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An event or situation that triggers coping adjustments in a person is referred to as

A) stress.
B) strain.
C) stressor.
D) adjustment stimulus.

2. According to Thomas Holmes and Richard Rahe, the number of life change units
(LCUs) a person accumulated during the previous year could predict likelihood
of _________ over the next several months.
A) developing depression
B) getting a divorce
C) becoming physically ill
D) having a mental breakdown

3. Which of the following is NOT in the top five most frequent hassles as reported
by Lazarus and colleagues?
A) home maintenance
B) crime
C) concern about weight
D) rising prices of common goods

4. A key factor in a person's appraisal of noise is the:

A) decibel level.
B) length of time the noise is experienced.
C) type of the noise (i.e., traffic vs. music).
D) ability to control the noise level.

5. According to a study by Lundberg and Frankenhaeuser (1999) related to work

and family, women had higher ______ than men did, both during and after work.
A) cortisol
C) norepinephrine

6. The region of the brain that most directly controls the stress response is the:
A) hippocampus.
B) temporal lobe.
C) amygdala.
D) hypothalamus.

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7. The hormone cortisol sends a message to the hypothalamus and the pituitary
gland to suppress the release of:
A) corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH).
B) adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).
C) epinephrine and norepinephrine.
D) CRH and ACTH.

8. Prolonged stress may lead to damage or atrophy in the __________ area of the
brain that, in turn, may lead to memory loss.
A) hypothalamus
B) limbic
C) cerebral cortex
D) hippocampal

9. The ____________ model of stress challenges the belief that the mind and body
are independent systems that have no influence on one another.
A) general adaptation syndrome
B) transactional
C) diathesis-stress
D) psychoneuroimmunology

10. According to the direct effect hypothesis, stress may directly affect immune
system efficiency through which of the following mechanisms?
A) sleep deprivation
B) reduced blood flow to wound sites
C) maladaptive health behaviors
D) the binding of stress hormones to T cell, B cells, and lymphocytes

11. According to Hans Selye, the most important aspect of a stressor is its impact on:
A) mental health.
B) cognitive processes.
C) one's affective state.
D) the body.

12. Daren hears a siren and looks in his rearview mirror to see a law enforcement
vehicle with its lights on. When Daren says to himself, "Is the officer after me?"
he is engaging in a:
A) cognitive reappraisal.
B) primary appraisal.
C) secondary appraisal.

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D) cognitive distortion.

13. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement according to Lazarus's

transactional model of stress?
A) Some situations or events are inherently stressful or unstressful.
B) Cognitive appraisals are susceptible to changes in mood, health, and motivation.
C) Situations and events are NOT inherently stressful or unstressful.
D) The body's stress response is similar whether the stress is actually experienced or
merely imagined.

14. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been linked to:

A) an overactive fight-or-flight reaction.
B) an overly sensitive limbic system.
C) an overly sensitive cardiovascular system.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.

15. Physiologically, the tend-and-befriend pattern appears to involve the blunting

action of the hormone:
A) leptin.
B) adrenalin.
C) oxytocin.
D) norepinephrine.

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Answer Key

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. D
10. D
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C

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