Starship Construction Guide

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This book draws from the Ship Construction Manual published by FASA for the Star Trek: Role
Playing Game, as well as the Ships of the Star Fleet books published by Mastercom Data Center.
Though inspired by those works, this work is not intended to be a copyright infringement of them.
It is produced purely for informational and recreational purposes on a not-for-sale, not-for-profit,
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This document includes schematics, data, and images from Paramount Pictures, Mateen
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This is a publication of Panda Productions, Post Office Box 52663, Bellevue, Washington, 98015-

Created and published in the United States of America.

Admiral Chris Wallace
Starfleet Advanced Starship Design Bureau
Admiral Alex Rosenzweig
Starfleet Department of Technical Services
STARFLEET Corps of Engineers
Commodore David Pipgras
Region Five Office of Graphic Design


01 Equipment List
02 Warp Drives
03 Impulse Drives
04 Phasers
05 Photon Torpedoes
06 Shields
07 Computers

08 About the Publishing Team
09 Credits
10 Author’s Notes

This document was developed to serve as a “guideline” for those wishing to submit a design to cannot defeat.
the Department of Technical Services to be considered for official recognition within STARFLEET.
Think of this document as the technical equivalent of a “Writer’s Guide”. While you are not We understand that STARFLEET ships need to be able to defend themselves. Just do not overdo
required to follow the guidelines laid out herein, they were developed to assist you in your it. Compare the U.S. and former Soviet navies, for instance. Soviet vessels bristled with weapons
designing or refitting your chapter. emplacements of all types while U.S. ships mounted two missile launchers and a deck gun. But
the U.S. ships have large ammunition depots onboard that allow them to maintain combat
Remember the Star Fleet’s Charter effective for days. Soviet ships were designed to fire what they had on deck in one massive salvo,
hoping to overwhelm the enemy fleet with sheer numbers in a single attack. U.S. ships also carry
Let’s start with one of the more important things to remember about the Star Fleet. more advanced sensor and tactical suites, allowing for more accurate strikes. Federation ships
are similar, allowing them to get in more licks than they take.
Unlike the military forces of the United States, the Star Fleet does not serve as an instrument of
Federation foreign policy. Star Fleet is charged with the defense of the Federation and to police So just because your ship has six phaser emplacements and two torpedo launchers, does not
and protect its members, as well as serve as the primary exploration arm. mean you can’t win against a Threat vessel with eight phasers and three torpedo launchers.

A favorite rallying cry for vessels with extreme firepower and defensive systems has been - “It was Some Basics
designed to fight the Borg.”
When you decide to start developing a new starship class, you first need to determine what era it
Folks, we have three words for you concerning the Borg — “Resistance is futile.” It’s not a cliché, is going to be in. STARFLEET currently supports ships from Enterprise to beyond Voyager. This allows
it’s a fact of life. The Federation has been lucky the last two times the Borg came a calling to tremendous flexibility, as well as covering all the Star Trek television series and movie periods.
Earth. If and when they come back, it will be with hundreds of cubes. They know what happened Second, you need to determine what type of ship it will be.
the last two times, and the Borg adapt. They will overwhelm our defenses and cut through our
Fleets like a club through a spiderweb. The Defiant was designed to defeat a Borg cube and she If you are planning on taking an existing design, and then modifying or enhancing it (as we did
was almost destroyed. And large, powerful ships like the Nebula proved no match for the Borg, with the Galaxy (II) class), you need to first determine what modifications or enhancements you
either. So, the ASDB really can’t see spending tons of money on a ship for fighting an enemy we are planning and in what areas.
What We Look For the better.

When a new starship design is submitted to the Advanced Starship Design Bureau, the first thing The debates on “combat vessels” in STARFLEET have been long and passionate. Like it or not, the
they do is review the overall design to see if it is feasible. We have seen ships over a kilometer current administration within DTS does not believe in vessels who have no peacetime function.
in length submitted. Such a massive ship would seriously stretch even Utopia Planitia, nor would
it fit in most Star Fleet starbases or other facilities. And bigger is not always better. The Romulan A word on “combat-oriented”. This does not mean it *has* to be an explorer-only. A starship
D’daridex Warbird is almost twice as large as the Galaxy class, yet the Dominion chewed them whose primary mission profile is patrol duties is acceptable. However, it is important to note that
up even worse than the Galaxy at the battle of Chin’toka. a patrol vessel will be lightly armed and armored. By this we mean one fore and one aft photon
(not quantum) torpedo launcher and three or four Type X phaser arrays. A vessel designed to
When you are designing a ship, take the time to look at it. If you have a ship festooned with *run* when it sees a Romulan Warbird or Borg Cube come charging across the border — not
weapons roll bars and hangar bays, it probably won’t be very warp dynamic. Who needs a stand there and go toe-to-toe with it. Take a look at the Norway class frigate – she is an excellent
scoutship / explorer that is so slow it would take a week to map an area a less-cluttered ship design for a patrol cruiser concept.
could do in days? Federation starships are generally clean and sleek.
If you really have your heart set on a large combat vessel, there are a number that have been
Check to See If It Already Exists approved. And, frankly, those are probably all that will be. I mean the Akira class can destroy
any known Threat vessel in a single torpedo salvo, and probably would savage an unprepared
This may sound silly at first, but the Office of Technical Information has hundreds of starship classes Borg cube.
covering almost every conceivable mission-role. Star Fleet’s shipbuilding budget is not so large
that they can afford a dozen ship classes that all do the same thing. In general, the ASDB dislikes The ASDB does look favorably on new roles for already-approved combat-oriented vessels. We
“copy-cat” designs that mimic the role of an already existing starship class. developed an exploration role for the Federation and Ascension class vessels to get them out of
starbase while they are waiting for a war to break out. Jonathan “Gumby” Simmons developed
Now we know people like to have their own design. And we know that many of the hundreds a medical variant of the Olympus class dreadnought. On the surface, it seems like a silly idea, but
of ship designs are just cut-and-paste jobs and many of them are not all that “cool-looking”. such a vessel would prove a valuable asset in a combat zone like the Dominion War. And it also
Nonetheless, the ASDB recommends that you use already-established designs. You are free to “justifies” a vessel that would probably be built in only ones or twos, if at all.
uprate them with newer technology (within limits) if the class you like seems a little “outdated” to
you. We suggest that you contact OTI for recommendations on starship classes that fit the criteria On the flip side, the ASDB does not look favorably on turning exploration vessels into warships. In
of what you are looking for. An advantage to choosing an established design is that it allows you fact, you can pretty much figure it won’t happen.
to continue with the STARFLEET chapter program that much faster, since you don’t need to go
through having a design approved. Propulsion Systems

Is It All-New or an Improvement on an Existing Design? For a more in-depth view, please see the pamphlet Why Two Nacelles Are Better Than Three.
However, suffice to say that current Star Fleet doctrine is for vessels with two warp nacelles. The
We at ASDB understand the thrill in having a unique starship. We felt the same way, which is why reason is that two nacelles are the most efficient balance of power generation and reactant
we developed the Griffon and Galaxy (II) classes. However, both of my ships were modifications consumption. By altering the timing differences of each nacelle, the warp field geometry can be
of existing designs. Since then, we have created the Whitehall class Command Cruiser based on varied on the X/Y-axis’s, thereby altering the ship’s heading.
the Sovereign class. Improving an existing design is an excellent way to stay within established
vessels, but have something special. As stated above, uprating is probably a common event. Vessels with one, three, and even four nacelles have been seen in The Next Generation and
Afterall, even though the U.S.S. Excelsior is a century old, she does not have the same equipment elsewhere, so they are valid configurations. However, such extreme designs were undertaken
she did when she was commissioned! for specific reasons, and in such cases the detractions of using more than two nacelles were
deemed unavoidable to meet mission and design objectives.
The fastest top speed ever attained by a Federation starship is Warp 9.986 by the U.S.S. Defiant
The most vital thing to address is why was this starship class built or why was an existing ship during her trials. It should be noted, however, that the 355,000mt Defiant uses a warp drive
class improved? You will need to come up with a reason why the Star Fleet should spend their originally developed for the 3,000,000mt Akira class starship. The result is that the ship is in extreme
shipbuilding budget on such a vessel. It does not to be long and involved, but the more complete danger of falling apart at any speed above Warp 9. The maximum sustainable speed for a
Federation starship is about Warp 9.9 for a period not to exceed 12 hours. This is both due to hull
stresses and engine wear.

Equipment Lists

While it is nice to give your ship the biggest and best of everything, Star Fleet cannot afford
to equip every ship that way. And do not think that just because your ship is assigned to the
Romulan Neutral Zone it is going to carry the latest of everything. The latest stuff is not always the
most reliable, and Star Fleet cannot afford to have high-risk duty ships down for repairs. Witness
the Chandley class, which used the previous-generation warp drive because it was more reliable
than later models. Though based on designs over one hundred years old, ships of the Excelsior
and Miranda classes still fill important roles in the modern Starfleet.

Also remember that many systems are still in the research-and-development stage and are not
yet designated available for general Fleet use. DTS does have a list of equipment and what ships
currently use it that is based on the format developed for Ships of the Star Fleet.

Also think of how many crew and small craft your ship will carry. By the 24th century, the Galaxy
class has the same crew compliment as the 23rd century Enterprise class, even though the Galaxy
class has eight times the internal volume of the Enterprise. This is because the ships’ systems can
now automatically handle chores that once required human intervention. And most Federation
starships are designed to carry about a dozen shuttlecraft. If you want to carry more, you’ll need
to sacrifice space for crew and equipment. Unless you’re a purpose-built shuttlecarrier, Starfleet
may have little use for a “stripped ship”.

In Conclusion

This document is designed to assist prospective starship designers in the creation and submission
of their designs to the ASDB. It is not designed to be an exhaustive source of information on this
subject. If you have questions, feel free to contact the ASDB, DTS, or OTI. We are more than
happy to offer suggestions and help and additional information you may require.

Admiral Chris Wallace

Chairman - Advanced Starship Design Bureau

Warp Drive Systems

The Next Generation

Leeding Energies LF-45 Intrepid

Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-44 Galaxy (II), Sovereign, Prometheus, Cantell, Nottingham, Discovery
Leeding Energies LF-43 Galaxy (II)
Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies LF-42 Griffon
Leeding Energies LF-41 Galaxy, Nebula, Olympus, Courageous, Peacekeeper, Flynt, Entente, Maxwell
Leeding Energies LF-40 Norway, Nova
Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies LF-35 Akira, Defiant
Leeding Energies LF-30 New Orleans
Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies LF-25 Saber
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-20 Steamrunner
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-15 Cheyenne
Leeding Energies LF-10 Ambassador

The Movie Generation

Vickers Engineering “Kratos” LN-94 Akula

Vickers Engineering “Skade” LN-91 Arbiter
Vickers Engineering “Fier” LN-90 Akyazi
Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies LN-72 Excelsior, Ingram
Koëller Uti K27 Transwarp Excelsior
Vickers Engineering “Ikeda” LN-68 Belknap
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-65A Ariel, Fredrickstaad
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64 Enterprise, Belknap, Avenger, Endurance, Cyane, Daran, Knox, Ascension, Federation (II)
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64A Tikopai
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64B Enterprise (II), Constellation
Vickers Engineering “Achates” LN-60 Constitution (II)
Dennison/Westinghouse “Fleetwing” LN-52 SCNN Endeavor

The Original Series

Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-47 Coronado, Achernar, Surya, Coventry

Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-32 Bonhomme Richard
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-31 Constitution
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-07 Daedalus
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-05 Enterprise (NX)
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-04 Y-Class Freighter, J-Class Freighter
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-03 Voyager, Connestoga
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-02 Valiant, freighters
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-01 Phoenix

Impulse Drive Systems

The Next Generation

Kloratis FIG-5 Galaxy, Galaxy (II), Nebula, Olympus, Courageous, Peacekeeper, Flynt, Maxwell, Sovereign, Prometheus, Delphis, Delphis (II),
Entente, Griffon
Kloratis FIG-4 Akira, Intrepid
Kloratis FIG-3 Saber, Defiant, Nova
Kloratis FIG-2 Norway, Steamrunner, Cheyenne, New Orleans
Kloratis FIG-1 Ambassador

The Movie Generation

Orage Ijek “Delrum” CME-A Akula

Orage Ijek “Delrum” CME Arbiter
Orage Ijek “Delrum” CCE Akyazi
Scarbak Propulsion Systems SANTH-H Excelsior, Ingram
Scarbak Propulsion Systems SANTH Enterprise (II)
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RST Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance, Cyane
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RSL Belknap, Tikopai
Scarbak Propulsion Systems Namada NK Constitution (II)
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RSM Enterprise, Federation (II), Ascension, Constellation
The Original Series

Scarbak Propulsion Systems SBE Coronado, Achernar, Surya, Coventry, Endeavor

Scarbak Propulsion Systems SBA Constitution, Bonhomme Richard
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RAB Daedalus
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RAA Enterprise (NX)

Weapons Systems - Phasers

The Next Generation

HiBeam Energies Type XIII MDPC Entente

HiBeam Energies Type XII MDPC Griffon, Defiant, Entente
HiBeam Energies Type XII Emitter Galaxy (II), Sovereign, Prometheus
HiBeam Energies Type X Emitter Galaxy, Nebula, Maxwell, Peacekeeper, Courageous, Olympus, Griffon, Intrepid, Akira, Norway, Flynt, Entente
HiBeam Energies Type IX Emitter Ambassador, New Orleans, Saber, Steamrunner, Cheyenne

The Movie Generation

Asakaze Ordnance Systems JAKA-2 Twin Mount Arbiter, Akyazi, Akula

Asakaze Ordnance Systems JAKA-5 Single Mount Akyazi, Akula

Augusta Ansadado RIM-15A Twin Mount Enterprise (II), Excelsior, Ingram, Constellation
Augusta Ansadado RIM-14A Twin Mount Cyane
Augusta Ansadado RIM-12C Twin Mount Enterprise, Belknap, Tikopai, Avenger, Daran, Endurance, Ascension, Federation (II), Ariel
Augusta Ansadado RIM-10C Twin Mount Constitution (II), Daran, Knox
Augusta Ansadado RIM-9C Twin Mount Enterprise
Augusta Ansadado RSM-20B Single Mount Enterprise (II)
Augusta Ansadado RSM-14B Single Mount Enterprise, Belknap, Tikopai, Endurance, Ascension, Federation (II), Ariel

Asakaze Ordnance Systems “Emperor” 60 MDPC Avenger, Knox, Ingram

Asakaze Ordnance Systems “Talon” MDPC Cyane

The Original Series

Augusta Ansadado RIN-9 Twin Mount Coronado

Augusta Ansadado RIN-6 Twin Mount Coronado, Achernar, Endeavor, Coventry
Aerospatiale 27/2 Twin Mount Surya
Aerospatiale 127/54 Single Mount Surya
Lockheed-Martin 447/54 Single Mount Constitution, Bonhomme Richard
Weapons Systems - Photon Torpedoes

The Next Generation

Skat-Rar Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launcher Galaxy (II), Sovereign, Prometheus, Defiant, Intrepid, Entente
Skat-Rar Mk 90 Photon Torpedo Launcher Griffon, Olympus
Loraxial Mk 85 Photon Torpedo Launcher Galaxy, Nebula, Maxwell, Peacekeeper, Courageous
Loraxial Mk 80 Photon Torpedo Launcher Flynt, Norway, New Orleans, Akira
Skat-Rar Mk 75 Photon Torpedo Launcher Ambassador, Steamrunner, Saber, Cheyenne

The Movie Generation

Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 20 “Teviot” Photon Torpedo Launcher Arbiter

Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 5 “Komati” Photon Torpedo Launcher Akyazi Akula
Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 9 “Boris” Photon Torpedo Launcher Akyazi, Akula
Skat-Rar Mk 70 Photon Torpedo Launcher Enterprise (II), Excelsior, Ingram, Constellation
Skat-Rar Mk 25 Photon Torpedo Launcher Cyane
Skat-Rar Mk 22 Photon Torpedo Launcher Avenger
Keindoffer-Klaatsen DSC “Thor” Photon Torpedo Launcher Tikopai
Skat-Rar Mk 7 Photon Torpedo Launcher Belknap
Skat-Rar Mk 6 Photon Torpedo Launcher Enterprise, Constitution (II), Ascension, Federation (II)
Keindoffer-Klaatsen “Zeus” Mk 4 Photon Torpedo Launcher Constitution (II)

The Original Series

Selenia Sistemi S.P.A. Mk 12 Photon Torpedo Launcher Bonhomme Richard

Selenia Sistemi S.P.A. Mk 10 Photon Torpedo Launcher Constitution
Racal Werft F.M.C. “Awalt” Photon Torpedo Launcher Coronado, Achernar, Endeavor, Surya, Coventry

Defensive Systems - Shields

The Next Generation

Sylvanesti Shields FSS Galaxy (II) 1, Griffon 1, Sovereign, Prometheus

Charlottes Shields FSQ/2 Olympus, Maxwell, Peacekeeper, Courageous, Entente
Charlottes Shields FSQ Galaxy, Nebula, Intrepid, Defiant, Akira, Norway, Flynt
Charlottes Shields FSP Ambassador, New Orleans, Cheyenne, Steamrunner, Saber

The Movie Generation

Kal Achal Conglessum “Podi Aschura” Deflector Spires Arbiter, Akula

Kal Achal Conglessum “Saco Onorvoz” Deflector Spires Akyazi
Kal Achal Conglessum “Bia” MDS Deflector Pod Akula
Prentice-Schafer “Iulus” Protective Envelope System Arbiter
Prentice-Schafer “Merlin II” Force Field and Deflector Akyazi, Arbiter, Akula
Prentice-Schafer “Merlin” Force Field and Deflector Enterprise (II), Excelsior, Ingram, Constellation
Prentice-Schafer “Arthur” Force Field and Deflector Ariel
Prentice-Schafer “Lancelot” Force Field and Deflector Enterprise, Belknap, Constitution (II), Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance, Ascension, Federation (II)
Prentice-Schafer “Phoenix” Force Field and Deflector Tikopai
Prentice-Schafer “Percivale” Force Field and Deflector Cyane
Prentice-Schafer CIDSS “Heavy” Deflector Supplement Akyazi
Prentice-Schafer CIDSS Deflector Supplement Belknap, Excelsior, Ingram

The Original Series

Hycor Modular Adaptive Force Field and Deflector Constitution, Bonhomme Richard
Trestis ar Trestis RSAT/HIRAM Force Field and Deflector Coronado, Achernar, Endeavor, Surya
Prentice-Schafer “B-Sentry” Force Field and Deflector Coventry
Hycor polarized hull plating Daedalus, Enterprise (NX)

Computer Systems - Primary

The Next Generation

DCS M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack Isolinear III Galaxy (II) 2

with LCARS 2.5 and E.V.E.
DCS M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack Isolinear III with LCARS 2.0 Galaxy (II), Sovereign, Prometheus, Intrepid
DCS M-15 Isolinear III with LCARS interface software Galaxy, Nebula, Maxwell, Peacekeeper, Courageous, Olympus, Griffon, Defiant, Entente, Akira
Daystrom Computer Systems M-14 Isolinear II Norway, Challenger, Freedom, Nova
Daystrom Computer Systems M-13 Isolinear I Ambassador, New Orleans, Flynt, Steamrunner, Saber, Cheyenne
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic V Ambassador
with M-12 Multitronic Supplement

The Movie Generation

Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic IV Enterprise (II), Excelsior, Constellation

with M-9 Multitronic Supplement
Kuchata Pratus Ikyla “Perim” Duotronic IV Akula
Kuchata Pratus Ikyla “Illorin” Duotronic IV Akyazi, Arbiter
Eristaffe-Zynn Space Systems “Etrista” Duotronic III Cyane
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic III Enterprise, Ascension, Federation (II), Excelsior, Ingram, Ariel
with M-7 Multitronic Supplement
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic III Constitution (II)
Kuchata Pratus Ikyla “Illorin” Duotronic IV with Datatac Akula, Arbiter, Akyazi
Eristaffe-Zynn Space Systems “Sable” Duotronic III Belknap
Plessey Group “Con/Am” Duotronic III Tikopai
Farranti Mnemonics “Fasfax” Duotronic III Constitution (II), Endeavor, Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance
The Original Series

Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic III Surya

Shaktir Tripel “T’Sharsish” Archernar
Farranti Mnemonics “Fasfax” Duotronic III Archernar
Interstellar Business Machines ELD-10 Archernar
Ag Murpeth “Sanshar” Integrated System Cornado
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic II Bonhomme Richard, Coventry
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic I Constitution
International Business Machines “Mars” Monotronic II Daedalus
International Business Machines “Venus” Monotronic II Enterprise (NX)

Computer Systems - Navigation Suites

The Next Generation

Tlixis Ramab RRB RAV/ISHAK Mk 3 Warp Celestial Guidance Galaxy (II), Galaxy, Griffon, Olympus, Nebula, Maxwell, Courageous, Peacekeeper, Flynt, Intrepid, Sovereign, Defiant,
Prometheus, Entente
Tlixis Ramab RRB RAV/ISHAK Mk 2 Warp Celestial Guidance Ambassador, New Orleans, Saber, Akira, Cheyenne

The Movie Generation

Tlixis Ramab RRB RAV/ISHAK (Mk I) Warp Celestial Guidance Enterprise (II), Excelsior, Ingram, Constellation
Valdemar NCS “Dragon’s Eye” Warp Celestial Guidance Enterprise
Plessey Group “Hawkeye” Warp Celestial Guidance Belknap
Plessey Group “Hawkeye” with NAVTAC Guidance Belknap, Ascension, Federation (II)
Mandor Industries “Artos” Warp Celestial Guidance Constitution (II), Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance, Ariel
Mandor Industries “Artos-C” Warp Celestial Guidance Tikopai
Valdemar NCS “Taos” Warp Celestial Guidance Tikopai
Valdemar NCS “Owl’s Eye” Warp Celestial Guidance Akula
Tlixis Ramab RRB RAV/TENEX Warp Celestial Guidance Arbiter
Prinzhenri S.N. NAVCAS Select Warp Celestial Guidance Akyzaki, Cyane

The Original Series

NAVCAS Warp Celestial Guidance Surya

“Simmins/Navtor” Warp Celestial Guidance Coventry
Plessey Group “Picket II” Warp Celestial Guidance Coronado
Benkulen Systems “Starmark” Warp Celestial Guidance Achernar, Endeavor
Mandor Industries TSS Warp Celestial Guidance Constitution, Bonhomme Richard
Mandor Industries TAC Warp Celestial Guidance Daedalus
Mandor Industries TAA Warp Celestial Guidance Enterprise (NX)
Computer Systems - Fire-Control

The Next Generation

RCA AEGIS Mk 7 Mod 1 Fleet Fire Control System Griffon, Olympus, Entente, Courageous, Galaxy (II) 3
Raakuv CETIS III Weapon system Ambassador Class Onwards
with Type 225 TACAR fire control

The Movie Generation

RCA AEGIS Mk 5 Mod 1 Fleet Fire Control System Ariel, Federation ((I), Ascension, Ingram, Excelsior, Belknap 4
Prentice-Schafer D/SS Defense and Scanning Systems Enterprise (II)
Trestis ar Trestis FSTR/TAC Fleet Strategic/Tactical Data System Enterprise, Constitution (II), Endeavor, Enterprise (II)
Trestis ar Trestis “Oracle” with FSTR/TAC Ariel
Trestis ar Trestis “Mentor III” Fire Control System Cyane, Tikopai
Raakuv CETIS Weapon System with TACAR Fire Control Belknap, Ascension, Federation (II)
Raakuv CETIS with PRA-TAK Fire Control Add-On Avenger, Daran, Endurance
Raakuv “Dobis” with PRA-TAK Knox
Raakuv “Conus II” Sensor and Fire Control System Tikopai
Keindoffer-Klaatsen DSC “Eyas” Weapon System Cyane, Tikopai
Keindoffer-Klaatsen “Nike” Weapon System Akula, Arbiter, Akyazi
Keindoffer-Klaatsen TAVITAC Tactical Subsystem Akula, Arbiter, Akyazi

The Original Series

Raakuv “Tektar” Weapon System Constitution

Raakuv “Conus” Sensor and Fire Control System Constitution
Signaal Electronic Enterprises “Saber” Fire Control System Bonhomme Richard
with Tri-Tel
Signaal Electronic Enterprises “Lynx” Sensor / Weapon System Bonhomme Richard, Coventry
Signaal Electronic Enterprises “Claw One” Fire Control System Coventry
Trestis ar Trestis FSTR/TAC Fleet Strategic/Tactical Data System Achernar, Endeavor, Coronado, Surya

Life-Support Systems

The Next Generation

Morris Magnatronics MM6 Modular Gravity Unit Galaxy (II), Galaxy, Griffon, Sovereign, Prometheus, Intrepid, Nebula, Maxwell, Peacekeeper,, Flynt, Intrepid, Sovereign,
Defiant, Prometheus, Entente
New Amsterdam Gravitics NAG2 Modular Gravity Unit Akira, Norway
New Amsterdam Gravitics NAG1 Modular Gravity Unit New Orleans, Flynt, Steamrunner, Saber, Cheyenne
Cristobal SM/S MM5 Modular Gravity and Ambassador
Atmosphere Maintenance Unit
A’Alakon Landiss AL4 Life Support System Galaxy (II), Galaxy, Griffon, Sovereign, Prometheus, Intrepid, Nebula, Maxwell, Peacekeeper,, Flynt, Intrepid, Sovereign,
Defiant, Prometheus, Entente
A’Alakon Landiss AL3 Life Support System Akira, Norway
A’Alakon Landiss AL2 Life Support System New Orleans, Flynt, Steamrunner, Saber, Cheyenne
A’Alakon Landiss AL1 Life Support System Ambassador

The Movie Generation

Cristobal SM/S MM4 Modular Gravity and Excelsior, Ingram

Atmosphere Maintenance Unit
Cristobal SM/S MM3 Modular Gravity and Enterprise (II)
Atmosphere Maintenance Unit
Cristobal SM/S MB-5 Artificial Gravity Generator Daran, Knox
Cristobal SM/S MB-4C Artificial Gravity Generator Cyane
Cristobal SM/S MB-4A Artificial Gravity Generator Avenger, Endurance
Cristobal SM/S MC-3E Artificial Gravity Generator Belknap, Ascension, Tikopai
Cristobal SM/S MC-3C Artificial Gravity Generator Enterprise, Federation
Cristobal SM/S CT-3/CENTRIS Artificial Gravity Generator Constitution (II), Endeavor
Cristobal SM/S “Escudo” Radiation Shielding Package Enterprise (II)
ARU/SI Radiation Protection System Cyane
Tidjikja/Atar “Rastis” Radiation Protection Package Enterprise, Belknap, Constitution (II), Federation, Ascension, Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance
Tidjikja/Atar “Lernex 1” Radiation Protection Package Tikopai
Jullundur-Lahore “Cerix 2” Waste Regeneration System Enterprise (II), Cyane
Jullundur-Lahore “Cerix” Waste Regeneration System Enterprise, Belknap, Constitution (II), Federation, Ascension, Tikopai, Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance

The Original Series

Cristobal SM/S CT-3/CENTRIS Artificial Gravity Generator Endeavor, Surya, Coventry

Cristobal SM/S 3T/Centris Replacement Gravity Generator Constitution, Bonhomme Richard, Coronado, Archernar
Cristobal SM/S 2S/Centris Replacement Gravity Generator Daedalus
Cristobal SM/S 2R/Centris Replacement Gravity Generator Enterprise (NX)
Cristobal SM/S “Molluken” Radiation Shielding Package Coventry
Cristobal SM/S MP-4A Integrated Radiation Shielding Add-On Constitution, Bonhomme Richard
Cristobal SM/S MP-1B Integrated Radiation Shielding Add-On Daedalus
Cristobal SM/S MP-1A Integrated Radiation Shielding Add-On Enterprise (NX)
Cristobal SM/S “Coraza” Integrated Radiation Shielding Coronado, Archernar, Endeavor, Surya
Triax Medifore SARS Synthesizing and Regeneration System Constitution, Bonhomme Richard, Daedalus
Jullundur-Lahore “Ambrix” Waste Regeneration System Coronado, Archernar, Endeavor, Surya, Coventry


– Only the U.S.S. Bright Star, U.S.S. Griffon, and U.S.S. Pendragon also mount the FCE-2 Cloaking Device.
– The E.V.E. supplement has so far only been fitted to the U.S.S. Bright Star (CKE 71875) due to it’s experimental
status. It is not currently approved for use on any other vessel at this time.
– Of the Galaxy (II) Class, only the U.S.S. Bright Star (CKE 71875) carries the Aegis Fleet Fire Control System
– Of the Belknap Class, only the U.S.S. Bradley (CS 2502) carries the Aegis Fleet Fire Control System

Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-01 Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-05

Though Cochrane Warp Dynamics did not exist at the time Zephram Cochrane created his The first drive capable of Warp 5 performance, the PB-05 grew out of the Warp Five
prototype drive on the Phoenix, this designation was granted it in honorarium. Development Project stated in 2119. It merged Vulcan design theory with further development
and refinement of the PB-04 series drive. It first saw service in the NX class starship, but Warp 5 in
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-02 that class was an absolute emergency speed, and not a true cruising speed.

Once contact between the Terrans and Vulcans was formalized, Cochrane started CWD to Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-07
both produce and develop warp drives. The PB-02 was the first commercial drive, fitted to
the Valiant class. It was essentially the PB-01 with improvements in design for reliability. It was The PB-07 was the first drive to offer sustained Warp 5 cruising. By this time, Cochrane Warp
capable of Warp 1.5 cruise. Dynamics had moved it operations to Alpha Centauri, which offered more testing space and
better financial incentives. Debuted on the Daedalus class cruiser, it served as the basis for
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-03 warp drives over the next fifty years.

The PB-03 was an incredibly powerful drive, specially designed to move the near 9 million ton Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-31
Voyager series of colonizer ships. Capable of Warp 3 cruise, it was extremely reliable but also
extremely expensive to operate. The Connestoga class superfreighter also was equipped with This was the drive, more than any other, which made CWD famous. Debuted on the
this drive as its cargo capacity was such that they could still turn a profit. Constitution class, it offered high speeds (Warp 5 sustained, Warp 7 maximum) and enormous
power generation. It was designed for vessels massing 180,000-200,000 metric tons.
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-04
Cochrane Warp Dynamics PB-32
The PB-04 was an improved version of the PB-02. Cruising speed was raised to Warp 1.8, but
operating costs were more than halved. This made it an immediate favorite of freighters and The PB-32 was an enhanced version of the PB-31, capable of Warp 6 cruise and Warp
merchantmen, which became the primary source of sales. 8 maximum velocities. It was fitted on the Bonhomme Richard class CH and refitted on
Constitution class vessels. truly stupendous output, it can push vessels with this mass to Warp 12 cruise.

Cochrane Warp Dynamic PB-47 Vickers Engineering “Ikeda” LN-68

The PB-47 offered far superior acceleration times than the PB-32 series. It was used on classes After the success Cochrane had with the LN-64, Vickers’ own LN-60 series needed
such as the Coronado, Achernar, Surya, and Coventry. enhancement if they were to remain competitive. With Cochrane’s LN-64A a dud, the LN-68
was the first successful Warp 9/13 drive to market. Though it is not as dilithium-efficient as the LN-
Dennison/Westinghouse “Fleetwing” LN-52 65B, Vickers did land contracts for the LN-68 with Belknap class vessels destined for service with
The LN-52 was the first attempt at a linear warp drive propulsion system, and was installed on
the Endeavor class CH. Specially designed to be self-contained units to directly replace the Koëller Uti K27 Transwarp
original PB-32/47 units on each ship, they suffered from a high-rate of dilithium decay which
limited their performance to Warp 8 cruise and Warp 10 maximum. In 2275, theoretical physicists at the Daystrom Institute proposed that speeds far above those
currently capable were possible. They dubbed these speeds “Transwarp” and began modeling
Vickers Engineering “Achates” LN-60 performance. To their incredulity, the models predicted cruising speeds in excess of Warp
Factor 70 (the fastest ship at the time could barely crack Warp 20, risking destruction to do it).
While D/W worked on a self-contained linear warp drive system, Vickers Engineering went with Koëller Uti, a Terra-based company specializing in high-warp research, was given a grant to
a more complicated, and powerful, design. This system used a system of intermix shafts that design and develop a working transwarp drive. By 2280 they had developed a working drive
also connected the warp core to the impulse drive system to provide additional power. While and it was mounted to an unmanned test ship. Initial tests were promising, with the vessel
cruising speed equaled the Warp 8 of the LN-52, emergency speed was Warp 11 and speeds attaining speeds of Warp 25. Computer modeling implied that the more power put into a
above Warp 8 could be sustained for far longer periods. transwarp drive, the higher the speeds attained. At the same time, Star Fleet was working on
a new class of battleships, the Excelsior, to replace the dreadnoughts and counteract new
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64 battleship construction by the Klingon and Romulan Empires. It was decided to mount a larger
version of the transwarp drive (the K27) to the Excelsior class.
Arguably one of the most successful warp drives in history, the LN-64 series powered most of
the Class One starships of the 2270’s through 2300’s. Essentially identical to the Vickers LN-60 in Unfortunately, what worked well in computer models and tests failed miserably when scaled-
mounting and cruise performance, it offered a maximum speed of Warp 12 and slightly faster up to starship sizes. The K27, when it worked at all, was never able to achieve more than Warp
acceleration times. 14, speeds barely above that of the LN-65A on a drive system that cost over twice as much to
produce. Within a year, Star Fleet declared the Transwarp project a failure and removed the
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64A drive from service.

The LN-64A was designed to provide a higher cruising speed (Warp 9) for the Tikopai class Shuvinaaljis Warp Technologies LN-72
exploratory (later heavy) cruiser. Unfortunately, the drive system was plagued with difficulties
that, while later worked out, resulted in warp performance equal to the LN-64, but with slower By 2280, Shuvinaaljis had been providing warp drives to Vulcan ships for centuries, but had
acceleration and higher maintenance costs. yet to bid on a Federation contract. With the Federation working on larger and larger vessel
designs, Shuvinaaljis decided the high-mass / high-speed realm was the one to aim for, as only
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-64B Cochrane’s LN-65A was competition.

The second attempt at improving the LN-64 was successful, and the Warp 9/13 LN-64B entered What was disaster for Koëller Uti turned into providence for Shuvinaaljis. As the Excelsior
service with the Enterprise (II) class. However, this drive’s higher acquisition and maintenance continued to wallow through engineering trials, Shuvinaaljis offered her LN-72 for her sistership,
costs have limited its use to the Enterprise (II) and Constellation classes. the Ingram. The drive proved to be a perfect fit, and once it was clear Transwarp would not
work, Excelsior was fitted with LN-72’s, as well. Capable of Warp 15 cruise, these drives made
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LN-65A the Excelsior the fastest ship of her day.

The LN-65A was designed for extremely massive starships (1.5 to 2.0 million tons). Capable of
Vickers Engineering “Fier” LN-90 Constellation class, Starfleet decided to fit two drive systems (for a total of four nacelles) to
meet the performance and reliability goals.
While the LN-68 enjoyed a limited success, the LN-64 from Cochrane Warp Dynamics
continued to garner the bulk of new-ship outfitting. However, TacFleet liked the LN-68 and Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-20
approached Vickers to develop a warp drive for the Akyazi class perimeter action ship they
were developing. The LN-90 was designed for sustained high-warp velocities on ships massing With the success of the LF-15, Cochrane developed the LF-20 to serve ships massing two million
under 100,000 tons. It also incorporates a warp reflector assembly that helps improve warp tons.
maneuverability and mask warp emissions, making for a more stealthy unit. Performance
is impressive, with a Warp 8 standard cruise, Warp 14 maximum cruise, and a Warp 21 Shuvinaaljis LF-25
emergency speed.
With the over one million metric ton field covered, Shuvinaaljis developed a drive optimized for
Vickers Engineering “Skade” LN-91 sub-million ton vessels. It first debuted on the Saber class.

With the success of the Akyazi and LN-90 units, Vickers improved output even more on the LN- Leeding Energies LF-30
91 that went into the Arbiter class PA. Performance increased to Warp 15 maximum and Warp
21 emergency speed. The LF-30 was a refinement of the LF-15 series to provide higher performance and better
efficiency. It is used in the New Orleans class.
Vickers Engineering “Kratos” LN-94
Shuvinaaljis LF-35
The LN-94 showcased improved enhancements to the warp reflector assembly. This was
necessary as the Akula class PA these drives were fitted to weighed 5000 tons more and was The LF-35 was specially developed for TacFleet applications where high sustained speeds and
equipped with a Bea deflection pod which affected the warp field. Though equal in power high reliability were requirements. It is used in the Akira and Defiant classes.
output to the LN-91, the Akula suffered from lower performance because of the pod.
Leeding Energies LF-40
Leeding Energies LF-10
The LF-40 was designed to compete with the LF-25 from Shuvinaaljis. It offers higher
Leeding had enjoyed success in the sub-100,000 ton arena, but desired to “play with the big performance than the LF-25.
boys”. In 2310, they developed a linear-flat warp drive nacelle, with the warp coils lying “flat”
as opposed to “tall” as in the linear drives. This generated a more powerful warp field that Leeding Energies LF-41
allowed for higher speeds and lower reactant consumption. Their first drive, the LF-10, required
massive nacelles, much larger in volume than those used by the LN-72. Such a size prevented The LF-41 is to the late 24th century what the LN-64 was to the late 23rd. Designed to power the
their fitting to starship classes of the time. Galaxy class large exploratory cruiser, it enjoys a virtual monopoly on vessels massing more
In 2315, the ASDB put forth a call for new technologies to be used in a successor class to the than four million tons.
Excelsior. The Ambassador class was to be a truly monstrous beast, massing over 3.5 million tons.
The LN-65A and LN-72 were inadequate to meet the requirements, and Leeding got their first Leeding Energies LF-42
big break when the LF-10 was chosen to power the class. Warp scale recalibration had taken
effect by then, so the new drive was able to provide a cruising speed of Warp 9 (or Warp 11.5 Producing 30% more power than the LF-41, the LF-42 was developed for vessels massing six
on the “old” scale) – impressive for a ship that massed almost three times that of an Excelsior. million tons or more and requires larger nacelles. The fact that no Star Fleet vessel currently
masses that has limited their installation to the Griffon class, whose three million ton mass results
Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-15 in amazing performance.

With the success of the LF-10, Cochrane saw the writing on the wall and abandoned further Leeding Energies LF-43
development of the LN series. With the LF-10 handling the “supermassive” ships, Cochrane
decided to develop a drive for ships massing under one million tons. The next starship design The LF-43 incorporates numerous refinements that result in 20% more power than the LF-41 using
from the ASDB was the Cheyenne class superscout. Intended to be a replacement for the the same nacelles. It has been fitted to the Galaxy (II) class CKE and will probably replace the
LF-41 on subsequent classes.

Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-44

After ceding the large ship market to Leeding Energies, Cochrane returned with a vengeance
when they launched the LF-44. Co-developed with the Sovereign class CH, the LF-44 offers
tremendous power, speed, and efficiency. Initial testing was performed on the Galaxy (II) class,
but best performance is gained by using specialized nacelles and therefore refitting of ships
with LF-41/42/43 drives is not expected.

Leeding Energies LF-45

In 2365, on a grant from the Starfleet Advanced Research Project Agency, Leeding began
secret development of a variable-geometry warp drive. The purpose of this drive was to allow
incredibly high sustained speeds while maximizing efficiency. While it was hoped this drive
could be used on ships in the four million plus ton range, design stress and computer power
required it be fitted to ships under one million tons and was mated to the Intrepid Class Starship
Development Project.

Cochrane Warp Dynamics LF-46

With the LF-43 and LF-44 series providing more than enough power, Cochrane Warp Dynamics
started to look at extracting more efficiency from their drive system. They took the LF-44 series
and improved their economy an additional 10%.

Scarbak Propulsion Systems RAA Scarbak Propulsion Systems RSM

Scarbak of Cairo, Egypt has a long history of supplying fusion power plants for Earth starships The RSM series was a major leap forward in impulse engine design. It was directly connected
since the mid-2000’s. When it came time to develop a fusion-powered impulse drive system for to the warp core through the primary intermix shafts, with warp power being deflected by
the NX class, Scarbak was a natural choice as prime contractor. a crystal into the impulse system. This resulted in significant improvements in both thrust and
sublight acceleration for vessels massing over 200,000 tons. It debuted first on the Enterprise
Scarbak Propulsion Systems RAB class and soon became standard on most starships of the era.

The RAB was a refinement of the RAA from the NX class, designed for the heavier displacement Scarbak Propulsion Systems Namada NK
of the Daedalus class.
Used only in the Constitution (II) class CH, this system requires four engines, as opposed to the
Scarbak Propulsion Systems SBA two of the RSM. Though more complicated, this results in above-average performance.

The SBA series were designed for vessels massing over 150,000 metric tons and saw service with Scarbak Propulsion Systems RSL
the Constitution and Bonhomme Richard classes.
The RSL system is a slight refinement to the RSM. Performance is slightly lower, while
Scarbak Propulsion Systems SBE maintenance is slightly less. Used in the Belknap and Tikopai classes.

The SBE was designed for ships massing under 150,000 tons, but further enhancements to the Scarbak Propulsion Systems RST
basic design eventually made it suitable for vessels up to 200,000 tons.
The RST was designed to provide the performance benefits of the RSM system at a lesser price
for vessels displacing less than 200,000 tons. It is used mostly in frigates and destroyers.
Scarbak Propulsion Systems SANTH Kloratis FIG-4

The SANTH system is a design improvement to the RSM. Using an expanded impulse deck with As starship designs grew bigger, so did Kloratis drives. The FIG-4 was the first drive certified for
direct-firing ports, it improved performance of the RSM by some 15%. ships greater than four million tons.

Scarbak Propulsion System SANTH-H Kloratis FIG-5

The SANTH-H (for “Heavy”) was designed for large vessels in the million-ton range. Previous ships When the Galaxy class CKE was expected to mass some 4.5 million tons, Kloratis improved
(such as the Ariel and Fredrickstaad) required two or more impulse systems. It’s use was limited the output of the FIG-4 to meet it. The FIG-5 is certified for vessels massing up to six million tons,
to the Excelsior and Ingram classes. depending on the number of exhaust ports and reactors.

Orage Ijek “Delrum” CCE

Orage Ijek of Andor was the first company to successfully break the impulse drive monopoly of
Scarbak with the CCE. Compact and powerful, it was a perfect match for the Akyazi class PA.

Orage Ijek “Delrum” CME

The CME series offered more power and better performance than the CCE, and was fitted to
the follow-on Arbiter class PAs.

Orage Ijek “Delrum” CME-A

A further refinement, the CME-A was designed to provide still more power to augment the
additional defensive systems of the Akula class PA.

Kloratis FIG-1

As Leeder had done with the LF-10, Kloratis drives of Tellar landed their first Star Fleet contract
with the Ambassador class. Kloratis specialized in impulse drives for superfreighters and tankers
that often exceeded two million tons. However, the sheer mass of the Ambassador required
Kloratis to integrate a space-time coil to effectively “lower” the mass of the Ambassador by a
million tons.

Kloratis FIG-2

The successful integration (and patenting) of the space-time driver coil effectively made
Kloratis the only choice for Class One starship impulse drives. The FIG-2 provided the same
performance of ships between one and two million tons that the SANTH-H did – at about half
the cost.

Kloratis FIG-3

The FIG-3 brought the benefits of the FIG series to vessels between 300,000 and 700,000 tons.

Lockheed-Martin 225/21 Single Mount Augusta Ansadado RIN-9 Twin Mount

The 225/21 was the first operational phaser mounted aboard a starship. Developed in Improved materials allowed a higher plasma temperature and better firepower.
conjunction with Star Fleet Tactical, it first saw use on the NX class.
Augusta Ansadado RIM-9 Twin Mount
Lockheed-Martin 447/54 Single Mount
The RIM-9 was a significant leap forward in beam weapons. Phaser plasma was drawn from the
The 447/54 was the culmination of a century of development in phaser technology. Mounted warp core, which resulted in a 25% increase over the RIN-9’s output.
on the Constitution class, they were equal to the best disruptors of the Klingon and Romulan
Empires, as well as offering multiple settings (including stun). Augusta Ansadado RIM-10C Twin Mount / RSM-14B Single Mount

Aerospatiale 127/54 Single Mount / 27/2 Twin Mount The RIM-10C benefited from a new type of jacketing that provided a 10% boost in power with a
30% increase in the number of firing cycles between maintenance.
About 25% less powerful then the 447/54, the reduced cooling requirements allowed it to
be mounted in pairs. This phaser was used exclusively on the Surya class frigate in both Augusta Ansadado RIM-12C Twin Mount / RSM-20C Single Mount
The RIM-12C is an improvement on the RIM-10C, with roughly 15% more phaser power and
Augusta Ansadado RIN-6 Twin Mount reliability.

When Lockheed-Martin decided to get out of the phaser business, Augusta Ansadado of Augusta Ansadado RIM-14A Twin Mount
Venus purchased the assets. Their first release was the RIN-6, which provided the power of the
447/54 in a twin-mount configuration. The RIM-14A uses a modified annular confinement jacket to generate a more concentrated
beam with longer ranges than the RIM-12C. However, the weapon delivers a smaller punch
and as such is not expected to enter widespread service.
Augusta Ansadado RIM-15A Twin Mount HiBeam Energies Type XII Emitter

The RIM-15A continues the evolutionary improvements of the RIM series. It delivers over 20% The Type XII, introduced in late 2369, was fifty-percent more powerful than the Type X system.
better firepower at impact point than the RIM-14A with the same range. Introduced first on the Galaxy (II), it also sees service in the Sovereign and Prometheus classes.

Asakaze Ordnance Systems “Emperor” 60 MDPC

Asakaze specializes in high-powered phaser cannon systems. Drawing power directly from the
warp conduits, they are able to deliver truly devastating blows.

Asakaze Ordnance Systems “Talon” MDPC

An improvement to the “Emperor” series in offensive capability, they were created as a stop-
gap measure until delays with the “Harrier” MDPC could be worked out. Such delays never
were, however, and the “Harrier” system was eventually cancelled.

Asakaze Ordnance Systems JAKA-2 Twin Mount / JAKA-5 Single Mount

Seeking to break into the more plentiful, and lucrative, shipboard phaser market, Asakaze
started development of a new phaser system that would be more powerful than even the
vaunted RIM-15C. Helped by their knowledge of high-output phaser cannon systems, the JAKA-
2 was almost 20% more powerful than the RIM-15C. Unfortunately, it’s rate of fire was almost
two-thirds lower than that of the RIM-15C. However, the weapon was considered perfect for
the perimeter action ships, which needed to deliver a killing first salvo and then escape.

HiBeam Energies Type IX Emitter

HiBeam Energies was a new consortium formed in 2310 composed of ex-Asakaze and Augusta
Ansadado senior engineers. Based on Luna in the Sol System, they eschewed the “turret”
design in favor of a “ring” that would allow almost omnidirectional engagement angles. They
started work in 2312 and by 2315 had created their first collimated phaser unit. Within a year,
they had successfully linked them together into a ring. It was a significant improvement in both
power and flexibility over the turret system, and debuted on the Ambassador class cruiser.
HiBeam rated the output of their phasers by Type, and Star Fleet adopted the same system. The
Type IX, as fitted to the Ambassador, was capable of emitting four megawatts of energy per
second per emitter.
As Kloratis had done with their FIG series of impulse drives, HiBeam’s patent of the collimated
phaser ring ensured that they would be the leading provider of phaser systems to Star Fleet in
the 24th Century.

HiBeam Energies Type X Emitter

Developed for the Galaxy class, the Type X used improved materials and cooling systems to
increase emitter output to 5.1MW. It is now the standard weapon system for Star Fleet ships
produced since 2360.

Selenia Sistemi S.P.A. Mk 10 / Mk 12 Photon Torpedo Launcher Skat-Rar Mk 7 Photon Torpedo System

The Mk10 and Mk 12 were “indirect” systems, in that the weapons were unguided. The Mk 12 The Mk 7 offered improved range, tracking, and warhead yields to the Mk 6.
offered an improved weapon yield over that of the Mk 10.
Skat-Rar Mk 22 Photon Torpedo System
Racal Werft F.M.C. “Awalt” Photon Torpedo Launcher
The Mk 22 system was designed to fit in the weapons pod of the Avenger class and is
The “Awalt” system was the first guided torpedo system, which resulted in a more effective equivalent in capabilities to the Mk 6.
weapon at extreme ranges.
Skat-Rar Mk 25 Photon Torpedo System
Skat-Rar Mk 6 Photon Torpedo System
This brings the benefits of the Mk 7 to the Cyane class weapons pod.
The primary torpedo system of the Fleet from the 2260’s onward, this Andorian design mated a
powerful yield with a fast firing cycle. Skat-Rar Mk 70

Keindoffer-Klaatsen “Zeus” Mk 4 Photon Torpedo Launcher The Mk 70 brings improved arming and cycle times to the basic Mk 7 system.

The “Zeus” system is slower than the Mk 6, but packs a larger warhead yield. Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 5 “Komati” Photon Torpedo Launcher

Keindoffer-Klaatsen DSC “Thor” Photon Torpedo Launcher Designed especially for the Akyazi and Akula class PAs, the Mk 5 offers good punch and range
with specialized dissipation systems that allow it to be mounted in the primary hull.
Though her range is shorter than the Skat-Rar entries, this torpedo packs the highest warhead
yield of any of its contemporaries.
Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 9 “Boris ” Photon Torpedo Launcher

The Mk 9 is a slightly more powerful version of the Mk 5, and one unit is mounted in a rear-firing

Arvan Toy Conglessum Mk 20 “Teviot” Photon Torpedo Launcher

A more powerful version of the Mk 9, carried aboard the Arbiter class PA.

Skat-Rar Mk 75 Photon Torpedo Launcher

The Mk 75 improved upon the Mk 70 with a heavier warhead yield and improved tracking

Loraxial Mk 80 Photon Torpedo System

Loraxial was founded through grants by the Andorian government to help provide competition
to Skat-Rar when the latter threatened to move their manufacturing facilities off of Andor.
Their first system offered faster firing and greater range than the Mk 75 and found itself the new
weapon system of choice of the Star Fleet.

Loraxial Mk 85 Photon Torpedo System

Designed for the Nebula and Galaxy classes, this system was the first that could “bulk-fire” a
salvo of torpedoes which would then spread out and engage individual targets – or a single
target from multiple vectors.

Skat-Rar Mk 90 Photon Torpedo Launcher

After losing considerable business to Loraxial, Skat-Rar used their most important asset – their
long experience in designing photon torpedoes – to produce the Mk 90. Fitted to the Griffon
class battleship and the Entente class dreadnought, it provided unparalleled yield as well as
the salvo capability of the Mk 85.

Skat-Rar Mk 95 Quantum Torpedo Launcher

Skat-Rar’s second most important asset was the brilliance of its engineers. Working with Star
Fleet R&D, by 2355 they had helped create the quantum torpedo. Development continued
for the next fifteen years and the system entered extremely limited production with the latest
starships. While the launcher is a minor enhancement of the Mk 90, the quantum torpedo itself
is extremely difficult to manufacture and stocks continue to remain tightly allocated.

Hycor Polarized Hull Plating Prentice-Schafer “Phoenix” Force Field and Deflector

Before there was deflector shields, Star Fleet ships used polarized hull plating to deflect As with most things developed for the Tikopai class, this is a cheaper, and less effective, system
incoming energy fire. It essentially polarizes the molecules in the plating to strengthen it. than the “Lancelot” system found on the Enterprise class.

Hycor Modular Adaptive Force Field and Deflector Prentice-Schafer “Arthur” Force Field and Deflector

This shielding system made its debut in the Constitution class and proved it was capable of This system was an enhancement to the “Lancelot” system designed to protect the large Ariel
absorbing serious punishment. and Fredrickstaad class shuttlecarriers.

Prentice-Schafer “B-Sentry” Force Field and Deflector Prentice-Schafer “Merlin” Force Field and Deflector

When problems with the “Sentry” enveloping deflector system prevented it’s completion, a The “Merlin” system was the first to integrate both the shield and cloaking systems into one unit.
lower-performing, but still adequate, “B” series was produced, instead. It saw service only on In terms of defense, it is slightly better than the “Lancelot”.
the Coventry class.
Prentice-Schafer “Merlin II” Force Field and Deflector
Trestis ar Trestis RSAT/HIRAM Force Field and Deflector
This system is an improvement to the “Merlin” system and also integrates the Close-In Defensive
This Tellarite company provided this shield system to a number of classes in the 2260s and 70s. Shield System. Designed for the PAs, it provides an incredible level of survivability.

Prentice-Schafer “Lancelot” Force Field and Deflector Prentice-Schafer “Iulus” Protective Envelope System

The Lancelot system was the primary shield system in Fleet used by Class One starships intended As the Tikopai seems to get the short-end of the stick, so the Arbiter class gets the crème de la
for front-line duty. Extremely powerful, it proved its worth in countless battles. crème. This enhancement to the “Merlin II” system provides even more defensive capability.
Prentice-Schafer “CIDSS” Deflector Suppliment

The Close-In Deflector Shield System is designed to provide additional defense from starship
weapons as well as enhanced protection from smallcraft attacks, which have increasingly
been able to penetrate “standard” shield systems.

Charlottes Shields FSP

A latecomer to the shield business, Charlottes nonetheless made a name for themselves with
the FSO system which replaced the “Merlin” units on the picket version of the Excelsior class.
The FSP was developed for the Ambassador class and provided shielding rates almost double
that of the FSO.

Charlottes Shields FSQ / FSQ/2

The mainstay shield system of the Fleet since 2355, the FSQ was developed for the Galaxy class,
but found use in most of the Ships of the Line. The FSQ/2 system integrates two shield generators
to provide an additional 50% performance.

Sylvanesti Shields FSS

This Alkaran firm revolutionized starship protection with their FSS system. Composed of three
successive shields, as the outer shields are breached, the inner ones take up the slack. A new
shield later is than regenerated underneath. Incredibly complex and expensive, it nonetheless
doubles effective shield power. The FSS also can incorporate the FCE-2 cloaking device,
though this has only been fitted to the USS Bright Star and the Griffon class.

IBM “Venus” Monotronic II Ag Murpeth “Sanshar” Integrated System

This computer was specifically developed to control the PB-05 engine and TAA Warp Celestial A Vulcan design, this system provides roughly the same performance as the Daystrom
Guidance navigation system. It was an enhancement on previous Monotronic designs from Duotronic III units. An extremely sophisticated package, it links together most ship’s computing
IBM, who had invented the technology in the late twenty-first century. functions (navigation, sensors, weaponry, engineering, etc.) on a much higher level than other
Duotronic III designs.
IBM “Mars” Monotronic II
Interstellar Business Machines ELD-10
Another enhancement to the Monotronic series, this computer provided the additional
computing power necessary to control the PB-07 warp drive and TAC navigation system. With the founding of the Federation, IBM had changed their name to reflect the new markets
available to them. Inventors of the monotronic computer system, they embraced duotronics
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic I and the ELD-10 was the state of the art in Duotronic III systems at the time of the Achernar.

The Duotronic series were a quantum leap forward in computing power over the previous Farranti Mnemonics “Fasfax” Duotronic III
monotronic units, catapulting DCS to the forefront of computer design. The first operational
duotronic computer system was incorporated into the Constitution class of starships in 2245. Another Terran manufacturuer, the “Fasfax” was a slight improvement to the ELD-10 and was
fitted to later-build Achernar class vessels. It was also the computer of choice for the ships of
Daystrom Computer Systems “Daystrom” Duotronic II the Constitution (II), Endeavor, Avenger, Daran, Knox, Endurance classes.

By 2250, the Duotronic II was ready and was incorporated into the Bonhomme Richard and Shaktir Tripel “T’Sharish”
Coventry class starships.
Shaktir Tripel purchased Ag Murpeth to gain access to their Star Fleet contract, and provided
computers to the final four ships of the Achernar class.
Daystrom Computer Systems Duotronic III Daystrom Computer Systems Duotronic IV with M-9 Multitronic Supplement

While the larger Achernar’s split their computers across three contractors, Daystrom offered The absolute state of the art in computer systems from 2280-2310, the Duotronic IV / M9
a substantial discount to Star Fleet in order to land the entire build program of the Surya class package was the core of the great explorers of this time – the Enterprise (II), Excelsior, and
frigate. Though they made less money per ship, sixteen vessels were built, and Daystrom Constellation classes.
recorded a handsome profit, which they used to advance research into multitronics. This
computer system was also chosen for the starships uprated to the Constitution (II) spec. Daystrom Computer Systems Duotronic V with M-12 Multitronic Supplement

Plessey Group “Con/Am” Duotronic III The last of the duotronic computers, it was also the most capable. It gave the Ambassador
class the most flexible and powerful computer system of the early 24th century.
Plessey Group provided a less-capable, but less-expensive, computer system when it landed
the contract for the Tikopai class. Adequate for the primary scientific mission profile, it was Daystrom Computer Systems M-13 Isolinear I
not until the addition of the “Glennis” and K3 support systems that these ships had a viable
alternate-mission capability. In 2320, DCS announced the invention of the isolinear optical chip. Within five years, they had
developed a computer system around the chips and the resulting unit was more efficient
Eristaffe-Zynn Space Systems “Sable” Duotronic III than the duotronic IVs. The M-13 was developed for starship duty and entered service in 2329
aboard the Ambassador class starship Winter Solstice. It was also used on New Orleans, Flynt,
This Denebian company specialized in high-response computer systems optimized for tactical Steamrunner, Saber, Cheyenne class ships.
use. As such, it was a natural match for the Belknap class strike cruiser.
Daystrom Computer Systems M-14 Isolinear II
Daystrom Computer Systems Duotronic III with M-7 Multitronic Supplement
The M-14 was a further enhancement of the M-13 system, with denser memory storage and
After the spectacular failure of the M-5 and the loss of their founder, Daystrom Computer faster processing speeds. It was also offered a more effective exploration mission profile.
Systems’ future looked dark. However, the Board sent the engineers back to the drawing
boards and success was finally found with the M-7, which enhanced the exploratory mission Daystrom Computer Systems M-15 Isolinear III with LCARS
profile of the Duotronic III.
The M-15 was a major step forward in human-computer interface technology. Developed
Eristaffe-Zynn Space Systems “Etrista” Duotronic III to provide the vast computing and storage needs of the Galaxy class, the Library Computer
Access and Retrieval System made it easier for the crew to interface with the central computer
An improvement of the “Sable” system, it was developed for use in the Cyane class heavy system and improved crew-computer interoperation and performance.
Daystrom Computer Systems M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack Isolinear III with LCARS 2.0
Kuchata Pratus Ikyla “Illorin” Duotronic IV
The M-16 took isolinear computing even farther by utilizing synthetic neurons based on the
Kuchata of Daran V specialized in small-profile computer systems and were sourced for the organization of neurons and synapses in the humanoid brain. The system essentially “grows”
Akyazi and Arbiter class PAs. new computer circuits as needed. This allows the computer to take a “best guess” in cases
where there is insufficient information to make a definitive statement in a logical manner,
Kuchata Pratus Ikyla “Perim” Duotronic IV rather than having to spend the time attempting to calculate all possible actions. In essence,
it uses a more intuitive process to arrive at a decision. Unfortunately, the system is too complex
The “Perim” system provided additional processing power and functionality to handle the to be refitted to M-15 series systems, but it is used on the Intrepid, Galaxy (II), Sovereign, and
holographic systems incorporated in the Akula class PA. Prometheus classes.
Daystrom Computer Systems M-16 Bio-Neural Gel Pack Isolinear III with LCARS 2.5 and E.V.E.

Continual development of the LCARS system has proceeded, with the 2.0 version debuting
on the M-16. The 2.5 series takes it even farther, and in addition, a highly advanced artificial-
personality program called E.V.E. (Enhanced Visual interfacE) has been installed on top of the
standard LCARS software, providing enhanced computer-human interactions. This system is still
in testing aboard the U.S.S. Bright Star and has not yet been approved for general use.

Chief Editor and Publisher: Admiral Chris Wallace Technical Editor: Admiral Alex Rosenzweig
Admiral Wallace serves as the Chairman of the STARFLEET Advanced Starship Design Bureau as Director of the STARFLEET Department of Technical Services and the Office of Technical
well as the Chief of Shuttlecraft Operations and Commanding Officer of the Starship U.S.S. Bright Information, Admiral Rosenzweig is also the Coodinator of STARFLEET Region Seven.
Star • NCC-71875 in Region Five.

Engineering Consultants: STARFLEET Corps of Engineers Graphics: Commodore David Pipgras

The STARFLEET Corps of Engineers serve as a “think tank” for the engineers of STARFLEET to Commodore Pipgras is the Director of the STARFLEET Region Five Office of Graphic Design.
exchange ideas and proposals.










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