Home-Based Exercise Monitored With Telehealth Is Feasible and Acceptable Compared To Centre-Based Exercise in Parkinsons Disease

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CRE0010.1177/0269215520976265Clinical RehabilitationFlynn et al.


Clinical Rehabilitation

Home-based exercise monitored 1­–12

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DOI: 10.1177/0269215520976265

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centre-based exercise in
Parkinson’s disease:
A randomised pilot study

Allyson Flynn1,2 , Elisabeth Preston2, Sarah Dennis1,3,4,

Colleen G Canning1 and Natalie E Allen1

Objectives: To investigate the feasibility and acceptability of a home-based exercise program monitored
using telehealth for people with Parkinson’s disease.
Design: Pilot randomised control trial.
Setting: University physiotherapy clinic, participants’ homes.
Participants: Forty people with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease, mean age 72 (6.9).
Intervention: In Block 1 (5 weeks) all participants completed predominantly centre-based exercise plus
a self-management program. Participants were then randomised to continue the centre-based exercise
(n = 20) or to a home-based program with telehealth (n = 20) for Block 2 (5 weeks). The exercises targeted
balance and gait.
Outcomes: The primary outcomes were the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention. Secondary
outcomes were balance, gait speed and freezing of gait.
Results: Adherence was high in Block 1 (93%), and Block 2 (centre-based group = 93%, home-based
group = 84%). In Block 2, the physiotherapist spent 6.4 hours providing telehealth to the home-based
group (mean 10 (4) minutes per participant) and 32.5 hours delivering the centre-based exercise classes
(98 minutes per participant). Participants reported that exercise was helpful, they could follow the home
program and they would recommend exercising at home or in a group. However, exercising at home

 iscipline of Physiotherapy, Sydney School of Health
D Corresponding author:
Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Allyson Flynn, Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health,
Sydney, NSW, Australia Office 11, Clinical Education and Research Centre, University
Discipline of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health, University of of Canberra Hospital, 20 Guraguma Street, Bruce, ACT 2617,
Canberra, Bruce, ACT, Australia Australia.
South Western Sydney Local Health District, Liverpool, Email: Allyson.Flynn@canberra.edu.au
NSW, Australia
Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, Liverpool,
NSW, Australia
2 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

was less satisfying and there was a mixed response to the acceptability of the self-management program.
There was no difference between groups in any of the secondary outcome measures (preferred walking
speed mean difference −0.04 (95% CI: −0.12 to 0.05).
Conclusion: Home-based exercise monitored using telehealth for people with Parkinson’s disease is
feasible and acceptable.

Parkinson’s disease, exercise therapy, home-based, physiotherapy, telehealth

Received: 10 August 2020; accepted: 4 November 2020

Introduction which was then progressed to a home-based exer-

cise program monitored using telehealth. This model
Physiotherapist-prescribed home-based exercise provided instruction, feedback and social interaction
for people with Parkinson’s disease has been shown and gave participants an opportunity to develop
to be effective in improving balance-related activi- exercise self-management skills to facilitate engage-
ties and gait speed in the short-term, with similar ment with the home program, while increasing the
benefits to centre-based exercise.1 Despite this, number of people with Parkinson’s disease who
most evidence for exercise has been from trials could access the physiotherapy clinic.
conducted at a facility with full physiotherapist
supervision.2 As exercise for people with
Parkinson’s disease needs to be ongoing to main-
tain improvements, there is value in exploring
home-based exercise as a more sustainable model This was a randomised controlled feasibility trial.
of exercise provision.3 The advantages of home- The study was registered with the Australian New
based exercise include convenience, affordability Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN
and accessibility with minimal resources. However, 12617000503325). The study had ethical approval
home-based exercise limits opportunities for feed- from the University of Canberra Human Research
back, monitoring and social interaction; all impor- Ethics Committee (16-153). The study was con-
tant factors in motivating people with Parkinson’s ducted between May 2017 and July 2019.
disease to continue exercising.4 The study was conducted at a university physi-
To address these limitations home-based exer- otherapy clinic and in the participants’ homes, with
cise programs for people with Parkinson’s disease all outcome measures completed at the university
have explored ways to provide feedback, monitor- clinic. Community dwelling people diagnosed with
ing and support including using telehealth, where idiopathic Parkinson’s disease were invited to par-
the provision of health care is provided remotely ticipate in the study when they presented as new
using telecommunication tools.5–7 Other trials patients to the University Parkinson’s clinic and
involving home-based exercise have incorporated through advertisements at the local Parkinson’s
a component of exercise self-management with the support groups. To be considered for inclusion vol-
use of apps,8 and remote coaching.9 However, there unteers were required to have stable Parkinson’s
is still little known about the acceptability and fea- medication for at least 2 weeks prior to baseline
sibility of such approaches. measurement. They were excluded if they had sub-
The aim of this pilot randomised trial was to stantial cognitive deficit (Mini-Mental State
determine whether home-based exercise, that fol- Examination: <24)10 or a medical condition which
lows an initial centre-based exercise program, was would interfere with measurement or the interven-
feasible and acceptable. It involved an initial centre- tion. All participants provided written informed
based exercise and self-management program, consent prior to taking part in the trial.
Flynn et al. 3

Participants completed a 10-week exercise the 10 m walk test under four conditions; preferred
intervention divided into two 5-week blocks. In speed, dual task manual, dual task cognitive and fast
Block 1 (weeks 1–5), all participants completed speed. Participants walked along a 14m track with
predominantly centre-based exercise in conjunc- the time taken to walk the middle 10 m recorded.
tion with an exercise self-management program at Participants had two attempts at each condition and
a university clinic. On completion of Block 1, par- the fastest attempt was used in the analysis. The dual
ticipants were randomised to continue the predom- tasks were completed at the participant’s preferred
inantly centre-based exercise program or to speed and had to be completed to set criteria. The
participate in a home-based exercise program mon- manual task involved carrying a cup of water filled
itored using telehealth during Block 2 (weeks to 7 mm below the rim with no spills and the cogni-
6–10). The randomisation was computer gener- tive task was a colour classification task where par-
ated, using permuted blocks of two, four and six. ticipants listened to a pre-recorded audio file and
Randomisation was performed remotely, and the answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in response to hearing the
results placed into opaque envelopes, thereby con- words ‘red’ or ‘blue’ presented randomly. Freezing
cealing the sequence of group allocation from the of gait was measured using the New Freezing of
researcher recruiting the participants. Gait Questionnaire (NFOGQ).12
The primary outcome was feasibility of recruit- Participants in both the home-based and centre-
ment (i.e. uptake), and feasibility and acceptability based exercise groups participated in 3 × 60-minute
of the intervention. Feasibility of recruitment was exercise sessions a week for 10 weeks. Individualised
determined by examining the number of participants exercise programs were prescribed by a physiother-
screened, eligible and enrolled. Feasibility of the apist with expertise in Parkinson’s disease. The pro-
intervention was determined by measuring the time gram included specific balance and gait exercises
taken to develop the exercise program, participant tailored to the individual selected from a menu of
adherence to the exercise program and number of 107 Parkinson’s disease specific exercises freely
adverse events. Adherence was determined by available at https://www.physiotherapyexercises.
recording the number of exercise sessions attempted. com/. The website provides information about each
If a participant completed more than the prescribed exercise, including aims, illustrations and instruc-
number of sessions then adherence was capped at a tions on how to complete the exercise, dosage and
maximum of 100% for all analyses. Acceptability precautions. Each exercise can be modified to the
was examined using a participant questionnaire participant’s level and the exercise program can be
about the program, conducted in weeks 5 and 10. delivered via an app or in paper format. Participants
Participants were also interviewed about their expe- completed all exercises during their ‘ON’ phase (i.e.
riences of exercise at home and in a centre and this when Parkinson’s disease medication was optimally
will be the topic of a separate report. effective). The exercise program focussed on
All measures were completed by two trained hypokinesia, bradykinesia and postural instability. It
physiotherapists who were blinded to group alloca- included everyday activities (e.g. sit to stand),
tion. Measurements were conducted during the mobility (e.g. walking on a treadmill or overground),
participants ‘ON’ medication phase. balance (e.g. anticipatory and reactive) and skill-
Participants’ age, sex and disease severity (Hoehn based training (e.g. dual task training and cueing).
and Yahr and Movement Disorders Society Unified The exercise program was progressed in week 4 and
Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale part III), were col- week 7 by the physiotherapist, if indicated by the
lected at baseline to describe the participants. participant’s ability to effectively complete the set
The clinical outcome measures for balance, gait number of repetitions of each prescribed exercise.
speed and freezing of gait were conducted at base- The physiotherapist recorded exercise completed at
line and in the week following completion of the the centre and participants recorded the exercise
10-week intervention. Balance was measured using completed at home using either the app or on paper
the MiniBESTest.11 Gait speed was measured using as preferred.
4 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

In Block 1 (weeks 1–5) the exercise program was statistics. The between group difference of the clinical
predominantly centre-based. Two sessions a week measures was examined using analysis of co-variance,
were conducted in a group environment at a univer- adjusted for baseline scores. The software program
sity clinic and one session a week was completed at SPSS Statistics (version 25, IBM Corp, Armonk, NY,
home. The centre-based exercise lasted 60 minutes USA) was used for all analyses.
with 5–8 participants per class, under the supervi-
sion of an experienced physiotherapist and two
physiotherapy students. The class consisted of a
warm-up (10 minutes), individually prescribed exer- The flow of participants in the trial is shown in
cise program (45 minutes) and cool down (5 min- Figure 1 and the baseline characteristics of the par-
utes). Equipment available at the centre included ticipants are shown in Table 1. All participants had
treadmills, steps, weight vests, free weights, visual mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease (Hoehn and
cues, metronomes and basic sports equipment (e.g. Yahr I–III) and there was little change in the daily
balls, cones, hurdles). The home-based exercise levodopa equivalent dose during the trial for either
lasted 45–60 minutes and included similar exercises group (home-based baseline mean 659 mg (SD
to the centre-based program supported by the 472), post-test mean 663 mg (SD 483); centre-
PhysioTherapy eXercises website. Participants also based baseline mean 512 mg (SD 308) and post-
completed a self-management program for 15 min- test mean 526 mg (SD 269).
utes per week after a centre-based class. The self- The time taken by the physiotherapist to pre-
management program aimed to increase exercise scribe the exercise programs (in week 1, 4 and 7 for
self-efficacy and promote the development of exer- each participant), the time to deliver the centre-
cise self-management skills to facilitate completion based exercise classes and the time to complete the
of home-based exercise.8,13 It was carried out by an remote monitoring are reported in Table 2. During
experienced physiotherapist and involved activities Block 1, the physiotherapist also spent an addi-
related to goal setting, identifying barriers to exer- tional 6 hours and 15 minutes delivering the exer-
cise and strategies to facilitate home exercise. cise self-management program. Delivery of the
In Block 2 (weeks 6–10) participants were ran- centre-based classes required 98 minutes of thera-
domised to (i) continue the predominantly centre- pist time per participant, whereas delivery of the
based exercise or (ii) to undertake a home-based home-based program required an average of 10 (4)
exercise program monitored using telehealth. minutes per participant.
Those randomised to the home-based program Throughout the intervention adherence to both
completed their exercise independently at home for home-based and centre-based exercise was high
45–60 minutes, three times a week. The home- (Table 3). In Block 2 adherence was 93% (SD 9%)
based exercise program was similar to the centre- for the participants in the predominately centre-
based program completed in Block 1 with based group, and 84% (SD 24%) in the home-based
adjustments made for safety and available equip- group showing a trend towards a reduced adherence
ment. Some equipment was loaned to participants in the home-based group (P = 0.115). One partici-
during the trial including weight vests, visual cues pant in the home-based exercise group experienced
and balls. The physiotherapist remotely-monitored a medical complication unrelated to the exercise in
the participants by telephone during weeks 7 and 9 week 6 and withdrew from the study.
to review and progress their exercises. Successes The acceptability questionnaire was completed by
were highlighted and any barriers to adherence or 35 participants (88%) at the end of week 5 and 34
challenges in completing exercises were addressed. (85%) participants at the end of week 10. Statements
The full protocol is available in the supplemen- about the intervention were rated from strongly disa-
tal material information. gree to strongly agree (Supplemental Table 1 and
The feasibility measures and participant character- Figure 1). After week 5 all the participants (35)
istics were analysed and presented using descriptive reported that the exercise was helpful, that exercising
Flynn et al. 5

Assessed for eligibility

(n= 116)

Excluded (n= 75)

♦ Not meeng inclusion criteria (n= 29)
♦ Declined to parcipate (n= 46)
♦ Did not want to aend exercise
class 2 mes per week (n= 20)
♦ Not available for 10 weeks (n= 11)
♦ Declined no reason provided (n= 9)
♦ Lived interstate or overseas (n= 5)
♦ Enrolled in another trial (n= 1)

Baseline assessment

Block 1 (week 1 to week 5)

♦ 2 x 1 hr group exercise class
♦ 1 x 1 hr home exercise session
♦ 1 x 15 min self-management session
(n= 41)

Injured during block 1, while performing

prescribed exercise; unable to connue
exercise program and not randomised
(n= 1)

Randomized (n= 40)

Block 2 (week 6 to week 10) Block 2 (week 6 to week 10)
Allocated to Centre-based (n=20) Allocated to Home-based (n=20)
Per week Received allocated intervenon (n=19)
♦ 2 x 1 hr group exercise class ♦ 3 x 1 hr home exercise program per week
♦ 1 x 1 hr home exercise program ♦ Phone call in week 7 and 9
♦ Withdrew (n= 1) due to unrelated
medical complicaon

Post intervenon measures (n=20) Post intervenon measures (n=19)

Analysed (n=20) Analysed (n= 19)

Figure 1.  Flow of participants through the trial.

in a group was satisfying and they would recommend and could follow the home exercise program, only
the group to others. At week 10 there were similar 53% of participants agreed that home exercise was
results for participants in the centred-based group. satisfying, and one participant (6%) did not recom-
However, participants in the home-based group mend home-based exercise. The acceptability of the
reported that while they found the exercise helpful self-management program varied, with responses
6 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Table 1.  Mean (SD) or number (%) for participants’ characteristics at baseline.

All (n = 40) Home (n = 20) Centre (n = 20)

Age (years) 72 (6.9) 72 (7.3) 71 (6.6)
Sex (female), n (%) 10 (25) 5 (25) 5 (25)
Cognitive status MMSE (0–30) 28.5 (1.6) 28.7 (1.4) 28.3 (1.9)
Disease duration (years) 5.0 (4.9) 5.2 (5.4) 4.7 (4.5)
MDS-UPDRS Motor ‘ON’ (0–132) 29.8 (14.8) 30.7 (15.7) 28.9 (14.3)
Hoehn and Yahr
  Stage 1, n (%) 11 (27) 6 (30) 5 (25)
  Stage 2, n (%) 14 (35) 5 (25) 9 (45)
  Stage 3, n (%) 15 (38) 9 (45) 6 (30)
Fallen in the past 12 months, n (%) 24 (60) 13 (65) 11 (55)
Freezing of gait, n (%) 15 (38) 10 (50) 5 (25)
NFOGQ 5 (7) 6 (7) 4 (7)
Falls risk*
 Low, n (%) 14 (35) 4 (20) 10 (50)
 Moderate, n (%) 11 (27) 8 (40) 3 (15)
 High, n (%) 15 (38) 8 (40) 7 (35)
Daily LED (mg) 586 (400) 659 (472) 512 (308)

NFOGQ: New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire; LED: levodopa equivalent dose; MDS UPDRS motor: Movement Disorders
Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale Motor Subsection; MMSE: mini-mental state examination.
*Falls risk calculated using three step clinical prediction tool clinical (falling in the last year, self-selected gait speed and freezing of
gait in the last month).14

Table 2.  Time taken to develop and deliver exercise programs and to remotely-monitor participants in the home-
based group.

All (n = 40) Home (n = 20) Centre (n = 20)

Weeks 1–5
Time taken to develop program week 1
  Total time (hours) 13.5 6.6 6.9
  Per-participant (minutes)  
  Mean (SD) 20 (6) 20 (5) 21 (7)
  Range 15–45 15–30 15–45
Time taken to develop program week 4
  Total time (hours) 9.8 4.9 4.9
  Per-participant (minutes)  
  Mean (SD) 15 (2) 15 (1) 15 (2)
  Range 10–20 10–15 10–20
Time taken to deliver exercise classes week 1–5
  Total time (hours) 65 N/A N/A
  Per-participant (minutes) 98  
Weeks 6–10
Time taken to develop program week 7a,b
  Total time (hours) 7.2 3.8 3.4
  Per-participant (minutes)  
  Mean (SD) 11 (3) 12 (3) 11 (3)
  Range 5–20 5–20 5–15
Flynn et al. 7

Table 2. (Continued)
All (n = 40) Home (n = 20) Centre (n = 20)
Time taken for remote-monitoring weeks 7 and 9b
  Total time (hours) N/A 6.4 N/A
  Per-participant (minutes)  
  Mean (SD) N/A 10 (4) N/A
  Range N/A 5–20 N/A
Time taken to deliver exercise classes week 6–10
  Total time (hours) N/A N/A 32.5
  Per-participant (minutes) 98

N/A: not applicable.

Centre n = 19 time taken to develop program not recorded for 1 centre based participant.
Home n = 19 one participant withdrew.

Table 3.  Adherence (%) to each component of the intervention.

All (n = 40) Home (n = 20) Centre (n = 20)

Weeks 1–5
% group exercise sessions completed (10 sessions)
  Mean (SD) 94 (9) 96 (6) 92 (11)
 Range 60–100 80–100 60–100
% self-management sessions completed (5 sessions)
  Mean (SD) 93 (13) 96 (10) 90 (15)
 Range 60–100 60–100 60–100
% home exercise sessions completed (5 sessions)
  Mean (SD) 92 (17) 92 (15) 91 (19)
 Range 40–100 60–100 40–100
Weeks 6–10
% group exercise sessions completed (10 sessions)
  Mean (SD) N/A N/A 94 (8)
 Range N/A N/A 70–100
% home exercise sessions completed (home = 15 sessions, centre = 5 sessions)
  Mean (SD) N/A 84 (24) 92 (16)
 Range N/A 0–100 40–100

N/A: not applicable.

ranging from disagree (24%) to strongly agree (6%). continue the session with no ill effects. One par-
The majority of participants (80%) chose to use ticipant injured their Achilles tendon when com-
paper-based instructions and logbook for recording pleting the home exercise program and was
their exercise. The acceptability of the app was withdrawn from the study prior to randomisation.
mixed with only five of the eight participants who Three participants (7.5%) reported pain or muscle
chose to use the app able to use it effectively. soreness after attending a centre-based exercise
No falls were reported during home-based class, with one participant missing a class as a
exercise. There were three adverse events, all dur- result. During the 10  weeks, four participants
ing Block 1. Two participants had a non-injurious (three in the centre-based program and one in the
fall when exercising at the centre, and were able to home-based program) reported musculoskeletal
8 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

pain unrelated to the exercise program. This for improving balance and gait in the short-term.
resulted in three participants missing one exercise These findings are also consistent with another recent
class each and one participant having the exercise trial (Gandolfi et al.6) which showed similar balance
class modified to avoid pain. and gait outcomes when home-based videogame
There was no difference between groups for any exercise supported by telehealth was compared with
outcome (Table 4). As there was no difference centre-based balance exercise in people with mild to
between groups, post-hoc analysis of outcomes for moderate Parkinson’s disease.
all participants using paired samples t-tests was con- While our trial was not powered to detect a dif-
ducted to reflect the overall effectiveness of the ference between groups the consistent pattern of no
intervention. There were improvements in balance difference between home-based exercise supported
and walking speed under all conditions but no by telehealth and centre-based exercise interven-
change in freezing of gait (Table 5). tions adds to the growing body of evidence that
location does not impact on the effectiveness of
exercise interventions for people with Parkinson’s
Discussion disease.1 This is particularly important in the current
The results of this trial show that home-based exer- environment where centre-based exercise, including
cise monitored using telehealth is feasible and group based exercise classes may not be feasible due
acceptable for people with mild to moderate to COVID-19. Further work in the form of a nonin-
Parkinson’s disease. Providing telehealth to partici- feriority trial16 would be required to determine if
pants exercising at home was substantially more home-based exercise is not inferior to (i.e. as good
time efficient for the physiotherapist than delivering as) centre-based exercise. However, such trials
centre-based classes, with remote-monitoring taking require a large sample size; for example, to deter-
only 19% of the time required to deliver centre mine if there was no difference between groups on
based classes per participant. Both the home-based the MiniBESTest then 108 participants would be
and centre based exercise programs had high accept- required to be 90% sure that the lower limit of a 95%
ability and adherence, although this was slightly less confidence interval is above the non-inferiority limit
in the home-based group. There was limited uptake of a change in score of 3.5 (the minimal detectable
of the app to undertake the home-exercise program change for people with balance problems).11
suggesting that while people with Parkinson’s dis- It is possible that the home-based exercise in
ease may have access to technology, their willing- this trial was effective because it was preceded by
ness and ability to use it may be limited. There were centre-based exercise. This provided people with
improvements in the clinical outcomes of balance Parkinson’s disease with the supervision, feedback
and gait, but there were no differences between the and confidence required to learn how to perform
groups, indicating that home-based exercise appears the exercises safely and effectively. Furthermore,
to be similarly effective to centre-based exercise in this may have also reduced the support required
the short-term. from the physiotherapist to monitor and progress
This study showed that telehealth can be used to the home-based program when the participants
support people with Parkinson’s disease to exercise transitioned to home exercise alone. Providing ini-
at home. These findings are in line with another tial centre-based exercise is important to ensure
recent pilot trial15 which showed that when home- efficacy, safety and to minimise the risk when peo-
based exercise was supported by telehealth, people ple exercise at home, especially when home visits
with Parkinson’s disease completed more exercise are unavailable or if the telehealth model provided
sessions and spent more time exercising compared to only involves telephone calls.
those who were completing their home program Utilising a flexible combination of centre-based
independently. Furthermore, the results of our study and remotely-monitored home-based exercise pro-
suggest that home-based exercise supported with tel- grams has the potential to provide a physiotherapy
ehealth may be as effective as centre-based exercise service to more people without increasing resource
Flynn et al.

Table 4.  Mean (SD) of groups, mean (SD) difference within groups and mean (95% CI) difference between groups.

Outcome GROUPS Difference within groups Difference between groups

  Week 0 Week 10 Week 10 − week 0 Week 10 − week 0

  Home Centre Home Centre Home Centre Home minus Centre (95%CI)a,
(n = 20) (n = 20) (n = 19) (n = 20) (n = 19) (n = 20) P-value (n = 39)
Secondary outcomes
MiniBESTest (0–28)b 20.9 (4.4) 22.3 (4.9) 22.3 (4.0) 23.6 (3.5) 1.1 (2.7) 1.3 (3.2) −0.6 (−2.1–1.0), P = 0.47
10 mwt Preferred (m/s) 1.18 (0.25) 1.24 (0.21) 1.38 (0.22) 1.45 (0.41) 0.20 (0.17) 0.21 (0.17) −0.04 (−0.12–0.05), P = 0.42
10 mwt dual task manual (m/s) 1.00 (0.25) 1.06 (0.25) 1.14 (0.32) 1.31 (0.16) 0.14 (0.27) 0.24 (0.27) −0.14 (−0.29–0.02), P = 0.08
10 mwt dual task cognitive (m/s) 1.12 (0.31) 1.12 (0.26) 1.31 (0.24) 1.34 (0.20) 0.19 (0.16) 0.21 (0.16) −0.03 (−0.11–0.06), P = 0.52
10 mwt fast (m/s) 1.52 (0.37) 1.61 (0.29) 1.66 (0.28) 1.79 (0.26) 0.13 (0.19) 0.17 (0.19) −0.07 (−0.17–0.04), P = 0.19
NFOGQ (0–28)c 5.6 (7.3) 4.0 (7.2) 5.8 (8.5) 3.1 (6.4) −0.1 (2.5) −0.9 (5.6) 1.04 (−1.78–3.85), P = 0.46

CI: confidence interval; Centre: predominately centre-based group; Home: remotely-monitored home-based group; m/s: metres per second; NFOGQ: New Freezing of Gait
Questionnaire; 10 mwt: 10 meter walk test.
Values are adjusted for baseline (pre-test) score based on analysis of covariance ANCOVA.
Higher score indicates better balance.
Higher score indicates greater freezing of gait
10 Clinical Rehabilitation 00(0)

Table 5.  Clinical outcome measures for all participants pre and post intervention Mean (SD), difference (SD), 95%
CI and P-value.

Week 0 Week 10 Difference (n = 39) P-value

(n = 39) (n = 39)

  Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 95% CI

MiniBESTest (0–28)a 21.8 (4.5) 22.9 (3.8) −1.2 (2.8) −2.1–−0.2 P = 0.014*
10 mwt Preferred (m/s) 1.21 (0.23) 1.41 (0.19) −0.20 (0.17) −0.26–−0.15 P < 0.0001*
10 mwt Dual task manual (m/s) 1.03 (0.25) 1.23 (0.26) −0.19 (0.27) −0.28–−0.11 P < 0.0001*
10 mwt Dual task cognitive (m/s) 1.13 (0.28) 1.33 (0.22) −0.20 (0.16) −0.25–−0.15 P < 0.0001*
10 mwt Fast (m/s) 1.58 (0.33) 1.72 (0.27) −0.15 (0.19) −0.21–−0.09 P < 0.0001*
NFOGQ (0–28)b 4.9 (7.3) 4.4 (7.5) 0.5 (4.3) −0.9−1.9 P = 0.487

m/s: metres per second; NFOGQ: New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire; 10 mwt: 10 meter walk test.
Higher score indicated better balance.
Higher score indicates greater freezing of gait.
*P < 0.05.

use. This trial enabled, per participant, 15 hours of disease. An increased focus on social interaction
home-based exercise to be performed with only using telehealth may lead to increase satisfaction
20  minutes of physiotherapist time. Further with completing home-based exercise and this
research into the number of centre-based sessions could be trialled in future studies.
required prior to safely commencing home-based This was a pragmatic trial designed to reflect
exercise, and the long-term acceptability, sustaina- clinical practice, which resulted in some limitations.
bility, cost-effectiveness and efficacy of this model These included recruiting participants with a wide
is required. Consideration also needs to be given to range of experience completing exercise at home,
determining the appropriate level of supervision with some participants already undertaking regular
and ensuring the physiotherapist can effectively home-based exercise prior to enrolling in the trial.
monitor, progress and provide feedback during the Another limitation was the recording of the adher-
home-based program. If this incorporates the use ence to the home-based exercise program, which
of technology, the physiotherapist needs to ensure was highly variable between participants. Given the
that it can be used effectively. limitations of self-reporting, future studies should
Despite the results suggesting that home-based include an objective measure of the exercise com-
exercise might be as effective as centre-based pleted, for example using wearable technology.
exercise, participants were less satisfied overall Further to this, the study had a small sample size and
when exercising at home. This suggests that the recruitment rate for this trial (35%) was lower than
exercise self-management program and telehealth previous trials which have compared home-based
did not fully meet the needs of participants. The and centre based exercise in people with Parkinson’s
short amount of time allocated to the self-manage- disease.6,18 The length of the intervention (10 weeks)
ment program may have impacted on its effective- contributed to some people declining to participate,
ness. However, other factors, such as social and 25 people declined to be involved as they could
interaction and reduced feedback may also influ- not commit to attending the centre twice a week. As
ence the level of satisfaction with home-based such, our findings may have overestimated the
exercise.4 Classeon et al.17 reported that people acceptability of the intervention.
with Parkinson’s disease found group-based This study adds to the growing evidence tele-
classes not only addressed physical abilities but health can be used to support people with
also addressed social and emotional needs and Parkinson’s disease to exercise at home. This model
assisted people to cope with living with Parkinson’s of care has the potential to allow increased access to
Flynn et al. 11

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