400 to 10 cm21 and wave-
n-σ* O, N, S, halogen-containing compounds length 25 to 1000 mm). All molecules are not IR
n-π* Carbonyls active; the only molecules that are IR active are
those containing polar bonds, composed of
atoms of different elements, and organic com-
pounds and inorganic compounds (H2O, HCl,
The sample is put into a cell made of mate- salts, NO2, CO2) [35,36].
rial that is transparent to UV-Vis radiation. In
The IR region of EMR was discovered by
visible-range glass, cuvettes made of plastic or Herschel in 1800. Herschel observed the pres-
quartz are used, whereas in UV, only quartz or ence of radiant heat ahead of the visible region
fused silica is recommended as glass or plastic of the solar spectrum. However, Herschel did
absorb radiation in the UV range. Although not study this phenomenon further, and in
usually cells of rectangular shape with a 1-cm 1882, Abney and Festing measured the IR
path length are used, they are available in vari- absorption spectra for more than 50 com-
ous shapes and sizes. pounds and assigned spectral bands to the
After passing through the sample container
presence of various organic groups in the
or cell, the radiations are directed toward molecules. Julius documented the spectra of
detectors for measuring the transmittance and 20 organic compounds and interpreted that
absorbance for data acquisition. Three types of methyl groups absorbed IR at their character-
detectors are used in UV-Vis spectroscopy, istic wavelengths. Over decades in 1903,
including photovoltaic cells, phototubes, or W. W. Coblentz performed several measure-
photoemissive tubes and photomultiplier ments and analyzed the IR spectra of hundreds
tubes. The photomultiplier tube is a sensitive of compounds. However, there were many
detector and is a commonly used detector in
complications and hurdles in the measurements
UV-Vis spectroscopy [2]. with IR spectroscopy, which were usually con-
ducted at night due to presence of daylight, and
the analysis was very time-consuming as well.
2.3.2 Development of infrared
This was why IR spectroscopy was not very
spectrometry applicable until the 1940s [35,37,38].
Infrared (IR) spectroscopic techniques are During the late 1930s, Richard S. Perkin and
based on the principle that the infrared region Charles W. Elmer established the Perkin-Elmer
EMR (10,000 200 cm21) are passed through Corporation in the United States. In 1937 they
molecules, causing stretching, bending, or rota- constructed optical elements for a prototype
tion of the bonds. This bond length or bond IR. The Perkin-Elmer instrument was one of
angle variation occurs in various functional the first infrared spectrometers (Model 12). The
groups of molecules at specific frequencies of Beckman Company also built their Model IR-1
IR radiation. The characteristic frequencies and instrument at the same time. Commercially
the change in bond length and/or angle are available IR spectrophotometers give the

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

54 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

fingerprints of almost all molecules except for splitters are generally made of polymer films and
optical isomers. are used in a limited wavelength range [35,36].
Different types of IR radiation sources
are used based on their range of operation.
Silicon carbide is used as a radiation source
2.3.3 Development of nuclear magnetic
for measurement in the mid-IR region
(5000 400 cm21). A tungsten halogen lamp is
resonance spectrometry
used for near IR radiation (10,000 4000 cm21). Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spec-
A mercury discharge lamp is used for measure- troscopy is based on the principle that the sam-
ment within the far IR range (200 cm21). ple is placed in a magnetic field that causes
Pyroelectric detectors are commonly excitation of the NMR active nuclei. The
employed in mid-IR spectrometers. Cooled changes in the local magnetic field of the nuclei
photoelectric detectors are also used that have are detected for analytical purposes. The
higher sensitivities and shortened response change in resonance frequency appears due
times. Liquid nitrogen—cooled mercury cad- the change in the intramolecular magnetic field
mium telluride detectors are the most widely around an atom in a molecule. These changes
used in the mid-IR range. Interferometer are detected for identification of functional
(Fig. 2.4) is used to obtain interferograms. In groups and the electronic structures of mole-
the near IR region, uncooled indium gallium cules. Proton NMR and 13C NMR are common
arsenide photodiodes are utilized. In the far IR practices; however, it is applicable to any kind
range, liquid helium—cooled silicon or germa- of molecule that has nuclei with spin. The dis-
nium bolometers are the detectors of choice. covery of the Zeeman effect in 1896 laid the
Several types of beam splitters are used in IR foundation of NMR spectroscopy. The concept
spectrometers. The KBr-made beam splitter is of NMR development spectroscopy originated
useful up to 400 cm21. However, when it is in 1924, when Wolfgang Pauli first recognized
coated with CsI, its range extends to about the magnetic properties of nuclei. It was
200 cm21. ZnSe-based beam splitters are useful observed that atoms with nuclei possessing
up to the range of 500 cm21, and these may be angular momentum had magnetic moment
effected by water vapor. In the near IR region, the and that they could absorb specific radio fre-
CaF2-made beam splitter is employed, but its quency waves when kept in an external mag-
range of use is only up to 1200 cm21. Far IR beam netic field. In 1946 Felix Block at Stanford and
Edward Purcell at Harvard conducted the first
Fixed mirror
successful NMR, and both were jointly
awarded the Noble prize in 1952. Scientists
Beam Splitter also tried to determine resonant field-
frequency relationships for the calculation of
magnetic moments. In this regard, Yu and
Proctor measured the magnetic moment of
IR source 14 N nuclei and expected the presence of single
strong peak, but they observed two peaks of
Moveable mirror the same intensity. Similarly, Yu and Proctor
also observed multiple peaks for antimony
Detector while studying its magnetic moment. Hahn and
FIGURE 2.4 Diagram of Michelson interferometer Alichter observed the same phenomenon and
using IR spectrophotometer. coined the term “spin interaction mechanism.”

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 55
In 1951 the predicted chemical shift phenome- which are then used for their qualitative analy-
non was verified by Packard and coworkers. sis. This has a broad history; however, a brief
They recorded the chemical shift data of ethanol description is given here. Following the cath-
and its interpretation for its structural elucida- ode ray experiments conducted by Julius
tion. James Shooley recognized the important Plucker in 1858 and the discovery of electrons
applications of NMR in chemical analysis. In in 1886, Eugen Goldstein conducted similar
1952 Shooley joined the Varian Corporation, and experiments using a perforated evacuated dis-
the first commercial 30-MHz NMR instrument charge tube. Goldstein noticed a second beam
HR-30 was produced by Varian Corporation in passed straight through the perforated dis-
1953. Within only five years, other models, such charge tube. A few years later, Wilhelm Wein
as 40 and 60 MHz, were also introduced. clarified the nature of these rays as positively
Currently, NMR instruments of various resolu- charged particles, which were further studied
tions and natures are commercially available by J. J. Thomson in 1907. The mass spectrome-
and are considered sophisticated instruments ter origin came in 1912, when Thomson made
for chemical analysis. The resolution of NMR is a positive ray analyzer, or parabola mass spec-
dependent on the magnetic strength of the mag- trograph. In the presence of parallel electric
net used in the NMR spectrometer. Modern and magnetic fields, the depletion of positive
NMR spectrometers have a strong liquid ions was noticed, which was dependent on
helium—cooled superconducting magnet that is their mass-to-charge ratio. Thomson was the
large and very expensive. There are two types of first to record a mass spectrum. F. W. Aston
NMR instruments: the continuous wave NMR enhanced the performance of the mass spectro-
(CW-NMR) and Fourier transform NMR (FT- graph by commencing velocity focusing. This
NMR). Earlier, the CW-NMR was mostly used; development improved resolution, and the
however, after the introduction of the Fourier spectrograph was able to make isotopic mass
transform NMR in 1970s, it dominated the mar- measurement more precisely. However, in
ket due to its high sensitivity. In CW-NMR, the 1918, Dempster used an entirely different
sample is held in a strong magnetic field, the fre- design for his work, which was the first true
quency of the source or the strength of the mag- mass spectrometer. Dempster used a heating
netic field is scanned, and its effect on nuclei filament for bombarding with electrons for ion-
spin is noted and the data is generated. FT-NMR ization purposes, focusing the beam of ions at
records many spectra at a time and transforms the detector. Further development was made
them into a single data. This decreases the noise in mass spectrometry instrumentation to
ratio and increases the sensitivity [24,39,40]. achieve a broad range of analysis [24,41,42].
A typical NMR instrument consists of a super- A typical MS consists of an ionization
conducting magnet, sample cell, sweep coil, source, accelerating slits, deflection chamber
radio frequency transmitter, radio frequency surrounded by a magnetic field (analyzer),
receiver and amplifier, and readout device. detector, amplifier, and a readout device. The
diagrammatic representation of the MS system
is given as Fig. 2.5.
2.3.4 Development of mass spectrometry • Sample injection: HPLC, GC, syringe, plate,
Mass spectrometry (MS) ionizes chemical capillary
species and analyzes them by measuring their • Ionization sources: The function of the ion
mass-to-charge ratio. MS is basically used to source is to produce gas phase ions. Various
measure the masses of the analyte species, ionization sources used are electron

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

56 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

Magnet FIGURE 2.5 Diagrammatic representa-

tion of a mass spectrometer.


Ionization source

Sample Detector


ionization (EI), chemical (CI), spray

Excited state
ionization (APCI, APPI, ESI), desorption
Incident Emitted
ionization (FAB, MALDI, SALDI), gas light E
discharge ion sources (e.g., inductively
Ground state
couple plasma), ambient ionization (DESI,
LAESI). FIGURE 2.6 Phenomenon of emission.
• Analyzers: The function of the analyzer is to
analyze, or separate, the ions according to state come back to their ground state through
their m/z (mass-to-charge) ratio. Commonly the emission of a photon. It is a spin-forbidden
used analyzers are sector, quadrupole, TOF, process, but it has applications across several
Orbitrap, FTICR. fields.
• Detectors: To convert masses to signals, “Phosphorus” was the ancient Greek term
detectors are used. Photoplate, Faraday cup, stand for “the light bearer,” The term “phos-
electron multipliers (MCP), solid-state, phorus” has been used since the Middle Ages
image current are used as detectors in MS. to designate materials that glow after exposure
to light. A singlet or a triplet state can be cre-
ated when one couple of electrons in a mole-
2.3.5 Development of luminescence cule is excited to a greater energy state. So, in
spectroscopy the excited singlet state, the rotation of that
A radiated material emits light either excited electron is still contrary to that of the
through incandescence (all atoms emit light) or remaining electrons, though the spins of the
through luminescence (only certain atoms emit two electron become unpaired and are thus
light). Luminescence is of two types: fluores- parallel in the triplet state. Electronic spin
cence and phosphorescence. The spectroscopy states involved in fluorescence and phospho-
that is based on type of luminescence is gener- rescence phenomena in molecules are shown
ally known as luminescence spectroscopy. as Fig. 2.7. In the ground state, the spins are
Fig. 2.6 shows the general emission process always paired; thus it is the single state. In the
responsible for the luminescence phenomenon. excited level, if this spin remains paired in the
Phosphorescence is a form of luminescence excited state, then it is a excited singlet state,
that happens when excited electrons of a differ- but if the spin becomes unpaired, the molecule
ent multiplicity from those in their ground is in an excited triplet state. The transition of

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 57

T2 phosphorescence could persist for seconds

Intersystem Triplet–triplet through minutes or even longer. The spectrum
crossing absorption of phosphorescence is situated at wavelengths
greater than the spectrum of fluorescence since
the energies of the lower vibrational state of the
triplet level T1 is lower than that of singlet level.
The basic instrumentation for phosphorescence
So is similar to that of fluorescence. Two types of
Fluorescence Phosphorescence phosphoroscrope are used for the measurement
of phosphorescence. Rotating disk phosphores-
FIGURE 2.7 Mechanisms in luminescence cence (RDP) involves two rotating disks with
holes, into which the sample is placed to be ana-
lyzed. When a beam of light penetrates one of
electrons from an agitated triplet state to the the disks, the sample is electronically excited
grounded singlet state produces molecular and can phosphoresce, and a photomultiplier
phosphorescence. Because the triplet—singlet records the intensity of the phosphorescence.
transition produces a change in electron spin, The rotating can phosphor scope (RCP) con-
it is much less feasible. As a result, the triplet sists of a rotating cylinder with a window to
sate has a much longer lifetime. The long life- allow the passage of light. The sample is
time of phosphorescence is also one of its draw- placed at the outside edge of the can, and
backs. Because the excited state is relatively when the light pass through the window and
long-lived, nonradiational processes have time the sample is excited electronically, the inten-
to compete with phosphorescence for deactiva- sity is measure via the photomultiplier. The
tion. Therefore the efficiency of the phosphores- advantage of RCP or RDP is that, at high
cence process, as well as the corresponding speeds, RCP can minimize other types of
phosphorescence intensity, is relatively low. So, interferences such as fluorescence, and RDP
of the many of the earliest studies of shining in can minimize Raman and Rayleigh scattering of
dark minerals, the best known is that of photons, in a typical phosphorescence-intensity-
Bolognian phosphorus (barium sulfide in versus-emission-wavelength spectrum of fluori-
impure form) studied in 1602 by a cobbler from nated acetophenone compounds [2,43,44].
Bologna, Vincenzo Cascariolo. Later in 1677, a
similar designation was allotted to the element
phosphorus, separated by Brandt, because,
2.3.6 Development of atomic absorption
when exposed to air, it burns and releases a
shining vapor. Historically, phosphorescence
and fluorescence were distinguished by the The study of EMR interaction with atomic
amount of time after the radiation source gaseous forms of elements is used for the anal-
was removed that luminescence remained. ysis of numerous metals and scarce nonmetals.
Fluorescence was defined as short-lived chemi- Nearly all metal elements can be quantitatively
luminescence, whereas phosphorescence was examined by utilizing the spectral absorption
defined as longer-lived chemiluminescence. The features of atoms. This is a very simple and
instrument used for phosphorescence, called reliable method that can analyze more than 60
the phosphor scope, was devised in 1857 by elements. In 1860 with the effort of Bunsen and
Alexander Edmond Becquerel, a pioneer in Kirchhoff, spectrochemical examination was
the field of luminescence. By that time, invented, but it had comparatively few uses

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

58 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

until the 1930s. Arc and spark emissions and, A typical atomic absorption spectrophotom-
to some degree, flame emission techniques eter consists of a radiation source, nebulizer,
then became well-known. Due to the efforts of atomizer, monochromator, detector, and read-
Walsh in 1955, the modern period of atomic out device. Fig. 2.8 shows the general mecha-
absorption spectroscopy started in Australia, nism of atomic absorption spectroscopy.
due to the work of Alkemade and Miltz in Atomic absorption methods are potentially
Holland. From 1955, the period can be sepa- very precise because atomic absorption lines
rated into seven-year periods: the induction are extraordinarily narrow (0.002 0.005 nm)
time (1955 62) when atomic absorption and, for every element, electronic transition
received rare attention from the public; a energies are specific. In atomic absorption, the
growth time (1962 61) when most of what we most commonly used two line sources are hol-
see nowadays was established; comparative low cathode lamps and electrodeless discharge
stability (1969 76) when the contribution of lamps. The most often used emission of radia-
atomic absorption was great compared to other tions source is the hollow cathode lamp inn
methods. So we are today in an era of ongoing atomic absorption spectroscopy. It contains a
change that was initiated around 1976, owing hollow cylindrical cathode and a tungsten
to the impact of computer technologies on lab- anode consisting of the elements to be exam-
oratory instruments. Currently such technolo- ined. These are enclosed in a glass tube occu-
gies are extensively utilized due to their ease of pied by an inactive gas (argon or neon). At a
use, efficiency, and relatively lower price. The pressure of 1 5 torr. If a 300-V potential differ-
initial atomic absorption spectrometer was con- ence is applied through the electrodes, then
structed by CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific argon ionizes, and the electrons and the cations
and Industrial Research Organization) in 1954 of argon migrate to the two electrodes, and a
by Alan. The initial marketable atomic absorp- current of 5 10 mA is generated. When the
tion spectrometer was presented in 1959. The potential is great enough, the cathode is struck
method used the basic phenomenon that free by the cations with adequate energies to free
(gas) atoms are produced in an atomizer and some of the metal atoms and to form an atomic
can absorb radiations at precise frequencies. cloud. This procedure is known as sputtering.
The method qualifies the absorption of the These sputtered metal atoms are in agitated
ground-level atoms in gaseous form. The parti- states and release their characteristic radiation
cles absorb visible light or ultraviolet and pro- as they come back to ground level. Eventually,
duce transitions to greater electronic energy the metal atoms are diffused back to the sur-
states. The concentration of analytes is exam- face of the cathode or to the walls of the glass
ined by the quantity of absorption tubes and are redeposited. In addition, to hol-
[2,3,27,45,46]. low cathode lamps, electrodeless discharge

FIGURE 2.8 Flow sheet diagram of

atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Radiation Wavelength Detector Readout
Source selector




New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 59
lamps are valuable in atomic line spectra. A combined. This is also called turbulent flow
typical electrodeless discharge lamp is built burner. These burners are widely used for
from closed quartz tubes comprising an inac- atomic emission measurements. The element to
tive gas such as argon at a few torr pressure be examined needs to be in the atomized state.
and a lesser amount of analyte metals (or its Atomization is the isolation of elements into
salt). The lamps contain no electrodes; in their separate particles and division of molecules
place, the lamp is energized by a penetrating into atoms. It is completed by exposing the
field of microwave radiation or radio fre- analytes to higher temperatures in a graphite
quency. The argon ionizes in this area, so the furnace or flame. The commonly used vapori-
ions are enhanced through the greater frequen- zers are flame atomizers and graphite tube ato-
cies constituting the field until they achieve mizers. However, other atomizers, such as
adequate energies to agitate the atoms of the electrochemical, hydride, cold vapor, and
analyte metals. Electrode discharge lamp are glow-discharge atomizers, might be used for
available commercially for several elements. special purposes. It is very significant portion
They are particularly useful for elements such in AA spectrometers and is used to isolate
as, Se, and Te, where hollow cathode lamp thousands of lines. The monochromator is uti-
intensities are low. Every element has its own lized to choose the exact wavelength of light
advance lamp that should be utilized for the that is absorbed through these samples and to
analysis. A special high-pressure xenon short eliminate extra wavelengths. The examination
arc lamp is also used as a continuous source of of the designated elements in others is found
radiation. There are numerous significant fea- by the selection of precise light. Most commer-
tures of the nebulizing part of the burner cial AAS instruments use diffraction grating as
arrangement. In order to deliver effective nebu- monochromators. The light chosen through the
lization for every kinds of sample solution, the monochromator is focused on the detector,
nebulizer must be adaptable. Stainless steel has which is normally a photomultiplier tube, the
been the usual material utilized for the manu- function of which is to change the light signals
facture of the nebulizer. Stainless steel has the into an electrical signal in the direct proportion
benefit of strength and low cost, and it resists to the light intensities. The commonly used
corrosion from samples with a great constitu- detector in AAS is the photomultiplier tube. It
ent of acid or other corrosive substances. For is a photovoltaic cell consisting of a series of
these issues, vaporizers assembled of a cathodes called dynode and anode. The read-
corrosion-resistant material, such as an inactive out system includes meters, chart recorders,
platinum, plastic, or tantalum, would be used and digital display meters. Modern instru-
[2,3,27,45,46]. ments provide a fast display of experimental
Various types of nebulizers have been intro- conditions, absorbance data, statistical values,
duced such as pneumatic nebulizers, impact calibration curves, and the like [2,3,27,45,46].
bead nebulizers, ultrasonic nebulizers, pulse
nebulizers, and Babington nebulizers. The two
major types of nebulizer burners used in AAS
2.3.7 Development of atomic emission
are the premix nebulizer burner and total con-
sumption burner. In the premix burner, liquid
is sprayed into a mixing chamber where the When energies in the form of heat or light
droplets are mixed with the combustion gas are applied, the molecules are motivated to
and sent to the burner. In the total consump- high-energy states and move from lowest-
tion burner, the nebulizer and burner are energy states to the highest-energy states, so

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

60 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

FIGURE 2.9 Flow sheet diagram of fluorescence



EMR source




molecules are unstable at this level. by Robert Bunsen and David Alter Gustav
Consequently, the agitated molecules jump Kirchhoff [2,24,27].
from the highest-energy states to the lowest- Atomic emission spectroscopy has a long
energy states, releasing radiation. The energies history. In 1550 qualitative applications of
are emitted in the form of photons. The radia- atomic emission spectroscopy produced in the
tions are noted in the emission spectrometer. color of flames were cast off for the first time
The change among the constituents in the agi- in the smelting of raw material. They were
tated and lowest level is the level of emissions then completely established with the studies of
of a substance. Every element has a distinct atomic spectra produced on spark emissions
and specific level of emission that benefits the and flame emissions in 1830. Quantifiable
experts in identifying the elements. In the 20th uses of atomic emission spectroscopy based
century, Max plank decided that energies on the electric spark were established by
might be emitted or absorbed irregularly in the Lockyer in 1870. Quantitative uses of flame
form of packs of energies called quantas. A emission established in 1930 were found by
photon of energy is released when the particle Lundegardh. Atomic emission established
jumps down from the highest-energy state to upon production from plasma was presented
the lowest-energy state. The spectra gained are in 1964 [2,27,45].
named “emission spectra,” and the spectros- Atomic emission has been used dependent
copy is called atomic emission spectroscopy only on flame arc or spark excitation sources.
(EAS). Fig. 2.9 shows the simplified mechanism Improvement is made by the introduction of
of AES. AES is a method used to examine the noncombustion plasma source.
component amounts in the samples by means
of the intensities of light released by spark,
flame, plasma, or arc. In AES, the samples are Light source: DC arc, AC arc, spark, ICP
useful with light or heat energies. The sources Spectrometer: Monochromator optical-direct
of energies could be plasma, flame, or electric read spectrometer, polychromatic optical—
arc. Every component has dissimilar emission direct read spectrometer
levels and provides the forecast of the dissimi- Detector: Spectrograph, photomultiplier
lar elements in the sample. Lines of emission tube (PMT), segmented-array charge-
from hot gases were initially studied by coupled detector (SCD)
Ångstrom, and the method was then advanced Readout: Gives signals or peaks

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.3 Development in the field of spectroscopy 61
The instrument used for recording a spec- three silica quartz tubes are utilized in which
trum is known as a spectrometer or spectro- argon gas transmits the samples in the aerosol
photometer. The first step is atomization or form. The radio frequency power is applied to
excitation. In this step, a solid liquid or solu- the system to ionize the gas and produce
tion is converted into gaseous atoms. The sam- plasma. ICP has more of a detection limit than
ple is excited by absorbing energy and then DCP. Compared to flam emission spectros-
emits it by releasing radiation in the form of copy, the plasma substance produces a large
electromagnetic radiation, which may be ther- quantity of agitated released atoms in the UV
mal or electrical. It is necessary that only the range. Plasma emission spectroscopy results in
emitted radiation is collected and analyzed better atomization conditions than arc and
and then recorded. In case of emission spec- spark spectroscopy. Plasma spectroscopy can
trometer no analyzer is necessary, the source be used for multielement determinations on a
being its own analyzer. A monochromator is broad concentration range. The sample solu-
employed to separate radiations into individ- tion is injected into the system through a nebu-
ual wavelengths. The dispersing element used lization system that is usually a cross-flow
is a prism. The detector is the device that con- nebulizer or Babington-type nebulizer.
verts spectral radiation into an electrical signal Basically two types of spectrometers are uti-
that is transmitted to a recording device, called lized in plasma emission studies: the concur-
a recorder. The recorder prints the chart. It is rent and the successive multielement
essential that the detector does not receive spectrometers [2,3].
radiation directly from the exciting beam and
that the two are placed at right angles. A mod-
ulator is placed between the source of excita-
2.3.9 Development of atomic
tion and the sample, its function being only
that the emission that directly arises from the
fluorescence spectrometry
excitation is recorded [2,45,47]. An atom comprises a set of quantized
energy states that can be attained by electrons
depending on their energies. When atoms in
2.3.8 Development of plasma emission ground state absorb EMR, they are excited
toward the higher-energy level, or excited
spectroscopy state. Then, after excitation, these electrons
This emission spectroscopy utilizes plasma seek to relax back toward ground state by the
as a source of atomization, and it is known as emission of emitted radiations. In AFS, both
plasma emission spectroscopy. It has greatly absorption and emission occur in the UV
enhanced the application of atomic emission range. AFS occurs in two steps: absorption and
spectroscopy. Plasma is a fog of extremely ion- emission. In AFS, the minimum amount of
ized gases, consisting of electrons, ions, and analysis can be detected by the detector, which
neutral species. Ions represent about 1% of the is in the range of femtograms to attograms.
total proportion. Argon gases are commonly AFS is based on fluorescence phenomena intro-
ionized by a sturdy electrical ground. The pro- duced by Wood in 1905. Later in the develop-
duced plasma may be inductively coupled ment of AFS, an analytical method is attributed
plasma (ICP) or direct current plasma (DCP) to West and Wineforder, who did the initial
depending on the source of the electric field. In work in this area. The intensity of emitted light
DCP, the ionization is done in a discharge tube is measured with the help of the detector,
with a two- or three-electrode system. In ICP, which is placed in a direction perpendicular to

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

62 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

that of the radiation source. A spectrofluorom-

eter or fluorimeter is used in AFS. In the Coulometric
spectrofluorometer, a monochromator is used method
(as wavelength selector) to quantify the intensi-
ties of released energy, whereas in the fluorim-
eter, a filter is used as a (wavelength selector) Controlled cuurent
to quantify the intensities of released radia- coulometry Controlled potential
tions. The sample solution (analyte) is thor- (amperostatic) (potentiostate)
oughly associated with electrogravimetry in
coulometry, which is also founded on
Faraday’s law; the initial uses include examina-
tion of atomic weight and of tinny metal coat- Primary Secondary Coulommetric
ings. The amount of electric charge is a very source source titration
coulometry coulometry
ancient, possibly the oldest measurable
“electroanalytical” technique; originally, elec- FIGURE 2.10 Schematic diagram of the various types
trolytic deposition electrolysis was designed of cuolometric methods.
for the quantification of currents or electric
charges by the measurement of the number of controlled potential coulometry, the potential is
electrolysis product(s) according to Faraday’s kept constant in order to get maximum current
law. A primary tool for this determination is efficiency so that the analytes react completely
using the electrolysis of water, as proposed by without involving interfering species. With
Michael Faraday himself and known as volta- progress in electrolysis, the concentration of
electrometer. A coulometer is a tool utilized for analyte and the current decrease with time. The
determining the amount of electricity required curve of current time is plotted and integrated.
to carry out a chemical alteration of the analytes. A three-electrode potentiostat is utilized to
The usual exercise in coulometry is to insert the make the potential in controlled-potential
ammeter (which quantifies the current in electri- coulometry [2,48 50].
cal trials) with a coulometer. Iodine coulometer
is a type of a titration coulometer in which an
anodic alloy produced iodine is titrated with
arsenic (III) or thiosulphate solutions. This is 2.4 Development of electroanalytical
used in the study of the Faraday constant. techniques
Another example is the colorimetric coulometer,
which is built on the principle of dying species In 1801 William Cruikshank was doing elec-
with a substance with a metal ion that should be trolysis of aqueous solutions of copper salts and
stripped anodically. For example, a cobalt ion suggested the possibility of using current as a
species dyed with nitroso-R-salt and the quanti- parameter for the analysis of metals. In 1830 A.
fication of absorbance with a spectrophotometer. C. Becquerel suggested the use of anodic deposi-
Coulometry has progressed extensively and is tion for the detection of lead and manganese.
categorized as follows: controlled-current Buchner used galvanic electricity or electric dis-
coulometry (amperostatic), primary source charge for analysis at almost the same time in
coulometry, and secondary source coulometry- the 19th century. In 1861 and 1865 Weyl devel-
controlled potential (potentiostat) coulometric oped quantitative electroanalytical procedures
titration. See Fig. 2.10 for a schematic diagram of for the determination of carbon amounts in pig
various kinds of cuolometric procedures. In iron and steel. Jaroslav was awarded the Nobel

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.4 Development of electroanalytical techniques 63
prize in 1959 for his discovery of and contribu- 2.4.2 Coulometry
tions to polarography. Faraday’s law, the pH
scale by Sorensen, the work of Haber and Coulometry is the name given to the group
Klemensiewicz on glass electrodes, and the of analytical technique used to determine the
introduction of the carbon paste electrode by amount of matter transferred during an elec-
Ralph Adams have contributed much in the trolytic reaction by measuring the amount of
development of electroanalytical techniques current or electricity produced or consumed.
[51,52]. Alternatively, the quantity of electrical charge
to convert the sample analyte qualitatively to
another oxidation state is measured. The coulo-
metric method is usually rapid and does not
2.4.1 Electrogravimetry require the product of the electrochemical reac-
Elecrogravimetry is a quantitative electroan- tion be a weighable solid. Closely related to
alytical technique. In electroanalytical techni- electrogravimetry is coulometry, which is also
ques, the concept of quantitative analysis was based on Faraday’s law; early applications
started with the work of Wolcott Gibbs for the include determinations of atomic masses and
determination of copper and nickel using the of thin metal layers. The measurement of elec-
electroanalytical precipitation method reported tric charges is a very old, perhaps the oldest
in 1865. This method was used for the determi- quantitative “electroanalytical” method, but
nation of copper in copper nickel coins. This originally electrolytic deposition electrolysis
work was followed by Carl Luckow, who in was aimed at the quantification of electric
1865 separated and determined copper in the charges or currents by the measurement of the
presence of Zn, Co, Ni, Mn, and Fe by the elec- amount of electrolysis product(s) according to
trodeposition method. Although these were the Faraday’s law. A first instrument for this pur-
initially reported methods for the quantitative pose utilizing the electrolysis of water was sug-
determination of metals using electrogravime- gested by Michael Faraday himself, called
try concepts, they were called electroanalysis, volta-electrometer [51,52,54].
electrochemical analysis, or electrolytic Michael Faraday introduced the first voltage
analysis [51]. measuring device, the volta-electrometer.
With the passage of time, modifications in Similarly, A. C. Becquerel and Johann
the nature and construction of electrodes were Christian Poggendorff introduced the metal
made by different scientists. Nikolai Klobukov voltmeter for copper and silver, respectively.
used the rotating electrode to save time. In mid-19th century, coulometry progressed
Heinrich Paweck and Clemens introduced the when Hampe and Pfeiffer determined the
net-shaped platinum electrode. Gibbs sug- atomic masses of elements by measuring their
gested the mercury electrode, which was used deposited masses as specific electric charges
by Luckow. The concepts of electrode potential were applied. In 1893 Freudenberg, with the
for analytical purposes was studied by help of Max Le Blanc, introduced the electro-
Hermann Freudenberg. In 1907 Henry Sand lytic cell incorporated with silver voltmeter.
and Arthur Fischer introduced electrogravime- Heinrich Danneel worked on the use of the
try with manually controlled potential. coulometer for the determination of metals, but
Alexander Claessens wrote the first book on his work did not get much attention.
electrogravimetry in 1882. Similarly, in 1890 E. Coulometric determination of the tin layer on
F. Smith published a monograph with the copper wire was used by Grower in 1917. In
name Electrochemical Analysis [51,53]. this case, Grower used electrolytic cells,

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

64 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

coupled with a coulometer, for determination In controlled current coulometry, the mea-
of free tin and alloyed tin on the surface of cop- surement is performed at a constant current
per wire. This was followed by the work of instead of a constant potential. The relation-
Zbinden who in 1931 used stripping analysis ship is drawn as a curve between current and
while employing the electrolytic cell, coupled time. Controlled current coulometry is advan-
with a coulometer, to determine trace amounts tageous over controlled potential coulometry
of copper. In 1938 Lászlo Szebelledy and in terms of taking less time and not needing
Zoltan Somogyi published their work of titra- the integration of the current—time curve
tion involving coulometric analysis. In 1942 [2,51,52,54].
Archie Hickling introduced the potentiostat,
which resulted in rapid progress in the use of
coulometry for analysis. In the 1960s, Claassen,
Milner, and Philiphs worked on analytical
2.4.3 Conductometry
coulometry and published the first monograph Conductometry is used to analyze ionic spe-
[51,54]. cies and to monitor a chemical reaction by
A coulometer is a device used for measuring studying the electrolytic conductivity of the
the quantity of electricity required to bring reacting species or the resultant products. It
about a chemical change in the analyte. It is has notable applications in analytical chemis-
usual practice in coulometry to substitute the try. Conductivity measurement can be per-
ammeter (which measures current in electrical formed directly by using a conductivity meter
experiments) with a coulometer. or by performing conductometric titration.
The iodine coulometer is an example of a Conductometric analysis of electrolytes is a
titration coulometer in which anodically gener- long-time practice. Henry Cavendish and
ated iodine is titrated with thiosulphate or Andreas Baumgartner reported the analysis of
arsenic (III) solution. This has been used in the mineral waters and salt solutions by using con-
determination of the Faraday constant. ductometric methods. Georg Quincke and Emil
Another example is the colorimetric coulo- Warburg checked the water solubility of
meter, which is based on the principle of devel- glasses. In the early stages, direct current con-
oping a colored species with a reagent with a ductometry was utilized, but that had the
metal ion that may be anodically stripped. For drawbacks of electrode polarization, and hence
example, a colored species might be formed for alternating current was used. Kohlrausch and
a cobalt ion with nitroso-R-salt and measure- Nippoldt used alternating current and took
ment of absorbance with a spectrophotometer. conductometric measurements without polar-
Coulometry has progressed extensively and izing electrodes. Alternating current was
is classified by the categories shown in Fig. 2.10. applied for the determination of electrolytes in
In controlled potential coulometry, the water, mineral waters, acids, and sugars.
potential is kept constant in order to achieve Kohlrausch and Berthelot used conductometric
maximum current efficiency so that the analyte measurements to study chemical reactions.
reacts completely without involving interfering Whitney used conductometry to determine the
species. With progress in electrolysis, the con- end point in volumetric analysis. Kolthoff sum-
centration of analyte, as well the current, marized the studies related to end point detec-
decreases with time. The curve of current— tion by using conductometric analysis. A
time is plotted and integrated. A three- special type of conductometric analysis, called
electrode potentiostat is used to set the telephone analysis was introduced by Bouty.
potential. In this type of conductometric analysis,

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.4 Development of electroanalytical techniques 65
different electrolytic mixtures, including KCl, the concept of limiting current, which is very
KI, K2SO4, among others, were studied using important for analysis in voltametry, polarog-
the telephone as the indicator. Kohlrausch, raphy, and amperometry [51,56].
Holborn, and Kolthoff published early mono-
graphs on conductometric analysis [2,51,52,55].
2.4.5 Voltammetry
Voltammetry is a category of electroanalyti-
2.4.4 Potentiometry cal methods used in analytical chemistry and
Nernst used potentiometric analysis in 1889 several industrial processes. In voltammetry,
based on his famous equation regarding poten- information about an analyte is obtained by
tiometry. Behrend used potentiometry for the measuring the current as the potential is chan-
detection of end points in his volumetric analy- ged. The result comes from the voltametric
sis, working the titration of chloride and bro- experiment in the form of voltammogram,
mide with mercury nitrate. Bottger and which is plot of the current versus the potential
Crotogino used the potentiometric method for of the working electrode. Voltammetry experi-
end point determination of acid base and redox ments investigate the half-cell reactivity of an
titrations, respectively. Ostwald’s laboratory analyte. Voltammetry is the study of current as
was mainly used for such experiments. The a function of applied potential. These curves,
use of glass membrane electrodes led to much I 5 f(E), are called voltammograms. The poten-
development to potentiometry. Cremer, Haber, tial is varied arbitrarily either step by step or
and Klemenciewics studied the relation continuously, or the actual current value is
between the concentration of hydrogen ions measured as the dependent variable. The
and the potential across a glass membrane in shape of the curves depends on the speed of
1909. This was followed by the introduction of potential variation (nature of driving force)
the pH equation by Søren Peter Lauritz and on whether the solution is stirred or quies-
Sørensen in the same year. In 1937 Nikosky cent (mass transfer). Most experiments control
depicted the response of an ion-selective elec- the potential (volts) of an electrode in contact
trode for target ions in the presence of interfer- with the analyte while measuring the resulting
ing ions. Michaelis, Kolthoff Clarke, Muller, current (amperes).
Furman, and Jorgensen performed work on the A number of voltammetric electrodes or
determination of pH using potentiometry and cells are introduced and are used in industry
reported their work in the first half of the 20th and research. These electrodes are referred to
century. Jagner and Graneli introduced chrono- as sensors, which are used for the analysis of
potentiometric stripping analysis in 1976. Ernst various types of analytes in different media.
Salomon studied and published the current Glucose sensors and oxygen electrodes are
voltage curve in 1896. The current voltage examples.
curve brought on much development in utiliz- Voltametry has developed very rapidly, and
ing voltametry for analytical purposes. several types have been introduced with high
Salomon studied the relation between concen- efficiency, sensitivity, and selectivities. Among
tration and residual current. Nernst and several types, a few examples are linear sweep.
Merriam described the theory of residual cur- cyclic, staircase, square wave, stripping, nor-
rent and interpreted that the limiting current in mal pulse, differential pulse, direct current,
the stirred solution corresponds to the diffu- alternating current, polarography, and the like
sion current. Nernst and Brunner introduced [2,51,57].

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

66 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

2.4.6 Polarography and analytical the nanomolar range. In these techniques, a

voltammetry two-step process is performed; in the first step,
preconcentration of the analyte is done, fol-
The voltametric technique uses droping lowed by analysis. The preconcentration of
mercury electrode (DME) as an indicator or a methylene blue was performed by Kemula and
working electrode is known as polarography. his coworkers in 1961, and with this they deter-
It was first introduced by Jaroslav Heyrovsky mined its concentration in the range of 10 8 M
in 1922 and earned the Nobel prize in chemis- while working with DME. The preconcentra-
try in 1959. However, its development starts tion process prior to voltametric analysis was
with the study of electrocapillary phenomena, practically done by several researchers for both
where DME was used as the measurement. organic and inorganic species. The use of mod-
Jaroslav Heyrovsky and Masuro Skikata ified surface electrodes for analytical purposes
developed the first automated instrument, the was started in the 1970s. Cheek and Nelson
polarograph, for analytical purposes. The used the carbon paste electrode for the deter-
polarograph was used for automatic recording mination of Ag 1 , and Oyama and Anson uti-
of the current voltage curve. Matheson and lized the platinum electrode, modified with a
Nichols used the oscillograph for recording the polymer film, for analysis. Ravichandran and
current voltage curve in 1938. Oscillograph Baldwin were the first to float the idea of car-
was used for studying the potential time bon paste electrodes for analytical purposes. A
curve in polarography. Although the term modified glassy carbon electrode has been
“oscillographic polarography” was given by employed for preconcentration and analysis of
Heyrovsky and Forejt, later literature reported uranium (VI) [2,51,52,58,59].
this as chronopotentiometry. With the passage
of time, differential polarography and deriva-
tive polarography were introduced for better
analysis of analytes in the presence of interfer- 2.4.7 Amperometry
ing species. Different other modern polaro- In this type of electroanalytical technique,
graphic techniques, such as cyclic, square the current produced during a redox reaction
wave, pulse, and differential polarography, is observed at a constant potential.
were developed for analytical purposes. The Amperometry is conducted in a three-electrode
use of stripping voltametry employing station- system. Every analyte has a fixed potential for
ary DME was used for trace element analysis, undergoing a redox activity. The potential
starting in the 1950s. Heinz Gerischer used sta- required is applied, and the resultant current is
tionary DME in 1953 for electroanalytical pur- measured. Amperometric titration is done in
poses. The hanging DME (Kemula type) was the same manner. At the fixed potential, the
introduced by Kemula and Kublik in 1956. changes in current are measured as the titrant
Metallic substrates with mercury film were is added to the analyte solution. Sharp changes
also used as electrodes. The carbon paste elec- are observed at the end point. The concept of
trode was introduced by Adams in 1958. amperometry was strengthened after the work
Analytical voltametry was promoted with the of Nernest and his coworkers on diffusion cur-
introduction of wax graphite, pyrolytic graph- rent and limiting current. Amperometry was
ite, and glassy carbon electrodes by Miller and used for oxygen determination in the 1930s
Zittelin in 1963 and 1965. The development of and 1940s. With the passage of time, much
square-wave and pulse voltametry increased progress has been made in the amperometric
the sensitivity of voltametric techniques up to method of analysis. Different types of

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.5 Hyphenated techniques 67

Chromatographic Detection FIGURE 2.11 Block diagram of a dual-

Interface hyphenated technique [61].
technique (spectroscopy/other)

Analyte enrichment Further detection/s

(optional) (depends)

amperometric methods have been introduced, hyphenated techniques is given as Fig. 2.11.
such as single-potential or DC amperometry, The results are also mostly free from interfer-
pulsed amperometric detection (PAD), inte- ence and are reproducible. Initially, double-
grated amperometry. For amperometric titra- instrument hyphenated techniques were intro-
tion, drop mercury electrode (DME), rotating duced. However, over time, triple-hyphenated
platinum electrode (RPE), or twin polarized techniques were developed to get more reliable
microelectrode (TPME) is used as the indicator and accurate results for quantification and
electrode, while usually the saturated calomal identification. Among the double-hyphenated
electrode is used as the reference electrode. techniques are LC-MS, LC-NMR, LC-IR, CE-
Various types of commercially available ampe- MS, GC-IR, GC-MS, HPLC-DAD, and GC-
rometers are vintage amperometers (about FTIR, while triple- or multiple-hyphenated
1950) and (mechanical gauge) amperometers. techniques include but not limited to LC-API-
Two types of detection methods are used in MS, APCI-MS-MS, ESI-MS-MS, LVI-GC-MS,
amperometery: single-potential amperometry LC-ESI-MS, LC-UV-NMR-MS-ESI, LC-MS-
or direct current amperometry and pulsed TSPLC-UV-NMR-MS, LC-NMR-MS, LC-DAD-
amperometry [2,51,59,60]. API-MS, LC-PDA-MS, LC-PDA-NMR-MS, and
SPE-LC-MS [61 63,66].

2.5 Hyphenated techniques

2.5.1 GC-NMR
These techniques involve the coupling of
chromatographic techniques with an online The GC-NMR technique was introduced in
detection system, mostly spectroscopic meth- the 1960s. In its early stages, the separated
ods, and they are called hyphenated techni- components of the sample coming from GC
ques. Hirsch Feld in 1980 adapted the term (gas chromatography) were introduced into an
“hyphenation” for two- or multiple-instrument NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) glass
techniques for analysis in a single run. The microtube through a syringe. In the 1970s, GC-
basic aim was to achieve purification, identifi- NMR system was improved by flow cell NMR
cation, and quantification simultaneously tubes for the introduction of separated sample
[2,61 65]. components from GC into NMR. Although
These techniques were developed to achieve these two were not really hyphenated techni-
quantification results and detection simulta- ques, the first GC-NMR hyphenated technique
neously. They have the advantage that, in a was introduced in 1980 by Buddrus and
single run, separation as well as identification Hertzog. In this attempt, the NMR tube was
of the analyte is done. Hyphenated techniques used in the form of a flow cell with both sides
are mostly automated, fast, and reliable com- open, connecting GC with NMR. Over time,
pared to using chromatography followed by much development followed, and the on-flow
spectroscopy. A generalized diagram for and stop-flow modes were introduced [61,63].

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

68 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

2.5.2 LC-NMR movement under the influence of applied volt-

age. The ionic mobility is dependent on the
The LC-NMR system is used for the simulta- mass-to-charge ratio, viscosity, and pH. CE is
neous separation and identification of NMR- carried out in the submillimeter-diameter
active compounds present in complex mixtures capillaries and in micro- and nanofluidic chan-
of all types. LC-NMR has been recognized nels. The hyphenation of CE with NMR makes
since the 1970s. Watanabe and Niki reported for a highly sensitive detection method as the
the first paper on LC-NMR in 1978. They used volume size is reduced from microliters to
a stop-flow mode of LC-NMR for the qualita- nanoliters. Special small NMR flow cells are
tive analysis of a mixture of compounds. The used for CE-NMR. Wu et al. used CE-NMR for
first online LC-NMR was reported in the 1980s, the detection of amino acids by using a fused-
and its implementation as a common labora- silica capillary NMR flow cell with an RF
tory technique of analysis was started in 1990s. microcoil directly around the cell. The sensitiv-
The LC-NMR system works in two modes: ity was below 50 ng. Both on-flow and stop-
continuous and stop-flow. Along with the flow experiments have been reported for CE-
NMR detection system, a UV-Vis detector is NMR. CE-NMR is a promising technique that
also used as a primary detector with the LC presents a huge number of potential applica-
system for primary operations [61,63,67]. tions in analyzing the structure of compounds
very sensitively in the micro- and nanogram
2.5.3 GPC-NMR ranges [67].

The hyphenation of on-flow or online gel

permeation chromatography (GPC) with NMR,
an GPC-NMR system, has been practiced 2.5.5 SFC-NMR
widely to study the molecular weight and The combination of supercritical fluid chro-
structure of polymers. The molecular weight matography (SFC) with NMR is more advan-
and polymer size of poly(methyl methacrylate) tageous than ordinary LC-NMR. The use of
(PMMA) and poly(butyl methacrylate) copoly- supercritical fluid as a mobile phase does not
mers were determined by Hatada et al. using require the suppression of solvent, and when
on-flow GPC-NMR. Similarly, other polymers supercritical CO2 is used as the mobile phase,
such as polystyrene, polybutadiene, and poly it does not interfere with 1HMR results. SFC-
(butyl acrylate) (pBA) mixtures have been NMR needs special flow cells to carry out the
examined effectively via GPC-NMR. This tech- analysis because the SFC system creates high
nique is also useful in determining the tacticity pressure that cannot be handled by ordinary
of polymers. GPC-NMR is rapid in response; NMR flow cells. Different studies have been
however, compared to other analytical techni- reported using SFC-NMR. Studies of mono-
ques, the GPC-NMR has low sensitivity, and it meric acrylates, hydrocarbons, and cis/trans
requires several scans of analysis for obtaining isomers of vitamin A via on-flow SFC-NMR
data with a low signal-to-noise ratio [67]. have already been reported. SFC-NMR has
been used to perform on-flow data for the
NMR analysis of ethylbenzene and of a mix-
2.5.4 CE-NMR ture of dibutyl and diallyl phthalate. SFC-
Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is used to NMR has its applications in food analysis as
separate ions based on their electrophoretic well [67].

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

2.5 Hyphenated techniques 69

2.5.6 SFE-NMR 2.5.8 LC-MS

Similarly to SFC-NMR, the hyphenation of The hyphenation of LC with MS has broad
supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with NMR applicability and is used for the simultaneous
is considered an ideal analytical technique in separation and identification of compounds.
both on-flow and stop-flow modes. The use Automated LC-MS assembly consists of a dou-
of proton-free CO2 as the eluent of extraction ble three-way diverter connecting the autosam-
is very compatible with 1HNMR. The pler, chromatographic system (LC), and MS.
hyphenation of SFE with NMR (SFE-NMR) is The diverter works automatically for control-
more sensitive and effective compared to ling the sample volume and passage to the LC-
conventional LC-NMR with the only need MS system. Various types of interfaces are
being a high-pressure NMR flow cell, as with used to connect the LC with the MS system.
SFC-NMR. Various studies, such as the study Interfaces in LC-MS are designed to perform
of the composition of coffee and black pep- nebulization, vaporization, ionization, and con-
per extract in the on-flow and stop-flow trol of the delivery of ions into the MS system.
modes with 2D COSY NMR, have been Among various common interfaces, atmo-
reported. Similarly, plastifiers from poly spheric pressure chemical ionization and elec-
(vinyl chloride) have also been studied using trospray ionization are usually used for natural
SFE-NMR [67]. products analysis. In case of LC-UV-MS ther-
mospray and continuous-flow FAB interfaces
are also used [61,64].
2.5.7 GC-MS
Gas chromatography coupled with mass
spectrometry (shown in Fig. 2.12) is used for
2.5.9 CE-MS
the analysis of volatile compounds. The two Capillary electrophoresis (CE) was devel-
techniques are highly compatible with each oped in the early 1990s. In CE, separation is
other. However, there is the pressure differ- achieved under the influence of an electric
ence between the two. GC operates at 760 torr, field, which is used to separate charged parti-
while MS works in an inert environment at cles and have them move toward respective
only 5 7 torr. The two techniques are inter- electrodes according to their mass-to-charge
linked through an interface such as a jet/orifice (m/z) ratios. The separation is achieved due to
separator, effusion separator, or membrane a change in migration rate. In the CE-MS
separator [61,64]. hyphenated system, CE works for the

Interface FIGURE 2.12 GC-MS system [61].

Carrier gas



New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

70 2. Historical background: milestones in the field of development of analytical instrumentation

separation or purification of components, chromatographic technique; however, it func-

which are detected through an online MS tions in the same manner as any good chro-
detector. Hence the simultaneous purification matographic method does. In CE, the
and data acquisition are accomplished [61,64]. separation of components occurs according to
their m/z ratio under the influence of an elec-
tric field applied through electrodes. CE is
2.5.10 GC-ICP-MS applicable to ionic or charged species from
The GC system is used mostly for volatile small cations to large biomolecules. Once the
compounds. The detectors of GC need a sam- separation is achieved, the components are
ple to be in volatile or gaseous form. detected through an ICP-MS detection system,
Nonvolatile compounds can also be analyzed which is connected through a special type of
by GC after making them volatile by derivati- interface with CE [73 75].
zation or pyrolysis. Although GC has several
detectors systems, the hyphenation of GC with
ICP-MS enables it to analyze volatile organic or 2.6 Advancement in sampling systems
organometallic compounds with high specific- for analytical instruments
ity and sensitivity. IC-MS is very sensitive and
specific in elemental analysis when coupled Sampling plays an important role in any
with GC [68 70]. kind of analysis. It is very difficult to achieve
accurate results without proper sampling. As a
2.5.11 HPLC-ICP-MS sample is a representative part of some mate-
rial under investigation, it should be given
In this hyphenated technique, HPLC is used great care. Various types of treatments are
for separation purposes while ICP-MS is used available to prepare a sample for analysis. For
as a detection system. HPLC may separate the example, for an organic sample to be analyzed
components of a mixture through an adsorp- through GC, HPLC, GC/MS, or LC/MS, vari-
tion, partition, ion-exchange, or size exclusion ous processes such as extraction, concentration,
mechanism. HPLC is very useful for nonvola- purification and sometimes derivatization are
tile compounds. The mobile phase composition necessary. For metal metals analysis through
is gradient or isocratic. The eluted separated atomic spectroscopy (AA), graphite furnace
components are entered into an ICP-MS detec- atomic spectroscopy (GFAA), ICP, ICP/MS,
tion system connected through an interface extraction, concentration, and speciation are
with an HPLC system. ICP-MS acts as an uni- conducted. For metals analysis through UV-
versal, element-specific detector for HPLC with Vis, molecular spectrophotometry and ion
several applications. This system is useful in chromatography, extraction, derivatization,
the analysis of organic, inorganic, and biologi- concentration, and speciation are performed.
cal molecules [70 72]. Ions are initially extracted, concentrated, and
derivatized prior to ion chromatography (IC)
and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. For DNA/
2.5.12 CE-ICP-MS
RNA, cell lysis and extraction are done to ana-
Capillary electrophores (CE) are coupled lyze through PCR electrophoresis, UV-Vis, and
with ICP-MS to perform simultaneous separa- florescence spectrometry. For amino acids, fats,
tion and detection of the electrically active and carbohydrates, the extraction and cleanup
components of a mixture. CE is not a processes are done to make them suitable for

New Generation Green Solvents for Separation and Preconcentration

References 71
analysis through GC, HPLC, and EC. For spectroscopy, electroanalytical techniques,
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and surface spectroscopy, various sample ment in sampling systems for these techniques,
preparation techniques such as, polishing, have evolved through continuous research con-
etching, ion bombardments, reactive ion tech- tributions. The era from less efficient classic to
niques, and the like are done. Once the sample more efficient sophisticated modern instrumen-
is ready, proper loading to the instrument is tation has seen enormous developments and
also very important. For this purpose, sam- has not ended in the search for further
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