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Print Manufacturing in

Hong Kong & China

Rolls On

Both in good times and under tough circumstances, Hong Kong

and China print players remain steadfast in their mission to
under-promise, over-deliver, and continue innovating
by T eri T an

i n d u s t ry n e w s / i s to c k . c o m
print-manufacturing projects being moved out of China and

diverted to other neighboring countries.”
upply chain disruptions” is currently the most
dreaded phrase in the print manufacturing Looking at logistics, lockdowns, and
industry—in all industries, for that matter. The labor

troubles, which started soon after the pandemic The main issue for the industry lies in freight, says Howard

i l l u s t r at i o n
began, roiled print manufacturing in 2020, Musk, president and CEO of print management company
intensified in 2021, and persist today. And there Imago. “The cost of shipping has skyrocketed, and finding
are no quick fixes. Alas, there is no big red Emergency Stop capacity is a problem as well. Some of our clients manage their
button, like the one on the printing machine, to press and get own shipping, and most of them are used to shipping from
a do-over. Hong Kong and China. But they are not familiar with shipping
So here we are: the major challenges affecting print manufac- from Southeast Asia, and our experienced shipping partner has
turers in Hong Kong and China—logistics logjams and higher been able to help.” Musk is seeing higher print quantities,
paper prices, for instance—have not gone away, and nor has the which means that restocking is less frequent and longer ship-
pesky mutating virus. But while some supply chain issues have ping lead times are often tolerated and accepted. “The JIT
shown signs of returning to a sort of normal, geopolitical chaos model of print-manufacturing only as needed in order to reduce
is undermining much of the progress. inventory holding costs is on a hiatus, at least temporarily.”
The conflict between Russia and Ukraine, for instance, has And while the recent lockdowns in Shanghai and Beijing had
impacted the supply chain, disrupted global trade, and brought no impact on Imago’s production—since its print-manufac-
about rising inflation, says Matthew Yum, executive chairman turing partners operate in the southern part of the country—the
of Hung Hing Printing Group. “At the same time, geopolitical backlog at Shanghai Port poses a problem. “Shipments were
tensions between China and the West, particularly with the diverted to other ports, such as Shekou and Yantian in the
U.S., where many of our clients are based, have also seen some south, which caused capacity issues and new backlogs there,”
Musk says. “The clearance of all these backlogs is going to clash
with the usual peak manufacturing season, from August to
This feature is published with the support of the September. Over in the U.S., there is still port congestion on
companies covered in these articles. both coasts, but it is down from the worst levels with less ships

42 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 2 5 , 2 0 2 2
Printing in Hong Kong & China

anchoring and waiting to dock.” energy and freight costs, while the periodic lockdowns in China
Lockdowns owing to China’s zero-Covid policy have caused have slowed its economy and helped to hold prices down. We
uncertainties and disruptions to the economy and business are monitoring the situation closely so that we can buy paper
operations. “This stringent measure, which is good for curbing well in advance of any indication of price hikes.”
the rapid spread of infections to save lives, has resulted in higher Russia is a major exporter of pulp and paper products, says
transportation costs and logistical issues,” says Yum, of Hung Yum, of Hung Hing, “but its military conflict with Ukraine
Hing. “While our facilities were not affected, some of our sup- and the ensuing trade sanctions have seen these exports being
pliers had to temporarily cease operations. There were no drivers decimated. Consequently, some European paper mills have shut
to deliver the supplies, such as raw materials and machinery down, which in turn tightened paper supply and raised the
components, which are needed in our own production. But the prices. The conflict has also caused an energy crisis that resulted
recent situation has been much less disruptive than that of last in higher operating costs for many companies. Consumables
year.” and components used in the day-to-day print-manufacturing
For now, logistics and shipping remain unpredictable. operations, of which many are produced in Europe, have become
“Scheduling for freight is tough while pricing remains more expensive. All these have contributed to spiking opera-
unstable,” says Francis Ho, deputy general manager of C&C tional costs across the board.”
Offset. “Energy prices have been fluctuating globally, and this Paper purchasing and stock planning activities at Hung
issue is exacerbated by increases in raw materials, production, Hing had accelerated at the start of the Russia/Ukraine conflict
and labor costs, especially in China and many Asian countries. as the company anticipated supply shortages and higher prices
The Chinese yuan has been fluctuating, and we see stock mar- due to increases in energy costs. “The majority of our orders
kets and currencies around the world experiencing the same have arrived and we have ample stock,” says Yum, whose team
situation. The pandemic has caused uncertainties, which are is well prepared for new orders during the upcoming peak
made worse by geopolitical tensions in different parts of the season. “Currently, paper prices have not fallen but have stabi-
world. The global economy and trade have been affected, and lized somewhat. Paper shortages in Europe have pushed some
so are people’s livelihoods.” Chinese and Asian mills to increase their supply, but these
Labor availability remains an issue in China’s manufacturing market demands have kept the prices high.”
sector. “It is harder to get young people, especially college As for C&C Offset, it mostly uses Chinese papers—art, wood-
graduates, to take on manufacturing-related jobs,” Yum says. free, lightweight coated, and artboard, for instance—for its
“This short supply has pushed up labor costs in some ways. For projects. “Pulp prices remain high, and while paper costs have
Hung Hing, we continue to automate our manufacturing pro- been stable recently, most of them are not coming down,” Ho
cesses as much as possible while giving preference to less labor- says. “We have built a healthy inventory level for our major
intensive projects.” clients so they can get urgent reprints on time. This is a part of
our pre-manufacturing service. Post-manufacturing, we offer
Pulp and paper problems warehousing and storage for printed inventories to support our
Imago’s publishing clients are well aware of the rising costs due clients with their JIT fulfillment. We also offer digital archiving
to the massive paper shortage in the U.S. market. “But paper and file management services.”
prices in Asia have not been rising as quickly, and they also
started from a lower level,” Musk says. “Presently, they are up Doing digital and going green
around 10% from the start of 2022. The cost of imported pulp The move to introduce digital printing capabilities to its pro-
to China mills has increased due to the global inflation in duction floors has been gathering momentum at C&C Offset

Online Coverage of the Asian Printing Industry

Related Reads from PW:
● Book Sales Slide Across Europe in First Half of 2022 ● Manga Is Booming
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Experience Guidebooks ● Trade Publishing Sales Rose 2.6% in Q1
● Looking for Answers to Paper Shortages

Visit to read the full coverage and

printingmarketplace to find out more about the companies featured in this report.

W W W . P U B L I S H E R S W E E K LY. C O M 43
Printing in Hong Kong & China

since 2012. “Two years ago, we found that inkjet printing tech- with sheetfed offset printing growing modestly, from $183.7
nology, quality, speed, and automated workflow had finally met billion in 2014 to $192.6 billion in 2024. In that same period,
the expectations and requirements that we set out for our print however, the digital print sector will grow robustly, from
projects,” says Ho, who finds the digital printing process to be $103.1 billion to $180.9 billion, with inkjet printing
faster, more cost efficient, and greener. “Our educational pub- expanding the most.
lishing clients have definitely benefitted from our digital pro- Over at Imago, digital edge printing has become more pop-
duction line, especially for on-demand titles.” ular as an alternative to traditional stains and gilding, Musk
For shorter on-demand runs, Ho says that digital printing is says. “The ability to do this digitally means that we can more
less expensive than offset printing for quantities between 200 easily do lettering and imaging on book edges—on all three
and 800 copies. “Digital sides—and in small volumes.”
printing also provides faster UV-cured printing remains a
turnaround time—since it skips niche area, Musk says, “and we
several processes such as plate- have been using it mostly on
making, make-ready, and regis- synthetic papers. But in recent
tration adjustments—for quan- months, we are applying this
tities between 1,000 and 2,000 method to uncoated papers,
copies, and this is solely based on where a brighter and cleaner
the data from our digital result can be achieved compared
presses.” to using conventional inks.”
Adding digital printing capa- But UV-curable inks are defi-
bilities to a traditionally offset- nitely getting more attention
based production floor is now and application. The latest study
the norm. In fact, according to from Allied Market Research
the latest Smithers industry stated that the global UV-curable
report, the print market is Jackson Leung (third from left), CEO of C&C Joint Printing Co., ink market size, which was
becoming increasingly digital, at the company’s Digital Technology & Innovation Center around $1.1 billion in 2021, is

C&C Offset Enhances Its Key Internal Processes

When C&C Offset commemorated its 40th anniversary in 2020, it and fuel usage as well as from our automation, cooling, lighting,
also kicked off a mission to digitally transform its printing floor. “The ventilation, and transport systems will enable more efficient use of
efforts to improve our ERP and manufacturing execution system our energy and resources.”
(MES) have intensified,” says Francis Ho, deputy general manager. Reports on real-time carbon emissions further help to pinpoint
“We now have a real-time digital control system for our conventional areas that need further work in terms of lowering the emission rate,
offset printing and binding presses to provide a quick overview of Ho says. “With our systems integrated and linked with servers and
project status, real-time KPIs on machinery condition and utilization, sensors, we are able to quickly review overall energy consumption for
as well as automatic data collection to speed up our internal work- further monitoring and analysis, thus contributing to our efforts in
flow while reducing paperwork. An electronic alarm system has also achieving a greener footprint and enhancing sustainability. The
been added to increase the security of our printing floors and manufacturing chain must reform to maximize the value of today’s
premises.” print media, and this goal is good for us, our clients, our industry, and
More conventional printing equipment is being replaced with the one planet we all have.”
machines that are Industry 4.0 (i4.0)–enabled. “New machinery Then there is the ongoing integration of all of C&C Offset’s
that we bought last year, including the two digital presses—Canon business segments and operations, including book and commer-
Océ ProStream 1000 and Fujifilm Jet Press 750S—arrived very late cial printing, packaging, security printing, project management,
due to the pandemic and logistical chaos,” Ho says. “We are now warehousing, and logistics. “With faster, secure, and more accu-
busy linking these presses and enhancing the network by adding an rate data in our hands, we can react faster to client demands by
automated guided vehicle (AGV) system to enable the tracking of all maximizing our capabilities and resources,” Ho says. “It is about
processes, including the inventory of work-in-progress, materials leveraging our expertise across segments and production facili-
used, and logistics.” ties to offer unique print ideas and solutions to clients. And this is
And there is the recently launched Integrated Energy Manage- just the start. Our exploration and implementation of new environ-
ment Platform (IEMP) for its operations management. “This covers mental initiatives, production automation, and system integration
ERP and MES for energy and carbon footprints,” Ho says. “Regular to achieve Smart Manufacturing and i4.0 within C&C Offset has
analysis based on data collected on, say, our electricity, water, air, barely begun.”—T.T.

44 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 2 5 , 2 0 2 2

Maximizing the Value of

Today's Print Media

A d d r e s s : 1 4 / F, C & C B u i l d i n g , 3 6 Ti n g L a i R o a d , Ta i P o , H o n g K o n g Te l : ( 8 5 2 ) 2 6 6 6 4 8 8 8
F a x : ( 8 5 2 ) 2 6 6 6 4 8 8 9 E - m a i l : i n f o @ c a n d c p r i n t i n g . c o m We b s i t e : w w w. c a n d c p r i n t i n g . c o m

ISO 9001 : 2015 ISO 14001 : 2015

ISO 45001 : 2018
Certificate No.: CC 260 Certificate No.: CC 1617 Certificate No.:
Certificate No.: CC
CC 2439
Printing in Hong Kong & China

estimated to hit $4.5 billion by 2031. The surging demand for books, toys, and interactive games that are packaged as gift sets
such inks is due to its reduced drying time, high bonding focusing on STEAM topics. This September, Hung Hing is
quality, low viscosity, and low VOCs. The report also stated that launching the Yum Me Play flagship store in New Town Plaza,
the publications and printing segment accounted for the largest a popular shopping mall in Shatin, Hong Kong. The 6,700-sq.-
share of the market—at around 40%—in 2021. The Asia ft. edutainment space will combine experiential retail and
Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market for interactive thematic learning to engage children and parents.
UV-curable inks between 2022 and 2031, overtaking Europe, “Innovative expansion at the right time and in the right area
which currently has the biggest share. has always been our mission,” Yum says. “We specialize in chil-
Meanwhile, Hung Hing is experimenting with mineral oil– dren’s books. With Yum Me Play, we offer both online and
free (MOF) inks, which include vegetable oil–based inks, to physical retail platforms for our publishing clients to sell their
comply with legislation in some markets, such as France. “We products to an even wider audience. When our clients sell more,
are in the testing stage and will be able to integrate this into we print more. This win-win situation is the model we adopt
our system very soon,” Yum says. “Though such inks are more at Hung Hing.”
expensive, we anticipate that this will be a trend going forward,

h o n g ko n g e c o n o m i c t i m e s
especially in the EU markets, where printed matter and pack-
aging will be required to use MOF inks.”

Moving beyond print manufacturing

For print players in Hong Kong and China, business diversifica-

tion is essential to their bottom lines and survival. Just as their
publishing clients have moved to add digital products to their
print offerings, these manufacturers need to go beyond print as
well. But thinking outside the box is not for the fainthearted.
Take Hung Hing as an example: in recent years, the company
has leveraged its industry relations and experience to connect
upstream and downstream business partners and venture into
new areas with unique opportunities. Yum Me Play, an experi-
ential learning platform for young children, is one such area.
Here, the Hung Hing team focuses on developing high-quality Christopher Yum (l.) and Matthew Yum of Hung Hing

More Expansion and Investment at Hung Hing

The second phase of Hung Hing’s production facility in Hanoi, Vietnam, “We firmly believe in the future growth and potential of the packaging
is progressing as scheduled, with full operations commencing by the business. The rise of the middle class as well as the rapid growth of
end of this year. “We have also pumped nearly $45 million into con- e-commerce in many Asian countries have created a huge demand for
structing a new site specializing in smart-printed packaging products packaging products.” But his domestic business has declined owing
in Wuxi, about 160 kilometers northwest of Shanghai,” says Richard to weaker consumer sentiments amid periodic lockdowns in China.
Lim, chief operations officer. “This plant, upon completion in 2023, is Following last year’s shipping and logistical chaos, many clients
capable of producing 25,000 tons of products annually.” had planned their projects for completion in the first half of 2022,
Two new KBA presses—a five-color and a six-color for the Shenzhen Yum says. “These orders are ready for shipment or will be soon, which
and Hanoi operations, respectively—will be installed in the first half of will result in a surge in transportation and deliveries. Fortunately,
next year. “Meanwhile, a recently installed Fuji Jet Press capable of freight rates have declined from their peak of between $10,000 and
B2-format digital printing is already supporting low print runs at our $12,000 to the U.S., and $12,000 to the U.K. and Continental Europe,
Wuxi factory,” Lim says, pointing out that most of the company’s perfect- for a 40-foot container. More inquiries have come in following these
ing presses have been reinstalled with LED ink-printing capabilities. lower freight rates.”
The rising demand for board games has seen Hung Hing expanding Last year, Hung Hing won the Smart Energy Excellence Award for
and investing in this particular segment. “We have invested in new its sustainability efforts. Among its biggest initiatives was the instal-
post-press machines, including automated lines for playing cards and lation of a 526-kWp solar power system at its Tai Po headquarters,
jigsaw puzzles,” says commercial director Christopher Yum, who has which is capable of offsetting 113 tons of carbon emissions per
obtained relevant licenses from major game manufacturers to start annum. “The use of FSC and PEFC-certified papers, soy inks, and
producing these products soon. water-based varnishing materials effectively reduced our total VOC
Business-wise, Hung Hing expects its export segment to grow by emissions from 361 tons to 96 tons between 2016 and 2019,” Yum
more than 20% this year. “We remain optimistic, especially now that says. “We continue to look for areas to expand, improve, and make
our Vietnam operation has started and is expanding fast,” Yum says. more sustainable and eco-friendly.”—T.T.

46 P U B L I S H E R S W E E K L Y ■ J U L Y 2 5 , 2 0 2 2

A Heritage


of Making



Ideas Matter

Since 1950
Printing in Hong Kong & China

Then there is STEMplus, one of Hung Hing’s portfolio com- being able to offer alternate sources for these types of products
panies, which is all about inspiring a passion for science and in Southeast Asia, Korea, and Europe, and we have consequently
technology from an early age. Last December, STEMplus spon- seen a significant growth in this segment of our business. Given
sored the first Inter-School AI Formula Edge competition, the current level of inflation in the U.S., I am sure that there
which was held over three days at the AsiaWorld-Expo. Around will be changes to the tariffs coming quite soon, probably with
70 teams from 21 schools participated in a custom-built car- targeted reductions on those with higher tariff levels.”
racing competition that required STEM and AI applications. It These alternate print sources have also proven to be advanta-
was aimed at enhancing students’ abilities to write AI programs geous whenever a title is flagged for censorship in China and
while motivating them to find solutions without using expen- manufacturing must be shifted elsewhere. “China remains our
sive gadgets and software. At the same time, such events con- main source for print, especially those requiring handwork and
nect participants and the audience to the STEM products that lots of accessories,” Musk says.
Hung Hing manufactures for its publishing clients. Owing to the U.S.-China tension and tariff issues, “some
clients have been looking for alternate sources outside of China
Getting back to normal and forging for their manufacturing needs,” says Yum, of Hung Hing.
ahead “They may have started searching before, but now they are get-
At C&C Offset, activities are back to pre-pandemic output ting serious. While it does
levels. “Our senior management staff had maintained a certain not mean that they are
level of in-house production capabilities during the pandemic, going to abandon their
which went a long way toward stabilizing our workforce, manu- China-based suppliers alto-
facturing output, and logistical support,” Ho says. “We have gether, they may be more
been able to fulfill client demands despite the chaos caused by keen to channel their busi-
the pandemic due to the strength of our business continuity nesses to countries such as
plan and our ability to execute it under such tough Vietnam, Thailand, and
situations.” Indonesia.”
For Musk, of Imago, the Section 301 tariff action on imports But for these three print
from China—with 7.5% on most types of books—is a burden manufacturers, there is no
to the print-manufacturing industry. “The larger impact is on time to waste on bemoaning
stationery products, such as journals and planners, with a 25% Howard Musk, president and CEO external factors beyond
tariff,” Musk says. “Imago has been in the fortunate position of of Imago their control. Resilience is

Imago Sees Growth and Exciting Market Trends

“Hectic” describes the past two years at Imago. “Our publishing cli- stand the makeup of biodegradable plastic and how it degrades.
ents saw strong demand for print books, particularly last year, and For instance, oxo-biodegradable plastics are still plastics with
that was great for us,” says Howard Musk, president and CEO of the special bio-additives that degrade only under the right conditions.
print management company, who adds that the first half of 2022 was The U.S. Federal Trade Commission would not allow them to be
a little slower than the record 2021. advertised as biodegradable, and some European countries have
“There is increasing interest in printing one-color hardcovers over- restricted their use.”
seas, mostly because of the potentially longer lead times in the U.S., The Imago team is currently testing biodegradable alternatives
but such orders tend to be in higher volumes,” says Musk, pointing that use polylactic acid (PLA) derived from renewable and organic
out that books with complex finishing are still heading offshore. “Graphic sources such as cornstarch or sugarcane. “These may be suitable
novels and comic books, which are doing well, often require creative for wrapping pallets and taping cartons,” says Musk. “It is harder to
use of foils and varnishes, and there is a continuing trend toward find a suitable replacement for book shrink-wrap, as PLA plastic
issuing collected editions as well as deluxe versions in slipcases or does not shrink neatly.” Meanwhile, his team is starting to use
clamshell boxes with additional print inserts. Journals and planners more paper-based tapes on cartons.
remain popular, which we often produce in Southeast Asia or Korea, Imago continues to offer carbon offsetting for individual proj-
as there is a 25% tariff if these are manufactured in China.” ects through its association with ClimatePartner. “This has been
Travel books regained popularity as restrictions began to ease, and expanded to include providing carbon emissions data to clients for
the demand, says Musk, “is picking up with more frequent reprints. the projects they print with us so that they can track their own total
Calendars, both wall and the boxed daily type, are popular, and these emissions,” says Musk, whose company was recently rated by
are much more likely to have board easel stands than plastic ones, EcoVadis among the top 5% for corporate responsibility and sustain-
which reflects the rising focus on reducing plastic consumption.” able procurement. “It is very important to our clients that the facto-
Many clients are talking about using less plastic and more bio- ries we work with are audited for social and environmental responsi-
degradable alternatives, Musk says. “But one needs to fully under- bility, and we have a robust system for managing this.” —T.T.

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Printing in Hong Kong & China

in their DNA, and their can-do spirit has seen them through the other hand, demonstrated its confidence in the China
the tough times, including the Asian economic crisis of 1997, market by opening a new Print Technology Center in Shenzhen
the SARS outbreak in 2003, and the tariff war that began in in June to be nearer to its existing and potential clients.
2018 and is ongoing. The Hung Hing team, for one, is defi- Much is also going on in the pulp and paper industry. There
nitely not slowing down. “Our work continues to build on our is Nafici Environmental Research with EcoPulping, an innova-
core expertise in innovative children’s products and paper engi- tive low-carbon process for transforming agricultural wastes—
neering to further differentiate our services from others in the wheat straw, reed, maize stover, for instance—into unbleached
field,” Yum says. pulp to produce paper and packaging products. In the biocata-
The printing press manufacturers are not standing idle either. lytic technology segment, novel enzymes have been developed
Last month, Kodak unveiled its Prosper 7000 Turbo Press, the that replace harsh chemicals in the kraft pulping process as well
fastest inkjet web press on the market and capable of running as extract higher cellulose yields from wood in order to reduce
up to 410 mpm (or 1,345 fpm), which is about 35% faster than the environmental footprint. Then there is the Ukrainian
its nearest competitor. Earlier this year, Fujifilm introduced startup RE-leaf, which is now selling sustainable paper prod-
Revoria Press PC1120, its high-speed digital printing machine ucts made from fallen leaves; the production of its first two tons
capable of CMYK printing with overlays and underlays of spe- of paper used 15 times less water and emitted 78% less carbon
cialty colors in one pass. dioxide than the normal pulping process.
As for Heidelberg, it has leveraged its robotics expertise to As one Chinese proverb says, “Nothing in the world is dif-
increase Stahlfolder P-Stacker’s folding production output by ficult for one who is determined enough to achieve it.” Indeed,
around 25%, thus reducing manual labor and increasing process if there is a will, there is a way. And you can certainly bank on
efficiencies. It also introduced the highly automated the print players in Hong Kong and China having the will—
Speedmaster CX 104, which is capable of printing on different with a healthy dose of pragmatic optimism thrown into the
materials, from lightweight to carton stock, and is a good choice mix—to find the solutions to counter any industry headwind,
for book cover printing and short runs. Manroland Sheetfed, on and innovative ideas to meet new market demands. ■

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