Tipe / Type Honda Beat Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan / No. Mesin / Engine No. Nomor Plat / License No. K. 1853 AV, or 750 KM

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Tipe / Type Honda Beat ……
Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan /
Vehicle Identification No.(VIN)
No. Mesin / Engine No.
Nomor Plat / License No. K. 1853 AV, Or
Training Unit
Odometer 750 km

Safety Inspection/ Pengecekan Kelengkapan Keamanan

Description Available** Not Availble**
Grip/Steering Cover*
Seat Cover*
Safety Shoes*
Safety Glass*
Safety Glooves*
* All Personal Protective Equipment/PPE must be worn during practice in the workshop (photo)/Gunakan
APD selama melaksanakn praktek di bengkel (bukti foto).
** Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the column where relevant, specify your real condition./Berikan tanda
ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya.

Persiapan / Preparation
Description Good* Bad*
Multimeter, Digital
Multimeter, Analog
Battery Charger
Tools Set
Battery Cell Tester (if Available)
Workshop Manual
* Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the column where relevant, specify your real condition/ Berikan tanda ceklis
pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya.

I. Observation

Description Value/Nilai Remarks/Keterangan

Capacity of Battery ................................................... AH --
Battery Voltage .................................................. Volt Good/Poor/Bad
Type of Battery - Dry Cell/Maintenance Free/Ect

II. Inspection of Battery

Result/Hasil Remarks/Keterangan
A. Visual Inspection
- Visual Check physical Battery Clean/Dirty
and Compartment
- Vent plug Good/Bad
- Level of Electrolyte Max/normal/Min
- Terminal (+) Pole Cleanliness Good/Bad
- Terminal (-) Pole Cleanliness Good/Bad
B. Bettery Inspection
1. State of Charge
- Check baterry Specific Gravity Cell 1 ............................. Check the amount of electrolyte
on conventional battery Cell 2 ............................. with hydrometer in each cell. If
Cell 3 ............................. insufficient, refill with distilled
Cell 4 ............................. water
Cell 5 ............................. - Full Charge: ........... at 200C
Cell 6 ............................. - Result : Good/Bad
2. Check Main Fuse Continuity/No continuity Check the fuse for continuity
3. Check condition of cell battery Full/weak Using an Batt. Cell tester, check
state of charge
4. Voltage drop (Battery .............................. Volt - Specification: .......... Volt
Cranking Voltage) - Result : Good/Bad
C. Maintenance of Battery
1. Charge battery with .............................. Volt - Do it your self charge the
Workshop Charger .............................. Amps battery according to
SOP/Lakukan pengisian baterai
sesuai SOP.
2. Change A Battery - Do it your self replace the
battery according to SOP/
Lakukan penggantian baterai
sesuai SOP.

1. Charge battery with Steps To Charge A Battery/ Jelaskan Langkah- Photo Document
Workshop Charger Langkah Mengisi Baterai dengan Battery
Explain step by step
how do charging
battery completed
with photo
document/ Jelaskan
mengganti baterai
pada kolom di
samping dan
lengkapi dengan
dokumen foto
2. Change Battery/ Steps To Change A Battery/ Jelaskan Langkah- Photo Document
Mengganti Baterai Langkah Mengganti Baterai
Explain step by step
how do replacing
the battery
completed with
photo document/
Jelaskan langkah-
langkah mengganti
baterai pada kolom
di samping dan
lengkapi dengan
dokumen foto

III. Reflection of Learning Material Exploration/Refleksi Pendalaman Bahan Pembelajaran

Resume of learnig material Some of the new things

No Topic exploration/Resume Hasil Eksplorasi acquired/ Hal Baru yang
Materi Diperoleh

1 Electrochemical
Reaction of
Elektrokimia baterai

2 Battery

3 Type of Battery/Jenis

4 Battery Performance
Test/Pengujian Baterai

5 Remove and Install a

battery/Melepas dan
mengganti baterai

6 Inspection of

7 Battery
Baterai menggunakan
Baterai charger dan
standar pengisian

8 How do connect two

lebih dari 2 baterai

Note: Each activity must be completed by picture/photo

……………………….., ……………………………… 2020



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