Management Wps Office

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Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation and controlling the human
resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and
i. PLANNING: Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a
systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals.
ii. ORGANIZING: It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources and developing
productive relationship amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.
iii. STAFFING: It is the function of manning the organization structure and keeping it manned. Staffing has assumed
greater importance in the recent years due to advancement of technology, increase in size of business, complexity of
human behavior etc.
iv. DIRECTING: It is that part of managerial function which actuates the organizational methods to work efficiently
for achievement of organizational purposes. It is considered life-spark of the enterprise which sets it in motion the
action of people because planning, organizing and staffing are the mere preparations for doing the work.

Direction is that inert-personnel aspect of management which deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising,
motivating sub-ordinate for the achievement of organizational goals. Direction has following elements:





*Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. It is the act of watching & directing
work & workers.

*Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal to work. Positive, negative,
monetary, non-monetary incentives may be used for this purpose.
*Leadership may be defined as a process by which manager guides and influences the work of subordinates in
desired direction.

Communications- is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc from one person to another. It is a
bridge of understanding.

It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any to ensure
achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that everything occurs in conformities
with the standards.
Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. In simpler terms, copyright is the right to
copy. This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with
the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

Firstly, it is pertinent to note that the court vested with the jurisdiction to hear copyrights infringement disputes is the
Federal High Court of Nigeria.

There are both civil remedies and criminal liabilities for copyrights infringements in Nigeria.

Civil Remedies

The civil remedies available to a person whose copyright has been infringed upon includes;
1. Conversion rights; The Copyrights Acts in section 16 provides that all infringing copies of the works copyright
subsists, or of any substantial part thereof, shall be deemed to be the property of the author or owner. Therefore, the
owner may seek the order of the court for the conversion of the infringed copyright materials.

2. Damages (i.e. monetary compensation): This could either be Special or General Damages.  In an action for
infringement of copyright, the author needs not to prove actual damage as damages are at large i.e. an award that has
no exact measurement, as it is essentially compensation for non-economic or non-pecuniary loss. It could also
consist of exemplary damages in certain cases and can inter alia be compensation for pain and suffering, loss of
reputation or injured feelings. A mere infringement of copyright gives rise to damages to which the claimant is
entitled to.

3. Injunctions (interim or interlocutory) restraining the person from further infringing on the copyright. Types of
injunctions obtainable in court are;

An Interim injunction- although lasts for a short time, is usually granted only in cases of urgency requiring
immediate relief. It is made pending the happening of an event such as the hearing and determination of a motion on
notice or until a named date.

An interlocutory injunction- which is usually granted pending the final determination of a case on the merits. It is
very effective in copyright infringement, as it ensures that the subject matter maintains the status quo pending the
determination of the substantive suit.

Perpetual Injunction- otherwise known as the permanent injunction is a final relief as it ensures that the infringer
never interferes or infringes with the subject matter again.

4. Inspection and seizure order: (similar to Anton pillar Injunction) this remedy permits the Copyright Owner to
enter into the premises of the infringer to inspect the infringing items or works. It is a Court Order usually by an
application made by the Copyright Owner to the court by way of Motion Ex-parte. The essence of this order is the
discovery and preservation of evidence where the infringer is likely to remove or destroy such evidence if notified,
which would be detrimental to the applicant’s case.

5. Account for profit- This mandating the infringer to take account of the profits made from such infringement and
to refund the same to the owner of the work.  This is usually resorted to in cases where the infringer at the time of
infringement was honestly not aware that such copyright existed.

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