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1. Consider the following questions when you start preparing

your session plan:

• -Who is the target audience?

• -What are the trainee’s characteristics and training needs?
• -What will be the learning outcome of the session
• -What are the training resources to be used for each learning
• -What are the applicable training methods?
• -What should be the approach and techniques to be used?
• -What should be the allotted time for each content?

2. References in preparing the session plan?

 Competency-Based Curriculum
 Training Regulation -Competency Standards
 RPL/TNA Forms
 Module of Instructions

3. What is a Session Plan?

-It is a simply stated, clearly written, and flexible trainer aid
for conducting a session or module.
-based on the curriculum
-accomplished according to the suggested format


- Gives trainers an idea of where they are and when they are
- Gives trainers and learners a clear idea of what they are doing
- Records the training sessions
- Gives the trainers a starting point
- Gives the trainers a firm base to review the learner’s
-Sector – Every qualification belongs to the sector, copy from
the cover of the Training Regulation
-Unit of Competency- comprises a qualification.It is clustered
into Basic, Common, and Core competencies
-Module Title- the same as the unit of competency but ending
in – ing.
-Learning Outcome- learning blocks that comprise the module
in the TR.
-Introduction-intends to motivate the student to learn. It will
acquaint the student with what he /she is going to learn in the
module, why it is important, and how it relates to what has
already been learned. It is also termed as Module Descriptor in
the CBC
-Learning Activities – these are actions that the trainee will do
to achieve the learning outcome stated in the module of
- Learning Activities:
 Learning content- comprises of the learning elements to be
covered in the learning outcome. In identifying the content,
summarize the knowledge and skills to be covered, present the
learning content in small chunks of information and arrange
these logically.
 Methods: the techniques applicable to the trainees
 Presentation, Practice, and Feedback-the learning activities
must allow the trainee to be :
Presented with some instruction
Provided with the opportunity to practice
Provided with immediate feedback on the practice.
 Learning Resources- materials that will be needed to support
and facilitate the learning of trainees.

 Time- the trainer can opt to identify the time as a basis to

identify whether the trainee is a slow or fast learner.

 Assessment Plan- indicate the condition, venue of evaluation,

type of evidence, and assessment

 Trainer’s Reflection- serves as the documentation of the

conduct of training on a unit.

6. Take these 8 factors into consideration when choosing the

training methods

 Learning outcomes/Objectives
 Trainers
 Content
 Trainees
 Training Techniques
 Time
 Cost
 Space, Equipment and Materials

7 In Sequencing the Contents – the hierarchy of learning

should be taken into consideration. Always arrange your content
from simple to complex.
GAGNE’S hierarchy of learning shows how these skills are
arranged from simple to complex.
Assessment methods used for a particular session.
 demonstration to measure the underpinning skills,
 Written test to measure understanding knowledge,
 portfolio to measure the underpinning knowledge by an
external party,
 Interview to probe the breadth and the depth of the
underpinning knowledge and skills
Why did you choose these methods of assessment?
I chose these methods because they are appropriate for my
trainees, considering their educational level, characteristics, and
learning styles as well as the availability of resources .


 To ensure the validity of the written test
 So that all contents to be tested have representative questions.
 Help us plan how many items we need to prepare to cover all
the contents or objectives that we need to assess based on the
evidence plan previously prepared
 It reflects the number of items or percentage of knowledge,
comprehension, and application specified from the evidence


Use Gagne’s hierarchy of learning which shows how skills are
arranged from simple to complex
12. How did you consider cost-effectiveness and validity in
preparing your assessment tools?

 by addressing all required pieces of evidence as reflected

under the learning resources, assessment criteria, and
contents of the latest and relevant CBC.

 For cost-effectiveness, no wasted materials are allowed. I

designed a Test that uses not too expensive materials and

13. When did you prepare the table of specifications ? Why is it


Prepare the table of the specification before preparing you

written test.
It is important because
 It help us plan how many items we need to prepare to cover all
the contents that we need to assess based on the evidence
plan previously prepared.

 It reflects the number or percentage of knowledge,

comprehension, and application specified from the evidence
14. Describe at least two adult learning principles

 Adults will learn only what they feel they need to learn. Adults
must feel the things they are learning are relevant and will be
useful. It is necessary to link the work they are doing or could
be doing in the future. Provide examples, and case studies,
and use a problem–solution approach.
 Adults need immediate feedback concerning their progress.
They need to track their progress and get constructive
feedback on their learning. Provide self-assessment
questionnaires or quizzes to track their progress. Make sure
answers are available.

 Adults are practical. They learn quickly and remember what

they learn when they can turn around and apply that
knowledge in their role.

 Adults demand respects. To command respect is to have

others observe and admire your actions of their own volition. 

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