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The main difference between benign and malignant tumors is:

A) malignant cells grow rapidly and can invade surrounding tissues.
B) the ability of benign tumors to metastasize.
C) benign tumors attack any tissue in the body.
D) the pain that accompanies the growth of a malignant tumor.

2. Metastasis refers to:

A) the growth rate of benign tumors.
B) the spread of malignancy from one part of the body to another.
C) a type of skin cancer.
D) an individual's overall risk profile for developing any form of cancer.

3. The most common type of cancer is:

A) carcinoma.
B) sarcoma.
C) leukemia.
D) lymphoma.

4. Sarcomas are malignancies involving:

A) the epithelial cells.
B) cells in muscles, bones, and cartilage.
C) the lymphatic system.
D) the blood and blood-forming tissues.

5. The cancer of the lymphatic system in which malignant cells are found at several
sites is:
A) carcinoma.
B) sarcoma.
C) non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
D) leukemia.

6. Cancers that attack the blood and bone marrow are classified as:
A) carcinoma.
B) sarcoma.
C) leukemia.
D) lymphoma.

7. The most common type of cancer in North America is:

A) leukemia.
B) sarcoma.

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C) lung cancer.
D) skin cancer.

8. Lung cancer is the top form of cancer mortality for:

A) men.
B) women.
C) both men and women.
D) neither men nor women.

9. Among Americans, _______________ have the highest incidence rates for

cancer overall.
A) African-Americans
B) European Americans
C) Hispanic-Americans
D) Native Americans

10. White American women are _______________ likely to develop breast cancer
than African-American women and _______________ likely to die of the
A) more; more
B) less; less
C) more; less
D) less; more

11. Which of the following was NOT suggested as a reason African-American

women are more likely than white women to die from breast cancer, even though
they are less likely to develop the disease in the first place?
A) African-American women historically have been less likely to perform regular
breast self-examination.
B) African-American women are less likely to obtain mammograms.
C) African-Americans tend to consume fattier diets.
D) African-American women are genetically at increased risk for premature mortality.

12. Most cancer deaths in the United States are probably caused by:
A) heredity.
B) viruses.
C) controllable    factors.
D) environmental pollutants.

13. Approximately one in every _______________ deaths in the United States is

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caused by tobacco use.
A) two
B) five
C) ten
D) one hundred

14. A cancer-causing agent such as tobacco or ultraviolent radiation is called a(n):

A) carcinogen.
B) teratogen.
C) antigen.
D) metastasis.

15. For young people especially, _______________ may be a more important

determinant of health behaviors than _____________.
A) peer pressure; emotional reactions
B) emotional reactions; peer pressure
C) consideration of future consequences; consideration of immediate consequences
D) consideration of immediate consequences; consideration of future consequences

16. Reactive responding to daily hassles and other situational stimuli is encouraged
A) higher-SES environments.
B) lower-SES environments.
C) authoritarian parenting.
D) authoritative parenting.

17. It is estimated that diet is a primary factor in _______________ of all cancer

A) 5 percent
B) 10 percent
C) one-third
D) one-half

18. To reduce the risk of cancer, dietary recommendations include:

A) reducing consumption of red meat.
B) eating less processed meat.
C) mostly eating foods of plant origin.
D) eating less red and processed meat, and more foods of plant origin.

19. Epidemiological studies of the relationship between consumption of soy products

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and cancer have generally found:
A) soy-rich diets promote breast cancer.
B) soy-rich diets promote uterine cancer.
C) no association between soy-rich diets and cancer.
D) either no association between soy and breast cancer or a protective association.

20. Carotenoids are:

A) cancer-causing toxins in some foods.
B) light-absorbing pigments that are rich sources of antioxidant vitamins.
C) substances in some foods that many people erroneously believe to be effective in
preventing cancer.
D) special forms of protein found only in some red meats.

21. The development of cancer may be inhibited by:

A) drinking alcohol.
B) diets rich in fruits and in fiber.
C) grilling food.
D) All of the answers are correct.

22. Kendra believes that diet is a risk factor in cancer. She wants to eat a diet that
will protect her. Therefore, she should eat more:
A) fruits, vegetables, and grains.
B) saturated fat.
C) LDL cholesterol.
D) HDL cholesterol.

23. Data from the Nurses' Health Study reveal that premenopausal women who
consumed five or more servings per day of fruits and vegetables were:
A) less likely to develop breast cancer than those who ate less than two servings per
B) no less likely to develop cancer than women who rarely consumed fruits and
C) less likely to develop colon cancer than women who rarely ate fruits and
vegetables, but just as likely to develop breast cancer.
D) often victims of an unrealistic optimism that their diet would protect them from all
forms of disease.

24. Cooked tomato products, which are rich in _______, may reduce the risk of
________ cancer.
A) lycopene; prostate
B) vitamin C; uterine

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C) allium; breast
D) selenium; lung

25. Fish, liver, garlic and eggs are rich in _______, may reduce the risk of ________
A) lycopene; lung
B) vitamin C; uterine
C) allium; breast
D) selenium; prostate

26. One prospective study of men with cancer found that the more sedentary the
man's job, the greater his risk of:
A) lung cancer.
B) colon cancer.
C) prostate cancer.
D) all of the answers are correct.

27. Data from the Nurses' Health Study reveal that the risk of breast cancer was
lower in women who:
A) avoided drinking coffee.
B) abstained from drinking alcohol.
C) exercised 7 hours or more each week.
D) ate only organic foods.

28. Regarding heredity and cancer, it is estimated that _______________ percent of

all breast cancers are inherited.
A) about 5
B) 10
C) 25
D) more than 50

29. Environmental toxins in the air, soil, and water are estimated to contribute to
what percent of fatal cancers?
A) 2 percent
B) 5 percent
C) 10 percent
D) 25 percent

30. Exposure to ultraviolet light, in the form of sunlight, accounts for

_______________ percent of all of skin cancers.

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A) less than 10
B) about 25
C) slightly more than 50
D) more than 90

31. The deadly form of skin cancer associated with radiation is:
A) sarcoma.
B) lymphoma.
C) melanoma.
D) leukemia.

32. Which of the following is not a common site of work-related cancers?

A) lung
B) muscles and bones
C) bladder
D) skin

33. Immunocompetence refers to the:

A) overall ability of the immune system to defend the body against foreign agents.
B) effect of stress on NK cells.
C) proliferation of T and B lymphocytes in response to a foreign agent.
D) ratio of lymphocytes to red blood cells in the bloodstream at any given moment.

34. Regarding the immune surveillance theory, research studies have generally
A) little or no evidence that stress lowers immunocompetence.
B) that immune cells play only a small role in searching for and destroying abnormal
C) that stress affects specific immune cells.
D) that only the most catastrophic stressors adversely affect immune functioning.

35. According to the immune surveillance theory, when the immune system is
overwhelmed by cancer cells or weakened by stress:
A) the activity of NK cells is suppressed.
B) immunocompetence is increased.
C) T and B lymphocytes begin to proliferate.
D) All of the answers are correct.

36. According to the global immunosuppression model:

A) stress always suppresses immune responses.

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B) cancer cells are prevented from developing into tumors by natural killer cells.
C) short-term stressors have no effect on immunity.
D) short-term stressors can actually enhance immunity.

37. According to the biphasic model:

A) stress always suppresses immune responses.
B) cancer cells are prevented from developing into tumors by natural killer cells.
C) only the most chronic stressors cause global immunosuppression.
D) chronic stressors can both enhance and suppress immunity.

38. The most important factor in the treatment of cancer is:

A) family history.
B) a holistic approach that incorporates diet and exercise modifications.
C) early detection.
D) tertiary prevention.

39. Which of the following is not an early warning sign of cancer?

A) sudden pain
B) change in bowel or bladder habits
C) a sore that does not heal
D) unusual bleeding

40. Which type of treatment generally offers the greatest chance for cure for most
types of cancer?
A) surgery
B) radiation therapy
C) chemotherapy
D) immunotherapy

41. Biopsy is to diagnostic surgery as laparoscopy is to:

A) preventive surgery.
B) curative surgery.
C) restorative surgery.
D) staging surgery.

42. The use of medication to treat cancer is called:

A) laparoscopy.
B) immunotherapy.
C) chemotherapy.
D) tertiary care.

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43. One of the newest cancer treatments that involves the use of laboratory-produced
antibodies to target antigens on the surface of cancer cells is a form of:
A) radiotherapy.
B) immunotherapy.
C) alternative medicine.
D) holistic medicine.

44. Which of the following is true regarding the expression of emotions following a
diagnosis of cancer?
A) Suppressing all emotions is associated with better outcomes.
B) Suppressing negative emotions is associated with better outcomes.
C) Expression of both positive and negative emotions can be beneficial in adjusting to
a diagnosis of cancer.
D) There is no relationship between emotional expression and adjustment to cancer.

45. The ability to accurately perceive, understand, express, and regulate emotions is
A) dispositional style.
B) emotional intelligence.
C) extraversion.
D) introversion.

46. One study found that women with breast cancer who scored higher on a measure
of emotional intelligence:
A) reported less anxiety, depression, and overall distress than others.
B) were less effective in eliciting social support from others.
C) were less capable of recognizing supportive responses from others.
D) also scored higher on measures of cancer-prone behavior.

47. Some studies have found that the ability to find positive meaning from stressful
life events is associated with:
A) improved immune responses.
B) higher reactivity.
C) lower reactivity.
D) slower adjustment to the stressor.

48. Regarding the merits of encouraging cancer patients to openly express their
emotions, most health psychologists believe that:
A) emotional disclosure is rarely helpful to patients.

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B) by openly expressing their stresses and fears, cancer patients can enhance their
physical and psychological health.
C) emotional disclosure is helpful, but only when it involves other cancer patients.
D) emotional disclosure often increases patients' feelings of personal vulnerability.

49. Compared to their unmarried counterparts, cancer patients who are married tend
A) survive the disease better than unmarried persons.
B) detect the disease at an earlier stage of development.
C) seek earlier treatment.
D) do all of these things.

50. One study found that cancer patients who attended weekly meetings that centered
on health education, stress management, and social support:
A) had better survival rates than a control group that did not attend meetings.
B) had about the same survival rates as those in the control group.
C) had poorer survival rates than those in the control group.
D) had about the same survival rates, but reported lower levels of stress than those in
the control group.

51. One study found that socially isolated mice:

A) had activated gene pathways known to promote increased growth of breast cancer.
B) were less likely to develop hormone-related cancers than mice housed in large
C) released less corticosteroid stress hormones than normally raised mice.
D) died at a younger average age than mice housed in large groups.

52. Hypnosis, biofeedback, progressive muscle relaxation, and other multifaceted

interventions used for cancer patients stem from the field of:
A) allopathic medicine.
B) alternative medicine.
C) complementary medicine.
D) psychoneuroimmunology.

53. Which type of intervention involves the use of one or more external devices
(such as a taped message that incorporates verbal suggestions) to assist in
A) guided imagery
B) holistic medicine
C) systematic desensitization
D) psychoneuroimmunology

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54. Which of the following has NOT been suggested as a reason for the beneficial
effects of guided imagery?
A) Imagery promotes a state of relaxed concentration.
B) Imagery removes a sense of personal control from the patient.
C) Imagery gives the patient a decreased sense of helplessness over stressful aspects
of disease.
D) Imagery may work through the placebo effect.

55. In which technique does a patient learn to associate a relaxed state with a
hierarchy of anxiety-arousing situations?
A) rational-emotive therapy
B) self-instruction training
C) guided imagery
D) systematic desensitization

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Answer Key

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. D
19. D
20. B
21. B
22. A
23. A
24. A
25. D
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. A
30. D
31. C
32. B
33. A
34. C
35. A
36. A
37. C
38. C
39. A
40. A
41. D
42. C
43. B
44. C

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45. B
46. A
47. A
48. B
49. D
50. A
51. A
52. D
53. A
54. B
55. D

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